the canada gazette la gazette du canada

No . 11-Vol . LXXIII THE LIBRARIAN, PUBLIC LIBRARY . NEW YORK CITY .U .S .A . THE CANADA GAZETTE LA GAZETTE DU CANAD A OTTAWA, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 9,193 9 NOTICE TO ADVERTISER S 1. Address all communications to - The Kingg Printer, Ottawa, Canada . 2 . The advertising rates of the Canada Gazette are as follows : First insertion, twenty cents (20c .) per ugalo line (fourteen lines to tile inch), subse . quent insertions, seven and one-half cents (71c .) per line . Copies of the Canada Gazette are supplied only when ordered and at a charge of twenty cents (2'0c .) each , 3 . Advertising copy must be in English or French and, failing instructions to the contrary, will be pub. lished only in the language in which it is sub- mitted . If publication in both languages is desired, the Advertiser must so instruct . The trauslatiock will be made if required, at a charge of fifty cents (50c .) per hundred words . 4 . A provisional remittance of five dollars ($5 .00) should accompany any advertisement . After the first insertion & statement will be bent to the Ad vertiser, allowing cost of same, with details of moneys received or owing . 5 . The various classes of notices which by statutory requirements are too be published in the Canada Gazette, will, failing instructions to the contrary, be given insertion as follows : (a) Applications to Parliament-(I) senbte, 5 insertions ; (2) House of Commons, 4 inser . tione. (b) Withdrawals of Deposit--3 calendar months, (a) Dividends and meetings of Bank and Insur. ance Compelling I calendar mouth or 5 in . seftions . (d) Works in navigable waters, approval of plane, etc .-I calendar month . (0) Applications for Letters Patent .-I insertion . (f) The Bankruptcy Act-1 Insertion . (0 710 Companies Act-I insertion . 6 . The Canada Gazette in published every Satur- day morning . To ensure publication in the next issue advertising copy must be, in the can of Bank- ruptcy Act Notices, received by Tuesday noon, and in all other cases, by Wednesday noon , 7 . The subscription price of the Canada Gazette is eight dollars ($8 .00) per annum, payable strictly in advance ; single copies twenty cents (2()c,) , : J . 0 . PATENAUDE, ISO ., Ottawa, July 2 . IM . Mug's Printer. OTTAWA, SAMEDI, 9 SEPTEMBRE lin s AVIS AUX ANNONCEUR S 1 . Adremes toute correspondance à l'Imprimour du Roi, Ottawa, Canada . 2 . Les taux d'annonces dans la Gazette du Canada sont les suivants : Première insertion : vingt cent# (20c .) la ligne agate (quatorze lignes au pouce) in . sertions subséquentes, sept cents et demi (7jc .~ la ligne . Des exemplaire@ de la Gazette du Canada ne sont fournis que sur demande seulement et à radium de vingt cent@ (20c .) chacun . 3. Toute copie d'annonce doit ètre en anglais ou en français, et, à moine d'instruction@ contraires, sera publiée seulement dans la langue dam laquelle elle est soumise . Si l'on en détire la publication dans lu deux langues, J'annonceur doit en donner avis . La traduction sera faite, sur demande, à raison de cin. queute cent@ (50c .) du cent mots . 4 . Une remise provisoire de cinq dollars (83M) devra accompagner toute annonce . Après la pre. mière insertion . une f«ture mm adressés à l'sonne. ceur, donnant le ooÛt de lannonce et les détails du sommes reçues ou duos . 5. Les différentes catégories d'avis qui sont publiées dans la Gazette du Canada en vertu de la loi recevront, à moins d'instructions contraireg à cet effet, le nombre d'ineertiogw cidemous : (a) Demandes au Parlement-0) Bénat, à jour. tiens ; (2) Chambre du Communes, 4 joug, tic». (b), Retraite de dép8t" mois de calendrier . (c) Dividendes et amemblées de banques et de compagnies d'amuranoe-1 mois de "MMer ou 5 insertions . (d) Travaux dans les eaux navigables, &Pprobe. tien del Plans, etc .-I mois de calendrier . (6) Demandes de lettres patentse-j insertion . (1) Loi de faillito-1 ingartion . (9) Loi du compagnies-1 inartion . 6 . Le Gatetie du Canada est publiée le samedi matin . Afin d'en assurer linsertion dans l'édition suivante, la copie d'annonce, dans les ou du &vie en vertu de la LW de faUUte, doit litre reçue la nulrdI matin, et dans les autres cas, le marc" midi . 7 . La prix de l'abonnement à la Guetta du Canada ut de huit dollars (88M) Par année, strictement payable d'avance et les exemplaires séparés, vine cents (200 .) chacun , JmO . PATENAUDE, .1, Ottawa, 2 Juillet lm . Imprimeur du Roi . I

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No. 11-Vol. LXXIII





NOTICE TO ADVERTISER S1 . Address all communications to - The Kingg

Printer, Ottawa, Canada .2 . The advertising rates of the Canada Gazette

are as follows : First insertion, twenty cents (20c .)per ugalo line (fourteen lines to tile inch), subse.quent insertions, seven and one-half cents (71c.) perline. Copies of the Canada Gazette are suppliedonly when ordered and at a charge of twenty cents(2'0c .) each ,

3 . Advertising copy must be in English or Frenchand, failing instructions to the contrary, will be pub.lished only in the language in which it is sub-mitted . If publication in both languages is desired,the Advertiser must so instruct . The trauslatiock willbe made if required, at a charge of fifty cents (50c .)per hundred words .

4 . A provisional remittance of five dollars ($5 .00)should accompany any advertisement. After thefirst insertion & statement will be bent to the Advertiser, allowing cost of same, with details of moneysreceived or owing .

5 . The various classes of notices which by statutoryrequirements are too be published in the CanadaGazette, will, failing instructions to the contrary, begiven insertion as follows :

(a) Applications to Parliament-(I) senbte, 5insertions ; (2) House of Commons, 4 inser.tione.

(b) Withdrawals of Deposit--3 calendar months,(a) Dividends and meetings of Bank and Insur.ance Compelling I calendar mouth or 5 in .seftions .(d) Works in navigable waters, approval of plane,

etc .-I calendar month .(0) Applications for Letters Patent .-I insertion .(f) The Bankruptcy Act-1 Insertion .(0 710 Companies Act-I insertion .6 . The Canada Gazette in published every Satur-

day morning. To ensure publication in the nextissue advertising copy must be, in the can of Bank-ruptcy Act Notices, received by Tuesday noon, andin all other cases, by Wednesday noon ,

7. The subscription price of the Canada Gazetteis eight dollars ($8 .00) per annum, payable strictlyin advance ; single copies twenty cents (2()c,) ,

: J . 0. PATENAUDE, ISO .,

Ottawa, July 2 . IM. Mug's Printer.


AVIS AUX ANNONCEURS1 . Adremes toute correspondance à l'Imprimour

du Roi, Ottawa, Canada .2 . Les taux d'annonces dans la Gazette du Canada

sont les suivants : Première insertion : vingt cent#(20c.) la ligne agate (quatorze lignes au pouce) in .sertions subséquentes, sept cents et demi (7jc.~ laligne . Des exemplaire@ de la Gazette du Canada nesont fournis que sur demande seulement et à radiumde vingt cent@ (20c .) chacun.

3. Toute copie d'annonce doit ètre en anglais ou enfrançais, et, à moine d'instruction@ contraires, serapubliée seulement dans la langue dam laquelle elleest soumise. Si l'on en détire la publication dans ludeux langues, J'annonceur doit en donner avis . Latraduction sera faite, sur demande, à raison de cin.queute cent@ (50c .) du cent mots .

4 . Une remise provisoire de cinq dollars (83M)devra accompagner toute annonce . Après la pre.mière insertion . une f«ture mm adressés à l'sonne.ceur, donnant le ooÛt de lannonce et les détails dusommes reçues ou duos .

5. Les différentes catégories d'avis qui sontpubliées dans la Gazette du Canada en vertu de laloi recevront, à moins d'instructions contraireg à ceteffet, le nombre d'ineertiogw cidemous :

(a) Demandes au Parlement-0) Bénat, à jour.tiens ; (2) Chambre du Communes, 4 joug,tic».

(b), Retraite de dép8t" mois de calendrier .(c) Dividendes et amemblées de banques et decompagnies d'amuranoe-1 mois de "MMerou 5 insertions .

(d) Travaux dans les eaux navigables, &Pprobe.tien del Plans, etc .-I mois de calendrier .

(6) Demandes de lettres patentse-j insertion .(1) Loi de faillito-1 ingartion .(9) Loi du compagnies-1 inartion .6 . Le Gatetie du Canada est publiée le samedi

matin . Afin d'en assurer linsertion dans l'éditionsuivante, la copie d'annonce, dans les ou du &vieen vertu de la LW de faUUte, doit litre reçue la nulrdImatin, et dans les autres cas, le marc" midi .

7 . La prix de l'abonnement à la Guetta du Canadaut de huit dollars (88M) Par année, strictementpayable d'avance et les exemplaires séparés, vinecents (200 .) chacun ,


Ottawa, 2 Juillet lm.Imprimeur du Roi .





Trustees AppointedTHE BANKRUPTCY ACT

IN Tllt MATTER of the bankruptcy of Louis P . Foleytrading as 11 Foisy & Fits," Chambly Canton :I).Q .

NOTICH is hereby given that the undersignedwas duly appointed trustoo of the c I

Louis 11 . Foisy, trading as " Foisy & Fits," hit .d .m . -merchant . at a statutory meeting of creditors holdon the 29th day of August, 1939, at the CourtHouse, Montreal, P .Q .

CHARL P. DUMAS,760 Victoria Square ,

Montreal, P.Q .

THE BANKRUPTCY ACTI .x Titat mArmit of the bankruptcy of J . Romoo Gir-

ardeau, Nicolet, P .Q ,

NOTICE is hereby given that the undersignedwits duly appointed trustee of the estate of

J . Romeo Girardeau, merchant (men's furnishings),at a statutory meeting of creditors held on the 30thday of August, 1939, at the Court House, ThreeRivers, P.Q.

CHARLES P . DUMAS,700 Victoria Square ,

Montreal, P.Q .

THE BANKRUPTCY ACTIx us : Douglas Lorne Muir, clock, 814 Dollard,

Outremont .N OTICE is hereby given that the undersigned

has been appointed trustee in (he abov eat the meeting of creditors held at the Court House,Montreal, on the 29th day of August, 1939 .


10 St. James Street East,Montreal .

THE BANKRUPTCY ACTI's TIRE MATTER of the bankruptcy of Ernest Trevor

Summers and Andrew Turpie, Sr ., both of theCity of Winnipeg, in the Province of Manitoba,sanitary and floating engineers, doing businessunder the firm name and style of "SurnmemDarling & Co .", debtor.

NOTICE in hereby given that at a meeting ofcreditors held on the 28th day of August, AD.

1939, the undersigned were appointed trustees of theabove estate.

Dated at Wiunipeg, this 29th day of August, AD.IW9 .


Trustecs .

THE BANKRUPTCY ACTIN Tits MATTrat of the bankruptcy of Broadway

Food Products Limited, of the City of Windsor,in the Provinco of Ontario .

TARE Notice that the undersigned was at thefirst meeting of creditors held in the Court

House of the City of Windsor, on the 29th day ofAugust, 1939, duly elected trustee for the adnainistra .tion of tile (,state of the above narned debtor .

Dated at Windsor, Ontario, this 31st day of Ali .gust, 1939 .GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY OF CANADA ,

Trtt.qtcc,Guaranty Trust Building ,

Windsor, Ontario .

THE BANKRUPTCY ACTIN THE MATTER Of tile bankruptcy of Morton Food

Sales Limited, of the City of Windsor, in theProvince of Ontario .

T AliE Notice that the undersigned was at thefirst meeting of creditors held in the Court

House of the City of Windsor, on the 28th day ofAugust, 1930, duty clected trustee for the administra-tion of the estate of the above named debtor .

Dated at Windsor, Ontario, this 31st day of Au .gust, 1931) .GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY OF CANADA,

Trustee,Guaranty Trust Building,

11-1 Windsor, Ontario.

THE BANKRUPTCY ACTIN THE mATTER of the. bankruptcy of Nortrac Min-

ing Company Linjited, of the City and DistrictOf Montreal, Province of Quebec .

NOTICE ill hereby given that the undermignedwas duly appointed trustee of Nortrao Mining

coulpany Limited, at the statutory meeting ofcreditors held on the Ist day of September, 1939 .

Dated at Montreal, this Ist day of September,1939 .

11 .1

WM. 11 . CAMPBELL,Trustee ,

437 St . Jnmes Street Went,Montreal .

THE BANKRUPTCY ACTI X THE MATTER Of the bankruptcy of William Z.

Lever, trading as " Lover Fur Co .", at the Cityof Niagara Falls, in the Province of Ontario,retail furrier, debtor .

T AKE Notice that the undersigned wits, at ameebing of creditors held on the thirty-first

day of August, 1939, duty appointed trustee of theabove estate .

Dated at Toronto, this 31st day of August, 1939.FRANK 0. TIDY,

Trustee,9 Toronto Street, Toronto .

THE BANKRUPTCY ACTIN THE MATTER Of the bankruptcy of Commercial

Textile Company Limited, ot the City of To-ronto, in the Province of Ontario, debtor .

T AKE Notice that the undersigned trustee hasbeen appointed as the trustee of the above

estate, by the creditors in meeting duly called andheld according to the provisions of the mid Act atToronto, Ontario, on the 318t day of August, 1939 .

Dated at Toronto, this 31st day of August, 1939.

THE BANKRUPTCY ACTIN THE MAT= of the bankruptcy of Nathan Tep-

per, peddler, of the City and District of Mont-coal, Quebec .

T AKE Notice that the undersigned has been ap-pointed as the trustee of the above estate, by4

the creditors at their meeting on the 31at day ofAugust, IWO.

Dated at Montreal, this 31st day of August, ION .L. GOLDBERG,

1403 Bleury Street,Montreal, Quebec .

E. G. CLARKSON,Trustee ,

15 Wellington Street West,Toronto 2, Ontario .


IN THE NIATTTR or file authorized assignment ofShuta Cate Limited, carrying on business asrestaurant and cabaret, in the City of Edmon .to", in the Province of Alberta, debtor ,

TAKE Notice that the undersigned was duly

appointed trustee of the estate of Shasta CafeLimited, at the otatutorv meeting of creditors heldat the Court House, EdEnonton, Alberta, on August29, 1939 .

Dated at Edmonton, Alberta, this let day of Sep.tember InqflTHE, CANADIAN CREDIT ME" TRUST


Bank of Toronto Building Annex,Edmonton, Alberta .

THE BANKRUPTCY ACTIN TIER MATTER of the bankruptcy of Midway saw-mill T : :8 11, ted, Midway, B.C .

T AKE Notice that the undersigned was appointedtrustee of the above estate. at the first meeting

of creditors field at Penticton, BAugust 31, 1939. C

., at1 2

.30 p.m ., on

1)3ted at Penticton, B .C., this 31st day of August,1030

A . F. CUMMING,Trustee .


NOTICE TO CRIEDITORSIN TIER NIATTRR of the bankruptcy of Bertram P .McEwen, of Coleman, in the Province of Al.

berta, merchant, debtor .

NOTICE Is hereby given that Bertram P. Mc_Ewen, of Coleman, Alberta, made an assign .ment on the 29th day of AuguAt '1939, and that the

first meeting of creditors wfll be ileld on Friday, the15th day of September, 1939, at the hour of 2o'clock in the afternoon, in the Court House, Leth-bridge, Alberta .

To vote thereat proofs of claims and proxies mustbe filed with us prior thereto .Those having claims against the estate must file

the same with the custodian or the trustee whenappointed before distribution in made, otherwisethe proceeds of the estate will be distributed amongthe parties entitled thereto, without regard to suchclaims .

Dated at Lethbridge, Alberta, this lot day of Sep.tember, AX). 1939 .BRITISH CANADIAN TRUST OOMPAX

Y,uslodian,Licensed Trustee,

H . D. Roop,

315 Sixth Street South, singer.

Lethbridge, Alta . 11- 1


NOTICE 70 CLED1701ol

IN ?Iro WATM of the bankruptcy Of William Her-bert Teskey, trading under the firm name andstyle Of "Teakeyo Faint Store,,# of Winnipeg,Manitoba, debtor.

NOTICE is hereby given that William HerbertTeskey, trading under the firm name and style

Of "TeskeY's Paint Store," of Winnipeg, Manitoba,was adjudged bankrupt and 91 receiving order madeNUI-Ii

719on the 24th dav of August, A.D. 4939 and that tkfirst meeting of

.creditors will be held on Friday, the

Sth day of September, 1939, at the hour Or eleveno'clock in the forenoon, a& the cifice of the officialreceiver in bankruptcy,&& the Court How in asCity of Winnipeg. #

To vote thereat proofs of claims and proxies mootbe filed With us prior thereto ,

Those having Chlims against the estate mug aletile same with the custodian or Ulc grus"s when4PPoioWd before distribution in me&, Otherwisethe proceeds of tile estate will be dis"uted anonthe parties entiLled thereto, without regard to suchclaims .

Dated at Winnipeg, this 318t ; day of Aug", A.D.193 9TH E



Custodian4M Main S;~et,Winnipeg, Man.


NOTICE To CREDITEnlesIN TIER MATTRII Of the bankruptcy of W . j. Christie,

Truro NS I -I -, P lun r.OTICE is hereby given that W . j . Christie wasadjudged bankrupt on the 26th -1 0ay 0 August,A .D. 1939, and that the first meeting of creditorswill be held on the 7th day of September, A.D. I=,at the hour of 11 .30 o'clock in the forenoon, at &he

Court House, Truro N.S .To vote thereat P;0Ofs of Claims and proldiss musthe filed with us prior thereto .Those having claims aitainst the estate must firs,

tile same with the custodian or the trustee whenappointed before distribution is made, ogh9twiftthe proceeds of the estate will be distributed amongthe Parties entided thereto, without regard go Rushclaims.

Dated at Halifax, N.S., this 28th day of AvguoI16A.D. 1939.THE CANADIAN CREDIT MENS TRUST

ASSOCIATION Ll)dlTjZD,Custodian ,

452 Bamingten stresS,salit", N.B .


THIC WATTIM of the bankruptcy of Percy Lubin,Yarmouth, N.S ., dry good sIN

OTICE '""J'y given that Peroy Luhis wasadjudged bankrupt on the 25th day of An",A.D. 1939, and that The first meeting of creditorswill be held on the 9th day of September, AD. lon,at the hour of it o,clock in the forenoon, at theoffice of the ofilchd relleiver, in Yarmouth NA.

To vote thereat Proof$ Of claims and pIoxies Imullbe filed with us prior thereto .

Those having chdarle against the estate mue, fil*the same with the costodien or the trustee whenappointed before distribution is Me& otherwisethe proceeds of the estau will be distrib 0

uted amongthe Parties entitled thereto, withoug regessif jo muchclaims,

Dated at Halifax, Ng, this 3M day olf A%.gust, A.D. I=.


cus"as,4U Barrington Streel,

Halifax, N'S .




IN THE mATm of the bankruptcy of Lillian E. S .Barron, trading under the name and style of"Barren's Grocery and Provision Business,"debtor .

NOTICE is hereby given that Lillian E. S . Bar-ron, of the City of Toronto, in the County of

York and Province of Ontario, trading under thename and style of " Rarron's Grovery and ProvisionBuitinew," made in authorized natignment on the3011% day of Ausmst, 1939, and that the first meetingof creditors will he held on Friday, September 8,at 3 p.m. daylight saving time, in Room 107, atthe City Hall . Toronto, Ontario .

To vote thereat proofs of claims and proxies mustbe filed with us prior thereto .

Those having claims against the estate must filethe same with the custodian or tho trustee whenappointed before distribution is made, otherwisethe proceeds of the estate will be dimiributed amongthe parties entitled thereto, without regard to suchclaims .

Dated at Toronto, Ontario, this 30th day ofAugust, 1939 .THE TRUST4 AND OUARANTFE COMPANY,

LIMITED,Custodian ,

302 Bay Street,Toronto, Ontario .


IN THE mATm of the bankruptcy of George W .Baechler, of the Town Of Goderich, in theCOunty, of Huron, grocer, authorized assignor,debtor .

NOTICE is hereby given that the said George W .Baochler made an assignment on the 25th day

of August, 1039, and that the first meeting ofcreditors will be held on the seventh day of Septem-ber, 1939, at the hour of 2 .30 o'clock in the after-noon, in the office of Mr . Frank Donnelly, Goderich,Ontario.

To vote thereat proof@ of claims and proxies mustbe filed with us prior thereto.

Those having claims against the estate must filethe same with the custodian or the trustee whenappointed before distribution is made, otherwisethe proceeds of the estate will be distributed amongthe parties entitled thereto, without regard to suchclaims .

Dated at Clinton, this 28th day of August, A.D.1939.

C.G.MIDDLETON,Custodian,Box 241,

Clinton, Ont .

at the hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon, at theoffice of the official receiver, Mr. A. B. Girard, CourtHouse, North Bay, Ontario .

To vote thereat proofs of claims and proxies mustbe filed with me prior thereto .

Those having claims against the estate must filethe same with the custodian or the trustee whenappointed before distribution is made, otherwisethe procceds of the estate will be distributed amongthe. parties entitled thereto, without regard to ouchClaims .

Dated at North llay, Ontario, this Ist day of Sop.lember, 1930 .

FRANK A. JEFFREY,Custodian,N)x 305 ,

North Bay, Ont .


IN TIM %tATTrat of the hankrupley of Walter J .Smilek, trading as " Victoria Meat Market," ofthe City of Kitehener anti Province of Ontario,deblor .

NOTICE is hereby given that Walter J . Smilek,of the City of Kitchener, mado an amignmenton lite 314 day of Augtist, 1039, and that the firstmeeting of creditors will be held on the fifteenthday of SvpIvmbvr, 1939, at the hour of two o'clockin lite afternoon, standard (into, at the office of theoffivial meciver, Court House, Kitchener, Ontario .

To vote thereat proof* of claims and proxies mustbe filed with me prior thereto .

Those having claims against the estate must filethe same with the custodian or the trustee whenappointed before. distribution is made, otherwisothe proceeds of the estate will be distributed amongthe parties vntitled thereto, without regard to suchclaims .

Dated at Kitchener, this Idt day of September,1930 .

T. H. R. BROCK, C.A .,Custodian ,

49 King Street East,Kitchener, Ontario .


IN THE MArOR of the bankruptcy of Frank A .Howard, trading as "Howard's Book Store," ofthe City of Galt and Province of Ontario,debtor .

N OTICE is hereby given that Frank A . Howard,of the City of Galt, made an assignment on

the 29th day of August, 1939, and that the first meet-ing of creditors will be held on the 13th day of Sep-tember, 1939, at the hour of two o'clock in the after-noon, standard time, at the office of the official re-ceiver, Court House, Kitchener, Ontario, I

To vote thereat proofs of claims and proxies mustbe filed with me prior thereto .

Those having claims against the estate must filethe same with the custodian or the trustee whenappointed before distribution is made, otherwisethe proceeds of the estate will be distributed amongthe parties entitled thereto, without regard to ouchclaims.

Dated at Kitchener, this 30th day of August,1939 .

THE BANKRUPTCY ACTNarics To casormna

IN Tits BtA'Pna of the bankruptcy of AlexanderFrancis Doyle, trading under the firm name of" Doyle's Garage," in the City of North Bay, inthe Provrinco of Ontario, debtor .

N OTICE is hereby given that Alexander FrancisDoyle, garage proprietor, North Bay, Ontario,

made an assignment under the Bankruptcy Act forthe benefit of his creditors, on the 29th day ofAugust, 1939, and that the first meeting of the credit-ors will be held on the 19th day of September, 1939,

T. H. R. BROCK, CA .,Custodian ,

49 King Street East,Kitchener, Ontario .


INOTICZ To CRIWITORSINTHE MAMR of the bankruptcy of Gerald Cimerom

Twim, of the Village of Streetsville, in theProvince of Ontario, general store, debtor.

NOTICE is hereby given that Gerald CameronTwin, of Streetsville, made an Assignment on

thp 291h day of August, 1930, and tho first meetingof creditors will be held on the 8th day of Septem .her, 1931), at the hour of two oclock in the afternoon(daylight saving time), at Roorn 107, City Hall, inthe City of Toronto .

To vote thereat proofs of claims and proxies mustbe filed with me prior thereto .

Tho6v having clainis Against the estate must filethe same with the custodian or the trustee whentwpointed before distribution is made, otherwisethe proceeds of the estate will be distributed amongthe. parties entitled thereto, without regard to suchclaims.

Dated at Toronto, this 319t day of August, 1939 .r. M . MOFFAT,

Custodian ,11 .1 199 Bay Street, Toronto, Ont .



OTICE is hereby given that Mr. and Mrs . LonisNP. Lafrance, the latter trading its I, La Paris.etie," ladies' wear merchant, of little Cotnerm, P.Q .,were Adjudged bankrupt on the 21st (lay of August,1939, And that tile first meeting of creditors will beheld oil the 12th day of September, 1939, at the hourof 2 .30 o'dock in the afternoon (D .4 .T.), at theCourt House, Room 31, in the City of Montreal,1) .q

To vote thereat vroofs of claims and proxies mustbe filed with me prior thereto .

Those having clainui against the estate must filetilt, same with tile cligtodian or the trustee, whenAppointed before distribution is made, otherwisethe proceeds of the estate will be distributed amongthe partipo entitled thereto, withoot regard to suchclaims.

]):tied at Montreal, this 29th day of August, 1939.CHARLES P . DUMAS,

Custodian ,460 Victoria Square,

Montreal, P.Q .


NOTICE is hereby given that Kerinit Hochstein,merchant, doing business at No . 3763 Welling-

ton Street, Verdun, Que., has made an Assignmenton the 29th day of August, 1939, and that the firstmeeting of creditors will be held on the 12th dayof September, 1939, at the hour 2.30 o'clock in theafternoon, at Room 31, Court House, Montreal .

To vote thereat proofs of claims and proxies mustbe filed with me prior thereto .

Those having claims against the estate must filethe same with the custodian or the trustee whenappointed before distribution is made, otherwisethe proceeds of the estate will be distributed amongthe parties entitled thereto, without regard to suchclaims.

Dated at Montreal, this 29th day of August, 1939 .


J. 0. BONNIER,Custodian .

132 St . James Street Wed .



IN TIM 36t .wrait of the bankruptcy of Glickman Inc.,debtor.

NOTICE is hereby given that Glickman Inc ., ofMontreal, Que ., made An Authorized assigainent

on the 29th day of August, 1939, and that the AMmectinit of creditors will he held on the 13th dalr ofSeptember, 19,39, at the hour of 2.30 o'clock in theafternoon, in Room 31, At the Court Howie, Montmreal, Que .

To vote thereat proofs Of clainut and proxies mustbe filed with me prior thereto .

Those having claims Against the estate must filethe same with the custodian or the trustee whenapilointed before distribution in made, otherwisethe proceeds of the estate will be distributed Amongthe parties entitled thereto, without regard to suchclaims .

11ited at Montreal, thin 31pt day of August, 19119 .DOUGLAS L. ROSS, C.A.,

Custeslian ,507 Place d'Armes,

Montreal .


The following Regulations, Orden, etc ., areiwomulgated and issued to the CanadianMilitia by Order of the Minister of NationalI )cfence .

G.O. 121



Canadian Militia, 1939, are amended atsfollows, effective 15th July, 1939.

Para. 324 (a)-Delete sub-para . (ii) andsubstitutc--

"(ii) a staff Sergeant after serving threeyears in that rank may be promotedwarrant officer Class 11."

Para. 324 (b)-Deletc anti substitute-"M A warrant officer Claw 11 after

serving three years in that rank will beeligible for promotion to warrant . officer-Class L"

H 'a. 28-1-21

H. .970-1-13P.C.= of 1741-M


1937, FOR THE PERMANENT ANDNON-PERMANENT ACMVE MILITIA-AMENDMENTS (No 28)Pity and Allowance Regulations, 1937, for

the Permanent Find Non-Permanent, ActiveMilitia are amended as follows, effective 15thJuly, 1939 .

Article 57 .-Delete from line seven to endof article and substitute.-

"Upon promotion to warrant officer, Class11, after three years ais staff-sergeant .



Upon promotion to warrant officer, Class1, after three years as warrant officer,CI&» IL"

G.O. 123If .Q.30W4P.C. 2279 of 1741-W


by G .O. 169 of 1938 is further amended asfollows, effective 15th .fuly, 1939 .

Opposite "Mount Allison University"In column "H.Q . and 4 Pins." insert "IIn column "H.Q. and 2 Pins ." delete "I : :-

G.O. 124R.Q. 32-10-6P.C. 2279 of 17-8-39


Pursuant to authority granted in flintbehalf the Minister of National Defence callsout on service the undermentioned units ofthe Non-Permanent Active Militia, effective26th August, 1939 :-

Military District No. 2The Governor Cienoral's 11orse Guards

(Details)The Sauk Ste . Marie and Sudbury Regiment

(M .G .) (Details)The Irish Regiment of Canada (M.G .)

(Details)The Lincoln and Welland Regiment

Military District No . 3Tito Midland Regiment (Northumberland

and Durham) (Details )Tho Governor General's Foot Guards

(Details )The Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry High-

landers (Details )Le Regiment de Hull (Details )The Princess of Wales' Own Regiment (M.G,)


Military District No. 4Victoria Rifles of Canad aLe IU%iiucnt de St . Hyacinthe (Details)2nd Bn., The Black Watch (Royal Highland

Regiment) of Canad a16th Field Company, R .C.E. (Details)4th Divisional Signals, 11,C . Signals (Details)3rd Divisional R.C.A.S.C. (Details)

Military District No . 53rd Anti-Aircraft Battery, R .C.A .94th Field Battery, R .C.A.59th Heavy Battery, R .C.A.Lee Voltigeurs de Quebec (Details)Le Regiment do Levis (Details )No. 5 District Signals, R .C. Signals (Details)The Royal Rifles of Canada (Details)Fusiliers du St . Laurent (Details )Le Regiment de Quebec (Mitrailleuses)

(Details )4th Divisional R .C.A.S.C. (Details)No. 19 Field Ambulance, R .C.A.M .C .

(Details)No. 5 District Store Section, R .C.O.C.

Military DWrict No . 6Headquarters, l6th Coast Brigade, R .C.A.Oth Heavy Battery, R .C.A .36th Heavy Battery, R .C,A .86th Ileavy Battery, R .C .A .Headquarters, Ist. (Ilalifax) Coast Brigade,

R .C .A.51st Ifeavy Battery, R .C,A .52nd Ileavy Battery, R .C.A .53rd Heavy Battery, R .C.A .9th Henvy Battery, R .C .A .Iqt Anti-Aircraft Battery, R .C.A .9th Searchlight Battery (C.D .), R .C.A .10th Searchlight Battery (C.D.), R .C,A .2nd Fortress R .11 . Company, R .C.E .3rd Fortress E. `M . Company, R.C.E .No* 6 District Signals, R .C . Signals (Details)No. 3 Fortress Signni Company, R .C. SignalsNo. 6 Fortress Signal Company, R .C . SignalsThe 'North Nova Scotia Highlanders (AI.C.)

(Details )ne iiamax itifles (Details )The Princess Louise Fusiliers (M .G .)

(Details)The Picton Highlanders (Details )The Cape Breton Highlanders (Details)5th Divisional R .C.A .S .C . (Details)No . I Composite Company, R .C.A.S.C.No. 21 Field Ambulance, R.C.A.M.C .

(Details )No. 22 Field Ambulance, R.C.A.M .C .


Military District No . 7Headquarters, 3rd (New Brunswick) Coast

Brigade, R .C.A .4th Ileavy Battery, R .C.A .Ist Searchlight Battery (C .D.), R .C.A .Ist (Brighton) Fortress E. & Al . Company,

R .C.E.No. 4 Fortress Signal Company, R .C . SignalsThe New Brunswick Rangers (Details )The Saint John Fusiliers (Details)Ist Corps Ammunition Park, R .C.A.S.C .

(Details )No. 14 Field Ambulance, R .C.A.M .C.

(Details )The North Shore (New Brunswick) Regiment

(Details )The New Brunswick Regiment (Tank)


Military District No . 10The Winnipeg Light Infantry (M .G.)

Military District No . 1 1Headquarters, 5th (British Columbia) Coast

Brigade, R .C.A.55th Ifeavy Battery, R .C.A .56th Heavy Battery, R.C.A .60th Heavy Battery, R.C.A .Headquarters, 15th (Vancouver) Coas t

Brigade, R .C.A.31st Heavy Battery, R .C .A .58th Heavy Battery, R.C.A .85th Heavy Battery, R .C.A.102nd (,North British Columbia) Heavy

Battery, R .C.A.2nd Anti-Aircraft Battery, R .C .A .


3rd Searchlight Battery (C.D .), R .C.A.2nd Searchlight Battery (C.D .), R.C.A .l7th Searvillight Battery (C.D.), R .C .A.4th Fortress E. & 11 . Company, R .C.E.9th Fortress Signal Company, R .C, qignals10th Fortress Signal Company, R .C . SignalsIlth Fortress Signal Company, R .C. SignalsIst Bri . The Canadian Scottish Regiment

(DRails )Irish Fusiliers (Vancouver Regiment)

(Details )No . 13 Field Ambulance, R .C.A .'%I,C .

(Details )2nd Composite Company, R.C.A .S .C .flith Divisional R .C.A .S .C . (Details )No. 5 Army Field Workshop, R .C,O .C .

(Details )No . I I District Store Section, R .C.O.C .

(Details )6th Field Company, R.C.E .\o . 12 Field Ambulance, R .C .A,M .C.

The British Columbia Dragoons (Details)lItIk District Signals, R .C. Signals (Details)Headquarters, l4th Infuntry BrigadeThe British Columbia Regiolent (Duke of

Connaught's Own Rifles )The Rocky Mountain Rangers

Military District No . 12The Regina Rifle Regiment (Details )

Military District No . 13The Calgary Regiment (Tank) (Details)The Edmonton Fusiliers (M .G .) (Details)

H .Q.s.wimH .Q. 54-27-3- LM.N 1) .

By Command :11 . H . MATTHEWS,

Major-General,Adjutant-General .

ORDERS IN COUNCIL(7161Crtarinrm to be a true copy of a Minute of a Meetin g

of the Committee of the Privy Council, ap-proved by the Deputy of His Excellency theGovernor General, on the 28th March, I=.

T HE Committee of the Privy Council have hadbefore them a report dated 21st March, 193%

from the Minister of Mines and Resources Stating :-That an application has been received from

Mr. Eugene A. Whittington, Gardener, of FortSimpson Settlement in the Northwest Tcrritor~ire to lease six acres, more or look on the northside of Blue Fish Island situated three and one-half miles easterly from Fort Simpson in Mac-kenzie River, in the Northwest Territories, forgardening purposes ; and

That the land applied for in available accord-ing to the records of the Department of Minesand Resources, and that it is not required forpublic purposes .

The Minister is of the opinion that this applica-tion should receive favourable consideration andtherefore recommends that under and by virtue ofthe provisions of Section 74, subsection Q), Chap.ter 113, 11.11 1927, authority be granted to issue alease of the mid land as described hereunder to

723Mr. Eugene A . Whittington on the usual terms andconditions, vith the addition of a clause providingfor cancellation upon six months' notice, the midlease to be for it term of ten years from the firstday of April, I=, at a rental of Five (13.00) DOI.lani per annum payable In advance with the rightof renewal for a further like term if deemed

DmcmpTzoNAll that parcel of land containing the improve-

inents of Eugene A. Whittington on the northside of Blue Fish Island situated three and one-half miles easterly from Fort Simpson in Mac.kenzie River, Northwest Territories, in the Do-minion of Canada, which parcel in bounded oneach 500 feet in length, and 600 feet perpen .diculftrly distant apart, the said lines being drawnsoutherly from two points on the high watermark of Mackenzie River and perpendicular tothe straight line joining the said points ; boundedon the south by the straight line joining thesoutherly ends of the aforementioned straightlines and bounded on the north by the highwater mark of Mackenzie River, excepting there-out a strip of land 50 feet in perpendicular widthalong the said high water mark ; the parcelherein described containing an ares, of sixmore or lose.

The Committee concur in the foregoing recorn .mendation and submit the same for approval .

H. W. LOTHROP ,04 Amt. Clerk of the Privy Council .


Saturday, the 26th day of August, 1939 .



W HEREAS the National Harboure Board his,by Minute dated the 15(h day of Auguw,, 1939,

unended that the Governor General in Counci lbe requested to repeal certain By4aws of theNational Harbours Board relative to Grain ElevatorTariff@ and to make, in lieu thereof, new By-laws,all as hereinafter met forth ;

Now, TusxEront, His Excellency the GovernorGeneral in Council, an the recommendation of theMinister of Transport, is pleved to repeal and dothhereby repeal, effective on and after the First dayof September, 1939, the following By-laws of theNational Harbour* Board . narnely~-

(a) By-law No . 95, being Tariff of Grain ElevatorCharges applicable at the Harbour of Halifax,N'S . ;

(b) By-law No . 105, being Tariff of Grain ElevatorCharges applicable at the Harbour of Quabec,P.Q . ;

(c) By-law No. 85, being Tariff of Grain ElevatorCharges applicable at the Harbour of Mont-real, P.Q.

