improving students' reading comprehension of

IMPROVING STUDENTS’ READING COMPREHENSION OF RECOUNT TEXT THROUGH QUESTION ANSWER RELATIONSHIP STRATEGY (A Classroom Action Research Design at Eight Grade of SMPIT Ar-Risalah Cariu Academic Year 2021/2022) A “Skripsi” Presented to the Faculty of Educational Sciences in a Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree of S.Pd. (Strata One) in the Department of English Education By Apriyanti Tsaniatun Nisa 11160140000080 DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH EDUCATION FACULTY OF EDUCATIONAL SCIENCES SYARIF HIDAYATULLAH STATE ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY JAKARTA 2022

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(A Classroom Action Research Design at Eight Grade of SMPIT Ar-Risalah Cariu

Academic Year 2021/2022)

A “Skripsi”

Presented to the Faculty of Educational Sciences in a Partial Fulfilment of the

Requirements for the Degree of S.Pd. (Strata One) in the Department of English



Apriyanti Tsaniatun Nisa












Apriyanti Tsaniatun Nisa (11160140000080). Improving Students' Reading

Comprehension of Recount Text Through Question Answer Relationship Strategy

(A Classroom Action Research in Eighth Grade SMPIT Ar-Risalah). The skripsi is

for the Department of English Education, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher

Training, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta, 2021.

Keywords: Reading Comprehension, Text recount, Question Answer

Relationship Strategy

This study aims to determine whether the QAR strategy can improve students'

understanding of recount text at the eighth grade of SMPIT Ar-Risalah. The method

used in this research is classroom action research developed by Kemmis and

McTaggart. The subjects of this research are students of class VIII-C SMPIT Ar-

Risalah. The researcher used the qualitative method for the primary data and the

quantitative method for the secondary data. The instruments used in qualitative data

were interviews and observation sheets. In addition, the instruments used for

quantitative data were tests and questionnaires. The result shows that the QAR

strategy improved students' reading comprehension of recount text at the eighth

grade SMPIT Ar-Risalah academic year 2021/2022. It is evidenced from the

students' progress in reading comprehension of recount text using the QAR strategy

in the observation sheet in each meeting of each cycle and also reinforced with

interview after implementation CAR, The students' questionnaire, and the students'

score. The students' scores improved on the pre-test to the second post-test. In the

pre-test, 7.4% of students have passed the KKM. Meanwhile, in post-test I 59.25%

and post-test 2, 81.48% of students have passed the KKM.



Apriyanti Tsaniatun Nisa (11160140000080). Meningkatkan Kemampuan

Membaca Pemahaman Teks Recount Siswa Melalui Strategi Question Answer

Relationship (Sebuah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas di Kelas Delapan SMPIT Ar-

Risalah). Skripsi Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan

Keguruan Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2021.

Kata Kunci: Reading Comprehension, Text recount, Question Answer

Relationship Strategy

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah strategi QAR dapat

meningkatkan pemahaman teks recount siswa kelas VIII SMPIT Ar-Risalah.

Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas yang

dikembangkan oleh Kemmis dan McTaggart. Subyek penelitian ini adalah siswa

kelas VIII-C SMPIT Ar-Risalah. Peneliti menggunakan metode kualitatif untuk

data primer dan metode kuantitatif untuk data sekunder. Instrumen yang digunakan

dalam data kualitatif adalah wawancara dan lembar observasi. Selain itu, instrumen

yang digunakan untuk data kuantitatif adalah tes dan angket. Hasil penelitian

menunjukkan bahwa strategi QAR meningkatkan pemahaman membaca teks

recount siswa kelas VIII SMPIT Ar-Risalah tahun ajaran 2021/2022. Hal ini

dibuktikan dari kemajuan siswa dalam pemahaman membaca teks recount

menggunakan strategi QAR pada lembar observasi pada setiap pertemuan setiap

siklus dan juga diperkuat dengan wawancara setelah penerapan PTK, angket siswa,

dan nilai siswa. Nilai siswa meningkat pada pre-test ke post-test kedua. Pada pre-

test, 7,4% siswa telah lulus KKM. Sedangkan pada post-test I 59,25% dan post-test

2, 81,48% siswa telah lulus KKM.


In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful


Alhamdulillah, All praise be to Allah, the Lord of the world, the creator of

everything in this universe, who has given us his gracious mercy and great blessing

so that the researcher could finish this skripsi. Peace and salutation may be

addressed to the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him), to his family and his

companions, who has taken humankind out of darkness and lead us to the right path

of Islam.

This research entitled "Improving Students’ Reading Comprehension of

Recount Text through Questions Answer Relationship (A Classroom Action

Research at the Eight grade students of SMPIT Ar-Risalah in Academic Year

2020/2021)" is presented to the Department of English Education, Faculty of

Educational Sciences, State Islam University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta in partial

fulfillment the requirements for the degree for Bachelor degree "S.Pd". Many

challenges and obstacles were encountered by the writer in the process of

completing this paper. Indeed, it couldn't be resolved without the help and support

from many sides, including lecturers, families, friends, and school institution.

First, the writer would like to express her deepest gratitude to her beloved

parents, Mr. Romedlon and Mrs. Embay Rubae'ah who always give countless

supports, advices, loves, prays, and encouragement during the research. Moreover,

the writer would like to express her greatest honor and plenty of gratitude to the

advisors, Mr. Drs. Syauki, M.Pd. and Mr. Drs. Nasifuddin Jalil M.Ag. for their time

and patience in guiding, giving useful advices, suggestions, powerful feedback, and

immense knowledge during the process of accomplishing this undergraduate

research study.

Furthemore, the writer also would like to express her deepest gratitude to:

1. Dr. Sururin, M.Ag., as the Dean of Faculty od Educational Sciences.

2. Didin Nurudin Hidayat, Ph.D., as the Head of Department of English

Education Department.

3. Zaharil Anasy, M. Hum, The Secretary of Department of English


4. Dr. Farida Hamid, M.Pd. as the academic advisor of B Class in

academic year 2016/2017.


5. Ahmad Sajili, S.Pd., as the Headmaster of SMPIT Ar-Risalah, who had

given the writer permission to conduct this research and her welcomed


6. Moh Nurafan S.Pd., as the English Teacher at the eighth grade of

SMPIT Ar-Risalah, for his contribution, guidance and feedback while

conducting this research.

7. The students of VIII-C of SMPIT Ar-Risalah for their willingness, and

effort to be participants in this research.

8. Her family: Syauqi Ilham Akbar, Abduh Naufal Syafiq, Nur Amalina

Kistina for their prays, loves, beliefs, and support.

9. Her dearest friend, Cita Purnamaning Pertiwi, Widya husniati, Mariatul

Kibtiah and Naurah Nadzhifah, for their help, loves, support, and prays.

10. All of the people who could not be mentioned one by one for all the

contributions and supports in finishing this Skripsi.

The words are not enough to appreciate their help, support and contribution

in finishing this Skripsi, may Allah SWT bless them all. Then, the writer realizes

that this Skripsi is far from being perfect. Therefore, the writer would like to accept

criticism and suggestion to make this Skripsi better. Finally, the writer expects that

this Skripsi will give valuable and useful information and become the inspiration

for people who read it.

Bogor, August 2021

Apriyanti Tsaniatun Nisa


Table of Contents ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................................iv

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .................................................................................................. v

CHAPTER I ........................................................................................................................ 1

INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................. 1

A. Background of the Study ............................................................................................ 1

B. Identification of the problem ...................................................................................... 4

C. Formulation of the problem ........................................................................................ 4

D. Objective of the Study ................................................................................................ 5

E. Significant of the Study .............................................................................................. 5

CHAPTER II ....................................................................................................................... 6

THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK ...................................................................................... 6

A. Reading ................................................................................................................... 6

1. The Definition of Reading .................................................................................. 6

2. The Models of Reading Process .......................................................................... 7

3. The types of Reading .......................................................................................... 8

4. The Purpose of Reading .................................................................................... 10

5. The teaching Reading Process .......................................................................... 13

B. The Reading Comprehension ................................................................................ 14

1. Definition of Reading Comprehension ............................................................. 14

2. The Level of Reading Comprehension ............................................................. 16

3. The Aspect of Reading Comprehension ........................................................... 17

4. The Factors that Influence Reading Comprehension ........................................ 18

C. Recount Text ......................................................................................................... 19

1. Definition of Recount Text .............................................................................. 19

2. The Purpose of Recount Text ............................................................................ 20

3. Generic Structure and Language Features of Recount Text ............................. 20

D. Question Answer Relationship (QAR) Strategy ................................................... 21

1. The Definition and purpose of QAR Strategy................................................... 21

2. The types of Question Answer Relationship Strategy ...................................... 22

3. The Procedure of QAR Strategy ....................................................................... 24


4. The Benefits of QAR Strategy .......................................................................... 24

E. Relevant Study ...................................................................................................... 25

F. Thinking Framework ............................................................................................ 27

G. Action Research Hypothesis ................................................................................. 27

BAB III ............................................................................................................................. 28

RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ...................................................................................... 28

A. Place and Time of the Research ............................................................................ 28

B. Method and Research Design ............................................................................... 29

C. The Subject of the Research.................................................................................. 33

D. The Teacher and the Researcher’s Role in the Research ...................................... 33

E. The data collection of the Research ...................................................................... 33

F. The Instruments of the Research ........................................................................... 34

1. Interview ........................................................................................................... 34

2. Observation Sheet ............................................................................................. 34

3. Questionnaire .................................................................................................... 35

4. Test .................................................................................................................... 36

G. The Technique of Data Analysis ........................................................................... 38

H. The Trustworthiness of the Research .................................................................... 40

I. Criteria of the Action Success ............................................................................... 41

CHAPTER IV ................................................................................................................... 42

FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION ...................................................................................... 42

A. Research Finding .................................................................................................. 42

1. Before Implementing the Action ....................................................................... 42

a The result of Pre-Interview ........................................................................... 42

b The result of Pre-Questionnaire .................................................................... 44

c The result of Pre-Test .................................................................................... 50

2. Implementation of the Action ........................................................................... 52

a Cycle 1 .......................................................................................................... 53

b Cycle 2 .......................................................................................................... 61

3. After Implementation of the Action .................................................................. 69

1. The Result of Post-Interview ............................................................................ 69


2. The Result of Post-Questionnaire ..................................................................... 71

3. The Result of Observation Sheet ...................................................................... 78

4. The Result of Post-Test ..................................................................................... 80

B. Research Discussion ............................................................................................. 82

CHAPTER V .................................................................................................................... 86

CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ............................................................................. 86

A. Conclusion ............................................................................................................ 86

B. Suggestion ............................................................................................................. 86

Bibliography ..................................................................................................................... 88

APPENDICES .................................................................................................................. 93

My Day ................................................................................................................... 176




Table 3. 1 The Schedule of The Classroom Action Research............................... 28

Table 3. 2 Specification of Questionnaire ............................................................. 35

Table 3. 3 The Likert Scale ................................................................................... 36

Table 3. 4 Specification of Post-Test 1 and Post-Test 2 ....................................... 37

Table 4. 1 The Result of Students’ Pre-Test Score ............................................... 50

Table 4. 2 Students’ Score in Pre-Test and Post-Test 1 ........................................ 59

Table 4. 3 Students’ Score in Pre-Test and Post-Test 1 ........................................ 67



Figure 2.1 Example of Recount Text Adapted from book ... Error! Bookmark not


Figure 3. 1 Kemmis & McTaggart design ............................................................ 30

Figure 3. 2 Kemmis and McTaggart’s Design Modified by the Writer ................ 32

Figure 4. 1 The Result of Students' PreTest Scores .............................................. 80

Figure 4. 2 The Result of Students' PostTest 1 Scores .......................................... 81

Figure 4. 3 The Result of Students' PostTest 2 Scores .......................................... 82

Figure 4. 4 The Comparison Score of Pre-Test, Post-Tes 1, and Post-Test 2 ....... 82



Appendix 1 a The Guidelines of the teacher’s interview before and after CAR ...94

Appendix 1 b Interview Transcipt of the teacher before CAR ............................. 96

Appendix 1 c Interview Transcipt of the teacher After CAR ............................... 99

Appendix 2 a Questionnaire for students before CAR........................................ 101

Appendix 2 b The result of Questionnaire before CAR ...................................... 103

Appendix 3 a Questionnaire for students after CAR .......................................... 104

Appendix 3 b The Result of Questionnaire After CAR ...................................... 106

Appendix 4 a Kisi-Kisi Penulisan Soal Pre-Test ................................................ 108

Appendix 4 b The Instrument and key answer of Pre-Test ................................. 111

Appendix 5 a Kisi-Kisi Penulisan Soal Post-Test 1 ............................................ 118

Appendix 5 b The Instrument and key answer of Post-Test 1 ............................ 121

Appendix 6 a Kisi-Kisi Penulisan Soal Post test 2 ............................................. 129

Appendix 6 b The Instrument and key answer of Post-Test 2 ............................ 132

Appendix 7 a Students’ Score in Pre-Test, Post-Test 1, and Post-Test 2 ........... 139

Appendix 7 b Blue Print Test of Pre-Test, Post-Test 1, and Post-Test 2 ........... 141

Appendix 8 a Lesson Plan for Cycle 1 (Meeting 1) ............................................ 143

Appendix 8 b Lesson Plan for Cycle 1 (Meeting 2)............................................ 147

Appendix 8 c Lesson Plan for Cycle 1 (Meeting 3) ............................................ 151

Appendix 9 a Lesson Plan for Cycle 2 (Meeting 1) ............................................ 155

Appendix 9 b Lesson Plan for Cycle 2 (Meeting 2)............................................ 159

Appendix 9 c Lesson Plan for Cycle 2 (Meeting 3) ............................................ 163

Appendix 10 a The recount text exercise cycle 1 (Meeting 1) ........................... 167

Appendix 10 b The student result of recount text exercise cycle 1 (Meeting 1). 168

Appendix 11 a The recount text exercise cycle 1 (Meeting 2) ........................... 169

Appendix 11 b The student result of recount text exercise cycle 1 (Meeting 2).170

Appendix 12 a The recount text exercise cycle 1 (Meeting 3)………………... 171

Appendix 12 b The student result of recount text exercise cycle 1 (Meeting 3).172

Appendix 13 a The recount text exercise cycle 2 (Meeting 1)………………... 173

Appendix 13 b The student result of recount text exercise cycle 2 (Meeting 1).174


Appendix 14 a The recount text exercise cycle 2 (Meeting 2)………………... 175

Appendix 14 b The student result of recount text exercise cycle 2 (Meeting 2).176

Appendix 15 a The recount text exercise cycle 2 (Meeting 3)........................... 177

Appendix 15 b The student result of recount text exercise cycle 2 (Meeting 3). 178

Appendix 16 a Observation Sheet of Teacher’s Activity in Cycle 1 .................. 179

Appendix 16 b Observation Sheet of Teacher’s Activity in Cycle 2 .................. 186

Appendix 17 a Observation Sheet of Students’ Activity in Cycle 1 ................... 192

Appendix 17 b Observation Sheet of Students’ Activity in Cycle 2................... 198

Appendix 18 a Documentation (Photos) ............................................................. 204




A. Background of the Study

English has become an international language to communicate and get

information. It makes English an important thing to be taught to students in

every school. In Indonesia, English is considered as a compulsory subject.

Indonesian government determined English is prominent. It can be shown that

English has become one of the subjects tested in the national exam (F. Sodik,

2017: 2). Based on the 1994 curriculum and the 2001 curriculum, the aims of

teaching English in Indonesia are to learn, improve knowledge, technology, and

art, as well as to improve relations with other countries (Harmer 2001, cited in

F Sodik 2017).

According to the Indonesian National Education Standards Board,

learning English in Indonesia has improved four language skills: listening,

speaking, reading, and writing (Vikasari, 2019: 139). Students must develop

these basic skills. However, each student's skills are different, so it is difficult

to develop these aspects at once. Then, reading is one of the important skills

that must be mastered by students because, in various aspects of life, most

information comes from written reports. Books, magazines, and even the

internet are resources and information from written reports that require students

to read and understand what they read. Therefore, The readers are expected to

read well to understand the information conveyed by the author.

Reading is also a process that requires practice to improve someone

ability to read (Johnson 2008, cited in Cardenas I & Andres, 2020: 70). When

someone practices reading, they are expected to comprehend the meaning of a

text, find the main ideas, specific information, comprehend grammar structures,

and find new vocabulary. By reading, the students become good readers,

spellers, develop writing quality, adequate vocabulary, and advance their

grammar (Mourtaga, 2006 cited in Nira E, Usman K, and Nadia J 2017: 248).

Reading comprehension is an understanding of what you have read and

relating the ideas in the text with something that you already knew ( Harmer


2007, cited in Nurhayati, Asnawi M, and Abdul M 2019: 96). It means that

when students try to comprehend a text, they need prior knowledge and

experiences to build the meaning contained in the text. Reading comprehension

activity plays a significant role in receiving information or messages that have

been present in written text.

Students are expected to collect some implicit and explicit information

from the text to answer the questions in the reading comprehension activity.

But, this activity can be a problem for students considering their low reading

habits. Iftanti (2012), cited in Nurjanah R L, (2018: 255) They were stated that

most English as a Foreign Language (EFL) students have no good habit of

reading, although they officially learned English in school. It might be caused

by the low teacher or parents' motivation at home.

Furthemore, reading comprehension problems have long been a

common problem in teaching-learning situations in Indonesia. Numerous

studies have shown that it is often difficult for most students to understand

English texts. Rohani Ganie, Deliana, and Rahmadsyah Rangkuti stated that the

problem faced by students in reading comprehension of English text focused on

three aspects; first, student self-problems. Second, teacher problems and third

external problems. Specific problems occurred from the student's self-related to

English student skills. Most of the student was unable to comprehend the

content of the text and were not familiar with the vocabulary in the text. The

other aspects were student interest and motivation in learning English in

general. The teacher problem was the teacher did not use a strategy to

understand the text. The teacher only read, guided the student to read and asked

the students to answer the questions based on the text. And the External

problems were material and environment. The material problem, such as the

students' actual condition, was not supported by the book; no additional

teaching tools were given to apply any method. Environment problems include

students seldom practising outside the school and avoiding using English

(Ganie, ., & Rangkuti, 2019: 690).


Next, In Junior High School, one of the texts taught in school to read

comprehension is recount text. Based on KD 3.11, students are required to be

able to grasp the meaning expressed and implied in the recount text. However,

some students think that reading is still considered a difficult skill to master.

Based on researcher observation at SMPIT Ar-risalah.

Based on my Preliminary sources like interviews and observations

before conducting the research, the researcher found several problems students

face at SMPT Ar-Risalah in reading comprehension. The problem was: First,

students lack vocabulary, making it difficult to comprehend the reading text.

Second, students can not identify explicit or implicit information in the text,

making it hard for them to answer the questions based on the text. Third,

students feel bored when reading lessons because the teacher only asks them to

open their books and understand what is being read without using any strategy.

The strategy that the teacher can use in the teaching-learning process to

improve students reading comprehension is the Questions Answer Relationship

strategy. Taffy Raphael created the QAR strategy in 1983 to help students

identify a source of information while answering questions about their Reading

(Nurhayati., 2019: 99). QAR strategy has four questions there are "right there

question", "think and search question", "you and me question", and "on my own


In implementing the QAR strategy in the classroom, the First is to

Explain the QARs design. Showcase a chart or powerpoint projector describing

students' four primary question-answer relationships. Second, Begin by

providing students with a few short paragraphs from the textbook to read. These

should be between two and five sentences long. Then discuss the different a

"right there" question and answer, a "think and search" question and answer, an

"on your own" question and answer, and an "author and you" question and

answer. Each reading should be followed by one question from each of the QAR

categories on the chart. Third, Continue practising with small passages on the

second day. Per paragraph, use one question for each QAR category. Fourth,

On the third day, do a quick review. Then give the students a longer passage


with six questions to answer. (at least one from each of the four QAR

categories). The last is to implement the QAR strategy to assign specific subject

areas. Students choose the best QAR strategy for each question and write it

down (T. & L, 2008).

From the problems that arise in the eighth grade of SMPIT Ar-Risalah

in reading comprehension, the researcher is interested in conducting a research

towards using QAR as a strategy to improve students' reading comprehension.

Using the QAR strategy, students can find some information presented in the

recount text and answer the questions presented in the recount text correctly to

understand the text. In presenting this paper, the researcher's title is "Improving

Students Reading Comprehension of Recount Text Through Questions Answer


B. Identification of the problem

Following previous information, there are several problems identified in

students' reading comprehension:

1. Students difficulty comprehend the content of the text.

2. Students difficulty answer the questions contained in the recount text

3. The students felt bored in reading lesson

Based on the identification of problems, students face a variety of

problems in reading comprehension. There needs to be a problem limitation for

this research to be more focused. The problem limitation in this study is only

limited to the problem of "Improving students reading comprehension through

QAR strategy."

C. Formulation of the problem

Based on the background of the study above and identification of the

problem and limitation of the problem, the researcher formulates the questions

as follows: Can Question Answer Relationship (QAR) Strategy improve

students’ understanding of recount text at the eighth grade of SMPIT Ar-Risalah?


D. Objective of the Study

According to the formulation of the study, the objective of this study is

to determine whether the QAR strategy can improve students understanding of

recount text at the eighth grade of SMPIT Ar-Risalah.

E. Significant of the Study

The significance of this study:

1. For the teacher: This research can be useful to increase knowledge and

provide inspiration about strategies in teaching-learning, especially in

teaching-learning reading comprehension using the QAR strategy.

2. For students: This research can be useful to improve students reading

comprehension through some questions contained in the QAR strategy.

3. For other researchers, it can be used as a reference for a thesis on teaching-

learning reading comprehension.




A. Reading

1. The Definition of Reading

Several experts have provided definitions of what reading

means. Reading is a very important skill that must be learned by

students since reading can not be separated in the teaching and learning

process. Reading is an essential activity in any class, not only as a

source of information but also as a way of consolidating and expanding

one's ideas and language (Annisa I, & Oktavia W, 2020: 20). Besides,

Patel and Jain (2008: 114 ) stated that reading is a source of

information, fun activity, and a tool to consolidate and improve one's

language knowledge. Reading is very important for widening the mind

and gaining a knowledge of the foreign cultures.

Other experts, like Hoerunnisa & Suherdi (2017: 2) stated that

reading is the process of staring a collection of written symbols to get

meaning from them. It means that reading is an activity directed by the

eyes and brains. During reading, the readers use their eyes to receive

written signals (letters, punctuation marks and spaces) and use their

minds to interpret or process them into sentences, phrases and

paragraphs. On the other hand, Nunan (2003: 68, cited in Kendari &

Jufri, 2017: 253) stated that reading is a fluent activity in which readers

combine information from a book with their previous knowledge to

create meaning. The fluent process involves making sense of the

material being read. Here, the reader's prior knowledge influences how

they interprets the text.

Moreover, Boehl (2019:137, cited in Lisa Rahayu, and

Ratmadina, 2014: 2) explains that reading is an interactive activity

between the author and the reader. It means that reading is a process in

which the author attempts to connect with his/her reader. This

interaction occurs when the reader is in connection with some kind of


Paragraph and begins the process of evaluating and classifying

important information that can be shared and discussed with their peers

(Insuasty Cárdenas, Andrés, 2020: 71). When readers tries to receive or

make meaning from a word or cluster of words, they are not only trying

to understand the meaning of the whole, but also trying to get the

meaning of the word or group of words. (Annisa et al., 2020: 20).

From the explanations of several experts above, it can be

concluded that reading is an interaction between reader and writer.

Where, the readers try to understand written symbols such as letter,

punctuation and spaces to be able to build a meaning contained in the

text. So the readers need to combine the information being in the text

with their background knowledge to build a meaning contained in the

text. Reading is also a source of information, a source of happiness or

fun activities and is a very important activity in the teaching and learning

process to developed perspectives and understanding of foreign


2. The Models of Reading Process

Three models have been described by Nunan (2015: .67-69) for

reading proses. There are bottom-up reading, top-down reading and

interactive reading;

a The bottom-up reading starts by matching each letter in the

alphabet with the corresponding sound and then combining them

into words. For example, when we read the word cat, we mentally

sound the letter' c,' 'a,' 't,' then we combine it to create the word 'cat.'

These words are combined to form phrases, clauses, and sentences,

and then combined to construct longer texts, such as paragraphs.

The goal in the bottom-up reading is just to read the word.

b The top-down reading starts with the background knowledge of the

reader to be able to understand the text. The teacher emphasizes

meaning-generating practices within the top-down reading method,


rather than learning the bottom-up skills of a letter, sound, and word

comprehension. Top-down processing relates to how our minds use

the knowledge that has already been brought into the brain by one

or more sensory systems.

c In the interactive reading, the method includes the components of

both the top-down and bottom-up styles. Top-down models assume

that understanding is there inside the reader. The reader's

background knowledge allows the reader to make predictions about

the content of the text. On the other side, in the bottom-up model,

students begin with basic concepts such as letter recognition,

building up phrases, and arriving at complete texts to understand.

By combining the elements of both models, a second-language

student can effectively integrate them to achieve understanding.

3. The types of Reading

There are two types of readings according to Patel and Jain (2008:


a Intensive Reading

Intense reading is associated with further development in

language acquisition under the direction of the teacher. Intensive

reading will give the foundation for describing structural issues and

increasing vocabulary and language skills. Intensive reading

materials would be the source for classroom activities. It is not only

read and discussed in-depth, sometimes evaluated as a foundation

for writing tasks in the target language.

Intensive reading is reading the article or reading the

passage. In this reading, the learner reads the texts to gain

information or comprehension. The purpose of this reading is to

read a short text. This reading provided for the intent of obtaining

specific information. Usually, learners read a book to get the


knowledge is the type of intensive reading. There are several

characteristics of intensive reading:

• This reading lets students build an active vocabulary.

• In this reading, the teacher plays an important role.

• Language items have been developed

• The purpose of this reading is to use vocabulary actively.

• Intensive reading is reading aloud

• In intensive reading, the habit of speaking was emphasized,

and intonation, stress, accent, and rhythm may be corrected

through intense reading.

b Extensive Reading

Materials for extensive reading are chosen at a lower level

than for intensive reading. Extensive reading aims to educate the

student to read in the target language immediately and smoothly for

pleasure without the teacher's help. Extensive reading assignments

can be articles, newspapers, or magazines in a foreign language

with students' interests or want to read. To prevent students from

becoming involved in the very difficult reading of articles, the

teacher is strongly encouraged to explain the relationship of articles

to be read in accordance with readers' specific interests.

