bibliographical sketch on kozyrev, nikolai aleksandrovich

Bruno Antonio Buike Bibliographical sketch on Kozyrev, Nikolai Aleksandrovich (1908-1983) Библиографический очерк на К зырев, Никол й Алекс ндрович о о а о а о (1908-1983) Bibliographische Skizze über Kozyrew, Nikolaij Alexandrowitsch (1908-1983): English – Russki - Deutsch © Neuss / Germany: Bruno Buike 2017 Buike Music and Science [email protected] BBWV E60

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Bruno Antonio Buike

Bibliographical sketch on Kozyrev, Nikolai Aleksandrovich (1908-1983)

Библиографический очерк на К зырев, Никол й Алекс ндровичоо ао ао (1908-1983)

Bibliographische Skizze über Kozyrew, Nikolaij Alexandrowitsch (1908-1983):English – Russki - Deutsch

© Neuss / Germany: Bruno Buike 2017Buike Music and Science [email protected]


Bruno Antonio Buike:Bibliographical sketch on Kozyrev, Nikolai Aleksandrovich (1908-1983)

Библиографический очерк на К зырев, Никол й Алекс ндровичоо ао ао (1908-1983)Bibliographische Skizze über Kozyrew, Nikolaij Alexandrowitsch (1908-1983)

English - Russki - DeutschNeuss: Bruno Buike 2017

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1. This is a scientific project without commercial interests, that is not in bookstores, but free in Internet.2. Financial and legal claims against this project, will result in the contribution and the name of contributor in the next edition canceled.3. This project has been sponsored by the Federal Republic of Germany, Department forSocial Benefits, city of Neuss.4. Correct spelling and orthography is subject of a constant fight between me and my computer – AND THE SOFTWARE in use – and normally the other side is the winning party!

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Bibliographical sketch on Nikolai Aleksandrovich Kozyrev (1908-1983)

Библиографический очерк на Никол й Алекс ндрович К зыреваа аа оа (1908-1983)

Bibliographische Skizze über Nikolaij Alexandrowitsch Kosyrew (1908-1983)


Esquisse bibliographique sur Nikolai Alexandrovitch Kozyrev (1908-1983)

Schizzo di bibliografia su Nikolai Aleksandrovich Kozyrev (1908-1983)

Boceto bibliográfico sobre Nikolai Alexandrovich Kozyrev (1908-1983)

Szkic bibliograficzny na Nikolai Aleksandrowicz Kozyriew (1908-1983)

before Stalinist GULAG after GULAG


1. I personally stumbled upon Nikolai A. Kozyrev (1908-1983) as early as in Ostrander/Schroeder (1976)1 in the 1980ties, but at that time equipped with the old school mathematics and old school physics the significance of Kozyrev nearly escaped me, partly because of the somewhat bewildering categorization under keyword “parapsychology”/PSI.I however met Kozyrev again in Farrell (2009)2 – and this time in OTHER CONTEXTS of

1 See and compare Ostrander, Sheila/Schroeder, Lynn; PSI. Die wissenschaftliche Erforschung und praktische Nutzung übersinnlicher Kräfte des Geistes und der Seele im Ostblock, Bern, München, Wien: Scherz 1972; amerik. u.d.T.: Psychic Discoveries behind the Iron Curtain, London; Abacus / Little, Brown 1976, new ed..(look up chapter „time“ ...); hier zitiert nach Lizenzausgabe für Gütersloh: Bertelsmann, Mohn s.a., S.164-1722 See and compare - Farrell, Joseph P.: The Philosophers` Stone, Port Townsend WA: Feral House 2009; keyword “Nikolai Kozyrev” in chapters: 7. Time is not a Skalar”, p. 151ff; darin Stichwort “Niikolai Kozyrev” in Kapitel: 8. Of Gyroscopes, , Sponges , and Hydrogen bombs: Kozyrev`s experiments and Wilcock`s Analogies, p. 171ff

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considerably UPDATED physics and mathematics of the POST-Einstein-Era.- Open brackets: During work on this list it reappeared to my eye a short notice on Kozyrevin Farrell ( 2008), NAZI International3. Close brackets! -Nevertheless it might occur, that to the general public of socalled “well informed” intelligentsias whatever, especially in socalled Westeuropean contaminated surroundings, the name Kozyrev, Nikolai may be a surprise, the cause of which partly may be, that since Soviet times it seems, that the work of this Ukrainian rooted researcher was HOLD BACK from public view by the State authorities, which very well were aware of its significance especially in the context of the socalled “space-race”, especially under aspects of the SDI-programs of US-President Ronald Reagan. Perhaps now the one or other reader may outcry, that this at first glance looks TYPICAL for the “evil minded” Russians of Communist times. The more considerate reader, experienced in the WORKING CONDITIONS in today LABORATORIES elsewhere in the “glorious West” may but object to this impression, that it even in the “FREE WEST” is a QUITE NORMAL ROUTINE, that research engineers have to AGREE and PARDON WITHOUT QUESTIONING to CONTRACT-CONDITIONS, that the employer may CONTRADICT ANY PUBLICATION of research work, on the simple ASSUMPTION that it MIGHT be “sensible”, which simply means, that STATE, BUSINESS and MILITARY think, that they “one day or other” MIGHT PROFIT from such research.Well, among my contacts I do not know ANYBODY of engineers, who REJECTED the mentioned “fair deals”, which is nice living and interesting work-life bought with some “Gentlemen agreements”, which may be quite okay, especially because not everybody is a born hero of fighter!Mentioning such specifics of quite normal working conditions of any research engineer in the “glorious West” may not be misinterpreted in that way, that I intended to present an argument for an academic discussion around the topic of “nice behavior dictatorship”. No, my intention is, to present to the reader in the “free West” some STRONG CONTRASTS if compared with the BIOGRAPHICAL SITUATION of Nicolai Kozyrev, who started his life in TSARIST times – where, by the way, as late Otto of Habsburg once put it, UKRAINE was a PROSPERING region with for instance EXPORTS in grain and cereals, not to speak of the SUCCESS of the HEAVY INDUSTRY complex of “Donbas” with COAL and STEEL! -, after that had to suffer from poor circumstances of life after the socalled “proletarian revolution” of the Communist-Socialist Bolshewiki, until in STALINIST TIMES he fell victim to, what later by Alexander Solzhenitsyn was called “Archipel GULAG”, the “system of concentration camps for forced labor”, before he after the changings under Khrushchev could enter a more regular scientific career, but of coursewithin the restrictions and frictions of the Russian system in place at that time. We may not forget in the TODAY mentality of “happy pancakes everywhere”, what MARTYRDOM the “true researcher” on THIS PLANET in OUR TIMES in cases may have to face!


3 Compare Farrell, Joseph P.: NAZI International. The Nazis`Postwar Plan to Control Finance, Conflict, Physics and Space , Kempton / Illinois, USA: Adventures Unlimited 2008, chapter 10,C,4 “Fusion, Torsion and Stars: The Work of Dr. Nikolai Kozyrev”, p. 333-335

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2. If we find in source Ostrander/Schroeder (1976) a smell of “parapsychology” and in Farrell (2009) of “alchemy” this would not exhaust the possibilities for extravagant if not strange approaches towards Nikolay Kozyrev, who has kept the wild imaginations of rather unenlightened folks if not evildoers, which latter after his death approximately in 1990 introduced a „Kozyrev mirror“4, which had no PHYSICAL- nor any other „real“ - meaning at all, but was from beginning to end conceptualisized as FRAUD and HOAX, which were subject to court trials in which was ruled, that some people with questionable „academical background“- among which a certain Hartmut Müller5 (former GDR/DDR), who had his Ph.D. from a Moscow „title forge“ (or “doctor-mill”)- found themselves suddenly sentenced, but NOT hindering OTHERS to continue with this NONSENSE of said „Kozyrev mirrors“, even until today.Confronted with such “questionable accidentals” we may STRESS indeed therefor the point, that Nikolai Kozyrev in his own estimation was an EXPERIMENTAL PHYSICIST strictly inclined to MEASUREMENTS and CALCULATIONS and proper LABORATORYEQUIPMENT with SPECIAL APPARATUS, among which special GYROSCOPES and others newly developed equipment of some sophistication. We may concede however, that the research of Nikolai Kozyrev is MULTI-LAYERED, which may prevent “unilateral” mentalities to grasp the true importance of his work more fully! So the question is, what might be the REAL significance of the contributions of Nikolai Kozyrev?