(d) By-law No . 1, being Tariff of Grain ElevatorCharges applicable at the Harbour ofChurchill, Manitoba .

His Excellency in Council, on the name feeom-menclation, is further pleased to make new By-lawsin the form and terms of the By-laws hereto an-nexed, and they are hereby made and establishedin the place and dead of the By-laws hereby re.pealed, much now By4awe to be effective on and afterthe First day of September, 1939 .

H. W. LOTHROP,AmIdwA Clerk of Qui Privy Council .





Subject to tile captivity of the elevator and thenature of its equipment, on and after the first (layof September, 1939, shipments will be received andshipped upon tile following terms and renditionsunder the provisions of the National Kirbours BoardAct, 1936, lind tile Canada ( ;rain All and in accord .once with the terms of the Licetnee issued to tileNational Ilarbours Board by the Board of CrainCommissioners fur Canada .

1 . Elevation Chargcs on Domestic Grain-Receiving, elevating, weighing, delivering anti

storage for the first ten (10) days from dato ofelevation-One cent 0c.) per bushel .

2 . Morage CharUca on Domestic Grain-For each succeeding day or part thereof after

the first ten (10) days fruit% dato of elevation-Onefortieth of one cent (1/40c .) per bushel .

3 . Elevation Charges ou Export Grain-Receiving, elevating, weighing, delivering and

storage including,.-(1) Sixty (00) days free storage from date of ship.

ment from points East of Fort William, PortArthur, West Furt William and Dnluth-Superior, o r

(2) Sixty-fivo (M) day,,4 free. m!orago from dateof Philiment from Fort William, Port Arthur

IWest Fort William, Doloth-Superior or Westthereof-Ono-half vent (Jr .) per buq1tel .

4 . Storage Charges On Rzilort Grain-For ench slivereding day or pnrt thereof nfler

the fire time period mllowed under Section 3hereof~

(1) Winter perlod--From Ist December to INtMay next following, both dates hiclusivi-one fortieth of one cinit 0/40e,) per hunhel ,

(2) Summer period-From 2nd hilly to 301hNovember next following, both dawn in .rhixivo~Onv-nincl lei It of ona cent 0/1)0e.)per hunlu'l .

Pativinva, llowgvmt, that when the necu .inulated wornite clairgen provided for in #all.section (2) of this ovetion aniount, to out,anti one-half cents Ole,) per bushel nofurther storage charge will lie Jevied for themine inuumor period .

NoTr. :--(1) Plevittion elinrites tin not Include shovelling

groin in vessel at- switching from pieriti toelevator on inbound grain ex Witter or cars ;

(2) Elevation rharmrs on grain ex water nropAvAhIO As f0II0WA :-(a) Douiestie grain-on unloading-Four.

tenths cent K'lov .) per bushel .-on loadinK--Six tenihs cent. (0110e,) per

bushol .(b) Export gritin-on unlonding-Two-tenths

cent (2/10t, .) per Inwhel ,-on Inading-Thrre-tentho cent (3/10c.)

per bushel .5. Guarral Conditions foid Ezirn Service Charges-

(1) Turning Grain (each operation)-One-eighthcent 00 per bushel .

(2) Cleaning Grain (each opertition)-One-halfcent (le .) per bushel .

(3) Sacking Grain (owners of grain to supplysucks)-One and ono-hall centa (lie .) perbushel .

(4) Elevation suit Reconditioning Charges will becomputed on the weight of the grain as takeninto the elevator. Storage will be usemod on

tile weight after reconditioning ; loss of weightin reconditioning to be home by the owner ofI lie grain .

(5) All eervices rendered between the hours of6 .00 p.m. and 7 .00 a,m. on ordinary workingdays anti at all times on Sundays and the fol-lowing holidays :-

New Year's Day,Good Friday,'Victorin Day,Dominion Day,Labour Day, endChristmas Day .

will be considered as overtinic and will bedone by agreement .

(0) The rates per bushel shell be asecalted on thefollowing weightc-

Wheat . . 60 poonds0111s . . . . 34 1 .

Barley . . 4 8

Oat Sealping4 . .Screenings .,All other gialus . .Buckwheat, .

It1 4



4 4

(7) The terin "export grain" uwd in this tariff! avaim grains shipped for export to Britishind forrign caunti-jes, wxcept tile JTnited Statesof America, Mexico, Newfoundland and tileIslands of St . Pierre and Miquelon .

(8) Tht, tertu "donivittie grain" refers to all grainsother than export grain as nbovo 6fined .

(1)) Owing to the liniked elevator idilrago &pac eavailable [it certain tillics, ithipperm Khould

take arrangi-inen(m with (lie Board in advance

::( ohilwinent, giving particulars its to quantity,kind and grade and expected dato of arrival,

(10) All property is at owtipt-'a riKk .(11) Charges viunnernted in thin tnrilf opply only

4o grain elevator eliarges tin th,fined hervin antido not inelude charges paynblo ptiritutint totiny other tariff or tariffs of (lie NationalIlarbours Board ,



AN-LIVAUM AT T1114 11MMOUR OF 411MUM, (111% .

Subject to tho captivity of tile elevator and th enaturt, of its equilinimit, (in and after the first day(if Septein1wr, 1039, ithipinenim will Ila received andshipped upon the following terms under (lie pro .vision% of tile National Ilarbiturs Board Act, 1030,and the Canada Grain Avt and in accordance with(lie ternis of the Licence issued to tho National Ilar.hours Board by the Board of (!rain Commissionersfor Canada .1, Elvvniion Charucs-

(1) Receiving from canal vessels, Including shovel-ling, elevating and weighing ; nl .%o storage fortile first ten (10) days.-Six dollars and twenty .five cents (S0 .25) per 1,000 bushels.

(Payable, on unloading by vessel unloaded .)(2) Ruceiving from ocean vessels, including clevat-

ing and weighing ; also storage for the firmt,ten (10) days-Six dollars and twenty-fivecents (110 .25) per 1,000 bushels .

(Payable, on unloading by vessel unloaded .)Noiz : Elevation charge levied under this

subsection includes the use of marine legs andshovels but does not include shovelling .

~.11 ~, 1~ I ~4 . -

SEPTEMBER 9, 1939 725(3) Receiving from cars, waxgons or trucks, includ-

ing elevating and weighing ; also storage forthe first ten (10) day"ix dollars (jo .00) per1,000 bumhels,

(Payable on unloading . )

(4) Discharging to vessels, Including elevating andweighing-Four dollars ($4 .00) per 1,000 bush.els .

W:lYable, on loading, by vessel loaded . )W DiRcharging to cars . waggons or trucks, includ-

ing clevatinic and weighing-Four dollars($4 .00) per looo bushels .

(Payable on loading .)

2 . Storclue Charges-For each succeeding day, or part thereof, after

the first ten (10) dayd.-(1) Domestic Grain-

(a) Sunimer period from lot May to tat Do.cumber next following, both dates Inclu .flive-Ono-fortieth of one cent (2/40c .) perbushel .

W Winter period from 2nd December to30th April next following, both dates in .clusirc-One ninetieth of one cent (i&c .)joer bushel .

PRI'VIDED, llo%%'Fvglt, flint when tile ac.I'll lottla I ed storage charges provided for inpal"W"4141 (h) of this subsection amountto "'I' noll 011041"If cents (lie.) perblipliel, no further storage charge will belevied for the same winter period .

(2) Export GI-ain-(11) Summer period front let May to lot De.

"I"ll" 11"ict following, both (fates inclu .miVC-Free storage ,

(b) Wiliter pvrlod front 2nd December to30th April 'text following, both (fates In .c1"Niv"-0lW-oil10tie1h of one cent %cjIler buNhel .

I'llovilli-1), flowWrit, flint when (lie ac.I'll . . . . InIM courage chArgell Provided for Inparagraph W 'If this subsection aniountfit one crilt (le .) per buillivi, no furthermtorlige cloirge will be levied for (lie samewinte,r period .

3 . (7c,wral C. . . ditilills lipl(I rxtsw Service Charges-~(D Turning Urain 0-Deh operation)-TwoAftils

of on(, cent (11%) ver bushel ,(2) Cleaning M-ain (Oftell 0110ration) .-Ono cent

(le .) per humilt.l .(3) sm-ki'd (~rjkjjl_

(") 811"Ithim, including (our (4) don froo Ater.age ahvi, 4 .4 lilt Illation of each lilt (owners'If KlAill to ilumfly clacks)-one and one .I'llff vents (lie .) per bu,hol .

(b) 8101-age for eavii succeeding day, or partthereof

,after (wo Ntorago period provided

for in paragrap)l (o) of this subsection-Five cents W.) per sack ,

(4) Drying-

(0) , 1'011911 And (lamp grain-Twenty-fivo dol .lars (825 .00) per 1,000 bushels ,

(b) Wet, damaged or salvage graln-By Agree.Inent .(5) Conditioning by cold blast treatment-One

cent (lc,) per bushel .(0) Elevation and reconditioning charges will be

10"'Pillell on the weight of the grain as takeninto the elevator. Storage will be anessed onthe weight offer reconditioning ; Ions of weight!it reconditioning to be borne by the ownerof the grain .

(7) All services rendered between tile hours of6 .00 p .m . and 7 .00 a .m. on ordinary working

clays and at all times on Sundays and the fol.lowing holiday# :-

New Year's Day,Good Friday,Victoria Day,Dominion Day,Labour Day, andChristmas Day

will be considered As overtime and will be(ten(- by agreement.

(8) The tariff of charges for all services shownherein firc Applicable to quantities of Iooobushels or more . Any lesorr quantities will behandled only by agreement .

(0) All accrued chargen tip to and including the31st day of December in tiny year, on grainremaining in store after the 31xt day of Do.verriber in flint year, are payable on or beforetile 31st day of January of the year next fol.lowing .

(10) Tile rates per bushel shall be Amassed Ontile following wcjWJL4 :_

Wheat . . 60 pounds.WIS. . 34 "HarIvy . . 48 "Corti . . 86Flux . . 56Ryo . . . . ' . ' . . . . . . . 86 '1Oat Scalping" . . . . . . . . at 04Screenings . . . . . . . . . . 48 1 1All other gruhta_ , . . . . OD 41lJorkwhent . . , . . . . . . 48 '1

U 1) The term " export grain 10 used in this tariffmeans grailin shippecl for export to British andfolivign countries, except tile United Statrg ofAnicrica . M"xiell . Newfoundland and aleWands of St. Pierce Anil Miquelon ,

(12) Thi- Ivrin " domestic grain " rinfers to allgraitin other (han export grain as alwvo de.filiell .

03) All proill-rly Is at owner's risk .(1-1) ChArges enumerated ill thin tariff Apply only

to grain clovator ellitgen as defined herein Anil110 not hiell"le rhargen payable pursuant toany Other tariff or tariffs of ill@ National Her.bouns Board .




A"W"t to thl" capacity of 4110 clevators And the1111ture (it their equipment, on and after the First dayof September, 10311, shipmentA will be reepived andshillPell 111)(All (lie following terms tinder lite provi.sions of the National Illarboure Board Act, low .and tile Consda Grain Act atilt ht accordance withtile lerni" of ilia Licence Issued to the National1 .111d)(311116 1104rd by the Board of Grain Commis.sionars for Canada .

1 . Elevation Ghccrgas~_(1) Receiving from canal vessels, including shovel .

ling, elevating and weighing ; also storage andinsurance nitainsit fire and/or inherent ex .plosion for file first ten (10) days-81x dollarsand twenly-fivo cents (S626) per 1A00 bushel@ .

Wayable, on unloading by vessel unloaded .)(2) Receiving from ocean vessels, including shovel .

ling, elevating and weighing ; Also swrage andinninince against fire and/or inherent ex.plosion for the first ten (10) days-.Seven dol.lars and fifty cents ($7j()) per 1,000 bushels .

(Payable, an unloading, by vessel unloaded .)

726 THE CANADA GAZETTE(3) Receiving froan coca, wagRow or trucks, in-

eluding clovathilt anti weighing ; also awragoanti insurance spinst fire and/or inherent ex .plostion for the first ton (10) day"ix dollars(80 .00) per 1,000 bushels .

(Payable on unloading.)(4) Discharging to vessels, including cloyming anti

weighing-Four dollars ($1 .00) per 1,000bushels .

(Payable, on loading, by venal loaded . )(a) Discharging to cars, waggons or trucks, in.

cluding elevating and wolghing-Four dolinra($4 .00) per 1,000 bushels .

(Payable on joading .)2 . Storage Charge d

For each succeeding clay, or part thercor, afterthe first ton (10) days, including insuranco againstlose by tire anti/or inherent explostion,(1) Summer period froin Ist May to Ist. December

next following, both dalen inclusit-e-Ono .fortieth of one cent (1/40c .) per btishel ,

(2) Winter period from 2nd Do.romber to WillApril next following, boill dittem inclusive-One-ninotioth of one cent (I 00o.) per bushel .

I'lanviti", llowrwral, thAt when tile ficell-mulikled storage rharmen provided for in Pub-section (2) of thin Pretion animint to one andone-half cents (Ile.) per bushol no furtherstorime chlirgo will Ile levied for I.ho annivwinter period .

3 . (7rrirral Conditions told Extra Service Charges,-(1) Turning fornin leach of

olio cent (Je .) per bushel .(2) Cleaning (train (rach operation)-Ono cent

Ue.) tier Nothol .(3) Holk-liending or Separating (exclusive of cost

of materitil retIniml for bulk-heading or sell-araling)-Four dollars ($4 .00) per 1,000bushels .01ininium charge for each lot loaded-S1 .00,)

(4) Suckcd Grain-(a) Sarking, inclilding four (1) days fier-

storage after completion of inch lot(owners of grain to supply pnrkil)-Ono nud one-half cents (lie .) por bushe l

M Storage for each succeeding day, or pnrtthereof, after free storage Iscriod providedfor in paragraph (a) of this subscotion-Five cents (Ile.) per sack .

(3) Drying--(a) Touxh ond 61np ankin-Twenty-five dol .

lars ($25 .00) per 1,000 hiumhels .(b) Wet, damaged or w1vage grain-By agree .

illent .(0) Conditioning by cold blast treatment-

One cent (Ic .) per hushol .(7) Flevation and reconditioning clincites will

be computed on tile weight of tile grain astaken into the elevator. Storage will beassessed on tile weight after recondition .ing ; Ion of weight in reconditioning to beborne by the owner of the grain .

(8) All services rendered between the hours of0.00 P .M . and 7 .00 san. on ordinnry work .ing days and at all times on Sundays andthe following holidays :-

Now Year's DayGooil Friday,Victoria Day,Dominion Day,I,sbour My, andChristmas Da y

will be considered as overtime and will bedone by agreementit .

(9) The tariff of charges for all services shownherein are applicable to quantities of 1,000bushels or more. Any leader quantities willbe handled only by agreement .

(10) All accrued charges lip to and including the31st day of December in any year, on grainremaining in store after tile 314 clay of Dv.centhcr in (lint yvar, are payable on or beforetile 31st day of January of tile year next fol-lowing .

(11) The rates por IM1111101 shall be 1100MI'd on tilefollowing weights :-

60 poundsOats- 34Barley . . 48('am. . Be ItFlax . . 86 41U .N.O . . 56 ItOat Scalpings ., 3.1 ItScreenings. 48 ItAll other grains . . 60 Itlluckwhent . . 48 41

(12) Charged enumerated in thip tariff apply Onlyto grain elevator charged as defined herein anddo not include charged payAble puraliant, to anyotliv.r tnriff or tariffs of ilia National IlarhoursBoard ,




8111ij0d to the rapneily of the 01-~Vatnr and tileI'lit"re Ili its vqll iliment, on a ill after tile first day ofSeptember, 1939, Phipinruts will ),a receivetl andshipped upon the following ternim and conditionsnndvr the. provisions of tile jNational Harbotirs BoardAM . M10, and Ilia Canada C .nin Act anti in accord-anve with the term% of the Licence imued to tileNational IlarliourA lloartl by the Board of OrtinCommissioners for Cannila .1 . Elct .-tition ChnrUrs--

(a) Oil straight grade, tough, thimp or wet grain,not otherwise specified, receiving, elevating,shippinw, storinx anti insurance against fire fortile firmt eight (8) days :-

Flax-Two cents (2v.) par bushel .Itye-One anti one-half cents (lie .) per

bushel .

Whent, Oats and Ilarley-One and one .quarter cents (lie.) per bushel .

W All tallith, (Inini), wet, condemned, heating,hented or firt,burnt grain may always be re .fised . If received and litored it will only he at[lie owner's risk of deterioration . All dampgrain and tallith all(l dallip flax will be (triedwithout notice as soon after unionding asfacilities will permit ,

(r) Oil Mixed Grainx, hiindle(l as mixtures, re .ceiving, elvvating, shippinic, storing and insur.Once itilainst fire for the fird eight (8) days.-Two cents Qv .) per hundred pounds .

(11) Oil Screenings, receiving, elt,vitting, shipping,storing and jusuranco ngaitist fire for the firsteight (8) days.-Three cents (3c .) per )ton.tired pounds .

2 . Storauc Charge&-(n) On stiaight grade and tough grain, not other-

wise specified, including insurance against fire,for each succeeding (lay or part thereof, afterthe first eight (8) days :-

From Ist September to 8th October, eachyear-One twenty-fifth of one cent (%no .) perbushel .

From 9th October to 31st July in the fol-lowing Year-One-ninetieth of one cent (%oc .)per bushel .

. 1

SEPTEMBER 9,1939From lot Atignot to 31mt August, each year-

"Ile twe"IN'-fifth of one cent (%ifj perbushel .

Except that on grain in store on the ninth(lay of October in any year and grain deliveredbetween the ninth (lay of October and thethirtieth day of November in tile mine year,both dates inchlitive, tile total storage chargeup 10 and including the thirty-first day ofAugust in tile following year, shall be-onevent (1c .) per bushol .

W On Mixed Grains handled as mixtures, stor.age, Including ins"runcO against fire for o,,achInterceding (lay or part thereof, after the first(light (8) dnri--Two-thirtioths of one centMic.) per hundred pounds ,

(C) Oil Svrr.cningn, storage, including Insurance

3 . Serecuingit.-(a) Oil wheat carrying a (lockage of three per cent

0%) or over afIvr deducting one-half of oneper cent (M) of the gross weight of tile carfor waste, a return will be made for the of the screenings .

W Oil whent canying Ft dockage containing threeand one-half per cent (31%) or over of MixedFeed Oats (Wild Oats), a separate return Willbe made for the Mixed reed Oats (v;ild Oats),after dr(hictins; therefrom one-half of one porcvnt Q%) of the gross weight of the car forwast e

(C) On m4a carrying it doek4g@ or three per centW/r) or Over, after deducting one-half of oneper (-(,Of (J%) of tile gross weight of the carfcor waste, a return will be made for tile bal .nnr(, of flip. screenings .

On barley of the grades of No . I (I .W, SixRow, NO . 2 C.W. Six How, No. 3 6.W. SixHow, NO. I C.W. Two Row and No. 2 C.W .Two Row carrying any dockage and on othergrades carrying (lockage of three per cent(3%,) or over, after deducting one-half of oneper cent (37o) of the gross weight of the carfor wa .Rte, a return will be made for the bal-aliet of the screenings .

(d) Oil 11yo and Flax carrying a dockage of overlive Per cent W16) after deducting one per cent(159 of file gross weight of the car to coveroutward (lockage and waste in cleaning, areturn will be made for the balance of tilesereenings .

(0) If dispo4ition of Svireenings covered by out .standing returns in not recilived within thirty(30) davs from the dato of unloading, theymav tic disposcd of for account of whom itMaY concern .

W Tile holder of Warehouse Receipts or shut-outscovering (lockage shall be entitled to receivesuch average qnality of screeninge as shall bedetermined by the Inspection Branch in so.cordance will' Nample tests which shall bemade it, such manner and when deemed neces.sory by the said Branch .

4. Cleaning Charges-(a) On Wheat, for removal of dockage, other

than domestic grain, there will be cleaningcharges as follows :

Dockage under 3 per cent-No charge,Dockage 3 per cent to 5 per cent inclusive.-

One-half cent (1c .) per bushel .Dockage 51 per cent to 10 per cent-one

cent (1c .) per bushel, IDockage over 10 Per cent-One and one.

Juilf cents (lie .) per bushel .

Against fire for vach succeeding (lay or partthereof, after file firmt eight (8) days--One.tOnIh Of One Cent per hundred pounds .

727W On Wheat carrying a return Of Mind Feed

0812 (Wild Oats), an additional separatingChOrm cOt"Puted on the grow weight of thecar, of one-half cent (1c.) per bushel .On Oats, for removel of dockage, other thendomestic grain, there will be cleaning chargesas follows :

Dockage tinder 3 per centm_No charge.Dockage 3 per cent to a per can, inclusive_

One-half cent (10 per bushel .Dockage. 51 per cent to 10 per cent inclusive

-()He Ccut 0c.) per bushel .Dockage Over 10 Per cent-one and one.

hall cents (lie .) per bushel .(d) On Rye, for removal of dockage other than

domestic Brain, there will be cleaning charmas follows :

Duekago tinder Ili per cent--No charge .Dockage Ili per cent to 10 per cent inclu.

sivI-011 and onc-lialf cents (lie .) per bushel .Dockage over 10 per oent-Two, cents (20.)

per bukhrl .(C) On Barley for removal of dockage, other dun

domestic grain, there will be cleaning chargesam follows :-

Gradrit of No. I C.W. six Row, No. 2 C.W,SIX 'tow, No, 3 C-W- Six How, No . I CN,TWO How and No. 2 C.W . Two Row-

"Orksg" up to 5 per ceut-One-half centQr.) per bushel .

Oracles of No . I Feed, No. 2 reed and No . aFeed-Dockage tinder 3 per eant-No charge,

Dockage 3 per cent to 5 per cent inclu .sive---Onc-half cent (je .) per bushel .

All Crudes-Dockage 81 per cent to 10 per cent Inclu.

I!Vc-Olle cent Oe.) per bushel .Dul-kago over 10 per cent-.Ono and onie .

hHlf cents (lie .) per bushel .W On all grain carrying a return of other domes-

tic grain except Mixed reed Oats (C .C . cam),additional separating chIrges computed ontile grom weight of the car, as follows :-

Dockage up to 10 per cent (DomesticGrain)-Three cents (3cj per 100 lbs.

Dockage over 10 per cent and up to 1 3per cent-Four cents (40 per 100 lbs .

Doekago over 15 per cent-Five cents(1110 per 100 lbs.

(9) Flux conned from any other grain containingbroken particle@ that cannot be @operated fromtile Flax "hall be classified as "Flax andBroken Wheat,01

(h) On Flax for removal of (lockage, other thindomestic grain liters will be cleaning chargesas follows:-On Flax carrying a dockage of-

UP to and Including a per cent-Nocharge .

Over 5 per cent and up to 10 per cent_One and one-half cents (lie .) per bushel.

Over 10 per cent-Two cents (2c .) perbushel .

5 . Special SeparaNons.-(a) Separations of Mixed Grains, or straight grade

grains to improve grade., computed on seemweight of car-Five cents (5c .) per one hun.dred pounds .

W On all such separations a deduction of oneper cent (1170 of the grow weight will be madeto cover invisiblo Ion in separation except incases where the inspection certificate issued inrespect of such grain before separation doesnot specify the actual perilentages of domesticgrain or dirt to be removed, when settlement



will be made on the basis of the actual netweights after the separation .

0 . Drying Charge&.-On tough grain-Three cents (3c) per bushel .On damp or wet grain-Five cents (Se,) per

bushel .7 . Allowance for invi8ible loss and shrinkage on all

earn-On all grain received, deductions from the gross

weight of each car to cover invisible Ion andshriakage in handling will be made as follows :

Pounds per carWheat . . 30Onts . . soBarley . . 50Mixed Grain ., 50I"ye .. 56Flax . . 56

S . All Chargc~All charges for cleaning, drying or other treat-

ment will be computed on gross weight of car ;for elevation and storage, on net weights . Allcharges accruing after inue of initial completedout-turn and expense bill will follow the grain . Allcharges whatsoever, must be paid before shipment .

9 . Bulkhcada-On Bulkheads for their removal and other ad-

ditional expense in handling and unloading car-Five dollars ($5 .00) per bulkhead .

10 . Unloading Socked Grain-A charge of five cents (5c .) per seek will be

made for unloading all sacked grain .11 . Pi-cparing Cars for Loading-

When paper in used in preparing cars, there willbe a charge of four dollars ($1 .00) per car .

12 . Unspecified Grain-ITtimpecified Grain will only be received, stored

and treated sobject to special charges to be agreedupon at the time subject to the approval of theBoard of Grain Comminioners.

11 .1


Said Dominion, rally by the favour of Call beordained.IN TKIATIMONY WHEREOF, We have caused theft our

Letters to he made Patent, and the Great Sealof Canada to be hereunto affixed . WITNXSS :Our Hight Trusty nnd Well-beloved John,Baron Tweedsmuir of ElAfield, a Member of OurMost Honourable Privy Council, Knight GrandCross of Our Most Distinguished Order of SaintMichael and Saint 6vorge, Knight Grand Crossof Our Royal Victorian Order, Member of OurOrder of the Companions of Honour, GovernorGeneral and Coinmander-in-Chief of Our Do-million of Canada .

AT OUR GOVERNMENT flovar, in Our City of Ottawa,in Onr said Dominion, this First day of Septem-her, in the year of Our Lord, one thousand ninehundred and thirty-nine and in the Third yearof Our Reign .

By Command ,E . H . COLEMAN,

'Under-Secretary of State .


CANADAGEORGE TIII-', SIXTH, by the Grave of God of

Grent Britain, Ireland and the British Derain .ions beyond the Scas KING, Defvnd(,r of theFaith, Emperor of India .

To ALL To WITONt these Picqviiis shall conic orwhom the m-anne inay in anywime concern,


ERNEST LAPOINTE, HEREAS the WarAttorney JW Measures Act pro-

CANA % .idea that tile issue ofa Proclamation by Us or under the authority of theGovernor in Council Fliall be conclusive evidencethat war, invasion or insurrection, real or appre-headed, exists or has existed for any period of timeIlivicin stated and of its continuance, until by theisbuo of a further proclamation it is declared tha tthe war, invasion or insurrection no longer exists,

N,OW KNOW Yr. that by and with the advice ofOur Privy Council for Canada We do hereby pro-vlaim and declare by this Our Proclamation thatapprehended war exists and has cxiqtcd as and fromthe twenty-fifth day of August, one thousand ninehundred and thirty-nine .

Or Ata . Wincit Our Loving Subjects and all otherswhom these Presents may concern are hereby re .quired to take notice and to govern themselvesaccordingly .IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF We have Caused them Our

Letters to be, made Patent and the Great Seat ofCanada to be hereunto affixed . WITNESS : OurRight Trximty call Well-beloved John, BaronTweedsmuir of ElRfield, a Member of OurMost Ilonourable Privy Council, Knight GrandCross of Otir Most Distinguished Order of SaintMichael and Saint George, Knight Grand Crossof Our Royal Victorian Order, Member of OurOrder of the Companions of Honour, GovernorGeneral and Commander-in-Chief of Our Do-million of Canada .

AT OUR GOVERNMENT House, in Our City of Ottawa,this first dny of September, in the year of OurLord one thousand nine hundred and thirty-time and in the Third year of Our Reign .

TWEEDSMUIR,111 .9 .1


GEORGE THE. SIXTH, by the Crace of God ofUreat Britain, Ireland, sad the British Doniin-ions beymul the Scas KING, Defender of theFaith, Emperor of India .

To Our Beloved and Faithful the Svnators of theDominion of Canada, mul the Members electedto serve in the House of Commons of Our SaidDominion, and to each and every of You ~


WHFREAS Our Parliament of Camilla standsprorogued to the Second day of the month of

October, 1939, at which time at Our City of Ottawayou were held and constrained to appear . Never-tlidem, for certain causes and considerations

'We do

Will, by and with the advice of Our Privy Councilfor Canada, t1int you and each of you, be as to USin this matter entirely exonerated, Commanding,and by the tenor of these Presents enjoining you,and each of you. and all others in this behalf inter-eated, that on Thursday, the Seventh day of themonth of September next at Our City of Ottawa,aforestaid, personally you be and appear, for theDESPATCH OF BUSINESS, to treat, do, act andconclude upon these things which in Our said Parlia-meat of Canada, by the Common Council of Our

By Command,

ERNEST LAPOINTE ,Acting Secretan- of State .


CANADAOFA)lIGE THE SIXTH, by the. Grace of God of

Oreat Britain ; Ireland and the British Domin.ions beyond the Filme KING, Defender of theFaith, Emperor of India .

ToALL To WimAt these Presents shall come or whomthe same may in anywiso concerni-


C. P. Ill A 01 HEREAS it hathk XXTActing Deputy Minister JW pleased Almighty

of Justice, Canada . God in His great good .ness to voticlisafe this year unto Our Dominion ofCanada a bountiful crop and other blessings,- .

We therefore considering that these blessings en .joyed by Our people throughout the said Dominiondo call for a solemn and public acknowledgmenthave thought fit, by and with the advice of OurPrivy Council for Canada, to appoint, and We doappoint Monday, the ninth day of October next an aday of general thanksgiving to Almighty God fortile bountiful crop and other blessings with whichCanada has been favoured this Year ; And We doinvite all Our loving subjects throughout Canada toobserve the said day an a day of general .

Or ALL Witicil Our Loving Subjects and all otherswhom these Presents may concern are hereby re .quired to take notice and to govern themselves ac-cordingly .IN Tcirrmfo-xy WIlLnEoF We have caused these Oil

Letters to be made Patent and the Great Seal ofCanada to he hereunto affixed : WITNESS 'Our Right Trusty and Well-beloved John, BaronTweedsmuir of Elmlield, a Member of Our mostHonourable. Privy Council Knight Grand Cronof Our Most Distinguisiied Order of SaintMichael and Saint George. Knight Grand Crossof Our Royal Victorian Older, Member of OurOrder of the Companions of Honour, Governor'General and Commander-in-Chief of Our Do-million of Canada .

AT OUR GOVERNMENT Rover., in Our City of Ottawa,this 25th day of August, in the year of OurlLord one tholwand nine hundred and thirty-nine and in the Third year of Our Reign .


BY Command ,E. H . COLEMAN

Under-Scerctury of State .


CANADAGEORGE THE SIXTH, by the Grace of God of

Great Britain, Ireland and the British Domin .ions beyond tile Seam KING, Defender of theFaith, Emperor of India .

To Ata, To Wuom theme Presents shall come orwhom the same may in anywine concern,


C. P. P N, Y~,HEREAS it is inActing Deputy Minister nd by Section 5W

of Justice, Canada. I Canada Shippin gAct, 1934, enacted that Our Governor in Councilmay, by proclamation, declare to be a public har-hour any area covered with water within the juriedic .tion of Our Parliament of Canada .

AND WHICRZAB it is expedient and Our Privy Colin .oil for Canada has advised that the Harbour ofAmherstburg, in the Province of Ontario, the limitsof which idiall he defined as all the waters of DetroitRiver and of Lake Erie on the Canadian side of the

729International boundary line south of the parallel of420 17' north latitude and wast of the meridian of83* 6' wesit longitude, be declared a public harbour .

Now KNow Yz that We do by theme Presentsproclaini and dvelare tile said harbour of Amherst-burg to be. a public harbour.

Or Am WiticH Our Loving Subjects and all otherswhom theme Presents may concem are hereby re .quired to take notice and to govern themselvesaccordingly .IN TESTIMONY WitcRoor We have caused theme Our

Letters to be made Patent and the Great Seal ofCanada to be hereunto affixed, WITNESS : OurRight Trusty and Well-beloved John, BaronTweedsmuir of Elsfield, a Member of Our MostHonourable Privy Council . Knight Grand Cronof Our Most Dititinguished Order of SaintMichael and Saint George, Knight Grand Cronof Otir Royal Victorian Order, Member of OurOrder of the Compartiomi of Honour, GovernorGeneral and Commander-in-Chief of Our Do-minion of Canada .

AT OUR GOVKRNMYNT HOUSE, in Our City of Ottawa,thin twenty-sixth day of August, in the year ofOur Lord one thousand nine hundred and thirty-nine and in the Third year of Our Reign .


Command,E . H . COLEMAN ,

Under-Secretory of State .

CANADAGEORGE THE SIXTH, by the Grace of God of

Great Britan, Ireland and the British Domin .ions beyond the Seas, KING, Defender of theFaith, Emperor of India ;

To ALL To Wnom these Presents shall come orwhom the same may in anywise concerne-


CHARLES CAMSEGL, 1WHEREAS in andCommissioner o: by Section Sixty ofNorthwest Terri an Ordinance of the

Northwest Territories Council amented to on thethird day of July, in the year of Our Lord onethousand nine hundred and thirty-nine, and intituled"Local Administrative District Ordinance," it isprovided (fiat the said Ordinance shall come intoforce on a day to be fixed by proclamation of theCommissioner in Council .

AND WIIFAus it is expedient that the said Ordin .ance should come into force and have effect fromand after the first day of September, in the year ofOur Lord one thousand nine hundred and thirty .nine .

Now KNow Yz that we by and with the adviceof tile Council of the Northwest Territories do bytill@ Our Proclamation declare and direct that thesaid Ordinance shall come into force and have effectupon, from and after the first day of September, inthe year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundredand thirty-nine .

Or Wincii all persons whom these Presents wayconcern are hereby required to take notice andgovern themselves accordingly .IN Tz*TjmoNy Wuntuir we have caused the Beal

of the Northwest Territories to be hereuntoaffixed .

WITNESS : CHAUU CANS12J#, Commissioner of theNorthwest Territoriec at Ottawa, this

ILS.) twenty-ninth day of August, in the yoarof Our Lord one thousand nice hundredand thirty-nine, and in the third year


of His Majesty's Reign,BY Command ,

J. F. DOYLE,For Secretary of the Council .





H IS EX(I=%*CY THE GOVERNOR GENERAL INCOVNCIL has been pleased to make the follow-

Ing appointments :31st August, 1939.

The undermentioned persons to be members ofthe National Film Board :

The Honourable W . D . EvLzn, Minister of Tradeand Commerce, Chairman .

The Honourable T . A. CaLRAR, Minister of Minesand Resources .

WALT" C . MuRRAv, Esquire, Saskatoon, Sask ., fora period of one year ;

Eiistoxii TvR(,(n?x, Esquire, Montreal, P .Q., for aperiod of two years ; and

CHARIXG G . COWAN, Esquire, Ottawa, Ont ., for aperiod of three years.

R. S. ll .%msst, Esquire, General Executivo Assist-ant . Department of Agriculture, for a period of oneyear ;

V. 1 . SMART, Esqnire, Dvinity Minister of Trans.port, for a period of two years ; and

J . G . PARstmxIt, Esquire, O .B .E., Deputy Ministerof Trade and Commerce, for a period of three years .

3rd September, 1939 .Brigadier S . T. Woon, Commissioner of the Royal

Canadian Mounted Police, to he Registrar Generalof Alien Encinies .

WALTICR 8 . Tjiomi~xozti, Esquire, of the City ofMontreal, Province of Quelve, to be Chairman ofthe Censorship Co-ordination Committee . 11- 1



NOTICE is hereby given that during the weekending this dato the following certificate of

registry has been inuedz-Company Classes a/ Business

Lumbormens Mutual Machinery Insurance, in ad.Casualty Company dition to the classes for


which it is already regis.tered .

0. D. FINLAYSON,Superintendent of Insurance .

DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS4Z EALED Tonders addressed to the undersigned" and addressed "Tender for alterations to toiletrooms, old Cuatoms Building, Montreal, P.Q . ., willbe received until 12 o'clock noon (daylight saving),Thursday, September 14, 1939, for alterations totoilet rooms, old Customs Building, Montreal, P.Q .

Plane and specification can be seen and forms oftender obtained at the offices of the Chief Architect,Department of Public Works, Ottawa, the Architect, 150 St . Paul Street West, Montreal,P.Q. and the District Architect, Customs House, Que.bec, P .Q.

Tenders will not be considered unless made onthe forms supplied by the Department and in ac.cordance with the conditions set forth therein .

Each tender must be accompanied by a certifiedcheque on a chartered bank in Canada, payable tothe order of the Honourable the Minister of Public

WorkR, equal to 10 per cent of the amount of thetender, or Bearer Bonds of the Dominion of Canadaor of the Canadian National Railway Company andits constituent companies, unconditionally guaran .teed as to principal and interest by the Dominion ofCanada, or the aforementioned bonds and a cer.tified cheque if required to make tip an odd amount .

