information pack - bendigo theatre company

Page 1 of 16 Information Pack Further Enquiries Jenni Clohesy - Production Manager We Will Rock You [email protected] Bendigo Theatre Company 15 -17 Allingham Street, Golden Square [email protected]

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Information Pack

Further Enquiries Jenni Clohesy - Production Manager We Will Rock You [email protected]

Bendigo Theatre Company 15 -17 Allingham Street, Golden Square [email protected]

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Production Manager: Jenni Clohesy

Production Assistant: Bevan Madden

Production Assistant: Seamus Allan

Director: Paul Watson

Musical Director: Shaun Critten

Choreographer: Claire Sexton

Performance Dates: Thursday July 8th at 8:00pm

Friday July 9th at 8:00pm

Saturday July 10th at 2:00pm and 8:00pm

Sunday July 11th at 2:00pm

Details: Musical, Comedy Drama

Full Length, 2 Hours 45 Minutes (Without Interval)

Our Company: We aim to provide opportunities for members of the community to enjoy and develop their theatrical talents locally and to gain experience needed to achieve their goals for future careers. We are delighted that many have attained these goals and are now working at a professional level. Each year we are privileged to be associated with so many members of our local community involved in production teams and behind the scenes, as cast members and musicians, and as patrons who support our productions. We are very proud to be able to present our 200th production in 2021.

Production Information

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The time is the future, in a place that was once called Earth. Globalisation is complete. Everywhere, the kids watch the same movies, wear the same fashions and think the same thoughts. One eye is no longer focussed, instead, virtual reality is the new reality.

IS THIS THE REAL LIFE? IS THIS JUST FANTASY? On the iPlanet, all the musical instruments are banned as if they are responsible for the new world plague. The Company Computers instead generate tunes which everybody streams. It is an age of Boy Bands and of Girl Bands. Of Boy and Girl Bands. Of Girl Bands with a couple of boys in them that look like girls anyway! Nothing is left to chance as hits are scheduled years in advance.

Caught in a landslide, no escape from reality But Resistance is growing. Underneath the gleaming data cities, down in the lower depths, below the apocalyptic wastelands live the Bohemians. Rebels, led by the wise archivist and music historian Buddy, who believes that there was once a Golden Age when the kids formed their own bands and wrote their own songs. The Bohemians call that time, The Rhapsody.

Open your eyes, look up to the skies and see Legend persists that somewhere on the iPlanet, instruments still exist. Somewhere, the mighty axe of a great and hairy guitar god lies buried deep within the living rock. The Bohemians need a hero, a chosen one, to find this axe, draw it from the stone and play the mighty riff. Is the one who calls himself Galileo that man?

He’s just a poor boy. From a poor family But the “GaGa” Cops, under the instruction of Commander Khashoggi, are also looking for Galileo and his helper Scaramouche and if they get them first they will surely drag them before the Killer Queen and consign them to Oblivion across the Seven Seas of Rhye. Who is Galileo? Where is the Hairy One’s lost axe? Where is the place of living rock?

Any way the wind blows

Show Synopsis

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Galileo Figaro (Gaz) Voice: High Rock Voice D3 - Bb4 + Strong Falsetto E5 Stage Age: 20’s - 30’s Accent: American Movement: Music Theatre/Swing, Strong Rock/Front-Man. Mic & Guitar technique a plus. Description: Male. Any Ethnicity. A Young Man. A Misfit. A Rebel. The central character and protagonist who keeps hearing strange voices and songs in his head which deliver messages he can’t fully understand without help from his newly found love interest, Scaramouche. Galileo won’t dress like the rest of the Ga Ga Kids. Insistent on wearing tight black jeans and a black t/shirt, he has been caught by his teachers trying to make his own music which has been banned by the evil corporation GlobalSoft. He is confused and unaware that he may be “THE ONE” the Bohemians have been waiting for, who will lead them to the place where the last remaining live instrument has lain hidden for hundreds of years. Vulnerable, sensitive, restless, headstrong and stubborn, It is important to note that he is NOT the Rock Star until the end. He is NOT the Freddie Mercury of the piece. He is a misfit. He is Freddie before he became Freddie. He is Farrokh. Represents: The Voice!... of the Bohemians. The voice of the Rebels. The voice of a generation of Rock Musicians forgotten. The character name is reference to the lyrics in Bohemian Rhapsody and Commedia dell’Arte. Archetypes: The Dreamer, The Misfit, The Rebel, The Chosen One, Vulnerable Attractive

