the wlds gene modestly prolongs survival in the sod1g93a fals mouse

The Wld S gene modestly prolongs survival in the SOD1 G93A fALS mouse Lindsey R. Fischer, a Deborah G. Culver, a Albert A. Davis, a Philip Tennant, a Minsheng Wang, a Michael Coleman, c Seneshaw Asress, a Robert Adalbert, c Guillermo M. Alexander, d and Jonathan D. Glass a,b, T a Department of Neurology, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA 30322, USA b Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA 30322, USA c The Babraham Institute, Cambridge, UK d Department of Neurology, Drexel University College of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA 19102, USA Received 3 June 2004; revised 4 January 2005; accepted 12 January 2005 Available online 19 February 2005 The bslow Wallerian degenerationQ (Wld S ) gene is neuroprotective in numerous models of axonal degeneration. Axonal degeneration is an early feature of disease progression in the SOD1 G93A mouse, a widely used model of familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (fALS). We crossed the Wld S mouse with the SOD1 G93A mouse to investigate whether the Wld S gene could prolong survival and modify neuropathology in these mice. SOD/Wld S mice showed levels of motor axon loss similar to that seen in SOD1 G93A mice. The presence of the Wld S gene, however, modestly prolonged survival and delayed denervation at the neuro- muscular junction. Prolonged survival was more prominent in female mice and did not depend on whether animals were heterozygous or homozygous for the Wld S gene. We also report that SOD1 G93A mice show significant degeneration of sensory axons during the course of disease, supporting previous data from humans demonstrating that ALS is not purely a motor disorder. D 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. Keywords: Axonal degeneration; Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis; ALS; SOD1; Wld S ; Wallerian degeneration Introduction The Wld S mouse is a spontaneous mutant with the remarkable phenotype of prolonged survival of injured axons (bslow Wallerian degenerationQ)(Lunn et al., 1989). The gene for Wld S is created by the splicing of fragments of two genes, Ube4b and Nmnat1 , within an 85kb triplication on chromosome 4 that creates a new open reading frame coding for a novel 42-kDa protein (Coleman et al., 1998; Conforti et al., 2000; Mack et al., 2001). The mutation is sufficient for providing the phenotype (Mack et al., 2001; Wang et al., 2001a), however, the mechanism for axonal protection by Wld S remains unknown. Recent data suggest that the mechanism of protection is related to the overexpression of the Nmnat portion of the Wld S gene (Araki et al., 2004). The Wld S mutation can be considered neuroprotective. In models of axonal degeneration due to transection (Wallerian degeneration), transected axons from the Wld S mouse survive for up to 4 weeks (Glass and Griffin, 1991; Glass et al., 1993), and support action potentials (Lunn et al., 1989) and axonal transport (Glass and Griffin, 1994; Smith and Bisby, 1993) for at least 2 weeks. The Wld S gene also protects against toxin- induced axonal degeneration. Cultured sensory neurites from Wld S mice are resistant to vincristine-induced degeneration (Wang et al., 2001a,b) and Wld S mice are resistant to Taxol- induced sensory neuropathy (Wang et al., 2002). Moreover, Wld S protects against genetically-based axonal degeneration. In the pmn mouse, a model of motor neuron disease (Ferri et al., 2003), and in the protein-zero-deficient mouse, a model of myelin-related axonopathy (Samsam et al., 2003), the Wld S gene inhibits axon loss and attenuates disease progression. In the pmn mouse, protection of axons by Wld S also prevents motor neuron loss (Ferri et al., 2003). Wld S also modifies neuropathology in mice with axonal dystrophy by reducing the number of axonal spheroids (Mi et al., submitted). Axonal spheroids are a typical feature of mouse and human ALS (Borchelt et al., 1998; Carpenter, 1968). In a previous study, we demonstrated that the progression of disease in the SOD1 G93A mutant mouse, a widely-used model for familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (fALS), is a distal axonop- athy (Fischer et al., 2004). Degeneration of motor axons progressed 0969-9961/$ - see front matter D 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.nbd.2005.01.008 T Corresponding author. Emory Center for Neurodegenerative Disease, Whitehead Biomedical Research Building, 615 Michael Street, 5th Floor, Mailstop 1941007001, Atlanta, GA 30322, USA. Fax: +1 404 727 3728. E-mail address: [email protected] (J.D. Glass). Available online on ScienceDirect ( Neurobiology of Disease 19 (2005) 293 – 300

