huerta succeeded by carbajal as mexican


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It's a Long Lane That Has tío Turning The People of Mexico Are About to Come Into Their OwnSECCIÓN ESPADOLA The Momlnf TlmesT A Cf7 1

PAGINA 11 InnUUon Yoetrrilny, A I .Í1 IPrinted and Distributed

METAL MARKXT. June Avrrnic 30 Dare' navega.II1M0IS7L. Dally lt,ll.

mirar. ner nt MM Jane Averase tor Sundaya,I esri. per inn ins ,.a.o Sunday 2.1.40.fine, per ioq lbs


HUERTA SUCCEEDED BY CARBAJAL AS MEXICAN PRESIDENTthe Internal differences as Hie arrest otthese men caused Hie recent apllt between General Victoriano Huerta



and Villathe other

racllons.Carranza or-

ririals and nuseir conversed with General RUGGED OLD WARRIORVilla during the Journey rrom Chlhuanuxto Juarez and lie maae many nign rxprrsslons or respect to General Carranza," saoH. Perez Abreu yesterday arter his arrlANNIHILATED val. The best or reeling exists between HUH ELATEDthe two leaders. General Villa spoke to meIn regard to the bureau or Information

at Juarez and asked that get permis-sion m 10 Errom General carranza to reopen it.

Bloody Fight at Palomas Ends This have asked ror. During thetreairu

lime Resignation of Huerta Marksor our stay In Chihuahua we ere

With Extermination of most couteously and In a splendid man-

nerCulmination of Unrelent-

ingby Hie orrirers or the stale govern-mentConstitutionalists. and all or General Villa's orrirers. Official Effort.We were lodged III the elegant Cameros LAST MESSAGE TO CONGRESS IS A VIGOROUShome and liad all our needs attended Ui

and had perrect rreedom in communica-tion


ide world. On Ihe trip to Juarez this WILSON ADMINISTRATION.inornlitK. we cama at tiie request or Gen-

eral Villa and at Moctezuma we were his

Roque Gomez in Command guests at a supper lie had specially pre-

paredBelieved That Carbajal's Ten-

ureof Successful Attack on Bin Bunchthere."

or Currency Transferred. of Office Will Prove a BOARDS TRAIN FOR COASTBorder Town.

(ieneral Villa spent the greater part or Very Brief One.vesterdav morning mier ids arrival in artanging the rinal transrer or the carloador money to Alberto J. Panl. Willi Painand Lázaro de la Garza, his Juarez rtnan BLANQUET AND CABINET OFFICERS LEAVE TOREVOLUTION HAS TRIUMPHEDTROOPS HURRIED FROM JUAREZ clal agent, he was closeted ror about three ARRANGE FOR TAKING OVER OF CITY BYliours and after the money had been count-

ed,Villa Declares He Will Retake south.

arranged Tor Its Immediate shipmentAmerican Troops Will With-


lesierdav arternnon the general receivedPlace Within the Next mends and attended to business arralrs. When Stable Govern-

mentJJZu ysssSSMsycH

Mayor C. K. Kelly or Kl Paso, was one oi sMHHT V fítl the AtuniHntrd Prett t In still some who say ihat I, comeFew Hours. his callers during Ihe ariernoon. He also Is Established. Mexico Cil), Jills i.c m ii Huerla what may, seek lily personal interest and

sent for colonel Juan N. Medina, who was and Urnrral lllanqiirl left Ihr capitel not thai or the republic. Aud that I nerdhis elder or Starr at the time or the capture tnnlntil. The; llourrtrd a train un Ihe Hot terilte this allegation with rai ls, ten

By the Atioctated Prett or Juarez and had a long conrerence with By the Afunrlntril Prett Mexican railway a Irw miles beviind der my formal resignation as president orColumbus. N. M., July 15. The innlhl-latto- him. colonel Medina has been residing in Washington, July IS. News or General Ihe clly, II Is Ihouglil the) are the republic

tcdav ir the constitutionalist Kl Paso since his resignation as a Villa Huerta's resignation as provisional presi-dent

lo Puerto Mexico. "The nnin. mil congress must know thllat Paloma.-- . Chili., by federal Irreg-

ularstarr orrieer. or Mexico waa hailed hy official the republic thrmigh Its government his

broke Hie peace of northern Mexico Major Hayo Reyes, leader or General Vil-la's

Washington tonight as the practical step Hy the t ..... ..ii. Prett lab. ii ed in enure good rallh and with Innand revived reports or cotiniri revolutions military band, has tendered his band toward a quick solution or the Mexican Mexico City, July !.- - cuera! Victorian' rullest en. rgv. having succeeded In doinglit tho republic. Three hundred ruerUlaj to Hie city or Kl Paso to give a special problem. Huerla resigned rrom the provisional Iway with Hie party which In the Unitedunder General Hoque Gomez attacked Hie concert here Friday night. The orrer was Constitutionalists, diplomats and officials presidency or Ihe Mexican republic Mils Stiles calls Itself li.'iuoi ralle, and havinglittle burder town lp view of iroops of made through R. B. Orndorrf, a director or the I'nlted States government did not evening and bis icslguatlon was accepted shown how the light should be defended.the I'nlted States army patrol. An rar as or the Chamber or Commerce. The matter conceal Ihelr aatlsractlon over the ract that by tin- senate and chamber of deputies by Threat Anaína! United Hieles.waa learned, every man of the Villa gar-

risonw.i be taken up with the military authori-ties.

Genera Huerta at last has voluntarily H NsÉsrTstiijÍ" 'vote or ll to 17, Francisco Carbajal was "To in- more explicit, i will say thatwas killed. eliminated hlmseir rrom the situation and then appointed and look the oain ihe action or 'Ihe government or the re-

publicpointed Hie way to an era or peace In bis or orrire al the joint sessl depiillc- - dining - short lile baa dealt deatbtiarrlHOD Put Up (ame Fight.under Copete rough BENAVWE8 MAY RE BROUGHT country. nd senitora. blows 10 an unjust power. Later on,Thirty men cspliin

desperately Iruin the adobe houses of UM TO EL PASO HOSPITAL. Hold orrire short Time. The Mexican Dictator delivers powerful warning to the Hui't'ti's resignation was amiouneetirela

stronger workers will come, using impleAlthough the through the department of foreign niciiis undoubtedly win end thatwithin a lew constltullnnallsls have de-




killed In the fighting. MenavldesPermission

to crossror General

to El PasoEugenio

to enterAgulrre

Hotel thev Would not rerns-nlz- tianrlarn United States in his farewell address to the Mexican Senate Hons. It wis ihen sent lo HieWith


power, which has done so much harm andof deputies anil was greeied illumined thissomen of the Carbajal as provisional president any more many outrages on consevenIt was reported, exrept bleu ror treatment ror typhoid rever was or "Viva Huerla:" rtneni.garrison who kept up a fire from one or man iney ma nis predecessor, and ine and House of Deputies.requested or the United States military or Huerla Accepted 'in conclusion will that I abandonnot subdued by the United States government likewise will re-

fusesaythe houses which was con.mandcr at El Paso yesterday. It win Ihe fol....... to recognize him, the understanding Ihe resignation was acccpi III the pre ardency or ibe republic, carryingleuerais mini anvcioi iuuid

survivors probably be granted, army orricera say. here Is that the new executive will hold lowing e - Ullh Hie the liiglic-- 1 sum ut liiinion wealth,believed that lliese seven WJJJ In which event General Brnavldes will Be office for but a short lime only until In which she "Article - We accept Ihe resignation ror I declare have arraigned at Ihe barapun en ana cmuini. mo mucin brought lo Ihi' border aboard a special satisfactory arrangements can be made ror pcaniiK befort presented by tieip tal Victoriano iiuerti us ol universal conscience the honor or aIs unknown. train within the next day or two the entry or General Carranza, tbe constitu-tionalist BELL TALKS rights to liiiiiitirillv sldeni or in. ueaicaii minen swe. I'lirilan whom i. us 1 gentleman, cltallengu

General Henuvldes Is commander of tlm tiller. The most linportsnt witness today was rllclc - We call Licentiate- Francisco lo wrest irom inn that possession.Gomez announced today that he would ZiUMiro-- a brigade and was ro; From diplomats In close touch with the Frank J. Fiirteil, whose slory as he told Carbajal, minister of rorelgn relations, to "Miy dod bless von and me."

leave during the night for parts unknown mander or the Juarez garrison. situation It was learned that Carbajal de-sired

ll lo Hie district attorney was thai on Hie assume the pi sincncy. Huerla til ven Unstinted Applause.nigni or juiic so, nemg out or a job and A billot was taken and the joint sessiononly that a amnesty be de he gullet tcs or the chuiiilieito defend the town from the advance of GENERAL DOMINGUEZ HEPORTS hungry, he started for the back door or lb" accepted Hie resignation. or deputiesclared, preserving Ihe lives and property were packed berore tho beginning or theiroops irom snares or ..s,i- - un. VICTORY OVER HI II U.S.. Carman lioiue to ask rur food. He was Carbajal proceeded lo the national pala.of tboae teatlofiwho supported Huerta. Alter mis afternoon, to tentethat WO men from Pearson 1TH VILLA rounding or the the guards lMwas learned one rear canter of under an escort ol presidentialhas beenThe or Tabasco, thesehad been city Tenoslque, hgve been secured, peacerul entering liiaracteiited the gathering ami si th" closegarrison almost directly aouth, ..unían in. me. his story went. wIkii lie saw nil along ihe wiy wis grunted with tumul-

tousto retake esuiured by I'onstliutlonallsl forces com- - ine capttat ny ine constitutionalist troops ot the reading or Huerts s resignation tlmGeneral Villa's orders tail either cloaksent by a woman, dressed In along Hided by Genera) l.uls t'ellpe (lomlnguez will be neatillated. ihpiilies and spociaiors biuka: into landand sn active campaign ñas peen institute General Huerta's Retirement. or kimona, come from the bark door, go Test ot Huerta' Reslanetiea. and continued Izpptauaf(lomea was second In command directly io a window in what ho nownoque In the stutc atralnst the Huerta srOTernmen General Huerta's retirement came Just at The text of mineral lluetn's rrslimallou Aiier me acceptance or Huerta's resigni-thaiunder General Ynei Salaiar when Meets the knows lo be the doctor's ofrirn and break

commander of former according lo official advlots reVlved here the constitutionalists were preparing Ihelr American General tho glass follows: llon I commission was appointed by Iheyesterday by H. Perei Abreu, chief or th formal answer to tbe South American "deputies end Senators Public rieces preshlont of the chamber lo esrori Senorrehala tooa raioiuas in nucuujci, ...... Juarez Information bureau. General Uo mediators, rejecting the invitation for in Commander of Army of nn .'ll said he did not know whether Ihe sllv. admitted bv ihe chamber of deputies carbajal lo Hie rioor or rite bOude.-- w w liman had revolver or nol ir aim didiwiuiiumi aare i.oiuuBiiiiaH1S men

the Madero revolution nilngucz has a large force or men In the rormal conrerence with representatives or bv the senste Slid Hie supreme court. Very soon Senor carbajal IppegPnd Inbeen In arms Unco In did not see It. Farrell'g continuedHelo and Is well supplied with arms and Huerta, ror discussion or Internal Mexican Northern Mexico; story cillcd me to the supreme magistracy or rrom or the ehamher. passing through,or mo. neceiiuy iircy uo utcu "mw-Itln- mat tie Heard a sum, anil quickly nurresidents or the Casas Grandes. ammunition as a result or ins capture or questions. rlcd orr. the republic. Later, when III this same riles or soldiers. As fie entered and

the rederal stronghold. His Iroops am now While the constitutionalists are averse to hall I had Hie honor of addressing Mill walked hi Ihe IllelfOnn the ilepulles Itooil.Ills fin robot rorstory .o non Ceoperating in the Usumaclnta river zone ol holding conrerences which might recognize In compliance wilh Ihe constitutional Sfieiker Manuel Mercado Ihen ailnilnlsterrdNot Unexpected. Ha leiiiitn. a negro maid lu the Carman ill costs to bringAttack he state. the legality or Carbajal's appointment as CONFERENCE MYSTERIOUS promised, si Ihe olth.

The attack has been expected ror several residniHX whose imp lined slory told yes-terdayGeneral Domínguez wag recently appoint provisional president, hopes were raised about pence. Mlllliry Rami Nagf National IIThe commander or the Palomas gar-

risonwas to the at reel thai her mlatress, ami In wondays. "Seventeen months have passed,ed ehler or the constitutionalist revolu today among South American diplomat Ihe chief executiveror re- - dressed III a kliitous, rushed through the again riasseii throughmade repeated appeals have formed anhas ofthat nevertheless be be ihat brier period lintsnegotiations mighttlonary rorces In the state by General kill hen dlrrcily after the shot was fired. double riles of troops a.s he pi led locarranza. gun between representatives or Carranza Newspaper Men and Public rrny with which to carry out Hint solemn Ihe minimal palace. The tnilliary handrsio said to be en routecity, and men are and Carbajal Tor the speedy transrer ol promise. Yon WJ know the Ininp tise played the national whilehymn, theto there rrom Juarez, uui ine uwa to me consn Excluded From KOI R PERHONH FATALLY SHOT. which my government has en-


ANOTHER BUNCH OV CURRENCY power tuuonaiigut. Rigidly jiresenied inns ami rendered presidentialWill Represent Carbalal. owing to a scarcity of funds ns

lumbus also appealed to Colonel Tomas ARRIVES FROM WASHINGTON.It Is practically certain that Emiliano International Bridge. Result or Tare Eighls Between Rlvel Gang-

sters well as to the manifest aim decided pro honors.IwoTen trunks, rilled with carranza In Clly or Omsha. deputies spoke vigorously agiinstórnelas lor am. . currency nabasa. Aiiguslln Rodriguez, and l.uls El lecllnn which a great power of this colt Hie

Hair or the Mexican residents or Colum-

busconsigned lo Constitutionalist Consul Rarael guero, who represented Huerta at thi iii. AuMorlatcd Prett tlnent has arforded to the rebels so much or them

accepUltee or Huerta-- weak

s resignation, onecrossed the linn when the Gomez E. Muzquiz, reached El Paso yesterday Niagara Falls mediation, will be deslg ntnalia. lab., July persons were so ihat when He revolution had linen the

calling submission t"forces drew in on the town and assisted from Washington. The trunks are held nated by Carbajal to look after his Inter STAFF OFFICERS ARE PRESENT falsify shot tonight during iwo fights be broken up. seeing Ihat lis rhler leade sMike

tiltedin ravor


Two oiher deputiestnem in the battle. They are all Huerta at the Wells largo Expresa orrtce along ests In this country. That the mediators tween rival gangsters, In one of which 800 e and continued to be divided, ll Hie

acceptance, declaring Itwas only to ihewith the other trunks way save country andsyinpathlters. currency which now will make another effort to bring the nu n and boys engaged and which brought power In question sougtii a prewxi io u end Ihe rraliirldal nil.Alter Ibe battle, Roque Gomez appeared reached here a week ago, the delivery or two factions, into conrerence Is considered Talk About riot calls to police headquarters In each crveie d o lo oiiioci, ami u

at the international boundary and notiried which Is restrained by an Injunction suit very likely. None Willing to Instance. The ruur fatally hurt are: result of this was the outrage committed Ulanqiirt and Others liepart.the United States troops on border duly mea Dy the carrancistas to prevent General Carranza. In tbe opinion of lis Occurred Between Neis find, oged 1. at Vera Cruz by the American nnet. ilcneral Aurelmto ftlaiupiel. Iiuerti'of the annihilation or the Palomas garrison. Villa party rrom obtaining tbem. mediators, would proru greatly by enter What Fred Schroeder, 3, rormer rlty council-

man,Petty Incident at Tamplco. minister or war, several other g. m ralt and

He said that he would probably evacúale Ing Into such conferences. By doing so Warrior Chieftains. ,,,,,.. xas nan, - you snow, in an tbe ministers or nimihillons, publicthe town, moving Into the canyon or Boca he might guarantee himself Immediate peter Schioi'der. Justing honorably through our delegates in .miction ami Interior In Ihe Iiuerti cab- -

Grande. recognition by Hie United States. Argen William iiapp at .siiaairi rails, ine lainpiro inci t. Arturo Alvaradi'jo. Garcia Naranjo,Villa Kends Five Hundred Men. Una. Brazil, and Chile. Under Ihe term According lo Happ, he and tire Schroeder lent, bul the revolution continued wiiii Ignacio Alcocer, respectively, - well as

"I have already dispatched MO men to SAN ANTONIO or the protocols signed al Niagara FallsA conference, ihe details or which have ueii attacked by some Hallan laborers, who Ihe support of whom we all know. oiher high orriclala or Ihe rormer admin

Istrithin.Palomas and they are due lo reach there the united stales promised to reeognlzi been lan riilly kept rrom Ihe public, waadid all the shooting. No trace or the Hal Yel at er tile fl glllv iiairiniic worn len Ihe capital this afternoon.

at lü o'clock tonight." said General Villa any government set up by agreement lieheld :aal nlKlii on the Santa l e international lans could be round by Ihe police, stories achieved by our delegates at Nligiri Falls. A special commltlee composed or JesuiVilla,Franciscoyesterday alter he had received the news

iween the two Mexican ractlons wllhou brlil" between General told lo neighbors dirrcr rrom those or the I'rcla. Enrique Hordes. Mangel end Joseor the slaughter or bis troops. "They waiting lor an election. The agreement nowiiander m enter or the Mexican army

Injured men. one neighbor declared the in Hue Novelo, rormer members 0r Uie chain-be- ,

have orders lo attack the colorados atbetween Hie two principal elements would of Hie non;., and General George Bell, Jr., lured tajen quarreliMl among ihemserVes a of dejiulles, len tonight lo arrengn

once and my torces will be In Palomas SHOWS CLEW be taken as tantamount to an expression aetlinr coiuininder of the titled otates few inmole berore Ihe shooting. No weep wilh ihe eonsHfutlouallsi leaders ror aHEARSagain berore many hours." or will or the Mexican people snouii IonThe



commandersEl Paso dlsirlcl

met al boundary one were found on them nor In tbe vicinity. VERA CRUZMurriapeacerul



Ihe capital.arranza reruse lo parley with the Car

Ill IN HARMONY ONCE hajal government, recognition In all like linn about III i clock and. through internee Grand Lodge of Elke. It was reported that General Huerta wigMELLARES VILLA. ters, talked rur some fifteen minutes. In legvr ror Europe. TheMORE preparing mem-be-llhood would he deferred until an election By tht ui. il PrettPuling the conference the bridge was ..r bisAll ts harmony once again between Gen-

eralheld. Renewed errorls are being Dennr. Colo., July 1. The grand lodge OF RESIGNATION ramlly passed through Cordoba

Three closed to liarric and soldiers kept report ihein That ihls ariernoonVenustlano Carranza and General Developments made by constitutionalists here to persuadei ra ami ihe curious nubile ai some dls or Hit- Hem volenl and Protective Order or on way to Puerto Mex-

ico.irter-hi-Francisco Villa. Yesterday morning, Carranza lo enter conrerences wttn car 1.1k- - in golden Jubilee reunion Here, ceeGeneral Villa lurued City Are Connected With lano fiom the generals, following the The streets or thearrival at Juarez, bajal. brat. .1 Ihe completion or its work today andioiiIi renre those who participated rcruaen laic hourj a lonlirree the Carranza orflrlals permitting The Plaa or Guadalupe adjourned ror a rtnal seaslon tomorrow. It THERE M AS M tl tIFENi VliON (

ror Atlanta Mystery. to make nnv statement, ceinral Villa and nee his been Thecalledthem to come lo El Paso and carranzas objeriioni nitiicrio uaie Deem decided ... recognize tbe stale in of E ci m tHEit iKws nr.iAtir. reported. governorBell hut tied lo ihelr respertlv 0t Iba rederal districtAlberto J. Panl. Carranza special Ihat he could not agree to any oiuproinls General associailons of Elks: refused lo provide, al I.I M H VIM kMIUN Issued orders lo the

and turned over to bis custody with the provisional president, bul mus u adquarters and (Matted themselves to renreeeui rot me publication or a national

police lo cheek every demonstration rig-orously.with six and By the Attoitattd Prttt nurli ra. The beets ire patrolled byloadedHie box car Insist unan me pian of (.iisnaiupe. many Elks' UiJournal; disapproved a proposition

millions or Carranza currency which had San Antonio. Texas. July 16. Three de diplomats here think Ihat Carbajal would Tbe meeting was arranged during themake any man secretary or a subordinate Possible Ihat Ho- Frilrrai rorrea fxirar Vera mounted police who hive orden to use

his agents. The currency day by representatives u command lio Mill Surrender lo Americans draallc measure, if ner.essiry.been seized by accept me pian or litianaiupr. provineu lodge ror ten consecutiva membervelopments in Hie mysterious years asent via Torreón to Monterey where disappearance to Avoid l.onstltuUoaellslN. niors that hands or ZipiU rollowersWill be ample guarantees for lire and property or tbe grand lodge; loasViiined the use of

carranza will have bis headquarters, and of the two daughters of Mrs John were aiven. Genual Bell was by l.leut. W.the naiinnal antliem ror have reached Xochomllco. ten miles south

will be provided by Gen-

eralv hrlrade tutwiigcnca ameer advertising pur of the capital, have to bea speclsl guard Nelms, or nii in were announced by the t s believed Hi some iinai o rs nerc mat (i. poses, ami approved a resolution extending By the Attovlatrit Putt proved un-

rounded.Villa to Insure Its sare delivery. San Antonio police today. Tbe police said Carbajal may make an errort to have and pro! OS I marshal, and by l.leut. Vincent fralernsl good will lo Confedérala and Vera crux, Jiity is. -- ine mexicana otDiriereacrs All Settled. Huerta given Immunity rrom arrest If lie Frwin insistan otovo-- i luarstiai. among

Union veterans of the civil war. Vera Cruz renived Hie news of Huertas Huerla In ..1.dirrerences existed between Car-

ranzaa physician on or about June vb treated Ihe staff officers accompanying; (ieneral alter"What Slavs III Mexico Cllv lie Huerta líete tesignstlou wiiin. ui mauimsianon or ex Shortly a o'clock tonight General

and I have been settled all right," at a local hotel tin- nuld or a Mrs. Denul rates In New Vork have tried lo secure Villa was his brother, Hipólito Villa ol le.ui Talka to Women. iiieni looigiii ii iiiciamen. a lliieita a. oiupaiiled by a few rrlends, ensaid General villa yeiterdiy. -- You know that on June lí. a man giving hla name ruaranleea ror him hut even if given Juarez By thr undated Prett loin nail. ilallv Issued a dodger rsililaltllng len d the tench cafe, which he his beenthai there are enemies Inside or the a w llnu shipped from here to Victor friends or the dictator Hunk he would be i hi- - is ihe second Mine General villa rk. July lf After talking politics Hie aunouiu cm' nt ol me resignation, which In Hie balm or visiting severil times dally

cause as well as outsiue. Innes in San Franclaco a typewriter with sarest out or tile country It Is not has been In conference with an Amerlran llh progressive party leaders on his is given avtsy In Ihe streets bu Un- viae or more and took hieThese prevented me from 'spreading the liuidiie maiai-ier- and mat Ihe mysterlou Ihoughl he will depart ror several days al gem ral on Ihe santa Fe bridge. I ast win-

terseegjy visit lo the partys national head Ihe piper declared thai the new presi Usual plai e near tho entrance

table ror the rent. ui iiinisssj is an psekage addressed to Miss Beatrice Nelms least, prererrlng Pi orrer in. services t Sene ra Hugh L. acolt, then In com-

mand luarters here, Theodore lloosevelt spoke lo dí nt. Francisco carbsjii, would tutu me ti Immense crowd rollowrd Iberight now. was In care of Mrs. Margaret Minis, ainil arlialal In the rield If a final rally o til El Paso, upon instructions of lire i group of Komeu It i privan- lunrbeori. tmmint over lo the ronstitutlonallsts io the nfe, shouiing "Vlvis" forNet Coating la El Pane. not Mrs. Margaret Mutiles, a local women rederal troops Is made agalnsi Ibe cnniiliu serrata of war. arranged a conrerence le cmpliasiri d whit he described a. Iliu uní

gnionditionally. and that the polltlclaiis and bjiii Many shook him by ihe hard, while

"I do not Intend to visit Paso while who denied knowledge of the shipment .n una 1st. Huerta s niaras up v.llli tin Mejlcm general Ibl- - meeting mportuirr of gelling tbe right son of rriclais of tin' Ilu la admiiiisiraiion were olivera embraced and several kissed bin.I am here. I would Ilka very much to do ai iiualiiiani e w ith either Miss Nrhns or her ulmlnailon or more than a year's active t 'suited lit an ' liange or Idcaa which somen Into politics, lie discussed In par Hi. log In paule in. tu Hie capital oil Ihe to sliow my rrlandsblp for Hie Amer-

icansister, Mrs. fciols m uní i m is No Mrs error! on the part or the United stales to ltd Ui a beller observance of Hie laws or mular the ..latum or women lo Hie rom ir Huerla vviliidtavtai. me paper says The stern old soldier was overcome ind

people, but It would be Indiscreet. Margsret Mm- - had been located last night force bis retirement. John Llnd was tent war bj General Villa r.peelaily in the lug New iork stale constitutional cunven At list usiiriiiHon his rallen and m loar rilled bis eyes. He raised his glassThe entire world would say that the limes was the lawyer who secured Mr Mexico asi siimioer in an rirori 10 mailer ol Hi irratment of prisoners lion. man who merits ciallgillon lpiuld not md said.

causa waa receiving favors Dennis' divorce and police have started bring about Hie withdrawal or Huerta. in battle (teveral nine, m, UN "This will he my list toast in myrrom ti mo il Slates ir were granted Ui trace the typewriter shipment m He' I in. uu General Huerta Out. mreimg gup ral tilla ha- - cipresaed a pro TIMES n il I Bt i El ins lie

spa."mlllliiy orriclala here say they would reaorl and drink 10 ihe new pres-

ident11 mission by the Americans to cross lo meantime the package shipped to MUS Presiden! wiisou leur wein io cousie-- s round ..iiinlralloii t"i General Scots, a feci,not be surprised If railway Irarilr between or Mrziro "

I.I Paso When all la over I will pay my wiiii-- remain- - unclaimed In a local ex and revealed the terms on which Huerla lug wind, tl Is understood, It shared m The linn gave Ihr right lena ol this apital and vera cruz would be interLI Paau rrnnd a visit." Dress orrire. Its contents are unknown had practically been asked to retire rrom no small measure bj Ine Amerlran gnu Itv Ihr ii.iiiulelr returns or Ihr Jubusou-General villa would not discuss any or i tie postea sun iiaim me missing women orriee An embargo on arms was placed eral. Muran and Ihe Bib Itlr M elsh fluids balaa luohablv will follow ibe i ollathis intended military movements. His trip are here duiuig June and are searching Me ractlons. and the Washon both in an In nils II. nnv out mat manthe oulv paper si. ui nun Huerla cause pouil Victoriano Huerta look tbe oath aslo Iba border. It was explained. Is a com-

binationror two women said In answer Uielr de men began Its pi. ingovernmentlogton trv lu thus serve II patrons Tbe Ttsnra red' ral aim orrin s will reel It is not presiden! or Mexico, February IS,pleasure and business trip and lie srrlpllon wIkj registered at a local hotel or rutting oir rtnamial aid ror the Huerta was the Ural lo announce Ihat It would af. to remain al Hu ir pmls lo swan II Id J, h diy iri.r Francisco I. Maderobe here ror about four days. New v.ik. under other rrom the United CARMAN MURDER CASEuiU as flora namea. The goverumeni not only iiuiiliiiir lis service lo Its readers bv coming of tbe oiisittuiloiiallsts and had " o srresied at Hie ailonal palaite.Regrets Muerta Hesitation name of Mis. i.eiuils does not appear on the Slates but from r.urope handling the Hmllh Caraealler fight In the reult will 1.. Un ib uioralltallnn or II Three d s later Madeio and Jose Mariayesterday afternoon he calmly received hotel register wure ine pnyaieian says ne Huerta's resources slowly diminished un Ihr usual, show Ihe operating along Ihe tailwavTlinra. nowsame a as military Pkejg glial vice i. ni. ni were slKit loorthe news reported resignation visited a sick cblld. r the pressure or the Untied Stales. Tbe Hoiuln ralck Ihe drift aud is nol lacking of lids condiiof Francisco cirbijal. lie Three Mere Witnesses way Ihr iilhrrs loinai Kvniiii e on a mtdiitght ride under guerdHuerta in lavor

lbt Huerta al-


constitutionalists, aided by the moral sup Etainlnrd In l.rand iury lu whru Hie wster bcains to act ruld. at Hie gap. where II is known thsl lb Irom the rio. e lo Ihe genltcllllary. InIlls waaexpressed regret TYPEWRITER BOUGHT of the American government, pushedeasily and said ihat

port Today's right will probshl) srouse atore eminent lias Issued orders to repair tin uiannri of Ihen death has never beenoutrd to gel to ERA NCI SCO.IN htN their military riiiziiii io inini sirismahim. luirresi thai clthrr ol the luu that are- - bnak in Hie Hue rr.m me war fleparimri ixpl.iiued.heVilla'swished

specialhe could

pulledget hla



Irom By the Altocftrd Prr distance of me capitalor Mexico

Heaiuitig matthe

a reded II. this le spile ol the fai l Ihat both apparently Hie orrirers In the Held ha .me or iim - first acts aa provisionalmilitary conquest city by By rite iKialdrse litis effalra while Ibe dark as to Hum la - mchihuahua at about a o cioca yesicrasy in Irani isco, July he typewriter constitutionalists waa inevitable ... legal r Ihe leller were ao been kept in president was to telegraph William H.

Mineóla. N. V. July 16 When the grand championship bangs upon loa. results, leuiioii 10 lesign i.oiouei istuiza, comwith ine HUMJU coaraeters shipped here lift, ihen president or Hie Hulled states.morning The general waa accompanied ny Huerta rinally has yielded to the iiersuastoti about Vera frrui, whiletnitrhed ruralesiiom san amonio iasi monin was Uta murder or Mr. Boih lighters are eveali ead uiandini billowing lueseage:General Manuel Cbao. formerly governor Dougut of Ibe hundreds of influential Mexicans who Jury jnvestlgating HieOf Iba átala oí chihuahua. General Mar-

ianobars on tie installment plan by Victor in prayed thai further bloodshed and disturb I.oulae Bailey in l rreport on June go and bulk occupy ualaue potllfens In the prle discussing Ibe subject wilh Amaricen or

"I have Ihe honor to Inlorm iruu thai ICararallrr I Europe's cliamploa and fireia al dn' gap looey, ollend 10 wagerOctober 11. while ring inetail,Servln. oue or Ida arUllery com-

manders.nea on Mines was Meilro Clly be avoided have ovrrilirown this goevrnnw'ni

Coioael Lula Agulrre Reuavtdrs. assistant I ulted Stales district attorney ki Constitutionalanres at

Revolution Trlusaaks, the alleged cotnpllcllg or Mrs. rTorenre Ihrlr hope fn rthr world's heevy weight title, that Hun la would temain at nis post ror lorres in with ine and rrom now on peaceCarson. Nev. i.oukim adjourned today but three Idle Smllh occupies a use pi.sni.ui on many inouins. willbis prívale aacrrlary. Lieutenant (Lionel With Huertas reiiruient. toe conuiui arman md (.. n reign.

Hoque Gonzales Garza, a raw other alarr iinn - arrived In Los Atúreles rrom San llonallsts reel mat Ibeir revolution has vlr more wiuu-ss- remained to be lieard Ins ils side ol the water. The American orricera mink It possible Again Piuuged luto uní War.he The ftahl starts at :mi g. m eastern the next day or Iwo may see many Nextsaid believed Iheofficers. Jota f McCutcheoei. a cartoon Aoioolo June Mi, waa registered In tuslly triumphed. Tbey turned against irlcl Attorney Hmllh The lepnpiir was av oner piuuaeu .

Itt. Frederick Palmer, a magazine writer, July 3. and continued northward to i.i... ii moment be uvrrthrrw Madero Hie Inquestore would dispose or tbe cage by Hear, or as, El Psse Usee. A direct ran orrirers seeking safety union tipIvil war atatn. ipdwi isundlna tl"

itoorgr sehreiner, of Ibe Associated Presa, Portland orrgon, where be waa located. constitutional of Mexico, In Feb noon mus o iou wire to the Ttasee breara an Texaa street American lines. Tliey believed that IsIrs by liui rta of a pi laman. o gen- -

will here the relurae will as uiruaguouci . en posarme nun vniuanv in. wiioie 0 .1Mrs srniaii be brought The mora slate cuigrrsaothers. ral emneslyand IvlT. ana nave wagea lueir war wiiiitalhuebue ( apt! tea Well Treated. Hold lanes Under Surveillance

ruary.unrelenting vigor ever aawe rrom the nassan county Jail so Mil her sill awable tbe Tlsnee. aa usual, la alve la ral lores near vera i.ruz may orrer 10

ifh lali. niiudlatod las provisionalaerapio Aguirra, general treasurer or the By lar .i. J . iiicldentail) the resignation or Huerta noty Is a piol.lem only Hie grand Juror retura llrsl wane Iney are irrsa iruio urggndrr lo Itus Auiectians. rittmr Hiaii

mu 01 lefore Huerla .ai h.l hnuseuTUse croud le Ibe ine oiiaiiiuiioiiajisi cause itcot stlluloioalial luovatuenl H Perez Abreu. Portland, tire.. July 1. Chief or Police now places Europe on an equal rooting tiieinseltrs an solve fheir de laion Is ex the rtaealdr.


lev., street. II. I. Iljoint

llonl roinruriaiilv in in rsideuttal chairbier of the Uiloiiuellom depai invent uf Use joba Clark or Portland waa aaked tooigdi with Ibe United States with rasper I i uV peeled tomorrow iitornlne. Tlsa's briarh,

Wlien Uie news or Huerta's resigukiiou Zapata, levoluuo leader lo the aouugnsuusiry or gobcmactM and nt other car by tbe Atlanta, Ga ooltce to keep Victor authorities al Mexico City Tbe powers of liletrlrt Allomev siniih slated Doattiviv Apaalated received inr iieimen cruiser in. ..i n ma apilal. Iter o. solíanos r. w daysigaza orririals who ware arrested ui Juarez . Innes under sunrtiunir ctuer Clark Europe ved recognised Huerla. but oat ac that be would rrruse tbe pbsgtrtsja's wife Iría Peataseetara was

British rraixr Bristol departed uiih the new legline. went bark to MSweeks ago ano who have beeo held pi Is nai l be saw ne reaaun for so doing mil or til pronoun! en aivnuur 01 ine irmissiou to testify, even lito ugh she By ggccMf H ire le Tie Timet. and tbe

piesumilil lor Puerto Mexico un Ilia ..lopalsn Salaaar, one of tbej,a-r-i id i bihuabua. were hruugttl uu lite lunes baa been prominently mentioned in moot Ktatr thev are nor. led lo follow hould sign a waiver of immutUlv. Then wasnmguiu ui . hagllly.

Ihn Hear Admiral ai iurals In the armyiram Tbey liave beeu given o it WHO il mysterious disappear Ibe lead of live American government be Mr attorney. George M lry, end Vr i,u nun. mated pcatmaetar today n stitnii. It

preparingll reported

lo send another ihlp orBadger

iwo 11, -- ,i. carranza, constitutionalists)jf ueawrai nía s oj anee ur Mrs Elois Neüiia beuuis and Mis. ror encoding rarogwrbun again to Car- band visited her In Ihe Jail Rd had ber lexis . . Is

witch pruceedUxfg. in (oihulll, assailed him In a bitter slale- -

of Uta satisfactory Beau-ic- Kelma or Allanta. Ga. bajal or bit tueeeeeor, sign a peuuoa addressed to Rta Rrand jury. loin, wag OORMERira ai oiauxugs ibera to

I ! '

EL PASO MORNING TIMES Thursday. July 16. 1914.

aired te be ala egad aad that Me pretenfet toaav uutiagif ware a gaaaa FIGHT ON JONES IMPORTANT GOAL

When II became certain that the aleettoaa had reaalted in no ronatituUoaeichoic en eccount of the failure of rotara BOARDFOR RESERVE LANDDEGISIONtc go to agjg DaaM. rag Aaaertcga govern

aanan an noene to ren the diplomatic

8. be aaaaeonced thai OPPONENTS OP CONFIRMATION CLAIM WASHINGTON ITSMMOINO ROLTMR tff Er. Men&antTakethe reanlt or the etec eight or ten democratic senators MVERNMENT LAND OPfTCEUon null mi order anetnT election. will vote against rim AT BANTA itOn November it. Huerta reruaed to ac Notice!cade to ihe American demand for his realgaalinn and John Llnd len Meairo city ror Btb Side. Claim Advantage hi Publication Erf art ta tree Ire Title to Prepert y NearVora i ui. Meantime the L'nlted fuetea of Teatlaeeay Ulvea by Joaes aeture Cellup on Theory That II Waa Orattafditpati In d warahlpe to the Menean coast Senate Ceamlllee. Lead Turned Down Rudely. We hve number of Silent Smkavand nt'rieana ronunura to teave Meneo aPrepotalt Made le Carréala. Bu th lien mtrtl Pres. Ag ríete attff OorreapoeilrnA maui Show Cese and Counter indefinite propoaala were made by tlx Washington. Jnly It After another day's Santa Fa, N. M.. July 1. Coal land Ist ntted State to cerrante aad hla adher ngni over ine nonuneuon ot i nomas v coal lend, especially when it Is found In excellent condition which we desirei nt. Several Kiiropean powers, notaniv Joaes or Chicago aa a member or the fed the middle or a rich coal producing disPragl Britain, riermany and France, gave eral reserve board. ooDooente of confirma trict, according to a letter reeelvHi at Ota to dispose of quickly. There are$450.00 PLAYER PIANO AT trong aupiiori to the poller of the L'nlted Uon tonight were claiming that al Icaat torai cntted situs land ornee rrom tnestgtot. The conitltutlonaliila grew atrong eight and possibly ten Democratic sena-

torst'nlted Slates commissioner or public sizes to meet most any require-

mentJENKINS er and ccmtinnrd their advance to the would rote against the presidents buida, affirming the local land office InPIANO CO. aottth. hey captured Victoria, Chihuahua choice. case or New Mexico vs. Frank 6 ft, 8 ft, 10 ft. and 12 ft.City. Juaret and Cullacan. cm ihe other band, rbampions of Mr. Anderson In retard to an aiiBllcailon t

with Maadard Player Aetlea. Automatic Tracking Device 1 ha became to critical mat Jones still were hopeTut and were exert-ing

purchase land known as tbe N. E. sec lengths. We wiD seO these casesA rate nr refinement tnd grace. Double Inside and nui. emu liritaln, oerutany, France, Spain ana every effort lo line tip the votes nec-- ' lion ti, is M. R.. It W. The eommi at loner

I'lnKticii in American Burt Walnut. Clrceaelan Walnut, beautiful rpiarter-aeae- u. tu i inn warship to Mexican waiere. saaiv lo over ride on Ihe floor or the held that the evidence tubmltled by tbe singly or in lots to suit, AT JUSTnak nr cry fancy figured Mahogany. Fighting ("nilnued at Tamplco and many senate tomorrow the hanking committee proieatani snowed thai ihe land bad only HALF THE USUAL VALUE.ntlier renters and Torreón waa taken by mejnrltt't adverae report. a nominal value lor grazing In conneclon

Th plino action li one or the bent In tbe country itnti equipped with brats addedBoth sides bfofeesed to see wuh tbe general range in tbe vicinity ornuilte. copper string; " pound hamtn-r- s of bed American fell; very best Im-

portedthe ronfilttitlonaliaii. strength ror their pn'iimn? In Ihe publi-

cationthe land In question, but that long prior Come and see them quickly before

Oermtn tnnlnir pttin mi wire; very heavy full plate, bronted throughout, Kiniiiirun Placed en Arma. or Mr. Jones' testimony betore the to Ihe dato or be enabling act under whichbulbed timing pint; laminated acoustic rim and bridges tboib treble and Mat'; An milistgo placed on the exportgtlon or committee at lit recent inquiry into bit tbe state would uke title the said lands they are all gone.minding board and rib of very rtnett sprue; sounding board capped In a very ai mi ti' in Ihe rmti d Man- to Manco waa relations with tbe international Harvester were Mown to be located In an active andscientific manner, to retain tenilon or siringa. Bark la very heavy and etrong, raited turly in February of the preaent company and the New jersey zinc com-

pany.important coal rield and that numeroutwltb all nerrtaood posit; ivory key and pollthed aharpa of very fine quality, j ear. The testimony w made public by reins or roil were contained In Ibe sub J9scale la vary aven. Tone i rich and aonoroua. Haa Empire top A large r iimber or American trcopa were unanimous vote late today arter Senator division. Including the most valuable and

Wf challenge any piano sold ID CI Paao at ason no or even at anyi oo to equal c i nn ttie iKirder and uie Ameri Hitchcock, acting chairman or the commit-tee,

productive vein worked in ihe turnip coalit, and you may he the Judge, other pianos taken In exchange. EABY PAVMCNTH can fleet in Mexican walera wat atrugtn- - had submitted the majority adverae field. The preponderance or evidence sub

enid. report In executive session. Mr. Jone mitted showed that tbe said lands, prelite tonttiiulliinaliali advanced on Torre had telegraphed that he welcomed publi vlous to the dale or Ihe enabling act, were

New Straight Pianos from $275.00 on an.l Monterey and the former place waa cation or nts statement. known to be coal lands and are morerapiurra arl in April. In the course of his examination, tbe rec valuable than grazing lands.

liten came the departure or John Linn ord showed, while defending the Harvester Sania re Elks te Invade AlbiiguerdV-and upward, largest and beat aeaorlment, a well aa the very beat electric play-tn- r from Vera crux and the arrest or a piry company and ihe actions of Ita Jioard ot he Santa Fe Rika will move to Albd- -

planoa in i:l raao. call at our atore room and be convinced of the above nr nn- ,n.ii in. jackets al Tamplco, lor directors since he became a mernber In nsxl Sunday en masse In auioa,recti. which nn miogy ana tatuie were 1800, Mr. Jones said he was thoroughly in Sierque being a return gatun between

by ihn L'nlted states and refuaid accord with wnat tie oeiieven 10 oe rrea the Santa Fe Elks' baseball learn and theby Huerta. Idenl Wilson's policy In destroying monop Albuquerque F.Iks' team, tbe start will beLow Prices and Easy Payments t il l el I era Crai Taken. olv. mide rrom the F.lkt' home here at 6 o'clock

'in April l; bluejackets and marinea were riiDiieanon ot tne majority iiiKiina. we. Sunday morning and a dozen auto; are ex-pectedin I.I raao wltb brancb alore throurboui Arizona and Mew landed at Vera Crui In cunaequence or the within bv the senate pending tne suo to be needed lo carry the crowd.

reported arrival or a large coniignmcnt or mission of a minority report favoring rar Carlnn lor Desert Wayfarers.arms and ammunition ror Huerta. A num-ber

jones' conrirmiitlott, which probably will That Uncle Sam la the friend or thenf Americana were killed in the atreet be riled tomorrow by senators Houia desert traveler, tbe herder and tbe pros-

pector,Jenkins Piano Co. righting. The Mexicana retired and de-- Shafrolh. Pomerene ami lee, 01 starytanu was demonstrated by a letter re-ceivednt i'ii a portion or the railroad. Tbe majority nr. i waa turned by Sen here today by the register and re-ceiverThe Big Plana Houtr. Teaaa M II Pavo, Texas. Shortly after a mediation proopaal rrom ators Hitchcock ami Heed. Democrats of the United states land office

Argentina. Rraill and Chile waa accepted son. Brtstow, irawford, Mclean and from Washington, notifying the register or Specialsana a ''inference enmnd al niagara talis Weeks itepublicans. the setting aalde or i .seo acres of publicin me interim American rea Bitterness which has characlerlreti tbe lands In the Santa Fe district as a "publictroops fight reacbed a climax earlier In the day water reserve." The land described con-

tainsthe Mu j.ii km at Vera Crui and bavu attice at a secret meeting of lite committee springs and water boles In ni nci upaiion or the port. The hen in crane minority. II Is said, of be with-

heldTamílico and parts the district which are to While LastZacatecaa rell into the con Theychurned that the majority were prejudiced from entry to supply water ror theRubber Set Brushes Do Not Shed Bristles atlltiiiiiniilist

ten continuedh

inetrmi i and



MexicoarmCity in their findings; that tbey excluded rrom benefit or man and beast and to b de-

veloped jthe report certain portions or .Mr. jonea by the government wltb tbal enduh'-p- . muí-- i. have, been In circulation ror testimony wblcb put nlm In a ravorabl in lew. York""New Solid Pack 2 lb. tins Tomatoes,If they do, your money hack without a question A gallon of Imperii! many week or tim reaignauon or Huerta light, using In reaching their conclusion Reeelvera' Certificates Authorized.Troops Cleared Ihe Way. portions or tbe testimony in hla disfavor L'nlted States District Judge William H.Paint and a Rubber Set bruah la the Ideal foundation for a good Job As I'm in 3 Cans 25cnt. carbajal emerged from wnen segregatea. Pope today signed an order In the case ofof painting. cliainhi i an immense crowd blocked Inquiry In Mr. Jones' affiliation with the tbe Detroit Trust company, trustee plain-

tiff,slrecia, making It difficult ror Ihe new jersey zinc company as stocanoioei vs. the American Lumber company or' "Work apeaka for Itaelf." carriage lo pasa. The troopa were, and director waa not extended. He i- - Raw Mexico and Ihe American Lumber "Nations" Genuine Mocha andobliged lo clear Ihe wav. lie dente rrnud plained that he joined Ul the acquisition company or New Jersey, defendents, direct-


laaulng from the chamber were momentarily by Ihe New Jersey Zinc company or Hi the receivers, Oeorge W. York andTUTTLE PAINT & GLASS CO. nun.-- i. uuiiurtua luruuig oaca into Mineral Point Zinu company lu 1807 and Charles P. Wade, to Issue certifícales to Coffee 40c Poundbuilding. later of other xtnc companies, involving borrow the sum or $40,000 to meet cerltln

A panic waa narrowly averted, the trouble a large consolidation. expenses, such as taxes, labor pay roll, etc.oetng cauaea by S'lfm- man n the at He said Ihe New Jersey company's mln riinneiiy ror .ew tiexieo rsrnoois. "Re Umberto" Purerailing a cry agalntt the deputies who Had produced a grade of oxide of ttnc tba New Mexico's country schools , received Italian Olive Oilreiuteo to vote lor Hie acceptance. could be had nowhere else and. although splendid publicity at the National Educa-

tionHnerta'a realgnation. The manifesunu the combantes controlled eighty-fiv- pet convention at St. Paul, Anastasio PintsHot Springs and Return $39.35 stiouen an umy mood ami attempted to at cent or the oxide of tine trade or the county superintendent or srbools or 45c Half Gal $1.55tack the deputies, but ihe troopa leveled country, there had been no combination Bernalillo county, waa interviewed alman guns ana aiaoeraen tnem. In restraint or trade. length by a number of the leading news-

papers Quarts 85c GallonAtlanta, Ga., and Return $58.20 Will suppress Dltordera. Near the end or ihe examination, the tnd his photograph accompanied a ...$2.90or naaainia n laturnaacea as a re record shows the following quarter page story in tbe St. Paul Pioneer

Birmingham and Return $53.25 suit of the change in government, placards "Senator Hitchcock one or the purpotes Press, while the Minneapolis Tribune de-votedbeing potted nn walls along the main In creating the new banking and currency two columns to County Superintend

sircois cigneo oy r.duardo iiurblde, gover- - ayatem la to decentralise ibe banklu; ent John V. Conway, or Santa Fe county,oi ino leaerai disirici. raiimg unon power in tim i mini states. and the revolution he has accomplished In

Hie people no! lo hold demonatratlons. to "Mr. Jones Yes, sir. na santa le county rnriil schools. The You cannot beat this, Quality and Pricepreaerve the peace and to act as becomei "Senator Hlicbcock Which has been slsle superintendent. Altan A. White, was

culturen nailon, me proclamation aava used to create monopolies. And I sup also Inlervlewed. and the astonishing prothat the government will auppreaa disorders pose thst thought has been In the minds tress made Hi rural education In New Mex any coat. nr some wnen tne question arose as to ico appeared lo be intensely Interesting toCARBAJAL AC1T.I) IN EL PASO your connection with the two concern' convention, superintendent sionioyaTexas i Pacific AS tin PEACE COMMISSIONER. which seem to have ror their purpose i who visited country schools In tbe lake

francisco carbajal. the new provisional creation or great comblnallong; and the stales and In Kansas, believes lhat tl 220 Phoneprealdent of Mexico, apent aeveral weeka committee was curious to know whether average rural school In New Mexicoin bl Pato In April and May, 101 1, when he were in harmony wltb tbe superior lo the average in those states. Mesa Ave. 2876actixt aa orriclal peace commissioner ror opinion of the country, which Is strongly Applicants lor Physician's Licenses.Oeucral Porrino Dlaa, then president or opposed to anything lendlqg to centralize re applicants ror licenses to practice

Through Sleeping Car Service to Mexico, lo treat with Francisco I. Madero. medicine In New Mexico are taking theleader or the revolutionary army which Mr. Jone have not the slightest bet- - examinations today before the state board

CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS, llailon lu answering any question alontMEMPHIS, SHRBVEPORT AND ov.rinrew utai. Hta auccess terminated r medical examiners.Ills mission by bringing a peaceful agree-ment

that line that may be asked, as to what Cossack Minino Company Pllea ApplicationNEW ORLEANS between 11 aged dictator and the my views may be as to policy. I am ine cossacg mining company or Artzontthoroughly In accord with what I believe io tne state com 4'revolutionary party by tbe terms or which unity appnea corporation

ticneral Dlai agreed to realgn In ravor or to be President Wilson's policy In de mission to do business in New MexicoFranclaco de la Barra, who became pro-visional

stroying monopolies." , naming D. C. McKallon, or Bland, as lispresident. Thli ended the revo-

lution.statutory agenL

OAinVHKV TO Mi l l Counties Delay Tax Returns.Mel Carranra and General Villa. Five counties, santa Fe. uuadaiune. Dona

I M STATES WEATHER BUREAU DAILY BULLETIN. In Ihe parley which were held at Peace Program Aaaounced ler Inleretltng Pee Ana, toay ana ttto Arrma yei remain io Bijou Todaydrove, opposite Hart's Mill, near the via-duct,

lure ot i m iners i.oogresa. submit their tax rolls to the stste board ofdate it aliaga Takea al a p. aa.. 7Mh Meridian Time, July ti, 111. carbajal attended the meetings of Hit Timv tiptoial forrrtpondrnl equalization, wblrh held a busy aeaslon

Preclpl- - the chief of the Madero revolution. Here College station. Texas. July It J. W here today.Temporatu re Wind tallón he came Into personal contact with Gen-

eralnidgwsv, professor of dairy husbandry al General's Wife Plrrs on Burglars.

