american officials declared guilty


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New York Stiver Kc I'NIOl'E "Tfce Crimson Sshre."(.HF.l UN Hmrd By Wireless."

New York Lead Offered at ts.n UIGWtM 'The Pllfull "New York Electrolytic Copper BIJOl The Primrose Patk."



AMERICANS FEAR High Hamburg -- American Officials Declared GuiltyRAIDS ALONG




















in the war areas and In Palestine,according to a report, made pub-licURGED FOR committee

here todayfor the



Jews MAY BOW TO Resolutions Creating Central Board to Organize Farmers ofEight Thousand Hungry, Ragged suffering through the war. United States Into Societies Passed By

Soldiers Below Agua Prieta Conference On Marketing and Farm Credits.MakePossibilities;



tacks Anticipated. Primary Move Will Be Formation of Central Society; ENGLAND SEIZES

CARRANCISTA TROOPS Democrats Fail to Agree On Lim IN REFUGEE CAMP Point to Italian Announcement ofLeaders in Movement Hail Dr. Karl Buena, George Kotter,

itation of Debate; Opinion! Ex Adhesion to Peace Pact and Adolph Hactunetster and Jo-


pressed Indicate Protracted Determination to Aid Servia as From Lone Star State; Pur-

posesPoppinghaus Convicted of

Fight Before Organization ; Possible Means of Influencing bf Society Outlined VESSEL HELD Conspiracy to Deceive and De-

fraudArrival of Reinforcements for Owen Rule Altered. COPPER COMPANY MANAGERS Constan tine's Reply. United States.EMPHATICALLY Briefly. .Base DENYObregon Probably Saves CHARGES.CityNorthern

r romLeader'sRodriguez


Army; MANN REPUBLICAN SERBS' POSITION IN By Associated Press. FOR PRIZE DEFENDANTS REMAINLEADER IN SENATE Colony at Dnnoan Maintained MONASTIR HOPELESS Chicago, Dec. 2. Resolutions AT LIBERTY ON BAILUnknown. Care of Needy Persons De-

privedcreating a central committee to

of Livelihood. organize the farmers of America In

Special to the Morning Times. Minority Acts Unanimously; Bulgars Press City Close and Re-

treat.socltles covering every COURT Passing Sentence Deferred Pend-

ingEsqueda, Sonora, Dec. 2. (Via Other Officers Named and That the Duncan (Ariz.) refugee Is Inevitable; Reports gardenfarm' product

truck tofromgrain and


and Submission of Motion toDouglas.) The military situation In Nominations Are Received for camp was established by the officials Have Russians Crossing Ruma-

nianand operating in each of the forty-eig- Set Aside Judgment; Appealnorthern Sonora Is fraught w House Positions Republicans of the Arlsona Copper company, the Frontier On Bul-

garia;states, were unanimously adopt-

ed; Detroit Marching Will Be Taken If Court Sus-

tainsgrave possibilities. General Villa's Copper company and the at the closing session of8,000 troops are scattered all over for Economic Legislation. Shannon Copper company, solely for Rumors Unconfirmed. the

todayNational Conference on Market-


Steamship Hocking, Captured By Jury's Verdict. .this section of the country to within tne purpose of relieving embarrass-

ment and Farm credits. British Warship and Taken totwenty-fiv- e miles of the border, and and distress among their em-

ployes The adoption of these resolutions Halifax, Is Requisitioned With-outAmerican officials fear that the By Associated Press. who are deprived of their ordi By Associated Press. of dele-

gatesBy Associated Press.

northern leader will cross Into United Washington, Dec. 2. Demócrata of nary means of livelihood by tho strike London, Dec. 2. Italy, through by afromconference composed


Usual Formalities of Marine New York, Dec. 2. Three high of-

ficialsStates territory to raid American the senate failed In conference today In the Cllfton-Moren- mining district. her foreign minister. Baron Sonnlno, Chairmanforty-flv- e states,

FrankwhsU Legislation. and a subordinate officer ofby

ranches in relattatlon for Washing-ton's

to reach an agreement on a pro-posal

is the statement of tho general man has announced her adhotdon to the the of the Hamburg-America- n line wereof Universitysupport of the Carranza faction to limit debate. They will o agers of the companies named. Pub treaty of London, whereby the allied Northpresident

Dakota, to be the largest found guilty tonight In the federalVllllstas have torn up every inch discussion of the issue tomor-

row, lished charges that the camp had powers undertake not to conclude a movement ever launch-ed

UNITED STATES WILL district court, of having violated theof railway between this place and but several senators Intimated been used for the purpose of harbor-

ingseparate peace, and" at the same time, In the history of the world. laws of the United States, in sanding

Nacnzarl, completely destroying three that no cloture agrément could be strikebreakers or persons other has declared her Intention of send-ing

PROTEST VIGOROUSLY coal and other supplies to GermanThe plan provides first for thesteel bridge valued at 1200,000 reached in conference, and that rules than employes and former employes help to the Servian army in the cruisers In the South Atlantic In theforming of an agricultural organiza-tion

fight would developed on the floor of of the Balkans. first few months of thoEvery atom of grain and other provi-sions

companies are likewise financial Europeanin this section has been con-

fiscatedthe senate when congress opens next emphatically denied. In this connec This news, the most Important ror sev



a permanenthave eharge of tho

Unofficially Reported Other Ves-sels

wnr. The Jury returned u verdict orby Villa's starving army. Monday, tion the following correspondence be-



win goin

rar to clearwhere


situs general organization and educational Have Also Been Seized guilty on each of two Indictments.Fear for Americans. Such a contingency. It was ad-

mitted,the mine general managers and tlons are still proceeding

Greece,between ktng work. Where Owners Were Ameri-

canThe speclflo charge against the de-

fendantsFear Is relt for the sarety of twenty or might delay organization of Adjutant General Charles W. Harris COnatantlne, his cabinet, and the ministers Tcxaus Take Prominent Part. was conspiracy to deceivemore Americans bottled up in the Narozsrl the senate and prevent the holding of of Arizona is of interest: or tho quadruple entente. These negotla Among those who stand sponsor for the Trans-Atlant-

ic Company; and defraud the United States. Themining district, since General Villa recently a joint session of house and senate El Paso, Tex., Nov. 88, 1015. nuns liave been nrotracted owing ti movement are Olfford Plnchot of Philadel-

phia, Ambassador Page Investigates. maximum penalty for each Indictmentgave warning that he was going to shoot Tuesday to hear the president's mes-

sage.Hon. Chas.. 0. Harria, Adjutant General Greece's unwillingness to allow the allies Sir Horace Plunkett. Ireland, Clar-

enceis two years Imprisonment and II".-00-

every "gringo" that fell into his hands, be-cause of Arizona, Phoenix, Arizona- -

nee use or the railways and the right to (uislev. Ihe Agricultural College ol fine. Sentence was not imposedthe American government has rec-ognized

police Oreek waters against submarines. Texaa: Agricultural commissioner Fred W. tonight, and because of the late hourCarranza and aided him by per-mitting

Administration leaders, however. Thev are not vet rumn eted. but the. latest DaVIS Of exas, and l.ou l. sweet, uenvor, By Associated Press. ,Obregon's army to pasa through expressed confidence that some advices Indicate that they are likely to Colo., and state market directors or twelve Washington, Deo. an-

nouncementwhen tho verdict was reached, JudKo ,

whichslant regarding. an announcement itAmerican territory at will. agreement on rules would be worked a stated you made at Phoenix wttti rer nd in complete satisfaction to the entente other states. that the American Howe deferred until tomorrow mlrn-ing- ,Fifteen hundred Carranclstas arrived here out by Monday. orence to the Duncan camp. This sn power a ana me assurance mat imiy, as steamship Hocking had been a hearing on a formal motion to

tonight from Douglas. These troops were nouncement reads as follows: well aa Great Britain. France and Russia, requisi-tioned set aside tha verdict and arrest judg-

ment,hurried tnrowrh Arizona from Nogales. A-lthough

Thursday's Rule Altered. is to give military support tc the Herbs in adopted as follows: by the British government which the defense la sure tovtlllsta camp fires may be sees TBb' conference today had before It a Phoenix. Ariz.. Nov. S Adlutant Of their errorta to regain their lost territory, "To' examine into the methods or produc-

tion without the formality of priseCharles w. Harris says that au emissary and distribution of rarm with court offer. A (fate, for paaalng sentenceproductsfrom here, no effort haB been made to pur-sue

proposed amendment to the rules sub-mitted

making the case lor creek assistancethe enemy. Colonel Trujlllo, the by Senator Owen's special commit-

tee.he gent secretly to Investigate the Duncan stronger. a view or evolving a system of greater proceedings was received by the' state will then W designated.

commander here, said that lie As agreed upon by the commltee yes-

terdayrarugee camp la convinced that it la s con

Herbs Hold Monastlr.economy and erriclency in handling and department late today Is a dispatch Only One Ballot Taken. .

would not leave this place until General the rule would have made It pos-

siblecentration camp ror siruxeDreaaera. marketing the rrom Conaul (ionera'1 Young at Hall-fa-

In reaching Its derision the Jury Is re-portednhregon. who Is at Douglas, sent rein-

forcements.ror the majority to liilsst upon a vote When the agent applied ror admit Otherwise the situation In the nalkans "To encourage and promote the to have ink. 'ii only one ballot, and

remains unchanged. The Serbs still bold of farmers and of those where the ship has been detained this severalon a bill within two days. Berore It was tance he was asked lr ne bad been em- - organization after hours or discussion orpresented to the conference today it was loyed in the atrlke zone. He said that no Monastlr, but their poaltion Is almost engaged in allied 'industries ror mutual since she was seized by n British war the evidence In minute detail. The Jury

It Is generally believed here that villa la revised to provide that no senator would ad not and waa advised to think the as tlie Búlgara have cut communi-cations

help in the distribution, storing and mnrkei ship, while was given Ihe case at 2:K o'clock this aft-ernoon.marching his army bark to Chihuahua by and the Creek on the way from Newbetween that city Its toreman, George V. Palmer,speak more than one hour on a measure matter over, ir he could remember orway or the border line, so as to obtain

after the senate should decide that having workod there, be was told, he could rrontler, and the Servian troops still there, o York to Norfolk. announced Ihe verdlrt at 10.10 o'clock torood rrora Vie American side. tactics were being employed. register. must, like the army or the north, retreat furnish Instructors and lecturers This procedure will bo night, seven and hours later.

