ielts sample cue cards with suitable vocabulary- speaking part 2


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Sample Cue Cards

With suitable Vocabulary

IELTS Speaking Part 2






IELTS Coach: AR. Razavi


[email protected]


Topic card 1- Advertisement

Describe an Advertisement which has influenced you

You should say :

What it was advertised?

What it was like

What the effect of advertisements was on you

…and explain if you think it was an effective advertisement or not, and why?


Various categories or types of advertising

Print Advertising – Newspapers, Magazines, Brochures, Fliers / Outdoor Advertising – Billboards

(really terse and catchy in order to grab the attention of the passers by), Kiosks, Tradeshows and Events /

Broadcast advertising – Television(TV commercials), Radio and the Internet / Public Service

Advertising – Advertising for Social Causes(convey socially relevant messages about important matters

and social welfare causes like AIDS, energy conservation, political integrity, deforestation, illiteracy,

poverty and so on) / Celebrity Advertising(including, television ads or even print advertisements.)

Your own vision at that particular moment

Means of communicating information about products and services / Persuade people that one product will

be better than another in improving their lives or delivering benefits they seek / plays a role by reminding a

consumer why she spent her money and reassuring her that she made the right choice / makes shopping

simpler and more time-efficient

On the flip side, cause bad impression by false claims / Encourage a competition of false value or

counterfeited products.


Topic card 2- Household chore

Talk about household chore you do in your house .

You should say :

What the chore is

Why it needs to be done

How often you do it

…and say if you get a feeling of satisfaction from doing this chore or not, why?


dust the furniture / clean off the table using disposable cleaning rag / clean up the room / mop the floor /do

Laundry (pick up the clothes or hang up the suit) / sweep up the mess / take out the trash or throw out the

garbage / tidy up the closet / Scrubbing the Toilet (wipe down the outside. The inside dirt and stains will be

loosened) / Filing

Paperwork / Organize bookshelves/ Weed or Plant Garden/ Mow Lawn/ Washing Dishes

Twice a week / regularly/ frequently/ rarely/ always

Give me an amazing sense of satisfaction / I feel relaxed or comfortable ‘coz it reenergize me / unappealing

form of doing exercise ’coz it’s irritable / fill up our spare times and I keep fit by doing it.


Topic card 3- Letter / E-mail

Describe an important letter/ e - mail you have received.

You should say :

When you received the letter

Who sent you that letter

What it was about

…and explain the reasons why it is important.


Various types of letters / e-mails

Business letters/ personal letters / urgent letters / anonymous letters

Quick announcements (e.g. postcard e-mails) / press release / catalogue e-mail …

Traditionally conveyed through pigeons / modern-wised using courier (massage carrier) or postal telegraph and telephone delivered to destination / sometimes transported by dogsled, balloon, rocket,… or provided by light carriage for foreign dignitaries

Adhesive postage stamps & pre-paid envelope used throughout… / traditionally paid by recipient rather than sender / bills and invoices are sent to remit payment

Nowadays replaced by prioritized mail/ registered mail / using post-it notes

The reason why or because it represent mutual friendship and humanly communication/ it express other

personal matters

And sometimes malicious, abusive or anything unpleasant statements to recipient

On the flip side, emails are means of social interaction for the basis of meetings/ time – consuming &

cheap way of… But inconsistent and has privacy concerns e.g. spamming, information overload,…


Topic card 4- Photograph

Describe your favorite photograph.

You should say :

Where was the photo taken

What can be seen from the photo

Why you took that photograph

…and explain why it is your favorite photograph.


Types of photography

Conventional photography/ digital photography / individual size to suit your style/ High quality & resolution

with stylish photo-frame/ full spectrum / fine art photography/ documentary photography/ panoramic (wide

view in all directions) photography/ black and white photo or colored one’s/

It can be viewed a glamorous outlook (i.e. beautiful nature and green sceneries /spectacular pastureland/

extravagant fishing and bathing spot or sandy beaches) / calm or friendly environment/ reminisce of … or

recall past memories

I’m keen on it because it safeguard my fond(loving) memories so I kept it in frame in front of my eyes or

locked to photo albums


Topic card 5- Party

Describe a party you particularly remember .