Lowest Velocity an i .'i Vemtstlano Cerrante, first rhler or me A. t at college ana secreiurj That the wire or tbe adjutant general of "IRe Pirates of the Plains"Hlgbett laal Sute of 01- - per lioura. me it ij ttoiiallat movement, then pro-visional

or the Texas Dairyman's aatoclatlon today Ihe New Mexico National Guard knows nowAt a p.m. today, night. weather recllun. hour. Inchca. governor of coahulla, and Denrral announced the program ror the meeting or io handle a gun waa abundantly demon

Abllc;i 74 ' Inn 8 If. Franrisco villa, rhler or the division or hat organization at tne college during tne strated last night when two would-b-

Amarillo claar the oortb, win. at that time waa a colonel nuera' congreat. July Í7. and . C. u. burglara attempted entrance at tbe Harry Three-pa- rt feature of the West, wherein the playersAllanla .. cloudy and commanded a force of MM rebel Motor of llallas. Is presldenL The aato-

clatlonT. Herring residence. Mr. Herring being

Boise. Iilalio clear iroopa. It one or the oldeat and etrongeit absent at tbe Demlng encampment. Mrs. do some real strenuous work that proipggy CnnikiltiilleaallalH Not Unfriendly. arrillaled organliallons or tne congress, Herring promptly opened fire from Ibe

i.hicago clear The fact that carbajal was Hie peace numbering about Ml members. nacx porcn wnn ine neavy artillery and duces excitement.Imlnnall PL cldy. 'iuuuisionec which brought the first rev vine program follows: ihe Intending housebreakers gave an ex-

hibitioncloudy mutton to a cloae and made It possible for July 7. I P. M of fancy sprinting which soonDetroit tjear salon to tne presidency or Meetlngt called lo order, Presiden! C. u. took them, unharmed, out or range.imlutli. Mian :lear haa created a sort of Moter, Dallas. Texat. Rebuilding Pecos Road.EL PASO ... PL Lldy. friendly feeling toward him on tbe part Roll call of members. Secreury J. W. The road to Uie upper Pecos will be InHaRetton ,., Pi cldy. Button, Texas. good thtpe ror auiot in about threeHie roiisitiiiiinnaii."is which, it is pe Illdgway. College day.Havre. Mom. Haln ed, will muke tieunllatlons tietween hu Address ot welcome, t. i. ayie. ueau A considerable rorce of men has started al

n. Jonet, named ror tbe federal reserve'

lake care or tbe many wbo made the tripJacksonville Pt. cldy. government and the cnustitutionallsls pus School of Agriculture. Texat A. At work at Windsor's and at Pecos town, and board, be appointed to tbe commission? down the valley. It wat estimated that

iltle Hock t;loudy sibie. lege. tbe entire highway will be gone over. It crxliBnATES about K.oou mended rrom tblt diy andLot Angele Uoudy rtetponte to address or welcome, haa been badly crippled as a result or tbe Y8LETA surrounding territory, most or whom wereNaabnlM cloudy recent reins. Mexicans. The town was beautifullyPRUIICTEO CARRA.NHA HILL Wcstbrook. Denlton. Texat."tew Two Thousand Visitor to Anrleal Village lighted and quaintly decorated.oilcans

ta rk .. cloudyCloudy INVITED TO CAPITAL TOHAT. i rosideni't annual addieti. C. 0. Moser for rairoo saurt nay.

inteliu PL cliy. i in edict that tomorrow General vr- Dallas, Texat. Yslela. July t. Tne cetecraaon or tbe Miners A film Aoreemeal.nusUatio cerrante wtll be nulled y Fran-cisco

licport Of secretary and treaturer, SLOW TRUST PROGRESSPbMBII Clear carbajal lo proceed tu Mexico ami Rldtwav. College Siatlon, Texu. Mlal anniversary or tbe Yslela'a parrón Charleston. W. Vs.. July It. Tbe minersKapid 8 I) clear Feeding Dairy Cows, C. H. Annul. Tart saint. Nuertra Señora del ' armen, com or ihe Kanawha district who went on strike.take over the reigns or tne national gov-II clear menced last night. Tbe memorable day June l tonight affirmed the agreement madserument," said J. N. Amador, attorney for ranch. Tart. Texat.St, Luula Clear Admlaltlratloa Leaders Are Malino Aery waa hv hundreds of rallhfnl ret- - by their repreeentattvea and the operators.nneral carratita. in fcl Pato last nirhi Gat acquainted meeting.ali Lake CHy PL Cldy. Wllltlil lineen days the coiialllutloiialisis Julr 2a, t:J0 A. M Blow Pregreat lar Perlecllag Pending Menti nt lh undent vfllmre The teiwn hl1 Most or the mines to the Held are now

ban Mitimi cloudy Measures. made great preparations ror the commence-ment

opei sting.will bo In control of the Mexico CHy rm Tb. importance or Lxhibittng Dairy cat --a It a1'ranrlaeoan Pt. cldy. of the affair and waa prepared toaula ft clear eminent and Uuua will be no more rtgtii lie at Our Agricultural Falra. Ed. c. Lata

tagtw cleat Ing." wr. Falfurut. Texas. Hu ihr i toólo fed PrttPL Cldy. central Reolrlaf la LI Paae. Managing a Small Dairy Herd. A. W. Ein Washington. July to. Thai ' administracleat uetwrai rejoicing anions consuiuuoiiai- aid. Brvan. Texas Hon laadera in tne senate still are unablePt. Cldy. t.sia followed ibe recelpi or MeaJeo city The Breeding or uood Dairy Cattle, w. c. m agree on the nneral principles or trust Excellentdispatches that Huerta bad presented in, I.eUarran, Sherman. Texaa. legislation now before thorn waa empba-tlte- Wigwamresignation n uie nouao of drimtiet. Thai v.'hat a Dairy Cow Muat Produce to be toda.It meant the end or tbe revolution, was me Profitable, J. W. Rldgwty. professor dairy The wide divergence of views was fur-

thermini iiiadc public at San Amonio franela Pretidenl Wllaon intended to aend John cxpresalon heard on all sides. None think husbandry, Texaa A. .n. couege. indicated in senate committees, tba Programco Villi ai i.uunciM liiinarir an adherent mil. loi im t guvcrnor of MUUWMU. tnsi mere win ne any runner mlliiaiy Mlernuon BetslOB. Judiciary committee railing arter a solid01 attanga and Joined the ranks or nw Mexico aa hit pergonal repreaeiitallte In en operations ueceiagfy. etcapt to put down ihe Dairy Work alha Dtllat fair. Prank week of labor to perfect ibe Clayton bill, Theatret' lrtliern army. udi 4 tu srrengti a baalt for in. rvpun-llc'- guerrillas ana Hindus Many or tne con bobbin, tuperinienaeni atiry ueparuneoi which they bad expected to complete last theI'aacual Oroteo. or ihe clan of the norm peace. Huerta announced mat na elltuilonalliU art or tbe opinion thai lullat fair. Monday. The inténtate commerce com-


in i.'ioiuiionam t. an Ihe lona notable mlii tu tolérale foreign interference. Huerta will uot Icavs Mexico, bul will re flic rtaliooal Dairy Show, w. E. Skinner, railed again to meet to resumei. aun- tinong llic diasrfected who declared Mewiihelcas Mr. Luid delivered bla note lire to his native state or tuxaca and sur tt'tieial manager national dairy tbow. cm consideration of tbe Rayburn bill to reg-

ulatelot lot new gov.nuneui. from I'reahleul Wllaon. Iluerle rejected round hlmaelf with a heat y guard or fed cate. Issuance or railroad securities, and Today-On- e Day Only-Toda- y GRECIANlatl Handed Veckaor to an proposals made by the American gov rat torce. uuaca is a mountainous Dairying and Poultry Ralelng, Ueorge u. it waa staled by a member of the com-mitteeTail, marina the rod or hit org rente I, liter f vtlncl: were ihe turre. state and It would be comparatively easy Oray, Boarna. Texas, thai no meeting could be held be

term, left u hit tuccraaor the problem or Hunt Hta. Ihi sue Ibat be should ior uueria lo lati out inert lor many year itsi.ifia Dairy Ctlvtt, J. A. Clultar. in- fore Friday. IT waa aaaerted alto lhat Anotheri. j uauo dliilomaiir n lemma ith Mexl-ic- ii. be a candidate on elitnlvn day. Villa Lollkely I. be to Capital. dtlrytug, Texas A. at M. college. practically no progress bad been nude Today

To Woodrow Wilton. Huerta aeoi Ilalauoni rxiweer. the Halted State and hi" conttitutictiaHitt do not know vet How to Select Dairy Cattle, c. M. I vans. atnee laai west "Adventure of Kathlyn"lit iiaiiona on Hie day of Iba Ameritan V' became icuie. I'reaMent wtiaon wuai tne piaaa oi ine ireoere win oe. I editor southern Perm and Dairy. Bryan. The dirriculties senators are encounterl inauguration. waa stated by members or Oeneral Villa' Texu. ine in committees together with open dlsproclaimed hla In addrett brroreHampered al tbe outaet or Ma admtnls lo whicb


anatteched the cor laff that It wat probable that Ihe com July 7. IM P. M. agreements on principles at evinced on the

IrgUoa by tbe rafuaal oí iba (jolted state. reaiundeiiro betwien Mr. Ltnd and tne tnander would proceed to Mexico City wuh iromon niteatei or Dairy Callle. rioor of tbe senate, served to lac reata the "Leopard's10 irtognne him, Huerta toon faced grow-i- Hum ta aOinialMratlcn. arrania ana ine tuners, wnen tney went Mtrsteller, a asocíale proresaor veterinary growing belief that ihe various measures

dirflrulUea to raising runda lo run tut j take eaarge or tbe government. Villa tel. tne. Texaa A. k. M. collage. pending should be consolidated Into onegovernment. Hla uueaay lielú upon affair! Wtagpearaaee of Doulaiuea. did not confirm Ibis. However, II would ihe inisoline Lnalne on the Hairy Farm. measure. At the UNIQUEv - weakened by minor contlllullonaiii. liante wat attacked m Maa aeaete by impossible for ornersl villa to take his i. i. Oae lu charge rural engineering, Dtaeuaiine the interstate trade commit Foundling"tttlnrtlt in tne norm and by recurring Seaator romlngue. who had tne bardt troops ou aucn a trip, ano ne could ouly Tetas A.AM, college. sino bill, senator Holm declared that theremora or a breag with rem Diet. Huer-la'- hooU to tiwak what wet in the mlnda of een wita a .mail bodyguard, which negmrv or Mem Testing, nonen I. interstate commerce committee was lo TODAT

ally in Ihr overthrow of Madero. hlniaeir and tome or hla colleague.. Uonun many to believ. that be will not lake kmgsvlUe, Tatas. ravor of Ihe so called Newlanda measure Complete in two reel a.

Huerta Mral I arrli at Eleetlag. liter dltappeared. Tbe chamber ef deptt-tlo- comae central buaUteti. election or officers, wblcb would give the proposed conxtnit-tlo- Bex comedy drama. "Piala Mary.mi Nay I. Huerta announced Uial he adopted a retuluiion calling for an report and appointment or committees. power to prevent ' unralr competi-

tion."Strictly a "KATHLYN" Story

ul Huerta Deleealea.Mean Ha added that tbe Judiciary com-

mitteeinv estimation Eclair comedy. "WUlle aadwould urge congreat lo call eterllona in tba fltyat-elaa-

Mf hi Ataoclelcd Prt. believed an could and Written "KATHLYN"bylo ' oote Ida alienator. Tbe To title Huerta a reply waa dramatic aim s ork. July li.- - The enante la Ihe u. sTarmyorders ahould be made to dtrineattempt

the unfair prac-uc- and latp Trarelengae.selected October go aa the dale or um awlfl. He inarched a column of troop willpresidency cauta no change In their to he prohibited. Produced by "KATHLYN"election and a decree to Ibat erren wat to the depullet' chamber geUed 110 or ktalua. tbe Mrilr&ii delegates lo Iba Magua senator Borah varied the erauraoatt by ' Lalieraal Bey" aeries He. I, featur-

inglaaud by Hueru on June I. Palla Dial, who t ie in ami threw them btlo prlaoo. Meal Falls .Hiñen, now in nut city, declared Washington. July tl By direction of the taking wnat roller would be airara to to Played by "KATHLYN" Little Malty.bad announced hlmaelf aa a candidate ror he dlt tohed conrreat and took to hi in ion. sin inasmuch at Ihelt credential arc, president, ordera of July reUHag u. Mi the email buabteet man If the 'balo olHie inrtlOency. wat tent lo Japan ou (elf Hie legialatlve aulberlly calling tot from 11. Finn field artillen, andibe Mexican aenete and noi trota toe Ji't ü. Bishop. eternal wiadom ahould for a tingla mo men l Tomorrow Threeluly 7. tne election or new ateaiuera on uctooer an. pit i least! VI. D. New bill, quartet master's corps, are slip rrom toe prow or tne xraae commit On the Same Program With reel Pnwera drama.

"The Severed Bead."Henry Lane Wilton, tbe American embaí Through Mr O'Sbaughnetty tne I titled If ibe aerralary or aula for carbajal ap revoeatl. uon." or "sucn Butineat mee aa ti tin beaubfojtailor, wee recalled to Weehangion ana tsiaiea made repreteotattons In regard to provea ef tbe delegate! watting bare lor the set onu l leutenani K. BradTord,Melton u'Sbaugbneeey. charge d'affelrei. me iiniiritonaa aeiegaiea. uo aiecoon day expected tending or consiitiiLlonaliai dele cavalry, will proceed to Weat Point "Hearst Selig Weekly"wee left la charge of American interetit certa forcea In favor or the dictator a org to a conferonc. tbtir elevan days' so lor nut at the United latea military acad-

emy.ui Mexico. ed for bia re election with Blanquet for Slice in ew York city will be prolonged Which ahowaJoke UaS Seal to Me alee, tut runnuig mate anu tent color to staled Fir! i u latum F. S. snyder. laeaadhsrly li. Augutl II became known that pertlftant reporta that Huerta really ae "We ere liare lor Mexico, not for one ctvtiry, win proceed io Wrtt Pcaat lor ERUPTION OF MT. LASSEN

man.'' was all l.uilio Habata, bead ol Uw duty al Ibe United Slates military academy Garden Airdome CRAWFORD THEATREdelegation, would tgy loourhi Major Frederick H , retired, it Y RACES

ataigoid lo acilve duly and will proceed SCJITPAY MIGHTT ilwWT .Pafw. UndaWli A Mlal to the Wise la Mff Ideal io Newark v J., ror recruiting services, On Ban Antonio St.. Opposite ROOSEVELT WEDDING N1COL-TRO- YAir Wlata cuusilpated lake i.bamberiain t relieving uani Colonel E. H Hubbaru, Peeo del Norte Hotel STOCKucvy vuutci y Ail oth era Tabla It Tbey are easy lo take and moat rallied, who win proceed to hla botne. And Other Inbex eating Sconce COMPANYeg retail! in aftecL rot tale by all deelert. by direction or the pretldeni. First i Under Now

606-W- 6 t stntehl, Jr., Fifieenm laraairy. MaaagententNO ADVANCE 04 PRICES Direct From St. Louie, labtreel Car Cataaaay la detailed aa nrafaaaor of aaUliary icaaaee

India Relish id bulk . . . .Me Pt gBulla


itHlf te

JulyTU f


hi peeaaniinc theatiiu

Uie AgriculiuraJ college of I'tab. Logan, four raun Rim itkatctkje Note Owing to tba Inlstsst ia "MAN OF THEQuaxm Olivee in bulk . . . .tic Pt. slbuaueroue TitcUoO COmoanv. a a. rOJklS EVKBT JflUBT the "Kathlyn" picture, patroneMillen. an auotuty of thai place, appealed PhJIadelpata Ceta UBRtlMl Player.Sour Pickles in bulk 16c Do., berote the tlau board of equalutuan usiay Mutkoaee. ukla.. July Ik. B McA.r are uiged to com to tba auuv HourLarge Watertnelona --c Lb. to toiuplain of the itluauon placed upon taanag.r and teoond lidiar an of ibe t inec Hundrede will be turnadthe rtroaerty of tbe tomianr. The com Was tern lasanllltaa du. lodgy wet riCW OM evsUJC SATOUUTFjaaaS Tom toe .15c Bucket pauy's Itneg are ease teed at I lija par twin iu ITiiladalaM ef Rat RaUotval league Cea tBte rreata, Cool ewevjr nt rxigbt.Wt eaaip (xkU tx mile, or a total or M4JM0. ctrlutlie of the Me left touirhtio Jeta lea Philadelphia It

lyase p(uittig atted tvy Uta nf taj team la i Louie.

témy. July 16. ll EL PASO MORNING TIMES 3

Raerta 's FamilyThe Mexican President Has a Mother-in- - The "Popular" Closes at Moon Sharp on FridaysLaw Who Is in Sympathy With Him. Employe's Weakly Summer Halt Holiday. Shop Early Friday earance

One or UK' 'n i! m cresting taris about He has a brother. Vlrtor. who went through

Victoriano Masáis, U mat tw han a mother aday


House"the Americana

wedding onlanded




At The "POPULAR"In law, aim that, contrary to the usual ran Ml, Two other boys or IS and I make JULY CLEARANCE SALEof aurh arratra, ahc l thoroughly in sym up the Huerta household.

Iathy wlih him, according to a Vera Cruiletter to the New York Evening Sun. In a The one big underprice sale of the year, offering savings that OFFERS A NEVER rrather plain bouse at Ml Avenida Chapulleper.

PEN PORTRAIT OF HUERTA manifest themselves instantly values that know no equal anywhere a sale ENDING SUCCESSIONSeñora Aguila, who Is now M years

old, holds forth tor all her children and bcr that though half the month has passed, yet attracts even greater throngs as it OFabove that of the average ofA staturerhlldrens' husbands and wires. Searrely a

Mexicans; a rather bulky frame; rugged roes by that she does not chat with at reatiirrs; a massive, rirmly set Jaw a Better Values inleut ! or her children or (Tandchlldrrn, completion not nmcn nara.r ..... ...

holding ramlly court In Menlcan fashion, thewhich


or southernwith humor



eyesa A Marweltons Offering of Dainty, Mewlistening to storlet or troubles or Joys and straggling. (Tttsled mustache such are the Men's Weargiving such advice aa sbe rinds is needed. physical characteristics of Victoriano Huer

Mot infrequently the real dictator or Mex-

ico ciwarii"'Huerta Is a man of much greater nativebrcetes Into ber quiet room wltb a Joke ability than his enemies would admit, and ash Dressunci a laugh. "You rascal," la bit s lie has grown during the year Just passed.

name ror him, but be Is always He Is not as great a man as bis friends Another "Conip" inpaint him. but he Is a very mucn greatersure of a welcome. There was a time, it : ... ... i. t,ni,ii,.,i hv the forces onIs said, during the old days at Monterey, iKised to him in Mexico.Mexico, when Huerta was only a sewer .,. nun. "J - ."""V. v Materials Men's Suitsliuildlng contractor, money was scarce and

distinguishes essentials nonessentials, and.lluerta's habits none too steady. Then Se-

ñora Aguila held form no kindly greeting point at once. If be so desires. On the that smack, of the sensational. I. acherl-tile- d

husband. The children hand, be has the sagacity, or the as-

tuteness,tomorrow'. selling. One hun-

dredTur ber daughter's oilier for WdSfl W'c have Juat received from Hurt,were coming Into the Huerta home rapidly, or the slyness or the Indian-c- an

full of dainty, sheer ofwhen It suits his piece, pretty, i Marx another magnificent lotHuel will and gand such debis were piling up on the It what youla household which only his "presidency" purpose can maintain an impenetrable re voiles, chiffon llsae and marquisette two in. three piece nulls, ptirchnsrd onenabled lilm to pay ofr. But all that Huer-

taweave materials of the latest designs and (he nianufncturer'. end of eeMOP clean-

up,in tne last year or so has In the details of business and In thehas none colorings secured from a prominent where we offered them n price towiped all the score wltb the conduct or tne ""SCnatjm "V.,'. mill at an end of season, Clean-u- p Priorold Udy, and she takes great delight In see-

ingmitke up all their remaining aummer-welg-

her daughter Mary the -- first lady or en to le'sseer aller. Though he works hard and tropical mtiterlals Into suits.the land."


distributionhe lakes up



ue isThere are



Are Offered to You Our offer waa accepted--an- d the miltsnearest to him do tot ure here! JiMi think a merchant buy-

ingAs tor the daugliler herseU. she does not when those Thursday at Less

or the land where he Is or how to reach him when otherrind that to be "the Hrst lady know great quantities everyir .ill pleasure. Mrs. Huerta is a bright That Is what has given rise, rrom time to Than Half-Pric- e . . . Inris Ih nnitsavnrlnir to unload. If volt

family, though socially lime, to reports of his disappearance fromHuertaIn theSnwl the will realise what thistelegraphed to will but think, yousite Is of Utile importance. Tne society the capital, reports

has These materials are regularly priced every-


tolks or Mexico say or her that she does I nlted States, but tor which condition mean. thnt the ropular,foundatlon.-Lo- uis at 25c the yard, and aa the plecea arebecause she Is been the slightestnot scintillate In society never with ill. solute, bona fide values. I. .ell

loo absorbed by maternal duties and Inter-

ests.C. Simonds In the Atlantic. mostly one and two of a pattern or coloring,

lng more Milts than ever before!To be a mother has been her lire the choosing Is simply splendid, offering .tripes,

woman Is a thing or Cholera Morbus,training to bo a society Hangersalte has never learned, because her hus-

bandin almost every neighborhood some one pin check., medium checks, plaid, and broken This new lot Includes many blue aergca and grays, a. well aa

Is a soldier and, by the strange rule has inert rrom an attack or cholera morbusor a stripe., In all shade, of blue, tan, pink, green, many madje from the finest Imported worsted. and, while webe procuredMexico, a soldier has no social berore medicine could and black white creamin lavender oror Ihlngs brown, onshould In the regular price on them, yet

whatever. At Ihe brilliant social physician summoned. Every ramiiy might have, all fairness, putreceptionstanding

wbicb President Huerta ñas al-

waysbe prepared tor such an emergency. Mrs. grounds. Every piece Is perfect, freeh. crisp and

w- ml, them to our pcgular stocks In which you will findinsisted shall be given monthly at B M Snyder, Herkimer, If. Y., says. "About

attack beautiful and you have never bought material Hart, Hchaffncr & Marx, Rogers Peet & Co. and "Kltform"Uuipullepec, Mrs. Huerta Is never at ease tour years ago my husband had an of this character at such a price before. Comeand Mexican society folks laugh In their or cholera morbus.

Cholera andI gave

Diarrhoeahim Chamber-

lain's Remedy early there will be a "whirlwind" later In the day aulta- -Jeeves at her habit of herding in a corner Colic.

relatives, while her and It relieved the pain Immediately, and

husband,with her


all the rineness or a two or throe doses or It errected a cure." Sale Will Be Meld in Wash Goods Section 2d Floor at Reduction of 33society man, Flits about the rooms rrom For sale by all dealers. agrouD to group coaxing men to the For Hie remainder of this week we offer a very apodal gathering

or punchbowl and makingtook


ñero Extra of Boy. and Girls' BAREFOOT sAMi ll s. In small (M finnever up Special!i Jokes. Mexican society 1-- 3 Per Centartei he became president because, BIG REDUCTION IN alies, at tf I sUUSociety folks said, he was a -- peons prest- -

took the WOMEN'S WHITE SHOES Odds and ends Men's $10.011 Hulls now $2.5 Men's $32.50 Suits now. .$15.00presidential

un the contrary,power, society

arter Huertarolks who had RATES in shoes,, pumps and oxfords, in white canvas, Men's $35 00 Milt - now ,att4s Mra - $20.00 Suits now . $1S.S5

belonged to the aristocratic Dlax regime STATETAX Men's $92.50 Suits now. Mm'. $18.00 Suits now..$K.OOround It necessary to take In Huerta and broken lines and sizes, but if your size is dl Men's eXO.OO Hull now $20.00 Mn'a$15.00HultM now. .$10.00histhe

raimly.peons where


Huerlabelonged-ln- to

was "pullingthe

PER. CENT here, a wonderful value, choice, pair P Men's $25.00 Multa now. $1(1 nr. Men's $12-5- Suits now. .$ 8.35to Huerta, ANDarmy." All or this is a Joke

who sees the inside or society's. Idea. He AS AGAINST FtlRII-m- a

of All Women's and Children'sknows well enough why he and bis ram ly LAST YEAR. July Clearancehave suddenly

or Mexico.been elevated

There Isby



tocrats hoIncreased Valuation Will Permit of Raise Pumps and Oxfords Is Now On Every Pair Is Jelly Clearance in Fiiirnishings

loves better lo do, In bis role as dictator.In Confederate Pensions and Per Capltaa Greatly Reduced.

Umn lo threaten, tactrully. In a banquetAllowance for School Children.

Seech, to place the men or Mexico s aris-

tocracy m tho army. The race or more ens3enú Ustbau one urlsiocrat has blanched at Hue-rtas

By Special Wire to The Timet See the GffiTsugge-ilo- n or this sort. In the exclu-

siveAustin, Texas, July 15. The total state lax

Jockey Club, in the capital, where rate for the current year will be 37 I i Fade" 4-C- ufHuerta was never admitted betore he Yoniir Flailfollows: Windowseised the presidency, he delights to stand cents, divided as

ai the oar and. In sinister tones, grumble School, ilO cents; ad valorem, 12 cents;out bis threats lo scire all men in Mexico, pensions, a cents. The total sute tax ralo f Shirtsrieii or poor," and place them In the Held.

their last year was 45 cents, and the net reduc-tion

DisplaysIbe Huerta ramlly aoclally.Analyilngstanding is nil. bul neither to the dictator this year Is 7 cents. r TT sa ila "i am sTksafaar'5br to bis wire does this make a rap or There Is an Increase of 3 cents In the Specialdirrerence. school tax over last year and a reduction

The eldest child of the Huertas Is Señora of 10 cenia in tne ad valorem tax. The

I'rauclsco .'.oloii. or Monterey, wire of a pension tax of rive cents, which la rixedeinl cukuVi-- The Colon ramlly Is .now Ibe constitution, remains the same.

fled from Monterey by the fact that they will not desert and thatthe capital, havinginthe tebei seUed It. "Süe's a Valuation Increase of fl0.U0.C83. Mexico many of them, unlike the federals, haveJust Iwfure

no inore" rs-- the way Mexican The state automatic tax board, mellng to In been accustomed to the use of firearms ailwomanMKUt.Oescrtbe a woman who has no day as required by law, with Governor their lives and some of them are real ex

In comet sail hi, coiquiti in the latter office, fixad tbe tax perls In Ihe use or the rifle and revolver.Jrstejw. brilliancy tr Men Seenand hawl had the Huerta girls so dr rates on an estimated valuation of I2,7tii, The Fighting as by overuaiauces tin laca. all sizes color, are guaranteedscribed to me by a Mexican clubman. Un-

derUv,svjo, which la an increase of i,iJ,6KJ Temple, of the New York Herald. Kxpert machinists, bntlertnakers. locomo not to fade; all new summer atylea,

that rating society people of the capital over last year. The estimated valuauon was live engineers, electricians, bookkeepers, beautiful .election; each shirte Lux Huerta, who la 18 years old and based on preliminary reporta rrom tbe lax and In fact all classes of worklngmrn arc In a

piarIn December was married to an old assessors rrom rto counties, which gave an io ne rouna in tne rrnei ranks. with an extra pair of cuffa.who

sweetheart or her whom her rather Imme-

diatelyincrease or f34,vn,v2t over laal year's

I. ail October ihe adherents or Venustlano white race In the riles only being enough The arm most popular among ihem Is

colonel In the Mexican army, rigurea. to the rule. Ihe American rifle, as this Is themade a provethough li:' had before been only an em-

ployeSchool Per Capita to Be M.sO. Carranba were obliged to exacuate Ciudad

The orricers or the rederal troops are favorite sporting and many or th gkriven's Elastic Seamin a business house. Lux. however, The board rigured that $3,308.200 must Porrirlo nig, now known as Piedras msnv or them gentlemen or rerinnient ann revolutionists In time of peace are en-

thusiasticunder Ibe vmertoan rating or girlhood, come from ad valorem taxes, this to meet Negras, and which was their headquarters education, from the upper stratum of Mexi-

canand successful sportsmen.

stood high m the capital, she Is pretty, appropriations and the 20 per cent cost for or society and graduales ol the National Mentally, morally and physically Ihe menvivacious, always laughing. She liked assessing and collecting the taxes. Tbe tax rrom shortly arter tin- assassination

Military College at chaoultopee. In the rebel rank are far Superior to Ihelrand When she was a lutle rates as fixed, based on tbe estimated valua Madero until September 30, 1UI3. whose opponent or the federal army. The federalsAmerican, once. Two young second lieutenants are belter officered and better drilled, bul No. 50 the kind sou nil know the one beat betwill result In the following revenue.that sbe Idol-

izedHon "lliiertlsts." 60cgirl of 13. slic acknowledged A heavy force or or acquaintance I made through showingSchool, 15.492,23; ad valorem, ;,sv:.,ir.. lo constitutionalists, mere inetr superiority cease.Arnold the American as Ihey are called by toe courtesies were gentlemen pairs me ordinary

ami would marry no one but an Ihe. pension hind there will be produced under the command of Ueneral Mass. was or It would have been The struggle In Mexico today may bcwhom In lime peace IMtened In of Its features to -- Del Paris" (lock in one) lindergarmenut Separate shlrta or16 SU.Mt.utK). ron these amount are to be friends, many Ihe

Mn rii an. Leonora Huerla Is now years marching on the town, and my a pleasure lo count among one's friends.old but, like the rest or the marriageable deducted 20 per cent for assessing and col- railed "rebels." were unable to cope They were courteous, refined and pleasant French revolution In 1703 or our own revo d rawer- -

while tin It is expected tbat in. per capita lark or but for lutlon or t776. making due allowance rorHuerta children, sbe made hay with them, not ror men, In manners and evidently sludlous and clearance price 85o$1.00 garment.,the difference In and Itegulnrgreat racefor the schools will be In as tempera

un aliono on le r remarkable rather and apportionment lack or rifles, cannon and cartridges, ambitious in their chosen profession.iiccame Engaged wltb the pose or bavlng the neighborhood or as. Last year It was lite embargo on arms had not yet been re-

moved.Lieutenant Colonel liulllermo Arguelle, ment of the masses concerned In the ques-

tion.Hegulur $1.26 garments, clearance price $1.00

a Mexican "While House" wedding. The 7. Tbe apportionment will not be made of the Forty second Infantry, was a dif-

ferentlingular H.uO garment., clearance price $1.30

lucky young man to whom she Is engaged until next month. Their rear guard, a small body of only type, as he was between fitly and ' oi. garments, clearance price $1.86Is named nulrox Ho li only years old In addition to the stale school tax, the Hi mounted men. rude away about thre.. sixty years of age and had already served

available school fund will receive approxi-mately

rederal scouts entered (Offered In all slaes In summer-wetgbl- a and atylea.)and was a clerk In a government orrico hours before the his country ror twenty eight years anduntil J.eonora'a favor settled upop btm. the rollowing amounta: School re-

demptions.the town, on October 7. had got enough. NEAR TRAGEDY IN

eonora lold her falber about her selection 1112.460; incolvenls. tft.buO; polls, An hour arter the arrival or the scouts War for him had lost lis rliarui. and beand one morning young Quilos awoke lo tonii.ooi); scbool occupation, 41,001; acbool the regulars, to the number or about two looked at It from an eminently practical See the Mea'. Dept.rind that he had been appointed a general collections In treasury, 1264,281; Interest thousand artillery, cavalry and Inrantry. and even commercial point or view, the Open Satur-

dayIn the Mexlran army! only recently, when from depositors, M.1S2; collections by comp-

troller,eommenced to march In, a dusty, weary more especially as during the advance on SMELTER WindowHuerla suspected that the rhler or police 14,800; Interest on bonds, 40o;itii; minimi. Piedras Negras some irreveni rebel, wltb SALOON i mu

made Interest rrom scbool and sales and leases, disorder mid only little federal J o at.was plotting against him, Uulror was There was no no respect for gray hairs or a p.

bead of the capital police force, with some li.ioi.oot". cheering or shouting, an the majority or uniform, had punctured the old man DisDiav LTttIT:4,000 armed policeman under him. Quarterly allowance or not less man ;n the toWBpaoplei were rabid rebels and had through the calf of his rlaht leg wllh a

George Huerta. VTrtortann'a eldest son, and probably as high as 125 will be given fled to the American side of the river at bullet, and the colonel was still TIMKI.V AIMIVAI. or in HWKh m fran be disposed of In a rew words. In confederate iensloners. the approach of IM enemy, in BjM Daw limping from the erfects or it and had bad I TV HHKHIre KI1.PA I Hit k t ROM

NKHIOD8much the same rashlon that Mexico City's had not taken their Wlnrhesler rifles and no time lo mend the hole m his trousers, INJI RV.

social leaders dispose or him. They say Mokene Lands In Havana. joined the scattered bill not conquered which was very conspicuous he hobbledlie's "impossible." In the old days rolks .') Ike associated Prtu rebels. Those whose sympathies were with around attending to his (Utile.. Two land In Jail aa Result of Alfray Nearuaed to plly General Huerta because, as Havana, July 15 The steamer Kspagnc, the tederala had not yet returned from rtaid he "1 wish to resign, hut the gov-- irinsinii that Has Ueen Hiroe oera In ihe rase asl th. report of the time past, this being the first opportunitytliey said. "George never worked and was which arrived here yesterday from Vera Kagle Pass. Texas, where lliey had taken llagan will not take my resignation at Of several Kllllog. afforded to transfer blm to the Stale Insti-

tutionalways living off his poor old ralber." Crux wltb several prominent Mexicans reruge when Carranza occupied the lowu, this time. ami. besides, ir resign now UHabb denle the charges of "pernicious ror Ihe Insane.The taste tor cognac and wild aulo rides aboard, sailed for Europe, francisco De in March. will only he entllle.l lo rifiv per cent of political activity "and ror chorus girls has descended. II ap-

pears,I.a Lama, finance minister In the Huerta common report and the statements ol my monthly salary of WW per month, and Jose tiarcia and Juan v.rui are in ihe New Hate tor Reluroa.

upon George. Crude, arroganl, self-

ishcabinet, and Generals Joaquin and Mario wiuie or their own of fleers Torce one to ir I continue In the service until have county jail and Deputy Hherirr i. H. Carbalal I He Taken to Avium Austin, let.. July Pi. Tbe railroad com-

missionall the social attention he gets In the Maas remained on the steamer, but Seuor believe Dial the Met lean rederal soldier oinpieted thirty years win draw alxly Is congratulating him-- , n on a liar Hoc IMOdwln leaves IbU today adopted a rate or I cent percapiial la given him through rear. He. too, Moheno, the former minister of conmeroe, recruited rrom the very drefs of i eanl or my pay in active service But row escape rrom drain or serious Injury llv


HangerHan Antonio In charas of Alberto pound, with a t cent minimum, on returned

had a "White House" wedding about a landed and will proceed to New York n population am old and liave a mile corree plantation All tilla Is Hie result at, a lively little row Z .i... Cal'liaial llMS Miipment by ripreas or newspapers andwit ago George Is about 30 years old. A young captain m Maderos forces as-

surednear untaba, where would like to end which occurred last night near the "Unelo been confined 10 lb county Jail for son!-- ' ps in -

or theme that so per cetil am tu da Joe" saloon In the smeller district.In the ranks ei ertmmala and convij is. Ihese repel prisoners." he re-

marked,This I the same saloon rrom which

who on conviction or while In prison had -- is a wicked was f good atn- - Manuel Torre stepped out lasi Halurdavvolunteered to serve tit lite army rather muOUKMj rope are cheap and easily ob-

tained,night lo meet death at the hand or an un-knownthan complete their sentences. The other .an he used for hang-

ingami one rope assassin. II Is also the placo where

ai tier cent are most of Ihein inen raised a good many men before II Is worn Deputy Sheriff Oarlock and Hanger

NEW FAST SERVICE TO DENVER by farced levies, with here and "here a out." ell were done to death about one yea"genuine volunteer, bul these are extremeiey The day before he had hanged a raptured ago II has likewise peen the seen.- of

rebel without caramons rebel scoul who oilier arfrays. more or let erlou. and is"íti the convict element or the army are was taken prisoner about three miles rrom rapidly demonstrating It right lo the nameVIA representative of all grades of rrtme. Hie town, and his act (.roved tbe sincerity by which li Is known among Hi Mexicans,rrom simple "drunks." sneak thieves ana of his words. "F.I Combate," which In the leas picturesquepickpockets to murderers mi bandlis of A lew weeks SK" lie- siory of Colonel r.naiian language, mean, "the right.the most desperate i- n- in ihls I apeak by the rebel at Mon-El Paso and Southwestern from .Armiellet' capture leslerusy was payday at the smeller, and5 knowledge thanriom personal clova with over one imuuieo men mi his In honor of the event Sheriff Peyton Id B-sj-

ü-J BSeiNTB IYhearsay, as I resided m Mexico almost thlr command w published In the New York wards detailed Deputy Kllpalrlck and Mlalety six years, and have frequently talked newspaper! and ihe rbancei are tbat long Hanger Hoc ijoodwln to patrol the districtwltb prívale soldiers as well a Ihelr of-

ficers;ere this be ha taken a dose of his own The off h era were about lo leave the

and recall more than one soldier medicine, although n is likely tbat the lower Bettleuienl along the river bankRock Island and who I knew was serving or had served a gieater pail ol his men were incorporated when (arria Jumped rrom behind an adobeterm In the federal army as a punishment In tbe rebel rorci s, - u is a common prer wall of the saloon and ururk at kllpatrick

th e io give tbe private soldiers, when rap wllh a Inn. knife. Tim officer dodged.nSt utéa were nol at all reticent In tell-

ingcholea between being executedlured, UMll drew hi plbd and commanded the MellColo. & Sou. their reesous for beitur in the govern and turning against their former comrade an to throw up his hands. Insu-a- of

ment service, and oue even remarked that Few of them are shot when given this beylna the order tie: man who appearedwhen tn lime was out be Intended to kill ruanee of ieape, and they are said to fight to be erased with drink, sprang at the ofanother man who had escaped him so far. with great vim. as recapture means Btr only to be knocked to the ground HOW TO GET IT ALMOST FREEtime of war them convictFrequently in tain appearance before a firing squad by a blow from Deputy Hlshop's gun.soldiers as wall aa Ibe forced men, when While there Is a small proportion or mill Juan crux, a companion oi uarcia. menout oo scout or picket duly shoot their lary college graduates among Ihe rebel and en t ala Hits the above, bearing oLv. El Pato 1030 look a hand III Ihe pro. rdinns and a lively Clip oat pros coupons

P. ML officersandand




tbe officers, and their men are poorly drilled. Utile fight ensued, which ended wltb Ibe sccaUve dates, with our sjjsacaal prtos ut Otto. Booksenemy Mexican in handcuffs.ait band or bandlia and two display at UseAr. Denver 7:00 A. M. preyingInto


the country at large. Thev were broucht to lowu and loraen uuthisformal mornto await arraignment

The conscripts, or forced men. aa a rul" up



ormosttbe use


firearmshave never

wben It's a Mistake ink

PHMtiotm roun.

eijnri ACTivrrrTIMES BRANCH 9, JULY 16,1914

neror. had a modem high power rifle In




arm of..the Mexican sol-


to auppuoouirnsiaie

tiiat Naturea apcll


ggsuael IFireJuly

lo TheIt


ha broken out Coupons VolumeRound Trip Summer $35 in. ain

range,a 7 millimetre



ha aluueof ludlg.-ntlon- .


lrsisiia. betweenFrank

RepresentativeRabb al Laredo

earner and 6 and 68c "X $150the new fnlled tales Springfield10equal earner arruaea Rabb of "pernicious po

Tourist Fare - - - - modelor


two thousand federal troopsHack lirada, lie, BlUoua-ama-

lineal activity" against him (Uarner) lu his Well bouod to plain green English ototbt but without th.All

entered Piedras Nagrea were armed Cotxetlpalluti or Mala-

ria.race for representation to congress from portrait gallery of famous alagara

that the hi tent, district, tome time ago (larrifle: Ibe cannon were chiefly Ptsvor and Atrae. Help



or (lennan make and ware of la useeded today and UxU nerrenting

complainedhabb's alleged

to Pre anientactivities,


rona If by Mall Add lac Extra fog insured Paroai res.

loch lo Hires inch calibre, apHorn one a tmir triMi " treasury ageat was seat to Laredo, who in.uaTtreata,.r...i..,slelv "HEART BONGS" Tha song book with a soull of tbsOffice vesiiaaPd Ibe charges.City Passenger debased, dirty andtidier were a,demanded lo see volume ut attt pages. C

lot of rarainutrins aa a Yesterday alien uernar treasures of tbe world in onelanoranirule w nh nere and there an mieligtnt face HOSTETTER'S Hie evidence collected by tbe agent 10,006 muslo lovsra Four years to oosapleta lb. book,

MrAdoo refused so bu the paper.Roberts Banner Building treated b ihelr ofricrand sreshowing ofintereel. song a gem melody.huma it a against the publiccattle; Ibey were undersiied,dox orlike Oamer introduced a resolution dlmen. wltb a struug infusion StomachBitters Todayskinneddark dee, as occasional rccting McAdoo to send ta tbe bouse alt pa aasaassasjsaaaBfpof Indian Wood ae a

Ghats DefeatedI

T. H. fltotBiHn'I

CwrgMnttof mmBaseball by Chicago Cub Racing Sporting Editor Boxing Gsnboftt Snutli Bowlingin Final Gama Moraine TfaiM Ready for Fttrbt



Redt Defeat Phillies la I a. I of Herirá ud Brean Held Tinker's Maa la Two Bestirred Balk Carnea Were Waa Easily With Ike "'I taeMálalel Start Trátala far tbee bark laid rsntik Plan While f rdi Bits While Moore Blaak Balllaiora Drummers- riieaia always Holding Battle, While Deaeee Arrives Followta friend left to drawaali Melre II F.vea Break H'llk Braveo. Wllb rear, Barrees W la Twa. Rival Bafe.-O- teai aty Wlae. Day With Maaaser, fren Coast


Biaadlat of the Cluka. leadla al Ike Oaks SLaadta of Ike Cimba. two of the hove In tha etmeWef nr imiitWoo. Lost. Pet. won. teat ret. Won. Lost. Pct- -

flaw York . Chicago 4 at . Philadelphia 4 at s4 St. Joaepb . 4 at who act aa sparring partners for ibe right-t&- rChicar" .... Indianapolis 4B n .eat Detroit Denver Italian In bli training stunts, will ar-riveSt. Louis . . Buffalo 40 K .33 Washington Bloux City in El Pi so tomorrow with an tbe'.Inrlnnad Brooklyn 17 U .atl Chicago ... Lmcoln training naranhernalla two tav in iHvmvhI'hiH.I. l. hia Kaltlmote K 37 .107 Boston .... Dea Moines or tbe opponent or Orover Hayei and the Bren the newest addition to your pipe rack soon takes

Pittsburgh kanaas City 31 4t .4 St. Loula 4 It Omaha latier'a manager, and win spend the in-tervening on the good fellowship of an old familiar friend, when itBrooklyn ... New York,SI. Louis M 41 .4 Wichita .... time In retting everything In

BOStOO llltsbtirih 30 41 .414 Cleveland .. Topeka 81 r.s shape ror Dundee 10 thai when he teps gets seasoned by the mellowness oforr the train Sunday he can Immediately VELVET, The Smoothest Smoking Tobacco. VELVETWhere They Play Today. Where They Play Today, tart to work In preparation ror his bat-tlePhiladelphia ai Bt. Louti Indianapolis at Kansas City. Cleveland at Washington. wirhlta at Omaha. with Hayea. has all the slow burning, satisfying qualities of Kentucky

Boston ai Cincinnati 8t. Loula at Chicago. cniraro at Philadelphia. 81. Joaepb at Denver. Marea Due FridayBrooklyn at Pittsburgh. Brooklyn ai Plitslmrfb. Bt. Loula at New York. Topeka at Sioux City. The latter wired yesterday that he would Barley da Luxe with a smoothness that is VELVETS own.

Onl three games cheduled. Baltimore at Bufarlo. Detroit al Boatos. Dei Moines at Lincoln. Kt here on tbe 17th, which tl Friday, two Pull weight 2 os. tins, 10c. Coupons of Value withIn advanrn or hi nmni (1....Mr the Atnc4ied Preat By 'Ac Attoeiaied 'reta By Ike A undo I rd Preaa By the Attocinlrd Prttt like Dundee, 11 In aplendld form at prei-en- t VELVET.

Chicago, July H -- Frank Schtilte's long kanaas city, July ts. --Cullop allowed but 1'hlledelphia, July ir. While thunder en Denver, Col July it. St. Joaepb won and will need Just about the week's 1TLdouble ajralDjt the fence In right renter three hita until the seventh Inning when deevored to drown out the music or two both games or a double header rrom Den-ver

wvra 10 pui mm in tne very neat or Shane 2L IDChe weakened and Indlanapolta acorad four here today, s to and to . storaer 10 travel over the twenty-roun- mm. withtoday wai Iba rlimai to an exciting ninth banda, tbe world's champlonahip flag whichruna and Ibe locals were defeated, I to 3, waa in good form tn tbe aecond ram and such a tough customer as Johnny Dundee.Inning rally which resulted la a I lo i vic-

torytoday. the Philadelphia Americana won last fall, held Denver to rour hits. The aecond game The match has thi

for Chicago over ew York. By Score: R. H. K. waa raised at atube park tail afternoon. waa railed In tbe ninth wllb one out, on 01 iae couniry 10 roinr and according to Breezy Copper League Dope ofwinning the locals obtained an even break Indianapolis ooo ono 410 s 7 tThrough miniature lakes and account or darkness. 'fw" iccoivoa aere rom outsiae sources,

uthe aerial and prevented, the (llama kansas clly 001 101 000- -1 10 I mud the visiting Bt. Louis Americans and Score (flrel game): R. H. E ine blrreit delegation that baa everrrom increasing their lead of 1 I ! fatties Batteries; Movie v and RerldeU; CulWp tbe champion Athletics paraded Ibe Held St. Joaeph 000 110 HO6 a EI Paao to wltnesa a prlxe flgbl win Interest to El Paso Baseball Fanswhich separated the trema prior to the Adami and Eaiterly. and dunnr a momentary in tbe al-

mostDenver 010 000 0001 S be on band. A rr north as Albuquerque

aeries. rontlnuou thunder ibowera which Batteries Thomae and Scuang; Oaikeli will send lover of good scrap and hadscor- e- R. H. E. Tarrlera. 3, CUfada, a. fell ill day. the peonan t waa belated 10 Zamlorh and Block. ibe promoter succeeded in getting tbe

Mew York 003 000 0014 6 I Bv the Attucialtd Pretttne top or tne pole. Score (aecond game): R. H. E. lauiaus hi put on a reduced rate, it 11 Bv FABIS V. BUSH. Whit's his bsttlnr sverare? Rain at Hur-

ley,Both or the double headerramee iched almost certain that almostBt. zoi aso -e thousandChicago urn too 0031 II 1 Joaepb a right(.hlcaro. July 16 - Mordecal Brawn bald tiled ror today were postponed. ran from east Silver City, W. M., July 14. Tbe bsseball and no game Saturday. Ram at PortTexts,Batteries: Trsrcau and McLean, smith Denver WO 000 00 S New Mexico andChicago to two hits today and won w bug has not only landed In tbe Southwest-ern

Bayard brought down the curtain m theand Bramaban. Hargrave. easy gama for the St. Loula Federals Tijera 3; Señalara 1Batteries Sterxer and Schang; King, toetn naT vlI,,ea 011 "t o prt of New Mexico where the Copper seventh, with Plttmaa In the box tbe Dia-

rerahita liood, s hulte. Double to o. An error by Tinker and a baae on 1hMitcncii ana spanr.

Traíala Quarter league la giving tbe ftns or Sliver City, went to dereat 1 to 3. Did you say theplay- - Sweeney to Derrick to Halar. Baaei By Associated Prut Engaged

balls Port Sania Bit and Hurley tbe Soldiers were getting dangerous? Theorr Hendrti tbe Bayard,on baila-o- rr smith I; Taareau 4. struck paved way ror toe waablurten, July 11. Detroit and Dei Molaea 10; Lincoln . Training quarters ror Dundee have been best exhibitions or Hie naUonal gam ever Jinks li canned and they have woo fromi. "in runs.ouv Smith 3; Tesrcau 6. Umpires lllglei Score: n. hi. Washington played a 1 to 1 tla bare today llu the Amociatvd Prttt enraged across the river and the Italian aeen In these heights, but throughout New both Santa Hita and Hurley.and Han. Lincoln. Neb., July is. De Momea won l. ! "tut upon ibe groundsl I nula Ml 100 0)01 4 tbe game being called at the end or toe tne third game or the aerla in the eleventh where be will battle before tbe largest Mexico In general, teams nave been organ-Ixe-

Red ; Pklllles a. Chicago ooo ooo oooo I eighth Inning to allow tbe visitors 10 catch inning by a score or 10 to a. It waa a see-saw

nrtt crowd In El Paso's history. Hayes and are playing spasmodically or oth-erwise

Wltb Port Bayard coming up in aucb

lie naileries: nrown and Chanman; llendrlx a train. Detroit scored a run In tbe rim game 11 the way. . will train opon this aide and, aa bothmostly otherwise. good ityle and Silver City doing ditto theBy Attoeiaied fret, inn wtison. inning on rurteira double and McBride s score: n. h. t. camps will be open to the, public, both Ud in Albuaueroue tbe various lodges ramea between these two teams this weekClncinuali, July 14. Cincinnati rallied in error. Bush's triple and I'urteH'a aacrl Lincoln 000 043 101 00 a 17 boy are certain to go through their dally have segregated themselves into nines and should be well worth seeing.

the nrhin Inning and asalated by Burfeda, Templa, I I flea fly gave them another run In tb Dei Moines 011 001 001 0110 3 stunts with big crowd or admirers on are putting up contests it Traction park.wlldnen and an error by Byrne, By the A asocia fed Prttt third, and tbe laat carne in the fourth on Batteries Clauss, Conney and Rebor; band. Last Sunday the Elks and tbe knights or Harry Barker I the whole league when

arored enough runs tn nm from I'hlladel túrralo, July i:. Baltimore railed to three successive singles orr Boebling. Morrldge and Haley. The more one searches thrnnvh th i Columbus battled, the proceeds going to It comes to runnlnr catches wllb tbe lertphla today, 6 to After one out tn lite ore against Burlólo In either rama or a relieved Boebling at that point and and look farther into tbe record of this Anthonys orphanage. The frat teams mitt. Sunday he did It again and set theeianth HI..1IV.UÍ singled ami Miller and double header here today, the acorei ba enaen toe scoring. Omaha 6; Wichita L boy Haya, the better be appear as a In Albuquerque have shown good rorm and ran wild. His bitting Is most erreottve

ubiained bases on baila. This waa ms 7 to o. ano 4 to (i. Washington scored twice In tbe third on By thr Attoeiaied Prett fighter and wnrthv h. n,, bave played to close scores and are giving at the psychological moment, a it ware.enough for Maldeon and Mayar relieved in the opening ramo with Karl Moore in triples by Boehlinr and Mueller and a Omaha. Neb.. July 16. Willis' tight pitch-

ingto battle with the very best tbe llrhtwelrbt tne rans tneir money s worm, a lown toe But those nabs wblle running at full speed

blra. Hoblltxell sent up a sacrifice fly, the bos. only one Baltimore player rot past aacrinrn. Morgan' noma run in the sev-enth

gave Omaha a comparatively eaay vic division contains, lie has lust returned Use or Albuquerque should bave a prores-lons- l are greet.acorlnr Mollwitr. Moran then singled to second base and Anderson ailowed only orr Dauaa lied tbe acore. tory over Wichita today. Tbe visitors ruin an invasion or Australia where be tesm. What's tbe matter with tbeilrbt, bringing home l.'hlnr, who ran for inree nits in tne second (ame. colima, a Score. R. h. E. made their lone acore in the lint on a bis made one of the best records ever fans in tbe New Mexico metrópoli? And by Double plays seem to be a habit with theMiller and afterwards entered the ranie as former Prooklyn player, replaced Louden Detroit 101 100 00 1 0 ingle, an error and a bad throw. Bung up by a pugilist tn tbe history of tbe the way there are numerous pick-u-

Indians and Concentrators Sunday Eddierentrrrialder. Hie imrraio lineup today, the latter having Washington 00 000 10 7 Score: R. H. E. teams In Albuquerque playing games orr Ward and Ouynup swiftThen Byrne rumbled lienor's drive and been injured at Baltimore. Battcriee Dauss, cuveleskie and Stanage; Omaha .. oil 010 ooi- -o The American bov did not murm. and on San Marcial and Socorro ire giv-ing have infallible


boyi andeyes.

