descendants of daniel martin (1745-1829) of laurens county

S01ne of the Descendants of Daniel Martin (1745-1829) of Laurens County, South Carolina and the Allied Families of Hudgens, McNeese, Rodgers, and Saxon by CHRISTINE SOUTH GEE

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S01ne of the

Descendants of Daniel Martin (1745-1829) of Laurens County, South Carolina

and the

Allied Families of Hudgens, McNeese, Rodgers, and Saxon



"He who cares not from whence he came

Careth not whither he goes."

Printed privately for

Kn. Christi.,., S. Gee, ◄01 West Dunt Ave., Greaiwood, S. C. JI:, Xeya Printiq Compaa:,, Greeaville, S. C.




By EoLus in the Chicago Tribune ( Copied from the Virginia Gazette)

I see you toiling down the tedious years, You bearded, gaunt and bent old pioneers, Sowing and reaping, sowing once again, In patience for an unborn race of me1~. I see you stniggiing in the wilderness \Vhcrc failure meant starvation - rmd success A cabin in the wilderness, rough hewn, rude Caiments of homespun and the humblest food. Tradition scarcely tells me whence you came, I only know a few of you by name! I only know you lived and multiplied Quite profligate in progeny - and died. Yet in my heart I know that most of you Were strong and steadfast and that one or two At least had weaknesses that still may be Traced in the trends of atavistic me. One I am sure was blcst with native wit -I am thankful that he transmitted some of itl That helped him dodge Dame Troubles swiftest dart And meet misfortune with a merry heart. One was rather a worthless wight, I fear, Wno v:hen the bluebird whispered spring was near Forsook his plow - a shiftless slugg:ud one And roamed the woods alone with rod and gun. And one a gentle dreamer was I trow Who lured by shadows let tne substance go 'Twas he who dared the raging W estem sea -I am glad he handed down his dreams to me.


Preface The family records included in this volume are far from com­

plete. Research into the background of the Martin family in Virginia has been diffirnlt and im,'Onclnsivc in some cases because the family came from the area in Virginia where tl1e records were destroyed during the \Var hctwccn the States. Therefore your compiler through frnstralion has a few times drawn conclusions that cannot be proved, but which are most logical.

The records have been gathered during her leisure time over a period of about fifteen years. The author hopes that some member of the family will use this effort of hers to produce a more complete record just as she has used the little pamphlet on the Martin family written by Dr. J. 0. Martin thirty or thirty-five years ago as the basis of this work. It served as a compass and she acknowledges with gratitude her debt to him. The family records in each case have been fumisned by members of that family, _ or have been secured from published records, courthouse, cemetery and Bible records.

For the historical background material the author has worked in the Genealogical Room of the New York Public Library; the Congressional Library; the D.A.R. Library in Washington; State Records in Harrisburg, Pa.; the Historical Society, Lancaster, Pa.; The Pennsylvania IIistorical Society and the Presbyterian Library in Philadelphia; Hall of Records, Annapolis, Md.; Maryland His­torical Society, Baltimore, Md.; Colonial Records, State Archives, Raleigh, N.C. She l1as spent several months in the State Archives in Ricl1mond, Va. where the records of all the Virginia Counties are assembled; the St;:ite Archives in Columbia, S.C. and of course Laurens Co. S.C. court records.

Many individuals have helped with their own families. To the following she owes a special debt of gratitude:- Dr. J.O. Martin, Mr. Leon Hollingsworth, Greenwood Circle, Decatur, Ga., a pro­fessional genealogist; Mrs. Lonny Culbertson, R 2, Laurens, S. C.; Mr. L.A. Green, R 4, Greer, S.C. who is a Martin-in-law; Mrs. Alvon S. Jones (Elizabeth Martin), 250 Rodes Ave., Lexington, Ky., who has done a great deal of research on the Martin family; Mr. John R. Martin of St. Joseph, Mo., author of a book on some cf these New 'Kent Martins from whom we also spring; Mr. Troy Jones,


318 Hillsdale St., Laurens, S.C. who has such a store of local history at his command and Mr. Earle L. Martin of Bakersfield, Calif., Mrs. Ermna Roper.

The author wishes there were more personal data concerning individual members. She has used what she had. She has more on her own family because she was able to copy it from an earlier book on the Puckett Family.

A few allied families have been inclmlcd, At the Martin family reunions members were urged to submit stories of their own allied families. The ones included were the only ones submitted.

The generations are indicated in this way: A-represents the first generation, B-the second generation and so on. Al-repre­sents the first one mentioned in this generation. Cl5-represents the 15th. person mentioned in the third generation and so on.



To My Anccsiors ....... , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ill

Preface .. , , ................ , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iv

TI1e Martin Family . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

William Martin of Laurens County, South Carolina . . . . . . . . . . 6

Daniel Martin of Laurens County, South Carolina . . . . . . . . . . 11

Allied Families

Ancestry of Margaret Hudgens,

Wife of Herbert Martin ( C6) .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. . 73

Ancestry of Tabitha Rodgers,

Wife of Asbury Martin ( C5) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 75

John McNees or McNeese ............................ 84

Controversy Concerning Rodgers-Caldwell-Daugherty

Marriages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87

Charles Saxon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91

The ~fartin Family St. Martin, Bishop of Tours, from whom the thousands of exist­

ing fyrartins clai1n descent, ,vas the son of a Rom0-.t--i Tribune. l-Ic ,vas born in Sabaria, a city in Hungary about the year A.D. 316. He was educated at Pavia, entered the army first under Constrn.tine and afterwards under. Julian the apostate. Price in his Distaff Descent gives a splendid account of him from which I quote almost verba­tim:-

"He became a soldier of some standing an_d influence. The famous tradition of his halving his coat with a s!,ivcring beggar always pictures him riding forth with gay companions. The sight of the beggar and the contrast with himself is supposed to have c:msPd liis inslant con-;ersion. Dcing a man of intclligi:nco he prohahly npprcdal<'d tlio futility of wand(,ring ahoot Europe fir~ht­lng petty wars as against the solidity and possibilities offered hy a churchly career. Gradually he became more serious minded and finally became a monk. Here his instinct for leadership and his executive ability raised him to the Bishopric and finally to s;1int­hood."

He died in Tour:iinc about the year 307 A.D. on Nov. 11. The church ordered the anniversary to be observed as the Feast of St. Martin. That ,-.,as the ch1te of the pagan feast of Bacchus, so St. Martin became the patron of good living and the day is aiways celebrated with feasting and the passing of the wassail bowl. In Scotland the day still marks the winter term called Martin-Mass, the mass of St. Martin. -

Stories were told of the wonderful cures• performed after St. Martin's death In his name. Even his famous cloak was miraculously preserved and solemnly carried before the French monarch as a victorious banner, the Counts of Anjou having the special privilege of bearing in battle a blue banner with "Chape de Saint Martin" on it. History states that the cape was present on the field of Narbonne when Charlemagne vanquished the Saracens. It was carried by twelve monks enclosed in a shrine, and resting upon .a cushion cmbrol<lcrcd by the Princesses Emma and Hosamond and surrounded by an honor guard whose captain was Dudon <le Lys and one hundred chos~n knights. Eventually the various monas-

( 1)


teries became so jealous over the possession of the cloak a Count La Rochefoucolt burned it to silence them.

St. Martin was buried in the church of St. Germain Auxerre. World War 1 ceased on this kindly saint's day. Some one has given him a sister Concha, who married Calfulnius or Ciprunius, son of Portitus, a Roman, and became the mother of Patrick, Ireland's patron saint. So St. Martin has come naturally to be associated with the kindly things of earth - ua goodly inheritance with which to start out.~

MARTIN de TOURS 1025-1088

nie arrival of the ~1artins in England is recorded with t"facfw de Tours, also known as Martin de Touronibus, a general officer in the army of William the Conqueror and Admiral of the Fleet. The Norman family of Martin probably came from Tor or Tours in the vicinity of Bayeux. His name is entered as Le Seig de S. Martin in the list of the noble captains and gentlemen who assisted Duke William in the conquest of England. He was at the Battle of Hastings, and is on the roll of Battell Abbeie ( Battle Abbey). In commemoration of his victory Duke \'Villiam caused to be erected a stately pile which was named Baltcl Ahbcy. Tho nhbey was dedicated to St. !\fortin. lly tlw din•dlon of tho c-cm<pu-ror a rnll was prepared in which was recorded the names and titles of tlie men who had followed his banner. On it occurs the name of Martin de Tours.

Baron Martin de Tours was born in 1025 and seems to have been a sailor as well as a soldier adventurer. His being placed in command of the Duke's fleet would indicate some nautical experi­ence. This is the first authentic record of the love of the sea which became such a ruling passion among many of his descendants, even to a golden anchor being incorporated on the coat of arms of the Martins who settled in Virginia.

Duke William rewarded Martin de Tours by giving him lands in Somerset and Devon. Being a man of parts he promptly mar­ried Geva, the daughter of the largest landowner in those parts, according to the Doomesday Book, Seclo de Burci, amassing by this action ten of the largest estates which were later to become for many generations the principal Martin residences of the young­er branches of the family.

On the demise of Martin de Tours his widow married William de Falaise or Salesia who owned Dartington in Devonshire and on

oF L.Auru:Ns CoumY, SoUTH CAROLINA 3

his death the young son of Martin and Geva named Robert Fitz Martin inherited all the properties.

After Baron Martin ( Martin de Tours) had subdued and or­ganized his Saxon possessions time hung heavy on his hands, so he willingly undertook the conquest of the fuhire Welsh. At Mor­vill he won a decisive battle and gradually subdued that part of Wales. Among other conquests Martin made was the district of Cemaes in Pembrokeshire some sixty miles in circumference. This was about tho year 1077. King William was so pkasc<l with Mar­tin's success in Wales that he gave this vast estate of Cemacs to him and created him Baron Cemaes. Martin governed as lord marcher, having his castle at Newport w~ere the· ruins still stand. In Roscoe's Life of William the Conqueror ( 1846) the author says, "The Barony of Kernes is of a unique character; there is no parallel to it in Great Britain. It was in ~reat measure independent of the Crown of England. The Lords of Kernes exercised many and important privileges. It was incorporated by a charter granted William Martin, Lord of Kernes in the reign of King John (1208). The charter still exists in the archives of the Lloyds of Bronwy<ld and is the only instance on record of tho privileges of incorporntion hnvh11{ hccn created hy n ~uhj('ct. It is tho opinion of tlio mo:;t 11mirn·11t law)!crs of the day that the Bnrony of Kernes is n virt-ial sovereignty."

As the years passed this doughty old warrior gradually wearied of strife and battle. Turning his thoughts to higher matters, he began the foundations of a benedictine monastery at St. Dogncll's in Cemaes, annexing it as a cell to the monastery of Tyrone in France. His son Robert Fitz Martin g:lVc the endowment, the charter was witnessed by Henry I. Martin de Tours and Robert are both said to have been buried in the choir of the chapel of this monastery.

William Fitz Martin, son of Robert Fitz Martin, married the daughter of Rhys-ap-Griffith, sovereign of South Wales. William's grandson acquired the honour of Barnstable by marriage with Maude, daughter of Guy de Brian and his wife Eva, heiress of Henry de Tracy, lord of that Barony. She brought him large pos­sessions in different parts of England among which were Sea­borough and Athelha."Ilpton in Dorset, Compton-Marro in Somer­set, Comb-Maitin in Devon, and Long Melford in Suffolk.

The facts above are derived from Price's Distaff Descent, the Falaise Roll, Hays' History of the Martin Family, Notices, Genealog­ical and Historical of the Martin Family of New England.



l. Baron Robert Fitz-Martin b. 1080, a person of considerable prominence during the reign of Henry II and Richard I. Married ~1aude Purvell, daughter of Lord :Nottingharn, a captain with ·vviI­liam the Conqueror. His successors were soon moved to the King's Council as Barons of Cemaes and continued as Lords of the Eng­lish Parliament.

2. Lord William Fitz Martin b. 1125 d. 1209. Son of Robert Fitz Martin. Married Augharad, daughter of Rhys-ap-Griffith ( or Gryfid), Prince of South Wales. They left two sons:- 1. William b. 1160 '\vho seems to have remair1ed iI1 England as head of the family. 2. Oliver b. about 1165 at Dartington House, Devon, Eng­land, who was the ancestor of the branch of the family.

Sir Oliver was a knight and a crusader, one of those military enthusiasts who strangely mixed religion and romance. He ac­companied King Henry II in 1186 in the conquest of Ireland. His descendants were among the famous 13 tribes of Galway, Ireland. In 1193 he accompanied Richard, Coeur de Lion, to the Holy Land and shared his captivity. In Colonial Families of the United States by George Norbury Mackenzie he quotes from the Book of Pedigrees Vol. 10 ( College of Arms, Dublin Castle) that arms were granted to Oliver Martin, Esq. by King Richard in the Holy Land in 1193.

Foiiowing Sir Oliver the line is traced through twelve genera­tions to Thomas Martin who married Mary, daughter of William Gerrard of Trent. .. They had tl1ree sons, William, Thomas, and John of whom it is said all three came to America. Capt. John Martin, son of the above Thomas lived in York Co. He was bom in 1596 and died in 1673.~ Your compiler does not endorse this statement, she merely quotes it. It is said that all of the Martins of England, Scotland, and Wales are descended from Martin de Tours and that most of the Martins of Virginia and the other southern states are descended from Sir Oliver of Galway, Ireland.

The facts in this section are quoted from Virginia Eliza Mc­Naughton' s James Clark Mansfield and Christopher Clark anc '~ed Families. For those who are interested in tying up the American and English Families, reference is given to Welles American Family Antiquity. It contains an exhaustive study of the descendants of Baron 1-da,.-tin de Tow.-s..



Capt. John Martin of Biddeford, England sailed around the world with Sir Francis Drake. Some have stated that this was the same Capt. John Martin who was one of the founders of James­town. If this is true he must have been a mere boy when he sailed with Drake.

Capt. John Martin, one of the founders of Jamestown Colony is stated in Brown's Genesis to have been born in 1560-65. He was a son of Sir Richard Martin b. 1534 d. 1616, goldsmith, master of the mint and twice Lord Mayor of London. He married on or before 1562 Dorcas, daughter of Sir John Ecclestone of Lancashire. Capt. John Martin was t11e first master of the plantat_ion in Virginia known as Martin's Brandon. the beginning he took a leading and conspicuous part in the affairs of the colony and threw his lot in with it. The charter for his land gave him !.Orne special privi­leges not granted to the other colonists. He wa~ a typical English­man in that he was jealous and tenacious of his rights. This caused him some trouble as the other colonists of Jamestown did not like the special privileges granted to him by James I. He lived in Vir­ginia longer than any of the other first settlers. It is believed that he died there. Many Americans mistakenly claim descent from him. However his only son, John Martin, Gent. who came over with his father died unmarried in Jamestown about 1607 soon after his arrivai.

Richard Martin, Capt. John Martin's brother died in 1618. He also came to America and was one of the corporation who founded Martin's !fon<lred seven miles from what is now James City, Va. This lmndrc<l comprised 80,000 acres. It was named for Richard. Your compiler's research indicates that he left no male descendants, his only son, Joseph, dying young and unmarried.

There were four lord mayors of London before 1600 by the name of Martin;-Sir John Martyn about 1468, Sir William Martin 1492, Sir Roger Martin 1567-68, Sir Richard Martin, father of Capt. John, who served first in 1539 and again in 1594.

William Martin of London, shipowner and merchant, who helped outfit the Mayflower for her eventful voyage in 1620 .

. Another Martin who was not a Briton, but deserves our at­tention was Martin Behain, known as Martin of Bohemia who made a globe of the world while Columbus was still trying to con­vince people that the earth was not flat. He gathered his data from all the material the mariners brought home.

William Martin of Laurens County, South Carolina

Daniel Martin of Laurens Co·unty is the first Martin ancestor of whom we have definite proof. Dr. J. 0. Martin in his pamphlet on the Martin Family of Laurens Co. says his father was \Villiam and that he married Sarah Wadsworth. Dr. Martin gives no authority for his statement. He was probably right about the name of the father. In Book C Laurens Co. Deeds p 325 there is a deed recorded of the sale of 150 A. on Raebum Creek by Benjamin Brown to William Martin for !Os. The deed is dated Sept. 25, 1773. Mr. Troy Jones discovered an earlier record concerning \Villiam Martin. Rich­ard O\vings sold Sylva.nus \Valkcr 150 A. on both sides of Rabun Ck. ( another spelling for the same creek) in June 1771. This was recorded in 1791 at Laurens. This deed carries the notation dated Feb. 25, 1772, "I do assign the within release to William Martin." This is not the first \Villiam Martin in what is now Laurens Co. But tl1is one settled in the neighborhood where Daniel Martin's family later lived.

Dr. Martin says that William Martin died about 1783-4 and that his wife died soon after. He probably had access to old family Bibles, or else very old members of the family were still living. Your compiler has no further information on this than that given by Dr. Marti.n.

I shall have to take issue with Dr. Martin in stating that Wil­liam Martin of Raebum Creek in Laurens Co. was a brother of Abraham Martin who settled in Edgefield District about 1769 and was the founder of the prominent family who lived at Martins­town in Edgefield. He and his family came to Edgefield from Charlotte Co. Va. Let us explore this Abraham Martin family a little further.

Abraham Martin, grandfather of Abraham of Edgefield, born about 1642 in Galway, Ireland came to America about 1680. One can find all kinds of statements about where he settled in America. Some say Albemarle Co., Va. This is most unlikely as that area was not settled at the time. Others say Caroline, King William, and New Kent. To your compiler New Kent seems most likely as we will show later. It is said that the immigrant, Abraham, had four sons, Ja. .. es, William, Samuel and John, and a daughter who mar­ried Matthew Moore, Sr. There seems to be no proof of these children other than John. But this fact is v.idely quoted in the early literature on this family.


John, son of Abraham the immigrant, was born in 1683-5 in what was then New Kent Co. He is said to have been of King William Co., but King William was not formed until 1702 out of territory that was originally New Kent. He died in 1756. r,farried Letitia ----. They had the following children:- ( 1) Eliza b. 1708 mar. probably George or John Douglas. ( 2) Mary b. April 19, 1709 d. 1780 Mar. Jeremiah White b. 1695 d. 1776. Mary was born in St. Peter's Parish, New Kent. (3) John b. 1710 d. 1787. Twice mar­ried. First to Mary -. Second to Ann Farish. ( 4) Susanna b. May 20, 1711 (from St. Peters Parish Records) Mar. probably Benjamin Clark. ( 5) Reb('cca Martin b. Aug. 18, 1712. ( St. Pctn-s Par:.,h Rec­ords.) (6) Thomas b. 1714 d. 1792 !\far. first Ann Moonnan, sec­ond Susan Ledbetter, third Mary Suddarth. (7) Abraham b. 1716 d. 1773. Mar. Elizabeth Marshall. Living in Edgefield Dist. at time of his death.

Now it will be sccn from the above that Abraham Martin who came to Edgl'ficld did not have a brother William 11s stated by Dr. Martin. There was a \Villiam in the preceding generation who might have been the fatl1er of our Laurens Co. William. Ag:iin it is a question of skipping a generation as is so often done in genealogical work.

These children of John, the son of Abraham, scattered very widely, but we know that Thomas, the son of John, was living in New Kent Co. in 1751. From the Albemarle Co. \Vill and Deed Book 1, p. 486 we learn that Isaac Bates sold to Thomas Martin of New Kent Co. 400 A. on Ned's Creek on the Fluvanna River, Aug. 18, 1751. In 1764 Thomas Martin settled on the South Fork of Hardware River. His father John Martin had 2cquired bnd o;:i both sides of Hardware River in 1749. We know this Thomas was the son of Jolm, the son of Abraham, the immigrant.

Of the sons of · the immigrant, Abraham Maro.n of Galway, Ireland, \Villia."Tl, Jan1es, Samuel, and John we see stron6 evidence through the St. Peters Parish Records that John lived for many years in New Kent. We learn from the same source that a James Martin died there in 1709 and that a William died in the same year. The boundaries of St. Peters Parish at time were about the same as those of New Kent Co.

It is frnpossible to trace any family originating in New Kent Co. Virginia down to the present time unless family records have been kept through the years as the New Kent records were de­stroyed during the War Between the States. But bits can be put


together gathered from here and there. This is the best your com­piler can do after years of work on this line.


It scC'ms that from time to time certain !Y!<'mh1•r~ of the com• nmnity were appoinlc<l "to llcmnrk ye bounds of each man's lam.I." They were called processiorl<'rs. Feb. 28, 1689 the Vestry Book p. 18 states that Martin Martin, Hen. Martin, Thos, Martin, and William Martin were appointed to this duty.

"At a vestry held at St. Peters church on ye behalfe of St. Peters Parish this 4 day of May, 1689. The severall Prsons named in companys ye: were ordered to profsession and Remark ye bounds of each man's Land viz: Marttin, Jno.; Mr. Marttin, ( Coi.) Pates Marttin, Marttin, Thos.: Mr. Marrtin." pp 20,21. Some have guessed that the Mr. Marttin was Abraham, the immigrant. Page 45 of same book - ''Will Martin and Jno. Martin processioners June 4, 1698." From Page 56 - "John Martin, Will Martin, Martin Martin ordered with others to clear the roads, June 14, 1698. This was from a vestry held at the upper church. In anotl1er precinct Thomas Martin is ordered along with others to clear the roads.

Qurr RENT Rous OF 1704 ( VmcrNu.)

Quit rents were fees paid to the cro,vn yearly by men who received grants from tlie cro,vn. They ,vere levied on the per acre basis. These records are reliable means of checking tl1e location of people of that day. The 1704 list is tlie earliest tax list that tlie writer knows about. The Martins on tlie 1704 list of New Kent are as follows:- Thos. Martin 125 A., Martin Martin 150 A., William Martin 230 A., James Martin 100 A., John Martin 400 A.

The writer would like to call your attention to a previous statement made that Thomas and Mary Martin of North Ireland (Galway), descendants of Sir Oliver Martin, had tliree sons, William, Thomas, and John. all of whom came to America. It is possible tliat these three men are among the early settlers of New Kent.

It is impossible because of destroyed records to trace William Martin's ( of Laurens Co.) family back through the years to these first Martins of New Kent and St. Peters Parish. But the tax records of New Kent, beginning with 1782 on file in tlie archives of the State of Virginia show William's son, Daniel, residing in lower St Peters Parish. Your compiler has gathered &om the records of the


Vestry of St. Peters Parish a logical line of descent for William Martin of Laurens and through him for ou ancestor, Daniel Martin.

Abraham Martin b. 1642 in Galway, Ireland. Came to America about 1680. Settled in New Kent Co.· ·Issue:

1. William l\fortin h. ahoul H370. A proccssioncr 1689, 1698. fvinrricd f"1ary. l)kd jan. 20, i7(r.J.

2. Jam('s Martin b. ahout ]()7:2 d. 170D. 3. Samuel h. nhout Hl74. No furllicr record. 4. John tv!artin b. 1683 d. 17.56. Mar. Letitia. William Martin b. about 1670 d. 1709. Mar. Mary, Issue: Thomas Martin bapt. July 10, 1698. Mar. Mary Tucker. Issue: William Martin b. April, 1726. Mar. Sarah <l. 1784-86 in S.C. Daniel Martin b. 1745--50. Died i.r1 S.C. 1829. Mar. 11.c!ary Saxon

in Va.

Your compiler wishes to rei:erate that while these records be­tween Abraham Martin and Daniel Martin came from the Vestry book of St. Peters Parish, she has arranged what seems to be a logical line. The records show that William and Mary had a son Thomas; that Thomas and Mary had a son \Villiam who married a Sarah. They also had a daughter Susannah and Daniel had a sister Susannah. Dr. Martin says that Sarah was a \Vadsworth. Reference to the Colonial Papers of Va. Vol. 12 No. 2-1 will prove that there were Wadsworths in this section of Virginia at that time. A sh1dy of tiie York County, Va. records shows that there were Wadsword1s there as early as 1636-87 when Edward Wadsworth was a security for Jane Martin Barbee when she became the adminis­trator for her second husband's estate. This is the only place where your compiler has found Martins and Wadsworths living near .to­gether. New Kent Co. was cut off from York about 1654. This is simply another thread of circumsta."ltial evidence.


BY Dn. J. 0. MAllnN

Al William Martin b. April 14, 1726 in New Kent Co., Va. Died Laurens Co., S. C. 1783-84. In early land transfers he is re­ferred to as a Merchant. Married Sarah Wadsworth. Issue:

Bl Willian1 Wadsworth Martin b. in Va. between 1740-50. Married Miss Turpin. Was a Revolutionary War soldier. Moved to Tenn. with his father-in-law. Probably lived in Bedford or Lincoln Counties in that state.


B2 Edmund Martin b. in Va. between 1740-50. Died un­married.

B3 Reuben Martin mar. Joanna, thought to have been a Higgins. Dr. Martin says that Reuben was a brother of Daniel, but your compiler has been unable to prove this. She does believe there was a relationship because of famiiy traditions. Reuben came to S. C, from Fauquier Co., Va. He was the head of the Marlins around Warrior Creek. Will on file in Laurens Co.

B4 Daniel Martin b. 1745-50 in Va. Dled 1829. Adm. estate appointed Oct. 20, 1829. His descendants are the only ones to be followed in this paper.

B5 Susannah Mnrlin-Suid to have hcen a twin ~fstnr of Daniel's. Born in Virgiula. Married Amlrnw Hm!,:ns, son of John Hodgcrs nml Margaret McNt·cse Hodgt'rR, who came to S. C. from Lunenburg Co., Va. (Seo ac­count of Rodgers Family ln this volume.) Died in Bar­tow Co., Ca., formerly Cass Co. Her tombstone in a grave yard near Cartersville, Ca. in a thicket near the Atlanta to Chattanooga highway, about 45 miles from Atlanta, bears this inscription: "Died in the summer of 1840". Issue: Cl Lucy Netty Rodgers b. Dec. 3, 1781; d. Oct. 28,

1843. Data from tombstone in above graveyard. Mar. in Laurens Co., S. C. Arnold Milner b. May 18, 1786 Died April 24, 18.:>,. From tombstone in same graveyard.

C2 Sarah Rodgers. No further information.

Daniel Iv1artin of Laurens County, South Carolina

Daniel !viartin was born beiween 1745-50 as he was buying land in Charles City Co. Va. April 4, 1771 From Charles City Co. Order Book 1744-1768 p. 290 we leam that on this date Isham Coley of Charles City Co. and his wifo, Hannah sold to Demiel Mnrlin of New Kent for .9.. 22, lOs. 45 A. in Charles City Co. bordering on !rind of Martin Martin nnd Anrlrew Day. Martin Martin was one of the witnesses. On p. 500 of the same book we learn that on Oct. 8, 1773 Arnhroso Day of Westover Parish sold John Benford land bounded by Edward Finch, Martin Martin, Daniel M:trtln, Georgo lla111ldt.