You should say :

Why the party was held

Who attended

What happened

…and explain what made it memorable.


Birthday / Wedding ceremony or anniversary / college welfare or charity function/ Graduation ceremony/

inauguration or opening of …/ welcoming party

‘coz of child birth / reach adolescent or age of puberty / last year of my study


Members of family/ siblings/ old friends….

Description of your memo

It recalls past memories / reminds me of …


Topic card 6- Public events

Describe a big public event that you have attended.

You should say :

What it was

When was it held, and why?

What happened

…and explain how you felt about being there.


Festival celebration/ commemoration of martyrs… / public exhibition (book

fair) / charity function (social occasion) / public conventions / sporting events (watching a football

match) or a contest

It was held by …. Because / in order to raise money for underprivileged/ contribute to social & heritage organizations/ helping out wounded (traumatized) …

Adjectives to describe feelings

Overjoyed/ happy/ proud/ pleased/ very or extremely surprised

Annoyed / angry/ unhappy/ worried/ nervous / boring/ overwhelmed

Desperate (hopeless)/ depressed/ flabbergasted (astounded) / determined / apprehensive (concerned)


Topic card 7- describing a Person

Describe a teacher that has influenced you in your education.

You should say :

Where you met him / her

What subject he / she taught

What was special about him / her

…and explain why this person influenced you so much.


You may talk about his / her looks or general appearance

Or how she / he Behaves? Personalities or characteristics

NB It‟s a good idea to structure your description (e.g. when you are describing the appearance you may

think of a person 1. age 2. height 3. hair 4. eyes 5. face 6. skin or other features)

NB Do make sure you make a list of headings to organize a description (i.e. when describing a person

personality you may contemplate his / her 1. intellect 2. attitude to life 3. attitude to people or


NB you also have to be familiar with opposites of such personality traits, so you can build up your


I met him /her at college/ university / school / by chance / graduation ceremony / collegial functions

He was a biology professor / botany lecturer / he taught art and humanities …


Topic card 8- Leisure Activities / Free time / Spare time

Describe a common leisure activity in your country.

You should say :

What the activity is

What type of people do it

Where and when it is possible to do it

…and explain why it is so popular.


Playing sports / watching movies / reading books / travelling, etc.

Out of shape (not fit or unhealthy) / in danger of critical conditions / exposed to diabetic


o ordinary people / middle-class / high class

• Steeped into science or bibliophile (book lovers) / interested in… / big fan of …

At home / local fitness club / health centers / sports complex / at college or belonging


Because of public interest / due to healthy reasons / it‟s so renown as a sort of world

phenomenon (e.g. football world-cup matches)


Topic card 9- Learning a Foreign Language

Describe a method of learning a foreign language you have used.

You should say :

What you did

How long you used this method

How it compares to other method of learning

…and say whether you will use the same method in future or not, and why?


Methods of Learning a foreign language

Visual / aural / kinetic (through movement using gestures or sign language)/ mnemonic

learning / attending classes (premeditated classes)/ do self-study/ using online courses /

support language websites

Fortnights or two weeks / three months / …

It‟s interesting, stimulating and fun ,but difficult, frustrating, and boring at the same

time It requires a high level of commitments, self-motivation and self-discipline.

Anyway I would like to change minds … / I would keep abreast the current method of

learning / definitely I would maintain … but do a bit changes in learning language skills


Topic card 10- Important Choice in your life

Describe an important choice you had to make in your life.

You should say :

When you had to make this choice

What you had to choose between

Whether you made a good decision / choice

…and explain how you felt about your choice.


When I was at college / school / a child / a freshman or first year of university / got

married / an adult / retired / expelled from university / fired from job / a dad /…

I had to choose carrying on further education – choosing a career / get marry – leave

college / work in a foreign country (get high salary) – work inside or drop off high


I think it was a tough decision / I doubt it was my best decision / anyway I gave it a go /

used it “ strike the iron while its hot” / lost it / …

Personally I felt dissatisfied/ unpleasant/ unhappy/ upset From another perspective I

felt satisfied/ amazed/ proud to tell the truth I paniced.