La Boss, running for Krwln scored. Bf Score. First fame: R. H. K. Boebling. Engel and Williams. Henry. WIrhita 100 000 000 I 1 1 uporsuoaa 10 ine ngntwelgbt class, bul classy exhibitions and quite a tidy this class alia He played wellcomes under

and Grub ware banished from the 1'nrfal'i 411 001 001 7 10 0 rwo Dase hit Purteli. Three tu hit Batterlea Willis and Kreurer; Maddox, fought welterwela-hta- . miridtewturiita .n, turn or money has been spent In putting Fred Owen. Jim Ryan andsundaa.

dTrjHeld Busk, Hoebllnr. Moeller. Lambert boys of all kinds and sise. Not tbe Socorro grounds in condition. Several McOaebanfur disputing the decisions or the Haltlmore 000 000 0000 4 0 Home run and Graham, Jones. once was llgbtlng doublespeedumpire. Batteries: Moore and mi orr coveleakle. in 6, (none nc on ine soon end in a right in the rr-of- f years sgo San Marcial bad one or tbe best playing ror the ló-

calaScore; n H. B. Hnghea and Jacklltsch, Boucher.Blair; Cobley, out In th. Boebling, I In ;i Engai, Sioux CHy 13; Teeeka j. Island and such a critic as Tom an. gangs or players in tbe Southwest, and we

1 In 4 Double niav Rush drews stales that be Is entitled glad to them beck. SanPhiladelphia ono 00 0004 I 1 Score. Second R. H. to Hum. By the Associated frees to first are tee comingCincinnati voo loo t3x 6 II I Bufrolo

reme:no 00 Ml 4

B.I Baae on baila orr Covaleikie I; Dauss t; Sioux city, July 15 Doyle again pitched oraca ai r reame weisn on tne strength Antonio. N. M.. rot together a team to com Catcher Harry Price Dlaved hla heat rama

Batteries: Blxey, (lesrhger, Mattlson. Baltimore 003 000 0000Boebling (; Kngel 4. Struck out By Cove-leakle

the Indians to victory today, while bis or that record, giving him prererence over bat Socorro recently. The Indiana or Islets this season Sunday afternoon w watayer win kinder, liooln. nouglsss. Schnei-der. Batteries: j; Daua I; Boehllng i; Engtl t. were hammering Jonet. The Charley White. Jnhnnv Hunde oun ano san Antonio, played a game on alert every aecond, making throws

Ames and Lrwin, oonsale. Anderson and Lavlrne; Yount umpires Evana and Eran. acore was 11 to I. ititchle and ibe reit of the Hghtwelgut tbe Fourtb of July at San Antonio. Carrt- - to second end first. His hitting was unhua Klllirer. Becker. Hits Off ana acamara. Score; R. H. t. crowd. xoxo, Fort Stanton and Alamo rordo ive tab1' trtpl brtorlnt' 'o a muchly

Rlxay. 4 III I; orr Oeschger, 4 In 4; , Red Sax 4; Nape Sioux City 0 141 101 I IS I Both Will Have Admirers Ditched their lids Into tbe rlnr also, and neededI In I Hits Off Mayar, I In Tletope, 4; Rebela, 1 By thr AttQtHated Prtt Topeka 000 001 001 8 t S J U certain, Judging tbe tone or are uoing tne national pastime mint over

orr Douglass, 4 In J. Schneider, s In t By thr Attociated Prtt Boston, July It Batteries Doyle and Murphy; Jones and ibe right fans hare in this rliv ih,,i ,1.1.1,., in Lincoln inn uiero counties, welcomeBoston Tbetaut out Cleve-land,

8 liverI Itttaburgh. July It. Tbe local f ederal boy will lack for admirers when city bra band I (till on theAims In I. Banes on baila Off Oesrhger 4 to 0 four WalL they brothers! Amistad and Hayden are at It,today, making It straight Job. "slur isn'tMaltlson 3; Dourlis 3; Schneider a. went to pieces In tbe ninth today and ror the aeriaa. Leonardtouch gloves at the command or the e too, having played two close games at No, the word, because

struck out By oesrhger t: Dourlas (j Brooklyn took the first gama or the aer-ies, holding the visitors hltless



ball,BUTTE ENTRIES. at the start of their twenty-roun- go. Amistad, ti. M., recently. Keep It up. they

thenoised up between innings and be-

foreSchneider 4. Umpires Byron and Johnson. 4 to The visitors did not get a bit out five men during the rirat rour Inninga.A Los Angeles paper, giving a great deal Doys, mere 1 notnmr quite nae it. And cert The

game gave a vary enjoyable connew musicOf reeture or theorr Knelzar until the seventh Inning. Cleveland bunched two hits in the seventh Bv Bpcolel Wire to Tho Timet spaco to the match, quotes Dundee and now dear old sania ra comei along wllb baseball

SilverCity club InCardinals :.. Bravea I. Score: II. H. h with ono out, but chapman's riy was taken Butte. Mont.. July 15 FIRST RACE Six

his manager as Hating thai they rigure what they term "Tbe Old Timer' Baseball band thehartar the newly or-

ganised on swellily lAe Associated rest Brooklyn 000 00 1034 6 II on tbe run by Rehg and Lelnold struck furlongs. Selling. areHayes

confidentmighty tough game, but that ihey Team," composed of veteran pill handlers crowd.

job helps tbe8L Louis, July it. with the baaea Mil rittsbiirgb 900 ooo ooo io i out. Light or Ibe local nlayers were sent ION Beauman .. 1001 1047 Menocal . .. tot and ibe Hallan

that Dundee can lick him trom me state capital.In the eirhtii Inulnr. Bailee alnrled, scorlnr Batteries: Beaton and Land; Knetiar and from the t to tbe dreaalnr room by 1050 Aunt Alice. VM lino Marl OoehlU 1071 thlt be ni. Is



flu,a We don't know anything about these The silverWllaon uerry. 1011 04 toil Tnllv Vnrh int. YC. V" City baseball club. WUI set aand Snyder with the runs that won ..uimuuy lui uncomplimentary remara llolslngton through a knockout but their' names so Ilka this: Peter

for St. Loula In the last rama or the anoui ine visitors. I Abefore tbe twenty Alarld. center lielder; A. Anderson, aecond

rake-or- r of tbe net proceed! of a broncoaarles wllb Boston, 1 to 3. Today's victory SOUTHERN LEAGUE. Score. R. n. tS id i,llslensn good

"to Ibe ear orwnicn

the inricertainlyr.n base: L. Anderson, third base; Oeorge Ra-


roping, branding contest sad Wildrave St. Louis an even break In the four Cleveland 000 000 ono- - 0 7 1050 Joe Woods, los 1041 Emily Lee A staled before the rlrbt field; F. uriix. nrat ha: will

snow to be stared by a localaction of the locallimes or the series. Standing al the Clubs Boston no 00 oox 4 SKCOND BACK six rurlongs. Selling. lam Persona, shortstop; Jim Lopes, pitcher: Saturday afternoon oa the In-

dians'inuuiuirra m field.announcing, wnen AScore: H. H. E. Won. Loit. Pel. Batían Orert, (.nilainore and Caiiscb; m Shar. Knight 1071 313 The Cinder . oyer the concession, that they Intendedtbey took Pable Griego, catcher; John My en, lert have already been

Ierre number of entriesMobile to madBoston 00 100 0001 I 1 a 40 .141 Leonard and Carneen 1047 A'l Inieresi 104 (IOt7)Huth Esther field. Tbey motored to Las Veras Satur-

day,and the exhibition

St. Loula ooo oil an a in i Chattanooga SB ill hit Purteli. Three-bas- bita il05 mid Coin ... 10 104 John H clav. Krc lireand






tbe where tbey opposed the no doubt be aeen by a large crowd.

Batteries: Hess and Gowdy; Saltee and Atlanta 41 at .13 uraney, uaroner. lis orr tiren. (lOIDNeb'ka. Laii 11l 1040 Aug's llelnxe 103 tne start with such a match as the Dundee-Hiye- sNext Sunday tbey are booked to go to Al-

buquerqueBnyder. Birmingham 4 41 .tit 7 innings; nilainore. I In I. Double tday- - THIRD RACE match, has attracted will tell you more about tbta Silver Cttv and Fort imm ia .w.Futurity. Selling. attentionhite Wllaon, itirreri. Three-bas- e Bew orlean at 4 .IK Olaon to Klrke; to Janvrln. Bases bunch later. Utters'Nlihvllle Hehg 001 stellate . .. 1031 04 Imnerator throughout tbe couniry to El Paso and This dope la Just to show ground Thursday afternoon, andhit Mann. Double) playa Durey to U 4t .in on r oreyr 4. Leonard I. Struck that New Mexico here004 Blrdman . 105 I07i Hard Ball .. IM Juarei as a flrbt center. Yesterday tbe you Is on the baseball Sunday,Memphis 17 4 .430Mannuila In Srhmltl: Miramille to out By Oregg LeonardOowdy. (. Umpirea although the( wiprse wen 101 tosa scrapper promoters were In receipt or teleerams map. Copper league town areBases on ball Off Bailee 1. orr Meas u Mnhlgomery 34 At .37a o'Loughlin and Connolly. 1041 Manganese . all rrom a boat or good boys asking for a the main standbys. all supporting profes-

sionalStruck ee 1; Heat 1. Umpires date here before the locil club. teams to the tune of 11,500 each per Sean Ion and Mltchel nlavut m,tKlem Where They Play Today. FOURTH RACE Five ami hair fur SUildaV. The latter mail Hn!n. .r Cand Emslte. Yaakea While Sea 11. one They All Are Coming month. But. boys, give the other townsNew Orleans at Chattanooga. By the Attoeiaied Prett tongs, nanaicap. ,be credit ror what they are trying to do. We Ibe leventb Inning, tletng the score.ii.S!5t;5íí?1.KH.0'4n'Pirales t; Doajaera 1. Mobile al Memphla. New York. Julv 11. New York won dm 104 kootenav ..1141 e0 Mlmorlnan thai came rorward with ucb will close this rhapsody and ramble on toBirmingham at Atlanta. series from Chicago. 1 to , by breaking 1041 New Haven. 104 108 Pav Streak. 10a a rush tbe Copper league.a couple ofB ik Associated Preat years ago, wired that A Wild DltCh hv llliumn hr-- k.Montgomery at naaovui. even In today's double header. (1Mi)Blainy .. .. 1I0 (lOiliO'ge Bloaiom 111 be On ofCblcago waa account rain thePltlsburrb, July It. Although ready te fight Ibe winner and will Hurley-snve- r city ker across the pan, scorlnr thePittsburgh took adviniere or Brooklyn's Yeelerdajr Game.

won tbe first fame, 3 to t, and New York FIFTH RACE Mile and SO yards, selling. have a challenge at Ibe ringside. Charley game, which was to have been played on run to win tbeneoeaaary

tieevened up by taking tbe second tame, y 1017 Oreen 110' 47 Junior.. 1T0 White wired tbe former's here.errors today and won. 4 to I Pittsburgh Chop Roy that be wanted to come some grounds Saturday was post-poned

Sunday Hank cbelette cava InAt Naahvllla to 1. The second game waa called In the Littleton ... 1I0 107 time after until under theobtained a two run lead but the visitors Dick Benson 104 tbe middle of Auguii. wblle Sunday, August s, wnen a bot sun and asked to be taken rrombunched hits In the seventh and eighth Nashville. Monttromary, 1. Plrat called eighth inning on account or darkness, 1040 D. or snelby 101 104 Mamar that good veteran, Matty Baldwin, again r will be the drawing card. mound in tbe ninth Inning.


InnlhKs and lied the score. Mowry's sin-gle,

end siih: rain; second, postponed. though Manager Callahan or Chicago made a uene Ruiaell IU0 1043 Sonoma .. .. 104 wired, his second telegram, asking ror a Tbe games will be on tbe Concentrators' him. Daly retired In theHartansixth stanU


a wild pitch by Allen and a singla byAt Birmingham a violent objection. 1014 Jno. uranam tosí at any 'boy tbe club may aeleci. bsttle field. These will be tbe rirsl Sun-

dayin ravor or Bauaeman. What won th.Viol Birmingham. 1. Atlanta. 0. Score ( flni time): it h E. ramea Silver City Is scheduled torave the I'lratei the Inulnr run In SIXTH RACE Six rurlonrt. Selling. plsy game? Heavy hitting tirednminunthe rlrhlb. Menaor. the first Pirate to bat.

At Memphla Chlcaro 001 010 010 a 10 1041 Briton . ... 104 1044 Kid Nelson . K irS?AJ C.0r!?- 'Weeled by the Hbenl at Hurley. tnrournont tha ram .rt fl,rBit ror a home run. tbe first made by a Mntniibli, 1; Mobile, t. Called rourteentn new York 100 000 001 S 1 1011 .Mottoa Pride 17 1049 Fancy u orrertngx or tbe local promoters, the rlrbt along slowly. Many maa died baaeslocal player here this seaaon. nam. Batterlea Scott, Cleotla, Keber and Mty- - lOal Marcurlum. . at too Medio . .... 11

rana will not lark - hi.K ,.i.7. . Back to tbe bench with Jupiter Pluvia. eapedaUy third.on

Score n. . E. At Chattanooga er: Warhop, Plen and Nunaraaker. 1070 Ooir Ball .. 111 low Camel 11 S?mul f4U JUia wlnt'' ñd ItChallanoora, 1; New Orleans. 4. hita Nunamakei Demmltt. 1043 Is douhirul boys or the caliberBrooklyn 010 000 no l to 4 Art nick ... e or IboaePittsburgh IB) 000 Olí 4 7 0

Three-baa- hit Maiael. Home runaDem- SEVENTH RACE MUe. Selllug. Hand: who have rourht In the Juarm rm in hAmerican Association. mltt. Founder. Double play --Mullen. oppereut, either of which, when ItltM ttaBatteries: ttruibach. Allen and Mccarty; á'li'"irl.Í'rlD out rain.

Cooper ami Ulbaon. A i Milwaukee 10 ssuiten. ease on nana 1641 Ora MeOae . lotl lUiPbll Nohr IIS NelOilr bo'win'riiarge CARPENTIER IDOL r'IoPy.1 PO'. Ii fight rtnisherOff ScottMccarty. Hummed Milwaukee. Columbua. t. Warhop I. 1, Clcolle I. Struck 1014 Transparent 101 (l04)Eleclrlc ... admission to bis Record

Three-bas- hit Culshaw, Stengel. Home At kansas City out By wamop 1. Plen 1, Scott T. Hits 1014 Jacob Runo. 107 tralnlnr oamp In preparation for the rirht, CarpeoUer's ring record date back Iorun Mensor. Hila (rr Beulbarh. 4 In 0 Kanaas CHy. :., I.nnlavllle, 1.

Oft Warhop. In 7 innings, off Pleh e stunt not unusual among the boya or 1107, but tt was not until ten that bInnings: Allen. 3 In l. Base on baila orr At Minneapolis in l; Scott,

tot In a off Clcoita, none WINDSOR ENTRIES. r ' " un imuaee. and the OF FRENCH FANS irjn to rata fame. Hls record tor tbjT pall(pitched batter); o(TBeiilbaili t; Cooper 5. Struck out By Minneapolis. 1; IndlaBapolli. Faber, m.m "m tans win oe welcomed every years roOowa:

in Inning. Umpires Dlneen and afternoonBeulhach Allen Cooper 4. Umpires At SL Paui-- si. By Sor rial Wire to rfce Timet to aee them ro throurh Laerolx, rour roundsOuislcy and Lincoln. Paul, l; Cleveland, a 11. firm nm win rouiv wun a completeScore (second game) R. h. Burrajo. July race One mile coips of ÍStJüZÍJ?0- - HuSn "oe. nveVWonChicago ooo 000 101 7 i 1 S47)üorCheiter 871 iius Bee Hive ... lit sparrlnr partners, boys who hone l M SI AL INTERERT IN rWaTT TONIGHT Ountber, twenty; Wtllle LewisNew York 00 000 Ox a 304 Mauaolui .. l tool caper Sauce 115

- mhmw.v tu iuc iinsr miure IO nr. inun parís champ and va fou1' q'Batterlea Sana, cicotte and tiuDaissoaa rea .. iua CLNBOAT SMITHSchalk; coiu v., nwimg paruiers uiemaeives.SKCOND RACE BIX ruiiunrs. Tne

1013 knockouts: Marean, eight- - Bandsmanagement of the inm ri..Kion water Lady ail 03 cordon man Hice, three; Cyclone Southrun Bodte yesterday thai tickets for the light win be Coalea at I sesee Takes aa blareatleaal Bambardlar- threeatl Walla,104 ...dala 10 Pecklnnaugb 10 Mullen Galaxy . 775 F'tber Duitar 1S four; Lurte, three; Jacklaaiupo within the next rew dar: uipunaace wwio te rremiaeaee el. . ancestor, three; Bombardierbaila orr Bern 4. Cole 1. Struck out. intra Harnero vw, With the right nearly two weeks orr. Hue Both Pertorsaers Woo: Weill oo.

Oeorae Ountber.cole I, Cleotte 4. Hita orr Bern, a In v THIRD HACE Five rurlons baa already rlaeu a demand for nnnii.. sUteen; Jeff Smith.l inning; orr cicoue. In 4 I a. I'm M Mradoo 7 Kirie Brigade 103 aeats. There win be plenty of the latterplrei HUdehrand and Dlneen 1036 llolion . 174 sarkclotb 104 Bt the Attoeiaied w,1Knekouls: Pal CPXaofe. two;0eorre

1057 Aprlaa Ml 1033 Brandywlne SSÚfy ffl thothdeeTre' 2 New York, July If. Unusual interest Is íf1,Í?UVon- - tH-J-oe Jeanette. twentyaeerd laetoaeaTEXAS LEAGUE. 00" Thealere lot 1037 Blue Mouse, tot evinced both In America and Europe In the fnuth's record since lylirrollowi

Many VirtortaiHi May L .. toil iu Lockiand ..

1011 Handel 1011 BW Curleux twenty round boxing bout between (Jeorges KHJknockouts: Battling Brooke, threeWon, LoeC Pet. I11UKTH HACE Five rurlongs. U.S.ARMYORDERS Carp en tier aad Ounboat 8ml lb to be held rounds; Jack Smith, two jack McFarUnd

Beaumont . . tt .Ml mi Rancher . . tos He Ltndenthtl . In London tomorrow night. Because of the ÜerOoo'lr'iwn v 'r1"r1l.I.n,.Waco . ... . tl M .418

( ft7)L'y Curton ht tat'Dorteb . .. 103 By the At tocia ted Praam rlnr prominence end nationality of tin Jim Stewart, seven. Won Frank MoránI0t 10 8.Houston . . Margaret D. McMeeklnM at .i Harden entry. wesmugaon. juiy. is First Lieutenant B cou tenants tbe match has assumed Inter jjeaty. Ko declslon-Bel- lor White woalveiioo tl 11 .111 Srher ir. Porky Flynn. ten; Tom McMaboo.Fort Worth .47 47 .Ml FIFTH ltr,B Mile and at yards tiered man rnrner inunu SK.i. national importance, carpeniter tbe met Kuntak. six; Jack (Twin) SulUvattan;t'ttaDallaa 40 H .4 loos Bulgarian . 131 1047 Love Day " of the Preach Duailletlc school to earn Jim Stewart, ten. '1057 tiaiaiwMd . 15 107 D Deadwood wisi iiui, v. i... ana win proSao Antonio .37 tl JT1 ceed 10 Texa aty for duty. world-wid- recognition, while smith Is one ,!.3l1ockoul1 Bomb arlar Wells,Oreen .... 103 St two:AUSIIU . at ra .ni KlBfllog ms irauiur boxers or tbe eu celieu McKay, two;ny a reci ion or the Charley MlUer. ttsrae.SIXTH HACE Five fur lonas prealdent. second "While bune" claa which aonsae un rol- - won

Waer 103? Clynt ... 105 1011 Raincoat Lteutenant J. w. Mrnmooi, sixth infantry, ai OeoTÍÍYaey Play Taeay. lowing the dereat or Jim Jerfrlea by Jack tweatyj Rodal, tareet nífí;ti detailed militará JimBeaumont at Houston en MrAdoo . . lot Lady May u Instructor or tbe aonnsun at Heno In 110. According to flv; Tony Ross,Ban Antonio at Oalveatoa. toil Aiuiee Leall 101 ate Jack Carey science t the Kentucky Military tnsutute ibe announcement of the miniaeiacet of

ten; Sam LengfortLFort Worth at Wico. ua nine nee. toaj 834 Major a. winship. judge advocate, wui Olympls.. where the match will be staged.

Dalla it Auitiu Cotton Too. preces mi uajvaston, usance to Vera Crux urn corneal wtu oe lor in wail heavy-weight Arthur Pesky,SEVENTH RACE riv MM one half fur for temporary duly rallavlnar cbamnlunahlu or the world wlih Tbe Bale or seals al n rvm r.ZZiftrtaen.

Al Waco lonri. tfeer. juaga aavocaie. Who ataxes or more than 340.030 to he divided

nil BbL" Score: R. H M. to s. William 10 Blcbwood 1U return to Fort Leavenworth ror duiv between tbe two nrnnnealibSev,10 reXziLV i1" Jr? WDOO 4 7 I 554 Salon M Oold Cap Per Watte Meevyweasat baasaleertsa win ... i.i irc-rrrr- " pmm

gfjj y. Naa, Tn 11 Fort Worib a a ja Ted koerner aua Luther . Colonel D. H. Boughluo, cavalry Of the two boxers CarnentleF' offers theSalterias: A ah ton. Sua and Canon: ad U Sureget . devad treatment al Walter Bead reaerai most interesting personality Born at Leax,

pleton and Halgb. Jordan. ""i""' ama hhiiwi so see Tenia cavalry. France, on January is. lava, be 1 In hisai oeauiuooi twealT first sear. Aithouash ha did n,u b0,'nAGolease! a. s huus mh.i wlr. The English.acore: b. H. t imes rioarr bulletins. from the Thirteenth cavalry and I itslaaH basta to box mud be waa thineea. bis ai .on small baaing his belief of e tuKüBaaaaaaaaaBH a rite baa been both rapid and apcrtacular. beltle upon the records of the two boiara

Sail Antoolo 4 The Tlaaea save the rtkl nana af this "vuuu airy engaoe. Beguuung as a bamiam be worked through Wells, baa ordaeaeBatten: Martkaa ami Batta; Brutt ana 5 11 y iba rosa glete retorne of the Jeheaee Colonel WlUlatBA. ahuak U atucned t waae aiwr class until looey he Is coo whack inrti..!.ataran and the Rltehie Welaa flsshta. belaa the Bevanlh cavalry. soared by many experta es tas brat litni- - ' of Olytnpia willAl liaivea hsv aaiy near sa bbbbb aaaaaa or asas aaaa Colonel --Jame t. Brwba la aaiirtlia to haavy weight u Uw world. Weignlnf k ke

n try U thus aarv H ROlreae. The Tlaaaa Eurbia cavalry aad will Ma isu rulm.ii the tulatuxirbood of 170 pound, he has aOalveatoa It ea ibe fire! la aim-f- - laat H . cojonal M. 0. Sickel is aulgned to, Twellfh reach, elaal anil I. nvaHouston a feet toe sachas la helctu. He te very mus

Batterlea: Moora and Hone: Ñauar ana das the rtht as tie earn Fottowing ikjaaei ta atalas of neid of oaiar and a terrific hitter, hexing with eeay. The Tlaaea, a eaual, shews the way rtcers of cavalry, efrecuve (lipswnher 1. augui cruurn ana wit a style mat re mmAl The elkere rates the drift and eme as Lieutenant Cotonel o. r Itlwinn trees Mes la uiany ways the best American pug5( ore. la whea the wats heeb te eel eels. "erred from Fourteenth cavalry to FITieanth Ulale. Hla taullly to withstood herd nun HBL YOUNG'S CAFE

Dallas .. 11 u t Teaey's rtgki will probably arena seen cavalry aad I ral lev ad rrom duty at Ual ktkmani la one of hla atroar points, andAustin Ml I 4

saleras, thaa vahase a le lee tail are 'ndwUJ oin his legtmeaL amm win suowu auy nianoanane hBetún Hat.iip aad Reynold; Be wan. taaeavXr mB?TaJAitt tram avoid hard svAassaa.

OttcurUl end Hue ion dulyhla realmeuL '''ptolpaia.a W. Road. raUevad aaelaa r .'TiaiSeeshweetara Weather TÍothe wmrxj Bt the AiisHllaal fVaaa eeaewy ualaai aaetMaaa ta the anea KuttaTicavalry aad anaehed to tat a. lata. Ma began riahung tn the wee

WaahTngton. July U. Waal Taaaa. veieaauee is aiireae-- a aampi reeimsaiMailce and Arlaoat; Oeaerslly ta aeeht "Jor AJau IM. aaalgned irsaah twasry among tbe whitBrew tJESTER'S Ua and rriOay

lair Holbreok. relieved HaHra aUl be cama aaa tTBTW Atrrp yaura sMee aty a"Me aide al the water. wael to Tenth cavalry and Majar A. esktaf la ail nil IB of a eeetatae vea tn favor oBast aatM, taraful driver. Phone ata tai Stewart tn Mil, Smith ka a dear rec

The natM of Major Boben a. an), never bavin kei e battle ataca thairaw AT 11 11 a (Advertlaemeal.) tetra to Ike Ttaaae breara ea Texas street Talrtaaath evalry. la pieced oa nana ne ta or a leaky bauid. Wte BobRaster 3re' GIRLS Mare the retama wttTjja aaaajsekias watt lache omear. and name of Mijar j. a. FHisinvaanns. with a powerful Bear of erasaay, an out rat. van. cavalry thai efroaa aad ahouldera aad a TBase a eieee ike ah ea the lira VXSt tbey ate Ire iris? Si ired. 1 aaya0 tewer tmlooaed for mm a ana of Bit

the nana lata week, toaVVre.a Two afpa a mm. aaaaw ear veil we I Us eraera Iraaa r, aeaauaa- - aaawwfiw eatra ee penrslqea but most arree Uve baawaduty ar ai nirtiai awkag sayjj a rurbt baa

ktatii - .....,J,



Bntto Penults Windtor Aalto ek.Fta TournamentFIGHT WILSONBr renal W4r to Tht TimB. htOMT.. Jury U, 1M4. WWIW clear, irack DETROIT, MICH . July I. 1M4. Weather clear: track heavy. j

Or ragBinroni

I 77 nmT tnv sit mriongs. Time M I:U Start inart FIRST RACE Five and one half furlong Tree year o)d nd up. Time C. Ran son .

IMIKS ST ITCtflCNT RELATIVE Tt) Altri tool, won cntm. TVOE ME Mil I TAKE AT THE DEMO Totals Ml Its tSTT7lwrm, TVtt H str, fin. Jockey, op- - lito, aHrt. .. .. jVii!4 JZ R4IK I ONVKNTION IN EL PABO MatiUar TmKM Harrv Shaw ilk I m u it i Collins I 1"-.-'cl'í-.J-'-

Teahan A. W. HouckMill Follv IN PI Montour 4 8 H. P. Brieak mBrass t804 Run ling a Baiyth T HeW Tesa le Dorlrtne State's MlgktaSMBoly B1U 4 M Peak 1067 Arrn 1I 14 Vanduten ef C. 0. Mueller 80 7 78fll

IBM HeaWort . f Matt aad Sound Tartll.4" Ciavertow PUtt .im wuttcti . - t Carter DaisyRobinson 4' 6' M4htnan Referni Points won- - Blnford. 3: Mueller. I.MS) J BH4 Al Worm I Orroe

sulmore ... .108 1 a a Wsriington High gsioe Blnfoni, 11:1Jake Marh 7 1i Louneberry High inul Blnford. St.B taeoUI irire te rite rimeMM Wellle Fid r I Maloney Oreen, pUe f. bow Iraaa. place l show I t AlTtr, Bryan Teamm Buiinwn nazarlon Scratched: Supreme. Washington. July Thai he hat W. 1. Siralon 7 88

thought of attempting to prevent an ItwMen- v- CWvC. fwM t tV.- I- asiItoOrn. strelrh but H. L, 1. are 101 84

scraicnoa.Shaw. 3 5 pur. snow. Folly I I pttce. 7 IS stow. Ktll. even how -at

nni.K4the going,




winner down at "1"r,nr', doisrmrnt of the Wilson administration By W. J Bryan 86 08sneuy

8hw was restrained ofT rly nice to stretcb. then rin over lesders to rtnlthed going fastest J. B. Robinson ran as ir disliking ihe rolng, quit to walk the El Paso convention was declared inTotals on 78

MlM lolly howd a high turn nr speed and hung on well at end. Boly at end. ... sialeintnt dictated by former Senaior Polnu 4 iby forfeit). land will leave New York on August 1.

Hoadfort tired early Three weeks have been spent In experrssj. chauna; tco.JjajBSf asked nini 101.In t.arr.Bailey response 10 questions mgn game- -Time 1:01 II. Start rood; ent and now 11 remains only to rebuildRACE Five furlongs Two year olds Mr. Bailey

SECOND Five furlongs Tim 44. 4 1:01 Start 1081 SECOND touching in- - lamnalrn. ihe hull of the machine and ablp It to St.1074 artvlng. reucraian h . nrnirr siateineni inai mWQ4I armor. won Johns, it is expected that the ocean flightJW' "! would attend the slate convention In tnewt ST",Index Wests. will tike plc about August 10. dependingIrwlei Horiw. tt t4 str. rtn. loe, op- - cl iij i 41 im i" im J Hsnover t hope of holding the party, he says, to tne on weather conditions.

104! Kitty Stanfteld .101 carter loft! Mars Cassldy '"i i i a f Connolly la--J do nine of state's right nd sound lirirrI0U Balneal ..10 4 Farrow W4 linda Payne

.. 'Si 8 8 I't Van Duaen W it l0Hry. senator Bailey ' statement in re LAMI GRANT CASE DECIDED.1044 Martha McKee . ....101 H t4 I Orme IfltM Linda Payne

105 8 .. 6" 4 4 41 Sniylh apuñee to the inquiries was as follows:104 Tip Dawrlell . .... M I 4 ! 44 4 Nelirmever I gssiKatherlne

Meekin0 ...

' IM 8 8 8 Ooldsleln "l nrvcr alteninird to roncoal my ontn HI I K PIN TOl'BNAMENT l.n of Brlen Win Elerlsnent Butt ta1018 Lyte knight ... ....HI 8 6 4' I Little inat Bam V.

. .108 t t T 8 fibert Ions or my purposes rtom Dcnturrali or c Mexico ságreme court.1011 Saury Nell . ... M 7 6 0l 4 Heyes I0M Elhen Allen

.IM 7 7 7 7 Dlshman Texas when I was randldtle for their ay w 100 fio By 7 Imat ttpretnl Correspondent.1011 heene W ....10 'I 0 8 7 Pauley 804 Dorteh favor, and certainly I would nol do so now. Sanu Fe. Is. M., July II The town of1043 Nisi Tempo . ....101 SI 7 T If Mott piare . show a. Pajne. plc 1. show Redland. show 1. w lieu I era not asking and when I never ex-

pectBrlen was todsy awarded the derision tn

1044 Lay Low ....114 10 10' tSM 104 M Nelson Ml ion snowing ronuii! mi again 10 ask, their votes for any or-

nee. tlm ejectment suit brought against occu-pantsOoma a MM Maibews .... ,S iSiS rin.iiv .nd had 10 be ridden out Linda Payne was cairmn wmn.i am. therefore, more then wining ISO 847 7 814

or the Coboletu de fa Joya land grant.. ...Ill ! ll II" 11" 11" Anderson II SO Allen hunr finally. that have no thought 01 Clark team:ION Ernest M at end. nedtano etoaea a gap in uwcm. Eihan 10 lay to you

Clark Involving a portion or the townstte or Be-

lén.B. L.10W Dorl ....too it It It It It Boland W 30 attempting 10 prevea! a general indorse-

mentThe court holda that the ruling er

RACE-S- IX furlongs. Three-yea- r old and up. Time l.i Slarl of President Wilton's idmimitra-tlo- H. nrandovar th United State court of private landStanfteld. t place, show. Selnett 9 olace. I show. Martha. l show 1082 THIBD am not hypocrite, and I will not H. Hood

claims affirming the validity or the grantKitty Stsnneld want Into a rood lead riant alter start and bald swky throughout. rood: won elly. Fln.jpekrv. pretend that I approve everything he has ata 7 i7 777 serves only as a release of title by the

Satnest, right there all the way, finished gamely Martha Mckee nung nnauy. Irdei Horse. gjylt H 7. done, bul I realise that, txcept under the Clark I. government of th United Sutes and doesPoints B,Ooma broke slowly and was always outrun. ( 747)Yorkvllle 1" 1l Callahan moat extraordinary condition, no party can won Phllpott110. not arrecí conflicting private claim toShilling High game Phllpottai a I f withhold Us endorsement rroin Us adminis-

tration.Fir .04 .19. Ifll-I- . Burt rood-- . 1007 Msrutn a 3t Claver High total Phllpolt tS7. ownership.1075 THIRD BACK Selling. furlongs. Time 1008 Moving Picture t Those who served with me a night the Cactus club willwon driving. ..10 I 6 8 4" 4 Hanover members of the committee on th platform Friday Vie106 Sherwood TIMES F1CBT Bl'ULETTNS.8 Connolly a banquet in nonor or taw oowier.Index. Horse. Wl.ll. It Str. Fin. Jockey. Op. cT (lOU)Ronert Bradley ..110 1 t it a and resolutions it the usivesion conven feast will commence DromuUy at1040 Benodano . Ill Bauer ..rirh. rnnrldo. Yorkviile. plce 1. snow Martian, puce show Hon In 1010 will recall tint then Insist o'clock. The director extend a cordial 174 Times gave lb fight rea at this1017 MrAlan . . Ill I Mors ed upon a general Indorsement of Governor invitation to all me tubers to attend. elty the complete retaras ot the Jakoaea- -1044 Minnie F ... i 104 Vt 4 S" Collins P'kvlUeW.w,.y field 'the Campbell I administration, ana rcnainiy

.11wwU. outrun hi. had itronrer persona) reasons tor with Moran and the rights, be1014 Elhelburg II 104 A Mott riiiuh.ri .nd nutnmed Marina P rture at end. Latter tlrln nnauy. TODAY'S SELECTIONS.188 Ceo 10 Mathews unable to ufflrack himself. holding an indorsement in that cate than ing Ihe only paper la this section of the

Tilllnrhast Hi Carter Robert Bradley appeared have in the present rase. Schneldau Bulle, country la thus serve Its patrón Th"I am aoinar to the state convention m-1040 No

EaatmanQuarter .

CoburnBooker 1083 FOURTH RACE Handicap. Mile and Time 1:6 -

the hope that I ran hold our party tn Tex-a- 1.1. Old

Beauman,Coin. Annual

Clint Tocker,Interest,


Alloa.Esther. Time was the first to announce thai II

10 II drlvlni- iteadfattly to ihe doetrtn of state s lis service la IU readerose Binocular . 7 1 Í Bliarlon good: won X Manganese, Scrapper, Impera tor. weuld continuerights and to sound tarirr policy, or. to the tight laIndex. Horse. 4. Orange Blossom. BUmey, Kooienay. by handlingt I show. 8 allow. Minnie, show. scratched: Mill t tm to tneBertodano. place, MrAlan, place. 4 IM Oberl be more tpecirir. going Jolin iiraham.Duke or3. Shelby. Roy shewsasnal,th same wey. The Ttanes, aaBe ton Leer. S" IM 1' Smyih sUte convention for the purpose, rirst. or Junior.Benodano was outrun early, moved up fast In stretch and taking the lead lust iurne 1 4" V 8" Hotter lOcurlnr a declaration against national pro-hibition,

. Fancy, (loir Ball. Art Rick. the way. The ether eeteh the drift andlasted. MrAlan closed with a strong ruah and would have won In few more strides. 874 Night Stick

4" 4 8 44 Connolly and, third, for the purpose or se-

curing 7. Electric. Pbll Mohr, ora come an la when th waur begins to gotM innle fought It on t gamely. Etlielburg quit badly after retting to the totd. 108 Tactics $l" " 4M 6" Hanover a declaration In favor or the ancieni Sehneldau Windsor.1061 Dvld Crl 6 Shilling and traditional tarirr policy or the Demo-


Mile and one sixteenth Time 23 :4t 138 Decathlon party. And In order that everybody 1.8.

Moss Fox, Beo Hive.Faatlierdustar.

Caper Sauce. Today right Will probably árente moreI: It 1:40 1:4 Start good; won driving. a..,ii nreat Britain. Ray O'l lght. Donerall. Tipperanoe, place now - may know lull what I Intend to ask the 3.

(ielaxy.Rifle Brigade.

llarbatd,May L, NlgadoO. ll-r- lhn ulther nf the two that nre- -

lude Horse k y. - Sir. Fin. Jockey. Op. CI. 1$ convention to say on the larirf question. 4. Llndenth!. Ldy Curton, Margaret D. eedrd II, this In spits ot the fiet that bath( tOTDOrlln Krlpp . ....114 t'l 9"! ,1't Stevens :ííM5 n í;?ín.f'ífr1.d.K.,rtN,!anm I hand you this resolution, which I wilt 6. Klngllng, Love nay. Bulgarian. at the latter wre title tftslrs while a

1048 Kelsetta . . ....10t M Maihems .. . Ji .ti.r well In the rolnr and was ask you to print Tune riere. Jack i rey, Anno Leslie. championship hangs upon todays resulto.1048 Cbrtstophln ...108 Hariwell Suck bad roufh trip, flnUhed gomt fuuat- - Dv'd eral outrun an me "j "We are m favor of a Uriff Tor reve-

nueSuregel, Bltilin Williams, Salon. Both Hunters are eveaiy ano non

1048 Bert Oetty . .101 1 Klrschbaum 10 only, limited to the necessities of th Deb son Butte. occupy unlaue position In the prize rlnn.

FIFTH RACE Five and one half furlongs. and up. Selling Bovaatmenl economically and I. Aunt Alice, Susan F, Clint Tucker. Cerpeiltler Is Europe's champion aad theirKrlpp, place, out show. Kelsetta. place, out show. ChrUtophtne, out Iaqjw" Timo 1:10 Burt goon: won uri'ma so adjusted a to avoid all discrimination old com, Annual interest, Augunu hope ror the world's heavyweight tille

show. t H 4, Sir. Fin. Jockey. Ot- rimer ror or against any muttony, cías Helnze. white BoUlh eeouples a Uke position en thisSLOrlln Krlpp was taken beck off the early pace at naif, finished rest and Just Index Hore, Wt. or section. In obrdlenre to the prlnrtples Imperatnr, plear Welles, Manganese. side ot Ih water.

rot up at end. Kelsetta and Cbrlstophlne raced as team to well within stretch, 10Í3 vreelsnd . . .111 1 fi

l i i.arroiiCallahan 15


II herein announced, w re opposed to pic-ln- r New Haven, Blarney. Orange Blossom. The tight darts it 4:10 f. m., easternwhere latter faltered, Is rounding too best form. Bert Oetty trailed to stretch and (109)Kyderoseros ..111 7 t tM

Oould 1 1 raw materials and farm products on 6. Duke of Shelby. Nmomi, Roy Junior. time or 1:80 p. m El Paw lime. A directthen finished fast. 10U Requlrtm 4



J Metralf the free Mat so long aa duties are levied on ranry. ornon. am neiton. wire to Ihe Time branch on Texas street( M i Tankard . .. Mitchell manufactured goods. 7. Glectrlr, Phil Mohr, Or McOoa. where the returns will be megaphoned will

FIFTH RACE Belling. Seven furlongs. Time M. :48, 17 Start oto Lamode . ... I 4 aa-- lc the Times as usual to give the re-

turns1077 rood; won driving. 81 Amoret 77 Colrmn BI'NDV IS ELIMINATED. first while they are freah from th0 7 OooseI Fallow the crowd to the TimesFin. CL (lOOIWoe Kntrhl ringside.Index- - Horse. wt. St. H H Mr. Jockey. Op.Famous Partner of Maurice MrLonahUa Is branch, 106 Texas street.

"4647 Clark M Elrscbbaum t a Vreelsnd. place show Kayderoseros. place 6, ihow t. Requlram.inowrut out oy rrennce asiiy

1014 Bermudlan . .. HaitweU t ...rHi.. ihronrhont oiuramed Kavaeroseros iu mm1014 Transparent . i 84 I" ! S" r.oiiins a a

Latter closed a gap and nnlaneo raw, wequtrain a rougn l.amode dona early. AMUSEMENTS 8 ah light, ti. J., July 1. The failureti 06) Iridescence . .. I 1 4 4 Mott a a on the count ot the Seabrlght Lawn Tennis STUDY SHORTHAND1064 Gordon RutseU 7 T S Mathews 6 10 Mite nd Time l it I I. --tart ood; and Cricket rub in the ltavls cup test

(1047)SwarubUl . .. 4" 4" 6" 8 Donovan t 4 1085 SIXTH RACE Selling. matches todsy was th elimination of Competent stenographers are la constant1047 John Hurle . . 7" 7 Holllsier 1 to won easily.

CI Thomas C. Bundy or California, who waa demand. Lesrn the Oregg System Simplest,

1084 Calcium Anderson 80 80 Index. Horse. jttgjiL ft 44 - Sir. Flp. Jockoy. Op. beaten by B. S. Prentice, 16. easiest and beat.1047 Tim Judge . M Nelson W 80 Claver The ramous partner of Maurice E.

- 1088 Bonanza r Connolly ror tne most part played slugClark. placo snow. Bermudlan, even place, snow. Transparent, eren 1068 Oooo

HourhtonDay 8 a Slillllng "Kathlyn" "Kethlyn" "Kathlya." gishly.

show. Scratched: Oraham. Pendant. Barr. laoa 1.Dick

h.Deadwood 4" 4" Smith Miss Kathlyn Williams, world famed aa R. lorrls Williams tt. of last yew's cup

Clark M and Bermudlan rarea lenpea on earn oiner an i way. luriner nmns 10181087

Louder 5 I Metealf the heroine or "Adventures of Kathlyn.'' team, and l.lndley Murray, the young

verdict because best ridden finish. Transparent finished with a rush and was Harry will be seen at the Wigwam today only, Callfornlan, were the only consistent per

rolnr fastest. L Bonanza, show , place show 11. Houthlon. hpw I I in a picture called "The Leopard' Found-ling."

formar. William overhauled F. C. In--lace.11 ih. and had somthlnr left at end I MarBonanza, tt nome in m ri. It a strictly "Kathlyn" produc-

tionman, bU opponent, winning,

1117 A SIXTH RACE selling. Mile and to yarda. .49 1:08. l:4t r.oori nv forced the liiua aii.tne way finished gamely hut could not wear winner at "Kathlyn" heraair wrote 11, directed ry defeated W. P. Johnson or Phlladelstart rood won driving. .

down. Houghton Deadwood at end. Ihe producing or It and played the leading puta,Index Hora. H H 4 Str Fin. Jockey Op. -- I. role in 11. It Is an unique story of a girl's 60 MINUTES B0 CENTS

Time 1:81 lurt lire tn the jungle ot Africa afier having Germans Are Coalas-B-furlont. Three year-ol-Seven814 Star Berta a a ai ai i Collins 1086 SEVENTH RACEbeen adopted by leopard mother. Shu Phone aa to get your ult; preen aud

1049 Senator Jame . .. .108 t II I" i Peak food; wop driving. arows to womanhood under th protec th AtÉnaiatid deliver tt tn oast hour.Jockey. Op ci. New York, 16. R. D. Wrenn. chair1061 Cool .107 4 1' 4 1! Pauley --Wt. St. H gtr, Fin. tion of wild animal. There 1 a comedy July.187 1 M S 8" 44 Dawson to SO 11 to man or the Davis cud committee of man09 Marshall Tilghman 5M Coleman element In It, too, when "Kthlyn" is llrst Phone 641080 Slguard .40 ( 7 7 IH ! A Mott 1036 Holton Ml 84 1 t 84 Smith II 5 introduced to the wearing apparel or civil element, announced today thai ha 7 m i 6" 8 Ormes 1014 Calaxy . .... Oould received two cable messaros rrorn oerIM 3Mt06t)Bleepland ization. Tne atory la complete In two PARIS TAILOR SHOPOerrespectively. ThRiley and England(10l8)Fathr many.106 3 41 84 7 Carter 4" ClavarEvelinateat 06 4 7M 61 reel. Owing to the great demand ror this and OttotttllDefy . 8 8i Montour 1001 Bulgarian .

i tt ti 6 Connolly production, the Wigwam was unable to man players. Otto Proestbelm 401 No. Orejroo SMichael their the.o Anderson 1055 Czar Kruizer, are now on way across108 Klngsley .100 6 7 a 8 Carroll hold It ror two days. Patrons are urged6 10 10 10 to 10 Hertwell to 0 703 Patience ocean on the stoamahip America, whichHi Crez 7 Shilling

pot Gordon .104 7 4" 6" 7' 10 come iu the show prior to 0 o'clock or will arrive In Boston July 14, one- -toe 1 i 6 7 a a Andres after 0 o'clock as all cannot be accommo-

datedBerta. place, show James, t place (bow. Cool. show. Scratcbed: lots Juat Y tfeoae said.who will wish to see it between The English association at London cablasPayne, sntioy show 3 Oalaxy. nil hours. The first show win start at it í?,l7 "dHolton, plce 8. or Arthur H. Lowe, J. 0. Park. -istar Berta Broke slowly, moved un fast and drew away under drive at end. Sen raat m the names ugwr.eni.r.n,HoitonVa. off at half, up There will be no advance In urlcntshut .moved auagn uy- r- m. and Lieut. A. R. F.ator James set a fast pace and hung on well all the way. Cool raced rorwardiy will be shown T. M. Mavrorordato,

end Th Hearet-Sali- Weeklyoutgamed Oalaxy at Klngsrote as Ihe team which will repre-sent mmtmT3Íand Inllhed gamely. Marshal Tltgfaman quit.

Father miey ciuu big gap nd ran a winning race. also. Thl la tb most Daws the British Isle in the final roalcliesSEVENTH RACE Selling. Five furlongs. Time :t8 .48 1:01 15. Start pictorial on the market and Its populant Mr ihe right to challenge Amerlc. Theo1079 good; won driving. Is such that it bis put all oiher Into sec matches will be played t Boston.

(till In the ond Dlace. Chief among thl week's pieSECBETAJIY. secretary and wu M 14. Str. Fin. Jockey. Op. CI. HORSEWHIPPEDIndex. Horse. - of Mt. Lassen, theIn thebutler's grin when the police arrH lure erupilon TRIAL SATISFACTORY(lOMiAngelua 8 t Peak

of State la AeaaUed by bundled both women off to the police sis aolv active volcano In Ihe united States,1040 Azures 8" 11 Mott Scotch Y,Tü Miiltaot BoftraaetU. tlon. where they were searched, on one of There will also be exclusive pictures or lull of Ole Curtía' Flying1041 LetetU 100 1 1 1' J Donovan them waa found a decomposed egg Kermlt nooseveit a weaning in spam. satisfactory In Tr) BlS.1011 Nirty Ill 4 41 4 Klrschbaum By tA Auoclatri Prett freshing frull." Remember that "Kalhlynr' will be here THE OLD RIUASLaT" "11041 Roslrts 10 1 l Corey London. July niy tne uwrceaaio- - 01 In the court the women gave their namea today only and come to the matinee when lsmmondport, N. Y., July II. Trial

(l(Mi)Perry Henderson 8" carter hi butler today aaved the Rt Hon. Thomas as Janette Wallace and Henna wataon you can get in. today of the sea sled type or nuil ror1041 Gtmll 7 Collins

MrKtnnon Wood, secretary or atata for They were fined twenty shillings each, but " the Waiiatuaker flying boat, America' con-vincedrefused to psy and ware aent to Jail for The Pirates of the Plains. l.ieut. John C Porte and Olean H.

Anrelus. even place, show. Azure, t place, even show. LetetU. show. Scotland, from a horsewhipping at Ote fourteen days. Tb Bllou today will show a three reel Curtías, that the problem or constructingi.iere. feature or distinctive lyii, "The PiratesScratcbed: hand of two suffragettes. a surrscrs nas neen stretcb, then finished fast and rot In last stride. made prop planingAiurelus waa outrun up Jranrtle rallied, but Won. or the Plain," a western production

Ature bad a rough trip, finished gamely and was going strongest at end. Leteua just as he was leaving hi residente In the rugged country of Colorado. TIM they

hung tn stretcb. Nirty quit, nosirts always outrun. woman ruabea ud, horsewhip in hand, ex-

claiming:Br 1 A Associated Pre atmosphere created, by thu virile photo-

play the attempt to cross th Atlantic la thusNew York. July . Joe Jeanelte. ihe Ho andla rerreahlngiy new. a great manyaeaured and tb ezpediuon to New Found- -

"You Scottish pig! If you don't stop the boken heavyweight, fell to Use floor of the of lis thrills art due lo Josephine WestPOSTMASTER SENTENCED. fined 8864. the exact amount which he waa

found guilty of embeczllng from the forcible feeding or women we shall smash ring after being fouled in the first round and Jo Ryan, who ride anything with fourfeet. If you want to see a picture where-inNew Mexico Official Cm --rawed la Pay funda. A penitentiary sentence of you!" of hi bout with Bdtllng Jim the players really do some strenuousThe militant lashed htm across the chest.Fine of 884 Prlsost Penalty Suspended. three year, which waa also imposed, waa Johnson, of Philadelphia, here tonight. But work paruinlug to former day in thebut before site could deliver t second cut

By Bpeoial Wirt I The Timet suspended during rood behavior.the butler seised her and threw her to the he came back and outpointed and out wait, com to the Bijou today. AUTOMOBILE DIRECTORYSanu Ee. N. M.. July 15 Before Judge I. M. Sanchez was fined 8100 and sen- - ground, leaving lilm free to tackle the punched Johnson before the final bell.

W. H. Pope In the United states district woman, who was shouting The referee decided that Johnson's blow Program al the Unique.court Bare too ay, exuaxmn orowu "Let me get at the Scotch pig:" 10 tne lower part of Jeanette's body wat Today Three fine reels, two contedlesaul postmaster al Mosquero. N. Sis made a rush with her whip tt tb unintentional. and a comedy drama: also imp travelogu. AND ACCESSORIEStn first of Ihe "Universal Boy" arle,

Maturing L'uls Matty. In thla reel bemeets ail norte of famous people includ-ing

nannssassanas Janes'mx0g)0fm0m0'irtfmK0mWthe famous water queen, Annette



with beautifulstrong

Cleothree-ree- l

Madisonrowerin the Automobiles, WUleys and I. C. H. TroclatlOa role. "The Severed Hand." Cole and Overland

Crawford Theater PHONE 178 i rsuanwise-- v mtmmmtEach of the rifle n I embers of the Nleo).

