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Investment In India





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Ø  Introduction

This report is about the investment in hotel industry in India. We will start from

the major events in the world right now and in India. Then we will talk about the

hotel industry from a new perspective. Depending on the research about the city

Udaipur and the facts about the hotel Oberoi Udaivilas, we will determine the

pros and cons for the investment. In the conclusion, we will leave our final

comments and recommendation about the sustainability of the investment and

whether it is a good idea to invest or not.

Ø  What is Happening in the World

US Election

We start from a broad panic news: US election. It will take place on

November 8, 2016. And why we say it is a panic news? A study survey from

BuzzFeed, one of the biggest Internet

media in the world, says that Donald

Trump has 97-99% of chance to win the

election if he wins the republican

domination. And the formula only has

been wrong once since 1912.

(BuzzFeed, 2016) Let’s have a look at

the current situation about the republican domination. As we can see from

the map, the blue part, which reflects Trump, has the biggest majority.

Trump has the majority support, 37.05%, compared to the second place Ted

Cruz who has 26.92%. (RealClear Politics, 2016) The Reason why we need


to worry is because we all know that Donald Trump is a rude racist who

behave very strangely and have weird mind. He is very “famous” for

against all the immigrations in U.S. U.S is the most popular immigration

destinations in the world. In the report in 2013, U.S. has 20% of the total

immigration population in the world and has the most immigration

population in the world. And according to the official registration, around

45.8 million immigrations live in U.S. which take place of 13% of the total

population. (Zong & Batalova, 2015) And Indian immigrants cover around

5% of the whole immigration population and play the most important role

in technology development in U.S. (Zong & Batalova, 2015) If Trump wins

the election, will he really exile all the immigration out? Will U.S. develop

normally after it and how it will affect the whole world since it is still the

country with the biggest economical influence. Will it egg people on

enough to start war or revolution? The world will remain panic until one

reasonable elector win the “prize of president of U.S.A”.

ISIS Attack

(MailOnline, 2015)

ISIS is trying to expand all around the world as we can see from the map


above. And for the current information, it already started Ramadan attacks

in Indonesia and Brussels. It seems stopped at the boarding of India for the

moment. But according to Indian Official News, it conformed that around

30,000 people in India are ready to work for ISIS to against their own

nation. And the government started to block their communication as much

as possible to reduce the possibility of terrorist attack. (India News, 2016)

The following news which is from Washington and reviewed by 3 US

Intelligence Officials that ISIS is preparing to attack New Delhi might

enhance with the news before. (PTI, 2015)

In conclusion, there are so many things are happening right now in the

world, from economics to political, from racism to terrorism, so they define

an unstable situation with plenty uncertainty for the moment, especially

nowadays the technologies allow more connection among all the nations,

except North Korea. So we are all bounded together and influencing more

than we can imagine.


Ø  What is Happening in India?

PESTEL Analysis – An overview of India

Political – Legal Factor

•   The world's largest democracy and a multi-lingual federal state

•   A nuclear-armed state and federal political system

•   Conflict with Pakistan since 1947 over the disputed territory of Kashmir

•   Encourage economic reform and foreign investment since 1980s

•   Robust legal and Intellectual Property Regime (IPR)

•   Strong commitment to calibrated financial liberalization

•   Common Law is enforced in India

•   A well developed tax structure with a three-tier federal structure

(Union Government, the State Government and the Urban7 Rural Local Bodies)

•   India is aggressively pushing for a more liberal global trade regime, especially


in services.

•   For direct tax, the investor is required to pay tax on net income earned in India

but the rates of taxes differ among structures.

•   For company incorporated in India is required to pay 30% cess

(tax+surcharge+education) on net income earned.

•   The state government incentives include: stamp duty exemption for land


•   Service Tax for Hotel: The Government has exempted renting of rooms with a

declared tariff of less than Rs.1000 from the applicability of service tax.

•   Indian law has listed raping as a crime in 2013

Economic Factor

•   Fast-growing and powerful economy

•   GDP growth rate is faster than China.

(Projected 7-7.5% in 2016-17, 5.70 % in 2020.)