Topic card 11- Favorite Animal

Describe your favorite animal .

You should say :

What kind of animal it is

What it looks like

Where and when you saw it

…and explain why you like it.


Wild animal / domestic animal / predators / endangered species / it‟s a kind of

herbivorous/ omnivorous / carnivorous

It‟s a sea creature like octopus; has several legs, super lips, got a weird shape, has

unusual behavior , fast and clever as well are popular prey. Or

They sting say snake/ bite say dog / roar say lion/ Howl (wail/ cry) say wolf/

slither(slide) say turtle/ wag their tail / build nest say birds/ lay egg / catch flies /

hibernate say bear/ scratch say cat

They have got wings/ a beak / feathers/ a tail/ paws/ shells/ antlers/ hooves/ claws/

trunks/ tusks/ horns/ fins

Animals zoo / animals habitat / at circus/ …

I‟m fond to keep them because of animal rights or conservation / animals cruelty/

poaching or illegal hunting/ to do experiments /…


Topic card 12- favorite flower

Describe a flower you often buy for other people.

You should say :

What it is

What it is like

When you give it

…and explain why you choose and like to buy this flower.


Bouquet of sunflowers / roses / jasmines / marigolds / chrysanthemums / daffodil / iris /



Artificial bunch of roses with plastic vase / natural garden-picked fragrances / …

It depends on special occasions like birthday parties/ wedding ceremonies/ funeral

ceremonies (e.g. wreath of roses) / other special occasions…

I think bunch of particular flowers will ends happiness / harmonize soul of separate

bodies into oneness / represents …

And I „d rather go for thornless / vase type / natural one with pleasant aroma …


Topic card 13- Natural features

Describe the natural features of an area or country that you know.

You should say :

Where it is

What kind of place it is surrounded by

What it looks like

…and explain how you feel about the natural features of that area.


River / lake / island / waterfall / offshore or coastline / estuary/ glacier / lagoon (shallow

swamp) / canal / ocean /valley / cliffs or hills /rocks / mountain / prairie (open grassland

or savanna) / plateau (plain) / cave / forest / …

It has trees & flowers / impressive landscape or countryside / thick or dense forest /

fertile & arid land / winding & mountain path / steep or gentle hill / hilly or

mountainous rocks / sandy shore / active or alive volcanoes / deep & shallow rivers

Beautiful nature & green sceneries / relaxing place to sit and picnic / spectacular

pastureland / calm & friendly environment / green & serene (tranquil) place

I sense or feel it should remain pristine (intact) / reduce & clean up pollution or human

intervention / conservation of scarce species required / …


Topic card 14- Building / Architecture

Describe a building or construction you have seen that impressed you.

You should say :

What it was an old or new construction

Where it was

How big it was

…and explain what you liked or disliked about it.


Buildings & aesthetic architecture

Residential / multi-storey ( flat or apartment with several floors) / commercial / (steel / glass /

concrete) construction / pretty standard house / town house / (terraced / semiattached) house / cottage

/ bungalow …

NB ( Pretty + Adjective = quite. E.g. pretty spacious but

Pretty + Noun= attractive. E.g. pretty front yard)

Spacious / cramped or compacted …

It has garage / swimming pool , sauna or Jacuzzi / small garden with big backyard/ furnished house

with plenty of ... / …

It‟s or was a high rise / tall building with ( ostentatious exterior / innovative interior design /

spectacular views ) / classic architecture / prestigious in the world / sounds great & expensive /

famous landmark or distinctive in the city or country / the best vantage point is ...


Topic card 15- Favorite Festival

Talk about your favorite festival .

You should say :

When it is held

Whether it is national or international

How it is celebrated

…and explain why you like it so much.