Tho rwnw:; of tlm }1<'opln armm<l thi~ Daulol Marlin nm one of the r,vld,·nl'<·s that !Ids Danie·! J\.forlln ls t!J1• nw, who bier 1·a1110

to Ln11rrn, Co. S.C. Tli,,rn WN!l several Martin Martl11s in Virginia before tld.~ time in New Krnt, Hcnrko, an<! Charle,; City Comities. One Martin Martin had a grant of land in Laurens Dist., S.C. as early as 1765. \V1iat relation he was to Daniel we do not know, but they were in Laurens not very far apart after they settled there and were witnessing papers for each other. There was a Julius Martin in New Kent and Daniel had a grandson Julius. Daniel Martin was said to have married a Saxon, and there were Saxons in New Kent after 1700. (See t.he sketch of the Saxon fa,·nily in this volume.) Many other families prominent in Laurens Co. occur in New Kent at this time and later:-Graves, Wares, Bacons, Allens, Barksdales, Downs, Hudgens, Hixs.

The tax records begin in Virginia in 1782. We find D:miel Martin paying land and personal property taxes in 1782, '83, '84, and '85 in low£r New Kent C-0. After that he disappears from the list. In 1785 Henry Atkinson, a land agent pays the taxes for him. In 1786 Daniel Martin bought 100 A. on the north fork of Durbin's Creek in Laurens Co. ( Book A. Laurens Deeds) To indicate fur­ther that this is the same Daniel Martin - the 1782 Census of St. Peters Parish (Joseph Foster's list) Daniel Martin is given a family of seven whites. The 1700 Cenros of Laurens Co. gives him a family of eleven.

Aithough Daniel Martin bought land on Durbin's Creek in 1786, he eventually settled north west of Laurens village near what is now the Greenvilie highway in the neighborhood of Chestnut Ridge Chu:ch.


Daniel Martin died in the year 1829, as on Oct. 20, 1829 James S. Rodgers was appointed Administrator. In regard to this appoint­ment there is on file .in Box 46, Pkg. 3, Probate Judge's office a papcrj a certified copy of which I have in n1y possession, in which Daniel Martin, Jr., Harbert Martin, and Berry Martin state that they are the only children of Daniel ?-.fartir1, dcc'd. who were :re­siding in this district at that time and recommend James Rodgers as a fit and proper person to administer their father's estate. This paper was signed and sworn to by the three sons on Oct. 10, 1829. James S. Rodgers was the brother-in-law of Berry (Asbury) Martin.

Daniel Martin left no will, but there are two deeds that are of interest, abstracts of which are given below.

"For $1.00 paid by James S. Rodgers" ( the brother of his daughter-in-law, Tabitha Martin, wife of Asbury Martin) '1 grant unto said James S. Rodgers that plantation on which I now live, containing 195 A. south of Greenville Road with the exception of 10 A.----- for the use of my son Little Berry Martin, during his natural life and at his death to go to his children forever, reserving to myself the sole control of this land during my natural life. To the said James S. Rodgers, his heirs and assigns in Trust. Signed Daniel tfartin Sr. Witnesses John Woody, Sr. John Woody, Jr. Chas. Allen. Jan. 9, 1829." Book M. p 102 Laurens Co. Deed. We judge that his wife is dead as there is no mention of her.

"For $1.00 paid to me by William Hudgens" (brother of his daughter-in-law, Margaret Hudgens) "I do give unto the said Wil­liam Hudgens tract containing 90A. ( describes boundaries) lying on the Greenville Road in trust and for the use of my son Herbert Martin during his natural life and at his death to his children for­ever." Retains control during his life. Daniel Martin signs. Same date and witnesses as above. Book M p. 103 Laurens Co. Deeds.

Dr. J. 0. Martin gives Daniel, Sr. four sons, Asbury, Herbert, Daniel, Jr. and Dre,v.ry. He does not mention daughters. The 1790 Census of S.C. gives him 3 males over 16, one of whom was Daniel binlself, 4 males under 16 and 4 females, one of whom was probably his wife. So it is evident we do not have a complete record of his children. Some of those over 16 could have been older relatives living with him. We know that he had a son John. Real estate transfers show a John, son of Daniel, buying and selling land around 1802 and 1803. There were a number of John Martins in the cvunty at that time, so it was necessary to distinguish him from the others.


Daniei Marti.Tl lived very near where Chestnut Ridge Baptist Church now stands. Robert McNeese, Daniel Martin, Sr. Susannah ( ?\!a..rti..n) Rodgersj &."1d her son~in-lavv·, Amoid !v1i1ner deeded for $3.00 the 2 1-2 A. on which the Chestnut Ridge Baptist Church stands to Lewis Saxon, Charles Allen, and Bcnj. Nabors for the purpose of building a meeting house and for a burying ground. Deed dated Aug. 15, 1811. Laurens Co. Deed Book J p 257.



The record below was copied from a Daniel Martin card in the National Archives in Washington:-

"Daniel Martin, 3rd. S.C. Regiment commanded by Col. Wil­liam Thompson. Date of enlistment July 24, 1776." Vol. 9 p 210. "This book appears to !,ave been copied from ( orig,nal rolls) in the Office of Anny accounts under the payma!;tcr Gcncrnl U.S.A. wJ,o was authorized by Congress July 4, 1783 to settle und finally adjust all accounts whatsoever between the United States and the officers and soldiers of the American army." (Journal of American Congress, Vol. 4 p 237 R. and P. 436, 786.

The following was taken from Hcitman's Historical Rcgiste...­of the Officers of the Continental Army 1775-1783. '"Thompson, Wil­liam (S.C.) Lt. Col. 3rd. S.C. (Rangers) 17th. June, 1775; Col. 16 May 1776. By the Act of 20th. July 1776 it was resolved that the tl1anks of the United Stutes of America be given Col. Thompson and the officers and soldiers under tl1eir command who on the 28L'1. of June last repulsed with so much valor the attack which was made that day on the State of S.C. by the fleet and army of his Britannic Majesty."

Whether this Daniel Martin was the same man as our Daniel of New Kent we cannot prove, but there was no other Daniel Martin of this area known to your compiler. In the same regiment were a William Martin, possibly his brother William Wadsworth Martin, a John, a Martin Martin, Ambrose Hudgens, all enlisting on the same day. It is possible that Daniel Martin was in South Carolina temporarily and enlisted for a period and returned to New Kent. In 1782 Daniel Martin was classified as in Class 15 in N(.'W Kent's Military Classes of that year. (Tyler's Quarterly, Vol. 10, p 180) This is just another of the unsolved problems your com­piler has met.



C3 John Martin. Probably the oldest. He was selling his lands in Laurens Co. in the early 1800s. He evidently moved away. No further information.

C4 Daniel Martin, Jr. b. 1770-75. Married Mary Cook. 1800 Census puts him in the 26-45 age group.

C5 · Asbury Martin b. 1794-1802. 1820 Census says he was be­tween 18 and 26 years old. Died before 1850 as his wife, Tabitha, is given as head of family. Asbury married Tabitha Rodgers, daughter of John L Rodgers and Sar,l> Saxon Rodgers. Tabitha born about 1800 as the 1850 C. of S. C. gives her age as 50. The 1860 C. of Marshall Co., Miss. gives her age as 60. Asbury Martin must have been dead by Nov. 28, 1846. On that date James S. Rodgers sold 800a. of land held in trust for Tabitha Martin and Herbert Martin. Indicates that Asbury is dead. Laurens Co. Deed Book P p 59.

C6 Herbert Martin b. 1796 d. 1858 (Tombstone record in Chest­nut Ridge Cemetery). Mar. Margaret Hudgens b. 1795 (Roper gives Jan. 14, 1794) d. 1875 (Tombstone same cem.) daugh­ter of Ambrose Hudgens and his wife, Joanna Elizabeth.

Cl Drewry Martin. Your compiler knows nothing of him except what Dr. Martin says in his little book. "Drewry was an ex­pert in woodwork and was very transient, here and there wherever his work called him. He married out in Georgia, whom we never knew. He and his wife had one child, John:­Dl John Martin married a Miss Joicie Lockhart. They had

one child, a girl, who was living a few years ago in Atlanta, Ga.

C6 There must have been several girls judging by Census rec­ords, but we have no further knowledge of them.


( Son of Daniel Martin, Sr. ( B4) and his wife, Mary Saxon)

This family has not been traced by your compiler, but we will give the meager information we have from Dr. J. O. Martin's little book. Daniel Martin's children:

D2 Acy Martin mar. Miss Hattie Henry. D3 Julius Martin married Miss Margrett Taylor. No children.


D4 John }y1artin mar. }w1iss r,.1ancy Goodwin. Issue: El Othello Martin mar. Leland Henry. Issue:

Fl T(pm:1er F" \Ao..-lneo li"l TL-.;.. ~,:!_ ~.~i-- ..... :ro.

F5 Ida F6 Pinkney F7 Hosea F8 John F9 Stewart FlO Lee Fll Pierce


Most of these children lived in the Fountain Inn section.

D5 Samuel Martin. No information. D6 Beverly Martin b. Aug. 6, 1801. Died Mar. 6, 1873. Wife,

Priscilla said to have been the widow McKittrick, b. Dec. 27, 1800 died Oct. 6, 1874 {Dates from tombstones in Leesville Methodist Cemetery, 7 miles east of Laurens, just off old Clinton Road). Will on file in Laurens. Wife and brother Julius exec. Daughter Cloretta made Adm. Issue named in will or by Dr. M;i.rtin: E2 Cloretta Susan mar. a Blakely. Issue: Fl2 Edwiu,

Fl3 Irwin. E3 William Martin mar. a Miss Benjamin, no issue: E4 James P. Martin. Moved to Georgia. ES Mary Elizabeth Martin mar. George Farrow. Issue:

Fl4 Perry Farrow Fl5 Landy Farrow Fl6 Hewett Farrow.

ES ~v1artha Jane lv1artin rnar. a Benjamin. Chiidren, but name~ unknown.

E7 Rosnmond mar. a Hnett. ES Margaret Emeline Martin mar. a Butler. E9 Charity Caroline mar. a Powell. Moved west.


( George Asbury was the son of Daniel Martin { B4) and his wife, Mary Saxon)

George Asbury Martin, commonly called Berry, was born in S.C. between 1794 and 1802. The 1820 Census says he was between 18 and 26 years old. He was dead before 1850 as his wife is r.amed as the head of the family in the Census of that year. He m=ied Tabitha Rodgers who was the daughter of John L. Rodgers and Sarah Saxon Rodgers. ( See sketch in this voiume). Asbury Mai tin was a successful farmer and was probably from all accounts a "free spenderN. His father, Daniel, took the precaution of leaving


his share of the land in trust to Ja.."Iles S. Rodgers, Tabitha's brother. Dr. J. 0. Martin pays quite a tribute to Asbury's wife, Aunt Tabbie. He says of her-"She was a most lovable woman. She was always cheerful. TI1ose who knew her best, loved her most. Her pleasant, cheerful mn.nncr lL.!gers ill my n1etnory. She left her foot prints on the sands of time." Asbury Martin died between 1840 and 1850, a few years before his children went west to Mississippi and some of the~ eventually to Arkansas. Your compiler has sought in vain for tl1e descendants of these children in tl1ese two states. Mr. Leon S. Hollingsworth, an excellent genealogist of Decatur, Ga. in his search for the descendants of the Saxon and Rodgers families joined in this search.

In tl1e Lawrenceville Herald of Feb.· 1, 1856 there is adver­tised a bill for the partition of Asbury Martin's estate. Tabitha Martin ct al vs. Edmund R. Martin and Leander H. Martin, Wil­liam L. Martin and J amcs T. ( probably intended for an S.) Rodgers, trustees, who reside beyond the limits of the state are ordered to appear in court 25th. of April ne;,,.t. Willia..'11 L. Martin, Tabitha's son, and James S. Rodgers, her brother were both living in Mar­shall Co. Miss. near Byhalia at this tin1e. Everything was settled amicably we presume as Tabiilia was living in 1860 in the house­hold of her son William L. Martin when the Census of tliat year was taken.

The children of Ceorge and Tabitha were:-D7 Willia_111 L. ?\,fa..-rtin in ~1arshall Co., lvfiss. in 1860 Census. His

age was given as 30 yrs. His wife, Frances as 23. His children at that time were given as (Ell) Willis, 4 yrs. ( El2) Florence, 3 yrs. ( E13) Estelle, 1 yr.

D8 Harrison Martin. Went west with brotliers. No further in­formation.

D9 James Martin. In Marshall Co., Miss. in 1860 Census. Aged 24 at time. Living in home of brother, William. Old letters in the possession of Rodgers relatives in Arkansas, and tlie diary of his aunt, Emily Ware Rodgers, (Mrs. James S. Rodgers) in the possession of her descendants in Arkansas indicate that James and his mother often visited tlicse rela­tives in Arkansas and he may have removed tliere.

D10 Edmund. No further information. Dll Leander Martin. !n Marshall Co., Miss. in 1860 Census.

Aged 18. In family of brotlier wmiam L No fu..rt.her in• formation.


D12 Emmeline Martin (Emily). Mar. 1849 John Shockley. They bd two children, (El4) Orr, rnwer married. Buried near Barksdales, ( E15) Pinckney mar. Leila Monroe, Issue: (FI7) Fraser (Fl8) Benjamin (Fl9) Amy, mar. a Mr. McDennott. In 1955 living in Gadsden, Ala.

D13 Isabella Martin mar. ( l) a Franks. Others say her first husband was a Thos. Bull. mar. ( 2) a Mr. Jones. In Chest­nut Ridge Cem. there is a tombstone marked Randolph C. Bull, son of Thos. and Isabella Bull b. July 20, 1854 d. Feb. 13, 1855. The family is said to have removed to Ark.

D14 Manina Martin mar. in 1843 James Lewis Lloyd. Moved to Arkansas. They had several sons and one daughter ( El6) Othello Lloyd mar. in S. C. Clyde Tinsley.

Tlicse families who moved to J\iiss. and Ark., became almost extinct during a scourge of yellow fever in 1880, as Dr. Martin says. I have not been able to find any trace of them.

D15 Lewis Saxon Martin b. April 9, 1820 d. July 19, 1903 mar. about 1840, Dorothy Brooks Willingham b. Aug. l, 1821 in S. C. Dutch Fork section of Newberry Co. Died July 9, 1847 in Marshall Co., Miss. near Byhalia where Lewis Saxon Martin had gone with his brothers. Dorothy Brooks Willingham Martin left two small <laughters ( El8) Sarah and ( E19) Cor­nelia. Lewis S. Mar-Jn returned to S. C. where he married April 12, 1848 Millicent Moore b. Oct. 6, 1827 d. Jan. 3, 1874. Lewis Martin was a Confederate Veteran.

Of the children of Asbury Martin we will follow through only with the descendants of Lewis Saxon Martin.



El8 Sarah Caroline Martin b. Oct. 23, 1842 in Marshall Co., :Miss. Died Jan. 16, 1931 at Waterloo, S. C. Buried in Cem. there. Mar. Oct. 21, 1866 John Alexander Puckett, b. near Princeton in Laurens Co., S. C. April 8, 1847. Died at Waterloo, S. C. Sept. 7, 1912. Buried Waterloo.

El9 Cornelia Martin born in Marshall Co., Miss. Mar. 7, 1845, according to family Bible. Her tombstone in Mt. Olive Cem.


gives 1847 as date. Died in Laurens Co. Mar. April 29, 1920 Travis Davenport.



F20 Hattie Alice Puckett b. Nov. 28, 1867 near Waterloo, S. C. d. Greenwood, S. C. Nov. 11, 1916. Mar. near Waterloo, Nov. 14, 1882, John Henderson South b. near Poplar Spring Church, Laurens Co., S. C. July 17, 1858 d. Greenwood, S. C. Aug. 9, 1935. Buried Waterloo, S. C.

F2l Dorothy Carolina Idora Puckett b. April 27, 1870 nP-ar Water­loo. Died May 31, 1870.

F22 Mary Cornelia (Corrie) Puckett b. July 26, 1871 near Water­loo d. Aug. 5, 1951, Laurens, S. C. m. Nov. 21, 1886 near Waterloo, Gabriel Washington Long, b. near Ware Shoals, Laurens Co., S. C. Dec. 10, 1864 d. Aug. 27, 1949. Both buried in Laurens.

F23 Sallie Irene Puckett b. near Waterloo Oct. 14, 1874 d. July 26, 1875.

F24 Janie Lewis Puckett b. near Waterloo, May 29, 1876 d. June 29, IS55 in Augusta, Ga. Buried Waterloo. Mar. near Water­loo Oct. 23, 1894 Henry Clarence Sims b. near Waterloo May 12, 1874.

F25 Agnes Brooks Puckett b. near Waterloo April 24, 1881 d. in Columbia, S. C. Sept. 3, 1958. Buried Waterloo. For m.-.ny years owner and manager of Greenwood Credit Bureau.

Children of Hattie Alice - Puckett ( F20) and Her Husband, John Henderson South

GI Christine Norad South b. near Waterloo, S. C. June 8, 1884 mar. Rock Hill, S. C. June 23, 1923 Nathaniel Gist Gee b. Union, S. C. April 20, 1876 d. Greenwood, S. C. Dec. 18, 1937. Christine holds A.B. Degree from Winthrop College, B.S. and M.A. degrees from Columbia University. Former State Leader of Home Demonstration Work and for 18 years a member of the Board of Trustees of Winthrop College. Nathaniel Gist Cee held A.B., M.A. and LL.D. degrees from Wofford College. Taught Winthrop, Columbia and Lander Colleges. Adviser on Pre-Medical Education to the Rocke­feller Foundation in Peking, China, and Director of the China


Medical Board of the Rockefeller Foundation m Peking. Buried in Greenwood.

Mrs. Gee's present address.: 401 \Vest Durst Ave., Green-

G2-7 Infant children all buried Mt. Pleasant Ccm. near Waterloo. G2 John Charlton Squth GJ Infant unnamed G4 Infant unnamed G5 Infant unnamed G6 James Carl South G7 Roy Maxwell South.



G8 Artemas Cleveland Long b. near Waterloo Mar. 19, 1888 d. Laurens, S. C. May 17, 1951. Buried Laurens. M. Cross Hill, S. C. Sept. 18, 1907, Ola Mae Culbertson b. Waterloo Feb. 4, 1889. Mrs. Long's present address: College Place, Laurens, S. C.

G9 Jessie Aileen Long b. Sept. 1, 1891 d. Oct. 7, 1891. GIO Otto Langdon Long b. Dec. 18, 1892 near Waterloo rn. East­

over, S. C. Aug. 23, 1917 Sara Dwight b. Eastover Oct. 14, 1895. Langdon is graduate of Citadel. Prominent attorney in Laurens. Former Senator from Laurens Co. Sara is gro.duate Confederate Home College in Charleston. Present address: South Harper St., Laurens, S. C.

Gll Gary Wilbur Long b. near Waterloo, May 11, 1894 d. Colum­bia, S. C. Oct. 10, 1954 m. May 20, 1937 Thelma Susan Riley b. Mar. 24, 1913 near Blythewood, S. C. d. Dec. 6, 1952, Columbia, S. C. Gary was a merchant in Columbia.

Gl2 Wynona Adele Long b. Aug. 25, 1896 near Waterloo m. Columbia, S. C. Dec. 15, 1896 William Mam Shoop b. Port Byron, Ill. Sept. 12, 1899. William (Billy) is a merchant in Columbia. Present address: 601 Avondale Drive, Columbia, S. C.

Gl3 Sara Genevieve Lo:,g b. near Waterloo Oct. 20, 1898 m. April 16, 1927, Le"wis Blachvell of Frodsham, Eng. b. Feb. 6, 1904 d. Greenville, S. C. Dec. 20, 1933. Genevieve is a secretary in Columbia. Present address: 1504 Crestwood Drive, Columbia, S. C.

G!4 Mar; Washington Long b. near Waterloo April 30, 1901 d. April 10, 1955, Greenville, S. C. m. Oct. 7, 1925 Jack Locke b. Gaviston, Liverpool, Eng. Jan. 3, 1900.


Gl5 Nelle Long b. Dec. 19, 1903 near Waterloo, S. C. Nelle is a secretary in ColUJ.11bi~ PreSent address~ 1417 Victoria St, Columbia, S. C.

Gl6 Willie Beth Long b. near Water!= June 22, 1900 d. Nov. 25, 1939 m. Sept. 15, 1927 Joseph Hope Bigham b. Sharon, S. C. Oct. 25, 1900.



Hl Charles Muurk'C Long b. June 20, 1000 m. Dec. 5, 1931, Miami, Fla. Camillo Holwrtson of Oj11s, Fla. b. Oct. 20, 1000, Newnan, Ga. Owner h11sirn·ss Long Office Supplies. Present address: 3220 Calusa St., Miami, Fla. Issue: Jl Charles Maurice Long, Jr. b. Mar. 18, 1934 m.

Present address: 9840 S.W. 73 Ave., Miami, Fla. Issue: Kl Charles Maurice Long III b. Jan. 27, 1961.

H2 Ola Marie Long b. Waterloo Jan. 19, 1912 m. Jan. 31, 1935, Henry Wofford Harrison, b. July 3, 1908 at Harris, N. C. Present address: 22 West Hillcrest Drive, Greenville, S. C. Issue: J2 Henry Wofford Harrison III b. Feb. 24, 1937 at Spar-

tanburg, S. C. d. S,;pt. 2, 1942 at Greenville, S. C. J3 Jerry Julian Harrison b. Nov. 5, 1940. J4 Marie Lynn Harrison b. Oct. 24, 1944. JS Henry Wofford Harrison b. about 1950.

H3 James Artemas Long b. Aug. 2, 1915 Waterloo m. Mar. 17, 1938 in Miami, Fla. Olive Winslow b. June 23, 1919 Miami Present address: 3049 Roxboro Rd. N.E., Atlanta, Ga. Issue: J6 Bobbie James Long b. Miami, May 2, HMO. J7 Pamba Ellen Long b. Miami, Sept. 18, 1946.

H4 Dorothy Jane Long b. Laurens, S. C. Oct. 6, 1922 m. Laurens Oct. 22, 19-15 Robert Ernest Wilson b. Lenoir, N. C. July 14, 1919. Robert is football coach and teacher of physical educa­tion Chester Schools. Present address: 22 Hillcrest Drive, Chester, S. C. Issue:

J8 Robert Ernest Wilson III b. Chester Jan. 31, 1949. J9 Dorothy Victoria Wilson b. 1953.




HS Langdon Dwight Long b, near Waterloo July 6, 1918 d. June 3, 1942. Attended Citadel and Univ. S. C. Served in World War II. 1st Lieut. Pilot. Lost in action while engaged in n bombing mission upon Lashio, Burma, June 3, 1942. He was with Bomber Squadron 10th Air Force.

H6 Mary Elise Long b. Laurens, S. C. June 15, 1921 m. Laurens, S. C. Juno 30, l!M5 Coodlctte Peden Taylor b. Ea.~lcy, S. C. July 25, ]!}]5. Eli.-:<~ i.~ graJ11nl<l of Woman's Coll.ego, Fmman University. Good!clte is witli a lnr/(<J t,;xlilc corporation in Greenville. Pn:.~cnt a<l<lrcss: 315 West Fari5 Hoac, Green­ville, S. C. Issue: JIO James Goodlette Taylor b. Laurens Jan. 20, 1947.

117 Jack Herbert Long b. Laurens, S. C. April 26, 1925 m. Lau­rens, S. C. Dec. 26, .!948 Adeline Vaughn, b. Simpsonville, S. C. Feb. 13, 1827. Jack attended the Citadel. Grad. Wofford. Served in World War II. Entered service Oct. 8, 1943 with 97th Infantry. Served in European theatre. Transferred to Japan. V. J. Day came while he was enroute. With army of occupation 6 mos. Jack is with the S. C. Dept. of Agr. Present address: 130 Academy St., Laurens, S. C. Issue: Jll Langdon Dwight Long b. Nov. 28, 1950. Jl2 Margaret (Peggy) Vaughn b. Feb. 8, 1954. Jl3 Sarah Elise Long b. Sept. 3, 1957.


HS Rosa Rebecca Long b. Columbia, S. C. May 1, 1938 m. Mar. 30, 1958 to John Joseph Mitchell, Jr. b. Apr. l, 1933. Rebecca grad. Univ. of S. C. Mr. Mitchell, grad. Wofford. M.A. Univ. of N. C. Teacher Columbia College. Present address: 5204 Burke Ave., Columbia, S. C. Issue: Jl4 Marianne Mitchell b. April 10, 1959.

H9 Theresa Gayle Long b. Columbia, S. C. Aug. 15, 1940. M. June 14, 1959 William Richard Jackson b. Jan. Zl, 1938. Gayle attended Co!un1bia College. William Richard attended Univ. S. C. Served two years in Navy. Hardware salesman. Present address: 5418 Mead Ct., Columbia, S, C. Issue: Jl5 William Cary Jackson b. Oct. 10, 1960.


HlO Mary Susan Long b. Columbia, S. C. Aug. 23, 1943. Student Colw"llbia College. Present address: 601 Avondal~ Drive, Columbia, S. C.


Hll Robert Ashton Blackwell b. Greenville, S. C. May 18, 1929 m. Columbia, S. C. April 16, 1954 Mildred Ann Lorick b. June 3, 1932. Both are grad. Univ. S. C. Bobby enlisted July 12, 1948 in the U. S. Navy, Columbia, S. C. Served overseas with Squadron VR 24 Mediterranean Arca. Rating ATAN. · Later with Squadron VP20 N.A.S. Patuxcnt, Md. Present ad­dress: 1722 Oriole Rd.:, Columbia, S. C. Issue: J16 Linda Ann Blackwell, b. Mar. 20, 1958 .

. Jl7 Robin Leigh Blackwell, b. Oct. 18, 1980. Jl8 Robert Aston Blackwell, Jr. b. Jan. 26, 1002.

Hl2 Mary Lewis Bl:1ckwcll h. Greenville, S. C. S1ept. 9, 1033 m. Columhia, S. C. April l, 1053 Dunean F,~ath,•rstone nreckln­ridgc. Military re-cord, Air R.O.T.C. Univ. S. C. Commissioned 2nd Lieut. Spent two years in Europe. Mary Lewis and Dun­can both graduates of Univ. S. C. Duncan is a public ac­countant. Present address: 1430 Brennen Road, Columbia, S. C. Issue: }19 Sarah Long Breckinridge b. Columbia, Dec. i2, i958. J20 _Duncan Featherstone Breckinridge, Jr. born Columbia,

Sept. 25, 1960. J21 Helen Lucas Brockinridge, born Columbia, Sept. 25, 1960.



Hl3 Betty Ann Locke b. Laurens, Aug. 23, 1926 m. Har.sville, S. C. May 31, 1953 John Robert Davenport b. Feb. 1, 1929 in Coneto, N. Y. Betty Ann is grad. of Winthrop College, Rob­ert of N. C. State College in Textiles. Present address: 5 Hill­side Drive, Lexington, N. C. Issue: J22 John'Locke Davenport b. Greenville, S. C. Oct. 27, 1954. J23 RobinAnne Davenport b. Anderson, S. C. Dec. 10, 1956.