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Neurobiology of Disease 19 (2005) 293–300

The WldS gene modestly prolongs survival in the SOD1G93A

fALS mouse

Lindsey R. Fischer,a Deborah G. Culver,a Albert A. Davis,a Philip Tennant,a

Minsheng Wang,a Michael Coleman,c Seneshaw Asress,a Robert Adalbert,c

Guillermo M. Alexander,d and Jonathan D. Glassa,b,TaDepartment of Neurology, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA 30322, USAbDepartment of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA 30322, USAcThe Babraham Institute, Cambridge, UKdDepartment of Neurology, Drexel University College of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA 19102, USA

Received 3 June 2004; revised 4 January 2005; accepted 12 January 2005

Available online 19 February 2005

The bslow Wallerian degenerationQ (WldS) gene is neuroprotective in

numerous models of axonal degeneration. Axonal degeneration is an

early feature of disease progression in the SOD1G93A mouse, a widely

used model of familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (fALS). We crossed

the WldS mouse with the SOD1G93A mouse to investigate whether the

WldS gene could prolong survival and modify neuropathology in these

mice. SOD/WldS mice showed levels of motor axon loss similar to that

seen in SOD1G93A mice. The presence of the WldS gene, however,

modestly prolonged survival and delayed denervation at the neuro-

muscular junction. Prolonged survival was more prominent in female

mice and did not depend on whether animals were heterozygous or

homozygous for the WldS gene. We also report that SOD1G93A mice

show significant degeneration of sensory axons during the course of

disease, supporting previous data from humans demonstrating that

ALS is not purely a motor disorder.

D 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Axonal degeneration; Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis; ALS;

SOD1; WldS; Wallerian degeneration


The WldS mouse is a spontaneous mutant with the remarkable

phenotype of prolonged survival of injured axons (bslow Wallerian

degenerationQ) (Lunn et al., 1989). The gene for WldS is created by

the splicing of fragments of two genes, Ube4b and Nmnat1, within

0969-9961/$ - see front matter D 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


T Corresponding author. Emory Center for Neurodegenerative Disease,

Whitehead Biomedical Research Building, 615 Michael Street, 5th Floor,

Mailstop 1941007001, Atlanta, GA 30322, USA. Fax: +1 404 727 3728.

E-mail address: [email protected] (J.D. Glass).

Available online on ScienceDirect (

an 85kb triplication on chromosome 4 that creates a new open

reading frame coding for a novel 42-kDa protein (Coleman et al.,

1998; Conforti et al., 2000; Mack et al., 2001). The mutation is

sufficient for providing the phenotype (Mack et al., 2001; Wang et

al., 2001a), however, the mechanism for axonal protection byWldS

remains unknown. Recent data suggest that the mechanism of

protection is related to the overexpression of the Nmnat portion of

the WldS gene (Araki et al., 2004).