By order,J . M . SOMERVILLE,

Secretary .Department of Public Worka ,

Ottawa, August 31, 1039. 11-1

DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORK SS EALED Tenders addressed to the undersigned

anti endorsed " Tender for additions and after&-tionp, Pnblie Building, Port Hope, Ontario," will bereceived tintil 12 o'clork noon (daylight saving), Fri-(lay, September 15, 1939. for additions anti alters.tion?4 to the Ptiblie Building, Port Hope, Ontario .

Phttnm and specification can be won and forms oftender obtained at the officen of the Chief Architect,DvIyartment of Public Works, Ottawa, the Supervis .ing Architect, 36 Atlelaide Street East, Toronto,Ont ., and the Caretaker, Pnblic Rnilding, Port Hope,Ontario ,

Tmiders will not he considered union made onthe fornis supplicti by the Department and in no-corditnee with the conditions met forth therein .

Each tender must be accompanied by a certifiedclinslue on it chartered hunk in Canada, payable toIhe onlur tit thp Houtnirahlo the Minister of PublicWorks, equal to 10 per cent of the amount of thetender, or Bearer Bunds of the Dominion of Canadaor of the Canadian National Railway Company antiits conotiturnt companies, unconditionally guaran-teed as to principal and interest by the Dominion ofC11111VIA, or the aforouitintionod bonds and a cer-tified eheque if required to make up an odd amount .

Naric,The Dcliartinent, through the Chief Archi .lect'd office, anti the offico of the Supervising Archi-tout at Toronto, will supply blue-prints and specifi .cation of the work on deposit of a Nuin of $10 .00, inthe form of it veriffled bank cheque payable to theorder of t1tv Minister of Public Works . The depositwill be released on return of the blue-prints andspecification within it month from the date of recep.tion of tenders . If not returned within that periodthe deposit will be forfeited .

By order,J . M. SOMRRVILLE,

Secretary ,Department of Public Works ,

Ottawa, September 1, 1030. 11-1

DEPARTME,NT OF PUBLIC WORKSS EALED Tcnder .4 addressed to the undersigned

and endorsed 11 Tonder for Wharf Improvements,Welvhpool, N .B.", will be received until 12 o'clocknoon (daylight saving), Friday, September 22, 1939,for wharf improvements at Welchpool, CharlotteCounty, N .B .

Plana, forin of contract and specification can bewen and fornis of tonder obtained at the office ofthe Chief Engineer, Department of Public Works,Ott,awa, at the offices of the District Engineer, OldPost Offleo Building, Saint John, N.B. ; also at thePost Offices at Welchpool, N33,, and St . Stephen,N It .

Tendern will not be considered unless made onprinted forms supplied by the Department and inaccordance with conditions act forth therein .

Each tender must be accompanied by it certifiedcheque on a chartered bank in Canada, payable tothe order of the Honourable the Minister of Public

SEPSE TEMBER 9, 1989Works, equal to 10 per cent of the amount of thetender, or Bearer Bonds of the Dominion of Canadaor of the Canadian National Railway Company andits constituent companies, unconditionally guaran-teed an to principal and interest by the Dominion ofCanada, or the aforementioned bonds and a cer-tified cheque if required to make up an odd amount .

Noric,The Department will supply blue-printsand specification of the work on deposit of a sum of$20 .0t), in the form of a certified bank cheque pay-able to the order of the Minister of Public Works .The deposit will be released on the return of theblue-prints and opecification within a month fromthe (late of reception of leaders . If not returnedwithin that period the deposit will be forfeited .

By order,


Department of Public Works,Secretary .

Ottawa, 'ieptembvr S . 1939 .

DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKSS HALED Tenders addrewed to the undersigned

tind endortiLd "Trader for Wharf Extension, lieaux Caudres, Que .", will be mettived until 12 o'clocknoon (daYlillilt saVilig), Wednesday, September 20,1939, (or the construction of a wharf extension at Ileaux Coudres, Charlevoix County, Que.

Plans, form of contract anti specification can bePeru and forms of tender olitained at the office ofIlia Chief Engineer, Department of Public Works,01111wil, 'it tile offices of the District Engineer, PostOffice Building, Quelmr, Que . ; also at tile post Officetit lie aux Coudres, Otte .

TenderA will not he coumidered unless made onprinted form" supplie4l Ity, the Definrlinent and inaveordanco with conditions met forth therein ,

Emil tender must he aecompanied by a certifiedebequi, tin it chartered [)link in Canada, payable tothe order of lite Honourable the Minister of PublicWorkq, equal to 10 per cent of the amount of thetender, or Bearer Bonds of the Ulominion of Canadaor of (lie Canadian National Railway Company andits constituent companies, unconditionally guaran-lead its to principal and intereAt by the Dominion ofCanada, or fit(,. aforementioned hands and R certifiedelictlue if required to make III) an odd amount .

NMK~The Department will supply blue-printsand specification of the work on deposit of a slim of$10 .00 . in the form of it certified bank cheque payableto the ortler of the Minister of Public Works . Thedeposit will be released on the return of the blue.mints and specification within a month from theditte 04 reception of lenders . If not returned withinthat period tile deposit will be forfeited .

By order ,J . M. SOMERVILLE,

Department of Public Works,Secretary ,

Ottawa, Septeinber 6, im. 11-1

DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKSS HALED Tenders addressed to the undersigned

and endorsed "Tender for Penstock Valves,Esquimalt, B.C.", will be received until 12 o'clocknoon, Wednesday, September 27, 1939, for the supplyand delivery at the Dry Dock at Esquirralt, B .C .of two hydraulically operated penstock valves . '

Plans, form of contract and speefficationt can bemen and forms of tender obtained at the office ofthe Chief Engineer, Department of Public Works,

73 1Otlawa, at the offices of the District Engineers, PostOffice Building, New Westminster, B.C ., G.P.O . 3l;AdelKide Street, Toronto, Ont, Postal Station "H,11Montreal, Que . ; also at the Post Offices at Vancou.ver, 11C ., and Victoria, B .C .

Tenders will not be considered unless made onprinted forms supplied by the Department and inaccordance with conditions set forth therein .

Each tender must be accompanied by a certifiedcheilue on a chartered bank in Canada, payable tothe order of the Honourable the Minister of PublicWorks, equal to 10 per cent of the amount of tiletender, or Bearer Bonds of the Dominion of Canadaor of the Canadian National Railway Company andits constituent companies, unconditionally guaran.Lead as to principal and interest by the Dominion ofCanada, or the aforementioned bonds and a certifiedcheque if required to make up an odd amount.

N=,-The Department will supply blue-printaand specification of the work on deposit of a sum of310-W, in the form of a certified bank cheque payableto the order of the Minister of Public Works . Thedeposit will be released on tile return of the blue.prints and specification within a month from thedate of reception of traders . If not returned withinthat period the deposit will be forfeited .

By order ,J . M . SOMERVILLE ,

Department of Public Works,SM044112Y .

Ottawa, September 6, lm.

DEPARTMi-xr or punuic woRK sS NALED Tenders addressed to the undernixned

and endorsed "Tender for alterations and addi-tions, Public Building, Brampton, Ontario," will bereceived until 12 o'clock noon (daylight savinst),Wetill-lAdaY, September 20, 1939, for alteratioes andadditions to tile Public Building at Brampton, 011.tario,

"I'll specificatiall can be wen and forms oftender obtained at file offloca of the Chief Architect,Department of Public Works, Ottawa, Ilia Architect, 30 Adclaido Street Hut, Toronto, Ont.and the Caretaker, Public Building, Brampton, On .lario,

Tenders will not be considered unless made on theforms stapplied by the Department and in accord.mica with (lie conditions set forth therein .

Each tender intiat be accompanied by a certifiedcheque on a chartered bank iu Canada, payable tothe order of the Honourable the Minister of PublicWorks, equal to 10 per ocat of the amount of thetender, or Bearer Bonds of the Dominion of Cansids,or of the Canadian National Railway Company andIN constituent companies, unconditionally guarsta-leed as to principal and Interest by the Dominion ofCanada, or the aforementioned bonds and a certifiedcheque if required to make up an odd amount.

NoTs~Tho Department, through the Chief Archi.tect's office, and the office of the Supervising Arabi .tort, at Toronto, will supply blue-priate and sped.fication of the work on deposit of a sum of Slo .oo, Inthe form of a certified bank cheque payable to theorder of the Minister of Public Works, 71w depositwill be released on return of the blue-printst andopecification within a mouth front the date of recep .tion of tenders . It not returned within that periodthe deposit will be forfeited .

By order,J . M. SOMERVILLE,

Department of Public Works,Ottawa, September 6, 1939 .



NATvam.umTiov Act, CIIAMR 139 . RS.C. 1927

IN TION MATTICH of Mirkele Aninto and Vladimirllryniuk (Ladimir Walter Capyk Hrvnuik)-Revocation or Cortilivâtes of Naturalisation .

NOTICE is hereby given that the undormontionedcertificatex of natumlifintion have been revoked

slid cancelled by an Order of tile Deputy of His Kx-cellency the Governor floarritl in Council P.C. 2297,dated SaturdRy, the 26th day of August, i93

1 . Certificate of naturalivation issued at Sault Ste .Marie, Ont ., on the 12th June, 1900, to MickeleAmitto, then of Sault 'Ste . Marie, Ont ., andpresently of Detroit, Michigan, US .A ., revokedunder the provisions of Portion 9 (2) of theNaturalization Act .

it is also ordered that Marv Amato, wife of tilesaid Mickele Amato, shall ceaso to be a Britishrubject .

2 . Certificate of naturalilation No. 11038, SeriesB . issued at Ottawa, out,, an the i9th January,11)25, to John Ilryniuk revoked undvr section 9(1) of file Naturalimation Act in so far only asi itI~vlutcs to it stopson, Vladimir Ilryniuk (lakthinirW31trr Capyk Ilrynuitc) .

D~ttod at Ottawa, thin 31st i6y tit August, A.D .IM9.

E. 11 . COLEMAN ,11-1 Under-9ceretary of State,


HINKS Ito.%D, H .C .A .F, AnnoultOMR,DARTMOUTH, N .S .

S EALED Traders, enelosed in onvolope marked-render for Hines Bond Diversion, Dartilloilth,

MR,", and addreftwd to the Chairman, Defence Pur-chlishut Board, Ottawa, Ontario, will he receiveduntil 12 o'clock noon ((Iiiylight Paving), of Monthly,Septenilivr 19, 1939, for fit(,, comitruction of a roadto the Aprodrome and file Road Divermitin of theHines Road at the Royal Canadian Air Force Acre-drome at Dartmouth, NS .

Tenders vi-ill not be considered unlew milde on thefornix Pupplied by the Board, and in accordancewith file etintlitiona set forth therein . These forms,togellier with the plans and specifications, rally beobtained on application to the Chairman, DefenceIlin-chaping Board. Ottawa, Ont ., or to the OfficerConiniandinx Eastern Air Command, Roval Cana .then Air Force, National 11 :%rhour Board Building,Halifax, NX A deposit, of V25 .00 in file. form of averlificil eliv(ple . lilado 11"Yable to the Receiver Gen.vral of Canada, is required to be forwarded with fileapplication before plans and aperifientition will beimumi . rhi, deposit will Ile remitted when the planxunit spet-ifirationd tire returned in good condition t othe Board .

Each tender must be accompanied by a cortifiedeheqpw oil it chartered hauk in Canada, payable tothe Receiver General of Canada, or livaror Bondsits sisc.cified in the form of tender for tLn por cont(io%) of file amount of the tender .

,rho chritue or bon(1,4 of file successful toudererwill lie forfeited should lie decline to enter into acontract for flip work or to complete @nine in ne-curdance with the plans and specifications .

The Board does not bind itself to accept the lowes t



S IPALED Tenderit, onelowd in envolopo marke d"Tender for Surfacing and (trading of Run-

ways, Rockeliffe," and addressed to the Chairman,Defence Ilurchapting Board, Ottawa, Ontario, will bereceived until 12 o'clock noon (daylight saving),Tuesday, September 19, 1939, for the murfacing antigrading of runways at the Royal Canadian Air ForceStation, Rockeliffe, Ontario .

Tenders will not be contlidered union madc onthe forms supplied by file Board, and in Occordancowith the conditions set forth therein . These forms,together with the plans and specifications, may beobtained on application to file Chairman, DefenceI"urchaning Board, Ottawa, Out, A deposit of $25 .00in the form of a certified cheque, made payable tothe Receiver General of Canada, is required to beforwarded with file application before plans andspecifications will be issued . This deposit will beremitted when the plans and specifications are ro-turned in good condition to the Board .

FAch tender must be accompanied by a certifiedchequo an a chartered bank in Canada, payable tothe Receiver General of Canada, or Bearer Bondsan specified in the form of tender for tell per cent(10%) of the amount of the tender .

The cheque or bouds of the successful tendererwill be forfeited should lie decline to enter into acontract for the work or should he fail after accept-ing the,contract to complete iianic in accordance wththe plans and specifications ,

The Board does not bind itself to accept the lowes tor any tender.

R. C. VAUGHAN,Chairman .

Defence Purchazing Board .Ottawa, September 1, 1939 .

Tender No . 43 .

or any tonder.It . C . VAUGMAN,

chairman .Dcfenec Purchasing Board,

Ottawa, September 2, 1939 .Tendvr No . 48.



S IALED Tenders, enclosed in envelope marked~'Touder for Miocollancous Buildings, Joint See-

vice Magazines, Bedford Basin, NS .", and addressedto the Chairman, Dvfc.nee Purchasing Board, Ottawa,Ontario, will he received until 12 o'clock noon ofThumday, September 28, 1039, for file constructionof NlimLellancoos Buildings at the Joint ServiceMagimines, Bedford Basin, N.S .

Tenders will not be conxidered unless malle on theforms supplied by the Defence Purchasing Boardand in accordance with the conditions set fortlitherein . There forms, together with specificatimu ;anti plans, may be obtained on application to theChairman, Defence Purt-hatting Boaril, Ottawa, On-tario, or to the Di,,itrict Officer Commanding MilitaryDistrict No, 6, Halifax, NS. A deposit of $100, inthe form of a certified chilque payable to the orderof file Receiver General of Canada, in to be for-war(le(I with the application before tile specificationsunit plans will be issued. The deposit will be re-initted when the jq)ocifications and plans are returnedto fit(, Board in good condition .

Each tender niumt be accompanied by a certifiedchc~'uo on a chartered bank in Canada, payable totile Receiver General of Canads or by Bearer Bondsa spoiliflod in the form of tender for ten per cen t

11 .11 (10%) of the amount of the tender .

SEPTEMBER 0, josqThe elloque or honcim of the injecenful tenderer

will lip fortviled should he decline to enter into itvonlraet for the work or should lie fail after Accept .'119 'he contract to complete Name in accordance withIhe speeifirations and plans ,

The Huard does not bind itself to accept the lowestor any tender .


M-fence Purchming Board,Ottawa. September 5, 1939 .

Tunder No . 73 .Defence Purell"ng Board,Ollawa, SePtember 6, 19»,Tmdt* No . 76.

the R"ver Gonow 0( Canada, or Bearer Bou .18its slieeified in the form of tender for ton per cent(10%) Of the amount of the tender ,

The cht4lue or bonds of the Successful tenderer willIle forfeited should lie decline to enter into a contrairtfor like work or Should he (oil after accepting air)Volilluot to complete Same let accoidanne with theplans and specifications .

The Board does not bind itself to aoilept the lowestor tiny tender .

Chairman .



II--M-V- NAVAL BARRACKS, MUIMALT, D .C.FALED Tenders, enclosed in envelope nuirkedS "Tender (or Conotraclion of Playing Field,

II .M .C . Naval Ilarmcks, Ewittimalt, B .C.", and ad.d"'d to tII0 Chsielogin, Defence Purchasing Bora-1,Ot-la%va, Ontario, will be received until 12 o'clockflooll, Friday, Septernher 29 1939, for Oe conAmIr.tion Rd COMPletiOn of Playin~ Field at H .M .C. NavelMarracks, 1';NqUilnRk, B .C .

TOU'lVell will n(A [it, considered littleas inade onthe forai4 Pupplird hy the Board, and in accordantowill' the ('011(litiona mot forth therein. 71ose, tera,*,logeflier with the plane and Specifications, ulay I)eolltdil"I (in spi,liontion to the chaticulan, I),fereePurchasing Board, 01 tAkwa, Ontario, or to tile Captainin Charge . IT .M .C . Dockyord, l"AfIllimalt, B.C. A(kiwait; of 825 .00 in the forn, of a vort4fied cheq,10,load" parable W the Rewover Of Canada,'I# relit"e'd to lie fOrt"I"I"I will' 10 application be-fore plans and plic.ciflocliolle will be Issued . Thisdel"'4t will I)p MIllitt(A when the plans and specifiv ;k-tionx are returned it' good condition to tile Board .

1-~adl tell(kr mitht lie accompanied by a certifiedchequo oil it chartered bank in Canada, payable tofile Receiver General Of Canada, Or Bearr,*r Bondsits amwifivd in the form of tender for ton per cent(10%) Of the, Mount of the tender,

The cheque or bonds of the Successful tenderer willI)e fOrfeited should lie decline to enter into a contractfor the work or Should he fail after accepting aicectialrae-1, to complete Same in accordance with tll,)plans and PpecificIttionx.

The Board does not bind itself be accept tile i,)wextor tiny 4ender .


Defence Purchasing Board,Ottawa, September 5, 1939.Tender No . 74 .


ARMOURY, PRINCE AIAIKRT, SASK ,SE,ALED Tenders, enclosed in envelops msrked

'Tendt,r for Renovation of Heating System,Prince Albert Arinoury," anti addressed to the Chair.wan, Defence Purchming Board, Ottawa, Ontario,will lie received until 12 o'clock noon, Friday, Sep.teniber 29, 1939, for 010 renovation of the Heatingvsteni at (he Prince Albert Armoury, Prince At.

berl, Sask .Tendem will not be considered inklass made on

the forms Supplied by the Board, and in accordancewith the conditions not foKh therein . Them forms,together with the plans and spepificatiolut, may I,()lbtoined on application to tile Chairman, DefenceI'llrehasing Board, Ottawa, Ontario, or to the Offiverit, Charge, Prince Albert Annoury, Princle Albert,Sask .

Each lender must be accompanied by I, oorjjflp.dcl)Oqkl() On a elmw(ared bank in Cansida, payuble to


Delenee Purchani Be(",Ottawa

,Septembc78, 1939.

Tender No . 75 .



S FALED Tendem, enclooM in ecivajopp marked"Tender for Construction of an Addition to

Clothing Store, Wolopley Barrack*, London, Ont .,,,and addrowed to the Clutirman, Defence Puirliashut

0 ,OMKI, Ottawa, Ontario, will be received until 12

oclock noon, Monday, Septonaller 25. 1939, for thevonstraction of Adchition to Clothing Store, Woliscley11"Mirks, Loodon, Ontario ,

Traders will net be considered unjoes Me& onthe forms supplied by the Board . and in serordkneewith the conditions set forth therein. Thase forms,logMior with the place and Specifications, may beOhNined on application to the Maintain, DefencePurchasing BoArd, Ottawa., Ontario, or to the Dis.trlct~ 01111cOr Commanding Military District No. 1,looludon, Ontario . A deposit of SMI)o in (Ite form ofa eort4fied cheque made payable to the Reeeivoll.0"Ierld of 01na,hl. is required to be forwardedwith the appliestion before plans and specifictit4ongwill be issued. This depaitit, will be ronlitted whontile plane and specifications are returned in goldPondition to the Board .

k~acli lender must be aeownpaWod by a creIjillod11heque on a chartered bank In Canada, payable tothe Receiver General Of Canada, or Beeper Bondsas swifird in the form of tender for ten per c*nt(10%) Of (Jle amount of the tender .

The cheque or hands of the intecoadul tenderer willbe forfeited should he. decline to enter into a contractfor the work or should he (ail after accepting iijacontract. to Complete same in scoordance with dioplans and specifications,

The Board does not bind Itself to accept the lowestor any tender.

R . C . VAUGHAN,Ch&Lnnan .




Chairsuaft .

CIVIL SERVICE OF CANADATHE Civil Service Commission Renounces the

establialiment of the following eligible lists .The letters O.A .S. Indicate eligibility for the pref-

erence awarded to ex-service men .Aircraft Foreman Mechanic, Male, Winnipeg.

Manitoba, Department of Transport.Forrest, Christopher Neville, O.AA ., Winnipeg,

Man.Amistant, (orade 1, Experimental Farm, Bilingual,

Male, Stv . Anne de la PoratiLre, P.Q,, Dominion Do.partownt of Agriculture .

Boulet, Lucien J., Aberystwyth, Wales.Canal Lighticoeper, Seasonal, Mikle, Bridge No. ag,

Trent ('&aid, Ops, Ontario, Dopgrlojent of Transport .Hates, 0corso Arthur, U.AS ., Lindley, Out .



Cleaner and Helper, Male, Regina, Saskatchewan,Department of Public Works .

Jones, William John, O.A .15., Regina, Sw& .Dunnison, Alexander, O .A .S ., Regina, Soak .Walker, William, O .A .S ., Regina, Bask .Littlewood, Charles, O.AS., Regina, Sask .Reynolds, Albert Victor, O.AS ., Regina, $ask .Roberts, Walter, O.A .S ., Regina, Bask .Smith, Arthur, O.A.S ., Regina, Bank .Day, William George, O.AS., Regina, Bask .Falkins, Waverley, O.AS., Regina, Sask .Fraser, John, O.AS., Regina, Bask .

CtLmtomx Exciso Examiner and Customs ExciseClerk, Yarmouth, N .S ., Department of NationalRevenue .

Mack, Robert Thornton, O.AS,, Tusket, N.S .Bent, Arthur Percy, Yarmouth, N.S .D'Entremont, Edward Simon, Lower East Pub-

nice, N .S .

Dental Officer, Part-Time, Calgary, Alberta, De-partment of Pensions and National Health .

Gibson, John Liddle, O.AS ., Calgary, Alta .

Dental Officer, Part-Time, Edmonton, Alberta, Do-partment of Pensions and National Health .

Long, George Eddy, O .A .S ., Edmonton, Alta .

Dental Officer, Part-Time, Regina, Sask ., Depart-ment of Pennions and National Health .

do Witt, George Ematua Hennan, O.A .S,, Be-gina, Sapk .

Dental Officer, Part-Time, Saskatoon, Sask ., De-partment of Pensions anti National Health .

Nagle, Edmund Burke, O.AS ., Saskatoon, Susk,

Dockyaril Trades Foreman (Boilermaker), Esqui-malt, B .C . . H.MjC. Dockyard, Delmirtment ofNational Defence .

Stewart, Alexander, Ewluirnalt, B .C .Dockyard Trades Foreman (Electrician) Male

Esquirrialt, B.C., H.M.C. Dockyard, Dcpart~eut oiNational Defence .

Hill, Percival John, O.A.S,, Esquimalt , 13 , CGosding-Barnes, William, O.AS ., Victoria, BjC .

Dockyord Trades Foreman (Shipwright), Esqui-malt, B.C., H .M.C . Dockyard, Department of Na-tional Defence .

DeGruchy, William, O.A .S ., Victoria, B .C .Down, Albert Henry, Victoria, B .C .Flett, Duncan Murray, Victoria, B .C .

Hospital Orderly, Grado 1, Male, WestminsterHompital, London, Ontario, Department of Pensionsand National Ilealth . Supplementary to eligible listestablished March 24, 1939 ,

Bodfish, Charles Betts, London, Ont.Stocker, Reginald Frederick, London, Out .Thomas, George Percival, London, Ont .Goulding, William, London, Ont .Collis, Jabes Jack William, London, Out .Matthews, John William, London, Ont .Metudead, Frederick, London, Ont .Pettitt, Harry Alexander, London, Out,E,mery, George William, London, Ont .Chapman, Leslie Charles Victor, London, Ont .Ackland, Henry George, London, Out,Gristry, William Henry, London, Out,McCracken, ( ;come, London, Out .Simmons, Orrin Albert, London, Out .Greenside, Robert Thomas, London, Out,Howie@, William Henry, London, Out,Tucker, Robert Henry, London, Out .O'Neill, Joseph, London, Out .Mastlienton, Robert, London, Out .Wright, Doruikl George, London, OntHarkness, David Archibald, London, i5nt .Metcalf, George, London, Ont .

Trotter. Austin Osbert, London, Ont .Itenwick, Charles Robert, London . Ont .McKeown, Robert Ilenry, London, Ont .MoDonald, Edward Bonald, London, Ont .

Ihlittrrett, Edwin Earl, 0,Aâ., London, Ont .*Scott, Harry George, O.AB,, Thorndale, Ont,Wenton, George, O.A .S,, Brantiford, Ont .tGlabb, Stanley Austin, O.A .S ., Kitchener, Ont .

Olnditates candidate lacks one year's renidence inpreferred locality .

tIndicatee candidate net a "dent of preferredlocality ,

Laboratory Aqoistiknt, Male, Winnipeg, Manitoba,Board of Grain Commimlonerm, I)t~l)artment of Tradeand Commerce . Supplementary te eligible ligt es.tabliéthed July 26, 1939 .

Livingaton, Williain Rodger, Winniiieg, Man .Orloff, Harold David, Winnipeg, Man .IVindimli, John Paul, Winnipeg, Man~Reynolds, Richard Urant, Winnipeg, Man,Levi, Irving, Winnipeg, Mari .O'Keefe, John Madigan, Winnipeg, Man .Crant, George Soniers, Si . James, Mari .Sudziiiii, Henry Pitifl, Winnipeg, Mari .

Letter Carrier, Niale, Ottawa, Ontario, l'est Office1)(~ilitrtniviit ,

West, John Flewelling, O.AS ., Ottawa, Ont .Cunningham, Williani lt(À)ert, O.A .S ., Ottawa,

Ont .Whillans, Robert John, O .AS., Ottawa, Ont .Preston, Cordon Ilo~s, O.A.S,, Ottawa, Ont, .Sully, George l-,rnv#t, O.A.S ., Wakefield, P,Q .Hill, Jolin Thomas, O.A .S ., Ottawa, Ont .Boit, George LeGras, O .AS., Ottawa, Ont .Sinart, Frederick William, O.A.S ., Ottawa, Ont .Harris, Charles Williain, O .AS,, Ottawa, Ont .lir.vmoii, Ilerbert, O .AS ., Ottawa, Ont .Etige, John, O.A .S ., Ottawa, Ont .

$Lalonde, Lionel, O .A .S ., Ottawa, Ont .Nitchin, Pliiiii), O .A .S ., Eautview, Ont .

Alfred I .con, O.AS., Ottawa, Ont .Penner, Oswald Loy, O .A,S ., Ottawa, Ont .

*Gauvreail, Ilonry Jo$VPII, O.A .S ., Ottawa, Ont .Shouldice, Franklin Meade, O .A .S ., Ottawa, Ont.Stewart, John Itums, O.A.S ., Ottawa, Ont .Bealc, Clifford Arthur, O.A .S., Ottawa, Ont .Davidson, ( ;eorge Bertal, O .AB., Ottawa, Ont .

*Indivates candidate Ililingual .

l,iglitkeeper, Claw 0 . Second Claffa Vog MarinEnginerr, Port Iltinv(,11, Ontario, Departnient ofTrauxport .

Sutherland, John Harold, Port Burwell, Ont .

Mail Porter, Male, Ottawa, Ontario, l'est OfflecDt,liitrtiiietit .

Dalton, ('11111.1vii Nfiitllle%%,, O.AS ., Ottawa, Ont .Prepton, Gordon Itou, O.AS ., Ottawa, Ont .Ilill, John Thomas, O.AS ., Ottawa, Ont .Brymon, lit,ii)ert, O.A .S ., Ottawa, Ont .Bothwell, Hubert Claiido, O.AS., Britannia

Ileightm' ont .*1~itlon(le, Lionel, O .A .S., Ottawa, Ont,Ritelain, l'hilil), O .A .S ., Etotview, Ont .Httrrio, Charles Williant, O.AS ., Ottawa, Ont .

Alfred 14 ., O .Ak4,, Ottawa, Ont .Ilennûr, Oswald Luy, O .AS., Ottawa, Ont .Jowitt, William, O.AS., Ottawa, Ont .

$1~einietix, Patil Louis Lcon, O .A .S . . Ottawa, Ont.*( ;tttivreutt, Henry Joseph, O .A .S ., Ottawa, Ont .Bullruan, Ernest Jolin . O .A~8 ., City View, Ont .Stewart, Jolin Itou, O.A .S ., Ottawa, Ont,Collarti . Charles E ., O.A~S,, Enâtview, Ont .I)itvitl#on, ( ;t~orgc., llertal, O.A .S ., Ottawa, Ont .Shouldier, Franklin Meade, O .A .S . . Ottawa, Ont .Ventura, Ccorlré, O .A .S ., Ottawa, Ont .Hayes, Arthur E~ ., 0,A .S ., Ottawa, Ont .

*Indivates candidate Bilingual .

. I

SEPTEMBEI? 9, 1931#

Physician, I'mrt Tinto, Male, Kingsicletur Reserve,Southwestern Division of N .H ., Department of Minesanti Resourees .

'A'right, 11- Stanley, O.A.S., Fredericton, N.B .

Postal Clerk, Male, Ottawa, Ontario, Grado 9,Office, Post Oilice Department . Successful candi-dates in this rompetition will be eligible for appoint.ment to positions Of Railway Mail Clerk after aPeriod of service as Postal Clerk and tile passing ofthe re(paired examinations in MaJor Forward Soria .tion .

West, John Flewelling, O.A.S ., Ottawa, Ont .Pepper, Arthur Harry, O.A .S ., Ottawa, Ont,Whillans, Robert Jofin, 0 AS., Ottawa, Ont .Dalton, Charles MAtthcw,*O .A .S ., Ottawa, ont,Pre %, a On Rom, O.A.S . . Ottawa, Oat .Go i Jo in, O .A .S ., Ottawa, ont .ell" in all), Willie"' Robert, O.AS., Ottawa,

On& .Harris, Charles William O.A .S ., Ottawa, Ont .O'Regan, Gerald, O.A .S' Britannia PO,, out,Stilly, George Ernest, 6'A .S ., Ottawa, Ont .Todd, James Carson 0 'A .S ., Ottawa, Ont .Smith, Frank Fugene, O.A .S ., Ottawa, ont .

Radio Operator (Junior Rating), Central Division,Department of Transport .

Daw,son, Alfred James, Winnipeg, Man .McClure, John William Winnipeg, Man .Bragg, Frederick Georg(: Toronto, out .Fockler, Cyril Mtllville,'Toronto, Ont .MacDonald, John Augustine, Ottawa, Got .

Radio Operator (Junior Rating), Central Division,Department of Transport .

Tallillan, Ldwin Guest, Toronto, Ont ,Eby, Milwarde Clayton E'arle, Toronto, out .Fryer, Ifurold Mel~in, 11,innipeg, Man .Pynn, L . Ralph Doughom, Toronto, Ont,Yn"It', I,co Joseph, Sault Ste. Maric, Out .

Radio Operator (Junior Rating), Central Division,Department of Transport ,

tPtlrsOn0, Lionol Vernon Edmonton, Alta,tIndivates candidate lacks'one year's residence in

Central Division preceding June io, 1939 .

1111(liO OPPritiOr (Junior Rating), Central Division,Department of Transport .

Hannant, Donald Norman Toronto, Ont .MvLeod, John Hernian, The Pas, Manitoba .Caniticn, James Orville, Hamilton, ont .Slater, James Henry, Peace River, Alta ,

Rildio Operator (Junior Itatiog), Central Division,Department of Transport ,

Hunter, Willian, climpliell Malice Village, Ont .tD&Vid, John Gordon, Cha~ut Hughes, Kirkland],site, out .

Ire(lient1tid candidate lacks one year's residence inlocality .

Radio Operator (Junior Rating), Eastern Division,Department of Transport.

Nickerson, George Victor, Yarmouth South, Nj3 .

Radio Operator (Junior Rating), Eastern Division,Department of Traniq)ort .

Wood, Herbert Holden, Glace Bay, NS1111111110, Michael, Sydney River, C.B,, NZ.

Rildio Operator (Junior Rating), Eastern Division,Department of Transport .

Fowlie, Do"Ithin Reber, Saint John, N.B .Davies, Josopil Vincent, Halifax, Nj3 .

Radio Operator (Junior Rating), Quebec Division,Department of Transport .

McCaughan, Sherman Hugh, Longuouil, p,Q.84331-11


DeP'al(rlt'omeonit~cro,ft*rTr(&Juuenpioorrt .Itatiug)o Quebec Division ,

tNorquay, David, Montreal, P.Q .tLacks one year's residence In locality .Senior Laboratory Assistant, Male, Esquircelt,

B .C ., Department of National Defence .McNamara, Joseph Albert, O .A .S ., North Van.eouver, B .C .

By Order of the CommiWon,


Ottawa, September 5, 1939 .Secretary .


C"Vill 8FRVICF OF CANAD ATHE Civil Service Commission announces open

'a . . I'titive examinations for tile followingpositions :

One Caretaker Grade 2, Male, Department ofNadonal Delcn;~, Lindsey, Ontario, Preference in'll"Point"'Int will be given to residents of , 1,indatay,Ontario . Time limit for receiving applications Sep.tember 13, 11)39.

Q11a"ficat'Opul `q'ired:- Primary school edu-Let ion : ability to Perform the general ditties ofa caretaker, and to take cam of heating appar.atus ; dependability ; good Physical condition .

One Caretaker, Grade 2 Bilingual Male i- ~I I I b~)po lIlaWntillfsNational Defence, Valleartier, P.Q, PrN18j,-Lee I ntmieut, will he given to roastalital of

Vole'"'601' UUMP Sail Villoadier Village, P.Q . Tintolimit [Or receiving aplAicistioll" September 14, t939 .

Quillificatians required : . Primary school code.cation ; ability to perform tile general duties ofa caretaker, and to take care of heating tipper .atull ; dependability ; good physical condition ;ability to speak, read and write tile English andFrench languages ,

One Lightkeeper, Class 14, Department of Trans .Po~t, Cupe Tormentine Pier, Nit . Open to Maleresidents of Cape Tormentine, N.D . and locality .Tinto limit for receiving applications September 13,1939 .

Qualifleatio'"i r`q1i1cd-*- Primary school odu-cation ; ability to handle small boats ; good eye.eight ; correct cOlOur Neale ; good physical call.ditiou .

One_Lightleellcr, Chl" 11, Department of Trans.port, 15pry Bay,N

J3- Opel' to male residents of~pry Day, N .S . and locality . Time limit for applications September 14, 1939 .

QUallfwations required : . Primary school edu .cation ; ability to handle small boats ; good eye.Night ; correct colour seam; good physical con.dition ,

Clerk, Grado 1, Government Departments, Kirk .land Lake, Ontario, Open to residents of KirklandLake, Ontario, and locality . Time limit for recilliv .Ing applications September 13, IWO,

Norm : At present there is one vacancy for ClerkGrade 1, Male, in the Post Oinco Dopartment, soj'Kirkland Litke, Ontario, but ark eligible list valid fora period of one Yearp may be established Fr;)W whichtemporary and permanent appointments may bemade its vacancies occur in future In Goveractiont"ellArtalciltm at Kirkland Lake, Ontario .

Qualifw"U'll, lq,,itd., . Primary school cclu-cation and preferably come high school wit."g ; iltelliglillcO ; ability to understand and fol.*low direction# ; . tact and good Judgment . Candi-dates must be between tile &We of 18 and 36year$ On the day of the written exactinationA



Pomtroaster . Grade 2C Office, Post Office Depart-mprit, PieRrott, Ontario . Open U) patroPrescott, Ontario, Post Office. Time limit for re .ceiving applications September 11, 1939.

Qualificalium required . At least primaryschool education ; reliability and familiarity withthe keeping of records and the handling of culi ;Wt, and ablity to meet dic, public ; supervismyability .

Third Secretaries, Male, External Affairs Service .Open to residents of the Dominion of Canada .Time limit for receiving applications October 12,19po .

Nam : Eligible list to be established for futurevacancies.

Quolificatiom required : Graduation front auniversity of recognized standing ; preferably

podgradumte. study in political economy, politicalscience, history or law ; Wlity to do precis andmemorandum writing ; integrity, tact, good judg-ment and good address. Command of at leastoue modern language other than English orFrench, while not required, will be given addi-tional credit . Except where a candidate appearst4) be AD well qualified as W justify P, $lightdeparture from Out rile, candidates must hava&"ined the ago of 22 and not have at4tairted theage of 30 on the date of the onkmination .4

*Ctindidates entitled to the preference on accoun tof service during the Great War are exempt fromspecified age limits, subject, however, to certificationof the Commission that they are of such an age andin such a satisfactory physical condition that theyam, able to perform the duties of the position andwill probably be. able to continue to do so for areasonable period after appointment .

By Order of the Civil Service Commission,E . SAITNDFRS,

Ottawa, September 0, 1939 .Secretary .