Troy stork rompany. which opens a shortengtgement at the Crawford Sunday nightla an artist. Stockí1ichelinTires:During their sltr here they will pul ononly new and high arad dramas and willrepeat tnem ror moving pictures wncu iney

n tur coast, nasi aaie ror manHour" surta Saturday.

Cerdea Alrdome BORDERLAND AUTO SUPPLY COMPANYSan Antonio street. ODooalU Paso del

I mKLmmlK LWi saaCJrjWa! Norte hotel, under new management Four w m- rrrifD VTTiaB II Plain and Puncture Proofreels first run feature every night.

Auditorias PsvtUea. The Quality Tiro Cor. Myrth & KanGood music, refreshments and rive ten

nights during July sod August. No undo FISH TIRESSlfahiec.Uaataaot.)

rasa City Dancing WESTERN MOTORPACIFIC COAST LEAGUE"Saltón" Stan 1eg at tb Claks

SUPPLY COMPANYA.utorrobile Wl00. Lost. Pet.LosPortUnd

Angeles WRITE FOR CATaAJLOGUEVenice8nsacramento


Oakland 40 n.n.agn.tlalni. Coll and Maam.toav LUjhUas d IinltlOB FUutts lustll.dW..M .a romnJata of Karoy Part. Phoss lit.Will Be Given Away to Somebody Sacramento

Sao Franciscoat


St Vente.

Way Today. 1'KXAS aJC01TUCAL SÜPrtT CO., US Mortb

t PortUnd.Los Angelas

Yesterday's VULCANIZINGIn El Paso Sacramento,


A porUand-- Us

.crementot; Oakland, I.

Portland. I.Al Lot Angele10 Fraiicitco, 4. Venice, t American Garage rr.iTauag Trato at St. Leal reds Is --i.e.

Big lacreas la Pay by strews. g bk Bk EX TABU trzj mMxm uu.J?g lag aVssastoi- s- Prase

tVLojIs, iuhr o oirsst the lempt wiw 0 ;vrisnas orrereo aun oy American ano we --uiNSee TIMES for Full ll league scouts, in mcai rrarmParticularsSunday's u club ha granted Joluin Tobln,tolder. aa htcraase tn par oPsajMS a E. P. & S. W. BUJJLOING

Car. Fr-- -al mmi N. Iluaiaihe Federals during th seaaoos ot d

111A His new cuo tract call tor ttJM, AGBHCT I1H C?.UmmwtHméIt was da nl d

PASO MORNING TIMES Thtiwá... July 16. 19 1 4

Would Scourge Lawyers From Public The First Texas Camp Meeting. Plupy-"- Thc Real Boy." A Soldier's View.Office. Th first camp messing ever held In th state of (Oscfyrlg Paget Wi nspágea itn.) It was lasy enough in Havana,

Patrollln' the old Msloon.Texas was in the year III), end It location was ten CHAPTER VII.ths theMarried for moat of Ills thailawyer sre With your shirt like a rag from the sweatafflict our government, according to J. T. Solward mile east of San Auguatlne Metbodlat Episcopal But whenever Plupy's father want to church, which Of vonr Krsg B .

of San'Antonlo, who has undertaken ths organisation Ministers James Stephenson. Rnoch Talley and Bum-

merdidn't happen very often, owing, as that gentleman An' cheWIn' In your face for a bone;aid .to the exhaustion under which he labored, caused With the dsm'd everlasting mañanaBacon ere th preacher. There were about 0of s statewide movement having for Its object the en-

tiremental strain of his labors In thei i ni iTi" oí riots by the prostrating An' Morro as dead aa a tomb.

TIME Bl'II.DIN'l, tti WIDTH OBEOON ATM EXT elimination of all lawyer from th list of public person present, a few professed religion, a church was custom house, Plupy had to be on his best behsvlor An' a feelln' In here that you'd give youroffice holding possibilities. organised ami a leader appointed This was th first and did not dare to laugh at anything. right ear

This organisation, Mr. Solwsrd said, would array Methodist If not th first Protestant church organ-


Indeed, the last lime he had attended church with To hear some artillery boomhis father, he had narrowly escaped punishment be In the gloom.In TexaItself solidly against vry Iswyer candidate for pub-


proper.cause he could not entirely restrain hi laughter, when Just to hear that artillery boon!

office and will In other way endeavor to make the In 1(14, the Rev. Stephenson, who had been di-

rectedold Mr. Blake, who sat Just In front of them, and who

roMUOn ADVERTISING BEPhgSENTATIVES legal profession take a back seat. by hla church to devote half of hi time to leaned forward to pick up hi hymn-boo- k which he It was almost as bad In Manilla:w York. 8. C Beckwith hperlsl Agency. Tribune Bulldmg.

A decrease In the litigation of ths common people Texas and half to 'Louisiana, held a second camp had dropped, hit hi bald head a meet astounding and My luck to be stalled In th town. 1Chicago. 8. C. Brkwliri special Agency. Tribune Bulldlnf. audible thump on the ahelf In front of him, which With hull and card showin'meeting on the scene of the first, assisted by James J. a afct Loui. 8. (.. Brc kiin .tpnltl Agency. Third .Nati Bank Bid. Is another object of Mr. Solward' projected party. He caused him to pull a moat rueful face and hold hla artTraveling (Tini- - uiher Barnard. ullM Mellon. Kneed. Whately, Bacon, English and nne other minclaimed that three-fourt- of th suits In court couldAuthorised olty Collectors ü. Noria Mlllsr Ed Lelgu, head In both hands, while Plupy nearly strangled him-

selfOf keepln' th cholery down.

Clsao Andró. bo worded or settled without recourse to lawyers and ister. At this meeting a whiskey shanty was set up with suppressed glee. A run In the sometimes.SUBSCRIPTION RATKÜ thst the latter foment litigation and keep cases in but ths audience drove the owner with hi liquor He wandered with deep satisfaction out Into the A black-eye- d querida s caress,

(By Mill in Advine) yard. It was a warm day and the crickets and A smoke an' smile an' thcourt ss long as possible in order to reap a larger away. After this year camp meetings were a little grass-hoppers

a guard houg allly snd Sunday, en year were filing their saws in the grass, the corn while;financial profit thereby. He hla organisation al-

readymore frequent. Texas was widsly advertised among

Daily and Sunday, i aSOBlBB. . ... .

says was waving In the breeze. In th barn a little speckled Bust mostly Just waltln' for mess.fmlyDaily and


uneihn r

nmoibmonths has a larga secret membership and that It Is th Methodist Episcopalian aa a mission field In that hen prated cheerfully, the cooing of his pigeon on the I guess

TIM sunday Time, one year m destined to become a power In stste and nstlonal polí-

ticaday and volunteers flocked to answer the call to go eaves sounded pleasantly In hi ara. We're always Just waltln' for mea.

(By Lamen .11 to the new field. The bell had ceased ringing and In the distance theBally and Sunday. one monto faint swell of the arose and the distant cadence But In Vera Cms It's the limit!Mr. Solward pointed out that Iswysrs are In con-

trolInstances are numerous of the desire upon the organrrrsn. ..." i. - ihir i,rr re su lar Ir ara It's worse than maneuver at home;of a hymn. After all the world was a pretty goodof the legislatures and congress and have been part of the Texans to hear the gospel. During ona- An' If something ain't doniu uiiniii' pretty soon withreoursiru uj iioiuj place to live In. Let's see, what would he do lomo.,

OI postómeBSBBW order,



inmmtorludln !..

county for a long time and that they enact laws which have service in the open rain fell gently for an hour, yet no row 7 First he would go over and see If Potter Oorhani a gunRenin liv

wltb ,0"r tiutik lines for their hidden purposs the fomenting of litigation. one left. Once a preacher exhausted himself and dis-

missedwould go with him. And If he wouldn't i ll sure have the bat In my dome.




operaor 'ntoiwit H said he made a special study of the effect or his audience to enable himself to take a rest. go, he would go down to Fatty Melcher'. Fatty was They herded us onto a transport.conitlona most fisher Potter. Potter knew An' the roll of the sea mads us sick;department you wlab and

and taolldsya ta tol lawyer upon th political and business affairs of ths Th preacher was surprised an hour later to be awak-


as good a as OnlyBut we grinned asAfíer afternoons we gagged10 p. m. and on Sunday more about fish and birds than any fellow. He wished

HJW mm if iiiiwiwi - country and that be believe they are the hlggeit trou-

bleand asked to deliver another aermon, that the he had some of Potter's books on birds and things. When the sergeant wigwagged.

ml Manager oso, ...Editorial and naporters maker in the land. By their council, Mr. Solward same audience was waiting for him. He guessed he would read the rest of "Midshipman There' a riddle o' greasers toaald, they have aided many big corporations to vade Easy," and having procured that delightful tale, he Come quick!

aver any oí me aooe i'i the t and other law. Arizona Hay Rates Reduced. lay on the grass and was only aroused from oblivion "There's a riddle o' greasers to lick

-" " to everything but the fascination of his book, by theReadara of toe ornin, An' here Inplumped theAs a result of a conference between th Farmers arrival of the guest and ths family from church. we are, Plaza.SiSStSSt é Tima, ni to tnarn dfract by mall for Why Carranza Has Stood Pat. After dinner Plupy' father waa called away, and, Where the snipers picked off our ma-

rines;weak, or mouths. : union, the railroads and the Artsona corporation comany .eModde.irrd--d.ys- .sent to lbs Timas ClrctüaUon Th reason why Oeneral Vanustlano Carrañas ha again to Plupy's delight, ordered him to harness Nellie

may be lven to new.dealers or mission, rates on hay from producing points north of Doln' duty aa cops for some Mexican wops.and take the guest to Hampton Falls to make a callrefused to send any delegate to contar with th the Salt river valley will be greatly reduced within on a friend. With the sun, boilin' down on our beanaaa printed above. Huerta delebates at Niagara Fall I now clearly ap the next thirty days. The changes contemplsted In Plupy blithely did aa he wa bidden, and deferen-


All the blood of them Jackie is callin'- eharactsr or For US to go on up the linesifAny rroneou. reiiccuon uxu .- parent Oeneral Carrañas expect to be th next con clude rates to practically all points In the state of waiting until the gentleman adjusted hla glove An' wipe out th score withrepuuiu.u


column,any peraon,

of Thennn


will B Xíereeíad atltutlonalurt president of the republic of Mexico, and Arizona. settled his silk hat firmly on his bald head and lighted A charge In the forein hi cigar, he climbed Into the and fared himupon iu bcint brought to the attention of tna management. alio expect to control the destinies of the republic At the conference, which was held at th request forth gaily.buggy On the that shot from behla'

first chief of th constitutionalist clamant until The Swine!as the of the farmers' organisation, the matter of rates on The politician, accustomed to travel In a rather fast The cowards that shotSouthwestern Progress. national election are held which are expected to ele hay from north aide point to all points on the Santa class, began to chaff the boy a little about his horse from behln'.

The fruit crop In the Cimarron. N. M , "o thj vate htm to the preaidency. Fe line was gone ovar carefully, and prospects for a and Intimated considerable distrust of her ability to But It seems there's a hitch In It somewhere,la an extraordinarily large one ....-- -- And all this I being don under th plan of speedy readjustment of rate to Albuquerque and all

trot fast. Naturally, to a boy of Plupy'a disposition An' they haven't explained tt to ms.year this was a direct Invitation to let her out a little, which... . K.m made to outalde marketa Aprtcote, Guadalupe Whlls th constitution of th But we're Just markln' tima.. . .....i ure ready for mar republic stations between iLupton on the east and Topoc on the ha did. The gentleman took occasion to take out the Without reason or rhyme.

re"d H la .d to be tie beat all around fruit crop of Mexico prohibit any Individual serving aa provi-

sionalCalifornia line are said to be very favorable, whip and, to Plupy's great but silent Indignation, to It's "order from Washington," see?president from candidato strike her with it It was as much as Plupy could doforbecoming tha Th rate from The colonelsproduced In Colfax county. on hay Peoria to El Paso was are cussln' their heads off.ver to turn her into the of th house they were toIn national yard The is almostpreaidency elections, the plan of Ouada brought up by the shippers, the claim balng made gen'ral In tears.

visit without..., e omv and Curry countlea, N lupe anticipated all that by providing that the affairupsetting. The captains are sore as a hospital corps.that It should be the same obtainsas now from During their stop at this house one of those sudden The privates are klckin' like steers!vr. .r ...nt more


la rangingthla eaaon

fromof ths military regime following the ousting of Huerta Olendale and Phoenix, and while no official showers came up that left the roads soaked with water So I hears;


.K.n72 .

M flrat eatlmated. Thewith the majority of the shall b administered by the flrat chief of tho consti announcement has been mad by the railroads. It is and deep in mud, and when they started for home, the

"r 1 n little mare, still smarting over her treatment, atruck Out there are the dam' Mexicanosbuhta. Aa a reull of tha tutional army, and It will be readily noted how par believed that this rate will be granted.crop .howlni around 36 for bom like a bird, sending showers of mud over the That sneered at the Red, White and Bine;bin yield durln tni mrvm .i - k- - alstently Oeneral Carraña ha clung to that title of wretched and Indignant guest and the straining Plupy. Here's ten thousand Yanks that are askln'recate next eaon will be materially enlardad. flrat ohlef. IU would not accept the title of provl G limps Into the Past. In vain he' pulled, he could not stop her. She hsd no thanks,

alonal president, although, he has been exercising such an Iron mouth and was bound to get home as soon as But are spollln' for something to do.- aJ rvnmm I a leadlnáT lnduitryIn the.

Infunctions continually, even to th extent of having a

(FROM THE FILES OF THE MORNING TIMES.) possible. The politician started to expostudate, but a There's music and drill In the morning.the tate of New Mexico, the total production THIRTY TEARS' AOO TODAT: handful of mud thrown by her forefoot plastered his An' drill an' music at night.tate laat year beln 3,t.i non ion cabinet

A mouth, breathing objurgations- - A violent Jolt caused But can any ons tell what In thunderin' hellof themeeting Rio Orande$,774, if 2. About It per cent .of the production wa Aa provisional president Oeneral Carranca would of Pythias, will be held next MondayLodge

eveningNo. 2S, Knlkhta

for the him to grab frantically for his hat, which he secured We're here for; to fiddle or fight T Honoruaed In the manufacture oi - b debarred from becoming a candidate for the preal purpose of reorganizing. Just In time. The wlrllng wheels cast aloft showers of bright.are 22 state of the Amorlcan union which produce

dency In th Impending national election, while aa yellow mud which sought a resting place on his digni Are we here Just to fiddle OR FIGHT.gypaum. fied peraon. They whirled around a corner on two (The Idaho Official Bulletin.)first chief there 1 no constitutional lnhlblton and Colonsl Marr, superintendent of the transfer com wheels, and he brasped the seat with both hands. An

The flrat annual Pecos County Fair will open at these facts serve to expían why Carranxa refused to pany, returned to El Paso last night from the scene other dash of mud sealed one eye, while a shower of Secret Story of War Times.and continue or the washouts the2S. on Oalveston.Fort Stockton, Texa. September be a party to any agreement upon a provisional preal Harrlsburg and San gravel atone rattled against his false testh and paral-yseduntil September 2. It Is expected that the agricul-

turalAntonio railroad. Thfi horses and wagons will come In The Mexican situation has brought out a ptmpblet fromdent to succeed Oeneral Huerta. He not only Intends his fervid oratory. Washington,

and live tock display will ba one of the ftnast today. entitled "The Benevolent Raid of General LewThey dashed over the bridge, 'up Clifford street,in Weal Texa. and many attractions have to be a candidate for the presidency In the national Wallace," explaining bow Mexico was saved In ISM andever eeen around the corner, a narrow aqueak. Plupy was a

will add set to the occasion. election that will later, but he Intends O. A. giving an Illustration of the Monroe doctrine In action.been secured thst come to serve Glides, night clerk at the Pieraon.' was ar skillful driver. Another, might not have done It Into Thea provisional president during the Interim In the rested for theft last night by Deputy Sheriff J. R. the yard, Plupy putting forth all the strength of hla

material was furnished by a participant in those stir-ringof Bisbee lead all other In Incidents. Justus Brooks, the only survivor or thosechildren Blacker.The school

thrift Ten month ago the gulae of flrat chief of th constitutional army, accord Glides had been suspected for some time and half paralysed, skinny arms sawing violently. The who look part in the raid.A rutona on tho matter of last night a decoy was set for him which led to his little mare daahed for th barn door, luckily It wasMinera and Merchants bank of that ctty Inaugurated ing to th plan of Ouadalup. arrest. The story begins with an account of a secret militarshut. She stopped. The passengers kept right on.. ,.r mvinn amona the city school children, The A. B. C. mediator, the Huerta delegates and expedition by a force of the United States soldiers IntoBoth went over the dssher flying. Plupy went. farthest

m . ii,.. school children now have the heart of Mexico. It la slated. "The Monroe doctrine.- - ths American delegate were up against a stone well A few such meetings as was held by the cltv firs- - although braced for the shock. The politician found wasGreat Idea, ine central feature of the wholethat institution. adventure, n2,B4S 44 on deposit In during all th time they were trying to Induce Oeneral men last night will develop a large amount of speaking himself astride the animal's rump, both arms embrac-

ingproclaimed In verbose state papers nor trumpeted

wasIn edi-



that. talent in e;i raso. her. Nellie did not kick. She was a kind hone,Carranxa to send delegates to' a peace conference. The But It waa put into action silent, intense action,and had reached horn. Th politician dlmorauntedThe artesian water belt at Ssn Simon Is constantly plan of Ouadatupe does not provide for such a con instead of words; for It wss ordered by that silent man

Lrue has Just brought In his Only two cases came before the nolle court this painfully. of deeds. General U. s. Grant and carriedM. R. through tobeing extended. tingency, and th ambition of Oeneral Carranca would (To be continued tomorrow) per-fect

second well, near the town of San Simon. Axis., and at morning. El Pasoana are getting good or ths police success by another man of action, Oeneral Lew Wal-lace."not tolerate any arrangement that la not contemplated are becoming alack in theirdepth of 40 feet he Is getting a flow of 80 gal-


attention to the safety ofaper minute. The Ban Simon valley promises to In the plan of Ouadalup. tne purine. The New Express Lines. The first relation or this unwritten history was given

In of by Frank O. Carpenter In iao4 afterbecome a great agricultural center oonsequencsNew York Evening Post an Interview with

I ta abundant artesian water supply. Prosperous New Mexico. Eight thousand men are at work repairing the roads With the exception of a few hundred miles of elec-tric

Wallace, who had related to htm only the bare rsct orof New Mexico. The damage done during the summer traction line, the mileage operated by the United

the secret expedition. It was tali Intention to Include theThe New Mexico College of Agrtoulture and Me-


After traveling for a month In a motor car over by washouts Is said to exceed 1,400,000. State Express company has been definitely reas complete story of It in his autobiography which was In-

terruptedArts has the greatest attendance In prospect Eastern and Southern New Mexico, Dr. C. E. Lukens, signed. Practically all of it went to the three big by disease terminating m his death.

for the nsxt term in the history of that great of th Children's Home society, ha returned to Albu-querque,

A miner employed at the Silver King in Artsona was compañía. The Southern Express was awarded 1,007 The only survivor of the expedition. Mr. Brooks, learn-ingPreparalons are now being mads to car for and report prosperity abundant In stung by a centipede last week. The miner neuartlised miles. that much or It had been divulged, gave the details

the largest student body ever assembled there, andMotion visited.

everyth poison by drinking one gallon of whisky and la all The American Express company take over. In all.

or the rsld though st the time be did not understand Uie

application for entrance are pouring In from every right now. It would take a powerful centipede to nearly lí.ífiO mile of the 32.860 mile operated by meaning of it. But for forty years be bad kept what besection of the atat. "Over In Curry county I found the farmer grow 'stand off the average Arizona whisky. the United State Expresa company, Wells, Fargo & believed to be an Important military secret

ing 10,000 acra of wheat, which averages 10 bushels Co. will have practically 11,000 mile. The Adam Mr. Brooks wss s private In ths Fifth california whichThe entsrprlslng oltltens of the progressive little to the acre." said Dr. Lukena. "Th dry farmers In A Boston man has been granted a patent on a ma Express company, which made only a limited bid for in October, IBM, was stationed along the border In Texas

city of Big Spring he Just votsd by an overwhelm-ing

that section are enjoying their most chine for clipping the coupons off the bonds. Every new mileage, has the remainder. and New Mexico. He was a member or ten men sent outfor the Improvement of th city water prosperous year. to pick up some cannon and arms la themajority will The principal lines taken over by th Adams Ex vicinity or FortNesr Portales and Elida, in Roosevelt I newspaper need on sooner or later. We have hadsystem According to the plans adoptad the sum of county, saw

our uld shear harpened and will be able press compsjny are: Delaware, Lackawanna and West-ern,

Bliss. The order ror tills expedition was given by nlsto26. 00 will be at one expended In bringing the ex-


rang grass five feet high. Th rains have been so along without th new machine for a couple ofworry

Pere Marquette, Pittsburgh, Shawmut and North-ern

captain, James H. WhlOock, who wss uncle or w Cwater system up to th requirement of the heavy In part of th dry farming district that th ana pcrnaps longer.

years,and the two traction system. Detroit United Rail-

waysWhltlock, or IBS Esst Lincoln street, this city.

situation. sal value of alfalfa has been Injured. Some farmer and Chicago and Milwaukee Electric. The prin-cipal

There la so account or many mysterious movements inara gathering avn ton of alfalfa to the acra, flrat units in the new American Expresa mileage are: whlcta an eye was kept upon the French troops ofJoe

The Roso ell horticultural board estimate that Sohuta, a dispenser of wet goods, has Just re Central Railroad of New Jersey. Lehigh Valley, Chi-cago,

There was one officer who appeared frequently00 car of apple will be shipped from the orchards

crop. ceived a carload of Anheuser beer. Jo will have Rock Island and Pacific, Philadelphia and Read-ing

but his Idenuty was kspt concesled from the privates andMexico this "In Dona Ana oounty I found fin progress In plenty on tap for some time to com. lowsr officers. Mr. Brooks btmof tho Pecoa valley section of Now season, and New Orleans, Tema and Mexico. ssw frequently, but did

and preparation are now wall under way for the farming and In building of good roads. Dona Ana Wells, Fargo V Co.' principal new properties are: not hear his name, but be seemed to exercise supremeproper handling and marketing of the crop. A great county has spent a 1100,000 bond Issue on road, a Hose company No. 2 met at their hose house last Baltimore and Ohio, Chicago, Hamilton and Dayton, Mr. Brooks, sTier reading the Carpenter interviewmeny of the Pecoa valley apples are marketed In ISO. 000 stats appropriation, and now has voted

night and adjourned on account of th tegular meeting St. Loula and San Francisco and Chicago and Eaatern rut Ibat lbs mystery was clear. The officer was OenTexas, and are regarded in that market aa Just about an-

otherof the department. Company No. 2 will meet at the Illinois. Acquisition of th Baltimore and Ohio sys-

temeral Lew Wallace.

ths beat that can be obtained. 154,000 bond Issue. Dona Ana a rival of room of Foreman Stewart July 10 when Important gives Wells. Fargo Co. a considerable amount The main object of the expedition was to deliver arms toSouthern California for good road ani agricultural business will com up of new territory east of the Mississippi river, direct lbs Mexicans sad tbal took the Americans to Chihuahua

According to Prof. R. H. Forbes, head of ths de-

partmentdevelopment. There are mora good road In Dona Ana access to auch Important contera as Washington, Balti-

moreIt was tsler tbal so open expedition to the border was

of agriculture at the Arizona state univer-sity,

county than all other counties in the stste put to-


A lively time wa had at a meeting of the city fire and Philadelphia and new trunk line service out conducted by General Wallace. But in the account or themost of the 10,000 whloh Artsona expects to men laxl night. Heveral of the member. Including of those cities and New York to the large Middle secret expedition tbe name of Captain W hillock appears

receive this year under ths provlslonf. of the Lever Irvln and Bower, made aperches criticising certain Western cities. more frequently than tbal of any other officer, hii comlaw, will be pent In keeping a farm adviser em-ployed

members of the ctty council. In reply Mayor Magoffin mand had much other business thsn the delivery of armsin the great Irrigated district of ths Salt river Receipts from the use of national forest resources promised the department such aaaaalance as could he If it weren't for expenses how great we would There were numerous engagements in Southern New Mex-

icovalley. , were greatest in Arizona last year. given under existing laws. all be. a lib the Apaches.

POLLY AND HER PALS- - Guess Again Is a Risky Game Sometimes By STERRETT

h1 7

to none among the lodge of the ttat.wmmmmmmmmmmmm Tornillo is now rutting an the rail e HEASBEY ONtree wort and the JP degree tt Car of Pianolas Tlr Ottly Sltt Store Cftg HW Grfm Treémg Stamps

aaM hrjp restive The com Aromee are now worSmt on the detail'

SPECIAL beIt will

,tildUaV'wmty,'sirh,1uirPadbe a atjkf teeial and no oxore necti

&We must make room' for LAND Our Stepla aaid. v" the above instrumenta.Make your selection early. t'NivMsmr pmrxsHOR Diaus

t ANDHHTf It.HGI HON FIRM TVatraet wan the recipients at a ver Aleas J. a C. Kb her. SI S3. SO. ANT PHOPosiiiov.ant surprise last night when the members Ttamss M earth. Lively SalePaso Del Norte Roof Garden of Mattteo temple of the ryihtan sister ( perdescended upon them and assisted In cel-ebrating

A grood eubetantial piano ot well Admits Hating Seen Questions Retard Atler

their twentieth wedding annlver known etandard make Coneld-erabl- a Elimination of Incidental leasesary. The temple presented Mr. and Mrt. et PreMbillea.better than priceTatorn with the beautiful rblna breakfastget. will only last a short time. Come tomor-

rowa Hu Rtterial XTli e to The TtmeeTONIGHT The memitert fathered at the transfer Majratlo, SISAOS.

aution and at 7:4 boarded tbe Fort Biles Terina BS.00 Month.Houtton. Textt. July I. John 8. Wroe before sizes are broken. We still

ear. The evening; was spent in playing per ef thli city, it in rereipi or tho followingbridge, arter which cue and punch, which In m tee Inn case. Good for from nr. l.tndley M. searommunlrsiiondie ladies bad provided, were served. Mrs. church, eohool. club, etc Splen-

did,the L'ntver have many lines We aré offering at al-

mostfatom eras assisted in serving by Mes bv. nrofesnnr of economics in

Dinner Dance dames Perkins, Drew and Van Mourlck. eerviceable piano. air of Tex relative to bit view conRegular one-ha-lf price.Among those present were: Martin. StSS.oo. cerning the firm tentnt proposition ofMessrs. ana mesoerocs Terms .00 Mouth.per candidate for governor

clyge smith Have grood tone. Easy notion.jamesMy Dear



Wroe: We have just received several new styles in New Colo-nialsH. Williams

Mar)'May Srotten

Van Mourlck Much better than the price in-

dicate.The Lnlverslly of Texes. Austin, Satur

fevorand Buckle Pumps, Patents, Dulls, Satins, all size.

Matilda Burroughs Lllllsn Harry day. July 4, ll.-Fr- ont yoor kind

PRIZE HESITATION ONE-STE-PE. O. Perkins Mary Drew Kimball. 3IS.e. of tbe rh uHlmo. encmeing your riieie 84.00 TO SO.OOM. Smith Terms SS.OX) per Month. entitled Jamet B. r enruav..Esther Lucas A surprisingly good Instrument, rropotllloo Unscientific wnici

to 11 press,Bobbins nave hereiofore givenvery durable. In exceptionally f...... ..i two iT.faiilon and encour

By courtesy of Colonel J. S. Parke, the 20th Inf. For Mrs. Anthony good condition, looks new. agement. You men of the. street are SO

Captain and Mrs. H. n. Hlckok entertained Dayton. apt to look askance at ui men or the study. irnni"bwinformally last night complimentary to In politics, especltlly. there seems such aMrt. E. ft. Anthony of Leavenworth, Kan. Terms SB.00 per Month. - "WKie gun oeiweeu m iBand will play a concert during the dinner. There were three tables at bridge. Mrs. Thle Instrument has been used i., hava anna out from unAnthony Is the mother of Mrt. Lewis M. very little, asm would readily be der my instruction In the diss room into

will be made pleas-antKoehler and ber stay the arena of political atianby the ladiet at tbe fen. Tbe guetts mistaken to me for in opinion on the Immediate is-

sue Mllast night were: tn Texat polltlcs-th- li. 1 lay. I s tonrssCol. and Mrs. George Morgan or sitisUction and encourigement.Major and Mrt. L. M. Koehler NOTK I may sly foresaw tblt veryMajor

Mesdtmesand Mrt. W. T. Davidson Our bargain always bring question.... in


ia.uatnd have

r nronlbltlonbeen wtmng

blew Ask for Tour frC Green Trading StampslirnmmnmnHiiiHrtiiiiiimiifimnniiHiiuHmHiiHnmiiHMM minimi M. M. McNamee Major Aultman ready buyers and we ask you

the real quetllon before tne0. W. lancee Leftoy Eltlnge to call before the piano of TexYs people I am glad the quetttonB. R. Anthony 0. C. Bernhardt your choice ie gone. Is now coming up under such able leader

If It la tny advantage to you. youof Society Lent lite far the ataaL inaVthlp.

quote me or ute my V'rl.LinnaK yard Ball as a progressive Democrat, andGossip Mr. and Mrs. charles Loomls will leave wty you like, personally WILSON ADMINISTRATION think he would make a tint elati governor.Friday Ibe Golden state limited for ahon

will go El Paso Rano Co. ly have always lived In the open ano rtoining i nave said jitsiinea anyone aiextended visit In the east. They acienuncmaintainwill am quite preparod lo my me as opposed to him. I rememberwhere Mr. Loomls auotlngbr way of Chicago knwconvictions, or pracuctl rlltlci adornes the of Tilo. M. Bali his firm stand at the Baltimoreabend the convention of tbe Commercial W. It. Sohutx, Prop. .,.. mixed II this tre- - Caadideeyh..m. nvter convention with other Democrats rromLaw league, of which be It the of Houston, fer rieveroor elEditor tOB Texas St. One Price it,',, hehlnrt nrSCIICSl politics ItinO Texat on the support or tbe resolutionTexas.Julia A. Sharp, Society Mr. and Mrt. Loomls will then go ... ..,.. ... wtiiii,. which li becoming stale et agalmt Morgan. Belmont and Ryan."visit all or tbe largedo to New York and ...,i n which i hive tomeeastern clllet before returning. They willTelephone 5049 to advance and tome opinion! Sprciol Wire to Tht Timet DKLIVKRY WAGON away about seven wee as.

to milniain. U I cm be of tervlce to you Houaton. Texas. July I. Thomas(ICS. lines I shtll be gltd to teu Stone, chairman or the south Texas BailRESIDENCE minimi Wedding. and Mra. John Trent, Mr. and Mrt. Will lone theseIIIUHNHIII conttder to be tne truin. campaign committee. Bat given nut tnewhitwillA wedding that come as something Htrreli. Mr. and Mrt. Alec Harrell. you

MAN'S LITTLE DAY. ten or Nr. and Mrt. Paul Olnther. The of a surprise to tbe many friends of the Mils Annie Shtw, of Pumpvllle, accom-panied

. in ih. aaatsas immedlaiely at band "TheletterWhile



WilsonD. C.

A borse and delivery wagon belonging todecked with tier rousln. Miss Walt, were the Ardoln't market wit stolen rrom therooms were quaintly by alley

Pint thine fellow knows at mom garden flowers. Fruit guetts of Mrs. W. W. Young Tuesday. m .T555Ír, .w?vÍ ahd' every: Julyutterances

10. Mr.In

Pearthe present

col. HancamptlKn

Some orIn

youtTrx-i- s in the rear of the establishment yetterdtyu umiirt rinrinr the same. Each of the and Mrt. John Harrison of 31 It Alamogordo Mesdames Mussey and Thompson, ofHe'i bom; or the paremount hive retched me tnd I cm not let tbem afternoon about were mameo non where n tppurtenincethisof honor received a prlxo street, elty. rney Longfellow, were visitors here Tuesday.the nut guestsThen at ten o'clock, ortar,

He's vexed . ware snoe trees aecorsiea daw In Tucumcarl. N. M.. being secern Mra. W. Schupbech has returned from a nioduriivf lower. In the early days go by without exproising lo you my deep The police traced Ibe outfit to the Stantonretain', wrltln'. 'rithmetle. blue ribbons. Tbe firti prite wts cut for panted by Mías Lela Harrison, sister of visit to her son st Phoenix, Arix. .....feus, when land was free tno capi ai an appreciation or tbe splendid and unequivo-

cal itreet bridge, where tt was driven terosBy iir ron.tltuted tbe par wav In which vou are lending your supTill sick. l.ydlt Happer and Nancy Williams and fell toe nnao. isr. ana sirs, nopper win rv Mr. and Mrs. Shely, of Teanut.

to work. to Nancy Williams. It wat a pair of pink tide in El Hepo. Okie. by their niece. Mlat Tucker, were amount productive power and Sovereignty port to Uie uallonal administration. Tint into Mexico.he has toAt noon go of what I have alreceived thereto. Is but a fresh evidence Tho Juarex tuthorltleiOr shirk. silk hose. Miss Mly krani. nor vlsltort bere Tuesday. lerlalned appealed to

Then, 'round 'bout two, be takes 'Tor life" the prtxe for throwing; tne nraii punrarj Mr Nations Returning Heme. Miss k'llson was here from the ranch 'o Dm tug those days the people ruledbecame

in wayi deeply appreciated In your tttltudt and Mexican orricen promised to make ansiat toward lead-ershipwhich embroidered handkerchief who called to attend the celebration. Tetat. At tbe land Of the toward me personally tnd my

A wire. wat an Aubrey Nations, was effort to locale and return It to El Paso.From two till time to bring-- In lights The consolation fell to Miss Helen Dunn. Paan bv tin death of his uncle, S. C. Na Mrt. 8. H. Mm un and children returned ap ropi lalec, and held unequally "y private of the parly, but It glvei me rresn

Tne wagon is painted a dark green and hasHe rights After tbe game an lee course wat en Uont. returned yesterday to his home in Tuesdsy from a visit lo relatives at i..,.., t,nra,A the naramount pro pleasure and tlrengtbent my reeling ui toe name of tbe market In lara-- letters on

And struggles with bis fellow-men- , Joyed. Mm. Todd was assisted In enter-taining

Yuma. Arix. Mr. Nations wet xuiea ductive power and toverelgnty pertained grttiiude end sincere rncndshlp. The either tide.And then by Mrt. V. E. Ragflo. Tboae pret-an- t tbe Smelter last Friday morning and wat Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Harrell are vltltlng Hiérelo, nunng inose nut progressive forcea of toe country are al

He sits around a while and thinks, were: burled Tuesday under tbe auspices or the reltuvts here. en n.led the ttaie. So long as the land it latt gaining cohesion and irresistible rorce. See Stutrt't summer special, a nit littleAnd blinks. Elks lodge and the Brotherhood or Loco Mr. and Mrs. Orin Srhupbacb are In from held in small holding, ..' cordially tnd tlnrerely yours, picture In rolder", tt H.M and 13 per dozen,

And when at last U's time for bod. Orace Olnther Mary Olnther motive engineers. their home on the San Francisco. ...',i, r,nililntis sllll prevail,n,ou"1

"WO0DB0W WILSON." stuari's Studio, Morehouse Blk (Adver-tisement.)He's dead. Margaret Neff Charlotte Ortnsbee for eacl! holding about the sime

W. W. Whltelock in New York Timet. Margsret Powers Margaret fjebutter Interesting Talk by Or. PrraUsa. COLONEL HOPEWELL Hl'RT. of itnd. itch exercise aoout tne .'' SKCBRTAHV BRYAN ALSO

nuth Schwartx Oeneva Stear inniint or noiitical uower. But it toon at KNIMiBSES CANDIDACY Of BALL.Dr. K c. Prentiss arave a very interest NEWS IN BRIEFFor the Misses Glnther. Dorothy voUertton Nancy Williams Ing talk recently before tbe Men'' dub New Mexican' Cattleman Thrown rrom large land holdlngi prevtll and the rann-cr- i Secretory of State Bryan gave his in-

dorsementMary Wilson Winifred Woodsof the Church of St. clement. Tbe talk Buggy; Two Ribs Fractured. lie come lenints to a Urge extent, trii- -

to the candidacy of Thomas H. (Advertisements.)Todd the nottets yester-day

Mrs. F. H. wis Margaret Beery Marlon Calnan saaaatlta nAti.ll t Irtli a SIPfi II tO ClalUC L90Villustrated with oletures and toeel Bill, suing thtt be regard! Ball at "tcharming bunco party given Tor was Bv Speotei Wire to ras riesesat a Louise Crawford Helen Dunn from the deterti and the pet- - eretMty pertaining lo land and land being progressive Democrat and thinks that ne Dr. Bbert, Dentist. Mills Bids.the Misses Grace and Mary Glnther, daugh- -

kstherlne Earl l.ydlt Happer mens painted Santa Fe, N. M., July I Col. W. S. ,.,., Li ta. rnif ihe.aa few will exercise first cUst governor." ac-cordingwould mtktrinea forest. of the Oulf. New t

Kranxtbof Josephine Morflt Hojewell, president ... ..:.......t ;.iin,.ai oower. With the Buckler ove'rxiiie.May Mexico Pacific railroad, and probably me to a Washington dltpttcb to mi Dr. Anna Beum, Bldg.,Helen Murdock

Sturtevtnl Todd, Friday Bible Cleat. best known csitlemin in tne tute, irnven coming in of the rallrotdt. bsnk. suick Dallas Newi. It wat pointed out byand Leo limes and nun me . ' " Rill here tbtt hit opponents finest goodtcomrinu-.- of Mr.Madam Aurelia Bethlen will conduct here tndav with two rib Broken, the re idlyare n

A Horn Recipe for r.hlekea Dinner Last Night. Bible class at the Thomas school, 60 sulto r being thrown out or a buggy onbcrnming

i:,n,i andcni llallxod.

labor orCapital,

Text!I lake it, have



againstrromtbe election

the Commoner,or "menNr.nh tireron street, on Friday evenings his cattle ranch it Hermosa, sierra couniy.Skin Mr. and Mrs. B. V. Fillmore of the Wal-

lace..... .,,t.rMin.i nrodut-tlv- oower under obligation, to corporation." ana Dr. Paget, Dentin, Rob. ft Ban. Bldg.Wrinkled, Saggy These classes will be free and will Inter Mrt. Hopewell waa thrown from t hortegave a chicken will soon become the paramount editorials to theAnnex apartments, andToxa have applied Mr. Bryan'sBible lessons ac turroredpret the meaning p rate about the nine time and painful in tnedinner to Mr. Fillmore's business associates

the Bahal faith. productive power, ti it hu become Texas campaign In view or the paat con-

nectionYou get thcording lo though not sellout Injurlet.House last nlrht at 7:10. The 80 can e,.r th while otuor soulliern ilttet. yoti or Mr. Ball with corporations in'The famous stxollto lotion re coram and' dining room wat cleverly decorated for . .. i .j r.miai it innei lug tn Texas Textt. It It runner itaerted by BtU'tby beauty specialists for removing wrin-

kles . inn occasion ana eeco guest wu iiicuruuu Dinner for O If leers, ADMIRAL BADGES REPORTS.poliUC under Ihe guise of the prohibition friends here that UM onoolttton In Text! HIU, tbe optician or precision, ill Met,

and tor reducing distended pores, a., with a unique place card, made col. J. 8. Parke will entertain the of ri movement, as In other toutbern italcs Ihat claimed that Mr. Bryan bad "warnedbe easily made at home. Ask your drug-- bv a well known local artist, showing some cert of the Sixth tonight at tbe Dansant Believes llurrlt snd Blansuet Will Co lo ..V.iV ...... o, a. lamí ts becoming ctii- -the people of Texal" against Bill. Wnen br. Cameron, denUtt, sos nob. Bin. Bldg.

gut for saxoilte In powdered form. t ox.,familiar characteristic of everyone pres-ent.

at the Paso del none, roe rwenuein in rncne siexieo ....... T.,11 ih landlords naturally about this Mr. Brysn tatd:and - pint witch hazel. Dissolve th All enjoyed a delightful evening. fantry bend will be In attendance and will Bv the leaeetetea Presa . i.k lh nanliallata. This it th asked"By no means. On tne contrary, I re Imported Beer on draught at tbe Oem.

Kwder In the witch haul and bathe the Cards and reminiscences of former business play rrom to iu. Washington, July IS, Rear Admiral Bad-ger ilinmont thin as see It: capital andsolution, he(nd hands in the days and experiences were inouigea ui reported lo the navy department tonlgnt Uno vs. agrleulturil . ndng

suits are remarkable, and Instantaneous. Those present were: Beta Beta Club Met. that it ports reaching vera Crux Hid Gen with lh former arrieulluraiTbe skin tightens, and this naturally re-

ducesMessrs: The Beta Beta club met yesterday with eral Huirla and Oenerai Blanquet would !.'. r,L.,T. .n,i ...nam. mturallv In the ti- -

the wrinkles, as well as createt.or Jake Miller M. Posener and delightful "leave Mixlro train under escort.There

labur. Hence tncheeks hands. The Mrt. E. P. Hankln Jr., a City by .M.nn.m nter Induslrlslfolds about



akin also becomesor


M. P. Carlock W. B. Herré afternoon was spent with the needles. Arter was no mention of destination, but tenant question Is inevitably to the front in Schoolstissueand more solid. 1

Henry HtuT tbe fancy work wtt laid aside, a cooling officials here think the retired dictator will UM present csmpatgo.exhilarated lee course wat served. a. i to Puerto Mexico to boird a foreign

One feels much refreshed and For Mrt. C. Elsert. whetherthis truly wonderful and harm-let- s o for Europe. Admiral Badger ,. u,Vrreim mate liearter using and Mrs. W. c. SOCIETY PERSONALS alto that tbe British cruisers capital can dowash lotion. Its continued ute once Mrs. C. C. Whltungton announced rived from labor. Und orfor only a short time makes the Dunlap entertained yesterdsy at the home Heimolne and Bristol sailed from Vert What It Will Wlin tne reiurat jrotn .

t daylook ten or fifteen years or tbe former complimentary to Mrs. C. Andrew Cull left Tuesday nlglil for Den crus tor Puerto Mexico at e o'clock to n..,tM Thi. u a fundamental proponaverage person

Elsert. The rooms were fragrant with pink ver, where be will visit for several weeks nlrht. Earlier In the day the Dutch crult Hon of pollUcal science. That Is, tny West Texti Military Academyyounger.and while flowers, offset by potted plants with relatives and menos. cr i ocrm.K i, whose commander went to sovereign stile can re guilt wtgei, rom

officer detailed United Statesit tuned for Affiliated with leading; Universities. Army byand feme. Tne arternoon wat paiten Mexico t.Hv several dayt ago, anil interest as u mtewing and a dainty luncheon was en Miss Jean Gibson arrived yesterday from trie sime port will not alter Ihe actual eeonomie. returns, Uovernment. 1100,000 build Inga. All modern conveniences. Swimming pooLjoyed. The guetts were: i.o Anrelea and la me guest or ner usier. may alter the legal aortal returns Strict discipline. Write for catalog. J. F. Howard, San Antonio. Texas.

Frooen Desserts Mesdtmes Mrt. T. H. snarp, at tne Lucern. HI I I (.1.1 s risoM ZACATECAS. Sal., i. no .itirsiion of thli legal rigmj. D. Thomas Victor Watson already regulated irnder ourIsStrawberry J. D. Mayfleld J. W. Christie Mrt. J. R. Phllllppi left ltst night for Fourteen Christian Brothers Expelled by interest

urv law.. These Itwt do not trreci Antonio College with Preparatory Department.

Pemc'b. ICE John Armstrong Frank Burch Louisville, Ky., and Yuungstown, Ohio, General Villa Arrive St Sania re. K'coromic Inieresl. but tney no cawrt San Greduateaof college enter Junior year atH. 0. Carton Mary Farntworlh where tbe will visit relativos until October. mu KorMal wire to The Mates effect in legal an.l socisi mo rr. " gy aa universities, write sr. e txarruon, if. xMaple Nat Charles Henxe Carolina Boiler Santa Fe. N. M.. July 15. Fourteen Is derived from toelsl power or captttl. so

JT emalO COliege Sa. A. San Antonio. Texas.Vanilla H. Jones Christ ia: Brothers, expelled from Mexico is regulitlng a return which lin. W. Reed L. M. Hanson ber sister. Mrs. J. R. Phillips, left Tuesday toclely from theCREAN Hself. Rent Is der IvedChocolate ) by oenerai vim. arrived in sania re to fromH. II. Watson W. D. Tipton tor ner no me i tiopnam ouiw ova. to th etate under

TuM Frntt J. Tipton Miss Helen Mayfleld day and will make their Homes at St. Mi land, lb Und belongsdomiln. There-

fore,El Paso School for Girlsor eminentchael s college until peice is resto rea in the legalBlrdtley Mist Tilly Trumroen Mr. and Mra. James Elbert Town send, of níu th cleer legal right or

Hi turbulent republic. The brothers tro tho hujthe school for peopl who know tbe difference.Lewis Teel an Meta avenue, are rejoicing over Labor A

. mcmbeiH of ihe sieff of a college conduct ie nlitlng UN- retumi from lend.from Primary through High School. Special Courses. Music,arrival oi a eon, porn juiyPineapple j SHERBETS Tnrnllln Ladee GrOWlDa. ed by Ibe order at xacatecat. proceeds fiom ihe people, and Ihe people for Veer ' Book snd full inrormitlon address MISS 8LATKR. till Terrace Street,

the peoplApricot Tornillo lodge of tbe W. O. W. met . Qiniburr and family have moved from compose the sute. Therefore,hive the legal sunset Heights. El Piao. Texss.rpacliy

Neaselrode Pudding Tuesday night and initiated one new mem (II East Nevtdt street lo their new home tn their corporitereturns comlnif w

ber and admitted four by transfer. B. A at BOO Upton avenue. rlxht to ii'gulale their ieborbtrawberry Mousse Vauelin renorled that there were twenty Uicn in llielr individual cipaclly.

four new names on the list of applications For quick relief rrom corns use MRS. BEIDEL It ptraninunt, then the laboren will rule

The Elite Confectionery Co. andinitialed

that allin the


musicians.future and



be White'sprice

Guaranteedonly He a


Cure, andthe labor

It li loreturns

be expectedand diminish

they willtbe


Increasereturn! College and Academy of the Incarnate Word

nlllo lodge will have a brut band second For tale by rrom land and caplUI going to



Druggists.4 Co., TELLS WOMEN réturus

and lapna'iaii.Iron- land



only rightare derived

it tni Alamo Heights San Antonio, TexasRoberts Banner Bldg. . from ii.n insle ractor and rest on the legal

Mills Bldg.(Advertisement! light of privt properly, if Und It para-

mount,Northern End of Brtckenridge Pork

IMPROVE YOUR LOOKS ihe lindtord will try to dlmlnisn

How E. Hie rtnnns from 'capital-wn- utury for Girls and Young LsuliasIMF OFMfllfC Pimples and Blackheads. Wrinkles and Scare. QUEST DECLINED Lydt Pinkham'sVef-etnbl- e

sPlltrust Uwt and all the restrictive Select "Boarding Schoollawt.If t ncgflUI C smallpox PltUngs, Wans tad Moles. Freckles and Idealu Texss directed agiintl ctpi- Courses: Preparatory, Acndemic, Commercial, College.

Superriuotit Hair, John H Wiggins. Beneficiar) Later Will Compound Kept Her kgltlaiiunAND COSSECT of Lele Mr. Carrol, wen t Tana steaey. Location at the Headwaters of Son Antonio River.

Frowns. Furrows. Double Chin, Sallow Skin and Bed Note. By hpecial Wire to The Time mHetUthforMYeaxB. and combine, atcapitallandLa Graces. N. M July H. Wig Now, whenot University Affiliation Degrees Conferredwlih the eapiialltaUonIVERS. BENSON, face Specialist gins, who by tbe terms or ber will was in Is irevliable

land will niland owners Mother buperlurof tbe late Mrs. land -- ciplttlUlireceive half the esutehuoiu 305 --bfttiAL susjguw at neraia stag.Jennie Carroll, has declined to take any Shippeniburg;, Pa." It was ssraral unlly trv to reduce lbs returnt from labor,

portion or the money, in renouncaag bis that I started UkingLytuaE. ir tliev ire eoverelgn, it they ere todtyshare of the estate Wiggins stipulates that

years ago In lexis, they will iitve ilw legal rightII shall be beld In trust for the benefit of Plnkhams VefetaV-bl- e and i utter to 00 to. out suppose me -

the son of tbe deceased. W. B. Carroll. ., Compound. I rtriilliuai ana .itau.iriai .aw.-- . o

until the latter becomes or age. In the suffered aether and combine to reiist the encroerh-jhMii- Hotelthan terri-bly Guntertent or tbe death of the child before he or Itnd and capital? Capital I not

Where there's dancing reaches bit majority the property It to be every month, sly strong in Tint. Nor are tbe landlord an

divided between tbe V. M. c. A. of U Paso f1 husband bought ma Sow erfui. a to much land la beld by tne SI re proof San Antonio, Texas Kurti peastui the alma institution at Mesilla Perk. small fsruwr. Thin I can conceive of

there it usually a botüe of it and it th lenanii and iua Mra. Carroll wis slain VI ner nusnena ai tbe small r.rmtrt, A Hotel Built Fer tbe Climatetheir home In Anthony on the night of helped sao right Itborert forauag t loiubmaiion

JUJaB it las I. Wiggins, wyu wee a overaw Then sitar whleb would be more powerful than mat reroy Tyrrell. Mgr.away. landlord., and capllailtti. In mil cateVictrola es too uarroo M' ' - v. oftime as a material witness. my second child waa iba .mill land bolder, together with la-

ta...Carroll the busbaud. wat beld to I born I had a would effect a political rninbeiiiionmui lurv under llttJMU ball to answer for which would render them piramouni in

trouble badlyvery they wouia win m ui eieco....this raeThe instrument that is law twain vi ataand I used Lydia E. ad pa.. la lo neneiii idcui, ana in...

BANIMCBMON CtXCS BATES. Pink ham 'a Vegeta rlth Uic aaiiruiiurai aua tauuatria. walways ready to oblige ri,, of Ibe stale.

Ninth Aaalveraary of CreaUoa ef Terrell ble Compound sod in s short time was W-- must not confute Hie economic Isaswith the best dance music; cured and have been in excellent health of production and dlsirmuuon wiin ine

riMtu atasotei Oayieaawnatent the toclal lWS pi "i same. na cvotiuuixsloes. I PngnjOTSnrlalways praise rdurns mere to win alwaysfactor iheendand July Mineitself suavdaraon. Texas. IS. years agothat plays per-mits

the presen i county waa created oet of a whenever I hove so opportunity as I in aaior. Rut lh eoverelgn nowand the know aod will help other. ., i,v o, ran arrange tan eojusi teeevent wet helpedone to dance; portion of Pecos county it me ......tim i o. p.,"every fittingly eeienreiea oy we ciusens ot eau Lately I hive given tbe Cannpownd to ISrloK aun rrguta.r

ollry. TUM is s quseuwn oiaannii and vlckatty. leslurss of the pro bubil. i

that keeps right on playing were a barbecue burse recae, roplug my daughter and I wish all suffering i. tail this oue.ium of sovereign

U and an eaceaaaw neaeaau game, women would take it snd tea esioeed ly goes back to the psrimount productive

as long as you want to ataaaddresset

aiao anbeing

elaboratedeUsered by J urge

uro- -

of its worth." Mrt. James) A. BsEpatL, WATSON'Sdancé. er, of ban AMoulo: Judas Lamar. 1U N. Peon Street. Mptwtnrg. Pa. ,t,.n ii i. ihe oari or the I him

rorros t ora w.u .. la guaye neana roatct. w ' na, h uuoof Sanderson. The teativtuee. will Lydia E. Pinkharo's Vegetable Coea-- mi. 'i otobbiaiiun of th powers aa win GROCERIESYou can get m Victrola ue tomorrow, the calebreNon eioslng jsroad, in ad from native roots sJSi barbs, Scor.1 aim Uw grealed good b IBs

right away by our plan of easy I a granabetween

san noaraPert


sawand tbe eso taina no narcotic or harmful drags, Arrale!