Special occasions are Eid ( Islamic religious feast day), Christmas / Easter/ Halloween/

Valentine day / anniversaries (i.e. assassination day / martyrdom day / independence day

/ revolution day / defense or army day / commemorations (paying tribute / memorials) /

ceremonies (i.e. birth day / wedding day/ public festival / banquet or dinner party/

carnivals (public celebration such as Wednesday night party; fireworks or burn

crackers)/ Nowruz Iranian (rejuvenation) / Sizdah badr Iranian ( joys & solidarity / day

of nature) / Shabe chelle Iranian ( end of darkness & beginning of light) / Chaharshanbeh Suri (

arrival of spring & nature)

Usually people or individuals decorate their homes / visit elderly, friends or siblings / go

on holiday/ take vacation / take rest / exchange presents / burn candles / prepare special

dish on Eid eve / hug each other / get together / stay till late night / wipe out households

items/ wipe out enmity & bring joy and friendship/ it‟s a good omen / longest night of the

day/ serve fresh fruits / reminiscent of ancient customs / protect people from



Topic card 16- Family Holiday

Describe a family holiday you have been on which you particularly enjoyed.

You should say :

Where you went

How you travelled there

What you remember most about the family

…and explain why you particularly enjoyed this holiday.


Whether it was a favorite location/ spot / interesting local or foreign area …

The modes of transportation you used ; by airplane / by road ( bus/train/car)/ on cruise

(travelling on ship or ferry)...

Whether you were on annual leave/ sick leave/ maternity leave/ weekends holiday or

public holiday…

Truly remarkable & good place to be around with/ green & serene (tranquil) place/

great & wonderful adventure / interesting and dynamic for kids/ you can share unusual


Beautiful nature & sceneries /situated nearby mountains or rivers / wonderful nightlife

(24 hours light) / historical zone (temples / museums ,etc)/ lovely weather / multicultural

spot / renown in handicrafts / financial & trade center / civilized & cultured …

Recall past memories / marvelous trip/ did sightseeing / a place in the sun(nice place to


/ it was spring & you could see blossoms & birds…


Topic card 17- Popular Food

Describe a popular food from your country.

You should say :

What it is

How it is made

When it is eaten and who you eat with

…and explain why it is more popular than other dishes.


Local cuisine

It‟s a staple meal or main meals of the day (e.g. breakfast/ brunch / lunch / supper/ dinner) / kinds of

junk foods …

It‟s called or known as watery soup/ plain rice with gravy/ pilaf / seasoned dish / so called …

Cooking style I mean you grate (garlic)/ beat/chop/ slice/ grind/ mince (meat for kebab) / pour (water

or oil)/ squeeze (lemon)/ peel off (potatoes or onions)/ marinade (soak it)/ stir (blend / mix) other additives/ add flavors (spices)…

You can use cooking utensils; pots, pans, plates, bowls, cutlery(silverware), etc Your taste might

prefer grilled/ roasted/ baked/ fried/ boiled/ steamed .

It‟s a proper sit down meal/ I have it all together (banquet) # escape it / eat alone „cause I enjoy the

fruits of my labor …

It‟s savory (tasty)/ delicious/ healthy or not fattening/ has tantalizing aroma or spicy/sweet/ salty/

sour/ disgusting/ burnt/ rotten / smells stink/ fairly bland/ fattening


Topic card 18- Social Threats

Describe a social problem in your country.

You should say :

What is it?

How it affects your country

What solution you have in your mind.


Contemporary issues are:

discrimination / drug abuse / homelessness / human rights / racism / class / ethnic minority / divorce /

bullying / juvenile delinquency

serious crimes & punishments are:

Smuggling / blackmail/ child-trafficking/ hijacking/ kidnapping / armed robbery/ murder/ mugging/

shoplifting/ pick-pocketing/ burglary/ robbery/ theft/ arson / speeding/ drink-driving / frauds

(embezzlement/ vandalism/ tax evasion/ forgery/ bribery) / hooliganism or riot / prostitution …

Sentence to death/ suspended sentence (on probation) / tagging / under house arrest/ in custody /

released on bail/ take oath/ (admitted / accused/ blamed) / let off or escape of guilt/ warned /

drowned / strangled / shot / stabbed / lethal injection / (expelled/ departed/ extradited) / acquited

Violent criminals are:

Robber/ thief/ burglar/ black-mailer/ hijacker/ mugger/ kidnapper/ rapist/ smuggler/ terrorist/

extremist/ fraudulent/ baron/ thug or gangster/ predator/ bandit/ looter/ addict …


Topic card 19- Environmental Concerns

Talk about an environment issue you have read about or heard about.