•   Consumer prices is accelerating for the sixth straight months

(Increased from 5.61% to 5.69 % in January 2016)

•   Policy towards foreign capital are liberalized and the share of foreign equity

participation has increased while the activities are fully permitted by the

Foreign Direct Investment

•   Foreign Investment Promotion Board (FIPB) helps to promote and channelize

the foreign investment in India

•   Food inflation reached the highest in seventeen months (6.85% in December

2015). A moderate inflation would help anchor inflation expectations and

foster both consumer spending and investment.

•   The buying power of Indian consumer is high (middle-class and upper-class)

•   The Twin Balance Sheet problem is one of the major short-term challenges to

private investment and a full-fledged economic recovery. It refers to the


impaired financial positions of the public sector banks burdened with high

non-performing assets; and some corporate houses, which are under financial

stress as demand has slowed down globally (Newindianexpress, 2016)

Socio - Cultural Factor

•   The second most populous country in the world (1.31 billion in 2016)

•   Population growth rate at 1.2% → 1.53 billion in 2030

(Poverty, illiteracy, high fertility rate, rapid decline in death rates or mortality

rates and immigration from Bangladesh and Nepal.)

•   65% current population is below 35 years old

•   The birth rate is 22.22 births/1,000 population

•   The largest illiterate population in the world (74.04% in 2011)

•   Highly diverse in languages, cultures and religions

•   Hinduism is the most dominant religions in India (80%)

•   Strong consumerism in the domestic market.

•   Discrimination due to the caste system (e.g. quota system for government jobs

and university seats for the lower caste)

•   Rape and violence against women are a massive problem in India

Environmental Factor / Negative Externalities

•   Serious environmental problem is a big issue due to the lack of education,

industrialization and urbanization

•   Nearly 30% of India's gross agricultural output is lost every year due to soil

degradation, poor land management and counter productive irrigation.

•   Water pollution caused by improper disposal of industrial waste and chemical

e.g. The Ganges which is the India’s holy river has become one of the most

polluted river in the world that is full of sludge and poison

•   Poor management and abuse of power causing mass deforestation of India.

Protected areas are largely declassified so that commercial activities can take


place but new areas are not reclassified. (Wakefield, 2015)

•   Tourist centers such as Goa suffers due to badly managed development and

excessive tourism due to the lack of legislation and policy enforcement.

•   India is one of the country with the worst qualities of air in the world in the big

cities like Delhi and Mumbai

Technological Factor

•   There is an increase technological cooperation between state-owned and private

players over the last few years

•   Rising in mobile sector with an expected GDP reached 8.2% by 2020

•   India has strong focus in industrialization and technological development.

(Nuclear energy sector, nanotechnology, pharmaceutical industry etc.)

•   The government invested heavily for the technology-driven Green Revolution to

revamp the agriculture sector

•   There is an aspiration for India to become the world’s top five scientific powers

by the Indian Government.

•   Increased investment on sophisticated technology that captures data and creates a

compelling Management Information Service


Ø  What is happening in the Hotel


We all know that the hotel

industry contains Luxury, Boutique, Economic, hostile kinds and so on. And the price

is dropping through the range in the traditional hotel industry. Then let’s discover

something really huge and brand new.

Major Trend in Hospitality Industry!

According to the founder of Hospitality Gal, the most significant event is happening

in hotel industry is the emerging of Airbnb. We can see from the chart below that in

shortly 3 years, the users of Airbnb have expanded more than ten times. The growing

is out of control and what influence did it bring to the industry?

The nightly booking doubled the size from 40 million to 80 from 2014 to 2015.

(Gerhard, 2015) Only in NYC in year 2015, the hotel industry lost the revenue of $2.1

billion due to the customers switching to the choice of Airbnb. (Gerhard, 2015) And it

indicates that if the expansion continues, the industry will continue have at least $4

billion negative impact for year 2016. Moreover, it caused almost 2800 people loss

their jobs in the hotels. (HMN Newswire, 2015) The reason behind the truth is

(GrowthHackers, n.d.)


because that the customers don’t feel the power of customer relationship and local

society connection from most of the luxury hotels compare to Airbnb. And the price

for Airbnb is also much reasonable and lower than the average 3-4 stars’ hotels with

the same level of service and incentives. The report also predicted that the only way to

turn around the situation is the aggressive customer relationship development and

unique experiences creation from the luxury and boutique hotels. And it might turn

the situation around and gain back the loss of revenue, market share and popularity

from Airbnb. (GERHARD, 2015)