Scaramouche (Scarey Bush) Voice: Strong Rock Belt E3 - E5 Stage Age: 20’s - 30’s Accent: London Movement: Music Theatre/Swing, Strong Rock/Front-Man/Girl. Guitar technique or ability a big plus. Description: Female, Any Ethnicity. A young, wildly sarcastic woman who is another misfit and outcast at the Virtual High-School. She also gets into trouble with Khashoggi and the Secret Police after getting revealed to be rebellious by the Teacher. Scaramouche is a complex and introverted Rebel/Gothic, socially awkward but not self-awkward. She IS self-deprecating in-order-to cover her vulnerability. She meets Galileo in the Hospital and they run away together. They do play love interests in the show. Her sharp wit is brittle, hard, bitter and defensive and she keeps Galileo on his toes. The actress needs to show growth in the role as she finds her confidence. Comedic timing is essential and the sarcasm MUST be likeable. Too abrasive and we don’t fight for her. Represents: Freddie! Scaramouche IS Freddie Mercury. Cheeky, Vibrant, Razor Sharp yet vulnerable. It’s the tribute! The character name is reference to lyrics in Bohemian Rhapsody and Commedia dell’Arte. Archetypes: The Driving Force, The Misfit, The Rebel, The Tribute, Coming of Age.

Principal Character Descriptions

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The Killer Queen (Ma’am) Voice: Full Soul/Rock Voice E4 - E5 Stage Age: 30’s - 50’s Accent: American Movement: Ability to move and dance well and confidently in VERY TALL heels. Description: Female/Male (PLEASE NOTE: We are interested in exploring a traditional Pantomime Dame / Drag performance to celebrate the traditional Pantomime style of Ben Elton’s writing… so the role is open) Any Ethnicity, Size, Shape… This role is also open for interpretation physically, but not vocally. REPEAT, Male or Female, the chosen Actor/Actress MUST BE ABLE TO SING THE ROLE, IN THE RANGE THE ROLE IS INTENDED. The Villain, she needs an outstanding and commanding voice, both in dialogue and singing. Killer Queen is a ruthless businesswoman and is in-charge of GlobalSoft, the World-Wide Corporation responsible for the suppression of live music. She is powerful, crazy, tough and yet beautiful and overwhelming. Camp, sexy, voluptuous, feisty and funny. She is The Dominatrix and the Corporate Woman fantasy! She dominates the boardroom and controls the world. She is the ultimate Dictator and she is a digital upload. She’s not even human! Represents: Corporate Power and Greed. Record Company Bosses that Freddie hated and wrote songs about. The Establishment with political / technological power over the people. Archetypes: The Villain, The Dame, The Antagonist, The Feminine Power, The Sensual, The Inhuman, The Big-Bad.

Commander Khashoggi (Khashoggi) Voice: High Rock Baritone D3 – A4 + Strong Falsetto E5 Stage Age: 30’s - 50’s Accent: British Movement: Good Music Theatre / Character Movement with some Vaudeville required. Description: Male, Caucasian. An imposing and preferably towering and ghostly figure. Khashoggi works for the Killer Queen as Second in Command. He is the Head of the GlobalSoft Police Force and carries out all Killer Queens dirty work for her. A smooth operator who is ruthless and heartless and addicted to power. He is attractive, sophisticated, intelligent, sinister, cruel and yet ever so charming! A true Bond Villain… The smiling Assassin mixed with some Annie Lennox for good measure! He believes he would be a better leader and smarter than Killer Queen and shows glimpses of finding banned music both sexual and desirable to him. To hide this lust, he is relentless in chasing his Bohemian Victims, sending them across the Seven Seas of Rhye. Represents: The Music Industry A&R representative! The link between Artist and Corporate. The dirty-work executive. He also represents Freddie’s hatred of Greed. (Research “Khashoggi’s Ship” for reference and listen to the Queen song “Khashoggi’s Ship”) He is the Edmund Blackadder in the Ben Elton Catalogue of characters. Archetypes: The Villain, The Intellect, Antagonist, Chaser, Abuser of Power, The Dragon.