Your paiafirinbBw

Tt sound as far a It go,for i aggregation ended In a e to--d victory and y holds tbe retards being the and withal ARE FAMOUSaoo aterms. i5 to or tlx visitors. A double header win be ssest siirceetful remedy tor ténsale ills bauktoa- Sun agaiu. and with Beit lañ

Victrot. fio to iioo for a hkwis aaeaiiiirgi es. I an. faahfuily yours.Mrs. W Danieie end eJeUdran. of El Peso, we know of, and thousands of vohmtary i . . m. tf.Awi;

Victor. as ton une gira, W. a uuaiuough. ale in the rmtm FOR QUALITYTfllUan, of San Auiouio. la is ateraelfMtat vlaiiing Weasas'e ItalywtMajslery ot LysB, Moss., aom to It to herself to keepL.cry woman owetCome in and te and hear the differ nt styles. I'velde. It Um gweal of bar prove this fact to good bealUt. No on an reasonably 0

niece. Mrs. B. PrwItL exnecied to irVn'n'" a ebeerful dltposlttonNr. and Mra. Jogai Oreen, ef vajentme, If Ton bare tbe eUgbtveet when hair tick Indigeilloa and cousup

war visiter, bere Teatdey táust Lvdl E. PixxhJaaMss'o V. lion are iwo Of Use mot Amunor UU lo

W. L WALZ COMPANY tne y letters awro rrom aipma ytn. li woman ere subjeci and fortunaialyaysM,WI are ..Hy cured. Mrs. ÍTc (UUJtlssay.toLydlai lllk hSSOMeMHaigiOrii ra rites, "i.tti iiumner I was adv.atd by

B Paw Street ) atsmo., fair ad-- fricad to iry . . .u. uj103 Smth MrTeaJ Mrs Saeta Mr sad Mrs. Oros, 21"V7!IÍL. ao.1 .MItl.ali'.n Tin. medlrlnev Daniaij end her daugMer. Misa.. Your letter will Iks oí tally rnrad rat of ibes disorders but

Kytaas. tjui Masssg Mecue end heaure Mtxal od aauwere4 bya be sees Setter Ike, for reare Macseeesst held in strict ooetaed"msas tke vtaitexs frees free ware Mr. .




Thin men and women that bis.You filling dinner von ale t nirht Personal Wordno irTT.asmw Tt FIT MI became of all the nourish RANCH TO BE ESTABLISHED THE AUHCRT

'cotWR mr.1.0 IN ARIIONtgained kaa haven'tmeat contained Youiarnt m mp in am m oixirMivi tor otTI Y1NC - Ill l ITS INFANCY, DE-

CLARESDISTRICT. wets lit one ounce. That food psssed from IIISTRK7S STEVENS. to Yourour noflv like unburneii rosi inroornopen grate. The materiel was there, ban

stiff seauao Meted oat is awttn your food doesn't work and stick, and IM Have free Delivery Serilee, M Times ssd Owe ef Ike Original Discov-ereraught PssMHas !! Soldiers nlaln truth is rou hardly get enough nour Order gad Regí te re it Half Says Praprrllea Will Be Worked It it no more trouble to

Fall VMIsss ta Habit ishment from your mesls to pay for Iks Facilities. far Head reds af Vssrs.coat or rooKins. Tnis is true or mm ion a bank account thanme wortd over. Your nutritive organs, open

to put an rour functions of assimilation, are sadly As the result of e (Torts extending over By L. H. DAVIS. ,ortram and otn- - oat or gear and need reronairurnon. year. Postmaster James A. Smith an "The mining district. Ari- it is to buy a loaf of finia which OSS grown slsrmmgly of cut nut tne ronuan roods and runny is nounced yeslerdsy that, within a short sona," says Isaac It. Stevens, the pioneerata, is indicated o tne numoer oi arreáis oat dieta Omit the flesh cream rub one. time, a branch poatofrtre wlH be estab-

lished mining man or that district, "although the Come in and say to anysnd heavy ssmieates soasad eat to offend-ers

nt out evervthlnr but the meals You sre hi Alte Vista rnr the convenience eldest roptier producing region in Arlsona,In the past few days. eating now snd eat with every one or of the residents of that section of Kl la really in Ha mrancv. Originally It was employe or officer of this

A quiet investigation started some time those a stasia Bargol tablet. In two weeks Paso. worked for Its rich nildlsed copper orea onago has resulted In some startling Wile the difference. live to eight good The branch office la to be located in the the surface, which have for S3 years been

of the wtdespresd use of cocsine by olid pounds of healthy. "May there vicinity of Piedras and Tularosa streets, yielding millions of dollars worth of cop-per,

bank, "f want to open anthe denltens ol the lower part of the city, houhl be the net result. Margol charges and will be operated to all intents and arid probably will for as many more

Take ride let pendiere, boih men snd women, wars ac-tively

your weak, stagnant blood with millions purposes as an independent posiorrice, snd years, nut in my opinion tne future new account." You will bethrough better, show thisa or us be hi charge or clerkyou engaged st work. Several Instance or trean new red mnou rorpuscirs-giv- es a rrom the main of-fice. or copper in those districts will be from

hsve been found where soldiers, members the blond the carrying power to dellvel The district to lie served includes the vssi underlying deposits or copper directed to the right win-

dow.located addition. Now is the time to decide upon your ol the locsl gsrrlson, have become addlctr every ounce or rat making material u Heights.

Highland Park, Manhattan Heights, Castle sulphides dlssemlnsted through tne porrour food to every part of your body Hovernment Hill. Altura Park anilto tlie use of drugs. phyries below the carbonates of the sur

Infanlrisaas Testifies Against Wastes. Bargol, too, mixes with your food and Grand View. face limestones. These 'porphyry coppersHomeaite Location. Morning Side Height stood the acid test Yesterdsy Jusnlts galea, s woman from prepsrea II for the blood In easily asstm To Have Carrier Ryeteaa. practically underlie the greater part ofBroadway, wss before Judge Coldweii in Hated form. Thin people gain all the way The branch will be known as station A. mat district, and have scarcely peen It might be a pious ideaof perfect drainage, applied by rrom 10 to IS pound a month while taking and mall destined lo the district served byas our rainy season. municipal court rharged with senior eo scratched yet. Tbey will be mined for cop-

percslne. Two soldier!, privates of the ssrsoi. and the new flesh stays put. sar it win dc aisiriuuird on incoming trains for hundreds of years to come." do this today.put In separate pouches and direct toanfaniry, were the principal wit-nesses

gol Isblets are a scientific combination of sent Stevens, as every old i liner calls mm.for the prosecution. One of the of lbs best flesh producing elements from the depot to the new offlre front his brother Charles and their father wereSold 'The Original Newman Investment Co. Term"- - whence it wfilon 40 u be delivered by rsrrler. Aknown to chemistry. They come nralsoldiers testified thai for some time he had the discoverers of the copper proper-

tiesbeen an habitual user of the drug, and tha to a package, are pleasant, harmless and reuistereil mall window In that district, sway hack in the early$10.00 Down; $5.00 a Month. No Interest. No Taxes. upon several occasions lie had purchased it and Inemenalve. ami o v. Drug CO. snd

businesswill be established

will be conductedand the


thepost TOs. while they werqfln a psrty from Silver Rio Grande ValleyKl Texas same

from the Rala woman. Incidentally tie sll other druggists In Paso, and City In pursuit of hostile Apaches. Aboutmanner as at the main office downvicinity sell them subject to an absolute town. that time also discovered placer goldtold the court that cocaine could readily be tbeyNo As to the date or the establishmentMortgage. ofguarantee of weight increase or raoner In Ihe irisen river and soon after engagedpurchased si seversl pieces In the same e new office. Postmaster smith savadistrict. Me derlsred his companion was nacg. in placer mining.niucn oenenos on tne residents or tne dis-

trict. Bank & Trust Cowith him the last time he bought the dope First It will be necessary to pro-cure

SleveaV Capper Mines el Clltion.from the Halas woman, a suitable building and to this end Mr. Stevens snd brother have recently ac-

quiredsoldier Admita I slug flrus. bids will be called for the lease of a build a group of keven mining claimsThis was denied by the second soldier ing for a r term Another reoulre which are adjoining one another which they

who swore that he never saw the woman Bread 3c a Loaf mem ts that all houses In the district hi; are developing with the purpose of makingbefore. The man, however, admitted using them paying propositions. Charles Stevensrocalne, saying he hsd contrscled the hsbit Qyürlc Den very at Any Hour of In use in the older portion of the city and sas Just brought In some very fine coppersince being stetloned in Kl Paso only a few ' the Iay. street signs will have to be placed at all ore, running for 6 to ro per cent coppermonths aso. The soldiers, like tha tan sirrev intersections. and it. fio gold per ion. They are workingheti, re the court Tuesday on the same 8 Lbs. Now Of Population Justifies Senior on a porphyry dike, which on Ihe surface DR A. BURTONcharge, were turned over to the provost Potatoes éOC "I expert that these i eoiilrementa will shows a width or feet. They are run-

ningruarn. I Cans all be met before the return to El Paso a crosscut across the dike and are now DENTISTCaptain Ureet, in i raid a few nights since 9Cj or inspector A. R. Butler," said the post- - In eo feet, and have cut through severalon s place at "ii south Oregon street Tomatoes uaaero iui mgni. "ine asie or tne estao small veins of copper ore, from Graduate Louisville College 18SI.seised a large quantity of the drug. 1 M I Large Cans O f iisnment or the service wil denend en one lo six Inches wide. The porphyry be-

tween Established here since 1912.owner, one Jack Stone, is working out i Milk LoC llrely upon the favorable recommendation these veins carries copper sulphides.1100 fine on the rhaln gang, keeping com oi tne inspector wno, in all probability Although they have considerable shipping 4 If. Mills Bld.patiy wllh several other" convicted or drug Rolls Toilet 9Cas has already endorsed the proposition ore on the dump they will not begin ship-

ping Phonea Office 1076; Res. 8604.peddling within the past few days Paper tC DC necessary Tor the proper service or the any ore until they have driven theDruu Brought Over rrom Mexico. district Mr. Butler, on htt recent visit crosscut clear across the dike. "The last

Captain on earner staled yesterday that dForrhBT 30c here, went carefully over the terrltorv few feet of work has shown better andtne trarric was in a ratr way to being Bro-ken

wnn tne result mat he round the popula-tion

more flattering prospects," said Stevens,Phone tin. Several of the principal offend large enough to Justify the establish-

ment"but we shall crosscut the dike before we pounds or copper per month, which Is an

ers are already In tall and seversl more Tr..r. 10c of the proposed branch." do any sinking. When this Is accomplished Increase or 300,000 pounds s month greater550 ss' than during the normal production last yearAntonio St. arresta sre expected today as a result n we shall select the most favorable showing

the revelations st the hearing yesterday. Mi: AT BARGAINS BACH THURSDAY EVENIKG the Pun del point to sink on. The last few feel of work from the old smelter.Tha drug, u la said. Is smuggled across the Norte hotel will give a dinner dance at Indicates that the best mineral ground Is New 12.000.000 Smelter Plant.river from Mexico and the peddlers make

Welnerwurst, (" the roof garden. Admission $1.50. Make ahead of ua. We think we will show up a Tbe new smelting plant of this company,a huge prom selling It. All classes and per lb IDC your reservation! esrly- .- (Advertisement.) big. copper property." which cost about lsuoo.000. waa designed

by Dr. 1.. p. Rlckelts and was started andconditions of men and women and even Hrlck Cheese, 9Cj, June Copper Output of Clifton District.


hi theheadway.

scene theThe


had sainedwere are


of lenderthe victims



habit.been found, per lb mvC PICKED VP IN Clifton

me tnreeMorencl





theoperatedloll. It was


bis directionover to

untilthe company

Marcb 1,

campanea, m remain on Hie ground ahnoi Ioln Steak, Ott of June, produced a total of pounds management arter two months' operation atan nnur nerorc ihe Max v.. rxiingulsiicri. per lb UC HOTEL LOBBIES of copper, which Is about the average rigurus below the estimated operating cost,

Marrow From riie Mre Mid several hundred dollars' worn according lo lllcbard H. Vail. While con-struction0 Msrlon H Ksespr monthly production. This could be easilyof Round Steak, 1 cost of the new works Was overllralli When Mames liria out In nra damairo to Hie building, besides de-

stroying"J Increased, but there Is no Incentive to doARRANGEMENTS FOR 1 "I have been In this section of the coun tbe or thej,oti,0üü, costI ÍC smeltlnr planta Quantity nf futures lbUursal Brncalb His Bedroom. restaurant per try since iggt and never saw conditions so while the price of copper Is so low.Malii aided roper was only 11.700,000, about M00 .000by matches are believed to hsve Prominent

been better for cattle," said J. C. Powell ol mining men, among them Man-ager

K sung been spent on the power house.responsible for the blaze.--J. O. Msrtnn. who has a room above tne A nil. km ii Mium-- wss for sierra Blanca yesterdsy at the Zelger. "We Bennlc, of the Shannon Copper com About $300,000 additional money was spentresponsible NcNickle's nave nan plenty or rains and the pasturage pany, are optimistic over the prospect or

New rcMaursnt. toa Han Antonio Grocery for transmission lines, transformer houses,mi- run iip.ii inn renirsi nre company made CANTALOUPE DAY copper commanding a higher price nextrrom siifforii etc. Moat of tbe electric generatedstreet, had a narrow escape in w m.vruo avenue ai ii:io o'clock. TBSf "Tlie cattle f"- powerlion, lien a fire occurred In the restaurant wss no damage. 600 San Antonio Street are now fat enough to shin It conveyed to tbe company's mines andHi i o'clock yiil'-nla- inninlng. and the buyer rrom the east are coming Detroit Copper Company. concentrators. The plans or the plant were

when me Phone 6IBO 1RI In fact they are some months earlier me uetroii i.opper company's production drawn k ofMarlon wan peacefully sleeping Huerta by Redpath McGregor, Douglas,Family to Puerto Meilro. CUNT Kl KBIt VI lo TO BK HELD At'GUHT than usual. I am very optimistic theover during June was 2.100,000 pounds ofme niiiiniinr codpc ana ine wars oi erectionfire in the restaurant pari or ariz., was inlo ral Us way through ri celling Vers Crux, July special trstn 12 AMI


WTKKII.Bit. TIME 18 Tuiure or tne came market and expect to from one furnace, one or the largest In use charge of E. Horton Jones.

fínicas liii ruom. Dense smoke Had already with the members or the fsmlltas of HuertaH see ine price or came go up. In Arizona. Improvements which have been New Features of PiaaL

filled the room when Mr Chirr w. w. snd lllsnuuei Is proceeding to Puerto Mex-ico.

the committee will arrange to have the going on ror several months are about fin The reverberatory rurnaces at these workaArmstrong and Fireman Alvin von Hiido Arrsnarmrnl Discussed st Chamber acaua puis shinned front here for the con Ished for the more economical handling of sre of unusual width, being is feet wide bynattered down the door of the room and

Reporta had It that they passed Cor Commerce l.tinebenD; rifteentb Cav-alry

sumption of tne thousands of visitors who ore, ine inane ana copper oars, under tne too feet long;. Separate oil tanks are pro-videdcarried Msrlon to safety, dons at t o'clock this srternoon on the ta Particípale. are esperted lo gather In Clint lo partlri management or A. T. Thomson. The in so that tbe amount or oil used by

liv the lime Hi' central fire department Vers Crus Oceanic railway. patu in Ihe celebration of Cantaloupe Day John H. Plnnell or Kansas City, Mo., Is lentlon. Is to produce about 8,000 pounds each furnace man may be noted. Thesoipping ine i aso aei none Hotel of copper a month. Tbe big concentrating waste beat boilers supply power for tbePreliminary arrangements for CantslouDC imn oi ine same company is Doing over-hauled

company's mines and concentrators as welli ay at uum on August is were discussed AUDITOR REPORTS C. L. Moodv of Columbus. Mo., arrived In and. with new Improved tables and as for the smelting works. Agglomeratedyesterday at tin- noon luncheon of the Ihe city yesterday morning and Is stopping grinders and prnceas Installed, It la ex-

pectedrones Installed to mix hot converter alsg

Chamber of Commerce committee which ai ine rtgfir. lhal greater percentages of concen-trates and fine tlllclous ores ror reverberatoryThe Victrola furnishes baa taken hold of the proposition wllh the will be saved. A new office building charging ale some of the new reatares or

view of making the occasion a memorable and other buildings have been erected. tbe in tha valley town. Two week from ON COUNTY B00KÜ Electricity; has been substituted for gasoline The now smelting plant of the Arizonathe dance music at yealerday. the commuter win again enlov motive pdsver. tbe new power line being Copper company Is operated under the gen-erala lunrnson at tne Hulei Sheldon when the B. Rarll of Mexico City, arrived in the about completed. Twenty men are em-

ployed. direction of Norman Carrolcbael, gen-eralfinal arrangements will be made Tor j city yesterday morning and Is a guest at Exploration work la In progress on manager of tbe company, snd It InCastle House csiamstion. DISCREPANCY Of M.WV DIT TO DISPt TE i ne eigsr. the ARtletem mine and a number or men direct charge or F. N. Flynn, smelter super-intendent.Military maneuvers promise to entertain AS TO APPLICATION OF are employed by leasers. The company

ue r.i sun inner visitors wuo go rue BILL A. W. McCormlch of Columbus, ft. has si claims, or which M are patented,Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Castle If Clint on that dale. There will be other is stopping st the Sheldon. and the area or all the properties Is nearly PLENTY or WATER IN RIVER.muneinenl and entertainment but the troop 1.400 acres. 0. H. Dudley Is In charge of

are the foremost authorities on i! Hie I'Kteenth cavalry, Cupinln I.eHoy Kl- MrSaln Recommend Insiallalion of Modern Hugh Chee of Mescslero. ft. M.. arrived the company's operations. Reports From Colorado Ray Rio Grande ItItnge commanding, will furnlah much of n. System ol Bookkeeping as Remedy In the city yesterday and is a guest at the Shannon Copper Company. Bank Full at Del Norte andjaplalu Kltluge met with the committee for Present Conditions Orndorff.the modern dances, and their luncheon The snennon topper company during Alamosa.yesterday and outlined the, June produced 1.056 iioo pounds ofuse of the Victrola is its best program for hia troop, including Roman The report of Auditor W. B. MrSaln to and It baa been producing at tbe rate


L. M. Lawaon. or the reclamation service,snd other fortínus. riding the county commissioners' .court pounds a montb. Development received a message yeaterday from Jay D.

recommendation for of military maneuvers. morning showed a balance of so.uoo to be work Is going on In the northern portion Stannard. the engineer stationed at Alapossible rne question or the most convenient time recovered by Ule county III excess reea col-lected

ALKAMBRA NEARING COMPLETION. of the company's properties with promising mosa, Colo., saying tbat the rtto Grande lastir Kl Pasoana to visit Clint on cantaloupe by tne county officials during the results. No important underground devel-

opmentsSaturday and siso Monday showed a Urgefurnishing dance music. lay wai dlarurd and Ihe committee was years of tail, IMx and llt. Thla report Now Kxseeled Mew El Paso Blrert Theatre are reported recently In the shan Ulerease In the second feet or water over

Inclined lo Hie belter that the business men was dalett April I and tbe receipts of the Will Be Opened By Aufual 1. non mine proper. Tbe Alaska, one of the the same days or last year. According toAnd because they are the of Hie city would prefer tha murium treasurer's ofrire showed that since that Failure of Interior decorations and other ompany a properties, nas lately been ship Mr. i.awson thla Is due lo the snow on tne

hour, lor this reason, the enierlsliunriu lime 15,1X10 or this amount had been paid ping ore running 7 per rent copper. These mountains fn Colorado, which Is heavier athighest dance authorities they progrsm will prolisbly commence in tlie in and ihe uutstandlng balance of SljXM shipments ror June win approximate 750 this season or the year isau uj former

tnorniiig Instead of at noon, is had hei--la being held hy Ihe orrniais pending legal as scheduled for the night of July IS. tons. The extent of this ore deposit la not years. f

were engaged to supervise the the plan of the committee. opinion a.s to ihe application or the fee bill Tbe new motion picture and vaudeville ret determined, tleneral Manager Bennle This Increase will mean plenty of Irrifl S Special Trains lo Clint. to Justices of the peace and constables. playhouse is located on South El Paso ooks for Increased price and conseauent gation and will result In larger and better

making of Victor Dance A. w. Rseves, secretary of the Chamber Amount Hue from Justices. treat near sin Antonio. Manager crux output the next six months. crop. The Rio Urande at Del Norte, Com.,of Commerce announced that the Halves Tbe audit of Ihe books showed that there aid yeaterday thai he help ves the theatre Arizona Copper Company. test Saturday was running secondIon, Harrlaburg 4 San Antonio railway had waa due from Justice or the Peace Mc-- will be ready for opening by tlie first of rne new Mnrner or trie Arizona GODoer feel, an Increase of IMS feet over the sameKecoras. agreed to run two apeiial trains to CIUil liiiiock an amount of t,l3S.lo In excess August. Workmen are laboring night and company during the month of Juna pro-

ducedday laat year. The report also shows int

So be on that day and tlie bours suggested were reea and ttOi.lü from Justice of the Peace day to complete it, but delay in delivery 3,74r.3lll pounds of copper. For the on Monday the river was running 117 sec-ondyou can doubly sure .' a. m. snd lt:lo p. m. Returning, tic Murphy Auditor McSam Stated that he or supplies will make a postponement or paat six months the production of ffals com reel at Alamosa, an Increase or eighty

that Victor Dance Records are trains would leave Clint at mi and I p. in. understood the Justices claimed a legal the first performance necessary. pany naa been at tne rate of 3,100100 feet. ;The lilobe Mills snd the Nil Company right to the amounts he had reported as.

perfect in have announced their intention of tiangiiiK due. but bad presented it to tbe court forevery respect. up plises fur ihe best parked crates of a decision. County Attorney price saidCome in and hear the Victrola play cantaloupes. II. J. Gray or Glint, who at-

tendedhat the law exempted the Justice of peace

some of the newest dance numbers, and Mr. and Mrs, Vernon Castle the luncheon and cnuimlitee meet-la- from tbe fee bill In cities of a populationfind out bow easily can get a Victrola reported general Interest throughout less than Tbe population lo beyou the valley In the foiihroming event, which hy multiplying the vote in tbe next

J15 to ttJ. promises to advertí.' Ihe valley batter ih.n pieceeding election by five. He said thatsnylhlng elae which has been suggested Hie vole In Ule rlly election or toll wasNo Oae Will Os Dry. less iban a,ooo and that this controlled up .Any OneThere was some talk or changing the dale lo lb election or Mil. Mr. Price was

W. C. WALZ COMPANY rrom August is to August ts In order asked by IBS court to prepare an opiniondelegates to tne siete uemorrailc conven to be submitted to tbe next meeting of tbetlon could go down the valley but the Idea court on July as.

103 South El Paso Street was abandoned arree some discussion, the RrronssaaaaUaa fee New System Of the Vast Armymembers of the rommiitee concluding nil ihe recoiiunenjlatlon or the auditor,It would be best to let the dale remain as ihe court afaapted a resolution or Mr. Mroriginally set. ihe shortage or drlnkinv sain Mr tbe Installation or a modern andwater down the valley was mentioned m efficient system of bookkeeping by which

controlall he



of thebe

auditor.under tbe

Anof former coffee drinkers can tell of freedom from coffee

appropriation was also made to cover thekpense of installing tlie new system anil troubles since the change to Postum

ihc salary of tbe asalslant auditor wasraised lo 150 a munih during tbe ttms

jBBk BBSs, BB jSBk. sja ass, an ssbbb aasaa .asaw necessary to do tbe workJudge Kvlar Presents Receipt

rX 'X. aVaST B I ft fl f 1 I B X stVJTv The report allowed an excess due rrom There's a Reason9'L" fi m a a a ansa a am ansa a as x. , Hie county attorney of which baa, I issw kav a Bvaaaa-- ii amar--a at mjf a.v iiaij1Vjy:NuZr, ,lyl mm mmm m mm m m mmm mmr M vWUI ifX X paid into las treasury since the completion or tbe report. County Judye fcylarwhose books showed aa excess of MMma ' ' lima Tft presented a treasurer's receipt showing The coffee-dru- caffeine, B s cornnxJO but often unsuspected rmtpai irnnttiiA payment. Receipts were presented by J.j iu UHLirumiiH vara A.over

r.scajedato tlie


lew forActionexcess


a differ-ence

turned ol ricssjscasc. tjervousnesa, heart flutter, irtcbatioo, and Veuioua other ilkof U between bis books and lb

ixmkt or tbe sute comptroller waa deferred Pcstum is the pleasant back to comfort. mini Mr. tscajeaa cnuw isae up in mat easy, way ft uAixt-aca-co ana return ..uu rwith the comptroller.

Bridges Dlasjakss sVessuaL free from caffeine or any other drag has fine color s de--SAN DIEGO and return $35.00 artdgea claimed thaicounty Attorneythere were no excess lass due the county hghtful Java-lik- e taste, and is within reach of aiSAN FRANCISCO and return $45.00 rrom hla office, but the auditor showeda balance of Mr. Bridge, asked

Tickets on Sale July 11, 12, 18, 1, 25, 26, August 1, 2, 8, 9, 15, 16, 22, 23, hetime

intendedto check



auditthe comptroller

and said tbatin

Regular Pottam most U bosW 15c aad 25c pks

29 and 30. referenceagainst him


tbe reportof law tleou charged Instant Postum a sottsbfe powder made in liso cup wkh hot

Tlie audit showed a balsar due tram water mstaasry 30c asx 50c tats.Ounatable kl on lado ol IKIS. lie assertsLIMIT SIXTY DAYS FROM DATE OF SALE tha same de reuse of lb Justice of tapeace, tint the fee bill do not apply to Grocers seU bothto ornee or constantSTOPOVERS ALLOWED Caualy ( lrk Pttaaaa CsssaHaal. cup k about tbeCounty tierk Pitman's office waa com .7'pllioeiiicii on the excellent condition of the

TRAIN SERVICE UNEXCELLED books ur that offic snd attention wascalled to tne voluntary payment bmo ike

Leave El Paso 6:53 a.m. Arrive Los Angeles 7 : 1 5 a. m.treasuryana lunacy

of sk.tsspluiiesBWI

of tasa Inana



Leave El Paso 9:30 p. m. Arrive Los Angeles 9:50 p. m.deathi f was

reaisusAoes.doubt ss to





was .muted to aM of Ibis sad therefor DOSTUMLOS ANGELES and return be had mad payment under protesi$40.00 There was no excess due from the county

SAN DIEGO and return aaaeaaar's office sad Mr. MeSesa staled$40 00 teal the report of tb taw collector's u friesSAN FRANCISCO and return $50.00 court.

would be ready by IB ass I aueouug of lax

Jl was lbs uavstilwous opinion of lbTickets on Sale Daily to September 30th. Limit for Return October 31st

too fui umi audit la ssdtUon to law amCITY TICKET OFFICE No. 206 NORTH OREGON STREET already received, Ms reejueat was rsalel.

Bad cosas Judgecounty riera PIam anPhone 142 Kyler axpressed lisatr ealnlna thai the

audit wa. uoe of the beat aIBIBIa tbsioouaty had vr saade sad Ms UuiaJUUoeof a ihorouah and eeasjNB stsMib or coeuaujui for all She would aa

w valaa

Thursday. July 16. 1914. MORNING



lor.ST Inch KmhmlcVrod Floataotass !n hiitlnc Mark, sky,Permanently Cored by Oor Painlessof sheer lawn, wpen fatur paael and pink. wtne. copenhaam and

Scientific Direct Methods WAR U4NKHVMIS. eyelet floral patterns. S6o rata. while: a good valar) at SI. 2 the

Amona the many disease which afflict the human system. Whs Were Left Se Weak KndOsTC1Q. V CsT6& 18 L Overland St yard.

yardWeek Knd Special. (te-pe-


aTilCll si Alsaaner Arrive Bea Price, per yard

NASAL CATARRH is the most prevalent and liable to a Tw Bsyi Best Timegreater variety of dangerou complication. In it develop-ment, the aanaea of email, taste, hearing and sight suffer more ft rime Staff CorrenSrnt.or less, and the throat and longs often become involved.


maneuverN u


encampmentIt. Un to


herthe Truthful AdvertisingCatarrh of the throat, ears, bronchial tubes, stomach and in-

testinehave been s greet guecesa. Every mem-

berrequires the same careful method of treatment, viz.: of the troops, both regular and mill

a correct diagnosis and removal of the cause, together with our til, ire taking the grenest interval irom n The proof of the pudding is in the eating. Values unapproached, unexcelled. We sell merchandise at the lowestPINOZONE TREATMENT, which is s combination of rene


In commendwinch ire


to theevery

private.w possible margin. No premium Stamps or Bonus which every person knows must be paid for by the purchaser. Buy

OZONE, with PINE OIL of the HIGHEST MEDICINAL tna-- uiri the hand concerts ire grcally enonly what you want in quantities to suit your pocketbook. Many a merchant has gone to the wall by over buying,

CHARACTER, is daily producing some very remarkable cures joyed by the larre crowds that visit ta will theand home has been wrecked by indiscriminate buying. If you purchase 5c or $50.00 here you getdally. amanyin the most obstinate cases after many doctors and treatment camp

Miunvera at the cmo started Wcdneshad failed. D4"'' same courteous treatment. - .


mornmsin an hour's



,h en"reAt a. m. The Store policy ol lowest prices for the same goods than elsewhere has brought this store to the front. A sin-



advanceame changing.

guard w- -a




withnew an

theendeavor to give a marked saving on every purchase upon a scale that is in keeping with our policy of good service

vinco guai u wu rave a cloae order drill rot and low prices. JMost Successful and Reliable Special-


commencing at 1:30 p. in., wnr cii realized thousands.aman hour

preoeaea or ww"" -drill,

Yes, 'tis true. "It pays to walk a block." This is by18 Years' Activa Practice and in the evenlnt it : there wis a

jglmentel piriao. Vwwl,, of the Btt- -Experience. Eight Years in El Paso. rept those on fuird cime 10 bemlng end Women's Wear LADIES9 SUITS tar Kind

Uie mllltiry bind rare 1 co""" .J1






Aftertse wes-



Hatr Swltchee. We have assembled a beautiful assortment of le-

adla'40 inch all wool crepe, Ibjht

On Mala Certificates and Hcglstretion, to be Been In oar as ruesta of Manager Hull. Real Humanout, Suits, consisting; of Molrea, Poplins and other weight, latest shades. Maketo comeguaranteed not

offices, prorc to be the most expert and best qualified Specialiststhe' Nc'w Mexico filr boird, arrived In ttki

made under tha most sanitary fancy materials In the latest tunic effect and the beautiful skirts when combinedI in El Pass. value. new atyl. eet la. Sleeves $21.00 values SAof all prooessss: II. Qf with our Human Stripe Silks,the Tilling of moving l'c,ure "r.formenls aJlWaaaJ4sW Knd reduced especially to sell at 'regular $1.16 value. Weekthe camp ana numur. u" ',, " Week Qfi Qf

Don't Give Up, A Visit Will Tell next yeir at the Sanof the


expositionguard or Price Summer Draase. md of the newest Stripe Mete-ri- KnM Price, per yard.... If JC

membersTimUfe also our by the latest and beat method. Blood Poison, Skinthe Hanta Fe and La Vegis coihpenles. July clearance on Women'! and flowered Crepea with the new ions tunic 24 inch Roman Stripe Silk, col-

orsmseaaea. Rheumatism, Kptlepsy, Nervosa Decline, Nervousness, En-

largedwho rolssed their tnln 10 iteming at Albu-

querque, Neck Wear; a Ursa va-

rietyeffects. Special $16.00 Dresses reduced de Qf to matoh practically all

Prostate, Obstruction. Hydrocele, Varicocele. Raptare (Hernia) ;train.





llrstthe regu-

lar LieuSummer

to eeleot from; white to sell at P elf if shades. Regular $1.26 value.In one day Kidney, Bladder and Urinary Diseases, and all Special Dis-

easeWeek End Price,tenant A. J. Luoa or sanii re, won m.y shadow lace, chiffon, combin-

ation,$11.00 Dree reduced specially to sell 98cThe gmrdimenof Men and Women. atrigtleri. (JJJ per yard

EXAMINATION FREE. mf,nrteriood the lime when the special tlneiies and net collar.OON8TJI7TATION, ADVICE ANDtnln was to leave. A Urge crowd of wom 14 inoh Roman Stripe of theVary special, yourIf out of tova, write fully. AQren and nao gaioereu 7 7C better grade, all colors repre-

sentedlay farewell to the Albuquerque choice


S up







goFashionable new illk sirdlea, Dress Skirts tion.


the beautiful$1.76


word In dress acces-

sories,train pulí out. tha latest Week Knd

Second Floor, Hammett Block. Comer Texas St. and Mess Ave., El ureal prrjUrnjsLi4Bwhich



plsce next wide, eoft crush Birdies, We have assembled especially for thta sale, from Price, per yard. $1.29Paso, Tex. Entrance 111 Mesa Ave. big sharh battle colors, ara the ras

Monday rwrnoou. . contrasting; s sew line of the latest style Dreai Skirts, several 40 Inch all silk Crepe de Chine,Honrs, a, m. to l p. m., 1 to 7 p. m. Sundays, IS a. am. to 1 p. an. this aummer for wear with

uniaiñ; Trenches and breast works aredainty llnrerle dreaiea; we have model mad up of summer weight materials in the all colon, good heavy weight;

tuntc effects, and offer $7.60 regular $1.00 value. Woek'and newest IonstSñoSSSS "o'r1 the" respective troop. a beautiful Una worth gi.zo $3.95 Bnd Price, perwin value atZ muui. wui make ry effor' W and $1.60. 98c yard ,... $1.45in the maneuvers over the regular. ChoiceTwo Seek Divorce. c. c. 1$ inoh Black Silk Moire, beau-

tiful.t1orn.s Fine quality Crepe and Net sold in other atoreKlderTharstarted suit for divorce In the Wash Skirts designa,

Camisoles, feather weight, at $2.60 and" $2.00 the yard.íCHer" commt' aTlnfasjStt ib. JO-

-trimmed with fine lace and rib-

bonWeek Knd Special,

pie were marrieu ... ? ríed the run allk panels; some In A very large assortment which will Insure good per yard $1.39and tnit wo u""" pure white, extra fine sauce; election. Mad up of Crepe Cloth and white Pique

her ...oroeyentered 5Í 11.60 value. Week Knd Qg in the yery latest models. Your choloe,taMary K. Welbermn

mu.. . .g $4.00 value reduced to $1.95 Beginning Final Clearance of

the district Se. Fine heer lawn Handkerchief. $2.60 value,Responsibility mi. kan... 10 iai. ... , wller embroidered colored Initial, reduced to $1.49 MEN'S STRAW HATSThe aurore r.. .,"-- - , "rt nrv box. Week Knd

to the bum s '""'"V" Ttmnn- - in a 25cis a word of particular importance to peo-ple

VuT"uB,.pT0r water for the ...t Price, box It Is our custom never to carryPlain Italian Silk Vast In over Straw Hats. We will there-

forewho. are looking for the Safe Invest-


This t rZJT caused White, Pink and Blu. plain Millinery! close out our line of Splits,

of funds. An account with the by the undent rain. m the Slack rangr--taned neck ribbon run, $2.00 Sennit and Genuine Yeddo

First National Bank of El Paso affords you value. Week Hnd $1.49 Straw Hats.Price I A UN v HATS. $1.76 and $1.60 values. QCrSafety and Liberal Interest. vo .u. ' We announce our last clearance ssle of this season's reduced to . . .

been appointea stock of Ladles' Hats In the very latest shapes and das$$.60, $$.00 and $2.60

4 Per Cent Interest Paid on Savings Account W VTrren'of El Piso. w. . vt..tor Children's Dresses trimmings. Special to close out, up to di AA valuea reduced to. . . P 1.9UfQand share 7 1 VvI SSfSSS $6.00 values. Come early get your

African 43trw Helmet. Wonder-fulCapital and Surplus $1,000,000 Monday, and peni mu w 8ise lh' age from 2 to 1 4 years. protection against the heat;

lag menos. . . nr.. 1. .man Another assortment, bunched es-

peciallyHIM)RI :N S DRUBS HATS. mads of feather Weight mate-

rialsfor this sale, made up Our complete line of Children' Dress Hals, made up and durably constructed;JOSHUA 8. RAYNOLDS, President.

or Phoenix. Art., In the latest stybts and of the In the latest style, consisting of lace effects, flow-

ereda few dosen to close out

JAMBS Q. McNAHY, 1st "usme,; visitor In the city Mon- - most beautiful patterns in dot-

tedand ribbon designs These hats ws will class

J. M. WYATT, was alawn and fig-

uredand offer value 1awls, sheer out to the early buyers up QQ"y .. of Genuine TATA WU A Our lineW. L TOOLEY, sufficient qusntlty sell a? A. If Ocrepe, to $$.60 reduced especially to at andvilior- r American Panamas originalJ. P. PRIMM, I to 14. of each sise from years alio beanuiui .uUU have reweek aeeaing Rangkoka-EDGAR W. KAYSER. Cashier 'UlIjmiCVK HATS.with a view or locsuii. to Insure good selection. QOr duced conaiderably. Buy nowWALTER M. BUTLER, Asst. Cashier $1.76 values reduced to. . .aOC Kxtra special in Children's Trimmed Hats; $1.16

GLEN T. MOORE, Ant. CashierCome early with the girls snd be values reduced for this Week Bnd Sale. AQp and save money.

NEW MEXICG GOAL sure to get the best pick. Special to close out for


newest designs made of extraHere the opportunity of the summer for a Blouse. Therefore ws hav assembled strong taffeta. In solid colors

LASOS THOIBIJC IN ADIOININO DIS eaDecially for this eale an extra special lot conltlng of 64 HI.OU8B8 made In the and stripe. Special $1.95TR1CTS OV COLORADOKKMANU. moat fashionable designs of Crepe de Chine, China Silk. French Veils snd other latest $4.60 value

materials. CHILDHKN'H PARASOLS.nsaratora and Miser I Callas CSBty These Blouses ws will sell a an extra Inducement for your patronage, on Thursday.

aid bus the regular $4.60 In fancy colors snd plain, QQAccord fromFields I Thorough Friday and Saturday. Kxtra Special reduction Qf afOCCM 1 Boumlng as7 $1.7$ valuevntlR I'HdlCE at

HEID BROS. B Sptotul Wirt to The TimaAlbuquerque, N. M., July bual

IN THE BASEMENT SALESROOMera New Mexico In generil Is the best heli known lor r, """"" should visit this busy section of the Store. No other department store in El Paso carries suchThere reasons why you"T.: v .. . .v here are many

BEET PULP, CORNO HEN AND CHICK FEEDtoday. Mr. U Inkwell says that the big a complete and large assorted stock of Household necessities consisting of Chinaware, Enamelware. Tinware, Refrigerators, Kitchennorthern

a recordHew






ta the utilities. Silverware. Domestics, Gingham, Rugs, Carpets, Curtsuns, Trunks and everything to make a home complete and happy.

Field Seeds, Hay, Grain, Fuel and Builders owing to the (lacrease production In Prices need no comment always the lowest. ?Colorado aa a result of the strike trouble,

We advertised the arrival of Clyde Enamelware Sunday and satisfied customers promptedwhile there has not bean ssujiiiclon of any Small profits, quick return. new

Suppliestors and their employes. Mr. Blackwell siy us to continue the sale.the crop outlook is the bel for iriaiiy years $lo Sauc

Phones 35 and 36 city, town, camp and ranch In the northern Saucepans$6c Berlin 29c 60c

PallsWater 29c Cuspidors

60c 39c Pans 28chalf or me te. $1 26 60c Sauci" "... .... i7 TZT .heli.nndre Mo Milk 39c 16c Wash 98c 99cSecond and Leon Streets El Paso, Tex.cunipaoy Into the ground irouod Kettle Paalna 19c Combínete Pans

reveals ncner copper or. " ZZ lie Covered $0c 40c X12 Umpire Ora Rugsdoubt that property will be developed 19c 76c Chambar Chamberí .

Buckets 63c border, $10.00 value" "1 ,Zti veil Pall $6.95know mm 40c20c Lipped Preserving 15c Chamber 29c Special

hVin Imported White Rttavmrlware -county' Mr mil. ha. supervLtog Kettle l$x$l Japanese Mats, 10c IAtlrv 'S$c Cup and I C 16c Dinner 9csome von iOo Covered StoneMilwaukee capltalKU and la deeply 35c Saucer 1 Jt Plate val in. Hpcrlul 1UCWANT ADSUSE THE TIMES the magnitude of present and Potfuture opereuuu -


Wee. Uritlfled. HOME Of LOW PRICEim. u,""'..":v:",..rii--. i,.r. m be ' EXTRA SPECIALvice neve nw. - EXTRA SPECIAL

2Í.. 7 iV rterlbes in deuU 111 thewhich are lounaknown Southwestern range, with meiluxl. Varnished Hardwood Cabinet Re-

frigerator,"9 ..r... Mhar tnrnrmatlon

in which the (Sites and sbaeptuen will be Id" llefrtsSeator. 100 lbs. capacity, aanl- -? gg UO xsjI Great Big Beautiful Doll interestdouble wall, gaiianiaed lined


tary lined,$10-0-

S she!value.

vex, bras artaa--

taeSdM ofuU Myalle Shrine will visit rationed wire ahrff, brass $ OC 6&18 EOVERIAND&T Hpedal $13.75advices received by the orflcr or hllH bHIXlAI. wwwww

BLS ihvad leniple. An etaborit rreL COUPON L Dboül seül(K) will be held In honor of IS mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm9Kmmmmmmmmmmmlkmm

p'rcXr rroíu Z orasd canyon heof tke T. rflMParc day Is place of H Andraw, while the lal slon of the Mouihwislern. la takm at

"Ob" Orsnde dlvl.ion vacation and has to i.allforula.goneOrand lieisrbl clfue, muiii'-- iiTL." apendhig a ler I laaing a soon i. days'i JULY 40 ion. or the eapyoa.ibirty daya' visit wllb retauve Id Chi-


dn N 1 Tuesday cvealag afterSwllrlima U. T Hill of tas a H. 8. S. A. yard force weol lo Valentine,0 f gsapn or aiy m to work ettri ror few weeks.f 1014 KiaeasU OaaysM ioly Non trip. A. yard fore Is onfid lo Hotel bleu

the ÁOOtfl4 K A. Hester of the . u mm- i,r u aaslrB nh an attack of typhoid fever it, dish i. h. Harris of uta Tetta andgf' t.rutLrAml aa Esmeril ortlee. Is laklag 16 Brakeuufi Is erode of Ibe Houlheru Pacific, baa reportad for duly after layingresumedno. . :;:' i :;zzzm.ü ZVatton at". arcoiinHd by SU division of tha Southwestern baa--todoTCl Pacific, irrive.t from Tur sou. Tuesday, I orr lor a rew in,...Ser. VJajjSt ',;s Stf. li Tuesday lor Tele to vudl duly after laying off for a few tripa.

go on lb 1 l'so exiri board. bugineer n M. uiUeaple of tu 0. H. a.would evacunv Bra entail a. c. iricy oi us

resumed fflgtmt" I A. Mowery of lb Trass and a has been asalgSMHl to the day housof Un informal ki was not given "tiréis I S Dorm of IB SosUssra vision of the sOulliwesMrn. has Pteirir. bis reaunied duly aftr few niiguie ui placa of KiigUMer C. t dilles

How to Got the Anna Belle Dolls Clips six of these sourcelacirirTlw resumed bi run after r4 dly after laying

t; Ioff

Darnailfor i



0. M. k nips lay off. pie. who baa Irinaferrad lo lh tl I'aaofew trips. Ooiiduiu.r Conductor Jului Loug of the eastern ill esirs board for road service.las for iup

coupons of consecutive dates and present them with S. A Is Hkmg ! dys' layoff sad realv talos of th SMilbwMteru, is laying or( ii. man J V orives of tu u II 8, .

20c at Times Branch 9. 105 Texas Street If by mail RAiLROAV NOTES I, WSK Il US lll ! mtnMtw."operator C. V. soboaou

..of Uw tulhe.i for

Swilcha fwKJiginesr

trips.H. enroll of the u H.

siicbUigburl real.

lore, baa reussd duty ifler a

Arts sag OMa aaaigueuera. at Ulrbana A. t Mabas of Ute leus and7: . .. iK mmmI taleaTaol A 8. A., has lo work If ler laving Hiaaeuiasadd 4c for postage. Address a M MimiitV if titaft TtsftOU DSSSSSBBS i... uf tag Teaas aiid ,.i..L n

off for i few days, Pacific, baa reaumad duty after laying offJJJi uT souiwrs 'flfl w lo Kinr has reponed rr duly STMr lay OfIKe St Kl "" WP"? for

'iaJ!!!; Stsllrliineu f I t.baiwy of is U. H. 4 lor a raw tripa.n - ,....,v tim sums off for a weea lo P- of the geuergl leWgrepb

B. A , 11 gone so Valeiiluw to rill in dm W C. rate iliallll' tor tit

w. - iias and seven years, uas i(niwu w T. tnelus rioutbera ftan e n in ih iilaaaa of YsgSsaaster Jpaaaaagi ..rr...--- ,,..,.,.,( irum fun Weria a iiiarisser. SMvanauo of lh eastern day ntoruuiin ii Srakestsn AlEl Paw Morning Times i daya' absent COOdur lor v. nirisjia oi w division of lb Southwestern, la laying off (aiimuuierUw couipaoyF4bJ Coodu. u,r Chartn War of la Parlfb lias r. iurood trassrest for a few trips on account or alikiieas Mr. U o.

tmat.'i-- r wt f is. a. m. gglsig or a Bosihwiitara I hcpiii after I say' Sisar and

switchman Heosliaw of the Souib III Southvm

TEXAS woi to 01 Hki. ItViasay sartt. to Xitu Uy tMi i fir ifs "'i' 1 up lor w oys ueioi mmaailarn yard force, left Tuesday for sail trr. Miss Mil

EL PASO, Lta tmmui and SPSSd Ma aas vac 0$W$vi Mu,rrini. ii.lriu J. g. TU4VU f " idoudcrolt n'sssS-T- loa Thyrsus rgiug a oS'.i'-iiv-,

sñaatwr.fWyd ckttk at ta SUiw,tari. O n S a- uua mpsi


. The Morning Times WillIssue the

Thirty-Fourt- h

Anniversary NumberAbout August 23, 1914

The splendid success of the Thirty-thir- d Anniversary Numberis well remembered. It was the largest and best paper ever issued inEI Paso. The success of that issue is a sufficient guarantee that thecoming number will be a record breaker in every respect

Business conditions in El Paso haw never been better. Duringthe past twelve months thousands have been added to the populationof El Pato. The great southwestern country adjacent to mis cityhas been the most prosperous of all the United States. The troublein Mexico is now over and Old Mexico will join hands in the generalgrowth of the whole section. The Morning Times presents a splendidillustration of die advancement of the country in that it has increased136 par cent in circulation and is steadily growing. The advertisingcolumns show an increase of 40 per cent, which indicates the excellentfinancial condition of the merchants and business men.

For the Thirty-fourt- h Anniversary Number more than 40,000copies of the paper will be issued and thousands of them will reachthe prospective home seekers of the North and East. Today morethan 1,000 copies of the Thirty-thir- d Anniversary Number may beseen on file for reference in offices and business houses in Texas,Nsw Mexico and Arizona. The coming number will be even morevaluable and will be more widely circulated.

The Times Asks the ion of the Business Men of the ElPaso Territory in Making the Thirty-Fourt- h Anniversary Numberthe Greatest Publication Attempted in the South and Southwest

El Precio de "El Morning Tines Es Cinco Centavos uro o 25 jUCIS


De li Prensa Asociada cobreWukUfwn. Julio Plats, per oou iüí'Jí

Tuu, Nuevo México y dsspsjaao Plomo, por 100 llbroItloe, por loo libras W



I LA HERENCIA DE tenpresidencl







el mayor

dea NO DESEAN TRATAR Especialistasun puritano a quien, yo como caballe-

ro, desafio e que me erranque cao Amortando por laa Junta de Sanidad del EstadoSignifica Dinero WILLIAN H. TAFT tesoro. CON CARBAJAL de Texas, como Doctores Registrados para curar"Dios bendiga a Udes. y también a Enfermedades del Cerebro; Enfermedades Con-

tagiosasmi." o Infecciosas de la Sanare; AgotamientoLas galerías que se encontraban re-

pletas SE ESPERA Ql LOU CONKTITt LIONALIB- - del Sistema Nervioso: Insomnio: unHTJERTA AI DIA SICt'lKNTK VJVI: durante la sesión aplaudieron o DebilidadPara Usted WILSON ASI MIO I,A PKRSIDRN-CT- sin casar. THABMTAB SHKH.I


PODERo- l.i. mm tratamiento Infalible para la Impotencia; Restau-

raciónLO FKUOITO. Los miembros del gabinete y vario completa y permanente sin estimulantesaltos oficiales salieron hoy en la tarde Carbalal Prdlrá una Amslslla General para dañoso Curamos bajo garantía sin pérdida de

Breve Relato 6V loa 8hwm Araorldn de la capital. Un comité especial Librar la Vidas Se tes que Apoyares si tiempo y sin operación dolorosa, la Estreches, en muy pocos dlaa; seVenir a visitarnos antea de comprar sus muebles, alfom-


Desde que Huerta Tomo la Prcwldr-n-cá- compuesto de JesOn Urueta, Bordes Réglsies de Huerta. curan pronto la Gonorrea, Fístula, Catarro y en muy corto tiempo

estufas y todo lo necesario para el bogar, que no-


Hasta nn Remanda. Magel ysalieron

José I.paraNovelo,


con loe enfermedades d la Vejiga, Estómago. Hígado. Piel. Rlftonea, Hydro-

cele,De la Prensa Asociada. Varicocele otras enfermedades crónicas del hombre y la mujer.constltuclonallstas ls entrada pacifica ypodemos darle en abonos cómodos o con grande De la Prensa Asociada. waaninaiuii. auno i. .rv... n.... squsllos llamados "canos Incurables,"Solicitantes especialmentea la ciudad. de la renuncia del Grsl. Huerta como pre- -

descuento si nos paga al contado. Washington, Julio 1(. Huerta asu-mió que no han podido ser curado por otros doctorea

la presidencia en Febrero as 111. SE TtSMKN ItKSONDaNKg. Fíjese en el número del cuarto. Hay otros doctores en H mismoal día siguiente de la prisión de Ma-dero;

trarlón esta noche, porque es consideradovenderle solo artículo o bien una do-


edificio de nombre semejante. B seque cuarto No. t.Permítasenos un tras día mas tarde Madero y Kl gobernador del Dlslrite federal intima como ios pasos primeros r awanio un. iahaga, liares fueron matados sn el camino al pueble par que se saaellse. loienia souunon oei pruiormn uiuAiiw,. CONSULTAS GRATIS. SB HABLE ESPAftOL.

el comercionosotros apreciamos que nos pu-

liendola lie la Prensa Asociada.a penitenciarla. Nunoa s ha sa-

bido Julio 15. Cuando el runclonatio del gobierno de Jos KstsdosMexico, presidente losofrecerle los precios mis bajos en El Paso. de manera satisfactoria como DOCTORES ALEMANESi nrliajal salló de la Cámara do Diputados I nines no pueueu urmw su,fueron muertos. na Inmensa multitud llenó las calles, lu-ciéndose,

.... ., k..K ... ,. .1 omI 11,... i. iu. SaKl primer acto de Huerta fué man-

dardirtrll que pudiera pasar el car-

ruajeeliminado voluntariamente aal mismo de la Horas: Do 8 a. m. a 1 p. m. Domingos: Cerrado.

a Taft el siguiente telegrama: presidencial. Las tropa ae vieron situación, abriendo una nueva era de pas Cuarto No. Callo Mesa No. 206 v."Tengo el honor de Informarle que he obligadas s limpiar Isa eslíes. La Inmensa a su pal Al Premie, de "lia stress." Segundo Piso. El Paso, Tesas.Foutz & Zinkler derrocado al gobierno; el ejército ceta inueVdumbrv que salló de la Cámara mo Aunque tn consiitncionaiisias nao

inentáneamenie hizo alto y cientosconmigo y de hoy en adelante la pas al edificio. Carbajal como presídante provisional, pory la prosperidad reinarán." se temió un pánico, causado por alguien consioerario au sucvvur, i va c.v,

Calle N. Stanton 113 Teléfono 1106 A posar de la amnistía genera, co-menzó

que en la ralle lanzó un grito contra Ins dos iirobablement se rrhiisarlan a reconola guerra civil. disputados que rehusaron votar por la cerlo, la creencia asiui va uuo u .,. . CUARTOS, sin muebles, il. por semana.

