the tome of numenor

THE TOME OF NUMENOR As Compiled by Sir Cyric of Minas-Sarnas

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As Compiled by Sir Cyric of Minas-Sarnas

I. Lineage of the Knights of Numenor

1. Kalvic Bloodstone (1991) 2. Kegg of Westfield (1991)

a. Martin Longbow (1996) b. Baldrick (1996)

i. Artemis Entreri (1998) c. Tybald Bladebane (1998)

i. Darklax (2001) ii. Argoth Nightfear (2003)

1. Fittle Fingolfin (2007) iii. Galin Ainadil (2005)

1. Piper Sador (2008) a. Rukus Sadorion (2013)

2. Klawz Stonecutter (2009) a. Sarif Rogash (2013)

3. Torrence Yrrot (2013) iv. Borric the Just (2006)

d. Angmarth the Cruel (2000) e. Brutus Destructicus (2002) (resigned) f. Jikanta the Dragon (2002) g. Soth Hellhammer (2004) h. Gradamere (2005)

i. Meno (2010) i. Diego The Goat (2006) j. Cyric of Minas-Sarnas (2008)

i. Orso Titus Magnus (2015) (Co-squired to Sir Kenneth) k. Angelus Testikles (2011) (resigned)

3. Killian Sykkes (1991) 4. Grishnakh the Jackal (1992)

a. Osmond (1997) 5. Jacques Deathblade (1992) 6. *Sparrowhawk* (1992) *Never officially knighted. 7. Cerus Treethump (1993)

a. Kenneth the Lawgiver (2006) b. Glass Umbarth (2015) c. Himmel Huan (2016)

8. Kyrian Hawksword (1994) 9. Raymond Spikes (1994)

a. Thorin Strongarm (2000)


i. Hurin Turmananta (2013) 1. Volpin Rusc Ruin (2014)

10.Drizz’t Do’Urden (1994) 11.Zaknafein Do’Urden (1994)

a. Khanda Singh (1999) b. Arioch Hellhammer (2000) (resigned)

12.Nalfein Do’Urden (1995) a. Jarlaxle (1997)

13.Racter (1995) (deceased) 14.V'Hil (2004) (Heroically Knighted)

By tradition, each Knight-Candidate is given a surname or title upon attaining knighthood. The surname or title is selected by the knight of the candidate, or a consensus of multiple knights. Sir Treethump and Sir Spikes use their last names as their fighting names, instead of their first name.


II. Rules of the Knights of Numenor

● Knights serve as the leaders of Numenor. Decisions are made by the council of knights. ● The voting period for all votes shall be one week, with the exception of votes regarding

elevating a knight-candidate to knighthood. Such a voting period shall be two weeks. Voting is currently done on Facebook.

● An active knight is defined as making at least 2 practices per month. This is self-policing, but may be challenged by other knights if necessary.

● All active knights shall receive 2 votes. All inactive knights shall receive 1 vote. ● It takes a 2/3rds majority of votes from knights for a knight-candidate to be elevated to

knighthood. ● It takes a 3/4ths majority of votes from knights for a knight-candidate to be heroically elevated

to knighthood. ● A knight shall not take a squire until they have at least 6 months of experience as a knight. ● A knight may take one squire at any time without requiring a vote. ● A knight may take a second squire upon requesting and receiving the consent of a simple

majority of knights. ● Knights should not backstab each other. ● A knight may call another knight or squire out for single combat at any time during a battle. ● Knights do not have ranks, but tend to defer to seniority. ● Loaner gear is maintained by Forged Foam and paid for with the proceeds from Oktoberfest. ● One or more squires are responsible for transporting the gear to and from practice.


III. Knighting Ceremony of the Knights of Numenor

Items required:

● Hanging Numenorean banner ● Goblet ● Wine or grape juice ● Knight’s surcoat, weapon, and shield ● Knighting sword ● Optional-gauntlet

Knight at the head of the circle when sponsor and squire near the circle: "Who approaches(eth) the circle of Numenor?" "It is I, Sir ..., and Squire ..." -Knight and squire will enter the middle of the circle. Optional: "Squire, what is the meaning of...?, what does this represent...? etc."--some type of knight-related question. Common question: “For what purpose do you approach?” "Squire ..., as a remembrance of Numenor's legacy, recite the names of the knights who have come before you (thee). -Squire follows the banner and recites the names of all the knights. When done, he returns to the center. "As a symbol of fellowship, share this cup with the other knights in the circle." -Head knight hand the cup to the squire. The squire then hands the cup to each knight. Each knight will sip and then hand the cup back to the squire who then sips. The squire may start or end with the knight at the head of the circle. "Squire ..., take a knee." "We present you (thee) thy colors that you (thou) might be recognized on the field of battle." -The squire tabard is removed and the surcoat placed on the squire. "We present you (thee) your (thy) shield to defend the people of Numenor. -The shield is handed to the squire. "We present you (thee) your (thy) sword (weapon) to strike down the enemies of Numenor." -The weapon is handed to the squire. "In the name of Uinen, the Protector." -Sword touched to one shoulder


"And Eru, the One". -Sword touched to other shoulder 'I knight you (thee), Sir ..." -Sword touched to top of head Optional: Gauntlet is placed on hand. "Let this be the final blow that goes unchallenged." The new knight is struck. -New knight stands and is presented to the audience. Knight will fight, at a minimum, all of the Numenorean Knights and Squires. Foreign Knights, squires, and other guests of the new knight being knighted, are fought afterward. The Banner of the Knights lists all knights in order of knighting: Sirs: Kalvic, Kegg, Killian, Grishnakh, Jacques,(Sparrowhawk)** Treethump, Kyrian, Spikes, Drizz’t, Zaknafein, Racter (deceased), Nalfein, Martin, Baldrick, Jarlaxyl, Osmond, Tybald, Artemis, Khanda, Angmarth, Thorin, [Arioch]*, Darklax, [Brutus]*, Jikanta, Argoth, V'Hil, Soth, Gradamere, Galin, Diego, Kenneth, Borric, Fittle, Cyric, Piper, Klawz, Meno, [Angel]*, Torrence, Hurin, Sarif, Rukus, Volpin, Glass, Orso, Himmel. *resigned knighthood ** completed his requirements, but was never knighted. He is usually omitted from the ceremony. Fights during a Knighting ceremony are to welcome the new knight into the Council. Other notes: Resigned knights can be handled in a couple of ways during the naming, depending on the squire’s choice.

1. Omit 2. Name them without the Sir.

During the naming, there is also usually a pause for Sir Racter, who is deceased. There is no combat trial, and official records of the fights are not kept. Pictures: Pictures of each squire as they are being knighted with the sword in the photograph shall be added to the Tome for the newest knight’s page. After the knighting, the knights shall gather for the “family photo” in the Historical Images section.