Hl4 Jacquelyn Earlam Locke b. June 8, 1940 Plymouth Memorial Hosp. Plymouth, N. H. Attended Stuart Haii, Staunton, Va., also Abbott Academy, Andover, Mass. m. June 12, 1001,


Henry P. Willfrnon, Lt. Jr. Crad. Naval Academy. Present ad­dress: 18 Kempson St., Newport, R. I.



Gl7 Henry Charlton Sims b. near Waterloo July 30, 1895 d. Feb. 8, 1896.

C18 Clarence Merle Sims b. near Waterloo Aug. 11, 1897 m. Dec. 27, 1917 Mary Lou Major b. Stony Point section, Greenwood Co., S. C. Dec. 31, 1896. Merle is the maintenance mechanic for nn autornohilo concern. Present a<lclrcss: 2100 Millerton Avq., Charlotte, N. C.

Cl9 James Sims b. near Waterloo, May 15, 1900 d. July 25, 1001. G20 Fred Puckett Sims b. near Waterloo May 25, 1002 d. Jan. 13,

1959 m. June 12, 1926 in Charleston, S. C. Marian Inez Whitaker of Blytll(), Ca. h. Dec. 5, mot cl. Jnno 13, moo. Fred grndunt,·d Wofford Coll,·gc A.II. d,·w"o, M.A. Uui­vcr.iify of Ca. Madan 11tk11d,·d Univ1·r.s:ity of Ca. Fred was busJrn;J,S manager of Junior Coll,·go in Aug11!;!a.

G21 Alma Louise Sims b. near Waterloo May 20, mo;:; m. Waterloo July 25, 193.'3 William Cleveland fames b. Greer, S. C. Mar. 15, 190,t Louise is a graduate of Winthrop College and a teacher in the Sumter City Schook William is a graduate of Clemson and Supt. of Crosswell Children's Home in Sumter. Present address: 5 Crosswell Drive, Sumter, S. C.

G22 Lura Aileen Sims b. near Waterloo, S. C. July 21, 1909 m. Greenwood, S. C. Elmer Osborne Drexel of Pocahontas, Va. b. Oct. 20, 1888. d. Jan. 19, 1963. Aileen attended Lander College. Elmer was a retired engineer on the C. and W. C. Ry. Present address: 709 Hickman Road, Augusta, Ca.

G23 Sarah Waite Sims. Sarah attended business college in Green­wood. At present secretary for a business firm in Sumter. Mar. June 20, 1959 in Sumter, Thomas Chaplin. Present ad­dress: Raffield Anns, Sumter, S. C.


HIS Mary Frances Sims b. Greenwood, S. C. Jan. 29, 1919 m. July 14, 1939 St. Paul's Cathoiic Church, Portsmouth, Va. Francis Habenicht b. Sept. l, 1916, Columbia, S. C. Francis served in Navy, World War II April 1941 to Oct. 1945 in South


Pacific, Marshall Islands, Suber Bay, Philippine Islands. Present address: 416 Westwood Place, West Palm Beac.1:i, Fla. Issue: J24 Francis Jan Habenicht b. St. Francis Hospital, Green­

ville, S. C. Jan. 25, 1940. ln 1962 in Air Force, stationed at Fairchild Air Force Base, Washington.

J2.5 Michael Wayne Habenicht b. Charlotte Memorial Hos­pital, Charlotte, N. C. Jan. 25, 1943.

H16 William Merle Sims b. June 15, 1928 m. Henderson, N. C. Dec. 29, 195-0 Margaret Kathleen Williams b. Feb. 6, 1929, Woodburn, Ky. William served in World War II in Naval Air Force, U. S. Auxiliary Station, Chincoteague, Va. Enlisted May 31, 1946, the day after graduation from high school. Basic traifu..g Bainbridge, Md. Honorably discharged April 14, 1948 with Victory Medal. William is a graduate of School of Administration, William and Mary College, Richmond, Va. In 1962 chief cost accountant and assistant controller, Wright Machinery Co., Durham, N. C. Present address: 1112 Fiske St., Durham, N. C. Issue: J26 Sheryl Lynn Sims b. Sept. 21, 1954, Charlotte, N. C. J27 Doni Gale Sims b. Nov. 13, 1957, Greenville, S. C. J28 Lisa Marie Sims b. May 30, 1960 Durham, N. C.



H17 Fred Marion Sims b. July 25, 1928, Augusta, Ga. m. June 23, 1962 at Harlem, Ga. Barbara Woodham. Fred attended the University of Ga. an·d in 1962 is a senior in the School of Dentistry, Emory University. Barbara attended Randolph­Macon and graduated at the Univ. of Ga.


Hl8 William Cleveland James, Jr. b. Sumter, S. C. Sept. 23, 1942. Attended Univ. of S. C. two years. In 1962 entered the School of Dentistry, Emory University.


Hl9 Virginia Louise Drexel b. Augusta, Ga. Feb. 1, 1932 m. June

9, 1953 Dr. William Dickson b. June 29, 1922. Virginia is a


graduate of the Ga. State College for ·women. William is a graduate of Duke University, the University of Ga. Medical College. Present address: Nashville, Ca. Issue: J29 Deborah Anne Dickson b. Jan. 8, 1956, Macon, Ga. J30 James Drexel Dickson b. April 9, 1957.

J3i Wiiliam Charles Dickson b. Sept. 8, 1958, Nashville, Ga. J32 Kathryn Aileen Dickson b. Pineview Hospital, Valdosta,

Ga. June 3, 1962.


F28 Lila Mae Davenport b. Laurens Co. July 7, 1876 d. Nov. 22, 1917 m. Nov. 22, 1902 Ben Martin Cunningham b. Laurens Co. July 1, 1879.

F27 Irvin B. Davenport b. Nov. 6, 1892 (Am sure that this is in­correct) d. April 12, 1807. Unmarried.

F28 Lillian Edna Davenport b. April 11, 1879 L,1.urens Co. M. Dec. 8, 1897 Laurens Co. to Harrison Henry Pinson b. Lau­rens Co. April 28, 1878 d. Oct. 29, 1941. Mrs. Pinson's present address Rvute 3, Laurens, S. C.



Material in this section furnished by Mrs. Fred Cunningham, Laurens.

G24 Infant daughter b. July 2~, 1904 d. July 30, 1904.

G25 Fred Carlisle Cunningham b. Laurens Co. Aug. 22, 1907 m. April 17, 1930 Ruth Culbertson b. May 11, 1907. Present ad­dress: 228 Irby Ave., Laurens, S. C. Issue: H20 John Paul Cunningham b. July 28, 1931 m. Dec. 14,

1957 Reba May Wood of Little Rock, Ark. b. June 12, 1932.

G28 Vem V. Cunningham b. Laurens Co. Oct. 22, 1911 m. Oct. 3, 1943 Joseph Lawrence Davidson b. Sept. Z, 1899.

CZ'/ Dorothy Mae Cunningham b. Laurens Co. Nov. 18, 1917 m, May 25, 1942 John Murphy Shaull, Jr. b. Aug. 30, 1910. Present address: 1002.L Wood Hill Road, Bethesda 14, Md.




Material in this section furnished by Drucilla Pinson Cain ( C35)

G28 He>n~ T,Plf'nr.l P-inc-on h_ C::.a:'f.· 1~ .. 1Q08, !-~~?CT ~":- ~- Orf'-7, 1951 in Atlanta, Ga. m. Dec. 2, 192.5 Doris Edmondson b. July, 1908. Issue: H2l Betty Jean Pinson b. Dec. 5, 1931 m. May 5, 1952 Bobby

Patterson, Jr. b. 1930. Issue: J33 Terry Lynn Patterson b. Mar. 14, 1955. J34 Bobby Patterson, Jr. b. July 4, 1958. J35 Cathy Patterson b. April 4, 1961.

G29 Rhyan Marion Pinson b. Laurens Co. Mar. 4, 1901 m. Dec. 9, 1921 Blanche Trantham b. Oct. 2, 1903. Issue: H22 Mary Beatrice Pinson b. May 5, 1923 m. J. D. Hooper

b. Aug. 21, 1922. Issue: J36 Johnny Hooper b. Sept. 5, 1942 m. Nov. 18, 1961

Caroline Hardin b. Feb. 27, 1942. J37 Dexter Hooper b. Aug. 22, 1945.

H23 Sara Pinson b. April 6, 1925 m. May 30, 1946 Russell Whitesides b. Jan. 2.5, 1922. Issue: J38 Douglass Whitesides b. Nov. 16, 1947. J39 Mary Carolyn Whitesides b. Oct. 3, 1954.

G30 Ludie Hicks :Pinson b. Laurens Co. Aug. 27, 1903 m. Dec. 6, 192.5 Gladys Patrick b. July, 1908. Issue: H24 Eloise Pinson m. Coney Willingham. Issue:

J40 Richard Willingham b. Feb. 21, 1946. J41 Lori Willingham b. Nov. 1960.

H2.5 Joyce Pinson died at the age of 4.

G31 Emma Nell Pinson b. May 12, 1906 Laurens Co. m. Dec. 24, 1929 John Walter Madden b. Feb. 4, 1909. Issue: H26 John Aaron Madden b. July 18, 1931 m. Feb. 19, 1956

Bobbie Babb b. May 2, 1933. Issue: J42 Janis Marie Madden b. Sept. 5, 1958.

1127 \Villiam Lewis Madden b. Oct. 22, 1933 m. July 3, 1954 Sara Ann Elledge b. Dec. l, 1934. Issue: J43 John Lewis Madden b. Mar. 29, 1961.

H28 Johnelle Madden b. June 28, 1940 m. Nov. 28, 19-S.9 Billy Burley b. Mar. 17, 1940.


C32 Dorothy Jeanette Pinson b. Dec. 7, 1909 Laurens Co. m. Mar. 25, 1933 Paul Cotl-.uan b. lviar. 29, 190-9.

C33 William Earl Pinson b. April 21, 1912 Laurens Co. m. Mar. 27j 1943 Frances Jones b. iv1ay 2~, 1911. VVilliam Eari Pinson served in World War II. Entered service Oct. 5, 1942. Served in infantry, rating sergeant. Served overseas in Europe, par­ticipating in 3 battles. Wounded. Discharged Oct. 7, 1945. Issue: H29 William Earl Pinson, Jr. b. Aug. 22, 1946

C34 Ola Omega Pinson b. Laurens Co. Dec. 12, 1914 m. Nov. 2, 1940 Wilbur Traynham b. June 9, 1917. Issue: H30 Linda Carol Traynham b. Aug. 22, 1942.

C35 Laura Drucilla Pinson b. Laurens Co. June 19, 1918 m. June 2, 1940 Roy Cain b. Sept. 19, 1915. Issue: H31 Samuel Harrison (Harry) Cain b. Sept. 11, 1947. H32 Edna Sue Cain b. Oct. 8, 1953.

C36 Margaret Floree Pinson b. Laurens Co. Aug. 29, 1920 m. Dec. 28, 1940 Earl Blakely b. April 20, 1919. Issue: H33 Thomas Alvin (Tommy) Blakely b. Aug. 24, 195-4.


E20 George Asbury ~,fartin b. Laurens Co. April 18, 18,19 d. fviar. 19, 1920 m. June 30, 1871 Belinda Arnold b. June 10, 1885 d. Jan. 30, 1921.

E21 Joretta Elizabeth (Betty) Martin b. Dec. 25, 1850 d. April 24, 1883. Buried family burying ground on Sims place near Water­loo. Married John C. Sims b. Sept. 3, 1850 d. June 27, 19·18. Buried same place.

E22 James A. C. Martin b. June 30, 1851 d. Oct. 10, 1924 m. Celia Miller b. Dec. 15, 1856 d. Dec. 27, 1943.

E23 Robert L. Martin b. Laurens Co., S. C. Sept. 1, 1855 d. Nov. 4, 1929 i.n Fresno, California. Mar. Nov. 4, 1880 Frances Maria Brooks b. Aug. 27, 1860 in Laurens Co., S. C. d. in Fresno, Calif. Mar. 20, 1936, dau. of William Brooks and Sarah Jane J.,filler.

E24 Pairlee Martin b. Dec. 2, 1858 in Laurens Co. d Mar. 11, 1929. Buried Mt. Olive Cem. m. Warren Cooper b. Sept. 23, 1858 d. Feb. Zl, 1933. No issue.


E2.5 Maggie Martin m. John C. Sims as his second wife. No issue. E2.6 Dorothy (Dolly) Martin b. Nov. 11, 1865 µurens Co. d.

Laurens Co. Oct. 7, 1924 m. 188.5 or '86 Dr. James Osgood Martin b. Sept. 30, 18.54 d. Jan. 17, 1931. Family Bible owned by ?v!rs. John ~!cCutcheon of Bishopville, S. C. gives birth date as 1853.

E27 John Martin died in infancy.


Data up to 1953 or '54

F29 Mattie F. Martin b. in Laurens Co. May 2.5, 1872 d. Aug. 18, 1950 m. Sept. 13, 1891 (? )" Mitchell Owings.

F30 Eppie Martin b. Laurens Co. June 7, 1876 d. June .23, 1902 m. Dec. 22, 1897 J.C. Crow. Issue: G37 Casper Crow, Enoree, S. C.

F31 Sallie I. Martin b. Laurens Co. April 24, 1878 m. Dec. 28, 1898 Niles D. Gentry b. May 16, 1877 d. Sept. 28, 1948. Last address 847 S. Church St., Spartanburg, S. C. ·

F32 Arthur L. Martin b. Dec. 22, 1880 d. Oct .. 4, 1884. F33 Landon G. Martin b. Nov. 18, 1883 d. Oct. 7, 188.5.



G38 Belinda Owings b. Nov. 5, 1892 m. Mar. 8, 1908 Sam Owings b. June 20, 1872 d. Feb. 28, 1945. Lives on Greenwood Rd., Laurens, S. C. Issue: H34 Marvin Owings b. June 26, 1909 m. Aug. 15, 1933 Myrtle

Ronda b. Dec. 5, 1914 .in Laurens. Issue: J44 Joyce Owings b. Sept. 9, 1939.

H35 Irene Owings b. Mar. 13, 1915 m. Jan. 9, 1932 J. P. Hellams b. Dec. 20, 1912. Issue: J45 Lama Hellams b. Dec. 12, 1938.

H36 Margaret Owings b. Sept. 29, 1921 m. Dec. .23, 1940 William Baber b. Oct. 17, 1926. Greenwood Road, Lau­rens, S. C. Issue: J46 Janet Baber b. Oct. 17, 1948.

G39 Bessie Owings b. Nov. 16, 1894 m. Mar. 10, 1918 Lawrence Waldrop b. Mar. 1886. Address 1953: 111 Owings St, T .AU•

rens, S. C. Issue:


H37 William Waldrop b. 1917 m. Essie Gibbes. Issue: J47 William Waldrop, Jr.

H38 John Henry Waldrop m. Annie Gilkerson. G40 Ludie Owings b. Mar. 2, 1896 m. ( l) Hattie Owings , :4 i

Grace Madden, Laurens. Issue: Whether to first marriage or second unknown to writer- Issue: H39 Ruth Owings H40 Nettie Owings

G41 Troy Owings b. 1899 d. Jan. 3, 1952 m. Ella Wilson. Issue: H41 Waiter Owings. H42 Thomas Owings.

G42 Ola Sue Owings b. 1902 m. Zebb Mason. Last known resi­dence Cleveland Road, Gainesville, Ga. Issue: H43 Virginia Owings m. a Wallace. H44 Dorothy Owings. H45 Mary Owings.

G43 Daisy Belle Owings b. 1905 m. Murphy Simpson, deceased by 1953. Last known address Wattsville near Laurens. Issue: H46 Doris Simpson. H47 Frances Simpson.

G44 Sarah W. Owings b. Jan. 25, 1908 m. Ray McDowell. Living in Greenville in 1953. Issue: H48 Infant, dec'd. H49 Ray McDowell, Jr. Died at age .5.

G45 Herman Owings b. 1911 m. Ophelia Benjamin. Residence in 1953 Dorchester Drive, Columbia, S. C. Issue: H50 Herman Owings, Jr.


(Data up to 1953 or '54)

G46 Earl Gentry b. Nov. 30, 1900 d. Dec. 30, 1943 m. Mattie Taylor b. Jan. 6, 1918. Issue: H51 J. M. Gentry b. Nov. 20, 1920. H52 Milledge Gentry b. Sept. 7, 1927. H53 Frances Gentry b. July 7, 1930.

G47 Myrtle Gentry b. May 1, 1900 m. Aug. !, 1925 Joe P. Johnson. Issue: H54 Sara Joe Johnson b. Feb. 28, 1926 m. Oct. !, 1943 Jirn..-nie

Payne. Issue: J48 Voomie Payne b. Dec. 30, 1944.


H55 Dorothy E. Johnson b. July 7, 1927 m. Lonnie Petty Aug. 21, 1945.

H56 George J. Johnson b. Mar. 30, 1929 m. May 26, 1951, Katherine Moore. Address 1953: 847 S. Church St., Spartanburg, S. C.

G4S Niles D. Gentry, Jr. b. April 5, 1913 m. Grace Condred Feb. 13, 1932. Issue: H57 Irene Gentry b. Sept. 7, 1932 m. June 17, 1950 James

Williams. Issue: J49 Derby Williams b. Sept. 3, 1951.

G49 Landon Gentry b. June 29, 1920 m. Ruth Smith Aug. 16, 1941. Issue: H58 Donna Gentry b. Nov. 20, 1942. H59 Steven Gentry b. July 27, 1948.


Betty is oldest daughter of Lewis Saxon Martin and Millicent Moore.

F34 Felton Sims b. near Waterloo Mar. 19, 1874 d. June 21, 1944 in Greenwood, S. C. m. Fannie Verelle b. April 10, 1873 d. Aug. 5, 1954. No issue.

F35 Quince Wilbur Sims b. Oct. 4, 1877 near Waterloo d Oct. 22, 1946 m. Dec. 21, 1910 Lucy Emma Mcllwain b. Jan. 21, 1886. Issue: G50 Mildred Elizabeth Sims b. Nov. 5, 1913 d. Nov. 21, 1941.

F36 John Nathan Sims b.-Oct. 9, 1879 near Waterloo d. Dec. 19, 1945 m. Dec. 22, 1904 Mattie Vashti Fuller b. Dec. 15, 1885 d. Aug. 20, 1957. Issue: G51 Eugene Fuller Sims b. June 16, 1906 at Gainesville, Ga.

m. Aug. 5, 1939 Dorothy Elizabeth Hickerson b. May 8, 1916. Eugene is doing chemical research for Barrett Corp. in Chicago.

G52 Lee Roy Sims b. Dec. 18, 1910 at Central, S. C. m. Mar. 7, 1936 Ruth Drucilla Cowan. Lee Roy owns and operates Amoco Station at Central, S. C. Issue: HOO Lee Roy Sirns, Jr. b. Aug. 6, 1940 at General Hos­

pital in Greenville, S. C. In of 1962 a Senior at Clemson College.


H61 John Mason Sims b. Nov. 22, 1948 at Florence, S. C.

G53 Sara Florine Sims b. Feb. 3, 1913 at Central, S. C. m. June 13, 1942 Wayne Carl Kelley b. Feb, 27, 1911. Sara is a teacher in the Central Schools. Issue: H62 Martha Sue Kelley b. April 24, 1945 at Anderson

liof;pitai. H63 Wayne Carl Kelley, Jr. b. Oct. 8, 1947 at Spar­

tanburg, S. C. F37 Lula Fairlee Sims b. Feb. 12, 1882 m. Dec. 14, 1900 Jefferson

Neal Jones b. May 25, 1876 d. Jan. 29, 1949. Mrs. Jones present address: Ware Shoals, S. C. Issue: G54 Gertrude Jones b. Oct. 14, 1901 m. Dec. 29, 1926 Marvin

W. King b. Feb. 3, 1903. Issue: H64 June Marlene King b. Nov. 10, 1932. Graduated

Winthrop 1950. G55 Lewis Jones b. Mar. 8, 1903 m. ( 1) Alpha Bell Cox b.

Aug. 7, 1905 d. Oct. 21, 1946 m. ( 2) Nelly Bolt April 8, 1950. Lewis lives in Ware Shoals. Issue of first marriage: H65 Betty Jane Jones b. Jan. 17, 1930 m. Sept. 13, 1952

Richard McCarty Acree of Bartow, Fla. H66 Lewis Earle Jones, Jr. b. Mar. 17, 1932 m. Nov.

24, 1955 l\frs. Dolores Page Killingsworth. Lewis grad. Furman University. Dolores attended Win• throp College. Lewis is a physician in Green,,ille.

G56 Frances Jane Jones b. May 27, 1911 m. Mar. 27, 1943 William Earl Pinson b. April 21, 1912. See War record under G33. Issue: H67 William Earle, Jr. b. Aug. 28, 1946.



James C. Martin was the son of Lewis Saxon Martin (Dl5) and his second wife Millicent Moore Martin

Material in this section furnished by Alta Martin Culbertson (F47). F38 Clarence Irvin Martin b. Oct. 27, 1876 d. Jan. 11, 1930 mar.

Florence Cooper b. Feb. 9, 1881 d. Oct. 17, 19--13. F39 Re!ia ~.iartin b. ?vfay 16, 1881 cl June 10, 1931 mar. George

Culbertson b. Feb. 6. 1879 d. April 7, 1937.


F40 Carlwee Martin b. Oct. 6, 1834 d. April, 1952 mar. Clury Oxner b. Sept. 11, 1882 d. Aug. 2, 1948.

F41 Otis Martin b. Feb. 28, 1886 d. Dec. 23, 1959 mar. Etta Cul­bertson b. Oct. 24, 1887.

F43 Elizabeth Martin b. Sept. 7, 1888 mar. Bee Culbertson b. June 17, 1882 d. Sept. 5, 1954.

F44 Jessie Martin b. Mar. 19, 1891 mar. Ernest Burts b. May 3, 1889 d. Feb. 3, 1959.

F45 Ellie Lee Martin b. Aug. 7, 1893 d. June 23, 1953 mar. Nettie Honicutt d. near Ware Shoals July 1959.

F46 Albert Earl Martin b. Aug. 4, 1896 d. Jan. 10, 1924 mar. Mittie Wood b. Feb. 5, 1900.

F47 Alta Pearl Martin b. Aug. 4, 1896 mar. Lonnie Culbertson b. Oct. 1, 1891.


C57 Nannie Pearl Martin b. Nov. 5, 1903 mar. Torrence Lollis b. Jan. 17, 1895. · Issue: H68 Edna Lollis b. July 12, 1922 mar. Haskell Knight b. Dec.

22, 1917. Issue: J48 Billy Knight b. June 5, 1941. J49 Wayne Knight b. June 16, 1942. J50 Betty ¥ ... riight b. Dec. 10, 1946.

H69 Haskell Irvin Lollis b. Oct. 29, 1925 mar. Etruria Ale­wine b. Mar. 21, 1931. Issue: J51 Has"kell Irvin Lollis, Jr. b. Nov. 29, 1952. J52 Victor Kevin Lollis b. May 17, 1958.

H70 Bobby Martin Lollis b. Sept. 2, 1924 mar. Doris Wil­liamson. Issue: J53 Bobby Martin Lollis, Jr. b. Feb. 26, 1962.

G58 Earl Martin b. May 18, 1906 mar. Rachel Woodard b. May 20, 1906. Issue: H71 Earl Martin, Jr. b. June 22, 1931 mar. Audrey Wilson.

Issue: J54 Steven Lee Martin. J55 Barry Wilson Martin.

H72 Lee Martin b. Sept. 28, 1938. G59 Mittie Martin b. Oct. .2, 1907 mar. Buck Senn b. May 7, 1905.



H73 Shirley Senn b. Oct. 11, 1935 mar. A. T. Dallas. Issue: J56 · Blakeley Daiias b. May 31, 1959. J57 Susan Dale Dallas b. May 21, 1955.

H74 Jean Se.rm b. July 11, 1940 mar. John David Teague. Issue: J58 John David Teague, Jr. J59 Troy Teague b. July 4, 1961.

G60 Robert A. Martin b. July 13, 1911 mar. Louise Taylor b. Dec. 19, 1912. Issue: H75 Robert A. Martin, Jr. b. 1952.

G81 Ernest Martin b. Feb. 23, 1916 mar. Mary Poole b. Dec. 21, 1910. Issue: H76 Mary Edna Martin b. Jan. 31, 1939 mar. Theodore

Ellison. Issue: J60 Jack Martin Ellison.

H77 Jimmy Martin b. Sept. 2, 1940 mar. Linda White. Issue: J61 Russell Martin.

H78 Phyllis Martin b. July 18, 1919. G82 Dorcas Martin b. Mar. 22, 1919 mar. Troy Madden b. Nov. 2,

1917. Issue: H79 Lynn Madden b. Feb. 20, 1954.



G63 Roy Culbertson b. Oct. 8, 1902 mar. Helen Monroe b. July 28, 1910. Issue: H80 Tommy Culbertson b. May 4, 1936 mar. Dale Smith.

Issue: J62 Gregg Culbertson b. Sept. 24, 1961.

C64 Lila Culbertson b. Aug. 25, 1904 mar. Claude Baldwin b. June 30, 1902. Issue: HSI Edward Baldwin b. Nov. 12, 1929 mar. Iris Pressley b.

Feb. 14, 1929. Issue: J63 Dannie Edward Baldwin b. Aug. 11, 1951. J64 Jerry Baldwin b. June 27, 1954.

G85 James C. Culbertson b. Mar. 17, 1906 mar. Ruby Martin b. Mar. 21, 1905. Issue: H82 Jimmy Culbertson, adopted.

GOO Guy Miller Culbertson b. May 9, 1909 mar. Sarah Jones b. May 13, 1913. Issue: ·


H83 Jones Culbertson b. April 16, 1933 mar. Nancy Joe Bowers, b. Apr=J 4, 1937. Issue: J65 Randy Culbertson b. Aug. 7, 1953. J66 F.binP C11lhPrtym h. <:::e::,t. •n, lQl'(d_

J67 Joe Culbertson b. Oct. 5, 1955. J68 Joy Culbertson b. Dec. 25, 1956.

Gf!1 Harold Culbertson b. Mar. 2, 1911 mar. Cecil Hendrix. Issue: H84 Ruby Culbertson b. Mar. 5, 1933 mar. Harvey Drake.

Issue: J69 Joyce Drake b. Nov. 12, 1952. J70 Sherry Drake b. July 6, 1955.

H85 Relill Culbertson b. Sept. 15, 1934 mar. Charles Bridges. Issue: }71 Lisa Bridges b. May 7, 1958. J72 Charles Bridges, Jr. b. Feb. 28, 1962.

G68 Wilma Culbertson b. Feb. 4, 1915 mar. Vernon Ricketts b. May 29, 1912. Issue: H86 Brenda Ricketts b. Jan. 20, 1947. H87 Susan Ricketts.