3. The FIRST importance of Nikolai Kozyrev is, that he AMPLIFIED the understandings of the BASIC LAW or PRINCIPLE of CAUSE-EFFECT-RELATION or CAUSALITY in CHANGING the concept of SPACETIME as since Isaak Newton at the end of the 17th century appeared in some „deterministic fashion“, until the Einstein-Lorentz-Poincare principle of RELATIVITY and the Heisenberg „uncertainty principle“ became sort of „unquestionable“ fundamentals of modern physics, to which the Kozyrev amplification of „time-density“ was only one of the more recent factors to indicate, that physics since decennia has moved beyond Einstein – as was the case with mathematics. It is of course not the task of this short sketch to remind the audience, that this would be a marvelous opportunity to have a short look in any academical philosophical encyclopedia on the keyword „causality“ and to have a little update on its development from antique Greek times to more recent contributions at the start of today formal logics at the end of 19th and the beginning of the 20th century, especially in the „Vienna School“ with

4 See [ Kozyrev-mirror] Kozyrev Spiegel , pseudo-science, hoax, fraud, URL

5 „Hartmut Müller“ in platforms like wikipedia, psiram or rational-wiki especially in context with „global scaling“, which latter is not in itself a „fraudulent“ keyword, but has scientific meaning in context of „unified theories“ and „theories for everything“ (TOE`s), but on the other hand until today issubject to pseudo-science. – It is a constant source of amusement for me, that Farrell, Joseph P.: BabylonBanksters. The Alchemy of Deep Physics, High Finance and Ancient Religion: Port Townsend/WA: FeralHouse 2010 – eISBN 978-1-932-59585 – chapter (I) Three A: Dr. Hartmut Müller and Global Scaling theory, my added pagination p.37-38 is taking Dr. Hartmut Müller SERIOUSLY, who – according to my informations from internet – is a convicted evildoer!

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Waismann, Mach, Carnap and others, not to speak of Wittgenstein. However it may be accentuated, that sometimes noble prizes were assigned for less, than what Kozyrev did, Noble Prizes however being something, that due to the poor conditions in Communist Russia and its “Archipel GULAG”, as Alexander Solshenizyn named the Soviet system of forced labor camps, of which Kozyrev survived after 11 long years of imprisonment, never were in reach of Kozyrev and other excellent Russian folks engaged infundamental research for the long haul. And WHAT EXACTLY was this STUNNING Kozyrev-amplification to conventional time-concepts? Well Kozyrev has MEASURED something, that TIME has a DENSITY, a GREATER density around a „CAUSE“ and LESSER density around an „effect“, that TIME is NOT INVARIANT against SPIN-ORIENTATION in revolving systems, which he even was able to correlate – BY MEASUREMENT AND CALCULATION - to the „density of summer“ and the „absence of density in winter“. The point here is, that nobody so far would have expected, that we in a CERTAIN (and DEFINED) SENSE have „other physics“ in summer or in winter at all!To complicate the new concept of “time-density”, there popped up indications, that there might be a link between time and GRAVITY, the latter known in any filiation of Einstein-type physics as startpoint for endless seeming complications, if not one would prefer the view, that perhaps gravity in socalled mainstream “Standard-Model”-physics may be near to UNSOLVABLE, at least if put in the context of astrophysical COSMOLOGY.


4. The SECOND importance of the Nikolai A, Kozyrev research is a NEW APPROACH to the question of ORIGIN of energy in STARS and of ENERGY-BALANCE within stars. Here he had the observation, that DOUBLE-STAR-SYSTEMS show the strange effect, that OVER TIME they become PHYSICALLY RATHER SIMILAR regardless which greatwere the physical DIFFERENCES at the outset of the system. The main point here may be, that Nikolai Kozyrev DID NOT TRY to engage in modifications of theories on GRAVITATIONAL WAVES, but that he developed a new measurement and understanding of TIME, handling her as some sort of „physical force“, but NOT as SKALAR, as Farrell (2009) in above cited book is saying explicitly. What Farrell is NOT TALKING about however, is, that we easily may agree, that normally, what is NO SKALAR, may be a VECTOR, but that IN CASES you have to think very hard, whether a skalar in OTHER mathematical or physical surroundings may become a VECTOR, so that skalar suddenly is something doublefaced, doubleheaded. (Don`t believe me, check it up for yourself in German Wikipedia6.) We may however say, that it seems, that in Russia they AVOIDED, at least at first, as COMMON GROUND for physics a RE-introduction of ETHER, we may guess out of ideological reasons, which however did not mean, that they in Russia were quite on the way to „ether“ nevertheless. We thus may verbalize: If we have an “ether-field” of the zero-point of the near-vacuum, we might try to understand time AND gravity both as some sort of RESULTANTS from this field, to which may be adopted a topology of TORUS-geometries whatever.

6 See article „Skalar“ in German Wikipedia URL

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5. Even if we now from Farrell remarks and from Russian bibliographies around Kozyrev find, that somehow the entire research was headed to TORSION-fields and therefor to SPIN and ANGULUM MOMENTUM, it seems, that other keywords of today hyperphysicswere not touched by Kozyrev research, at least not by Kozyrev himself, such as „vacuum“ or „zero point“ or „tetrahedral astrophysics“ as in Richard Hoagland for instance or ETHER. I nevertheless tend at moment to the following educated guess, what may be the general direction of development. We thus may say: there „is“ something „near to NOTHING“ in which occurs some sort of DISTURBANCE OF THE EQUILIBRIUM, fromwhich originates quite a LOT of physical effects, that at first glance seem not to be connected, but are all together some sort of MECHANICS of the NEAR-TO-NOTHING to TRANSFORM into what appears as PHYSICAL WORLD of some degree of PERCEPTIBILITY and TANGIBILITY in whatever dimension or geometry or evenmultiplicity of extremely miniaturized Planck-spheres7 of recent discussions around a “holographic universe” (pixeled8 with extremely tiny of tiny “Planck spheres”), the latter somuch extremely small, that they in some sense may be seen as some other type of „NEAR-TO-NOTHINGNESS“. From all this there seems to emerge an impression AS IF THERE SEEMS TO BE SOME DEGREE OF ILLUSION in the entire construction of „NEW THINGS OF THOUGHT“, which would lead to REEXAMINE PLATOS „parable of the cave“, let`s guess in the direction of some sort of „computerized simulation“ or even game, leading to the educated question, whether all the contemporary physics can be interpreted as some sort of NEAR TO REALISTIC GAME or HOLOGRAM. Well, Einsteinian physicssuddenly seen as some sort of game-theory, that certainly should evoke response by all these today brilliant mathematicians, because this would mean a fundamental progress since the introduction of „Theory of Games and economic behavior“ by German-Hungarian John von Neumann9, for first time 1944. Now I may hint to something, Farrell is NOT TALKING about, which is the following: If we have today all these STRANGE STATES of „matter“ as „optically rearranged monatomic elements“ (ORME) with MULTIPLE sorts of RADIOACTIVITIES and PROBABLY WIDE SPREAD „micro-nuclear-reactions“ in STYLE OF „ALCHEMICAL“ ELEMENT-TRANSFORMATIONS, and this may mean, that there might be an

7 We should keep in mind, that Christoph von Mettenheim already questioned the „strange procedure“ HOW the „Planck-Wirkungsquantum“ by Planck himself was PUT to CONSTANT. The problem is verysimilar to the „CONSTANT“ speed of light since Einstein or rather Poincare: You cannot introduce always NEW CONSTANT factors to BRIDGE the ABYSSES of your own PROBLEMATICAL theory-building!

8 I may hint at this junction to the possibility of pixeling the universe by using the 9-square and 8-square of the socalled „method of squaring the circle“ as presented in Pharaonic papyrus Rhind of appr. 1800 BC, which would AVOID the NEW problems of an UNCERTAIN CONSTANT Planck „Wirkungsquantum“, as placed by Christoph von Mettenheim and which would LINK to “musical features of global scaling” using the scale of equidistant distributed error of 12th root of 2 from division of a monochord string – and perhaps even to the 81 “natural” elements in the “table of elements”, at least if applying a more “considerate” new and revised method of COUNTING and labeling, as for instance in surroundings of Peter Plichta.

9 See Neumann, John/Morgenstern, O.: Theory of Games and Economic behavior“ Princeton 1947

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OSCILLATION between APPEARANCE and VANISHING at VERY HIGH SPEED, that again is producing an ILLUSION, which is the illusion of DURATION of a STABLE somehow MATERIAL WORLD. It is felt strange to me, that especially Farrell and lots of others escaped the possibility, that IF we have the term „illusion“ AS IN OLD INDIAN PHILOSOPHIES, we might find in those Indian philosophies concepts of „conditioned duration“ or „conditioned stability“, which both are ILLUSIONS in „essence“ but making the „world going round“, so that this world and universe may become LEVELS OF EXISTENCE for PURE SPIRIT, for to become simply ENGAGED IN for the purpose of development whatever or any other unknown purpose, even if this would include „illusionary“ BIRTH and „illusionary“ DEATH. The problem in putting the words such figuratively however is, that whatever illusionary this world may be or may become in today advanced physics, sorrow, pain and sufferings may set IRREVOCABLE and UNFORGETTABLE MARKS to and in spirits experiencing such „illusionary“ existence. Which I add here, so that we may avoid “elegant nonsense”10!It perhaps is necessary to remember, that in lifetimes of Kozyrev certain keywords that are ruling the today discussions simply were not possible at all, because they were not even conceived. So, beware of getting drunk by all the awful lot of Farrell-stuff on contemporaryphysics, in which some of above keywords are missing as well.