IV. Squires

Each knight shall assign tasks to their squire. Requirements vary from knight to knight. Listed below are some common tasks: 1. Challenge and defeat all active knights in the realm. Challenges of non-active knights are optional (but highly encouraged). The manner of combat is chosen by the knight, as well as how many fights there will be. These challenges must be supervised by another Knight of Numenor. A squire is only allowed 1 challenge per day, unless agreed upon by the challenged knight and the squire’s knight. The purpose of the challenge is to learn about and build relationships with the other knights. A win in a challenge does not necessarily mean a yes vote. 2. Realm administration. A squire must take part in some aspect of realm administration. Their actions are auxiliary to the deciding body of Numenor, the KoN council. Squires should explain the rules to new fighters, and help in their training and development. 3. Event service. While it is less common in Numenor (due to the total experience of its members) for a squire to serve as an autocrat for a major event, event service is crucial to knighting. Key events for Numenor are; Octoberfest, Fall/Spring Openers, and Quad Day. It is helpful, and encouraged to offer assistance to other realms running major events. This is helpful if the event is being organized or run by KoN outside of Numenor. (Not required, but helpful). 4. Field combat and presence. A squire/knight of Numenor should be able to command the army of Numenor on the battlefield and/or present an effective fighting presence on the field. 5. Scholarly Work. Some knights require that their squire write some kind of essay about knighthood, compile a history of the realm, or write a how-to document on event planning, fighting, weapon building, etc.


6. Armor. Squires are generally required to have some armor, at least greaves and chainmail. The armor can be purchased or created by the squire, but that varies by knight. Not all knights require their squire to be armored. 7. Other Restrictions Squires are not allowed to backstab knights, and must make them aware of their presence. Squires should generally always wear their white tabards, especially at practices.


V. Retainers and Landsmen

By invitation of a knight, a layman fighter may become a knight's retainer or live on a knight’s lands. A retainer or landsman are positions ranking below that of squire but above a common citizen. Their roles vary from knight to knight but include some of the following.

● Simple wearing of the knights colors, and acting as the knight's representative on the field. ● Guarding the knight from would be killers. (This may be helpful for those knights who take

many retainers) ● Preparing to walk the squire's path by performing a limited amount of squirely tasks. ● Act as a "sub-squire" to a knight's squire. Ideally this helps in training that squire in how to one

day take squires of their own. ● A knight may wish to foster a new fighter's fighting career by closely monitoring their progress. ● Lives on the knights "lands": Meaning that the knight sees to it that their retainer is well

outfitted on the field; to which the retainer returns that service by assisting the knight in realm administration, event coordination, realm training, etc.

The end goal of being a retainer is 3-fold:

1. To prepare the retainer for squireship; either by their Knight or another KoN. 2. To assist a phenomenal fighter in maturing their skills in Numenor, as well as their outlook on

service, leadership, etc. 3. To act as a guide for those who would start a unit and need a sponsor.

When the practice of having retainers was first started, a knight was allowed two retainers automatically, and then an additional retainer for every year of service. You were allowed to have retainers once you were released from service to the company and given your own lands. This was usually after a year as serving as a division (Sword, Axe, Bow) leader in Valdemar.


VI. Numenorean Traditions and Realm-Specific Rules

The realm of Numenor has always been a realm of exceptional warriors. The average Numenorean warrior is typically better than the average warrior of another realm. Round strap shields, double core swords, greaves, and chain mail are historically the equipment of choice in Numenor, although punch shields, lighter swords and flails, and leather armor have become more common. Numenor tends to line fight, using archers, pole arms, and tactics to destroy its enemies during realm battles at national events. Numenorean weapons tend to be heavier, hit harder, and fail more often at other realm practices. During national realm battles, Numenor will typically be attacked by the rest of the field. Rarely will Numenor resort to enlisting allies to help them fight, preferring to stand alone. It is rare to see a Numenorean without greaves, especially Knights. People of Numenor tend to buy weapons from Forged Foam rather than make their own. Realm specific rules

● A heater style shield may only be used by a Knight of Numenor (or with a special exception). ● If you are not wearing garb, you may not use anything but a blue sword, shield, or two blue

swords. ● Missile weapons are not reusable. ● Rocks are outlawed in Numenor.


VII. History of Numenor

Godendag (1986~199?): Fought at Crystal Lake Park in Urbana. Used pipe-insulation weapons. Forerunner to Valdemar, and included many of the same fighters.

A history from Sir Kegg: “The origins of sword fighting in what would become Numenor started in the winter of 1986-87 at a board game night in an apartment near Crystal Lake Park. While looking for a particular game in a closet, several pipe foam insulation swords from a sword tag game one of the members played in Florida were found. The rest of the evening was spent hitting each other first in the living room (later spilling out into the snow). After many bloody knuckles and broken pieces of PVC, board gaming resumed for the evening. The only two members in attendance who later fought with Numenor were Alberich, whose closet the swords came from, and Kegg. Over the course of the next several years, many game days were interrupted with a sword fight breaking out. Fighting moved to a back yard on First Street in Champaign, just south of Green Street. No garb was worn, no rules were in force, save hit your opponent until they did not want to be hit again. No teams, just one on one fighting. Of the gaming group, Kegg was the least enthused at the diversion from gaming. Several of the younger members of the gaming group, including Spikes, found the activity more exciting than the scheduled game. In August of 1989 Alberich ran into another sword fighter, Charles Von Seydlitz, who was starting a sword fighting group called Gotendag who was running a sword fighting demo in Lincoln Square mall. They had the semblance of a rule set (body shots, leg shots) and the beginnings of an organization. Alberich rushed back to the gaming group saying that he had found someone for us to fight with. The group (about 12 of us) rushed to the Ace hardware store on Springfield and bought PVC pipe, pipe foam and lots of duct tape and planned our first battle against unknown opponents. A glorious Saturday morning came and we met on the first field of battle in Champaign/Urbana. We met on the hill near the lake on the east side of Crystal Lake Park. The outcome of the first battles were confused due to several missing rules but a good time was had by all. As is often is the case with something new, we and Gotendag soon had a practice with 40 plus members including all who would become the first Knights of Numenor. Wooden shields, single layer of pipe foam swords, and wiffle-golf ball arrows (soon to be outlawed after an unfortunate detached retina incident).


Later that fall, we were contacted by the Dagorhir realm of Middle Earth who were fighting near Danville. They visited us at our field, and much to their credit they were willing to fighting us using our weapons versus theirs. Ours silly hard PVC, pipe foam and duct tape swords. Theirs, the couch foam monstrosities that were used by ancient Dagorhirrim. The battle was decidedly one side, with a crushing victory by Gotendag. Crushing in the totality of the victory and crushing as in the crushing of fingers and limbs. We were invited to a late October battle in Danville, the first Autumn War (later to become Octoberfest) on the condition we add a bit of foam to our weapons. Rearmed with more padded (a strip of blue foam and a cover), we head once again into battle. Tournaments, field battles and woods battles. All won handily by Gotendag. While Gotendag was victorious on the battlefield, there was a stark disagreement on how the group should be run. Charles believed that every day of fighting should start with a good hour or so of sword training and drills. The vast majority of the group just wanted to hit each other and fight field battles. Thus the seeds of Valdemar were born.”