You should say :

What happened

Where it happened

How you felt about it

… and explain why you think the issue is important.


Environmental hazards

Environmental hazards facing the world are:

Climate change/ global warming & warning / pollution (air/ noise or water contamination/ emission of toxic fumes)/

dumping toxic or nuclear wastes/ resources depletion (sustainable energy / energy conservation)/ melting glacier

/species extinction/ deforestation/ intensive farming (growing GM crops or exploiting pesticides)…

Natural disasters are:

(Forest fire/ bush fire) / hurricane/ cyclone/ tornado/ flood / volcano eruptions / avalanche/ tsunami/ sink holes/

tidal waves / drought / famine or starvation/ earthquake/ in danger of extinction or devastation ( natural

habitant; flora & fauna , indigenous people , or natural resources)/ others catastrophic …

Can causes threatening ailments such as lung cancer, pulmonary diseases, etc

who are blamed & how to tackle?

Individuals (recycle)/ technological advances / international incorporations/ governmental bodies

Exploiting alternative sources of energy (i.e. solar , nuclear, wind, geothermal, biofuel ,etc)/ protecting through

conservationist channels…


Topic card 20- Interesting Book

Describe a book that has influenced you.

You should say :

What the book was about

Why you read it

How the writer made it interesting

… and explain why this book influenced you.


Genre of books


Story books, novels, whodunit ( detective story),


Text books, school books, periodicals ; magazines, newspapers, articles, journals, encyclopedia,

biography, autobiography, translation, how to works; manuals & cook book

Other types

Almanac (yearly publication), prayer‟s book, hymnals, travel guide, poem, etc

Whether it was learning/ educational/ literary context …

It sounds interesting / extraordinary/ the turning point of this book is... / I find the author, characters,

the plot, or illustration amazing …

By the way, I read it for pleasure/ for study or career purpose/ language acquisition …


Topic card 21- Favorite Season

Describe your favorite season in your country.

You should say :

What is it

What the weather is like at that time

How it is different from the other seasons in your country

… and say what you are planning to do when the season next comes.


Useful language

Meteorologically four seasons

Spring / summer/ autumn (fall )/ winter

Muggy (hot & humid) / hot / sunny/ cloudy/ foggy/ windy/ chilly(icy)/ showery/ dusty/


Sometimes you may observe thunder & lightening/ a bit of drizzle/ a bit of heat wave/ a

bit foggy/ quite a breeze/ dull & cloudy/ wintry showers/ snowed on and off

Certain weather adjectives

Lovely / beautiful / fabulous/ glorious or mild-temperate

Miserable / foul/ torrential

Causes & causes on individuals

Natural disasters; hurricane/ tornado/ typhoon/ ice storm, etc

Desertification / famine / drought …


Topic card 22- Historical place

Describe an important historical place in your country.

You should say :

What the place is

What it looks like

Where it is located

… and explain why you think it is important.


Useful language

Whether it‟s a castle / fort/ palace/ old town / museum; art gallery, expo, archaeological

place; pharaoh times, revolutionary times, warrior, emperor, painting gallery; portrait,

or a monument , ceramic, sculpture, mosaic / tomb/ tower / square/ massive stones …

It was invaded/ discovered/ abolished/ reunited/ invented/ formed/ colonized/ introduced

It is a/an unique piece / masterpiece/ antique / invaluable/ well-built/ impressive /

memorable/ got fantastic outlook/ popular…


Topic card 23- Money and Banking

Describe an occasion when you Couldn’t pay for something you wanted.

You should say :

What you wanted to pay for

Why you weren’t able to pay

What you did

… and explain how you felt about the situation.