6. I may comment on “TORSION-fields” in some more detail, because this keyword will appear in the bibliographical list more often: If we have “torsion”, we have “spin” and even“vortex” and “spirals”, “torus-geometries”, “inverted Schauberger funnels” (as some sort of “mathematical functions” linkable with “torus-geometries”) et cetera.If I am allowed, to add here: In Farrell (2008), Secrets of the Unified Field, we even have a chapter titled: >> The “Swastika Tensor”, Or, “How Einstein`s Torsion Tensor May have Found a Home in the Waffen SS”<<11. Well, whatever the NAZIS saw in the “Swastika”, weperhaps better remember, that the NAZI-Swastika has a DOUBLE WITH OTHER SPIN, that secondly it was taken from especially INDIAN traditions, if not the Vedas, and such may hint to the POOR RESTS of a hypothetical “very high predecessor-civilization”, the hypothesized SUPERIOR – of course: “superior”! - knowledge of which, as would be my humble objection, PERHAPS to NOT ANYBODY LIVING OF THIS, OUR PRESENT MANKIND, was disclosed so far more distinct than possible within the sad humdrum of “nebulous mists of the millennia” before us! And if we happen to navigate those vague mists of traditions whatever, we perhaps better should expect, that the REAL thing about a “sunlight-physics” - even “operable by normal man”, may be even with components of “plasma similar states of matter” - normally would not be revealed to strangers, especially not to Westeuropean foreigners with proven inclination to business only and therefor lack of proper metaphysical “mentality”, if not training! Or in other words: If someone would

10 See Sokal, Alan/Bricmont,Jean: Eleganter Unsinn. Wie die Denker der Postmoderne die Wissenschaften mißbrauchen, München: C.H. Beck 1999 – original French?

11 Farrell, Joseph P.: Secrets of the Unified field, Kempton/Illinois: Adventures Unlimited 2008, part Three,11 “the Swastika Tensor, Or, “how Einstein`s Torsion Tensor >May have Found a Home in the Waffen SS”, p. 262-266

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like to try a “race for hidden knowledge”, better think before, that such undertaking may not end like the story of the “tower of Babel” in Old Testament first!So I would rather recommend, to expect, that “torsion” in Kozyrev - terminology will have a special twist in meaning ....There is something else with “torsion”, which is, that Farrell (2008), Secrets of the Unified Field12, and Farrell ((2008), NAZI International13, are linking directly the Kozyrev research on torsion and stars with the NAZI project “bell” or “beehive”, not because there was a link in real history, but BECAUSE Farrell is searching for RATIONALS to form an interpretation of NAZI-experiments like the “NAZI-bell”, otherwise not quite comprehensible. This is far from joking: In 1952 it was closed the HUEMUL-site in Peron-Argentinia (region of Bariloche, today known as holiday destination), where a certain NAZI-scientist “Dr. Ronald Richter”14 made experiments, that were NOT REALLY UNDERSTOOD by official Argentine commissions nor by a consultant professor from the Netherlands, Prof. Cornelius Jan Bakker. Discussions indeed were centered around claims, that Richter had found a “new physical principle” directed to “fusion-physics”, which however , so far I know, would need some knowledge of “plasma-physics”, which butappeared as “theory of some cohesion” in the 1980ties only. It seemed, that somehow EXISTING THEORIES did not deliver sufficient explanations and that especially the TECHNICAL EQUIPMENT AND APPARATUS of Dr. Ronald Richter, that was found andeven photographed, seemed to have no proper links to claimed experiments, even not to plausibility tests. In short: Reading Farrell on this topic gives the suspicion, that Dr. RonaldRichter was busy with a CONTINUATION of the original “NAZI-bell-experiment”, which might even have popped up again in the socalled Kecksburg15/Pennsylvania, UFO-incident of 1965, that perhaps was not really “genuine alien”, but may have been an unforeseen side effect of the NAZI-bell, say some sort of “teleportation” with bad navigation!This is strange and IMPORTANT: It seems, that Einsteinian physics NOR forced NAZI-experiments could deliver any REAL EXPLANATION for the PHENOMENONS producedby the “bell-machine” with counter-clockwise cylinders at its core, demanding capacities for energy-supply in range of those normally sufficient for a small town and resulting in constructions and buildings for the experiment in range of a real industrial complex of facilities, which all discovered more recently Igor Witkowski16 in the tunneled mountains of

12 Compare Farrell, Joseph P.: Secrets of the Unified field, Kempton/Illinois: Adventures Unlimited 200813 Compare Farrell, Joseph P. : NAZI International. The Nazis`Postwar Plan to Control Finance, Conflict,

Physics and Space , Kempton / Illinois, USA: Adventures Unlimited 200814 See and compare: Farrell, Joseph P.: NAZI International. The Nazis`Postwar Plan to Control Finance,

Conflict, Physics and Space , Kempton / Illinois, USA: Adventures Unlimited 2008, part three, chapters 9/10, p. 249-350 (on Huemul-project near Bariloche/Argentine and Dr. Ronald Richter, NAZI-scientist)

15 Compare Farrell, Joseph P. :Reich of the Black Sun. NAZI Secret Weapons & the Cold War Allied legend, Kempton/Illinois: Adventures Unlimited 2005, part tree,17: “The Kecksburg Acorn Rings the Bell”, p. 319-343

16 See and compare Witkowski, Igor: Polnisch: Prawda o Wunderwaffe - 3 vols. (Lodz?): (Editons?)Wyd(awnictwo?) WIS-2 - tom 1: 2001, 2005, 2007, 2009 - tom 2: 2007, 2009 - tom 3: (Nowa Prawda o Wunderwaffe?), 2011 – Deutsch: Die Wahrheit über die Wunderwaffe. Geheime Waffentechnologien im III.Reich, 3 Bde., Potsdam: Mosquito - vol. 1: 2010, 2.Aufl. - vol. 2: 2012, 2.Aufl. - vol. 3: 2011, 1.Aufl. – Englisch: the Truth about the Wunderwaffe, (s.l.): Books International 2003 - ISBN-10 8388259164 -- ISBN-13 978-8388259166 – see additional: Witkowski, Igor: Hitler w

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Slaskia, which are geographically rather near the SKODA-works in BRNO/Brünn just on the other side of the frontier in former Czechoslovakia, which under command of “SS-Kammlerstab” became entirely some sort of “Area 51” of the NAZIS, which was a really HUGE SCIENTIFIC-INDUSTRIAL-MILITARY COMPLEX to feed war.So in the end, it may appear, that we have a “handling” of torsion by Kozyrev with regard to OBSERVATION and UNDERSTANDING PHYSICAL FEATURES of STARS in a VERY new way leading to new KOZYREV-APPARATUS (like special gyroscopes), may be WITHOUT focus on MATHEMATICAL DESCRIPTION BY TOPOLOGIES, may be evenwithout hints to “tetrahedral astrophysics” of Richard Hoagland17, which I have seen applied to the great rectangular feature on the Uranus-moon MIRANDA near to convincingly. From this we now can DISTINGUISH by making CLEAR DISTINCTIONS, that the NAZI-handling of torsion was QUITE other, which was a ENGINEERING of the UNKNOWN by TRIAL AND ERROR in search for WEAPONIZATIONS, which was CONTINUED after World War II. and very probably may have DANGEROUS SIDE-EFFECTS, which may be part of the biography of (hardcore) NAZI-physicist Burkhard Heim18, who until today is estimated in certain circles, although I would not make a bed on his proposals for some sort of a “6-dimensional universe”, simply because we at moment have REALLY LOTS of “interesting” and “promising” TRIALS FOR COSMOLOGY, which of course CANNOT BE ALL viable!


7. With this said I now may go on to little bit reflecting on more technical aspects of this bibliographical compilation.