Valdemar (~199?-1995): Moved practice to Illini Meadows. Instituted more modern weapon and shield designs. Relied upon a central authority figure for all things game-related. Began attending national fighting events as a realm. Became a part of Dagorhir. Divided into 3 groups (based on importance)- The Sword, The Bow, and The Axe. A 4th group, Alberich’s Guard was added as well. The original (pre-Numenor) Knights came from the masters of each group: Kalvic- Sword Kegg- Bow Killian- Axe Grishnakh- Sword Jacques- Axe Treethump- Sword Kyrian- Axe Spikes- Axe Drizz't- Axe Zaknafein- Captain of the Guard Racter- Sword Knighthood was granted after a period of time in leadership of a group. “The basic tactics were the Sword was the anvil while the Axe was the hammer and the Bow provided support. The divisions had specific ranks : Sergeant, Man-at-arms, and Master-of (at?)-arms. To be


eligible for promotion, you had to challenge others within your division and win a certain number of one-on-ones. The one-on-ones were a mandatory part of being in Valdemar. The ranks were identified by a white bias tape border either on a tabard on tunic. The wider the border, the higher the rank. Each division had its own specific color tunic: blue for the Sword, red for the Axe, and green for the Bow. The color was also required for your shield cover. Entry into the Axe was by invitation only or as selected by Alberich. I believe to qualify for the Bow you had to have your own bow but I'm not 100% sure on that. A brand new knight immediately took charge of one of the divisions and served as leader for a year. After that year, the knight was given his own lands and allowed two retainers plus an additional one for each year of fighting. We had belt sashes that had a strip of fabric for each year in fighting. The strip of fabric had the color of the division you were in for that year as well as any events you attended represented as icons on the strip of fabric. When you were knighted, the strip of fabric matched your colors.”

- Commentary From Sir Kyrian Hawksword

Early Numenor From Sir Artemis- “Some quoted text about the "Knights Code" from a 1998/1999 "Numenor Official Rulebook" that Angmarth printed long ago. It is printed exactly the same way in the earlier 1996/1997 green-cover rule book. The 1996/1997 green cover book is the first edition of the truly "Numenor" rules that I believe exists.” Rules for Knights from 1996-1999 Numenor Rulebooks ----------------- Knights are the ruling members of Numenor. It is a position both of honor and responsibility. As a general rule, knights are the most senior members of the group. Leadership, honesty, good-sportsmanship and dedication to the group are values required by a knight. A member becomes a knight by squiring under an existing knight. Every knight who maintains 50% attendance is allowed a squire. The knight he is serving under determines the responsibilities of a squire. Squires have all the responsibilities of a knight, but none of the privileges. When a knight considers a squire ready for knighthood, the knight will propose the squire's knighthood before the Knights Council. If the Council votes with a two-thirds majority in the affirmative, the squire can be knighted at any time of the knight's choosing Each Knight is allowed to maintain a household of two men-at-arms. These members are the knight's bodyguards and representatives. The knight is responsible for the conduct of his household. The households hold no rank over the company other than being representatives of the knights.


Duties and responsibilities of knights The duties of a knight are to enforce the rules, safety, and general enjoyment of the group. Your word is your bond. You will be stripped of your knighthood for breaking your word and other unknightly actions. Knight's weapons All knights of the group are required to bring 10 (ten) weapons that they are not planning on using when they attend a meeting. These weapons are for use by new members and guests. Officers of the company are expected to bring three extra weapons. After the eighth week of attendance a person may be refused the use of a knight's weapons so as to encourage everyone to maintain his or her own weapons. Knights Code

● Each Knight shall own a Surcoat of Colors, Heater Shield, and metal armor. ● A Knight is required to create and maintain an armory (10) of weapons usable by all. ● Each Knight shall strive to uphold the tenets of Chivalry, Courage, Strength of Arms and

Honor. ● A Knight has the right to call a Council, at any time, for the purposes of discussion. All Knights

present must attend. ● A Knight shall not attack another Knight unawares, from behind or otherwise, without due

warning or acknowledgment. ● Any Knight may enact summary judgment on a subordinate for refusal to comply with

reasonable orders. ● A Knight may support A House of Retainers upon bestowal of lands. The Knight is responsible

for the conduct of any Retainers under his Banner and it is required that they be outfitted for battle from House Resources. Each Knight is allowed two retainers.

● A Knight has the right to demand Honor from any other Knight during the course of Battle. A Knight refusing a demand for Honor violates the Knights Code and can be held accountable.

● A Knight has the right to call Court for any offense to his House, Honor, or Standard. Each Knight present must attend for rendering of Judgment. Judgment of the Court is final and matter resolved. Failure to comply with the Verdict of the Court is a violation of Conduct.

● A Knight is responsible for enforcing the rules and Heralding at all times possible. ● Any Violation of these Codes is a breach of Conduct. ● A Knight witnessing the violation of these Codes is required to report it to the Knights Council.

Failure to report is an act of misconduct and that Knight shall also be held accountable. ● A Knight has the right to squire a person for purposes of future Knighthood with the consent of

the Knights Council.


Numenor (1996-present): Decentralized authority over the group to the Knights' Council. Began fighting in Stock Pavilion. Began Oktoberfest. Many modernizations of weapons, thanks to close relations with Kegg, Edhellen, and Forged Foam. Grew to a central realm in the fighting sport. Changed from a Dagorhir realm to a Belegarth realm in 2001. Knighted everyone from Sir Nalfein to present. Experimented with realm democracy through a “Captain” system from 2003 to 2005. Leadership reverted back to Knight’s Council due to lack of interest from general realm population. 1st Generation of Knights (1991-1995) Sir Kegg to Sir Racter. 2nd Generation of Knights (1995-1999) Sir Nalfein to Sir Khanda 3rd Generation of Knights (1999-2003) Sir Angmarth to Sir V’Hil 4th Generation of Knights (2003-2007) Sir Soth to Sir Fittle 5th Generation of Knights (2007-2011) Sir Cyric to Angelus Testikles 6th Generation of Knights(2011-2015) Sir Torrence to Sir Orso 7th Generation of Knights(2015-2019) Sir Himmel to


VIII. Miscellaneous Trivia and Facts

When multiple knights are riding together in a car, the most senior knight gets shotgun. This supersedes significant others, squires, and friends. The dimensions of the shields on the banner are:

The Traditional Healing Poem of Numenor If the healer is the one who heals us all, Who heals the healer? If the healer is the one who heals our soul, Who heals the healer when his soul is cold? A healer’s heart is pure and strong, Who heals the healer when his strength is gone? The healer’s spirit is joyous and pure, Who heals the healer when his spirit feels unsure? The healer’s ways are good and kind, Who heals the healer when his way he can’t find? The healer must guide us through night and day, Who guides the healer when he can’t find his way? As the healer holds our spirits near, Who speaks softly in the healer’s ear? The question that goes unanswered was, Who heals the healer? We’ll heal each other this very day, Everybody heal each other right away. I’ll heal you if you heal me, And upon that our enemies will flee!