C69 Adger Culbertson b. Oct. 23, 1916 mar. Betty Casper b. Aug. 19, 1927. Issue: H88 James Donnan Culhcrtson b. July Z1, 1950.


G70 James Martin mar. Iris Barque. Issue: H89 Frances Martin mar. Charles Buckner. Issue:

J73 Patricia Bucl,ier b. 1947. J74 Iris Buckner b. 1949. J75 Charles BucJ...-ner, Jr. b. 1954.

HOO James B. Martin, Jr. b. 1931 mar. Eva Rinehart. H91 Ora Martin b. 1939. H92 Betty Ruth Martin b. 1943.

G71 Emanuel Martin mar. Robbie Owens. Issue: H93 Carl Martin b. Aug. 24, 1941 mar. Linda Moss. Issue:

j76 Kimberly Denise Martin b. Oct. 7, 1961. H94 Richard Cene Martin mar. Bettie Riddle b. June 29,

1941. Issue: J77 Deborah Lee Martin b. Feb. 28, 1960.


G72 Elizabet.\ Martin mar. (i) Ezelle Gosnell (dec'd) mar. (2) a Mr. Crawford. Issue: H95 Patricia ( Patt-y) Gosnell, adopted.

G73 Teague Martin mar. Mary Davis. No issue.



G74 Jones Martin b. Feb. 26, 1910 mar. Eula Lee Woodle b. July 3, 1911. Issue: HOO Doris Martin b. Sept. 27, 1932 mar, Dee Nanney b.

·April 16, 1932. Issue: }78 Rex Allen Nanney b. Oct. 23, 1960.

H97 Terry Martin b. April 12, 1947.



G75 Lewis Culbertson b. July 28, 1!)08 d. June 21, 1924. C76 Alva Ray Culbertson b. Mar. 12, HH2 mar. Rena Moore.

Issue: H98 Gary Lewis Culbertson b. Dec. 20, 1937, mm Donnie Culhcrtson b, Au~. 17, l!l10. II.!00 Alva Jenn Culbertson h. Oct. :3, HJ-l2, IIlOl Joe Lee Culbertson b. July 25, 1914.

G77 Ewell Culbertson b. Oct. 11, 1914 mar. Elma Thomason. Issue: Hl02 Margaret Ann Culbertson b. Mar. 12, 1948.

C78 Ruby Culbertson b. Feb. 28, 1917 mar. William Ivey. Issue: Hl03 Becky Ivey.

C79 Clyde Culbertson b. April 6, 1920. .Killed in Italy during World War II. Feb. 17, 1944.

CSO Dr. Frank Culbertson b. Oct. 25, 1922 mar. Carolina Stod­dard. Issue: Hl04 Frank Culbertson, Jr. b. May 15, 1949. Hl05 Jane Culbertson b, Aug. 12, 1950. HlOO Sally Elizabeth Culbertson b, Nov. 23, 1953. Hl07 Carolina Boyd Culbertson b. Aug. 2, 1955. Hl08 Amy Waring Culbertson b. June 2, 1957.



G81 Margaret Burts b. May 23, 1915 mar. Talmadge Pressley b. Feb. 18, 1913.

G82 Ansel Burts b. Sept. 22, 1917 mar. Dorothy Prince b. Jan. 12, 1927. Issue: Hl09 Richard Burts b. Feb. 16, 1947. Hll0 Miriam Burts b. Sept. 21, 1950. Hlll Kathy Burts b. 1952.

G83 Everette Burts b. Oct. 13, 1922 mar. Jessie Mae Barrett b. April 7, 1926. Issue: Hll2 Sandra Burts b. Oct. 8, 1947. Hll3 Elizabeth Burts b. Oct. 15, 1950. Hll4 Jane Burts b. July 11, 1955.

G84 William (Billy) Burts d. June 4, 1929 mar. Nena Bishop b. Feb. 12, 1930. Issue: Hll5 Wanda Eurts b. Feb. 13, 1953. H116 Linda Burts b. April 19, 1958.


C85 Arthur Martin mar. Savannah Tradwell. Issue; Hll7 Elaine l\1artin. H118 Kenneth Earl Martin.

C86 Sarah Martin mar. Mitchell Pressley. Issue: Hll9 Jimmy Pressley.­Hl20 Larry Pressley.

C87 Lee Martin mar. Sarah Mundy. Issue: Hl21 Harrison Martin.

C88 Willis Martin mar. Mildred White. Issue: Hl22 Mike Martin.

C89 Warren Martin mar. Virginia Hall. Issue: Hl23 Jerry Martin. Hl24 Evans Martin. Hl2.5 :Mary Ma...-tin. Hl26 Jean Martin.

GOO Milburn Ma.-tin mar. Lottie Mantger ( dec'dj. Issue: H127 Jimmy Martin.


Hl28 Kitty Martin. Hl30 Joseph Martin. Hl31 Varina Martin b. May 11, 1001.

G91 Sybil Martin mar. Alvin Culbertson. Issue: Hl32 Tony Culbertson. Hl33 Danny Culbertson.

G92 Jessie Martin mar. Marvin Alverson. Issue: Hl34 Brenda (Bunny) Alverson. Hl35 Sybil Alverson b. May 23, 1001.

G93 Lewis Ray Martin mar. Joan Hellams.


G94 James Henry Martin b. Aug. 4, 1919 mar: Viola Jones b. June 9, 1921. Issue: II136 James Henry Martin, Jr. b. Nov. 5, 1942. Hl37 Albert Ray Martin b. June 24, 1946.

G95 Harold Wood Martin b. July 12, 1921 mar. Jonell Herin b. Sept. 28, 1922. Issue: Hl38 Anna Kathryn Martin b. Jan. 3, 1911.

COO Dom Frnnu•~ Martin h. Sept. 30, HJ22 mar. Jack Norman VnH b. Oct. 23, 1020. Issue: Hl39 Jack Steven Vail h. Sept. 27, 1948. Hl40 Donna Frances Martin b. Mar. 29, 1951.



G92 Wilbur Culbertson b. Sept. 23, 1918 mar. Ruby Burts b. Feb. 6, 1920. Issue: Hl41 Wayne Culbertson b. Dec. 2, 1940 mar. Barbara Mc­

Daniel. Issue: J79 David Wayne Culbertson b. June 6, 1960.

Hl42 Gary Culbertson b. Oct. 16, 1943. Hl43 Roger Culbertson b. Jan. 5, 1947.

G93 Barney Culbertson b. Sept. 25, 1920 mar. Juanita Brownlee b. May 29, 199..3. Issue: Hl44 Brenda Culbertson b. Mar. 29, 1943. Hl45 Freddie Culbertson b. Feb. 21, 1947.


C94 Doris Culbertson b. April 4, 1927 mar. Edward Bruce b. Dec. 16, 1922. Issue: 11146 Linda Bruce b. Nov. 8, HM6. Hl47 David Bruce b. Sept. 21, 1948. H.148 Dean Bruce b. May 12, 1950. Hl49 Debra Bruce b. Sept. 19, 1952.



Robert Lewis Martin was the third son of Lewis Saxon Martin (D15) and his second wife, Millicent Moore Martin.

'This information was furnished by William Blake Martin (F48), dec'd, and by Lillie Martin Donleavcy (F49) dec'd. Very recently it has been brought up to date by Earle Laurence Martin ( F55). These additions are not numbered according to the general plan as the information came in just as the material was ready for publication.

Robert L. Martin ancl his wife were both born in Laurens Co., S. C. and were married there. About 1885 or '86 they moved. to Arkansas and late in 1889 moved to Fresno County, California. He was a farmer during most of his life until he retired about 1924 and moved into Fresno where he lived until his death in 1929. His wife, Frances Brooks Martin, died in Fresno, Mar. 20, 1936.

The issue of this marriage is as foliows: F48 William Blake Martin b. Laurens Co., S. C. April 29, 1882

d. San Francisco, Calif. May 25, 1942. Mar. ( 1) Elsie Hodge about 1904. Mar. (2) Olive Reed in San Francisco, June 21, 1911. William Martin went into the motion picture business in its infancy and remained with it until his retirement. Mrs. Martin's present address: 476 Fair Oaks, San Francisco 10, Calif. Issue: C95 Lucile Martin b. Oct. 21, 1917 mar. a Mr. Calloway and

is living near San Francisco. F49 Lillie Bell Martin b. Laurens Co., S. C. May 15, 1885 d. Dee.

31, 1957 in Fresno, Calif. Mar. in Oakland, Calif. July 22, 1911 James Frederick Donleavey b. April 7, 1880 in Lacon, Ill. d. Oct. 3, 1958 in Fresno, Calif. Mr. Donleavey was associated with and one of the organizers of the peach growers co­operative and later with the U. S. Government's Farm Loan Work. Issue further on.


F50 Guy Lewis Martin b, Muddy Fork, Ark. Feb. 2$, 1887 d. in California Dec. 3, Hl22. Mar. Dec. 19, HH0 Edna Hauser.

F51 Fannie P1·:ul Martin b. Fresno, Calif. Dec. 8, 1889. Mar. (I) May 15, 1916 Manuel Fortado. Mar. (2) William L. Rodger. Mrs. Rodger's present address: 223 Florida St., Valley's, Calif. Issue further on.

F52 Nellie Martin b. June 19, 1891, Fresno, Calif. d. Nov. 28, 1959. Spent her entire life in Fresno. She was an office secretary.

F53 Dessie May Martin b. May 2, 1893 in Fresno, d. Feb. 8, 1939. Mar. June 30, 1922 Robert W. Kilpatrick b. in Oklahoma. Dessie was a secretary in a lawyer's office for many years. Issue further on.

F54 Ethel Evelen Martin b. in Fresno Feb. 21, 1898 d. in Los Angeles Sept. 8. 1953. Mar. Oct: 16, 192i, David Stuart Van Loenen b. Sept. 28, 1900, son of William Van Loenen and Mary Stuart Van L<>tmen. Ethel and Mr. Van Loenen were both graduated from the University of Redlands. Mr. Van Loenen is a maintenance superintendent for a food processing firm. Ethel was a school secretary for many years before her death. Mr. Van Loenen's present addres: 971 Parkman St., Altedena, Calif. Issue further on.

F55 Earle Laurence Martin b. July 23, 1900 in Fresno. Mar. ( l) June 23, 1923, Cfara Maxine Fitzgerald, dau. of Edward F. Fitzgerald and Mabel McAboy Fitzgerald. Mar. (2) in Las Vegas, Nev. Feb. 14, 1941 Verda Nelson Olive. Earle is a Field Engineer for the Burroughs Corp. Present address: 2644 Center St., Bakersfield, Calif. Issue further on.


GOO James Frederick Donlcavey, Jr. b. May 25, 1914 in Fresno Mar. (1) Mar. 22, 1942 Pauline Remington. Mar. (2) July 2, 1949 Bettie Louise Griffith French b. in Iskaloosa, Iowa Mar. 20, 1914, dau. of George Edgar Griffith and Jeanette Davis Griffith. Mr. Donleavey is a public utility salesman. Present address: 417 Williams Ave., Maderia, Calif. Issue of first marriage; Hl50 James Frederick Dooleavey III b. Feb. 14, 1944,



Second marriage: Mrs. French had a son by her first marriage who has taken the name of Donleavey - Robert Griffith Donleavey b. Nov. 14, 1942 in San Francisco.

G97 Dorothy Annette Donieavey b. Dec. 28, 1916 in Fresno. Mar. in Fresno July 9, 1940 Chalmers E. Lones, Jr. b. Dec. 20, 1913, Los Angeles, Calif., son of Chalmers E. Lones and Sylvia Mardis Lones. Mr. Lones is a lawyer in Fresno. Present ad­dress: Fresno, Calif. Isue: Hl51 Barbara Lee Lones b. June 2, 1943 in Washington,

D.C. G98 William Martin Donleavey b. in Fresno Nov. 11, 1923 mar.

( 1) May 1, 1947 in Los Angeles Beth Emelie Stolp b. Boze­man, Mont. d. Sept. 7, 1952 Fresno, Calif. Mar. (2) Aug. 8, 1953 Sue Motheral Murphy Lieffers, widow of Oscar 0. Lieffers, b. Oct. 20, 1920 at Fulton, Ky. Mr. Donleavey has an Insurance Agency. Present address: 555 Terrace Ave., Fresno, Calif. Issue of second marriage:

a. Ann Martin Donleavey b. in Fresno Dec. 19, 1954. b. Patricia Lynn Donleavey b. in Fresno Aug. 11, 1957. c. Kimberley Sue Donleavey b. in Fresno April 29, 1961.

Children of Mrs. Sue Mothcrall Murphy Donleavey by her first marriage were adopted Mar. 1954 by Mr. Donleavey.

d. Susan Wilson Lieffers b. 1943 at Culver City, Calif. e. Michael Murphy Lieffers b. July 4, 1948 at Culver City,



A. Raymond Fortado b. Feb. 28, 1917 in Fresno. Mar. (1) Jan. 8, 1938 in Reno, Nev. Geraldine Pittman b. Aug., 1921. Mr. For­tado's present address: 1505 Watt Ave., Sacramento, Calif. Issue of first marriage: 1. Raymona Jean Fortado b. Nov. 30, 1938 mar. a Mr. Blood.

Issue: Melanie Lyn..TJ. Blood b. Jan. 3, 1956. Steven Frederick Blood b. Sept. 16. 1957. Edward Raymond Blood b. Aug. 11, 1959.

Raymond Fortado mar. (2) Aug. 3, 1944 at Savannah, Ga. Vivian E. Jacobson b. 1916. Issue:


2. Michael George Fortado b. Oct. 27, 1946. 3. Lyle John Fortado b. May 27, 1949. 4. Terrance Lee Fortado b. Jan. 2, 1953.

B. Dolores Fortado b. July 15, 1918 in Concord, Calif. Died in early life.

C. Marjorie Fortado b. Fresno, Calif. Oct. 26, 1919 mar. ( l) Tony Ramos b. Jan. 17, 1917 in Stockton, Calif. d. April 28, 1945, on Okinawa. Mar. (2) June 24, 1947 David C. Rodarte b. Dec. 29, 1919 at Fullerton, Calif. Present address: 1975 Patio Drive, San Jose, Calif. Issue of first marriage: 1. Gloria A. Ramos b. Dec. 17, 1936, Antioch, Contra Costa Co.,

Calif. mar. a Mr. Brandt. 2. Leonard A. Ramos b. Jan. 22, 1938, Martinez, Contra Costa

Co., Calif. 3. Victoria C. Ramos b. Nov. 15, 1942, Antioch, Contra Costa

Co., Ca:lif. Mar. a Mr. Yerkes.

Issue of the second marriage:

4. David G. Rodarte b. Feb. 17, 1947, San Jose, Calif. 5. Jeffry Rodarte b. Jan. 5, 1957, San Jose, Calif.

D. Dorothy Fortado b. April 28, 1921 Concord, Calif. Mar. 1941 in Vardi, Nev. Victor Amcral b. 1903. Present address: Box 128, El Dorado, Calif. Issue: 1. Victor Arncral, Jr. b. June 10, 1912 El Dorado, Calif. 2. Robert Amcrai b. July 17, 1943 Placeville, El Dorado Co.,

Calif. 3. Marian Amcral b. Jan. 2-0, 19-16, P!aceville, Calif. 4. Linda Arneral b. Mar. 21, 1947, El Dorado, Calif. 5. Eddy Arneral b. May 28, 1948, El Dorado, Calif. 6. Ellen Arneral b. Sept. 30, 1949, El Dorado, Calif. 7. ·Terry Ameral b. Jan. 11, 1951, Placeville, EI Dorado Co.,

Calif. 8. Richard Ameral b. April 28, 1952, Placeville, Calif. 9. Joseph Ameral b. May 3, 1954, El Dorado, Calif.

10. Ronnie Ameral b. Oct. 12, 1956, Placeville, Calif. 11. Timothy Ameral h Sept. 3, 1958, Placeville, Calif.


G99 Robert Kilpatrick, Jr. b. Fresno Dec. 28, 19.29. Mar. Marjorie Hart. Present address: 9051 Vena St., Pacoima, Calif. Issue:

42 DESCE.'ffif.NTS OF DANIEL MARTIN - 1745-1829

J80 Robert Kilpatrick III. TI1ere are one or more other children.



GlOO Barbara Ethel Van Loenen b. Feb. 28, 1930 in Los Angeles mar. Jan. 10, 1948 William Sheldon Martin b. June 20, 1927 in Altedena, Calif., son of Otho Martin and Lola Doak Mar­tin. Mr. Martin is employed by the Telephone (',,, -;! Alte­dena. Present address: 320 N. Valencia, Glendora, Calif. Issue: J81 Lynda Lee Martin b. Altedena, Calif. Oct. 15, 1948. J82 Robert Allen Martin b. June 7, 1951 in Altedena, Calif.

Robert Lynn Martin b. Aug. 6, 1955 in Altedena. GlOl Joan Frances Van Loenen b. June 7, 1932 in Los Angeles.

Mar. May 28, 1952 Ectwin George Bowen II b. in Pasadena April 30, 1931, son of Edwin George Bowen and Marjorie Willis Bowen. Mr. Bowen is a builder and chinchilla rancher. Present address: 6320 Honolulu, La Crescenta, Calif. Issue: a. George Edwin Bowen III. b. Dec. 8, 1954 Parks Air Force

Base, Calif. · b. David Scott Bowen b. Mar. 2, 1956, Parks Air Force

Base, Calif. c. Debora Jean Bowen b. Mar. 9, 19.'>"i, Glendale, Los Angeles

Co., Calif.



Issue of first marriage:

A. Geraldine Martin b. June 8, 1928 in Fresno. Mar. Sept. 3, 1950 Go.-don F. Levy b. Feb. 11, 1927 Fresno, Calif. son of Sigmund Levy and Mildred Loraine Gunzendorfer Levy. Mr. Levy is the manager of a stock brokerage office. Present address: 2812 Rich­land Ave., San Jose, Calif. Issue: I. Caroline Diane Levy b. April 17, 1952, San Jose, Calif. 2. Deborah Ann Levy b. Dec. 14, 1954, San Jose, Calif. 3. Gordon Douglas Levy b. Nov. 28, 1961. San Jose, Calif.

Issue of second marriage: Gl02 Michael Nelson Martin b. Nov. 6, 1946 Bakersfield, Ke..Tn

Co., Calif.


Gl03 Marcia Nell Martin b. April 13, 1951, Bakersfield, Calif. Mr. Martin has adopted his wife's children by her first marriage. They and their children are as follows:

Paul L, Olive-l\,1artin b. May 3) 1935 in Phoenix, Ariz4 mar. July 23, 1954 Rowena Burgess. Issue:

1. David Paul Martin b. July 16, 1955. 2. Donald Eugene Martin b. June 18, 1957. 3. Dcral Lee Martin b. June 13, 1959.

Patricia Francine Olive-Martin b. May 25, 1937 in Phoenix, Ariz. mar. July 26, 1956 Terrance Richard Alexander. Issue:

1. Shannon Dean Alexander b. May 16, 1957. 2. Martin Joseph A1exandcr b. Sept. 12, 1958.



Dorothy was the 4th daughter of Lewis Saxon Martin (Dl5) and his second wife, Millicent Moore Martin

F56 Lillie Agnes Martin b. May 24, 1887 d. Jan. 14, 1961 mar. Aug. 9, 1921 James Henderson Jones b. Sept. 16, 1887. No issue.

F57 William Osgood Martin b. Sept. 21, 1888 mar. Feb. 28, 1909 Eva Knight b. Oct. 16, 1891. Issue: Gl04 Fred Osgood Martin b. Dec. 2-5, 1909 d. !\far. 30, 1957

mar. Helen Richey b. Aug. 19, 1908. Issue: Hl52 Linda Fay Martin b. June 3, 1946.

Gl05 Miriam Evelyn Martin b. April 29, 1912 mar. Oct. 20, 1934 Theron Allen b. May 26, 1914. Issue: Hl53 Bobby Martin Allen b. Aug. 2, 1935 mar ( 1)

Annette Rhodes. Issue: J83 Charles Rucker Allen b. Jan. 17, 1956. J84 Bobby Martin Allen, Jr. b. Mar. 20, 1957, Bobby Martin Allen mar. (2) Dec. 23, 1960 Phyllis Smith. Issue: J85 Jefferson Scott Allen b. Nov. 24, 1961.

GIOO Edith Dorothy MarUn, twin sister of Miriam Evelyn, b. Apr. 29, 1912 mar. July 4, 1937 Lawton L. Smith b. Sept. 6, 1911. No issue.

Gl07 L....aonard Stokes ?-J:artin b. Feb. 12, 1896 near Waterloo. M3r. Feb., 1925 Willie Mae Edmunds b. Oct 29, 1909


in Belton, Ga. Ptesent address: Waterloo, S. C., Rt. 1. Issue: Hl54 Doris Martin, died in infancy. Hl55 Margie Bell Martin b. Nov. 6, 1931 at Mount­

ville, S. C. Mar. Waterloo Rt. 1 July 7, 1951 Cleveland Black-well b. 1930 in Laurens, S. C.


Herbert was the fourth son of Daniel Martin (B4) and his wife, Mary Saxon.

Herbert Martin was born in Laurens Co., S. C. about 1'196, the son of Daniel Martin ( B-1) born in Virginia 17 45-50 and died in S. C. 1829 and his wife Mary Saxon. Herbert Martin mar. in 1813 Margaret Hudgens, b. 1795 (tombstone). Mrs. Roper gives Jan. 14, 1794. Margaret was the daughter of Ambrose Hudgens b. about 1762 in Va. and his wife Joanna Elizabeth Henderson. Herbert died Jan. 1&58 ( tmnhstone) and Margaret died Oct. 1875. Both buried in Cll(;stnut Hidge Cemetery. Issue: Dl6 Harriet Martin b. Dec. 15, 1813 d. Oct. 20, 1871. Unmarried, Dl7 James Martin b. Oct. 15, 1815 d. Jan. 11, 1879. Tombstone

says Aged 63 yrs. 2 mos. 27 days. Mar. Dec. 30, 1841 Jane G. Cooper b. Aug. 28, 1818 d. July 23, 1898.

Dl8 W. Henderson Martin b. Feb. 22, 1818 d. April 25, 1904. Mar. Elizabeth Smith dau. of Rev. Barnett Smith.

D19 Lewis Martin b. Dec. 22, 1819 d. Jan. 14, 1810. Mar. (1) Dec. 15, 1846 Sophia Shell. Mar. (2) 1855 Martha Moore b. April 15, 1833 died April 2, 1908.

D20 Martha Martin b. Sept. 1821 d. Jan. 16, 1903. Mar. W. Edwin Crisp. b. Nov. 17, 1821.

D21 Sophia Martin b. 1822 d. 1857. Mar. Frank Burns. D22 Addison P. Martin (Rev.) b. Dec. 20, 1823 d. Aug. 1862.

Mar. (1) Susan Stokes. Mar. (2) Abigail Louise Cooper b. Laurens Co. Aug. 21, 1826 d. Mar. 26, 1903.

D23 Ambrose Martin b. June 10, 1826 d. Mar. 24, 1906. Mar. Harriet Rooke of Kinards, S. C. b. July 17, 1843 d. Oct. 10, 1903.

D24 Mary Martin mar. Frank Knight. D2.5 Nancy Martin b. 1832 mar. William Madden. No issue.


D26 Sarah Martiu b. 1836 d. 1854. Unmarried. (A tombstone in Chestnut Ridge Cemetery is m:uked Sarah Martin Burns.)

D27 Elizabeth Martin b. Mar. l, 1838 d. 1876. Unmarried. Twin of D28 Joshua Martin b. Mar. l, 1838 d. Aug. 12, 1862. Wounded in

battle of Bloody Angle near Richmond. Died in Greensboro, N. C. on the way home.



James was the son of Herbert Martin ( C6) and his wife, Margaret Hudgens.

E28 Jeremiah Martin b. ? d. 1949. Mar. in 1894 Floride Proctor. Issue: F58 Jannie Lou Martin b. 1895 mar. Olive Greene. No chil­

dren. Last address: 614 Pendleton St., Greenville, S. C. F59 Sarah Martin b. 1897 mar. L. l\kKnight. Address: Rt. 1,

Wnro S!ioals, S. C. hrno: Cl08 Florlde MeKniglit mar. Ladd. I~suo:

HlG(l John Ladd. Cl09 Loramer McKnight.

FOO Vivian Martin b. Ware Shoals, S. C. mar. Mar. 9, 1929 at Honea Path, S. C. Herbert 0. 'Nalker. Vivian is a grad­uate of Lander College. Last address: 108 Courtland St., Chester, S. C. Issue: GUO Herbert Jennings Walker b. Jan. 14, 1930. At­

tended Erskine College. In 1962 serving in the navy as radio man in Hawaii.

F61 Gladys Martin b. May 13, 1902 mar. July 11, 1929 in Ware Shoals, S. C. William Bryan Martin b. 1far. 18, 1900 at Rabon Gap, Ga. d. July 27, 1938. Present ad­dress: Ware Shoals, S. C. Issue: Glll Don Bryan Martin"'b. May 14, 1930 in Laurens

Co., S. C. Mar. Jan. 28, 1956 in Greenville, S. C. Mary Nell Turnbull. Don is a veteran of Korean War. Served 1950-52.

Gll2 Jane Martin b. June 10, 1931. Graduate of Colum• bia College 1953.

Gll3 Ann Martin b. July 27, 1932. Graduated in nurs­ing 1953 General Hospital, Greenville, S. C.


Gll4 Wilma Martin b. July 4, 1934. Graduate of Colum­bia College 1956.

Gll5 Katl-Jeen Martin b. Dec. 2, 1935. Mar. Fe}). 21, 1959i James Harry Lythgoe. Graduated secretarial course, Columbia College, 1955.

F62 Mildred Martin b. 1903. Mar. Dr. D. C. Alford. Last ad­dress: 450 South Fairview, Spartanburg, S. C. Issue: Gll6 Earle Alford. Gll7 Mary Ann Alford. Gll8 June Alford.

F63 James Yancy Martin b. Sept. 19, 1906 in Ware Shoals, S. C. Mar. in Ware Shoals, S. C. June 27, 1943 Margaret Elma May b. May 8, 1908 in Due West, S. C. James Yancy attended the University of S. C. for 2 years. One year Pharmacy College, Atlanta. Margaret Elma has a B.S. degree from Appalachian State Teachers College. Address: Rt. 1, Ware Shoals, S. C.

F64 John Harold Martin b. Oct. 22, 1907 Ware Shoals, S. C. Mar. in Due West, S. C. Dec. 25, 1934 Elizabeth Lati­mer b. Oct. 18, 1909 in Honea Path, S. C. Harold at­tended Wofford College and Edith graduated ( A.B.) at Erskine. Present address: Ware Shoals, Rt. 1. Issue: Gll9 Janet Kay Martin b. Ware Shoals; S. C. Jan. 1,

1940. Gl20 Harold Jerry Martin b. Nov. 26, 1942 at Ware

Sho::ils, S. C. Gl21 Thomas Latimer Martin b. July 2, 1947 at Ware


F6.5 Frances Martin b. 1909 mar. Rev. John Schwartz. Last address: Artillery Road, Rt. 4, Taylors, S. C. Issue: Gl22 Jerry Schwartz.