The WldS mutation can be considered neuroprotective. In

models of axonal degeneration due to transection (Wallerian

degeneration), transected axons from the WldS mouse survive

for up to 4 weeks (Glass and Griffin, 1991; Glass et al., 1993),

and support action potentials (Lunn et al., 1989) and axonal

transport (Glass and Griffin, 1994; Smith and Bisby, 1993) for

at least 2 weeks. The WldS gene also protects against toxin-

induced axonal degeneration. Cultured sensory neurites from

WldS mice are resistant to vincristine-induced degeneration

(Wang et al., 2001a,b) and WldS mice are resistant to Taxol-

induced sensory neuropathy (Wang et al., 2002). Moreover,

WldS protects against genetically-based axonal degeneration. In

the pmn mouse, a model of motor neuron disease (Ferri et al.,

2003), and in the protein-zero-deficient mouse, a model of

myelin-related axonopathy (Samsam et al., 2003), the WldS gene

inhibits axon loss and attenuates disease progression. In the pmn

mouse, protection of axons by WldS also prevents motor neuron

loss (Ferri et al., 2003). WldS also modifies neuropathology in

mice with axonal dystrophy by reducing the number of axonal

spheroids (Mi et al., submitted). Axonal spheroids are a typical

feature of mouse and human ALS (Borchelt et al., 1998;

Carpenter, 1968).

In a previous study, we demonstrated that the progression of

disease in the SOD1G93A mutant mouse, a widely-used model for

familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (fALS), is a distal axonop-

athy (Fischer et al., 2004). Degeneration of motor axons progressed

L.R. Fischer et al. / Neurobiology of Disease 19 (2005) 293–300294

from distal to proximal, with a significant proportion of neuro-

muscular junctions (NMJ) showing denervation prior to any

noticeable abnormalities in ventral roots or lumbar motor neurons.

We hypothesized that protection against axonal degeneration in this

model of ALS would positively alter the clinical characteristics of

disease, as was demonstrated in the pmn mouse model of motor

neuron disease (Ferri et al., 2003). We found that the presence of

WldS delayed denervation at the NMJ and modestly prolonged

survival in fALS mice. Increased lifespan was most prominent in


Materials and methods

Animal breeding

All animal protocols were approved by the Emory University

Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee. Animals were

housed in microisolator cages on a 12-h light/dark cycle and given

free access to food and water. Breeding pairs of SOD1G93A high-

expressing mice (B6SJLGUR1) were originally obtained from

Jackson Laboratories (Bar Harbor, ME). WldS mice are maintained

in a colony at Emory University. These animals were crossed to

yield littermates of 3 genotypes for comparison (Fig. 1): SOD/WT,

SOD/WldS (heterozygous for the WldS gene), and SOD/WldS/

WldS (homozygous for the WldS gene). Control animals were 80-

day old C57BL/6J (n = 5) and littermate WldS mice not carrying

the mutant SOD1 gene (n = 5). The day of death for fALS mice

was defined as when they could not right themselves 30 s after

being placed on their backs. Kaplan–Meier analysis was

performed to compare survival using Prism 4 software (GraphPad,

San Diego, CA).

Rotarod testing

Mice were tested weekly beginning at age 50 days for their

ability to maintain balance on a Rotarod apparatus (Columbus

Instruments, OH). Two protocols were used: constant velocity at

15 rpm and an accelerating paradigm of 1.4 rpm + 4 rpm/min.

Animals were tested three times during each session, and the best

performance (maximum 600 s) was recorded.


Identification of SOD1 mutant mice was by standard PCR

analysis on tail snip DNA (Fischer et al., 2004). Designation of

WldS heterozygotes and homozygotes was determined by pub-

lished methods (Mi et al., 2002). Transgene copy number was

estimated using real-time quantitative PCR to determine the

difference in threshold cycle (number of PCR cycles when DNA

is amplified above a baseline) between the transgene (human

SOD1) and a reference gene (mouse interleukin-2), as previously

reported (Alexander et al., 2004).

Fig. 1. Breeding strategy to obtain necessary genotyp

Estimation of hSOD1 protein levels

Brain and spinal cord tissues from end-stage SOD1 mice were

homogenized in SDS buffer and prepared for Western blotting by

standard methods (Glass et al., 2002). Thirty micrograms of protein

was loaded into each well and membranes were sequentially reacted

with antibodies to human Cu/Zn SOD1 (hSOD1, polyclonal sheep

from Calbiochem, 1:1000 dilution) and beta-tubulin (monoclonal

IgG from Sigma, 1:5000). Bands were visualized using appropriate

fluorescent secondary antibodies (Alexa fluor 680 from Calbio-

chem). Band intensities were quantified on a LiCor Odyssey fluore-

scence imager. Protein levels of hSOD1 were normalized to tubulin.