7.1 There first is the problem of SIMILAR names, so that in cases of doubt the above biographical information is crucial to separate the ASTRONOMER and

Argentinie i Czwarta Rzesza; (Lodz?): (Editons?)Wyd(awnictwo?) WIS-2 2009 - zuerst u.d.T / rozszerzenie książki.: Czwarta Rzesza, (Editons?)Wyd(awnictwo?) WIS-2 2005 - ISBN: 83-88259-26-1 - Hitler in Argentinia, Third Reich`s strategical evacuation of 1945, no further information, see perhaps – see additional: Basti, Abel: Bariloche Nazi. Sitios historicos relacionados al nacionalsocialismo, (Buenos Aires): A.Basti 2003 - registered to National Library of Argentina – Basti, Abel / Helsing, Jan van (Pseudonym for: Holey, Jan Udo ): Hitler überlebte in Argentinien, Fichtenau: Amadeus Verlag 2011; ESPAGNOL under title: Hitler en Argentinia. Buenos Aires: A.Basti 2004, 5ta ed.; 2006 (6ta ed.?), registered to National Library of Argentinia – Basti, Abel: El exilio de Hitler, (Buenos Aires): A.Basti 2010 - not yet in National Library of Argentinia

17 See Hoagland, Richard: official homepage - page-title Enterprise Mission – see [Hoagland, Richard] - page title: Richard Hoagland`s Lunar Anomalities - see Hoagland, Richard C. , Bara, Mike: Dark Mission – The Secret History of NASA, Port Townsend/WA Feral House, 2007, ISBN 978-1-932595-26-0 - Hoagland, Richard C. / Bara, Mike: Dark Mission – The Secret History of NASA, Revised and Expanded Edition, Port Townsend/WA Feral House 2009, ISBN 978-1-932595-48-2 – German under title: Hoagland, Richard / Bara, Mike : Geheimakte Mond. Die schwarzen Projekte der NASA, Rottenburg : Kopp 2008; amerik. u.d.T.: Dark Mission, The Secret History of NASA, Port Townsend, WA: Feral House 2007

18 Compare Farrell, Joseph P.: the Philosopher`s Stonme. Alchemy and the Secret Research for Exotic Matter, Port Townsend/WA: Feral House 2009; chapter 13,A: Heim Theory: p. 314-326; chapter 13,B: „the Mystery of Heim`s World War II Research, p. 326-328

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ASTROPHYSICIST N.A. Kozyrev/Kosyrew (1908-1983), mainly working at PULKOVO Observatory, which was founded by Tsar Peter the Great, from other living or dead persons with similar names.

7.2 I secondly may give informations on sources of this compilation, which are: - Article on Nikolai Aleksandrovich Kozyrev (Nikolaij Alexandrowitsch Kosyrew) in

English wikipedia19 , - Harvard University - SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS) - result list for

query „Kozyrev, N.A.“20 (27 title entries), - Kozyrev bibliography by Л.С.Шихобалов – L.S.Shikhobalov 21,

- Farrell, Joseph P. (2009: the Philosopher`s stone)22 , - Ostrander, Sheila/Schroeder, Lynn(1972)23.

7.3 A third point would be here, if considering problems of compiling our short bibliographical list, that readers may experience difficulties to tap into JPRS materials as filed by the US-Government. J(oint) P(ublications) R(esearch) S(ervice) in English Wikipedia is linked withUS-Government „defense funded organizations“ and indeed was focused on socalled „Communist states“ during Cold War Era, say in capacity of open intelligence (perhaps). It

19 See and compare article „Nikolai Aleksandrovich Kozyrev” in English Wikipedia, sections „Publications“ and „Publications with reference to Kozyrev's work“ URL

20 See Harvard University - SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS) URL - query „Kozyrev, N.A.“ URL th&arxiv_sel=math&arxiv_sel=math-ph&arxiv_sel=nlin&arxiv_sel=nucl-ex&arxiv_sel=nucl-th&arxiv_sel=physics&arxiv_sel=quant-ph&arxiv_sel=qbio&sim_query=YES&ned_query=YES&adsobj_query=YES&aut_logic=OR&obj_logic=OR&author=Kozyrev%2C+N+A.&object=&start_mon=&start_year=&end_mon=01&end_year=2000&ttl_logic=SIM PLE&title=&txt_logic=OR&text=&nr_to_return=200&start_nr=1&jou_pick=ALL&ref_stems=&data_and=ALL&group_and=ALL&start_entry_day=&start_entry_mon=&start_entry_year=&end_entry_day=&end_entry_mon=&end_entry_year=&min_score=&sort=SCORE&data_type=SHORT&aut_syn=YES&ttl_syn=YES&txt_syn=YES&aut_wt=1.0&obj_wt=1.0&ttl_wt=0.3&txt_wt=3.0&aut_wgt=YES&obj_wgt=YES&ttl_wgt=YES&txt_wgt=YES&ttl_sco=YES&txt_sco=YES&version=1

21 See L.S.Shikhobalov/ Л.С.Шихобалов: [Kozyrev bibliography] URL - Layout changed, transliteration and translations of Russian titles to other language added from google translate and therefor without warranty.

22 See Farrell, Joseph P.: the Philosopher`s stone, Alchemy and the secret search for exotic matter, Port Townsend: Feral House 2009, (Bibliography) p. 345-346 (very few title entries)

23 See Ostrander, Sheila/Schroeder, Lynn; PSI. Die wissenschaftliche Erforschung und praktische Nutzung übersinnlicher Kräfte des Geistes und der Seele im Ostblock, Bern, München, Wien: Scherz 1972; amerik. u.d.T.: Psychic Discoveries behind the Iron Curtain, London; Abacus / Little, Brown 1976, new ed..; hier zitiert nach Lizenzausgabe für Gütersloh: Bertelsmann, Mohn s.a., S.406 (very few title entries)

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did not become clear beyond doubt to this author, whether JPRS is stockpiled in meantime in parts in Harvard University Library, where it is announced, that until 2016 materials will become more fully available there, or whether JPRS is managed in such way, that some privileged US universities are given the technologies to operate JPRS materials in theways of a librarian with mainly search and lend functions. However , Harvard University Library under JPRS search24 in at moment did not return any hits for keyword „Kozyrev“ in whatever spelling or alphabet.Otherwise the possible reader may experience limited access and other restrictions from compartmentarization of knowledge policies out of reasons of US-American understanding of socalled „National Security“, „Cultural Heritage“ and “freedom of science” as part of U.S. full-scale dominance, which may be felt little bit narrowed, at least if coming from continental European contexts. It is my personal impression, that it might have occurred in meantime, that the differences in scientific approach between the U.S. and Russia are not only something like a difference in „scientific dialect“, but rather more the beginning of „psychophysics“ or a „spiritual physics“ in Russia, whereas the situation among Princeton physicists since Ruyer, Raimond25 have been described as the revival of some sort of GNOSTICISM – to which I from my reading experience would add a “hermetic touch” coming from Greek sorcery papyri dealing with “Hermes Trismegistos” and the “tabula smaragdina”! - , with which we should be really happy, were there not in the U.S. the INFILTRATION OF SCIENCE by antagonistic parties of UNDERGROUND-NAZIS and HARDCORE-FREEMASONS, as described in Hoagland, Richard/Bara, Mike26. If this situation felt SHOCKING or ANNOYING to the normal student, we may softly interject: It seems, that there have been LITTLE CHANGINGS only since the OPERATION GUIDELINES in the Library of Heliopolis (Pharaonic standard name: “House of life”) and the Library of Alexandria – and IF so, we may say, that the REAL “problem” may be, that they always forget to INFORM the last pupil from remote rural villages, to which it was not promoted the proverbial TIBETAN saying, that “this planet IS hell”, whatever young boys and girls may dream up an IDEALISTIC world of fairy tales, in which KNOWLEDGE is granted FREE to EVERYBODY according to TRUE NEEDS! RESTRICTIONS, by the way, normally just BEGIN with PRICES to be paid for scientific publications, so that Buike Science And MUSIC decided, the barrier of HEAVY PRICING for to get Buike works to be LIFTED to WHOMEVER on this marvelous “blue globe” by applying the method of “open access”!


24 Harvard University, JPRS search, keyword „Kozyrev“ URL

25 See Ruyer, Raimond - Jenseits der Erkenntnis. Die Gnostiker von Princeton, Wien, Hamburg 1977 - frz. u.d.T.: La Gnose de Princeton, Paris: Fayard 1974

26 See Hoagland, Richard/Bara, Mike : Geheimakte Mond. Die schwarzen Projekte der NASA, Rottenburg: Kopp 2008; amerik. u.d.T.: Dark Mission, The Secret History of NASA, Port Townsend, WA: Feral House 2007

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8. As final topic here: If users feel annoyed about differences in bibliographical standards, imagine please, what the compilator had been annoyed before!


9. Although I had no special dedication in mind, this little survey very well may be understood as encouragement and support for Jakub`s „gang of engineers“ from Warszaw Technical University spread throughout Europe in meantime and striving for excellence of some sort.