Harmer (2007, p.283) stated that one of the basic criteria of

successful extensive reading learning is that students should be

reading materials they can understand. If they struggle to

comprehend each word, they can hardly read it for pleasure, which

is not the main goal of this activity. In this activity, students want

to know about something they want to know. The students do not

care about specific or important information after their reading.

They just need updated information from what they need. Here,

there is some characteristic of extensive reading:

• Extensive reading helps the learner to build up active



• Extensive reading is silent reading

• The subject is emphasized in extensive reading.

• The students have an important role in the extensive reading

because they have to ask for action.

• The goal of extensive reading is to improve the knowledge of


• Good reading habits may be developed through intensive


4. The Purpose of Reading

Reading is a message that is highly emphasized in Islam. In the

Qur-an, the command to read is the first revelation that Allah sent to

Allah’s servant. It is explained in surah al-alaq verses 1-5;

The meaning:

As the first revelation, Allah SWT delivered the verse about the

instruction to read, emphasizing the importance of reading as the basis

of human science. Allah orders humanity to read to discover what's yet

unknown, as described in Surah Al-Baqarah verse 151:


In other words, the primary goal of reading is to get knowledge

or information. According to these verses, the purpose of reading is to

discover what is unknown. It explained that humans must read both the

text (the Qur'an and other learning books) and the context (the

surroundings) continuously (Reading the surrounding environment).

Reading anything that humans want to learn is always given priority in

the verses of the Qur'an. The word reading implies that the information

received through reading will be easily conveyed.

Readers will read in various ways depending on the aim of their

reading. Grabe & Stoller (2013: 7-9) explained the reading purpose into

four categories::

a Reading to search for simple information and reading to skim

Reading for simple information is so commonly used to

read that it is most likely considered a reading skill. Usually, when

we read for searching the information, we scan the text for a

particular word, information, or a certain sentence. As an example,

we generally search through a phone book to find important

elements, like an address or a telephone number. In prose texts, we

often slow down to process the context of a sentence or word in

search of clues to suggest that we are on the right page, paragraph

or chapter.

Reading to skim is a regular part in several reading activities

and a valuable skill on its own. It includes a variety of techniques

for predicting where important information may be found in the text


and then applying simple reading comprehension skills to those

sections of the text before a general idea is created. In this activity,

The reader reads the first few sentences of an article and quickly

identifies certain words or phrases that are important to the reader

rather than the text as a whole.

b Reading to learn from texts

Reading to learn generally takes place in academic or

professional situations when an individual must know a lot of

information from a book. It needs the ability to: memorize main

ideas as well as a variety of specifics and create rhetorical frames

that structure the material in the text and connect the text to the

knowledge base of the reader. Besides, word recognition demands

are stronger than a general understanding of relating text

information to background knowledge.

c Reading to integrate information, write, and critique text

Reading to integrate information needs further choices on

the relative relevance of complementary, relative supportive or

contraditory information and the probable reconstruction of a

rhetorical framework in order to accommodate information from

many sources is necessary when integrated information is being

read. These skills include a critical assessment of the reading

material so that the reader can decide which information to

incorporate and how to integrate it to achieve the reader's purpose.

Therefore, Reading to write and reading to critical text can be a task

to combine information. They both need the ability to select,

criticize, and compose information from a text. Both purposes

represent typical academic activities that require reading skills for

integrating information.

d Reading for general comprehension

Reading for general comprehension is the main goal of

reading. The word "reading processes" applies to cognitive activity,


including skills, techniques, and information available to the reader.

Reading for general understanding by a skilled, fluent reader needs

very quick and automated word processing, a strong skill of

forming a summary of the key idea, and efficient coordination of

multiple processes within very short time limits.

Also, Linse (2005:71, cited in Ikhsan, 2017: 110) explained that

the purpose of reading is to grasp the meaning of the writer in the

understanding of the topic. In doing the reading task, the reader has a

variety of purposes. It may be an activity to obtain knowledge,

information and entertainment.

5. The teaching Reading Process

There are three primary activities to be carried out in teaching

reading by the teacher. Brown (2017: cited in Muhammad K.I, 2017:

111 ) states that the teaching activity of reading includes:

a Pre-Reading Activity

In this activity, students have still not wanted to join the

reading activity, and the teacher is trying to activate students'

knowledge of the subject under discussion. Students are guided to

identify the topic and some of the knowledge presented by

skimming and scanning activities. Students are also directed to

know some of the vocabulary that is used in the reading text. This

activity is implemented just to attract students' attention,

motivation, and enthusiasm before the end of the reading activity.

b Whilst-reading activity

This activity is generally considered to be at the core of the

reading process. Students continue to read the text and grasp all the

information in the text. Students are also guided to identify

important ideas for each paragraph, comprehensively understand all

the information, and try to include any vocabulary clues. In this


activity, the teacher allows students to focus on reading to easily

understand and know what they have read so far.

c Post-Reading Activity

It is the end of the reading segment. In this activity, the

teacher tries to evaluate students' understanding of the reading text.

Valuation involves vocabulary, grammar, meaning and

summarizing of the purpose of the author. Besides, to know these

things, the teacher presents an activity to the students.

As a result, it can be concluded that teaching reading

comprehension is an activity carried out by a teacher through

language learning. The teacher can guide students to the meaning of

what they've read. In the teaching reading process, the teacher

should pay attention to the three activities to be carried out: pre-

reading, reading, and post-reading. Besides, it can also be crucial

for the teacher to think about developing information in reading that

can allow students to transfer knowledge, be a successful reader,

and remember that reading itself can include both comprehension

and understanding.

B. The Reading Comprehension

1. Definition of Reading Comprehension

Comprehension is an important component of reading. Reading

does not make the text's sounds, but it is about comprehending the idea

of the text itself. It means that without comprehension, no reading

actually happens ( Iin Wahyudi, 2019: 136). Also, Harida (2014: 183)

stated that comprehension means reading practice, such as (a)

understanding words and developing vocabulary, (b) understanding

sentences, sentence form and grammar, and (c) understanding

paragraph, which includes finding the main idea and topic of sentences,

finding information and making conclusions and understanding what

you learn. Furthermore, understanding contains three skills that should


be possessed as a reader; comprehension of the forms of words and their

context, the ability to grasp the word in the paragraph, the ability to see

the main thinking of the writer, and to get the general concepts a piece

of reading content.

Grabe and Stoller (2002: 29, cited in Lisa Rahayu, and

Ratmadina, 2014: 3) stated that reading comprehension is a complex

process. Readers cannot understand the point about what they have read

straight after seeing the text. First, they need to learn the text. Then the

Readers can develop on the context by using their experiences and

background knowledge. When readers can make sense of the right

meaning, it means they have understood the text well. Also, Klingner, (2007:8, cited in Ganie & Rangkuti, 2019: 687) They explained

that reading comprehension is a process of communication among

readers and what they bring to the text, such as their previous

knowledge or background and the use of strategies. This process also

involves variables related to the text, such as readers' interest in the text

and their comprehension of the text genre. This means that what the

reader knows and how they respond to the text and comprehend it is

individualistic. The process of making meaning depends on different

competencies, such as knowledge and how to interpret the text.

Another idea is proposed by Snow & Chair (2002: 11), they

described reading comprehension as simultaneously extracting and

creating meaning through interaction and engagement with written

language. The word extracting and creating emphasize both the

importance and the insufficiency of the text as determining reading

comprehension. They also mentioned that the reader needs the skills,

ability, knowledge, and experience that the reader brings to the reading.

Besides, the text also is commonly understood. It included either

handwritten text or electronic text. Understanding requires three

elements: the reader who performs the comprehension, the text to be

understood, and the activity of which understanding is part.


From the explanation of reading comprehension above, it can be

concluded that reading and comprehension can be seen as one activity

that involves understanding each other. It must be the central purpose

of teaching students to read and not be emphasized just when students

understand how to read and identify words. Comprehension is a

progressive ability to apply meaning to the same level and attaching

meaning to the whole selection of readings. All comprehension

revolves around the reader's ability to identify the main idea and the

sentence's concept creating a text that applied to their background


2. The Level of Reading Comprehension

Anderson and Pearson (1984, cited in Matheus Alberto de

Souza, 2016: 20-21) devided the comprehension into three levels:

a Literal Comprehension

Literal Comprehension is the most basic type of

comprehension. At this level, the information is directly mentioned

in the content of the reading. In literal comprehension, students need

to grasp some facts or information literally taken from the texts. In

this level, the purpose of comprehension is to obtain objects or

information of a text effectively, in particular, to understand the text,

as stated in the texts by the sentences, word, or paragraph.

b Inferential Comprehension

This level involves the reader's ability to understand the

connection between information that is not explicitly stated. The

reader needs to use previous knowledge to read or apply text

structure knowledge to understand, such as prediction, sequence. At

this level, good readers, with suitable reading strategies, can obtain

the implicit ideas by connecting their schematics to the texts they

are reading.

c Evaluational Comprehension


This comprehension level allows students to compare

information and ideas in the text with the teacher or other sources'

content. At this level, The reader needs to maximize their concept

by combining their previous knowledge with some ideas learned

from the text to create a new idea or concept. This skill deals with

how to predict outcomes, make visualization, and solve problems.

Meanwhile, Hancock (1995, cited in Manan, et al, 2019: 97-98)

divides comprehension into four levels according to one's ability to

create meaning from what he reads. These four understanding levels

have different names from what Anderson and Pearson explained

above, but have the same meaning. Hancock states the first level of

comprehension is literal understanding. In literal understanding,

students just take the meaning of what the text reads. The second level

of comprehension he called that interpretive understanding. Interpretive

understanding is reading the messages of texts that students read with

their perspective. The third comprehension is a critical understanding.

In this critical understanding, the students have started to indicate

agreement or disagreement with the ideas put forward by the texts'

writers. And the last comprehension is creative understanding. In

creative understanding, the readers follow the concepts presented by

writers and often try to build ideas from their previous knowledge.

3. The Aspect of Reading Comprehension

In teaching reading, many factors need to be assessed to know

whether or not students will achieve the purpose of reading. According

to Iin Wahyudi (2019: 136-137), there are four aspects of reading

comprehension required to test students by reading comprehension.

These four aspects generally deal with the main idea, specific

information, reading comprehension, and infer implicit meaning in the

text context. Likewise, they are the main idea, supporting detail,

inference, reference, and reading comprehension.


These aspects were explained as follows: (1) Main Idea: The

main idea has become the most relevant element of information for the

reader to know the idea of a paragraph that usually happens in each

paragraph. (2) Supporting Idea: Identifying supporting details shows

that we should search for information relevant to the goal and ignore

the unrelated. (3) Reading Comprehension: Reading comprehension is

a collection of vocabulary used by humans. It implies that reading

comprehension is a fundamental thing for someone who wants to talk

or produce utterance. (4) Inference: Drawing inference assumes that the

reader implies the meaning of the words and then logically conclude

them. The inference is an educational guess or inference about the

unknown, depending on the available facts and information. The

rational connection that the reader draws between what he understands

and what he does not know. (5) Reference is the purposeful use of one

thing to show someone else where one provides the information needed

to explain the other. Searching a reference assumes that the reader can

translate and describe one linguistic expression to another.

From the explanation above, the writer knows that there are

many aspects that students should master in reading comprehension. To

accomplish the purpose of reading, they should master several aspects,

such as Identification of the main idea and supporting detail of the text

in each paragraph. Recognizing reading comprehension or the meaning

of words. Confirming the reference in the text and drawing inferences

through understanding the implicit meaning of the sentences.

4. The Factors that Influence Reading Comprehension

Comprehension problems can be caused by several causes, both

those inherent to the person and those related to insufficient instruction

or unsuitable materials. Eight factors might influence comprehension,

such as (1) limited knowledge of vocabulary, (2) lack of familiarity with

the subject matter, (3) lack of proficiency, (4) difficulty of the text


(readability), (5) inadequate use of the impact of effective reading

strategies, (6) lack of verbal reasoning, (7) information processing

problems, and (8) Difficulties with the recollection of information after

reading ( Westwood 2012:33 cited in Sholihah & Sari, 2019: 4-5).

Other factors related to reading problems are the low of previous

knowledge (i.e., weak common knowledge) and lack of English

vocabulary as a second language. Previous knowledge is strongly

related to reading comprehension and is a strong predictor of reading

ability ( Alowalid, Mujiyanto, Anggani, & Bharati, 2018: 231). When

a student has no previous knowledge of the topic, reading

comprehension would be affected ( Elbro & Buch-Iversen, 2013, cited

in Alowalid, M, Anggani, & Bharati, 2018: 231). Also, Tarchi (2010)

cited in Inri H, Wijoyo H, (2019): 81-82) states that students who have

a basic comprehension of the topic they read can relate new information

with the knowledge they already knew. Background knowledge or basic

knowledge can be developed by reading, hearing or watching, and it

certainly helps in reading comprehension.

C. Recount Text

1. Definition of Recount Text

Mark Anderson and Kathy Anderson (2003): 24 stated that

recount text is a text which informs the reader about events from the

past, usually in the order of occurrences. Also, Novi Gusneli,

(2016: 229-235) stated that recount text is a type of text that informs the

reader about the events and activities that happened to someone's

experience in the past. From the explanation above, it can be concluded

that the recount text is a retelling of the past event of which the writer

occurred. the events can be informed on the basis of a true chronological



2. The Purpose of Recount Text

The purpose of recount text is to provide the reader with an

overview of what occurred and when it happened, Mark Anderson and

Kathy Anderson (2003: 24). Sonia & Fisher (2016: 8) argue that a

recount's goal is to tell and entertain the reader. Simply the purpose of

recount text is to retell the past event to the reader or entertain the


3. Generic Structure and Language Features of Recount Text

The generic structure and the recount text's language feature are

totally different from the duty to display the content of the recount text

itself, Iriana (2018: 27). Pardiyono (2009:64, cited in Gusneli,

2016: 231) stated that recount text's generic structure is the orientation,

event, and re-orientation. Orientation presents the author's introduction

to the activities to be told. The event is the series of events that tell past

activities outlined in an organized way. Re-orientation is the closing of

the events. While the language features of a recount text are simple past

tense and conjunction like; after, before, first, next, later, when, then,



Figure 2.1

Example of Recount Text Adapted from book

D. Question Answer Relationship (QAR) Strategy

1. The Definition and purpose of QAR Strategy

The QAR strategy was created by Taffy Raphael in 1983 to help

students find a source of information when answering reading

questions. She states that QAR is defined as a strategy for clarifying

student approaches to reading strategies through understanding

question types to understand the text ( Trang, 2018: 35). Also, Crist

(2002, cited in Manan, 2019: 99) states that the QAR strategy is a

questioning strategy that focuses on the relationship between question,

text, and background knowledge of the reader. Furthermore, Iin

Wahyudi (2019: 138) argues that the QAR strategy is a reading

comprehension strategy that makes students realize the need to observe


both information in the text and information from their own background

knowledge not explicitly stated in the text.

P.Trang, (2018): 2 also states that the purpose of the QAR

strategy is to help students actively in reading comprehension by

analyzing different steps in the variety of questions. The other ideas

explained by Conner (2006, cited in Muzammil, 2017: 8) that the QAR

strategy has five primary goals:

• Assist students in monitoring their understanding of the text.

• Gives a goal for reading the text.

• It enables students to assess their understanding of the text.

• Encourage elaborative and logical thinking.

• Reject students' common misunderstanding that the text tells all.

Based on the statement above, it can be concluded that the

Question-Answer Relationship is one type of reading strategy that can

be used to understand a text through understanding some of the

questions contained in this strategy. Besides, QAR is a strategy that

requires previous knowledge to answer questions with the implicit

information from the text. This strategy aims to make students find

information when they answer some of the QAR strategy questions. The

other purpose is it enables students to assess their understanding of the

text and encourage elaborative and logical thinking.

2. The types of Question Answer Relationship Strategy

The QAR strategy reveals the connection between questions and

answers. How to search for information in a text-based on various

categories of questions. According to Raphael (1986:220, cited in

Masita M Abd Muthalib, 2018: 4) there are four types of QAR strategy

question are as follows:

a Right There Questions

"Right there" questions you need to return to the text to get

the correct information to answer. They are sometimes called literal


questions since somewhere in the text, the correct answer is found.

'Right' The questions contain numerous terms, "According to the

text...," "Who is..?", "How many..?", and "What is..?".

b Think and Search Questions

The "thinking and search question" are questions that

generally involve how the information or idea is connected in a

passage. You have to look back over the paragraph to locate the

questions regarding both and consider how the information or ideas

connect. "Think & search" issues usually include phrases, "what

caused..?" "The main idea of the passage.." and

"Compare/contrast.." The processes used to answer Think and

Search questions are skimming or rereading, searching for essential

information, and summarizing.

c Author and You Questions

"Author and You" questions enable you to use the ideas and

information that are not given directly in the passage to answer the

question. These questions require you to think about what you read

and express your own ideas or opinions. "Author and You"

questions usually include the words, "The passage suggests…",

"The author implies…", and "The reader's attitude..,". The steps that

can be used to answer the Author and You Questions are reread,

think of what you already learned, and what the author says and


d On My Own Questions

"On My Own" questions can be answered by using your own

previous knowledge on the topic. Normally, this type of question

does not appear on reading comprehension assessments, so you do

not need to relate to the passage. "On My Own" questions usually

include the words, "Based on your experience..?, "in your



3. The Procedure of QAR Strategy

Matheus Alberto de Souza (2016: 24) states that the QAR

strategy is designed to make students understand four different levels

of questions and how to answer them. This strategy is then implemented

in pre-reading, duringreading and after reading.


a Check students attendance and greet them

b Ask Students to make three groups

c Introduction of the QAR strategy concept and purposes

d Designing and describing each type of question

e Activating text-related schemes of students

f Distribution of the worksheet of the students.

When Reading

a Ask students to read the text silently

b Ask students to anwers the questions based on each level of

information sources (Right there questions, Think and search

question, Author and me questions, and on my own questions)

c Giving a hand if they need it

d Asking each group to show their answers

e Deciding the correct answer with the whole class


The after-reading activities comprise such as:

a Giving the students feedback

b Providing the conclusion about the benefit of QAR strategy

c Closing the acitivity

4. The Benefits of QAR Strategy

Masita M Abd Muthalib (2018: 5) states that the QAR strategy

has some benefits such as:

a QAR Strategy can enhance students reading comprehension.


b QAR strategy assists students in asking questions about their

reading and finding answers.

c QAR strategy allows students think critically about the text they

are reading and beyond

d QAR strategy help inspires students to think creatively and

cooperate while challenging them to use higher-level thinking


Besides, Raphael (2012: 521) also states that QAR strategy

could be useful as a tool for teachers creates a way of thinking about

the types of questions that are most appropriate for different points in

guiding students through a story. QAR also helps students understand

that information from texts, their prior knowledge, and experiences are

important to consider when answering questions.

E. Relevant Study

Several studies can be used as references by the researcher to support

this research. The first research, entitled "Improving Students' Reading

Comprehension of recount through Question-Answer Relationship (QAR)

Strategy," was conducted by Ridha Rahmawati at the eighth-grade students

of SMP Haebat Islam Gontong Kubu Raya (2016). Their study showed that

implementing the Question-Answer Relationship (QAR) strategy improved

students' reading comprehension. It is evident from the students' progress in

each cycle. In the first cycle, the students had difficulty answering the

question "Right there question and Think and Search Question," but the

students had a better answers in the second cycle,. Not only that, but with

the used QAR strategy, students can recognize possible answer locations by

categorizing questions by type and monitoring their knowledge of the

material through QAR. It also made the students better at answering the

reading test.

The second study, entitled "Improving The Eight Grade Students'

Reading Comprehension of Fable Through Question Answer Relationship


Strategy (QAR) conducted at SMP Tunas Pelita Binjai," was conducted by

Ade Wahyuni Azhar the second study (2018). Their study explained that the

Question-Answer Relationship strategy significantly improves students'

reading comprehension of fables. It is evident from the observation sheet

and data test. The students gave a good attitude and good response during

the teaching-learning process from cycle 1 to cycle 2. The students also felt

enjoyable and interested in learning reading. The average students' scores

improved from the pre-test to the post-test. The student's score in the pre-

test was 56,25 became 83,75.

The last study, entitled "Improving Students' Reading

Comprehension through Question-Answer Relationship (QAR) Strategy,"

was conducted by Zulya, Nurweni, and Putrawan (2018) at the eighth grade

of MTSN 2 Lampung Selatan. Their study showed that Question-Answer

Relationship (QAR) strategy significantly improved students' reading

comprehension ability in class VII A of MTSN 2 Lampung Selatan. They

used data pre-test, post-test 1, and post-test 2 to measure students' reading

comprehension. After the implementation Question-Answer Relationship

(QAR) strategy, the students' mean scores improved better and significantly.

The previous research above stated that the QAR strategy affected

improving students' reading comprehension in the classroom. However,

Ade Wahyuni, in her study, explained that the QAR strategy improved

students' reading comprehension. Still, she did not explain more information

about the QAR benefit in comprehending the explicit and implicit

information. She only explained the type of QAR question, which made the

students improve their reading comprehension. Also, in their study, Zulya,

Nurweni, and Putrawan collected the data and only used one instrument to

measure students' reading comprehension, such as; a data test. They did not

explain the students' situation in the class. They did not explain the students'

attitude toward teaching reading comprehension using Question Answer

Relationship in the classroom. Therefore, in this study, the writer tried to

determine if this strategy could improve students reading comprehension


through explicit and implicit information with detailed information from the

observation sheet, interview, questionnaire, and data test.

F. Thinking Framework

Reading is an important competence in English learning, besides

listening, speaking, and writing. Reading is not just looking and saying

sentences but also understanding what they have read. Meanwhile, the

students in the eighth grade of SMPIT Ar-Risalah had difficulty

understanding the reading text. The problem is; First, students lack

vocabulary, which leads them not to comprehend the content of the text.

Second, students couldn't identify explicit or implicit information in the text,

making it difficult to answer some of the questions in the text. Third,

students never practice reading a text outside the school, making them

quickly tired of comprehending the reading text. And the last, the way the

teacher teaches reading comprehension makes them feel bored during the

English lesson.

From some of the problems students face in reading comprehension,

the researcher has a strategy to solve the problem. The strategy used by the

researcher is the QAR strategy. This strategy can make students find some

information from the text and answer some questions by following the QAR

questions type. The researcher hoped this strategy could solve the students'

problem in their reading comprehension in the class.

G. Action Research Hypothesis

In connection to the implementation of this classroom action

research, the researcher formulated the action research hypothesis. The

formula of action hypothesis in this research was: the QAR strategy is one

of the strategies which can improve students' reading comprehension,

students interest, and motivation in reading a recount text at eight grade

students of SMPIT Ar-Risalah




A. Place and Time of the Research

This research was performed at SMPIT Ar-Risalah in the academic

year 2020/2021. It is located on Jl. Raya Jonggol-Cariu, Kp. Nyomot, Tegal

Panjang, Bogor Jawa Barat. The researcher conducted the research from

January up to February 2021. This is the timetable for the research activity.

Table 3. 1

The Schedule of The Classroom Action Research

Y Activities Date



Making the instrument by researcher January, 7th 2021

2 Pre-test validity in 8th grade junior high


January, 18th 2021

3 Post-test 1 validity January, 20th 2021

4 Post test 2 Validity January, 22th 2021

5 Interview the teacher before CAR January, 25th 2021

6 - Pre-test

- Implementation the questionnaire to

students before CAR

January, 26th 2021


Cycle 1

Conducting Meeting 1 January, 27th 2021

8 Conducting Meeting 2 January, 28th 2021

9 Conducting Meeting 3 February, 2nd 2021

10 Post-test 1 February, 3rd 2021


Cycle 2

Conducting Meeting 1 February, 4th 2021

12 Conducting Meeting 2 February, 9th 2021

13 Conducting Meeting 3 February 10th 2021

14 - Post-test 2 February 11th 2021


- Implementation the questionnaire to

students after CAR

- Interview the teacher after CAR

B. Method and Research Design

In conducting this research, the researcher used classroom action

research. Mills in Creswell (2011, cited in John W Creswell 2012: 577)

states that action research is a systematic procedure done by an educator or

other individuals in an educational area to collect information and make

improvements about how the particular educational setting operates, the

teaching and the student learning. Meanwhile, Donald Ary et al., (2010:

512) states that action research refers to studies and research on the actions

implemented. Action research has been applied in several fields, such as

schools, hospitals, health clinics, community agencies, government units,

and other environments. It can be used to enhance everyday work practices,

resolve specific problems, and develop special projects and programs.

In education, Classroom action research could be applied to issues

such as curriculum development, education improvement, and teaching

strategies. Classroom action research involves teachers in their classrooms;

teachers' groups examining standard issues to develop class practices and

improve school practice. Thus, the researcher believed that the classroom

action research method fit her research to enhance students reading

comprehension of recount text by using Question Answer Relationship


In this research, the researcher used a Classroom Action Research

(CAR) designed by Kemmis & McTaggart. It consists of two cycles and

four steps in each cycle. However, according to Kemmis and McTaggart

(1998, cited in Mason, 2010: 7), the cycle may continue or recur until the

researcher obtains a good result. The steps in each cycle are planning,

action, observation, and reflection. Planning is about the researchers' plan


and the preparation of instruments for conducting the research in a

classroom. Acting is putting the preparation into action in some meetings.

Observation is examined the results of the plan by observation of the

teaching and learning process. Meanwhile, Reflecting is evaluated the

teaching and learning process to assess whether the methods implemented

in the classrooms are good or not. The systematical framework design from

Kemmis & McTaggart as follows:

Figure 3. 1

Kemmis & McTaggart design


The explanation of those cycles can be seen below:



• Interviewing the teacher

• Giving the pre-test

• Designing lesson plan

• Preparing for the post-test one


• Implementing lesson plan using

Question Answer Relationship

Strategy in learning process

• Implementing the first post-test


• Observing the teaching and

learning process using the

observation sheet


• Evaluation of teaching and learning


• Make the post-test one calculation

• Pre-test and Post-test Analysis 1

• Preparing for the second cycle



Figure 3. 2

Kemmis and McTaggart’s Design Modified by the Researcher


• Creating a revised lesson plan

• Post-test 2 Preparation

• Preparing Post-Interview


• Implementing lesson plan

using QAR strategy in the

learning process

• Implementing the second



• Observing the teaching and

learning process using

observation sheet


• Evaluation of teaching and learning process

• Make the post-test two calculation

• Analyzing the Post-test two

• Deciding whether to stop or continue the cycle.


C. The Subject of the Research

SMPIT Ar-Risalah provided three classrooms for 8th-grade

students. Each class consisted of 30 students. In this research, the researcher

selected one class based on the interview results with the English teacher to

conduct the research. The teacher suggested class 8C to be the research

subject since the students had a lot of meeting in a week, which could make

the researcher's research effective.