Into Albania when the pressure becomes upon the subject or among vigorously An appeal, It seemed certain tonight, willCARRANZA sni.iui.lis ARRIVE Senators Owens, Williams and Walsh 'The Investigator reports that Italians too strong. farmers, auditing and accounting experts, contested by the fulled States gov be in in le to the court or appeals and. InIN AGl'A PRIETA. SONORA. spoke at length in support or the rule. from Kansas City, and Mexicans rrom

There is a report tbat the Russians have and legal advice on matters relating to or-ganization.

ernment as being Illegal and In viola rase Ihe verdlrt Is upheld, lo the supremonotthemaintained that senate was who saw CliftonTimes. They southern Arizona, neverSneriHl to the Morning court or the United Slates.Dourtias, Ariz., Dec. 2. The arrival of a continuing body and that It would be or Morencl, are being accommodated at the crossed the Rumanian border


are"To issue reports, pamphlets and instruc-

tionstion of recognized right under inter-national In the meantime ihe ilercmlanls will

Lena Carranza trnmis In this city from No- - necessary to adopt new rules next Monday, camp. marching throughlaakathat country

continuation, and which will help In spreading knowl-edge

law. Officials of the de-partment,

probably remain at liberty under 5,000 ballgales, Sonora, today has relieved the Agua ir tho majority raf.a to agree upon what " striae to ne Tins, however,

occur of the hest means of rural betterment 'who had been more less 'aril, as n is tne present iiiienuon oi tnerules should be and the chair should " that the guch a movement is hardly likely to or

ITieia Sll.iauon ironi uioihiuib nuu dj these There la little possibility and Organization rovernment not to ask that the bond bevilla rorces and lessened possibilities of in, i,i that the senate is not a continuing strike will end this winter, acrordtng to unless Rumania gave her permission,

the to encourage and co operate wtin gov- - skeptical rogurdlng unofficial reports nrreased.border trouble in this immediate vicinity, body, there might bo serious dirriculty In AdJI. Cen. Harris, who returned rrom Clif-

tonwhich would bo tantamount to joining ernmnt departments, educational Institu oí tne intenciona of (Jrem Britain ex The tour defendants affected by the ver

so far as American orflclals are concerned. organizing the, señale on ine opening oay this week and expects to go once more allies. tions, societies, educational renters, etc., pressed frank amazement when they dict are Dr. Karl Buenz, managing directorGeneral Alvar Obregon, in charge .pf all to the strike lone in a few days. Another report credits the Russians with In all efforts to solve the questions of ru-

ralor the line tit New York

Carranclsu forces. Is personaUv directing csides tne rloture right, tne conrerence " ' 'The trade organizations of Arizona diverting their Besgarabian army toward lire, rural betterment and agricultural learned that the i locking actually ha1 city, runner German consul general here,the movements of his army, which left for tomorrow will decide on a candidate ror and El Paso are supplying the strikers Galicia, where a big orrenslve la to be finance, and tho marketing and distribu-

tionbeen requisitioned. The United States, rormer German minister to Meztcn and

the south today to clear the National rail-ways

persldent pro tempore. Senator Pomerene with a rund or tso.oon a month.' stated undertaken. This, likewise, la . or produce, and the special application Is was said, will demand that the ship German commissioner In tho Venezuelanbetween Agua Prieta and Nacozart of t in,, a la candidate against Senator Harris. 'This will support the miners, and or the facts and methods ill semen! to Ihe arbitration proceedings berore The Hague

Vllllstas. James P. Clarke or Amansas who seeks their ramlllea In comfort ir not luxury and Bombardment Order Elsewhere. condition existing among the farmers of rotalned In prize court, on thA tribunal; George Koltcr, general superin-tendentVilla's Whereabouts I'nknown. The alignment tonight was they are nevar going to give In to the and America and to the solution of the problem charge that she Is partly German u the line; Adolph Hachmelster,

Obregon admitted to newspaper men um in h close, and champions or each companies. They havo given up all Idea On the other lornts, Italian, Frenchthe uf the increasing cost or living. owned, and that the prize court will gansrsl purchasing agent, and Joseph Pop-

pinghaus,that he did not know where Villa side were appealing to four absentees to ir they ever had such an Idea or starting Russian, artillery bombardments, are Study of Land Conditions. act promptly in the case. a rormer orricer In the Germanwas, but had received Information intimat-ing

h..i.n in wnshinrtnn. The absent sena riots or disorders, and have settled down order or the day. The British, French anil "To Investigate the land conditions and Oilier navy and at present a secund orricer In thothat the northern leader Is making ror tors are Lewis or Illinois, Martin or New to an all winter siege. Belgian guns have been particularly active, land tenure with a view to working out Véasela Requisitioned. line.

the border. American soldiers and Jersey, Lea or Tennessee and Culberson or ' 'Crllleles Companies. as have the airmen in Flanders, and the better, more equlable and fairer system or Conrirmatloii or unorrictal reports re-garding

A nrth defendant, Felix Zcrmer, super-cargotroops, lie says, will he stationed Texas. "'Tor a number of vears the copper German positions have been given a rather dealing with this problem, so vital to the the action in the Hocking case led on one or the neutral steamers sent

all along tic International boundary line . iiA..M aflMAvltv l.rarirr companies at clirton, Morencl and Metcair v imtieriinr. British monitors took social and the economic or the ofrieluls here to believe thai Great Britain to supply the German fleet, was not broughtlor several miles eastward to prevent Villa Republican members or the house ef-

fectedllave ticen putting over nomo raw ucain on part In these operations, suggesting that country. intends to Hike over Tur its own use other to trial. He was captured by the Brltlsli

rrom making threatened raids Into United their minority organization ror the the miners The miners were compelled this tnav be the point where the next or "To call from time to time such confer vessels or the fleet owned by the Ameri-can

while on hla errand or relief and Is at thoStates territory. This plan was agreed upon i.;.r.,nii Mimas tonight iwth Repre to do practically all their trading at the renslve will be undertaken. enes or conventions aa will help to carry runs Ail iniii company, ir It has not present time a prisoner In a Canadian de-

tentionat a conference held this afternoon with sentative Mann or Illinois as candidate ror rnmnanv atores, and to Dav the corpora There is still a good deal or talk out tne atinve mciiunneii onjects." done so alrtaily The company baa camp.General I rederlrk Kunston. command" speaker and thus again minority leaoer tions a huge prorit. In some cases rrom 100 neutral nress atioiit neaee. based on re The resolutions also provide for the per ihe state department that Its ship Take Verdlrt calmly.the American troops along the Mexican Ihe 140 representatives present ancu m to 200 per cent, on all purchases, i am ports rrom Cermany. or the activity or thn mini' ut organization of the national eon Genesee iii the West Indies has been re-

quisitionedThe tour derendanls took the verdict

rrontler. anlmously except In tne instances wnen glad to see Mr. Myers and Mr. navies, the Lrw.iiiiutu nii from Austria, over dlssatls ferine on marketing and farm crenus and and the Kankakee, now at gea, calmly.Several representative American mining Representative Cooper or Wisconsin pro fetieral investigators now ai uhwu,

Inrfaction' there caused by alleged German the making or this conrerence an annual ho urn ror Port Mtaliley, Kalkan Islands, In After the Jury had riled out; Dr. Buena

companies tody begged Obregon to rush tested unsuccessfully against the adoption Into this reature or the situation.' attempts to get control or tne internal au event ror tne purpose or discussion of the Charge or prize crow rrom the British turned to kotter, sitting at his lert, and.troops to Naco:arl ror the protection of that or a resolution authorizing Mr. Mann o " 'We shall be obliged by your inform-

ingministration aa has been the cage In mill ms surround tne nrodiirt on. cruiser Macedonian, will be requisitioned rising, shook hands. "Aur Wledersehnl"

distri-t- . Since General Jose Hodrlguez. the select aU Republican members of commlt- -us whether or not you nude this stats- - tary affaire-I- distribution nun financing or tne American upon her arrival at port. Represan UtlOIU he said, and kotter echoed the words.