11- 1


Anglo-Dutch Sugar Refining Company,Limited

P VBIAC Notice is hereby given that underPart I of "The Companies Act, 1934," letters

patent have been Issued under the Seal of theSecretary of State of Canada, bearing date the31st day of July, 1939, incorporating Hilliard BrookeBvil anti John Seaborn McLaughlin, both of HisMajesty's counsel learned in the law for the Prov-ince of Ontario, John Lauder Pond and John DouglasFraser Ross, harrister~tit-law, Florence Isabel Pea~cock, Sylvia Taylor and Dorothv Kottmeir, stenog.raphers, all of the City of Toronto, in the said Prov.ince of Ontario, for the following principal purposes,via :-

(a) To buy, Pell or otherwise deal in, import, ex-port, manufacture., refine, clarify and otherwise pre-pare for market, avigar, syrup, molasses avid allproducts thereof, and all articles of commerce of asimilar nature .

The operations of the company to be carried onthroughout the Dominion of Canada and elsewhereby the name of " Anglo-Dutch Sugar Refining Com-pany, Limited," with a capital stock consisting of200,000 class "A" shares of the par value of $50 each,and 200,000 clans " It " shares without nominal orpar valuv, provided, however, that the said clan " B "shares without nominal or par value may be allottedfor such considertition as the directors may fromtime to time determine, not exceeding, however, $1per share, and the head office of the said companyto be at the City of Halifax, in the Province of NovaScotia .

Dated at the office of the Secretary of State ofCanada, this 2nd day of September, 1939.

E . H . WLEMAN,Under-Secretary of State .

Grain Sales Agency UntiftedP ITBI-IC Notice Is hereby given that under

Part I of "The Companies Act, 1934," letterspatent havp been issued under the Scal of the',Secretary of 4tato of Canada, bearing (Into the28th day of August, 1939, incorporating Cecil La.mont, secretary, llerlw.rt Edward Swift, Horace Vic .tor Hudson and William Howard August, solicitors,Javol) Charles Hornberger, law student, MarthaHavel Barton and Muriel McKnight, stenographers,Ivy Lillian Eden, nevountant, alul Eileen Sotnpr~ville Young, clerk, till of the City of Winnipeg, inthe Province of Manitoba, for the following principalpurposes, via :-

(n) To buy, receive, take delivery of, handle,carry, wareho u4c, ruix, mingle, treat, ship, transport,market, sell or otherwise deal in or dispose of wheatand other grains and agricultural products, and gen .orally to carry on the business of grain merchant .

The opervitiont; of the company to be carried onthroughout the Dominion of Canada and elsewhereby the name of " Grain Sales Agency Limited," witha capital stock of $50,000, divided into 500 commonshares of the par value of 8100 each, and the headoffice of the said company to be at the City of Win.nipeg . in the Province of Manitoba .

The company shall be doomed to be a privatecompany under the provisions of The CompaniesAct .

Dated at the office of the Secretary of State ofCanada, this 2nd day of September, 1939 .

Applied Chemicals UmitedPUBLIC Notice in hereby given that unde r

Part I of "The Companies Act, I&M ." letterspatent have been issued under the Seal of theSecretary of State of Canada, bearing date the2W day of August, 1939, incorporating RandolphWalter Howe, mining engineer, Edwin Oldham,George William Kiniber, Wallace James Cromb unitWilliarn Francis Kerwin, clerks, all of the City ofMontreal, in the Province of Quebec, for the follow .Ing principal purposes, via :-

To engage in the businces of manufacturing, pro-ducing. buying, selling or otherwise dealing in chemi-We. fuels anti allied products, and in processes,machinery and other equipment for the productionthereof .

The operations of the company to be carried onthroughout the Dominion of Canada and ekewhereby the name of " Applied Chemicals Limited," witha capital stock of $50,000, divided into 5,000 sharesof the par value of $10 each and the head office ofthe said company to be at the City of Montreal, inthe Province of Quebec .

Dated at the office of the Secretary of State ofCanads, this 31st day of August, 1939 .

E. H. COLEMAN,Under-Secrotary of State .

E. H . COLEMAN,Under-Secretary of State .

SEPTEMBER 9, im 737Central Processes Urnited

P UBLIC Notice is hereby given that underPart I of

"The Companies Act, 1934 11 letters

patent have been issued under the Seal' of theSecretary Of State of Canada, bearing date the23rd daY of August, 1939, incorporating RandolphWalter Holve, mining engineer, Edwin Oldham0!orge William Kiniber, Wallace James Cromb an~Willinin Francis Kerwin, clerks, oil Of the city ofMontreal . in the Province of Quebec, for the follow.inx principal purposes, viz :-

To engage in file business of manufacturing producing, buying, selling or otherwise dealing in citemi .calm, fuels and allied Products, anti in Processes,machinery and other equipment for the productiontllel(,Of .

The operations of file compally to be carried onthroughout thc Dominion of Canada and elsewhereby the name of -, Central Processes Limited " witha capital stovk of 35oooo divided into 5,00o'sharesOf the Par value of $10 e;ch still the head office ?fthe said company to be 'it thO City of Montreal, intile Province of Quebec .,, Dated at the office Of the Secretary of State of

11118011, this 31st tiny of August, 1939 .r. H . COLEMAN,11 .1 Under-Secretary of State .

Dollar Investment Surveys limited

P UBL1C Notice is hereby given that tinderPart I of "The Companies Act, 1034," lettersPatent have been issued urider the Seal of the"I""'tarY of State Of Canada, bearing (into the~lrd dity or August, 1931), incorpornitina Cecil MintoP~vlr . Russell Arthur Whitely und Donald FultonHall, all Of tlH` Ci1v of Toroiito, in the Province ofOntario, harriAterm-nt .inw, for fill, following principalpurposes, %-iz :-

1 . To rmtriblish . Innintnill am[ varry on in any andfill branches, null whedwr as principals, contractorsManagers, ndv6crt; or agents the business of buying :selling, leasing, controlling. exchanging or in anyother manner or way whatsoever dealing and trad-ing in, or obtaining or holding stocks, bonds, royal .ties, pateubi and trade-marks and real and personalproperty of every &scription and kind and whiletile holder, owner or Possessor thereof to exerciseall powers and Privileges appurtenant thereto ,

The operations of Ihe company to be carried onthroulghout the Dominion of Canada And elsewherelk" the name. of " Dollar Investment Surveys Lim .ited," with it capital stovk Of 11110,000, divided into8A10 miuvres of the par value of $6 each, and thhead office of fill, amid company to be at the Cit;of Toronto, in t-hP Province of Ontario .

The company allall be deemed to be a privatecompany under the provisions of The CompaniesAct .

Dated at the Ofrl('(, of file Secretary of State ofCamuN, this lith day of September, 1939 .

E. H . COLEM .-%N,Vniler-Secretary of State .

Hacilme Investments 11miled

P UB"IC Notice is hereby given that underPart I of "The Companies Act, 1934,10 lettersPatent have been issued under tile Seal of theSecretary of State of Canada, bearing (late the 28thday of August, 1939, incorporating Victor MartynLynch-Stalinton, Hugh Hatheway Turnbull, andJohn Fitswilliam Stairs, advocates, Arthur CecilLambert, clerk, and Frances Jean Maxwell Ellington,stenographer, all of the City of Montreal, in the

Province of Quebec, for the foUnwing principal pur.poses, via:-

(?) To carry On a general invMmeat and financialbusiness and to set all concessionnaires, financialagents and advisers, investment dealers and counsel,promoter .*, underwriters (except by why of,,,), flutnicial brokers and agents and to undertake,carry on and transact financial agency business ofall kinds .

The Operations of 'he company to be carried onthroughout the Dominion of Canada knit elsewhereby the *name of , linedme bivrotmentm Limited,"with a capital stock of 88000, divided Into IO)DOOAliftres Of the par value of $5 each, and the headOffice of the said company to be at the city ofCharlottetown, in the Province of Prince EdwardIsland .

The company shall be deemed to be a privatecompany under the Provisons of The CompaniesAct .

]):tied at the office of the Secretary Of State ofCanada, this 514h day of September, IWO .

H- H. COLEMAN,Under4jecretary of State.

Amalgamated Electric Corplaritillon,Untited

P UBLIC Notice is hereby given that underPart I of "The Companies Act, IOU," supple .

Ill"WAVY letters patent have been issued under the'%;("I' or the Secretary Of State of Canada, bearingdale 11111 Mnd (lay of Auguxt, IW9, confirming anddet-136119 11 Ile hinding upon " Amalijamaied Hire .frie Corporation, Limited," incorporated by lettersPatent dited tile seventh day of March v-

rred and common sharrholderal, ftlau

it,,, the court .

pitimis'efeor arrangement agreed to an the twelfthday Or July, 1939 ,

Dated at the office of the Secretary of State ofCanalls, this thirtieth day of August, 1039.

11 .1 E- H- COLEMAN,UndOr-Serretary of State .

The Yukon Consolidated WdCorporation Untitled

P UB"'C Notice is hereby given that underPart I of "Tito Companies Act, IOU," supple .Mentfiry letters patent have been issued tinder theSeal Of the Secretary of State of Canada, hearing(late tho 23rd day of August, IMR, dividing theboard of directors of "The Yukon ConsolidatedCold Corporation Limited," incorporated by letterspatent dated the fourteenth day of April, 1923, intothree claws,

Dated at file office of the Secretary of state ofCanada, this thirtieth tiny of August, im .

11 .111 . COLEMAN

Uuder-Sccrei~ry of State .

Sandvik Canadian UsuitedP UBLIC Notice in hereby given that underPart I of "The Companies Act, 1034,'# supple.

mentitry letters patent have been issued under the80al of the Secretary of State of Can&&. bearingdate the 25th day of August, IM, amending andvarying the provisions of the letters patent inoor.pointing "Sandvik Canadian Limited" dated theeighteenth day of November, IOU, by ;~fdiux theretothe private company clause$, and thereby convertingthe said company from a public company into Lprivate company ,

Dated at the office of the Secretary of State ofCanada . this thirtY-first day of August, I=.

11 .1 E- H. COLEMAN,Under-Secretary of igt&te .


'rho Pearl Button ManufacturingCompany of Canada Untited

P UBLIC Notice is hereby given that underPart I of "The Companies Avt, 1934,11 supple .

mentary letters patent have been issued under theSe&I of the Secretary of State of Canada, bearingdate the 9th day of August, 1939, amending andvarying the provisions of the letters patent incor .porating " The Pearl Hutton Manufacturing Com-pany of Canada Limited," dated the twenty-thirdday of January, IWO, ky adding thereto the privatecompany clauses, anti thereby converting the saidcompany from a public company into a privatecompany ,

Dated at the offire of the Secretary of State ofCanada, this thirtieth tiny of August, 1939 .

E. If . COLEMAN,Under-&crotary of State .


Copies of the Rules of the Senate rellatinit toNotte" and Applications for Bills of Divorcemay he had free upon application to th e

Clerk of the Senate,Ottawa.

THE SENATENotice for Private Bills

Exritsms FROM THE STANDINO RULES OF THE SENATIC107 . All applications to Parliament for Private

Bills of any nature whatsoever . shall be advertisedby a notice published in the Canada Gazette .Such notice shall clearly and distinctly state themature and object of the application and shall besigned by or on behalf of the applicants with theaddress of the party signing the same and when theapplication is for an Act of Incorporation the nameof the proposed company shall be stated in thenotice .

In addition to the notice in the Canada Gazetteaforesaid a similar notice shall be given as follows :-

A. When the application is for an Act to incor-porate~

1 . A Railway or Canal Company .-In some lead .ing newspaper published in the principal city, townor village in each county or district through whichthe proposed railway or canal is to be constructed .

2. A Telegraph or Telephone Company,la aleading newspaper in the principal city or town ineach Province or Territory in which the companyproposes to operate.

3 . A company for the construction of any workswhich in their construction or operations mightspecially affect a particular locality or for obtainingany ezelusive rights or privileges ; or for doing anymatter or thing which in its operation would affectthe rights or property of others :-In a leading news.paper in the particular locality or localities whichmay be affected by the proposed Act .

4 . A Banking Company ; an Insurance Company ;a Trust Company ; a Loan Company, or an Indus .trial Company, without any exclusive powers :-Inthe Canada Gazette only .

6. And if the works of any company (incorpor.ated or to be incorporated), are to be declared tobe for the general advantages of Canada, such in-tention shall be specially mentioned in the noticeand the applicants shall cause a copy of such notice,to be sent by registered letter to municipal corpora-tions which may be specially affected by theconstswtion or operation of such works and also

to the Secretary of the Province in which suchworks are or may be located and proof of oom.pliance with this requirement by the applicants shallbe established by statutory declaration .

B . When the application is for the purpose ofamending an existing Act,--

1 . For an extension of any line of railway or ofany canal, or of the construction of branches theretothe same mulatis mulandis as for an Act to incoNporate a Railway or Canal Company .

2. For an extension of the time for the construc.tion or completion of any line of railway, or of anycanal or of any telegraph or telephone line or ofany other works already aitthorized :-In a principalnew"Paper in the place where the head office ofthe company is or is authorized to be .

3 . For the extension of the powers of a company(when not involving the granting of any exclusiverights) or of the increase or reduction of thecapital stock of any company, or for increasing oraltering its bonding or tither hnrrowinR powers ; orfor any amendment which would in any way affectthe rights or interest of the shareholders or bondholders or creditors of the company :-In a principalnewspaper in the place where the head office of thecompany is situated .

C. All such notices, whether inserted in theCanada Gazette or in a newspaper, shall be pub.lished at least once a week for a period of fiveconsecutive weeks and when published in the Prov-inces of Quebec and Manitoba, shall be published inboth the English and French languages ; and markedcopi. es of each issue of all newspapers containing anysuch notice shall be sent to the Clerk of the Senateendorsed "Private Bill Notice," or a statutorydeclaration as to the due publication may be sentin lieu thereof.

Every notice by registered letter shall be mailedin tinic to reach the Secretary of the Province andthe Clerk of each County Council and municipalcorporation not less than rive weeks before theconsideration of the petition by the Committee onStanding Orders and a statutory declaration eatab-lishing the fact of such mailing shall be sent tothe Clerk of the Senate .

108 . No petition praying for the incorporation ofa Railway Company, or a Canal Company, or of anextension of the line of any existing or authorisedrailway or canal shall be considered by the StandingOrders Committee, until there has been filed withthe Committee a map or plan showing the proposedlocation of the works, and each county or districtthrough which the proposed railway or canal or anybranch or extension thereof, is to be constructed .

109. Before any petition praying for leave tobring a Private Bill for the erection of a tollbridge is presented to the Senate, the person orpersons intending to petition for such Bill shall,upon giving the notice prescribed by the precedingrides, at the some time and in the mine manner,give native of the rates whit-h tbey intend to ask,the extent of the privilege, the height of the archesand the intervals between the abutments or piersfor the passage of rafts and vessels and shall alsomention whether they intend to erect a drawbridgeor not and the dimensions of the sanic .

110. No petition for any Private Bill (except aBill of Divorce) is received by the Senate after thefirst four weeks of each Session nor may tiny Reportof any Standing or Special Committee upon aPrivate Bill be received after the first six weeksof each Session .

114 . Any person seeking to obtain a Private Billshall deposit with the Clerk of the Senate, if it isintended that the Bill shall originate in the Senate,a copy of such Bill in the English or French lan.

. I

S EV er EV)EP2 EMBER 91 1939guage with a sum sufficient to pay for the translationof the same by tits officers of the Senate, andthe printing of OW copies in English and 200 inFrench . The applicant shall also pay the Clerkof the Senate, immediately after the second readingand before the consideration of the Bill by theCommittee to which it is referred a sum of OWwith the cost of printing the Act in the Statutesand lodge the receipt for the same with the Clerkof such Committee .

23AForm of a Bill to Amend on Ac t

60A. (1) In the preparation of Bills amendingexisting enactments the amendments shall notordinarily be made by clauses which add or leaveout words or substitute words for others, but byclauses which re-enact the section, subsection, orother minor division, as it is amended .

(2) In the text of the Bill, on the left hand page,new matter shall be indicated by such typographicalmeans no may best suit the varying circumstancesof each cage, such as brackets, italics, underlining,asterisks, etc . Opposite each clause, on the righthand page, the enactments amended thereby, or somuch thereof as is essential, shall be printed withthe proposed changes to be made therein similarlyindicated .

(3) When a clause repeals an existing section, oub.action. or other minor division of a section, thatsection, subsection or division, or so much thereof,as in essential, shall be printed opposite the clause .

(4) A memorandum by the draftsman explainingbriefly the reasons for each clause, shall be appendedto the Bill, or distributed therewith . Wheneverpracticable the memorandum shall be printed onthe right hand page of the Bill, in paragraphsopposite the clauses referred to and numberedcorrespondingly .

(5) The above rules shall also as far as practicableapply to the reprinting of Bills .

L . C. MOYER,Clerk of the Senate .

HOUSE OF COMMONSCopies Of the Stavidins Orders relative to

Petitions and Private Bills as also of the ModelBills for the Inoor tion of Banks, InsuranceCompanies, Loan =rpostiles, Hallway Companiesand Trust Companies may he had free uponapplication to the

Clerk of the House of Commons,Ottawa .


Housa or Commons Pjcsp=TjNo

Publication of Notice95. (1) Applications to Parliament for Private

Bills of any nature whatsoever shall be advertisedby a notice published in the Canada Gazette ; suchnotice shall clearly and distinctly state the natureand objects of the application, and shall be signedby or on behalf of the applicants, with the addressof the party signing the same and when the sppllica~tion in for an Act of incorporation, tits name of theproposed company shall be stated in the notice . Ifthe work of nny company (incioritorsted, or to beincorporated) are to be declared to be for thegeneral advantage of Canada, such intention shallbe specifically mentioned in the notice ; and theapplicants shall cause a copy of such notice to besent by rigistered letter to the Clerk of each countyor municipality which may be specially affectedbv the construction or operation of such works, andalso to the Secretary of the Province in which suchworks are, or may be located . Every such notice

739sent by registered letter shall be modled in time toreach its destination not later than two weeksbefore the consideration of the proposed Bill bythe Committee to which it may be referred andproof of compliance with this requirement by theapplicant shall be established by statutory doelam-hon .

(2) In addition to this Notice in the CanadaGazette aforesaid, a similar notice shall also bepublished in same leading newspaper, as tollows:-

A. When the application is for an Act to lnooz~parolee-

I . A Railway or Canal Compativlo the prin.cipal city, town or village ick each county or districtthrough which the proposed railway or mW in tobe constructed .

2 . A Telegraph or Telephone Cosspanllt~ln theprincipal city or town in each province or territoryin which the company proposes to operate .

2. A company for the construction of any workswhich in their construction or operation mightspecially affect the particular locality ; or forobtaining any exclusive rights or privileges, or fordoing any matter or thing which in Its operationwould affect the rights or property of others :-Inthe particular locality or localities in which theoperations may be affected by the proposed Act.

4 . A Banking Company ; an Insurance Company ;a Trust Company ; a Loan Company or an Indus .trial Company without any exclusive powers :-Inthe Canada Gazette only .

B. When the application in for the purpose ofamending an existing Actr_

1 . For an extension of any line of railway, orof any canal ; or for the construction of branchesthereto :- .In the place where the head office of thecompany is situated, and in the principal city, town,or village in each county or district through whichmuch extension or branch is to be constructed.

2. For an extension of time for the constructionor completion of any line of railway or of anybranch or extension thereof, or of any canal, or ofany telegraph - or telephone line or of any otherworks already authorized :-At the place whom thehead office of the company is situated and in theprincipal city or town of the district affected .

3 . For the continuation of a charter or for anextension of the powers of the company (whennot involving the granting of any exclusive rights)or for the increase or reduction of the capital stockof any company ; or for increasing or altering itsbonding or other borrowing powers ; or for anyamendment which would in any way affect therights or interests of the shareholders or bondholdersor creditors of the company :-In the place whomthe head office of the company is situated or sulb .orized to be .

C . When the application Is (or the purpose ofobtaining for any person or existing corporationany exclusive rights or privileges or the power to doany matter or thing which in Its operation wouldaffect the rights or property of others :-In theparticular locality or localities in which the businessrights or property of others may be speciallyaffected by. the proposed Act .

(3) All such notices whether inserted in thisConada Gasette or in a newspaper shall be publishedat leat once a week for a period of four consecutiveweeks ; and when originating in the Province ofQuebec or in the Province of Manitoba shall bepublished in English in an English newspaper and;n Frpnch in at French newspaper, and in bothlanguages in the Canada Gasette, and If them is nonewspaper in a locality whom a notice Is requiredto be given, such notice shall be given in the nosit




nettrest locality wherein a newspaper is published ;and proof of the due publication of notice shall beestablished in each case by statutory declaration ;and All such declarations shall be sent to the Clerkof the House, endorsed "Private Bills Notice ."

Petitions for Private Bills92. Petitions for Private Bills shall only be

received by the House if presented within the firlitsix weeks of the session, and every Private Bi!]originating in the Commons shall be presented inthe House within two weeks after the petitiontherefor has been favourably reported upon by theExaminer of Petitions or by the Committee onStanding Orders, and no motion for the suspensionof the standing order shall be entertained unless areport has been first made by the Committee onStanding Orders recommending such suspension andgiving their reasons therefor .

97 . No petition praying for the incorporation ofa railway company, or of a canal company, or foran extension of the line of any existing or author-ised railway or canal, or for the construction ofbranches thereto, sliall be considered by the Exam-iner, or by the Committee on Standing Ordersuntil there has been filed with the Said Examinera map or plan, showing the proposed location of theworks and each county, township, municipality ordistrict through which the proposed railway orcanal, or any branch or extension thereof, is to beconstructed .

Private Bills93. (1) Any person desiring to obtain any Private

Bill shall deposit with the Clerk of the House notlater then the first day of each session, a copy ofsuch a Bill in the English or French language, witha sum sufficient to pay for translating and printingthe same, the translation to be done by the officers,of the House . and the printing by the Departmentof Public Printing .

(2) After the second reading of a Bill, and beforeits consideration by the Committee to which it isreferred, the applicant shall in every case pay thecost of printing the Act in the Statutes, and a feeof Five Hundred Dollars.


(3) The following charges Shall also be levied andpaid in addition to the foregoing, via :-

(41) When any Standing Order of the HocA&is suspended in reference to a Bill or thePetition, therefor, for each such suspen.sion . . .,$too

M When a Bill is presented in the Houseafter the eighth week of the session andnot later than the twelfth week . . _ _ 100

(0) When a Bill is presented in the Houseafter the twelfth week of the session . . . . 200

(d) When the proposed capital stock of acompany does not exceed SM,000 . . . . . . 100

(e) When the proposed capital stock is over$280.000 And does not exceed siioopillo . . 200

(1) When the proposed capital stock is over11MAW and does not exceed $750,000 . . 300

40) When the proposed capital stock is ove r3780,000 and dnpR link exceed 61,000,000 . . 400

(A) When the proposed capital stock is over$1,000,000 and does not exceed $lM000 600

(1) When the proposed capital stock is ;ver. SIM000 and does not exceed $2,000 , 000 , , goo

0) For every additional million dollars orfractional part thereof . . 200

(4) When a Bill increases the capital stock of anexisting company, the additional charge. @hill beAccording to tile foregoing tariff, upon the amountof the increase only.

(5) When a Hill increases or involves an increasein the borrowing powers of a company without anyincrease in the capital stock, the additional chargeshall be $300 .

(a) When a Bill increases both the capital stockAnd the borrowing powers of a company, the addi-tional charge shall be made upon both .

(6) If any increase in the amount of the proposedcapital stock or borrowing powers of a companybe made at any stage of a Bill, such Bill shall notbe Advanced to the next stage until the chargesconsequent upon such change have been paid .

(7) In this Standing Order the term " proposedcapital atock " includes any increase thereto pro.vided for in the Bill ; and where power is takenin a Bill to increase at any time the amount ofthe proposed capital stock, the additional chargeshall be levied on the maximilin amount of suchvroposed increase, which shall be stated in the Bill .

(8) Tile additional charges provided for in thisStanding Order shall also apply to Private Billsoriginating in the Senate provided, however, thatif a petition for any such Bill has been presentedin this House within the first six weeks of thesession, the additional charges made under para-graphs M and (c) Of subsection (3) shall not belevied thereon .

MOM BILL S96* (1) The Chief Clerk of Private Bills shall be

the Examiner of Private Bills, and as such, shallexamine and revise all private bills before they areprinted, for the purpose of insuring unifo~mitywhere possible and of seeing that they are drawn inaccordance with the Standing Orders of the Houserespecting private bills .

(2) Every Bill for an Act of Incorporation, wherea form of model bill has been adopted, shall bedrawn in accordance with it model bill (copies ofmodel bills may be obtained from the Clerk of theHouse) . Any provisions contained in any Such bfllwhich are not in accord with the model bill shallbe inserted between brackets or underlined and shallbe so printed .

(3) Where a private Bill amends any section, sub-section or Paragraph of an existing Act, such me-tion, Subsection or paragraph shall be repealed inthe text of the bill and be re-enacted as proposedto be amended, the new matter being indicated byunderlining ; and the section, subsection or par&.graph which is to be so repealed, or so much thereofAs is essential, shall be printed in the right handPage OPPOIlito such section . subsection or paragraph ,

(4) When a Private Bill repeals an existing sec .tion, subsection or other minor division of a sec .tion, that section, subsection or division or so muchthereof as is essential, Shall be printed opposite theclaute .

(5) A brief explanatory note giving tile reasonsfor any clause of Ali unusual nature or which differsfront the model bill clamea or standard clauses shallIm printed opposite the clause In tile bill .

Mae ON PLAN OF ItAILWJ%Y CONIMTTTLI98 . No Bill for the incorporation of A railway or

a canal company, or for Authorizing tile construc-tion of branch lines or extensions of existing linesof railways or of canals, or for changing the routeof the railway or of tile canal of any companyalready incorporated, shall be considered by theRailway Committee, until there has been filed withthe Committee, at least one week before the can-sideration of the Bill, a map or plan drawn upon awain or not leas than half an inch to 'the mileshowing tile location upon which it in intended toconstruct the proposed work, and showing also thelines of existing or authorized works of a similarcharacter within, or in any way affecting the district,

SEPTEMBER 9, 1939or any Part thereof, which the proposed work isintended to serve, and such map or plan shall besigned by the Engineer or other person making thesame .

ARTHUR BEAUCHESNE ,Clerk of the House of Cornmon@ .


NOTICE is hereby given that Armand Boucher ,druggirt, of 1841 Sherbrooke Street East, Mont.

real, District of Montreal, will apply to the Parlin.ment of Canada, at the next session thereof, for abill of divorce from his wife, Murielle David Boucher,of the City of Montreal, District of Montreal,Province of Quebec, on the ground of adultery .

Dated at Montreal, this Ift day of August, 1939.


GABOURY & ALMOND,Solicitom for petitioner ,

507 Place d'Armes,Montreal .



NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to Section 104of The Canadian and British Insurance Com .

panics Act, 1932, u amended, that The T. EatonGeneral Insurance Company, having its head officeat the City of Toronto, in the Province of Ontario,has ceawd to transact business ; that all of itsPolicies have expired ; that all of its liabilities havebeen settled ; and that it will Apply to the Honour-able the Minister of Finance of the Dominion ofCanada, on the 7th day of November, 1939, for the""00 Of its securities which are on deposit withthe said Minister.

Any Policyholder Opposing such release should filehis OPPOsition with the said Minister at Ottawa,Canada, before the said 7th day of November, 1939 .

Dated at the City of Toronto, in the Province ofOntario, this 25th day of July, 1939.


5-15 49CCretUY-Treasurer .


"T iiAT the, head ffie of the .,npan,. shall bechanged from the City of Winnipeg, in the

Provinve of Manitoba, to 0W office of Woods, Field .Craig tint] Hyndmnn, or their Furcemmorit, in the Cityof Edmonton, In the Province of Alberta ."

I, the UndeNigneil, tile aesixtant weretary-treasurrrOf CadOnlill Coal ('011aptilly Limited, hereby certifythat the foregoing is it true anti correct 'copy ofIly-law No. I of the by-law,t of the said company(1111Y Vnikelf1d I)v tile directors and sanctioned and'confirmed by more than two .thirdo of tile votes costat a special general meeting of the shareholders ofthe said company duly called and held on the 25th(toy Of August, 1939, for the Purpose of consideringthe said by-law .

Witness my signature anti the selli of the companyat the City of Winnipeg, Manitoba, this 20th dayof Auquqt, 1939 .

IL,S.I S. M . POWLEY ,11-1 Assistant Secretary-Treasurer .



N OTICE is hereby given that the annual generalmeeting of the shareholders of The St. Lawrence

Adirondack Railway Company will be held at th ehead office of the company, in tile City of Ottawa,Province of Ontario, on the third Tuesday of Sep.tember, 1939 (being the 119th day of that month), at2 .30 o'clock In the afternoon, for the purpose ofelecting a new board of directors few the ensuingYear and for the transaction of such othm businessan may be lawfully brought before the meeting .


Ottawa, Ont ., August 26, 1939. 94


NOTICE is hereby given that the Sussex FifeInsurance Company, of Newark, NJ., having

reinsured its liabilities in Canada in the AmericanEquitable Assurance Company of New York, N.Y,which is registered under the Foreign insuranceCompanies Act, 1932, to transact business in, will apply to the Minister of Finance for therelease on the 16th day of October, 1939, of thesecurities on deposit with the Minister of Finance ;and that any Canadian policyholder Opposing suchrelease should file his opposition thereto with theMinister of Finance, Ottawa, on or before the ulddate .

Dated at Montreal, P.Q., this 8rd day of July,1939 .

2-14P . J. PERRIN,

Chief Agent for Canada .


OTICE Is hereby given that a dividend of~N three per cent on the paid-up capital stockof this bank has been declared for the currentquarter to shareholders of record of September 15,and that the same will be payable on and afterMonday, the second day of October next, at anyof the offices of the bank in Canada.

By order of the Board,H. F. PATTERSON',

General MansM.Halifax, N.S., August is, 190. 8-7


T" Bell Telephone Company of Canada herebygives notice that it has, under notion 7 of

the said Act, deposited with the Minister of PublicWorks at Ottawa, and in the office of the Registrarfor the Registry Division of the Counties of I*nnoxand Addington . at Napanise, Ontario, a description ofthe site anti the plan of a submarine telephonecable proposed to be laid urces the Napance Riveron the cut side of the Centim Street bridge, froma point on Centre &reet on the mouth side of theaid river to a point on said Centre Street on thennrth side of the mdd river, in the Town ofNapance, in the County of JActoor, Provhm ofOntario .

And take notice that after the expiration (if onemonth from the date of the first publication of thisnotice, The Bell Telephone Company of Canadawill, under action 7 of the said Act. apply to theMinister of Public Works at his office in the Cityof Ottawa, for approval of the aid site OW plw%and for leave to lay the said siubmaritte telephonecable .

Dated at Montreal . this ninth day of AuguokIon .

F. (). WEBBER,84 secretary.





NOTICE is hereby given that the annual general

meeting of the shareholders of the Ottawa andNew York Railway Company will be held at themain office of the company, in the City of Ottawa,Province of Ontario, an the third Tucaday of Sep .tember, 1939 (being the Ift day of that month), at&30 o'clock in the afternoon, for the purpose ofelecting a now board of directors for the ensuingyear, and for the transaction of such other businesssis may be lawfully brought before the meeting .

JOSEPH M . O'MAHONFY,Assistant Secretary.

Ottawa, Ont ., August 20, 1939 . 04



AME.NDED Section 5 . Term of Office, Number,Quorum and Efigibilily~ The number of

directors ithall be eleven. Four directors shall con .stitute a quorain for the transoction of business .Directors shall hold office until the next succeedingannual shareholders' meeting anti flo,reafter untiltheir auemisom are clected unleas earlivr removed bythe shareholders under the provisions of the letterspatent incorporating the company . No person shallbe elected as a director or appointed as a director tofill any vacancy unless lie or at company of which lieis, an officer or dirreter is a shareholder of the com-pally .

1, Sydney Anderson, do hereby certify that I an%the vv,rctary of Washburn Croslky Company Lim-!led, it corporation incorporated under the laws ofthe Dominion of Canada : that the above quotedamendment to section 5 of Article 11 of lite by-lawsof said corporation is an exact copy of the amend-ment to said section 6 of Article It of the by-lawsof said corporation doly adopled at a special generalmeeting of the shareholders of said corporation, dulycalled for the purpose of conNidering said amend-input to the by-laws anti field on the Ist tiny ofAugumt, 1939, and was sanctioned by more than two-thirds of the votes eaA at such inecting, to wit , bythe unanimous vote of the entire outstanding sharesof capital stock of said corporation .

I further certify that I am empowered to affix thewal of this corporation to this certificate and thatthe corporate seal hereto affixed is the seal of thiscorporation .

Dated at Minneapolis, Minnesota, this 29th dayof August, 1939 .



BLOEDEL Stewart & Welch Limited, of 510 WestHastings Street, in the City of Vancouver,

Province of British Columbia, hereby gives noticethat it haq . tinder section 7 of the said Act, depositedwith the Minister of Public Works at Ottawa and inthe office of the District Registrar of the Land Reg-istry District of Victoria, at Victoria, British Colum .bia, a description of the site and the plans of shorefa8tenero, anchor@, piling and dolphins for the mak-ing of a storing and booming ground proposed to beconstructed in the Harbour of Alberni, at PortAlberni, British Columbia, in front of unsurveyedEoquimalt & Nanaimo Railway Company lands atthe head of Alberni Canal .

And take notice that after the expiration of onemonth from the date of the first publication of this

notice, Bloodel Stewart & Welch Limited will, undorsection 7 of the said Act, apply to the Minister ofPublic Works at his office in the City of Ottawa, forapproval of the said site and plans and for leaveto construct the said shore fasteners, anchors, pilingfind dolphins for the making of a storing and boom-ing ground ,

Dated at Vancouver, B .C., this tat day of Septem.her, 1939.



TIIE Hydro-Electric Power Commission of On.tario hereby gives notice that it has, under

section 7 of the said Act, deposited with the Ministerof Public Works at Ottawa, and in the office of theDistrict Registrar of the Land Registry District ofthe District of Henom, Patricia Portion, at Konora,a description of the site and the plans of a tratim.mission line reaming the English Iliver 1-1 mileswest of Lac Scul Dain, in the District of Kenorn,Patricia Portion .

And take notice that aftvr the expiration of ononiouth from the (into Of the first publication of thisnotice' The Hydro-Eleetric Power Commission ofOntario will, under section 7 of the anid Act . applyto the Minister of Public Works, nt his ollice in theCity of Ottawa, for approval of the said site andPlAiis, and for leave to construct the said transinis .sion fine .

Dated at Toronto, this twenty-ninth day ofAugust, 1939 .


081101INK MITCHELL ,114 Secretary ,


BY-LAW NO . 0or


W HEItEAS the hend office of Commercial Insur-ance Agency Limited now is at the City of

Montreal, in the Province of Qoclice ;And whereas it in deemed expedient that the same

should be changed to the City of Winnipeg, in theProvince of Manitoba ;

Therefore. Commercial Insurance Agency Limitedenacts as follows :

1 . That the head office of Commercial InsuranceAgency Limited be and the same in hereby change(]from the City of Montreal, in the Province of Que-bee to the City of Winnipeg, in the Province ofMItoba.

2. That this by-law be submitted for sanction bythe shareholders of the company at a general meet-ing thereof to be called for considering the same .

Done and passed, this 21st day of August, 1939 .JOHN B . RICHARDSON,

President ,[T,S.j G. LAWSON,

Secretary .

I hereby certify that the above is it trite and cor-rect copy of By-law No . 6 of Commercial InsuranceAgency Limited duly passed by the directors of theabove company at a meeting held on the 21st dayof August, 1939, and unanimously sanctioned at aspecial general meeting of the shareholders dulycalled for considering the same and field on the 31stday of August, 1939 .

[L .S .] G . LAWSON,11-1 Secretary .


RHODE ISLAND INSURANCE COMPANYN OTICE is hereby given that the Rhode Island

Insurance Company, of Providence, R .I ., reinsured its liabilities in Canada in the RoyalInsurance Company, Limited, of Liverpool,, which in registered under Ile Canadian andBritish Insurance Companies Act, 1932, to transactbusiness in Canada, will apply to the Minister ofFinance for the release on the Ninth Day of October,


1939, of the securities on deposit with the Ministerof Finance; and that any Comedian policyholderopposing such releme should file his oppositionthereto with the Minister of Finance, Ottawa, on orbefore the mid date .

Dated at Montreal, P.Q ., this Eighth Day of July,1939 .

J. R . LACHANCE ,2-14 Chief Agent for Canada .







701161 (sont, du Si lacs (BummetOilloo) (Illith july) -

M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . jalletwi~'Au . - [aile Clodum..?M. ('"ton Amaud (Ici Aujoust) . . . . Q . . . . . . . Arioand . . . . . . . . . . . . . charlevolà› Alfred Alherd .78819 Collins Inlet (Butanier OMoo) N.11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

su~y .Alotomait I-km. . . . . . Ont.. . . Mm nu M. llowtu

713"(lot A ugont initier Office) (lith NI . . . . . . tel 9A . Rante Il, Jolietwt .'An. P.q .aly) . et . Alphonse. sopipam-Mout.


zpovst (24(h julyl . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2Il Idalo(Sth % uot)N.It . . . .*r

Dufreanny . . . Mon -t mm jecomie, tàadry .