IX. Heraldry and Biographies


Sir Kalvic Bloodstone

Sir Kalvic was knighted in 1991. He was the

original master of the Sword in Valdemar. His colors are white and black.


Sir Kegg of Westfield

Sir Kegg was knighted in 1991. He is the original master of the Bow in Valdemar. His colors are gold and purple. He has opted to create a Brag to tell his tale: Here is Kegg, first of knights, first of fighters, builder of councils and maker of the realms, whose pen has brought order to our ways, whose bow has struck down foes uncounted, whose hosts have strode victorious from sea, to sea to sea. Faithful of Eru. Whose artifice devised shield, sword, arrow and spear. Whose industriousness and doggedness has spread the joy of battle to the multitudes. Christener of the realm Numenor and of the land Belegarth. Friend of Uinen. Gatherer of tribes in war and feasts, the divider of Dagorhirrim and Belegrim. The master of squires; Martin of the Bow, Baldrick of the Dark, Tybald the Breaker of Blades, Angmarth the Cruel, Brutus the Destructor, Jikanta the Dragon, Soth the Hammer of Hell, Gradamere the True, Diego the Goat, Cyric the Chronicler, Angelus the Fallen, and Kharylle whose fate is yet written. Maker of nigh two score knights. Who has campaigned for 30 seasons and who will campaign for 30 more. The

trickster who clad squires in white. The giver of traditions, of heaters, of service, of challenges, of leadership, and of sportsmanship. The wise man who built our brotherhood without titles to guide our ships. The lover of things Tolkien. Who has jousted and battled from his earliest years. His field is of checked gold on purple for the light Anar the Fire – fruit of Laurelin reflecting off Uinen’s hair which flows through all waters. All who use checks on their devices unwittingly pay her homage. The Valacirca on a field of black honors Elbereth and her promise of Melkor’s doom. The loyal and most true son of Numenor which is first amongst realms, in skill, in bravery, and in works. The architect of castles, the minter of coins, the builder of halls and hewer of lands once and future. Prophet that sees a future Numenor greater than its legendary past, one that sees the knighting of warriors yet unborn beneath our banner. Ask all those that you meet in your travels and they will say, Aye this and more is true.


Sir Killian Sykkes

Sir Killian was knighted in 1991. He was the

original master of the Axe in Valdemar. His colors are white, red, and black.


Sir Grishnakh the Jackal

Sir Grishnakh began fighting in 1991. He was the master of the Sword, and knighted in September of 1992 at a practice. His name comes from an Orc from Lord of the Rings. His heraldry is a jackal, and his colors are purple and red.

Sir Grishnakh’s fighting style is two swords. He

typically fought wearing scale armor. He was a member of the Sword in the days of Valdemar.

His challenge to squires is to win a best of 3

fights in his style, the squire’s style, and any other style.

Though he is more or less retired now, Sir

Grishnakh enjoyed his time in the sport.


Sir Jacques Deathblade

Sir Jacques was knighted in 1992. He was the Master of the Axe in Valdemar. His heraldry is a bear, and his colors are white and black.


Sir Cerus Treethump Sir Treethump began fighting in the Fall of 1990. His first event was Ragnarok IX. The first knighting he attended was Sir Kegg. Sir Treethump was the master of the Sword, and knighted in 1993 at a practice. Upon knighting, he was granted the lands called the Silver Grove. He tells the story behind his name in his own words: “Treethump was bestowed upon me when it was time to choose a fighting name. I was only 15 at the time, and we fought in a heavily wooded area. I would often run backwards as I fought, because I was faster backwards than most people running forwards -- this made me prone to running into trees. Due to my rather frequent encounters with these majestic sentinels, I was dubbed "Treethump".” His heraldry features a stylized T. His colors are white and black.

Sir Treethump was a member of the Sword in

the days of Valdemar, and is also a former honorary member of the Dunedain. He is now a member of the Amyr. His primary fighting style is sword and shield, but he is also proficient with single sword, two handed sword, and archery. Though a skilled fighter, Sir Treethump did not enter any tournaments until Battle for the Ring 2016.

His challenge to squires is to win a best of 3 fights in single sword combat. A man of words as well as deeds, Sir Treethump has contributed some stories, in his own words: I should have been knighted before Sir Grishnakh, but there was a rule that knights had to be 18 and I would have

been 17 after a year of serving as Master of the Sword, so Grishnakh was offered the position. The original three units of Valdemar (pre-Numenor) were the Sword, Axe and Bow, and we used to drill extensively with those units in preparation for field battles. When we went to Rag IX, we destroyed the field due to these tactics and drills, and I often wish we could return to something similar. I was part of our winning bridge teams at both Rag IX and Rag X, when that was THE event by which realms were judged. That was a fun and a scary group of fighters. We used to frequently fight against the realm of Middle Earth (from Danville), and the primary fighters were White Tiger, Raven, Chivato and Sir Geoffrey. They were the first people to bring rocks to Numenor. I hated them then, and I hate them now. I also disliked the rocks. I am the only Knight to have squired and knighted only minorities. In fact, I believe I am the only Knight to have squired and seen knighted an Asian, African American and Hispanic person. I currently have my eye out for a female Indian to round it out..


Sir Kyrian Hawksword

Sir Kyrian began fighting in 1991. His first event was Pelennor Fields in 1993. The first knighting he attended was Sir Kalvic. Sir Kyrian was the master of the Sword, and knighted in 1994 at a practice.

His explanation of his name follows in his own words: “I had reached the 6-week limit of not having a name in Valdemar. I needed to find one or else one would be given to me. I pored over the 2nd edition DnD Arms and Equipment guide trying to find a name that I liked. In the guide, there were little blurbs that had characters talking about the various attributes of different weapons and armor and I found a blurb by Kyrian Darkstar. My second choice was "Valinor". I added the "Hawksword" after fleshing out more of my character backstory as being the surname of my character's parents..”

His colors and heraldry he also describes in

his own words: “I chose my colors, black and yellow, because I was going into the Army as an officer and those were its colors. I chose the phoenix because of it representing death and rebirth which held significance for me because of my transition from enlisted soldier to officer and becoming a knight.”

Sir Kyrian was a member of the Sword in the days of Valdemar, and is a former member of

Wolfguard. He is currently a member of the Clan of the Hydra and is an honorary Elite Blood Falcon. He primarily fights with archery, but is also proficient with sword and shield, and two swords. His challenge to squires varies by squire. His personal list of squire requirements is quite extensive.


Sir Raymond Spikes

Sir Spikes began fighting in 1987, and was knighted in 1994. He was the master of the Axe in Valdemar. His heraldry is three black crosses, and his colors are gold and black. Upon his knighting he was granted the swamps of Necromundia, where the Goblins live.