Villa commander, cut the railway south of mem. . la conaldered significant that all the farm and American iiirra products regarding the Hocking will include ihe Hacluiiulgter sat allent. Popplnghaua, tall,here, news as to the rate or Americans "Slf. principle of ... are men with Ger-

manut the Tour, rose to hisno cooper attacked the A reply as goon aa possioie win do m new Austrian ministers cases or the Genesee and the Kankakee. athletic, youngest

and other foreigners working in mining vesting in any one person, the power or preclated. Youra very truly. leanings, which is thought, to mean Attorneys fur ureal Britain In the full height aud smiled.sou'h or has been received, and re-

ferredhas been successful. case said In broken Eng-

lish.tare." hecamps Esqueda naming Hepuhllran committeemen, that the German parly boat their millions ror ordcra or reuuisi- -

"1 do notand fear is relt that Villa has raptured to the rules right in the house gome "By Norman Carmlrhael, tlon "This I not Hie last word."DU PONT COMPANY upon a British order in council issued,Narozari and threatened the lives or years ago. Representative Cannon or Illi-

nois,"General Manager. UFrtUGIKTS TABBY TO VIBIT. Defendanta' counsel was silent as to tha

American- - obregon stated he believed his who as speaker was shorn of orne DETROIT COPPER MININO COM- - verdict. Roger B. Wood, the assistanttroops will be In Nacozart before Sunday that fight, waa persuaded not THE United Stales district attorney, vUto con-

ductedby rsni or ani.w--powers Oil IsRoute Is Congress stopmorning. who sought to Women En the government's cose, sold:reply by colleagues "By M. H. McLean

Villa Phydcloo Refused Amnesty. todlacusalon. "General Manager. Philadelphia to Eallat Support. Ambassador Page Investígales. "This verdict means only one thing that

F. V. formerly General avoidRepresentative

aMann In a spJ. "J1 "SHANNON COPPER COMPANY, By Associated Press. ISSUES DENIALS The state department Is now awaiting a the laws or lha United States must be ob-

servedVilla's private physician: was today re- -ing his nomination, spoke "By J. N. Bennie, Philadelphia, Pa., Dec. i. The three suf-

fragereport from Ambassador Page at London by citizens or all the belligerent


who, alter the department had received powers; that If our laws ore violated byf.) "General Manager." leader who have brought by ,(Continued on Page Two.) (Continued on ?age Americanfrom california a petiuon to be fin nil intimation or the ml, Mum of the any one of them and the govcrn-msn- iWilson and con-

gressBritish government, was introduced to in rinds it out Ibey will be prosecuted."OF presidentNF.S REPORT toPRONOI presented11 1 II IS hla threetal Buenz and as-

sistantsnext week, urging the passage or a iiilre mi" the matter and lo enter a vigor- The U or Dr.INTERVIEW IVt.l.lKAin . or Investi-

gationOeneral federal amendment to enfranchise wom-

en,OFFICIALS IV STATEMENT DECLARE us protest ir lie round that requisition waa the culmination an

the foregoing, aajutaiu of thelast winter by agentall.rrla marie the follow St rCPlVl were welcomed here today by Mayor THAT Mi Ol'TSIDE AGENCY WAS as contemplated. Although no lnfoiina began

the charteringand Better Than Ever Stateor Arizona Military Department, Phoe lllatikenburg, who later attached his sig-

natureRESPONSIBLE FOR EXPLOSION. Hon has been received rrom Ambassador


casing ofof



vessels rromBigger nix, November . ivt. to the petition. rage tonigiit, ii was piesiiuu'd by depart Amcrlcau ports In Auguat, September and"Hi. i, lis that he hadTo Mr. Norman Carmlchael. Mr. M. H. Mc Earlier In the day Mra. Sarah Bard Field, conlieceniher, IUU. These vessels, sixteen Infirmation in I. oiulon The deoartment deLean. Mr. J. W. ennie, r.i i Miss Mary kingberg and Mlas Ingebord By Associated Press. number sailed for South American andsires lo know what action Mr.Gentlemen I am In receipt or your letter tendered a reception by sev-

eralJust Pare and, In two rasea, Cadiz,wereKinds!, Wilmington. Del., Dec. a. A lengthy Arrlcan ports

tho oats itwt and would sav mat ine has taken berore determining what formsuffragists.public New-portTHE SUNDAY MORNING TIMES hundred prominent Spain, from .sew York. Philadelphia.

lipping sent me ny yourteives is " Addresses were dellevered by Mrs. Field, tatemen t was Issued by the Du Pont pow-

derrunner representations so make. New rcusarola and New Orleans.

most of the news Mra. Rudolph Blankeaburg, wire or the compam tonight through formar Con-

gressmanConsul General Young dispatch said Miowrd I p Elwewtiere.

tbat has been published regarding the atrlke mayor, and othera. Charles B. Landy, one of its of-- that when ihe order showing requisition In some clises the vessels showed up StNext Sunday, as usual, tbo Morning Tunes will be replete witb in-

teresting situation, none oí me nunriui. ...... that Philadelphia did not was granted by inn prize court points oilier than their destination; in other"We are sorry that the exploalon Tues-

dayfeature that go to make up a newspaper of truly metropolitan In quotation marks were made by medo better at the last election," said Mrs. trials, denying cases were captured by allied warships

proportion. The Sunday Issue will Include features of Interest to every You will remember that you gentlemenBlankenburg. "but unfortunately the voters was the result or "outalda planning or stipulated Dial the crown should many milvs out of their course, and in une

member of the ramify. In addition to the news furnished by the told me that no men would be admitted atare not independent citizens. They take tnterferance." give an undertaking ror the appraised cose the American steamer Berwlnd ac-

tuallyvalue of in. snip. The crown, undr lids to two GermanAssociated Press, the world's greatest news gathering assocbMion, the the Duncan camp excepting , , order, rrom dictators. To succeed al tne The statement also saya that no fire or arrangement agrees to pay the amount ofuanalerred

of compsure convenedSunday Morning Times will contain all the matters of Interest to West ployea your U,.. itariaS' " anri has next election we must convince or oitct, explosion has occurred In any or the com-panies'

the .appraisement Into the court should In case a German su-

men,.-una isct. mi "" Even tbat Is not hopeless every

Texas, Near Mexico, Arlsona aud Northern Mexico, gathered by a corps Mum onkratcd by Mr. Casey and Biddy the dletaiors ractorles in any part or the coun-try rinal adjudication be cast against the Brlt in command, sailed and directed or

of trained writers and corresponden im In every important town In Kt Doyle, who I have never been able to nna ir we go about it in a sane iy. since the Eun.peaii war began,The

that lah rovemiueiit. TI report contain- - n sought to direct the ssel's movementsThe tietltion bearers plan to leave to affords ground fot suspicion publi-

cationdetails regarding th.t appraisement mPaso's vast trade territory. The local field, the city of El Paso and or what are termed sensational andwere ror Washington. received Counselormorrow by Polk or theenvirons, will, as usual, be fully covered, and all the news that's fit to lorenrl. Frequently reporte utterly groundless reports, was the rea-


patches... ,. agentsliv iroviiruineiil,hi. nrri that men mat nan nn ststi' d.'parimeiii rrnm attorneys ror the man. .ii nhisineriprint will be presented accurately and in detail. been employed by you were being shlpix .1 ALL ARIZONA PRISONERS INSANE! assigned for tin issuance or the state-

ment. American Trans Atlantic company, how-ever,

nlored before ihe redera! grand Jury hareThe magazine section, with its many features of Interest, will, with Duncan camp. " stated that In macase or tin- Gene-

see,and two indictments were returned. They

the coming; of the glad Cbrtetmaut season, be even more attractive thao intoAngeles,the

crossing ui Possible New AnoUlr r Condemned Man May The many rumora areIncludetaken up


alleged the undertaking had been riled at charged conspiracy to deceive and defraudusual, the' corps of secial writers and artista nutrí but ing to this depart-ment

ber 17, and some .e previous a.carwau Be Saved Through Same Plea postingand denied.

or a placardThey

at Carney's Point, taSJJiW. f 2s t inted states governmenttoe exact

by theto stab- - cargoesmiaul' raUuramaking special effort to present their work In a spirit la harmony having seen sent immordsburg' ror Kansas

" Spechtl to The Morning Times. N. I., wherein "certain employes" wers Prepare Lrusl Argument.and the true destination or the vessels

with the holiday season. or your sgsnls left 'Phoenix. Ariz.. Dec. . That the execu warned or an impending etptosion and orriclali of the atole department already nauled In ublalnlng clearances.

Experienced advertisers, keen Judges of results from publicity, ase City again on Novemberabsolutely certain berore I tion or Ramon Vlllalobo, set tor December algo the reported arreat of a man at the are arranging tha legal arguments which une, in court, ilie defendant freely ad-

mittedthe Morning Tames, knowing as they do that the Times reaches the Wlsbtobe gardlngtte trrrtatlon to. mar be held up on the ground of ame place with alxly-ftv- e reet of ruse may be used in the case. They bave found that they chartered twelve ahlpaat the psychological moment when every member of the family Is made a statement r.

member of the Na-


sanity, as wo that or William Faltin last wound around him. thai during the civil war neutral ships and outfitted them at a total expense ofhome of men. I had sent week, became known today In coiinn-iio- Denial is likewise made or a report that were seized and requisitioned by the i mi Hum It .400.000 and sent them out toalert and eager to learn the news of the city and of the world, in abort, Guard to apply ror Emission at your

with Warden aiming' contempt proeeed-ing- s "Great Britain hsd warned the company ed Htates beforn prize court adjudication. surcoin i, ne

German This, theytheIfat the time when the mind la most receptive and Impressions are more camp at Duncan ami to findtrue.

outI found berore ihe stale supreme court. Tbs of tne preaenc of Uernian and Austrian Matt or these ships, however, are asid to contended, !hc ha.l a right to do. they

lasting. statements made toabsolutely

ine weretrue, securing warden Waj Charged with contempt aptas in our plants and that our aacret bave been blockade runners. denied all intent ! deceive or derraud the