SOD/WT and SOD/WldS animals were deeply anesthetized and

killed by cardiac transection at 80, 100, and 120 days and at age of

death. Tissues were harvested and fixed appropriately for evalua-

tion of end-plates/neuromuscular junctions (NMJ) and nerve roots.

A cohort of SOD/WldS/WldS animals was observed until age of

death for survival data only.


Medial gastrocnemius, soleus, and tibialis anterior muscles

were dissected, pinned in mild stretch, and fixed by immersion for

20 min in 4% paraformaldehyde/PBS (pH 7.4). After rinsing in

PBS, muscles were cryoprotected in 20% sucrose/PBS (overnight

at 48C) and flash-frozen in supercooled isopentane. Muscles were

sectioned at 40 AM and placed on glass slides for staining. Sections

were stained first with rhodomine bungarotoxin (1:40, Molecular

Probes) for 30 min. After rinsing and postfixing in ice-cold

methanol, sections were labeled with monoclonal antibodies to

neurofilament (NF160 1:200, Chemicon) and SV2 (1:30, Iowa

Developmental Hybridoma Bank). Secondary antibody was FITC-

labeled goat anti-mouse (1:100, Jackson Immunoresearch).

Stained sections were examined under a fluorescence micro-

scope. End-plates were scored as binnervatedQ if there was

complete overlap with the axon terminal or bdenervatedQ if the

end-plate was not associated with an axon. Some neuromuscular

junctions were associated with a pre-terminal axon only or showed

partial overlap between end-plate and terminal. These were labeled

as bintermediate.Q Each muscle was sectioned exhaustively so that

all neuromuscular junctions could be evaluated. Mean counts for

each group were compared by ANOVA using InStat software

(GraphPad, San Diego, CA).

Nerve roots

Nerve roots were exposed and immersion-fixed in 5% buffered

glutaraldehyde (pH 7.4) at 48C for 48 h. Ventral and dorsal L4

roots were dissected out and stored in 0.1 M phosphate buffer at

48C. Tissue was treated with 1% osmium tetroxide for 90 min,

es. SOD (SOD1G93A mutant), WT (wild type).

Fig. 2. Rotarod analysis displayed graphically for acceleration and constant velocity protocols. Values are mean times until falling calculated for all surviving

animals at each time point. Female animals are analyzed separately.

L.R. Fischer et al. / Neurobiology of Disease 19 (2005) 293–300 295

dehydrated through graded alcohols, and embedded in Epon plastic

(EM Sciences, Cincinnati, OH). Cross-sections (720 nm) were

stained with toluidine blue, rinsed, and coverslipped.

Nerve root sections were imaged at 100� magnification using a

Leitz Dialux 22 microscope (Leica Microsystems, Germany) and

individual frames were captured using an attached live-feed video

camera (DAGE-MTI, Michigan City, IN). Multiple overlapping

images were captured so that all axons were counted. Measure-

ments of axon numbers and calibers were made with Image Pro

software (Media Cybernetics, Silver Spring, MD) running on a

Gateway personal computer (Gateway, San Diego, CA). Axon

interiors were manually marked as solid objects and the mean

diameter of each object was measured. The data were exported to a

Microsoft Excel (Microsoft Corporation, Redmond, WA) spread-

Table 1

Survival (in days) by sex and genotype

Breeding 1

Male Female Total


Mean 130.6 132 131.1

SD 2.8 4.4 3.7

Sample size 16 14 30


Mean 137.6 145.4 141.9

SD 7.9 8.2 8.9

Sample size 28 34 62

sheet for analysis. Means for total number of axons, as well as

small-diameter (0–3.99 AM) and large-diameter (z4.0 AM) axons

were compared by ANOVA with post-hoc comparison.