71440. . . . . . . . . . . .

(&)Eoprit"ntill4tAugust). . . . . . .

Q fian é 1 Ri : :FAlexudwmuwo..


. . . . . . . c .I ~lmene

m . . . . . . . . . .Q . . Alpisain, IU«%.70la camelud (1t"pmod) (14th W. . . . . . »t t ctm. 2 . Pratt Koommolway ont H 8 obbW71813

july )Grattei lAke (Flommer Offlooo) m. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

River.Joliette VAe

. . . . . .Camille nueble(R"Pmed Seth july) . »Iliptioa-mmt.



Nferlurno MIS (Ilith Au ust) . -%Il te flot lot@

M ""Il . . . . .P . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .fier . a l'P 48. R. se .

eldni .Jw*«.Eàm

X.B . .. ùîa ~ :

ru . Mary MeW" P meik"1 ) igti uly), W. ïth il .

. . . . . . . . . . .8=

. aed (Summero M)uat .

u19,r . . . . . . . [At 32 . Con . 5, et&

pliersouiUdekoka-OntArlo . Ont . . . . IL M . ChebuM

81428 .rk ( uni e Offles)m r1

1(18t Jul )

T . . . . . . . [Ai 3 Con . là,S ~id t Blineu North . . . . Ont. . . . litre. FlOrsoncs M .76189 y .


mond 1 pwm (lot q . . . . . . .ur â e.

149 M . Rionge 9 . IÀike Si . Jolie. Emme.Dariadd FraserNormandie. Roberval .


Novs.-N) A now Post Offloo was Opened under the mine of Esprit listint and the came of it* existing Esprit liallet INRRofflu wasi chimsod to Consul".Aldershot Camp "old Post Office, N .S . . was in operation during the period 3rd to 131h July.Barriolleld Camp Flold Put Office, Oat ., wait In operation during the period tend July to bit August .Connaught Camp Field Put Office . Electoral Dlatrkt of Carleton, Oct.. was In Opossum during the perfect 4th to OthJuly .Dusdum Camp Field Post Office, Electoral District of Ruth=, Bank . . was in operviflom during the period bit to lothJuly,Nissarwon-tho-Tako Camp Mid Post Office, Electoral District of [Assets, Out., was In operation during the periodloth Sum to sib July .St . Drum Field Put Office, P.Q., was In opeonalon for the period Ifth June to Ifth July .Sareve Camp Hold Put Office . Alta ., was In operation during the period lit to lith July .Shilo Counp Field Put Offics. Electoral District of Nospotors, Mao ., was in Operation device the pwW Ifth June to12th August .dussex Camp Field Post Office, Electoral District of Royal, N .D ., was In operation during the perfect Ird to 111th July.Canif Voloortlor Field Post Offigm, Electoral District of Quelosi-Montmovency. P .Q ., was in Operation during theperloolls 2 th June to Ilth July and 26th uly to sib August .Vismim Camp Field Put 0111ce. D .C . . was In operation during the period Wh June to let July .


Office Number Post Office Electoral District Now Name71447 . . . . . . L) Esprit Saint .

""Rimoupki, P.Q . . . . . . . . . . to 70871 Coneillor 21at A at) .0533 . . . . . . St. Vacomo . . . . . : : : : Kamouratiolist, PQ. . . . . . . to 1416 St . Oabr2l do uEniourasks

(23rd August) .

OFFICES CLOSEDPost Office Electoral District Date of Closing

Boulder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kamloops B C .22nd July .(b) Carrolls Corner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Halifax, July.Cullytim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lake Centre, Bank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Isth July .

(b) Dutch Settlement . . . . . . . . . . . . . Halifax, N.8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : :22nd July .Goat Harbour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sketina, B .C . . . . . . . . . 29th July .(b) Lac Rochu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .NOgnntle-Frontentic, EQ*,* .'.' tat August.McGrath Mountain . . . . . . . . . . . . Pictou, N.S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31stJulSunnywold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Yale, B.C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : ., 14th JX.

(b) Closed on account of rural mail delivery-nowrt office address given thelow.0 .Carrolln Corner-Lants Siding R . It . .'a . 1 .Dutch Sottlentent-Lants Siding R .R. No . 1 .Lac Rochu-St . Evariste Station R .R. No . 2 .




Nominations de syndicsIÀ)l DE FAILLITE

DANS LAFrAiRe de Dame Judith Monck MeNicoli,Québec, débitrice ,

A VlS ce par le présent donné que le Soussigné a&ë nommé Syndic dans l'affaire susdite, à une

&mmblée des Wanciers tenue au Palais de Justice,à Québec, Je 21o jour daoût 1939 .


Bureaux : 07, nie ',~k%int-Pierrê, Syndic.

québec. il-1

LOI Dl' FAILLITEIN M : Im.-Piiiiiiiiie Bernier (Ntzwamin (le Fer Enrg .),

Rivièm-dii-Loup, Qué ., cédant autorisé .

AVIS est par lemi préocntet donné que le soitadgn,%a été nommé Syndic à l'actif susdit, à l'amni-blée de* rréanciem tenue au Palais de Justim, àRivièm-du-Loup, le 20 août IW9 ,


10, nie Stint-Jacquiu>Ea!,Syndic .

Montr6al . 11-1

LOI DE FAILLITEIN Rr~ PlIul IkInm",Ju . ferronnerie, SN, Ontario .

Est, Montréal, emint autorisé .AVIS est Par les Présente@ donné que le oouMgn~.

a été nommé syndic à lad,f »u$d,, à amm_

blée des créancier@ tenue au PaJnia de Justice, àMontréal, le 29 août lwg.


10, nie Saint-Jacqueii-Est,Syndic .

Montr6al . 11- 1

LOI DE FAILLITEDANs L'ArrAnu: de Charlemagne Lévesque, 1473, rue

Beaudry, Montrégl ,A VIS c* par les Prétientes donné que le soussigné

a été nommé syndic à l'actif susdit, à pamm-blée des créancienq tenue au Palais de Justice, àMontréal, le 290 jour d'août 1939 ,

Montréal, le 30 août 1939 .JeRAOUL LABELLE ,

Edifioe "IA Sauvegarde»,152, nie Notre»Dame-Est,

Montréal .

Syndic .

LOI DE FAILLITEDANS LAFrAIRS de l'actif de Danie Eva Dfflnnrnis-

Courteau . marchande publique, Cap-de-la-Made.leine, "rite autorisée.

SOYEZ notifié que le soussigné a été nommècomme syndic autorisé de J'actif susdit, par Jet;

créancirr& à leur première memblée, tenue le tren-tième jour de juin 1939.

Daté aux Trois-Rivièm, ce deuidéme jour de sep-tembre 1939.


Bureau :M7, Sainte-Geneviève ,

Les Trois-Rivières,

Syndic autorisé .

geur de commerce, demeurant à 12280, rue Cou-inneau, C4irt-it-rville, Qué ., débiteur.

P RE~NEZ avis que le mitiigné a dûment éténommé Syndic à la faillite Joseph Clcr%-ttiei, à

une amen%bK~o des créancier@ tenue le 24o jourd'août 1939 .

Dat,6 à Montréal, le 21 août IW9~JOSEIIII .G . DuHANIEL,

s~Mdic .152, nie Notre.r)ttnie-Eut ,

M1 ont", Qué .


DANS L'AFFAIRM de 11% faillite (Je Rollantl ( ; :tgnoil,faimint affairce sous leti nom et raison socialed'Epiverin du -Foyer Enrg ., 98, rue Kirouac,Québec, débiteur .

AVIS est par les pi,éœntw donné que itollaii(l

Gagnon, épicier . de Québec, ii, le 28e jourd'août 1939, fait une cc"doil (le toits av@ biens pourle bénéfice de sea créanciere, et que lit premièreassemblée (tes créanciers &,ta tenue à (biébec, le 7ejour de septembre 1939, it Il heures de l'avant-inidi(heure avaneée) . au bureau de M. Wilfrid Edge,C.R ., séqlle»Ue offieiel, en le Palais de Justice .

Pour avoir droit (le voter à ladite assemblée, ilfaut que les preuves des et les procura-tiens soient déposées entre nos mains avant l'as .sertiblée .

Lu personnes qui ont des réclamations à len-contre do ces biens doivent ; les faire parvenir auxgardiens ou aux syndics, lorsqu'ils soroM nommés,avant, que lit distribution ne soit faite, à défaut (lequoi le produit de l'actif sert distribué entre leuayants droit, mna égard à ces réclamations .

Québec, le 29 août 1939 .R .-ERNEST LETAIVRE, JOS, MARMETTE

& RENE LEFAIVRE,Gardiens .

Bureaux :111, Côte de la Montagne ,

Québec, Qué .


DANS L'AFFAIRE ile la faillite de M. et Mme Geœge&Labelle, commencanle, 5177, nie Berri, Montréal,



AVIS est par les Présente& donné que M . et Mine

Georges Labelle, de la cité de Montréal, pro .vince de Qiiébec, ont fait c(wion de leure biens le20e jour d'août 1939, et que la preini&e assembléede leurs créancier& sera tenue le 12e jour de Pep-tembre 1939, à 2 .30 lictires de J'après-midi, au bureau(lit @équestre officiel, chambre 31, ealais de Justice,Montréal, P.Q .

Pour avoir le droit de voter à ladite assemblée, ilfaut que les Preuves de@ réclamations et ke procu-rWionm soient déposées entre mes mains avant l'a» .semblile .

Lu penionnes qui ont des réclamations à l'en-contre de ces biens doivent les faire parvenir aitgardien ou tu syndic, lorsqu'il nom nommé, avantque la distribution des biens ne eoit faite, à défaiii,(le quoi le produit de l'actif sera distribué entre lesayante droit, ainsi égard à ces réclamations .

Daté à Montréal, ce 29 août 1039,HERMAS PERRAS,

Gardien .


AVIS est lnr les Priftateà donné que Clarence DBooth, eut repreneur-électricien, taisent affaires

BOW 10 nom (le Booth Brou ., ait n* 5774, Sherbrooke.Ouest, NIOnW~al, Qué ., a fait cession de ses biens leâle jour daoût 1939, et que la première assembléeden créancierti mu tenue le 12e jour de septembri1939, à 2 .30 heures de laprès-midi, à la chambre 31 .Palais de Justieê, Montréal .

Pour avoir le droit tic vot4m à ladite assemblée, ilfaut que les 1)retl%'êo des réclamation@ et les procu .rations soient déposées entre me@ mains avant l'es .aemblète .

Let personnes qui ont (les r~clam"ozw à l'en .contre de ces biens doivent les faire parvenir angordien ou lui syndic, lmqtl'il mm nommé, avantcitte lit di"l)teion ne soit faite, à défaut de quoi leProduit (le luctif der,% distribué entre les ayantadroit, sans égaird à ces réclamations .

Daté à Montréal, ce 31 août 1039 .J .-O . BONNIER .

Bonnier & Bernier,. Gardien .

132, Saint-Jacques-Onest ,


DANS L'AFFAIRIC d'All)hège Ferland, cédant .A VlS est par le présent donné que Alphège Fer.

land, de Cowansville, a fait une cession de nonbience, le 25e jour (lu mois d'août 1939.

Ctue lit première assemblée des créanciers seintenue au Palais de Julotive, Sherbrooke, Qué., le Sejour du mois de neW.eiiibre 1939, à 10 heures del'avant-midi ,

Pour avoir le droit de voter à ladite assemblée, ilfaut que tee Preuves des réclamagons et lu procu-rations soient dépoeées entre mes main avant ]las.semblée .

Les permormes qui ont dm réclamations à l'en .contre de ces biens doivent les faire parvenir augardien en ait syndic, lorsqu'il sera nommé, avmttque la diëtribtition ne soit faite, à défaut de quoi leproduit de l'actif sera distribué entre les ayantsdroit, sans égard à et,@ réclamations .

Daté à Granby, ce 28e jour du mois dwùt 1039 .J .-A. DROUIN,

J.-A . Drouin, Gardien.Syndic,

B .P . 181, Grarby, Qu6 .


DANS L'AFP~~iR% (le J .-A . Rolland, marbrier, 1286, rueSaint-Valier, Québoc, cédant .

A VIS est par le présent donné que le susnommédébiteur a fait une cession de loue ses biens le

vingl~-Dellvième jour d'OoÙt 1939, et que la premièreassemblée des créanciers sera tenue au greffe de InLoi de faillite, ai, Palais de JuWice, à Québec, le 7ejour de septembre 1039, à Il heure@ de l'avant-midi .

Pour voter à cette assemblés, la preuve de votreréclamation et votre procuration devront itre prisdui(es avmit, )«dite assemblée .

Ceux qui ont des réclamations à l'encontre de cetbiens doivent les faire parvenir au garilien . ou auSYladie, lomq,"il Sera nommé, avaM que la di"-bution ne soit faite, à défaut de quoi le produit del'actif erre, distribué entre les ayants droit, malleégard à ces réclamations.

Daté à Québec, ce 30e jour d'août jUg .A. BINET,

Gardien .Bureaux : 17, rue Saint-Jacques, Québac. 11 .1


DANS LAFFAIRi: de la faillite de LPlbikppc-R. 7%ibl>droit, débiteur.

A VIS cet lier lu Présente@ donné que LPhilippe-1-1 R. Thibodeau, de Je cité de Québec, a "cession de ses biens le 3le jour d'août IM9, et quela première assemblée des créancim mm tenue le12P jour de septembre 1939, à onze heures de l'avant-Illidi, Ru Puktid de Justice, en la cité de Québee .Pour avoir le droit de voter à Ifidite assemblée, iltant que les prêtivee de# r&lanl&timm et log proeu.rationq noient déposées entre mu nudu avant Ile».Mutilée .

Lee personne@ qui ont dee réclamatienit à j-«.contre. de ces biens doivent lu faire par%.e.~ auSacilien ou ail myndic, lorsqu'il sera nommé, svmtque lit distribution ne soit faite, à défaut de quoi leproduit de l'actif mm distribué entre les ayantsdroit, mit égard à ces réclamations,

Daté à»4,ébee, ce 3le jour d'août 19».

Bureaux do :McDonald, Ouirrie & Co. ,

65, rue ëâint-Anne, Québec. 11- 1


Les règlements, ordres généraux, etc ., quisuivent, sont promulguée et adressés à lamilice canadienne par ordre du ministre de laDéfense nationale.

O.G. 121







D'OFFICIERS CANADIENS - ORGA.NISATIONL'ordre général no 37 de 1938, tel que modi-

fié par l'O.G . 161) de 1938, cet de nouveaumodifié comme il suit, à compter du 15juillet 1939 .

Vis-à-vis "Université Mount Allison"dans la colonne "Q.G. et 4 pelotons"

insérer 1'l" ;dans la colonne "Q.G. et 2 pelotons"

retrancher "I".0.32-lu

8.P . 2M du 17-8-M







Conformément à l'autorisation reçue à cesujet, le ministre de la Défense nationale aappelé sous les drapeaux les unités ci-dessousmentionnées de la milice active non perma-nente, à compter du 26 août 1939 :

District militaire No 2The Governor General's Horse Guards

(détachements )The Sault Ste . Marie and Sudbury Regiment

(mit .) (détachements )The Irish Regiment of Canada (mit .) (déta-

ments )The Lincoln and Welland Regiment

District militaire No 3The Midland Regiment (Northumberland and

Durham) (détachements )The Governor General'a Foot Guards (déta-

mente )The Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry High-

landers (détachements )Le Régiment de Hull (détachements )Tite Princess of Wales' Own Reginient (mit .)

(détachements )

District militaire Ne 4Victoria Rifles of CanadaLe Régiment (le St-Hyncinthe (détachements)2o bat ., The Black Watch (Royal Ilighland

Reginient) of canada16o cie de campagne, G.R .C . (détachements)4o Signaleurs divisionnaires, Signaleurs R .C .

(di~taclieiiiviit~t )Se I.M.R .C. divisionnaire (détachements)

District militaire Ne 53o batterie anti-aérienne, A .R .C .94e batterie tic campagne, A .R .C .59e batterie lourde, A .R .C .Us Voltigeurs (le Québec (détachements)Le Régiment tic Lévis (détachements)Signaleurs de district if 5, Signalcurs R.C.

(détachenients )The Royal Rifles of Cannd aFusiliers (tri St-Laurent (détaclieilletit8 )Le Régiment (le Québec (Mitrailleuses) (dé.

tachements )40 divisionnaire (détachements)Ambulance (le campagne nu 19, S . de do

5t› section régionale

District militaire Ne 6(~uartier général, lt3o brigadu côtière, A .R .C .w batterie lourde, AACC.3tk~ batterie lourde, A .R .C .86e batterie lourde, A,lt .(, .(~uârtier général, ire brigade côtière (Hall .

fax), A, R.C.Sle batterie lourde, A .]R .C,82o batterie lourde, A .R .C .53e batterie lourde, A .R.C,De batterie lourde, A.R.C,

Ire batterie anti-nérienne, A.R.C .De batterie de projecteurs (D.C.), A.R .C.l0e batterie de projecteurs (D.C.), A.R.C.2c forteresse de compagnie électrique et méca-

nique, G.1t,C ,Se forteresse de compagnie électrique et méca-

nique, G.R.C.Signaieurs de district no 6, Signalcurs R.C .

(détachements )Forteresse (le compagnie de signaleurs no 5,

Signaleurs R.C .Forteresse de compagnie de signaleurs no 6,

Signaleurs R .C .The North Nova Scotia Higlilanders (Mit .)

(détachements )The Halifax Rifles (détachements )The Princess LouLe Fusiliers (Mit .) (déta-

monts )The Pictou Highlanders (détachements )The Cape Breton Highlanders (détachements)5e I .I%I .R.C. divisionnaire (détachements)Ire Compagnie composée, I .M .R .C .Anibulance (le campagne no 21, S. de S. de

l'A.R .C . (détachements )Ambulance (le campagne no 22, .S. (le S. de

l'A.R .C . (détachements )

District militaire No 7Quartier général, 3e brigade côtière (Nouveau-

Brunswick), A .R .C .4o batterie lourde, A .R .C.Ire batterie (le projecteurs (D .C .), A.R .C.Ire forteresse (le compagnie électrique et mé-

canique (Brighton), G .R .C .Forteresse de compagnie (te signaleura if 4,

Signalcurs R.C.The New Brunswick Rangers (détachements)iiie saint John Fu8iliers (Mit .) (détache-

lllellt8)Parc (le munitions du corps no 1, I .M .R.C.

(détachements )Ambulance tic campagne no 14, S . (le S . de

l'A.R .C . (détachements )The North Shore (New Brunswick) Regiment

(détachellients )The New Brunswick Reginient (chars (Pas- .

saut) (détachements)District militaire No 10

'Plie Winnipeg Liglit Infantry (Mit .)

Diâtrict militaire NO I lQuartier général, 5t, brigade côtière (coloin-

AILC.55L, batterie lourdee XWC .56e batterie lourde, A .R .C.600 batterie lourde, A .R .C.Quartier général, 15o brigade côtit~re (Van-

couver), A~lt .( '3tu batterie A.R .C .à8e batterie lourde, A.R .C .85v batterie lourde, AACC .102c, batterie lourde (Colonible-Britannique

Nord), A .R.C.2o batterie rinti-nérienne, A .R .C .& batterie (le projecteurs (D .C.), A .R.C.2e batterie (le projecteurs (D .C.), A.R.C.17e batterie de projecteurs (1) .C,), A.R .C.4u forteresse tic conipngnie électrique et nié-

ennique, G.R .C .


Forteresse de compagnie de signaleurs no 9,Signaleurs R,C .

Forteresse de compagnie d eSignaleurs R.C.

Forteresse de compagnie (leSignaleurs R.C.

aignaleurs ne 10,

signalcurs W il ,

ler bat ., The Canadian Scottish(détachements)


Irish Fusiliers (Vancouver Regiment)chements)

(d6ta-Ambulance de campagne no 13, S . de S . de

l'A .R.C . (détachements )2c compagnie composée, I .M.R.C.6e I .M .R .C. divisionnaire (détachements)Atelier de campagne no 5, C.M.M.R .C .

(détachements )lie section régionale d'approvisionnements,

C .1%1 .i%I .R.C. (détachement$ )Ge compagnie de campagne, G .R.C .Ambulance de campagne no 12, S. de S. de

l'A.R.C.The Britieh Columbia Dragoons (détache-

Inents)Ile Signaleurs de

(d6tachements)district, Signaleurs R .C .

Quirtier g6n6ral, l4c brigade d'infantericThe British Columbia Regiment (Duke

Connaught's Own Rifles )The Rocky Mountain Rangers

District militaire No 12


747en vertu de la loi, ou qui en à. fabriquépendant au moins train mois de l'une ou dellau(Te du deux armées qui précèdent ladate du dépôt de la demande .

Le règlement ô est, par las primates, modifié pariladdition de l'alinéa, suivant :6. (0) Le montant à accorder pour la Mmd"-

action du me,tériel de presse à frotrettre necomprendra que leu débourcée effectuée surl'achat des put" nécemaires pour convm.tir les Presse@ construiteu pour recevoir desmoule@ d'un diamètre autre que 15 pouces,en Presses pour recevoir des moule@ d'undiamètre de là pouces, et pour remplacer lesmoules d'un diamètre autre que de 15Pouces pour un nombre équivalent de mou-les d'un diamètre de 15 pouces, mesuré àune hauteur de 12 pouces au-dessus du fonddu moule et des "oui%-antW' pour le fond .

H. W. LOTHROP ,Oreiller adjoint du Conseil privé.


On Peut obtenir gratuitement des eopieo deerègles du Sénat relatives aux avis et demandes debille de divorce en s'adremnt a u

Greiler du Sénat .Olto%m .

SÉNATAvis de bills prititi

107 . Toute demande au Parlement pour obtenir unbill privé de quelque nature qu'il soit doit dire an.noncée Par avis inséré dans la Gageile du Canada,cet avis doit indiquer d'uns manière claire et précisela nature et l'objet de la demande, éLre signé partoi pétitionnaire@, ou en leurs noms et contenirl'adresse dom signatairest, et n'il a pour objet l'ob.tention d'un acte constitutif, il faut donner aussidans l'avis le nom de la compagnie projetée.

Outre l'avis publié dans la Gaxotte du Caturds, ildoit en étre publié un semblable comme suit :

(A) Lorsque la demande à pour objet l'obt«tic ed'un acte constituant en corporationr .-

1 . Une compagnie de chemin de fer ou de cxmâI~-dans un dom principaux journaux de la principale elt4ci, ville ou le Principal village do chaque comté oudistrict par où passerait le chemin de for ou Io canaidont la construction est projetée ;

2 . Une compagnie de télégraphe et de idUphomee-dans un des Principaux Journaux de la principale citéou ville (10 chaquo province OU totrritoire Où ans sapropose d'opérer ;

3 . Une comPagnie Peut? la confection de emtmmquelconques, dont la conteWon ou l'exploitation juté .louerait spécialement telle localité particulière ; pri.vilèges exclusifs, ou l'autorisation de faire une chosedont lopération pourrait poxer atteinte aux droite?u à la propriété d'autmi--àra un dos principauxjournaux de l'endroit ou du endroits que l'acte de.mandé Intéresse .

4 . Une compagnie de banque : une compagnie srffllummcd; une compagnie de enidit, %me compagnie dePrêt,' ou une compagnie industrieUe, âans pouvoirtsexclusifit-dans la Gatette du Canada seulement .

B . Et il les travaux d'une compagnie, (constituéeou à constituer) doivent &ira déclarée d'utilité gén6.rale pour le Canada. cette Intention MM spécifique.ment mentionnés dam l'avis et le@ requérants de-vront envoyer par lettre recommandée une copie decet avis au secrétaire de chaque conseil de comté etde chaque corporation municipale spécialement lutil .

Mie Regina Rille Reginient (détachements)District tiailitaire ~N1o 13

The Calgary Ileginient (cham d'assaut) (dé .tuelienients)

The Edmonton Fusiliers (,\lit .) (détache-mentit)

Q G . S .6615-5

Par ordre .L'Adjudant général ,



IIOTEL DU GOUVEMNEMENT A OTTAWAVendredi, Io lie jour d1soùt 1939 .


GOUVERNEMMENEHAI, EN8ONCONSLIL1, Illait ait supplé«nt (Io Son Excellence le Couver.

1 neur lit'~tiétui vit oon coumil, à 116 rocujoulandistion duministre de (le dtk~r&or 'tue les règle.tuent établis eu exéctitÀun de la Loi sur ilamélium.tion du fromage et des Iroptiagarire, chapitre 13 clos$t4ttAttd' (lit ('411uda, 1930, Qilui qu'établit par l'arrétéOU conseil Cl' . 2005 du 27 juillet 1039, poient, par lesprésentoir, niodifiée comme suit :

'A MN£klnent 1 te) ('et, par 106 Présente@, rescindéet Muplorê par le règlement suivant :

1 . (0) "Fromagerie exiotante" signifie une fronts .geric répondant à la définition donnée dansJ'alinéa (b) de cet article. et qui fabriquedu fromage du typo cheddar au momentoù la demande de subvention est présentée



re" dans la construmion ou l'exploitation de cestravaux ainsi qu'au secrétaire de la province danslaquelle cou travaux sont ou seront situés, et lapreuve de l'accomplissement de cette prescriptionpair Io requérant devra iétablir par une déclarationstatutaire .

(B) Lorsque la demande a pour objet de modifierun acte exi"nte-

1 . Afin de prolonger une ligne de chemin de fer aitun canal, ou de construire dos embranchementis qui4'y rallient, l'avis nom le môme m%41ati4 mutandisque celui pour l'obtention d'un acte congituant encorporation une compagnie do chemin de fer, ou de0".

2. Afin de prolonger le délai fixé pour la confoctionou l'achèvement d'une ligne de chemin de fer, d'uncaissal, d'une ligne télégraphique on téléphonique, oud'autres travaux quelconques déjà autorirto---(Iana undes principaux journaux de l'endroit où la com-pagnie a son siège oit est autorisée à avoir son siège .

3 . Afin dWndre les pouvoirs d'une compagnie(sans attributions de pouvoire excluztifs) d'accroltreou tic réduire le capital-actions d'une compagnie . aitd'augmrnter ou modifier un farulté d'émettre desobligations ou de faire des enipruints, on d'effectuerdes chatigeinent4 pouvant porter atteinte aux droitson intérêts des actionnaires, obligataires un crésus-ciers de la un tien principaux jour-caux dit lieu de la situation de son siège,

devra déposer entre les mains du greffier de cetteChambre huit jours avant la réunion du parlement,une copie du bill en tangue anglaise ou en languefrançaise, avec une somme d'argent suffisante pouren payer la traduction, laquelle sera faite par lestraducteurs du Sénat, et payer l'impreèmion de WOexemplaires anglais et (le 200 exemplaires français ;eue aura pareillement à verser entre les mains dugreflier du Sénat, aussitôt après la deuxième lecturedu bill, et avant la prise en considération par lecomité auquel il a été renvoyé, une somme de Mavec les fmi* d'insertion (le Pacte Ru coi1~s desStatute, et elle remettra au consinis-greffier du comitéun reçu conntatant hi vertement de ces Ranime@.

MO»è.LC [la bit à . AURNDANT UNS 1,01Wa (1) Dans la ci nfoction des bille amendnnt les

textes législatifs existants, leu Amendements no doi .vent pu ordinairement être effectués ait moyen desclauses qui ajoutent, retranchent ou remplacent ticsniai@, mais au moyen des ç1ausea qui Médictont l'ar.ticle, le paragraphe on la disposition, tel qu'amendée .

(2) Dans le tozLe dis bill vir la 1,ago (le gauche,le nouveau texte doit être indiqué par les signestypographiques Ira plus appropriés à chaque cas ;conduits. ludiques, texte souligné, astérisque, etc . Enregard tic chaque clause, sur lit peste droite, le texteamendé par le bill ou lit partie importante dece texte. (toit être imprimé, et les changements pro.jetée doivent y être indiquée do la manière prévueci«iemo .

3 . Lorsqu'une clause abroge un artirIr eximtant,un paragraphe ait liste autre disposition d'on article,cet artirle, ce paragraphe on cette entre dimpoditionun la partie qui est est importante, doit être inilirisliéen regard de la clause .

(1) Un mémoire titi rédacteur expliquant briève .ment les motifs (le chaque elinime (toit être annexénu bill, Dis distribué avec 10 NIL Lomilie possible,le mémoire doit être imprimé sur lit pue de droitelits bill, en pamgrnplitg placés en regard (les clamesVisées et portant un numéro rorreql~on(liint .

(5) 1.« réglés ci .dc-ai%in %Appliquent, Autant quepossible, à la réimpression des 1)1119 .

l' . C . moyrn ,Cireffier lits Sénat .

(C) Dans tous les eu. les Avis inta .rée suit dans lat7nicite du Canada ois dans Ira journaux, doiventPo publier ma moins une fois pnr semaine pendantcinq Pernainen ronnérutives ; et lofflu'ils se publientdans la provinec (le Québec et (lit Manitoba. il@ del-vent être en laârie anglaise et vis ]&%ligne française,Il faut envoyer au grefrier lits Sénat des exemplairesmarquée tic chaque nernéra, de touà Ira journauxramenant l'avis aveu ont le pli de la feuille les mots :"Avis de bille prioda", ou l'on peut transmettre aulieu des journaux, tint déelam#Àon etatutaire queNvis a été dèment Publié .

Tout avis par lemre recommandée sera dépend à laposte à temps pour parvenir au iterrétaire de la lire-vince nu &il c"Iller de rlinque conseil de comté etde chaque rûrpomtion municipale, cinq mmainea aitmoins Avant la considération de la pétition par lecomité des ordres peruinnentâ et %trio dérInrationMatutairis ét&bliamnt le fait du dépÔt à la poste sortitmmniw ait greffier dit Sénat .

108 . Nulle pétition pour la rossatitution en corpo.ration dune compagnie tic rhemin de fer oit d'uncanai existaist a%% autorisé ncol prise cri corsait -

moinstien par le comité lieu ordre@ permanents àqu'il n'ait 60 dépensé devant le comité une carte ouun plan indiquant le tracé proposé tics travaux ain 'que des consté@ on des dintriet» par où liait passer lechemin de fer, le canal, l'embranchement et% le pris.largement quon vent construire .

109 . Avant i'açlrew.r au Sénat lit pétition polir enobtenir la pemiinion do présenter un bill privé Ayantpour objet la oc-onstrurtion d'un pont tic péage, la oulu personnes -lui ont l'intention de faire cette péti-tion doivent on donnant )'&vin prescrit par les règle@précédentes. mentionner en même temps et de lamême manièrt les péages qu'elles et proposent derecevoir, létendue du privilège, la hauteur des section,l'espace libre votre les culées ou les piles pour lepassage des trains de bain nt de bateaux : en outrementionner ai le pont nom mobile (bu non et indiquerlu dimensione de la partie mobile .

110. Aucune pétition et obtention d'un bill privé(essoeptii un bill de divorce) n'est reçue par Io Sénataprès lac quatini premières semaines de la soutien :et aucun replient d'un comité permanent ou apMalsur un bill Wel% reçu après les six premières semaine§de la "On.

114. Toute personne qui voudra obtenir un billprivé. si eue a propose de le préanter au SMât

CHAMBRE DES COMMUNE SOn pont obtenir gratuitement don ropien don

règlement* relatif% aux pétition* ri aux billa pri-Vés Alnai quo des modèles tit, billa pour ronatiquerIra banques, Ira Ira com.pagnies de prêt, Ira rampagnire de ehomIne defer et leu roistipagnire tic actuels en corporatlon ens'adressant a u

Greffier de la Chambre Ciel enniRilunel,à Ottawa .



95. (1) Toute pétition introductive do bill privé,de quelque nature qu'il boit, doit être annoncée paravis publie dans la Gazette du Canada . Cet avisdoit estricier clairement. Pt distinctement lit natureet l'objet du bill projeté ; il doit être aigné parles pétitionnaires on en leur nom, avec indicationde l'adresse des itigutaires. Si la pétition VI"une loi de constitution en corporation, l'avis doitmentionner le nom de la compagnie projetée . Siles travaux d'une onmpagnif, qu'elle soit ennetituéeen corporation, au qu'il s'agisse de )a constituer enrorporation, doivent être connus comme étant des.tinée à profiter au Canada d'une manière générale,l'avis doit énoncer cette intention expressiliment, etles pétitionnaires doivent faire parvenir une copiede cet avis, par lettn recommandée, au oecrétaire dechaque comté ou municipalité que la construction

9 SEPTEMBRE 1939ou la mise en Oeuvre de ces ouvrages peut intéresser,ainsi qu'au secrétaire de la province où ces mémesouvrages tiont ou pourront être située. Tout avisai" expédié par lettre recommandée doit être mieà la poste assez tÔt pour arriver à destination aumoins deux semaines avamit la prime en considérationdu bill par le comité auquel il peut atm renvoyé .La preuve que les requérante ne sont conformée àcette règle métablit ait moyen d'une déclarationstatutaire .

(2) Outre l'avis devant figurer dans la Gasoil# duCanada, il doit en étre publié un semblable dansquelque journal important comme ouit ~

(A) 1 . Loroqu'il m'agit de faire voter une loi àl'effet de conMituer en corporation une compagniedo chemin de fer oit de canal, cet avis similaire doitêtre publié dans la principale cité, ville ou muni.Cipeilité de villâgO de chaque comté ou district quedoit traverser 10 chemin de fer ou le canal projeté ;

2. Lomti'il s'agit de faire voter une loi à l'effet deconstituer en corporation une compagnie de tél&graphe ou de téléphone, cet @vie similaire doit êtrePublié dans la Principale cité 011 ville de chaqueprovince on territoire OÙ In COMPagnie en question00 Propose d'établir son service-,

3- Lorsqu'il m'agit (10 faire voter une lui à l'effet deconstituer en corporMion une conll)@gnie crééo envue de la construction de tous ouvraiges dont l'é'ne'nOnt 011 14 nli8c cri ("'Ivre Pourrait intéressertout particulièrenient %nie localité quelconque, ouen vnc de toits droite oit Privilèges enduits, ouencore en vue (10 toute Opération qui pourrait porteratteinte eux droits oit aux biens d'autrui ; cet avissimilaire doit être Pliblié dons les diverses localitésOù lit lui lirojet(4 polirroit porter atteinje aux nffgiresidroits on filons d'anime personnes oit compagnies .

.1 1 1 'il l'agit do faire voter lino loi à Ieffetde *con,,a)rtiKtItlier en corporation un établissement ban.Pnirn . l'ne compagnie d'assurance, une compagnie defidUcic, t'lie compagnie de prête ci, lino compagnieindustrielle lion dotée de pouvoir@ excluait@, il suffitd'un avis (fana la Gasoil@ du Canada,

(11) 1 . Lorsque lit pétition a pour objet de modifierlino Ici existante en vue du Prolongement de toutchéiffin (le fer oit ennal oit de la-construction d'unembranchement de voie ferrée on de canal, il ontPUblié un avis à l'endroit où ma tronve le siège socialde lit compaimio . et dons la principale cité, ville Dun"'Il LA do village de chaque comté on districtdevant titre demervi Par ce prolongement ou cetpinbranelleillent .

~- II)r*llltl lit Pétition a pour objet tic modifier linolit, 1, Nistalite t'il pié (fil là prorogation du délai fixéPOUr lit on 1'ttg,lièvenient de tente lignetic ehontin de fer, tic tuut mobranchertiont ou prnlnn .tritiviit tic ligne lie chemin Cie fer, (le tout canal, (fi)tGot réseau cil téléphonique, Du det'I't, OuVriliste déjà ntift)riM, il est pnbii6 un &vie àl'endroit oit oc tN)11%'(~ 11, siège 90(li,ql lie la C()Snpa$Mitet dans la principale cité oit ville (le chaque districtintérentié .

-1 . Lorsque la Pétition a Polir nhJet de modifier uneloi exislante en vite de lit continuation d'une charteoit tic l'extension des pouvaire d'lino compagnie(qtlftnfl 0110 ne comporte Par la concession de droite

on en vite tic l'augmentation on de lart.'tillctiOn dit d'une compagnie ; oit en vite de l'accroissement oit do la motif .fication tic ma facilité d'émettre (les obligations oude contracter de@ fmilninta d'lin autre genre ; oitencore cri vite do longe modification touchant auxdroits ou infflte des actionnaires, obligataires 01,créancier@ (Io la compagnie, Il Pot publié un avis àl'endroit OÙ col Riblé Je gil%lzn social de la eninpaunieou à l'endroit Où la compagnie ont autorimair & établirson siège social .