D. The Teacher and the Researcher’s Role in the Research

In implementing this action research, the researcher collaborated

with the English teacher of SMPIT Ar-Risalah. After planning and

implementing the research plans with the English teacher, the researcher

implemented this classroom strategy. During the research, the researcher

played a teacher role who applies learning strategy to students. As a teacher,

she also had to create lesson plans and teaching strategies, and she had to

implement the prepared lesson plan for the students. Meanwhile,

observations were done by the English teacher. The English teacher's role is

as an observer during the classroom's teaching and learning process to

analyze whether the strategies implemented are appropriate for students.

The observer also observed the student activities using the Question-Answer

Relationship strategy as a learning strategy.

E. The data collection of the Research

In collecting the data in this research, the researcher used both

qualitative and quantitative data. The qualitative data were obtained from

interviews and observation sheets. The interview was obtained before and

after CAR implementation, and an observation sheet was obtained during

the CAR implementation. Meanwhile, Quantitative data were obtained from

calculating the students' responses to the VIIIC class at SMPIT Ar-Risalah

in a questionnaire before and after CAR implementation and calculating

students' tests from pre-test to the second post-test.


F. The Instruments of the Research

The Istrument used to collect the qualitative data were in the form

of interviews and observation sheets. Meanwhile, The instruments used to

collect the quantitative data were questionnaire and tests. Below are the


1. Interview

Researchers conducted in-depth interviews with 11 questions

for the first interview session to get clearer information about the

classroom's teaching and learning process. The researcher conducted

this interview with the English teacher. The interview was conducted

twice, before and after applying the Question-Answer Relationship

strategy. The questions asked to the teacher in the first interview were

about the student's score, the teacher's method, the sources used during

learning, and the obstacles or difficulties faced by students in the

classroom during the teaching and learning reading of the English

Language. Furthermore, the second interview guide is about the

teacher's opinion about implementing the QAR strategy.

2. Observation Sheet

The observation sheet included all aspects of teaching and

learning in the classroom. From the observation sheet, the researcher

gets a picture of her performance and students' attitude towards in

teaching reading comprehension used Question Answer Relationship in

the classroom. The observation sheet consisted of 12 statements with

five-column of responses. The observation sheet filled by the English

teacher of SMPit Ar-Risalah boarding school. The English teacher's role

is to observed the researcher and students' activity in the classroom used

the QAR strategy. To fill the observation sheet, the observer selects the

one that describes the true condition that happened in the class by giving

a checklist. So, the researcher put the observation sheet is in an



3. Questionnaire

The Questionnaire is used as a tool to collect participants'

information. The students, as the participants, were asked to fill the

Questionnaire related to their perspective and impressions about the

Question-Answer Relationship strategy in learning reading

comprehension. The students responded to the Questionnaire by

choosing the best category from Strongly Agree, Agree (which indicates

positive impressions), neutral, Disagree, and Strongly Disagree (which

indicates negative impressions) by giving a checklist. This

Questionnaire was conducted before and after implementing the

Question-Answer Relationship strategy in each cycle. The researcher

checked the validity of the Questionnaire to the classes of 8-B at Fathan

Mubina Islamic Boarding School before distributing the Questionnaire

to the classes of 8-C at SMPIT Ar-Risalah by giving 25 questions to

them. After that, the researcher checked the Questionnaire with SPSS,

and it was found there were 20 valid questions. The researcher created

a grid of Questionnaires and gave each item a scale value to make it easy

to calculate the Questionnaire's validation. Each item a scale value like

(Strongly agree: 5), (Agree: 4) (Neutral : 3 ), (Disagree: 2), and

(Strongly disagree: 1). Here are the specifications of the questionnaire

after validity checking.

Table 3. 2

Specification of Questionnaire

Variable Indicator Number

Numer of


+ -

English Lesson

Interesting in

learning English


1,3, 2,4, 4



Interest in

learning Reading


6, 3


The problem of

students in






Teaching method

13,14,15, 12 4

Interest in doing


17,19 16,18,20 5




Interest in


1, 2 2

Method of










Table 3. 3

The Likert Scale

Opton Score

Positive Question Negative Question

Strongly Agree 5 1

Agree 4 2

Netral 3 3

Disagree 2 4

Strongly Disagree 1 5

4. Test

The researcher used pre-test, post-test 1, and post-test 2 in this

research. The test used by the researcher is recount text to find out the

result of students' reading comprehension of recount text. The recount

text test pattern between pre-test and post-test appears to be the same,


but the difference is the topic put in different numbers. The form of

recount text test pre-test and post-tests were attached in appendices. The

pre-test was conducted before implementing the QAR strategy to see

how far they knew about recount text. While post-test conducted after

implementing QAR strategy to knew how their improved reading

comprehension of recount text used QAR strategy. Before the pre-test

and post-test were distributed to students in the class, the researcher

validated the test to find out whether the test was suitable for the

students in the 2nd grade of secondary school or not. The results of the

validation test show that 30 numbers of the test of recount text for

students' are valid from 40 numbers of the test of recount text.

Table 3. 4

Specification of Post-Test 1 and Post-Test 2

No Indicator Number Number of Questions

Post test 1 Postest 2 Post test 1 Post test 2

1. Identify the

meaning of the

main idea in the

recount text.



5 5

2 Identifying the

information in a

recount text.






21, 22, 24,

25, 28,30

15 15

3 Identify the

purposes of

recount text.



3 3

4 Identify the

generic structure

of recount text



2 2


5 Understanding the

meaning of


vocabulary in

recount text

21 13 1 1

6 Identifying the

pronouns in a




2 2

7 Identify the type

of text

22,27 3,18 2 2

G. The Technique of Data Analysis

The collected data from students is analyzed by using qualitative and

quantitative. Qualitative data were obtained from interviews conducted

before and after CAR implementation and observation sheets conducted by

observers during implementation. Meanwhile, quantitative data was

obtained from calculating a number of student responses regarding the

learning process in the classroom, before and after implementing CAR, and

calculating the mean reading scores of students in one cycle to understand

the overall understanding of students' abilities about reading

comprehension. To get the mean of student's reading comprehension

achievement within one cycle, the formula used is: (Drs.Anas

Sudijono,2018, p.43,85)

The Explanation:

Mx: The students mean score

ΣX : The total score of students

N : The number of the students

𝑀𝑋 =∑𝑥



To know the students who passed the Minimum Mastery Criterion-

Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM) score, the researcher used the

following formula:

The Explanation :

P : The class percentage

F : Total percentage score

N : The number of the students

Next, to analyze the students' improvement from their pre-test, post-

test in cycle one, and post-test in cycle two. The researcher used the formula

below: (Graha, & Padangsidimpuan, 2020, p.45)

𝑝 =𝑦1 − 𝑦

𝑦× 100%

The Explanation:

P : percentage of students‟ improvement

y : pre-test result

y1 : post-test 1

𝑝 =𝑦2−𝑦

𝑦× 100%

The Explanation:

P : percentage of students‟ improvement

y : pre-test result

y2 : post-test 2

ρ =𝐹

𝑁 × 100%


The last, after getting the result of the questionnaire toward students’

perception of the Question-Answer relationship, the researcher counted the

data and transformed it into a percentage with the formula, as follow:

H. The Trustworthiness of the Research

In conducting the research, the researcher needed to make sure that

all of the data were valid. To check the validity, the researcher used the

triangulation method. Triangulation is the method to assess data validity

using the other aspects of data analysis (Moleong 2001: 178 cited in Febri

Kiranta P, 2010, p.201). Meanwhile, Denkin defined triangulation as a set

or combination of several methods used to process interrelated phenomena

from different perspectives.

Denzin and Patton (1999, cited in Carter, Bryant-lukosius, Dicenso,

& Blythe, 2014, p.545) stated that there are four types of triangulation:

1. Methodological Triangulation

The triangulation method requires the implementation of

various data collection techniques related to the same phenomena. This

triangulation type may involve interviews, observations, and field

notes, mostly used in quality studies.

2. Investigator triangulation

Investigator triangulation involved two or more researchers in

the same research to provided several observations and conclusions.

This triangulation type will confirm the findings and give different

perspectives and add to the phenomenon of interest.

3. Theory triangulation

Triangulation theory used various theories for the research and

interpretation of data. Different explanations or theories can help or

validate the results of this form of triangulation.

4. Data source triangulation

Criterion scores: Scale score × Total respondent


The triangulation of data sources includes data from numerous

categories of people, populations, groups, families, and communities to

obtain multiple perspectives and data validation.

In this research, the researcher used methodological triangulation to

maintain the validity of her research result. The triangulation type involves

interviews, observation sheet, and Questionnaires . By using

methodological triangulation, the researcher hopes that the researcher's data

is suitable for use in this research.

I. Criteria of the Action Success

The research will be successful if 75% of students achieve any

improvement of Minimal Mastery Criterion (KKM) in learning the English

Language, and fail if its criteria cannot be reached. The Criterion of Minimal

Mastery (KKM) score at SMPIT Ar-Risalah is 72 (seventy-two). So, this

research is a success when 75% of the students get a score of 75 from the





A. Research Finding

This chapter discusses the results of the research. In this case, it is

discussed how to use the QAR strategy to improve student's reading

comprehension of recount texts in the eighth grade at SMPIT Ar-Risalah

Cariu during the academic year 2020/2021. The discussion of the result is

separated into three parts: Before implementing the action, the

implementation of the action, and discussion of all the data after

implementing the action.

1. Before Implementing the Action

Before Implementing the Action, the researcher used three

instruments to gather the data. They were: pre-interview, pre questionnaire,

and pre-test. Below are the descriptions of the data:

a The result of Pre-Interview

The in-depth interview was conducted with the English teacher

of SMPIT Ar-Risalah on Monday, 25th of January, 2021. In this

interview, the researcher provided eleven questions to get clearer

information about the classroom's teaching and learning process. From

the eleven questions, the researcher divided the question into three

categories. The first category was about the learning method used by

the teacher in learning English, especially in teaching reading

comprehension. The second category was about students' scores in

English subjects. The third category was about the source and the text

used by the teacher during the English learning process. And the last

category was about the difficulties faced by the students in reading


For the first category, the teacher stated that he used

conventional method when he taught the English lessons. He taught

students as usual. He reminded them to bring a dictionary, explained


the material, gave them homework, and motivated students to make

them enthusiastic in learning. In addition, the teacher also stated that

he did not use any method when teaching the reading lesson. He just

asked students to read a text and answer the questions based on the text.

The second category was about students' scores in English

learning. The teacher stated that many students still got scores under

the KKM.The KKM (Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal) / Minimum

Passing Grade in the English Language at SMPIT AR-Risalah was 72.

The value that affects the students who score below the KKM is reading

an English text compared to other skills. The teacher stated they were

not interested in the subject and had never practised reading English


The next category was about the source and the text used by

the teacher during the English learning. The teacher stated that the

source he used for the reading lessons were from the internet, student

worksheets, and the English text book. Meanwhile, the reading text that

he used for this semester was about the recount text and descriptive text

according to the curriculum.

The last category was about the students' difficulties in reading

comprehension. When he taught the reading lesson to students, the

teacher stated that students had difficulty understanding the text's

content because they did not have much vocabulary. Not only that, but

students also had difficulty in grasping the implicit and explicit

meaning in the English text to answer the questions contained in the

text. They had trouble answering the questions about the main idea in

the text, grasping the implicit and explicit information in the text, the

purpose of the text, and determining the synonyms or antonyms of the

word in a sentence. To solve these problems, usually, the teacher gave

the reading assignments (short stories) with the questions contained in

the reading text to students. The purpose was to make students familiar

with reading and answering the questions contained in the reading text.


b The result of Pre-Questionnaire

Pre-questionnaire was conducted to know students’

perspectives and impressions about English lessons before

implementing the QAR strategy. The pre-questionnaire was given to

the eighth-grade students of the VIII C class at SMPIT Ar-Risalah

on Thursday, January, 26th 2021. The questionnaire had 20

questions which showed in five categories; Students’ interest in

learning English Lesson (four statements, number: 1,3,2,&4),

Students’ interest in learning reading (four statements, number:

5,7,10,&6), Students’ problem in reading comprehension (three

statements, number: 11,8,&9), Teaching method (four statements,

number: 12,13,14,&15), and students’ interest in doing assignments

(Five statements, number: 17,19,16,18,&20). The descriptions of the

pre-questionnaire were as follow:

1) Students’ Interest in Learning English Lesson

a) Statement number one (1) was about English lessons that

students like (positive statement). The result from statement

number one showed that 13% of students strongly agree

with its statement, 21% agree, 14% neutral, 38% Disagree,

and 25% answer strongly disagree. From the result, it can

be concluded that students do not like an English lessons


b) Statement number two (2) was about English lessons that

students avoid from their class (negative statement). The

result from statement number two showed that 38% of

students agree with its statement, 8% strongly agree, 25%

neutral and disagree, and 4% strongly disagree. From the

result, it can be concluded that students avoided the English

lesson from their class.

c) Statement number three (3) was about the score of the

English lesson that the student achieved (positive

statement). The result from statement number third showed

that 60% of students agree with its statement, 7% strongly

agree, 20% neutral, 7% disagree, and 7% strongly disagree.

From the result, it can be concluded that students were

satisfied with their English scores.

d) Statement number four (4) was about students not

motivating to learn English lessons (negative statement).

The result from the statement of number four showed that

42% of students agree with it, 21% strongly agree, 8%

neutral, 17% disagree, and 13% strongly disagree. From the

result, it means that students do not feel motivated to learn

the English lesson.

2) Students’ Interest in Learning Reading

a) Statement number five (5) was about Reading is a fun

activity (positive statement). The result from the statement

of number five showed that 42% of students agree with

statement number five, 13% strongly agree, 21% neutral,

21% disagree, and 4% strongly disagree. From the result, it

means that reading was a fun activity for students.

b) Statement number six (6) was about reading as a boring

activity (negative statement). The result from the statement

of number six showed that 17% of students agree and

strongly agree with its statement, 8% neutral, 33% disagree,

and 25% strongly disagree. From the result, it means that

students feel that reading is a fun activity.

c) Statement number seven (7) was about reading as the easiest

English skill: listening, speaking, reading, and writing

(positive statement). The statement of number seven

showed that 38% of students agree with it is a statement,

4% strongly agree, 13% neutral, 4% disagree, and 42%

strongly disagree. The result means that students think that

reading is one of the more difficult activities of the other

English skills like; listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

3) Students’ Problem in Reading Comprehension

a) Statement number eight (8) was about the students'

difficulties in reading comprehension (negative statement).

The result from the statement of number eight showed that

27% of students agree with it is a statement, 31% strongly

agree, 19% neutral and disagree, and 4% strongly disagree.

From the result, It means that students difficulties in

reading comprehension.

b) Statement number nine (9) was about students' lack of

vocabulary, which causes students' difficulty in reading

comprehension (Negative statement). The result from the

statement of number nine showed that 38% agree with it is

a statement, 25% strongly agree and neutral, and 8%

disagree, and 4% strongly disagree. The result means that

the causes of students difficulty in reading comprehension

are because of students' lack of vocabulary.

c) Statements number ten (10) was about students' difficulty

answering the essay questions contained in the reading text

(Negative statement). The result from the statement of

number ten showed that 17% of students agree, 13%

strongly agree with it is a statement, 17% neutral, 29%

disagree, and 25% strongly disagree. The result means that

students difficulty answering the essay questions contained

in the reading text.

d) Statements number eleven (11) was about students'

difficulties finding implicit information in reading a text

(Negative statement). The statement of number eleven

showed that 33% agree with its statement, 29% strongly

agree, 13% neutral, 21% disagree, and 4% strongly

disagree. From the result, it means that students difficulties

finding implicit information in reading comprehension.

4) Teaching Method

a) Statement number twelve (12) was about the feeling

boring of students with the teacher's teaching method

(negative statement). Its statement showed that 25% agree

with its statement, 33% strongly agree, 21% neutral, 17%

disagree, and 14% strongly disagree. From the result, it

means that students were feeling boring with the teacher's

teaching method.

b) Statement number thirteen (13) was about students'

feeling pleasure when the teacher asked them to

understand the material individually before being

explained by the teacher (positive statement). Its

statement showed that 21% agree with the statement, 13%

strongly agree, 42% neutral, 17% disagree, and 8%

strongly disagree. The result means half of the students

felt happy and unhappy when the teacher asked them to

understand the material individually before being

explained by the teacher.

c) Statement number fourteen (14) was about students'

feeling pleasure when the teacher allows them to ask

questions about the material (positive statement). Its

statement showed that 42% agree with its statement, 21%

strongly agree, 17% neutral and disagree, and 4% strongly

disagree. The result of its statement means that students

felt pleasure when the teacher provided the opportunity

for them to ask questions about the material.

d) Statement number fifteen (15) was about students felt

unpleasure when the teacher asks them always to open the

dictionary (negative statement). The result from its

statement showed that 13% of students agree, strongly

agree, and neutral with its statement, 46% disagree, and

8% strongly disagree. The result means that students felt

pleasure when the teacher asked them always to open the


5) Students’ Interest in Doing Assignments

a) Number sixteen (16), the statement was about students'

feeling boring with the homework assignment that the

teacher always gave them after learning (negative

statements). Its statement result showed that 21% of

students agree, 38% strongly agree, 13% neutral with its

statement, 13% disagree, and 17% strongly disagree. The

result stated that students felt bored with the homework

assignment that the teacher always gave them after


b) Number seventeen (17), the statement was about students

who like to do their assignments in a group(positive

statement). Its statement result showed that 42% of

students agree, 21% strongly agree, 17% neutral and

disagree with its statement, 4% strongly disagree. The

result stated that students like to do their assignments in


c) Number eighteen (18), the statement was about students

who did not like doing their assignments in a group

(negative statement). Its statement result showed that

21% of students agree, 17% strongly agree, 8% neutral,

25% disagree with its statement, 29% strongly disagree.

The result stated that students like doing their assignments

in a group.

d) Number nineteen (19), the statement was about students

who like to do their assignments individually (positive

statement). Its statement result showed that 13% of

students agree, 17% strongly agree, 13% neutral, 30%

disagree with its statement, and 26% strongly disagree. It

means that students like doing their assignments in a


e) Number twenty (20), the statement was about students

who did not like doing their assignments individually

(negative statement). Its statement result showed that 25%

of students agree, 33% strongly agree, 21% neutral, 17%

disagree with its statement, and 4% strongly disagree. It

means that students like doing their assignments in a


Based on the result of each statement above, it can be stated

as follows. First, the students were not interested in learning English.

Most of them did not like to learn English, however, they were

satisfied with their English scores even though their scores were not

good. Second, students avoided the English lesson because they

were not motivated to learn it. The students seldom doing their

assignments, and seldom practice English outside of school hours.

Third, the students liked to read. They thought that reading was a

fun activity, but in the English lesson, the students thought that

reading a text was the hardest, compared with other activities such

as listening, speaking, and writing. It was difficult for them because

they did not have much vocabulary, got trouble in finding implicit

and explicit information from the text, and could not answer the

question contained in the text. Fourth, the students also got bored

with the way the teachers teach. They were fed up if the teacher

asked them to understand the material individually before trying to

explain it in advance. And last, the students were more interested in

doing the assignments in groups than individuals. The students also

thought that by doing assignments in groups, they were able to have

discussions with their peers.

c The result of Pre-Test

Twenty seven (27) students of VIIIC class participated in

the test. The pretest was administered to the students before the

researcher conducting the sequences of the classroom Action

research. After the students finished the pretest, the researcher

calculated their score of the pretest. The results of the pretest are as


Table 4. 1

The Result of Students’ Pre-Test Score:

Name Score

Student 1 70

Student 2 *73

Student 3 65

Student 4 68

Student 5 70

Student 6 65

Student 7 *74

Student 8 50

Student 9 65

Student 10 45

Student 11 69

Student 12 50

Student 13 65

Student 14 58

Student 15 57

Student 16 45

Student 17 62

Student 18 68

Student 19 *75

Student 20 69

Student 21 50

Student 22 52

Student 23 60

Student 24 65

Student 25 68

Student 26 62

Student 27 45

*The student passed KKM 72

To know the mean score of pre-test above, first step that the

researcher did was calculating the students‟ score. The results as it

can be seen below:

Mx = ∑𝑥


= 1665


= 61.67

Next, to know the class percentage that passed the

Minimum MasteryCriterion (KKM) using the following formula:

P = 𝐹

𝑁 × 100%

= 3

27 × 100%

= 7.4%

Based on the result of students’ pre-test scores, the data

shows that the mean of the pre-test was 61.67. Only 3 students or

7.4% who have passed the Minimum Mastery Criterion (KKM).

Meanwhile, the rest were under the criterion. The highest score was

75 and the lowest score was 45. After analysing the result of pre-

test, it can be concluded that most of students in VIIC class had

difficulty in reading comprehension since there were 24 student did

not pass the KKM. Thus, it needed solutions to solve the problem.

The action research that was conducted by the researcher needed to

improve students reading comprehension.

After conducting the pre-test, the researcher conducted

Classroom Action Research to gain Post-tests 1 and 2 scores. This

action research was completed in two cycles. The first cycle was

completed from January 27th, 2021, to February, 2nd 2021.

Meanwhile, the second cycle was completed from February, 4th

2021, to February 10th, 2021. The population of this research was

the VIIC students, which included 30 students. In this action

research, the researcher aimed to improve students' reading

comprehension in learning English. During the practical stage

throughout the learning process in the classroom. The researcher

prepared some essential needs that will be implemented in the

acting stage.

2. Implementation of the Action

After the researcher analyzed the data from interviewing the

teacher and delivering pre-questionnaires to the students, the researcher

knew that the students' had problems in learning reading. Hence, the

researcher applied the Question-Answer Relationship strategy to teach

reading to enrich students’ reading comprehension. It also helped

students to answer the questions contained in the reading a text. The

implementation of the Classroom Action Research was held from

January 27th 2021, up to February, 10th 2021, at the VIII C class of

SMPIT Ar-Risalah. There were 27 (twenty-seven) Students who

followed this implementation. The researcher conducted this research

contained two cycles; each cycle was conducted in three meetings.

a Cycle 1

1) Planning

In the first planning stage, The researcher prepared the

essential needs that will be implemented in the acting stage.

First, the researcher designed the lesson plan for three meetings

together with the English teacher. Next, the researcher prepared

the material from the syllabus and the equipment for reading

comprehension, such as; the laptop, the projector, and the

reading text. The reading text that the researcher used for the

test was a recount text. The other needs were making

observation sheets to observe the teaching-learning process

during the implementation of action research. Last, the

researcher prepared the test to know the students’ improvement

in reading comprehension of recount text from pre-test to post-

test 1.

2) Acting

a) First meeting

The action of the cycle I was conducted on

Thursday, 27th of January 2021. From this meeting until

the end of the research, the researcher acted as a teacher.

Meanwhile, the English teacher acted as an observer,

who evaluated the researcher’s performance in the class.

The teacher follows the lesson plans that have been

made previously during the whole teaching and learning

process. The teacher used a recount text as a medium of

learning the reading lesson class. The class began with a

prayer, followed by checking the attendance list and

introducing themselves. After that, she tells the students

what they will study that day and their learning goals.

Before the teacher started to explain the recount text,

she asked students' attention by asking students questions

about it. The teacher's question, "Anyone knows what the

recount text is?." No one answers the teacher’s questions

Next, She explained what the recount text was and

what its purpose was. She occasionally provided

questions to make sure that the students received the

material well. The teacher asked the whole students in

the class, "What is recount text?". the students were still

passive. Then, the teacher appointed one of the students

to answer the questions. The students' answer "recount

text is a text that tells someone about events in the past."

Last, the teacher gave another question, "what is the

purpose of the recount text?". One of the students raised

his hand and answered, "The purpose of recount text is

to tell the reader about the past event." The teacher stated

to the whole class “give applause to all the students who

answers my questions”

Finally, the teacher explained how to use the QAR

strategy in answering the questions: First, she explained

that the QAR strategy had four questions. The four

questions were ‘Right There’ question, ‘Think and

Search’ question, ‘Author and You’ question, and ‘My

Own’ question. Second, the teacher explained that the

answer to the ‘Right There’ question and ‘Think and

search’ question could be found on the text. Meanwhile,

the answer to the ‘Author and You’ question and ‘My

Own’ question could not be found on the text. The

students needed previous knowledge and experience to

answer this question. Third, the teacher gave an example

to the students on how to use it. fourth, the teacher

distributed a worksheet that consists of recount text and

five essay questions to every student. The last the teacher

asked the students to read a text and answer all questions

using the QAR strategy.

b) Second meeting

The second meeting took place on Wednesday,

January, 28th 2021. At this meeting, the teacher taught the

students about recount text's generic structure and

language features. As usual, she began the lesson by

reciting the prayer together, then calling the students'

names for the attendance list one by one. She then

reviewed the prior materials and told the students about

their activities that day.

Then the teacher explained the material about the

generic structure and language features of the recount to

the students. She explained its material using the power-

point. Besides, the teacher also gave an example of a

generic structure and language future of recount text in a

text tittled “My experience.”

Next, the teacher reminded the students again how to

use the QAR strategy to answer the questions contained

in the reading text. After that, she asked the students to

make five groups, and each group consisted of four

students. Finally, the teacher gave the other recount text

entitled "My Vacation in Lembah Hijau" with five essays

of questions about it. And the teacher asked each group to

present their answer in front of the class.

c) Third meeting

The last meeting of the first cycle was held on

Tuesday, February, 2nd 2021. The teacher began the

learning process by greeting the students, checking their

attendance, and delivering an ice-breaker called a game of

concentration. Following that, the teacher reviewed the

content that the previous meeting had learned. After that,

the teacher requested the students to read and observe a

text titled "Camping" accompanied by the teacher. The

teacher then asked whole students about the orientation

and event of the recount in the reading text titled

"Camping." Not only that, but the teacher also asked the

students about the purpose of its text.

Next, the teacher reminded the students again how to

use the QAR strategy to answer the questions contained

in the reading text. Then, the teacher asked the students to

answer and classify every essay question in a text titled

"Camping" based on the questions contained in the QAR

strategy individually. Lastly, the teacher asked five

students (randomly) to answer each question based on the

questions in the QAR strategy and their answers.

3) Observing

The teacher found most of the students appeared

uncomfortable during the first meeting, either with the content

or with the new teacher. Only a few students responded to the

teacher's question on the subject. When the teacher came to the

students Z, H, K, and L, they stated, "Mrs, I scared of being

ridiculed with C, D, and E, if I gave the wrong answer. Also, I

afraid you was angry with me."

At the first meeting, the students were also confused about

using the QAR strategy to answer the question. They stated

they were still confused about classifying the QAR strategy

questions with essay questions in the reading text. So, they

needed the teacher's help to classify some of the essay

questions based on the QAR strategy.