Principal Character Descriptions

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Buddy Holly and the Crickets (Buddy) Voice: Light Rock ‘n’ Roll Character Voice. Pleasant Baritone E3 – E4 Stage Age: Late 40’s - 60’s Accent: London Movement: Very Basic Music Theatre Character Movement Description: Male, Any Ethnicity, The Elder Patriarch of the piece and essentially the Narrator. Buddy is a Librarian, Bar-Man, ex-Rebel and GlobalSoft Archivist at the place where the secret histories are kept. A wise “Rock” Historian, he is our guide through the “Back Catalogue”! As official leader of the Bohemians, his research and life-work are to find the exact date that Rock ‘n’ Roll died. When describing his findings to the Bohemians, Galileo and Scaramouche, he often gets things a little twisted. He is very proud. Drawing from Ben Elton’s writing style and originally played by Nigel Planer (Neil in the cult BBC Comedy “The Young Ones”) Buddy is a classic British Sitcom Sidekick (Baldrick) and a mix of the Hippie and Biker Movements with a dash of British Rock ‘n’ Roll Roadie! Represents: The History of Rock. The way it used to be. The “Good Old Days”! He is the guide, the all-knowing, all seeing, been there, heard that, smoked it all! Archetypes: The Narrator, The Patriarch, Historian, The Guide, Sidekick, The Third Wheel

Britney Spears (Brit) Voice: Full Rock ‘n’ Roll Voice with Scream D3 - B4 Stage Age: 20’s - 30’s Accent: London Movement: Very Strong Partner Dancing, Strength, Lifts, Possible Stage Combat Experience Description: Male / Female (PLEASE NOTE: With the possibility of casting either Male or Female for Killer Queen we are interested in opposing that casting with the role of Brit as well. This role is open also.) Any Ethnicity, ideally must have a very physically fit and strong frame and can appear intimidating and strong either in size or height. Even though Brit is intimidating, there is also the “Gentle Giant” aspect needed with a genuine heart of gold. The main physical representation of the Rebels, Brit is also sexy, loveable, innocent, vibrant and loaded with energy. Brit has street smarts and is very, very cool. The #1 believer, Brit believes the dreamer will come and restore music to the iPlanet. Represents: The believers and fighters. The physical interpretation of freedom. The energy behind “The Cause”. The people marching in the streets. Archetypes: The Hero, The Gentle Giant, The Leader, The Human Sacrifice, The Believer

Supporting Character Descriptions

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Ozzie Osbourne (Oz) Voice: Strong Rock Belt A3 – E5 Stage Age: 20’s - 30’s Accent: London Movement: Very Strong Partner Dancing / Jive and Music Theatre Dance Required. Description: Female, Any Ethnicity, ideally can be any size / shape but needs to be able to keep up with Brit both physically and vocally and look like and sound like a formidable strong duo. These requirements will dictate our casting decisions for both these roles not just talent. Total “Rock Chick”!!! She is aggressive, street wise, sexy, womanly, tough, common and foul mouthed. The only thing Oz and Brit don’t share is Oz’s cynicism towards the prophecy. She has an important sing in the show and needs to be able to control that moment emotionally and vocally. Break our energy mixed with control is the name of the game for OZ. Represents: Yin & Yang, Sun and Moon, Light and Dark. She is the power music has to take you to either end of the emotional spectrum. We don’t exist without it. Archetypes: The Survivor, The Amazon, The Crusader, The Cynic, The Emotional Weight

ARETHA FRANKLIN (ARETHA) / TEACHER / DOCTOR / YUPPIE Voice: Alto/Mezzo-Soprano/Soprano Stage Age: 30’s - 40’s Accent: American or British Movement: Basic Music Theatre Movement, Jive and Partner. Description: Featured Role, Acting / Singing Ensemble, Female, Any Ethnicity, Strong Presence. Along with playing the Teacher (large amounts of dialogue) in the first act, she also plays a Doctor and a Yuppie and the role of Aretha in all the Bohemian scenes which include large amounts of dialogue. Represents: As Teacher, she is the Authoritarian. As Aretha, it is all about her confidence and attitude, sass and ability to be the Queen of smooth.

Supporting Character Descriptions

Featured Ensemble Descriptions

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MADONNA (TITS!) / TEACHER / COP / YUPPIE Voice: Baritone/Tenor/High Tenor Stage Age: 30’s - 40’s Accent: Any Accent Movement: Basic Music Theatre Movement, Jive and Partner. Description: Featured Role, Acting / Singing Ensemble, Male, Any Ethnicity, Strong, Abrasive yet humorous presence, He is a 1950’s Greaser / Truck Driver… Who just digs Madonna! Includes several lines of comedic dialogue. Also plays other roles such as Teacher, Cop, Yuppie. Represents: Fun in the fusion of styles. A breakdown of contemporary stereotypes. The comedy in an historical yet slightly inaccurate look at the past.