Buike Science And Music 2014

revision: Neuss, 21st February of 2017



1947 Козырев Н.А. Тезисы диссертации на соискание ученой степени доктора физико-математических наук "Теория внутреннего строения звезд как основа исследования природы звездной энергии" / Ленинградский государственный университет. - Л., <1947>. - 4 с. - Transliteration Kozyrev N.A. Tezisy dissertatsii na soiskaniye uchenoy stepeni doktora fiziko-matematicheskikh nauk "Teoriya vnutrennego stroyeniya zvezd kak osnova issledovaniya prirody zvezdnoy energii" / Leningradskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. - L., <1947>. - 4 s.German: NA Kozyrev Abstracts der Dissertation für den Grad eines Doktors der physikalisch-mathematischen Wissenschaften "Theorie des inneren Aufbaus der Sterne als Basis der Forschung über die Natur der Sternenergie " / Staatlichen Universität Leningrad. - L., <1947>. - 4.English: Kozyrev NA Abstracts of the thesis for the degree of Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences "Theory of the internal structure of stars as a base research on the nature of stellar energy" / Leningrad State University. - L., <1947>. - 4.French: Kozyrev NA Les résumés de la thèse pour le diplôme de docteur en sciences physiques et mathématiques "Théorie de la structure interne des étoiles comme une recherche de base sur la nature de l'énergie stellaire" / Université d'Etat de Leningrad. - L., <1947>. - 4. - Ursprung der russischen Information, chronos,, L.S. Shikhobalov - important

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1948 Список диссертаций, защищенных в Ленинградском университете в 1947 г. //Вестник Ленинградского университета. - 1948. - N 1. - С. 167. – Spisok dissertatsiy, zashchishchennykh v Leningradskom universitete v 1947 g. // Vestnik Leningradskogo universiteta. - 1948. - N 1. - S. 167. - Liste Dissertationen an der Universität Leningrad im Jahr 1947 / / Westnik Leningrader Universität. - 1948 -. N 1 -. S. 167 (Bibliographischer katalogischer Nachweis der Doktorarbeit von N.A. Kozyrev, Leningrad 1947) - Ursprung der russischen Information, chronos,, L.S. Shikhobalov

1948 Козырев Н.А. Внутреннее строение звезд на основе наблюдательных данных // Вестник Ленинградского университета. - 1948. - N 11. - С. 32 - 35. – Kozyrev N.A. Vnutrenneye stroyeniye zvezd na osnove nablyudatel'nykh dannykh// Vestnik Leningradskogo universiteta. - 1948. - N 11. - S. 32 – 35.-- Kozyrev NA Die interne Struktur der Sterne auf der Grundlage von Beobachtungsdaten / / Westnik Leningrader Universität. - 1948 -. N 11 -.. Pp 32-35 - Ursprung der russischen Information, chronos,, L.S. Shikhobalov

1948 Козырев Н.А. Источники звездной энергии и теория внутреннего строения звезд // Известия Крымской астрофизической обсерватории. - 1948. - Т. 2. - С.3 - 43. – 13. Kozyrev N.A. Istochniki zvezdnoy energii i teoriya vnutrennego stroyeniya zvezd // Izvestiya Krymskoy astrofizicheskoy observatorii. - 1948. - T. 2. - S. 3 – 43.-- Kozyrev NA Quellen der Sternenergie und der Theorie des innerenAufbaus der Sterne / / Proceedings of Krim Astrophysical Observatory. - 1948 -. T. 2 -.. Pp 3-43 - Ursprung der russischen Information, chronos,, L.S. Shikhobalov

1951 Козырев Н.А. Теория внутреннего строения звезд и источники звездной энергии // Известия Крымской астрофизической обсерватории. - 1951. - Т. 6. -С. 54 - 83. – Kozyrev N.A. Teoriya vnutrennego stroyeniya zvezd i istochniki zvezdnoy energii // Izvestiya Krymskoy astrofizicheskoy observatorii. - 1951. - T. 6. - S. 54 – 83 – Kozyrev NA Die Theorie der inneren Struktur von Sternen und Sternenergiequellen / / Proceedings of Krim Astrophysical Observatory. - 1951 -. T. 6 -. S. 54-83 - Ursprung der russischen Information, chronos,, L.S. Shikhobalov

1958 Kozyrev, N.A.: Causal of Nonsymmetric Mechanics in a Linear Approximation, Pulkovo/Russia 1958 – important

1958 Козырев Н.А. Причинная или несимметричная механика в линейном приближении. - Пулково: <Б. и.>, 1958. - 90 с. – Kozyrev N.A. Prichinnaya ili nesimmetrichnaya mekhanika v lineynom priblizhenii. - Pulkovo: <B. i.>, 1958. - 90 s – Kozyrev NA Kausale oder asymmetrische Mechanik in linearer Näherung. -Pulkovo <B. Und> 1958 -.. 90. - wichtig/important - Ursprung der russischen Information, chronos,, L.S. Shikhobalov

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1959 Margerison Dr. T., Causal Mechanics - The Russian Scientific Dispute, New Scientists, London, November 26, 1959 – Ursprung der Information, „Nikolay Kozyrev“ englische Wikipedia

1959 Kozyrev, N.A.: Observation of a Volcanic Process on the Moon; in: Sky and Telescope, volume 18(Feb.1959), page 184. (S&T Homepage) - Ursprung der Information, NASA Datenbank, Harvard University

1962 Kozyrev, N. A. Spectroscopic Proofs for Existence of Volcanic Processes on the Moon -The Moon, IAU Symposium 14, Academic, pp 263 - 272, 1962

1962 Kozyrev, N.A.: Spectroscopic Proofs for Existence of Volcanic Processes on the Moon; in: IN: THE MOON, (KOPAL,Z., AND MIKHAILOV,Z.K., EDITORS) IAU SYMPOSIUM 14, 1962, ACADEMIC, P(apers?), p. 263-272. - Ursprung der Information, NASA Datenbank, Harvard University

1962 Kozyrev, N.A.: Nochnoe svechenie nizhnikh sloev atmosfery Venery; in: Izvestiia Glavnoi astronomicheskoi observatorii v Pulkove ; t. 22, vyp. 5, Leningrad : Izd. Glavnoi astronomicheskoi observatorii v Pulkove, 1962., p. [132]-135, [1] leaf of plates : ill. ; 29 cm.- Ursprung der Information, NASA Datenbank, Harvard University

1963 Kozyrev, Nikolai: Volcanic Phenomena on the Moon; in: Nature, Volume 198, Issue 4884, pp. 979-980 (1963). ( Nature Homepage) – DOI 10.1038/198979a0Ursprung der Information, NASA Datenbank, Harvard University

1964 Kozyrev, N.A.: The Atmosphere of Mercury; in: Sky and Telescope, 27(06/1964), page 339. (S&T Homepage) - Ursprung der Information, NASA Datenbank, Harvard University

1964 Kozyrev, N.A.: Spektralnye priznaki vykhoda molekuliarnogo vodoroda v raione kratera Aristarkha na Lune; in: Izvestiia Glavnoi astronomicheskoi observatorii vPulkove ; t. 24, vyp. 1, Leningrad : Izd. Glavnoi astronomicheskoi observatorii v Pulkove, 1964., p. [99]-101 : ill. ; 29 cm.- Ursprung der Information, NASA Datenbank, Harvard University

1964 Kozyrev, N.A.: Spektralnye priznaki sushchestvovaniia snega i lda v atmosfere Marsa; in: Izvestiia Glavnoi astronomicheskoi observatorii v Pulkove ; t. 23, vyp. 5, Leningrad : Izd. Glavnoi astronomicheskoi observatorii v Pulkove, 1964., p. [72]-74 : ill. ; 29 cm. - Ursprung der Information, NASA Datenbank, Harvard University

1965 Kozyrev, N.A.: The Color of Mars as a Result of the Optical Properties of Its Atmosphere (Summary); in: "Investigations of the Atmospheres of Venus and Mars, Problems in Astrophysics. Translation of "Voprosy astrofiziki. Issledovaniye a tmosfer Venery i Marsa". Izdatel'stvo "Naukova Dumka", Academy of Sciences Ukrainian SSR, Kiev 1965. Edited by I.K. Koval. NASA TT F-394. Washington, DC: National Aeronautics and Space Administration., p.79" -

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Ursprung der Information, NASA Datenbank, Harvard University

1965 Kozyrev, N.A.: Volcanism on the planets; in: Tectonophysics, 1,5(01/1965), , pp. 451-454 - Ursprung der Information, NASA Datenbank, Harvard University

1965 Kuiper, Gerard P./Kozyrev, N.A.: Exchange of Letters on Kozyrev's Observation; in: Wanderers in the Sky. The Motions of Planets and Space Probes. Volume I. Sky and Telescope Library of Astronomy. Edited by Thornton Page and Lou Williams Page. New York: The MacMillan Company, 1965., p.278 - Ursprung der Information, NASA Datenbank, Harvard University

1965 Kozyrev, N.A.: Observation of a Volcanic Process on the Moon; in: Wanderers in the Sky. The Motions of Planets and Space Probes. Volume I. Sky and Telescope Library of Astronomy. Edited by Thornton Page and Lou Williams Page. New York: The MacMillan Company, 1965., p.273 - Ursprung der Information, NASA Datenbank, Harvard University