At the second meeting, the students showed better

confidence and enthusiasm. They were started to be more

relaxed in the presence of the new teacher. Then the number

of students who actively participated in the class was slightly

increased. The students who never asked about the material or

what they should do while doing the assignment tried to ask it

is a question to the teacher. It looked when the students asked

about using the QAR strategy. Students C "Mrs, how to

answered the "Think and search question," and "On my Own

Question?." Students B "Mrs, is this true to answer the "Author

and You Question"?"

In this meeting, the students had little progress in using the

QAR strategy. They can classify the question "Right There

Question," which related to the text, like, "When did the writer

and his family went to Lembah Hijau?" in the text "My

vacation in Lembah Hijau." Also, "Think and Search

Question" like; "Based on the text, what conclusion can you

draw about?". "Author and you Question" like "Why did the

author was excited to go to Lembah Hijau?". And the Question

"On my Own Question" like "Have you ever been to Lembah


Several students were interested in discussing the answer

with their peers during the group activity since they could

discuss their assignments, but the other students were not. The

students who did not participate in the group only adhered

without contributing to their peers. So, the class was noisy with

the meaningless conversation and laughs of the students during

the discussion.

In the third meeting, the class condition was quieter than

in other meetings before. Then the teacher tried to break the

ice that day with an ice breaker called the concentration's

game. The students' situation returned to normal, and they

were ready to learn English in class.

In this meeting, The students also had started to

understand the generic structure of recount text. They could

find the orientation and event of the recount text in the reading

text titled "Camping ." Meanwhile, in using the QAR strategy

to answer the question based on the text, the students were still

incorrect in answering "Author and You Question" and "On

my Own Question." But, They could classify its questions.

4) Reflecting

In this phase, the teacher evaluated the results of the

learning process. Based on the data from each meeting of

cycle I. The students have already made a little progress. Only

a few students tried to join the learning process in the first

cycle by asking the teacher about the material. Meanwhile, in

the second and third meetings, the students who actively

participated in the class slightly increased. They showed

better confidence and enthusiasm in the learning process.

Moreover, In the first cycle, the students could classify the

QAR strategy to the essay questions contained in the recount

text. But, their answer was still incorrect.

In addition, the teacher who acted as the observer also

commented on the teacher's (researcher) teaching

performance. He said that the researcher delivered the

materials too fast. He was afraid that the students only knew

about the purpose of the recount text, but they didn't

understand its text's characteristics. Then, the researcher gave

the first post-test in the next meeting to ensure students'

understanding of the reading comprehension.

After the teacher evaluated students' activities in the

classroom, the teacher also calculated students' post-test I.

The purpose was to see if the teaching strategies could bring

a good effect on the improvement of their reading

comprehension. The result of the test is attached in Table 4.2


Table 4. 2

Students’ Score in Pre-Test and Post-Test 1

Name Pre-test


Post-test 1


Student 1 70 *75

Student 2 *73 *80

Student 3 65 71

Student 4 68 *74

Student 5 70 *73

Student 6 65 *73

Student 7 *74 *80

Student 8 50 62

Student 9 65 *73

Student 10 45 52

Student 11 69 *75

Student 12 50 55

Student 13 65 *72

Student 14 58 63

Student 15 57 *73

Student 16 45 68

Student 17 62 *74

Student 18 68 *73

Student 19 *75 *80

Student 20 69 *76

Student 21 50 65

Student 22 52 63

Student 23 60 63

Student 24 65 70

Student 25 68 *79

Student 26 62 *75

Student 27 45 52

*The student passed KKM 72

To know the mean score of post-test 1 above, the step that

the researcher did was calculating the students‟ score. The

results as it can be seen below:

Mx = ∑𝑥


= 1881


= 69.67

From the calculation above showed that the mean of the

post-test 1 was 67.44. It indicated that there were some

improvements from pre-test to post-test 1. Next, to know the

percentage of students‟ improvement from pre-test to post-

test 1, the researcher used the formulation below:

P = 𝑦1−𝑦

𝑦× 100%

= 69.67−61.67

61.67× 100%

= 12.97%

The calculation above showed that the percentage of

students' reading comprehension improvement from pre-test

to post-test 1 was 12.97%. To analyze the percentage of

students who passed the Minimum Mastery Criterion, the

formulation could be seen as following:

P = 𝐹

𝑁 × 100%

= 16

27 × 100%

= 59.25%

According to the calculation above, 21 students, or

59.25%, have passed the Minimum Mastery Criterion

(KKM). Meanwhile, the rest were under the criterion. So, the

cycle in CAR was still needed to be continuing because it

could not reach 75% yet as CAR criterions’ target.

b Cycle 2

1) Planning

The researcher conducted the second cycle because some

students had not passed the minimum mastery criterion in the

first cycle. The English teacher assisted the researcher by

giving some advice that might be useful in learning English.

He advised the researcher to give regular and irregular verb

examples to the students to make students easier categorize the

recount text and asked the researcher to reshuffle the group

members since, in the first cycle, the students were free to

choose the people in their group.

Furthermore, in this phase, the researcher modified the

lesson plan for three meetings in cycle two based on the

teacher's problem that had not been solved in the first cycle.

The teacher was too fast in teaching the recount text to

students. This thing was being the focus of the researcher in

the second cycle. The researcher also did not forget to prepare

a questionnaire and post-test two as it was used to measure

students' reading comprehension improvement in cycle two.

2) Acting

a) First Meeting

The first meeting in the second cycle was held on

Thursday, February, 4th 2021. Before starting the

learning, the teacher checked the students' attendance and

prayed together. The teacher showed the recount text

titled "My First Experience" to all the students. She

showed the regular and irregular verbs contained in that

story. Then she explained the learning objectives on that


During the learning, The teacher showed the students

a regular and irregular verbs list. She told the students that

regular and irregular verbs could be used in the recount

text, which was also the characteristic of recount text.

After explaining the material, she gave the recount text

titled "Grandpa's Birthday" to all the students. She asked

the student to underline the regular and irregular verbs in

that text. Then the teacher discussed the text with the


Furthermore, in the "Grandpa's Birthday" text, the

teacher also provided five essay questions for the students

to answer using the QAR strategy. Then the teacher

prepared five a group consisting of four students to

discuss the answer. After the students discussed the

answer in a group, they presented it in front of the class.

b) Second Meeting

The second meeting was held on Tuesday, February,

9th 2021. As in the previous meeting, the teacher started

the lesson by greeting the students, checking attendance,

praying together, and explaining the learning objectives.

After that, she reminded the students about the material in

previous meetings and how to use the QAR strategy in

answering questions.

In the middle of the learning, the teacher gave a

recount text titled “My day.” In that text, there were five

essays of question. Then he explained the characteristics

of recount text, such as; Using Past Tense, Action Verbs,

Adverbs, and Adverbial Phrase and Conjunction. Lastly,

the teacher asked the students to discuss the

characteristics of recount text in that text, classify the

questions based on the QAR strategy, answer those

questions, and present the answers in front of the class.

c) Third Meeting

The last meeting in cycle two was held on

Wednesday, February 10th, 2021. At this meeting, the

teacher taught, as usual, using the lesson plan that she had

made. The first thing she did was greet the students, pray

together, and explain the learning objectives. The purpose

of learning that day was to remind the students about the

material taught in the previous meeting. The second thing

she did was to ask the students, "what the recount text is,"

"What are the characteristic of recount text?", "What is

the purpose of recount text" and "what are the generic

structure of recount text.?" Third, the teacher gave gifts to

the students who participated in her class. The fourth thing

she did was explain the QAR strategy's application in

answering the questions. The fifth thing she did was give

a recount text titled "Unforgettable Moment" to all the

students with five essay questions inside. The sixth thing

she did was ask students to answer the questions

individually using the QAR strategy. Seventh, the teacher

did was to discuss the answers with the students. And the

last thing the teacher did was give the second post-tests to

know the students' improvement in reading


3) Observing

In the first meeting in the second cycle, the teacher

explained with a clear explanation the material about regular

and irregular verbs to the students. She showed some examples

of the regular and irregular verbs in the power-point. The

teacher also gave an example directly of the regular and

irregular verbs in the "Grandpa's Birthday" text. Not only that,

but the students also could underline the regular and irregular

related to the text. The students could identify the regular and

irregular verb like; "decided", "went", "prepared", "was",

"cooked", "caught", "woke up", and "felt".

In addition, The students also could answer the question

with the correct answer in the text "Camping" using the QAR

strategy. You can see in Appendix 13 b. The students' answers

from each group the average correct. It also could be seen from

the students' answers in each group while they presented it.

Each group showed their answer in front of the class to the other

group. In explaining the answer, each group was enthusiastic.

Then, the teacher stated to a whole class, "You are doing a great

job today, thankyou, and I hope you are answer will be good as

today in the next week." All of the students gave applause for

their excellent job today.

At the second meeting in cycle two, the students

enthusiastically did their assignments in a group, although the

teacher reshuffled the group member. The student gave the

respective jobs for every group member in doing the

assignment. They looked happy when the teacher had been

prepared five a group to discuss with a different friend in the

previous group. They could contribute well with their peer in a


In this meeting, the students could also understand the

recount text's character. It looked from the students' answers.

The teacher asked a whole class, "What is the characteristic of

recount text?". The students (A) answered, "The characteristic

of recount text is: Using Past Tense, Action Verbs, Adverbs,

and Adverbial Phrase and Conjunction." Then, the teacher

asked the whole class, "what is the past tense there in the text

"Unforgettable Moment?". The students (C) stated "They are

seven past tense like; "had', "ordered," "enjoyed," "found,"

"made," "asked," and "'was" there in the text "Unforgettable

Moment." On the other hand, the teacher asked whole students

"what is the adverbial phrase there in the text "Unforgettable

Moment?". The student (Z) stated, "Two days ago." Then the

teacher gave the students a prize for their answer. From the

student's answers, it can be concluded that students understood

the recount text's characteristics.

Furthemore, the students who answered correctly to the

question in the text "unforgettable moment" using the QAR

strategy improved. It also was evident from the students'

answers during the teacher discussing the answers in front of

the class. The teacher questions, "which were the "Right there

Question" in the text "Unforgettable Moment." half of the

students answered with the correct answer. Students A "Where

did Jenny and Eric have dinner? (Right there question) and the

answer is Jenny and Eric had dinner at an Italian restaurant".

The students B, C, D, E, F, G also stated, "Yes, Mrs, it is the

answer." Then the teacher stated, "Yes, the answer is correct,

and the next questions "which one the "Think and search

question," "Author and You Question," and "on my own

question"? The students H, I, J, K, L, stated with the same

answer "the answer for "Think and Search Question" is Why

did Jenny make a complaint?, the answer for it is question is

She found a piece of a button in her soup, and for "Author and

You Question" Why did jenny and Eric complain about the

soup? the answer is because when they enjoyed their meal, they

found a piece of a button in her soup." The last question;

"Which one "On My Own Question?." The students M, L, K, I,

N, H, O, stated, "Have you ever met the problem as above? Do

you give a solution? It is "On my own Question," and each

student's answer is different. The teacher responds to the

students' answer, "Yes, all of your answers are correct, now

give applause for us."

At the last meeting in cycle two, the teacher was very good

at explaining the material taught to students. The teacher asked

whole students about the material taught from the beginning to

the end of the meeting. Meanwhile, the condition of the class

was very active. Many students wanted to answer the teacher's


In addition, the student's understanding of using the QAR

strategy in reading comprehension in answering the question

based on the text increased considerably. All of the students in

every group had understood how to answer the question that the

answer could be found in the text (In the book), like; The

question "Right There Question," "Think and Search

Question.", and where the question that the answer could not

find in the text (in my head). The questions include "Author and

You Question" and "On my Own Question." To answer these

questions, the students needed to combine the information in

the text with their previous knowledge and experience. It also

could be seen from the students' scores individually when the

teacher gave the assignment individually.

4) Reflecting

After the researchers and the teachers analyzed post-test 2,

students' involvement and responses in the teaching and learning

process were increased. They were satisfied with the increase. It

was proved that students' score in post-test 2 was better than pre-

test and post-test 1. Moreover, in cycle 2, students' development

in using the QAR strategy in answering the questions based on

the text increased. Students could classify every QAR questions

with the questions based on the reader. Also, they could answer

these questions with the correct answers according to the

questions contained in the QAR strategy. From the first and the

second cycle result, It can be concluded that using the QAR

strategy in reading comprehension was able to help and motivate

students of the VII C class at SMPIT Ar-Risalah in improving

their reading comprehension. Many students were very

enthusiastic about the teaching-learning process using the QAR

strategy in the reading lesson. They activated discussing their

answer with their peers in their group, and they were enthusiastic

about presenting their answers in front of the class.

It also looked from the observation sheet from the teacher

and the students' result of the post-test 2. The result reveal that

81.48 % of the students scored above the Minimum Mastery

Criterion (KKM). So, it had met the success criterion that 75 %

of the students must get a score above the Minimum Mastery

Criterion. Then the writer and the teacher decided that the cycle

could be stopped at the end of cycle 2. Therefore, the classroom

action research was done. The result of the test attached in Table

4.2 below:

Table 4. 3

Students’ Score in Pre-Test and Post-Test 1

Name Pre-test Score Post-test

Score 1


Score 2

Student 1 70 *75 *80

Student 2 *73 *80 *92

Student 3 63 71 *85

Student 4 63 *74 *89

Student 5 70 *73 *82

Student 6 63 *73 *78

Students 7 *74 *80 *84

Student 8 50 62 *75

Student 9 63 *73 *85

Student 10 45 52 65

Student 11 69 *75 *80

Student 12 50 55 65

Student 13 63 72 *82

Student 14 58 *73 *83

Student 15 57 68 *80

Student 16 45 55 62

Student 17 63 *73 *85

Student 18 68 *73 *82

Student 19 75 *80 *90

Student 20 69 *77 *85

Student 21 50 65 *80

Student 22 52 63 70

Student 23 60 63 *81

Student 24 65 70 *85

Student 25 68 *79 *92

Student 26 62 *75 *82

Student 27 45 52 65

*The student passed KKM 72

To know the mean score of pre-test above, first step that the

researcher did was calculating the students‟ score. The results as

it can be seen below:

Mx = ∑𝑥


= 2164


= 80.15

Next, to know the the classroom percentages that passed the

Minimum Mastery Criterion (KKM) using the following


P = 𝐹

𝑁 × 100%

= 22

27 × 100%

= 80.15%

The last, to know the percentage of students‟ improvement

from pre-test to post-test 2, the researcher used the formulation


P = 𝑦2−𝑦

𝑦× 100%

= 80.15−61.67

61.67× 100%

= 29.96%

3. After Implementation of the Action

a. The Result of Post-Interview

After the researcher implemented some of the stages of

classroom action research, she conducted an in-depth interview with the

English teacher of SMPIT Ar-Risalah Junior High School, Mr. Moh

Nurafan, S.Pd. The interview was conducted on Thursday, February

11th, 2021. The researcher interviewed the English teacher with the

eight questions about the students' responses and the class situation in

teaching and learning processes during the implementation of the

Question-Answer Relationship strategy to reading comprehension.

Based on the teacher's post-interview after implementing the

QAR strategy in the reading lesson. It was found that the teaching and

learning process turned out to be more interesting. Many of the students

were very enthusiastic during the teaching and learning process. Every

group was very enthusiastic, discussed the answer, and presented the

answer in front of the class. The teacher stated that from the student's

answers in each group, it could be seen that students' situations were

active and enthusiastic using the QAR strategy in the reading lesson.

The example such as; the Group (A) explained their answer, such as:

"Our answer from the question 'Right There Question' in the text 'My

Day' is 'he woke up an hour late because my alarm clock didn't go off,

but the group (B) raised her hand, and they stated that the answer for it

is question is 'He woke up so late.' "The teachers respond to the answer

to 'The group (B) you are answer correct, but you are did not mention

the hour' then the teacher asked whole class gave an applause for the

group B."

Furthemore, The teacher also admitted that the QAR strategy

could make the students easily answer some of the questions in the text

because they could identify explicit and implicit information during

their answer to the QARs' questions. Examples; when the students

present the question "Author and You Question" and "On my Own

Question." This question that the answer could not find in the text

(explicit information), the students need to combine the information in

the text with their previous knowledge and experience related to the text.

It questions different from the question "Right There Question" and

"Think and Search Question." The answer could find in the text (implicit

information). From the type of QARs question, the students could

identify whether explicit and implicit information from the text. They

could answer the question that the answer could find in the text (implicit

information), and They could answer the question that the answer could

not find in the text (implicit information). The teacher stated, "I have

given my students explanations about the explicit and implicit

information before, and they are still confused. But when you (the

researcher) implement this strategy to the student, the students could

identify explicit and implicit information from the text through their

answers in the QAR questions."

Next, The real English teacher also stated that he was interested

in using the QAR strategy in his reading class after the researcher

implemented of QAR strategy in reading comprehension. The teacher

stated, "Oh this strategy could I use when the reading lesson, because

the students looked very enthusiastic." Then, from the teacher's post-

interview about the QAR strategy, the researcher concluded that the

English teacher positively commented about its strategy.

b. The Result of Post-Questionnaire

The post-questionnaire was held on Thursday, February 11th,

2021. It was given to the eighth-grade students of the VIIIC class at

SMPIT Ar-Risalah. The questionnaire used to know about the students'

responses after reading comprehension using the Question-Answer

Relationship strategy. The questionnaire had twenty-one statements.

The questionnaire divided into four categories; the students' response

about the teaching and learning process (four items, number 1, 2, 3, &

4), the students' response about the QAR strategy (eight items, number

5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,), the teachers' teaching in the QAR strategy (five items,

number 14, 15, 16, 19, & 20), and the result of the students' reading

comprehension learning activity (11, 12, 13, 17, 18 & 21). The

descriptions of the postquestionnaire were as follow:

1) The students' response about the teaching and learning


a) Statement number (1) was about the English learning using

the QAR strategy was fun (positive statement). The result

showed that 29% of students strongly agree with its

statement, 38% of students agree, 4% neutral, 17% disagree,

and 19% strongly disagree. From the result, it means that

students were fun using the QAR strategy in English


b) Statement number (2) was about English learning using the

QAR strategy, which was very boring (negative statement).

The result showed that 17% of students strongly agree with

its statement, 13% of students agree, 8% neutral, 38%

disagree, and 25% strongly disagree. From the result, it

means that students were fun using the QAR strategy in

English learning.

c) Statement number (3) was about the QAR strategy that was

suitable to be applied in learning reading comprehension

(positive statement). The result showed that 21% of students

strongly agree with its statement, 46% agree, 13% neutral,

13% disagree, and 8% strongly disagree. From the result, the

students stated that the QAR strategy was suitable for

learning reading comprehension.

d) Statement number (4) was about the QAR strategy didn't

help the students in the reading a text (negative statement).

The result showed that 17% of students strongly agree with

its statement, 13% of students agree, 8% neutral, 38%

disagree, and 25% strongly disagree. From the result, the

students stated that the QAR strategy could help the students

in reading a text.

2) The students' response about the QAR strategy

a) Statement number (5) was about the QAR strategy that could

make students easily understand a text (positive statement).

The result showed that 38% of students strongly agree with

its statement, 42% of students agree, 8% Neutral, 13%

disagree, and 4% strongly disagree. From the result, it means

that the QAR strategy could make students easily understand

a text.

b) Statement number (6) was about the QAR strategy could

easily answer the essay questions contained in the reading

text (positive statement). The result showed that 29% of

students strongly agree with its statement, 42% of students

agree, 8% Neutral, 8% disagree, and 13% strongly disagree.

From the result, it means that the QAR strategy that could

make the students easily answering the essay questions

contained in a reading text.

c) Statement number (7) was about the QAR that could make

the students confused in categorizing and answering the

essay questions based on the QAR questions (Negative

statement). The result showed that 4% of students strongly

agree with its statement, 13% of students agree, 8% Neutral,

48% disagree, and 26% strongly disagree. It means that the

students couldn’t confuse categorizing and answering the

essay questions based on the QAR questions when using the

QAR strategy.

d) Statement number (8) was about the QAR that could make

students easily finding explicit information in a reading text

(positive statement). The result showed that 25% of students

strongly agree with its statement, 42% of students agree, 8%

Neutral, 8% disagree, and 17% strongly disagree. It means

that the QAR strategy could make students easily finding

explicit information in a reading text

e) Statement number (9) was about the QAR strategy that could

make the students difficulty finding the main idea in a

reading text (negative statement). The result showed that

17% of students strongly agree with its statement, 13% of

students agree, 8% Neutral, 38% disagree, and 25% strongly

disagree. It means that the QAR strategy could make

students easily finding the main idea in a reading text.

f) Statement number 10 was about the students easily

understanding the content in the text. The result showed that

25% of students strongly agree with its statement, 38% of

students agree, 13% Neutral, disagree and strongly disagree.

So from the result, it means the students easily understood

the content in the text.

3) The teachers' teaching in the QAR strategy

a) Statement number 14 was about the students who couldn't

understand how to use the QAR strategy in learning Reading

comprehension when the teacher explained it (negative

statement). The result showed that 4% of students strongly

agree with its statement, 13% of students agree, 17%

Neutral, 50% disagree, and 17% strongly disagree. It means

that the students understood how to use the QAR strategy in

learning Reading comprehension when the teacher explained


b) Statement number (15) was about the teacher gave an

opportunity to ask questions about the material the students

didn't understand (positive statement). The result showed

that 33% of students strongly agree with its statement, 38%

of students agree, 8% Neutral, 8% disagree, and 13%

strongly disagree. It means that the teacher gave an

opportunity to ask questions about the material that the

students didn't understand.

c) Statement number (16) was about the teacher didn't guide the

students when the students had difficulty using the QAR

strategy (negative statement). The result showed that 4% of

students strongly agree with its statement, 8% of students

agree, 13% Neutral, 21%disagree, and 54%strongly

disagree. It means that the teacher guided the students when

the students had difficulty using the QAR strategy.

d) Statement number (19) was about how the teacher explained

how to use the QAR strategy to answer questions with easy

language (positive statement). The result showed that 42%

of students strongly agree with its statement, 38% of students

agree, 8% Neutral, 8% disagree, and 14%strongly disagree.

It means that the teacher explained how to use the QAR

strategy in answering questions with easy language.

e) Statement number (20) was about the teacher that always

gave the students homework to help them answer the essay

questions. The result showed that 17% of students strongly

agree with its statement, 54% of students agree, 8% Neutral,

8% disagree, and 13%strongly disagree. It means that the

teacher always gave the students homework to help them

answer the essay questions.

4) The result of the students' reading comprehension learning


a) Statement number (11) was about the students who had

improved reading comprehension (positive statement). The

result showed that 29% of students strongly agree with its

statement, 42% of students agree, 4% Neutral, 4%disagree,

and 21%strongly disagree. So from the result, it means that

the students had improvement in their reading


b) Statement number (12) was about the students who hadn't

improved reading comprehension (positive statement). The

result showed that 13% of students strongly agree with its

statement, 17% of students agree, 21% Neutral,

4%disagree, and 46% strongly disagree. So from the result,

it means that the students had improvement in their reading


c) Statement number (13) was about the students actively in

the class using the QAR strategy (positive statement). The

result showed that 35% of students strongly agree with its

statement, 39% of students agree, 13% Neutral, 4%

disagree, and 9% strongly disagree. So from the result, it

means that the students were active in the class when using

the QAR strategy.

d) Statement number (17) was about the students' enthusiasm

in learning English using the QAR strategy. The result

showed that 42% of students strongly agree with its

statement, 38% of students agree, 8% Neutral, 8% disagree,

and 4%strongly disagree. So from the result, it means that

the students enthusiastic about learning English using the

QAR strategy.

e) Statement number (18) was about the students didn't

enthusiastic about learning English using the QAR strategy.

The result showed that 13% of students strongly agree with

its statement, 17% of students agree, 4% Neutral, 21%

disagree, and 46% strongly disagree. So from the result, it

means that the students enthusiastic about learning English

using the QAR strategy.

f) Statement number (21) was about the QAR didn't motivate

students in learning English. The result showed that 13% of

students strongly agree with its statement, 17% of students

agree, 4% Neutral, 21% disagree, and 46% strongly

disagree. So from the result means that the students were

motivated to learn English when using the QAR strategy.

Based on each statement above, it can be stated that the

students of VIIIC class were motivated and interested in the English

lesson when the researcher implemented the QAR strategy in the class.

67% of students agree that the English learning using the QAR strategy

was fun, and 36% disagree for its statement. The students also stated

that they were interested in the teaching and learning using the QAR

startegy in reading comprehension because some questions in the QAR

strategy helped them in reading comprehension. It looked from the

students statement." Statement number (4) was about the QAR strategy

didn't help the students in the reading a text (negative statement). The

result showed that 17% of students strongly agree with its statement,

13% of students agree, 38% disagree, and 25% strongly disagree. From

the result, it can be stated that the QAR strategy could help the students

in reading comprehension.

Not only that, but the students also felt they easily understood

the contents of a text, answered the questions, found the explicit

information and the main idea in the text when they used this strategy

in reading a text. It could be seen from the students' results in the

questionnaire numbers 5,8,9 and 10. Then, the students also felt that

their reading comprehension improved from the questions in the QAR

strategy. It could be seen from the questionnaire result in the number


Furthemore, The students stated from they could answer the

questions such as; "Right there Question," "Think and Search

Question," "Author and You Question, and "On My Own Question"

made the students understand what the text about is. This information

got from the students (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K) which their note

had beside the questionnaire. Not only that, but the researcher also

found that the students' notes from five students (K, L, A, M, and D)

stated that when the teacher explained the regular and irregular verbs

related to the text, the student's vocabulary improved. It also made the

students easily comprehend the text.

c The Result of Observation Sheet

Observation sheet data were gathered during the implementation

of classroom action research in cycle one and cycle two. As a result of

the observation sheet in the first cycle at the first meeting, the students

appeared uncomfortable with the content or the new teacher. Only a few

students responded to the teacher's question on the subject. It made the

students passive and silent. Meanwhile, the students showed better

confidence and enthusiasm in the second and third meetings. The

students who never asked about the material or what they should do

while doing the assignment tried to ask the teacher questions. It was

evident from their assignments in each group. But in this situation, half

of the students also still did not participate in their groups actively.

In delivering recount text material to the students in the first

cycle from the first meeting until the last meeting, the researchers

conveyed it with a clear explanation. She explained "what the recount

text is," "what the purpose of the recount text," "the generic structure,

and language features of recount text." So, students can understand it


In addition, in cycle I, the researcher also clearly explained how

to use the QAR strategy to answer several questions in the text. The

researcher explained the relationship between "Right there Question,

"Think and Search Question," "Author and You Question," and "On My

Own Question" related to their reading text. But in this meeting the

students still confused classifying the QAR strategy with the question

based on the text. They still confused to classify the “Author and you

Question” and “On my Own Question.”