Useful language

Whether it‟s a bank loan/ house mortgage/ debts/ owed to someone/ borrowed to pay-off…

You couldn‟t pay because of high interest rates/ destabilized economy or economic crisis/ credit crunch/ gone bankrupt/

insufficient assets to pay off the installments or liabilities …

Useful banking words to narrate

Usury (exorbitant interest rate) / promissory (security bill) / collateral (security deposit)/ pledge

(guarantee)/ liquidity risk (overdrawn) / got overdraft ( no balance in account) / remittance form ( the action of remitting money)/ passbook or booklet (cheque book) / bank commission/ endorse (sign) a cheque /

transact to bearer‟s account …

I felt embarrassed/ tensed or worried / nervous/ ashamed/ anxious/ proud … / a sigh of relief …

NB distinguish between lend & borrow

Lend : act of giving money to another person for a period of time E.g. can you lend

me $300 until tomorrow?

But borrow: act of taking money from another person after a certain period E.g. I borrowed $100

from a friend last week.


Topic card 24- Jobs, Duties and Pays

Describe a job that you would like to have in the future.

You should say :

What the job is

What aspects of the job attract you

What negative aspects there might be

… and explain why you are attracted to the job.


Useful language

I am a/ an (civil/ mechanical/ electrical/ petrochemical/ computer) engineer,

architect/draughtsman/labor/ bricklayer, artisan/ industrialist/ businessman/

entrepreneur, scientist/pharmacist/paramedic, artist/ custodian / tailor/ hairdresser/

cobbler, finance officer/ audit/ welfare officer/ accountant/ personal assistant(PA)/

receptionist/ managing director/ supervisor, firefighter, solicitor/lawyer, freelance


Or I work for a/an marketing company, insurance company, I‟m in charge of travel

industry, I deal with financial or customer service…

It‟s interesting/ challenging/ satisfying/ rewarding/ friendly working atmosphere

But stressful/ monotonous/ boring/ inflexible working schedule „coz I get low-paid,

no bonus scheme or annual benefits, lots of paper work …


Topic card 25- Education

Describe a course that you have done ( at school, college, university or other

places) and that you found useful.

You should say :

What you learnt

Why you enjoyed about the course

What you didn’t enjoy (if anything)

… and explain why it was useful to you.


Useful language

Whether it was full-time/ part-time/ special part-time/ distance learning o NB

Teach means to give instruction, Learn means to receive instruction. E.g. he taught me

English, and I learned it quickly.

o NB to Study means to try to learn, to Read does not imply any effort.

E.g. a student studies English, math, history, and other subjects, he/she reads a story, a letter, or a newspaper.

o NB the expression I learn at college, etc is incorrect. Say I study at … or I am a student at ...

Whether you studied / did or now doing subjects (i.e. law, medicine, engineering, economics, business

studies, art, etc) or did BS.c. in computer science/ BA. in French/ planning to do MSc. in biology/ PhD

in business administration

you can say I am a graduate from… / doing postgraduate degree in construction at

Birmingham University…/ doing research in … to carry on further study to… at …

I participated to college extracurricular activities/ the friendly or educational curriculum appealed to

me/ I find the learning centers particularly library, lab, LRC(learning resource center) and recreation

centers instructive or useful

but I felt the tuition & accommodation fees are unbearable and living costs is high …


Topic card 26- Favorite Shop

Describe your favorite shop .

You should say :

Where it is

What things it sells

What sort of people are its customers

… and explain why you like the shop so much.


Useful language

Whether it‟s a department store / shopping mall / a store/ hyper market/ supermarket …

E.g. book shop/ gift shop/ green grocery/ fruit monger/ off-license/ flea market (Friday black market)/ flower shop/

butchery/ candy store/ news agent/ drug store or pharmacy…

It sells cosmetic items, canned foods, frozen fruits & vegetables, baking products, beverages, herbs & spices …

You can pick up a trolley or basket to shop around or particularly in clothing shop you do window shopping if you are

not shopping spree …

Everybody (i.e. low class/ middle/ high) is able to shop but in brandy district is affordable for high class …

I‟m keen on shopping here/there „coz of its customer service/ serviceability, lottery draw scheme/ voucher or coupon


Topic card 27- Hotel

Describe a hotel you have stayed in on holiday.