Meanwhile, a report done by Indian Hospitality Industry indicates that they predicted

Airbnb will have at least 100% organic growth in the market steadily in the coming

year. Airbnb aims India as one of their best opportunity. To achieve the goal, they set

their 2 main values: money access to amenities and local experience. (Sharma, 2014)

With the deep understanding of the customers and hotel industry, Airbnb expanded its

market like a aggressive giants from the option of renting single bed to the option of

renting a palace or private island. They basically use the more reasonable prices target

more potential customers. And it is incredible for the consumers and scary for the

hotel industry. Airbnb has more than 5,000 lists only in India. And from the map

below, we can tell they control their main market on the boarder of the India where

the most of the tourists are headed to. (Airbnb, 2016)

The range is from 10 CHF to 1000 CHF, and the average is 60 CHF per night.


Ø  Hotel Industry in India

(Statista, 2015)

According to the chart, we can say that the tourists and hospitality industry in India is

very season and fluctuate. But in general, it is increasing year by year. So it means

during the summer time, India even receive less than half of the tourists in winter. On

the rank of the most tourist-receiving countries ranking list, India is on the 41th

position with almost 7 million total amount. On the other hand, number one France

has 84.6 million of tourist, which is more than 12 times of India. (IndexOmundi, n.d.)

So as a position of a country in the Hotel industry, the demand is not really

competitive compare to other countries, such as France, U.S., Spain, China and other

European countries.


For India as a receiving country, most of the tourists come from USA and UK. And

we combine all the western European countries together. It will take almost more than

25% of all. And the majority of the tourists come to India is for a new culture

experience instead of other purpose.

Ø  Market Structure

The market structure of the hospitality industry in Udaipur is “Monopolistic

Competition”. With more than 300 hotels available ranging from Big Hotel Chain like

Oberoi Udaivilas (our hotel), The Trident Hilton and The Taj Lake Palace that target

upper class tourist to other 3 Star and Heritage Hotel and even other economic hotels.

There are also more hotel groups entering this small city like Radisson and Leela

Group showing that fierce competition exists in Udaipur. All the hotels are price

maker and there are no perfect competition exists. It is common that they use their

location or product mix as a competitive advantage to differentiated their products,

their products and service provided are similar yet not identical.

Market Size


From the statistic above, it shows that the number of foreign tourists arrivals (FTAs)

is growing steadily, there are over 7.1 million foreign tourists arrived in 2015. By

2025, it is expected that the numbers will reach 15.3 million, according to the World

Tourism Organization. The number of FTAs through e-Tourist Visa is 56,477 in

October 2015 and it has increased by 21 times when compared to 2,705 tourist in

October 2014. This indicates that online hotel booking in India is expected to double

up in 2016 with the increasing penetration of apps in smart phone and the Internet.

(IBEF, 2016)

Government Initiatives

The major initiatives taken by the Government of India to give boost to the tourism

and hospitality sector of India are as follows:

•   The Cabinet of India has approved the signing of Memorandum of

Understanding (MoU) between the Ministry of Tourism of India and the

Ministry of Trade Industry and Tourism of Colombia in order to boost

cooperation in the field of tourism between the two countries.

•   The Central Government has given its approval for signing of a Memorandum

of Understanding (MoU) between India and Cambodia for cooperation in the


field of tourism with a view to promote bilateral tourism between the two


•   Ministry of Tourism has sanctioned Rs 844.96 crore (US$ 142 million) to

States and Union Territories to develop tourism destinations and circuits

during FY 2014-15, it includes projects relating to Product/Infrastructure

Development for Destinations and Circuits (PIDDC), Human Resource

Development (HRD), Fairs and Festivals & Rural Tourism.

•   The Heritage City Development and Augmentation Yojana (HRIDAY) action

plans for eight missions cities (Varanasi, Mathura, Ajmer, Dwaraka, Badami,

Vellankini, Warangal and Amaravati) have been approved by HRIDAY

National Empowered Committee for a total cost of Rs 431 crore (US$ 64.7


•   The government plans to cover 150 countries under e-visa scheme by the end

of 2016

•   Under ‘Project Mausam’ the government has proposed to establish

cross-cultural linkages and to revive historic maritime cultural and economic

ties with 39 Indian Ocean countries.