Furthermore, the result of the observation sheet in cycle two in

the first meeting showed that the researcher was clearly explaining the

material. She showed the regular and irregular verbs to the students. It

made the students get much vocabulary from it and helped them

understand the text's content. In the second cycle's first meeting, the

students could also answer the question correctly in the text "Camping"

using the QAR strategy.

In the second meeting at the second cycle, the researcher also

clearly explained the characteristics of recount text to the students. It

could be seen from the students' answers during the teacher asked the

characteristic of the recount text to a whole class. The students could

answer with the correct answer. On the other hand, the students' situation

in the group activity increased. The students did their respective jobs in

their group. The respective jobs in the member of the group such as;

some students answer the question "Right There Question," answer the

question "Think and Search Question," "Author and You Question," and

"On my Own Question." So, the situation looked actively when the

students discussed the answer with their peers in the group.

Students who correctly answered the questions in the text

"unforgettable moments" improved at this meeting. It was also evident

from the students' answers while the teacher discussed the answers in

front of the class.

Last, in the third meeting at the second cycle. The teacher was

very good at explaining the material taught to students. The teacher

asked whole students about the material taught from the beginning to

the last the meeting. Meanwhile, the condition of the class was very

active. Many students wanted to answer the teacher's question. Students

(A) raised their hand and stated, "The recount text is a retelling of the

past even of which the writer occur" students (B) also raised his hand

and stated, "The generic structure of recount text is orientation, event,

and re-orientation."

In addition, the student's understanding of using the QAR

strategy in reading comprehension in answering the question based on

the text increased considerably. All of the students in every group had

understood how to answer the question that the answer could find in the

text (In the book) and to answer the question that the answer could not

find in the text (In my head). From the student's answer in each question

in the QAR strategy. It made the students could understanding the

content of the text. It can be seen from the teacher's question to a whole

class. The teacher's question; "What is the text talking about?". Then,

All the students could answer the question. Students A, B, C, D, stated

"Mrs, the text is talking about The writer had a terrible day yesterday,"

and the 15 other students agreed with the answer.

d The Result of Post-Test

Based on students’ pre-test scores, the data showed that Only

three (3) students, or 7.4% who have passed the Minimum Mastery

Criterion (KKM), and 27 students were still got scores below the KKM.

It means that the students’ reading comprehension achievement of the

VIII A class was poor. It could be seen from the chart below:

Figure 4. 1

The Result of Students' PreTest Scores

Meanwhile, the results of students' post-test (1) scores showed

that 16 students, or 59.25%, have passed the Minimum Mastery

Criterion (KKM), which means that there were still six students who

had not passed the KKM. Then, the researcher needed to continue the

second cycle because the students' scores still had not the criteria of the








Scores <72

Scores >72

The Result of Students' PreTest Scores

The Result ofStudents' PreTestScores

Action Success. The result of students' post-test one could be seen from

the chart below:

Figure 4. 2

The Result of Students' PostTest 1 Scores

Next, the students' post-test (2) scores showed that 81.48 % of

students scored above the Minimum Mastery Criterion (KKM). So it

had met the success criterion that 75 % of the students must get a score

above the Minimum Mastery Criterion. Then the writer and the teacher

decided that the cycle could be stopped at the end of cycle 2. The

student got a better score in the second cycle because the QAR strategy

could motivate them in their reading lesson. The result of students' post-

test two can be seen from the chart below:











Scores <72

Scores >72

The Result of Students' PostTest 1 Scores

The Result of Students'PostTest 1 Scores







Scores <72

Scores >72

The Result of Students' PostTest 2 Scores

The Result of Students'PostTest 2 Scores

Figure 4. 3

The Result of Students' PostTest 2 Scores

Lastly, from all of the result of scores above, the researcher

interpreted the result of pre-test, post-test 1, and post-test 2. Here the

researcher described the results through the chart below:

Figure 4. 4

The Comparison Score of Pre-Test, Post-Tes 1, and Post-Test


B. Discussion

Some previous studies found that the Question-Answer Relationship

strategy had a significant role in improving students' reading comprehension

(Raphael, 2014; (Trang, 2018). It was also similar to this research that applying

the QAR strategy improved students reading comprehension of recount text in the

eighth grade SMPIT Ar-Risalah academic year 2021/2022. The data pre-test, post-

test I, and post-test II showed that students improved their scores in reading

comprehension. The average students' scores were 61.67 from three (7.4%)

students who passed the KKM score (71) became 69.67, with (59.25%) of students

who passed the KKM. The average students' scores improved until post-test II.

The students' average scores in post-test II was 80.15, with (81.48%) of students

who passed the KKM, so it had met the success criterion that 75 % of students had

above the KKM. This result was also supported by (Wahyuni. & Tarigan, 2018).








Pre-test Post-test 1 Post-test 2

Scores < 72

Scores > 72

Their journal finding showed that the QAR strategy improved the students' eighth

grade SMP Tunas Pelita Binjai's reading comprehension score from the pre-test to

the second post-test. The mean of the students' scores increased from 56.25 in the

pre-test to 83.75 in the post-test. However, the primary objective of the research

is to know how QAR improves students reading comprehension. Therefore, to

know how QAR improved students' reading comprehension, the writer also used

other instruments such as classroom observation, interviews, and a questionnaire.

Then, according to the result of all the research instruments, the writer concluded

that after applying the QAR strategy, the students' improvement occurred for some


First, the students reading comprehension improvement happen because

QARS refers to the student interaction between questions and answers and how to

organize various forms of questions ("Right There Question," "Think and Search

Question," "Author and You Question," and "On my Own Question."). Damanik

& Herman (2021) stated that QARS is also related to prior knowledge, which is

needed to gather information in the gap between question and answer. It has made

the students better at responding to the questions, answering the reading tests, and

understanding the content of the text through its questions. Second, the QAR

activities such as: dividing the class into groups, answering the questions based on

the levels of questions, discussing the answers in the group, determining the correct

answer with the whole group, and collecting the students' assignments in each cycle

were improved students' reading comprehension. The students were trained to

share their opinions about the text's content, see other perspectives' answers, and

discuss the answer with their peers in the small group. Therefore, those activities

could trigger students to understand better the text they read. It can be seen from

the result of the observation sheet showed that students in the eighth grade of

SMPIT Ar-Risalah were interested in the English lesson using this strategy.

(Wahyudi, 2019), explained that through the Question-Answer Relationship

strategy, the students could collaborate and share information to develop their

responsibility in mastering the learning subject, improving their reading

comprehension. Amumpuni (2017) also suggested that the cooperation of students

in a discussion group in mastering the learning material through the Question and

Answer Relationships strategy in groups makes students improve their reading

comprehension. Rufaidah (2017) strengthens this research in her journal. Her

finding showed that the QAR strategy activity in each cycle improved students

reading comprehension at the eighth grade Mts AL Hayatul Islamiyah.

Third, the question-answer relationship strategy provided two question

categories; in the book and my head. The question in my book is "Right There

Question" and "Think and Search Question." Right There question is a question

that the answer is directly stated in the text. The answer is there, in one spot in the

passage. An example of right there questions is when, where the event happened,

and who. Still, the think and search question is a question that the answer is also in

the text, but it requires students to gather information from different places in each

paragraph. An example of "think and search questions" is 'what was the series of

events that happened?' 'why did the events happen?' and 'how was the ending.?'

The students need to collect information from each section to answer the think and

search questions. The strategy to answer right there and think and search questions

are scanning, underlining the keywords, and taking note of important information.

These strategies train students to think critically to answer the question. Then, It

improved students' reading comprehension. The research finding from the

questionnaire result showed that 83% of eighth-grade students at SMPIT Ar-

Risalah responded positively to the questionnaire after implementing the QAR

strategy. The students stated that the QAR question had improved students reading

comprehension. Utami, Regina, and Rosnija (2020) explained that students could

better comprehend the text by scanning, underlining keywords, and taking notes

on relevant information.

In addition, the question in my head is "Author and You Question" and

"On my Own Question." Those questions, the answer is not in the text. The author's

example and your question are 'have you ever experienced... similar to,?' and 'why

do you think?.' Similarly, the example of "my own question" is 'in your opinion...,'

and 'based on your experience.' The strategy to answer "author and Me and on My

own questions" is relating the information in the text and students' background

knowledge and experience. The students must think about what they learned from

the text and what they know. These strategies improved students' reading

comprehension. The students train to think critically about the material they are

reading and beyond it. Anggraini (2021) suggested that QAR's questions motivated

students to be creative and collaborate while forcing them to use higher-order

thinking skills. As a result, the answer to these questions optimally improved

students' reading comprehension. In their finding study, Zulya, Ani, and Putrawan

(2018) also showed that using the QAR strategy in students' activities, such as

answering some of the QAR questions in which the answer was not directly stated

in the text (implicit information), improved students' reading comprehension. They

need to connect the text with their background knowledge and experiences. Manan

(2019), in her study, also showed that the instruction to answer the QAR's question

improved students' reading comprehension. The students used their critical

thinking about a situation at present based on information or experience of

their thinking. Muthalib et al. (2018), in their study, also explained that the

QAR activity, such as; giving the directions on how to deal with the question

with requiring the students to provide the reasons for their answers,

improved students' reading comprehension.




After completing all the steps in the Classroom Action Research, the

researcher made a conclusion based on the findings of this study.

A. Conclusion

The present study has shown that the Question-Answer Relationship

(QAR) strategy could improve students' VIII C class of SMPIT Ar-Risalah

comprehension in reading comprehension of recount text. It was proved by

the result of the teacher's interview. The result showed that the QARs'

question helped the students identify the text's explicit and implicit

information to answer the question based on the text. Also, the student's

responses in the questionnaire after implementing the QAR strategy showed

the students were motivated and interested in the English lesson. They stated

that learning English using the QAR was funny at all. By answering the QARs'

questions, they could understand the content of the text.

Furthemore, students were active in the class. The students actively

discussed the answer to QARs' question with their peers and presented it in

front of the class. So the result of the students' scores also increased

considerably from the pre-test to the second post-test. In the pre-test, only 3

or 7.4% of students passed the KKM, and the mean score was 61.67.

Meanwhile, in post-test 1, 21 or 59.25 % of students had given the KKM, and

the mean score of post-test 1 was 69.67. In post-test 2, 22 or 81.48 % of

students had passed the KKM, and the mean score was 76.48, which means it

had achieved the criteria of success.

B. Suggestion

After conducting the Classroom Action Research, the researcher

would like to give some suggestions for the English teacher and other

researchers as follow:

1. For teachers


The result of this research can be the alternative strategy for a

teacher in teaching reading. It is another strategy which the teacher can

use as a way of teaching a recount text. Not only in teaching the recount

text but to teach any kinds of the texts. English teachers are suggested

to be more innovative and creative in selecting the teaching strategy or

method in delivering the materials. They should find a good way to get

their students‟ interest in learning English, especially in reading.

2. For students

Students can use the Question-Answer Relationship strategy to

understand and answer the questions in the reading text. The QAR

strategy provides some types of questions that can easily understand and

answer the reading a text.

3. For Other Researchers

This research can be a reference for other researchers to use this

kind of Question-Answer Relationship strategy for further research since

this strategy able to improve the students’ reading comprehension.



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Appendix 1 a

The Guidelines of the teacher’s interview before and after CAR

No Teacher’s Interview Before


No Teacher’s Interview After CAR

1 Bagaimana tanggapan bapak

mengenai proses pembelajaran

bahasa Inggris dikelas VIII

SMP IT Ar-Risalah?

1 Apakah bapak tertarik

menggunakan metode QAR

strategy dalam mengajar reading?

2 Berapa standar nilai Kriteria

Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM)

untuk pelajaran bahasa


2 Menurut bapak, bagaimana kondisi

siswa/i setelah menggunakan


Answer Relationship strategy

dalam pembelajaran reading?

3 Bagaimana dengan

pencapaian nilai siswa?

apakah sudah memenuhi


3 Apakah menurut bapak siswa

tertarik terhadap pembelajaran

Bahasa Inggris

setelah penerapan metode QAR

strategy didalam kelas?

4 Skill bahasa Inggris apa yang

sering dianggap susah oleh


4 Apakah menurut bapak QAR

strategy sangat membantu mereka


menjawab pertanyaan yang

terdapat di dalam soal text bahasa

Inggris ?

5 Dari keseluruhan kelas yang

bapak ajar kelas manakah

yang kemampuan reading nya

sangat rendah?

5 Bagaimana kemampuan

pemahaman reading siswa/i bapak

setelah menerapkan metode QAR


6 Untuk semester ini jenis teks

apa saja yang diajarkan

kepada siswa?

6 Bagaimana kesan bapak mengenai

metode QAR strategy yang


oleh peneliti kepada siswa dikelas

terhadap pembelajaran reading?

7 Biasanya, dari mana bapak

mendapatkan sumber teks


7 Apakah Menurut bapak ada yang

kurang dalam penerapan metode

mengajar yang saya lakukan?

8 Ketika membaca teks Bahasa

Inggris, biasanya kesulitan apa

yang dialami oleh siswa/i?

8 Menurut bapak masalah apakah

yang terlihat dari penggunaan

metode QAR

strategy yang peneliti lakukan di

dalam kelas ini ?

9 Menurut bapak apakah siswa

kesulitan dalam hal menjawab


soal yang terdapat didalam


10 Sejauh ini strategi dan teknik

apa yang bapak gunakan

dalam pembelajran bahasa

Inggris khususnya membaca?

11 Apakah sebelumnya bapak

pernah menggunakan

Question Answer Relationship

didalam mengajar bahasa

Inggris khususnya membaca?


Appendix 1 b

Interview Transcipt of the teacher before CAR

Interview Transcipt of the teacher before CAR

Peneliti : Bagaimana tanggapan bapak mengenai proses pembelajaran

bahasa Inggris dikelas VIII SMP IT Ar-Risalah?

Guru : Proses pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris didalam kelas biasanya

diawali dengan saya mengingatkan mereka untuk membawa kamus

kedalam kelas agar mereka tidak kesusahan mencari arti kosakata

baru yang belum mereka ketahui sebelumnya. Kemudian, selama

proses pembelajaran berlangsung saya menjelaskan materi yang

ingin saya sampaikan pada hari itu, lalu kemudian saya memberikan

tugas ke mereka untuk menilai sejauh mana mereka paham tentang

materi yang saya sampaikan tadi didalam kelas. Diakhir pertemuan

biasanya saya sering memberikan mereka PR, tujuannya adalah

agar mereka mempelajari kembali materi yang sudah saya

sampaikan pada hari itu dirumah mereka masing-masing. Setelah

saya memberikan PR, biasanya saya memberikan sedikit motivasi

agar mereka selalu semangat dalam belajar.

Peneliti : Untuk tugas yang ibu berikan kepada siswa setelah ibu

menjelaskan materi, apakah mereka kerjakan secara individu atau


Guru : Biasanya untuk pemberian tugas secara individu atau berkelompok

saya sesuaikan dengan materi yang saya sampaikan pada hari itu.

Jika materi tersebut memungkin mereka untuk bekerja secara

kelompok, ya saya memberikan tugas kepada mereka secara

berkelompok begitupun sebaliknya. Tetapi kalo Untuk PR saya

sering meminta mereka untuk mengerjakannya secara individu.

Peneliti : Berapa standar nilai Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM) untuk

pelajaran bahasa Inggris?

Guru : Nilai Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM) untuk pelajaran bahasa

Inggris disekolah ini adalah 72

Peneliti : Bagaimana dengan pencapaian nilai siswa? apakah sudah

memenuhi KKM?


Guru : Untuk pencapaian nilai siswa dalam bahasa Inggris sejauh ini

masih banyak siswa yang mendapatkan nilai dibawah KKM.

Karena, yang saya liat siswa tersebut tidak terlalu minat dalam

pembelajaran bahasa Inggris. Mereka kurang untuk berlatih

mengerjakan soal-soal berbahasa Inggris dan mereka sering

kelelahan dalam mengerjakan soal bahasa Inggris dan selalu

kehabisam watu untuk mengerjakannya. Hal itu menjadi tugas saya

untuk memperbaikinya.

Peneliti : Skill bahasa Inggris apa yang sering dianggap susah oleh siswa?

Guru : Writing dan Reading. Mereka menganggap writing itu susah

karena menulis harus menggunakan grammar yang benar. Al hasil

mereka kesulitan dalam menulis, dan merekapun masih kekurangan

kosakata. Sedangkan untuk reading mereka terkadang sulit

menemukan main idea dalam teks, dan sulit untuk menjawab

pertanyaan yang terdapat didalam teks.

Peneliti : Dari keseluruhan kelas yang bapak ajar kelas manakah yang

kemampuan readingnya sangat rendah?

Guru : Dari keseluruhan kelas yang saya ajar, kelas 8C yang masih

lumayan banyak siswa rendah dalam kemampuan membaca. Maka

dari itu saya memberikan kelas 8C kepada kamu (Peneliti) agar bisa

meningkatkan kemampuan membaca mereka.

Peneliti : Untuk semester ini jenis teks apa saja yang bapak ajarkan kepada


Guru : Untuk Semester ini recount text dan descriptive text

Peneliti : Biasanya, dari mana bapak mendapatkan sumber teks tersebut?

Guru : Biasanya sumber text tersebut saya ambil dari buku LKS atau paket

siswa dan internet

Peneliti : Ketika membaca teks Bahasa Inggris, biasanya kesulitan apa yang

dialami oleh siswa/i?

Guru : Pertama, mereka kesulitan dalam kosakata baru yang selalu mereka

temui didalam bacaan bahasa Inggris apabila teks yang diberikan

oleh guru sangat banyak. Kedua, Mereka kesulitan dalam mencari

informasi yang tersirat seperti menemukan main idea didalam text


tersebut. Ketiga, mereka kesulitan dalam hal menyimpulkan isi

cerita yang mereka baca dalam teks tersebut

Peneliti : Apakah mereka mengalami kesulitan dalam hal menjawab

pertanyaan yang ada didalam teks tersebut pak?

Guru : Iyak. Mereka kesulitan dalam menjawab pertanyaan mengenai

informasi yang tersirat seperti mencari main idea dalam text, mereka

kesulitan dalam menjawab pertanyaan tentang tujuan text tersebut

untuk apa, dan mereka kesulitan dalam menjawab sinonim dan

antonim kata dalam suatu kalimat. Saya mendapatkan banyak

jawaban mereka yang salah dalam pertanyaan seperti yang saya

jelaskan tadi

Peneliti : Sejauh ini strategi dan teknik apa yang bapak gunakan dalam

pembelajran bahasa Inggris khususnya membaca?

Guru : Tidak ada strategy atau teknik yang saya pakai untuk pembelajaran

reading ataupun skill bahasa Inggris lainnya. Saya hanya

menjelaskan materi kepada siswa, kemudian meminta mereka untuk

membaca dan menjawab pertanyaan yang terdapat didalam teks

bahasa Inggris tersebut

Peneliti : Apakah sebelumnya bapak pernah menggunakan Question Answer

Relationship didalam mengajar bahasa Inggris khususnya


Guru : Tidak


Appendix 1 c

Interview Transcipt of the teacher After CAR

Peneliti : Apakah bapak tertarik menggunakan metode QAR strategy dalam

mengajar reading?

Guru : saya tertarik menggunakan strategy tersebut dalam pembelajaran

reading setelah melihat anda dikelas menggunkan strategy tersebut.

kemudian suasana kelas berubah menjadi aktif dan siswa banyak

yang senang menggunakan strategy QAR karena dapat

memudahkan mereka dalam menjawab pertanyaan.

Peneliti : Menurut bapak, bagaimana kondisi siswa/i setelah menggunakan

Question Answer Relationship strategy dalam pembelajaran


Guru : Ketika saya mengamati proses pembelajaran didalam kelas

menggunakan QAR strategy dalam pembelajaran dikelas dengan

menggunakan QAR strategy. kondisi siswa sangat antusias banyak

dari mereka yang semangat dalam mengerjakan tugas secara

individu maupun kelompok. Mereka juga semangat dalam

berdiskusi jawaban mereka sesama teman kelompoknya tentang

jawaban mereka masing-masing.

Peneliti : Apakah menurut bapak siswa tertarik terhadap pembelajaran

Bahasa Inggris setelah penerapan metode QAR strategy didalam


Guru : Iya, Siswa tertarik menggunakan QAR strategy karena QAR

strategy memudahkan mereka untuk memahami bacaan dari

beberapa pertanyaan yang terdapat didalam teks. Tidak hanya itu

QAR juga yang saya lihat dapat membuat siswa mudah dalam

menjawab soal recount text dengan mengklasifikasikan pertanyaan

QAR dengan pertanyaan yang ada didalam teks recount. Mereka

dapat mudah menemukan informasi untuk jawaban mereka dengan

menggunakan QAR. Hal itu saya lihat dari hasil test dan presentasi


Peneliti : Apakah menurut bapak QAR strategy sangat membantu mereka

dalam menjawab pertanyaan yang terdapat di dalam soal text bahasa

Inggris ?


Guru : Menurut saya iya, karena hal itu dapat terlihat dari hasil jawaban

mereka ketika diadakan kuis tentang QAR strategy terkait soal

tersebut dan mereka menjawab dengan benar dan dari hasil tugas

mereka ketika dikelas

Peneliti : Bagaimana kemampuan pemahaman reading siswa/i bapak setelah

menerapkan metode QAR strategy?

Guru : Alhamdulilah ada peningkatan terkait pemahaman bacaan siswa

setelah penerapan QAR strategy yang peneliti ajarkan didalam kelas

setelah saya melihat hasil post-test mereka yang kamu (peneliti)

berikan kepada saya

Peneliti : Bagaimana kesan bapak mengenai metode QAR strategy yang

diterapkan oleh peneliti kepada siswa dikelas terhadap pembelajaran


Guru : Menyenangkan

Peneliti : Apakah Menurut bapak ada yang kurang dalam penerapan metode

mengajar yang saya lakukan?

Guru : Mungkin tidak ada kekurangan dalam penerapan QAR tersebut.

Peneliti : Menurut bapak masalah apakah yang terlihat dari penggunaan

metode QAR strategy yang peneliti lakukan di dalam kelas ini ?

Guru : Siswa tidak dapat kondusif ketika belajar kelompok berlangsung

tetapi hal tersebut sudah diperbaiki peneliti di setiap pertemuan.


Appendix 2 a

Questionnaire for students before CAR

No Pernyataan SS S N TS STS

1. Pelajaran bahasa Inggris merupakan

pelajaran kesukaan saya

2. Pelajaran bahasa Inggris adalah pelajaran

yang sangat saya hindari

3. Saya sangat puas dengan nilai pelajaran

bahasa Ingris yang saya peroleh

4. Saya tidak termotivasi untuk belajar

bahasa Inggris

5. Membaca merupakan kegiatan yang


6. Membaca merupakan kegiatan yang


7. Dari empat skill Bahasa Inggris (Speaking,

Writing, Reading, and Listening) reading

(membaca) merupakan skill yang paling


8. Memahami bacaan merupakan hal yang

sulit bagi saya

9. Kekurangan kosakata membuat saya

kesulitan memahami bacaan

10. Menjawab pertanyaan essay didalam soal

cerita merupakan hal yang menyenangkan

bagi saya

11. Saya kesulitan mencari informasi yang

tidak langsung dijelaskan didalam text

bacaan (tersirat) ketika menjawab soal

12. Saya merasa bosan dengan cara mengajar

yang diterapkan guru didalam kelas

13. Saya senang ketika guru selalu meminta

kita (murid) untuk mencoba mehamai

materi terlebih dahulu sebelum guru


14. Saya senang ketika guru memberikan

kesempatan bertanya kepada siswa tentang


15. Saya tidak senang ketika guru selalu

meminta siswa untuk membuka kamus

16. Saya bosan dengan pekerjaan rumah (PR)

yang selalu diberikan guru setelah



17. Saya suka mengerjakan tugas secara


18. Saya tidak suka mengerjakan tugas secara


19. Saya suka mengerjakan tugas secara


20. Saya tidak suka mengerjakan tugas secara



Appendix 2 b

The result of Questionnaire before CAR

No Sangat


Setuju Netral Tidak Setuju Sangat Tidak


S1 13% 21% 14% 38% 25%

S2 38% 8% 25% 25% 4%

S3 60% 7% 20% 7% 7%

S4 42% 21% 8% 17% 13%

S5 42% 13% 21% 21% 4%

S6 17% 17% 8% 33% 25%

S7 38% 4% 13% 4% 42%

S8 27% 31% 19% 19% 4%

S9 38% 25% 25% 8% 4%

S10 17% 13% 17% 29% 25%

S11 33% 29% 13% 21% 4%

S12 25% 33% 21% 17% 14%

S13 21% 13% 42% 17% 8%

S14 42% 21% 17% 17% 4%

S15 13% 13% 13% 46% 8%

S16 21% 38% 13% 13% 17%

S17 42% 21% 17% 17% 4%

S18 21% 17% 8% 25% 29%

S19 13% 17% 13% 30% 26%

S20 25% 33% 21% 17% 4%


Appendix 3 a

Questionnaire for students after CAR

No Pernyataan SS S N TS STS

1 Pembelajaran bahasa Inggris menggunakan

Question Answer Relationship (QAR)

strategy sangat menyenangkan

2 Pembelajaran bahasa Inggris menggunakan

QAR strategy sangat membosankan

3. QAR strategy cocok diterapkan dalam

pembelajaran pemahaman membaca

(reading comprehension)

4. QAR strategy tidak membantu saya dalam

memahami bacaan

5. Dengan menggunakan QAR strategy saya

dapat dengan mudah memahami bacaan

6. Dengan menggunakan QAR strategy saya

dapat dengan mudah menjawab soal essay

yang terdapat didalam teks

7. Dengan menggunakan QAR strategy

membuat saya bingung dalam

mengkategorikan dan menjawab soal text

berdasarkan pertanyaan yang terdapat

dalam QAR strategy

8. Saya dapat dengan mudah menemukan

informasi yang diberikan secara langsung

(eksplisit) didalam sebuah text bacaan

dengan menggunakan QAR strategy

9. Saya kesulitan dalam menemukan main

idea dalam sebuah bacaan dengan

menggunakan QAR strategy

10. Saya dapat dengan mudah menyimpulkan

makna / pesan yang terkandung dalam

sebuah teks dengan menggunakan QAR


11. Saya mengalami peningkatan dalam

memahami bacaan ketika menggunakan

QAR strategy

12. Saya tidak mengalami peningkatan dalam

memahami bacaan ketika menggunakan

QAR strategy

13. siswa aktif di kelas saat menggunakan

strategi QAR


14. Saya tidak paham dengan cara penggunaan

QAR strategy dalam pembelajaran Reading

comprehension ketika guru sedang


15. Guru memberikan kesempatan untuk

bertanya tentang materi yang belum


16. Guru tidak memberikan saya bimbingan

secara langsung apabila saya mengalami

kesulitan dalam penggunaan metode QAR


17. Pembelajaran menggunakan QAR strategy

tidak termotivasi saya semangat dalam

belajar bahasa Inggris

18. Setelah saya mengetahui QAR strategy

saya jadi tidak suka untuk menjawab soal

essay bahasa Inggris

19. Guru menjelaskan dengan bahasa yang

mudah dipahami dalam penggunaan QAR

strategy di dalam menjawab soal

20 Guru sering memberikan tugas rumah

untuk membantu saya terbiasa menjawab


21. Pembelajaran menggunakan QAR strategy

tidak termotivasi saya semangat dalam

belajar bahasa Inggris


Appendix 3 b

The Result of Questionnaire After CAR

No Sangat


Setuju Netral Tidak Setuju Sangat Tidak


S1 29% 38% 4% 17% 19%

S2 17% 13% 8% 38% 25%

S3 21% 46% 13% 13% 8%

S4 17% 13% 8% 38% 25%

S5 38% 42% 8% 13% 4%

S6 29% 42% 8% 8% 13%

S7 4% 13% 8% 48% 26%

S8 25% 42% 8% 8% 17%

S9 17% 13% 8% 38% 25%

S10 25% 38% 13% 13% 13%

S11 29% 42% 4% 4% 21%

S12 13% 17% 21% 4% 46%

S13 35% 39% 13% 4% 9%

S14 4% 13% 17% 50% 17%

S15 33% 38% 8% 8% 13%

S16 4% 8% 13% 21% 54%

S17 42% 38% 8% 8% 4%

S18 13% 17% 4% 21% 46%

S19 42% 38% 8% 8% 14%

S20 17% 54% 8% 8% 13%

S21 13% 17% 4% 21% 46%



Appendix 4 a

Kisi-kisi Penulisan Soal Pre-Test

Nama : SMPIT Ar-Risalah

Kelas/Semester: : VIII/II

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Standar inti : Mengolah, Menalar, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak terkait dengan pengembangan yang

dipelajari disekolah secara mandiri dan mampu menggunakan metode sesuai dengan kaidah keilmuan

Materi Kompetensi Dasar Indikator Jenis Butir Soal Nomor Soal Jumlah

Recount Text Menangkap makna

teks recount lisan

dan tulis berbentuk

cerita pendek


1. Mengidentifikasi

makna gagasan utama

dalam teks berbentuk


2. Mengidentifikasi

informasi dalam sebuah

teks berbentuk recount

3. Mengidentifikasi

tujuan komunikatif








dalam teks berbentuk


4. Mengidentifikasi

generic structure yang

ada dalam teks

5. Memahami makna

kosah kata sulit dalam

teks berbentuk recount

6. Mengidentifikasi

kata ganti dalam

sebuah kalimat

7. Mengidentifikasi

jenis teks







Appendix 4 b

The Instrument and key answer of Pre-Test

Text for No. 1-6

Last holiday, I went to Surabaya with my family for vacation. We went there on a night bus.