Sciatic nerve

To confirm that the WldS phenotype remains active in

SOD1G93A animals, we investigated Wallerian degeneration in

transected sciatic nerves from SOD/WT and SOD/WldS mice.

Sciatic nerves from 50-day-old mice were transected and the distal

stumps prepared for light microscopy 5 days post-transection

(according to the protocol for nerve roots). Nerve cross-sections

were imaged at 100� magnification and axons observed for signs

of Wallerian degeneration.

Breeding 2

Male Female Total


Mean 135 145 140

SD 5.5 5.1 7.3

Sample size 4 4 8


Mean 138.4 147 140.3

SD 3.6 2.8 5

Sample size 7 2 9

L.R. Fischer et al. / Neurobiology of Disease 19 (2005) 293–300296


Analysis of disease onset

Animals were tested on a Rotarod apparatus weekly as a

measure of onset of disease. We saw no significant differences

between SOD/WT and SOD/WldS mice in terms of their stability

on the Rotarod, and thus conclude that disease onset was not

affected (Fig. 2). However, visual inspection of the graphs shows

an apparent delay in the initial decline in slope in the SOD/WldS

animals as compared to SOD/WT using the constant velocity

protocol. This difference was not statistically significant. We also

recognize that the Rotarod measure of disease onset is rather coarse

and is unlikely to identify small differences in onset when

comparing populations.


On average, SOD/WT animals survived 131.1 F 3.7 days (n =

30), while SOD/WldS animals survived 141.9 F 8.9 days (n = 62,

P b 0.0001, unpaired t test). SOD/WldS/WldS animals survived

140.33 F 5 days (n = 9, P b 0.0001 versus SOD/WT, unpaired t

test). Thus, the presence of the WldS gene prolonged survival for

approximately 10 days, and survival did not depend on whether

animals were heterozygous or homozygous for the WldS gene

(Table 1 and Fig. 3). However, survival in mice with the WldS

gene was sex-dependent. SOD/WldS females survived 145.4 F 8.2

days, while SOD/WldS males survived 137.6 F 7.9 days (P =

0.0004, unpaired t test). Similarly, SOD/WldS/WldS females

survived 145 F 5.1 days, while SOD/WldS/WldS males survived

only 135 F 5.5 days (P = 0.037, unpaired t test). Survival in

SOD/WT mice was not sex-dependent.

To confirm that increased survival was not due to a reduction of

transgene copy number (Alexander et al., 2004), we estimated

hSOD1 copy number using real-time PCR. DNA was analyzed

from four animals in each group (12 total) spanning the range of

lifespans within each group. Ages were as follows: SOD/WT 121,

127, 132, and 135 days; SOD/WldS heterozygotes 133, 143, 145,

and 149 days; SOD/WldS homozygotes 129, 138, 141, and 150

days. The threshold cycle for all of the specimens was higher than

7.00, a value that is found in mice with at least 24 copies of the

transgene (Alexander et al., 2004). This number is consistent with

that determined for the high-expressing SOD1G93A mice (Gurney

et al., 1994).

We also asked whether increased survival of SOD/WldS

might be due to an unexpected reduction of hSOD1 protein

expression in these animals. Direct comparisons of protein levels

in brain and spinal cord, normalized to expression of tubulin,

showed no differences, indicating that WldS does not increase

survival in this model by inhibiting hSOD1 protein expression

(Fig. 4). It must be noted that the mice used for these

experiments were not the same ones used for the survival


Fig. 3. Kaplan–Meier survival analysis. (A) SOD/WT versus SOD/WldS

(from breeding 1). (B) Male survival comparison. (C) Female survival

comparison. (D) Comparison of survival of WldS heterozygotes vs.

homozygotes. (E) Comparison of survival of male vs. female WldS

homozygotes. P values are noted on the graphs. Note that WldS

homozygotes show no increased survival when compared to heterozygotes.