FOO Evelyn Martin b. 1911 mar. Truman May. Last address: Ware Shoals, S. C. Issue: Gl23 Margaret May.

ffi Lois Martin b. Oct. 8, 1914 at Ware Shoals, S. C. Mar. June 28, 1940 William Alonzo Browniee. Willia.-n has a B.S. degree from Erskine College, 1935. Lois has a B.S. degree from Lander College 1935. Mr. Browniee woriced


with the Ordnance Dept. of U. S. Government in World War II. Present address: Honea Path, S. C., Rt. I. Issue: Gl24 William Robert Brownlee b. Greenwood Hospital

Dec. 19, 1942. In 1962 a freshman at Erskine College.

Gl25 Evelyn Catherine Brownlee b. Greenwood Hos­pital, Sept. 8, 19·14. Named in 1961 by National Council of Teachers of English one of 6 winners of its national Achievement award. Valedictorian of her class 1962 Dixie High School, Donalds, s.c.

Gl26 Sarah Helen Brownlee b. Greenwood Hospital July 26, 19.52.



William Henderson was the son of Herbert Martin ( C6)

E29 Mariah mar. William Babb of Laurens. No further information. E30 Addie Martin b. May 5, 1847 d. May 1934 mar. Lewis Meng. E31 Whiteford Smith Martin b. June 11, 1850 d. Mar. 1, 1938 rr,ar.

( 1) Vcrmclle C. Brockington b. 1855 d. Both buried in Kingstree, S. C. Mar. (2) Mary Witherow of Winnsboro, S. C. Buried at \Vi:lnsboro.

E32 Susannah McCall Martin b. Oct. 18-- d. April 16, 1919 mar. Jefferson Davis Boyd b. Feb .. 12, 1860 d. Aug. 19, 1928.

E33 Gustavus Martin died at the age of 18 or 19.



F69 William Meng b. Oct. 8, 1877 d. Aug. 14, 1935 mar. Oct. 4, 1900 Lucinda Downs Hudgens, b. Jan. 25, 1880. Both buried Laurens Cem. Issue: G127 Bernice Meng b. Aug. 8, 1901 mar. June 11, 1925 John

C. Sibley, son of Dr. and Mrs. J. S. Sibley, Last ad­dress: 1005¼ Harvey St., Raleigh, N. C. Issue: Hl57 Barbara Sibley b. Oct. 31, 1932 mar. Dec. 27,

1952 in Raleigh, N. C. John E. Stillman of Del­way, Fla. Issue: ]86 Suzanne Stillman b. Sept. 16, 1954.


Cl28 Nancy Downs Meng b. Dec. 7, 1903 mar. June 7, 1930 Ernest H. Leftwich, son of Douglas Lee and Rosa \Vcrtcnbakcr Leftwich in Laurens. Last address: 661 Cashua St., Darlington, S. C. Issue: Hl58 Lucinda Leftwich b. May 1932. Died in infancy. 1-1159 Ernest H. Leftwich b. Aug. 24, 1934 d. Aug.

17, 1915.

Gl29 Emily Katherine Meng b. Dec. 31, 1905. Unmarried.

F70 Emily Meng b. Sept. 7, 1880 mar. Aug. 4, 1915 Barney L. Jones b. June 25, 1871 d. May 19, 1937. Last address: 830 West Main St., Laurens, S. C. Issue:

Cl30 Lewis Pinckney Jones b. Sept. 8, 1916 mar. June 3, 1950 Densmore Faris, b. July 1925. Lewis is a member of the \Vofford College Faculty. Address: 325 River­mont, Spartanburg, S. C. Issue: Hl60 Barney Lewis Jones b. Mar. 16, 1954. Hl61 Ida Faris Jones b. Aug. 13, 1957. Hl62 Emily Meng Jones b. Aug. 13, 1957.


Whiteford Smith Martin was the son of William Henderson Martin (Dl8).

F71 James Marvin Martin b. Feb. 2, 1880 d. April 1947. Mar. ( 1) Mar. (2) Nettie Bradford b. 1894 d. 1927.

F72 Whitcfoorde Claude Martin b. May 8, 1879 d. Feb. 7, 1930 mar. April 9, 1908 Ruth Margaret Reeves b. Sept. 3, 1893, Mrs. Martin's present address: Branchville, S. C.

F73 Mellon Martin b. Mar. 22, 1890 d. Dec. 15, 1943 mar. about Sept. 1, i911 J. Wyeth Marion b. Oct. 19, 1893. Present ad­dress: Antreville, S. C. Mail address, Iva, Rt. 2, S. C.

F74 Prescott Lanneau Martin mar. Geneva Hart. No further in­formation.

F75 Luna May Martin b. May 19, 1892 mar. Aug. 31, 1918 Ernest Robert McCarter d. Dec. 26, 1933. Last address: 2903 Carden Road, Peoria, Ill

F76 Lalla Martin b. Oct 27, 1894. Last address: 2903 Garden Road. Peoria, Ill.




James Marvin Martin, son of Whiteford Smith Martin (E31)

Gl30 James Marvin Martin, Jr. b. July 1, 1920 mar. June 19, 1945 Muccttia L. Simpson b. Sept. 25, 1918. Present address: 3030 Culhoun Lane, Biliings, Mont. Issue:

Hl63· Rosalie Ruth Martin b. April 21, 1947.

Hl64 Mary Jane Martin b. Oct. 13, 1918.

Hl65 James Leslie Martin b. Feb. 8, 1955.

Hl66 John Marvin Martin b. Nov. 30, 1956.



Whitefoorde Claude Martin, son of Whiteford Smith Martin ( E31)

This information submitted by Mrs. Martin brings the family only up to about 1953. Mrs. Martin did not answer recent letters.

Gl31 Margaret Ver Melle Martin b. Oct. 6, 1909 mar. Nov. 23, 1939 Clarence Fisliburne, b. June 25, 1908. Present address: 5 Kingstone Rd., Avondale Estates, Ga. Issue:

Hl67 Margaret Lynn Fishburne b. Aug. 16, 1942.

Hl68 Cotesworth Fishburne b. April 6, 1944.

G132 V/hitefoorde Claude Martin, Jr. b. April 15, 1911 mar. Sept. 29, 1950 Elizabeth Dargan h. May 24, 1913. Last address: 195 Wcstminisicr Drive, Spartanburg, S. C.

Cl33 Minnie Claire Martin b. Aug. 28, 1912 mar. June 29, 1933, John E. Hutto, b. April 19, 1911. Last address: 525 E. 48th St., Sa:1annah, Ca. Issue: H169 Marion Claic Hutto b. Mar. 12, 1938,

Hl70 Ruth Kay Hutto b. Feb. 17, 19•15.

C134 Jewel Ruth Martin b. Jan. 25, 1920 mar. Dec. 5, 1942 Jack Delbert Howle b. Nov. 4, 1919. Last address: Andrews, S. C. Issue: Hl71 Claudia Howle b. Dec. 5, 19-43. Hl72 Jack Delbert Howle, Jr .b. Jan. 28, 1917.

Hl73 Brian Martin Howle b. Nov. 15, 1953.

Gl3.5 George William Mar....n b. Jan. 12, 1922 mar. April 3, 19'-19 Donalda Fae Smith b. Feb. 25, 1926. Last address: Dr.


George W. Martin, Wales Garden Apts., Columbia, S. C. Issue: Hl74 George William Martin b. May 25, 195i. Hl75 Catherine Ann Martin b. Nov. 7, 1953.



Mellon Martin wn.~ 11 daughter of Whiteford Smith Martin (E31).

Cl36 John Wyeth Marion, Jr. b. Mar. 14, 1914, Richburg, S. C. mar. July 5, 1935 Rossville, Ga. Inez Miller b. April 30, 1915, Dalton, Ga. Last address: 17005 Roberts Road, Los Gatos, Calif. Issue: Hl76 John Wayne Marion b. July 7, 1937, Chattanooga,

Tenn. Now married (1962) with one son 2 yrs. old. Living in Calif.· Names unknown.

Hl 77 Michael Gary Marion b. Oct. 26, 1947, Anderson, S. C. Cl37 Martin Whiteford Marion b. Dec. 1, 1916 mar. Dec. Zl,

1939 Mary Carderner Dallas b. May 7, 1920. Last address: 8 Forcee Lane, St. Louis, Mo. Issue:

Hl78 Mary Mortimer Marion b. May 27, 1941 mar. June 16, 1962 John McWilliams Howell.

Hl79 Virginia Mellon Marion b. Dec. 9, 1944. Hl80 Linda Marilyn Marion b. June 25, 1948. Hl81 Nancy Dallas Marion b. June 21, 1952.

Gl38 Roy Thomas Marion b. April 13, 1919 in Atlanta, Ga. mar. Mar. 14, 1940 in Deland, Fla. Dorothy Hazel Lodge b. Sept. 4, 1922 in Pelham, Ga. Roy Marion fought' in World War II in European Theater. Last address: 6859 Flamingo Court. Brentwood 17, Mo. Issue: Hl82 Roy Ken Marion b. Oct. 21, 1944 in Sanford, Fla. Hl84 Another son, name unknown.

Cl39 Charles Ray Marion, Sr. b. July 12, 1925 mar. June 6, 1945 Betty Ellis b. Aug. 24, 1926. Charles Ray Marion, Sr. entered the Naval Air Corps in June 1943 and was separated Jan. 1946, having training in radio and radar. Reached the rank of Seaman 1st Class. Last address: Iva, S. C., Rt. 2. Issue: Hl84 Charles Ray Marion, Jr. b. June 5, 1950. HISS Phyllis Elizabeth Marion b. Aug. 13, 1951. H186 Stanley Ellis Marion b. Jan. 4 ,1953.




Prescott Lanneau Martin was the son of VVhiteford Smith Martin ( E31).

G140 Emily Martin b. d. 1953 mar. a Williard.

Gl41 Prescott Martin, Jr.


Luna May Martin McCarter was the <lau. of \Vhitefor<l Smith Martin ( E31).

Gl42 Ernest Robert McCarter, Jr. b. Nov. 21, 1919 mar. Feb. 12, 1943 Geraldine Sweat. Issue: Hl87 Ernest Robert McCarter, III b. Mar. 1, 1944. Hl88 Terrell Eugene McCarter b. Aug. 31, 1946.

Gl43 Ver Melle Ann McCarter b. Jan. 13, 1926.



Susannah McCall Martin was the dau. of William Henderson Martin (D18).

Fi/ Infant son died at age of 2 yrs. F78 Infant son died at 3 mos. F79 Elizabeth Boyd b. Sept. 28, 1800, died at age 2 yrs 3 mos. F80 May C. Boyd b. May 12, 1889 mar. Willet Amos Bennett b.

July 14, 1886. Present address: Sbano Hill, Hayws.rd Road, Hendersonville, N. C. Issue: Gl44 Willett Boyd Bennett b. Feb. 5, 1914 mar. Dec . .25,

1934 Laura Elizabeth Bond b. July 17, 1915. Present address: 1402 Highland Ave., Hendersonville, N. C. Issue: Hl90 Willett Boyd Bennett, Jr. b. Jan. 5, 1936 mar.

Oct. 1, 1960 Beverly Blealock. Hl91 Patricia Eliwbeth Bennett b. Dec. 10, 1938 mar.

Dec. o, 1959 George Frank Koch. Hl92 Howard Amos Bennett b. Jan. 14, 1942. Hl93 Mark Bond Bennett b. April 14, 1949. Hl94 Judith Carol Bennett b. April 3, 1951.


Gl45 Howard Clifton Bennett b. May 27, 1917 d. Oct. 10, 1925.

Gl48 Arthur LeGrande Bennett b. May 26, 1920 mar. March 16, 1946 Clara May Freeman b. Feb. 25, 1921. Present address: 1217 North Main St., Hendersonville, N. C. Issue: Hl95 Clara Lee Bennett b. Dec. 14, 1947. Hl96 Arthur LeGrande Bennett, Jr. b. July 5, 1951. Hl97 Marilyn Clifton Bennett b. April 23, 1953.

Gl47 James Lesesne Bennett b. Jan. 13, 1923 mar. May 18, 1946 Elizabeth Sherwood Hodson b. Dec. 25, 1924. Present address: 3029 Sigmund Circle, Columbia, S. C. Issue: Il198 James L. Bennett, Jr. b. Dec. 17, 1!)49. Hl99 Sherwood Amos Bennett b. April 21, 1951. H200 Gayle Elizabeth Bennett b. July 15, 1954. H201 Sherene May Bennett b. July 30, 1956.

G148 David Hestley Bennett b. May 2, 1928 mar. June 9, 1947 Nancy Rebecca Edney b. Nov. 17, 1929. Present address: Sbano Hill, Haywood Rd., Hendersonville, N. C. Issue: H202 Anne Elizabeth Bennett b. Oct. 6, 1951. H203 Rebecca Lee Bennett b. May 5, 1953. H204 'iJayne David BenI1ett b. April 11, 1958.


Lewis Martin was the 3rd son of Herbert Martin (C6) For this section we are indebted to Mr. L. A. Green, primarily;

also to Mr. Walter Martin and Mrs. Lawrence Hagan.

E34 Butler Martin b. 1847 d. 1865 in N. C. on way home from the war. Grave never found.

E35 John Martin b. 1849 d. 1865. Died of fever during war. E36 Nancy Susan Martin b. Nov. 10, 1850 cl. Feb. 24, 1881 mar.

Wylie Thornton. Issue: F82 James, F83 George, and F84 John Thornton.

E37 George Lafayette Martin, a minister mar. Ann Stepp. Issue: F84 C--eorge, F85 Broadus, F88 John, Ffr'/ Lewis, F88 Henry J. Martin.




E38 James E. Martin b. June 29, 1856 d. Nov. 17, 1918 mar. Mattie A. Redden b. Mar. 1, 1862 d. Nov. 4, 1922.

E39 David Martin b. 1858 d. May 1914. Unmarried. E40 Theodosia Martin b. 1863 d. 1866. E41 Mary Etta Martin b. Oct. 16, 1860 d. Nov. 28, 1933 mar. John

Benjamin Moore. E42 Joshua L. Martin b. Aug. 28, 1865 d. June 5, 1932 mar. Lula

J. Pruitt b. Sept. 21, 1870 d. Sept. 20, 1940. E43 Warren Reed Martin b. Oct. 18, 1866 d. April 16, 1891. Un­

married. E44 Pem.llcton Fum1an Martin b. Dec. 26, 1871 d. Oct. 27, 1955

mar. Dec. 11, 1901 Sally Clayton Cochran b. Oct. 12, 1881. E45 Eugene Martin b. 1873 d. 1874. E46 Thomas Lee Martin b. Nov. 19, 1875 d. Feb. 16, 1952 mar.

Nov. 30, 1898 Mary Minerva Pruitt b. May 15, 1876.



James E. Martin, son of Lewis Martin (D19).

F89 Henry Edward Marlin b. Nov. li, 1882 d. Mar. 4, 1942 mar. Dec. 1902 Mamie Elizabeth Cochran b. Dec. 18, 1878 d. Mar. 20, 1939. Issue: Gl49 Mattie Lou Martin b. Sept. 16, 1903 mar. April 4,

1921 Leroy L. Manley b. Nov. 5, 1899. Issue: H205 Horace Jones Manley b. July 18, 1923 d. April

10, 1924. H200 Wilbur Edward Manley b. May 5, 1925 mar.

June 5, 19--16 Ruby H. Rowland. Issue: J87 Daniel Edward Manley b. Jan. 7, 1947. J88 Debra Ann Manley b. May 27, 1956.

H209 Betty Lou Manley b. June 27, 1932 mar. April 24, 1952 William Werner. Issue: J89 Edward Martin Werner b. Oct. 30, 1952. J90 Patricia Ann Werner b. Dec. 29, 1953.

FOO Dora Martin b. July 22, 1884 mar. Dec. 4, 1004 John Toby Cochran. Issue:


Gl50 George Bennett Cochran b. Mar. 7, 1906 mar. Pearle Brabham. Issue: H210 Carolyn Cochran b. Aug. 4, 1941. H211 Jeanie Cochran b. Feb. 25, 1945.

Gl51 James H. Cochran b. Feb. 10, 1908 mar. Flora Hyde. Issue: H212 James David Cochran b. July 8, 1936 mar.

Issue: J91 Catherine Lynn Cochran b. Feb. 3, 1961.

H213 William Randolph Cochran b. Aug. 27, 1942. Gl52 Fred D. Cochran b. Nov. 24, 1910 mar. Dixie Stewart.

Issue: H214 Jane Cochran b. Feb. 4, 1940. 1'Y215 Henry Cochran b. July 19, 1945.

Cl53 John Lewi~ Cochran b. April 16, 1014 mar, Mnrgarct Harhln. Issuo: H2H3 John Wade Cochran b. May 5, 1043. H217 Robert Martin Cochran b. April 8, 19-i7.

Gl54 Henry E. Cochran b. July l, 1016 d. Mar. 2, 1945. Killed in Germany, World War II. Mar. Margaret Parker, Issue: H218 Margaret Ann Cochran b. Jan. 27, 1943.

F91 Benjamin Le'\\-'is Martin b. June 1, 1887 d. April 13, 1957 mar. An,.;1 C:,'l 10~() ~ ........... r l,,t'; .... ,.,. .... ~ ... U.;11 h THl ... "1 1QOO T ..... nfta ... t' .. &.& -.,, ..._.., ....... ...,.,,._ .... .L] .1.•.i..1...i.L'-'.1. •u. .&."'-.L.L.L ...,. JU.&] , , ,1..vuv. ,1.~.;,u1;,.

Gl55 Mary Virginia Martin b. Jan. 7, 1923 mar. Feb. Zl, 1954 Claude Rainey. Issue: H219 Gloria Faye Rainey b. Dec. 31, 1954.

G156 Benjamin Lewis Martin, Jr. b. June 27, 1925 mar. Dec. 1950 Joyce E. Ballentine. Issue: H220 Benjamin Lewis Martin III b. Nov. Zl, 1960.

Gl57 Myrtle Joanne Martin b. Oct. 17, 1929 mar. Feb. 20, 1951 Robert E. Cathcart. Issue: H221 Curtis Eugene Cathcart b. Mar. 20, 1953. H222 Richard Wesley Cathcart b. Sept 21, 1956.

F92 Annie Sue Martin b. Aug. 18, 1889 mar. Joseph Benjamin O'Dell b. Dec. 29, 1887. Issue: Gl58 Barnett Edward O'Dell b. Jan. 19, 1911 mar. (1) Sarah

Huff mar. (2) Mamie Godfrey. Issue: H223 Barnett Edward O'Dell b. July 11, 1954.


Cl59 Harold Ben O'Dell b. Feb. 19, 1914 mar. Robena John­son. Issue: H224 Joe Mike O'Dell b. Jan. 31, 1941. H22.5 Harold B. O'Dell, Jr. b. Oct. i5, i946. H228 Walter Martin O'Dell b. April 30, 1957.

Gl60 George Lewis O'Dell b. Sept. 28, 1917 mar. Sue Bryan. Issue: H227 George Lewis O'Dell, Jr. b. Jan. 24, 1947. H228 Robert Keith O'Dell b. Jan. 15, 1952.

F93 George Reid Martin b. Nov. 11, 1892 d. Dec. 3, 1892.

F94 Rosa Melissa Martin b. Dec. 11, 1893 mar. Dec. 3, 1918 Elijah Tillman O'Dell b. April 30, 1891. Issue: Cl81 Jnmcs Tillman O'Dell b. Sept. 1, 1017. Issue:

Il22!1 Jli,f!y Jenn OT>,·!l h. Du,. JO, 1037. JI?,10 J,·rry L. O'Ddl h. A11g. 4, HMO.

Cl62 Joseph Ilcnjnmln O'Dell h. June 11, 1019 mar. Ethel Ridgway. Issue: H2.'H James Newton O'Dell b. Oct. 20, HHl. H2:32 Joseph Rnrnlolph O'Ddl b. Nov. 8, 1947. JI2.33 Shirk,y Ann O'Dell h. July 17, 1950. H234 Kelvin Blane O'Dell b. Feb. 1, 1960.

F95 Nannie Lucile Martin b. Aug. 25,. 1803 mar. May 25, 1921 Ernest S. Neves b. Oct. i3, i892 d. April 1957. Issue: Gl63 Ernest S. Neves, Jr. b. May 23, 1922 mar. Mary Frances

Heaton. Issue: RZ.35 Mary Pamela Neves b. Aug. 18, 1956.

Cl64 James Albert Neves b. April 27, 1924 mar. April 18, 1954 Ruth Laverne Crain. Issve: HZ.36 Judy Ann Neves b. Dec. 20, 1955.

F96 William James Martin b. July 13, 1899 mar. Sept. 25, 1921 Olga Hopkins b. April 12, 1901. fasue: Cl65 Margaret Elizabeth Martin b. Sept. 27, 1922. Gl66 William James Martiu, Jr. b. April 9, 1924 mar. June 7,

1948 (?). Issue: F..237 Janet Lee Jeane Martin b. Dec. 23, 1953.

Cl67 Isabella Mattie Martin b. Sept. 20, 1926 mar. Aug. 25, 1045 Henry Bates. Issue: 11238 Norma J~ Bates b. Nov. 13, 1946.


H239 Linda Susan Bates b. Sept. 27, 1948. H240 Annie Carolyn Bates b. Sept. 10, 1950. H24l Judith Rebecca Bates b. June 4, 1955.


Joshua L. M:utin was 3rd son of Lewis Martin (D19) and his second wife, Martha Moore Martin.

F97 William Earl :Martin b. Nov. 20, 1897 d. July 5, 1897.

F98 Mattie Agnes Martin b. July 23, 1899 mar. Albert Armstrong. Issue: Gl68 Dorothy Armstrong b. Dec. 29, 1931 mar. Jimmie

Bearden. Issue: H242 Marion Pat. Bearden b. June 14, 1950. H243 John Albert Bearden b. Sept. 10, 1951. H244 Loretta Christine Bearden b. July 6, 1959.

Gl69 William Heyward Armstrong b. Dec. 29, 19-H. FOO Mary Louise Martin b. Aug. 24, 1905 mar. Heyward Rowland

b. Oct. 5, 1893. Issue: ·

Gl70 Vernon LeRoy Rowland b. Aug. 16, 1927 mar. Betty Jane Glenn. Issue: H245 Jane Elizabeth Rowland b. Mar. 31, 1951. H246 Robert Glenn Ro\vt1nd b. Dec. 8, 1953. H247 Cregory Vernon Rowland b. Aug. 30, 1957.

Gl71 Bobbie Louise Rowland b. Nov. 1, 1930 mar. Charles Henry Schweirs. Issue: H248 Bobbie Louise Sehweirs b. July 30, 1952. H249 Charles Henry Sehweirs, Jr. b. Feb. 18, 1960.


Pendleton Furman Martin was the son of Lewis Martin (D19) and his 2nd w'.fe, Martha Moore Martin.

FlOO Ruth Marion Martin b. Oct. 6, 1902 mar. Aug. 20, 1925 Law­rence D. Hagan b. Jan. 12, 1901. Issue: Gl72 Lawrence D. Hagan, Jr. b. May 12, 1929 mar. Aug.

Z7, 1951 Phyllis Murff b. June 21, 1933. Present ad­dress: 800 East Main St., Bennettsville, S. C. Issue: HZ<> Lawrence Dunn Hagan III b. July 15, 1952.


H251 James Ross Hagan b. Feb. 28, 1954. H252 Phillip Marshal! Hagan b. Feb. 4, 1960.

Gl73 Marion Elizabeth Hagan b. Dec. 18, 1932. Present address: 2122 Cresswell Drive, Augusta, Ga.

Gl74 James M. Hagan b. Mar. 18, 1935 mar. Nov. 24, 1957 Mary Welborn b. April 5, 1938. In 1962 Lt. Hagan in Anny, Leghorn, Italy. Issue: H252 James Martin Hagan, Jr. b. Sept. 17, 1958.

H253 Mary Eli7abeth Hagan b. July 14, 1960.

FIOI Walter Lee Martin b. Dec. 27, 1905 mar. July 21, 1931 Reta Burriss b. July 6, 1906. Issue:


Cl75 Walter Lee Martin, Jr. b. Nov. 19, 1932 mar. June 8, 1957 Marjorie Wright Mover of Fairfax, Va. b. June 6, 1935. Issue: H254 Lee Allison Martin b. May 9, 1959.

HZ:->5 Amy Lynn Martin b. May 4, 1061. Cl76 Robert Stcvcn5on Martin b. Nov. 5, 1!)35 mar. Dec.

20, l!JG8 Margaret Ann Crittenden b. Oct. 21, 1!)39. Issue: H276 Robert Stevenson Martin, Jr. b. April 2-i, 1960.

Maggie Lee Martin b. July 13, 1909 mar. Sept. Ernest Olin Edwards, b. July 18, 1911. l~sue: Gl77 Ernesto. Edwards, Jr. b. Mar. 19, 1943. Gl78 Catherine Marie Edwards b. Mar. 24, 1949.

Fl03 Georgia Elizabeth Martin b. Nov. 1, 1912 mar. Feb. 14, 1942 Lesslie A. Green, b. Nov. 10, 1914. Present address: 1101 Buncombe Rd., Greer, S. C. Issue: Gl79 Sandra Martin Green b. Dec. 31, 1942.

Gl80 Leslie A. Green, Jr. b. Mar. 4, 1945. GISI Douglas Furman Green b. Sept. 20, 1948.

F104 Bertha May Martin b. June 19, 1917.

Flo.5 Sarah Kathleen Martin b. Apr'J 22, 1915 mar. May 17, 1935 Charles D. Davenport b. May 16, 1913. Issue:

Gl82 Charles Robert Davenport b. Jan. 25, 1940. G183 James Thomas Davenport b. Mar. 19, 1943.

G184 Phylis Dianne Davenport b. Oct. 10, 1951.



Thomas Lee Martin was the son of Lewis Martin (Dl9) and his second wife, Martha Moore Martin.

FIOO Nanny ~1ay }.1arJn b. Oct. 1, 1899 d. May i3, i953 mar. Aug. 25, 1916 J. Furman O'Dell b. Mar. 30, 1895. Issue: Gl85 Robert Fred O'Dell b. Aug. 25, 1918 mar. Elizabeth

Haynesworth. Issue: H257 William Fred O'Dell b. Aug. 28, 1944. H258 Robert Furman O'Dell b. Aug. 28, 1944. H259 Robert O'Dell. H260 David O'Dell b. Nov. 1950. Dec'd.

G186 Jasper Lee O'Dell b. May 27, 1920 mar. Frances Davis. Issue: H261 Linda Ann O'Dell b. Dec. 15, 1949. H262 Jasper Lee O'Dell, Jr. b. April 28, 1951. H263 Steve Anthony O'Dell b. Nov. 8, 1953. H264 Susan Denese O'Dell b. Mar. 1, 1957.