When we arrived in Lamongan, the bus stopped at a small restaurant for a rest. I got off the

bus to get a cup of ginger tea, and my family drank some cold lemonade. Then I went to the

toilet. It took only a few minutes.

When I came out again, the bus was not there. It had gone! My family was not there too.

Feeling shocked and confused, I asked a waitress about the bus. She said that the bus

departed about five minutes ago.

I tried to call my mother on my cell-phone, but the battery was running low. I could not do

anything but hope and pray. After several minutes, my wish came true. The bus came back!

I got on the bus and walked to my seat.

I was so ashamed when everybody on the bus looked at me. I could feel my face turn red.


1. What is the topic of the text above?

a Vacation to Surabaya

b My vacation

c Vacation to foreign country

d Vacation with family

2. What did the writer do when the bus stop for rest in Lamongan?

a The writer drank some cold lemonade

b The writer bought some souvenirs

c The writer got off the bus to get a cup of ginger tea

d The writer went to the toilet

3. What did the writer feel when the bus is not there?

a Shocked and confused

b Sad and Angry

c Disappointed

d Ashamed

4. .... The bus was not there. It had gone!


The word it in paragraph three refers to?

a The waitress

b The writer

c The bus

d The writer’s friend

5. Where the bus stop for a rest?

a At a small restaurant

b At a Padang restaurant

c At a sate Madura restaurant

d At a big restaurant

6. What the writer do when the bus gone?

a Called her mother

b Called her friend

c Called her father

d Called her brother

Text for no. 7-11

My Experience

Last Friday, my friend asked me to accompany her to buy a new shirt at a department store.

We left home at 03.00 p.m by motorcycle. As soon as we arrive there, we went to the clothes

section. I let her choose one. An hour later, I got bored watching her confused in choosing a

shirt. So I left her and went to the cassette counter. Thirthy minutes later, I went back to the

clothes section but I couldn’t find her there. My cell phone was broken so I couldn’t call her. I

waited for him for a few minutes then finally I gave up and decided to go home.

There was no other choice; I had to walk home again. When I arrived at home, I was so

tired. I was very angry but when I saw my friend’s broad smile greet me in front of the door, I

just could not help laughing.

7. The text above is about ?

a The writer and her friend

b An embarrassing day

c Shopping with mother

d My friend and her motorcycle

8. The writer couldn’t contact her friend because ?

a She was in the parking area


b Her friend was still choosing a shirt

c She went home alone

d Her cell phone was broken

9. Who did ask the writer to accompany buying a new shirt?

a Her mother

b The writer’s friend

c The writer’s family

d Herself

10. What is the purpose of the text above?

a To describe about shopping

b To persuade people to do something

c To tell about the writer’s experience

d To give information about something

11. The first paragraph is called?

a Re-orientation

b Orientation

c Event

d Complication

Text for no. 12-16

Wiwi went to a cooking festival in the morning to join the cooking competition. She

wanted to cook fried rice. She arrived at seven o’clock and directly prepared for the

competition. At first, she thought she had brought everything, but suddenly, she realised that

she had left the rice in the kitchen at her house. She couldn't cook fried rice and lost the

competition. She felt very disappointed.

12. What was the first thing Wiwi did when she arrived at the cooking festival?

a Leaving the rice

b Starting the competition

c Preparing for the competition

d Losing the competition

13. Why did Wiwi go to the cooking festival?

a To check the rice

b To watch her friend competing


c To join a cooking competition

d To eat fried rice

14. Why did Wiwi lose the competition?

a She was disappointed

b She left the festival

c She left the rice

d She cooked fried rice

15. How did Wiwi feel?

a Excited

b Upset

c Cheerful

d Happy

16. What is the purpose of the writer in writing the text?

a To describe the cooking festival

b To persuade the readers to go to cooking festival

c To inform the readers about Wiwi’s hobby

d To describe past events that happened to Wiwi

Text for no. 17-21

On Friday night, we went to the Town Hall. It was the last day of the year and a large

crowd of people had gathered under the Town Hall clock. It would strike twelve in twenty

minutes’ time. Fifteen minutes passed and then, at five to twelve, the clock stopped. The big

minute hand did not move. We waited and waited, but nothing happened. Suddenly someone

shouted,”It’s two minutes past twelve! The clock has stopped!”

I looked at my watch. It was true. The big clock refused to welcome the New Year. At that

moment, everybody began to laugh and sing.

17. Why did the people gather under the Town Hall clock?

a To stop people who shouted

b To see the newly bought clock

c To welcome the New Year

d To strike the laughing people

18. What probably happened when someone shouted that the clock stopped?

a Everybody shouted too


b Everybody directly celebrated the New Year

c Everybody looked for a watch

d Everybody sings and laugh

19. When did the event happen?

a At the weekend as usual

b In the middle of the year

c The end of the year

d Christmas celebration

20. “It would strike twelve in twenty minutes’ time.” The underlined word refers to?

a The place

b The clock

c The town

d author’s watch

21. “The big clock refused to welcome the New Year” What is the synonym of the word?

a Hate

b Admit

c Reject

d Accept

Text for no. 22- 26

Yesterday, I and my Mother went to a store. We went there to buy some candies. In the

store, the candies looked so good. I would have bought a lot of them but my mom said I could

only have three. I gave the money to the trader for the candies. As we left the store, I ate one

of the candies. It was yummy. I hope we come back soon.

22. What kind of text is the text above?

a Narrative

b Report

c Recount

d Descriptive

23. ‘Last week, I and my mom went to a store’.

The sentence is the …. of the text.

a Orientation

b Description


c Event

d Identification

24. Who went to the store?

a I and my sister

b The writer and her mom

c The writer and her dad

d The writer and her sister

25. Why did they want to go to the store?

a They knew the owner well

b The writer wanted some candies

c The candies looked good

d The writer liked the candies

26. What did the writer feel about the candies? The candies were

a Best candy

b Bad

c Delicious

d Good

Text for no. 27-30

On Tuesday, Rina and her friends visited the temples in Prambanan. There are three big

temples, the Brahmana, Syiwa and Wisnu temples. They were really amazing. They visited

only Brahmana and Syiwa temples, because Wisnu temple was being renovated.

On Wednesday morning they went to Yogya.They spent about two hours there. They

were lucky because they were led by a smart and friendly guide. Then they continued their

journey to Borobudur. They arrived there at four p.m. At 5 p.m. they heard the announcement

that Borobudur gate would be closed.

In the evening they left for Jakarta by wisata bus.

27. The text is written in the form of a/an?

a Narrative

b Recount

c Report

d Anecdote

28. The text above mainly discusses about?


a Rina and her friends' impression about Borobudur

b Rina and her friends' trip to Yogyakarta

c Rina and her friends' first visit to Prambanan

d Rina and her friends' experience at Yogya Kraton

29. What are the big temples in Prambanan?

a Syiwa, Borobudur and Brahmana Temples

b Sudra Temples, Syiwa,and Angkor Wat

c Temples, Paria, and Brahmana

d Wisnu Temples, Brahmana, and Syiwa

30. The purpose of the text is to?

a Inform readers about events of the day

b Tell past events

c Describe the smugglers

d Entertain readers


Appendix 5 a

Kisi-kisi Penulisan Soal Post-Test 1

Nama : SMPIT Ar-Risalah

Kelas/Semester: : VIII/II

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Standar inti : Mengolah, Menalar, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak terkait dengan pengembangan yang

dipelajari disekolah secara mandiri dan mampu menggunakan metode sesuai dengan kaidah keilmuan

Materi Kompetensi Dasar Indikator Jenis Butir Soal Nomor soal Jumlah

Recount Text Menangkap makna

teks recount lisan dan

tulis berbentuk cerita

pendek sederhana

1. Mengidentifikasi makna

gagasan utama dalam teks

berbentuk recount

2. Mengidentifikasi informasi

dalam sebuah teks berbentuk





21, 22, 24, 25, 28,30




3. Mengidentifikasi tujuan

komunikatif dalam teks

berbentuk recount

4. Mengidentifikasi generic

structure yang ada dalam teks

5. Memahami makna kosah

kata sulit dalam teks

berbentuk recount

6. Mengidentifikasi kata ganti

dalam sebuah kalimat

7. Mengidentifikasi jenis teks







Appendix 5 b

The Instrument and key answer of Post-Test 1

Text for no.1-4

On Tuesday, Chika and her friends visited the temples in Prambanan. There are three

big temples, the Brahmana, Syiwa and Wisnu temples. They are really amazing. They visited

only Brahmana and Syiwa temples, because Wisnu temple is being renovated.

On Wednesday morning They went to Yogya Kraton.They spent about two hours there.

They were lucky because they were led by a smart and friendly guide. Then they continued

their journey to Borobudur. They arrived there at four p.m. At 5 p.m. they heard the

announcement that Borobudur gate would be closed.

In the evening they left for Jakarta by wisata bus.

1. The text above mainly discusses about?

a Chika and her friends' trip to Yogyakarta

b Chika and her friends' experience at Yogya Kraton

c Chika and her friends' impression about Borobudur

d Chika and her friends' first visit to Prambanan

2. What are the big temples in Prambanan?

a Temples, Paria, and Brahmana

b Syiwa, Borobudur and Brahmana Temples

c Wisnu Temples, Brahmana, and Syiwa

d Sudra Temples, Syiwa,and Angkor wat

3. The text is written in the form of a/an?

a Anecdote

b Report

c Narrative

d Recount

4. The purpose of the text is to?

a Entertain readers

b Describe the smugglers

c Inform readers about events of the day

d To tell past events


Text for no. 5-9

Nadya went to a cooking festival in the morning to join the cooking competition. She

wanted to cook fried rice. She arrived at seven o’clock and directly prepared for the

competition. At first, she thought she had brought everything, but suddenly, she realised that

she had left the rice in the kitchen at her house. She couldn't cook fried rice and lost the

competition. She felt very disappointed.

5. Why did Nadya go to the cooking festival?

a To eat fried rice

b To watch her friend competing

c To join a cooking competition

d To check the rice

6. Why did Nadya lose the competition?

a She cooked fried rice

b She left the festival

c She was disappointed

d She left the rice

7. What was the first thing Nadya did when she arrived at the cooking festival?

a Preparing for the competition

b Starting the competition

c Losing the competition

d Leaving the rice

8. How did Nadya feel?

a Happy

b Cheerful

c Excited

d Upset

9. What is the purpose of the writer in writing the text?

a To inform the readers about Nadya’s hobby

b To describe past events that happened to Nadya

c To persuade the readers to go to cooking festival

d To describe the cooking festival


Text for no. 10-14

On Friday night, we went to the Town Hall. It was the last day of the year and a large

crowd of people had gathered under the Town Hall clock. It would strike twelve in twenty

minutes’ time. Fifteen minutes passed and then, at five to twelve, the clock stopped. The big

minute hand did not move. We waited and waited, but nothing happened. Suddenly someone

shouted,”It’s two minutes past twelve! The clock has stopped!”

I looked at my watch. It was true. The big clock refused to welcome the New Year. At

that moment, everybody began to laugh and sing.

10. Why did the people gather under the Town Hall clock?

a To strike the laughing people

b To stop people who shouted

c To welcome the New Year

d To see the newly bought clock

11. What probably happened when someone shouted that the clock stopped?

a Everybody looked for a watch

b Everybody shouted too

c Everybody sings and laugh

d Everybody directly celebrated the New Year

12. When did the event happen?

a Christmas celebration

b In the middle of the year

c The end of the year

d At the weekend as usual

13. “The big clock refused to welcome the New Year” What is the synonym of the word?

a Accept

b Admit

c Hate

d Reject

14. “It would strike twelve in twenty minutes’ time.” The underlined word refers to?

a The town


b The clock

c author’s watch

d The place

Text for No. 15-19

Yesterday, I and my Mother went to a store. We went there to buy some candies. In the

store, the candies looked so good. I would have bought a lot of them but my mom said I could

only have three. I gave the money to the trader for the candies. As we left the store, I ate one

of the candies. It was yummy. I hope we come back soon.

15. Who went to the store?

a The writer and her dad

b I and my sister

c The writer and her mom

d The writer and her sister

16. What did the writer feel about the candies? The candies were

a Good

b Best candy

c Delicious

d Bad

17. Why did they want to go to the store?

a They knew the owner well

b The candies looked good

c The writer wanted some candies

d The writer liked the candies

18. What kind of text is the text above?

a Recount

b Narrative

c Descriptive

d Report

19. ‘Last week, I and my mom went to a store’.

The sentence is the …. of the text.


a Identification

b Event

c Orientation

d Description

Text for No. 20-25

Last holiday, I went to Surabaya with my family for vacation. We went there on a night bus.

When we arrived in Lamongan, the bus stopped at a small restaurant for a rest. I got off the

bus to get a cup of ginger tea, and my family drank some cold lemonade. Then I went to the

toilet. It took only a few minutes.

When I came out again, the bus was not there. It had gone! My family was not there too.

Feeling shocked and confused, I asked a waitress about the bus. She said that the bus

departed about five minutes ago.

I tried to call my mother on my cell-phone, but the battery was running low.

I could not do anything but hope and pray. After several minutes, my wish came true. The

bus came back! I got on the bus and walked to my seat.

I was so ashamed when everybody on the bus looked at me. I could feel my face turn red.


20. What is the topic of the text above?

a Vacation with family

b Vacation to foreign country

c Vacation to Surabaya

d My vacation

21. What did the writer do when the bus stop for rest in Lamongan?

a The writer bought some souvenirs

b The writer drank some cold lemonade

c The writer got off the bus to get a cup of ginger tea

d The writer went to the toilet

22. Where the bus stop for a rest?

a At a sate Madura restaurant

b At a big restaurant

c At a small restaurant

d At a Padang restaurant


23. .... The bus was not there. It had gone!

The word it in paragraph three refers to?

a The writer’s friend

b The waitress

c The writer

d The bus

24. What did the writer feel when the bus is not there?

a Ashamed

b Disappointed

c Shocked and confused

d Sad and Angry

25. What the writer do when the bus gone?

a Called her brother

b Called her father

c Called her mother

d Called her friend

Text for no. 26-30

My Experience

Last Friday, my friend asked me to accompany her to buy a new shirt at a department store.

We left home at 03.00 p.m by motorcycle. As soon as we arrive there, we went to the clothes

section. I let her choose one. An hour later, I got bored watching her confused in choosing a

shirt. So I left her and went to the cassette counter. Thirthy minutes later, I went back to the

clothes section but I couldn’t find her there. My cell phone was broken so I couldn’t call her. I

waited for him for a few minutes then finally I gave up and decided to go home.

There was no other choice; I had to walk home again. When I arrived at home, I was so

tired. I was very angry but when I saw my friend’s broad smile greet me in front of the door, I

just could not help laughing.

26. The first paragraph is called?

a Event

b Re-orientation

c Orientation


d Complication

27. What is the purpose of the text above?

a To persuade people to do something

b To tell about the writer’s experience

c To give information about something

e To describe about shopping

28. Who did ask the writer to accompany buying a new shirt?

a The writer’s family

b Her mother

c The writer’s friend

d Herself

29. The text above is about ?

a My friend and her motorcycle

b An embarrassing day

c Shopping with mother

d The writer and her friend

30. The writer couldn’t contact her friend because ?

a She went home alone

b She was in the parking area

c Her cell phone was broken

d Her friend was still choosing a shirt



Appendix 6 a

Kisi-kisi Penulisan Soal Post-Test 2

Nama : SMPIT Ar-Risalah

Kelas/Semester: : VIII/II

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Standar inti : Mengolah, Menalar, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak terkait dengan pengembangan yang

dipelajari disekolah secara mandiri dan mampu menggunakan metode sesuai dengan kaidah keilmuan

Materi Kompetensi Dasar Indikator Jenis Butir Soal Nomor soal Jumlah

Recount Text Menangkap makna

teks recount lisan dan

tulis berbentuk cerita

pendek sederhana

1. Mengidentifikasi makna

gagasan utama dalam teks

berbentuk recount

2. Mengidentifikasi informasi

dalam sebuah teks berbentuk


3. Mengidentifikasi tujuan

komunikatif dalam teks

berbentuk recount


21, 13, 9, 19, 3

15, 22, 24, 25, 8, 7, 27,

29, 26, 1, 4, 2, 5, 16, 18

14, 23, 20

17, 28



4. Mengidentifikasi generic

structure yang ada dalam teks

5. Memahami makna kosah

kata sulit dalam teks

berbentuk recount

6. Mengidentifikasi kata ganti

dalam sebuah kalimat

7. Mengidentifikasi jenis teks



12, 30



Appendix 6 b

The Instrument and key answer of Post-Test 2

Text for no. 1-6

Last holiday, I went to Surabaya with my family for vacation. We went there on a night bus.

When we arrived in Lamongan, the bus stopped at a small restaurant for a rest. I got off the

bus to get a cup of ginger tea, and my family drank some cold lemonade. Then I went to the

toilet. It took only a few minutes.

When I came out again, the bus was not there. It had gone! My family was not there too.

Feeling shocked and confused, I asked a waitress about the bus. She said that the bus

departed about five minutes ago.

I tried to call my mother on my cell-phone, but the battery was running low.

I could not do anything but hope and pray. After several minutes, my wish came true. The

bus came back! I got on the bus and walked to my seat.

I was so ashamed when everybody on the bus looked at me. I could feel my face turn red.


1. What did the writer do when the bus stop for rest in Lamongan?

a The writer went to the toilet

b The writer bought some souvenirs

c The writer drank some cold lemonade

d The writer got off the bus to get a cup of ginger tea

2. What did the writer feel when the bus is not there?

a Sad and Angry

b Disappointed

c Ashamed

d Shocked and confused

3. What is the topic of the text above?

a Vacation to Surabaya

b My vacation

c Vacation with family

d Vacation to foreign country

4. Where the bus stop for a rest?


a At a Padang restaurant

b At a small restaurant

c At a sate Madura restaurant

d At a big restaurant

5. What the writer do when the bus gone?

a Called her father

b Called her mother

c Called her brother

d Called her friend

6. .... The bus was not there. It had gone!

The word it in paragraph three refers to?

a The bus

b The waitress

c The writer’s friend

d The writer

Text for no. 7-11

On Friday night, we went to the Town Hall. It was the last day of the year and a large

crowd of people had gathered under the Town Hall clock. It would strike twelve in twenty

minutes’ time. Fifteen minutes passed and then, at five to twelve, the clock stopped. The big

minute hand did not move. We waited and waited, but nothing happened. Suddenly someone

shouted,”It’s two minutes past twelve! The clock has stopped!”

I looked at my watch. It was true. The big clock refused to welcome the New Year. At

that moment, everybody began to laugh and sing.

7. When did the event happen?

a The end of the year

b Christmas celebration

c In the middle of the year

d At the weekend as usual

8. Why did the people gather under the Town Hall clock?

a To stop people who shouted

b To see the newly bought clock

c To strike the laughing people


d To welcome the New Year

9. What probably happened when someone shouted that the clock stopped?

a Everybody directly celebrated the New Year

b Everybody sings and laugh

c Everybody looked for a watch

d Everybody shouted too

10. “It would strike twelve in twenty minutes’ time.” The underlined word refers to?

a author’s watch

b The place

c The clock

d The town

11. “The big clock refused to welcome the New Year” What is the synonym of the word?

a Reject

b Admit

c Hate

d Accept

Text for no. 12-15

On Tuesday, Chika and her friends visited the temples in Prambanan. There are three

big temples, the Brahmana, Syiwa and Wisnu temples. They are really amazing. They visited

only Brahmana and Syiwa temples, because Wisnu temple is being renovated.

On Wednesday morning They went to Yogya Kraton.They spent about two hours there.

They were lucky because they were led by a smart and friendly guide. Then they continued

their journey to Borobudur. They arrived there at four p.m. At 5 p.m. they heard the

announcement that Borobudur gate would be closed.

In the evening they left for Jakarta by wisata bus.

12. The text is written in the form of a/an?

a Narrative

b Anecdote

c Report

d Recount

13. The text above mainly discusses about?

a Chika and her friends' first visit to Prambanan


b Chika and her friends' experience at Yogyakarta

c Chika and her friends' trip to Yogyakarta

d Chika and her friends' impression about Borobudur

14. The purpose of the text is to?

a Inform readers about events of the day

b Inform readers about events of the day

c To tell past events

d Describe the smugglers

15. What are the big temples in Prambanan?

a Syiwa, Borobudur and Brahmana Temples

b Sudra Temples, Syiwa,and Angkor wat

c Temples, Paria, and Brahmana

d Wisnu Temples, Brahmana, and Syiwa

Text for no. 16-20

My Experience

Last Friday, my friend asked me to accompany her to buy a new shirt at a department store.

We left home at 03.00 p.m by motorcycle. As soon as we arrive there, we went to the clothes

section. I let her choose one. An hour later, I got bored watching her confused in choosing a

shirt. So I left her and went to the cassette counter. Thirthy minutes later, I went back to the

clothes section but I couldn’t find her there. My cell phone was broken so I couldn’t call her. I

waited for him for a few minutes then finally I gave up and decided to go home.

There was no other choice; I had to walk home again. When I arrived at home, I was so

tired. I was very angry but when I saw my friend’s broad smile greet me in front of the door, I

just could not help laughing.

16. Who did ask the writer to accompany buying a new shirt?

a The writer’s friend

b The writer’s family

c Herself

d Her mother

17. The first paragraph is called?

a Complication


b Orientation

c Event

d Re-orientation

18. The writer couldn’t contact her friend because ?

a Her cell phone was broken

b She went home alone

c Her friend was still choosing a shirt

d She was in the parking area

19. The text above is about ?

a Shopping with mother

b Shopping with mother

c The writer and her friend

d An embarrassing day

20. What is the purpose of the text above?

a To give information about something

b To persuade people to do something

c To tell about the writer’s experience

d To describe about shopping

Text for no. 21-25

Nadya went to a cooking festival in the morning to join the cooking competition. She

wanted to cook fried rice. She arrived at seven o’clock and directly prepared for the

competition. At first, she thought she had brought everything, but suddenly, she realised that

she had left the rice in the kitchen at her house. She couldn't cook fried rice and lost the

competition. She felt very disappointed.

21. What was the first thing Nadya did when she arrived at the cooking festival?

a Losing the competition

b Preparing for the competition

c Leaving the rice

d Starting the competition

22. Why did Nadya go to the cooking festival?

a To join a cooking competition


b To eat fried rice

c To check the rice

d To watch her friend competing

23. What is the purpose of the writer in writing the text?

a To describe the cooking festival

b To inform the readers about Nadya’s hobby

c To describe past events that happened to Nadya

d To persuade the readers to go to cooking festival

24. Why did Nadya lose the competition?

a She left the rice

b She was disappointed

c She left the festival

d She cooked fried rice

25. How did Nadya feel?

a Cheerful

b Upset

c Happy

d Excited

Text for no. 26-30

Yesterday, I and my Mother went to a store. We went there to buy some candies. In the

store, the candies looked so good. I would have bought a lot of them but my mom said I could

only have three. I gave the money to the trader for the candies. As we left the store, I ate one

of the candies. It was yummy. I hope we come back soon.

26. Why did they want to go to the store?

a The writer wanted some candies

b They knew the owner well

c The writer liked the candies

d The candies looked good

27. Who went to the store?

a The writer and her mom

b The writer and her dad

c I and my sister


d The writer and her sister

28. ‘Last week, I and my mom went to a store’.