Axel Rose (Slash) Voice: Baritone/Tenor/High Tenor Stage Age: 20’s Accent: American Accent Movement: Basic Music Theatre Movement, Jive and Partner. Some Acro Experience. Description: Featured, Acting/Singing Ensemble, Male, Any Ethnicity, Not the sharpest tool in the shed!!!! Full of insane amounts of energy, this character is the 1980’s Hair-Band! The David Lee-Roth. Must look good in leather!!! Also plays other roles such as Teacher, Cop, Yuppie. Represents: The Showmanship, Acrobatics, High Energy and Androgynous Sexuality

Chrissy Amphlett (Divinyl) Voice: Alto/Mezzo-Soprano/Soprano Stage Age: 20’s Accent: Australian or London Accent Movement: Basic Music Theatre Movement, Jive and Partner. Description: Featured, Acting / Singing Ensemble, Female, Any Race, Curvaceous, Sexy, Playful, Busty, Powerful, Dominating and Confident. Includes dialogue. Also plays other roles such as Teen Queen and Yuppie Represents: Home! One of our own and her imprint on the world even 300 years into the future. Will be based around the iconic Chrissy Amphlett School Girl.

Featured Ensemble Descriptions

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Bendigo Theatre Company are looking for an ensemble of around 20 - 25 performers in addition to the Lead and Supporting Cast Members. There are many characters filtered throughout the show and many fast costume and character changes. Some characters and roles are based highly in the dance category and others are more acting and singing roles. There is something for every type of performer. To maximise the shows potential and to give as much opportunity as possible we are looking to break that ensemble down Ensemble Breakdown: Approximately 8 x Actor/Singer/Dancers (Triple Threats) Approximately 8 x Advanced Dancers (Still Required to Sing) Approximately 8 x Actor/Singers (Character Performers) Ensemble Types: Teachers, Ga Ga Kids, Teen Queens, Cops, Pit Singers, Yuppies, Queens Army, Doctors, Scientists, The Crowd, Head Voices, Underground Voices, House Wives and the Gods of Rock! Also, and most importantly are the Bohemians. At some point, every cast member (with the exception of Killer Queen and Khashoggi) plays a specific named Bohemian Character and has the ability to build that character from the ground up with me and the creative team including having a big say in costuming the character as all ensemble will be creating their own Boho costume and props from scratch as part of the experience. Below is the list of possible Bohemian characters and their nicknames that we will look to place into the show. Bohemian Roles: Bruce Springsteen (The Boss), Jackson 5 (MJ), Paul McCartney (Sir), Mick Jagger (Lips), P. Puff Diddy Daddy (Puff), Katy Perry (Firework), Motorhead (Ace), Lady Gaga (Monster), Bob Dylan (Zimmerman), Geri Halliwell (Ginger), Cindy Lauper (Kinky), The Who (Moon-Man), Beethoven (Ludwig), Velvet (Lou), Green Day (Billy-Joe), Bob The Builder (Morrisey), Grand Master Flash (Flash), David Bowie (Ziggy), Amy Winehouse (Valerie), Chuck Berry (Johnny B.), Boy George (Karma Chameleon), Cliff Richard (Cliff and the Shads), Elton John (Rocket Man), Prince (The Artist), John Farnham (The Voice), Pavarotti (The Tenor), Crazy Frog (Ring-Ding) and Stevie Nicks (Rhiannon)

Featured Ensemble Descriptions

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Audition age: Auditionees must be a minimum of sixteen years old at the date of the first rehearsal (March 25th) to audition. Audition Dates: Saturday March 6th (Evening): Vocal and Dance Auditions (If Required - TBA)

Sunday March 7th (Whole Day): Vocal and Dance Auditions Audition Bookings: We will be taking audition bookings through Google Forms for We Will Rock

You. Please visit the below link, fill out your details and then click on the TryBooking link at the end of the form to lock in your audition times. You will need to upload a headshot as part of the Google Form so please have one handy or take one before booking.