Gl87 Jennings Turner O'Dell b. July 11, 1922 mar. Evalina Culbertson. Issue: H265 Miriam Dianne O'Dell b. Oct. 17, 1949. H266 Ruby Catheryn b. Oct. 28, 1955.

Gl88 Richard Martin O'Dell b. June 27, 1925 mar. Leona Leggett. Issue: H267 Larry Shelton O'Dell b. Aug. 18, 1946. H268 Ernest Wayne O'Dell b. June 13, Hl51.

Gl89 Albert Wayne O'Dell b. Oct. 13, 1927 mar. Gertrude ......... Issue: H269 John Wayne O'Dell. H270 Martha Ann O'Dell b. Feb. 14, 1956.

Gl90 James Donald O'Dell b. July 28, 1930 mar. June 26, 1951. Mar. (1) Margaret Hooker, mar. (2) ........• Children of 2nd mar.: H271 Donna Mae O'Dell b. Aug. 20, 1959. H272 Mark Anthony O'Dell b. July 14, 1961.

Gl91 Tommy Lamar O'Dell b. Sept. 17, 1932. Cl92 John Lewis O'Dell b. Mar. 30, 1935. mar •........•

Issue: H273 John Christopher O'Dell b. Oct. 8, 1960.


G193 Mary Elizabeth O'Dell b. Oct. 20, 1937. Gl94 Ruth Ann O'Dell b. Dec. 13, 1941.

F107 Lewis Ben Martin b. Aug. 4, 1902 d. Mar. l, 1913.


Fl08 Ambrose Richard Martin b. Feb. 4, 1905 mar. Feb. 21, 1942 Martha Chambiee. Issue: Gl95 Joseph Martin.

Fl09 James Dewitt Martin b. Aug. 13, 1907 mar. Hattie Huff b. July 7, 1915. Issue: Gl96 James Francis Martin b. Oct. 26, 1942. Gl97 Alton Lee Martin b. July 16, 19-17.

FllO Thomas Rhett Martin b. May 18, 1910 mar. March 23, 1940 Mildred Mason b. Feb. 21, 1921. Issue: Gl98 Claudette Martin.

Flll Lut!ier Woodrow Martin b. Mar. 4, 1913 m. 1932 Fanny Ruth Richey.

Fll2 Julia Olivia Martin b. Oct. 25, 1915 mar. Feb. 28, 1942 John B. Medlin b. April 11, 1909. Issue: Gl99 Mattie Rebecca Medlin b. Oct. 27, 1942. G200 Bennett Martin Medlin b. Dec. 12, 1946. G201 John Richard Medlin b. Mar. 6, 1950.

F113 Raymond Carl Martin b. Dec. 28, 1918 mar. Jan. 10, 1941 Onie Pauline Ridgway b. March 25, 1919. Issue: G202 Vivvian Ray Martin b. Aug. 11, 1941. C203 Audrey Nell tvlariin b. Sept. 20, i943. G204 Rodger Dale Martin b. Dec. 27, 1948.



Martha Martin Crisp was the daughter of Herbert Martin ( C6)

(This information was obtained from Mrs. G. B. Greene about 1953. Later, 1962, when we wished to bring it up to date, Mrs. Greene could not be contacted.) E47 Lewis Martin Crisp. Probably killed in Civil War. E48 Phoebe Crisp mar. J. A. Rodgers. E49 Addison Crisp died a bachelor. E50 Sallie Crisp mar. L. L. Browning. One daughter, Lola, dec'd.

(Fll4) ESI Clayton Cornelius {Balle) Crisp b. . . . . . . d. May 28, 1926

mar. Jan. 19, 1888 Alice Lee Shedd of Winnsboro.


E52 Ada Crisp mar. John Leslie; E53 Anna Crisp mar. ( 1) Alonzo Green, ( 2) John Tillinghast.

One daughter by first marriage. No other information. E54 Maggie Crisp mar. Conway Garrett. E55 Lillie Crisp mar. John Ballentine.



F115 Larry Rodgers. F116 Arthur Rodgers. Fll 7 Pearl Rodgers. F119 Lillie Rodgers mar. Hance Crews.



F120 Jennie Lee Crisp died in infancy. Fl21 Frank Wells Crisp mar. Mary Powers. Address in 1953: 648

Central Ave., St. Petersburg, Fla. No issue. Fl22 Helen Louise Crisp mar. June 5, 1913 Judge G. B. Greene

b. Feb. 10, 1878, d. Mar. 14, 1957 or 58. Judge Greene served 19 years on the State Circuit Bench. He retired in 1950. Descendants further on.

Fl23 Martha Crisp. Died in infancy. Fl24 William Rabb Crisp mar. Pearl Dodson. Issue:

G205 Flora Alice, G200 William R., G'l111 Clayton, C208 Richard.

Fl25 Charles Adams Crisp mar. Lucy Lupfer. Issue: G209 Robert n. Crisp, C210 David Crisp.

Fl26 Ralph Lee Crisp mar. Ruth Wilford. Last address: Jackson­ville, Fla. Issue: G211 Alice Crisp.


G212 Col G. B. Greene, Jr. mar. Jane Drake, dau. Gen. C. C. Drake. Col. Greene participated in 65 Combat Missions while in New Guinea in World War II. In recognition of his "Extraordinary Heroism in Action" at Salamaua and Lea, New Guinea. Col Greene was awarded by Gen. Douglas


McArthur the Distinguished Service Cross presented by Gen. A. H. Gilkerson, Third Fighter Command at Drew Field, Fla. He also won the Silver Star Air Medal and the D. F. C. Issue: H273 Drake Greene, H274 Susie Greene, H275 Jac-

queline Greene, H276 Helen Greene ( Dec' d). G213 Claude Earle Greene mar. Mary Del Finley. Also a veteran

of World War II. Maj. Gen. N. T. Twining, Commanding 15th Air Force directed that a certificate be presented to Capt. Claude E. Greene in recognition of courageous service in Aerial Combat. Awards and Decorations: Distinguishe-d Flying Cross, Air Medal, 6 Oak Leaf Clusters to A. Medal, Distinguished medal Badge, Oak Leaf Cluster to D. Merit Badge, Battle Participation Award for Southern France. Campaign Medals: European, African and Middle Eastern. Bronze Stars for Air Offensive-Europe and Italian. He was in the 15th Air Force from April '44 to Nov. '44. Flight Com­mander 50 missions over Enemy Territory.



The Rev. A_ddison Martin was the son of Herbert Martin ( C6)

E56 Dr. James Osgood Martin mar. Dorothy ~1'.artin (E26). For dates and descendants see E26 Dorothy Martin, dau. of Lewis Saxon Martin (D15) and his 2nd wife.



E57 Mary Anna Martin b. Laurens Aug. 26, 1857 d. Jan. 1948 mar. Robert Releford McDaniel b. Laurens Co. Nov. 185B cl. March 1926.

E58 George Pierce Martin b. Laurens Co. April 28, 1859 cl. Jan. 7, 1896 mar. Jessie Caroline Hill ( dau. of Wiley Hill and his wife, Harriet Meadows) b. June 12, 1862 d. Clemson, S. C. Nov. 30, 1943.

E59 Joseph Addison Martin b. near Laurens, S. C. Oct. 24, 1861 d. Sept. 17 or 18, 1950 mar. Nov. 24, 1880 or '81 ~Ila Rasor b. Abbeville, S. C. Jan. 15, 1863 d. July 13, 1932. Buried Chestnut Ridge. For more than 40 years a much beloved Baptist Minister.




F127 Robbie Irene McDaniel b. June 4, 1887. Fl28 James Erskine McDaniel b. Sept. 1889 d. Nov. 29, 1962.

Graduate of Erskine College. Attended Columbia University. Valedictorian of his class at Atlanta Law School. Fellow­ship at University of Berlin. Prof. at Georgia Tech. Served in Chemical Warfare Division and Military Intelli­gence Division in World War I. Enlisted July 13, 1918. Dis­charged Dec. 13, 1918. 1939-42 Chief of engineering, science and management of war training under Knudsen, head of War Production Board. 19,12-45 Chief of training of War Manpower Com. under Paul McNutt. 1948-52 Chief of edu­cation and cultural relations in Northwestern Germany under Gen. Lucius Clay and later under U. S. Stat0 Dept.

Fl29 Mary Louise McDaniel b. April 3, 1891. Fl30 Sarah Virginia McDaniel b. July 3, 1896 mar. Gilmer Darst.

Present address: 212 Broad St., Salem, Va. Issue: G214 Mary Ellen Darst, Librarian, Duke University. G215 Robert Darst, mar. and has two children. Present ad­

dress: Alta Vista, Va. Fl31 Florence McDaniel, b. Due West, S. C. 1899 mar. Laurens,

S. C. Jan .. 28, 1928 john j. Reid b. Abbeville, S. C. July i897. Issue: G216 Betty Jean Reid b. Columbia, S. C. Nov. 1928. G217 Virginia Chire Reid b. Chester, S. C. July 1930 mar. in

Laurens, S. C. Oct. 1948 William James Taylor b. Laurens, S. C. July 1926. Issue: H277 Wilton James Taylor, Jr. b. Laurens Feb. 1950. H278 Ann Reid Taylor b. Laurens Aug. 1951. OF GEORGE PIERCE MARTIN ( E58) AND Hts WIFE,


George Pierce Martin was son of Addison Martin ( D22).

Fl32 Ruth Hill Martin b. in Laurens Co., S. C. Dec. 18, 1888 mar. Feb. 15, 1914, Joseph F. Stuckey, Bishopville, S. C. Present address: Bishopville, S. C.

Fl33 Ernest Pierce Martin b. Laurens Co., S. C. Feb. 18, 1891 d.


Mar. 10, 1953 in Bishopville. Mar. Annie Hayes of Asheville, N. C. Present address: Bishopville, S. C.

Fl34 Jessie Lucille Martin b. in Laurens Co., S. C. Jan. 19, 1893 mar. Aug. 12, 1913 Crawi::>rd Cowan Clinkscales b. Due West, S. C. Mar. 8, 1885 d. Oct. 29, 1933. Present address: Due West, S. C.

Fl35 Georgia Martin b. Aug. 10, 1895 in Laurens Co., S. C. mar. June 4, 1921 Due West, S. C. Dr. Lee vVatson Milford b. Aug. 16, 1891. Present address: Clemson, S. C.


HusnAND, JosEPH F. SrucKEY

G218 Ruth Martin Stuckey b. in Bishopville, S. C. Nov. 6, 1914 mar. David Lee Stevenson d. Feb. 16, 1946. Present address: Bishopville, S. C. Issue:

H279 David Lee Stevenson, Jr. b. at Bishopville Sept. 13, 1943.

H280 Ruth Stuckey Stevenson b. Bishopville Aug. 15, 1944.

H281 Joseph Stuckey Stevenson b. Bishopville April 18, 19,16.

G219 Joseph Freeman Stuckey, Jr. b. Bishopville, S. C. Sept. 7, 1916 mar. Norma June Br~ndcn of Fresno, Calif. Dec. 16. 1945. Joscrh had four years' service in World War II. Lt. in Signal Corps. Last address: Fowler, Calif. Issue:

H282 Steven Allen Stuckey b. Fowler, Calif. May 11, 1948. H283 Susan Viletta Stuckey b. Fowler, Calif. Feb. 27, 1950. H284 Gary Lee Stuckey b. Feb. 5, 1954.

G220 Jessie Hill Stuckey b. in Bishopville May 21, 1920 mar. Fred E. Quinn, Feb. 25, 1950. Present address: 1416 Ivy Lane, Columbia, S. C. Issue:

H285 James Andrew Quinn b. Feb. 3, 1956. H288 Frederick Elliott Quinn, Jr. b. Sept. 18, 1959.



G221 George Hayes Martin b. Bishopviile, S. C. May 23, 1921. Served in U.S. Navy. d. April 11, 1953.


G222 Katherine Hill Martin b. Bishopville Sept. 17, 1923. Mar. (1) Campbell Ingram Feb. 16, 1946. Issue: H287 Clara Ann Ingram b. Bishopville Sept. 4, 1945.

Adopted by her mother's second husband and name changed to McCutcheon.

Katherine mar. 2nd John McCutcheon of Bishopville, June 2, 1951. Issue: H288 Tenie Evelyn McCutcheon b. Bishopville July 25,

1952. H289 John Henley McCutcheon b. Oct. 8, 1953.


G223 Crawford Cowan Clinkscales, Jr. b. Due W(.-st, S. C. Mar. 2, 1914 mar. March 23, 1940 Mary Louise Cargill b. Sept. 9, 1914 at Columbus, Ga.

DE:sa:NDANTS of· C1-:om;rA MARTIN MILFORD (Fl35) AND IIEn IIu~lJAND, D11. Lm,: WA1·s0N M1u·ono

G224 Lee Watson Milford, Jr., M.D. b. in Anderson, S. C. June 13, 1922 mar. in Oak Ridge, N. C. Dec. 27, 1944 Betty Frances Larkins, b. Sept. 7, 1926. Lee Watson Milford, Jr., veteran World War II, became member of Navy V-12 training pro­gram July 2, 1943 and was released to inactive duty Dec. 20, HMS. Called back to active duty at Lt. Junior grade in Medi­cal Corps of Navy July IO, 1947 and was stationed at Charles­ton Naval Base until July 10, 1949. Then released to inactive duty. Present address: 4695 Park Ave., Memphis 17, Tenn. Issue: H290 Martha Frances Milford b. July 24, 1948 at Charles­

ton, S. C. H291 .Richard Lee Milford b. Sept. IO, 1958.

G225 Betty Martin Milford b. Anderson, S. C. April 12, 1925 mar. at Clemson, S. C. Dec. 27, 1947 James Shumate Ezelle b. June 16, 1921. Present address: 600 Ololu Drive, Winter Park, Fla. Issue: H292 James Shumate Ezelle, Jr. b. April 24, 1950. H293 Mary Gay Ezelle b. Dec. 19, 1956. H294 Rebecca Lee Ezelle b. Feb. 28, 1000.



Joseph Addison Martin was the son of the Rev. Addison Martin ( D22)

Fl36 Maude Martin b. Laurens Co. Aug. 28, 1881 mar. at Cross Hill, S. C. July 2, 1906 Dr. W. B. Noffz b. Cross Hill May 4, 1881 d. June 24, 1919.

F137 Eva Pauline Martin b. Laurens Co., S. C. Feb. 7, 1885 Mar. May 31, 1910 in Greenville, S. C. to Burt Lunney Mitchell b. Nov. 23, 1883 at Westminster d. Dec. 27, 1955 at Cross Hill, S. C. Mrs. Mitchell's address: Cross Hill, S. C.

F138 Rev. J. Guy Martin b. Aug. 14, 181:;9 mar. Jan 1, 1924 Minnie Patton b. Feb. 4, 1904. Present address: 2GB Boundary Drive, Spartanburg, S. C.

Fl39 William Paul Martin b. Laurens Co., S. C. Jan. 11, 1892 cl. April 22, ]()02 mar. Dec. 2.'.l, l!J2-1 Willijo Austin b. May 28, 1807 Mountville, S. C, Mrs. Marlin's address: 115 Blake St., Greenwood, S. C.

F140 Ella May Martin b. at Princeton, S. C. Jan. 2, 1894 mar. Nov. 11, 1919 Robert Clarence Jones b. April 9, 1875 d. April 12, 1934. Mrs. Jones address: Bamberg, S. C.

F141 George Pitts Martin b. at Princeton, S. C. Oct. 25, 1896 d. Sept. 10, 1954 in Clinton, S. C. mar. in Salisbury, N. C. Aug. 15, 1926, Celia Menneim b. Marion, S. C.

Fl42 Lillian Ethel Martin b. in Due West, S. C. Mar. 23, 190'0 mar. Laurens, S. C. Sept. l, 1927 h~v. Wade Hampton Bryan b. Easley, S. C. Feb. 11, 1898. Present address: 8414 Free­stone Ave., Richmond 29, Va. No issue.

Fl43 Broughton Rasor Martin b. Cross Hill, S. C. Aug. 10, 1902 mar. Simpsonville, S. C. May 3, 1927 Corrie Brownlee b. Oct. 11, 1906.


G226 Willias Buford Noffz b. Cross Hill May 5, 1907 mar. Aug. 19, 1928 Mattie Lou Walker in Laurens b. Sept. 27, 1907. Address: Cora St., Laurens, S. C. Issue:


H295 Margaret Elise Noffz b. Laurens July 1, 1929 mar. April 10, 1954 in Laurens Williams N. Owings. Ad­dress: 112 High St., Laurens, S.C. Issue: J92 William Jeffrey Owings b. Jan. 3, 1958.

H296 William Buford Noffz b. Sept. 21, 1932 mar. at Waterloo, S. C. Mar. 18, 1960 Yvonne Mann. Address: 20 Mill St., Laurens, S. C. Issue: J93 Michael Noffz b. May l, 1961.

G227 Joseph Ernest Noffz b. Cross Hill Aug. 4, 1911 mar. Hender­sonville, N. C. Aug. 17, 1935 Katherine Freeman b. Hender­sonville Aug. 12, 1911. Issue: H297 Mary Kay Noffz b. Aug. 16, 1945.


G230 Charlotte Pauline Mitchell b. at Westminster, S. C. July 18, 1913.

G231 Burt Lunney Mitchell, Jr. b. April 30, 1919 at W'¾i.minister mar. at Tabor City, N. C. Feb. 24, 1943 Mary Elizabeth Baldwin. Burt Lunney Mitchell, Jr. enlisted in service World War II July 4, 1940. Ile served in England, France, Belgium, Holland, Panama Canal. He was with 38th Inf. 2nd Div. July 1940 to April 1943. 175th Inf. 29th Div. April 19-!3-Sept. 1944. Hq. Ninth Army Sept. 1944-Nov. 1945. Hq. 2nd Army Nov. 1945-Aprii 1947. Hq. U. S. Anny Caribbean Apr. 1947-49. Infantry School 1949-52. In Oct. 1956 held rank of Lt. Col. at Fort Jackson, also Dep. Chief of Staff. Last report Col. in U. S. Anny. Second in command at Ft. Riley, Kansas. Decorations: Legion of Merit, Bronze Star, with Oak Leaf Cluster, Combat Infantryman's Badge. Issue: H298 Burt Lunney Mitchell III b. July 20, 1947 in Canal

Zone, Panama. H299 Kae Dixon (Dixie) Mitchell b. Nov. 6, 1948 in Canal



G232 Willia..."D Joseph Martin b. Aug. 23, 1926 mar. July 7, 1950 Evelyn McHugh b. May 23, 1926. Present address: Arrow­head Circle, Spa.. ... ..anburg, S. C. Isa,-ue: H300 William Joseph Martin, Jr. b. Nov. 1, 1959.


G233 Cuynelle Martin b. July 23, 1927 mar. Aug. 12, 1950 James Ralph Fine b. July 30, 1926. Present address: 256 Boundary Drive, Spartanburg, S. C. Roy Martin b. Sept. 20, 1929 mar. June 15, 1947 Hazel Kim­brell b. Dec. 12, 1929. Present address: 256 Boundary Drive, Spartanburg, S. C. Issue: H301 Marselle Martin b. June 12, 1949. H302 Sherry Lynn Martin b. Jan. 7, 1952.



G234 Joan Martin b. Oct. 15, 1925 in Cross Hill, S. C .. Died Oct. 18, 1926.

C235 William Paul Martin, Jr. b. Dec. 25, 1926 in Cross Hill, S. C. Mar. Dec. 2, 1950 in Greenville, S. C. Ruth Rutledge b. June 4, 1928. Present address: Sheffield, Greenwood, S. C. Issue: H303 William Paul Martin III b. Jan. 29, 1952 in Green-

wood, S. C.

H304 Jo Ann Martin b. Greenwood, Sept. 4, 1953.

H3G5 Frances Rutledge Martin b. Greenwood April 18, 1956.

H306 Tallubh Martin b. Greenwood Jan. 28, 19G0.

Wiiiiam Paul Martin, Sr. served in World War I from Dec. 14, 1917 to May 29, as a member of the Evacuation Hospital No. 8 in France and Germany, with the Anny of Occupation.

William Paul Martin, Jr. served in World War II from Dec. 23, 1944 to July 6, 1946 in American Theater. He was a Q.M. 3rd Class on Philippine Sea Air Craft Carrier.


G236 Daisy Martin Jones b. at Bamberg, S. C. Sept. 20, 1920 mar. Nov. 12, 1946 Cecil K. Smoak b. in Bamberg Oct. 20, 1918. Issue: H307 Robert Carey Smoak b. Jan. 18, 1949.

Cecil K. Smoak entered the army as a private Sept. 11, 1941. Discharged as a Staff Sergeant Nov. 30, 1945. Fifteen months in C.B.I. Theater; 51st Inf. Tr. School at Camp Walters, 3 yrs. overseas


Northern Combat Area Command as liaison personnel with Chinese 6th Motor Reg. Decorations: Distinguished Unit Badge, Good Con­duct Badge, Asiatic Pacific Ribb~n, American Defense Medal, Vic­tory Medal



G237 Rosemary Ella Martin, adopted daughter, b. Asheville, N. C. April 9, 1931 mar. Feb. 5, 1950 at home of Rev. J. A. Martin in Laurens, S. C. to Carl V. Powell b. Sept. 12, 1927. Issue: H308 Carl V. Powell, Jr. b. Aug. 28, 1950 at Beaumont

Army Hospital, El Paso, Tex.

H309 Steven Bruce Powell b. April 29, 1952 at Clinton, S. C. H310 George Martin Powell b. Dec. 22, 1954 at Ft. Jack­

son, S. C. H311 Celia Roseann Powell b. July 9.:7, 1958 b. La Chapelle,

St. Mesnuner?, France.

G.238 Marian Gregory Cox Martin, dau. of Margarette Baldwin Cox and Roger Linwood Cox b. Dec. 23, 1932. Probably adopted legally by George Martin and his wife. Marian thinks not. She mar. Lester Summers Feb. 12, 1950. Issue of this marriage: H312 Hazel Swwruners b. Sept. 29, 1950. H313 Margarette Sue Summers b. July 26, 1953.

Marian was divorced in 1954. Married Sept. 18, 1954 in Roswell, New Mexico, Harold Julius Albrecht b. April 14, 1932 in Brook Park, Minn. Issue: H314 Cynthia Diane Albrecht b. Jan. 1, 1956 Pico Rivera,

Calif. H315 David Harold Albrecht b. Feb. 5, 1961 Pico Rivera,

Calif. George P. Martin served in World War I from Sept. 2, 1918

to date of discharge, Dec. 17, 1918. He served in Battery D 2nd Reg. 1st Brigade, Field Artillery.

Carl V. Powell served in World War II, Sgt. RA1412g8gl. En­listed Oct. 25, 1945. Served in Italy for 14 months and in Pacific Area for 22 months, In 1952 was in Korean Theater of Operations. In 1962 he is reported headed for Korea again.




G239 Glenn Addison Martin b. Aug. 6, 1928 Laurens, S. C. mar. June 18, 1955 in Greenwood, S. C. Carolyn Spelts. Issue:

H316 Leesa Carol Martin b. July 4, 1956. H317 Joseph Addison (Jodie) Martin b. Sept. 10, 1958. H318 David Anthony Martin b. Mar. 25, 1961.

Glenn served in the Army as a Sergeant. E.nlisted July, 1946. Discharged Dec. 8, 1947. Hqs. Co. 2nd Brigade 32nd Inf. Regt. 7th Div. XXIV Corps. Served overseas ( Seoul, Korea).


Robert Ambrose Martin was the son of Herbert Martin ( C6).

EOO Laura Martin b. Aug. 28, 1862 d. Oct. 30, 1946 mar. Nov. 4, 1885 Selenus Easterby b. 1861 in Charleston d. April 19, 1915 in Laurens.

E61 Maggie Martin b. Feb. 23, 1865 d. Mar. 10, 1937. E62 Herbert Joshua Martin b. July 1867 d. Mar. 22, 1937 mar.

March 2, 1908 Mary Elizabeth Byrd b. July 7, 1874 d. Nov. 18, 1947.

E63 Henry Rook Martin b. June 13, 1869 d. April 9, 1932. E64 Eugene Martin, M.D. mar. Sarah Shell b. 1873 d. 1928. E65 Josephine Martin b. Aug. 18, 1872 d. Laurens July 13, 1940

mar. Arthur Livingston Hudgens b. Dec. 21, 1874 d. Mar. 5, 1946. Both buried Chestnut Ridge Cem.

E66 Lalla Martin b. Jan. 21, 1877 d. Mar. 23, 1952 mar. Sept. 12, 1900 C. S. McLaurin of Marlboro Co., S. C. b. Aug. 9, 1877 d Nov. 22, 1943.

E67 Nan Martin mar. David McLaurin of Marlboro Co.

E68 Haniet Martin b. July 19, 1883 d. April 10, 1902. E69 Lucile Martin b. April 3, 1885 d. Jan. 18, 1956 mar. Nov. 3,

1909 Douglass Gray b. April 7, 1886. Lucile Martin Gray was a graduate of the Greenville Woman's College. Mr. Gray's residence: South Harper St., Laurens, S. C.

E70 Hattie Kate Martin b. Mar. 16, 1890 in Laurens. Mar. Nov. 9, 1927 John Henry Powe of Cheraw, S. C. b. Feb. 19, 1880 d. Dec. 23, 1951. He is buried in Laurens.



Fl44 Ambrose Eastcrby b. July 9, "1902 mar. June 20, 1929 Nell Wharton of Greenwood. Present address: 626 McDaniel Ave., Greenville, S. C. Issue: C240 Ambrose Easterby, Jr. b. April 23, 1932 mar. May 25,

1958 in Greenville, Elliott Wannamaker Adams. Pres­ent address: 2 Valerie Drive, Greenville, S. C. Issue: H319 Ambrose Henry Easterby III b. April 6, 1959. H320 Capers Adams Easterby b. Aug. 20, 1961.

Fl45 Thomas Rooke Easterby b. Laurens Dec. 1, 1897 mar. April 23, 1920 Laurens Juanita Wilkes b. Jan. 13, 1902 in Laurens. Issue: G241 Mary Lou:se Easterby b. June 23, 1936 in Greenville,

S. C. mar. Aug. 23, 1958 Andreas Neal Satterfield. Present address: 137 Wilderness Lane, Greenville, S. C. Issue: H321 Andreas Neal Satterfield, Jr. b. July 29, 1960.

Fl46 Ernest Easterhy mar. Estelle Gregory. Living in Laurens. Issue: G242 Harriet Easterby, G243 Estelle Easterby, G244 Laura Easterby

Fl47 Ruth Easterby mar. R. C. Hilton. Mrs. Hilton living in Lau­rens. Issue: G245 Ruth Hilton, G246 Laura Ann Hilton.