1965 Kozyrev, N.A.: "An Unexplored World", Soviet Life, p. 27, Sept. 1965

1965 Kozyrev, N.A.: Nocturnal Airglow of Venus (Summary); in: "Investigations of the Atmospheres of Venus and Mars, Problems in Astrophysics. Translation of "Voprosy astrofiziki. Issledovaniye a tmosfer Venery i Marsa". Izdatel'stvo "Naukova Dumka", Academy of Sciences Ukrainian SSR, Kiev, 1965. Edited by I.K. Koval. NASA TT F-394. Washington, DC: National Aeronautics and Space Administration., p.6" - Ursprung der Information, NASA Datenbank, Harvard University

1966 Kozyrev, N.A.: Spektralnye issledovaniia vulkanicheskikh iavlenii na Kamchatke;in: Izvestiia Glavnoi astronomicheskoi observatorii v Pulkove ; t. 24, vyp. 4, Leningrad : Izd. Glavnoi astronomicheskoi observatorii v Pulkove, 1966., p. [76]-82, [1] leaf of plates : ill. ; 29 cm. - Ursprung der Information, NASA Datenbank, Harvard University

1967 Kozyrev, N. A.: Possibility of experimental study of properties of time, Pulkovo, September 1967 (txt available) –

1967 Kozyrev, N.A.: Physical Peculiarities of the Components of Double Stars; in: Royal Belgium Observatory Communications 17(1967)

1967 Kozyrev, N.A.: Relation masse-luminosité et diagramme H-R dans le cas des binaires: Physical peculiarities of the components of double stars; in: On the Evolution of Double Stars, Proceedings of a Colloquium organized under the Auspices of the International Astronomical Union, in honor of Professor G. Van Biesbroeck. Edited by J. Dommanget. Communications Serie B, No. 17 Comptes Rendus, 1967., p.197 - Ursprung der Information, NASA Datenbank, Harvard University

1968 World Who's Who in Science. A biographical dictionary of notable scientists fromantiquity to the present. - Chicago: Marquis-Who's Who, Inc., 1968. - P. 965 –

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Welt Wer ist Wer in der Wissenschaft. Ein biographisches Lexikon der bemerkenswerten Wissenschaftler von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart. - Chicago: Marquis-Who Who, Inc., 1968 - 965 S.. - Ursprung der russischen Information, chronos,, L.S. Shikhobalov

1968 Kozyrev, N.A.: Vodianoi par v koltse Saturna i ego teplichnyi effekt na poverkhnosti planety; in: Izvestiia Glavnoi astronomicheskoi observatorii v Pulkove 184(1968), Leningrad : Izd. Glavnoi astronomicheskoi observatorii v Pulkove, p. [99]-107 : ill. ; 29 cm. - - Ursprung der Information, NASA Datenbank, Harvard University

1968 Kozyrev, N.A.: Osobennosti fizicheskogo stroeniia komponent dvoinykh zvezd; in:Izvestiia Glavnoi astronomicheskoi observatorii v Pulkove ; no. 184, Leningrad : Izd. Glavnoi astronomicheskoi observatorii v Pulkove, 1968., p. [108]-115 : ill. ; 29cm. - Особенности физического строения компонент двойных звезд - Features of the physical structure of the components of binary stars - Ursprung der Information, NASA Datenbank, Harvard University

1968 Kozyrev, N.A.: Possibility of Experimental Study of the Properties of Time; in Joint Publications Research Service, Department of Commerce, USA, JPRS, No. 45238, 2nd of May 1968 – comment of this author: JPRS in English Wikipedia is linked with US-Government „defense funded organizations“ and indeed was focused on socalled „Communist states“ during Cold War Era. It did not become clear beyond doubt to this author, whether JPRS is stockpiled in meantime in parts in Harvard University Library, where it is announced, that until 2016 materials will become more fully available there, or whether JPRS is managed in such way, that some privileged US universities are given the technologies to operate JPRS materials in the ways of a librarian with mainly search and lend functions. However Havard University Library under JPRS search in at moment did not return any hits for keyword „Kozyrev“ in whatever spelling or alphabet. Otherwise the possible reader may experience limited access and other restrictions from compartmentarization of knowledge policies out of reasons of US-American understanding of socalled „National Security“ and „Full Scale Dominance“.

1970 Kozyrev, N.A.: A Red Spot Observed within the Lunar Crater Aristarchus on April 1, 1969: in: Soviet Astronomy, 14(08/1970), p.145 - Ursprung der Information, NASA Datenbank, Harvard University

1970 Награда за исследование Луны / ТАСС // Правда. - 1970. - N 284. - 11 октября.- С. 2. – Nagrada za issledovaniye Luny / TASS // Pravda. - 1970. - N 284. - 11 oktyabrya. - S. 2. – Award. Für Erforschung des Mondes / TASS / / Prawda - 1970

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-. N 284 -. 11. Oktober. - C 2 - Ursprung der russischen Information, chronos,, L.S. Shikhobalov

1970 Награда советскому ученому // Земля и Вселенная. - 1970. - N 6. - С. 43. – Nagrada sovetskomu uchenomu // Zemlya i Vselennaya. - 1970. - N 6. - S. 43. – Preis sowjetischer Wissenschaftler / / Erde und das Universum. - 1970 -. N 6 -. S. 43 - Ursprung der russischen Information, chronos,, L.S. Shikhobalov

1970 Публикация об открытиях, зарегистрированных в Государственном реестре открытий СССР // Открытия, изобретения, промышленные образцы, товарные знаки. - 1970. - N 10. - 9 марта. - С. 4 - 5. – Publikatsiya ob otkrytiyakh, zaregistrirovannykh v Gosudarstvennom reyestre otkrytiy SSSR // Otkrytiya, izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki. - 1970. - N 10. - 9 marta. - S. 4 – 5. – Veröffentlichung der Entdeckungen in das staatliche Register der Entdeckungen der UdSSR / / Entdeckungen, Erfindungen, Geschmacksmuster, eingetragene Marken. - 1970 -. N 10 -. 9. März. -. Pp 4-5.- Ursprung der russischen Information, chronos,, L.S. Shikhobalov

1970 Явление вулканической деятельности на Луне // Открытия в СССР. 1968 - 1969 гг. - М.: ЦНИИПИ, 1970. - С. 7 - 8. – Yavleniye vulkanicheskoy deyatel'nostina Lune // Otkrytiya v SSSR. 1968 - 1969 gg. - M.: TSNIIPI, 1970. - S. 7 – 8. – Phänomen der vulkanischen Aktivität auf dem Mond / / Entdeckungen in der UdSSR. 1968 - 1969 Jahren. - Moskau:.. Central Research Institute, 1970 - Pp 7-8 - Ursprung der russischen Information, chronos,, L.S. Shikhobalov

1970 Ostrander, S. and Schroeder, L., Psychic Discoveries Behind the Iron Curtain, Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1970 (look up chapter „time“ ...)- German ed.: PSI. Die wissenschaftliche Erforschung und praktische Nutzung übersinnlicher Kräfte des Geistes und der Seele im Ostblock, Bern, München, Wien: Scherz 1972; hier zitiert nach Lizenzausgabe für Gütersloh: Bertelsmann, Mohn s.a., S.164-172 - Ursprung der Information über englische Edition siehe , „Nikolay Kozyrev“ englische Wikipedia

1970 Kozyrev, N.A.: A Red Spot Observed within the Lunar Crater Aristarchus on April 1, 1969; in: Astronomicheskii Zhurnal, 47(02/1970), p.179 - Ursprung der Information, NASA Datenbank, Harvard University

1971 Kozyrev, N.A.: Relationships of Tectonic Processes of the Earth and Moon; in: Geological Problems in Lunar and Planetary Research, Proceedings of AAS/IAP Symposium held at Huntington Beach, CA, January 1968 and February 1969, andat Las Vegas, Nevada, April 1968. AAS Science and Technology Series, Supplement to Advances in the Astronautical Sciences.,1971, p.213 - Ursprung derInformation, NASA Datenbank, Harvard University

1971 Kozyrev, N.A.: On sviazi tektonicheskikh protsessov Zemli i Luny; in: Izvestiia Glavnoi astronomicheskoi observatorii v Pulkove ; no. 186, Leningrad : Izd. Glavnoi astronomicheskoi observatorii v Pulkove, 1971., p. [81]-87 : ill. ; 29 cm.-

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Он связи тектонических процессов Земли и Луны; ин: Известия Главной астрономической обсерватории в Пулкове - Ursprung der Information, NASA Datenbank, Harvard University