Sonora lo desconoció; Zapata estuvo mínela de Huerta. l.o manifestantes ejecutivo lomará la prealdencla por un cor- -

YA SE DIRIGEN Atrataron de atacar a los disputados; pero M. ísianton 81.negociando algunos dios; pero al fin las satisfactorios la entra-da

la policía y tropas sacaron su arma hagan arreglos paralo desconoció también; Sala zar al prin-cipio

la ciudad de México. sK cuMl'HA y vendo moneda Consiltueto-nsttst- sy los dispersaron. del Oral. Carranza a de todas claco. U. S. a Mexicohlso lo mismo; Carranza en un Kn vista de posibles disturbios en la una AXSBiniS en urnerai. No. Kdltlclo Mills, UBrokerage Co., 13,

lamente reforzado ron tropas que han manifiesto lo denunció, y Villa se de-claró

capital, como resultado del cambio de Por los diplomático que eslán en con-

tadoPUERTO MEXICO aao, Tazas.

estado llegando de Chihuahua en pequeños partidario de Carraña; Oróse o gobierno, anum lo fueron colocado en las con la situación e ssbe que t'.arbajal

PREPARATIVOS grupo. Lo funcionarlos de Juárez no fué el fínico revolucionarlo que se de-

claróesquinas por el gobernador, del Distrito solo deaea que se decrete una alunlsil

explican el motivo para esta medida; sin en su favor. Federal, uamanro si pueblo a no nacer general, para librar la vida y lajemberee. hay le opinión que este aumento demonatraclones, a fin conservar ls paz y de los quo ayudaron a llueru. LOS TRENES LLEGARON A LA ESTaft Dejó a Wilson la Herencia. culta. Los medida se consiga la onveiii era. A. rv. I.ooj-obrar como una nación anun-

cioDespués de que estaeles meramente con el objeto de ampliar Taft dejó a Wilson la situación me-

xicana.dicen que el gobierno suprimirá los ...... ,,,.,u . la ,lc las tropa TACION DE CORDOBA Bfc bardl Co. Calle S. Kl Paso No. t07, Segundo

DE EVACUATION número de soldados en le ciudad parahabrá conseguido. A MI NA HON A P. MEXICO. Piso, cuarto No. 1. Knaayu grails.asegurar la protección perfecta del Oral. Huerta el día de su toma de desórdenes a today costa. rontllurlonallstas se

la presidencia lo felicitó. La renuncia y reuro ue nunVilla, cuando éste llegue a Juárez, y constlluclonsllstas se DOCTUR OUILLEHMU Q. ELLSWORTH E- -también hay la creencia de que lo Obstaculizado por la falta de reco-

nocimiento.cuando los El Gral. Punston Tomo Pnxnuclones peclalldad en snfermedades de las sede


MIENTOStemon un complot, por pane Huerta comenzó a conse-

guir mediadores sudamericanos rechazando I para la Seguridad de lluert y su rs y quirúrgica. Call Ban AntonioABANDONAR X de los que tenga por fin dinero au gobierno. Su LA GUARNICION Nombrando una Guardia.PARA para go-

biernoFamilia,Invitación a una coniereucia uu ""," do 11 a 1 p. ra. y da 4 s p. xa.contrahacer surgir unaPI'KKTO POR L08 rT.UEHALES.

villa en el Estado de Chihuahua. se debilitó por las vlctorals pri-meras

gados de Huerta, part inter los asunto Telefono tell.Las tropas han sido traídas a Juáre en de los oonstltuclonallstas del interiore do México. Veracruz, Julio lá. Dos nenes especiales

rloimllM. del Noria dl País. grupos que a veces han llegado solo a 60 Norte y por el rompimiento con Félix FUE . No Unieren... .,.,Tratari ..naiiaiaw

ros (,arbaal,eatsn re trayendo a las ramillas del Oral. Huerta y

Cuatro películaEI. JAIIUIN

de primeraCiNK."

eu asunte eu-ropeoAcanulro fue Csplurade por Zapatistas, nombre. Todo ban venido en trenes de Días. JpiLADA lo podf's del ni al. manque! y de otros de la cludsdCarbajal. que indas las noches. Cerca Hotel PasoNombre de los Constllu- - de en lo últimos nuente a tratar ron la del Uoiro, ae dice queobrando a pasajeros y carga, que En Mayo Huerta dijo que convoca-

rlade Mexico s costa del Norte, en I ralle san Antonio. Huchadías han estado también arribando a Juárez, a elecciones. Félix Días, candidato cómo presidente provlalonsi. llegaron s Cordoba s las nueve de esu

milslca. se permite fumar.aparentando para los que notan su arribo, de carbajal. martina; de squel punto ae cree que pro-

cedanfué enviado alM la Prensa Asociada. escoltas militares acostumbradas de los a la presidencia, Japón. LOS COLO RA DOS, CAPITANEADOS nay espérense bh u 'e " a Puerto Mexico a donde deberánA Burdo del "California," Julio 14 (Por Henry Lane Wilson fué llamado a americanos sobro que conferencia so po-

dráncoiistllu- - trenes. POR JtOVl (.IIJlKt, ATAUAJtU óe ca-


llegar mañana.telegram Inalámbrica). Loa Se calcula que los solados de la guarnici-

ónWashington. A PALOMAS, HUI., AVER, tener entre los represéntenlos

trsnsnn- - 1.1 crucero holandea "Korlenaer," que porelonallsUs están barriendo la coste del de Juarez han aldo aumentados en 1,000 Be supo que Wilson enviarla a John y carbajal para la rápida

varios días estuvo en ls babia, tallo a la cuMI'HAMiiS toda rlaas iba mercancías dede México, Evacuaciones ocupaci-

ones,,hombres y que serán reforzados con más Lind para arreglar la pas en México; fclEs ?aal Hbaa. Agus 10 de ls niaflana, creyéndose que su desuno Mexico. Pagamos al Contado. Heciblmoa

de prisionero! Emilioarinlailrlos y cambio tropas de la capital del Estado. Hasta a Huerta anunció no aceptarla Kl Oral. Villa Despachó 500 Hombre seguro que o Puerto México. La Idea d que Huerta toda clase the comisiones. U. S. a Mexico! d donde quiera se Informan al almirante hora ha traído más artillería pero que tín noungues y ui traten de abordar ate vapor brokerage Co., No tig. Edificio Mills, Klno se compo-

niéndoseAquel Lugar a Fin de Exter-

minary au amigosdel Pa-


tapara rspresSnlsrltMla flota Intervención alguna extranjera. CarbalalHoward, comandante de brados por para paso, Tex.dela que actualmente existe en dos lúe rorialeclds por el hecho que auPronto.los Filibusterose indicios hay de que los


de callones de campada y uno más que esta rechazó las proposiciones america-nas,

a capitán fue a ls capital, poco deapues de su L. J. AHKLLANU B y venísen una semana solo estaran en entre las estaba su renuncia. hizo lafuera de servicio. que llegada, y de que el crucero se a Casa amuebladaSudamericano otro efuero para de cssaa y terrenos. ysalina Crut. hagfistazalián y Isas Relaciones Son Delicadas- Pelonía, ell.i guarnición vllllata de punto la do mar ain cspltáa.conroroncla a sin mueblas de rente. Comisiones en g- -Guaymas el más lmpori-t- e punió del Los Mejores sato, con cuidadoso chiur Las relaciones entre Méxlci los opuesto sXolumbus, .V M., tus cúmplela traer a una Kl corl lauiiza, comandante de loa fe-

derales' el arm. ti lo que se na Teléf. 10. ... . la del ferrocarril, dijo nersl. Mills Bldg. su. Tal. sosa. P. u.Oolfo de California, fours. av. Estados Unidos fueron delteadas. Wil aniquilada ayer en la mañana por una en roturaarreglado termina el 90 de Jim... declaró política en un discurso. fuerza de riltbuateres compuesta de sou El Ural, carranza eauri. boy, que tos trabajadora estaban arre Box .

Entre lanío cuatro grandes vapores FIERRO LLECA A JUAREZ son su hombre y comandada por el Ural. Ruque r.i urai. carcau. c, ."..". t galando el camino en la parte en que lamercantes de la Navie-- s oslan cargando so El senador Beliaarlo Domínguez (orne., que perteneció a las fuerzas de dladores, serla beneficiado grandemente

vis estaba levantada; Itero que tenia órdenes LA CASA quo Ud. buses está do venterápidamente y se espera que todas iss El la delegación de Carranza atacó a Huerta en el Senado; pero Huerta y por Manuel Gutierres, que hasta .turaraj .


iaie. .1 . Mnam.n Mmnnr in enlo e de nocolocar nlngtin riel. gran baratura, siete cuartos, gaa, uutropas redórales salgan de Ouaymas dentro va ds paso pars Saltillo. desapareció misteriosamente. hace poco operaba Independientemente. La Kslados Unidos. Argentina. Bra-


Kl Ural. Punston ordenó que so lomaran Icenles, agua callente y frls, corral expocos días. El cange de prisioneros co-

mentóR. Meado Fierro, secretarlo de la dele-

gaciónMas tarde, disolvió el congreso por guarnición vtlliata ae componía de 6U illato de los

los términos de los proio- - precaucione cttranrdtnarlaa en el punto tenso, gallinero, llores, trepadores, uu bo-

lillocuando se firmó el armisticio. de Carranza, que tomó parte en la medio de la fuerza militar, aprehen-diendo

hombres y de estos, lo que no murieron y Chile,nrroeuo

bajoen - terminal de la vía de su lado y en la parte pórtico para dormir, tajt. mitad al

durante el combale, rueron hechos prisio-neros

coros del rorrocarrtl quo está bajo su Jurisdicción,conferencias de mediación, celebradas en 110 diputados. los Estados unrtt', n' terminoa contado resto eu convenientepuntualiza que paraEL BOTIN RECOCIDO de camino y sumariamente ejecutado. NI uno se anilclpándoar a la posible llegada do la ra-

millaTorren, llegó aquí ayer, para Debido al fracaso de las elecciones ixinoceran cuaiuu.r. a - Ud. UlrUase al dueño sr. Segall tus TelaYa había designadodel Oral. Huerta.solo los la guarniciónde que' componíandonde unirá de nuevo.saltillo, en se facciones sin espersr

Nada e concrete e sabe del asalte do carranza. Viene de Torreón con la comi-tiva

los Estados nidos volvieron a insistir salió con vida. Los muertes por parle de el acuerdoelección.

de lasEl

dosacuerdo entre lo do a oficiales y soldados del 8 de Inl amella Street.

San Luis, pues faltan noticies. del OrsL villa. en su renuncia, y Llnd salló de México lo rillüusiero se desconocen. unaelementes serla tomado como conn, una amarilla

Los funcionarlos constltuclonallstas de la Haciendo comentarlos sobre las recientes para Veracruz. El taque se esperaba desde bacía illas. prlnclpsleL'fLr, .. . i. unilln,.a ,mr riel nue Algunos nauierns que llegan aquí boy AUKLA H. DK KKl.LtvH, KspeelaltsU Co-rrijolocalidad se encontraron sin noticlaa sobre conferencias, manlfeetó que hablan termi-

nadoEl gobierno americano hlso proposi-

cionesKl comandante do la guarnición de Palo-mas, blo mexicano. 81 carranza rehusa tratar nue la cenital estaba llena de rumore loda claae the imperrecctouea cutá-

nea.(H cómbale que se bad estado verificando de la moliera más satisfactoria nata definitiva a Carransay a su repetidas veces pidió refuerzos cou ion el ronierno ae caroajai e m acerca de la renuncia de Huerta; pero 00 Paflo, pecaa, picaduras de viruelas,Luis Potosí, entre agregffido de amenaza en que estaba la pobla-

ción.nubla hecho ningún anuncio uncial asi uro ello superfluo, etc. Jl Upson. releí,

en los alrededores de San todos los constltuclonallstas. Varían potencia, entre lias la cludsd de Mexico por laa fuerjas ruerzas del Oral. Pablo Oonialer y tes que todas la diferencias entre Carranza partido. Hiriéndose que US) nombres marcha capturar mentó en que aaldrle, aunque la nmnncla se .

del dral. Joaquín Maas, JT. Lo combates y vina ñaman nao solucionaos. la Oran Bretaña, Alemania y Francia, ban liarla ella, procedentes de Juárez, pero zaliter,


reconocimientolina, wicwu.,es, casi

amás que discutía cun certeza por los miniares y

- due ban tenido lugar, según lo poco que Su permanencia en El Paso será solo de apoyaron la política de los Estados el ataque fue vinteniado. Los los empicados del gobierno. CONIHA MEXICANA para caballeros. Mii Sa llegado, ha consistido en su generalidad do a tres día. Unidos. Los constltuolonallstas cre-

cierends villa en Columbus también elección. Renovados esfuerso se ban ba Magorrin Avs.

i en tiros de aventadas. Manuel Bonilla, otro de lo delegados de en nümero y capturaron impor-tantes

pidieron al coronel uroelas que mandara LLLUA A ALTILLO "EL BUEN TONO"' El Oral. Jesús Carranza, que lleva villa, a Iss conrerrenclas de Torreón, re-gresó ciudades. auxilio. Ls mitad de los residentes mexi-

canosgrandes cantidades de municione y también a Juárez, y ha vuelto a au Veracruz. de Columbus cruzaron la linea rias con Roberto Pesque Ira, según tele urania reci-

bido,Saloón de billares. Puros y cigarros de

Enviaron Buque a carvajal. las uonsáiex Hermano.a las tropas que operan en la puesto de consejero legal de las autori-dades

a la hora del combale uniéndose a llegó s Is capital de L'oah. mejore marca,reglón de San Luis, créese que llegara a militare do la voclns ciudad. La situación se hlso tan critica que laa tuerzas del Oral. Oótnez. Todua ello l.aa OBjeciollw uo mi i Huberto V. Pesquelrs, ágeme del Orsl. 1IU Han Antonio SI., Kl Psso, Tex.

Cerno, base de operaclonea, boy. Con u Inglaterra, Alemania, Franela, España eran simpatizadores de Huerta. nn entrarían a ningún arreglo sobre un , mi,, m uí su oficinas principal"L. J. AHELLANO t HIJO Compramos tarribo y la de las municione el ejército Empleo TseUes de la Artillería en Compaña y el Japón mandaron buques a aguas Después del combate, Hoque Gómez se accic un p,Tn,u,ra en Kl Paso, llegó ayer a Hallillu. según

mexicana do lodade los contltuclonllte en esta reglón ..00. "Librarlo La Ideal," 108 Overland St. mexicanas. presentó en la linea divisions y noiiMcó a compromiso mensaje rerlbido en la oflcins local de vendcnio moneda

tendrá suficientes cartuchos para empren-

derTorreón y Tamplco fueron captura-

dos.las tropas americanas, de destacamento en los consiituciunellalas. Permanecerá en clases. Mills Bltlg- Tel. MU.

una batalla formal. LA LOCURA AUMENTA Columbus, el completo aniquilamiento de asnillo varios días coxuerauciauau con iow no ii .,j.Escasas noticias e han podido obtener, Se asegure que el eeeebollsmo es as levantó los vllllalas que guarnecían Palomas. Agrego aipinmaocoal plan de Guadalupe, siempre que so Ural, carranza, i HE venta, barato, o para rentar, mi resi

esta principios de Febrero se el pueblo dencia limítenla, 7 ruarlos, de ladrillo aprenrespecto a las operaciones que factor Importante es la demencia A que probablemente abandonarlaUeiando a erecto el Oral, ((bregón, cuyo

De ls Prensa Asociada. el embargo de armas. Un movimiento movilizándose hacia el i anón de Boca HMALLPOX AT V8LKTA. sad,., bin ns vecindad, muy cerca y conve-nienteejército se encuentra entre üuadalajara jls Chicago, Julio 14. El Dr. George A. r militar se hizo sobre la frontera y la Grande.

piedades. . , t al tranvía; liona pórtico, guantaciudad d México. Obregón te halla en

de la oflclana de administración de flota americana del Oolfo fué re-

forzada.He despachado wo nombres hacia Palo-

ma fuerzo para conseguir que so respete s Vtetls uf Oread Malady Mingle VYHb ropas y todss laa conveniencias inooer- -

le capital de Jalisco con el grueso de sus llllnola. lomó le palabra en unión de otros y probableinenie llegarán a dicho lugar Merrlmaarrs st Pleats. ns. Teléf. 7(7-- u ocurra s 13 Uold St.tuertas. oradores en la session de alienista y Llnd sale de Veracrus y viene la como a las diez de la noche" dijo el oral. ruinan ne aruni. i,ui . ... ... Dr. Hugh White or tiro county heallb or-

neeAdemas de lo trenes con los cocho anunciando que la locura está de marinos Villa ayer, después de haber recibido las ta han tratado rd conseguir gsranlllas pars visited Yslela ll night with others artUlerU. el Oral. aprehensión de un grupo ls matanza hecha Libro en panol y objetos de panetería.cationes y parque un aumento. Declaró que este aumento se nullclss concernientes S él; aun dándolas loa amigos del die

Oliregón ha Inforinado que, en la captura debe s un gran proporción de casos que americanos en Tamplco, por lo que se con sus Hopa sn Palomas. "La gente uueíziior

perocreen que esiaria mea bratton being held ibero and while In Por mayor y menor. Calla Overland No. las.

de Guadalajara. us tropas recogieron han sido informados a Isa autoridades. pide una apología y un saluda, todo lie mandado tiene órdenes de atacar a lo Válela discovered three cases or smallpoz.cuatro mil mauscre. medio millón de El Dr. Julius Ortnlcer. de Chicago, de lo cual es negado por Huerta. colorados Inmediatamente y mis ruerza

días si menos, prefiriendo nfrecor sus ser The persons (frllrtrd were mingling with HEUMATISMO Jr. Juan M. Cor mis, surpesos del gobierno, mil caballos, varloa claró a su vex que Is costumbre de arrojar Desembarcaron lo Marinos al Pin. estarán nuevamente en posesión de Paloma,

"- - Uffl inrong OI merrjiiwaao. . ... Staulou 614. Cura el reuraauimo agudo fvil lous a ' ni c, i itii...utos blindados, un gran numero de a los mnoa derectuosos ai rio oeoeria ser El 12 de Abril los marinos desem-

barcaronantes de algunas hora'.1'

si se bs ceaioaji

una resistencia final por las ... .wZ i. ,,. urpr itnarantllied crónico y loda claae de dolor, radical-menteacémilas y una gran cantidad de uniforme. una nueva costumbre si ea que no se des-

cubríanMarinos ame-

ricanotrooss fedérele contra los constitucional lid will be removed to tbe counly pel en uno o do días. Como garantía

Diariamente se presentan a sus fuerzas mejoras remedios. en Veracruz. bouse today. The health ileparimeal M Ihr o cobra medicina ni visite, oasis que sibuen numero de soldados federales pidi-

endoSe adornaron resoluciones condenando el murieron en las callea en la latas. county na oroereo i. . --

tourarmo no está curado. Consulte grsti

rendición, los cuajes e ven roñados uso del licor y urgiendo un movimiento lucha. , Los nnixlcano se retiraron,HA PRESENTADO Ls


rencnla dedeHuerta

un Am.sellsla la culmina be vaccinated. The work will be done de 7 a. in. s tí p. tn.

a ello por elel






ae no api taiaa panucos para ios aicunoncoa. destruyendo el ferrocarril. today. DOM CUARTOS por sea peso at mes,El A. B. C. fué aceptado y se acuer-

dade parte del gobierno de los Kslados UBI" esquina Florence y Novena. V ásaseexcede de 6.000. ASCENDIDO EN EL RANGO Fallala conferencia en NIAgara do par lograr retiro, habiéndose enviad.) Jay r. Knoa. Calle Milla I.SE HA RKKORZA110 VA. Mientras ls tropa de tierra relevaron a cms para que ru,i w ,,.

El Cari. Ornelas será eaeendldo clarado de Adesde en-

toncesLAJENUNCIAa los marinos en Veracruz, ybrigadier, según se rumora. typo

Peco Peco se ha Estado Aumentando la en el puerto. 8ALIICRON IXM MKUICOK.a Se Informó en Juárez que el Corl. Tomás permanecenGuárale lóa de Lindad Juárez. Ornelas, comandante militar de la ciudad, Zacatecas cae on manos de los cons-

tltuclonallstas,AVISOS de OCASION ORO piala y oobre en

La guarnición de Juáre ha sido secre- - serla en breve, promovido a la categoría y el ejército-- victorioso POR FIN HUKRTA HA ENVIADO De la Corte del Kmpcrador para Cui-darde brigadier; MI coas no pudo ser ron continuaba su marcha a México cuan-

doLA RENUNCIA TAN ANSIADA A leí Monje Consejero del mátales, plancha, precipitado, ete

firmada en el cuartel general. Ea costum-bre llegaron los rumore de la renun-

ciaLA CAMARA DE DIPUTADOS. KmpeiszMtur. TARIFA PARA LO ANUNCIOS atue pujia .Mu,atener un brigadier a cargo de los De la Prensa Asociada San Francisco BL

asuntos militares de la ciudad, por la im de Huerta. Los mé-dicos

ijaaaaasa udel puerto fronterizo. Tanto el Galerías lo tan Petsrsburgo, Julio 16 i ..ur. una rea .....leponencia El Ser Conocida, la y NO VJBNOA. compre su osunt

Ural. Engento Agulrre, como el Oral. Fidel La renuncia de Huerta se aceptó de Prorrumpieron en de la corte del emperador y al T palabras, una ve ...Je herramientas do ssgunoa mano niAvila, gobernador del Estado de Chihuahua, la siguiente manera: Diputadosal PrealaVnu Huerta. profesor Herglus l'etrovlch y la dama 1 Une al me s. rifles, basta eua aspa mte pre sisa,obtuvieron aus ascensos cuando estuvieron la renuncia presentada de espera de la emperatriz. Srta.1. He acepta Telefono 11. H. Mohr. St & Klen la vecina ciudad desempeñando el mismo el Oral. Huerta, presidents de salieron hoy para Tyumen, HI a tollman cuatro asonados en cas

Peno.puesto. perDe ls Prensa Asociada. berla, para atender al místico eonja particular i;omtdaa. zirlriainenie

México.t Llamamos al Lic. Francisco México. Julio Huerta y confidsnte Imperial, Oregory Raspu- - Kapalda del Hotel Angelus, Wo. ill. UkO VENTA Upo y cajas usados de

leporeTeléf. 610 -(- Advertisement. de Kelaclone. para r.nnnrl ramio incidente



tln. qus sufre de udaTMieiida Inflingida RE8TAI ItANT I.KON DK OBO I Imprenta. Oficinas V SU Peeede

la presidencia. república a la Cámara por una mujer qus trataba ds malario. 10 fe wnla Calle y Kl Paso. Morning Timeque asuma .a. ,w.r ,,.,!!,. tr i rielaría ae elaHe tomo la votación y i ""'"" --

aceptóciones. Después de haber sido leída rúa En una entrevista concedida a un He sirven


abundante,corridas y


y RELOJEROS Y cartala renuncia. turnada a la comisión rrspecUvs. periódico, Ouaev, el llamado asesino,

Servicio esmerado. Precio cómodo. JUSTO V. HOMERO, relojero, Joyero y graCarbajal se dirigió al Palacio Na-

cional,Loa diputadoa y los espectador que ejus se encuentra en la cAroal, dijo que san. bador experto, st B. BUS Ion.

AUTOMOV1U DE RENTA escoltado por la guardias pre-

sidenciales,llenaban las galería gritaron; "viv Nusr hacia tiempo habla pensado en la si; limpia relojes ir toe; cuerda wc;

JLI Paso Auto Taxi tiene per I COMPRAMOS MONE- - I camino fué con-

gratuladomuerte de Rasputin. SE ENRKftA Ingle's persona que hablen

en ualquiler It grandee autos de ca-


ytumultuo Ls comisión ls regreaar a la "sur y NC villa, carranza. Chlliushus. Calle San spanoL uinjira couuge uraauaw.

aclamacionesI I con resolver si la renuncia Antonio 100 l'eil ver jewriry i.u niy taxis, durante toda la noche DA COMSTITUCIONA- - en unices se ( A MB 10 UE PATftt LLAH-

sas. ... admitida ría" noclurns. Mlodos Prácti MAGUI ÑAS de coser de renta, route ktodo el día. La estación est I ds la renuncia ae uu. nu mu la noche Iranoiaeo Carbs-Ja- l INOI KS.Kl texto 7:) de Is Lisasy LISTA. ORO Y PLATA A laa se r rifle a es la VlgHaarU de co, colegio i'aimore. gear. I aieiouo i iw, c. owummItuada frente al Hotel "Paso del parte dice: minó la prolesla como presidente pro-

visionallaleraseteesl eee Méstee.

Norte" Calle W. Mea Antonio I Ka cualquier forma o cauatl-- I ,,u... niniii.ilni v Sanadores: La. de Hético ante la Asamblea de Un cambio en Iss tropa qua patrullan la

admitida por la CA- - depmado y sensdore II nuevo ejeeu HUM iniornarlolal sn Big Bend se ordenarFNo. íl. Teléfono tal y . dad. Mejore pracáo. necesidad pública uard les.. mo. escohsdo por la pesetean de dos semanas. El sssundo escuadrón delinmumara de dipuiaao,la cides, fue Inmediatamente al Palacio PJs- -

II da caballería, mandado por si Msyorllamo aupre-.- .JUAREZ COM. CO. Buureme Corte, me


MAs ' koehtei reeuiplazsrá al Tercer escuadrón

I I - i1m el trayecto fue eetreultessmenlr qus se Micurnlr allí de vigilancia El Be

leg ate Edificio Piral aj. tarde, cuando en virtud del precepto aplaudido por las multitudes de I capí la i gundo escuadrón marchará a Marra, dUeaal Bank 10. Tolete US. o . au distribuido s los diversoconstitucional me airigi doade sn DE CANA'I'AIUai 14 Rio GRANDE Afanamos por

i. mlamo recinto, ofrecí hacer la LO !ii DI K AMAVM. punios de te Unes. AZUCARU propia talud) Calles Mantón y cuests.'Tercera No. 41. Teléf. 70.- - Unica BoUea pas, 'cueste lo queAsegure eur bey larbatel Haaaar a Cerrss BIGL'K PHKJSO KA LAZAR.

en U ciudad en donde a baila un "Han pns.iuo 11 mo. i --w estregarte el gsMlies.surtido de medicines frssesssa . - ...... ,,.,! Ha fnrmado uu elér- - a gara Ds la Prensa Asociada.completo

de Mixteo. el solemne "Predigo que mañana el oral Carranza Albuqusrqus, Julio II. patente y producto el cual cumplo United Sugar Companiescito cou carbajalIramiscoCUIDADOSO d.SPAi:Hu EN 1AS IWClt-- PLATA Y ORO Todo conocen las In erá Invitado i.r riendas delpara Haca, abogado del Oral. Balazar, pri-

sionerocompromiso las gobl

Art Visítenos, o por telefono pida lo Ir s Méslru y lomar en Fort Wlngate, regresó oonI que necesite y se ra nevara en a acto a Its se nos cocotal an precio por oro mensas amcun

do 1 falta" de emo." dijo syer IH laso.



delI la Información de que Halssar habla LOB MOCU1H, SUN ALOA, MEXICO.

edSatjíilsts ha tropas por i.ral carrania enplata sa cantidad, fundí blernosfttbeMsl.te. day

y ensayada. Liquidarnos compras H- -j ., ,.,.r Id Mvuda v Drotaoclón diss tes riaisiiiu.ioiialisua toaisrán el sido encarcelado en la prisión del fuersobre kilo y gramos. Job Assay potencia de este conti dominio del uklsrni sn la iudsd de México te. pendiente de un InvestigaciónCe. oficina, corredor del Hotel ibeí qus una gran

w y ne habrá más lucas " acerca de que tanto l como Rodrigo Partli-lpam- a nnesáros rUente, y al pábltoo en' JnrsJ. jereiai rcW(u.aos. U Paso. Texas. P. O. Bos 70. nente.

ha. fiiMtido la revolución In regocijo veurial lia remado snlre loa Quevado. trataban de encabsear una I irruía abierto tusa otVina ea aU Paso, en el No. IM, aTIgat Nationalobre I renuuel anum Ii nnsliluclonalUUs el Norte de México al ealam a sus órdoass Itetos pavr alan te

habla ald desbaratada, buscó el pre ada te despeino s eladsd iW revolución en Uauk llulidlug, en quipor está aún en la cArcel el abo-gado

baga Je anacer y aloaasui. e cuyostexto i!m iinsn vaa u "w " m. ico del presídeme llueru. y Auaqus cuabiuiea pestillo au ae nue

SE COMPRA ORO filólo y resultado de esto fué el da a la calim a ,h- - Diputados. Testo dicen Bao dios qus saldrá dentro de tcui saos grande ssJsiciiolaa asjai..itraia cometido en Veracrus por la uue ser le fin de la reolurloo poco días, como una prueba s) que

Y PLATA Nadie dice U habrá más lucha en laa el complot no ha tenido Influentla deAlmedi Sufar Refineries flota americana. operaciones iijltlsre. ezreplo te de lerml Azúcar Cúbica y Cauiuiada en Saco, Marcas "Ajjuüa"cualquiera forma el incidente ae u parte.en o can-

tidad.Trate de aoliu lunar nsi' on las partida de auerrlla y si bandl, ..... ,. ai,, a auaaarua date- - "Sinaioa"Precio sin com-

petencia.aja Mu la de lo ' ouuieaalies sai y

Navolato. Sinaloa en Niagara Hall; pero la revo e I opinión de que Huerte Be saldrá del LLsCVO Mi M' iomu -- ' sino que una guaráis ue laazainia a la Prensa Asociada ti 34 Utroacomíalución Marca MU Victoria." Caja,Vendedores de ;." i Alcohol npor mayor todos sabemos. la munuria de laxara sa dead Ualvaeton. Juljt. II. Bl transpone

JOYERIA uulenea.,.,. mi, aaulielta. diré uue iMMtrS rsalftlir bor arlo de los astados Unidos "ateo Marco"StJWberg Hensktteos del gobierno sa au brsvs ssis- - Ia eoesUlm lonallstas da te localidad i asiló para Veracruz hoy oon provisio-

nesCiMsrto No. 428Azúcar AkiU acción .abril euSles MiU MI PIS ata ó lo je' la Beata Brigada.

Avenida Mae y lencla lis res II.IO" golpes ne inutrw ua !uluriunru Ateunes. soirs loa que ea general paraEsquina y

una potencia Injusta MAS tarda, ve-- . luiuteii lo. uiieinbro 61 Kstedo Mayor Bel oficíate que regresa a ausCalle T esas RsMBld eV Peábeocfc, Inc. . ........ íuAraa tiiim -- -- A" Ue di., dneii au es proiisé ea su ce fuerana fueron les doleos pasajeros sa First National iBank Building

arda s la liuted W tMtteinodio, liidudsblesnent ter- - tussidente el vapor.Frente J Bajaca Rio a otro si lomar s su cargo el "Pa satA HeteI Agentes on ral nailon que na nwnu El r motead or la paco

iiiiuaian illa i. (am nao easy. m TaltfoM 812IniiiedlalamenteVeracruacometido tantos ultrajes mtSBl pars salirdaóoi.nio y a erre ojue oral. Illa aya212 West Overland Street en eata continente a la llegada de Paul Max, inintetro

'fara coeoluir dtfS u.ue soanvao t belga sa M tajee.

12-- .SO IV RNfNC, TTM



FOR RENTNew apartments, large rooms, steam heat, all. outside rooms and every modernconvenience. Located in the high ground Mundy Heights on Upson Avenue.Ready about August 15th. The finest apartment in the city.


Perry-Kirkpatri- ck Realty Co.BUILDERS


Signs That REFRIGERATORSCompel Attention


SHINE They Mustbefore men and woman, too, thatthey wilt be compelled to admire Goyour good taate In the selection ofeloctrlo or kuh fixture. You can

do so mnii.v enough. Just come$30 Refrigerator for $ and nelect from our collection

of the mini nrtlstlc and charming $25 Refrigerator for $18fixture, ver got together. There's

$22 Refrigerator fornothing about our prlcr. to keep $18you away. $75 Grocer's Refrigerator,

big. fine box. for 8KBI BsBsBBsl Éil'Mssi r; w

'If It's Electrical We Have If sB Bssssl Smssfl ppttMpiHH LOOK AT THESE BARGAINS$40 Cigar or Candy Case for. 828$75 National Cash Register for 0

NATIONAL TELEGRAPHONE and Several Fruit Racks and Magazine Stands at Half Price.A Perry-Kirkpatri- ck Bungalow on Ft Boulevard Tables.

We areDressersoffering


Wardrobes.real bargains, in Drop Leaf Dining


trade youfurniture

new furnitureand stoves.

for old. Highest prices paid for

Electrical Contractor and Dealers Bait Furniture Co.317 Mills Street Phone 7S9 El Paso. Tens114 South Stanton St, opposite Lion Grocery. Phone 3046.sissií

W. C. Belden Realty Co. Porch, Lawn and We are Sole Agents for


Camp Furniture Holmes'Ha jagg received a solid carload. Why Pay High Pricesand want yon to call and aae the many Self-Airin- geasy, comfortable things we have for for Painting and Paperhang-

ing,porch, lawn and camp. Catalogue when you can have itdone right by first classand prices for the DisappearingE3 Paso Rentals Mail ordersskilled workmen for lew

. --

Realmoney. No job too large

Trunk k Bed or small. Let us figure onTanto in stock ready for shipment If we your work. New stock of

Factory Estate have not got the sisa tent yon want. wiD wall paper in a few days.make it for you on abort notion.

We carry a full line of the bast Also handle Wall Beds andTrunks, Including Wardrobe Wide duck and awning stripe for sale by the OwlHouses Door Bells SignTrunks, also Butt Cases, Traveling Rooming yard, bolt or bain.Baas and fancy Leather Qoods.



travelingaad achanga


El Paso Tent and B. T. Ponsford and Wall PaperW store aeugahsM goods. Nowwarehouse.


ratas.location. Awning Company 14 E. Mhwonri Ph. 881 Company

209 MILLS ST. PHONE 901 312 S. El Paso St. Phone 2044 Prices and Catalogue on 206 N. Campbell StreetTe, tasa. Phone 3563



I Are You in the Market for an Investment? Try the Want Ads in the TimesAd ii.tsksg Rat. Card UNCALLED FOR ANS For Rent Furtalahed JPnmitaf Motases for Sale For Rant H Political

cool, moms and hoard Btt Pro apeak, Rooming H RE FRlliPRA TORS selling at ss par reel art Wa taa emtanaaTiclV'aMawclassified liners. Denting People t.ds week to clean out entire stork: Md mm iwcaaiigam wa on teas msiiswa, awe.f rent per word each insertion, coming to n Paao CONVALESCENT ROME For TUBERCS t rooms. blocks from postorflre, flandy. rerritraio taken In exchange. Wet to tba action of tba Damocratle prtess-na- a

tvj raott par ward oa Sondar. Stop bora. in order to keep my aanitonusa 1440. teraw. L. STEWART. to be bald July is. Ilia, aad rlaptWI cents ward each 7 Phone t- - 9 s Stanton SLpar mserrsoee. L. M. Each room with Private Bath. paiH aosBEST ai thority.WNp



parfor tbaa H eanu. aad s? Electric rah weak. My place la strictly first class and 7 rooms,


porch,Alo, -


nm down FOR RENT- - 4 room house, wits bata, close Por Judge of tba Fortyrirsl DlatrletRataa tl.Oti Day. anaoW, month; water free.Mil aHMt aeeetapaajr ike ordar. recommended By El Paso's leading pay SPBCIAI laroona. running water In Phone uta

All rldnmvHit mJtm ilnnkll rata Uriana. Private rooms, sleeping porchesCook N. 0. Travelere' Hotel For Districtrooms and halls: splendid proposition; FOR RENT. Attorney:and tent tenacee. Fort Bliss cariMHltlU paseessnaajsaa- ma N. C. lEE w. wTbridobrb.double

GottfMeaUal ! Sin Francisco SI. Phone noor. ojea. RENT ONLY 1S; less', leno down. One modern, new gjj.60price. no cnls permittee ?T this, san Antonio si. Mil city nan. One buhgalow, new H OO For District ClerkiS N. bedrooms, obeap. close ua. PBaea aatt. LAS CRUCES. N. M., CONVALESCENT HOME PARK BROa. SELL FOR LESS. One modern, on Montana It..., u.oo . a. arana i ana.UMAX ADVERTISINO. C. D.- - i Shade trees, lawn, screened steenin 1 rooms. Texas SL: RENT ONLY tBtl dm One rrame, with bath, gas..... II 00 ForUral adveroHag at learai ratea. C. I. p. i. HOTEL MENOER BOW In eaarta or Mr porches, good food, things that make Ufa log room; proflii over HOO monthly: youri one fiat, modern itw County iudgaiCash P. u. ra. J. W. Bishop Large, wail furnished. pieaaant. itaies reason sole sire, strong ror ano. One partly furnished mat ADRIAN roou

DISPLAY AD SPACE. C. L. A. P. A. rooasa at raaaoaanw weeklr rata, PARK BROS. OLDEST DEALER.. one partly furnished W For county Attorney,open flat rata, wee dan. par tneh. D. IS P. I. B Ample bathln faclltOes Entrañe Onarlsnl It rooms; gold mine; 117 month up One partly furnished WW 6. W.

eotamn ida, aaeb tnaarrkm,maaviimi

71 canta. P. R. proms; opposite poitornce; at.eoo. See na ror bargains in city property or For County clerk:tm laUMt urn pa casta. D. ft. nmron N. PARK BROS - RELIABLE. all kinds. Rooming houses, business E. B. McCLLNTOOLFURNISHED rooms. 14 Santa Fa.Madias dlaplajr pda. par lack par month. K H. c 14 rooms, near Toltec. real BsOi WOO chances, farm lands. WE want mora bouses lor Sheriff:O.. K. E. H. R. A. don nice rurnlture. tor rant. List your property with ua WE P. I. EDWARDS.Contraen for larsa amouaM or display ad i?. A. T. UNVAI.ESCKNTS Rooms and aleeplni PARK BROS -S- ELL MORE. gal results. For county Tax Assessor:apace or reader aubject to dlecouni. F.-- R. W. rjorrhci: honM aooJUna. 110 week. 193 rooms, Myrtle, now, PI.H0, terms. WHITE, WHB ORO RGB HUFFMAN.f. at. R. t Arliona. Highland Park car. phone USa. PARK BHOS. FOR YOU. LAND COMPANY. ForREADINO NOTICES. o.-- 11 rooms, among the millionaires, rent US, 106 Sé PHONE WW.county lax collector:

furnished moma, eos n. Oregon. WILL i. wa rsuisfPure readlns matter, aaeb insertion, per o. w. safe PHONE Ml CLAOSlPiau only 11.line. K renta 0. D. T. HOTEL DEL MAR. 417 N. Staeton Hoi and Advertisers wlihln te olaee aa "Aeaoas PARK BROS -L- EASE EXPERTS. Far County buperiaiouueul ofLocals, par line, aaeb tnaartton. tl eaots. WX nodarlon Account Waat Ad" la Tbs Timesvoid water; free baths all hours; rooms EXTRA It rooms. W. Missouri, steam,

II. L. 71 Ke to gt day: ga up weekly. Phone ton. skeaid call soso ana asa for Miaa c running waier; beauty i ISOO. terms. POR RENT. MISS MYRA B. WINKLER,EL PASO TIMES CO.. H. B. W. A. tA Stha will nromnllr tabs the ad PARK Ein SPECIALISTS. 5 room bouse on Boulevard, WO; ror Couuly Surveyor:

Pgbllabara EI Paso Mornms Tums, W. S. FOR RENT Large cool bedroom, private Ibt pboae aod aeod yon e bill Use follow-la-14 moat clegeai rooms. W. MISSOURI; t and 4 room apartment! in Fast El J. W. KUBANKB.

El Pean, Texas. 1. W. snt family, no children. Phone 4S01-- asoralne-laeertlo.

Arvonnta at payable ea II ,100, terms: no trouble to show. Paao. near Park car Una, 19.50 per For County Treasurer:J. at. in " first PARK BROS. SEE THEM FIRST, room.

D. PON DEB.FOR RENT A beautirul. secluafre front thoirc. BROADDUS a LE BARON,it library, veryMale Help Wanted room In private family, bath adjoining, to and 11,100;

rooms,rem 175;

opposite tot 910 First National Bank Bldg. lor Justice of tba leace. Precisa! LPot Stock Poultry beauty.a refined gentleman; close in. Apply eis Phone 1551. Placa tiPARK BROS. SEE THEM. SURE.TIMES BRANCH Prospect, or phone 9919- J. aL deaver.Oround bone, ground shell, 10 rooms, next city ball, rent 45; money-

maker;OFFICES FRY cook, WO roo. Plumber. Arta,, MW. S FOR RENT Desirable room with private chicken reed, too. 'Pláoa's'l ! " mctMfamily. 5 minutes walk from P. 0. IN bones. PARK BROS. Ill MAIN ST.

mo.' Waltroaa.' N. M.. W 'week, Prospect. Phone 4MI. PHILLIPS k JOHNSON FERTILIZER CO. 10 rooms, elegant mansión, best location For Sala Urawtocjt JAMES j. murphy.For the convenience of Its P1'"". WO

aso Chambermaid, hotel. its So. Oregon St., El Paao, Tex. in city; 900. or i unstable, Fretuncl ticook, mo.The Tlmei maintain! branch Phone Hat. PARK BROS OF COURSE. DOMINGO MONTTJYA.the following placet: w. w., aw mo. hbhiimi, new listing -- lo rooms, rent 140, near ror Commissioner. Precinct I:

IOS Texaa St: WO mo., b. and r. bTv1 her Jacob's candles, -- made laat city hall, 875.Hotel McCoy; snap, JAaiaa CUSFORJJ.Lobby FALL a MITCHELL, FOR RENT Larra furnished room, high,Elite Stand, corner Texas and!Mesa cool niaht." at Tlmea arañen no. , toa PARK BROS. CRAWFORD 1 HEATER, WANTED too horses and mules lo shoe. lurISO. location, ttt SaoatorEat.sos San Francisco SL Prospect. and lo from taa Twaaiy-ruv- saasnand buggleaWrbland It.JOO; wagons repair, we doAve.: tflrbland Drus Store Texaa SL to rooms, all light housekeeping. Will Dlalilr.l.-Para; Eaat El Paao Dru Storo II JOHNSON HOUSE. Home cooking. Bell Bl rooms, next Y. M. C. A.. ILISO dowu; 10 all kinds of auto forging. We have flrai CLAUDE B.Alameda St.; Boulevard Dru Store. 971. SOI N. Oregon. No alck. rooms, Magorrin. dandy, rent 170. i,500. class macnmisis ano guarantee an work. HUDSPETH.

Boulevard and Florence Sta. lermt; t homelike rooms, fine rurnlture, We call ror and deliver horses. Wa want ' or Rsprasen laura of ike Mttb uiauiettabeo. PLEASE THE CUSTOMER with price and 1910 down; tl rooms, downtown, rent 1110, to buv a carload of ponies and mules. w lal raso and Culbaraon counuaaja

Want ada and aubacrlptlonaEMPLOYERS' CLEAR1N0 HOUSE. terms and with the goods that he feels only Woo down. are located at the old Donnelly shop, 08 ALBERT a J. KYLAB.

old Panama and straw bala made new. Nosafe in buying. "Satisfaction or refund PARK BROSHAVE ALL THE SNAPS. rains i. rnone isuu. uvingssone ror Hepresematlve. of usa I tatajob too small; no work too dlfflculL

1185 and free Transportation, New Mexico. your money." Fouti A Zlnkler. CRESCENT CLKAMNO WORKS. EXTRA l extra 9v rooms, block rrotu Barnes. Ik! raao county):Redd Estate Dealers Weltreit, no. room and board, Arliona NICE room, every convenience, small pri-

vatePhone 4091 and Auto Win call. postornce, rine transient business, only WE WANT Ull'lt TRADE. WHETHER CASH

R. f- - BUROES,Waitress. WO. New Mexico. Flunkey. 130. family, A minutes' walk. 127 prog. 1,700, easy terms. OR TIME. WE WILL EQUAL THE BEST lor County Chairman:

WE BUY AND SELL constitutionalist PARK BROS. SAVE YOU MONK, t.cur Aroom and Do ara. new laeiico. pecL Phone 8604. PRICKS IN KL PASO 00 furnishing your FALVEY.We advance on any con n lovely home andMS MILLS BUILDINO. rency. money rooms, near depot, home with. Fouix k Zlnkler,

PHONE 1504. MODERN furnished room, close in on W. algnment to us. Correspondan ce solicited highly profitable. RENT ONLY 176. (How US N.anyStanton

way youSt.

ANDERSON-FILLE- REALTY CO.. Missouri, high part or the city, sleeping can you help making money?) Price, op Aitncwatit and l Buckler Bids- - porch, for gentlemen only; no sick. Phone U. S. AND MEXICO BROKERAOK CO., terms, 11,650. FOR SALE.

MM?. BIS Mills Bldg., El Paao, Tex. PARK BROS.-- SO PAINSTAKING, My team of young driving horses, with 1 hereby announce aa a ""Mtlitt PatAUSTIN fc LVRII, tt UP TO THE MINUTE, brass harness and Herculesrooms. lop buggy, all nearly county juaga la opposition to(100 TO 0 WEEKLY PROFITS Adrian Poolcaplea Build mg. Telephone HSKPG. and fura, rooms. Court bouae bfk. beda, running water, 1 years' lease, and, new and in excellent condition. Price WtO and so ina aetum -- r , ..from MOVING PICTDHE SHOW. Price 14.950TEAMSTERS, railroad work. N. M., SLTt and l ook! KENT only 75; summer; 1100; win-ter;

ror complete oniric Illness my only reason primal lea.BTLLARD ft HENRY. PHONE Ht. IS; free fare. Cook, city, too to MD. Ste-

nographer,THE KENNAHD, 423fe N. Oregon. Hooms. 1150 month and up rroril, CIGAR, shoe SNAP. ror selling. Team can be seen at atable ad-



BROADDUS It LE BARON, city. f73. Two waltresaes, N. SHINING etc., store; very dwell; 875. SEE PARK BBOB., FIRST AND LAST. guardhouse al Fort bayard. Lieut. 1 hereby annousoa myaali aa a """Uli'iBOU tUB. M., sn. room and board; free fare. KOH RENT large airy rooms, summer Grocery, cash receipts 175 a day, guaran-


O. R. Booth. Bar Tax Aiaassor at El raao county, suhjsclPAYER TWYNHAM EMPLOYMENT rates. 415 Upson. BARGAIN. NEAR LIBRAHY, yn. COMPLETE. io the Democratic primaries lo be held la


PARK BHOS., U& Mam St., Crawford WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT! FOR SALE Family horse, surrey and dar-nels,

July, ilia. H. U. camprooms, private09 W. San Antonio St. Phone 1411. Theater. PARK BROS PARK BROS. cheap. Inquire 7Li N. Kansas. Phone

CO.. One block west of Paao Del Norte Hotel. balb, sleeping porch; reasonable. DOS B.rooms, business district, 97 beda, coin-

ing947S. 1 hereby announce myself a "iiHfliit fat

Mntal Sheldon. Both Nevada. Phone . FOR SALE General merchandise alore In1380 down. Cetra surveyor, m opposition la J. W.

Arizona town, doing about money; Eubank, and aubject lo tba action of usaI P. COLES a BROS., iwal Eetau. and in business a year: 19.500 will handle 1L Ad-

dressPARK BHOS PHONE 098. Democratic primarles. R. MONTIJo.

sur anee, Morobouae Bloca Phono tas. WANTED A good, sober shoe cobbler, with Merchandise, care Times. 16 rooms, running water, rent no. nearp. s. W. 11,900, terms. The La Selle Co.t. Bldg..reference. Bowie Mercantile Co., Bowie, HOOMS. 11.50 week up; 810 E. Overland. JKeelty

DOUGLAS C. CRUW10.L,Aria. For SALE saloon in heart or El Paso is tne nest town on can in or HERALD BLDG. PH. lit. For Sale Real EstateMult Blast.Eatate. lnaurance. IPS fine the house business If you pauon-li-Real town, doing business; Cheap rent; rooming Fire and Automobile Insurance.

B. F. HAMMETT a Bun, WANTED A Mexican druggist, speaking For Rent Apartments long lease. See Creel. Phone 5075. PARK BROS., IIS Mam St., Crawford FOH SALE Dandy chicken ranch and home;with in Mexico. Theater Bldg. Phone 0M for automobile.English, experiencePhone jw.k. Rinek. Houses For Sale south front lota; one block toK. 335, care Tlmea. FURNISHED apartments. 700 Mundy Ave. SMALL business ror sala, suitable for aHORACE d. STEVENS, man or woman, a fine aide Una for a PARK BROS. street; very easy terms, bargain price It

and insurance. WANTED MEN TO LEARN THE BARBER UNFURNISHED apartment in the Flak; public stenographer. Price 100 cash. See sold soon.leal Estate TRADE Be Independent. Few weeks sleeping porch and private bath. Howell, 18 Morgan Bldg. Gilt-df- e Mouse Le Selle Realty Co.JAS. J. WATTS. completes. Positions walling. Our grad-

uatesRealty Co. &omlnf

Francisco SL qualified tor beat Joba. Wages while II rooms. Texas St., rent sto. WOO. 1.UODI IlcrtACU 111 1CU1.VU.learning. Tools given. Catalogue mailed Special Noticed rooms, San Antonio St., rent 65, 11,150. PHONE 1B9.