Google Forms Link: Audition Venue: Bendigo Theatre Company Arts Shed 15 – 17 Allingham St, Golden Square VACANT ROLES: As We Will Rock You was originally intended to be put on in 2020, the show was

cast with auditionee’s 2020 availabilities. Now that the show has been postponed to 2021, the 2020 cast was given first right of refusal to their roles and some cast members have had to step back for various reasons. This means that the following roles are vacant and are able to be auditioned for: Galileo Dance Ensemble Singing/Dancing Ensemble Acting/Singing Ensemble

Please Note: Previously cast performers are also able to audition for a different

available role if they wish without risk of losing their current position.


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Audition Requirements: Dance Auditions - Compulsory (Wear Appropriate Clothing and Shoes) Intermediate Dance Call - Either this or the Advanced Dance Call are compulsory to be considered for casting in the show. Key moments in this show require all cast to do some basic movement and therefore our creative team need to see you move. Movement in this dance call is mostly character based and freestyle so don’t stress if you aren’t a trained dancer. This session is for auditionees who aren’t extremely confident in their dance ability. Advanced Dance Call: This session is recommended for those who consider themselves to be above ‘movement’ level. Those auditioning for Principal roles are also encouraged and welcome to attend. There are some high energy and complicated dance rehearsals in the show and therefore require a trained ensemble to perform. There are many roles in this production that also focus on high levels of vocal and acting ability so if this isn’t the dance call for you, don’t stress. This dance call will be broken into two parts, getting more advanced as we go with tricks and acrobatics highly valued. Come prepared and warm. Audition Sides: Dependent on the role you are auditioning for, you may be

asked to perform a cold read of sides in the audition. These will be accessible on the day of auditions and do not have to be rehearsed, however, if you’d like a copy of the sides for a particular character please email [email protected] to grab a copy.

Headshots: Basic Headshots will be taken on the day of your audition for casting purposes. If you have your own headshot that you would rather use, please provide a physical copy on the day of your audition.


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Individual Vocal Auditions Timing: Vocal auditions will be approximately ten minutes in duration. Song Selection: Please prepare one audition song that should not be from We Will Rock You but should either be a Contemporary Music Theatre, Rock, Pop or Jukebox Musical Theatre song. If a Rock song is selected, preferably have it be from the Queen era (1970s, 1980s or 1990s). Advice: Select a song that best represents the range of the character you’re auditioning for and a song that you’re comfortable with. Ensure it’s a song that you’re comfortable with and can sing well, don’t bite off more than you can chew. Vocalists of all ranges and abilities are required, not exclusively high- ranged rock vocalists, so don’t attempt something out of your reach, show us your strongest range. You may only be required to sing a section of your song and the rest of the audition will be for chatting and scales for a range test. We recommend you practice your scales before your audition. Select a starting point that demonstrates your range most economically. Instrumentalists are welcome to accompany themselves. What to Bring: Bring along either sheet music for the audition pianist in a plastic sleeve folder or display book in the correct key or if you’re using a backing track, please note that in your audition booking. Callbacks If the creative team feel that you are a good fit for a role that fits with their casting concepts and vision, you will be given a call-back to prepare. Character sides and songs for call-backs will be made available for callback participants. The call-backs will involve auditionees in the room at the same time so we can mix and match potential actors together.

If you are not called back, don’t despair. We are

searching for a large and specific cast to bring this show to life and there are many support and cameo roles for the ensemble to fill out.


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BTC Membership Hello Club is a new, online membership-management system currently being and Players Fees: trialed by Bendigo Theatre Company. It allows members to take control of their membership and removes a lot of the back-and-forth communication that is necessary when joining Bendigo Theatre Company. In short, joining is easier, quicker and more secure. Read through the information document below before signing up through the following link. Senior Membership (15 Years and Up): $35 Associate Membership (14 Years and Below): $30 Players Fees: $50 (Once Cast) Information Link: Sign Up Link:

Easy Tips: To renew or start a membership, you buy a ‘Subscription’. If you are performing in a show, you pay your Players Fee by purchasing a ‘Coupon’ for that show.

Payment: Is made online using your credit/debit card and your account stays online so you can log in anytime and view your record of payments (for players fees, etc). Memberships must be financial, and Players Fees paid prior to the first rehearsal and all creatives, cast, and crew are expected to be financial members to contribute to the BTC community.