You should say :

What it was like

Why you chose that

What are good or bad things about it

… and explain whether you would like to stay in that place again or not and



Useful language

Whether it was seven star/ five star/ four star/ three star …

Or it was a To let/ home stay/ motel/ guest house …

It was built in (e.g. 1975), environmentally-friendly building, tallest among …/ sky scrapper, with

marvelous/ ostentatious/ fabulous interior or exterior, elegant lobby, spectacular outlook, gorgeous/

decorative rooms, 24Hrs light, got facilities like Spa, gym, opera,…

check in/ out feasibly, make advance booking, variety of accommodations (e.g. a single room, double

room, a twin room, full board, half board, B & B; Bed & breakfast.), accessible safety locker,

Laundromat, room service; complimentary service,…

I dislike the mismanagement of hotel & it‟s services(i.e. dripping water tap/ leaking pipe, heating

system out of work/ not working properly), lack of proper serviceability, no serve compliments if you

are out, no currency exchange shop, no nearby/ available medical store…


Topic card 28- Library

Describe about library that you belong to or have visited.

You should say :

Where it is located and how the library is organized

Who visits the library and why people go there

When and why you last visited the library

… and what rules the library has


Useful language

It‟s Situated in/ nearby/corner/right-hand side/ left-hand side/ middle … at college/ university/

public area in our community/ at home, learning café because it serves as a social function…

it has quite study zone, group study zone, LRC (learning resource center), media room, circulation

desk, reception or ask a librarian service, e-books, reference collection, or a

All books or printed materials are magnetic labeled, with barcode No., in stacks, with specified

sections and rows, some times they are out of stock (not available) as put your name down to order,

The bibliophiles (book-worms) / ordinary people/ school/college/university students, lecturers, …

The rules are substantially made for all (i.e. no loud discussion, no drinking, no eating, no talking to



Topic card 29- Communication

Describe how you like to communicate with your friends (E.g. by mobile

phones, e - mail, texts).

You should say :

How you prefer to communicate with your friends

How often you use this method of communication

What disadvantages there are to communicate in this way

… and explain why you prefer this method of communication.


Means of communication

effective communication; face to face , video conferencing, sophisticated communication;

Wi-Fi (e.g. virtual world of internet), idle communication; emails, chat-rooms, browsing

the net aimlessly…

Frequently, seldom, rarely, always,…

It dates to long time, by the invention of …

„coz they causes sedentary life styles; health problems (e.g. loss of eyesight, sever aches),

anti-social behavior (e.g. impersonation, defamation, harassment, etc),…

But it is prevalent, user-friendly, and fast method of communication …


Topic card 30- Entertainer

Describe a famous entertainer you like or admire.

You should say :

Who the person is

What kind of entertainer they are

Why you like this form of entertainment

… and explain why you like or admire them.


Different kinds of Entertainment

Public entertainment; busker, magician (conjures up , disappear) , circus player ; joker,

clown / puppet, live performance; pleaser, TV series ; humorist …

I do admire him/her „coz of his act, job, performance, energy, lively spirit, enthusiasim,

charisma, ….


Topic card 31- healthy lifestyle

Describe something healthy you enjoy doing.

You should say :

What you do

Where you do it

Who you do it with

… and explain why you think doing this is important.


useful language

doing the physical exercise, go walking , go jogging, go swimming, riding a bicycle, playing outdoor

games, going to gym, doing yoga, gardening, reading books, cooking, listening to music etc. are good

for our mental and physical health.

Also a good food habit (eating vegetable over fishes and meats and drinking fruit juice daily).

I generally do them in Park beside my residence, in a fitness club, or sometimes at home.

Usually I go alone , with my family, friends or colleagues at work.

Those exercises help you to build muscles, changes mood and keep fit, get in better shape, a good

cardiovascular workout, feel refreshed, rejuvenated, invigorated and gives me an energy boost.