Fl48 Byrd Calvin Martin b. Dec. 1, 1908 mar. June 27, 1950 Miriam Smith Gary at V\lhitmire, S. C. b. April 2, 1924. Pres­ent address: 436 Farley Ave., Laurens, S. C. Issue: G247 Drucilla Elizabeth Martin b. July 9, 1953.

Fl49 Alpha Herbc.~ Martin b. Sepl 4, 1910 mar. Ocl 27, 1959 Sylvia Inez Brooks.

Fl50 Marigene Martin b. Dec. 11, 1914 mar. Nov. 25, 1936 J. Paul Todd of Clinton, S. C. b. Aug. 27, 1914. Present address: 1012 Rosewood Drive N.E., Atlanta, Ga. Issue: G248 Paulagene Todd b. Mar. 7, 1942. Student at Erskine

College in 1962. G249 Herbert Martin Todd b. · May 21, 1948.




Fl51 Ruth Martin. Fl52 Eugene Martin.


Fl53 Robert Ambrose Hudgens b. April 27, 1903 mar. Jan. 31, 1937 Mary Belle Foy. Issue: G250 Mary Joe Hudgens b. Jan. 3, 1939.


Fl54 John Franklin McLaurin b. Marlboro Co. Sept. 13, 1901 d. Sept. 20, 1959. Mar. Sept. 2, 1926 Marion Lucile Kirkpatrick b. Abbeville Co. Oct. 24, 1904. Lived in Bennettsville, S. C. He farmed on a very large scale. From 1950-52 was president of the National Cotton Ginners Ass'n.; was a member of the Board of Directors of the National Cotton Council. A graduate of Clemson College he was for a number of years a member of the Board · of Trustees of Clemson College, Issue: G251 John Franklin McLaurin, Jr. b. Mar. 10. 1929 mar.

Mary Lou Mattison, Anderson Co. on Oct. 21, 1950. Issue: H322 Mary Louise McLaurin b. Mar. 27, 1952 in

Kent, England. H323 John Franklin McLaurin III b. Aug. 22, 1953

Kent, England G252 Harriet Catherine McLaurin b. Marlboro Co. May

2, 1903 mar. May 1, 1925 Charles Harris Welborn, b. Jan. 22, 1903 Thomasville, N. C. Issue: H324 Betty Rooke Welborn b. Nov. 14, 1928 in

Forsythe Co., N. C. mar. June 21, 1950 William Ray Alexander b. April 8, 1928 in Lee Co., S. C. Mr. Alexander is in the insurance business in Bishopville. Issue: J94 Harriett Ann Alexander b. June 8, 1951. ]95 William Ray Alexander III b. Nov. 24,



G253 Charles Simpson McLaurin, Jr. b. April 8, 1910 in Marlboro Co. mar. Jan. 29, i933 Virginia Manning b. Nov. 18, 1910 in Marlboro Co. Address: McCall, S. C. Issue: H325 Charles Simpson III b. Sept. 13, 1938 in Marl­

boro Co.



Fl55 C. L. McLaurin mar ............ Res. Gaffney, S. C. Issue: G254 Cliff McLaurin, Jr. G255 David McLaurin, Jr. G256 Douglass McLaurin.



Fl56 Harriet Rook Gray b. Feb. 19, 1913 mar. Dec. 15, 1937 M. H. Hunter b. Sept. 7, 1912. Present address: Laurens, S. C. Issue: ·

G257 Lucile Gray Hunter b. Feb. 17, 1942 mar. Feb. 12, 1960 Harvey Franklin Blanchard, Jr. Mr. Blanchard is teacher and athletic director in Charleston City Schools. Issue: H326 Harvey Franklin Blanchard III b. Feb. 22, 1961.

t;~ M. H. Hunter, Jr. b. Aug. 27, 1946. Fl57 Margaret de Lane Gray b. Mar. 28, 191- mar. July 17, 1940

Dr. Sam Wilkes, b. Nov. 27, 1914. Present address: 1104 N. Main St., Laurens, S. C. Issue: G259 Sam Wilkes III b. May 5, 1944. G260 Juanita Wilkes b. Jan. 31, 1950. G261 Margaret Gray Wilkes b. June 24, 1954.


Ancestry of ~1argaret Hudgens, Wife of I-Icrbert Martin ( C6)

The Hudgens family of Laurens County came to South Caro­lina probably from New Kent Co., Va. or that vicinity. It was from this area that the Martins, Saxons, Bacons, Allens, Barksclalcs came originally. There arc Hudgens there to-day. The descendants of this family in Laurens claim that Ambrose Hudgens born in Va. about 1762, who came to S.C. about 1778 or 1779 was the first of the name to settle in Laurens Co.

However, your compiler finds on file in the State Archives in Columbia that one Ambrose Hudgens had a grant of 100 A. July 7, 1772 from Lt. Gov. Moultrie on the Turkey Creek waters of Sava1:mah River. This cannot be the same Ambrose as the one who settled in Laurens as the latter was only ten years old at the time. We also find that one William Hudgens received a grant of 300 / Jan. 6, 1767 from Gov. Montague on the Little River waters of Saluda River in what is now Laurens Co. There are ecrly hnd transactions in Laurens . Co. under the name of V\Tilliam Hudgens before Ambrose Hudgens' son \Villiam was old enough to be con­cerned with land sales. It would appear that this William Hudgens was the brother or father of Ambrose Hudgens who is generally consid~red tI1e founder of t..~e f~mi!y i."'1 Laurens.

Ambrose Hudgens, born in Virginia ::>bout 1762, is first men­tioned in the Laurens records as selling 100 A on Little Rive, in 1784. He was married Oct. 2, 1783 to Elizabeth Joanna, or Joanna Elizabeth Henderson. The Hendersons lived in what is now the town of Laurens on the site of the old Ford Todd place on Todd Ave. It is thought that Ambrose Hudgens was probably a land dealer because of the large number of deeds recorded in his name.

He was a soldier in the n,wolutionary War a.nd filed a claim for a pension ln 1820, claim No. S18H88. He enlisted in Cupt. Wil­liam Milwce's Co. Col. \Villiam TI1ompson's Rcgt. He wus placed on Pension Roll for service as a Sgt. in Gen. \Villiams ( or William­son's) Expedition against the Georgia Indians. He also took part in the seige of Ninety-Six and in t."1e Battle of Eutaw Springs. Ambrose Hudgens is buried in Chestnut Ridge Cemetery. His tombstone says he died Jur:.e 30, 1844, about 82 years of age. His


wife, Elizabeth, buried in the same cemetery, died July 3, 1833, about 70 years of age.

My sources of information concerning the children of Ambrose Hudgens and his wife, Elizabeth, Mrs. Emma Hudgens Roper and Mr. L. A. Green differ slightly in names and dates, but I shall summarize from data furnished by both.

1. Sarah Hu<lgens, b. Sept. 15, 1784 mar. -- Plant. 2. William Hudgens b. Dec. 8, 1786 d. Aug. 2, 1863 mar. Dec.

7, 1809, Frances H. Bums b. Aug. 13, 1791 d. June 8, 1882 (Green). Mrs. Roper says he mar. Fannie Cunningham.

3. Nancy Hud1~cns b. Nov. 27, 1788 mar. Jolin Yeargin (Roper) 4. Margaret (P(·ggy) Hudgens h. Jan. 14, 1704 (Roper) Green

says she was born 1795. Tombstone in Chestnut Ridge says 1795. d. Oct. 1795. Mar. 1813 Herbert Martin, son of Daniel Martin.

5. M:ny (Polly) Hudgens b. Dec. 3, 1796. (Roper,) (Green says 1797) Died 1894. Mar. 1815 Hastings Dial.

6. Martha (Patty) b. May 15, 1797 mar. Acy Garrett. (Roper) (not given by Green)

7. Col. John Hudgens b. Dec.15, 1801 (Roper) d. Dec. 15, 1781 (Green) mar. April 11, 1830 Catherine (Katie) W. Allison b. 1805 d. June 1884.

6. Samuel Hudgens b. June 4, 1803 Mar. Tempie Cunningham

9. Ambrose Hudgens, Jr. No statistics (Green, not given by Roper)

I am indebted to Mrs. Emma H. Roper and to Mr. L A. Green for the information in this section.

Ancestry of Tabitha Rodgers, Vvife of Asbury Martin ( C5)

Tabitha Rodgers had interesting ancestors, some of them dis­tinguished. They came to South Carolina from the famous old Cub Creek settlement in what is now Charlotte Co. Va. This set­tlement wa.~ founded by John Caldwell, ancestor of John Ca]Jwdl Calhoun about 1742-43 in what was then Brunswick Co. but because of changing county lines it was later in Lunenburg Co. and finally in Charlotte Co. John Caldwell of Donegal Co. Ireland landed at New Castle, Del. In 1727 accompnnicd by his family und otlH'rs. TI1cy settled nt Chestnut Lr,vel in wl1at is now Lancaster Co. Pennn. Tl}cy }Jccan1e di.ssathfictl because of re~tdct;ons on their worship of Cod. After an agreement with Gov. Gooch of Virginia that tl1cy would be allowed to worship in a church of their choice they moved about 1737 to what is now Augusta Co. Va. where they tarried a few years before moving on to the pbce in present Charlotte Co. which became known as the Cub Creek Settlement.

In the Cub Creek Settlement along with the Ca!dwells ,md others there were several members of the Rodgers family. Tlwse people were undoubtedly members of a large and splendid family by the same name who were neighbors of the Caklwclls in Lm­caster Co. Penna., many of them living in Chestnut Level as well as in other nearby places. Your compiler has not been able to prove that the Cub Creek Rodgers were descendants of the Penna. Rodgers but the evidence is. strong that they were. They spelled the name with a D and the given names were very much the same. Their presence here in Cub Creek with John Caldwell is evidence that they came with him. The Augusta Co. records ( Or­ange Co. at the time, where John Caldwdl tarried awhile) show a John Rodgers in that county while John Caldwell was there.

The Rodgers family of Cub Creek was a substantial, well-to­do family. There are three wills that I want to quote because they are important in understanding the Laurens Co. Rodgers.

Abstract of will of William Rodgers of Lunenburg Co. Va. (Cut off from Brunswick in 17 48.

Lunenburg Co. Book 1, p. 35. Names David Caldwell, Thos. Rodgers, a.."ld my w',.fo Margaret as Exec. May divide and entitle my land unto my children at their discretion. May divide and en­title any part thereof for the support of my family. Everything

76 DESCENDANTS OF DA'11EL MAR'ITh -1745-1829

wholly at the disposal of my executora. Dated Oct. 10, 1750. Proved April 3, 1751. Witnesses John McNeese, James Anderson, Robert Mitchell, Henry Patillo.

Abstract of will of Andrew Rodgers of Lunenburg Co. Va.

Lunenburg Co. 13ook 1, page 160. Will dated Dec. 18, 1755. All house hold property and furniture left to wife Janet Rodgers during widowhood. If she marry, her clothes and one-third of household furniture. Other two-thirds to Andrew and John Rodg­ers. Leaves wife an orphan child, a mare and two cows, quiet pos­session of the house. If that fails these two sons shall arrange for a home for her. Leaves tract of land he lives on to sons, John and Andrew-373 A. All other property, personal and not mentioned to be divided equally between them, presnmahly from the text, be­tween John and Amln•w. Ono shilling to other diildn·n, Thomas Patrick, Ilcheeea Rodgers, Margaret Anderson, Elizabeth Culbert• son, Martha Burnside. Wife Janet Rodgers and James Burnside, exec. Witnesses, David Caldwell, William Cunningham, Wm. Cald­well. Proved July 6, 1756.

AlJstract of will of TlumuM Rodgers of Charlotte Co. Va. Charlotte cut off from L11n1·nh11rg in 1765.

Charlotte Co. Book 1, page 385. Will dated June 25, 1785. I, Thomas Rodgers, County of Charlotte, State of Virgina, do make this my last will and testament. Debts to be paid I allow my land on Saludy River, S. C. or this land on which I now live to be sold if need require to discharge my debts. The remainder of my estate shall be for the use of my beloved wife and those of my sons who may see cause to live with her, she having the sole authority and nothing to be disposed of without her consent. After my just debts are paid and at her death or marriage my estate to ht valued by the heirs themselves and divided by lot, each ,1ne allowing for what he has already got. My son Andrew is to have £ 100 out of my lands and his equal part of all the rest when divided. For the true performance of this my last will and testament I constitute my three oldest sons then. living to be executors. Wit­nesses, Thomas Rodgers, Benjamin Rodgers, Samuel Rodgers, James Moore, John Rodgers, James Rogers, Abraham Eccles, Na­thaniel Rodgers, Jno. Robertson, Andrew Rodgers. Proved Sept. 4. li86.

These three men were probably brothers. Certainly William


and Thomas were. See Charlotte Co. Deed Book 6 p 175 - Na­thaniel Rodgers sells John Clark 80 A. on Turnip Creek, Char­lotte Co. Land Thos. Rodgers, Sr. bought from James Lackland, fonnerly granted to his brother, William Rodgers. It is thought that Andrew Rodgers was also a brother, because of the similarity of family names and their living so closP. together.

A number of the sons of these men came to Laurens Co., S.C. An examination of the early deeds and wills of Laurens Co. will be very revealing in this respect. Among those who came was John Rodgers, son of William Rodgers. John Rodgers, the son of William was' selling his lands in Charlotte Co. Va in 1768 and 1770. According to Deed Book 2 p 56 (Charlotte Co.) July 30, 1768 he sold 360 A. on Turnip Cn·<·k to Francis Tompkins. Wife Mar­garet signs. Deed Hook 2 p 270 Cliarlotlc Co. April 1, 1770 John Roclgc-rs and wife Margaret sold to vVil!i;,m Swill. 3-10 A. on Tnrnip Creek "part of patent to William Rodgers, Juno 25, 1747".

This land had been deeded to John Hodgers by the executors of the estate of his father, Willi,un Rodgers on Mar. 6, 1753. ( Deed Book 3 p 2i2) This prov(•s conclmiwly that Jolm Rodgers with wife Margaret was tlie son of William Hodgcrs.

Ju.~t a few months l:.t,·r ou Nov, 1/4, 1770 Lium,us Ikrecl Hook B p 02 John Tiorlg<,rn bought land in Laurens Co. on the Littlu River waters of Saluda River. He had a number of land grants­one for 600 A. in what is now Laurens Co. on Little River, surveyed May 4, 1773. When he sold some of this 600 A. on June 12, 1786 to Le'\vis Sa.xou and his wife, Sarah, John's wife Marg:.1ret signs. This indicates very strongly that he is the same Jolm Rodgers who was selling lands in Charlotte Co. Va. 1763-70. Moreover after this John Rodgers with wife, Margaret, sold tl1eir lands in Charlotte Co. 1768-70 tl1ere are no other lands sold by a John Rodgers with wife Margaret. Your compiler has gone into great detail concerning this matter, because there is a prominent family of Rodgers in Kentucky who claim descent from this couple, claiming that they went from Virginia to Kentucl--y.

Who was this Margaret Rodgers? She was the daughter of John McNees, who was a prominent member of the Cub Creek Settlement in Va. He left Virginia before May 26, 1770. Deed Book 2 p 300 Charlotte Co. John McNeese then described as of Bartlett Co. S.C. (Berkeley Co. now Laurens Co.) is recorded as selling his lands in Charlotte. See also Deed Book 2 p 439 John McNees's will dated Nov. 29, 1779 probated Mar. 1, 1780 on file


in Camden, Kershaw Co. S.C. mentions daughters Margaret Rogers and Ann Rogers. Ann Rogers is probably the Ann who married Andrew Rodgers and is mentioned in his will on file in Laurens Co. courthouse. ( See sketch of John McNeese in this volume)

This John Rodgers who married Margaret McNeese was born in Virginia, or possibly in Pennsylvania, removed to South Carolina about 1770 when he acquired his first land in what is now Laurens Co. He had a number of land grants which are recorded in the State Archives in Columbia. He was appointed Deputy Surveyor for the province of S.C. Feb. 4, 1773 by Sir Egerton Leigh, Surveyor General. Qualified same day before James Simpson, Esq. (Misc. Records Vol. UU S. C. State Archives)

John Rodgers was commissioned as Justice of the Peace by William Moultrie, Gov. of S.C. under an Act for establishing county courts, Mar. 24, 17S5. Misc. Records Vol. U Up 277 S.C. State Ar­chives.

He was a Revolutionary \Var soldier and furnished supplies to the army as shown in the claims furnished hereafter. He died about · 1822. He executed a deed to his son McNees Rodgers Jan. 2, 1822. He appears in the 1820 Census, but not the 1830 C.



l. John Leander Rodgers. See Deed Book K p 262, Feb. 12, 1812 "For £ 100 paid by Dr. Samuel Todd, John Rodgers, Jr. sells 125 A. being part of tract of 600 A. granted to John Rodgers, Sr. Aug. 31, 1774 by Gov. William Bull and by said John Rodgers, Sr. conveyed to John Rodgers, Jr. on the Ready Fork of Little River. Witnesses R. A. Todd, James S. Rodgers, Sally Rodgers. John Leander Rodgers had a son James S. Rodgers and wife Sally (Sarah Saxon Rodgers). This deed inserted to show the relationship of John Leander to John Rodgers, Sr.

2. McNeese Rodgers. Laurens Co. Deed Book L. p 47, Jan. 2, 1822. Joh.'1 Rodgers, Sr. executes a deed of conveyance to McNees Rodgers 167 A. where the said John lives at present. Retains a life estate. In another deed John, Sr. refers to McNees Rodgers as his son. McNeese's wife named Mary.

3. Daughter who married John Francis Wolff. Laurens Co. Deed Book F p 160 John Rodgers, surveyor iays off 100 A. out of 333 A. granted to John Rodgers Mar. 3, 1795 on Raeburn Creek


to John Francis Wolff. There is no money entering the transaction. Looks like a family gift. John Francis Wolff married some one else later. This could have been a second marriage.

4. Andrew Rodgers married Susannah Martin. There were four or five Andrew Rodgers in Laurens Co. at this time. The Equity Court records of Laurens Co. Mar. 20, 1800 mentions Andrew Rodgers, son of John. John, Sr. seems to have given him the same amount of land that he gave John Jr. Laurens Co. Deed Book I (i) p 165 Jan. 7, 1807 Andrew Rodgers sells James Primm 125 A., part of tract granted to John Rodgers, Sr. and conveyed to Andrew Rodgers. Land on Ready Fork of Little River. Same amount of land conveyed to John Rodgers, Jr. and in the same locality. Susannah Rodgers, widow of Andrew Rotlg<'rs, relinquishes her claim to above land Aug. 16, 1810. This Susannah Martin was the sister of Daniel Martin.

John Leander Rodgers, son of John Rodgers and Margaret McNeese Rodgers was born in Virginia Dec. 12, 1761 ( from Family Bible -1858- in possession of F.R. Dupuy, Mariana, Ark. Died Feb. 8, 1828 (same source).He married Oct. 27, 1786 Sarah Saxon, daughter of Charles Saxon. She died June 6, 1832.

John L. Rodgers' will on file in Laurens Courthouse. Dated July 20, 1827, proved April 7, 1828. Gives to wife, Sally Rodgers land whereon I now live with horses, CC\VS, hags, shc;:p, aH house­hold and kitchen furniture, plantation tools, com, meat, and crops. Land to go to son James S. Rodgers at wife's death. Four slaves to wife, these to four children at wife's death. Names four children, James S. Rodgers, Lucinda Drownlee, Tabitha Martin, her share to be placed in hands of son, James S. Rodgers, and not to be at the disposal of Berry Martin, and daughter Jane Rodgers. Executors, James S. Rodgers and son-in-law Thomas Brownlee.

Will of Sarah Rodgers. Proved Aug. 20, 1832. Mentions son James Rodgers, daughter, Tabitha. Bed and furniture to grand daughter Manina, daug}1tcr of Tabitha. Legacies to Thos. Brownlee, James Rodgers, Tabitha Martin ( through James Rodgers) and Al­bert Madden. It is presumed that Jane Rodgers had since her fa. ther's death married Albert Madden.

James S. Rodgers, the only son of John L. Rodgers and Sarah Saxon, was born Mar. 21, 1791 in South Carolina d. Nov. 16, 1866 in Miss. He m:.rried Mar. 16, 1823 Emily R. Ware, daughter of Gen. Edmund Ware. She was bom May 12, 1804. They moved in

80 DESCENDA.NTS OF DA."ill:L MARTIN-1745-1829

1848 to Marshall Co. Miss. ~here they both probably died. They left numerous descendants in Ark. He was a soldier in the War of 1812. These records are in the National Archives in Washing­ton. There with these papers is a certified copy of his will dated July 28, 1863. Their children were:-

1. Sarah Rodgers b. Feb. 13, 1842 mar. James Chalmers 2. James Washington Rodgers b. Jan. 27, 1834. Confederate

officer. Mar. Ella Newman. 3. Albert Sidney Rodgers b. Sept. 17, 1844. Confederate Of.

ficer. Mar. Scott M. Davidson. 4. Emily Nash Rodgers b. June 28, 1828. Mar. May 1846 Jo­

sephus Cook 13abb. 5. Ophelia America Rodgers B. Nov. 12, 1830 Mar. John James

Lawrence Dupuy. 6. Eucibia Saxon Rodgers b. Feb. 13, 1832 Mar. George Bog­

gan Myers. 7. David Caldwell Calhoun Rodgers ( 1i.D.) b. Feb. 28, 1840

d. Aug. 3, 1871. Thought to have married an - Ingram. 8. Theodore Sagisma Rodgers b. June 6, 1826 d. Dec. 27, 1862.

Thought to have died unmarried. 9. Flora Mciver Rodgers b. Dec. 30, 1846 Mar. Patrick Stephens

Myers. 10. Louisa Catherine Rodgers b. Aug. 3, 1836 d. Aug. 26, 1868. 11. Amanda Imogene Rodgers b. May 19, 1838 Mar. Edmund

Hugh Benton Dupuy. 12. John Edmund Rodgers b. June 19, 1824 d. April 23, 1836

The two Dupuys and the two Myers who married Rodgers sisters were brothers.

All the dates in this section were taken from the family Bible in the possession of F.R. Dupuy, Mariana, Ark. The records are in the Arkansas Genealogical Records Vol 1 1924-1925 p. 136. D.A.R. Library, Washington, D.C.




John Rodgers, Sr. and John Rodgers, Jr. Ninety-Six Dist. John Rodgers, Sr. Dr.

Duty of Col. Anderson's return Waggon service and provisions rec'd

Curr. £ 236- 0-0 407-15-0

£ 643-15-0 (?) H 91-19-0

Received 16 Sept. 1785 full satisfaction from the enclosed acompts in an indent No. 285 Book X. Signed Wm. Steely

I do hereby certify that I have received acct. of vouchers against the public from John Rodgers, Sr. to the amount of £ 214.

Which said accounts of vouchers I shall return to Auditor's Office. Signed Robert Anderson

4 Accts. said to amount to £ 643-15-0 old currency.

To Messrs. Black and Boquet Publick Traysors Gentlemen

Please to deliver the Indent for the whole of my publick Acc. to Wm. Thos. Rodgers with specilty you will oblidge

Your hurnb. Scrvt. John Rodgers

Aug. 27, 1785 In Envelope M.G548

Auditor's Office Charleston 2 Mar. 1785

This is to certify that in Col. Robt. Anderson's return Mr. John Rodgers, Jr. has accounts against the state amounting to £ 442 old currency, which are unexamined.

for James McCall A.G. William Graham


John Rodgers, Jr. Issued Sept. 16, 1785 to above for .£, 91-19-3 for military duty

as private. Also for waggon service and prov'..sions supplied per acct. passed by com.

Principal J?., 91-3¼ Annual Int. 6-8-8

No. 285 Lib. X From stub Entries to Rev. Clnims Part I

State of S. C. To John Rodgers, Jr.

Duty of Col Anderson's return Dr.

Curr . .£, 12- 0-0 H 1-14-3/4

Rec'd July l, 1785 full satisfaction for the above amount in Indent No. 327 Book T for £ 1-14-3/4 sterling in return of our order.

Wm. Thos. Rodgers

T 327 July 1, 1785 No. 68. Mr. John Rodgers, Jr. His acct. of militia duty as private since the reduction of Charleston amts. to Curr. £ 12- 0-0

H £ 1-14-0 Ex. T.W. J. Mc. A_G.

John Rodgers and James McNeese, Ninety-Six Dist. The Public of S. C. to John Rodgers

To Guns taken and rec'd by Col. J. L. Williams this April 28, 1779 appraised To James McNeese the same time


Ninety-Six Dist.

£ 120-0-0 16.5-0-0

£ 285-0-0

Personally appeared and ? on oath that the above guns were impre$t and empraised and never received any satisfaction.

James McNeese Sworn to the above before me this 19th. Day of May, 1785

Charles Sexon J.P. No.6 £ 285 Packet6548


Ninety-Six Dist. The Public of South Carolina to William Martin Dr. Lost at Black Stocks in the service under Hays appraised .£ 100-0-0 Lost going to Bull Swamp on chase of Tories appraised 40-0-0 Lost also in services by apprais. 150-0-0

.£ 298-0-0 Above acct. certified. No satisfaction. Sworn to the above this 20 May 1783. Dan. Loedwood, Martin Martin, John Martin, Martin Martin. John P. Hunter, J.P. Fo!der4816

To Messrs. Bocquet and Mitchell Gentlemen:

Please to deliver my public account with spacelty thereto be­longing to notify Joel if you will oblidge.

Certified by John Rodgers, J.P.

Your humble servant William Martin

Folder 4816.

John McNees or McNeese John McNeesc, the father of Margaret McNcese Rodgers, was

a ,nember of the famous old Cub Creek Settlement founded by John Caldwell which we have already referred to. John MeNeese came as did the others from Pennsylvania but it is not known whether he came with them or whether he followed the group by a few years. The first reference your compiler found in Lunen­burg Co. wiL~ 1717. Tlwrc are u ~rcat many land transactions in his na1110. lfo ac·quin·d J:300 A. nt 01u1 ti1110 on Turnip Crc,·k now in Charlotte Co., Va. Ile frequently witnessed deeds and wills with the Caldwclls and Rodg,~rs. One deed states that his land cornered on William Rodgers land". This was the William Rodgers whose son his <laughter Margaret married.

While living in Virginia, John McNees served in the Colonial Militia. For proof of this see Hcnnig's Statutes at Large Vol. 7, p 220 -· "At a General Assembly held in Williamsburg on Thurs­day, 14th <lay of Sept.-An act for the Defense of the Frontier of this Colony, etc. - Money authorized to be paid to forces~.

To John McNees, ensign £ 1- 8 s. John Caldwell 14 s. James Caldwell. 16 s. Abraham Martin £ 3- 6 s. David Caldwell for waggons £ 10- 7 s. John Rodgers £ 13- 4 s. 6d. David Caldwell 18 s. Andrew Rodgers £ 1- 2 s.