Advertisers preparing for the rush of the holiday season have re-served Z nSnZ were

of th. men In failure to execute Faltin on the date ael service wis keeping under surveillance cer-

tainThe deportment waa' Informed tonight Amcrlran government and said fthot they

space la such volume this week that the extensive plant of this or son-tnal

simpad"! bv the court.' An early decision of lie case German and Austrian reservists." that the Anierican company sought to deceive only the enemies or Oer- -

and other statements la anticipated in view of Villalobo s pead After making other denials the statement bad nearly completed us collection of af-fidavitsnewspaper Is taxed to capacity to take care of Ihe brain raw In the pains when they registered attrurted to "'imringsay trial it developed that CaptainInr execution. continues rrom the holders or stock In the thetaking and careful manner Its Importance fleets nds, The shrewd ad-

vertiserciw thaT they Jfe ton?r m

Chief Justice H. D..HOM, in the course "It true that the He Pont company corporation, which will. It .la claimed, K German naval attache at Wash-ington,slways Insists that bis advertising "copy" be turned la early "oye of the comí ny. their

thatalonewere of the hearing, declared thai ir the tama taken every precaution against outside prove thai the company Is wholly owned had directed lb expenditure of

in order that he may bare the advantage of the more careful attention .Vk accented Jmni,,'ence

From tolathey

II diligence were exerciaeo to carry out tne ulerrerence with any or Ihe operations as-

sociatedby American rlticens All but two or the r60.ix additional, which was sent hers

and better display sometimes found impossible for matter turned la atap

orders of the court aa are used to avoid with the manufacture or explo-sives

affidavits. It was said, hod been collected from Berlin in August. 1M. The govern-mentthe eleventh hour. pear, that thererl.. subterfuge to show executing inem, una case would nster nave There la n thing unusual about this. Those now on bond, It was sold, might be charged that virtually the entire

THE MORNING TIMES. employes IS niem acting In rood-fslt- bup. The company has guard about Ita plants immediately submitted to the .state depart-

mentrnOjOta) was spent In furtherance oi plana

that tne corns amthe n will be resentenced tomorroa Slways In tune of peace, not only to pro-

tectror Its tato rotation. It la claimed they aid uerman warawpa as sea, rasaer weFirst Now First Always. In not accepting nv in Duncan camp morning in Ins supreme court of Marl lis plant bat to protect outsiders from show that at least eighty per cent of the upervls ana wtta up onowieoge oi

(Continued on Pare oops county. strolling Into the zone of danger." stock I owned by American citizens. raploln Boy Ed.

December 3. 1915.Friday.EL PASO mopnpnjp TIMES



Men Know What Man Wants util- e- flier(Continued

were formerFr.rn


of BE BOSTOM STOEEa compinii-s- . I rind th- n.en are also beingtold thai a soon aa Uier. are enough menthere, no definite Information as to the

BUY AT MAN'S STORE n.irnberthey will

apparentlyreturn to Clifton


Mnretingiven, that

and Facethe companies wilt resume, operations. Tbe And Now All El Paso Turns a Happynew men to he paid the ame rate of wages








they are



tbelr em-ployee.

free Towards Christmas and to Theser.oarn, ree oeoou g ana tent accommonalion:.

did not make statements , as to the Christmas Bargainsamount or money being rslsed for the sup "Gifty"List Our Christmas preparation are simply great and port of strikers or any statement as tShopping riots or disorders; that the minera were

it is here you will find something that will moat compelled to do practically all their tradlmrat the company stores, or that 100 to sot)OVERCOATS please any man or boy. Our Christmas stock has per cent profit waa made on purchases, Have You Visited

SUITS f did say that "I waa glad that the federa. Three FridayHATS. CAPS been selected with a man's understanding of what Investigators went In the district, as we The Christmaswould probably get s true report as tbe re

GLOVES a man will most appreciate. Many Christmas items suit uf their investlgstlon and would boable to know whether the Waistdefinitely men Bazaar Yet? Specials!JEWELRY - in fact most of them are exclusive with us. had grievances or conditions which shouldbe corrected and not allowed to exlat. orSUSPENDERS will have to solve the gift for the whether the companies bad been treatingproblemyou It's To the left ofGARTERS tscir employes rainy." so handy I $1.50 Waists, 95cmale part of your Christmas gift list. I was asked by a reporter whether the

BELTS charges In the stores were exorbitant, as the main entrance on Overlandbad been claimed by the men. I told him the effect( Monogram Buckles.) you can solve it in the easiest way by coming here this: "I have seen bills where men wer Street. "What can I give" is They're new striped

NECKWEAR charged II.S0 for five gallons of kerosene very dainty, long sleeves high andto store that specializes in the things for menSWEATERS

a oil and l. id for a sack of flour, the question that perplexes you low collars china silks. Se-

coand boy. loc per nound ror pink beanl and It crepes,

BATH ROBES hundred for Ice." He asked me if I thought most I You can answer it here silk, lingerie, lace, mercerizedthese prices were high. I told him that he

SMOKING JACKETS we can help you because we are helping our could investigate what prices were charged in our quaint little Christmas satin stripes and plain colors, aLOUNGING ROBES business from the standpoint of pleasing you. locally and form his own opinion; thst at to choose from waists worthFort ftuachuca there Is a small Ice plan booth just full of every kind of range

that he sells it for S3 for 95cTOILET SETS manufactures and $1.50 and moreyou will find numerable things here that will be per hundred and that Ice Is shipped on con gift that will please you.(Every conceivable com-bination.

because and tract from Dlsboo to Fort lluacbaca andideal gifts they are practical gifts ex-

clusive.sold for r,c per hundred. was asked ir) thought the strike would soon be settled $2.50 Waists, $1.49MILITARY BRUSHES I Informed the reporter "I did not think it Toyland In Ourwould until the companies assumed a moreTRUNKS by of suggestion we appending list ofway are a reasonable attitude ana snowed an inclina Handsome chiffons, new crepes,

TRAVELING BAGS some of the things that you might wish to settle on. tVui to treat with their former employes Basement Invites lingerie, lace and messaline everyThat to mv personal knowledge very fewSUIT CASES come in and look around we want to do all we men were leaving the district at this time" size in every desirable color with

and going to Duncan, and that most of You!can to make your gift buying a pleasant duty at the them that were leaving were going convertible collars, long sleeves andSol 1. Berg Store. from Morencl." i also gave fie reponer

some information that he apparently did not It make ones feel cuffs a long counter heaped highyoung

SPECIAL NOTE In Toilet Sets rare to pubiisn. l torn mm mat I rejnTSttea with waists worth $2.50 and moreespecially we are very murl that the state had bei-- put to the and it makes grown-

upsshowing the largest Christmas line ever assembled neeniess expense mat it nan maintain

grown-u- p for $1.49.troops in the district. That the supcrvls, feel with it everin El Paso. of that county had genorou?lv allowed Hie young,

O sheriff one deputy to control the situation so many dolls, and toys.In a district where men were on games $3.50 Waists, $1.79that the companies were paying ihstrike; Here's little doll stove forguards deputized by the sheriff to protect a The climax of value giving whenth" oomoanlea' property; that as far as I

206-1- 0 San Antonio Street ran determine the rounty was making no little sis, there's an American you get a waist for almost HALF I! effortnay any


lh-to maintain



Incurredorder or

byto Model Builder for brother Very new and fashionable waists of

the sheriffs office during the strike. It was de chine, lace, tub silks, taf-

fetasnecessary for me to go to Morencl to pick Have the children sign their crepeout a rump site for the location of our and dark and light shades,

amp there, and I was anie to maKo tne trip name in Santa Claus' Book with and Romanon a day when the sheriff was sendlng even new plaid stripeunder sheriff on orflMsl business to si the present he or she wants waists, just $1.79.SCATTERED VILLA FORCES Marlines, was reportod to be disposing 01 several railroad trestles norlh or there hail el. and that roc.eued a hill for the auto

t. arrunza troops tomuel the expected Villa been burned and that every bridge, to-ward

hire for the trip." most this year. Oh, yes, SantaRENDER NORTHERN SO-NORA

advance. the south had boon destroyed. told the reporter mat "l consideren matTelegraphic communication between II was said that part or the soldiers In Sheriff Cash had used excellent Judgment will soon be here IUNSAFE. Agua PrlPta. .Son opposite Hare, and Mex-

icoGeneral ItodrlfUSI' command were retreat-ing In hiinilllinr tin- situation in order that ruli KID GLOVESCMv was l ihllsliecl late today, when Inward El Tigre to the oust and that ng mlghl be prevented In that district. That

(Controlled From Pag one.) repairs' weie ..iiiplep-.- on Iho lino from mlior Villa troops have been seen In large knew personally or nia navuiK arrostra IRON TOYS trains, wagons,Agua Prieta lo lo. Celebration numbers between Zoroa and Naoozarl. several of Iho union leaders and having Friday at $1.49fused admitíanos unci the i.arrsnclata army. wrre held al hcitli Agua and Htlfno Irionds hern of John v. Cunningham, compelled these men i leave the district fire engines, stoves, milk and Special

.' ii l'ilil lilm tlial he "illil not sillo. r..iio tu me exensnse rarasTsiu ealthy allnmcy of Tulsa, (ikla.. who Is because he thought iheir presence and ad- -want Hr

" i. in bis rank, ninth loss lulo lili en :rri di if the leportoii io have been captured by villa was liable p. causo trotinie. Among express wagons, ranges, Remnant Day Made of fine lambskin,iifd.tnst if wsienmsnn wsi round Lin. i,i expii.kwed fear Inllilrht thai he llieso men I mention Trlholet. UCKenile

In CsrrsneiMS lerrllnry ho would have la line runs from HsrtnoalUe boon executed. I'linninp-liai- and two and Taibell."banks, a complete va 25c black with white and

surfer Hit) consequences. to Mexico 4:1 ty via iiuaymaa and Guadala-jara.

other Americans, Gus and II. I did not say anynung to me reporter riety, up from Another week brings white with black, most fash-ionable,

Southard, wen- la.--t soon iuimday when about Charpentior's trip to i.l Paso and Its regular Friday Rem-

nantAN DEFEAT Vll.l.A fourteen Americana who lert El Tigre ' I'riinlerns for I.a Oso. a mine suns. our great to get at $1.49ATTACK ON MIMMi CAMP, sterday. on horseback, arrived bare i" flltec-- nulos north of Nacoiarl. regret very much that articles of this DOLL CARRIAGES with Day and several sur-

priseshy Animated press,

DOUS lis. Ai IX Mil, Í An ntlark on tie dav. Thov rods their luirse to Have Meet Troops. kind are being published, as misstatements neat leatherette hoods, mallea-

blein bargains will be pair.