(C) LOnQIle la pétition a ponr objet d'obtenir,Polir quel(pie vermonne oit eorpomdon existant*, du


749droite ou privilèglu exelusifs, ou encore la I&Mtiéd'accomplir une chose dont la mime ba couvre inté .Passerait leu droite ou biens d'autrui, il ut publié unavis dans Imm localité@ où les ma", lu droit@ agi lasbiens d'autrui peuvent " q,6"mer& omprmbPar la loi projetée .

(3) Tout avis de ce genre, qu'il sailli in" dansla Gentils du Canada Ou dam un journal . doit &tupublié au moins une fois Par semaine durant unepériode de quatre semaines coubjoutivais, Lorsquit laPétition Prend naissance dam la province de québasou dans la province du Manitoba, J'avis an doit itrispublié en anglais dans un journal anlaà et en frigo.çais dans un jeu" français, binai qu'on anglais eten français dans la Gagroilà du Couda. S'il n'ya pas de Journal dane la loulit6 où il faut entamerhidite Pétition, l'avis doit étre publié à l'endroit leplus rapproché où eut imprimé un Journal. La

étm~FOuv0 que l'avis en question à été dûment publiéta lit, dans chaque cas, par vole de déclaration

statutaire . Toute déclaration de c'Otto nature doitêtre envoy& au greffier de la Chambre, et elle doitporter du domi l'indi"on : "Avis de bill privé».

Pétitiou introductittes de be pritiglit02. Nulle Pétition introductive de bill privé illeu

reçus par la Chambre si elle n'cet pu présentée dansles six premières semaines de la oeigolon Tout billPrivé Prenant naissance à la Chambre d;; eominuumdoit Y aise Présenté dans Jeu deux semaines qui oui .%'ont 10 Jour OÙ If, Pétition à Ma rapportée favorable .Ment Par l'examinateur des pétitions ou par lecomité du Règlement . Nulle motion portant auspion .mien du présent article ce peut être accueillis à main@que le comité du Règlement n'ait préalablement pr&monté un rapport recommandant cette suspension, eny consignant tel' mntifq do an décision .

07 . Nulle Pétition portant constitution en corpo ."on d'une compunig de chemin de fer ou duneenmpngnie Pa Proposant d'exploiter un cagibi, ouportant prolongement d'une ligne de chemin de fernu d'on fond existant en autorisé, on portant carte .tructinn d'un embranchement de vole ferrée ou decAnal, ne sera prime en considération par J'examine .tour, ou par le comité du Règlement . tant quiln'aura pas été déposé entre les main@ dudit exami.nateur lino carte on un plan indiquant pencitoit Oùne trouveront ces Ouvragra et chaque comté. canton,municipalité oit district à travers lequel le cheminde fer, le eanal, le prolongement où lembrueh@uwlâtprojeté doit être construit .

ailla privés93 . (1) Quicnnqtlo désire obtenir un bill urivé doi t

déposer entre les nation du greffier de la Chambre,au Pins tord le lirrinipir Jour de la "on, une copiede es bill en anglais ou en français, ainsi quunesomme suffisante Polir en daim or la traduction, quicol faite par le personnel de in Chambre . et film.llilmicn. qui est exécutée par la département duImpressions publiques ,

(2) 1 .0 Promoteur dlin bill privé doit, après ladeuxième lecture de ce bill et avant sa prime en cou.sidératiOn lier 10 00nlité qui en est saisi, défrayerl'impremion do la loi dans la recueil dei Matute etpayer un droit do cinq conte dollars .

FRAM ADDITIONNU A(3) En sus des frais Précitée, Ici droite suivante

doivent être imposés et payée :(0) Lorsqu'il Y a galopension d'un article du

Règlement relativement à un bill ou àla pétition introductive qui ley ratt4elle . 8 IW

(b) Lorsqu'un bill est Présenté en Chambreaprès la huitième semaine et avantrespiration de la dousième semaine dela session . . lob

(0) Lorsqu'un bill est présenté en Chambre&Près la douzième semaine de la »Woo. SW

foi) L'OMUO Je 4%Lritàl-«Uono Projeté duniecompagnie ne dépasse pu UWM, . . . lac

750 LA GAZETTE DU CANADA(a) Lorsque le C&Pital-actiom Projeté d'une

ooinpuck dépasse $250,000, mais n'estPu aupMeur à 83W,00) . . . . ., . . _ . .

(1) L«MUO le C&PitÙ-uti-)Zào Projeté d'unecompagnie dépasse 45w.000, mais m'ut


pu supérieur à $750,W) . . . . ., ., . . . . BW(0) Lorsque le capiw-ecti.)no projet06 d'un e

oompavikit dépasse $710,000 mais ntestpu aupérieur à SIM.OW . . . . . . . . . . . 400LoOrSque le CaPiw-"O1~& proie" d'unecompagnie dépam $1,000,000, mais n,empu supérieur à tlàWM. . . . ., M

(il Lomque le C&Pital-ac-tiœs projeté deunecompagnie dépauve SIAW .000, mais n'outpas supérieur à $2,OW,000 . ,

(j) Pour chaque million de dollars de capi .W-"one additionnel ou fraction de


=111M . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200

(4) Lorequ'un bill Porte Ruimentation du capital-actions d'une compagnie existante, Io droit addition-nel à débounmr est bas6 sur le tarif précité, et il n'yut fait état que du montant de Pucroimement .

(à) (a) I»mqu'un bill tend à l'augmentation de lafaculté d'emprunt d'une compagnie ou en comporte1,suittnellUtion imns qu'il y ait accroimement d~icapituiffltions, la droit additionnel est de troiscents dollars.

(b) I»raqu'un bill porte augmentation à la foin ducapital-utions et do la faculté d'emprunt d'unc mont .pagnie, le droit additionnel ait perçu sur les deux .

(6) Si, à quelque phase du bill, il y a augmenta-tion du capital-actions projeté d'une compagnie onde m faculté d'emprunt, le bill en question ne peutfmuchir uns autre étape tant que ou promoteursD'auront pan ooldé les fraie occasionnés par cettemodification .

(7) Dans la présente règle, l'expression "capital-actions projeté" comprend toute augmentation decapital-actions prévue par le bill et quand un billPorte faculté d'augmenter à quelque époque le chiffredu capited-actions, la droit additionnel est calculémur le maximum de J'augmentation projetée, dont Iobill fait mention .

(8) L« droits additionnel& établis par la présenterègle n'appliquent aussi aux bille privée qui ont prisnaissance au Sénat ; néanmoins, ai la pétition Intro.ductive d'un bill privé de ce genre a été présentéeà la Chambre du communes dans les six premièressemaines de la session, les droits additionnels prévueaux alinéas (hl ou (c) du paragraphe 3 ne sont puexigibles.

Du bilWype96. (1) Le greffier en chef (les NUE privée remplit

les fonctions d'examinhteur des bille privée, et, commetel, il est tenu d'étudier et de reviser tous les billeprivée antérieurement à leur impre-sion, en vue d'yétablir une certaine uniformité, lorsque la chou cetpondble, et de famrer qu'ils ont été blaborde con-formément aux articles du Règlement de la Chambrerelatifs aux billA privée.

(2) Tout bill ayant pour objet une loi de consti .tution en corporation doit, en ou d'adoption d'uneformule de bill-type, être rédigé en conformité de cemodèle dont on peut obtenir des exemplaires dugreffier de la Chambre . Toute disposition d'un billde ce genre qui n'est pu Conforme au bill-type doititre Insérée entre crochet@ ou aoulignée, et elle' doitêtre imprimée de la sorte .

(3) Lorsqu'un big privé porte modifioation. d'unarticle. paragraphe ou alinéa quelconque d'une loiexigute, CO même article, ParagmPhe ou alinhe, doitêtre abrogé dans le texte du bill et reconstitué selonlu modifications que les auteurs du bill veulent y%PPOrter, la nouvelle rédaction devant étre souli .im6e. ]Larticle . le paragraphe ou alin6à que les au.teurs veulent faire abroger, ou encore ce qu'il ren-ferme d'essentiel, doit 4tre imprimé sur la fouille ducôté droit en regard de ce mime article, paragrapheou alinéa .

(4) Lorsqu'un bill privé tend à abroger un "ele,Paragraphe ou autre partie d'un article, cet article,ce PamgroPhe Ou Oette autre Partie, ou encore ce quis'y trouve d'emntiel, doit étre imprimé en regardde l'article du bill ,

(8) Une note établimnt brièvement l'objet d'unedisposition d'un caractère exceptionnel ou dont latenein- &'écarte des diirpoaitione du bill-type ou desarticles servant do modèle, doit être imprimée enmilord do l'article du bill .

CARTE Ou PLAN POUR La COMITA Ime CHMMINS De IMM98 . Nul bill Portant constitution en corporation

d'une compagnie de chemin de fer on de canal, nulbill tendant à faire autoriser la construction d'om .branchements ou de prolongement@ se rattachant àtic@ ligne@ (le chemins (le for ou à des canaux exie.tante, nul bill portant codification de la route suiviepar un chemin de fer on 'in C" exploité par unecompagnie déjà constituée en corporation ne doitêtre pris en considération par le comité des cheminade fer tant qu'il n'aura pu été produit devant leditcomité, au moins une semaine avant la Prim en Oom-sidération (lu bill, Une carte ou un plan établi mirune échelle dau moins un demi-pouce au millo,indiquant 10 territoire mir lequel il eut question deconstruire les ouvragea projetés et aussi les ouvragesanalogues qui y ont déjà été construit& Du Autori»Mon qui intéressant la région on la partie de la régiondevant être deseorvie par les services projetés . Cettecarte ou ce plan doit porter la signature de l'ingé-meur nu de toute autre personne qui l'a dressé .

ARIMUR BEAUCHESNE,Greffier de la Chambre des communes.


VIS est par lois présentete donné que ArmandABoucher, pharmacien, de 1841, rue Sherbrooke.rst, Montréal, district de Montréal, eladressers ut,Pitrleinent du Canada, à œ prochaine session, afind'obtenir un bill de divorce d'avec na femme,Nilitrielle-David Botielier, de la cité de Montréal,district de Montrétil, province de Québec, pour caused'adultère .

Ilné à Montréal, ce 19 aoùt 1030,GABOURY & ALMOND ,

507, Places d'Armes,Montrdol,

Procureurs du requérant .




RAL EN SON CONSEM, (le faire les norninationio sui-vantes

31 août 1939 .Les personnes ci-apn%a mentionnéc\i devant être

membres de la Commission nationale, du cinémWo-graphe :

l~'lionomble W . D. EuLicu, ministre du Qxnmerce,président.

L'honorable T. A . CRi,.nAn, ministre (les Mince etdes Ressources .

M. WALTER C. MuRRAY, Saskatoon, Soak ., pour nuepériode d%n un ;

M. EDmoND TuRcoorric, Montréal, P.Q ., pour uno)période de deux ans ; et

M. CHARLM G. CowAN, Ottawa, Ont., pour unepériode de trois me .

noire, suinixtère de lAgrieulture, polir une périoded'un an ;

M. V . il . 8-IAART, soue-ministre des Tr&û»por~@, pourUne Période de deux ans ; et

M- J . G . PAMINLER, O .B .E., ootwminWm du Coin-merce, pour une période de trois sas .

3 septembre 1939.Le brigadier S . T. WOOR, Commissaire de la, Royal e

gendarmerie à cheval (lu Canada : Ittgiotmteur gé-nétul des aubaina ennemis .

M . l~'AiTKit S . TiiompsoN, de la cW do Montréal,provinee de Québec : Président du Comité de ocor.dination de la censure, 1W



CANADAGEORGE SIX, par la Grâce de Dieu, Roi de Grandew

Bretogne, d'Irlande et des Territoires brifAnni .ques au delà des mors, Défenseur de la Foi,Empereur des Indes.

A tous ceux à qui les Prt~Wnte@ parviendront ouqu'icelles de quelque manière pourront conce16nûr,-4ALUT :


Sous-minist- -- - -"»"

fAPIU ait Dieu Tout-~uPPlé Puissant dans sa bonté

intime tic ditigner aceorder à Notre Dominion duCanada cette année une récolte abondante et autresbienfaiter-

EN considérant que ces bienfaitsque Partage NOtrO POPUlation Par tout le Dominion,doivent tire reconnus d'une manière puhlique etsolennelle, Nous avons jugé à Propos, Par et deJ'avis de Notre Conseil privé pour le Canada, defixer et Nous fixons lundi, le neuvième jour d'cet<)-bre Prochain, comme jour d'actions de grkes géné .ralc,@ pour remercier le Dieu Tout-puissant de larécolte abondante et autre@ bienfait» qu,jl lui & plud'accorder au Canada durant la présente année ; etNous invitons tous Non bien-aimée sujets Par toutle Cunada à observer ledit jour comme jour d'actionsde gtûffl .

DM TOUT CE QUI PiteekDr., Nos féaux sujets et tousceux que 108 Préeenies Peuvent concerner sont parles pK~sentes requis de prendre connaissance et d'agiren Conséquence,EN FOI DE Quel, NOUM aveu fait émettre Nos pr&

sentes Lettres Patentes et à icelles fait appomrJe Grand Scomi du Canada . TÉMOIN : Notretrès fidèle et bien-aimé Jolin, Barœ Tweedsmuird'Elafiold, membre de Notre très honorable Privé, Chevalier grand-croix de Notre Ordretrès distingué de Saint-Michel et de SùJnt~Georgu, Chevalier grand-croix de Notre OrdreRoyal de Victoria, membre de Notre Ordre daoCompagnons d1onneur, Gouverneur général etCommandant en elle( de Notre Dominion duCanada .

EN NOTRE HÔTEL DU GOUVERNEMENT, VIL Notre Citéd'Ottawa, ce vingt-cinquième jour Waoût en l'ando pare mil neuf cent trente-neuf, 10 troisièmedo Notre Règne.

Par ordre,E . H. COLEMAN,

11-3 Sou*tsiotlitaire d'Etat .

- 9 SEPTEMBRE 1939M . R. S . K%moit, adjoint général de haut fonction. 1 TWEEDSMUIR



GEORGE SIX, Per la Grâce de Dieu, Roi de Grandt4Bretagne, d'Irlande et des TeiTkKdrm brituni .queil au delà des mors, Défei~ de la Foi,Empereur des Indes .

A tous Ceux à qui les Présentait Parviendront ouqu'icelice pourront de quelque nginière oonoe>nerr-&LUT :

PROCLAMATIONC. P. PLAXTONr~~Ce que pu~.'~`e,SmwqninitUe de la .1 JAT -rW de l'Àm, Canada . ticle M de la Loi de la

marine marchands au eanià, iwi, il ,* statué quaNotre Gouverneur en conseil petit, par procimation .déclarer havre publie toute étendue revouverte dn :%iiet soumise à la juridiction du Parlement du Cmeds.

ET ATTENDU qu'il est à propos et que Notre ConseilPrivé pour le Cartada a recommandé que le havœ deAnlheralburg, dans la province d'Ontario, qui dêvm,avoir comme limites touœ Jeu eaux de )& rivièreDétroit et du lac ririé, du côté canadien de la fron.tière internatiomde, On sud du parallèle de 42, 17,de Witude nord et à l'oued du méridien de 830 Yde longitude ouest, mit déclaré havre publie ,

8ACURZ DONC MAINTENANT que, Par 100 pféortiteq,Nomi proclamons et déclarons havre publie leditInvre de Amhortitburg,

Do cm Qui PRAcÈDii, Nos (&DE sujets et tous ceuxque les prémienteu Peuvent conomiler, sont par lesPrésentes requis de prendre Connaissance et dter enconséquence .

EN roi DE Quoi, Nous avons fait émoure Noe reumPatente$ et à icelles fait apposer le Grand fkmudu Canada. TÉmOIN : Notre très fidèle et bien.aimé Jolin, Baron Tweedomuir d'EL4!eld, mem.bre de Notre très honorable Conseil privé, rh~vidier grand-croix de Notre Ordre trée distinguéde Saint-Michel et de Saint-C,(-o~, Chevaliergrand-croix de Notre Ordre Royal de Victoria,membre de Notre Ordre des Compagnons dbon.rieur, Gouverneur général et Commandent enchef de Notre Dominion du Canad&.

Es Nom HÔTEL Du GouvRaNcuntir, en Notre citéd'Ottawa., ce vingt-aieme jour d'wobt, en l'ande grâce mil neuf cent trenteneuf, le tœhl~.mede Notre Règne ,

Par ordre ,

11-3E. H. COLEMAN,



CANADAGEORGE SIX, Par la 0" de Dieu, Roi de Grande .

Bretagne, dIrlande et " Territoires britanni .queil au delà des ment, Défenseur de la Foi,Emp4,"ur des Indm

A Tous Czux à qui lu présent« psMendroub OUqu'icelles pourront de quelque manière cœr«.nerr-SALUT :


Procureur générail, j & & des mesures deCanada . J ou"" prévoit que l'émis .

ilion d'une proclamaticui par Nous, ou sous l'autoritédu Gouverneur en son octueil, est une preuve Clin .cluante que llétat de guerre, d'invasion ou d'icarrec .Lion, réelle ou appréhendée, existe ou a exigtl pan.dant, toute période de tempe y énoncée et qu'il oou.tinue jusqu'à et que, par une Proclamation ultérieure,


il soit déclaré que l'état de guerre, d'invasion ou d'in.surrection a pris fin .

SACHNS DONC MAINTMANT que par et de l'avis deNotre Conseil privé pour le CAnada Noue proclamonset déclarons par la présente proclamation que l'étatde guerre appréhendée existe et a existé à compter duvingt-cinquième jour daoùt mil neuf cent trente-actif.

De cm qui ra9cims, Nos féaux sujets et tous ceuxque les préeentes peuvent concerner sont par les pré-iientes requis de prendre connaissance et d'agit enconséquence.EN roi ne quoi Nous avons fait émettre Nos Lettre@

Pâtenteis et à icelles fait opposer le grand weaudu Canada. TÉmom ; Notre fidèle et bien-aiméJohn, Baron Tvoedmniiir d'EWmld, membre deNotre trée honorable Conseil privé, Chevaliergrand-croix de Notre Ordre très distingué deSaint-Mirhetl et de Saint~Georgœ, Chevaliergrand-croix de Notre Ordre Royal de Victoria,membre de Notre Ordre des Compagnons d'hon-neur, Gouverneur général et Commandant enchef de Notre Dominion du Cana&.

EN, Narnic HÔTEL DU CiOUVF.RNF.'dCNT, en notre citéd'Ottawa, ce premier jour de wW.embre en l'ande grâce mil neuf cent trente-neuf, le troisièmede Notre Règne .

Par ordre ,


Seta-6taire d'Etat suppl6ant .

CANADAGEORGE SIX, par la Corilve de Dieu! Roi d e

Corande-Iln~tngne, d'Irlande et des Territoires bri-tanniques au delà des mors, Défenseur de la Foi,Empereur des Indes .

A toits ceux à qui les présentes parviendront ouqu'icelles pourront de quelque manière ooncer-nCrr-S.%LUT :


Commissaire des T 1AT~ par Partiel eces du Nord-Ou soixante dune ordon-

nance du Conseil des Territoires du Nord-Ouest, mur-tionnée le troisième jour de juillet, en l'an tic grilcemil neuf cent trente-neuf, et intit4ilée "Ordonnancede district atimiiiistnbtif local", il eut prescrit que ladate d'application tic ladite ordonnnnro sera fixéepar une proclamation de Notre Gouverneur en Con-oeil .

]K> A-nm-4bu qu'il est à propos que ladite ordon.Dance entre en vigueur et devienne effective à conip.ter titi premier jour de septembre, en l'au de grâcemil neuf cent trente-neuf.

SAC11KE DONC MAINTKNANT que par et de l'avis duConseil (les Territoires du Nord-Ouest Nous procla-mons et entonnons par les pr~éœntc« que ladite or-donnance entrera en vigueur et deviendra effective àcompter du premier jour de septembre, en l'au degrûre rail neuf cent trente-neuf.

Da cc qui rukÈm tous ceux que les présente@peuvent concemer sont par les présentes requis deprendre connaissance et d'agir en conséquence .

EN roi es quoi Nom avons à icelles fait opposer lescœu des Territoires du Nord-Ouest

,Timois : Charles Camsell, Commissaire dos Terri-toirse du Nord-Ouest, à Ottawa, ce vingt-

(L~S.I neuvième jour d'aoùt, en l'an do Vùçemil neuf Dent trente-nouf, le troisième ducèpe de Sa Majesté .

Par ordre,J . F. DOYLE,

10-3 pour le wer6taire du Conseil .


CANADAGEORGE SIX, par la G" de Dieu, Roi de Grande-

Bmtagne, d'Irlande et dou Territoires britanni-ques au delà des mûre, Défenseur de la Foi,Empereur des Indes .

A Nos Trè*-Aimés et Fidèles le@ Sénateur@ du Domi.nion du Canada et aux mèmbrce élus pour servirdans la Chambre des communes (In NotreditDominion, à toile et à chacun (10 VOIIO,,; .tLUT :

PROCLAMATIONTTENDU que Notre Parlement du Canada se

trouve prorogé jusquau deuxième jour du moi sdtoctobre 1939, à laquelle date, m Notre cité d'Ot-tawa, vous &iez tenue et obligée d'être présente .NEANNIOINS, pour certaines cauqes et considéra .tien», nous avons jugé à propos par et avee l'avis deNotre Conseil privé pour le Canada, que vous etchacun de vous soyez exonérée sous ce rapport, vouecomman(L,tnt et par ces présentes, vous enjoignant,et à chacun de %,ou& et tous autre@ y intéressés devous trouver personnellement en Notredite citéd'Ottawa JEUDI, le septième jour du moiA (le sep-tembre pour l'EXPEDITION DES AFFAIRES, ety traiter, agir, et conclure sur les matières qui, parla faveur de Dieu, en Notredit Ptirlenient du Canadupourront, par le Conseil commun de Notredit Domi-nion, être ordonnées .EN roi De quoi, Nous avons fait émettre Nos pré-

@entre Lettres Patentes, et à icelle@ fait appoeerle Grand Sceau du Canada . UNtoiN : Notre trèsfidèle et bien-aimé John, Niron Tweed.inuird'Elsfield, membre de Notre très lionombleConseil privé, Chevalier grand-croix de NotreOrdre très distingué (le Saint-Michel et de Saint-Georffl, Chevalier grand-croix de Nottre OrdreRoyal de Victoria, membre (le Notre Ordre desCompagnons d'honneur, Gouverneur général etconimendant en chef de Notre Dominion duCanada .

EN NOTRE HÔTEL DU COUVERNEMICNT, en Notre citéd'Ottawa, va Notredit Dominion, ce premierJour de septembre, en I*un de grâce mil neufernt trente-neuf . Je troisième de Notre Règne .

Par ordre ,

E. Il . COLEMAN,Sotip,&crt'-titire d'Etat ,



Centre tl'Infornantion France-CanadaFrance-Cartatla Inforniation Center

AVIS publie est par les présentes donné quenvertu de la Partie Il de la Loi des conipagnira .

1934, il a été délivré, roue Je sceau du Se(trétaire(I'F,tat (hi Canada . des lettres pet ente@ dittées du qua .tortième jour d'aoùt M39, confftitunnt. en corporn.tien Philippe Roy, gentilhomme,Leclere, administrateur directeur général de la Sociétéd'Adminiet,ration et de Fidueie, et Wilfrid Bovey,direeteur des Relations Extérirums de l'UniversitéMcGilil toits truie de la cité (le Montréal, dans lapro% ince do Québec, pour les fins principales soi-viintes. savoir :

(a) Faire connaître objectivernetit la Fiance et leCanada, leur histoire, leur littérature, leurs science .%et leunt arts, (lire la vérité sur le compte (le ces pays,centralieer une documentation étendue et constant-ment tenue à jour, permettant de fournir à ceux qui

. I

9 SEPTEMBRE 1939en font la demande des renueigmMmt4 préciâ surl'site qucstiOn I«ela'tivO à la lrance et au Canada .

Les opérations de la corporation Seront oxorcémSans capital-aetionti dana tout le Canada et ailleursBotte le nom de "Centre d'information Franco-Canadn-1-'ritnce-Canit(la Information Conter", et le siège(le ladite corporation sera en la cité de Montréal,(balle lit province de Québec .

Iltté- titi bureau du Secrétaire d'Etât du Canada,ce s'claie et unième jour d'août 1939,

E. H . COLEMAN,Souo-nocr~àtaire d'Etat .



LE Préqident du Conseil don achats de la défense .

Ottawa, Ontario, recevra jusqu'à lundi (heureavancéc), le mardi 19 neptembre 1939, des actitili~Siens Peur le revêtement et le nivellement dois piotesde diymarrasase à la station du Corps d'aviation royalcanadien, ROckcliffe, Ontario lesquelles @OumiMongdoivent être cachetée« et ad'mm(ffl mi soussigné etPort, sur l'enveloppe, en au de J'adrem, les InOW ."801unimiOn Peur Vevètement et nivellement je;Piétes de démarrffl, Rockehffe" .

On ne tiendra compte que des soumission.,# quiseront faites sur 106 fOrmuiw fournie$ Par le Conouildes achans (le la défense et en conformité des con.ditions qui y sont etiplikt,«, on peut obtenir cesformules ainsi que les plans et devis en en faisantla demande au préoident, Conseil de@ achats de ladéferme, Ottawa, Ont . Toutefois, un dépôt cm mon-tant de US, sous forme d'un chèque visé, fuit paye-ble à Pordre du Receveur général du Canada, doitaccompagner la -demande de plane et devis . eodépôt sera remis au dépoeustait, dès que leu pians etdevis Seront retournée au Conseil en bon état .

Un s`l'~'que égal à dix Pour cent (10 P . 100) dumontent de la gOulni&%ioti, fait payable au Receveurgénéral du Canada et vW par une banque à chartecanadienne, ou des bons au porteur, telo que spécifiéedam la forantile de »Outnimion, doivent accompagnerchaque Soumission .

Le chèque ou let bons de l'adjudicataire serontconsfisquée s'il refuse de conclure lin contrat pour.'os `travaux ~ eXéCUter Ou si . après avoir accepté lecontrat, il ne réussit pas à exécuter les travaux con.forménient aux plans et devis .

Le Conneil ne Dengnge à ftoaspter ni la pins basseni aucune des soumission&.


Le Conseil sice achâta de la défense,Ottawa, le loir septembre 1939,

Sotimimdon ne 43 .

parcsident .

MINISTERE DES TRAVAUX PUBLICSE nainistkire des Travaux publics recevra jwqtlà

L midi (heure avanoëe), la jeudi 14 septembre1939, dee sournisaïons pour de@ chAngênientsi auxsalles (le toilette du vieil édifice de la doussanie, mont.réal, P-Q,, lesquelles sournissions doivent être cache .tées, miremévais au Boismeigné, et porter unir Jenveloppe,en Ou@ (10 l'adm~» . les moto : "Bournimion pour chan.gementés aux salles de toilObte, vieil édifice de ladouane, Montréal, P.Q .11.

On petit prendre connaissance dew piano et dudevin, et se procurer la formule de gournimion auxbureaux de l'architecte en chef du minimtèm don Tre,Vaux Publics. Ottawa, de I%reliitec surveillant, iso .rue SaiDt-Paut-OUW . Montiréal P.Q ., et de latviii .tecte diviaiennaire, édifice de 'la douane, Québec,P.Q .


753On ne tiendra compte que don @Durcissions; queseront faites mur la formule fournie par le ministère

et en conformité don conditiotis qui y sent stipulée«Un chèque 1590J à 10 Pour 100 du inontanst de h%

s'cumin", fait à l'ordre du ministre du TravauxPublics et visé par une banque à charte canadielmx!,doit être joint à chaque soumission . (k mmpteraaussi comme cautionnement des bons au passattemar duDominion du Canada ou de la Compagnie du ciseRrainde fer Camdien-National et de un compagnies consise,t-i4u*nte0l garanti& ligne condition par le Dominion diaCanada quant au principal et aux intirat,@, ou kqbons susdits pour une partie du eautionnement et unchèque visé pour la balance.

Par ordre,J. M . SOMERVILLE,

Minietkire des Travaux public@SeMkftire .

Ouawa, 31 seat 1939. 1 11-1


LE ministère de@ Travaux publicas recevrais, jusqu'àmidi (heure le vendredi 15 septembre

1039, des nouminime pour addition@ et changeraià l'édJifice publie de Port-Hope, Ont, lesquelles mou .iniantions doivent être çachetéej~ &dv"W", au sonnai.gné, et porter sur l'enveloppe, en mu« (le 1,adreme, le#mOtz : "SournÙmion pour addition@ et ellaisigements,édifice publie, Port-Ilope, Ont .».

On peut prendre connaissance des plus et dudevin, Ot De Procurer la formule de noumi@Won &sixbureaux de Farchkeete en chef du ministère desTravaux Publics, Ottawa, de lamhitecte surveillant,36, rue Adélaïde-Est, Toronto, Ont, et du conciergeédifice publie, Port-Hope, Ont .

On ne tiendra compte que des aourai&,donn qui"erOlIt fait« Star 14 formule fournie par le missivitèreet en oonformké des oonditions qui y Sent stipulée&

Un chèque éigal à 10 pour 100 du montent de lamimidoion, fait à l'ordre du ministre des TravauxPublics et visé Par Une banque à charte canadienne,doit accompagner chaque assurnimion . On accepteraaussi comme cautionnement des bons au porteur duDominion du Canuda ois de la Compagnie dit cheminde fer Canadien.Natiorud et de am eorapagnis rOU6.Littlanteu, garantis uns condition par le Dominion(lu Cimada quant au principal et à Ilintéatt, Ott ic@bons atiedits pour une partie du cautionnement et unchèque visé pour la balance ,

llcmApquz .-le ministère fourniras, par rentremins,(le la division de l'architecte en chef et du buremi del'architecte surveillant de Toronto, les bleus et ledevis de l'ouvrNm sur récepition d'un dépôt au mon .traitait de $10.00, nous forme d'un chèque de banquevW, fait PaJamble à Fordm du ministre des Travauxpublics. Ce dépôt nom remis au déposant dès quelesadite bleu@ et devis seront retournégis au ministère,pourvu que la chose »Dit faite Pu Plue tard qu'un'noie après la date fixée pour la réeeption den mou .mieniont. Si les bleus et le devin ne @ont pas remisau ministère dom ce déliai, le dépôt mm conffiqué.

Par ordre,J. M. SOMERVILLE,

Ministère des Travaux publiies, Secréllsaire.

Ottawa, le loir Septembre jug. 11.1


L E ministère des Travaux publicias recevra, jusquiàmidi (heure avancée), le vendredi 22 septembre

1939, des 80umimiOrà4 Peur Isméliomtion du quai de%Velchpool, comité de ChsflOtte, N.-H ., lesquelles son.missions devront étre cachet6els, adma6w au loup&.Raté, et porber sur leur enveloppe, en nus de 1,&dremele@ mots : '«80umimiOn Peur I'tméli(«tim du qui:Weiclépool, N.-B .11 .


On peut prendre emnaiemme des planos, dit blancde contrat et du devis, et sac procurer kt fonnaille desoumission aux bureaux de l'ingaltaieur en chef duministère des Travaux publics, à Ottawa, de l'ingé-nieur r6gional, vieil Mûre du bureau de poste, 8aint-Jean . N ..» . . ainsi qu'aux bureaux de poste deWek-hpool, et étaint-êtiephers, NAI .

On ne tiendra compte que dela notinu*mow qui@ami fiaitels mur lot formule fournir par le ministèreet en conformité des condition@ qui y met atipulftest .

Un chèque égal à 10 pour 100 du montant de ktmaints". fait à lordre dit ministre des Travauxpublies et via6 par une banque à charte ressaisadienne,doit accompagner chaque soumission, On acceptentaussi comme cautionnement tire bons ait porteur duDomission du (*mtdtt et% air kt Compatirais, du cheminde fer et fi(, mm ronipagnim colis-tituanteai, garantie mise «audition par 10 Dominiondu (assassin quant ski principal et à l'intfflt, ou lesbons aluisdits pour une partie titi cautionnement et unchèque visé passe la balance .

ministère foursaint lm bleuet rit l edevis de louvrage sur réception d'un dépôt ait allant.$&ait de 820 .W, faissuis tortue d'un chèque, tic houquevW, fait, payable à l'ordre titi ministre (les Travauxpublics. Ce dépôt. sera remis ait ti~,pmiev. dès queleilditis blette et devis seront. retourné@ au ministère,pourvu que la chose soit faite liait plusi tard qu'unmois aprésa la date fixée pour kt réception des son-iiiiminuel. Si lm bleus et le devin ne mit lxus ra-illisau ministère (lune ce délui, le dépôt mm confiasqué .

hir ordre,J . M . SOMERVILI 1' ,

Ministère des Travaux puhlicaff,Ottawa . le à septembre 1931).

MINI'STERE DE.S TRAVAUXF ministère lie* Travaux publiars remvnt iti*ltt'ii

L midi, le mercredi 27 septembre IWIs, tien Pou-missions pour la et lit livraison &tas assassinde radoub C.-B ., lit, dt4ix valveti hy.drouliiqueffa fil, frontal k«Juelles soumissionsdevront è1re eachetém, atlmwèéç# tas% maisifignat, etporter tour leur enveloppe, cri suit de ladverse, Iveunités : "k%tllii*4~on pour vulves tic rasant (J'ainellée,FAquillialt . CAÏ.11 .

On peut prendre ettannaisennec des plans, du Munisde contrat et (tri devis, et se proeurer la fonnule desoutiliallion aux burœux de l'inwtlietlr en chef -litnainisistère des Travaux publics, sa Ot4owa, (le l'itimé-saleur régional, Milice lits barreau de imie, New-WW%iiinm%ter . C.-13 ., des postes . 36, mietaille, Toronto . Ont ., station polastalo "IV, Montréal,P.Q ., ainsi qu'aux hureaux de peste de Vancouver,CAI., et Victoria, CA.

On ne tiendra compte que des maudissons quiseront luttez jour la formule fournie par le iiiiiiimtè~eet en conformité des condititairast qui y mot etipidéela .

Vu cheflue égal à 10 pour 100 du montant de lasoumission. fait à l'ordre dis ministre des Tnivatu-publiras et visé pur une banque si eharte canadienne.doit accompagner chaque soumission . On acceptentait" comme cautionnement des bons tais porteur dyDominion du (4%nzida ou de lit titi cheinirde fer Canadien-NüjÀonni et de me compagnies colis .tit4ittntei% gamntis sans condition lier le Dt›minion dtCanada quant au principal et à Vintérêt, cas les bonissuffidits pour tasse partie dit cautionnement et unchèque visé pour la balance .

R>-.mAaquz,Le minijKère fourairs les bleus et Irdevis de Vouvrages mur réception d'un dépôt au mon.tant de $10 .0D, mu@ tonne d'un chèque de banquavisait, liait payable à l'ordre du minime dois Travatutpubéire. Ce dépôt sera remis au dépolissaut dès quilesdits b" et devis seront retourné@ ait ministère.pourvu que la vhosar mit faite pas pliait tard qu'un

mois après la date fixée pour la réception (Ira son.missions. Si les bieux et le devis ne sont païl, ternis itminiwère. diussa; ce délai, le dépôt mm confisqué%.

Isar ordre ,J . Ni . SOMERVILLE ,

Missiiitère clos Travaux publics,ot4ftn-U, le 6 septembre 1930 .

MINISTERE DES TRAVAUX PUBLIC SE ininiolère des Travaux puhlirs recevra jusqu'à

midi (heure avntit,~,v), le iiierencali 20 septembre1939, atm aissinsaisassionte poste In conéatruetiort illain prislontrefalient eu quasi aie vouité tif,Charlevoix, P.Q . . lesquelles soumissions devront, êtrvettelletérit, Rit soilwigné, et ilor!(-r mir telleenveloppe . Pli MIA lit' ladresse, lm mots :tictac linalonimirient lits cliiiai ~

On lent prendra, ronnaisieinee il" plans, (tas bleuir(Ir etintrnt et (lit devis . et se procurer la familiale fi,,lanuinisaicn aux hurmux lie l'ingénieur Pli chef (litilliniiitère (les Travilux publics, ila otntim~e, denieur régional, itdifiro du barreau (le poste, Q%tt4)",,P.O ., ainsi qu'est bureau de lx»de (tetires, P .Q .

nu ne tiendra compte que lie« sourniassicula quiopront foisim ?air la formule fournir. par le ministèreet vit vonforallité deff Vonditionit fini y sorti,

Vas chèque étud si 10 pour 100 (tu nimtont il(, litsoumission, liait à l'ordre (las ministre desi Travauxpublics et viffé- par fine baraque as, churté vainadienné,doit chaque soumission . Onaussi romans, (Ira bons tais porteur litsDussainion (lis es lit, kt Conipaimie titi eheniinde fer et de Pm (,4xnlinlznitje eoisiswtituantrit, ittinqntiti sans condition par If, Doëninion duCimodà apaisait ait principal et. si l'inifflt, est les lionsmimlitet pour %trio portir lits cautionnement et un

visé pour kt balance ,miniffi!êre f<xtmim Ira bleus et le

devis il(, louvrage star ratreptioti d'un (Ittifût . lits sursis .t'glas il(, SIO .00 sous forme d'un rhèque lit, banqu evisé . fait payaille 1% l'ordra, du ministre dela Tntvalixpublics . Ve dépôt "a irisais ait ttélnqtni lit\$ quaiIréflits bleus et. devis au ministère,

poulvu que lit chose soit fuite pas pilla tard qu'un

Mis t%I'M\4 lit date fixée pour la ré'mption demi rails .inisssicnfs . 8i 1(,« bleus M hi devis ne sont puis venais faiininiwère dlmm ce délai, le dépôt. sens confisquit.

l'or ordre ,J . NI . SONIERVILLE,

sew~tuire .Ministère -les Travaux publics,

Ot~t(tWzi, le 0 septembre 1039 .