Sciatic nerve transection

To determine whether SOD/WldS mice retained the slow

Wallerian degeneration phenotype, sciatic nerves were transected

Fig. 6. Quantitative analysis of innervation at the NMJ of SOD/WT versus

SOD/WldS mice. Note the protection in SOD/WldS mice at 80 and 100

days. All data are means F SEM. * indicates P b 0.05 (unpaired t test).

Fig. 4. Western blots measuring hSOD1 protein expression in brain and

spinal cords of SOD/WT and SOD/WldS mice. Quantitation of band

intensity is normalized to beta-tubulin.

L.R. Fischer et al. / Neurobiology of Disease 19 (2005) 293–300 297

and compared to uncut nerves after 5 days (Fig. 5). While

transected axons from SOD/WT mice had undergone extensive

degeneration, transected axons from SOD/WldS mice were

morphologically similar to axons from SOD/WT uncut nerve. This

demonstrates that the WldS phenotype is retained in the SOD/WldS


Axonal pathology

Innervation of NMJs and axon numbers in nerve roots were

quantified in SOD/WT and SOD/WldS animals to determine

whether differences in survival could be linked to morphology.

SOD/WldS animals had a higher percentage of innervated motor

end-plates at 80 days, 100 days, and at the time of death (Fig. 6).

The differences reached statistical significance only at day 80,

where SOD/WldS animals had 32.9% more innervated end-plates

than SOD/WT animals (P b 0.05, unpaired t test). Very few

significant differences were noted between SOD/WldS and SOD/

WT animals in the number of total, small-diameter, or large-

diameter ventral root axons (Table 2). Likewise, no differences in

the numbers of motor axons were noted between male and female

SOD/WldS animals. Insufficient numbers of animals were available

to compare male and female NMJ innervation.

Sensory neuropathy in SOD/WT and SOD/WldS mice

Quantitative evaluation of dorsal roots in SOD/WT and SOD/

WldS mice revealed a significant loss of large- and small-diameter

axons at all time points (Figs. 7 and 8). By day 80 (onset of motor

weakness), SOD/WT animals had lost approximately 53% of total

dorsal root axons (P b 0.01 versus 80-day wild-type controls,

Fig. 5. Photomicrographs of sciatic nerve cross-sections. (A) SOD/WT (uncut). (B

Note in panel B the loss of axons and presence of myelin ovoids and phagocytes ty

confirms the WldS phenotype. All animals were 50 days old (scale bar = 25 AM)

Dunnett’s test), and SOD/WldS animals had lost 44% of dorsal

root axons (P b 0.01 versus 80-day WldS controls, Dunnett’s test).

This loss appeared to be nonprogressive, as the number of axons

remained fairly constant from 80 days through death. The only

significant change was an increase in the number of large-

diameter axons (z4.0 AM) between day 80 and day 120 for both

SOD/WT and SOD/WldS animals (P b 0.05, Tukey–Kramer).

Direct comparisons of sensory axon numbers in SOD/WT and

SOD/WldS showed no significant differences for either males or



Prolonged survival of SOD/WldS mice

The WldS gene modestly prolonged survival in SOD1G93A

mice, showing greater protection in female mice versus male mice.

In the present study, survival of WldS heterozygotes did not

significantly differ from that of WldS homozygotes. This may not

be surprising since a similar lack of dose effect was demonstrated

in crossing the WldS with the pmn mouse (Ferri et al., 2003).