(IBEF, 2016)

Monetary Policy towards Hotel Investment


•   100% Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is allowed under the automatic route in

tourism and hospitality, subject to applicable regulations and laws.

•   100% FDI allowed in tourism construction projects, including the

development of hotels, resorts and recreational facilities.

•   Services provided by Indian tour operators to foreign tourists in relation to

tours wholly conducted outside India are being exempted from levy of service


•   Regarding on the tax incentives, there is an investment-linked deduction of the

Income Tax Act is in place for establishing new hotels in the 2-star category in

India, thus permitting a 100% deduction in respect of the whole or any

expenditure of a capital nature excluding land, goodwill and financial

instruments incurred during the year

•   The state government incentives included subsidized land cost, relaxation in

stamp duty, exemption on sale/lease of land, power tariff incentives,

concessional rate of interest on loans, investment subsidies/tax incentives,

backward areas subsidies and special incentive packages for mega projects.

(Make in India, n.d)

•   In order to encourage investment in hospitality sector, the Reserve Bank of

India (RBI) has notified that hotels are taken out of the high risk category of

real estate exposure, meaning that t banks will give loans to companies at a

lower interest rate. (Times of India, 2009)


Reason and Opportunity to Invest

•   Tourism sector accounted for 7.5% of the GDP in 2015 and it is the third

largest foreign exchange earner for India.

•   FTAs during February 2016 were 8.47 lakh while FTAs February 2015 were

7.61 lakh and 7.56 lakh in February 2014 with an annual growth of 11%

(Tourism Breaking News, 2016)

•   India is ranked 15th in the world in terms of International Tourism Receipts

with a share of 1.58% of the world's tourism receipts.

•   India offers geographical diversity, attractive beaches, 32 World Heritage Sites

and 25 bio-geographic zones.

•   India has a diverse portfolio of niche tourism products –adventure, cruises,

medical, wellness, sports, MICE, eco-tourism, rural, film and religious tourism.

•   The centrally non-profit funded scheme of Swadesh Darshan (12 Theme based

Tourist circuits) and PRASAD (Philanthropic Relief, Altruistic Service And

Development) are introduced to suitable Public Private Partnership (PPP) to

improve the sustainability of the projects to develop and improve tourist


•   Potential in developing medical tourism with the presence of world-class

hospital and skilled medical professionals


•   Potential in developing cruise tourists as a choice of destination with India’s

vast beautiful coastline, virgin forests and undisturbed idyllic islands

•   Rural tourism schemes have been implemented by the Ministry of Tourism in

2002-03 with the objective of highlighting rural life, art, culture and heritage

in villages that have a core competence in art, craft, handloom, textiles and the

natural environment.

•   Although Eco-tourism is at a nascent stage, there are conscious efforts to save

the fragile Himalayan eco-system and the culture and heritage of indigenous


•   Investment opportunities in the setting up of tour operations and travel

agencies cater to burgeoning tourist inflow.

(Make in India, n.d)

Ø  Why Udaipur?


Udaipur is also known as “the Venice of the East”. It is one of the most charming

cities located in Rajasthan, India. Rajasthan is regarded as the top 5 states of

foreign tourists’ destination in India. Udaipur has a well-connected transportation

system. There are daily flights directly connected to major cities like Delhi,

Mumbai, Jaipur and Jodhpur by Jet Airways, Kingfisher & Indian Airlines. The

rails are connected to Jaipur, Delhi and Ahmedabad with overnight express trains

service. There are also two major highways for vehicles, which are the “NH-8 of

Golden Quadrilateral” and “NH-76 of NSEW Corridor”. The infrastructure of

Udaipur has been improved throughout the decades, for example, the Maharana

Pratap Airport is now declared as International airport and the Air Authority of

India also plan to extend the runway length and the increase the capacity of Aero

bridges to 9 to invite more airline companies. As lakes are the lifelines of the

region, the "Mansi Wakal Project" about the construction of dams and tunnels

were completed in 2007 to make the City's lakes will not dry.


One of the factors that make investors considered to invest in Udaipur is that it is

a renowned tourist destination with an appealing character on it. There is an

average of 1.2 million tourists a year with annual spend of Rs. 1800 crores.