Money to Lou rree. MOLER BAABEH COLLEGE, Ft. Worth, 39 rooms. Mesa Ave , rent 1135, 19,000. l oit SALE By'owner. house, imiTexaa. TO Whom It May Concern You will taio Mew Americas. I rooms, Myrtle, all new, ll.oou. N. El Paso SL Call at 19S Flrit National

MONEY loaneo ea roooa aiored wttb ua SHOEMAKER, Arliona, X per day and up. notice that the United Stales and Mvuco FOR SALE, Bank Bldg.HOWELL EMPLOYMENT AOENCY, Brokerage company, a partnership com-

posedV..U.CUI tutoraat. fi- -l former location, or the America r.. mom brick cottage, with 100 reel front. 10.500.H. L. STEWART, 18 Morgan Blüg. or otto H. Jacobs, I. Vlacarra, Jose-

phine vaiO Kitchen, lux San Antonio St. Naw- - on comer or Brown and California sta. 99 acres, adjoining Fort Bliss militarySt. Vlacarra and 0. hasFl our v. s. StantonWANTED I mill man, 3 s carpen-ler- a ror articles of incorporation,

Vlicarra,and alter

appliedAut. ly lurnlshed, handsomely decorated. Spot-

lessly 4 rooms, rent tto tltt House lacea cast, bss beautiful lawn, shade reservation on east. Terms io suitÍ.xly"'" MONEY I MONEY! Apply Stanley llevan Planing Mill. clean prívale boolua lor ladiea. 400 trees, flowers, etc. Everything to make ago, loll, will do business under the same 6 rooms, rent 137 Pricefor Baa W An, rruprivtur. comfortable. WAKi; pari cash,Van money homewe alwayt furniah you name, but as a corporation. g rooms, rem lo 4S0 calllong time, phone 971 ror INCOME 70 PER MONTH,soodany lesiumata purpoee If you i have UNITED STATES AND MEXICO Nu'ITCE or Sale of Unclaimed Freight for rooms, rent 40 6o balance

to room modern brick, 50x110 feat,Our rates are the Ipweat. BHOKEHAOE COMPANY. 09 retit 15urlty. W,VI l rooms,rrciat" a.-Truit 3ldg. cnpaiu v. corner Fourtb and St. Vraln sis. PriceI4LOAN ASSN.. EXPERIENCED real estate salesman. IS II rooms, rent W 710 W,W0; 19,000 cash, balance 1, 9 and tMorgan Bldg . ELEGANTLY furnished apartment for rent; burg' a aau Antonio Hallway hereby gives 19 rooms, rent 111 TOOJAS. J. WATTS,


We can loan you any amount i rooms, modem, steam heated. In the notice iu. w " - " 11 rooms, rem 40 oio Phone 464. IM San Francisco St.Colonial in Sunset Heights; everything new; the Mills sircoi iii Bwnu v,,j i 13 rooms, rent lio 1.I0U

Improved El raso city GOOD INSIDEbasis;

photographerall luriilsbed,



centage wauung distance; special summer rates El 1 SaU, CI VUUll.j, . ...a, a. vuilll, II rooms, rent 40 WOupon bidder, tor each, tt rem tto i.avoAustin a siarr. Agenta, fnone saw. outcry, to the highest one rooms,Box 89, city. car ol waierwelons, lu ear S. A-- P. 7I4, for oolll. rent H5 1,100 For Sale or Exchange RENTS COLLECTED.

FoH MENT Unfurnished modern room the purpose or satisfying charges due said 39 rooms, rem its.', a. Lal me collect your rents. I make a spe-ciallyWanted Female apartment, I large porches, aleam heat company against this shipment and the cost 45 rooms, hotel. 96 baths o.ouo FOR SALB OH TRADE FOR VALLEY LAND, of rent collections. Bank references.Mt. Franklin Mortgage rnone lies. of sale, said properly having bean con-

veyedWe have grocery stores, saloon, baker SWELL HOME ON ARIZONA ST. FRANK J. ETIL.

for slid as a common car-

riershop, picture show, restaurant, etc., on Phone SO. 909 Milla SLLoan Co. wan TED Woman piano player steady BEAUTIFUL aparimeni at the Coly. Ph. SOU by company LA SALLE REALTY CO.

s i.rawrora i . and having remained at lis deslinstlon good, terms. Creel, with

Phone 4444. 106 N. Stanton X. X., care URNI8HED apartment, two rooms, kltcb unclaimed without payment of charges ror AUSTIN k MARH.

fntt an1 mmhlpm tnnlv tinr the period or time required by law. Fur-

therPhone 5071.

aiviTE on furniture. UINDEHY girls at 430 San Antonio SL geiu apartmenta. 711 N. Stanton St. noticeshipment

Is herebyis


thai Iheand

above7 HOOMS, charming Magorrin, private baths, LAWN HOSE. Allen Arma Co. Is always desirable

PARK FRONTAGEaod well remad In

lano dídTuvoMocí. real describedto rapid deterioration in value by de-


lovely porche, toOu, 9 rooms rented rorFoil SALE OH TRADE, FINE PIECE OF every my, and Hita la no exception. Tba

etc Good notes bought and sold. Phone WANTED A woman to make horseir use-ful

Housekeeping Rooms whereas an emergency Is created 50. PARI' BHOS., Ill Main 81.VALLEY LAND FOR CITY PROPERTY. park will always remain, and every foot of

ofrice. W"ru around bakery and lunch counter. ground around It Is ture of being improvedcall at our toua or mu company proceed undiy HALFAT PRICE.ment and confidential deallnya "J- Write p. o. Box 111. Valentine, Tex. HUCSKKEEP1NG rooms. 06 N. Oregon.

the sístole authorising Ihe sale of perlsTi- 14 rooms,HOOM1NG

plenlyHOI SE

or shade and ample gal LA SALLE REALTY CO. infeet

a good,Homage

substantialon Houston

manner. Wewhich

have 104square can309 Two nryimi".

c . '. a tWM STi lei v room; sleeping porchea; selei naiM he bought at less than market value. Im-provedgood rooming Situations Wanted borbood: close in, and will bear the stricton withmoney two cottages. Wouldloan you th'lcWF. can total tocity; chargesMiCandless, room taken andW eat mvesllgation; everyInterof -reasonable ratea make Idealat an apartment site. See ua for

ei5use notes

wül also help you to buy rooming YOUiNU MAN speaking English and span date 174.64. This shipment may be claimed bouse in haying condition; rurnlture in good p articular t.we lsu. Uookkoenlnt and stenographic work by lis lawrul owner any nine ucioro uaiu shape No ageuls. Ring 1170, or addles. Wanted to Buy HOTEL OR APARTMENT SITE.haul... 'v.Jg.L nigu rererencee. it.. Tinea. oi sale by paymant of charges upon appli-

cation93 care tunes.LEWl8 Cloaa In, paved dlatrlet, 160x190; nominalHOUSEKEEPING suite. Ill E. Missouri SL i M. Lasaliar, Ageui G., H. ato second-ban- tocia andMl. wanted Ton mantón St. Phone buy improvements; rents for 176 month.,m work parWANTED Bookkeeping to do nights A FEW ROOMING HOUSES.UoUSEkEEPlNG ROOMS. 90 Stewart. S. A. Ry. Co. guns. H. Motor, too S. Kl Paao St. Special price ror 30lireaioca, furniture. Pianos. ano sunaays. write n., rare nines. ft rooms; san Antonio Si. Pnce W00 days.

WE loan onautomobUea. etc .; buyi and sell alaWlNti MACHINES repaired by yoott o rooms; Myrile Ave CAS8IDY k NEEL.

diamonds, and do a n- - uooKKEEPER and all around office man A Zlnkler. Phone 110 7 rooms; best library; rem t9 Funuabed Hchattel and real eaUte notea desires connection with con For Reaat ouses FOR sale tenement site.EÓUUlTLrLuANt&SN.. Trust Bid,. cern by Aug. 16. 1914; experienced and com light housekeeping rooms. 316 E. Missouri

SS utOS. ' Ta. InUr IS 1Q1 .aalftd DM a rooms,rooms:


AveSt.; rem MS NJl.Til.Y rurnlTneJTuTigalow for rant to Corner SL Vraln and Second Sis.

ror cotutlruellng consist or 9 brickIn triplícale, cottsgea; lot.petent to iaae cnarge ot an ornee. x posáis, cash 650 rerureueea required. Not N. Florence; woo couple,rooms;tort 71x110.walks, guilds and drains el Proper Improvements here wouldroad.ran- rimes. close In 750 for full particulars and ralea.9 rooms; N. Stanton: tik. Writeuntil n bringBUss. Tex., will be neelvcd here, ample returns on the money. PricedEXPERIENCED io rooms, sll light liskpg.: rent WO.... G S6, earn Times.Educational stenog - io sell. Cana. in. Aug. 13, tun, auu men utnJ. n arrange good terms.

raphe r and bookkeeper seeks position. Ad ELaaHaa, f..r nUn, ele ahOUld ,1 SCCOlll II rooms; line location; rent W& 550 CASSIDY A NEEL.STENOORAPHY Is a greal unie and labor dress DM. care Tlmea. panted by certilled check lor 110 'o luvire 14 rooms; extra line rurnlture 1,700 For Sate Misralknaowsl.cXiu NOT SETTLED YET?........ tnMLiiv, eonlaliolia IIIOJU3 it rooms, all new; rem pit

COMPETENT bookkeeper and office man HSKPG. rooms, suns of 1 or 3, fine location.. 1,750 Listen! Before bornede". College Is organising private be indorsed "Proposals lor St rooms; Ught hskpg. you buy a look alPalmoreunder an excelleni and desires to maae change Ly Aug. I; capa usttis, ctose ui. oiair Apia., oi5ft n. camp als should

auu awi .- -. V7 rooms; lease; Woo cash t,7O0 this collage, tu E. Rio Grande.ron misa,classesOpen to all studenw who hell. Hoads.


E. Hunt, Depot Q. M El Paao, W rooms; Wearing Woo monthly .;.jou roil BALE- - Boms eeooad-kaa- type aad Parking and ureal Improvements paid tor.elgflln grade English, Capt. 39 rooms; swell location ajOO ases. HI Paae Morulug Tluee Office. Will remodel to auu purchaser, ft ngcea-eer-

nava completadwLa0fl principal. FOR RENT. Tei. we ran arrange terms on any or the Lot 30x190. south front. Lorsted ess

81., El Paso. Phone BAM. 9 housekeeping looms Hale or unclaimed Freight for above, and have outers, large aod small. No Ihe beat residence street in the city. WalkPosition cbaurreur; ofMl N. Oregon WANTED aa yeara Milletblock north of the poslofflue.... other Charaaa kl trouble io enow you. mr distance. You know what that Is worthexoerlence: can do own repairs: local ref Freight andracing the Plata; tab Unpaid JAS. A. MeMAHON, on a stormy night when tba street cari arato character, ability, elc. Address H. Mobr, 309 ri. Elerencia as PARK bio guns. out of commission.Phone is. -- ooa. 104 N. STANTON ST. PHONE 6453 This property la pricedv burg' Antonio Hallway hereby givescare Times. kSpecial Traotocs. Chauffeur, HOUSEKEEPING rooms in sullea of two or sanSEWING midlines. Ihe besl made, for rent. lo tall; good terms.

three; close m. 913 K. Missouri. Ph. 541k nonce mat on juijr sv, w CASSIDY a NEEL, til MILLS ST.'"". ,ii.ia,-- ii üt Hclflelbera cook (Jap; wants position the muís si. toaui trscs, m o w. ... w w w w 13 1 IflOIIIII, Ol will sen juu u,,v u, whotel and restaurant experience; hotel ,. DUbllC Take one on trial. Fouix 4 Zlnkler,OK. AUcJK uronlc iua or I'aa.. nxilllir Tflll. SI monthtsarasaayi. FOR RENT Light housekeeping rooms; half ROOMING HOUSES FOR SALE. FOR SALE SOUTH SIDE preferred. Address Cook, care for caau, one

Nervous Dleeeaea. FemaU Dliseaaaa, Burg- -

limes. block from buiuet cai. Mra. Lillian outcry, to the hlghesi bidder, Price m mom brick, rented for 117.50 par..a... f. kin Atiirmio SL lover vauglm, lout N. El paao St. car or waiermeions m c.i i. iw.. ,w rooms on N. Florence; rant 37 WU iiiif VIM a PIANO TUNEO. month. Special price ror 10 dayi. closedue agidA rdomei. Hour ' 10 lo ' the purpose uf satisfying charges rooms on Magoirui; rent WO 17! Special in, on corner lot, tonto.rerimahed by experts.the ouat orti.ia aim, infill, andFOH RENT Two rooms, luruiabed for repairedperteuce, uses typewriter, beat of refer-

ence,S rooiua uu Coiiou; rant 40 tK CASSIDY A NEEL.AUtLA H. De KELLER, free and Scalp

bond, age si, write T. M. 0. lot. housekeeping. Phoue 300- - W. or ssle, said properly having been conveyed S rooms ua Myrtle; real 40 K ratesBILLIM.hthis uiouui

PIANOwuhSTORK,jiwisiiilot N. Stan


faca dafecia.i riuuT

reckiiuuiulea. smallpox pus. mes. BEST pine paid for second-han- goods ui 52-- ESS a, o. .no. o, ,o un a rooms oh W. Missouri; rent WO.... totion. (Advertisement.) APARTMENT SITE,

hair. 3U Upson. Pbutw MOft-- El Paso by 9u per cent In exchange ror 10 rooms on Myrtle; rent 4u M cloaa In on Prospect; corner lot.supeifloua barbar wants work. Address 11 rooms oil Nevada: real tat wa GET a wrist natch, 19; guaranteed 1 year. Price 14,100; terina lo rnone jioo. routs a. uuuer.Barbar, ara niaaa period Ol lime irouimu ui 'ipwmmt "v It rooms on Myrtle; ASM tig 1.900 buuuor A rii.ns. El Paao. Tex. 1 CASSIDY a NEEL.THHEE housekeeping rooms, running ua tice is nercny given ma. 16 moms on Myrtle, with 6 baths;.jTlb..a la ... . Mllll .lllllA't ÍAJJC Six sets lead and alx acta wheel NORTH STANTON ST.trr, hath in connection; no sick or ehll rent 171 1.5O0 Foil APARTMENT 8ITB.?r52 !: ,r siav.. . .. u h ham harness, also two salt expresi Lot 16x190; corner.dren. Call at Wt N. Kansaa. 99 rooms on Mesa, rem tioo 1,000 i Special price for

VlUUil LESSONb. Phoue 48I0. whereas an emergency Is created authoris-ing

Si rooms in the downtown dlalrsel; wheel hsiness, excWIeot condition. Inquirí tan dayi.OCCIDENTAL CAFE, 101 s. biantou. new una company lu proceed under ihe rent SI95 M00 Mayfield A shaw, contractors. Ft. Bliss. CASSIDY k NEEL.

UAJICIA VluLIN LkoaONS- BUCKLkJt and clean, cuop suey auu uoouies,Regular uiuner. ate. 36 rooms in IBS downtown district, A Hall safe, practically new, weight aboutoLUG. styles. efier rive days notice, shipment HIO CHANDE STREET BUNGALOWS.Height rent sl30 4JU0 inches. 904t foal tPeaiaall. Texas, consigned lo Webster 9,900 pounds, height t new 5 room bungalows, basements aadrromSecond Hand Goods room aparimeni; rem too 4,000MISS G. K. PRATT, teacher or tba vioilu E. overland ta.

phone tm i. Loat and Found i.ouiusiij. in. ' ' - r SEE NYE, WITH W. C. BtLDEN HEAL ftta Upaoe Ave, be claimed by IDY a NEELmay LaidWHY throw away your old furniture wnen 75.M. This shlpioeni CO., 901 MILLS ST. PHOnfc 9U1. fun hale (.ash. my stock In onlyLOST Monday, between (Ml Upson and we are poetlvcly the highest payers ror ware in m in town uf ,oo. P. W. berry. NEW BUNGALOW ON ROOSEVELT ST.snoppmg disulci. gold bracelet. Howard. second hand lurniture and household aril' sale by peyiiwni .f charges upon applica BIckM.lL. 0SV. N. Oregon St. Alpine. IX. t room, basement and besung plant.Heiui'o io un Upaoa. olea. El Paao New and second Hand Store tion so .... . - f t rooms, close In. always full, ato. 15.000. terms to suit

El h Co. rooms, low rem, money maker, in MRS, E. V. PICK HELL will have, ahortly. CASSIDYPboae SaM. sou s. Paao. k NEELAucllua SaJaa uu tsuui.uu atrofca. LOST About BUles below aleas uu the v room, a big snap, WU. too slabs ol Burbank spineless cactus to

new county road, a blue serge coaL it 9 rooms, beat in Wly, two. selltli per nunurea, i lor uny, viu ivr APARTMENTrsest eL SELL YOUR FURNITURE for all Ha worm. SITE ON W. BOULEVARD.Entrance Mid. has on tae upei a pouce naoge, ,o. tul. in Personal It rooms, heart or illy, 1,100 twenty rive, toe aaeb, two for 7lc. All wlih-i-

OTOce: u otptea Ranges, stotea. all kind, beaters, lino nvsiisv; retaining wan and stdewalka la.lUals J. W. n. Malum lo uty ball tur re It earner, 11.440. with lo Mra.1 Sell KverytkUd at Aaaasaa i Private i leuut. lee boxea and clothing, ion I urn rooms. good to buy send order, money,

ward. co., sue b. El Paao. Phone 407. HIGMT WAY LALNDMY. PBOSaa IIW. II rooms, a perfect mint, tt Jvo. E V. Flcirell, Altura, Texas, and they will CASSIDY k NEELat rooms, worib mure, a auu. be sent to addraitMineral Water UK. 0UILLa.lMu y clLsWOKTH-Burgl- cal it rooms, coming money, MM. N. FLORENCE STREET BUILDING SITE.dlaaaaea and diseases ol woman a ape These are absolutely At buya. Tba beat 41x190; tornar, east front; 11. SOU

WHY nrink ueau, maipiu distilled or uiii cialiy 414 San Auionio St. Hours: it a. in locauous in the my. When you bay irom For Sale Real Eatate CASSIDY k NEEL.try or ant water wawavfoe can gel law .u-uj- u

aaeaaul-asa-auxujkujsiLjKa. WANTED To buy aerand hand tools Ui l P- u. a v - r- me you aie guaranteed proiecUou in every

Uve, puje, uourisliing itot Vveala water, me If yea aai a auioaiebuel guns. H. Mom. K S. El Paso SL way. I nava plenty of outers and H you are invited lo inspect tbaeaes ev lauraaaj car. gasaj l falih in the niter urban val SELLERS KITCHEN CABINETbast labia water us earuir aioaey back it waul to get your moneys worm aiiu nave baa backed Its wa willuuk caae dwas not iuve your sumiai n ut aao KOa,auao. aauaebeaar WL BUI, sell and exchange second bead fuaítusúsd aoau both tl cent

no legréis, can picaneu nrsi ruusse aa ley with si'.'.ooo.isAi Bark youra with (Ui have on tbe floor July 16 the boat tket laktdndy weuaia fbuus auau at wtc iar a furniture, c. L. krwu a lie., IM out-o- f town add cams posta- r. o. Box per month lor one or ihoae acre tracts on made. Foula 4 klukler. III N. Alan loo.

FISk TIRES, Allen Anna Co. Stanton St. Pboae 17. tot. Ward Agency. íue mverurban. ll will mean future prosHoT WELLS WATER CO., fl Malu SL clairvoyant, 700 ft. BlaatOB SL Office for Rent a"'- -

FOR bargain In asolorcycle call Mis. SPECIAL DISCOUNT FOH CASH FOH ANY yCEEN MAt.THING YOU WANT IN TMfc FUAMTUHK Foots tut Main BL4SEWING MACHINES repaired bysale 4roa Hup. as, good uroa. eao LINE. PRICES CAN NUT BK BEAT IN ELcash, cbalmara Motor Co., get s. Satiu PASO. Sight will prove It. louts a Ziakler, SPOTS removed sctenuiieauy iron aau unaier. ruusse nw. so ACHFM. I PFEH VALLEY

LAWN MoW ERS anarpaatod. Aliae Aria Co. ra SL 113 v Stanton St. este lingerie. sum iu.NT- -1 uruiahad office ui First Na aiaiul 99 miles up and hall mile iromw roausier; nmst be Creecent Cleenlnf Werke uonal bank building. .laiion Will nade ior tt raao proper :y DEFINITION OP A BARGAIN.

WE buy, sell and exchange furniture, mail sai snua. i or to acres of valley land, allwagoua toa ouggiea io repair, wsausli good osell you new lunuiurc, iaae your osa as PHoNK awl At lo WILL CALL. The Le belle Reeity Co. MUls SI. Phone 13. in high siete or cultivation, faces

undo or auk. forgutg. We have fUai claaa i st paymcni. aad you can pay IS por Fii.sia usvclopad FKk-- by aa ex- paved road, half mile of Canutillo,mirr'' sad guarantee oil work. W call 1 PAaSENOEJi SLICK ALTO. BHO. teal par munih on roer purchases .n4toi secassw, - uei

kUCRALli BUILDING. THREE GOOD ULYS good house, outbuilding., elc. Pricefor aad dearer Bursas We want a buy a loo down, balance M uwutb H. L. STEWART rcaniTUHK CO., unces'


guaranteed prlnia. Tba clover ii. room bouse, oh car lure and paved 1165 an aare. Would accept pari laof ponies aad mule. Wa are lo Fbuoa PARK BROd. 9S. Ti oldest insisllmssxl Houee in the am. ,.,..l.. klan . Tsxsa. Wanted lo Rent alraei. Please note lbs prlcu WAW- - Flue my pioparty-

celad at the old Donnelly shop. ) MUI. Si. rental prupusiuou LA UNION FARMS 00.,pooava Uao-- Utusgatoiie a Balnea. aoMK amiy ui sjtcow-iuji- caas. wanted ah kinds of furniture we pay BRING polisbaa jewelry fraoi old waicbea,

WANTED To mil t rooms, furnished for 4 room Douse on anase av., s uní tuts, With Hawklna Bros.UXAJLsJvCE SALE SSaSBBteTkiH more tor rw wu iuau 'J urm m use eweu y insu. u light housekeeping, couple aad t 11J00.

A i room uouae wit huihsb si.; k,, uuuof reitiread reatal psaaoa aad players. Nudebaker : ajg ally. MB s. as rea, weaieru r urmiure Address pannaneul, care Times.

terms.Easy terata. see Ursa al aIL Co Phone I AW. Health ..&BinoM rrnieont.Ulvtkf riANanñaaU. ta N. aiaaiun.-U- d- suae: erm is tut Trust bids Fbooe was.

Packard tour about, Uu to Mol v.B.. tl Paao evenly . lo gatWA.VIfcD HtNf HOUSES

pciuianchi relief "om your rbwumausn.. mis WILL uiTaaaaJrT-- b.

or by day. Mra aaa.aa.k mmm kldUSV ITOUbla. Mot Wellsfuraialstd bouses dally For ijulck raaulu tba greataal year lu the history of El Paso s oh VAMNÜ LAND.

.soaker IM4 .. .tar navas ralla to raHsve m a raw aara. suburban valley. Don t wall until pi ne s 1. .o. I ki II seeuou-- u miles east or aau..laaafi.j0 ,.v. it trim ' ..Ui ' ' Satbk use. expert



lorpood Hotel UrRANK J ETIB, 10t MILLS ST., are out or your reata, uei aa acre new lor Peso, good gr

laforuwau i ax Ta nal si qui a ilaih niHENDERSON. Draaamakar Ph.Sin PatelEw. sx s MISS I.. art 4. uao or eafl MoT WELLS WATER CO a sta siavr-- aassneabls BSl safa offlea, Mt k ataln BL

ThamUy. Jnry 16. 1914.14 PASO MORNING 1 IMES

What Are You Looking For?It On This Fage

Tinner Whips,Cigar Futuras. tavaev Addreaa P. O. Sax SSLAdding Machine. Ffcaas ISM tar Tinner Water aad Wl lifts Watt Tex ss

rkrn are otrr lws haadrsd BurroughsCa.

ri.taraa Brunialrk -

:at rrtes Oss assy aad Mae MarkaL Tbs Lay aalty Trast Cssapsny, AM Erbags cans; rspalr work a

AiMlnt Msrhinet In u In El rsso. am Wyoming. We baadla tbe heat gra-ce

aa si nasi usiaf assvi a ssas Aatoala.valla Bin daand bargains la rati aetata,

v..r mimm and Pcrsasas! Mlrhael. A tern, nothing At Blutaen tfcal't rise at tawast priesa Fhoae 1671.reátala. sad collections Booming Trunks and Bags. Window Cleaning

I enltnl bT Keeping Tear CBeeBing The L g relea, riathla ai Bum ktnal'a liar esaretablss, frarte. aB- a- aaw hoatee sad small arreares All Bind, sf Trunks Kl Paso Trank Fac windows assd eteaalag. phoaa 77heat la the amarheL I'hoas M. f7 S,

U da city NsUoasl Bunk- raragaa Treaeete At Blnmenthala Kl Peso. tory, next Crawford Theater.

k Ca. Ctotklag At Blunieelfcar. rsrobe 1 rusks At Blumen- -

Assayer. Gems sod Jewelry. If year wisas era assd rtaaalag. phone 728.

A .. Chesirets, iHiMO CrltclraU Contractor and Builder. Taxaa Taraseis. Co. Ei l'.ao's Oem Hhop. 111 get for you at enesrprDlUMi for ore Cutiera, Dealers aad Manufacturera.


to H Me Smeller; umpire and J enálage A t. Baaaar Bldg opals, Tnrquolas sad aU Real Ettltt skilled snd reliable rrran foFBrappeabefaaier ChMkea tar Han aoitei (JatBS Sold at Cutters' Prices. Largas

Close is city property for Mark Cross I ralfcrr Goods At Blumenthsl's.h Mall Orders So-

licitad.MHTi "Ic Hfor

Ittora Display laUb


west.Francisco St. cattle; good farm near Aathony for lots Toilet Preparations. II kinds ef sutomeslls work.

aaaasss sad chsaslctKcpraaBBta IleaBl. B. McKee, Hi Kan A ate ale at. We do or cottage. Bargain in uovcrnmeni saw

rtm Bui. atvsn. sit T.iu Headonartersto the Kl Peao Smaller. kind or iiuiiding worn, uam Beset Kbits let wait curtís lots. Vendor's lien notes bought. W. M.Peroxideaay Wardwall MM earsful ranged. Jobbing and repairing a King, , US Texas. CsrL Stevens Bldg.. Phono , Ward a Toilet Articles, s

"" Cream, wit hiaxel cream ana naive, ggprompt and

JOS Kanaccurate

Frsndsco St.. kl Pao, Juei call tkt. O pale tt Ceate ta Site. Curtí. F. C. It an asm. Wholesale Land Office, Saver and Talcum Powder, too saeta.Cameron. It year wbadawe aead eleaalag. pbone TA King. 111 Texas. 40 410 First Nat l Bsnk Bldg. Mexico Package of Ward's Perfumed Borax'is ass. lands snd ranches. Ws have over M Powder Free.

Gloves. Messenger. million scree listad. Largest MexicoDairies. Castas Cart us phone Diamond land list la U. B. Transfer and Storage.

Mines Examined and ttporta uMilk Notblag addeO, nothing taken away. Far Aat sase halieto West Texas Baddlary M pbone sot. To all parts of tha city. StorageTransfer andCo. Our motto: Prompt-nee- W. c Beldea 24 Mills BI. Meets r WesternOpea day and night. Keslly Co.,J net aa It comet irom tna cow u gee re St.I E. T. Amonett. Co. Pbone OS. SI San FrsndacoA sad Lineman'sChihuahua ale 824 Milis BU, Ml Besl estate sndram liw and contumer 1 he cleaneat dairy In Taxaa. sad Foil tencas. Phases (277 aad SIT

Iiui Etery bottle eterUlaad befor. filling Paso, Tax. lands, A. 1. W'lllismt; employment Leak! lash I Merina Your move aexL: ICatablUBaa a El Ualry. Harness. W. B. Camp; rooming houses, Har-

ry ask yanrO.. Call prices;as ourAssay op; satCo. Osakaua Bklrta aad t'aderwaae Harry fowls snd H. Nye; insurance sndT5. H. keamon. S. --Wast Texas Saddktty neighbors who has best storsge bouse,l"r Swain, lu Texas. losas, W. C. Bslden; business ensncetand Mialog best trsnsfar menCkeuiltts beet moving vans;Dentist.aayers. L. C. Msnnlng. Want lo buy,for or. Hhlppare. ond Uaad Har- and rcntslt, Bee Odom's Trsnsfer Co,

iucu rlt- El I'M". Ts- - - " Dr. K. W. Bryan. Brntl.l, JM Herald Bldg Mexican Curios. tell, rent or trsde? Bee usl Do you needhelp or want s Job? See us! MeI LoOC I I'aea, Tax. .i'bona .118 M.

ArtLur W. M.uek Aeasysr and C Or. Lee MrUteek, Oeatlat, Me ea M Hsrdware. Repairing.Co.

A m.d. " "d First Matlaaal Baak Bldg. -- All work Garden Meet, Hake., Bfceeeie, S passefnr ora skippers. guaranteed, l'bonr tOl. right price.. "Call and oaB again." t Aaytklng fa Lsatkce K. T. AmonetL

".. lil Fees. IE Boa B. Kl Paso. Metal Buyers. Metsreyele MsBwirtag Smitk Machina Co., A Tklnx Worth using Is Worth DstsaTel Ball 71. Dressmaking, Adjustable Forms. Metal Buyare Metals' buying aad Kafln S18 8. Ksnsss. Wsu TsxVco Trsnafsr Co. Phoaas Jtti

Bereen Wir Paaltry Netting of til kinds. III Co., 2io sao rrtnciaeo at. aad 7SX.

Athletic Goods. Maraaaar Malr gtaaailfler xally At I'ollard. "Call and call again." ton B. Kl Piso. sewwwMMMrvreswMMVvMrresfvnarrrMerMevMe Old Made Mew WUk Ms Me FleasW, Millinery. Tclepbonc 7tl sad 7St far Mavhssy Taa.ttoeesMMÉo. w!bi

Ba.el.allCo, ub Ki P' st. Detective Agencies. Hat and Caps. We Carry a Complete Lias of s

Taa Tklal Oetevii.e Bar. lea I empaar Dunlsp lists ai Blumenlntl s. millinery at reasonable prices. Hats Refrigerators. Turkish Baths.Architect Moom tit Klr.t Auiluual Bauk Building. trimmed and mads orar. Feathers Tbe Da ywa want to get rid of your rheums-Usm-

stale NATIONAL Wild., with office, la all htelaou Bala Al biurúenintl s. ciesued end dyed. Mass Millinery. 502 Leonard d reusable RefrlgeratsrsFound only at Do you wsnt to be In sbsps whsLined7 Pon slaintdward Race el, Arckllecl Houros principal cltlaa In taa Catted state., Mass. Co. ths hot weather Is coming? WhiteFurnitureNational Hsnk hulg. Phone mo. Canada aad Mexico Solicita your Rogers Lady attendant Chiropodist,

aa an ring immediate ana qualified Motorcycles. tot N. Oregon. I'none 1UBU.

Auditing. attantlaa. Meateaa asm brsrae Fancy trimmed also Thar Motorcycle. Smith Mf1' C, BIS Saddles. Typerrater and Office SuppliesAudit City M' plain palm lest, all sisas. Henry S. B. Konsss. --West Tsxas Saddlery Co. There are aver two hundred Burroughso and Linoleum. Ban Francisco StDraperies, Rugs Beach, wholesale, tub adding machines in use la El Psso.Bank Sldg.uai Bag. Atada 1 ron, old Cárpate Liu Bang Multigrapb Work T. Amonett. 40V

Nalloaal Bead Times Wsnlt Ads l.very sil lily Wellborn.c a, ai a or. tos Haaaea Slensgrapble OBwj BOS MUlt Bldg.baña lllds I'koos MSO. Household Necessities. Veterinary

tnur.usux aWsnassplBS MnoBlne 1US MM Dog Furnishing. Caae Beata Wseaa Du Bang A Wellborn. Nur serves. Safety Razors.Fraaclsco. rr Mu.alee aad Collar, .Waal lex. I Baddlary SB Paaa Nursery Ca., inc. Fruit aod Safety Maser Blade kVseAuxrpsaed. Double

CO. CBlaeae aeubreldartre on uraaa Cloth orusmentel trees, xbruba, flowers sad adge, B6 cents dosen. Single edge, SuS Dr.whole Oregon.Dollies, aspklns, lunch cloths; Bsltsr tbsn new. Byen aplanta, roses uur spsstalty. Nursery sad cerj ta dosen.Auto Agencies. sale Uenry B. Beach, tOk bau Francisco Sloes. B. A. Higglna. Phone BBS.

BUd or ecu Houses, kaVO block Alameda. DrugMB.lard Malar Drugs and Remedies. Phone oaSU. Flower Store, 100 N. Stan aad ul.d.. Eclljraunc lsih. Fred nrhaefer B.tablltbed 2S 11 ton. Phone 62t. It. A. Harria. Mar, Olilstts saleiy Masara Watchmakers.Mí rile Trading rises. .

years, hBsatUy Tsar TareV Hoae sad oaa.At Pollard. I AM A WANT AD.Antaa M Mena Ara.l'reacrlpllona a apeclalty. Spades and Hskee, Bprloklsrs. Keerja-thin-

.seujwsal Ada freak aalaa I'bona ISO. tor the Tsra Work. Bogsrs Fur-niture

Optician and Optometrist. nal sty ttaasr Blautas, honed aad strapped Texas. iCopvrlffht, OU. hy DtPorttt Porter.)caía. Co. aad Sterilised Double edged, 8Sc dusen;cara." Cola Clay tea Uaa; --Kelly at Follara. Caryl u. MIU 421 Masa Ave., opposite eBy dosen. Xoor own Watches cleaned Baa, main springs 60c,

BOcOUk N. Malleee Crasa oil.e Oil Kelly Pollard. water office. My optical service omorscaa stat-l- edged. crystsls 15c. All work guaranteed twosolicited. -biaoitt car eeu alara. ( olnrlle l olor, aew aad aid straw hat. more tbsn tbe eel ling of gooda, Includes blades returued. Mail orders years. Geneva Jewelry Co, 225V Bsa I'U ptece yrm In a steady Job, ft

saa. Phone 1IM. Kally I'ollard. Mandeellla A King Co. Flower Seeds. aa accurate eye examination and frame Fred J. Feldman Co. Antonio St. workman andntgu Co. Fkon adjusuueui mat will (tve resulls. Ph, 7W. njciu yon are an automobileI'laat dulce Belly I'ollard. Bsxail Orderllee Kelly A Pollard. Safes and Vaults. Wagon Yard know that the Wants mean oppor

jB Aaeseer Waal i'sxaa Saddlery Co. BazaU "as" Hair Taala Kelly I'ollard. Liquid Veaeer Makaa Old Thlaga Osteopaths. Bafaa Opened, camb. milon. Chauxgad. Court House Wagon Yard Dealer la all tunity. Time Want AA get results.Kelly Pollard. II. K Wright, M. !., A. O. HersM Pbone . Ml s. til Faso kinds or rasa ; moies una norsss tor bbis Call phone 5050 and ask far tbe WantDrug and Remedie. Bid. Specialty, osteopathy. Basideaoe Phone 084. Cor. Campbell and Over-

land-Auto Painting. Thermse aWttlee Kelly ex Pollard. 126 Kuuipart St. Office Phone . Skirts Mads Is Mansers W. o. Murehead. Ad Kid. Ikulouiotii.e. carriage BaaaU Memeulse Kelly At I'ollard. Bealdence Fhone 102. Offlue hours, 10 402 North Oregon.

jinx, isxss Baaealaiead ( laaai lially at I'ollard. IVklak ttraaats aad Clothe, to IS s. m S to 6 p. m. Other hourf by uuu uirinrre. - -

Kelly St I'ollard appointment Sheet Metal Work.Acme Sheet Metal Werke Chas. A. Ksuff

man Ollie is. Moors. Oenersl BbeetAuto Kepairing. Your ClassifiedMetal Contractors. Usstiug sndin L. At luaouil". una an kluda


('empellan Olive OU, full naif plate. Be Modem la Baalaeaa Method, i Haea a Our specialty. 4U A'CSAS St, himsUli iu couaUucuou-C- aat

orsse. Copear afcu i ntepboae Order, ul. o lauaedMle Atten East Kl Paso Drug Store. Cheek al This Bank City Na-tional

1'aso. Tex. Fhone S4SU.' . .weal, saaBnaaBnarvaslsSsaaMiuuuaou, iron. W. can eiu any i tion, leieginouua lot and iw. axeu Bauk.

In trom one to leu r Drug Co., urndorff Hotel iba Beets Stare's Bsrgsls Signs. . Advertisement inuiatai parlaLouTe. d.peuuius upon ike ala. of MM, Block. Basement. Dra. Bswlby A Bewlhy, Osteopathic ,

MeCllatock Os. Slgus snd Out Dsor Ad-

vertising.Suite 700 Mills Bldg; Betldencepoal aud aava Pbons 100Uaauu email pan. by parcel 407 Office 2 5.Csllfornlu hours U,I'ollard.Waluiu cu, am V last Kelly atuiia fcl laao Office phone 4251 residence 427. cistn sign. Kl Paau Sign Co. Phuus 1182,iwauaaa. under the founder of osteopathy. Kl Faaa Slaps Oa. 414 ktasa Ave.

S2 Away W "aw A la ram, Four years college snd hospital training.V?. iuVk. Ikamkuillb Maclim. Ca, km I ollap.lble Feyer Bree. Teartot Orm year la Kl Faso. The Timesy Kanaas Ceotplet. Mae a Uraga East SI Faao Hue Emerson A Berrien, 824 B. El Pass.

sime. Orelap. aad taaklaa Caeaca J 'J;'".-

Llrog Buyer cold aigaa El Paau Sign Co. Pbons 1182.

court Maaae Drug stare Ut nan AntonioEl 1'sao Sign Co. i'houe 112.street. Fkoae mi tve are ss near you Metal algas728.Automobile as your pbone, yet out of tbe tilgb rent If yanr wladewe aa pbone Will Make "House-to-Hou- setaj.itj' UuU Btauu. solicit kan Met MoCUutock Co., aUearr drlr.ra. district. We your patronage. Horse Remedies. Photographic Supplies-- ieB'íóoÉBS earrfulCouiiaoua.MO Photographle Supplies Fred J. FeldmanuSbí and day aarrlca. Kataa. H.uu V' Educational. Htirae nesnedlee West Texas Baddlsry Co. Ca. Uliice Lettering El Paso Sign Co, Fkwns

tour. Trip. 6U cent par .... 1182.. - OOOD poilllont awsJilugi many mora than lieu Page loUay for paruculsrs. Btaphsaesa, Agent Baalga Canvass" for Youpay expensas wnue learnuig. vea wku supplies 210 N. Btanton. Pu.tcr Advertising U ttsstv McCUBtockAutomobile Supplies. thoroughly acooulitlc culling and uaat aew House Wiring. Co.

tag.Waraaruvad Aat. uypi uurr.rt tin uollbux, Bwatt Elrstrle Cs Bam Swat I. Mir. Photo. raDher. Shoe Repairing.

Un. ol Ac aaaatiriaa. I'none Mt. 107 8. Kl FkSO SI. Electric wiring sad flit uraa. Prompt Stephen.on, the Photographer. Tear kwt- - 1.service Ail work guaranteed. BOS N. Cha. Kokshr, Bast Maker Shop No.

Uera.r aJia Aula aoppl Ca Uaa Uraa,proot.

taa rtraaarha'l a.laaee Cellege Bookkeep-ing.

Btanton St.. El Paso. Tex. Pk. Bell 477a Texaa BU Bepalrlng doue by the Phone 50S0 and Boy Will.adO.U.1UJ tlr.. puncture Stenography, Bpanlah and Engll.h. Ooodyear welt the repairing systsm.

Auiowakl'. Sin mmm --r Kurulahaa ruuipeteut office help. Guar Home Builders. Picture t raming. Phone 873.antee, posit lona. Tas most up to data wMMMnwweMnwewwvreneesweeareee.e.n.aaaaa. Buslnaas College In the West. U. V. rhseotx-s- Fase Building Ca. Hornet Picture FramlBg Felmsu'A

Shoes. Men's and Women's.Mgr. Fbuuee , Trust Bldg. built on easy ptymentl. Buckler Call for Your Ad.Co.Tires.Automobile Blouk. Phone Ml. Printing. Bhss Findings West Texas Saddlery

llree aaaUa aA AUlaa Borderland Auto Electrical Machinery ft Engines. Co. "Quality A l.l Ule Saltar Frlallag lasa Seeass Neees- - tiaaUty" Skeea for Woman Bostonupplr Co. ICleetrte Matara, Bleetrle ttaaeeatara


atlrkpatrleknuiidcrs. ztw

j sary" Souuiwattarn l tiuung Co. Ask lor

S U. ll Mu. ble Southwestern Electric and Machina Co, Marsh.XUaa Borderland Autu Bupplf Co- - DO? Kan Francisco. des Stationery.

A. Brow aaleln A Co.. El Paso Texas Pound Paper and Envelope. The Time Is On SaleBsnks. Hides, pells, tallow, etc. office sod ware-

houseKelly a Pollard.

isul Taxss St. I'none 411. lur aerrtss la Bacines. Heliding Ideaa lalalcalattas klbAaae. MarraM"'

OaeelUxe aad OU, BaaaVe hy tka l unnectlan with tied 1'rlutlng "UlveLlaler im ttan fraadaca. Kagbsae, Tbs Cheek Aooeaal ayewnw at This Bank that next Job of PrluUog to PAUM" Souvenirs.

luteraatioual tee Ca. Baatkwaal- -at laereasee (Baalaaea Franklin Calorad Postal, aad Fald-

eraBefore for the trip tbe best thin to dp right now la tetokea've kvee a eea Bu Electric sad Machina Co.. tut Saa F raw as kseaaaty, help your Business UruW. Kl Fsee, Junr.a yon go away

Meat Ma- ernFrancisco. rreetlse, rad Bappllas tha Want, ef Printing Co., Ban Autonio and Campbell. Mexican Curios. Henry S. Beach, phone SOSO and aak tbe iin-e-a circulation (Ictavrtmesjt to eend the Morning

tinny M.u City NaUonsl Bank. wholeaale, 40 Sao Francisco St.Audll Co., CllJ Timet to you. We can change the adcarsa aa often aa you wish, failing

Audlilaa liiuraton JB I Tkan yea Bktra air lUnyaeMNational Bank Bldg. I'bona Haaa. pead

ska IMMseanraeaai

Ml TBI. Baak. It', tka Kodak Finiahing. Sporting Goods and Fire Arms. to do tills, you will find the llmea on ante in practically every resort anaYeue BUI. k Ckaak Tkraaffc a Madera rineurtal Way City MaUoasl Madaks aad ttadak FlaUblag Fred Do It New Bend In your order for en-

graved Ftrearae aavd Ammualtisa Bee Bheltos- - large city in the United H talcs. Tbe list below is a partial one only, butAccouat la Xbia nut I be'e Bauk. Feldman Co., to Sau Antonio St.. wadding invitations, and Psyna Arms Co. you'll Ond a wraootxte friend at any of tbe stands named tt you call there.lflu, la ta. MeboA NaUoual visiting

We haveSchool

u fluecomuencemeat

Use to select SpsrtUg tsaada la AU Uasn at Csrrsst Clip this out and put It bt Four bat band.Bank. Feather Renovating. Kodak Goods. Prices 8hclton Payne Arms Co. ATLANTIC CITY, N lAJUisvihiiit;, st.. iniewnaitrsaai

Feather. Maaorassd BrTla MAttraea sUdak W. O. Wals Old NewsEaetatea'a Sappllas Miller; C Stein Young's Stand.Fixture eat MillsCa., Bldg.Bar atsaoaiapklcFactory. Pboaa 1110. Co., 10 Kl Psso St. Hsiisoa Specialists. Pie News Stand. KANSAS CITY, MO. Yoma News Co..Bduaawlck Balka ATLANTA, GA. World B Co.; th and Main and 12th and Main.

Floor Wax and Oil. Madak Ftataaiag, tluu nolo at Ail Tluu Public Stenographer. SOB 80V Stavsns Bldg.. 2014 sou, 210 N. BUntoa. Star New Co. MONTGOMKRY, AhA. Mat to x CigarAa Old riear Made Maw Wttk Ms Ma Lsgal Work a SBsctnJly llauuun .huus ooot. UAIiTTMOKK, MI). World New Co. Stand, tSS Boobs Hi.Baseball Good. Leggings. uraphlc Co., Mills Bid. BOhro.N, MABs.-H- uk News Ca., Uly Mall M KM Pills, TtuNN. World News Co.

I kbeltun-feya- Arma Co.bed kVaawa Ma Ma Do you know Bass aad laxas Baddlsry Co. Plumbing and Heatiag.

Sracialists. Ave.. A Palatals,HUM.

Brans.PoatoífV News MOBIIiK, ALA. World News Co.

ueaerel Llae ml Maee kwAl OeaAe KaM No Notaad MeatUg. Ail Wera . . tlaaal ...ausoiailstsv.n... nihrul



RBnclalKup. BU'flK,

Stand.NEW OKXtCAN S Bays News Co., S4B

Kl 'a.o orug atura. Livery. 'luuibingltepatr work a apeclalty, V. B. dUesaee. Best equipped offices. Chargea 1 1,1 I.1.ANU, OHIO Lake Shore blldell Ave; World News Co. '

UKIFOBAM aiekall. rireeWa. a Florists. sal Livery Big. la city Tex Ice Trans-fer

Suspp, duo Ban Auwulu bi. l uone UVM. reasonanre. iuuiu....... ..... News Co.. 18 Proapexn Ave. NEW YOMK HotaUug Stand, 145Poruri aud Belllora Our prlaaa f la. parlad Falru. far Ma at sr. All Miada Co. It's a taap to have Saapp du your Block, El Psso, Tsx. CHAKhKMTON, S. C. World News Oo. WJMXh St.; Schuity's Bland, 1SBiba loweac Moretead, tka Tallar, potted pi. uta. freak flowers erary day. l.luuihlng. CH1CAUO Walters' Btagaxlno store,Nortb Oregon Ulra ua tout butlaaSS Bad balp us grow. Maraca MyrUe Trading Pisos. Suit Cases. OAJUAMl, CAI. -- Enquirer News Co., 81k

Tka Flower Hhop, 117 N. tanloa. Batead Maad Wageaa My rtle Trading Anderas Filler Bssity t; steal Aválala, S7 Monroe St.; Donato hyrraouo. saa waaaiagioa. llih and Washtngtsa,Trunk Factory.Place. and Inveetmenta. Paao UN Antlers NewsBakerie. Large Aaeerlaeai Cat Flea era. The iiulldlug. luaurauc. C0J.0A1M BIHIM.B, ana vvasatngion, uta saa WssBlas-lea- ,Flower Hhop 1'hooe . I I Buckler Block. Fkoae 41. Resorts Stead. 11th aad WaaklBflloa. 7th aad Washa aad K.eala fara rood Oat year bice Bigs aad Baddla Horace at DALXAS, TEX. M. B. Merer, 1108 lug Ion aad Mh sad Braadwsy.Urser't Bublea. Hack serviré night and Broadda. A am Barsa Ileal E.taia, City rheumatism, stomach or

Fountain Pena. day. Pruiapl attention. Phone B. Pkuperiy, MaaU aad laaursaoa. Auto Why sutler with Maiu St.; Texas Newspaper Agcut y, PUEBLO. COL. Pueblo NePlea. Oar. Are Beet la rlftj. Pbone MAX mobile, Wurkuiea'e Compeoaailuu, 'Ynrlumlm reU.f .. flo, WÍ5, Main and O hard and Oriental Hotel PHILADELPHIA, PA. CJuaker NewaJUTLr l " aai Take Tear Leaky fea o sha Feaatala Lumber. Burglary aad Firs. Valley Lands Texasr Besutlful ssnl Laxbby; F. MoCarroU, SOS Main St.; JO., SVB N. Sth St.

Billiard Tables. Fen Doctor at Bysn'a Drug atora.Amar loan Lamber aad Co. a Specially tW xB first National Baak El



i. News Stand, IOS S. Krvay SAN ANTONIO, TEX.- -iStkt Ma-

goffin.uiag. ruun KcouimodsUous. Kslat St. Cigar Stare, arsal sideTablea Bi un.wlck-Balk- Couaa Furniture. "Th. Madera Flue Kard."Salllard ...... s kl until lows liA.NVU.hE, V A. Virginia News Co. Plss; World News Ca., N. W. Car. Honsdar Co FaraMar. Upkalalene, .pairad aad nited blatas of Its age. Buy luta near. SrMtnUh CI SIS Lynn St., 70S Mala at,, aud taa ana navarraSupplies.Faekaa Do limn A Wall bora. Magneto t.orougb A Dyer. Trasuila-tlon- ST. PAUL, MINN World News Co.EroutCsreset Laumgeaga. riltoe Shine Stand InBowling Alley. Baeeh Supply aad asretas B tat law. Biaa sod Methsdc. Bepot ST. LOUIS, MO tasanProf. P- J- Go úsales, Lincoln Yiepot. KreU NewaUlc battsrias. out N. ofAlie. Brua.wlck Balka Collen starters, storage A F. I ola. A Urea. COTTON ADDITION, Boosts BuckMawllu Kansas Fkoas lata specially. Cloac lu residan t IMS oa Bcaool of Languages, DEN V KM, COLAD. SptU News Ce

dar (V Bid. SAN DIEGO, CAL--Boulevard, tsuo aad teno sack, i s casu. ler 11th and Weston Htm. i S. Wldotn, AI varado: P.Machinery and Repairing. balance to 6 years, par cent IntereeL cor. ISth and Cturlta. Hlucitloy; K. Neay

Blue Printing. Teases Myrtle Trading Plans. Office 207 Orsgoa St. Fhoa km. Ttutots OES MOINES, IOWA houls Hyxoan, Ameuoj.Bae rrtallaa Kl Faao Blue Prtal Ca. La sails Bsatty Co. Meal Estala, Xoeaa a Os--, Ta-"- IbBssbsb IT S SAN FHANC1SOO, GAL. Gotdext Gata

avT Saa rraaciaeo St. asesad Hand Myrtle Tradingand luauraaoa. Vallay sasads mué City Morsbssd. local rapraBentatlva. to North EOKT WOKTU, TKX- - Arsal B Nrnra News Co, 7 SB Market SCi, N.

arrias. KM b Kl l aao Property. Firs, Ufa. Accident, Automo-bile

Oregoa. Co., Main and Etiwaaaaet Vtta Broa., Wheat ley, Ferry Station; UnitedBoardina Stable. aad Tornado lesura ace. Boom News AAXeacy, Parry Station: Har-riottMantela and Tiles any Ca. tve tli and anata Sis.; UsHMBrtal

Baddla iklaa, a Large I si 320 First National Baak .sliding salts Made ta Msaaaes, v cu Newa TurkOrear', aieblee Stand,Maal lie at Kl Fase Mantel A Tile Cs. Tile floors aad Fkoae 24. Moretead, tbe Tailor. 408 Kortt Oregon News Co., Moore Bldg. and Market:arm a apeiauy. raone wm. Met ormlck News Co, IT Powell St.;wainscoting la balk rooms snd operst lfrrevewawjMMVeeWirswsawieew CAJUVKSTXN, TEX. Calves Hotel;

log rooms af hospitals. Falsas tlis Real EAteTrUaTtsia suad UatWattce Lt Daadss WesBaa Mills ssska year sua. Bouthll News Stand, Slat St.; HMb L X. L. Newa Co., BS8 Market St.;I do not find what you want on Butt. Í IS haa Antonio. Newsyou maaiele. tbe vary latsst; great variety F. ataos. tuer Pvjnloiflc terry's Stand, Perry station;SaSats lay News Stand, Trfsstunf aadIBM pa, ream v ant Aoa. em pace llak aad Ooldao Oak Cater sob a Bar of pslterae and colora Exeknagss. Baal Adants News Co.

rlen. Kit b. Kl Faaa. Ornalas I cade - lay F. Kaox. Fahrtes Caed ta Meadas Ctathaa St.; luterurbau Newa Stand. Sll Slat SANTA . N.I.Duuiontt nDuycia. MtU SJ Saa Aalonlo. St.; T. B. LaMStolae Jk Co, SIS Ire- - a harrowsPharataey: r

Kaaeaasa A Berrlaa Far Ike beat line of Cat Frtes tsrsssry sad Mans MarketAaM


KeflulunBulllea0, Bar


MetalaVraa furniture Is towa at tbe right priesa. Beat ssesta. lowest prices Fkonn 171. but Msssa We build heasae oa eaay Msssure civtkaa. tie baa Astoaia. HOUSTON, TEX. BottAraT Brcav, 419

aPlATTLL,New Stand:


O.News Oa.