However, in studies of Wallerian degeneration and in crosses with

) SOD/WT 5 days post-transection. (C) SOD/WldS 5 days post-transection.

pical of Wallerian degeneration at 5 days. The presence of axons in panel C


Table 2

Morphometry of ventral root axons

Control 80 days 100 days 120 days Death

Total ventral root axons

SOD/WT 1071.6 F 34 312.25 F 26 336.6 F 24 443 F 14 393.5 F 18

SOD/WldS 986 F 30 393 F 30 383.4 F 49 412.71 F 26 346.8 F 8

P value 0.095 0.098 0.42 0.35 0.11

Small ventral root axons (b4 lM)

SOD/WT 489.8 F 28 228 F 14 255.6 F 26 340.17 F 22 318.2 F 13

SOD/WldS 455.4 F 24 275.83 F 12 295.2 F 40 318.14 F 20 295.4 F 8

P value 0.37 0.033 0.43 0.47 0.28

Large ventral root axons (z4 lM)

SOD/WT 581.8 F 22 84.25 F 20 80.8 F 9 102.83 F 10 75.3 F 7

SOD/WldS 530.6 F 11 117.17 F 20 88.2 F 16 94.57 F 11 51.4 F 2

P value 0.071 0.31 0.60 0.70 0.03

L.R. Fischer et al. / Neurobiology of Disease 19 (2005) 293–300298

the protein-zero demyelinating mutant, the WldS gene acted in a

dose-dependent manner in protection against axonal degeneration

(Mack et al., 2001; Samsam et al., 2003).

There were no differences between groups in the numbers of

surviving motor axons. This lack of axonal protection was

unexpected given the remarkable positive effects shown in other

neurodegenerative models including the pmn mouse (Ferri et al.,

Fig. 7. Photomicrographs of L4 dorsal roots from 120-day old mice. (A)

Wild-type; (B) SOD/WT; (C) SOD/WldS. There is marked degeneration of

axons in animals with the SOD1G93A mutation (scale bars = 50 AM).

2003), the protein-zero knockout mouse (Samsam et al., 2003), and

in Taxol neuropathy (Wang et al., 2002). The WldS phenotype was

not lost in the SOD1/WldS animals, as was demonstrated by the

observed delay in Wallerian degeneration of transected sciatic

nerves. We could, however, demonstrate protection against axonal

degeneration at the NMJ in SOD1/WldS mice. This protection was

most robust at the 80-day time point where the differences in the

number of innervated end-plates reached statistical significance.

Later time points showed no differential effects at the NMJ, which

Fig. 8. Quantitative analysis of axonal degeneration in dorsal roots. (A)

SOD/WT; (B) SOD/WldS. Note significant loss of large and small fibers in

both groups by day 80. The slight increase in axons at later time points may

represent attempts at regeneration. All data are means F SEM. ** indicates

P b 0.01 versus control for all axon size groups (ANOVA).

L.R. Fischer et al. / Neurobiology of Disease 19 (2005) 293–300 299

is consistent with data showing that protection at the synaptic

terminal decreases with age, despite the continued expression of

the WldS protein (Gillingwater et al., 2002). Thus, while neuro-

muscular synapses are still partially protected by WldS at 80 days,

this early protection may be blostQ at the age when animals

typically become symptomatic with motor neuron disease. It is

therefore difficult to explain why the SOD/WldS animals survived

longer than their SOD/WT littermates since at late stages of disease

there were no differences either in motor axon numbers or NMJ

innervation. Even so, the effect of WldS at the NMJ in younger

animals implies that, if this protection could be maintained to an

older age, one might expect an increased positive effect on


The prolonged survival of SOD/WldS mice could not be

explained by reduction of the number of copies of the mutant

transgene as has been shown previously in this model (Alexander

et al., 2004). We also did not see a reduction in hSOD1 protein

expression in SOD1/WldS as compared to SOD1/WT mice. It must

be noted that these protein determinations were not performed in

the same animals used for survival analysis and neuropathology.

However, if WldS had the effect of reducing hSOD1 protein

expression, we likely would have seen this in these other animals

from the same colony.