Ainci Ii uii owned mining t U Tigre. twenty rive inlh s or the ml, 'imtlopal bor-

der,he road the American! would have had of this kind, or any other kind, regardingrump

bSSUIl l.ilo, Where Ibes ore niel by rriemis. who follow led into a canyon through which he slluation at ( iirtou do no good and arc finer revealed, especially forby estimated .furretouny sn 01 iron frames, never avilla un neri in aulornoDllei in eld tbem. Four ilia detachment under General Pabló ppureiiuy mane ror tne nciinorute purpose3(io soldiers under Denersl rabió Lo- 25c and 35c Artamope, wns reported boro tonight to bars otin r, who remained behind to brins me Lopez was moving; north nt the time. r causing friction or misleading the gen group, beginning fiQ the woman who is looking

been abandoned artor a row hours righting. horses are expected to arrive loiniciii. H. W. l.oomls, an American mining man eral public as to real conditions nnd the for waist remnant ofdiiniiK hirti tin- Carranza rarriaon of Four additional Ano una and one llrlt-- reponed killed during tna Villa Invasion attitude ot persons connicen wun tne from U7C a 15cbare bund red soldiers, forty or IDehl re Cttlten, who en unable to leave El or Sonora, reached here Tuesday. Ih- said trouble In the Clirton and Morencl dis-

tricts.crepe de chine or silk Packages,

rem Villa deserters,, were said to have lisie with the rust parly or refugees, ho nu t Cunningham, and a Very sincerely yours. ERECTOR SETS fourworsted the all.iekura. probably will arrive here tonight or to-

morrow.third American, probably Southerd. Mon-day

CHAS. W. HAHIUS, a year poplin. Collected on a About thirty-fiv- e ArtamoLosses sustained by the l.opot command afternoon at Esqueda. which was oc-

cupiedAdjutant General. college mechanical in table the Main Floor

wiy- noi staled. The r.arratua troops ala pndoiro Uarilunn, Cnrrnnxa consul born, Monday night by Iho Villa forces. course a on 25c and 35c packages to closeHoned ihomseivos in hills surrounding stand

renin Novales.that be





ot pósitoCarranza.


an- makingat Agua

oi InvestigationPileta. ol box, steel and building sets, today will be a busy Rem-

nantout this morning at the almost

ami prevented the Villa soldiers fromgaining a sheltered position. reiialrlng 4be railway lo llcrinnsllln was for the purpose or ascertaining whether In response to Ihe adjutant general's re Day. price of 15 c.I. cine IP In els Wl sluird progressing rapidly, and that It waa any bodies of Americans were seen by ply to the communication of November ., ttoe:.e:,.$:.u.p:... $5.00ilenoial p. leiii .itoii with his men to Ihat trains would be running iroopa or conumi as tney march the mine managers manea me Better come early

ran), tin Kh II bollar ed tin- tin .li k la in Ousymaa by the laitcr part or en northward rroin ixacotarl. or wnei following :

ilil not hold lo to that ur oil next week. Shy. word roncomlng the fate of Kl ruso, Texas, uecemnor 2, tans.ababl would- - Toé Villa rorros of General rlodnfuei Americans has been received. Hon. Charles W. Harris, Adjutant uencral

"li. huahua. have retreated rroin Frontera, son., and or Arlxona, Phoenix, Arlt.r. mu. 'iik i n ... hi. and hi Sir have letter of ttthIt was reported that the villa troops ami CARRANZA t'RGKS MILITARY We you the rrailroad bridgeshad orders for a rendezvous at casas Tle-r- arier burning ultimo.SUCCOR CHIIII VHl A CITY.

raudos This woi Id mean that the main on the truck- - to delay the progress HI Without commenting on the spectacle orbody of the Villa Irooiis W illi Id have 10 of ( arranxa troops musing Ihom. II was. Ilv Associated Press. adjutant general of a commonwealth Special Selling For Today of (DM OQpass through Kronteras. where General K. it unend at Agua prieta, unuy Monterey, Méx.. Pec. J. On reports that pro. tinning his nrrire by allying himself

Troops licin b Ksqurila Oil inn nia Cltv was defended by only llh tin- Pircos or rll- - inier and lawh -Carranza soldiers illspalrrn-i- to Fron small villa lorc'e and that ih. city waa In In an Industrial dispute, we would state

torus by Genera; Alvaro Obregon report n state or nanlc. General Carranza today benefit of the public, that the 436 Pairs of Women's Shoes for W-- -'...l ilnil tliev hail 1, s la. about urged his military commanders to push charges which you make, that we haveChildren Cry fifteen miles south of Front'-ras- and that their campaign against that place, one of been and are Importing strikebreakers

FOR FLETCHER'S ii.. tvern ri'oalrlnir and I the largest towns remaining In control of into the Duncan refugee camp, are abso-lutelynhono lines cut by Iho retreating Villa of Ibo convention govern false, as you knew or ahould have ZOOMING as this offer does just at the busiest season for shoes, it will be sure to makeC A ST O R I A troops:

Messaires from Ksqiieda reportedLlL-J


The reports said Villa forces In Sonora known them to. be.

eastward to Chihuahua. Imuran rerugoe camn was established one of the most important shoe events of the year. A lucky trade circumstance putwere retreating by the Joint action of our companlea forunable


Chihuahua Cllyof

werethe the purpose 0f relieving tbe dlstreas and us in possession of this special lot to sell at t lis almost unbelieveable price. These shoesoponed escape. Many t of those of our employesoorer class were said to be thinly clad of the and best shoe nufacturers in the East. Therewho Were deprived of their means or liveli-

hoodare from one largest m are patenthundreds dieml It was feared, might of br the strike until the same sbmild


weather.unless relief came before the first he terminated, or all hope thereof aban leather, vici kid and gun metal models in both lace and button styles, values as high aa

doned, and they ran find employment else(vlcei to General Carranza concerning where. We have strictly reliised admis $3.50. One sale in the Main Floor Shoe Department, while they last,he reported execution or General "resteCash or Credit NATIONS sion tn any known to use not to be so $1.29ereyra. and other Villa officers raptured iiualiried. and the charge that we are using today, the pairfter a recent carranaa victory, placen tn tut camp as a place ior imponed strikedeaths at 100. No detailsWITH FREE number or wer Is unwarranted. Webreakers absolutelymude nubile, and the placo of executionMew Arc. Phone 25Í8 Jaan have not Imported Into the same a singlewas not announced.DELIVERY trikeoreurar.UK FOOLED with cheapDON'T We are handing this and previous com

SERVICE price. 8 that you net Quality IRRANZA mst'FS ci'RRF.NCV muhlratlons lo the press Itesnectrullv.Goods nnd Honest WelKhto. RAM TO CIH 'NTKRITIT. THK ARIZONA COPPER COMPANY. LTD., by

y l Press. orinan carmicn.-iei- i.enerai Manager,Laredo Texas, lec. a. New from Mexico THK 1'KliH'IT CiUTI'.ll MININO COMPANY

$1.35 ilv rece ted today stated that an Issu oK AIUZO.NA, by M. H. McLean, (ieheral10-l- Can Cottolene for o.non.iXHi pesos in nulos not easily conn- - Manager.

4 lb. Can Cottolene for 60c relic, Hint icen announced mere, liies SHANNON COPPER COMPANY, byotes. It wa said, will b exchanged for liennle, Oeneral Manager.