Currently, there are two world’s Best Luxury hotels: The Oberoi Udaivilas (our

hotel) and The Taj lake Palace Hotel. Furthermore, Udaipur is a rapid growing

city with a tourism-growing rate of 25%.

From the perspective of Tourism and Hospitality Industry

Southern Rajasthan for sure is a must-go destination for rural tourism for people

to rest and relax, make adventures and to pilgrimage. Udaipur, which is located

in the western Rajasthan, is famous for its palaces and relics and age-old forts.

Udaipur is also one of the Top Five favorite tourist spots for heritage destination

with an average of one out of every three foreigners will definitely visit. The

rage and the nature of the sightseeing options in the city can attract both the

foreigners for outbound tourism and Indian for inbound tourism, such as the

limpid and large Lake Pichola and the City Palace, Udaipur is also a popular

choice for both the Indians and non-resident Indians to have their annual holy

sojourns, Shrinathji & Eklingji are the 2 most important ancient temples for

Hindu pilgrimage. The “ Royal Wedding” concept is also a unique business in

Udaipur with an average of 10 such extravagant events take place every year.

(Satguru Real Estate, 2014)


The view of Lake Pichola

The architecture of the City Palace, Udaipur

Ø  Externalities

The positive externalities are that the Government of India has announced plans to

restore 25 Cultural World Heritage Sites. The plans included landscaping, signage and

interpretation centers in order to improve the facilities for tourists.

(EIH Limited, 2015)

The negative externalities are already listed in PESTEL analysis above.


Ø  Monetary

Financial Statement Analysis

Oberoi Udaivilas is one of the hotel properties under the Oberoi Group, which was

found in 1934. Oberoi is the majority shareholder in EIH Ltd with 32.11% stake. The

founder is Mr. Rai Bahadur Mohan Singh Oberoi. The Oberoi Group is now a chain

of 30 business and luxury hotels in India and abroad. These hotels, in five stars and

the "de-luxe" category, include two brands - the Oberoi and the Trident.

(EIH Limited, 2016)


The Oberoi Group Mission

We are committed to meeting and exceeding the expectations of our guests through

our unremitting dedication to every aspect of service.

Our People

We are committed to the growth, development and welfare of our people upon whom

we rely to make this happen.

Our Distinctiveness

Together, we shall continue the oberoi tradition of pioneering in the hospitality

industry, striving for unsurpassed excellence in high-potential locations all the way

from the Middle east to the Asia-Paci c.

Our Shareholders

As a result, we will create extraordinary value for our shareholders.


The Oberoi Group prefers to grow slowly and keep standards intact and make its

brand to be strongly differentiated in the luxe and upscale categories. Despite of the

global economic crisis during 2008 and the 26/11 attacks in Mumbai, you can see that

EIH’s revenues were still growing and have an increased in net profit. In 2007/08, the

company made a net profit of Rs. 223.63 crore on revenue of Rs 1,315.73 crore,

according to the numbers from the CMIE Prowess database show. Net profit in

2013/14 recovered from proceeding years but still stood at Rs 111 crore.

(Kaushik, 2015)




Highlights of the financial year 2014-2015

•   During the financial year 2014-2015, the Company’s total Revenue was

Rs 13,663 million compared to Rs 12,789 million in the previous year

representing an increase of approximately 7%.

•   The Board recommends a dividend of Rs 1.10 per equity share of Rs 2 in

respect of the financial year 2014-2015.

•   Average Net Profit of the Company for the last three Financial Years Rs

1189.19 Million.

•   Earnings Before Interest, Depreciation, Taxation, Exceptional items and

Amortization (eBIDtA) was Rs 3059 million as compared to Rs 2793 million

in the previous year. This shows an increase of approximately 10% .

•   Profit Before Tax was Rs 1512 million compared to Rs 1448 million in the

previous year which is an increase of about 5%.

•   The Profit After Tax was Rs 966 million as compared to Rs 950 million in the

previous year which is an increase of about 2%.

•   The Oberoi Group is optimistic that the number of foreign travellers to India

will increase from 7 million in 2014 to at least over 10 million by the year


(EIH Limited, 2015)


Ø  Labor

India is “famous” for its caste.