The sentence is the …. of the text.

a Identification

b Description

c Orientation

d Event

29. What did the writer feel about the candies? The candies were

a Best candy

b Delicious

c Good

d Bad

30. What kind of text is the text above?

a Descriptive

b Recount

c Report

d Narrative


Appendix 7 a

Students’ Score in Pre-Test, Post-Test 1, and Post-Test 2

Name Pre-test Score Post-test Score 1 Post-test Score 2

Student 1 70 *75 *80

Student 2 *73 *80 *85

Student 3 63 71 *75

Student 4 63 *74 *78

Student 5 70 *73 *78

Student 6 63 *73 *77

Students 7 *74 *80 *84

Student 8 50 62 *73

Student 9 63 *73 *77

Student 10 45 52 65

Student 11 69 *75 *80

Student 12 50 55 65

Student 13 63 72 *75

Student 14 58 *73 *78

Student 15 57 68 *75

Student 16 45 55 62

Student 17 63 *73 *76

Student 18 68 *73 *75

Student 19 75 *80 *90

Student 20 69 *77 *85

Student 21 50 65 *75

Student 22 52 63 70

Student 23 60 63 *75


Student 24 65 70 *80

Student 25 68 *79 *85

Student 26 62 *75 *82

Student 27 45 52 65

*The student pas KKM 72


Appendix 7 b

Blue Print Test of Pre-Test, Post-Test 1, and Post-Test 2

Student 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Total


1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 23

Student 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3


3 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 20

Student 4 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 19


5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 30

Student 6 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 10


7 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 18

Student 8 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 16


9 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 27

Student 10 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 15


11 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 20

Student 12 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 18


13 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 28

Student 14 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 18


15 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 24


16 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 15


17 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 19


18 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 9


19 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 24


20 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 15



21 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3


22 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 25


23 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 23


24 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 10

Student 25 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 9


26 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 24

Student 27 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 19


28 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 28

Student 29 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 10


30 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 30

rHitung 0,51 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,45 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,6 0,5 0,4 0,38 0,42 0,6 0,6 0,6 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,7 0,5 0,5 0,37 0,5 0,5 0,45 0,6 0,6 0,7 1

rTabel 0,36 0,4 0,4 0,4 0,4 0,36 0,4 0,4 0,4 0,4 0,4 0,36 0,36 0,36 0,36 0,4 0,4 0,4 0,4 0,4 0,4 0,4 0,4 0,36 0,4 0,4 0,36 0,4 0,4 0,4 0,361



Appendix 8 a

Lesson Plan for Cycle 1 (Meeting 1)

Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP)

Nama Satuan Pendidikan : SMPIT Ar-Risalah

Mata Pelajaran : Baha Inggris

Kelas/Semester : VIII/Genap

Materi Pokok : Teks recount

Alokasi Waktu : 1 x pertemuan 2jp @80 menit

Pertemuan : Cycle 1 (Pertemuan 1)

1. Tujuan Pembelajaran

2. Kompetensi Dasar

3. Langkah-langkah Kegiatan Pembelajaran

3.1 Alat dan Bahan

- Alat : Spidol, papan tulis, laptop, proyektor

- Bahan : worksheet, contoh teks

3.2 Metode Pembelajaran

- Model Pembelajaran : Question Answer Relationship (QAR) strategy

- Pendekatan : Scientific Learning Approach

3.3 Siswa berlatih praktik /mengerjakan project berdiskusi, menganalisis,

membuat dan menjawab pertanyaan dari teks recount.

3.4 Menyimpulkan dan Penilaian Pembelajaran

- Kesimpulan Pembelajaran

Siswa dapat menyimpulkan topik pembelajaran mengenai teks recount dan

memastikan bahwa benar-benar paham tentang topik tersebut.

- Penilaian

Rasa Ingin Tahu : Melalui pengamatan pada saat

proses pembelajaran


Tanggung Jawab : Melalui pengamatan pada saat

proses dan hasil pembelajaran

- Pengetahuan dan keterampilan : Melalui diskusi, tanya jawab, dan

tugas yang diberikan oleh guru


Kegiatan Pembelajaran Alokasi Waktu

Kegiatan Pendahuluan



- Melakukan pembukaan dengan memberikan salam,

memperkanalkan diri sendiri (peneliti) dan mengajak peserta

didik untuk berdoa dengan mengaitkan fenomena alam atau

sosial yang sedang terjadi pada saat itu

- Memeriksa kehadiran siswa dan bertegur sapa

- Menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran hari ini

Kegiatan Inti



- Guru menanyakan tentang teks recount kepada siswa

- Guru memberikan teks recount

- Guru menjelaskan pengertian dan tujuan teks recount

- Guru meminta siswa untuk menjawab pertanyaan seputar

teks recount

- Guru memperkenalkan QAR strategy kepada siswa

- Guru menjelaskan 4 tipe QAR Strategy (right there, think

and search, author and me, and on my own)

- Guru memberikan contoh soal (right there, think and search,

author and me, and on my own) dan cara penyelesaiannya

- Guru membagikan teks recount dengan tema “My first




- Guru meminta peserta didik untuk membaca teks recount

yang telah diberikan oleh guru

- Guru meminta siswa untuk menjawab soal dengan

menggunakan QAR strategy


- Guru dan siswa bersama-sama menyimpulkan pembelajaran

yang telah dilaksanakan

Kegiatan Penutup

5’ - Guru meminta peserta didik untuk meng-ekspresikan

perasaan mereka selama pembelajaran melalui emoticon

disebuah kertas kecil

- Guru menutup pembelajaran dengan berdoa bersama peserta


4. Penilaian:

1. Teknik Penilaian:

- Tes Lisan:: Presentasi siswa didepan kelas

- Sikap: Pengamatan guru terhadap peserta didik selama proses

pembelajaran berlangsung

2. Instrumen Penilaian:

1. Rubrik Penilaian Pengetahuan dan Keterampilan








2. Rubrik Penilaian Sikap


No Nama


Aspek Perilaku yang Dinilai Jumlah






• BS : Bekerja Sama

• JJ : Jujur

• TJ : Tanggung Jawab

• DS : Disiplin


Aspek perilaku dinilai dengan kriteria:

• 100 = Sangat Baik

• 75 = Baik

• 50 = Cukup

• 25 = Kurang

Cileungsi, 27 Januari 2021


Guru Bidang Studi Guru Praktik


(Moh Nurafan S.Pd.) (Apriyanti Tsaniatun Nisa)

Appendix 8 b

Lesson Plan for Cycle 1 (Meeting 2)

Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP)

Nama Satuan Pendidikan : SMPIT Ar-Risalah

Mata Pelajaran : Baha Inggris

Kelas/Semester : VIII/Genap

Materi Pokok : Teks recount

Alokasi Waktu : 1 x pertemuan 1jp @40 menit

Pertemuan : Cycle 1 (pertemuan 2)

1. Tujuan Pembelajaran

2. Kompetensi Dasar

3. Langkah-langkah Kegiatan Pembelajaran

3.1 Alat dan Bahan

- Alat : Spidol, papan tulis, laptop, proyektor

- Bahan : worksheet, contoh teks

3.2 Metode Pembelajaran

- Model Pembelajaran : Question Answer Relationship (QAR) strategy

- Pendekatan : Scientific Learning Approach

3.3 Siswa berlatih praktik /mengerjakan project berdiskusi, menganalisis,

membuat dan menjawab pertanyaan dari teks recount.

3.4 Menyimpulkan dan Penilaian Pembelajaran

- Kesimpulan Pembelajaran

Siswa dapat menyimpulkan topik pembelajaran mengenai teks recount

dan memastikan bahwa benar-benar paham tentang topik tersebut.

- Penilaian


Rasa Ingin Tahu : Melalui pengamatan pada saat

proses pembelajaran

Tanggung Jawab : Melalui pengamatan pada saat

proses dan hasil pembelajaran

- Pengetahuan dan keterampilan : Melalui diskusi, tanya jawab, dan

tugas yang Diberikan oleh guru


Kegiatan Pembelajaran Alokasi


Kegiatan Pendahuluan



- Melakukan pembukaan dengan meriview pelajaran

sebelumnya, memberikan salam dan mengajak peserta didik

untuk berdoa dengan mengaitkan fenomena alam atau sosial

yang sedang terjadi pada saat itu

- Memeriksa kehadiran siswa dan bertegur sapa

- Mengingatkan siswa tentang materi sebelumnya

- Menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran hari ini

Kegiatan Inti



- Guru menjelaskan genericstructure dan language future of

recount text

- Guru memberikan contoh teks recount yang berjudul “My


- Guru memberikan contoh generic structure dan language

future yang terdapat didalam teks recount

- Guru mengingatkan kembali siswa tentang penggunaan QAR




- Guru meminta siswa untuk membentuk lima kelompok, dan

setiap kelompok terdiri dari empat siswa

- Guru memberikan handout teks recount yang berjudul “My

vacation in Lembah Hijau”

- Guru meminta siswa untuk mengerjakan tugas yang telah

diberikan dan presentasikan hasilnya didepan kelas


- Guru meminta siswa bertanya tentang apa yang belum

mereka paham dengan penjelasan yang sudah disampaikan

guru sebelumnya

Kegiatan Penutup


- Guru menyimpulkan pembelajaran hari ini

- Guru meminta siswa untuk memberikan point tentang

perasaan nya hari ini ketika belajar dikelas

- Guru menutup pembelajaran dengan membaca alhamdulillah

dan berdoa bersama siswa

4. Penilaian:

1. Teknik Penilaian:

- Tes Lisan:: Presentasi siswa didepan kelas

- Sikap: Pengamatan guru terhadap peserta didik selama proses

pembelajaran berlangsung

2. Instrumen Penilaian:

1. Penilaian Pengetahuan dan Keterampilan









2. Penilaian Sikap

No Nama Siswa Aspek Perilaku yang Dinilai Jumlah






• BS : Bekerja Sama

• JJ : Jujur

• TJ : Tanggung Jawab

• DS : Disiplin


Aspek perilaku dinilai dengan kriteria:

• 100 = Sangat Baik

• 75 = Baik

• 50 = Cukup

• 25 = Kurang

Cileungsi, 28 Januari 2021


Guru Bidang Studi Guru Praktik


(Moh Nurafan S.Pd.) (Apriyanti Tsaniatun Nisa)

Appendix 8 c

Lesson Plan for Cycle 1 (Meeting 3)

Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP)

Nama Satuan Pendidikan : SMPIT Ar-Risalah

Mata Pelajaran : Baha Inggris

Kelas/Semester : VIII/Genap

Materi Pokok : Teks recount

Alokasi Waktu : 1 x pertemuan 2jp @80 menit

Pertemuan : Cycle 1 (pertemuan 3)

1. Tujuan Pembelajaran

2. Kompetensi Dasar

3. Langkah-langkah Kegiatan Pembelajaran

3.1 Alat dan Bahan

- Alat : Spidol, papan tulis, Karton

- Bahan : worksheet, contoh teks

3.2 Metode Pembelajaran

- Model Pembelajaran : Question Answer Relationship (QAR) strategy

- Pendekatan : Scientific Learning Approach

3.3 Siswa berlatih praktik /mengerjakan project berdiskusi, menganalisis,

membuat dan menjawab pertanyaan dari teks recount.

3.4 Menyimpulkan dan Penilaian Pembelajaran

- Kesimpulan Pembelajaran

Siswa dapat menyimpulkan topik pembelajaran mengenai teks recount

dan memastikan bahwa benar-benar paham tentang topik tersebut.

- Penilaian


Rasa Ingin Tahu : Melalui pengamatan pada saat

proses pembelajaran

Tanggung Jawab : Melalui pengamatan pada saat

proses dan hasil pembelajaran

- Pengetahuan dan keterampilan : Melalui diskusi, tanya jawab, dan

tugas yang diberikan oleh guru


Kegiatan Pembelajaran Alokasi


Kegiatan Pendahuluan


- Apersepsi

- Melakukan pembukaan dengan memberikan salam dan

mengajak peserta didik untuk berdoa dengan mengaitkan

fenomena alam atau sosial yang sedang terjadi pada saat itu

- Memberikan ice breaker

- Memeriksa kehadiran siswa dan bertegur sapa

- Menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran hari ini

Kegiatan Inti



- Guru menanyakan kembali tentang materi yang sudah

diajarkan sebelumnya

- Guru memberikan handout teks recount yang berjudul


- Guru meminta siswa untuk membaca dan observasi teks

recount didalam teks yang berjudul “Camping”

- Guru menjelaskan kembali tentang 4 pertanyaan yang

terdapat didalam QAR strategy, seperti; Right There Question,

Think and Search, Author and your Question, and my Own




- Guru meminta siswa untuk mencari Generic structure of

recount text dan tujuan teks recount yang ada didalam teks


- Guru meminta peserta didik untuk menjawab dan

mengklasifikasikan pertanyaan esai dalam teks yang berjudul

“Berkemah” berdasarkan QAR strategy

- Guru meminta beberapa peserta didik untuk menjawab setiap

pertanyaan berdasarkan jenis-jenis pertanyaan yang terdapat

dalam QAR strategy beserta jawabannya


- Guru memberikan jawaban yang benar kepada peserta didik

setelah beberapa siswa dapat menjawab beberapa pertanyaan

- Guru menanggapi pertanyaan dan memberikan penjelasan

apabila masih terdapat misunderstanding

- Guru dan siswa bersama-sama menyimpulkan pembelajaran

yang telah dilaksanakan

Kegiatan Penutup


- Guru membuat kesimpulan dan memberikan umpan balik

terhadap proses pembelajaran

- Guru meminta peserta didik untuk meng-ekspresikan

perasaan mereka selama pembelajaran melalui emoticon

disebuah kertas kecil

- Guru menutup pembelajaran dengan berdoa bersama peserta


4. Penilaian:

1. Teknik Penilaian:

- Tes Lisan:: Presentasi siswa didepan kelas

- Sikap: Pengamatan guru terhadap peserta didik selama proses

pembelajaran berlangsung

2. Instrumen Penilaian:

1. Penilaian Pengetahuan dan Keterampilan









2. Penilaian Sikap

No Nama Siswa Aspek Perilaku yang Dinilai Jumlah






• BS : Bekerja Sama

• JJ : Jujur

• TJ : Tanggung Jawab

• DS : Disiplin


Aspek perilaku dinilai dengan kriteria:

• 100 = Sangat Baik

• 75 = Baik

• 50 = Cukup

• 25 = Kurang

Cileungsi, 2 Febuari 2021


Guru Bidang Studi Guru Praktik


(Moh Nurafan S.Pd.) (Apriyanti Tsaniatun Nisa)

Appendix 9 a

Lesson Plan for Cycle 2 (Meeting 1)

Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP)

Nama Satuan Pendidikan : SMPIT Ar-Risalah

Mata Pelajaran : Baha Inggris

Kelas/Semester : VIII/Genap

Materi Pokok : Teks recount

Alokasi Waktu : 1 x pertemuan 1jp @40 menit

Pertemuan : Cycle 2 (pertemuan 1)

1. Tujuan Pembelajaran

2. Kompetensi Dasar

3. Langkah-langkah Kegiatan Pembelajaran

3.1 Alat dan Bahan

- Alat : Spidol, papan tulis, Karton

- Bahan : worksheet, contoh teks

3.2 Metode Pembelajaran

- Model Pembelajaran : Question Answer Relationship (QAR) strategy

- Pendekatan : Scientific Learning Approach

3.3 Siswa berlatih praktik /mengerjakan project berdiskusi, menganalisis,

membuat dan menjawab pertanyaan dari teks recount.

3.4 Menyimpulkan dan Penilaian Pembelajaran

- Kesimpulan Pembelajaran

Siswa dapat menyimpulkan topik pembelajaran mengenai teks recount dan

memastikan bahwa benar-benar paham tentang topik tersebut.

- Penilaian


Rasa Ingin Tahu : Melalui pengamatan pada saat

proses pembelajaran

Tanggung Jawab : Melalui pengamatan pada saat

proses dan hasil pembelajaran

- Pengetahuan dan keterampilan : Melalui diskusi, tanya jawab, dan

tugas yang diberikan oleh guru


Kegiatan Pembelajaran Alokasi


Kegiatan Pendahuluan

5’ Apersepsi

- Melakukan pembukaan dengan memberikan salam dan

mengajak peserta didik untuk berdoa dengan mengaitkan

fenomena alam atau sosial yang sedang terjadi pada saat itu

- Memeriksa kehadiran siswa dan bertegur sapa

- Guru menunjukkan teks "My First Experience" dan

memberi tahu siswa tentang irregular dan regular verb yang

ada didalam teks tersebut

- Menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran hari ini

Kegiatan Inti



- Guru menunjukkan beberapa contoh regular dan irregular


- Guru menjelaskan tetang regular dan irregular verb

- Guru menjelaskan tentang Characteristic of recount text

- Guru memberikan teks recount yang berjudul “Grandpa’s

Birthday” kepada peserta didik



- Guru meminta siswa untuk menggaris bawahi regular dan

irregular verb yang ada didalam teks yang berjudul “Grandpa’s


- Guru meminta siswa untuk menjawab soal dan memahami teks

“Grandpa’s Birthday” secara kelompok dengan menggunakan

QAR strategy

- Guru meminta siswa untuk mempresentasikan hasil jawaban

mereka menggunakan QAR strategy didepan kelas


- Guru mendiskusikan regular dan irregular verb yang ada

didalam text tersebut

- Guru memberikan jawaban yang benar atas presentasi yang

dilakukan setiap kelompok

- Guru menanyakan kembali pemahaman siswa tentang

penggunaan QAR strategy

Kegiatan Penutup

5’ - Guru menyimpulkan kegiatan hari ini

- Guru menutup pembelajaran dengan berdoa dan membaca

hamdalah bersama siswa

4. Penilaian:

1. Teknik Penilaian:

- Tes Lisan:: Presentasi siswa didepan kelas

- Sikap: Pengamatan guru terhadap peserta didik selama proses

pembelajaran berlangsung

2. Instrumen Penilaian:

1. Penilaian Pengetahuan dan Keterampilan








2. Penilaian Sikap

No Nama


Aspek Perilaku yang Dinilai Jumlah






• BS : Bekerja Sama

• JJ : Jujur

• TJ : Tanggung Jawab

• DS : Disiplin


Aspek perilaku dinilai dengan kriteria:

• 100 = Sangat Baik

• 75 = Baik

• 50 = Cukup

• 25 = Kurang

Cileungsi, 4 Febuari 2021



Guru Bidang Studi Guru Praktik

(Moh Nurafan S.Pd.) (Apriyanti Tsaniatun Nisa)

Appendix 9 b

Lesson Plan for Cycle 2 (Meeting 2)

Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP)

Nama Satuan Pendidikan : SMPIT Ar-Risalah

Mata Pelajaran : Baha Inggris

Kelas/Semester : VIII/Genap

Materi Pokok : Teks recount

Alokasi Waktu : 1 x pertemuan 2jp @80 menit

Pertemuan : Cycle 2 (pertemuan 2)

1. Tujuan Pembelajaran

2. Kompetensi Dasar

3. Langkah-langkah Kegiatan Pembelajaran

3.1 Alat dan Bahan

- Alat : Spidol, papan tulis, Karton

- Bahan : worksheet

3.2 Metode Pembelajaran

- Model Pembelajaran : Question Answer Relationship (QAR) strategy

- Pendekatan : Scientific Learning Approach

3.3 Siswa berlatih praktik /mengerjakan project berdiskusi, menganalisis,

membuat dan menjawab pertanyaan dari teks recount.

3.4 Menyimpulkan dan Penilaian Pembelajaran

- Kesimpulan Pembelajaran


Siswa dapat menyimpulkan topik pembelajaran mengenai teks recount

dan memastikan bahwa benar-benar paham tentang topik tersebut.

- Penilaian

Rasa Ingin Tahu : Melalui pengamatan pada saat

proses pembelajaran

Tanggung Jawab : Melalui pengamatan pada saat

proses dan hasil pembelajaran

- Pengetahuan dan keterampilan : Melalui diskusi, tanya jawab, dan

tugas yang diberikan oleh guru


Kegiatan Pembelajaran Alokasi


Kegiatan Pendahuluan

5’ Apersepsi

- Melakukan pembukaan dengan memberikan salam dan

mengajak peserta didik untuk berdoa dengan mengaitkan

fenomena alam atau sosial yang sedang terjadi pada saat itu

- Memeriksa kehadiran siswa dan bertegur sapa

- Menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran hari ini

Kegiatan Inti



- Guru mengulas kembali materi tentang recount text

- Guru mengulas kembali tentang penggunaan metode QAR


- Guru memberikan teks recount yang berjudul “My Day”

- Guru menjelaskan ciri-ciri teks recount


- Guru meminta siswa untuk berkelompok, dengan setiap

kelompok berjumlah 4 orang peserta didik


- Guru meminta siswa untuk mendiskusikan ciri-ciri teks

recount yang ada didalam teks tersebut dan dan

mengkelompokan jenis pertanyaan yang terdapat dalam teks


- Guru meminta siswa untuk mendiskusikan jawaban

pertantanyaan tersebut setelah mereka dapat meng-kelompokkan

jenis pertanyaan yang ada didalam teks tersebut dengan

beberapa pertanyaan yang terdapat didalam QAR strategy

- Guru meminta salah satu dari setiap kelompok

mempresentasikan tugas mereka


- Guru memberikan feedback jawaban yang benar terhadap

tugas mereka

- Guru memberikan kesempatan kepada peserta didik untuk

bertanya jika mereka mengalami ketidakpahaman terhadap text

dan jawaban mereka

Kegiatan Penutup

5’ - Guru memberikan kesimpulan tentang kegiatan hari ini

- Guru menutup pembelajaran dengan berdoa bersama peserta


4. Penilaian:

1. Teknik Penilaian:

- Tes Lisan:: Presentasi siswa didepan kelas

- Sikap: Pengamatan guru terhadap peserta didik selama proses

pembelajaran berlangsung

2. Instrumen Penilaian:

1. Penilaian Pengetahuan dan Keterampilan








2. Penilaian Sikap

No Nama


Aspek Perilaku yang Dinilai Jumlah






• BS : Bekerja Sama

• JJ : Jujur

• TJ : Tanggung Jawab

• DS : Disiplin


Aspek perilaku dinilai dengan kriteria:

• 100 = Sangat Baik

• 75 = Baik

• 50 = Cukup

• 25 = Kurang

Cileungsi, 9 Febuari 2021



Guru Bidang Studi Guru Praktik

(Moh Nurafan S.Pd.) (Apriyanti Tsaniatun Nisa)

Appendix 9 c

Lesson Plan for Cycle 2 (Meeting 3)

Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP)

Nama Satuan Pendidikan : SMPIT Ar-Risalah

Mata Pelajaran : Baha Inggris

Kelas/Semester : VIII/Genap

Materi Pokok : Teks recount

Alokasi Waktu : 1 x pertemuan 2jp @80 menit

Pertemuan : Cycle 2 (pertemuan 3)

1. Tujuan Pembelajaran

2. Kompetensi Dasar

3. Langkah-langkah Kegiatan Pembelajaran

3.1 Alat dan Bahan

- Alat : Spidol, papan tulis

- Bahan : worksheet

3.2 Metode Pembelajaran

- Model Pembelajaran : Question Answer Relationship (QAR) strategy

- Pendekatan : Scientific Learning Approach

3.3 Siswa berlatih praktik /mengerjakan project berdiskusi, menganalisis,

membuat dan menjawab pertanyaan dari teks recount.

3.4 Menyimpulkan dan Penilaian Pembelajaran


- Kesimpulan Pembelajaran

Siswa dapat menyimpulkan topik pembelajaran mengenai teks recount dan

memastikan bahwa benar-benar paham tentang topik tersebut.

- Penilaian

Rasa Ingin Tahu : Melalui pengamatan pada saat

proses pembelajaran

Tanggung Jawab : Melalui pengamatan pada saat

proses dan hasil pembelajaran

- Pengetahuan dan keterampilan : Melalui diskusi, tanya jawab, dan

tugas yang diberikan oleh guru


Kegiatan Pembelajaran Alokasi


Kegiatan Pendahuluan

5’ Apersepsi

- Melakukan pembukaan dengan memberikan salam dan

mengajak peserta didik untuk berdoa dengan mengaitkan

fenomena alam atau sosial yang sedang terjadi pada saat itu

- Memeriksa kehadiran siswa dan bertegur sapa

- Menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran hari ini

Kegiatan Inti



- Guru menjelaskan kembali materi recount teks yang sudah

diajarkan seperti pengertian teks recount, ciri-ciri teks recount,

tujuan teks recount, dan Generic structure of recount text

- Guru menjelaskan kembali cara penggunaan metode QAR



- Guru memberikan teks recount yang berjudul “Unforgettable

Moment” kepada peserta didik


- Guru meminta peserta didik untuk menjawab soal yang

terdapat didalam teks tersebut secara individu dengan

menggunakan QAR strategy


- Guru menjelaskan isi teks tersebut secara umum

- Guru memberikan tanya jawab kepada siswa terkait jenis

pertanyaan sesuai dengan metode QAR strategy

- Guru memberikan jawaban yang benar terhadap jawaban

peserta didik

Kegiatan Penutup

5’ - Guru memberikan kesimpulan tentang kegiatan hari ini

- Guru meminta peserta didik untuk meng-ekspresikan perasaan

mereka kedalam kertas yang sudah diberikan guru tentang

kegiatan hari ini

- Guru menutup pembelajaran dengan berdoa bersama peserta


4. Penilaian:

1. Teknik Penilaian:

- Tes Lisan: Presentasi siswa didepan kelas

- Sikap: Pengamatan guru terhadap peserta didik selama proses

pembelajaran berlangsung

2. Instrumen Penilaian:

1. Penilaian Pengetahuan dan Keterampilan








2. Penilaian Sikap

No Nama


Aspek Perilaku yang Dinilai Jumlah






• BS : Bekerja Sama

• JJ : Jujur

• TJ : Tanggung Jawab

• DS : Disiplin


Aspek perilaku dinilai dengan kriteria:

• 100 = Sangat Baik

• 75 = Baik

• 50 = Cukup

• 25 = Kurang

Cileungsi, 10 Febuari 2021



Guru Bidang Studi Guru Praktik

(Moh Nurafan S.Pd.) (Apriyanti Tsaniatun Nisa)

Appendix 10 a

The recount text exercise cycle 1 (Meeting 1)

last week i went to my bestfriend birhtday party, i went there with my baby

pink dress and wearing a flat baby pink shoes too. my mom drove me to get to her

house. I was the first person came there, she seems really happy when she saw me.

she hugged me and then took me to the birhtday room. not for a while our other

friends came too. after the party ends, i called my mom to pick me up but she had

to go to out of town for business, and my mom won't let me alone at home, so I

decided to sleepover at my bestfriend's house. before we go to bed we opened the

presents. after that we went too sleep because its almost midnight.