MINISTEME DES TRAVAUX PUBLICSL E ministère (les Tmiistix publieil recevra jusqu'à

luit, (ileun, ta, Illererdi 20 mellte.111)1,01939, (If" X)ulnissions pour (les et tiddi-tionfa à lédifive public de Brampton . Onk ., lût«litett(,4souinimiona doivent être cuchetéffl, adressées sassoussigné, et porter sur l'enveloppe, en *as il,-

les mots : "$otiiiiimion pour niodifieatio-iiiet additions, édifim publie, Bmmptœ, Ont. ." .

On petit prendre connaissance (tels plana et (141 devis,et ne parlactinar lis formule de aouii%Won aux bureauxde l'architecte en vhof dis ministère dm Tr.iva4ixpublicla, Ottawa, de l'architecte surveillant, 36, riteAdt',Initte-Egi, Toronto . Ont ., et du concierge, édificepublic, Brampton, Ont .

On ne tiendra compte que tirs ilournialisaitanq quiseront flattes air lit forniulas fournie par le ministèreet en eonforsuité des conditions qui y sont stipulées .

Un chèque égal la 10 pour 100 dit montent do lnmumWon, fait sa l'ordre du ministre des Tntviit%yPublies et visé par une banque lis charte eanadivralle ,


9 SEPTEMBRE 1939doit accompagner chaque pournission. on acceèteckaussi comme cautionnement des bons au Porteur duDominion du Canada ou de la Compagnie du cheminde fer Canadien-National et de xw compagnie» con,tituanted garantie ans conditiorg par le Dominion ci(,Canada ~uant au principal et à ilinféclit, ou les boamma"diglo pour une Partie du cautionnement et unchèque visé Pour la balance .

Rr.MAxQUX~La llliniqtbm fournira . par J'tntr,lll ;ee(le lit division de larchitecte en chef e (lit barrât, (jel'architecte surveillant de Toronto, leu bleus et le""" de J'ou%'rRP Our réctIltiOn d'Un dépôt agi mon-tant tif' SI0-00, nous forine d'un t .llt\tltll, de banquevisé- flgit Pu~',ïllle 1% l'ordre titi iiginiâtre des Travauxpublice. Ce dépôt ment reuiim au tlélxlpttilt. dès click,lesdits hletis et de%-** ommi rtlokirnéit nu ministère,pourvu que kt chose voit fitiee poil plum tarit qu*tttiMais Après 1 :% clair fix(%ù pour kt réception des vu .t .m'osions- Si fem hImIck et If, devis ne ix)nt iniq reivisait Ministère thinst ce dékti, le dépôt prra tondlqllé .

I~Lr Ortire ,


Migkip(&e clock Travaux publiop

Min"". Loudon, (Illtellic, Ministère des lrasions etde, la santé nationale. 8upplégnentaire à la listed'admicisibles établie le 24 mm 1939 .

Bodfish, Charlen London . Ont,Stocker, ltetinald Frgskrrîrk . Location, Ow,Thomas, Georgt. Perciviii, Lormicin, ont .Couiding. Willituil . JAMdon, ont .~eIIië, Jaiges Jack Willimin, iondon ont.Niauh(`wig~ Jolin William, Loction, Ont?*I(I»Idmd . Friderit-ic, London, ont,

111111-Y Alt~wtlltltlr, London, ont .lentery, Grücw Willimm . London, ont.Chapintin . Lamhe e,lbatien Vititar, London, ont .Arklaimd, Henry George, London, Ont,(erièltf.v, %~*illimt Henry . London, ont .bleCrwken, (joomp, Lœdœ . Ont.$'MmOnd, Otrin Albert, London, Ow.Urveneide. le«e~ert, London ont .Rowkw, Willidui Henry . London, &t.Tucker, Robert lienry, London, Ont.O'Neill, Joseph, London, Ont .Muterloh, Robert, ]Àmdon, ont,Wright, Donald Gnome, London, OULHarkneiv, David Archibeld, London, Ont .Metectif, George, London, Gla,Trotter, Attètin Ombe«, London, Ont,Renwick, Cixtrled ItObc«, London Ont .McKeown, Robert Henry, Lœdi, Ont.MeDOnaki, Edworti R4mald, London, Ont .

*Barrett, Edwin Farl, S.A .O ., London, ont .*Swt.t, Htirry George, S.A.O ., Ilbom(laie, Ont .Y-Kenton, George, S .A .O . Brantford (Int.%Clabb, Stanley Austin, à.A .O ., Ki;~hcner, ont .

*Indique un candiffat oui na ~n PA.;,#A . . . -

IO14"Wd, le 6 ilept0flIbrO 1939 .


A Cunimigt4ion da Hrvire civil aninonce 1,6t#&.bliekcline"'. (fps listem d'adinissiblek; palvagates :

IA4 lettrom S.A .0 . indiquent Iadmikbilittc .11 I,t11K,fitirlice acconve aux v&t1calls.

da6ronefo, holikake, Win.1141011, Mallituba, Inini"It1w, clock Traraq,orts .

FmPst- . Chrildoviier Neville . S.A .O ., Wingkipet,Man ,

Adjoint, clawk, I, 1,prine bilialtur .holume. Sainte-Aulle (to 6 120eati6m, II .Q ., minjottcof&f6ral tie I'Airrivulture .

11011let, 1-twien-J ., Alwrysivryth, Wak,lo,( ;~trdlca d0 Pharr, otmaux, majeonnier holuale

Pout it* OR, Cauld Trent, Opit, Ontario, Juji'limare tiesTiguipports.

lialoo, Georize Arthur, S.A .O ., 1 ,

Nettoyeur et aille, homme . Peignis, K-tokateliewoti,Ministère des Travaux publie@.

1~'iIIi81U JOIIII, Regina, Susk .Dtinnimon . Alexander, Reiffita, Stuik .walker, Willium, S .A .O . . ïî~~Mi . Samic .

l'hurles, S.A .O ., Recina, Satik,Reynolds, Albert Viotor, S.A .O ., Regina,lt4)bûrts, %%'OJtdLlr, S.A .O ., Rollins, Saadi .8inith, Arthur, s .A.O,, Regina 8".

1)~"Y' George, S.A .O . 'Rogino, Raok .Falkins, Waverley, S.A .O ., ÏÏp~na, S".Il ,n'mer, Jolin, S.A .O,, Regina, 8".

1-')*iniinzitoqtr de douane et d'arrime et voujalis (jedouane et d'arrime, Yarinot9h, N.-E ., ministère duRevenu national .

1%1:it,k, Robert Thornton, S.A .O ., Tuâket, N,r.lirai, Arthur PercY, Yarmouth, N.-E .D'Entremont, E.dward Simon, I-Owf'r East Pub-

nico, N,E .

Dentiste, eervice intermittent Calgam . AlberèaMinimgère dûs l'primions et de la',%ib!é nationale, '

C-ibmn, John Liddle, S.A .O ., Calgary, Aile .

Dentiste, service interfaittent, Edmonton, Aiberta,miniègène des l'camions et de la Santé, nationale .

Long, Ceeorge I*Itly . S.A .O ., FAInionton, Alta .Dentiste, service intermittent, Regina, Se»k ., Mi.

nistère gkw Pensions et de kt Santé nationale ,de Witt, George Urautu jjoangm~ S.A.O ., RofIiwq~

&ait .gigui-il


Do fields pas dam Is

Adjoint de "OmtOire, homme, WigLnipc%, %jacu-t"b', COR"iOéun des grains, ministère du Commerceet de l'Indu"e. 8tcPI'létntDtdire à la liste d'sdmi~sibles établie le 2ô juillet 1931).

lÀvin$*Oh, William RadRm, Winnipeg, man .Ûr)Off, Hamld David . Winnipeg, Man .Windiuh, John l'nul, Winnipeg, Mari .Reynolds, Richard Grant, Winnipeg, Man .Levi, Irving, Winnipeg, Mon .O'Kee(c, John Madiagin, WinniM, Man .Grant, George somprm, St . James, Man.Secisiak, lienry Paul, Wi"pM Man .

ffluan il& jofflle .

xludique un candidat quilocalité .

Dentiste, service intermittent, sadwœn, @ggsk .ministère des Pensions et de la Swalé nationale .

Nagle, Edmund Burke, S.A.O., sadLM000, &à .

UD rontrernaitre de corps de métier, arsenal Mack .finie (eliaudruncier), FAquinait, cB., chantier dosnu%'imw canadiens de 8& Majesté, ministère de laDéfense nauo".

Stewart, Alemader, IEggquimùt~ C,.».

UR ('0111trentattre de corps de mkier, arsenal mari.ligne (éleo(4i"), homme, Fiq,lituali, elum.fier des navire$ mmdiem de Sa Maisolé, njiûfsfL~vVde la Défense nmitmsie,

Hill, 110wival John, S.AO,, F:mqtainlalt, r,».("Ileins-uttmm, william, SA .O ., Vietotù, c'B.

ITII MILW'ngkm de mn» de métier arsenal mari .ti'110 (constructeur de navires) . Haq'uinisk, Cw,chantier des navires c«àdienài de de NinjodW, nùftis .(ère de la D«mw nationale .

1>(Irtirhy, Williétui . $ .A .() ., Victoria C"B .Doown, Alhoit lf(,nev l« .ï .. , vir4olia . CFlett, Dunran àftlmy, victioris, C..Ii .

Infirmier d'hôpital, grada 1 llcnlmc, jiô kits, W

Socritaire .

. I


Farteur, homme, Ottawa . Ontario, ministère deàPoid".

We«, John FIM~llin1t, A .XO~ . Ottawa, Ont .Cunningham, Willklin lt(àjert . S .A .O .,

Ont ,WhillahP. Robert John, S.A,O ., Ottawa, Ont .Prrodon . (Jordan Reste, M .AO,, Ottawa, Ont .8011Y, Crorr FmM~» ~N'akeeelti, là .Q .flill, John Thomalle, KN.O ., Ottawa, Out .lioti . ( ;totw 8.A .O ., Olt«wa, Out .Minart . 1-'mktirk M'illimin, 8.A~O ., Otto%%-~q, olit,,Ilarrilq, Charloil Willioni, M .A~o., 0144%wa, ont,l~rvatbil, lffqNrt, 8.A .O . . 01-tenva, Ont,Edge . John, Ot-tuwa, Ont,

Oi,ttlon(k~. l .itnit~i, S.A .O ., Ottawa, Ont.Ritellin, Philiii, S.A .O ., 1~wotview' ont,

*1'r,Pilliok%Y, S.A .O ., ont .l'entier. lo~v, (Xtçtwa, Ont,

"(1auvreou, Henry Joseph, S.A .O ., Ottawa, Ont .81%ottldiep,, leranklin Nlcwlp, Ottawa, Ont,Stewart, John Ittww, 4.A,O ., Ottawa, OntBelle . Clifforet Arthur . KA.O . . ottawle, ~nt1),tv~imon, (léom) Bertal, S.A .O ., Ot4à~~'

*Indique un eandidat bilingue .Gardien dû pham, rkum 6, inéennivien e t

brume de dç4l\',*(bin(% eloisœ, Port Iltirwell, Ontar ;é),ministkrf des Transiports .

Sutherland, John Harold . Port Hurwell, Ont.Charmir des postes, homme, Ontario, mi .

nistère (It~4 l'code«.Foullon, Charles NI~tttliew, S.A .O ., Otetown, Out .Prrioton, Cordon Hosoo, S.A .O,, Ottawa, Ont .lui, john 'riiosiono, q .A .O ., Ottawa, Ont .llryffln, Herbert, S.A .O ., Ott«wa, Ont.Rothwell, Hubert Claude., S.A .O ., Britluinia

lieigIbLq, Ont .oolAlonde, Lionel . S .A .O ., Ottawa, ont.Kîtrhin, Philip. q.A .O ., Emèoview, Out .llçuvie, Cirarles William, S.A .O ., Ottaiva, Ont .

*Tremblay, Alfred-L., B.A .O ., Ottawa, Ont,l'entier, O?nvald Loy, S.A .O ., Ottaiva . Ont,Jewitt, William, S.A.O,, Ottawa, Ont .

"I'Pinieux . S.A .O ., Ottawa. Ont,0(tioktvmtit, S.A .O ., Ottawn, Ont.Bulhnim, Erneet Jolie, KA.O., City View, Ont,,4tewlbrI, Juan Hess, S.A .O ., Ottawa, Ont,Vollard, 8.A .O ., Enstvie%v, (kt .1)etvitleq)n, (,«,Omû ltm4tl, S.A,O ., Ottawa. oit. .Shueikliee, lemnklin Ntiwlç,, S.A .O ., Ot4owa, Ont,Ventlario, (,eorge, 8,A .O,, Ot4a%%n, Ont ,Haves, Arthur E ., S .A .O ., Ototawa, ont,

*Indique un eandidat, bilingue .4NIt'xievin, mvire intermittent, homme, ittwrve

Kingxriew, Division Sud-Ouek4t du N .-B., ministèredis% Mines et des Ressourfts .

Wright, Il . Stanley, S.A.O ., Fredericton, N.-B .Commis de@ postes, homme, Ottawa, Ontario, litt .

reau classe 9, ministère des Potites. Les candidatsheureux à cet enzimen meriont admissibles pour noini .nation aux powitions de liomtier ambulant, apréit unepériode de service en qualité de commis des petiteset après avoir subi avec succès les exaineu requismur le là pour l'expédition .

West, John Flewellinir, B.A .O ., Ottawa, Ont.Pepper, Arthur Harry, S.A .O ., Ottawa, OntWhitlane. Robert Jolie, S.A .O ., Ottawa, On~ .Dalton, Charles Mtttthew, S.A,O ., Ottawa, Ont .Preston, ('ordon Rom, Ottawa

'Ont .

Condwin, Joint, ii .A .O,, Ottawa, Ont,Cunningham. Williani Itchebrt, 8,A.O,, Ottawa,

Ont.Iltoorrifi, Charlew William 8,A .O ., Ottawa, Ont .0'ilegoïne Cerald, S.A .O., Il . do 1' . Britomnja,

Ont .81111Y . Crorr Ernm, S.A .O., ot4awn, ont .Tom, jarans (larmn. S'XO~ . Ottawa, Ont'.tlonith, Frank 1-'.urne, S.A.O ., Ottawa, Ont,

Radiotélégraphiste junior, division Centende, mines.lère il" Toulutportés.

l)"iw~« . Alfilmi Janlffl' Winnilieg, Man,Jolin Willinni, %Viiiiiilira, Man.

Itrim, 1-'mlçeirk ( ;t,tirr, Toronto, Ont,l'oekler, Cyril Nif-iviiie, rovotWo, Ont .

John Auguoitine, Ottawa, Ont,junior, division Centrale, .itini4.

(ère doit'r~%lliitzin, Edwin chie0t, Toirentio, Ont .111Y, Milwai,de Clayton Enrle, Torunto, 0111,lerver, lfarold Nlelvin, %%'iiinilirg, Man .

L Rall'h Toronto, Ont .Z%iet-ltt4), IA-o àwIdi, ont,

Radiotélégraphiste junior, liviieion Centrale, :niais.tère (100 Munemporta,

elibalwolo, Lionel Vortion . Eklinciiion, Altît .01nofiqUe un (undidat qui n'a pon résidé titi au (tfklle

lit til%'I'Oiuzi Centrale antérieurenient ait 16 juin 1939 ,initier, division ('t'ntrale, minis .

tére dea 'IritnMiortdi.Ilonnont, Dunald Nornutii, Torowo, ont .NIC't-t'Oti, Mon Ilerniqui, le Il~le4, Nillai .Ciuiiden. James Arvile, llamilton, Ont..sWer, James Ileurv, Peetce Hiver, Allie,kItadiottMégraphiâte junior, division Centeak, minid .

(ère des Tmntq)otls.Millier, Williain Mikdoc Village, Ont .

"Pavim, Jolin Gordon, Clinvut Hughes, KirklandUtke, ont .

*Indique leu candidat qui n'a J« résidé un an danskt localité .

RailioN,~légraviliste junior, division (10 I'rizt,, mini~.tère deu Tranoports.

Nit-kt,roDn, George Virlor, Yarinouth-Sud, N .-r .junior, division de l'Est, minis .

tère dva Tranoelxws .Ilfriii,rt. Holden, Glaee Bay . N,I,,,

l~eliiiiit, . Mivhael, Sydney Hiver, C.-B ., NE.junior, division de Mat, miniol .

téli, desFowlir, I)othchite Ileber, Saint-John, N.-B .Davies, Jumeillt Vineent, Halifax, N .-I-', ,

junior, division dû Québec, lui.nitdt\m des Tnuv%j~rtf4 .

Sherman Ilugh, Idn4pieil, 1),(jjunior, division de Québec, mi.

illet4\re deeq Tnousporto .*Nomuay, David, NI(mWtl ,

*Indique lin qui net pu résidé lin 2t .doula lit lowité .

Adjoint. senior (le laboratoire, hoinjup,(ilit ., illilligtt%n, do' La Défense nationale .

Nli'Naluara, Jomeilli Allx«, S.A .O ., Viencouver.Nord, C .-B .

Par onire (Ji' la Commision ,E . SAUNDERS ,

Ottawa, le 5 Peptembre 1939 ,

SERVICE CIVII, DU CANADAA Commission du service eivil annonre des clin-L coutil pour IvA ellll),Oi @

Un conc-inixe, elame 2, homme, ininist4\re (le laIW~fi,n?* nationale, Linditay, Ontario . Préférence danAla nomination sein donnée aux livrsonnes qui résidentil Lindsay, Ontario . Le délai dimorrilition expire le13 eeptembrn 1939.

Qualités reqt4i@ea : Instruction d'éeole primaire ;étre rapithle do fairc, la besogne do conciere (,ilgénéral et. pouvoir, lui limoin, ne Viluvr il linappareil de thitqifff%gê ; ètm digne de vcnfianee ;bonne moite, .

9 SEPTEMBRE 1989"11 '01"ierge, ('1111w 1~ hiliturtle . honnue . miniahv

(11, Ilk Wfen:A, Intlionale . ~ I alcurlier, ll .q . préf&,cliecthun, In nomination wra (Joum,,e Inix rantli(In .! nfléa qui 1*6111drut fill rnmil VnIenrtior on nit village ak,Volvarlipr, pro%int-I, lp (Intil)ce. IA1 &Ini d1imerip.tion expire to I I mpleullire 1939 .

Qualitt's requises : Inatruelion tIVwle pritusiro-6t."e e"113140 (to fain, lit hmmic do concierge vil'Kellitral M. pouvoir, net hemin, ske charger ji'llnAPIN"61 do chauffaw : (kere diane the e(mli-ince .110,1110 all"06 ; pouvoir porter, lire o4, 6criro it,frallvain ot l'unglaip minulnuent .

( ;tlrtlit'Il il(' lbl,4ti-C . clame 1-1, iiiiiiisièm des Tr.ui*-Parle', jetée ile Capo Tornientine, NAI . (>ivêrt nuxI)erm)llltq48 qMi n~aidt'uL à Cape Tonnelitine, N .-D ., ondemi lit lueltlké . Le délui d'inmription expioo lo, ilêkeptenibru 1939 .

Qissatitéit requliva : ingtnlction printaire ;aptitude à lllitti(Ltivmr (In Petites embarcation» ;111>tll'L' Vue ; Prnif exact dos couleur@ ; letenneaimé .

lie pluw, rituelle Il, ministère lien -rnui,;.I)or(s, Spry liriv, N.-E, Ouvert oux lwtwnnt,,4 (hotte .

qui rélillent, à SPrY lkkY, N.-F ., ou dans l aTA, délai d'iniècription expire le 14 Nep.

tenibre Ifkli) .Itwtniction d'école primaire ;

ttl)titil(le 1% manœuvrer de PoUte» (4nbamèt)Àons ;bonne Vue ; ffli8 (,xac,~e des couleum ; I>onnt~sai1w.

"111&'P 1, Illleel~~'y 411, Couvernenient, Kirk-Innd Iokp, Ontario. OUVert aux i)er*nnnew lui sêi .tient, à liirklttn(l 1 .<Ike, Otit ., on dans lit localité . Le

(I'ill»Pril)lioIl expire le 13 tieptembre 193() ,y et l'ne vacance pour un

"11"** 1, 1101111lie . titi ministère des AKirkhtnd Lake, olitcijo, 111 :1il, u pourni établir uneliy,te qlr eanditiMa iiiiiiii"*I)Iq~m %-lit : le pour lin dite .d'après IlttittclIP do@ nomin«tio~s temporaire@ et prr-

`rOut. filited lit Illeillire citl'il se produin desvactuweit dent; les ininrnux titi (vouvernennent à Içirk .land Lake, Ontario,

Qualités requises : Instruction d'école primiliroet ., tic préférence, formation tianti une école teu .I)érietbm (high school) ; intelligence ; aptitude àt'OIIII)r('iltire et à Huivre les noire@ donnée ; inetet lion Jugement. 1" randitints (loi%.(,nt êtreâgés (le 18 à 35 en« lui jeter lie I'exkunen &mit .*

Maître de i)oW~e, bureau elttme 2C, ministère desPostes, "rtgOtt-, Ontario, Ouvert aUx cliente du[)limite de poKte de Prescott, Ontario . Lo délaicription expire le Il septembre 1939 .

Qualités requises: Au moins une instructiond'école primaire ; Probité et une bonne colamus.silence de lit tenue dos reginume et dit manlesupnt' les ta"t' el' entregent ; aptitude polir laaurveillance .

gr~-Kt~tir(w, hommes, imprvire des Affai-eoOtl%'(~rt aux 1)ûraonuc4j qui résident dans

la Doininion (kt Çanada . Le (tétai d'inscription ex.pire le 12 œtd)re 1939 .

NOTA : t'ne tilde (I't~(inii?uil)ilité jgom établie en vuedes ProvIntines vacances .

Qllalités rcqliia;c« ., Diplôme d*une univerwitérêvOnnllc ; (10 Préféreure Mudes I)ud-univird .laines en économie politique, mrien«« pOIitjlplo»~hilitoire on droit ; aptitudeu Pour la Minctinn de

et 'le nlélll(litx"4 ; honnêteté, jugenielat droitet abord fieuble, lwfémnm spécial( . MM AC.txm"~p 1% roux qui IbO*%\tlellt au inoinm une languemoderne M piles (Ir, longlais ou du françoil., bienque la connaimanre (je Mte Autrp longue ne#10'l' l'et& exiffée- b~xt%elbté MI un (4t"dM paraitni compétent quen est justifiltblO (10 déclirter un

757Pon do In rtsle, It" candidatot doivent avoir at .trim leur vingi-deuxii-ine anulie et Wavoir panplug ill, 30 mut It, jour tle Vexiunvtk~*

*tel limite dAge ne IMqA aux tanditinta(lu' ont druit à lit l~réfétmre en fuillion de lour m-r.v!Ce dierant. la C.Mtul" Citifm". pourvu que la Com-'"don om'flO que lew Agê ce de leur ~t4uéeur pennett,ut de Muplir les fonctions do c e

qll"lx mpront l'rrAlilIPnl"nt en inesure de- t-tpiiti .ler à In fait" pendent une Période miomnabl e

leur nomination .

l'tir entre de lu (,"NllmiWon du service civil,


Ottawa, 7 sopteinbere 1939 .

CHAMBRM DU SENATOrrAwA# jeudi, 7 septembre Ion.

CO JOI'rd'i't'i, à (mis heures de relevée, So%ê Excr.L.[.[;NC.r Me GOUVRIINÉ111 09NÉRAL Ott venu à la Chambredu Sénnt, dans Illititel du Parlement, et a pris platesau Trône . les mtIllhrPg 111, Sénat étant awwiiFIM,il a Pli, à Son Excellence le Gouverneur générald'ordonner à la Chambre (les Communes Mro pré.Ill'aie . (Il . cette Chambre étant préwnte, il a plu à9011 le\'ct'lltnce le Clouvemeur général d'exposer, dansle dittroum muivânt, les motifs de la convocation dela cinquième menton du dix-huitième Parlement duCanada :

Honorables membres du Sénat,Nembres de la Chambre des communes,

Cellules vous ne le savez que trop, tous les effortzetentés en vue de maintenir la paix en Europe "Léchoué. Le ROYaume-Uni, Pour honorer des ouga.gellleutte âOuscrit» QvOc l'intention d'éviter les host.i.lités, à été entrahié, dans une guerre avec 1,Allemglle .Va' 1103 été convoqués le Plus Mt Possible afinque 10 Gouvernement Puisse obtenir l'autod"on lieprendre les mesures nécessaires à la défense duC&n8da . et à la collaboration dans la luue enteu.prise réaulunient, contre toute nouvelle acrosellon, etafin d'e:np&her le recours à la force plutôt qtlauxméthodes pacifiques dans le règlement don différend@intemotionaux . Déjà la milice, le amies n&vld etle corps d'avi«#Àon ont été appelés cOi nonvice actif .Des dispositions additionnelles, reladvelle à la défensede non côtes et à notre sécurité intéerieure, ont étéPrison en conformité de la loi des mesures de guerreet d'aut" pouvoir& eximant». Vous serez saints ousdélai de propositions visant à rendre plus efficace'effort du Canada.

Membres de la Chambre dos communes,Vous serez appelé& à étudier les prévisions budg&

tairce den dépenses qu'a déjà eau" ou que eautiene,l'état de ~erre actuel .

Honorables membres du Sénat ,Jlembres de la Chambre dos communes,

Point n'est besoin de souligner l'extréme gravitiide ['heure . Il n'en a de lui critique dansl'histoire du monde . =atÀonpldti C4" faitfnro à In crim avec lit môme force dàme qui, pr&sontemOnt, soutient les peuples du Royaume-Uni etd'autrre nations du CoMmonweedLle britannique . Méeminintr« mont convaincus que le Canada elit diq"à s'unir en un effort national pour défendre derelire mieux les libertés et Ica institution» qui oolewtituent un Patrimoine commun .



PASSIF-1 . CAPITAL VaitAi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2. Fo»a Da aàmxavs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 . Bu&m Bu cisicuLAnon. . . . . . . . . . . .

4 . I)iP&M-(0) 0 uvernemen t

f6déM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30. M. 2w 97(6) Gouvernement s

provinciaux . . . . . . . . .(c) Banquet à charto . .201 318 . 151 53(d) Autres d6pbto . . . . . Il : 210 .383 7 3

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I


5 . Tou? AuTnz rAimin, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

5 . Errrrs Acelirrin nuit Lx MATtelit LIPRII.BoNit Du Tnixon Xxi'&?Tds . . . . . . . . . .

(a) Titres à court Lotiondpq('.ouvernt-iiientsf&déml et provinciaux 111,018,255 96

(b) Autres titi-ci desGouvernements fH6.ral et provitiviaux . . . . . 52 .078 .130 57

(c) Autres v0eurs . . . . . .

TOTAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

S 3,000.000 001,903 814 79

179.703 :513 33

243,220,798 23

31019,175 M

I 432,856,la3 70

ACTIF-1 . RMznvs-

Monnaies et lingots d'or .200,775,087 08Lingots d'argent . . . . . . . .Sterling et dollars des

Etats-Unis d'Améri-que . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 .859,575 24

Autres devises de paysà éwon-or . . . . . . . . . . . . 401 Da

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

2 . MONNAIM& DIVI31ONNAIRMIS . . . . . . . . . . . .

3 . Ervm Bamums . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

4 . AvANcs~(a) Au Gouvernement

fédéral . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(b) Aux Gouvernements(jT,,îXneIm,,~ ues.% b to

te et autres bnnqueà . .

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

7. lUbIBUZILM& DR LA DANQU; . . . . . . . . . .

S. TOUT AuTax Acrir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

TOTAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

6 202,035.061 27

391 .&W 4 2

163,090,386 53

1,660.435 80

5,072, WO 6 8

S 432 .856,133 70

Proportion (le la réserve cella Witrm 1 de l'actif moins l'item 5 du paniO à l'ensemble du engagements relatifs auxbillets en circulation et dépôts : 62-ffl,

Je d6c" quo l'état qui précède quit exact, d'après les livro4 de la Banque :

Le comptable en chef.H . R . EXTENCE .

Je déclare que l'état précité est êxart . au mieux do ma connaissance et de ma croyance, et qu'il montre fidèlement et.clairement la aitu&Uon financière de la Banque, tel quo requis par l'article trente-troli ; de la toi mur la Banque du Canudu.

,Ott&wa4 ce premier jour de septembre 1939 . Le gouverneur,0. F. TOWERS.

. I


BMAN A3211lxii Au ugncxmbf . ta ô "Pumanc lm

PASSIF-1 . CAFtTAL vansi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2- FONDS DM RéanaVa . . . . . . . . . .3 . BILLVM IN riRuULAIION . . . . .

(a) Gouvernemen tfédéral . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41,822 .3.16 92

(b) GouvernementsPmvlnoiaux . . . . . . . . .

(c) Banques à rharte . . 195,634 . I :1~1 32(d) Autres dépôts . . . . . 13,050,811 20

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Tot-r Autan PAssir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

TOUL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

3 .000 .000 no1 903 814 79

199 :W9:881 83

250,207,281 33

3.900 .411 08

111 451,621 .039 23


ACTIF-1 . Rdonavo.-

elOn"108 et lingots d'or.221 .371,M lmLinzote d'argent . . . . . . . .Sterling et dollar@ des

Etats-Unis d'Améri.que . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51,861 .437 eu

Autres deviais do paysét".Or . . . . . . . . . . . .

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.7. . . . . . * 8 273 .4u.691 la2 . MONNAtu DEVMONNADRU . . . . . . . . . .


* 3»,913 si3. Errm »womprU

4 . AVANCB*.-(a) Au Gouvernement

fédéral . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(ô) Aux Gouvernement@

provinciaux . . . . . . . . . . .(0) Aux banque@ à ch&4~

te et autres banques . ,

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Errffl ~citer" suit La MAReni Liens~Boue Vu Taùoa axcuprm . . . . . . . . . .

0. PLAc%N3N1~(a) Titres à court terme

d"Gouvemementuf&dépit et provinciaux 117,776,303 &7

(b) Autres titres desGouvernements f6d&MI et Provinciaux . . . . . 83,492,458 34

(0) Autres valeurs . . . . . .

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171,2611,761 el7 . lub4supILIA Os LA B4piQuB . . . . . . . . . . . . 11MAU Io8. Tour Auras Ac-tir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 .878,880 88

ToTAi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Io 461 .02i'm sa

Proportion de la réserve nette (Vitam 1 de lactif molu piteun ô du p&Wf) à l'ensemble dubillets en circulation et dépôts : 62-31% . éliptements "titi auJe déclare que J'état qui Précède est exact . d'après les livres de la Banque :

Le mi Lwable«e4H.K.ExTEgbEJO déclare que l'état prérité est exact AU mieux do ma connaissance et de ma croYanoo, et qu*il montre fidèlement etelairement la situation financière de la Bi~que. toi que fflUI4 par igwtiole trente4fois de la toi Mr la Banque du Ca" .Ottawa, ce septième Jour de septembre 19».

Le pmmx«r0. F. TOWERS.

. I



LIABILITIE%-I. CAPITAL PAID UP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

2. RXIT FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

3 . %Or= IN CIRCVLATION . . . . . . . . . . . . .

(a) Dominion Govern .Tn"t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $30, ou, M 97

(b) Provincial Govern.orients . . . . . . . L . . . . . .

W Chartered Banks. .20i . 318 . 181 U(4) Other . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11,21G.M3 73

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

A. SUNDHV LIANILMRS PATAII&II INftanuiot . U.S .A . AND FORNIONGOLD CURRaxemit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

6. ALL CITHIR LIASILITISS . . . . . . . . . . . . .

ToTAt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

S 510001000 00

11903 .514 79

179,703,60 33

943,229,798 25

3 .019 .173 33

0 432 .80 .133 W

ASSETS-1 . Rasariva-

Cold min and bullion-62D9,775,087 08Silver bullion . . . . . . . . . . .Sterlinx and U.S .A .dollars. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82,859 .875 24

Other currencies, o fcountries on a GildStandard . . . . . . . . . . . . 401 05

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

2 . SUBSIDIARY COIN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

3 . BiLut DtacouNTSD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

4 . ADVANrSA TO-(a) DoInildon Govern .

Mont . .(b) Provinciii'l-Govern.

Inente . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .NkChartorod an d

avings Banks . . . . . . . .

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . L . . . . . . . . .3 . PILLA 11011011T IN OPIN MARKET . NOT

INCLUDINO THIASURY 1111.1 .14 . . . . . . . .

0 . IXVRWrMItNTR--(d),I)ondnlon and Pro~

v cial Governmentwhott orin securitles-111,018,2M go

WON= Doinlitionand Provinelid Gov.ornment Poeuritles . . . . 82,078,130 57

W Other Securities . . . .

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

7. BANK PRAIMIPS111 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

8 . ALL OTHan Aware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

TOTAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

6 262 .5M. ON 27

301,040 49

103,ODG .386 53

1 . 660. 433 80

5 .072,006 68

$ 4.12 .850,133 70

Italloof Not Reserve (Item I of Assets less Item 3of Liabilities) to Notestand Deposit Liabilities : 62-OD per centurn .I declare that the foregoing return Is correct according to the books of the Batik .

It. EXTM,E,Chiff Accountant .

I declare that the forelping return to to the best of My knom-kiJue, anti belief correct, and shows truly anti clear!ythe financial position of the bank, an required by section thirty-three of the Bank of Canaida Act ,

Ottawa, " first day of September. 1939 .

G . F. TOWERS .Gorernor .

. a

BANK OF CANAD ASTA'tzàd%NT or Ausirs AND Lucumu As AT WeDrimaDAT. 8artmona ftu. lm

LIARILITIEFIL-1 . CAPITAL PAID UP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

2. Rzar rrNm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

3 . Norza ix CIRcoLATIox . . . . . . . . . . . . .

4 . Dzpoatrr~(a) Dominion Govern.ment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lui .922 ma Go

(0) I'mVincifiluovern.nientai . . . . . . . . . . . .

NJ Chartered Banks., i9a, o34, rm 32(d) Other . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 .050,811 29

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5. SUNDRY LIARILITIZA, PAYAPLIN IN

STJIIIIJ~Q . U.S .A . Amu Fossua NGOLD ( URRaNciso . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


TozAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

I declare th" 0'* 11"Ving "tOrR Is correct Accordinic to the books of the Bank .I

H. R.EXTANWCEA-ceses" .

I declare that th" tOn"Imiall return is to the beat of my knowledge and belief correct . and shows truly and slowly,the financial position of the Bank, ad required by section thirty-three of the Bank at Canada AmOttawa. this seventh day of September, IM.

0. F. TOWERS .oewnw .


3 5.000.000 00

1 .903,814 79

188,6N .881 83

230,207.281 63

3 .900,411 08

1 451 .021 .089 23

APSFTS-1 . Ricmzitvt-

Gold min andSilve bullion

8tarlI ~



0 'u r I

ring, ofOdol

0. . . . . . . . 81,851,437 0

countries on a GoldStandard . . . . . . . . . . . . . 322 57Total . . .

. »***"* . . . . . . . . .BUINDIART coin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

BiLLA DincouN-raD~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

4 . ADvAmw im>-(0) Dominion Goverr,

ment . .

menté . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ChArtered and

iuvb«g lianke. . ' . . . . .

, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 . BILIA B .U.. - - - -


INV&WURMI.-(a) Dominion and pro.

vinelai Goyerrimentehort4erm suBL'A"ID) Other Dominionand Provinriall Gov .ornment somritiog . . . . 53,492,458 U

(c) Other Securities . . . .

Total . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . .

7. BANK patualso

8. ALL Ortran Assa To . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

TOTAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


$ 273,433 .11101 1 2

379.913 0

171 .20 .761 9 11,600,436 90

4 .11711 .11116 88

1 461 .621,080 23

Ratio et Net Ruierve (item 1 of Amis leu Item à of Liabilitient) ta Notes sud DOVO@19 LiabilitJé4: 83-31 sentent




Raccaters Attu, Dussusalumate" for the month of Au at, IM, from April 1, 1030 to August 31, 1930, and forcorresponding period . r. he previous fie"I you .