Issues of possible effects of background strain were also

considered. The WldS mouse is a spontaneous mutation in the

C57BL/6 strain. The transgenic SOD1G93A strain used for these

studies was built on a B6/SJL background. The cross breeding with

WldS mice certainly introduced the C57BL/6 background, an

intervention that may prolong the survival of fALS mice (Greg

Cox, Jackson Laboratories, personal communication). Several

observations argue against this having a major effect in our

studies. First, the SOD1 mutant mice used for comparison were the

non-WldS littermates. These mice coming from the same parents

should have similar genetic backgrounds. Second, the accentuated

survival noted in female WldS animals would not be expected if

this were only an issue of background effects. Third, we have

continued this breeding strategy now for over 8 generations and

have not seen prolongation of life in non-WldS SOD1 mutants. Of

course, we cannot exclude the possibility that the WldS gene is

closely linked to another influential gene in the C57BL/6

background and that they co-segregate.

There is a growing body of evidence suggesting that motor

neuron pathology in the SOD1G93A mouse may be a dying-back

process that begins at the NMJ (Fischer et al., 2004; Frey et al.,

2000; Kennel et al., 1996). According to this hypothesis, age-

dependent protection at the synaptic terminal may explain the

relatively modest effects of the WldS gene on survival in

SOD1G93A mice compared to other mouse models. WldS gene

expression in pmn mice extended survival, on average, from 40

days to 62 days, and delayed disease onset by over 1 week (Ferri et

al., 2003). However, the pmn mutation, which affects a tubulin

chaperone gene, is primarily an axonal insult (Martin et al., 2002).

Likewise, the effects of peripheral myelin protein-zero deficiency

are seen at the level of the axon rather than at the synaptic terminal,

so protection may not be subject to the same age-dependent

constraints (Samsam et al., 2003).

The reason behind sex-dependence of SOD/WldS survival is

unknown. The majority of data on the interaction of androgens and

motor neurons demonstrate a supportive effect of androgens both

in cell growth and response to injury (Brooks et al., 1998;

Gonzalez Deniselle et al., 2001). Low serum levels of testosterone

have also been reported in some ALS patients (Militello et al.,

2002). Our data showing prolonged survival in female mice do not

easily conform to models where androgens are protective in ALS,

although the influence of sex on the expression of the WldS

phenotype in this model may eventually provide clues to the

mechanisms of either mutant SOD1 toxicity or WldS protection.

No sex-related differences in the survival of injured axons have

been observed in WldS mice (independent unpublished data from

Glass and Coleman laboratories).

Sensory neuropathy

This is the first quantitative assessment of sensory pathology in

the SOD1G93A mutant mouse. The loss of 53% of dorsal root axons

by day 80 indicates that mutant SOD1-mediated neuropathology is

not limited to the motor system in these animals. As with motor

fibers, the addition of WldS did not provide protection against

degeneration of sensory fibers. The loss of sensory axons appeared

to be nonprogressive, with a trend towards increased numbers of

axons with age. This finding is reminiscent of our published data

from motor axons (Fischer et al., 2004) and may suggest

regenerative efforts in the sensory system. Further study is needed

to determine the physiological consequences of this sensory axon


The presence of sensory pathology in the SOD1G93A mouse is

consistent with the sensory pathology seen in human ALS.

Morphological studies have indicated a loss of approximately

30% of large myelinated fibers in the sural nerve (Bradley et al.,

1983; Heads et al., 1991), a 27% decrease in large-diameter L5

dorsal root axons, and a 54% reduction in large, L5 dorsal root

ganglion cell bodies (Kawamura et al., 1981). Functionally, the

sural nerve axonal transport rate is reduced by 44% (Bradley et al.,

1983), and sensory conduction velocity is slower in ALS patients

versus control subjects (Shefner et al., 1991; Theys et al., 1999).

Sensory nerve action potential (SNAP) amplitude remains within

the normal range but has been shown to deteriorate with disease

progression (Gregory et al., 1993).


We thank Dr. Terry Heimann-Patterson for assistance with

SOD1 genotyping, Raphael James, Karen Carney, and Daniela

Grumme for technical assistance. Funded by a grant from the

Packard Center for ALS Research.


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