1. what does the writer wearing to the party ? (Right there)

(baby pink shoes and dress)

2. when was the party ? (Right there)

(last week)

3. What does the text talk about? (Think and search)

(My bestfriend birthday party)

4. Why do you think the author's mother had to go out of town? (Author and


(Ibu penulis harus pergi ke luar kota karena untuk urusan bisnisnya)

5. How would you feel if your mother didn't pick you up in your friend

birthday party's? (On my own)


Appendix 10 b

The student result of recount text exercise cycle 1 (Meeting 1)


Appendix 11 a

The recount text exercise cycle 1 (Meeting 2)


My vacation in Lembah Hijau

Last Sunday, my family and I went to Lembah Hijau. We went there by my

uncle’s car. We left home at 08.00 am.

We arrived there at 10.00 am. I saw many people. My family and I walked

to see the animals. We saw some camels, birds, and horse. We also looked many

others animals like monkeys, rabbits, gibbon and so on. I went to the swimming

pool. I saw many people swam. Most of them are children and teenagers. They were

so happy. I joined with them. My family sat beside the swimming pool. They said

“Hanif, have nice swimming with your new friends!”

At 04.00 pm we went home. We were very excited.

1. When did the writer and his family went to Lembah Hijau? (Right There


2. What is the main idea of the text? (Author and You Question)

3. Based on the text, what conclusion can you draw about? (Think and Search


4. Have you ever been to Lembah Hijau? What did you see in there? (On my

Own Question)

Appendix 11 b


The student result of recount text exercise cycle 1 (Meeting 2)

Appendix 12 a

The recount text exercise cycle 1 (Meeting 3)



Camping The weather was clear. My family decided to go camping last

holiday. Before we went there, my father prepared the tent and my mother prepared

the other equipment. When everything was ready, then we left home and went to

the camp site.

There were many campers when we arrived at the camp site. Unfortunately,

the best spot near the river had been occupied by the other campers so we had to

look for another place. Finally, we found a good place a little further from the river.

It was near a big tree. After setting up the tent, I and my father went fishing.

In the evening, my father set a fire and my mother cooked the fish we

caught. I could say that it was the best fish I had ever tasted. Sleeping in the tent

was a wonderful experience. When I woke up in the morning, I felt so fresh. In the

afternoon, we went home.

1. Where did the writer and his family set up the tent? (Right There)

2. What did the writer do after he setup the tent? (Right There)

3. 3. “…In the evening, my father set a fire and my mother cooked the fish we

caught.” (paragraph 3 line 1). The bold word refers to? (Think and Search)

4. 4. What will you do while camping based on your opinion? (Author and


5. 5. Have you ever gone to camping? How is your experience? (On My Own)

Appendix 12 b

The student result of recount text exercise cycle 1 (Meeting 3)


Appendix 13 a

The recount text exercise cycle 2 (Meeting 1)


Grandpa’s Birthday

It was my grandpa’s birthday last Saturday. On Thursday, my little sister

and I went shopping. We bought a nice Batik shirt and wrapped it in blue paper.

Blue was my grandpa’s favorite colour.

On Friday night, my mother and I made a birthday cake in the kitchen. It

was big and beautiful. I wrote a ‘Happy Birthday’ on top of it. I also added some

chocolate and put a big candle on it.

On Saturday morning, we had the party. My uncle and aunt came to my

house. They brought some cakes and flowers for my grandpa. We sat together in

the living room. Then, we sang “Happy Birthday” and my Grandpa blew out the

candle after he made a wish. Then, he cut the cake and gave it to everyone. He

opened his present and took out the Batik shirt. He was very happy with it.

1. What was the present for grandpa? (Right There Question)

Answer: Batik shirt

2. “…It was big and beautiful.” (paragraph 2 line 2) (Think and Search


The underlined word refers to…

Answer: A cake

3. What did the writer’s do in the kitchen? (Right There Question)

Answer: Made a birthday cake

4. What happened in the text based on your opinion? (Author and you


Answer: Celebrated Grandpa’s Birthday

Appendix 13 b

The student result of recount text exercise cycle 2 (Meeting 1)


Appendix 14 a

The recount text exercise cycle 2 (Meeting 2)


My Day

I had a terrible day yesterday. First, I woke up an hour late because my alarm

clock didn't go off. Then, I was in such a hurry that I burned my hand when I was

making breakfast. After breakfast, I got dressed so quickly that I forgot to wear


Next, I ran out of the house trying to get the 9:30 bus, but of course I missed

it. I wanted to take a taxi, but I didn't have enough money.

Finally, I walked the three miles to my school only to discover that it was

Sunday! I hope I never have a day as the one I had yesterday.


1. Why did he wake up an hour late? (Right there question)

The answer: his woke up an hour late because my alarm clock didn't

go off.

2. What did he do after having breakfast? (Right there question)

The answer: After breakfast, he got dressed so quickly that he forgot to

wear socks.

3. What happened to the writer yesterday? (Think and search question)

The answer: The writer had a terrible day yesterday, because his alrm

clock didn’t go of and made the writer missed the bus

4. What does the writer hope? (Author and You Question)

The answer: His hoped he never have a day as the one his had


5. Have you ever felt like the story above? (On My Own Question)

The answer: Yes, and it was a really annoying day for me

Appendix 14 b

The student result of recount text exercise cycle 2 (Meeting 2)


Appendix 15 a


The recount text exercise cycle 2 (Meeting 3)

Unforgettable Moment

Two days ago, Jenny and Eric had dinner at an Italian restaurant. Both of

them ordered one medium pizza. Jenny had a bowl of soup as the appetizer and Eric

had a bowl of fruit salad. They ordered soft drink for Eric and orange for Jenny.

They enjoyed their meal until Jenny found a piece of button in her soup.

They made a complaint to the restaurant manager. They asked for a replacement.

The manager was very sorry about it and gave them the replacement of the soup.

1. Where did Jenny and Eric had dinner? (Right there question)

The answer: Jenny and Eric had dinner at an Italian restaurant

2. Why did Jenny make a complaint? (Think and search)

The answer: She found a piece of button in her soup

3. What is the main idea of the second paragraph? (Author and You Question)

The answer: Jenny and Eric complained about the soup

4. Have you ever met the problem as above? Do you give solution? (On my

own Question)

The answer: yes, but I didn’t complaint anything to the restaurant


Appendix 15 b

The student result of recount text exercise cycle 2 (Meeting 3)


Appendix 16 a


Observation Sheet of Teacher’s Activity in Cycle 1

Observation Sheet

Teacher’s Activity in teaching learning process

Nama Sekolah : SMPIT Ar-Risalah

Tahun Pelajaran : 2020/2021

Kelas : VIII C

Cycle / Pertemuan : 1/1

Tanggal : 27 Januari 2021

Berilah tanda cheklist pada nilai sesuai dengan pengamatan anda

SB: Sangat Baik, B: Baik, C: Cukup, K: Kurang, SK: Sangat Kurang


Aspek yang diamati



1 Mengkondisikan situasi pembelajaran dan kesiapan

siswa untuk mengikuti proses pembelajaran

2 Menyampaikan tujuan/indikator yang ingin dicapai

saat pembelajaran

3 Penggunaan media/alat pembelajaran yang sesuai

dengan indikator bahan ajar

4 Teknik menjelaskan / menyampaikan materi Recount


5 Guru menjelaskan / menyampaikan penggunaan

metode QAR strategy terhadap teks recount

Right There Question

Think and Search Question

Author and You Question

On my Own Question


6 Membimbing siswa untuk mengklasifikasikan jawaban

yang sesuai dengan QAR strategy

Right There Question

Think and Search Question

Author and You Question

On my Own Question

7 Pemberian waktu kepada siswa untuk bertanya dan

mengungkapkan pendapat

8 Tanggapan guru terhadap jawaban atau pendapat siswa √

9 Mengamati kesulitan/kemajuan belajar siswa √

10 Keterampilan menerangkan kembali/menyimpulkan

materi yang disampaikan


SB = (Sangat Baik/Very Good); B = (Baik/Good); C = (Cukup/Adequate); K =



Moh Nurafan S.Pd


Observation Sheet

Teacher’s Activity in teaching learning process

Nama Sekolah : SMPIT Ar-Risalah

Tahun Pelajaran : 2020/2021

Kelas : VIII C

Cycle / Pertemuan : 1/2

Tanggal : 28 Januari 2021

Berilah tanda cheklist pada nilai sesuai dengan pengamatan anda

SB: Sangat Baik, B: Baik, C: Cukup, K: Kurang, SK: Sangat Kurang


Aspek yang diamati



1 Mengkondisikan situasi pembelajaran dan kesiapan

siswa untuk mengikuti proses pembelajaran -

2 Menyampaikan tujuan/indikator yang ingin dicapai saat

pembelajaran -

3 Penggunaan media/alat pembelajaran yang sesuai

dengan indikator bahan ajar

4 Teknik menjelaskan / menyampaikan materi Recount

Text -

5 Guru menjelaskan / menyampaikan penggunaan metode

QAR strategy terhadap teks recount -

Right There Question

Think and Search Question

Author and You Question

On my Own Question

6 Membimbing siswa untuk mengklasifikasikan jawaban

yang sesuai dengan QAR strategy -


Right There Question

Think and Search Question

Author and You Question

On my Own Question

7 Pemberian waktu kepada siswa untuk bertanya dan

mengungkapkan pendapat -

8 Tanggapan guru terhadap jawaban atau pendapat siswa - √

9 Mengamati kesulitan/kemajuan belajar siswa √

10 Keterampilan menerangkan kembali/menyimpulkan

materi yang disampaikan


SB = (Sangat Baik/Very Good); B = (Baik/Good); C = (Cukup/Adequate); K =



Moh Nurafan S.Pd


Observation Sheet

Teacher’s Activity in teaching learning process

Nama Sekolah: SMPIT Ar-Risalah

Tahun Pelajaran : 2020/2021

Kelas : VIII C

Cycle / Pertemuan : 1/3

Tanggal : 2 Febuari 2021

Berilah tanda cheklist pada nilai sesuai dengan pengamatan anda

SB: Sangat Baik, B: Baik, C: Cukup, K: Kurang, SK: Sangat Kurang


Aspek yang diamati



1 Mengkondisikan situasi pembelajaran dan

kesiapan siswa untuk mengikuti proses


2 Menyampaikan tujuan/indikator yang ingin

dicapai saat pembelajaran

3 Penggunaan media/alat pembelajaran yang

sesuai dengan indikator bahan ajar

4 Teknik menjelaskan / menyampaikan materi

Recount Text

5 Guru menjelaskan / menyampaikan penggunaan

metode QAR strategy terhadap teks recount

Right There Question

Think and Search Question

Author and You Question

On my Own Question

6 Membimbing siswa untuk mengklasifikasikan

jawaban yang sesuai dengan QAR strategy


Right There Question

Think and Search Question

Author and You Question

On my Own Question

7 Pemberian waktu kepada siswa untuk bertanya

dan mengungkapkan pendapat

8 Tanggapan guru terhadap jawaban atau pendapat


9 Mengamati kesulitan/kemajuan belajar siswa √

10 Keterampilan menerangkan

kembali/menyimpulkan materi yang



SB = (Sangat Baik/Very Good); B = (Baik/Good); C = (Cukup/Adequate); K =



Moh Nurafan S.Pd


Appendix 16 b

Observation Sheet of Teacher’s Activity in Cycle 2

Observation Sheet

Teacher’s Activity in teaching learning process

Nama Sekolah : SMPIT Ar-Risalah

Tahun Pelajaran : 2020/2021

Kelas : VIII C

Cycle / Pertemuan : 2/1

Tanggal : 4 Febuari 2021

Berilah tanda cheklist pada nilai sesuai dengan pengamatan anda

SB: Sangat Baik, B: Baik, C: Cukup, K: Kurang, SK: Sangat Kurang


Aspek yang diamati



1 Mengkondisikan situasi pembelajaran dan kesiapan

siswa untuk mengikuti proses pembelajaran

2 Menyampaikan tujuan/indikator yang ingin dicapai

saat pembelajaran

3 Penggunaan media/alat pembelajaran yang sesuai

dengan indikator bahan ajar

4 Teknik menjelaskan / menyampaikan materi Recount


5 Guru menjelaskan / menyampaikan penggunaan

metode QAR strategy terhadap teks recount

Right There Question

Think and Search Question

Author and You Question

On my Own Question


6 Membimbing siswa untuk mengklasifikasikan

jawaban yang sesuai dengan QAR strategy

Right There Question

Think and Search Question

Author and You Question

On my Own Question

7 Pemberian waktu kepada siswa untuk bertanya dan

mengungkapkan pendapat

8 Tanggapan guru terhadap jawaban atau pendapat


9 Mengamati kesulitan/kemajuan belajar siswa √

10 Keterampilan menerangkan kembali/menyimpulkan

materi yang disampaikan


SB = (Sangat Baik/Very Good); B = (Baik/Good); C = (Cukup/Adequate); K =



Moh Nurafan S.Pd


Observation Sheet

Teacher’s Activity in teaching learning process

Nama Sekolah : SMPIT Ar-Risalah

Tahun Pelajaran : 2020/2021

Kelas : VIII C

Cycle / Pertemuan : 2/2

Tanggal : 9 Febuari 2021

Berilah tanda cheklist pada nilai sesuai dengan pengamatan anda

SB: Sangat Baik, B: Baik, C: Cukup, K: Kurang, SK: Sangat Kurang


Aspek yang diamati



1 Mengkondisikan situasi pembelajaran dan

kesiapan siswa untuk mengikuti proses


2 Menyampaikan tujuan/indikator yang ingin

dicapai saat pembelajaran

3 Penggunaan media/alat pembelajaran yang

sesuai dengan indikator bahan ajar

4 Teknik menjelaskan / menyampaikan materi

Recount Text

5 Guru menjelaskan / menyampaikan

penggunaan metode QAR strategy terhadap

teks recount

Right There Question

Think and Search Question

Author and You Question


On my Own Question

6 Membimbing siswa untuk mengklasifikasikan

jawaban yang sesuai dengan QAR strategy -

Right There Question

Think and Search Question

Author and You Question

On my Own Question

7 Pemberian waktu kepada siswa untuk bertanya

dan mengungkapkan pendapat

8 Tanggapan guru terhadap jawaban atau

pendapat siswa

9 Mengamati kesulitan/kemajuan belajar siswa √

10 Keterampilan menerangkan

kembali/menyimpulkan materi yang



SB = (Sangat Baik/Very Good); B = (Baik/Good); C = (Cukup/Adequate); K =




Moh Nurafan S.Pd

Observation Sheet

Teacher’s Activity in teaching learning process

Nama Sekolah : SMPIT Ar-Risalah

Tahun Pelajaran : 2020/2021

Kelas : VIII C

Cycle / Pertemuan : 2/3

Tanggal : 10 Febuari 2021

Berilah tanda cheklist pada nilai sesuai dengan pengamatan anda

SB: Sangat Baik, B: Baik, C: Cukup, K: Kurang, SK: Sangat Kurang


Aspek yang diamati



1 Mengkondisikan situasi pembelajaran dan

kesiapan siswa untuk mengikuti proses


2 Menyampaikan tujuan/indikator yang ingin

dicapai saat pembelajaran

3 Penggunaan media/alat pembelajaran yang

sesuai dengan indikator bahan ajar

4 Teknik menjelaskan / menyampaikan materi

Recount Text

5 Guru menjelaskan / menyampaikan

penggunaan metode QAR strategy terhadap

teks recount

Right There Question

Think and Search Question


Author and You Question

On my Own Question

6 Membimbing siswa untuk

mengklasifikasikan jawaban yang sesuai

dengan QAR strategy

Right There Question

Think and Search Question

Author and You Question

On my Own Question

7 Pemberian waktu kepada siswa untuk

bertanya dan mengungkapkan pendapat

8 Tanggapan guru terhadap jawaban atau

pendapat siswa

9 Mengamati kesulitan/kemajuan belajar


10 Keterampilan menerangkan

kembali/menyimpulkan materi yang



SB = (Sangat Baik/Very Good); B = (Baik/Good); C = (Cukup/Adequate); K =




Moh Nurafan S.Pd

Appendix 17 a

Observation Sheet of Students’ Activity in Cycle 1

Observation sheet

Students’ activity in teaching learning proses

Nama Sekolah : SMPIT Ar-Risalah

Tahun Pelajaran : 2020/2021

Kelas : VIII C

Cycle / Pertemuan : 1/1

Tanggal : 27 Januari 2021

Berilah tanda cheklist pada nilai sesuai dengan pengamatan anda

SB: Sangat Baik, B: Baik, C: Cukup, K: Kurang, SK: Sangat Kurang


Aspek yang diamati Penilaian





1 Antusias siswa dalam proses pembelajaran √

2 Siswa memperhatikan dan mendengarkan

materi yang sedang di jelaskan oleh guru

3 Respond siswa ketika guru menjelaskan Right

There Question, Think and Search Question,

Author and You Question, and My own


4 Siswa mendiskusikan jawaban dari text

menggunakan QAR strategy

5 Keterlibatan siswa dalam mengikuti proses

kegiatan pembelajaran


6 Memberikan pertanyaan atau komentar

terhadap penjelasan yang diberikan guru

7 Siswa mempresentasikan tugas mereka √

Menjelaskan dan menjawab pertanyaan

tentang Right There Question

Menjelaskan dan menjawab pertanyaan

tentang Think and search Question

Menjelaskan dan menjawab pertanyaan

tentang Author and You Question

Menjelaskan dan menjawab pertanyaan

tentang On my Own Question

8 Siswa terlibat aktif dalam diskusi kelompok - √

9 Siswa dapat menjelaskan urutan peristiwa

yang terdapat didalam teks recount -

10 Siswa berinisiatif untuk mengajukan

pertanyaan -

11 Siswa dapat memberikan kesimpulan



SB = (Sangat Baik/Very Good); B = (Baik/Good); C = (Cukup/Adequate); K =




Moh Nurafan S.Pd

Observation sheet

Students’ activity in teaching learning proses

Nama Sekolah : SMPIT Ar-Risalah

Tahun Pelajaran : 2020/2021

Kelas : VIII C

Cycle / Pertemuan : 1/2

Tanggal : 28 Januari 2021

Berilah tanda cheklist pada nilai sesuai dengan pengamatan anda

SB: Sangat Baik, B: Baik, C: Cukup, K: Kurang, SK: Sangat Kurang


Aspek yang diamati






1 Antusias siswa dalam proses pembelajaran √

2 Siswa memperhatikan dan mendengarkan

materi yang sedang di jelaskan oleh guru

3 Respond siswa ketika guru menjelaskan

Right There Question, Think and Search

Question, Author and You Question, and

My own Question

4 Siswa mendiskusikan jawaban dari text

menggunakan QAR strategy

5 Keterlibatan siswa dalam mengikuti proses

kegiatan pembelajaran

6 Memberikan pertanyaan atau komentar

terhadap penjelasan yang diberikan guru

7 Siswa mempresentasikan tugas mereka √


Menjelaskan dan menjawab pertanyaan


Right There Question

Menjelaskan dan menjawab pertanyaan

tentang Think and search Question

Menjelaskan dan menjawab pertanyaan

tentang Author and You Question

Menjelaskan dan menjawab pertanyaan

tentang On my Own Question

8 Siswa terlibat aktif dalam diskusi kelompok


9 Siswa dapat menjelaskan urutan peristiwa

yang terdapat didalam teks recount -

10 Siswa berinisiatif untuk mengajukan

pertanyaan -

11 Siswa dapat memberikan kesimpulan



SB = (Sangat Baik/Very Good); B = (Baik/Good); C = (Cukup/Adequate); K =



Moh Nurafan S.Pd


Observation sheet

Students’ activity in teaching learning proses

Nama Sekolah : SMPIT Ar-Risalah

Tahun Pelajaran : 2020/2021

Kelas : VIII C

Cycle / Pertemuan : 1/3

Tanggal : 2 Febuari 2021

Berilah tanda cheklist pada nilai sesuai dengan pengamatan anda

SB: Sangat Baik, B: Baik, C: Cukup, K: Kurang, SK: Sangat Kurang


Aspek yang diamati






1 Antusias siswa dalam proses pembelajaran √

2 Siswa memperhatikan dan mendengarkan

materi yang sedang di jelaskan oleh guru

3 Respond siswa ketika guru menjelaskan

Right There Question, Think and Search

Question, Author and You Question, and

My own Question

4 Siswa mendiskusikan jawaban dari text

menggunakan QAR strategy

5 Keterlibatan siswa dalam mengikuti proses

kegiatan pembelajaran

6 Memberikan pertanyaan atau komentar

terhadap penjelasan yang diberikan guru

7 Siswa mempresentasikan tugas mereka √


Menjelaskan dan menjawab pertanyaan


Right There Question

Menjelaskan dan menjawab pertanyaan

tentang Think and search Question

Menjelaskan dan menjawab pertanyaan

tentang Author and You Question

Menjelaskan dan menjawab pertanyaan

tentang On my Own Question

8 Siswa terlibat aktif dalam diskusi kelompok


9 Siswa dapat menjelaskan urutan peristiwa

yang terdapat didalam teks recount -

10 Siswa berinisiatif untuk mengajukan

pertanyaan -

11 Siswa dapat memberikan kesimpulan



SB = (Sangat Baik/Very Good); B = (Baik/Good); C = (Cukup/Adequate); K =




Moh Nurafan S.Pd

Appendix 17 b

Observation Sheet of Students’ Activity in Cycle 2

Observation sheet

Students’ activity in teaching learning proses

Nama Sekolah : SMPIT Ar-Risalah

Tahun Pelajaran : 2020/2021

Kelas : VIII C

Cycle / Pertemuan : 2/1

Tanggal : 4 Febuari 2021

Berilah tanda cheklist pada nilai sesuai dengan pengamatan anda

SB: Sangat Baik, B: Baik, C: Cukup, K: Kurang, SK: Sangat Kurang


Aspek yang diamati






1 Antusias siswa dalam proses pembelajaran √

2 Siswa memperhatikan dan mendengarkan

materi yang sedang di jelaskan oleh guru

3 Respond siswa ketika guru menjelaskan

Right There Question, Think and Search

Question, Author and You Question, and

My own Question

4 Siswa mendiskusikan jawaban dari text

menggunakan QAR strategy


5 Keterlibatan siswa dalam mengikuti proses

kegiatan pembelajaran

6 Memberikan pertanyaan atau komentar

terhadap penjelasan yang diberikan guru

7 Siswa mempresentasikan tugas mereka √

Menjelaskan dan menjawab pertanyaan


Right There Question

Menjelaskan dan menjawab pertanyaan

tentang Think and search Question

Menjelaskan dan menjawab pertanyaan

tentang Author and You Question

Menjelaskan dan menjawab pertanyaan

tentang On my Own Question

8 Siswa terlibat aktif dalam diskusi kelompok


9 Siswa dapat menjelaskan urutan peristiwa

yang terdapat didalam teks recount -

10 Siswa berinisiatif untuk mengajukan

pertanyaan -

11 Siswa dapat memberikan kesimpulan



SB = (Sangat Baik/Very Good); B = (Baik/Good); C = (Cukup/Adequate); K =




Moh Nurafan S.Pd

Observation sheet

Students’ activity in teaching learning proses

Nama Sekolah : SMPIT Ar-Risalah

Tahun Pelajaran : 2020/2021

Kelas : VIII C

Cycle / Pertemuan : 2/2

Tanggal : 9 Febuari 2021

Berilah tanda cheklist pada nilai sesuai dengan pengamatan anda

SB: Sangat Baik, B: Baik, C: Cukup, K: Kurang, SK: Sangat Kurang


Aspek yang diamati






1 Antusias siswa dalam proses pembelajaran √

2 Siswa memperhatikan dan mendengarkan

materi yang sedang di jelaskan oleh guru

3 Respond siswa ketika guru menjelaskan

Right There Question, Think and Search

Question, Author and You Question, and

My own Question

4 Siswa mendiskusikan jawaban dari text

menggunakan QAR strategy

5 Keterlibatan siswa dalam mengikuti proses

kegiatan pembelajaran


6 Memberikan pertanyaan atau komentar

terhadap penjelasan yang diberikan guru

7 Siswa mempresentasikan tugas mereka √

Menjelaskan dan menjawab pertanyaan


Right There Question

Menjelaskan dan menjawab pertanyaan

tentang Think and search Question

Menjelaskan dan menjawab pertanyaan

tentang Author and You Question

Menjelaskan dan menjawab pertanyaan

tentang On my Own Question

8 Siswa terlibat aktif dalam diskusi kelompok


9 Siswa dapat menjelaskan urutan peristiwa

yang terdapat didalam teks recount -

10 Siswa berinisiatif untuk mengajukan

pertanyaan -

11 Siswa dapat memberikan kesimpulan



SB = (Sangat Baik/Very Good); B = (Baik/Good); C = (Cukup/Adequate); K =




Moh Nurafan S.Pd

Observation sheet

Students’ activity in teaching learning proses

Nama Sekolah : SMPIT Ar-Risalah

Tahun Pelajaran : 2020/2021

Kelas : VIII C

Cycle / Pertemuan : 2/3

Tanggal : 10 Febuari 2021

Berilah tanda cheklist pada nilai sesuai dengan pengamatan anda

SB: Sangat Baik, B: Baik, C: Cukup, K: Kurang, SK: Sangat Kurang


Aspek yang diamati






1 Antusias siswa dalam proses pembelajaran √

2 Siswa memperhatikan dan mendengarkan

materi yang sedang di jelaskan oleh guru

3 Respond siswa ketika guru menjelaskan

Right There Question, Think and Search

Question, Author and You Question, and

My own Question

4 Siswa mendiskusikan jawaban dari text

menggunakan QAR strategy


5 Keterlibatan siswa dalam mengikuti proses

kegiatan pembelajaran

6 Memberikan pertanyaan atau komentar

terhadap penjelasan yang diberikan guru

7 Siswa mempresentasikan tugas mereka √

Menjelaskan dan menjawab pertanyaan


Right There Question

Menjelaskan dan menjawab pertanyaan

tentang Think and search Question

Menjelaskan dan menjawab pertanyaan

tentang Author and You Question

Menjelaskan dan menjawab pertanyaan

tentang On my Own Question

8 Siswa terlibat aktif dalam diskusi kelompok


9 Siswa dapat menjelaskan urutan peristiwa

yang terdapat didalam teks recount -

10 Siswa berinisiatif untuk mengajukan

pertanyaan -

11 Siswa dapat memberikan kesimpulan



SB = (Sangat Baik/Very Good); B = (Baik/Good); C = (Cukup/Adequate); K =




Moh Nurafan S.Pd

Appendix 18 a

Documentation (Photos)