Month ntAultust, 1930

(unrovisell )


Customs Import Duty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Klein Duty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . .Exclso Taxes. Sallon. Stamps . ota . . . . . . . . . . . . .Income Tax . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ I . . . . . . . . .Post offive Dopartmeat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Sundry Departments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I ., . . . .

Total Ordinary Revenue . . . . . . . . . . . .1111pow Receipts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


oralbury KRIWastifurd-Alpricultum . _ _ ~ . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . I . . . . . . . . .Auditor General'* Offee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Chirt Ilemoral Offimr. Inelittling Eloctionorivil'servire Commission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .External Affairs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I . . . . . .yinanro-

Interest on rublicOther Public Debt Char"a . . . . . . . . . . . .Stibsidiem and Grants to Provinom . . . . . .0141 Age NnRlons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . .OfficeoftheCorn miter of the Tronsury ,

Ctimmont Ilenefits andSuperannuation . ISundry rensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

r1lanerni U.xpenditure (Finance Dept .) . . . .M imellamma Crants and Contributions .,Miscellaneous Offices and Commisalons. .

Fisheries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Covernor Coneral and Lioutonant-Covern .Ore . I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Insurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Justice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Penitentiaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Labour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .lesislation-

Houma of Parliament and Library . . . . . . .Mines and Relsouroes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Movements of coal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .National Defence, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I . . . . .National Research Council . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .National Revenue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pensions and National Health . . . . . . . . . . . . .Post Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Prim Council . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I .Publ a Archives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Public Printing and Stationery . . . . . . . . . . . .Public Works . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Royal Canadian Mounted Police . . . . . . . . . . .Secretary of State . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Soldier Settlement of Carulds . . . . . . . . . . . . .Trade and Commerce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Transport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Maritimo Freight Rates Act . . . . . . . . . . . .

Total Ordinary Expenditure . . . . . . . . .

Capital Frpeftditu~National Vereaft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . .Trunsport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Total Capital Exprndituril . . . . . . . . . . . .

slwkl Espewituro-Rollef Granta-In-Aid to Provinces . . . . . . . . .Relief Willits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Drought Area Iteliel . . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . - . .

Total Special Expenditure . . . . . . . . . . .

Government Ourniall RmIrrisplaost-Cannillinn Nationat Railwayal--

Dr6rit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

P.E.I . Car V@try and Terminals Deficit_Tran*4 'nnRcIR Air Line@ Deficit . . . . . . . . .

National Harbours Hand. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Total Govt. Owned Enterprises . . . . .

$ et a

71199 .RO2 094.94 :11" 17

12 874 470 234 :400 . :191 FA2 400 290 82

1 :074 :411 78

33,514 752 flal2 :911U 3 3

aa .417'OR4 go

": 1"0 '313A 7 21

70,072 TH

2 .344 ONI V40 :003 73

200 DO160,097 80

4A,0-0 2120 .003 IN12, 028 0094 .152 84

177,238 71

14,6113 8113 .209 74

221 .310 87231,70.1 6047,703 00

02, 678 28035 .810 0419,104 1 0

2,371 .373 33~O'asa Ou

1,013,120 934 8'23,Oli4 80,, :77 .5,441 14

4 782 2:115:807 5812,605 22

I'OII .SO8 03807 .341 9464,262 31161,137 78

714 .403 7 01,101111M :12

1 :19, W2 47

20.845,630 77

2,003.963 201 .00o'e,o os

3,004 .04 :1 85

1,400,000 0021828,2911 al l

249,602 8 1

4 . NO, 0.18 1 ,

3. 000 . 000 an27 .000 0020,744 4 2

. . . . . . . . . . . . . I -

:1,047 .744 42

IlInnthofAugust, HIM


0 .949 074 19

7 85,37'~,010 fw2,300 .(1,%o KI2,272,343

3ô,%N4 07a3:09 Ill30,W.Im 2 4

$711, M3 ni37 .773 2.1

1 ann :M114 lu,"147 .183 41

I'm liq$ .1 110 :314 21

160 00147,123 44

b2,R23 -, 024,829 D'i2 .023 00

100,604 97184,132 88

14 .IM 7812 .438 322.2s, 1 .5

209 923 lu53 :701 41

84 .894 72994 300 u129 :3.10 7 5

2 .7 .14,513 43OR, 346 w

975,m3 344 .643,740 fi)2,927 437 74

4 :001 0213,71111 0914,755 6 7

1,230XO 30847 .013 31fil'a42 ai93 404 14

h02 :447 681 .011),282 30

142,082 4 3

20A.M.203 0 4

,122,302 54

1122,302 84

April 1 . IWO,. t o

AultuAt 31 . 1039( ~%u list

unrelpod )

111 0 4

33 .373,743 4211124111ON16911 44K1031417 74

10I .N41,010 4713,103,H13 417,0111,871 .00

7A4:1,353 04

233,772,00 ", A.,

02194 .324 e n

7 il

MO.3124 (mi

50.1141,44, or,loo,1147 2:1

9 .21qlIrloi 112

780 .00 lO

Illii . 976 98130 . ndl) 34427 .001 67610,011 57&Ü8,849 07

78 .424 ÇO64, .180 30

flag'lilo Il )1,131,123 %a

24q,931 94

1 .270 .351 715, 2lD .7M 2611402 .5013 Io0 .02à . .309 08

292,185 704,948 .824 Su

24 .013 .687 8113 .2411,001 0 8

22,697 1 .161'Ola 12.59, ilOO 42

4,236,801 no2,370 .217 80

331,030 77341,113 C.1

2,887,741 M44 .515,M)m 97

820,403 4 9

153,757,A33 2 5

CM2,182 492 .343 .261 4 1

0,995,443 90

April 1, 19380,

August 31, IM


31,731,99 4722 .40-1,207 5664,45,443 N

It 1, CIA, 62" R411, Atia'alm 2A

, :633 .767 O'J

253,214 . 0113 IM270,461 7 1


a,92A .611 46Igo .1184 80lu'iloi 71

154 .474 "d550311)OU 1 0

49,113 .iè,.14 fi7104 . Oô fl 56

0 . 109 . 818 01.1127,01215 fil

-10 . M2 33

nio .4pg ili47 .248 602117,234 99476,112 45f,91,376 85

77, .120 3265,0411 80

I)SII .fVI4 (10OSO, ICI(l no232 .411 38

1,398,454 145,o,ll .x25 25

481,775 3 112,094,764 83

260,156 468 -dO .934 59 1

23 :0 7.2 .708 1012,097 .760 70

ID .&ID On66 . â 7d 5 08M. 527 0 5

4,820,998 272,301 .210 On

284,525 3à34,949 .1 9

2 .685 .221 Il4 .273,01 36

Q72,654 0 1

151,32t .220 70

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11306 .510 8 0

1 .31)(1,510 so

1 747,260 lill1 :432 .990 7 "

295,0)2 1 9

3,495,2112 4 1

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27,000 0052,180 78

79,150 75

4, 134 .466 478,00,00 4 4

8411,245 71

13,621 .192 (12

41 .2liO . CM 00lft,2,000 003271(919 M

41,739,039 8A

8,603,2sll liO3,15115,947 601 . cmia, 80o 09

10 .1132 .917 1 5

41,914 .0111 57162,000 004.011 .205 49U$,M1 32

42,081,112 38


RICIRF" AND I)msvnsvmxNTA for the month of August, 1930, from April 1 . IM, to August 91, 1930. and forcorresponding period& In the previous rawal yew-Condo"

Month nfAugust . IV19(I'movitiod )


Otter I 'Anygos-

Month ntAugust . 938

8 Ott .

WrIt"own of Assets, ate . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . I 4R5.232 45 1.50.064 95Total Expenditure . . . . . I . . . . . . . . . 31 .040 .629 6 I____i4 .7V0.M to

LOANS an dBack of Canadn-Tnvesimentaconunt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8", Ono noCanitillan Farm Lima littani . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 430,000 011 400,000 00calutillan National Italklivs-

1,1111int'llig unit G . . ..rautoo Act . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,000,000 00-Refunding Act . . . I . . . . I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .K-noviterre-Itouvit itailwa? . . . . . . . . . . . I I . .- . . . ~ . 11" "1 08-'I*rnttm-('nnw lit Air I .Intiecorp . . . . . . . . . 230,666*66 900:000 00

Contral Mortgage Hank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VA0. ON 00 . . . . I . . . . . I . . . 1 . 1,flousbut A-,ta, 1933 ond I9,U . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 419,942 00 348 .101 00Munlviaul lin rovententa Assistance Art . . . 811,631 00 . . . . . . I . . . . . . . . . . .Provinelal Mrverninonts (Under Relie f

Act) .'o

.n.tI o . I I C. 'a

.nit. 4Q . . . , , 1

.021:332 at 10213811 73Soldlor*&464 ; 7 000 70 1:1 .0.0 UTotal Loons anti Investments . . . . . . . . 2,912,963 (1,01 6,707,290 02 1

CHAMBER OF THE SENATEOTTAWA, Thursday, September 7, 1939 .

Thk day at three o'clock p.m ., His ExctuxNcyTHE GOVrItNoR GrNmmt, proceeded to the Chamberof the Senate, in the Parliament Buildings, and tookhis seat upon the Throne . The Members of theSenate being assembled, His Excellency the Gover .nor Gencral was pleased to command the attend-ance of the House of Commons, and that Housebeing present, His Excellency the Governor Generalwas pleased to declare the causes for summoning theFifth Session of the Eighteenth Parliament ofCanada with the following Speech :-

Honourable Members of the Senate :

Members of the House a/ Common# :

As you are only too well aware, all efforts to main-tain the peace of Europe have failed . Ile UnitedKingdom, in honouring pledges given se a means ofavoiding hostilities, has become engaged in war withGermany . You have been summoned at the earliestmoment in order that the Government may seekauthority for the measures necessary for the defenceof Canada, and for co-operation in the determinedeffort which is being made to resist further aggres .sion, Quit to prevent the appeal to force instead of to

April 1, 1039t o

Aturvat 31 . 1939(Augupt

unrovised )

$ cts.

493,282 411

214.M.082 ni

. . . . . . . . . .1 .103,231 00

230 .WO (le1 .111117 .182 ouS . 1311.264 Ta

2.81101389 01043.0m 21

le . oo2 .7à7 03


April 1 . IONt o

Ausuat 31 . im

I eta.

%3.477 ci

2œ.Gq, .nm e t

R201000 001 ."3.80 00

11 .11118,93111 4321,041,40 1 3

812,343 111,300,000 00

91111 .221 00. . . . . . . . . . . . .

s'cul lu 4408,439 1 2

311 .8111,489 23

Pacific means in the settlement of internationaldisputes . Already the Militia, the Naval Service andthe Air Force have been placed on active service,and certain other provisions have been made for thedefence of our coasts and our internal security underthe War Measures Act and other existing authority .Proposals for further effective action by Canada willbe laid before you without delay .

Members of the How of Commose:

You will be asked to consider estimates to providefor expenditure which has been or may be caused bythe state of war which now exists .

Honourable Members of the Senate :

Member# of the House of Commons .

I need not speak of the extreme gravity of thishour . There can have been few, if any, momcritical in the history of the world . The people ofCanada are facing the crisis with the same fortitudethat to-day supports the peoples of the UnitedKingdom and other of the nations of the British'Commonwealth . My Ministers are convineed thatCanada is prepared to unite in a national effort todefend to the utmost liberties and institutions whichare a common heritage .



The following Regulations, Orders, etc ., arepromulgated anti Issued it) the CanadianMilitia by Order of the Minister of NationalDefence.,


29TIl AUGUST, 1939 .

G.O. 125


Pursuant to the provisions of the NlilitiaAct, His Fxcellency the Governor in Council~y an Order in Council dated the 26th (layof August, 1939 (P.C. 2306), has inade thefollowing regulation :-

RegulationThe I'Minister of National Defence may call

out the Militia or any part thereof, o~ anyofficer or juan thereof,

.for any purpose coming

within the provisions of Section &3 (if tileMilitia Act, at such tinies and in such Infinneras he may decin expedient .

1I .Q . 54-27-3- 1G.O. 126N.P.A.M. UNITS CALLED OUT ON


General Order No, 124 of 1939, is amendedas under effective 26th August, 1939 :-Under " Military District No . 2 " add-

The Queen's York Rangers Ost AmericanRegiment) (M .G.) Details "

1I .Q . U-27-3-1M .N11) .


REGIMENT (TANK )I Badges as described below are hereby

autiiorized for The New Brunswick Regiment(Tank), His Majesty the King having beengraciously pleased to'approve of the adoptionof the motto indicated below .

CaP anti Pagri BadgeA shield emblazoned : or, (in waves it lyin.

phad, or ancient galley, with ours it, actionproper ; on a chief or, (;if a mount vert a tankproper. Above the shichl : a scroll inscribed4 THL NFW RR11NS%%1lCK REUIMENT "anti subscribed " TANK ." Flanking theshield two sprays of niaple each bearing sixlelves. Bencatii the shield n scroll inscribed

SEMPER PARATVS PUGNARE, PROPATRIA."Height . . 2 inchesWidth- 11 inches

Collar BadUeAs for call badge, but sinaller .

Height, ij inches11'idth- I inch

Shoulder Badg eN.13 .11," in J-hich block letters in a

straight line over "TANK" in J-inch blockletters also in it straight line .

2. Oflicers' badges to be oxidized silver andbadges for other ranks to be brass for tillorders of dress .

(E,ffedive l0thJuly, 1939 . )II .Q . 855-3-1NI .N .D .



The undernientioned Officers are awardedthe Colonial Auxiliary Forces Officers' Decor-ation under the Piovisions of tile itoN .ItlWarrant dated the 9th of June, 1921, tind9th day of 'May, 1925, and General orders146 of 1922, 20 of 1924, and 88 of 1926 .

Nulne l'ni t

J . P . Fell . 0-II-E . . . H .L., fortnerly lithDist . Fug . 1I .C'E .

T . If . E . honan . . . . . R-11 : .,, .forinerl y

W. A . 8114uld . . . . . . 1H .L . . forowrly 3rdlin . C.C. of S .

N' . Ilow"ll . . . . . . . III

, L

. birint,r1ii 42nd

IHn : & Alit t vilt ,

If .Q . 51-1-40M .N .D .


SERVICE MEDALThe undernientioned are awarded the

Colonial Auxiliary Forces Long Service Medaltinder the Provisions of the Royal Warrantdated the 26th day of January, 1923, andGeneral Order 21, ~f 1924 .

Ilailk Nanto Uni t

ILL . . forawrlyII.E .1 .111111 .

C.R . . C.ArIt . & YorkHout .

Ird (N-11 .) hied .11do . C.A .

Sho . Form,117th Itelo .Vol . do Q ,



The undernientioned are awarded fit(, Calla.dian Mcdal for Long Service and (,,(ledConduct (Military), under the Provisions of


the lloYal Warrant dated the 23rd of Septetil . 1-~her, 1930, and General Order No . 1, of 1932.1 Rank


2nA CL Mr. Or.(w.o . ('1 . 1) .

Q . I A I Ii .8, (W .() . ("I,

11) .C .S .M .

it) .Pat. (A/Ilty .

S . At .) .S/Sgt . . . . . . . . . . .Sat . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Flat . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Sgt . . .Unr .Gnr. . . . . . . . .Cur. . . . . . . . .

0. Callahan . . . . . . . .

J . Cronin . . . . . . . . . . . .

A . If . ITax.jr . . . . . . . .

1) . Lunnim . . . . . . . . . .

1) . A . MeNell . . . . . . .

A . H . Reed . . . . . . . . . .I . . A . JUIPlotlett eJ . S .

A - 0 . Gallriel . .C . Co,mlaoin . . .W . S . H vF E blin'kay . . .P : I

H.Q . 51-52-4

G.O. 131 M.ND .

CANADIAN EFFICIENCY DECORATIONThe undermentioned Officers are awarded

the Canadian EfficiellrY Decoration under thePrOvisions of the Royal Warrant dated 23rdof SclAcinber, 1930, itifid General Order No. 2,of 1932 .

Roo k

Lt .-(101 . . . . . . . . . .

I .t .-Col . . .14.-Col . . .

][on. Lt .-Col__Mnior . . . .

Afiqor . . . .Mi4or . . . . . . . . . . . .M44or . . . . . . . . . . . .Major . . . . . . . . . . . .Prov. MnJor . . . . . .

Capt . . . . . . . . . . . . .Lim. &. Ill .Capt

Lit,ut . ~ lit.~!Ikpt .

I'lout . (D . Of Al .)~



fil 22P Iteut .it .il () C

H.C.E-fil . 22o Itvlct.,il . 220 Rvétt.

I'- ('- Man"- D-S-0 . 13!11 Ild Ildo,

% to n

0 . 0 . FnIlim, C .B .F .T. F . Ilowlett . . . . . .

A . K. %fair . . . . . . . . .nain . . . . . . . . . .

Trap, M.(% _It . V . At, ar;ey . . . .C . V. Trunvott . . . . . .

J . N . Medliumt . . .G . P. Stirrett . . . . .

E, R . Ingrallam . . . .

W . 11 . Peryer . . . . . . .

H .Q . 51-524G.O. 132 M


THE CANADIAN EFFICIENCY MEDALThe undermentioned Warrant Officers, Non,

Commissioned Officers find Alen are awardedthe CRI'lldiall Efficiency Medal tinder theProvisions of tile Royal Warrant dated 23rdof Seliteniher, 1930, find General Order No.3, of 1932 .

Rank Name

i .C .AsMid . It .H .G .L . . R .C'A .

,At C . (N.P .) .CPR2nd v1d . Coy .

H .C .1-11 .Figin It .Wpx . (iron . olm .) .Canierons of ( :R .C .A .M .C, (K , P ,l0lat ],'fit . Illy .

H .C .A .Q. Y . Rang .lith Dist . Entire .

H.C.E .C.P.C .

P . of W . Hang,(Al .o .) .


I?nl t

1" Ifni([ . lilt .2nd . Div .. R .(

1 .AXC ..1rd

DIV .R,(

% A.R .C .

1,orne Hetits .Furmairly Q .0jt . of

(11L. C . Iattrivit: . . . . . .

CI .SM (W-0.4711

C.S .M . (W.O. CI .11 .) .

C .H.M . (W.O . (1,1 .11 .) .

(' .$ .M . (W.O . CI .11 .) .

C .S .M . (W.O . CI .11 .) ,

C * s .m . (W.O . CI .11 .) .

,14-m - (W .O. ci .il .) .

A/It . Q.M.8 . . . . .Ifty . Q.m.8 . . . . . .

lity . Q.M,S . . . . . .

C.- Q-m .A . . . . . . . .

A/H(ldn .-M .Fl

A X. cl.j . . . . . .Sat . . .

. . . . .

I'lat . . . . . . . . .

Sat . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Pitt . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Hut . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Hat . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Hat . . . . . . . . . . . . . .flat . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

ftt . . . . . . . . . . .sat ~ . . . . . . . . . : : :ftt . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8111 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

A/Sa tIldr . . .Clil . . . . . . . . . . . . . .("Pl . . . . . . . . . . . . . .c'Pl . . . . . . . . . . . . . .("Pl . . . . . . . . . . . . . .CPI .

. . . . . . . . . . . . .pcPI . . . . . . . . . . . .

Gnr . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

anr . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Pte . . .

a teb~ . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Idem . . . . .


3 . CI fil . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

W. J . Tate . . . . . . . . . .

W. Licker4 . . . . . . . . . .

A . Duple«Lu. . . . . . . .

P. feraient: . . . . . . . . .

y. liayeu ., . . . . . . . . .

W . Veltch . . . . . . . . . . .

H . D. centlm . .

M. Ellis . . . . . . . . . .

It . Linder . . . . . . . . . . .

L . shripsoft . . . . . . . . .

y- do M14MO . . . . . . . .

r. J . Olson . . . . . . . . . .

V. It . Cobb . . . . . . . . .D . At . M trr . . . . . . . . .1 . P. Iz -E . W, Brown . . . . . . . .

K . H . Scott . . . . . . . . .

J . Baylim . . . . . . . . . . .It . 1'. Halt . . . . . . . . . .It . Burkloy . . . . . . . . .C . W . wilpon . . . . . . . .J . Hidyard . . . . . . . . . .

A .A . I! IturA . L . N th !~'W . A . Ittenton . . . . . ~ :W. H. Cuininins . . . .

p M 1C :

W. Sellar . . . . . . . . . . .P . W . Cook . . . . . . . . .

W . J . Charman . . . .G . Grinter

.. . . . . . . . .

J . Bectlitaurno . . . .F. A . Shannon . . . .G . H. Elliott . . . . . . .J . Peneyead .

, --H . F. Farmor. . . . . . .A . F. nead&ll . . . . . .

F . Blaekwell . . . . . . . .Ch.ftril . . . . . . . . .'Wit . . . . . . . .

11, Mount . . . . . . . . . . .J . Trombly . .D. (" . IL rhbo,t4,ft,n-.'.W . AH. flutchinvon . . . . . .

0. LRmRrre . . . . . . . . .A . Riveria . . . . . . . . . .J . TrenibImA . . . . . . . . .W . Henodiet . . . . . . . .II .Cool . . . . . . . . . . . . .J . Proctor. . . . . . . . . . .L . 1), Ward . . . . . . . . .A . W. Johnston . . . . .It . Lindsey . . . . . . . . .A . M, Robertson . . . .

Incomr.121t1t 141, 'Ift*



I C . Built, R.17 H .

1011% Mod . Rty.R.C .A .22nd (Colio .,Z.) Mod

Hty . RP .211t!!

I ) an"d ! ftni~ I IM

.A .Plet Fid . ty .

It C.A .No. 3 roy . "A"

corlm. RiRe .Its C.8,

ath IpId . Coy .It

, C.E .

Q.0 . It . or C .

D. & field . It .

Three Riv. R. (T .) .

Three Itiv . it . (T .) .

Lake Sup . R .

Soak . L.I . (M.G .),

X .O.R. of 0. (M.G . )2nd nIV .

R .C .A.S.r .No. 24 IfId . Amb .

R.C .A .M .C .7th Red. Bty .27t

R,C.A .It Fid . Rtv .flow .) HA.A.lli4l Div .

R.C .A .H.C,G .C .11 .0 .411th 11 fire.

lot Mod . Bily.R .C .A .

Hth (LaintitoPill . Rtir. lt"~.A .

R .H.L .I .Figin It .H .L.I . of r .Brock . Rif .P. or W. lieu.

C. If . ni o .48th Ifighm.Kent It . (M .0 .) .A. & S.H . of C, .

(1111 .0 .) .Lake 9up . R .I C. 141rot . It .D . & Hold . Rif .30th FId . Sty .

R .C .A .O .H . of C,aI . Rif.

R 1 . It If. of C.Lorne tamts .Brock . Pit .Tor . Hint . R ,

(111,0 .) .oth livy . Rty .

H .C.A .7011111171ii~ Bty .

R .C .A .R111 .11 .1 .49th Ifighro.48tji litatiri .4gui Hifflire .48111114glirm .

() . H . tir V .lœk. Rit .P. of W . Ilière,

l'un . lit ~ il .P«. Ni . Il .Fum, m .11 .ala . Il . (T .) .

Cela . Il . (T .) .('419. Il . (T .) .Cela. Il . (T .) .411th Illufira .48di liiabra .1 V . ltmt . Il .

H.Q . 81-324M .N .D .


As A



MEDALThe undermentioned Warrant Officers, Non-

Commissioned Officers and Men are awardedthe Clasp to the Canadian Efficiency Medalunder the Provisions of the Royal Warrantdated 23rd of September, 1930, and GeneralOrder No . 3 of 1932.


R .B.14 . (W .O. ci .1 .) mo . ci .1 .1 .

DdNir . Mo. CI .1 .) .

sim . (W.O . CI .1 .) .

R J.M.S . Mo .

(W .0,gtttin . M .M. (W

. 0 .(11 . il .) .

Il S.Nt . (W .O .~~i. 11 .) .

M& S . M. (W.O .il .) .

C .S.M . (W.O. ci .il .~ .

C.S.M . (W .O. ci .IIJ .

v.8x (W.O. CI .ILI .

C.S .Ni . (WA Ci .11 .) .

Cx M . (W.O. ci,111) .

C .8m. (W .O. ci .il .) .

(? .t4.Nt . Mo. Ci .Il) .

Ilty : q.S .M . . . . . .


Vol . de Q .

Con. FU4 .

IL Wpe . Rif .

12th Int . Dite .

G .G.H .G .

Vol . de Q~

G.G .11 .01

13til Fld . litie .ILVA .

$rd Med . M3.

ILCA .lit . Rit, 09 (1

fi 1 . Il if . utC .

Vol . de q .

t'ortie Mœtil .

Itrock, Rit .

Puit . MAI .

Kent Il, (M .C .) .

7th lId . 11ty .H .C .A .

C QN .8 . . . . . . . . .IA . Robertson . . . . . . .CA.M .8 . . . . . . . . . IM . lAriptlalf . . . . . . . . .C. U.8 . . . . . . . . ~ C. Chapman . . . . . . . .

C .Q .11 .8 . . . _ .I.I .F.Pikillips . . . . . .It . Meltie . . . . . . . . . .S~t . (A/110

Sat ..

. . . . . . . It . 1 . mattliews . . . . .Sxt . . . . .Sgt

. . . -: : : : - .. . .. '. Torl=rnshaw' .. - - -


. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . V.,M .-Creight . . . .Band-Sitt . . . . . . . . W. K. Tooze . . . . . . . .Sat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . W . E. COrd . . .Nt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J . Craini"i . . . . . . . . . . .

SE.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . % . livers . . . . . . . . . . . .

8gt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 . Singh . . . . . . . . . . . .L/Se. (Piper) . . . 1 . It. Marm . . . . . . . . .Cpl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E . It . Itubbard . . . . .CpI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . k . U .Sells . . . . . . . . .Tpr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . It . W. 0rgan . . . . . . . .Gar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . k . E . ltandt%ll . . . . . .

Pte . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A . NlaeK IlOnter_Hilton. . . . . . . . . . . . . C . Coope; . . . . . . . . . . .

It 1 . It If . tit C .Vol . de Q .P . & W . IttinA

Isth Itiall" .Kent It . (M .G .I .(4 .0 . It . of C .% 01 . de Q .Ill . Rogt . ol C .Ill . Petit . of C .48th Ili-Alirs .Tor . St ot . It . Of Q .)Tor. hiot . It .0I .C .)Tor . Soot . 11 .01 .G .)Tor . Scot . lt .(M .G.)I C . Scot . It .Q.0 . It . of Vwe"t . N .S .1i


G .G .R .G .7'Oth Fid . Bty .

R .C .A .148th 11411irs .I I C . Scot . It .

H.Q . 51-524M.N.1) .


L, A . Paradia . . . . . . .

A . R. Vanumel . . . . .

F. It . Stanford . . . . . .

C . A . Rom

J . A nderson . . . . . . . . .

V . Gourdoxv . . . . . . . .

W . 0 . Ilualrott . . . . . .

P . Reid . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . .

A . Bilodeau . . . . . . . . .

W. F . Card . . . . . . . . .

F . J . Ifurnphruys . . .

L. Coature . . . . . . . . . .

0. It . Lamborn .barlie .

IM . J . Slurphy . . . . . . .

By Command :H. H . 'MATTHEWS,

Major-General,Adjutant-General .



The following Order is promulgated andissued to the Canadian Militia by Order ofthe Minister of National Defence .


30TH AMUST, 1939 .



1'tirstii~tit to flic Regillation ninde hy Ili$the Covernor in Couneil lby Ortle r

in Coutieil dnted 26(h Atigust, 1939 (11.(! .2396), flic Minister of National Defence callsout for the plirliose of providing gliardi forArmourle8 and Military buildings siieh menof the Militia, tiot exeeeding in eneh MilitaryDistrirt the nullibers redj)(~ctivel~, shown here .uilder, as are selrrted for that purix»se hy theDiqtriet Olfleer ('oiiiiiiniltiiiig concerlied,effective 26th Auguiit, 1939 .

Military Dietrict No . 1 . . . . . . 178

Military I)iè;triet No. 2 . . . . . . 171

Military Distriet No . 3 . . . . . . 168

Nlilitary District 'No . 4 . . . . . . 274

Military District N' 0 . 5 . . . . . . 34

Military Distriet No . 6 . . . . . . 42

Military District No . 7 . . . . . . 278

Military Distriet No . 10 . . . . . . 54

'Military District NO, Il . . . . . . 156

Military District NO. 12 . . . . . . 150Military District No. 13 . . . . . . 95

H.Q . 54-27-3-1M .N.D .

By Command :

H. H . MATTHEWS,Major-General,Adjutant-General .

SEPTEMBER 9,1939 767


No . Il-«September 9, 1939

(Folios in parentheinis halte n-ft~rente Io Frenchversion)


Extract from the Standing Rules of theSenate . . . .738 (747)

Rules relative to Notices for Private Bill sin the House of Commons . . . .739 (748)

Divorce Noticeq~-Boucher, Armand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 741 (750)

GovaNMZNT NoTicso-Coni'dSupplementary Letters Patent issued w-

Amalgamated Electric Corporation, Ltd . . 737Yukon (The) Consolidated Gold Corpora.

tion Ltd . . 737Sancivik Canadian Ltd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 737Pearl (The) Billion Manufacturing Com-

pany of Canada Ltd . . 738

Post Office Transactions up to the let Sep.tember, 1939 . . 743

Receipts and Disbursements for the month ofAugust, 1939, from April 1, IW9 to August31 . 1939, and for corresponding period@ in(lie previous fiveal year . . . . . . . . . . . . ., M

ApmINTININNTS . . _730 (780)


Lumberinens Mutual Casualty Co., licensed . . 730Defence Purchasing Board, call for leaders

for Surfacing and Grading of Runways,Rot-keliffe, Ont . . .732 (783)

Defence Purchasing Board, call for tradersfor Hines Road Diversion, Dartmouth,NA. 732

Cancellation of Certificates of Naturallsationas per list daled August 31, 1039 . . . . . . . . 732

Defence Purchasing Board, call for tender*(or Miscellaneous Buildinp, Joint ServiceMaitasines, Bedford Basin, N.8 . . . . . . . . 732

])(,(once Porehaming Board, call for tradersfor construction of Playing Field, H .M .C .Naval Barracks, Esquinialt, 13,C., . . . . . . 733

Defence Purchaninx Board, call for tendersfor Renovation of Heating System, PrinceAlbert Armoury- 733

Defence Purchasing Board, call for lender sfor construction of an Addition to ClothingStore, Wolseley Barracks, London, Out . . . . 733

Successful candidates for various positions i nthe Civil Service of Canada . . . . . . . . 733 (758)

Competitive examinations for various po8i .lions in the Civil Service of Canada . .

735 (786)Bank of Canada, monthly statement of assets

and liabilities as at August 31, 1939-760 (758)Bank of Canada, statement of assets and

liabilities as at September 6, 1939 . . . 761 (759)Tenders for-

Alturations to toilet room@, old CustomsBuilding, Montreal, P.Q . . . . . . . .730 (753)

Additions and alterations, Public Building ,Port Hope, Ont . . . .73o (753)

Wharf improvements, Welchpool, N.B. . . .730 (753)

Wharf extension, Ile aux Coudres, P.Q . .731 (754)

Penstock valves, Esquimalt, B .C . . . .731 (754)Alterations and additions, Public Building ,

Brampton, Ont . . . .731 (764)

Charters granted to-Applied Chemicals Ltd . . 736Anglo-Dutch Sugar Refining Co., Ltd . . 736Grain Sales Agency Ltd . . . . . . . . . . . . 736Central Processes Ltd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 737Ifactime Investments Ltd . . 737Dollar Inveptinent Surveys Ltd . . . . . . . . 737Centre d'Information France-Canada-

Franec-Canada Information Center . . . .(752)

MISCULANW)US Nancas-Eaton (The T .) General Insurance Co ., re.

lease of securities .. 741St . Lawrence (The) & Adirondack Railway

Co., annual general meeting . . . . . . _ . . 741134,11 (The) Telephone Company of Canada,

submarine telephone cable across NapaneoItiver, plans deposited . . 741

Sussex Fire Insurance Company, release ofsecurities .. 741

Ilank (The) of Nova Scotia, dividend No .279., 741

Cadornin Cost ('a . Ltd ., head office . . . . . . 741Ottawa and New York Railway Co ., annual

general meeting .. 742Ilydro-Eleetrie (The) Power Commission of

Ontario, tranvinimion line crossing EnglishItiver . plans deposited . .

Commercial Insurance Agency Ltd ., headoffice . .

Witshbum Crosby Co. Ltd., number of dirtio.lorg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Bloedel Stewart & Welch Ltd., construction o fa storing and booming ground in the Hai~hour of Alberni, at Port Alberni, BC., plans



74 2

deposited .. 742Rhode Island Insurance Co ., release of securi.ties 743

NATIONAL DxrK.%(.**-Canadian Militia-

General Orders, etc,Nos, 121-124-26th August, 1939 . . . . 721 (743)Nos. 125-133-29th August, 1939 . . 764No. 134-30th August, 1939 . . . . . . 766


717 (717 )

NVItIC9111 UNDsH THic BANsaurrcy Acr--MwrlNo orCamiTons--

In the matter of- Province of Alberta

McEwen, B . P.-Coleman .- 719

Province of ManitobaTeskey, Win . H~Winnipeg . . . . . . . . . . 719

Province of Nova ScotiaChristie, W . J.-Trura . . 719Lubin, P.-Yarmouth . . 719

Province a/ OntarioBarron, L . E. S~Toronto . . 72DBasschler, G. W,.Goderich . . 72DDoyle, A . F.-North Bay . . . . . . . . . . . . 72DSmilek, W . J,Kitchener . . 720Howard, F. ACtklt . . 7WTwim, G . C~Streetsville- 721


NoTica U .NDrjt Tim BANzourwr Am-M=nNO OF ORUKRS IN COUNCIL-Cnisormit*-Cont'd 716 (M . & R.)-28th March, 1939-Lease of

In the matter of- Province of Quebec land granted to Mr . E. A . Whittington- . . 723

Lafrance, Mr . & Mrs . L . P.-Baie Comeau . 721Hochotein, K,Verdun . . 721Glickman Inc~Montreal . . . . . . . . . . . . 721Gagnon, R .--Quehec . . . .(744)Labelle, Mr. & Mrs. G .-Montreal . . (744)Booth, C . DMontreal . . : :(745)Ferland, A,Cowanoville . . . .(745)Rolland, J . A,-Quebec . . . .(745)Thibodcau, L. P. R,-Quebec . . - (70)

Tat-aTims Apmi%-TKD-In the matter of-

Foisty, L . P.-Chambly Canton, P.Q . .Girardeau, J . R~Nieolet, P.Q . .Nluir, D . L~Outrernont, P.Q . . . . . . . . . .Summers-Darling & Co.-Winnipeg, Man . .Tepper, N,Montreal, P .Q . .Broadway Food Products Ltd .-Windoor,

71871871871871 8

Ont . . 718Morton Food Sales Lt d,Windsor, Out . . 718Nortrac Mining Co . Ltd~Montreal, P.Q ., 718Lever, Win. Z,N'isgara Fails, Out . . . . . . 718CommercW Textile Co. Ltd.-Toronto ,

Shaota Cafo Ltd~Edmonton, Alta . . 710Midway Siwniillit I .td .-'%Iidway, B.C : : : : 719MeNicoll . Dame 3 . M .-Queber, P.Q . . . .(744)Bernier, L. P.-Rivière du Loup, P .Q . . -(744)Dannereau, P,Nlontreal, P.Q . . . . . . . . . . (744)Leveiirlue, C,Montreal, P.Q . . (744)Gervais, J .-Cartierville . P.Q . . :'(744)Desmarais-Courteau, Daine E,-Cap de la

Madeleine, P.Q. . . .(744)

2353 (T.)--Wth August, 1939-New by-lawsrelative to grain elevator charges at 11ali-fax, Quebec, Montreal, and Churchill . (Pub-lished also as an Extra dated I/ix/39) . . . . 723

2M (A.)-Ilth August, 1939-AmendingRmulations tinder the Cheese and CheeseFactory Improvement Act . . . . . . . . . . . .(747)

2224 (T.)-lith AuguAt, 1939--Changes inTariff of Tolls and Dites, Port Alberni,B .C. (See Gazette dated August 26, 1939,page 599 . )

PARUAMENT-Calling of Parliament (11iiblished also as a

2nd Extra dated I/ix/39) . . . . . . . .728 (752)Opening of Parliament (Published also as an

Extra dated 7/ix/39) . . . . . . . . . .763 (757 )

PROCLAMATIONS-Declaring that apprehended war exists end

has existed as and from Augumt 25, 1939 .(Published also as a 3rd Extra datedI/ix/39) . . . .128 (751 )

Coming into force of the 11 Local Advainistra-tive District Ordinance," Northwest Terri-

Thanksgiving Day, October 9, 1939 . . . .729 (751)

Harbour of Aniherstburg, Ont ., declared to h ea public harbour . . . .729 (751 )

OTTAWA : Printed bY JmPh OKU Patensude, I .S .O., Printer to the King's Most Exesuent mjnty.