1972 Kozyrev, N.A.: On the Interaction between Tectonic Processes of the Earth and the Moon; in: The Moon, Proceedings from IAU Symposium no. 47 held at the University of Newcastle-Upon-Tyne England, 22-26 March, 1971. Edited by S. K. Runcorn and Harold Clayton Urey. International Astronomical Union. Symposium 47, Dordrecht: Reidel 1972, p.220 - Ursprung der Information, NASA Datenbank, Harvard University

1974 Kozyrev, N.A.: East-West Asymmetry of Saturn's Ring; in: Astrophysics and Space Science, Volume 27, Issue 1(March 1974), pp.111-116 (Ap&SS Homepage) – DOI 10.1007/BF00641591 - Ursprung der Information, NASA Datenbank, Harvard University

1974 Kozyrev, N.A.: The atmosphere of Mercury from observations during its transit across the solar disc on November 10, 1973.; in: Astronomicheskii Tsirkulyar, 808(1974), p. 5 - 6 (ATsir Homepage) - Ursprung der Information, NASA Datenbank, Harvard University

1977 Kozyrev, N.A.: The internal structure of Jupiter, in: Soviet Astronomy, Pulkovo, 21(Mar.-Apr. 1977), p. 207-210. Translation.- Ursprung der Information, NASA Datenbank, Harvard University

1977 Kozyrev, N.A.: Internal structure of Jupiter; in: Astronomicheskii Zhurnal, Pulkovo, 54(Mar.-Apr. 1977), p. 372-377 - Ursprung der Information, NASA Datenbank, Harvard University

1978 Kozyrev, N.A.: Description of the vibrational balance as timemeasurement instrument and analysis of its work.; in: Astrometr. i nebesn. mekh. Moskva-Leningrad, 1978, p. 582 – 584 - Ursprung der Information, NASA Datenbank, Harvard University

1980 Bagrov, V/Bordovitsyn, V.: "Classical Spin Theory," Sov. Phys. J., p. 128, Feb. 1980.

1980 Вознесенский А.А. Витражных дел мастер: Стихи. - М.: Советский писатель, 1980. - С. 40 - 41. - (Библиотека произведений, удостоенных Государственной премии СССР). – Voznesenskiy A.: A. Vitrazhnykh del master:Stikhi. - M.: Sovetskiy pisatel', 1980. - S. 40 - 41. - (Biblioteka proizvedeniy, udostoyennykh Gosudarstvennoy premii SSSR). – Voznesenskiy A.: A. Vitrazhnykh Gedichte. - Moskau:... Sowjetischen Schriftsteller, 1980 - Pp 40-41 - (Bibliothek der Werke, ausgezeichnet mit dem Staatspreis der UdSSR) - Ursprung der russischen Information, chronos,, L.S. Shikhobalov

1980 Kozyrev, N.A./Nasonov, V.V.: On some properties of time, discovered by astronomical observations, in Problemy issledovaniya vselennoi, 9(1980), (Russisch)

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1984 Spasskii, B./ A. Moskovskii,A.: "Non-Locality in Quantum Physics," Sov. Phys. Usp., 27,4(1984) , p 273,

1986 <Официальное сообщение о присвоении малой планете N 2536 имени Козырева> // Minor Planet Circulars / The International Astronomical Union. - 1986. - N 10546. - 26 March. – <Ofitsial'noye soobshcheniye o prisvoyenii maloy planete N 2536 imeni Kozyreva> // Minor Planet Circulars / The International Astronomical Union. - 1986. - N 10546. - 26 March.-- <Official Aussage über die Vergabe eines Kleinplaneten namens Kozyrev 2536 N> / / Minor Planet-Rundschreiben / Die Internationale Astronomische Union. - 1986 -. N 10546 -. 26. März - Ursprung der russischen Information, chronos,, L.S. Shikhobalov

1986 Осипов Н. Имена малым планетам // Ленинградская правда. - 1986. - N 102. - 30 апреля. - С. 1. – Osipov N. Imena malym planetam // Leningradskaya pravda.- 1986. - N 102. - 30 aprelya. - S. 1.-- N. Osipov Minor Planet Names / / Leningrader Prawda. - 1986 -. N 102 -. 30. April. - S. 1. - Ursprung der russischen Information, chronos,, L.S. Shikhobalov

1986 Викторов А. Планеты получают имена // Известия. - 1986. - N 144. - 24 мая. - С. 3. – Viktorov A. Planety poluchayut imena // Izvestiya. - 1986. - N 144. - 24 maya. - S. 3. – Viktorov Planeten benannt sind / / Proceedings. - 1986 -. N 144 -. 24. Mai. - C 3 - Ursprung der russischen Information, chronos,, L.S. Shikhobalov

1986 Колчинский И.Г., Корсунь А.А., Родригес М.Г. Астрономы: Биографический справочник. - Киев: Наукова думка, 1977. - С. 124 - 125, 343; 2-е изд. - 1986. - С. 157 - 158, 417. – Kolchinskiy I.G., Korsun' A.A., Rodriges M.G. Astronomy: Biograficheskiy spravochnik. - Kiyev: Naukova dumka, 1977. - S. 124 - 125, 343; 2-ye izd. - 1986. - S. 157 - 158, 417 - Kolchinsky IG, AA Korsun, Rodriguez MG Astronomen: Biographical Directory. - Kiew: Naukova Dumka, 1977 - Pp 124-125,343;.. 2. Auflage. - 1986 -. S. 157-158, 417 - Ursprung der russischen Information, chronos,, L.S. Shikhobalov

1988 Явление вулканической деятельности на Луне (N 76) // Конюшая Ю.П. Открытия советских ученых. Часть 1: Физико-технические науки. - 3-е изд. -М.: Изд-во Московского ун-та, 1988. - С. 82. – Yavleniye vulkanicheskoy deyatel'nosti na Lune (N 76) // Konyushaya YU.P. Otkrytiya sovetskikh uchenykh.Chast' 1: Fiziko-tekhnicheskiye nauki. - 3-ye izd. - M.: Izd-vo Moskovskogo un-ta,1988. - S. 82.-- Phänomen der vulkanischen Aktivität auf dem Mond (N 76) / / [Ställe YP Öffnungs, sic???] sowjetischen Wissenschaftler. Teil 1: Physikalische und Ingenieurwissenschaften. - 3. Auflage. - Moskau:. Verlag der Moskauer Universität, 1988 - 82 P - Ursprung der russischen Information, chronos,, L.S. Shikhobalov

1990 Lavrentiev, M.M., Yeganova, I.A., Lutset, M.K. & Fominykh, S.F. (1990). On

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distant influence of stars on resistor. Doklady Physical Sciences. 314 (2). 368-370. - Ursprung der Information, „Nikolay Kozyrev“ englische Wikipedia

1990 Lavrentiev, M.M., Gusev, V.A., Yeganova, I.A., Lutset, M.K. & Fominykh, S.F. (1990). On the registration of true Sun position. Doklady Physical Sciences. 315 (2), 368-370. - Ursprung der Information, „Nikolay Kozyrev“ englische Wikipedia

1990 Официальные данные о судьбе пулковских астрономов. <Справка КГБ СССР> // На рубежах познания Вселенной. - М.: Наука. Гл. ред. физ.-мат. лит., 1990. - С. 482 - 490. - (Историко-астрономические исследования; Вып. 22). – Ofitsial'nyye dannyye o sud'be pulkovskikh astronomov. <Spravka KGB SSSR> // Na rubezhakh poznaniya Vselennoy. - M.: Nauka. Gl. red. fiz.-mat. lit., 1990. - S. 482 - 490. - (Istoriko-astronomicheskiye issledovaniya; Vyp. 22). – Offizielle Daten über das Schicksal der Pulkovo Astronomen. <Hilfeanbieter> KGB> / / An den Grenzen des Wissens des Universums. - Moskau: Nauka. Kap. Ed. Sci. lit, 1990 -.. S. 482-490 -. (. Historische astronomischen Studien, Bd. 22) - Ursprung der russischen Information, chronos,, L.S. Shikhobalov

1991 Дадаев А.Н. Николай Александрович Козырев // Козырев Н.А. Избранные труды. - Л.: Изд-во Ленингр. ун-та, 1991. - С. 8 - 48. – Dadayev A.N. Nikolay Aleksandrovich Kozyrev // Kozyrev N.A. Izbrannyye trudy. - L.: Izd-vo Leningr. un-ta, 1991. - S. 8 – 48 – Dadaev AN Nikolai Kozyrev / / NA Kozyrev Ausgewählte Werke. - Leningrad: Verlagshaus von Leningrad. University Press, 1991 -. S. 8-48.- Ursprung der russischen Information, chronos,, L.S. Shikhobalov

1991 Kozyrev, N.A.: Selected Works, Leningrad: Leningrad State University / Leningradskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet.1991, 488 p.