Bt uriu. May flats BIS. Istproeaoaaat aud SIS Main IJulou Supply Co.,claco Oar iMatlse Oat af taa Mlgfc Mea Mattress Manufacturing. Co. Inc., U-- Kw First NaUonal Talking Machines. St.; SPOMANK. WASH. Stuhcch Gmitt.anablse stake Bauk Bldg Pkaa aas. 11 Cons i tas Ave.tous you right ""j l!1"to?i.-BaJl- HuwtvrdClkiropodUU prices on furniture -- Kniereoa a Ssrrfsa Maj'reti MaaaiactarUg krvlu Maltrsas letradas 'na B. It S. .aaSMatS HONOLULU Ilotue Neora kAaxtd.

Pkoaa 111 W. O. vratsFactory Fhsawrsmh. aad Ba.s.a.faat aartallal All root III. aeleourirally Think Mat " ' Xanax. Ttv i INDIANAPOLIS. IND. Lrdaatd Newa WASHINGTON, D. C.If II Is For Sale We As a esasrakMtaaaaiaartM ajaah Co BI Paao Bt-- CoAnnxblairaaied. Man an woutan both treated. Advertise on This Fag. ta aval and plllowa and rsaeeate asa Flaoaa a Mas Ahead af Mia Fat-I- s Stand, Meridian and Waahlogloo Newa Ageutry, la front of Lvcoiua:BU Herald Bldg Twwlra year' practica w. city Naliotkxt Bank ata.; Yoma Newa Stand. Hllnrals andfur 8tord. eld attltresaea and Billow krvtn Maltraes Tanners. star Bldg, aad rrtaat of 1 i'asaa a s 7ka Cñlcagu Factory Pkoaa life. t)rrtM rMs Post tUdaF Kao Pbone kakrare Stared McLellaa Mxos.. MB) Saa

St McLstkaa ttrss- - 0S Saa FisaulMM St. L11TLE BOCK, A MK. World New. WACO, TEX.-Cleaning. Dyeing and Pressing. VrsacUKoGrocers. Manufacturing Furrier, Lppsr VaUay Isad. Jay F. Kaox. Oa. SIS K

tapete Hi aad. Baaaai a V.ieaea U Maanfael artas; tfarrlarw -- McLaUaa Broa, Taxidermisu. UrMi sttAtu CAI t,anssy Mw Aasacy, VANOOUVEH, B. C. PaajuBxa-Paxaffc-uaa A IValUwru nrl'tla aad SfceBy tas Saa FrsBdaoo Be tatlsr lead.- Jay V. Kaox. US Wast Ocsaa Ate. News Co,IrVafkftBM'MW pi. LOS ANUKLkJs, CAU Kraaa) News oorwsar HaatJnss .uja ining and rrtsirtg. l.locer)1 Ca Manuiactiu-in- jeweler.m w - i'h Bnm mm far Tsss and Cofiee. Aaeary. Mala Fsatslllcs, Mollataa Nea. And ail

avia He I ear Bail f rreea. ajr Jf WBh aa Aaaeaat ha Tka. awash Saa Oaa vrsiry asada ta Valley w. will lasuie. W. WHU aaeTVataxTsAasaey. XM S hartag St.; S MstAsaaM

.IdW'lVbrrt ,"bc1 UUaT LtySaéa E StSMrt; U klaretia. toBryssdial sVbsbsaaraaaao . ll. ..v lAUla Bkap. SfMartk Meet Mw Fatare Wttk Csafliaasa BsMar asan laaursuce. cerudsvlr. rkoaa Urn. UUU ts 's

Ultgou Ms ThrUty. CMy Matlvaal Baak. Kap.rt re pali lag. Fkoae UN W. Morg.a Bldg. Teas st Larry Orseery Ca. nyswBFapsa aseaaa.


I TELL XbO.. a Li II ifw " I V I PJNO Wn rK X

hmc- TMe "OME ujiLLQiie Me a -

UCB faj TMr7il TT I Vl 15 it.VSMSBVlr Uh 1 a. uM cmOT ( xr2ce iNJ tug s.AOnrMPxrr WILL V ije PLATING A STAR


ALL SÉASpJpebPLe miqhtt sta 9 fe

TtVT M 7 X rré Awb

PHONEY rtlrlS-W- S



Mexlcsn Light and Power com- - I Sail ITS. Chemleta. kdetallurglata.IUEDDIO. Phone Ms. p. o. Boi too. PRONTO PLUMBERS MW Texas. Phone $4800 I'NSETTI.KMENT, WHICH AT TIMES mun; Mexican Light spd Power BM BLACK




CLOSINGIN Hepreaentatlvet for Ore Shipper.

VERGED ON DEMORALIZATION, WAS106. Work guaranteed. l room bungalow; hardwood floors! THE FEATURE OF TVE DAY.fgfj preferred; Mexico Traniwaya.Ltd.,

BH STRONG, MORE THAN A CENT UP. BIS Baa FrmuctiKX) St,ACCOUNTANT. located on Bit sear Ortmbel'i stock; Mexican Northern Power, B3 Paao, Texaa.

grocery; terca the bast. Ltd., stock; Mexlcsn Northern BBSTHURSTON AUDIT CO. Phone JR JOO, Power, Ltd., bonds: National Cera Scored a Gala af Osa Ceat During

City Nailon! bipk mag. Phone Ml. El Paso Plumbing Co., 816 8. 4 room bungalow; up to the minute; Declining S Points on Steady Railways or Mexico, all luss; the Day aad Oats AdvsaredL0NÓNECKBR W1CKSTEAD. Phone 6M--

Vlrgtols. lioo down, balance K par month, uiierupa. National Rsllwsys of Mexico BH Three Eighth.Amersccn pana m. v. - including Interest. bonds snd notes. Dr. Carl Smith

SWING MACRIMCS. MAss, JJv Ike AaseotSled Prat My tht Aaaoeiafed Preapebble dash; t full lots; nice CO., las., BLOOD, BUN, LIVER KID-

NEYSAPINO MACBTJNKS. New York, July Is. unaatueaant, which Chlcsgo. July It Bltck ron reporta more Rl'PTURE,

SEWINO MACHINES for renL The easy little book. Stock Brokers, BLADDER DISEASES.omlnoui than st any previous time ibis ANDat timet verged on oemoraiiiauoo, overtookMachines, ti MUIS SL running standard, fnone im Koutx ft 11,000,PALTON Adding aoaaon formed one of the leading cause loZlnkler, 11 N. Stanton. frame; terms today stock market. Now Haven wtt First National Hank Building,sssy. sgsln lbs itorm center, declining t pomta El Pato, Te Phone 71, usy ror an advance in ine pries or wneat Reemt 627 3CAHrETS CLEANED. KENT the sssy running Whits and Stand-

ard;, on steady ol'ferlngt, individually small, but rne insraet closed strong, c to itt0lic Flrat Nltlentl Bank BIS.40 on

beat machine in the world far family roomfor

Broadway; In ths sggrerate large enough to make that set Higher, Cora gained Me to oc.DU SANO- - WELLBORN. ue. Repair guaranMed. close in; rents MO per month; iwu ine moat active ot ine nay. osts finished s tlxteenth off to ttjec up

6itra end vicuum carpet cleaning. P. WHITE SEWING MACHINE OFFICE. anyFOR

tanas.TRADING PROPOSITIONS The nature of the telling and the fscl thst snd provlilona the aune si lssl night to s

US 8- - S Ian ton. H. L. Stewart, Aft. much of it emanated rrom Botton and other n or I7HCNew It wss freely admitted that MinnesotaEngland points suggested further60 sera rinet land In valley; 45 in North Butte wellfields, ss ss toot In South Dskots,

300 MUI Bldg SAFE AND LOCK EXPERTS. alfalfa, balance in garden; horses, liquidation on ine pan ot email snsrsnoid "Vnrth t alte aUltS. BROWN UALLOWAY, ers Who had become dlecouraged as a re sj ihnwed terloua mrosda from black rutt. LONGWELL S TRANSFERmulé, wagón everything at fits Old DominionPhone m. . SAFES AND VAULTS opened by sound; suit of the findings of the Interstate com oiceola 76 Advlcss were thst the plsgue btd traveledto within thirty miles of the border ofmerca commlaaion. Haw Haven 6s droppeddrilling. 390 B. El Paao 8L Phone U7Í- -

DETECTIVE AGENCIES. V snd the 4Vá V. The New fork, QuUtcySltsnnon i North Dakota. The revtges already tu tome

White-Pade- n Co. Wesicbsster snd Boston, under New Hsvsn's placet were said to be worts than In 1MI, AOTOMOaUXES, HACKS, LTVERTguarantee, were again week, with s lossSuperior when the tprlng crop throurliout the Da

mveatiration made In civil and criminaloi n points. superior snd Bolton Mining sotas and Mtnnetott mrrered widespread Anta ataajraca Tracks

case. ii naL nans niug. rn. u. CONVEH8AT10NAL method. Most practical. London and tits continent told to the ex Tamarack ruin. Bullish eiblet helped keep the wheat IAjrht and Heavy PlantingPalmo re callage tent of about 40.000 sbsres. U. a. smelt., Her. ana Mm 4fiÍ5 market on the up grade rrom the stsrl.

Do preferred Failure of predicted rami led to s bulgeProf It waa not until tb latter part of the rnnaoRdatednangood METHODS, correct language. In corn, sod so did s sharp advance stsitia, day thst the general recésalos sal In.FULL OROWN dead, boraas, mulé, BAROAIRS In lmproveo farma and ranche Utah Conner Cov The bond market naturally reflected the Bueno Aires, wnere the quality or arrivalsnamed away tree. Paoae 7 Unmedtamly. - in Midland, upton ano uiacock counue. WlnonsSPANISH taught In Palmo re College. 84,000 acre for sale right. WUl take cattle weakness in stocks, with new low record Wolverine wti untiusfsclory sod the westber bed ror

TMEAIHEWT. in part payment. Henry M. Hslff, owner. for s few or the aoeculatlve lue. Tsui shlpperi. H. MOHROHLNK ANO tVU STORAGE WAREHOUSE. Midland, Tesas. sales, par value, United Staiee Butte snd Superwr Enlargement or country offerings tended"NEAL SPECIFIC" eliminates the Drink government nonos ware uncnaugad on can STOCKS. to check any decided upturn ror osts.

UTT STROAOE CO.. 616 N. CampbaU MISCELLANEOUS Provlilona followed the course of lbs bog Cut Rate Hardware,and Drug nabu- Day puo 4set or otei; PASS FOR sale CHEAP, or will lease my modnignt pa. n. i. u. uw au. St.,


autos,5S. Store



neignoornood,era pressed


in.7 room



carSTOCK MARKET (By Special Wire

uvvriuea,lo Ike

uwnor.jTime Fres L. I. market.

closing priest were aa follows: Paint and Glass,ttHMlLU. KEPAJJLLNU. Central Rjcauon, ryaaonawe r. New York Closing sleek Lilt. Hiabee. Arle. July 16 Chino. SOU; Ry. Wheat S0.77J4


BOB Booth Z9 Paao SB,TH11NE FACTORY Raw veniente. Phone rm-J- . or call 613 Gold UVs Prei t mmi ware By aUsootstsdt. M. LOPEZ, 41 MyrUa. Phone 761. lowest SL New " K: Denn. s; Inspiration, tt!; Ohio, St;: Corn .64 .8house, safest location; positively York. July I. Shsltuck, mi., ; Tunopah, 64. oau ss ss

' rates. Phone toss. Amalgamated Copper nVH Pork ti.itJUNE DEALERS. American Beet ' AUTO STAGE LINE.Logs! Notices Sugar IBM METAL MARKETS. l ard 10.17 10.40LL PASO IKON A META.L CO., 1603 San SHEET METAL WORKS. American Can 37 Rtbl 11.05 GLOBE TO PHOENIX

Anioniu. Dealer in scrap iron, ruhber, AN ORDINANCE TO LICENSE, TAX AND American Smelting and Refining 6 Nsw Yerk Metal. Vis Auto. car leerea OlabeSLY HER Jacob caadla, ''nada last REOULATE THE VENDING OF FRUIT, Do preferred MSUcopper, ora, bone, etc Bell 4860. Saaoolafed Pre dally. Tims t hours. Make reaervatlona alTime tiranen No. , MS American Sugar Refining 106 My thtnight," si VEGETABLES AND PRODUCE FROM V'. Vftrlr lnlv ifi Cnnner Hull: annl and Dominion Hotel, Olobe. Oils Vslley Auto

ILL UoiiLE AND JUNE CO., '.UOi Texas st. RAILROAD CARS American Tel. end Tel u go, Stage Line.Lat overland. Phone I eat. Be it ordained by the city Council of the American Tobacco sftfS September, Sts.364S)tk.70.

ACME SHEET METAL WORES General Lity oi si paao Anaconda Mining sosa lin quiei; poi, Mi.uai.n. Geo. D. Kendall EL PASO LAS CHUCES AUTO LINE.uivlaU, old leather, pa-per,

and unrhtnged.uu.M-- ragt, lion, Atchison gfC Iron quleieneet metai contractu vi w FOR ALL MESILLA VALLEY POINTS.carload lota, Section 1. That the calling or vending,or Lead dull at 3.f3.BKauy uueuuty Texas St. rnone eeeo. Baltimore and Ohio a Lesve Auto cafe. S. El Paso St., dally, in-

cludingaoai JUNE Co., or otbor produce for human consumption Speller, I4SM1S.05. Ma baa fisaabwe Kighi WBmbb AHBrooklyn Rspld Trsnsllhawking or peddling or vegetables, trull Sunday, si 4:46 a m. Returning,St.. El Paao. Tsxae.Ml 8. Oregon Csliromls Petroleum Otbera FlB, lesve Lss Cruets Inciti-ng poitorrice dally.SUMGlUtL INSIRLSIENTS. or other produce for human consumption Sliver,New YorkI wlthlu the CUy of El Paao from railroad Canadian Pacific Sunday, ror El Paso si IB S. ALJE WELEHS. IHUSSES, etc. 904 Mess. Phone cars hereby and herewith controlled and cenlrai Leather u Utt Auocfateat Pmt

MAIL LINK.regulated under tccUon 74 and SS of the Gbesspeske sad Ohio New York. July silver. 64'Ac.cleaned ioc. main (urine tOc,WAl'CHsS Chicago Oreat Weatarn Mexlcsn dollsra, 4Vjr.

warranted cryeiaie lac. cash lor old told, lirtUHHUtb. city cuarier as uereinaiicr proviaeu. chlcsgo, Milwaukee snd SL Psultoe aau Antonio. Denver Jewelry Co. Section s. That all individuals telling or Chicago and Northwestern Bt. MrlalnuvwuiTve and office SuddIv Co. All offering for tale auy article or food rrom Chinowaichlo cleaned Sue. main spring Wc. tnsaaa oia. rouusu i ig" reiiroea cars m me oí tt paao oi ine Colorado

CopperFuel and Iron

My Ike Ataeeitfed Pre a

crystals ic. ah work ruaren lead two Muí SL Pnooe SSit. Agí. Coros Typewriter nsturs shove sst rortft, before pursuing Colorado and Southern St. i.ouis, amy au nun i t.e.years. Geneva Jewelry Co., Vi Ban such occupation and before making soy Denver and Rio Or ande

Spelter dull st 64.80. pounds free; excess st lo per pourjAloulo SI. lAXIUSSMIbT. uch tales ahaU make application to the ROS WELL AUTO COMPANY.

mayor or city clerk or Hie City or El Paeo DUOUers'do preferred

SecurltletEl rase Me 11. owners sad Operators- Phone tsa

MATTRESSES RENOVATED. MOCLELLAN BROS. Pbooa 700. aus Frisco for a permit so to oo. Brie Mexican currency, St.Section s. That the receipt or a permit General Electric UNION BIATIUi OFFICIAL RAILWAY

DC SANU A WELL&OKNE. Püune frota the mayor or city clerk to follow IXMESURGEON.VETERINARY uch hulu or vocsuoo or lo sell such

food, vegetable, fruit or produce (ball not Guggenheim Exploration villi currency. 64; Csrrsnxs currency. M:SAL f. 1117. ocuvia and San Antonio ts.M. MAS chihuahua currency,become eneeuve untu toe party applying Illinois central iiT

LOCAL MEHCAM1LE AUENCT.urt. ' a. A. HIGOINS-Ph- ona SSS. SUS B. for aaiue auau nave paid ine occupauoi lulerherousb-Ma- nfd. aeu It F. DAVIS. 1 (Mountain Time only.)

Kaooiik and laiiuc oí individual, colltc-loaí- tor uur e uwaa. tax oruvided by the giste law ana city ord inapirauon Copper igi? El Pssa Smeller Ouolallona 14634-146- Trssst By.Oregon, aoapuainational Association (Corrected Dally ; E P A 8. W. Syatam.Memoei oi uie manee, if any, and m addition ihall pay internauoasi Nsrveater tutii Mercantile Agencies. to the city or El Psto lbs Hceusa fee to Eansa Cliy Southern rr Bar sliver, s4c. From North and East Arries.

HARRY Mr., WINDOW WASHING. purue ucb busmets to su such fruit. Leitlgh Vslley bib pig lead, 3 00. I CsUfomlsn ... Maraid Bids;. vegetante or produce as proviueo m sec LodlavIUe SOd flSsbvUlS 117 copper wire bsr, 1I.6S. 8 Oolden SUla Limited ... I46P.0S,

WANTED Windowe to clean. Phone uon 4 uereot. Mexican Petroleum am Leid (London. II U SO. From the westDr. Qbs Hok 6 Copper City Special 7.46 aja.Miami nmcopperBacMoa A That all persona, firms, cor Golaou State Limited

oorstlont or associations of individual! who Mutourl, Ksnsss and Teita tyu Weekly XVSragea. , 4 iiaobjR.sea Wood. 411 overland. 6 Mall snd L spree 4:10REED fiaaae WAGON YARD. ahaU ssU or offer for tal from reiiroea MUaourl Pacific utT (Douglas smelter (juotauuna.) For Norm snd East Depan,

p.m. cars within the City of El Paso, vega tan i Nsiiunal Biscuit , is Silver. Si. SS. 4 Golden Stale Limited tttpjn.GOUR MOUSE WAGON YARD Hay SBd rrutu or otnar produce or rucie tor uu National Lead ss Copper, 1S.SU. g Caiiforuian 10.K1 pan.tiooDS packed hy Uehjer belt the flobe. grain; atwi, " . Bail comurnslion not raised, grown, pro Nevsds copper ija. Cares Bkeaaaatlcak For ins West

Tranner. tlorai. rapairuif. tb aort read; osttar and cnaapar duced or manufactured by them or their York Central bB COTTON MARKET. 6 Mall and Express 8:40 ASS.tln Mil 111. rot. hOltskS SOd eniolovset or amoloyer. ahsll Pay to the (.. N. H. snd H siC ST. ileraiTaad its s Golden mate Limited S.MpjBX,KEPAUUNC bought, sold ana boarded. TborouaRbrstl city atsaasnr and collector of the city of Norfolk snd We alera os4a New Yerk Lulloa. ureal Pliatiaa 7 Copper otty special 7 .44 pjn.Jersey bull for aervic. Corner overland El Paso a Ucease las ss follow: loi the Northern Ptclflc tsaff laaettl taeatateaie

GUNS repaired. Alien Arms ft Cyek) Co. and CasnpbaU Su. Phone as. tale or fruits, vegetables or oner produce Pacific Mall gg' My k AaaoetsleS Pre WTweosaa at atad Rie urease A El Pate RaUroee.1. wiwn.lew luía. uiy opoi quiei,ot use nature, tor uiree won ine. Pacific Tel. sad Tel egmlddlins. u S6, gulf. iS.U. No Sale. (Santa Pa Syatem.f

which ahaU ha oavable each three month pannsylvsnls nu tiaa From ths Nor lb ArriveIn advance, and all taid Urente sbaU be Pullman Palace Ciaealstjtiwaoar , IS7 Mexico Exoreas 10. ou imLIVESTOCK MARKETS,For Sals Bool fcaUto Fat SsJs BsssJ abatate numbered consecutively by lbs collector and Ray cousoudslsd CoDner sata gU U l'6o Paa.eoger S lopotLsssessor woea issued m accuroauo who Heading asge7 test Wasib Live Meek. For lbs North Depart.

Slut CAaH AND BALANCE LIES RENT, A CORNER BUNOALOW. the ordinance of which tbi u cumulattve. Republic iron and Steel gi? 616 San uty and Chicago Pass. . 8:80 MB,ass per month, including latere!, will oaaasaeat. siasBsso pores, as provided la eecUou S nereot. Rock Island Co Q My ScOii R ir le J'k rials SM Chicago Fast Mall.... 8.00 p.m.

you a beautiful fittla 4 room brisk era Sou, beaiaad caataa. Section A Thai aU suck paraoas above Pa pratarred I Fort worm, tesas, July is. causailpia,botias. oo car Has sad rase aaigSsorhaod. tree akctris rutuiee, sssar La-- mentioned ansa seen aay union uien SL Loult and San Fran. Sd pfd.. 4 700, bicludlng MS) calves. Stear, balveetee. Maiiiiburg A Baa Aaleate My.

worm asjos; wuT aetl, tl taken auodi. wares and raernhsndllti to as lasaee Catbaro Parirle ss TsaJB; atocker ateeri, 6 SOBMSI; eow, (aoutaara recuu eyatata.;broom sbsoVutaryaew naagatnw, esssaat ir IS sag ii sear owa snt tor of the city health officer- - department Bsllwty '.. ayu 7Í6M.76. heifers, S4.KSJP7.60; bulls. S4.SSO From lbs Baa- s- Arrive.

Ursa rear porch sad baaesnani; HoE RAMSEY REALTY and ihall follow out such rules and reg Tennessee Copper jbST S; csives, tB w Assayer and ChemistCea, twtU bouaa ta lbs cay, ssuu sss ulations as are promulgated ny uta auaro raxss company taeu Hoss-- Receipt. 400. lop, M; bulk. 6S.7S6M. BH Suaaei Limited I;llp.alots far aatstbau actual value if sosi witbiu to day SUSS swm by owner, pbetw

of health with reference lo lbs Bsndllng Union Pacific uffL SheeD Recelóte, tnoo Wsibers, MJscs 6MCO. w. cAjstsatON ream the Waalim-w- .

from Juuo S4; SN0 caah. balance easy. or sale or tas commodity Do preferred gg IS; ewe. IS6Í6.S6. Issabs, St.l6I,l ; year-lings,

pM Suaaei Limited afaifrS-.- .FOR SALE Taat coenrurtabte brick united Stales Steel asy ssgjs. t Ctlllurnlan ..fasa A That ll hau be unlawful lor Repreaenlatlve For Shipper la Use the Bast-

iosDo preferred MSU Forttage on cor.jsrsun and cauforau Sis., in section or this ordi-

nancemini w any parson aayUtah MfZ Kl Pseo Bosslter. Sunet Lisslled 6 4 am.feet front; ass pretty law, asada trass copper Lklcage Llteeleek.deatguaied to bawk or peddle or affeature, i too i room fuxltbod in aad everything Ss snake a boasa What I WsbSAh pfU 5 to Sunset Express .11. 00 IIIter tor eais say eructe ot teoo. trun or PreaBear aaw Meth My Ma Asseetsaed I tb Weattpaotou grounds. houiu be, 66 JOS wUl buy the entire Wstierti UBiou MM orprep afila or other produce of lake nature Hoaa StaTOO.17. --Recelóla.M vegat Chicago, juiy -SM0; half caah, balaaca .. 6.66ootst cntircb; BJecuie aja.S7U lor wssttngrboussCall pboae ?gu

11Larty. engsaesuaaL rena aar railroad car wluUa use city of Market lower Bulk. 6 7oajtg SO; light, 6S.40 P. O. Boa 4 SB. Limited 640Tola! aslea for the day. aeiAOO aharea B71 tuns i pan.

We can sail you a 4 room brick betas, d Paso without having flrat procured a Ot St. mixed, 6A4SA9, heavy, SiRHH a.close ta oo R. Mtaaoun Bt, for teas tasa FOR SALE OR EXCHANOAV permit rrom ine mayor or city aaara aa MINING STOCKS MARRSTT. rough,; past, mw- Its Pec trie Kali way.grouae 1 warm; lot sax tas to alley; Houston far El Paso residence presero. baratabefore orovtoeo. ana wnnewi having attie Receipt. I6.000. Mtrket lower. IfssJspsrtclent Assay Offlsa) rrom the Bast Arrive,caaR. balance to suit; aayssn. For particular sea juoge a. Bryan, noon first pato a ncansa lee narein pr estrene a. Uestes Rcevea. moftÍM: steer, 66 4DOS 60, a look t FsstTwfass 6 Jo am.

S room asoaara brick, ua Moread St.. . State Nauoaal Bank Bldg ac to toaste aay preristoo ar ibis s era and teedere. 66604S, cowt sad Self art,beat El Paso; FTVi a ground. What more and it i further arovidad that not My tKt 4 atocia l S Pntt 66, caivaa, 67 sfraii

tas i ta exceed oae ladivSSaai shall be pwSslMlá joston. July it Sheep Receipt ttju. Market lowerte opereta unoer aay ana aacaasa. Sheep, M.SS6ÍA10. yearlings, SÚ1ROAIN.

If are mtereatsd la S 6 room bunga-low

Ajnalgainsied Copperyou t$iFrsa aerea ta Ose BBaLm OM Mttu block Arixoaa Si. gat busy upper valley. lbs provisioas Asrasncau ltu Lead aad Smeiung ?.U mile froa Elwits your pbooe sad eaU sst. Paso, planus im um not to I Arlioua commercial at.BssTsSJfXBtjwheat-- oo tnssJsfignai Kaaaat CUy Uveeteek.WE RAVE A SPLENDID LIST or roesahsg aukaasmlk very day or iractaoa insreet ns wnics Calumet and Ai taoua PP Jusrea. 6.011road. WIU sail at a bar gam oa tst ardlasace ar say sen Ibapaat ts violat sluiuet aad Hacia aaaSaaad Prea

tersas-- Per Balsa, etc. writs vTL, ed abaU coe tíllala s sibiiiii sad distinct Centennial (ante City. July Owl flatsdartfl SebeduittaFfaaaa sad be avatababae as saeb, lastre cea ce ...if DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY.

RL PASO. section A TBls ordlaaace ahaV aet be Ms Coo. Mine.... taaprn Lv .jr f WbW BPS yours far rental, ujM tusos, fir cuoatrutd ta strjr wtae ss scUcbaajr Frsaklin SBTSBM-W-. IMfBL, SS.SS6PSM). PIS. 6SSS6J OPEN ALL NIGHT

. I ARELLANO ft SON, orauby CQiiieltrtitsd nasiUve IOCS

IgVeZ oaáparewSr hXtJIrS. mCmt Oreane cananea Csi lie--1Receipt, 4A0D mat a weak 7J6b.6S.Ar. ... GtSAMOrpIl ...LV.ieiSBi. sW. sss la . las aad Prime red stair!. 6S.RVOW76, drttaed beef 7 Spaa. Ar ... LOBBa Ltsss Tasas at ásate ml resálala aad to tuppreaa aad preveal bawk H-- osara, 67 tstpSM, westsrn stsars.,

m o, peddler in the Cny of El Paso. outnera tteers. cowa. sav' "i- MUU Outers. rMlaMs UIealarTiaaR.Teta, but shsll be eaaaulaJve tbersof. i ktUel'copptr .. '." heifers, 'LfJMBprs ano isaaert, leap 7 JO am l v

Pwased aad approved Una utt asa day Mleuil Copper 1 .as. carvea. st.tOB A, L. RYAN A Oa 48 am sr. Ájaasoíardoaf J Sly. a. aa aeie. Mohawk y, 44 Sheep. Mtsjats. tMt. Mtrksi .ttcady. mats s m La '.'.Asi

U, Ft. BllM Llfi fl I Sm" m ,, Attest : C. BELLI . Mayor Nevada coaiolidaaad LatnbS. SUSajW; yearlbjgi. bag), , ether a Ar.... fasiiararahau ooss St. i ' C w aaak 1 , city Gear, WkalSFlSB MMtsa ::::::::: I? swes, 644BA tl.atpas.Ar unst .

RN!NG TIME 1914.











Wtmleave raen





Lies la & El? PASOBy Timet SaaWal Corrrtponml

Austin, Tena, July is. Country schools HOTEL SHELDON HOTEL HOTEL TFXmand their close relationship with the wel FASO DEL NORTEfare or the átalo am nation were toe chief HetaadCeUThe CommarehU afan's Hntsaa.topics emphasised by the educators who Italia Op no ha Srtr, Baaavta data aad lawatedare gathered here to hold the third an- ooaraalaatlg

ILH ta the htaalaaaa dtetrtet of m Paaa.rural school education week under fa. Private DMnme atoaaas Opaathe snsotcrs or the university of Tolas Wenstamy I rm tai 04B All Mflfct, Badas ILM aThe one trac her school was de-clared tit tiSS a. aa,

tiv the emerla In education 10 liethe greauiet problem in education for theLnlled stales. Professor H. W. loght,specialist ID rural education for the tinned HOTEL A day rr THE LOCHESutes bureau of education and Superin-tendent Ell M. Rapp or the Herks county, McCOY Hie Grand Hotel HOTEL A1TD APARTJUUBJ'WPa., schools, united In dcclsring the main rhe leading European hotel of Elcause or the high cost or hung to be ure Paso. Furnlehed with the world's $1 Straight t (rasB P.'t Ooraar mita aad Kaataa aWsMmovement of the nonulallnu lo tile cities. A reflned. asadera aad sra--The problem or checktmr this movement heart. All rooma with either show-

eraataL Baanarsuy

is the problem or tne nigh cost or living. or tub hatha. Every room am furnish. eleaa aad asaProfessor Foe-h-l asserted thsi the country outalde one. Ratea ll.iO and up. tary : with or without paf. R X Loekla. Mgr.lire movement li not a movement back lo rawaata mm ot eng.the Und, but one to keep the presentcountry dwellers and their descendanta outoe rarm ami 10 mrrea-- e uien iiuiik e

In an almost Ideal place for rural Ufa. Inwith a consequent increase pro a round table discussion of school hygieneductivity. and physical education in Ihe rural schools, CLIFFORD BROS.Attendance llaexaerledly Large. Proressor Fogbt made a plea ror the ruralTne re are more rouniy supennicnaenis tearber in instruct the community In mulin aitenrianrn thsn were exoectod on ac GENERAI, MERCHANDISE WHOLESALE AND RETAILtara or sanitation. He eco red average ruralelection.count or the near amiroacn orIncluded leach-er- conditions and declared that at present Mall Orders Given Prompt Attention. 9 E. Overland. Phone 111.Today Is the Last Day of Our The





patronsW. 8.






the universityspecial

















or typhoids "The


vance STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIESsummer schools, the originator or rural germs," declared the. week, sounded the keynote ror thegathering In saying that It waa for accom-plishment Kimball

n ineor



aupenntenoentwas to dlacuas



Mammoth Furniture the meetingand not

called,for mere


me interestthat financial problems or the county superin-

tendentsSale waaSample displayed, It was evident that the meeting Bralley,of Texas,

Superintendentformer state


tendent ora M. Cridar T. A. Thurston

win produce tne nesirea resuns. ine Lavaca county. Superintendent BradflcidRural School Assembly, an organisation or Upshur county and Editor H. T.composed of friends of rural educstlon ta or THURSTON AUDIT CO.Dallas, of the Rural School Ad-vocate,Tejas, held its nrsi meeting wiin i.ouniy pointed out the problems whichsuperintendent rrana aeaaiuw, ot ourie theson county, nresld Ine. A committee com finance.



superintendentsItems discussed


In Auditing, Accounting, Sya terna fixingof superintendents G. A.

Many items will be closed out today at 50c on the dollar.posediTtngie, Fans

Countycounty; e. l,. wntie, nc-- those or

buildings.adequate salarles,


laboratories,for mod-

em FoOow of the American AaaoeJatsoti of Public Accoantanaauiiough county, and i M. sraitey, orrec

extensionprinting, office fixtures, and maintenance City National Bank Buildingtor or Ihe university department or six months' nchool nerlod. Runerlniend

One-ha- lf price for all odd Chairs and other odds and ends. Don't miss this. Come andii

rnrmer'm.ii. waa

superintendentaoDomteo to


puDttc ent Rapp concluded the days' program with PHONE SSaS EL PASO, TEXASwhich Is to be considered by the uiusiraien lecture. .

on "The . RuralToday. Something doing all day Today. assembly this week.trhivil RnlMln. I - '

Consolidation of Schools.standardization and consolidation or the VITAL schools both round ad

vocates In professor Foght and SuperlnRUGS! RUGS! RUGS! trndent Rapp. In discussing the standard V Births.Uatlon or the rural school CHAVEZ To Anihrlxlo rhaver .nrt Tvir WE LEADSupei intendeni Rapp declared in favor or ' rlx ?AVi' 'u,y. .Rrconsolidation or schools, but thaicountryMany beautiful at from 25 to 40 discount. Hundreds OTHERS try to follow, butpatterns of samples to social ana physical conaiuons win not Sania Fe street. July II. a hnv. theypermit the abolishment or Ihe POPAHL To Walter Porahl and wife, II cannot compete with us In work-

manshipselect from. No trouble show Come;to goods. are school, there being atir.iioo such schools In Wyoming street, jury 10, a boy. and prices. Thethe United Stales, 6,000 being located In wing ana wire. July.TV LTexas. MATERIAL we use la the BEST.

An outline for the standardization or the SCHMIDT To Kd Schmidt and iviro aii WE DEFY any one on this. Toschool of a county was presented San Marcial street, July 14, a girl. prove our statement wa willy superintendent napp aa based on tne mmFurniture Co. give to charitable Institu-

tionRogers lan loiiowcn in Illinois ana Atan ama. Death. anywhere the schoola are scored on a per LON0 Timothy Long, aged 43 years, July SEO. 00 If any one cam provecentage basis.

theThe relative Importance 0. at the county hospital. Burial at that wa uae leaa than 22 k. goldattached to different rectors of use

school Is shown by this system MUKOZcemetery.

OUlUemaplate In making our crowns.

Munoz. aired X) ator seis ing, liten counts tne icacner nriy county hospital Julv 11. Rnrtal at i:,,n.r. t is our STRAIGHTFORWARDper uPnt. organization twenty-fiv- per dla cemetery. and OPEN BUSINESS METH-

ODS,cent, and physical equipment twoniy-nv- RAMEREE Flllnl Ramnrni Jnlv 1per cent. coupled with our BEST

For Sale Real Esteta For Sale Real Estate For Sale Real Estate Conditions In Pennsylvania.8 years, at tho county penthouse Burial at MATERIAL, FIRST CLASS

nuring ms discussion superintendent HEREDIA Teudoao He red a, at 1107 South WORKMANSHIP and REASON-ABLE

Rapp disclosed condltlona In Decks countyNewman Investment Co. which are In marked contrast to the condi-

tions ConcordiaKansas street, aged 70. Julv 14. Roriai t PRICES that haa builtcemelery.SETTLERS FOR VALLEY LANDS. In most Texas cnunilea. Out of 67V our large buslneaa and caualng

These are a few or our bargains teachers in this county, over uno are men; Realty Transfers. It to atlllIn valley lands: 400 are graduates or slate normal scbuola, rea at 8la per acre. thirty college graduates. Most or the men W. 0. Jolly to Anderson-Kille- r Investment Our References: Any oae you

iiLMdALow, UPPER Al l V land, m, arres. II fine land, 30 ai res at ess per acre. teachers are farmers In addition lo per-forming

company, west f of lot OT, all or lots aee. Lady attendant.S LOTS, (1HANII AVK., UIMMI clone to M milla, owner haa cut price lo acres at 880 par acre. their duties as the school niasler. tw and , block 68, Highland Park addition; Didn't Burt a Bit"VIKW, Willll II SI.U0H. MUST front lioo to 176 an aero. Mut be aold. 40 acres al 800 per acre. Mr. Rapp declared the Ideal type of teacher 406. June M. Office Hours: 8:SO Tin T. Sunday: :30 Till l :oo.Mil.. UM CASH, SMALL fin m ihe biggest bargain up there. r,r, acres at tut,; per acre. ror the country school Is the educated ag-

riculturalAnderson-Fille- Investment eomnanv

MUNTML1 I'AVJIK.M'S. 40 acras, 14 mllaa from El Paso, nearly all m aeres at 8110 per acre. student with at least a year's I'hornlx-E- I Paso Building company, east S

hi siisus, goon nouse una ouinuuaings, etc. 440 acres at Mo per acre. pedagogical training. It waa brought oul ' i"' , an 01 101 it and west 10 reel NEW YORK PAINLESS DENTISTS81.450-- 3 ROOM M O I) E X If Heart or La Union tllatrlct. right on main Houses, orchards, vineyards, etc., by other speakers that Mr. Rapp aa a of lot 15, block 8, Oovemment Hill addition;LF.UA.Nil.N ST.. tit. ii and road. Iiwi an acre with esty Moo. June M.MIMIC, LOTS, on nearly all or theao, and, what Is county superintendent in Pennsylvania

IIHWII. AM Allh. fllKI CASH, wring, iroupie 10 mow. more, we can give terms on some draws a salary or stoou a year, wmie in William Jennings and William A. 1: Corner Meant and Texas Streetsfin Mo.vrn. 000D M)T. LA UNION FARMS CO. of them. Pay a small amount down stsie superlntondent in Texas la paid Woods 10 William A. Thurston, lots B 10 BUbcrbetg'g Jewelry Store Is Under Us.Willi Hawkins Bros. tie. block 8, East SI Pasof!!'.l"'i,ne f,rm vy vou "- Call wwjw. me avegare county supenniena-cnt'- e addition; li.iou.

- . ItUUMS. MODERN. Wllllairts, with salary ranges from si. ion to ll.boa. July 10.

CLIPTON ST.. LlT9. 860 W. C. BELDEN REALTY CO., He advocates a county board of education Randolph Terry, receiver on account orLASH, t:"-- MSB. M't.NTII. 04 Mills St., El Paso. elected by the people at large, rather iban William A. Thurston, to Williams Jennings

Pbone (an. a syatein or numerous school trustees. He and William A. E. Woods, lota to PS.M.H 0 o ii l' REfiim Hi t, urged that Texaa get lid of the districts block 8, East El Paso addition; M.100. July

OAKLAND, CAL.l I'Lli.MA- system. 'Tree text books Is a step In thelM TK1NANT AT 8.M PBS WE OFFER. SUBJECT right direction." aald the Pennsylvania WÍ,CD T- - H- Borera Co., tola 18 WHY RUIN YOUR STOMACH TAKING POISONOUS DRUGS

Mij.NTH. WILL KXCHA1NUC I,oui añares North Tigre; 8100 CASH. HALANCE LIKE RENT, superinieniiciii. "Twcniy-nv- years ago to 80, block 83, Campbell addition; 818,000.I'M EL PASO I'HOI'KHTY.

1.000&no shares




Mlntnn buys a well located 6 room cottage and cor-ner

we adopted the free text book syalem and June I. when the whole trouble la in and along your spinal canal, twistedlot. finished In hardwood throughout, t aaa oecn a to ine country Kick Depeder to W. A. Hyde, lota 4 to 10.i I'KR M BYROM E. PENIMORE, attractive and atrlcily modern, select neigh-

borhood.hlldrcn of Pennsylvania." block 83. and lots II to U, block 84, East Vertebrae, allpped rib and contracted muscle? Our treatments cor-

rectV ni r), PABKNSj NuT ONMM Trust Bldg. Phone ra Why pay rent when you can have Ihe Country Life Mo inn rut E) Paso addition; 88,478. July 13. these troubles.

IND. UNI TIIIHU CASH, DAME PORTUNI- this al losa. Wo guarantee this to please rroressor rognt in discussing the country Mra. Dee Mullen to Henry D. Moore, lotsMALANCS 8LIT. Is now knorklitg si your dour snct "" yon- Phone 1170, or addresa 94, care Times. lire movement and the teacher, emphasised JV and 30. block 83. Highland Park addition;

"invest your money near growing rltli :" BARGAINS. the ract thai Ibis did not mean a rush rrom 8900. May S. DR. J. H. BOWLBY and DR. DORIS BOWLBYam., a ami a id-- Will you heed tin- call anil phone 808 for Iba city to the country, but that It was for W. L. Alder to Hubert Rose, lots 8 and 4.hi PRAI T SMALL i ASH motor lo aee some of those acra tracts on ror a quick sale 85.880;

brick, cast front. Prtre the boitrrinent of the present dwellers In block 3, Eern Place addition: 88,600. June 17. Men's Specialist. Women's and Children's Specialist.PAYMENT, BALANCE II Y THK Hie Interurbsn ror 10 cmh and HI iff 100 Al IO.S ISI.AMI

terms.i Attn that section. "11 la a movement to hold C. M. King to a. N. Oarrett, sections 9 to EXPERTMONTH, HALF MILK PROM AM hair men and women III Ihe open country v.nn it, block IS, public school land; 8040. Juno OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANSper acre; caab, balance terms; onY8LETA. TOPIN REAL ESTATE CO. v county roads. A bargain. iHtKeiy mercasen production, not so Suite 708 Mills Bldg. Office Phone 51. Hours 8 to 12 a. tn., 1 to tmuch an Inc rease to Ihe number of oro- - Mra. Mettle Rapley to A. N. Avanl, sec

NEWLY furnished homes a pleasure? Then MS FELT ON 8. BROADWAY, dueera." Two factors in the solution of lions to 10, block 74, public school land.p. m. One Year in El Paso.

1100 fromsen your old rurniltire lo mull A .Inkier por root cheaper than adloluliik the lire 81.800. JuneNewman Investment Co. property. country problem were declared 88. Patient We Have Cared Are Oar Beat Reference.Phone 10. hv him to be the removal of the hard A. 0. McMalb to C. C. Jones, sotnh rWILL THAUL snips of laolatlon and the making or the or section 80. block 76, townahlp 4, T.10 18 alfalfa,acres, acres In biv Malsn eragt country community more whole A P. Ry land; 810 and exchange of property.on road.paved Will trade even up or will some and attractive. Proresaor Fogbt June to.MKuiii,., piei.r a noose praised the country Y. W. C. A. very Correction R. E. Carpenter to Flral Na-

tionalHO USB ONlota.

MONTANA ST., ntgniy. declaring mat it had done more bank, north 16 feet of lot u. all orS WIU aell or accept part trade. Price for life betterment lotcountry than the coun-try

to, block 247. Campbell addition;JSP, p and teachers. Denmark, 84.145.80. July 8.SUMMER SUITS RIOFirst




where Professorfor the government,

Fogbt has madewas cited

investi-gations aa Building Permits. STATE NATIONAL BANK

Francisco Reyes, lo build adobe on lot10, block 88, East El Paso addition; 8100. ESTABLISHED APRIL, 1SSL

A REAL SNAP.Dandy brick, g corner lots, E VERS OLT 0' CAME. CAPITAL, SURPLUS AND rOJrTXS

If want something real light for these days, one block or car line, near schoolyou warm Alta Vista district, only u.'jou, esim afTS Captain of Ihe Bravea la 'Badly Hart warn Inttx-M- t Paid on Savings Accountsof cash. 88 per inonih, Including in-

ternalSpiked by Cruse.try one our JJg tke Attootefed Press

CLOSE IN. 8L Louts. July la. Second Baseman John-ny

O R. MOREKJBAD, President, JOSEPH MAGOFFIN.Beautiful new bungalow, Evers of the Boston National league a N. BASSKTT. OBOROB D. FLORY.hardwood rioori, built-i- reaiures, club, probably will be out of the game ror

Mohair Suits $15 to $25 glassed In sIcangMr porch, basement, several naya oeeause or an injury he re-ceived

L. J. OILCHRIST. Asst. Cashier.nesting Plant, paved street, side during Monday's gana with the lo-

calwalks, reoient driveway, only 8 team. In the seventh inning tm wetblocks rrom postorrtce; atoo rash, spiked by Cruae, when the latter slid lutobalance lo suit you. ct oud baae.MM CASH, He played In Tuesday's contest, but todayJust received another of' 880shipmentnew

per mouth, including Interest, itic wound waa tnriamed and the club tram Andrew's chapel tn Laa Cruoes Sunday tuting in the college library for the putbungalow; only to er advlaed a layoff or several days. Bsomlng Services win be held In St. week,blocks rrom uottorricc; w.soo. Andrew's racli Runday rooming during UieNEW! NEW! NEWI remainder or Ihe but will be

Rey. H. I. Middle Ion and little daughter.1 Qalek Cure fur Diarrhoea. summer, notPalm Beach Suits bungalowsWe have several

thai arenew


beingand r, room

The most prompt and effectual cure for resumed si St. James In the park until Ruth, of Marta, Texaa. are viaiung at thecom-

pleted, ranging In price rrom 88JOO diarrhoea Is Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera some time In August. Tbaxtoa home. Tbey came with Tom Thax-to-

to 11,000, on terms or MM to Mou and Diarrhoea Remedy. When given aa Bob Thai too Is speeding big vacation who la bare ou a visit from his ranchfast cash, balance lo suit you. soon aa the first unnatural looaeneaa or the at Sierra Hlanra. Texaa. near Marta. Mr. Nlddleton will probablyGoing at $8.50. MONEY! MONEY TO LOAN Mlaa Ruib Hyland left Sunday night for locate here so aa lo place Ids children In

We will loan you the money and For Absolute Success aurriclenl to effect a cure. It should ha kept Silver Clly. where she will attend the nor-mal

the state college. He and his Utile daugh-terbuild for you on your lots or ours; at nana reaay ror inatani uaa. ror gate ny ror Ihe remainder of the summer. were guests ou Monday or Rev. E E

easy payments. In Raising Chicktsna Feed all dealers. Mlas Mildred Fulgbum has been substi Mathes.MACON REALTY CO.,

Pbone a7 saw muí Bldg. MESD-L- PARK. N. M.HEN AND"PERFECTION" Ay Timet Mpeotal t'orrcasuadralMealUa. Park. 5. M.. July 14 Dr GeorgeFOODCHICK E. Ladd, president of the New Meneo

WHATCH UOT college of Agriculture and Mechanic Arta,Have party wantlus lo nurchaaa a nwwi It win prod aaa more Bgga. heal-

thierhaa relumed from an riunded eastern visit WHERE TO DINE

Utile busuteas. chicha, tbaa aay (aad aa during which be engaged several memPtaoly of good trades for you. all around the markeL brre of the faculty or the college for next

BYROM E. FEMIMOHE. year a wore. ur. i add was accompsnieoMS Trust Bldg. Pbone UaM try rr ti. toe aa lo r,.in- - who liar ueen in aasTADBAjr

tne eaat ror tome time. xo MAT,Mesl aulas, rsroful ds. mmu ..a - FLORENCE CAFE gs Leoteh

lAdvertlstuMOI.) For Sale By All Grocers thePror.



beat knownof the

educatorspark, one u


XA COI fT the southwest, will speak at the MountainTENMS. air rbaiauuua on Edur.atlun day uu "TheW. WISE & CO.All rear Callterale Platera Among the


suiulloa.Pro Mean and Soasa aseasen is la

'" roana ateaaa Wholeaale aiad Retail Prof. John H Vanaban.By a Aasocsalea' fret, conducting Inslltutea In variousi inriiuutil, onto, July county ruV With all tm parts or the state haa returned home aadman no la the tout in round Setds SttppHtsamiual

or lae fillh 111 conduct the Dona Ana inelttute wide" The New Three Nations Cafeclay court tennis iourneimoi,Pleiad, three i.alüoriitaii.

comIBS PT. Maaka, Okdaiaaliaa a BaaaV opaas toaay (aonoajr) in i.aa erares, m

Bcu-Llciri- g Mail one MinneaotaiiBy ihu taetl tule Mies Sadie Stuart will hateaad three Obioaut remain lomghi lo comea' Next to Albambra Theater, on South El Paao Street, la now opencharge or the domestic work.for l.aioulonthlo honors , Phono 11 BBd 6290 soaeaae Tha clean coolest ini in in .111.1, sal, place town.gOSrr AM KAMT TO OWKM A SAVIMCS AOOOUNT WITH OS AS EUaa Folrvli andA parly of young people, chape roaed byoeorgc Marun. Nal Brov.11 Mra. Longboitoiu and Mlas Preston, wornrmoouH yoo uvkjd vkxt doob. tad ofUtorg Wayne Loa Angehta. to Van Panana Salarday and relumed Sun-

dayTa par 4 Pr oant tntaraat. seatpounded twice every year. We da Aroiatrong of si. Paul, and B A. itotoeu. eveuing Tbey were Miagas Hals aadbaaaaaaa uadar the daaoaltorr anaraatg law of Uta Stau oí Taaaa, aad Jr . tiiiford l.orkhoin and II. T. Emeraon Maggie Luagbotioai. sfiaaaa Ethel Soon andall of Llariunatl, won Uietr way into tat I Buvrns aad Mesara Thainet Early ion.Fund Baafc. provided by auoh Ouagantyare (Iftli round let, Order Rubber W. L. EdBorland. Fred Kuester aadOur ptaa. ta addition to balas nonvaalaal, la aafo, prwCrtaPaa aad IP Mia ladle- - stogie boih Misa Mary Valia, EAT AT Pastea 888a Opta Day aad MagiaBkinf Mopody haa awar Mat a doUar la a State Bank In Taaaa, S row or of Los Augelr. national woman Over Bowmen lafl Ual rriday for Ties Mia I aaand Our 1 40Halllllou 1,1 It H Uil WlUl lo.--VltllWBXTSS TOfAAT WOM OVU TUM BOOaVUCT, "UANaUMw BY AtAUV Hants or 1. hit ago aoo their way Mb) the broilwr

Bísate SB Caaes awaa

OB SiMTTiT MALL, YOUR UkPUaiT. 'north round, as did aleo the Mleeea Ma New Phones f 40 Mis Oartlner aud lUuauier Mlaa Vera Club House Cafedale apt Mary vu. of LoulsvlUa, motored BP fruto Serano. lllBBar aad wereEL PASO BANK TRUST CO . El Pasas, Texas Elbe tW Piiislin Co. gueats at uie nicaetaoa aaaaa. aa sanest aaae-.- i autos careful Ornare. rPoae MA sel and Ardea Tut

U J'ariiaataaaU pa alas gaaata at Uss aaaaa piase