And we can see from the chart above that most of the business man are Vaishya and

most of the employees in the hotels are from the bottom “Sudra” or even

Untouchables. Slavery still exists in India nowadays, and almost 45% of the slavery

around the world are in India and Pakistan alone. (Shiha, 2014) And India has the

biggest slavery population in the world.

5 out of 6 households only get less than CHF 2920 per year as a family. (Unitus, n.d.)

It shows the labor costs in the industry is rather low compare to the world. But how

does caste work in the labor? The caste is still highly not changeable in India society.

Even though in the business, people from different castes have to meet each other, but

still the relationship, the marriage have already been defined the positions and jobs for

different castes. It raises the huge problems of discriminations and unfairness. And


somehow influence the economics growth in a negative way due to the perception

since anyone who is against the caste is against the laws. This is a problem but also a

fact existing for centuries and becoming a major element in Indian culture. It means

most of the staff in Hotel industry are not well-educated who has lowest income and

don’t have sense of social security.

Ø  About Oberoi Udaivilas Hotel:

ü   The Oberoi Udaivilas Hotel is the top 15 hotels and resorts in Asia for the

last 4 years.

ü   Ranked No. 1 in India

ü   On the world top 100 Hotel list, it is on the 4th place

ü   In 2014, “Readers’ Choice Awards” for Condé Nast Traveler

Physical Analysis

1.   According to Forbes, the hotel is in on the top 10 luxury hotels in India

and described as “the best place to feel like loyalty”. (Forbes, 2007)


The facilities are just like all the boutique luxury hotels with all the

luxury rooms, spa, swimming pool, gardens and etc. The hotel is just

located next to the famous “banks of lake Pichola”. But when we talk

about Aribnb before, we know that nowadays our customers are more

looking for intensive unique experience. So for this hotel, you will

arrive specially by a boat to the entrance. And they have private camels


for guests to experience. And the guest will be offered Indian cooking

class in the hotel. All of these, is exactly what Airbnb cannot offer.

3.   The hotel was built for ten years and finished in 2002. The idea behind

the design is to deliver a royal custom historical looking palace. And it

is on its own bay in the center of the lake.

Room Rate (Summer Season)

(Room with 2 people) Premier Room Suites

Oberoi Udaivilas CHF 395 CHF 650/ 11,000 (pool +


Indian Hotel Industry CHF 340 (109) CHF 1,363 (suite)

West-Europe Average CHF 698 CHF 3,900

Ø  Sustainability and Competitor Analysis

Room Rate Comparison

(Room with 2 people) Premier Room Suites

Oberoi Udaivilas CHF 395 CHF 650/ 11,000 (pool +


Indian Hotel Industry CHF 340 (109) CHF 1,363 (suite)

West-Europe Average CHF 698 CHF 3,900

The price compare to the Indian average is a bit above. But compare to their

main target market, West-Europe, it is much lower.



(Patil, 2015)

According to survey from Credit Suisse, top 10% of the population the

people share almost 76.3% of the wealth in India. And from the chat we can

see that the trend is getting bigger gap between the rich and poor year by

year. Around 50% of the household only earn around CHF 1230 per year.

Meanwhile the statistics shows that even the gap is getting more obvious,

but the actually the number of the millionaire are rising as well. The number

of millionaires has grown 23% between 2013-2014. India became the 11th

top number of millionaires in the world. (Assocham, 2014) And it estimates

that the growth will continue up to 70% by the year 2018. And the fact

behind is driven by young and well-educated entrepreneurs. (Maceda, 2015)

Even during the economy slowdown in 2013, spending on luxuries for

Indians grew 30%. The majority of the consumers are young millionaires

driven by consumption in smaller towns and cities. So we can conclude that

for the poor population in India, the luxuries can’t be afford by the majority

of the whole population. The high-ended products for the rich population in

India is not price elastic. And the demand is growing. (Assocham, 2014)

On the other hand, for the main target market western European tourists and

American tourists, the luxuries good are more price sensitive due to the big


difference between the price gap in India and their countries. So we can say

from the market size growing side, the hotel based on its location and India

is quite sustainable.

Occupancy Compared to the world

Compare to the lower star hotels, Oberoi Udaivilas has higher occupancy.