1991 Kозырев Н.А. Избранные труды. - Л.: Изд-во Ленингр. ун-та, 1991. - 447 с. – Kozyrev N.A. Izbrannyye trudy. - L.: Izd-vo Leningr. un-ta, 1991. - 447 s. – Kozyrev NA Ausgewählte Werke. - Leningrad: Verlagshaus von Leningrad. University Press, 1991 -. 447 p. - Ursprung der russischen Information, chronos,, L.S. Shikhobalov

1991 Козырев Н.А. Человек и Природа // Козырев Н.А. Избранные труды. - Л.: Изд-во Ленинградского университета, 1991. - С. 401 - 409. – Kozyrev N.A. Chelovek i Priroda // Kozyrev N.A. Izbrannyye trudy. - L.: Izd-vo Leningradskogo universiteta, 1991. - S. 401 – 409 – Kozyrev NA Mensch und Natur / / NA Kozyrev Ausgewählte Werke. - Leningrad: Universität Leningrad 1991 - S. 401-409

1991 Lavrentiev, M.M., Yeganova, I.A., Lutset, M.K. & Fominykh, S.F. (1991) On the registration of substance respond to external irreversible process. Doklady Physical Sciences. 317 (3), 635-639. - Ursprung der Information, „Nikolay Kozyrev“ englische Wikipedia

1992 Lavrentiev, M.M., Yeganova, I.A., Medvedev, V.G., Oleynik, V.K. & Fominykh,

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S.F. (1992). On the scanning of star sky by Kozyrev’s detecting unit. Doklady Physical Sciences. 323 (4), 649-652. - Ursprung der Information, „Nikolay Kozyrev“ englische Wikipedia

1992 A.E.Akimov, G.U.Kovalchuk, V.G.Medvedev, V.K.Oleinik, A.F.Pugach, The preliminary results of astronomical observations of the sky with N.A.Kozyrev's method, Chief astronomical observatory of Ukraine Acad.of Sciences, Kiev, 1992 -Ursprung der Information, „Nikolay Kozyrev“ englische Wikipedia

1992 Bagrov, V. et al.:"Possible Manifestations of the Torsion Field," Sov. Phys. J., p. 208, March 1992

1992 Akimov, A./Tarasenko, V.:"Models of Polarized States of the Physical Vacuum andTorsion Fields," Sov. Phys. J., p. 214, March 1992

1994 Дадаев А.Н. Обладает ли Время физическими свойствами? // Эврика <газета, г. Москва>. - 1994. - N 3. - С. 1, 6 - 7. – Dadayev A.N. Obladayet li Vremya fizicheskimi svoystvami? // Evrika <gazeta, g. Moskva>. - 1994. - N 3. - S. 1, 6 – 7.-- Dadaev AN : Hat Zeit physikalischen Eigenschaften? / / Eureka <newspaper, Moscow>. - 1994 -. N 3 -. S. 1, 6-7.- Ursprung der russischen Information, chronos,, L.S. Shikhobalov

1995 Levich, A.P. (1995). Generating Flows and a Substantional Model of Space-Time. Gravitation and Cosmology. 1 (3), 237-242. - Ursprung der Information, „Nikolay Kozyrev“ englische Wikipedia

1996 Akimov, A.E., Shipov, G. I., Torsion fields and their experimental manifestations, 1996 (html available) - Ursprung der Information, „Nikolay Kozyrev“ englische Wikipedia

1996 Levich, A.P., A Substantial Interpretation of N.A. Kozyrev’s Conception of Time. Singapore, New Jersey, London, Hong Kong: World Scientific, 1996, p. 1-42. - Ursprung der Information, „Nikolay Kozyrev“ englische Wikipedia –xxx-- Levich,A.P.: Substantial Interpretation of N.A. Kozyrev`s Conception of Time; in: – Ursprung der Information: Farrell, Philosopher`s Stone

1997 Akimov, A./G. Shipov, G.:"Torsion Fields and Their Experimental Manifestations," Proc. Internat. Conf. on New Ideas in Natural Sciences, St. Petersburg, June 1996, p. 221, see also: J. New Energy, 2,2(1997), pp 67-84

2005 Kozyrev, N.A.: Sources of Stellar Energy and the Theory of the Internal Constitution of Stars, In: Progress in Physics, 3(2005), 61-99.

2005 Kozyrev, N.A.: Sources of Stellar Energy and the Theory of the Internal Constitution of Stars, In: Progress in Physics, 2005, v.3, 61-99. - english wikipedia

2006 Hellmann, A., Aspekte der Zeit- und Äthertheorie, 2006, ([1]) - Ursprung der Information, „Nikolay Kozyrev“ englische Wikipedia

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2011 Wilcock, David. (2011). The Source Field Investigations, - Ursprung der Information, „Nikolay Kozyrev“ englische Wikipedia – Ich würde nach meinem Leseeindruck dazu neigen, den Autoren Wilcock grundsätzlich nur SEHR, SEHR SKEPTISCH zu lesen und zu verwenden.

(s.a.) Kozyrev, N.A.: Astronomical Observations Using the Physical Properties of Time; in Vzpykhivayaushchiye Zvezdy, Yerevan (former Russia), pp. 209-227 (wenn hier eine korrekte Transliteration verwendet wurde, fresse ich einen Besen aus Schokolade!) - Herkunft der Information: Farrell, Philosopher`s Stone

(s.a.) Kozyrev, N.A.: Causal Mechanics and the Possibility of Experimental Studies of the Properties of Time; in: History and Methodology of Natural Sciences, 2nd issue, Physics, Moscow pp 91-113 - Herkunft der Information: Farrell, Philosopher`s Stone

(s.a.) Л.С. Шихобалов. Идеи Н. А. Козырева сегодня (PDF-файл, 499 Кб) – L.S. Shikhobalov. Idei N. A. Kozyreva segodnya (PDF-fayl, 499 Kb) – LS. Shikhobalov.Kozyrev Ideen heute (PDF-Datei, 499 KB) - Ursprung der russischen Information,chronos,, L.S. Shikhobalov

(s.a.) В.Е. Жвирблис. Диалог с Козыревым – V.Ye. Zhvirblis. Dialog s Kozyrevym – VE Zhvirblis. Dialog mit Kozyrev

(s.a.) П.А. Зныкин. Предвидение Козырева (PDF-файл, 408 Кб) – P.A. Znykin. Predvideniye Kozyreva (PDF-fayl, 408 Kb) - L.S.Shikhobalov – PA Znykin. Foresight Kozyrev (PDF-Datei, 408 KB)

(s.a) Kozyrev, N.A.: On the Nightglow of Venus, in: Izvestiya Krymskoi Astrofizicheskoi Observatorii, Vol 12 – English wikipedia

(s.a.) - сайт, посвященный Николаю Александровичу Козыреву – eine Website, Nikolai Alexandrowitsch Kozyrev gewidmet - Ursprung der russischen Information, chronos,, L.S. Shikhobalov

(s.a.) Фильм телеканала Культура о Пулковской обсерватории "Ускорение", [размещено на сайте 14.12.2010]. – Fil'm telekanala Kul'tura o Pulkovskoy observatorii "Uskoreniye", [razmeshcheno na sayte 14.12.2010]. – Film-TV-KanalKultur des Pulkovo-Observatoriums "Beschleunigung" [veröffentlicht am 14.12.2010]. - Ursprung der russischen Information, chronos,, L.S. Shikhobalov

(s.a.) Фильм П.А. Зныкина "Звезда Козырева. Возвращение", [размещено на сайте19.01.2011]. - Fil'm P.A. Znykina "Zvezda Kozyreva. Vozvrashcheniye", [razmeshcheno na sayte 19.01.2011]. – Film PA Znykina "Star Kozyrev. Return" [am 19.01.2011 veröffentlicht].- Ursprung der russischen Information, chronos,, L.S. Shikhobalov

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(s.a.) Стих памяти Николая Александровича Козырева. Коновалова И. Время. Пространство. Астроном. – Stikh pamyati Nikolaya Aleksandrovicha Kozyreva. Konovalova I. Vremya. Prostranstvo. Astronom – Vers-Speicher von Nikolai Alexandrowitsch Kozyrev. I. Konovalov Zeit. Raum. Astronom - Ursprungder russischen Information, chronos,, L.S. Shikhobalov (Totengedenken, Nachruf?)

(s.a.) Mishin, Alexander M., The Ether Model as Result of the New Empirical Conception,International Academy of MegaSciences, St. Petersburg, Russia (html available) - Ursprung der Information, „Nikolay Kozyrev“ englische Wikipedia

(s.a.) Kozyrev, N.A.: Molecular Absorption in the Violet Part of the Spectrum of Venus; in: Krymskoi Astrofizicheskoi Observatorii, Vol 12

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© Bruno Antonio Buike 2014, 2017Neuss: Bruno Buike 2017