Sir Drizz’t Do’Urden

Sir Drizz’t was knighted in 1994. He was the master of the Axe in Valdemar. His heraldry is a spider, and his colors are purple and black. His original fighting name was Ages Death Knight.


Sir Zaknafein Do’Urden Sir Zaknafein began fighting in 1991. His first

event was Ragnarok IX. The first knighting he attended was Sir Treethump. Sir Zaknafein was the master of the Guard, and knighted in 1994 at a practice. His name comes from one of the characters in the Dark Elf series written by R.A. Salvatore who is the weapon master of his house. His heraldry features a broken winged sword. His colors are teal and black.

Sir Zaknafein was a member of the Sword in

the days of Valdemar, and is also a former member of Templar Draconis Kestevara, Brotherhood of the Falcon, and Hellhammer. He is a member of the Goats. His primary fighting style is archery with two swords and a buckler, but is also good with a shield and flail. Sir Zaknafein has won many tournaments, including the dagger tournament at Ragnarok XII. He was also part of the winning bridge team at Ragnarok X.

His challenge to squires is to win a best of 3 fights in a style they are unfamiliar with.


Sir Racter

Sir Racter began fighting in 1991. The first knighting he attended was Sir Jacques. His first event was a Summer War, but the year is unknown. Sir Racter was the master of the Sword, and knighted in 1995 at a practice. His colors are yellow and red.

Sir Racter’s fighting style was two handed

sword. He was a member of the Sword and the Guard in the days of Valdemar. He was also a member of the Gauntlet, a fighting unit led by Sir Kyrian.

Stories, from Sir Kyrian: “His name was based on

an old 80s computer program called "Racter" which was intended to simulate a conversation with an A.I. Kyrian sewed his surcoat which was red and gold quartered with a flaming gold sword in the red quarters. Sadly, Sir Racter died back in the early 2000s due to complications from cardiomyopathy.”

Sir Racter passed away in 2004. (Special thanks to Sir Kyrian for providing this information.)


Sir Nalfein Do’Urden

Sir Nalfein was knighted in 1995. His colors are purple and black. He is the first Numenor era knight.


Sir Martin Longbow

Sir Martin was knighted in 1996. He squired to Sir Kegg. His colors are red and green.


Sir Baldrick

Sir Baldrick began fighting in 1994, and was knighted in 1996 at Autumn War. He squired to Sir Kegg. His heraldry is a stylized Eye of Sauron, and his color is black.


Sir Jarlaxyl

Sir Jarlaxyl was knighted in 1997. He squired to Sir Nalfein. His heraldry is a dragon, and his colors are red and and black.


Sir Osmond

Sir Osmond started fighting in 1994, and was knighted in 1997. He squired to Sir Grishnakh. His colors are light blue and light green.


Sir Tybald Bladebane

Sir Tybald began fighting in the Fall of 1993. His first event was Ragnarok X. The first knighting he attended was Sir Racter. Sir Tybald squired to Sir Nalfein, Sir Martin, and Sir Kegg, and was knighted in 1998 at Autumn War by Satanaka. His title refers to his habit of breaking old tech swords, breaking four in one practice. His colors are black and orange.

Sir Tybald is only a member of the Knights of

Numenor. His primary fighting style is sword and shield, but is also good with a spear.

His challenge to squires is to win best of 3 with

sword and shield. He was raised by wolverines, and is a more dangerous opponent when he is on a leg.


Sir Artemis Entreri Sir Artemis began fighting in July of 1993. His

first event was Autumn War 1993. The first knighting he attended was Sir Kyrian. Sir Artemis squired to Sir Baldrick, and was knighted in 1998 at a practice before Ragnarok XIII by Sir Kegg. His name comes from one of the protagonists in the Dark Elf series written by R.A. Salvatore. His heraldry features the Eye of Sauron, a symbol also used by Sir Baldrick. His colors are black, red, and blue.

Sir Artemis was a member of the Sword in the

days of Valdemar, but now is only a member of the Knights of Numenor. His primary fighting style is sword and shield, but is also good with a spear. He was part of the winning 4x4 team at Ragnarok XIII, and also helped win a realm battle at Chaos Wars II with Sir Baldrick.

His challenge to squires is to win using longsword and shield, while wearing armor. Since leaving Numenor, Artemis founded the realm of Rhovanion in Bloomington Indiana, fighting under the name of Beren Fellspear.


Sir Khanda Singh

Sir Khanda began fighting in 1993, and was knighted in 1999 at Beltaine. The first knighting he attended was Sir Treethump. Sir Khanda served as a retainer to Sir Grishnakh, then he squired to Sir Zaknafein, and his knighting was performed by Sir Kegg. His heraldry is a gold lion, and his colors are red, blue and black. The blue represents Numenor, and there is a sun at the bottom of his heater. The black represents the enemy field, where the sun does not shine. He was originally known as Erland, and adopted the name Khanda at his knighting. He is one of the few knights to use his real life name as his fighting name. His surname, Singh, is a Sikh word for Lion.

Sir Khanda was a master of the Sword in the days of Valdemar, but now is only a member of the Knights of Numenor. He was a provisional member of the Goats, but could not pass the bacon challenge due to him being a vegetarian. His primary fighting style is broadsword and shield, but is also good with flail and shield as well. His challenge to squires is to win 2 out of 3 fights. He was retired for several years, but has came out of retirement for the Invasion of Dunharrow in 2015.


Sir Angmarth the Cruel

Sir Angmarth began fighting in 1998 was knighted in 2000 at Springfest. He squired to Sir Kegg. His name means “Iron Doom”, a reference to him always fighting in chain mail. His colors are black and white. He is the founder of the realm of Arnor.


Sir Thorin Strongarm

Sir Thorin began fighting in the Fall of 1989. His first event was Ragnarok IX. The first knighting he attended was Sir Grishnak. Sir Thorin squired to Sir Spikes, and was knighted in June of 2000 at a practice before Ragnarok XVI by Sir Kegg. He tells the story of his name in his own words: “I was given my full name by Alberich. I was too big to be a hobbit and too young to be considered an adult fighter so I was named Thorin since Alberich decided I was a dwarf. Strongarm came about because there was a long sword that was cut down from a 2 hander I would use. No one else would use it because it was heavy so I always ended up with it. I didn't have any problems with its weight and used it effectively. Because of these two things I was named Thorin Strongarm.” His heraldry features a circle of ravens. His colors are black and grey.

Sir Thorin was a member of the Sword in the

days of Valdemar, and was also a member of Alberich’s honor guard and Dark Guard. His primary fighting style is sword and shield. Sir Thorin’s tournament

wins include winning the Mongolian Wrestling tournament at the last Autumn War, and was a member of the Bridge Battle team at Ragnarok X. He has participated in several other four and ten man teams over the years. His challenge to squires depends on the squire. At times they are required to complete a task, other times they fight 3 out of 5 with sword and shield. Sir Thorin is known for his taciturn attitude towards just about everything.