Rehearsal Times: Initial Rehearsal: March 25th Sundays: 10:00am - 5:00pm Thursdays: 6:30pm - 10:30pm Intensive Weekends: April 16th – 18th (Friday Night, Saturday and Sunday) June 11th - 13th (Friday Night, Saturday and Sunday) Rehearsal Contact: Stage Manager: John Trainor Contact Number: 0437 356 197


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Cast Commitment: Check you are available to commit to all dates for rehearsal and performances prior to auditioning. If you know you will be absent during any of the rehearsal or production season, please ensure these are made known in your audition

form or please get in contact with the team if already cast. Rehearsal dates are dictated in the prior section of the production folder; please pay special attention to the two (2) intensive weekends which have been scheduled also. We appreciate you do have other commitments in your life, but we must be aware of these dates before we set the rehearsal schedule to ensure productive use of rehearsal time. Three missed rehearsals without a reasonable explanation may put you at risk of not staying in the production. The minimum expectation is that you will do your ‘homework’; practicing directions you have been given, learning your dialogue and learning your music. Respect fellow cast members and the Production Team. BTC’s Code of Conduct

is posted on our webpage for your perusal. Rehearsal Venue: Bendigo Theatre Company Arts Shed 15 - 17 Allingham Street, Golden Square Script: A script will be allocated to you at the first rehearsal. These are hired and must be returned at the conclusion of the performance season. These can only be marked with a HB Pencil, which must be erased prior to returning. Please do not use pen or highlighter, or you will be charged a script replacement fee, which is usually in excess of $50.00. Closed Shop: Rehearsals are restricted to persons directly involved in the production. Cast are welcome to attend and watch every rehearsal even if they are not scheduled. Cast Roll: Each time you attend the Arts Shed, you will be required to sign the attendance roll. This is important in the event of an evacuation or emergency.

Rehearsals Rehearsals

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Performance Venue: Ulumbarra Theatre 10 - 20 Gaol Road, Bendigo Tech Week Breakdown: Thursday 1st of July - Bump In (Day One) Friday 2nd of July - Bump In (Day Two) Saturday 3rd of July - Lighting Plot Sunday 4th of July - Tech Rehearsal (Cast Required) Monday 5th of July - Full Dress Rehearsal (Cast Required) Tuesday 6th of July - Full Dress Rehearsal (Cast Required) Wednesday 7th of July - Notes and Touch Ups (Cast Required) Performances: Thursday 8th of July - 8:00pm - 11:00pm Friday 9th of July - 8:00pm - 11:00pm Saturday 10th of July - 2:00pm - 5:00pm Saturday 10th of July - 8:00pm - 11:00pm Sunday 11th of July - 2:00pm - 5:00pm Performance Contact: Stage Manager: John Trainor Contact Number: 0437 356 197 Ticketing: Cast and Crew will be informed as soon as ticketing for 2021 goes live as well

as any pre-sale/promotional discounts, if applicable.

ATTENDANCE ROLL: Upon arrival, you will be required to sign the attendance roll. This is important in the event of an evacuation or emergency. PERFORMANCE CALLS: More specific times will be noted on the rehearsal schedule, however cast are generally required to be at the venue two hours prior to performance time. COSTUME/ACCESSORY: All cast are responsible for providing their own socks and hosiery unless otherwise specified. All questions regarding costumes should be directed to the costume coordinator Makeup: Cast are encouraged to bring their own makeup (especially if they have allergies). If mascara/eye liner is required, cast must supply their own.


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processes: As we’re all aware, COVID-19 has had a big impact on how we run our day to

day lives and that doesn’t stop when you enter the BTC Arts Shed or Ulumbarra Theatre. Bendigo Theatre Company has been working with the City of Greater Bendigo to ensure that all protocols are followed and that we can start up rehearsals in a manner that is both safe for our cast and the wider community. Sign In: Every time anyone enters the BTC Arts Shed, they will be required to scan the displayed QR Code. Alongside this, you must manually sign in of our internal BTC Register for emergency purposes and to have as a backup contact tracing record. You will be reminded of this throughout the rehearsal period. Sanitiser: Alongside signing in on entry, you will also be required to sanitise your hands upon entry and throughout the course of rehearsal. BYO: We ask that all team members bring their own snacks, drink bottles, sanitiser etc. In order to limit the contact between cast members, there won’t be any sharing of the aforementioned equipment. Masks/Distancing: Bendigo Theatre Company will be following the DHHS Directives in terms of the distancing and capacities that must be maintained within the Arts Shed as well as the use of masks. As we all know, this can change regularly, so we will need to be as adaptable as possible to maintain a safe rehearsal space.