10-l- San Snowdrift for $1-2- outstanding issues.Can Snowdrift for 55c Treasury officials also face the pronlen To Drive Out Malaria ana Build I'p thf

r di. o, r a large amount or counter armTSji"100-Ib- . Sack Granulated Sugar $6.00 fell money hcln had been accepted by the Take the old Standard GROVE'S TASTE

ia Hi e. l i -- H chill tonic. You know what you3 Packages Najaho Oats for ........ 25c The nnilc secrets') of pie treasury an are taking, as the formula la printed on

2 Cans Carnation Milk for 15c ounced that the government wouli everv label, showing It Is Quinine and Ironnt'iur gold, stiver and ooppe In a tasteless form. Tbe Quinine drives

Spanish Bermuda Sweet Onions, Pound 5c wfthp Hi., next four months. Fevers out malaria, the Iron builds up tne sysrreats tiai Peon made In Mexico city tern. SO cents.Nation' Pride High Grade Flour 2 4 lb. sack, 95c; as sai l In uday'a' dlsnatches for cireulat

48-l- sack, $1.90; 98.1b.' sack $3.50 ig unauP "l7od information roneerniu Mlalstrr llliw Lombardo Makes Denialio now eticv issue, with the intent., Articles appearing In Spanish publications

of having large holders or former ctl in li ye sterna y in wmcn Minister orLarge Pkg. Gold Dust . 20c La Mona rency surrender tbelr hnldlnga at a greate toreign Relations Miguel Dlax Loit.kardn,

disrounl than tin- government was to al of the Villa cabinet, was charged with deal-ing

to the Democrats lo swallow, and then ask bare won iho tin cup offered for the great of met which breaks the previous recordLighthouse Cleaner .... 5c "t Stringles Beans, low. Other arrests for similar offense with tbe Cairanta government, were the Republicans to accept It at est number of files swatted. He was con of two and two fifteenthswere reported several weeks ago on th hemontly denied by Señor Lombardo last pounds held byoccasion, of other violations. ntgia sldered sn odds on favorite anyway, part-

lyKate Price. The award of ine cup will be15 Bar. Flake White Soap JJm, Other ntrires Filled. because of bis the aixa of olap . "Buck accusations are absolutely false, as for

area, made at the Hospital and Sick Furid baB,or 6Uc xT MSX1 ftROWKHS maintain the same political attitude wblcb ATter ehoosln the candidate peaaer. swatters, and because of hit natural ten-dency

or the Vliagraph company at10c McLoughlln'tbanquet Corn, can.... Uttxi i DEMAND. have previously " said the minister. the Republicans nanteaand to al; still and give the files a

3 Bars Sapolio 25c nndard Tomatoes, Ry s. nriatod Presa. Oreene or Matsachueetts. chairmanof Michigan, chance to light. Bayslde casino, Sheeosnead bay, October

W Dec. S. Victor rtendon. rep Piles Cured In 6 to Is Days. HSDresentaUre McLaurnlmfol Ilughle swslted two and pounds

3 Bars Bon Ami 25c 3 cans 25c resenting the government of the slate o Druggists refund mony of PAZO OIRT- - clerk or tne caucus and nominated tne

Yucatan. Mexico, arnunpanled by his conn MKN1 falls lo cure Itching, Blind. Bleeding lowing for orncea:wmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmm sol. railed on Counsellor Polk at the slab .r Protruding riles. Hrst application glvSs Clerk of the house, Clarence w. trice.

. oiOS. CELEBRAT-Importe- d lepartment tndav and again answered relief. Wc. I'lttsburgb. Kan.; sergeant at arms, i v-

Swiss Cheese ED TABLE FRUITS. made, by the International Harvester Sheldon ot rennsj and the Plymouth Cordage rom-- i Aiken B. Tallman. New York; Doslmaster.,b 80c can Oregon Black anv against efforts being made to control CAUCUS CLASHES ON GAG lieorge w. Deny. Tennessee; chaplain.the price of sisal through an association of RULE URGED FOR Rev. Dr. H. N. Courden. Washington, D. C.New York Cream Chew, Raspberries. ui d m growers. The caucus which waa held in the house

Ib 30c Oregon Red Rasp-Swi-Mr. Rondón declared that If the two com-

bamosSENATE. chamber and open lo the public waa pre-

cededlb. can attempted to increase tne price of thla afternoon by an mrorwal con-

ference We Troubleberries. twine because the fiber growers drmand (Cnntlnuetl From t al which the organisation sitia Keep a CarGouyer Cheese, fair prices 'or their product. It would l for un mission to theinrlted to roarer with President WUStn was agree tl uponOregon Loganber- - or factoriesIjqjj gQj. can in Ihe establishment byalMiul national aérense. caucus. RepresentaUre Cannon In nia

tie Yucatan government commission.ries. I tnuik u wouin wen." ne said "for speech Dominating Representative Mann,Camenbert Cheese, box 30c these in liters lo be ronalderatl in the declared that the Republicans all agreed

can Kentish Red Pitted tlitOl'LANF. nEFEATS AVTO military and neval cotnmiltees from a on the necessity of enactment of new Do overhauling of all kinds, adjustments andIN WTM IVSH TO 8ECTTRE standpoint, Drovldad the Demo economic legislation.Neufchatel Cheese, 2 for 15c chgrrie 3t 3QC Cat. nil. VEAME niOM IxniAN crats are willing to work on even termswith the Hepuniicans. ranina; In experts xehSMe WsusdeS. motor work. You can get gas and oil any

hy Associated Press. uliii know, but i uo not think that anyone France and Oermsoy

ARIZONA SWEET NAVEL ORANGES from Salt River Okmulatee. Okie.. Tec. I. An should expect me preM.irni anouin pre Associated Presa. . time of day or night.a program in aavance. send II dowi BÍrne. Swluarlanü. via .Paris. Dec.oil lease said to be worth several pareValley 30c, 40c, and 50c Doaen thousand dollars the arrival here today In a hospitalhundred was the tram rrutu Constance. Oermany. of 170price at stake tqday In a race be-

tweenwounded and Invalid French soldlert. It re

an aeroplane and an auto-mobile

h..i,...en trance and Germany a newand the aeroplane won. CHENEY'S EXPECTORANT exchange of men incapacitated for further First-cla- ss Storage Accommodations.

On receiving; new that the oil fighting.lenso on the land of Tony Webb,

LEVY GROCERY COMPANY MdVnr4.i an Indian, had expired, two oil rwenty-Four.Ho- Cough and wkatmm roar. CAST.

All nun men here tmrrled to reach theIndian firat to obtain the coveted Croup Cure. By Associated Press. AmericanSPECIALS - GarageSPECIALS. waaningiou, u. v... - --

rlghta ..f his property. E. W. lair and Saturday.Pricey3 cans No. 1 Sliced Peaches for 25c left In an automobile. He New Mexico: Friday fair, slightly farmhas been theExpectorant4 cans No. 2s Table Pears for 45c had four miles start when a rep-


Cheney'sfor 50 years of sufferers from colds,

com-fort w ...i unman: Saturday generally fair. L. W. Denman, Mgr.

of the Klnawood On hoarseness, coughs, croup, whooping cough, Arlxona: Friday asd Saturday generally4 cans No. 2s Table Peaches for 45c company secured an aeroplnne light chest and lung troubles. Cheney s fair; not much ensag " mmwtxurs. 300 South Oregon Street. Phone 5224All in Heavy Hyrups. and Fricas ror Thursday. Prlday and Saturday only. from a local school of aviation is the best cough medicine made,

No mor than on dosen sold to a customer. and sweeping across country because It cures quickly snd (Ives linme CestUat.

Phone SOB A 506. 204 A 206 East Overland Street. through th air. passed his com- - diste relief after the first dose. Try it. The returns in the fly swatting eonsold at txtiuy a or people's Drug at the viugraph pean in Platbush. whichTrade with its and save moasey Mail orders given prompt attention.

- petltor and signed Webb to the Store. El Paso. Texas. Good sited bonis tor baa bees going on all summer, save beenIraao before 0111 arrived. tac. Mmj oruers luna. tabulated ana uusw u

Friday. December 3. 1915. EL PASO MORNING TIMES 3

be critical and eaoas ontoM tion to cross, Roberson could distinguish "Not counting thenTHE changa mar several other 'dark forms." While they Cattle WereA rparalntmodernsuffering in after-lif- The yonnr were still seated v. the table, Cross came Roberson aid tin- - cuttle wre separatedFrom woman la of ten a "bundle of nerves" "high atrong into the restaurant and sata sometntng to In different bunches and it would have-f- ainting - írequenil wvm ana Sitters but what that was Hpberson mut been Impossible to count them that way.

dissatisfied with life. Such girls ahould be helped not distinguish. Cross asket Roberson ir lie said Boykln never told htm tne cattle Is The Lasthe was going to "ship those cattle." and were going to his pasture and would have FridayGirlhood over thin distressing stage in lire oy wom an a Roberson said he replied that he Was not to be counted.'tonic and nerrine that baa proven successful for Cross, aft. r that stood In the room ror "I thought they had come down there toover 40 awhile and then walked out. "He stood kill me," said Roberson.yean. out there looking through thla glass," said "You never saw a gun. Winchester, pistol

or any other kind or a rire arm at that penSpent Xloht Is Hotel. except those you and your men broughtDr. MerceTavorite Prescription Alter the meal. Roberson stated, he went Were, did you?" .Double Z&Cto the hotel where he remained ror the "No, sir. Stamp Daynight. The "boys" went to the camp ror "What did you think when Mr. Norton

la Iroon enemv to the Dhvsieal nesaes of woman . A medicine prepared by the night and his boys came iid lo the pens? DidRob. lv re said he did not leave his room think thev were killM . v U ImlUn anlllln di PB APS you going to helpreimlartrradiiatedDhvsicianof unu that night. He declared he "bad In Ma' you?"

carefully adapted to work In harmony tha moat delicate lamíame cmihmuob, mind" the talks that be had beard made Yes, sir. Naturally." Until After Christmas, i.:ul- - - U U ar coated tablet form at tha against him. i'o you mean to tell this Jury that Un-wornIt was an hour before daylight on the only you used that morning while

I ' drug atore or ld SO one-ca- a far a trial boa. to Buffalo. morning or Jan. 16 when Roberson said no amnio was rursing you. was damnlert his room in the hotel and went lo tne "Yes, sir. I said 'nut up your damnBrn-- imaaa rlu latir and esaHdanilally la camp to arouse the "boys." knife'."Dr. Plore and Ms staff of phrabHan. and Spectalliu

Buffalo.He declared In answer to questions asked "And he said, when you asked him what

ai tha InvaUdo- Haul and J Inttitot. by his attorney, victor Moore, mat ne nad be was doing, that It was none of yourwill rrr.l .her vN. Y.. and ba aaro that eaaamay not been advised that Boykln would count damn business?"and thattawactanltoaa, oonadsntlalwill

conaldaration.ha to har free the rattle. He stated that catle were count-

ed"Yes, sir."experienced modleal advice given Allns they were put Into a pasture so as "Was he mad?" Double Stamps Day Todayto get the exact number that were being Ves sir

DH. PIERCE'S PLEASANT PELLETS ,.,l.t. put In the pasture.mné eaafeerefe iltattl, lr and "' Roberson said he got the pack mules and was goingSawev eeeceeV tiny eaaa (a rnV drove them to a dirt tank where they were to execute the threat?"

watered. Arter that he went back to tha "The time that he told me what the peo-ple Unusual Bargains AllOver theHousehotel and got his Winchester. In that con-

nection,or Sierra Blanca thought of me."he stated that all carried arms Had a IS Coll.

when working on the river. He had seen He was asked how many weapons he had.the Love "boys" and their cowboys armed "I had a 4s Colt, single action," Robersonwhen they were in that vicinity. Roberson repTlcd.SON TESTIFIES HE FIRED knew Tom, Dick and George Love. Dick non in it?Love had been to bis place and he bad gone "Yi Love's place. In bringing the cattle to "How else wero you armod?"Sierra Blanca, Roberson said, they were "I had a Winchester on my saddle."driven along the public road through 'How many cartridges In that?" REMNANT DAYBECAUSE HE WAS AFRAID HE WAS Oeorge Lovers pasture. lour In the magaxlnc."