Arioch Hellhammer


Sir Darklax Sir Darklax began fighting in July of 1990. His

first event was Pelennor Fields, but the exact date is unknown. The first knighting he attended was Sir Drizzt. Sir Darklax squired to Sir Tybald, and knighted in 2000 at Spring Wars by Sir Kegg. The origin of his name, as well as his surname, is lost to the annuls of time. His heraldry is Quetzalcoatl, the Mexican God of Wind shown as a feathered dragon. His colors are black and green.

Sir Darklax was a member of the Sword, Axe,

and Guard in the days of Valdemar, but now is only a member of the Knights of Numenor. His primary fighting style is sword and shield, but is also good with single sword.

Although Sir Darklax is known for being quiet

and mysterious, he did contribute one story to be recorded here, in his own words:

“One thing I remember to this day was in Valdemar days. I had the honor of being one of the ten

knights/squires/retainers to represent Valdemar against the Knights Teutonic in the Battle of Betrayal Hill.. Sir Jeffrey challenged our best ten to fight the army behind him, which was nine of his Teutonics standing at the foot of the hill. When battle began, over 20 Celts ran from behind the hill to fight beside the Teutonics. Valdemar still won that day in some of the most exciting fighting I can remember, mostly because of the shock of being outnumbered so quickly.

Unfortunately I also have the single distinction of being the only one that _died_ on my side that day... but I

died well. I don't remember everyone on our side but there was definitely Kyrian and Spikes.”


Brutus Destructicus


Sir Jikanta the Dragon

Sir Jikanta began fighting in August 1996. Her first event was Ragnarok 13. She squired to Sir Kegg. She was knighted at Oktoberfest 2002 by Sir Kyrian. Her title refers to her notorious temper. Her name is a series of random characters chosen to be unique, and there are no other Jikantas. Her heraldry is a gold dragon on a field of blue.

Sir Jikanta claims no unit aside from the Knights

of Numenor. Her primary weapon style is archery, but also uses sword and shield.

Sir Jikanta’s squire challenge is an archery

battle. She has fought in several tournaments, mostly archery or team based. She is the first female Knight of Numenor, a distinction she is very proud of. Not a day goes by that she does not think of her brother Knights and see the value of the Knighthood she fought so hard to achieve.


Sir Argoth Nightfear

Sir Argoth began fighting in June of 2000. He was knighted in 2003 at Springwar. He squired to Sir Tybald. His heraldry is a dragon, and his colors are copper and green. His surname, Nightfear, was the name of his D&D character at the time.


Sir V'Hil

Sir V’Hil began fighting in the fall of 1999. His first event was Oktoberfest 1999. He was knighted at Oktoberfest 2003 by Sir Kegg. He is the first Knight of Numenor to be Heroically knighted. He was knighted for his service to the realm of Numenor and through his work founding the Uruk Hai. His name comes from a different spelling of his real name. He has no known surname or title. His official heraldry includes the Uruk Hai symbol, the German Eagle as a symbol of his time spent overseas in the National Guard, the Star of Numenor, and a trowel that is the family crest of a friend. His colors are black, white, red, and yellow.

Sir V’Hil is formerly a member of Hellhammer

from when it was founded, and is the retired leader of the Uruk Hai. His primary weapon style is a blue weapon, usually a quad hammer, and a shield. He is also proficient in spear and glaive.

Sir V’Hil’s squire challenge is for squires to show superior leadership and tactical prowess on the field, but often also challenges squires to a best out of three fight with whatever armor they are wearing at the time. Sir V’Hil is the subject of a number of exciting tales, but those are best told in person.


Sir Soth Hellhammer

Sir Soth began fighting in 1998. His first event was Oktoberfest 1999. The first Numenorean knighting he attended was Sir Angmarth’s. He squired to Sir Kegg. He was knighted at Armageddon 2004 by Sir Kyrian. His surname, Hellhammer, reflects the House he helped to start. His colors are maroon, gold, and black.

Sir Soth is formerly a member of House

Hellhammer and is currently a member of the Dark Angels. His primary weapon style is two handed sword, but is also good with sword and shield. Sir Soth’s notable tournament wins include winning two handed sword tournaments at Ragnarok XXIII and Olympics I, the Four Man tournament at Olympics I, the Wargods tournament at Ragnarok XXIII, and the title of Huntmaster.

Sir Soth’s squire challenge is a two handed sword challenge he calls “Shots”. He is widely

regarded as one of the fiercest and talented two handed sword fighter in the Knights of Numenor. Sir Soth is the last knight to be in the original ring on the banner.


Sir Gradamere

Sir Gradamere began fighting in 1994. His first event was Oktoberfest 2000. The first Numenorean knighting he attended was Sir Darklax. He squired to Sir Kegg. He was knighted at Numenor Spring Opener 2005 by Sir Angmarth. His colors are green, blue, and black, and his symbol is a snapping turtle

Sir Gradamere is formerly a member of the Uruk

Hai, the Army of Numenor, and Dark Guard. His primary weapon style is shield and flail, but also uses polearms, two swords, archery, and sword and shield.

Sir Gradamere’s squire challenge is a best of

three fights with shield and flail. He is the first knight in the “outer” ring of the banner. One of his finest moment came during the Numenorean invasion of Dunharrow. Brutus handed Sir Gradamere a glaive, which he proceeded to use to destroy Dunharrow’s line and almost single handedly win the battle. Brutus made a gift of the glaive to Sir Gradamere after the fight, saying he had earned it with his use of the weapon.


Sir Galin Ainadil

Sir Galin began fighting in March of 1994. His first event was Ragnarok XI. He squired to Sir Tybald, and was knighted at Armageddon III. His knighting was performed by Sir Kegg. His surname, Ainadil, translates to “friend of the Ainur”, as he is a faithful Numenorean. His heraldry is a two headed falcon, and his colors are black and red.

Sir Galin is formerly a member of the Horde, and

is a member of the Elite Blood Falcons. His primary weapon style is sword and shield, but is also good with flail, two handed sword, single sword, two sword, and spear. His tournament wins are too numerous to mention in this short space.

Sir Galin’s squire challenge is some kind of melee

challenge. He is known for his leadership, and served as the King of Numenor to lead all faithful Numenoreans during a time of Uruks and Nhazgul.


Sir Diego The Goat

Sir Diego began fighting in 1989. His first event was Ragnarok 10. He squired to Sir Spikes, Sir Zaknafein, and finally to Sir Kegg. He was knighted at Oktoberfest 2006 by Sir Kegg. His title, the Goat, reflects his heritage as a member of the Goats, a storied unit of friends from long ago. His colors are black and white, with a Goat head as his heraldry.

Sir Diego is also a member of the Dark Angels.

His primary weapon style is Glaive, but also enjoys grappling and unarmed combat. Sir Diego’s squire challenge is unique and varies depending on the squire.

Sir Diego’s name comes as a result of his ability

to speak Spanish, though his name reflects a more Latin style. He is undefeated in Red weapon tournaments, drinking contests, and humility.


Sir Kenneth the Lawgiver

Sir Kenneth began fighting in August of 2000.