With the premium price, they can gain back higher revenue. But compare

with other countries in Asia part, India has lower occupancy, which is 58.4%

to 68.1%. Then compare to the top popular destinations in Europe averagely,

India’s growing pace is much slower and fluctuated. (Statista, n.d.)

EIH Group

Despite from the macro side, let’s just see in India Hotel Industry.

The stock price is on the 2nd place compare to the other three major


competitors. But let’s see more about other fact: Profit.

Oberoi Udaivilas belong to the EIH group in India. Even though the biggest

competition Indian Hotels Co. has the highest profit after tax. But when we

zoom in to see the growth in the past 12 years, EHL has the most steadily

growth compare to the other two major competitors and less fluctuated.

(Puliyenthuruthel, 2015)


Ø  Comments & Recommendations

SWOT Analysis – An overview of India


•   Expected to be the 3rd largest economy in the world by 2030

•   Sustained availability of quality workforce for the next 2 to 3 decade making

the country a popular choice for international company to outsource work

•   The cost of manpower is relatively low when compared to other countries

•   Strong technical and engineering capabilities backed by top-notch scientific

and technical institutes.

•   Many Indian manufacturing Companies in several sectors today are among

the most competitive and formidable in the global competition


•   Economic inequality with mass of the rural population remains impoverished

due to the influenced by the ancient Hindu caste system

•   Corruption is a major issue that adversely affects India economy.

•   The worst country for female tourists due to high sexual harassment and rape

rate. (Dutta, 2015)

•   Discrimination in the whole society (Indian castes)

•   Around a quarter of the population is still below the poverty line

•   Severe Environmental problems need to be solved


•   Scope for the entry of private business in different sectors for business

•   Inflow of Direct Foreign Investment (DFI) is likely to increase


•   Many foreign companies tend to set up R&D facilities in India due to the

generous incentives and lower labor cost

•   Megatrends of the expand of middle-class will drive economic growth

•   Expected to be the top three manufacturing destinations by 2020


•   Communal, caste and regional tensions continue haunting Indian politics,

sometimes threatening its long-standing democratic and secular ethos.

•   Lack of skilled labor force in India (only 2%), which is much lower when

compared to the developing nations

•   Economic progress is hampered by corruption, widely regarded as endemic

and engulfing every level of politics and society.

•   Indian is facing problem with inadequate or lack of access to vital fresh water


•   Population explosion and the population growth rate is too high


SWOT Analysis - Hospitality Industry sector in India


•   India has several tourist attractions with rich and unique natural and

cultural heritage, attracting lots of tourists to visit.

•   Numbers of international and reputable hotel brand are entering the Indian

market, meeting the needs of international tourists

•   The cost of labor is relatively low which provide a better profit margin for

investor and boost growth potential of the hospitality industry

•   Easy to cope with high demand of tourist since there are sufficient supply

with more than 1000 of hotels with approx. 97,000 rooms availability

•   For the local target market, it has lower price elasticity

•   For the main foreign target markets, the price are much more attractive

compare to other destinations


•   One of the barriers of entry is due to the high cost of land; availability of

cheap land at a good location is a challenger for developer, especially in

the urban area.

•   Inconsistent standard of services in some hotels when compared to the

world standards

•   Insecurity for the foreign tourists, especially females

•   Very seasonal

•   Long-term payback, low percentage for ROI



•   The growth of guesthouses replacing tradition hotels is adversely affecting

the hospitality industry

•   Political unrest upset the tourists coming to visit India

•   The massive problem of waste disposal and severe water pollution will affect

the scenery of the tourist spots

•   The rise of Airbnb which take over the market share of hotels

•   Excess supply of rooms remains subdue with a marginal increase in


•   If the increase in supply is not offset by the increase in demand will lead to

rising costs and falling average room rates.


In conclusion, we find out that whether investing in India or hotel industry has pros

and cons. The final decision depends on which side on the scale of consideration is

more valuable and important to the investors.


•   Potential growth in the number of inbound tourists pushing the demand

with promotion of numbers of attractions

•   Potential growth of tourists visiting benefit from the introduction of

e-Tourist Visa covering 150 countries

•   Potential to India to become a top-notch destination for medical value


•   Domestic demand for both business and leisure travel is expected to grow

•   Unique experience and totally different experience and culture


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