After this testimony the witness was ' And uno In the chamber?"brought back to the incident of watering "No, air."the mules at the tank. After that Roberson "How long was that rope?"


statedwhen within





arisingyardsfor the



tne pens.noticedpens and






feet"rope." , And It Is the Last Remnant Day this Year

saw the cattle about to break through the Walter Sitters. Roberson thought, wasfence and rode In a lope to the corral to about 0 or years old and Elmersee. what was the matter. He saw two he thought, was 6 or 30 years of

' Your Book and Partí-apat- amen In the pen. One waa Tom Cross, be age. Both, he said, had Winchesters but Bring StampSaid. The other man was Boykln but Rob-erson

he did not know whether they Had pistols.Defendant in Murder Trial On Witness Stand Nearly Entire did not know him. "You believed that they would help you. In a Day off Real Economics"1 asked them what thev were doing to didn't you?"Day; Testifies He Killed Two Mexicans those' cattle ir they were working them." "I did not know anything about that."MODerson sam. "tne cattle were running Roberson staled he only saw one norse

While Member of Posse. In three bunches. The man in the center al the pen and It was tied to the fence.between Groai and mí, told me that It was He believed Boykln was going to his hiprom r my damn business." pocket for a fire arm. Ho declared ne did

"Was that the man that was afterwards not get his Winchester out to Intimidate"I shot because was afraid for I ranch, Roberson stated, he had only been killed?" Mr. Moore asked Roberson. either Hot kin or Cross.

my life." was the declaration of H. L. to sierra mnnra twice, no am not anew "Yes, sir." He was asked how long he thought It EVERYBODY'SBoykln the latter's life time. Never "What else didRoberaon, being tried before a Jury during you say?" look to araw a pistol, ana sisma itremembered ever having seen Boykln. He "1 told him that I was In charge of those on circumstances.of the Thirty-fourt- h district court on t. ti he run not Know it was itiivKin cattle." "You have been on the border. Yon havea charge of murder. In connection that was killed until afterwards told so. Iloberson testtried that the "man" started had some experience with gunmen, haven'twith the death of H. P. Boykln, Roberson said he had never taken cattle to towards him and reached ror his Docket you7- -familiarly known as "Foot" Boykln, Boykin's ranch. He knew that the T. and 0. He said he got off his horse and got his The witness did not know about that.In the stuck pens at Sierra Blanca ranrn iiati a norse camp on tne place nut Winchester. The "man," ho said, pulled He was asked If a man could not drawlast January. hart never been there. a knife out of his pocket and came to the a pistol quicker than he could get downfence. off Ills horse snd drsw his Winchester out TRoberaon took the wltneaa stand In "He was standing on the Inside. I was or a scabbard. Iloberson said the time he 'No, sir; he was rutting at me with bis ihe rase." He did not know who raisedhis own behalf Thursday and testified the Cattle Raisers' association, tie was on ihe. outside." said Roberson. "He was drew in. Winchester he could got that knlli "Util Ynu Kill Four Mrvlrans?" the rund. He said be did not help raisethe greater part of the 'day. He was post cur.slng mc. Ho was standing there with quicker. Roberson said It was not t Itoykln "Didn't you kill tour Mexicans In one tt. Just contributed. He had never heard

and 0. a knife In bis hand. I knew that be would liimcli when started working ror the about Boykln having trouble with Joetold by his attorneys several times to ranch. Horse Saved His Lire. was going towards him to g youeither kill would have kill him."ma or to T. k O?" itardmr or a man by me name of OeorgeAsked why he did not draw his pistol, he away from him.speak louder "so the last man sit-

tingElmer Diimont and Walter Sitters had Roberson said the mules "scattered" and

on the top row" could hear him. worked ror him on the ranch. The reason he went arter them and lite animals follow-ed

repin o Hnykln was not on that side. "If "Is It true, when you turned "No, sir." Dougherty.

he look the cattle to Sierra Blanca on Jan. him around the wing of the I had got my pistol when the horse reared." was putting up his knire?" Isn't 11 a fart thai all told you have Mrs. II. F. Boykln stated she and BoyklnThat taken indication pen.was not as an " killed tan men?"'he would have killed me." "No, sir marrl-i- at Sierra Blanca and had15 last was, he said, because be had been Boykln, he said, was standing by the said Iloberson, wereof any nervousness on the part of the summoned as a witness In cattle theft rases rence and struck at him with a knire. He Witness was again asked If a man could "Hid lie ever pull a gun?" "No, sir." lived there about seven years. Boykln.defendant as he was reputed to be a coming up for trial the following Monday said he struck Itoykln with a rope and that get off his horse and take a Winchester out 'll" made en attempt lo." "Isn't ll a fact thai you have got ten she said, bad not gone. to the river for two

low of voice. or Bcabbard quicker than be could get Did be ever pull one: notrbes on your stick?"man who spoke in a tone at Marra. Boykln Jerked the rope out or his hands a years.The admonition to speak louder was Said He Was Threatened. and struck at him again with the knire his pistol. He replied In mo arrtrmauve. "No, sir.'

then wnii him pull a six"No."That

sir."Isn't' iruo?" II. M. Dudley Called.

'"You to tell this that?"mean Jurynot given at any time when Rober-Bo-n Roberson knew Jess Newton, I. E. when he struck him with his pistol intend-ing "Yea. sir." "No, sir." II. M. DUtUegr, called, stated that be was

was being examined by Judge Vaughn. Hen Uatrield und Boone Ollphant. to knock the knire out or Boykin'sLater Ihe witness said, "ir you had been 'No, sir.' Mm. in it Iteralled. a member or the grand Jury thai indicted

L. Ollpnant bad told him that lllghtower, a boy hands. Roberson and It was at his Instance thatA. Dale. that had worked on the T. and 0. ranch. Elmer Dumont. the witness said, remark-ed:

buttoned up like I was on a cold morning Killed Two Mrxirans. Elmer Dumont, recalled, stated after tins witnesses In the case had appeared beforeThe fnature of the trlsl thus Tar was the had told him that "the people at Sierra "Come on Mr. Iloberson, lets turn you could have got your Winchester first. "You testified nn direct examination that tragedy ho had a conversation with Hick the grand Jury. Mr. Dudley said hecross examination of Roberaon by Judge Itlanra had It In ror him and would put film the cattle out and get away." The witness When did you think of thai buttoned- up you killed two Mexicans, didn't you.?" l.ove, but never talked about the "killing." thought the grand Jury was a higher hotly

Dale. For more than two hours Judge out or business so quirk he wouldn't know said he then turned and rode' away. When in Il'.iii?" Jni nit Dale "Yes, sir." That was qualified by the "Did you make a lUtetbent to hick i.ovp than a Justice or the peace. W. E. Ware,ltule kept the defendant under a continuous which way he went." Hatfield, he sfaled, he rode into the pen. Boykln got down I montan o I ll nun illuming, replica statement that the witness was a member on the next day that Roberson bad one of the attorneys for the defense, slatedcross fire of questions. Throughout the told him he heard a crowd In front or a from the fence and Into the pen, he said. the witness. of a ixisse when the Mexicans were killed. BoykinT" Hie lili.-- - said he did to the court he believed thst was a qnesexamination the Jurors sat tense, seeming store In Sierra Blanca state that they'wero "He had n knlle," said Iloberson. "I told '

"Why did you delay In telling me?" "Wen, was iioyKin me imrii man utai not. Hon of law, although It might be weigh every question asked by Judge going "to fix that Roberson." Rober him to put up Ills damned knife and give "You did not give me a chance." you killed or helped to kill?" Dick l.ove, called, stated be knew diner What the witnesses said In the grand JuryDale and the response made by Iloberson. son said Hatrteld mentioned some naiuei me my rone "Too rapid with the questions?" "Yes. sir." ii it unit saw' him tin next day at the room, Mr. Ware contended, was pot