From Order Book 6, p 128 Lunenburg Co. we find the fol­lowing: Silvanus Walker having produced two several commis­sions from the Honorable Francis Fauquier, Esq. his majesties' Lieutenant Governor and Commander-in-chief of this colony, the said Sylvanus Walker to be an Ensign under Captain Daniel Clai­borne and the said John McNeese to be an Ensign under Capt. Richard Dudgeon, who took the usual oath to his Majesties' Per­son, Government and Repeated and Subscribed to the test. June Court 1760.

For record of this appointment see also Landon Bell's Old Free State, Vol. 1, p 193.

He had a number of land grants in Virginia as he did in S.C. later. By 1770 he is living in S.C. in what is now Laurens Co.,


known then as Berkeley Co. He is selling his lands in Charlotte Co. in that year and he is referred to as a resident of Bartlett (?) Co. inS. C.

John McNccse was a member of the First Provincial Con­gress held in Charleston, S.C. on Jan. 11, 1775. !Jc represented the District between the Broad and Saluda Rivers. Tl:e following men from this district Viz.: Col. Thomas Fletcliall, Major John Culd­wcll, M!•ssrs. Charil's Kiu/(, John Williams, Jol111 Snl!crtl,waite, Jon• 11!lm11 Dowr,1,, J111rw,, Williams, Jn11H·s Cn·,;wdl, Jolin McNcn, lioh­crt Cmudnglmin, G1·org" Hoss, Saumd Savag.,, Jolin Tl1ornas, J<,lm Ford, John C:.ldwell, Jolin Gordon, John Prince w<:rc appoilll1,d to look after certain mutters in their own district sm:h as scdng tliat the inhahitm1ts of the colony gave prdcn·ncn to tlidr own flo11r and otl,er man11focturcs, r<:g11lation of proccc,lings in rcg,ml to debts and foredornrc of mortgages, for receiving and determining upon application relative to law processes ,md for affcctu:,lly car­rying into execution the continental association. ( From Peter Force's Collection of American Archives, 4th. Series Vol. I p lllO. This being a quotation from Memoirs of the American Revolution by William Moultrie, Gov. of S.C. and Major General of the U.S. Anny during the American War.) See also O'Neal's Annals of Newberry p204.

John McNeese died betvvecn r,iov. 27, 1779, date of his will and Nov. 1, 1800, the date of probation. His will is on file in Camden, S.C. Under ordinary circumstances the will would have been filed in Charleston, but the British annies were between Laurens and Charleston, so it was filed in the district court of Camden. The following is an abstract of the will:-

Nov. 27, 1779. Wife Mary. Daughter .Margaret Rogers; daugh­ter, Jean Merlin (Martin?); daughter - Armstrong: daughter, -Waldrop; son, James McNcis; daughter, Mary Young, wife of Hugh Young; son Bert McLaglan (Robert); daughter Ann Rogers; daugh­ter Mary McLaclcn. "The rest of my estate I do bequeath to my beloved Adam McCool," Witnesses, James Johnston, Jean McCool, A<lum McCool. Probated Mar. l, 1780

The wife Mary mentioned in will must have been a second wifo as the early deeds in Lunenburg Co. giv(l the name of his wife as Margaret. The daughter Margaret married John Rodgers, Esq, The daughter Ann was probably the wife of Andrew Rodgers who left will in Laurens Co. proved 1821. The daughter, Jean


Martin was probably the wife of Shadrach Martin who came to Laurens Co. from Charlotte Co. Va. about the time John McNeese came, and was a witness for John McNeese on one occasion in Charlotte. The son, Robert was the ancestor of Dr. David Ban­croft Johnson, founder of Winthrop College, through Robert's daughter Sabra who married as her second husband a White. They were the parents of Dr. Johnson's mother, Margaret White.

Controversy Concerning Rodgers-Caldw·ell-Daugherty

Marriages A great many statements have been made concerning the

Rodgers family that cannot be substantiated. The first of these is that the William Rodgers who died in Lunenburg Co. Va. in 1750 was the son of William Rogers of Annapolis, Md. who died July 29, 1749. William, the son of William Rogers of Annapolis, was livin!Z after W,Jliam Rodgers of Lunenhmg was ck:,d. Tho of­ficial rcmrds prove this. Tlic people who make this claim also state that William Roger:; of Annapolis murric-d Mary Caldwell, the sister of John Caldwell of Cub Creek. Yonr compiler has made a care­ful study of thi.i qu,,stion ln tho Murylun<l Ardiives and hn~ fo1md tlrnt William llog,,rn murric<I Mary Co11too (widow) wl:o was prolmlily tho d,rnghtor of Colonial Gov, Snylil<mr, Tho Hnd:!,,,Pl of Cub Creek wcrn nlrnost surely of the Pc·nmylvanla family. From the research conducted by your compiler, she believes that Margaret Caldwell the sister of John. married one of the Rodgers of Penna. To understand this we must study the Caldwell family briefly.


(Taken from the records of the Ann Pamela Cunningham Chapter D.A.R. Colu~bia, now in the State D.A.R. Library at Lander College, Greenwood, S.C.)

John Caldwell, son of William Caldwell, grandson of Alexander of Caldwell of Solway Firth, Ayrshire, Scotland, merchant in Londonderry and Enniskillen, County Fermanagh, Ireland died 1639. Will proved 1640. Married Mary Swectenham. Issue:- Wil­liam, John, Mary, James, Margaret, Joseph, Alexander.

John Caldwell, bapt. Sept. 16, 1630. Buried Parish of Bally­cogan, Co. Donegal, 1672. Mar. ( l) June 11, 1651 Margaret Porter who was buried 1653. No issue. Mar. (2) June 6, 1654 Mary Holmes, dau. of James Holmes and his wife, Jane Jennings of County Derry, Ireland. Their son,

Joseph Caldwell, bapt. Jan. 9, 16.:>'7. Buried on his farm Leffera, Parish of Ballycogan Co. Donegal Sept. 30, 1730. Mar. 1682 Jane McGhia, dau. of Alexander and Jane (Milliken) McGhia. Issue:

I.John Caldwell b. 1683. Died in Va. Oct. 6, 1750. Mar. Jan. 4, 1704 Margaret Phillips.


2. Elizabeth Caldwell b. ·1664. Died in Va. Mar. James Moore. 3. Margaret Caldwell b. 1686. No record. 4. Jane Caldwell b. 1686 Died in Va. Married Alexander

Ritchie. 5. George Caldwell b. 1690. Died in Ireland. Mar. Jane Phil­

lips, sister to Margaret. 6. Catherine Caldwell b. 1691 Died in Va. Married John

Dudgeon. 7. Andrew Caldwell b. 1693. Emigrated to America in 1718

Settled in Lancaster Co. Penna. Mar. Ann Stewart.

It is generally accepted that three of the above sisters, Eliza­beth, Jane, and Catherine came with John Caldwell to New Castle, Del. as well as Thos. Daugherty who married a Phillips, his wife's sister. In a letter from David Caldwell of Kentucky to Elias B. Caldwell of Washington, D.C. written from Mercer, Ky. Dec. 16, 1807 he says that John Caldwell brought to America four single sisters. But after wide reading on the subject it is your compiler's conclusion and thr.~ of othc-rs that the fourth sister, Margaret came with Andrew Caldwell in 1718. He settled on 285 A. of lnnd for which he obtained 11 warrant and which lies on the old Philadelphi11 Road between Leacock and Salisbury.

The Penna. records show that long before the \Var for Inde­pendence members of the Rodgers family from Derry Co. Ireland had settled in l!G.nover Tcvvnshlp. There ,vas a Thonias RoJgers who left a will in Chester Co. ( Lancaster was cut off from Ches­ter) in 1745 who had a son William. There was a William Rodgers there who had a son William and Andrew. It cannot be proved, but it is believed that Margaret Caldwell, the sister of John, mar­ried one of these Rodgers and was the mother of these three, ~,edg­ers who settled with the Caldwells on Cub Creek in Charlotte Co. Va.

To understand more fully the controversy over these Rodgers­Caldwell marriages I must give you the names of John Caldwell's children.

1. William 1704-1760 m. Rebecca Parks. Grandparents of John C. Calhoun.

2. Thomas 170&-1770. M. Mary Jane Phillips 3. David 1708-1769. M. Mary Dudgeon 4. Margaret 1712-1791 M. (1) William Rodgers (2) James



5.John 6. Robert 1732-1806 M. Mary Logan 7. James 1734-1781 M. Mar. 14, 1763 Hannah Ogden.

The William Rodgers above who married Margaret Caldwell does not mention the names of his children in his will, but the settlement of his estate deeds land to only two, John and Andrew. We are concerned here with. the son John and his wife Margaret. We claim that he married Margaret McNeese and moved to South Carolina, while some of the Rogers of Kentucky claim that he married Margaret Ann Daugherty and moved to Kentucky in 1781. In answer to these claims we offer the following facts:-

1. We know that Joh.'1 Rodgers, son of William ,as selling his lands in Charlotte Co. Va. in 1768 and 1770, and a few months later in 1770 John Rodgers with wife, Margaret was buying land in what is now Laurens Co. S.C. After this time there is no record in Charlotte Co. Va. of John Rodgers with wife, Margaret. One must remember that there were several young men by the n.:ime of John Rodr,crs in Charlotte and Lunenburg Cos. at lhls time. ( Seo $Cction on Rodgers fom!ly in this volume.)

2. Tho early writers on !'le Rogers family of Ky. arc very much confused concerning tho first n:m10 of the wifo of the John Rogers who went to Ky. in 1781, for instance:- ( a) The Clay Family by Mary Rnecrs Clay says W. J. Reid m::.rricd f.,f~u. 6 ,ui..:t Ru0n:,1

daughter of John and Sarah Daugherty Roters of Lunenburg Co. Va. (b) From tlie Career of Felix .Grundy by Orval Baylor, Vol. 16, Filson Club History Quarterly 1942 pp 104-105, 117. "Felix Grundy married Ann Phillips Rodgers dau. of John and Sarah Daugherty Rodgers of Ky." The John who went to Ky. had a daughter Ann. She got the Phillips name from her Daugherty an­cestry. (c) A paper on Felix Grundy, U.S. Senator from Tenn. by his grand daughter Ann Grundy Ea.ldn Steger read at the Ten:a. Woman's Historical Ass'n. Nashville, Teim. Mar. 1911 ( Ms. in Tenn. State Library) says her great grandfather John Rodgers married Sarah Daugherty. (d) From Colonial Men and Times by Mrs. Lillie Dupuy Van Culin (Harper, Pub. 1916). She says tliat the John Rodgers who went to Ky. married Ann Daugherty.

It was the concensus of the Kentucky group at this time that the John Rodgers who went to Kentucky married Sarah or Ann Daugherty. Then it would appear likely that some one did research in the Charlotte Co. records and found that William Rodgers son,


John, married a girl named Margaret. Since they claimed descent from this John they concluded that their ancestress was Margaret Ann Daugherty, but to the modern researcher this has the earmark of after thought.

Charles Saxon Father of Sarah (Sally) Saxon, who married John L. Rodgers.

The authorities who have studied the Saxon f=ily seem to agree that three brothers, Samuel, William and Robert c:une to America soon after 1700 and settled in what is now New Kent Co. Va., the sa...rne county L.~ \vhich Daniel J,.,fartin's forbears were. Dan­iel is said to have married a Saxon who, no doubt, was a de­scendant of one of these men. The authorities disagree about the English home of these men. One writer says Hampshire. Another says "the church records of the Saxon family during the 16th. and 17th. centuries are listed in the ancient parish register of Rockdale Co. of Lancaster." Sa:a-mel, Robert, and William came to New Kent Co. Va. between 1702 and 1722.

We have official records of V\Tilliam and Samuel in the western part of New Kent Co. during these early years from the Vcstiy Book of St. Paul's Parish ( 1) p 220 "Pursuant to an order of the vestry of St. Paul's Parish in New Kent, Sept. 17, 1711 the lands were processioned in the presence of William Saxon. ( 2) p 256 Vestry Sept. 10, 1719 William Saxon and Samuel Saxon are listed as free holders. St. Paul's Parish became a part of Hanover Co. in 1720 when Hanover was formed from that part of New Kent.

Your compiler knows very little of what became of \Villimn and Robert. There is evidence from D.A.R. Lineage books that William eventually came to S.C. Robert married Judith Graves in New Kent. It is possible that he is the Robert Saxton who was buy­ing land in the Cub Creek settlement of what was then Lunenburg Co. Va. in 1759. (Deed Book 5 p 414) Other historians say that he came to S.C. Your compiler has no proof of this.

Samuel Saxon, with wife Mary, settled, exactly when we do not know, in Edgecombe Co. N.C . .in that part now know-n as Hali­fax. He was a planter and highly respected citizen of Halifax Co. His will dated Feb. 7, 1766 and probated July court, 1766 is on file in Halifax Will Book B 1761-66. From his will and that of his son-in-law William Green of Halifax Co. we know that his chil­dren were as follows:-

!. Archelus died unmarried. Will in Halifax Co. 2. Benjamin mar. Sarah Green about 17'S/ 3.Bethiahmar. (!)-:Mills (2) Hugh Hardy 4. Charles mar. Judith


5. Samuel, Jr. 6. John, to whom he left most of his land. Unmarried at the

time of his father's will.

Charles, the only one of the above children whom we shn 11

follow, was probably married first in Virginia to a Miss Lewis. While in Halifax Co. and later in S.C. his wife was named Judith. What her last name was we do not know. We know that he was a landowner in Halifax. He then moved into what is now Orange Co. and lived near Fayetteville.

While living there he became interested in the patriotic move­ment knovm as Regulation. Orange Co. at that time was on the western frontier with Hillsboro as its county seat. The state capital was on the coast at New Bern. The inhabitants of the western frontier had many grievances. Their quit rents were twice as high as in the eastern part of the state. A tract of land was granted two or three times with high litigation fees resulting. About 1763 Orange citizens became the leaders in the East-West controversy. There were basic differences between Orange and the counties of the east which promoted sectional rivalry and conflict Orange was settled by the Scotch-Irish, Germans, and Welsh. Its religious outlook was non-Anglican, while the e:1st was loyal to the Anglican church. The major cause of sectional rivalry was political and cen­tered around the domination of the provincial government by the eastern planter ~-:.iStocracy. tvio~l of the western counties had two representatives but the older counties had five each. At the same time Orange Co. had half as many total taxables as all five of the eastern counties. The east had complete control of the other branches of the government-all justices, sheriffs, civil officers were appointed by the governor. Many were not natives of the counties they served in. Many offices were bought.

By 1765 there was general unrest. In 1786 a paper was circu­lated at Hillsboro calling for resistance. Officers would not attend meetings where they were asked to explain these things. 1769 marked the formal organization of the Regulators. After some violence the Regulators were ordered to disperse. The legislature passed laws to correct some of the evils, but the situation did not improve. False improvement, seizure of groups from people's houses followed. Rumors began to fly that Gov. Tryon was raising the militia to suppress the Regulators. He did call out the militia and marched on Hillsboro for the Sept. Court 1768. This angered


the Regulators. Gov. Tryon issued a proclamation pardoning those involved in the late insurrection except 12 or 13 leaders.

Regulators continued their agitations for reform. The organiza­tion was gaining new recruits a...r1d spreading out irito new areas. Most dramatic incidents were the Hillsboro riots of Sept. 24 and 25, 1770.

Despairing of obtaining justice the Regulators took over the county and chased some of the officials through the streets. Jan. 5, 1771 the Assembly passed the Johnsto:i Riot Act which pro­vided the rioters could be tried in any county even though the riots did not occur in that county and authorized the Governor to suppress the Regulators by military force. Regulator's reaction to the Johnston Act was swift and defiant. The org;mization in­creased in number. They promised to pay no more taxes, for­bade any sessions of court and threatened to kill all 1a.,,_,yers and judges.

Gov. Tryon called court at Hillsboro for March 1771 and called out the militia to protect the court. He marched from New Bern to Hillsboro and encamped on great Alamance Creek a few miles from Hillsboro. He was met by a force of 2000 Regulators. A two hour battle followed in which the Regulators were defeated and scattered. Twelve Rcgul:itors were tried and convicted. Six were hanged, the rest pardoned. Many Regulators left the prov­ince. (These facts, taken frorn Orange Ce. and the \Var of the Regulation.)

Among the Regulators who left the province was Charles Sax­on. We hear of nexi: when he is buying land on Bush Creek, a branch of Saluda River, 200 A. from James Young, Dec. 8, 1773. Laurens Co. Deed Book A.

Proof that Charles Saxon was one of these Regulator patriots is found in the Colonial records of North Carolina Vol. Vll pp. 810-811. On Aug. 19, 1768 the insurgents assembled at Hillsboro issued a petition to Gov. Tryon. Charles Saxon is one of the signers of the petition.

Charles Saxon fought in the Revolution. The Historical Col­lections of the Joseph Habersham Chapter of the D.A.R. Vol. III contains a Logan mm?uscript, which the author had intended publishing as a second voluine of his History of Upper South Carolina. On Page 3 uOn a two months' tour on foot in 1779, 1st. of June to last of July, 61 days under Capt Joseph Greer, com­manded by Maj. Robert Gilliam of the same regiment, Capt


Charles Saxon, Wm. Milner, Hugh Saxon, adjutant, Robert Ross, sergeant major, George Neely, commissary, against the British at Stone in S.C. crossed the Saluda and some forks of the Edisto, 2 months.»

"Mar. I to June 7, 1780 under Capt. Joseph Greer, Lieut. Virgin, and Lieut. Col. R. McCreery, Robert Ross, Sergeant Major, Joshua Ficke( n )s, quartermaster, Capt. Saxon, Milner and Stevens, crossed Saluda and Savannah Rivers; lay in camp two miles south of Augusta six or seven weeks at the time of the seige of Charleston, then crossed the Savannah with 138 men to go to the seige. Joined Col. A. Pickens near the Ridge; Major Noble of the line and Major Bowie of the brigade, the whole of the command amounting to about 300 men.n

"Charleston having surrendered, they crossed the Congaree River, went up to Camden 7th of June, crossing Broad :P.i·ver. Col. McCrery surrendered to the Tories with Capt. Greer's company of 30 men:

For further proof that Charles Saxon was a Captain, see Pen­sion application of Robert McNees son of our John McNees. Ap­plication number S7192 He says he served three months in Capt. Charles Saxon's company.

From the State Archives in Columbia, S. C. Packet N. in State Archives State of S. C.

To Charles Saxon, Dr. Duty of Col. Anderson's Return Provisions Supplied

Cur. £.. 269-10-0 20-

£.. 289-17-6

From Sub-Entries to Indents for Revolutionary Claims Book x Part 1. No. 320 Sept. 19, 1785

Issued the 19th. Sept. 1785 to Charles Saxon for £ 41-8-2 d. for Duty and Provisions Supplyed the Continentals in 1781 per a/c from the Commissioner. Principal £.. 41-8s-2 cl. Int. £ 2-17s-ll d

Original paper signed by Joshua Saxon.

Charles Saxon was commissioned a Justice of the Peace by William Moultrie, Gov. of S.C. under an act for establishing county courts, Mar. 4. 1785. See Misc. Records, State Archives, Vol U U.


Charles Saxon died between June 2, 1816, date of will and Oct. 7, 1816, date of probation, at the home of his daughter Sarah Rodgers ( Mrs. John L. Rodgers). His wife had evidently prede­ceased hh-n as she is not mentioned in the will. In his will on file in Laurens he mentions the following:-

!. Polly Anderson ( dau.) widow of George Anderson, dec'd. She is sometimes referred to as Molly.

2. Sally Rodgers, my daughter. 3. Sally McNees, widow of my son, Lewis Saxon, dec'd. 4. Charles Saxon, Jr. son of his son Lewis, dec'd. Executor of

will. 5. Ira Arnold, husband of son Lewis' dau. Polly (Mary) 6. Allen Saxon, son of his son Lewis.

There were other children. We know there was a son Smnuel. In Laurens Co. Book B. p 376 - Charles Saxon and his wife Judith sell to their son Samuel 200 A. on 23 Mile Creek. Samuel probably died before his father. He was a member of the Convention which ratified the Constitution of the United States, which met on :llfay 23, 1788. On page 21 of the Journal of the Convention of S.C. is recorded the vote of the delegation from Little Riv1or District. These delegates were John Hunter, Samuel Saxon, Thomas Wadsworth, Joshua Saxon. This Joshua Saxon must have been the son of Charles, Sr.'s brother Robert, who is said to have lived in S.C. for a time. Your compiler has no official record of this, how­ever.

Charles Saxon's son Lewis Saxon achieved distinction in the Revolutionary War. From Barksdale's Barksdale Family p 476-477 -

"Capt. Lewis Saxon b. Dec. 10, 1765 in Ninety-Sax Dist. In 1778 and 79 he served as a private under Col. James Williams and Robert McCrary for three months in each term of service. In 1780 he volunteered for more service and again served as a private until 1781 when he was appointed as a captain in which rank he served until the close of the Revolution. He was actually engaged at Stano, Cowpens, Ninety-Sax and Eutaw and in ma..,y other minor engagements and skirmishes. Capt. Le'l'.-is was a first cousin of Bethiah, the wife of Wm. Barksdale. He married Feb. !, 1789 Sarah Allen b. June 29, 1769, dau. of Charles and Lucy Bacon Allen.•


Sarah Allen Saxon manied after Capt. Lewis' death Robt McNees, son of John McN. This was in 1816. Robt. McNees died Jan. 7, 1840. Mr. Barksdale gives the dates of the birth of Capt. Lewis and Sarah Saxon's children. In the National Archives in Washington in Capt. Lewis' file there is a list of his children written on a "leaf tom from a book, apparently not a Bible", quote from a letter from National Archives. I am listing the children quoted on this sheet as supplied to me by the Archives. Where Barksdale differs I am indicating that. Marriages are indicated by your compiler.

Lewis Saxon b. Dec. 10, 1761, Sally Saxon b. Jan. 29, 1761 Mar. July 1, 1787. (Barks. Feb. I, 1789) Issue:

1. Clarissa b. Dec. 19, 1787. (Barks. 1789) Mar. William Fayette Downs ( Barks.)

.2. Charles b. Feb. 7, 1790 (Barks. 1791) Mar. - Mar • .2 Isa-bella Wolff

3. Louisa b. Aug. 3, 1791 (Barks. 1792) d. Aug, 12, 1792 4. David b. Nov. 29, 1794 d. Dec. 16, 1837 Unmanied. 5. Polly (Mary) b. Oct. 23, 1796 Mar. Ira Arnold 6. Hugh b. Oct. 8, 1798 Unmar. (A much beloved physician.

Compiler) 7. Allen b. June 4, 1800 d. Feb. 22, 1822. Mar. Amelia Arnold. 8. Joshua b. Nov- 29, 1801 Mar, Eliza .Amelia Ke.'11. 9. Lydall P. b. April 15, 1803

10. Tabitha b. July 2, 1804 d. Nov. 11, 1833 Mar. Benjamin Cleveland

11. Susannah b. Dec. 4, 1805 mar. Richard Thurston 1.2. Samuel Saxon b. Sept . .27, 1807 d. Jan. 15, 18.21 Mar. Onie

Georgin. 13. Haniotte b. May 20, 1809 (Barks. May 26) d June 16, 1826

24. Lewis b. Dec. 14, 1810 d. Aug. 20, 1811



Hugh Saxon b. Oct. 7, 1798 d. Nov. 15, 1851

Benjamin l.". Cleveland cl. Nov, 4, 1833 in the 30th year of his Ji£e.

Tabitha Cleveland wife of Benjamin Cleveland and daughter


of Capt Lewis Saxon and Sarah Saxon b. July 2, 1805 d. Nov. 11, 1833

S. B. Saxon b. June 1805 d. June 1833 Sarah McNees, wife of Capt Lewis Saxon b. Jan. 19, 1769 d.

May .26, 1854. Lewis Saxon, a soldier of the Revolution b. Dec. 10, 1761

d Oct. 31, 1813.



Caldwell, Andrew . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88

Caldwell, John, ancestry and children ................ 75, 84, 87

Cub Creek Settlement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75, 77, 84, 91

Daugherty, Margaret Ann . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89, 90

Daugherty, Sarah .................... ~- .................. 89

Hudgens, Ambrose, children ........................... 73, 74

Hudgens, Margaret, ancestry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73

Johnson, David Bancroft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86

Martin, Abraham of Edgefield, ancestry, children . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-9

Martin, Addison P. and wives ( 1) Susan Stokes and (.2) Abigail Cooper ..................... , .......... 61-69

Mnrlln, AmhroNc 11nd wlfo, llnrrfct Rook, dcNccmlnntl ...... 00-73

Mnrtln, Cortl!'H11 1111tl hml11md, Trawl~ D1wcnport, de110tmd1mt» 2.'l-26

Martin, Daniel, Sr. ancestry and chlldron ............... , . 11-15

Martin, Daniel, Jr. children , ... , ...... , ........ , .... , , .. 14-15

Martin de Tours ........................................ , . 1

Martin Family . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Martin, George Asbury and wife, Tabitha Rodgers, descendants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-44

Martin, George Asbury and wife, Belinda Arnold, descendants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27-30

Martin, Herbert and wife, Margaret Hudgens, descendants 44-7.2

Martin, James A. C. and wife, Celia Miller, descendants .... 31-37

Martin, James and wife, Jane Cooper, descendants ........ 45-47

Martin, Joretta Elizabeth (Betty) and husband, John C. '.~ims, descendants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30-31

Martin, Lewis and wives, Sophia Shell and Martha Moore, descendants .......... , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52-59

Martin, Lewis Saxon, and wives, Dorothy Brooks Willingham and Millicent Moore, descendants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-43

Martin, Martha and husband, W. Edwin Crisp, descendants 59-61

Martin, Robert Lewis and wife, Frances Brooks, descendants 38-43

Martin, Sarah and husband, John A. Puckett, descendants . . 18-25

Martin, William, pioneer settler, ancestry, children . . . . . . 6-10

Martin, William Henderson and wife, Elizabeth Smith, descendants ....................................... 47-52

McNees {McNeese), John .......................... 77, 84, 65

Rodgers, Andrew , . , .... , , , , . , , , ...... , , , . . . . . . . 76, 79, 84, 85

nO(lp,rrn, JntrWN s, , .. , . , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . , , .. , , . 78, 7fl

!10,lgnn, Jolm, Sr., 1':.~11, ... , . , . , . , , . , . , . , .. , . , , , , , 71, 7H, 81, fill

Rodgers, John L(ennder), known as John Rodgers, Jr. 78, 79, 81, 82

Rodgers, Margaret McNccse .. , . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77, 85

Rodgers, Sarah (Sally) Saxon ...... , .... , ...... , ... , , 78, 79, 05

Rodgers, Tabitha, ancestry ............................. 75-78

Rodgers, Thomas ........... , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76

Rodgers, William of Lunenburg Co., Va. ................ 87, 89

Rogers, William of Annapolis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87, 88, 89

Saxon, Charles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91-97

Saxon, Robert ......................... , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91

Saxon, Samuel .......................................... , 91

Saxon, William ............................ , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91