His first event was Oktoberfest, 2000. The first knighting he attended was Sir Darklax. Kenneth squired to Sir Treethump in 2003, and was knighted at Armageddon 2006 by Sir Kyrian. His title, “The Lawgiver”, reflects his pronouncement of a no-shenanigans and disproportionate penalty policy for Oktoberfest following a series of unfortunate situations that occurred due to disorderly people which caused damage and jeopardized several events. His colors are blue and white, and his heraldry is balancing scales with a sword between them.

His sole unit is the Knights of Numenor,

although he was formerly a member of Templar Draconis Kestevara. His primary fighting style is sword and shield. Some consider him proficient in other arms. He has been a member of multiple teams which have won tournaments, but there appears to be no record of Sir Kenneth ever entering a tournament of individuals.

His common challenge to squires is to best him in three out of five fights. The squire must be wearing their squire’s tabard, and shall be considered as wearing greaves even if no greaves are worn. All strikes dealt to and received by the squire must be at a level which is greater than the commonly prevailing level of sufficient force in order to be counted. However, his true challenge to squires is to have demonstrated excellence in service to the realm. If such a challenge has been met, no further combat challenges are necessary.

Sir Kenneth is known for his defensive fighting style and providing protection for others, earning him the nickname “The Great Wall”. Although he is commonly known for his fighting ability, it is his hope that he will be remembered better for his service to the realm than his feats at arms.


Sir Borric the Just

Sir Borric began fighting in August 2003. His first event was Oktoberfest of that year. He squired to Sir Tybald. He was knighted at Oktoberfest 2006 by Sir Kegg. His title, “the Just”, was given to reflect his job as a lawyer, and in relation to his personality in general. The first Numenorean knighting he attended was Sir Jikanta. His colors are purple and silver, and his heraldry is an eagle.

Sir Borric is formerly a member of Heidoran,

Templar Draconis Kestevara, Dark Guard, and Clan of the Hydra. His primary weapon style is sword and shield, but also uses spear, glaive, archery, two handed sword, and his “Jedi Mind Trick”.

Sir Borric’s squire challenge is for the squire

to lead Numenor on the field of battle, and face a subjective assessment of their leadership abilities. Sir Borric has numerous moments of note, including being Commander of Heidoran, which

saw its numbers at the highest in its history. During the Kingdoms of Belegarth game, Sir Borric rallied the Armies of Numenor, Muxlovia, Khador, Beornve, Nightfort, Riverbend, and Morva to crush the Dunharrow Uprising. Numenor forces arrived in a chartered bus to lay waste to its enemies. At Oktoberfest 2005, a cheese eating contest was held with feast leftovers witnessed by Sirs Borric,

Kenneth, Cyric, and Galin. Several fighters entered the impromptu contest, and many could not handle the volume of cheese. Then out of nowhere, already 1/2 way through the competition, Styx of Valdemar entered. He finished his cheese in record time and beat all the other contestants, then nonchalantly walked way, earning him the title of “Cheesemaster”. Sir Galin’s challenge to Sir Borric is a story that needs to be told in person, but is worth hearing.


Sir Fittle Fingolfin

Sir Fittle was knighted in 2007 at a special practice held for the occasion. He squired to Sir Argoth. His colors are tan and brown. His surname, Fingolfin, was bestowed due to his speed on the battlefield and the speed of his sword.


Sir Cyric of Minas-Sarnas

Sir Cyric began fighting in August 1999. His first event was Oktoberfest 1999. The first Numenor Knighting he attended was for the enigmatic Sir Darklax. He first squired to the former Sir Brutus after his knighting at Armageddon I, and later to Sir Kegg at Armageddon IV. His knighting was performed by Sir Kyrian at Oktoberfest 2008. His title of Minas-Sarnas roughly translates to Stonehouse Park, where he worked for several years. His colors are green and grey, and his symbol is a wolf’s head that once served as the symbol for Wolfguard.

Sir Cyric was once a member of Wolfguard, and is currently a member of the Amyr. He primarily fights with sword and shield, but is also proficient in spear, glaive, two handed sword, and archery. Though he is primarily a field fighter, he has won several tournaments, including the archery tournaments at Armageddon I and Olympics VII, and the polearm tournament at Olympics VII. He believes in continuing to develop Numenor’s power as a field force and loves to lead Numenor during realm battles.

His challenge to other squires involves answering questions from the Tome of Numenor, which

he began writing as a squire, and has continued to expand. The purpose of the challenge is to encourage the squires to get to know the other knights, and to understand the group they are attempting to join. For his own squires, he expects them to have a good understanding of multiple

weapon styles, create chainmail armor and wear greaves, uphold the traditions of Numenor, and continually serve at all events. Sir Cyric is also the author of this tome, and serves as the unofficial historian of the Knights.


Sir Piper Sadron

Sir Piper began fighting in 2000. His first event was a Crown War in Khatovar. He squired to Sir Galin. He was knighted at a Numenor Practice in 2008 by Sir Kegg. His surname, Sadron, is Sindarin for old, and also for loyal. He was the oldest knighted squire until Sir Klawz. His colors are red and grey.

Sir Piper is formerly a member of the Fianna,

and is currently the Commander and Master Chaplain of the Brotherhood of the Falcon. His primary weapon style is flail and punch shield, but also uses sword and shield.

Sir Piper’s squire challenge varies depending on

the squire, but is usually a combat challenge or a question from the Silmarillion.


Sir Klawz Stonecutter

Sir Klawz was knighted in 2009. He squired to Sir Galin. His colors are red and black. His title, “Stonecutter”, refers to his real life profession.


Sir Meno

Sir Meno was knighted in 2010. He squired to Sir Gradamere. His colors are blue and grey.


Angelus Testikles


Sir Torrence Yrrot Sir Torrence began fighting in 2006. His first

event was Oktoberfest 2006. The first Numenor Knighting he attended was for Sir Borric. He squired to Sir Galin. His knighting was performed by Sir Kegg at Numenor’s Spring Opener 2013. His name Torrence is an attempt to make his real name sound more period, and his surname of Yrrot is his gamertag, and also his name spelled backward. This is a running joke that people don’t often realize. His heraldry he explains in his own words: “My heraldry is rather simple, but combines a few things. First, it uses the colors of two knights: Sir Galin and Sir Piper. I considered them closer to co-knights than many people may have realized. This was largely because of how I became a squire. Sir Galin asked me if I wanted to become a squire (yes, of course), then if I would prefer to squire to him or Sir Piper. Being true gamers, and having no preference, I said "dice it". Of course, Galin always seems to win games involving dice. From that point through when I was knighted, both offered

me advice, guidance, and input on my squireship, so I felt it only fitting to make some attempt to include their colors in my own heraldry. The red strip also was meant to signify my preferred strike with a glaive, a big "red" strike to their shield.” Sir Torrence was once a member of the unit Valdemar, and is currently a member of the Brotherhood of the Falcon. He primarily fights with sword and shield and glaive, but is also proficient in other weapons except archery. His challenge to other squires is winning 2 out of 3 fights with a glaive, but the real challenge is to prove basic proficiency in all weapon styles.


Sir Hurin Turmananta

Sir Hurin began fighting in December of 2007. His first event was Wolfpack Opener 2008. The first Numenorean knighting he attended was Sir Cyric’s. He squired to Sir Thorin. He was knighted in June 2013 at a special practice held for the occasion. His knighting was performed by Sir Kegg. His surname, Turmananta, translates to “shield to face” and refers to him knocking out his brother Frosty at Frosty’s knighting with a shield edge to the face. His heraldry is a bull’s head, and his colors are blue and brown.

Sir Hurin is formerly a member of Dark

Guard, and is currently a member of the Amyr. His primary weapon style is sword and shield, but is also good with two handed swords, glaives, and spears. Sir Hurin’s notable tournament wins include being on the ten man and four man teams at Battle for the Ring VII.

Sir Hurin’s squire challenge is best 2 of 3 sword and shield. Additionally, he expects continued

service locally and nationally throughout the entire squireship. He expects all squires to be in charge of every aspect of an event so if they move away from Numenor they can efficiently run an event and practice at their new realm.

Sir Hurin is known for his “bag of gravel” like qualities of being sturdy and tough, and able to

take damage without flinching. He started his fighting career as Pooky, but put up his naming rights in a poker game that was won by Sir Galin.


Sir Sarif Rogash

Sir Sarif began fighting in March of 2003. His first event was Armageddon 2005. He squired to Sir Klawz, and was knighted at Oktoberfest 2013. His knighting was performed by Sir Kegg. His surname, Rogash, translates to “knight foe” and refers to his knighting vote that was hotly contested. His heraldry is a giraffe, and his colors are black and hot pink.

Sir Sarif was formerly a member of the unit

Valdemar, and is currently a member of Dark Guard. His primary weapon style is sword and shield, but is also good with all other weapon styles. He has won several tournaments.

Sir Sarif’s squire challenge is for the squire to

beat him with whatever weapon style they feel is their weakest or dislike the most, in order to encourage them to become proficient with that style.


Sir Rukus Sadorion

Sir Rukus was knighted in 2013. He squired to Sir Piper. His colors are blue, grey, and black.


Dame Volpin Rusc Ruin

Dame Volpin began fighting in 2006. Her first

event was Keep on the Borderlands. She squired first to the former Sir Angelus, then to Sir Hurin. She was knighted at Oktoberfest 2014 by Sir Kegg. Her title translates to “Red Fox”. The first Numenor knighting she attended was for the former Sir Angelus. Her colors are light and dark green, with a fox and white Tudor rose.

Dame Volpin is a former member of the

Dunedain. She is currently a member of the Amyr. Her primary weapon style is archery and sword and shield. She is also proficient with a spear.

Dame Volpin’s squire challenge is a

collaborative project between her and a squire where they work on sewing or leather working. If the squire is proficient in both then we will discuss a realm related project. She has won awards for her Garb and Armor at Oktoberfest 2014 and 2015.

Dame Volpin is tough despite her size. She took a full shield punch from Angmarth during her

squireship. She has also bowled over fighters much larger than herself. She is the first Knight to take the title of Dame.


Sir Glass Umbarth

Sir Glass began fighting in January of 2009. His first event was Oktoberfest 2009. The first Numenorean knighting he attended was Sir Meno’s. He squired to Sir Treethump, and was knighted in August 2015 at Numenor Fall Opener. His knighting was performed by Sir Kegg. His surname, Umbarth, translates to “one without home” and refers to the state of his garb during his squireship and his penchant for fighting without shoes on. His colors are white and grey, and his heraldry is an hourglass.

Sir Glass is formerly a member of the Dunedain.

His primary weapon style is sword and shield, but is also good with single sword, archery, glaives, and spears. Sir Glass’s notable tournament wins include the archery tournament at Oktoberfest 2010.

Sir Glass’s squire challenge is currently being decided.


Sir Orso Titus Magnus

Sir Orso began fighting in 2004. His first event was Wolfpack Opener 2005. The first Numenor knighting he attended was Sir Gradamere. He was jointly squired to Sir Kenneth and Sir Cyric. He was knighted at Oktoberfest 2015 by Sir Kegg. His surname come from his fighting name in the SCA and EMP organizations. His colors are light and dark blue, and his heraldry is a bear.

Sir Orso is a member of the Uruk Hai. His

primary weapon style is sword and shield. He has a passing familiarity with archery, but refuses to use two handed weapons for fear of harming his opponents.

Sir Orso’s squire challenge is for squires to have full armor and win the best of three fights. Sir

Orso is a proficient leatherworker, and has made several suits for use in Belegarth and SCA.


Sir Himmel Huan

Sir Himmel began fighting in August 2009. His first event was Numenor Fall Opener of the same year. The first Numenor knighting he attended was Sir Meno. He squired to Sir Treethump, accepting his offer after the fall of Dunharrow. He was knighted at Numenor Fall opener 2016 by Sir Kegg. His fighting name means “sky” or “heaven” in german, and his surname comes the Hound of Valinor in Tolkien’s writing. This is a reference to fighting with his fiancee girlfriend Dame Volpin, and with his brother Shroud, whom Borric referred to as “The Fox and the Hounds”. His colors are black, gold, and navy blue, and his heraldry is a dragon head with spread wings.

Sir Himmel is a member of the Amyr, and is

a former member of the Dunedain. His primary weapon style is sword and shield. He is also proficient with single sword, spear, and archery. He has won multiple tournaments, including 4 and 7 man team tournaments at Olympics and Battle for the Ring, and the sword and shield and archery tournaments at Olympics 2016.

Sir Himmel is still deciding on a squire challenge, but it will probably involve burpees in full chain armor or dancing with other knights’ mothers. He also served as the president of the Numenor RSO at UIUC for 3 years.


X. Historic Documents and Images

Valdemar Roster from 4/24/91


Gotendag Hill

The apartment where the first battles took place.


Knights of Numenor - Equinox 11 (2001?)


Knights of Numenor - Diego & Kenneth Knighting, 2006


Knights of Numenor - Hurin Knighting, 2013


Knights of Numenor - Rukus Knighting, 2013


Knights of Numenor - Volpin Knighting, 2014


Knights of Numenor - Glass Knighting, 2015


Knights of Numenor - Orso Knighting, 2015


Knights of Numenor - Himmel Knighting, 2016


XI. Afterwords and Acknowledgements

This page has been a labor of love for many years. As a real life history teacher, I wanted to

preserve the history of our group and remember Knights long gone. This work would not be possible without the help of the following people: Sir Kegg, who assigned me this task in the first place. Sirs Kyrian, Kegg, Artemis, and Angmarth, who provided lots of historic knowledge from the pre-Numenor era, including old rule books and the old web page. Dame Volpin, for the excellent heraldry. Sir Kenneth, for helping with the editing of the book. Every knight who providing me information to use in this book.