The defense rested In the case Thursdsy but these were nut given. Newton, he said "What did he do?" "Yes, sir." "Wro was the first man?" depot, "lie said Iloberson bad murdered and the court sustained him onafternoon. It :s probable tbst Judge Dan told htm some people bad been making Boykln Held Hone. Was Called a Coward. "He was a Mexican. The house had been Itoykln. Thai was the language be usi'd," that point.M. Jackson will charge the Jury al 0 o'clock in iK in from 01 a store ai hierra manca, lie was holding the rope in his hand. "Did he call you a coward when you siirroiindtxl. They wanted to arrest hlnV' Mr. l.ove Mr. ove .tilled he had j. 5 ,anler. A. I. Boyd, E. M. Whlta- -Friday morning unless the slate has fur-ther

stating In effect that they said "thev were turned my head he threw It over the Jtail these guns down on him and ho told "Who-wa- Ihe other'" known lloykin eight or mi. o vara, us long ker, W. R. Teullus, Arthur Humphries anatestimony It desires to offer. After going to get rid of that Roberson, as fence." Cross, the witness said, later gave "A Mexican. Two were shooting at him, he nail lived at sierra manca and matthe charge Is delivered to the Jury the ar-guments he had caused Paschal and others to lose him the rope. " started folding up the "He did not say that." don't know who lilt him." be was a peaceful, law abiding . ul.-ii-

In the case will be made, their Jobs.." rope io put on my saddle, ' said Honerson. The witness took a pocket knife out or "And the other?" "He always intended strictly to his ownllnhrrson Takes Sland. It was between sundown and dark that "lie had a knife in his right hand. 1 told his pocket and said tt was about tlie size "Sierra Blanca. You mean the third business'," he said. ChildrenIloberson testified that on Sept. t he be-gan

Roberson ana the herd of cattle be was the gate and let the cattle or the knire Doykln had. He believed Boy-kln man?" nn Mr. l.ove admitted Cry

his duties as foreman of the T. and 0. driving reached Sierra Blanca on Jan. 15. You'll not do any sui-- a had a pistol. "Is that all you ever killed In your whole ho had nun united Sinn to a ruud to prose-cuteranch on the Mexico side of the river, ills The mules were unpacked, watered and fed damned thing.' When he started towards , "You lert the gate to avoid difficulty?" life?" the ease. He said lloykin was his FOR FLETCHER'S

assigned duties were to take charge of aqd Roberson and his men went to the me I bad only my rope in my band. I "Yea, air." "Yes, sir." friend. Mr. love thought "everytine inbranding or calves and other cattle. He Brawn News to get something to eat. It Whirled It over mv head and hit at him. "You bad untied the gate?" "Did you ever kill a negro?" town bad contributed tu tbe prosecution of C ASTO R I Astated there had been cattle tbefts and was too late, be said, to got a meal at the He struck at me with the knire, at the mid-dle

"I had untied the first part. I got downraids. hotel. or my body. My horse turned and to the bottom."

Before he was made foreman of the ranch, RoberSon knew Tom Cross and while he knocked him out of the way. That saved "The thought then came Into your mindRoberson said Brown Paschal occupied that and Ida men were eating, he saw Cross The horse went tin Into the coi ner and that ir yon opened tne gate ana went in tneposition. Pascbal, be said, then moved to looking through the window directly at wheeled and turned around. He was com-

ingkilling would come orr?" CfSierra Blanca. After being foreman of the them. It was dark outside, but In addi toward me, lie reached bis band under "Yes, ir."

his coal. thought that be was going to Hobei son said Boykln was on the Insideget a nlslol. I fired the first snotl" the or ihe pc with a knire in his hand andwitness said, "when the horse first turned. cursing him.The shot was fired over by shoulder. When "What did you say to him?"the horse turned back I kept on shooting "I asked him not to curse "tne."until he fell. shot tour times." "You believed that that man standing

San Francisco confían your selection "Did you shoot when ne was down?" there cursing you like a demon would kill"No. Sir." you If he got a chancer""Ilcl one or those shots kill Walter Sit "Yes, sir."

Awarded Gold Medal ters?" i "He did not try to get a gun. He Just"Yes, sir. I suppose so." cursed you?"

Highest Honor for India-Ceylo- n Teas "Accidentally?" . "Yes, sir.""Yes. sir." "And you did not curse html"

San Francisco, 1915 Asked Boykln to Drop Knife. "No, sir."Roberson declared he told Boykln sev "When you told him not to curse you,

eral times to put up his knire. He stated what eif.-c- did It have on nun.'"Uial he did. not know Boykln was not "No effect"armed anil Bnykm had never told him who "All right. When ho was standing therebe was. The reason that be did not give cursing you you decided It wotild not

Hadaos St. up at Sierra Blanca, hé stated, was because to go In because he would kill youNew York Cay he was olrald that he would have more ur you would have to kill him, so you

trouble. He "knew," he said, thai mere quit?""SAFE-TE- FIRST" and Always was "reeling tlicty." He boarded a train, be "Yes. sir."Aanfcd Gold MadaL Saa Fnacace. 1913 stated, and surrendered to the rirst orricer "So that was when you went after the

aw mules?"Rnber-o- n declared when Itoykln told him "Yes, sir."

"what the people or Sierra Blanca thought "You rode off with your back to him?"of him.'' lie thought that he was one of the "Yes, sir."men who had made talks against him that "And vnu believed thai he was going towere told him. .lie slated he told Boykln Kill you?"who he testified,' cursed him continuously, "I believed that was his business there."that he must not "talk to him like that." Shows Where Boyklu Was Killed.The witness .said thai Vaughn had put mm Court was then adjourned for the noonon .guard. hour. Roberson was on the stand again

"On to the time you lert there did you when court convened at t o'clock. He wasknow who it was thai you had killed, un-til,

shown a drawing and marked a place on It Edison Shown In Edison Diamondyog learned ll from other sources?" with a lead pencil stating al the lime that SuperiorityThe big. modern plant of the Southwest where most of the beat printing "No, sir.'1 "believed that was where Boykln roll."cornea from. New location W. San Antonio St. "You had no reason to kill this man, did Roberson said he had not demanded of

Phone 176. - Mall orders solicited you. except In self defense?" Il vK ii that he open the gate. He said"No. sir," llovkln was iretttnir down orr the fence Disc Phonographs and Records"Why did you shoot him?" When lie rode into the pen."I was arrald for my life." What was he doing?"'You sliot in seir defense then?" He had a knire In his hand.""Yes. sir." What was he doing?". 4

No needles to changreTo ave your life?" Walking around. Cursing me." The Instead: A GENÜINE DIAMOND POINT.1 'Yes. sir. witness stood ur front or the Jury and de

Indicted Twice for Murder. picted Boykln as walklnr In the direction No Records Impaired by PlayingIlotK't'son skid he bad been an orflcer of hit -- horse every time tbe animal wassince mil and up to the lime lie became moved. Instead: INDESTRUCTIBLE RECORDS.Lo or the T. and 0. ranch. He testi-fied

Was there any time mat be was nothe had been Indicted twice on a cursing you?" No Partially Reproduced MusicA Word charge of murder but bad been acquitted Yes, sir, wtien i roue away from the

In both rases. pens. ' Instead: EVERY OVERTONE BROUGHT OUT."You sought one of these Indictments In cursing preny loua, wasn't ne?

El raso county yourself, didn't you?" Be-

forei'Yes, fir." No Unevenness in playing

the objection could be urged and sus-tained.

"He stepped out and picked up my rope,Iloberson bad answerd In me af-

firmative.e had the rope in his left band and a Instead: PERFECT PITCH MAINTAINED.

knire in his right hand. When turned"These cases occurred while you were my liwid to talk to Sitter he threw the No Harsh, Discordant Qualities

an orflcer in the performance of your du-ties,

rope oyer the fence." Instead: A PURE LIQUID TONE.didn't they." The question waa an-

swered"Ah rignt. wtiai ata you no?Of again in the affirmative before the "1 told him to put up bis knire and giveAppreciation objection urged was sustained. me the rope." Roberson said Bykin was

Roberson said the indictments or which cursing him when ho roae Into the pen. Distinctive Edison Featuresbe was acquitted charged him with the "Was tnat tun lime lie said roil were adeath of Mexicans whose names ne did cowardly for pulling a gun

on him because be didn't bare any?" DfrtMOND POINT REPRODUCER There are "no needles tolie was In the ramrer service RLuflnriert nn He never said that."the border. Would Have Cut Hint. change." Instead, the Edison employs a genuine diamond, specially

In Ihe cross examination conducted by itiiykln, he sain, Kept moving and fol-lowing

selected for this purpose, highly polished, ground under a microscopeThe cordial business welcome we received Judge hale for the state, Roberson stated in the direction of his horse. "Hethat he was 0 years or age and was nut looked like be waa going to spring on me," to a perfect fit. It is not worn in playing nor does it wear the record.

when we entered the automobile accessorymarried

He said Jess Newton, whose location he saidaround keep him

"I keptfrom

movingdoing this

my horseThis EXTRA SENSITIVE DIAPHRAGM Something like 2.000 record-er- s




camefor a


to the T. and O. man lunged at me. hit him with the and diaphragms were experimented with and rejected before Mr. Edi-son

If Hi horse hadn't he wouldrope. lungedfield has caused us to add to our line until Vs Glvrn Uarnrao.

of those fellows nave cut me nan in two. found the secret of truewho"Newton was on- - "You said he waa curalug you. Don.ld you the Sierra blanca people bad it to you

SPECIAL MOTOR A double-moto- r designed Mr. Edisonknow what he waa cursing you about special bytoday one of the largest stocks in the south-


for you, wasoi no, sir.sir." the deficiencies of ordinary motors."Do you know what he had It in for you to meetstated Ben HatnldThe witness was

is here for your convenience. working on the ranch when he went there. about?''"No, sir.

J. AUTOMATIC STOP By this unique attachment a record automati-callyadmitted that Hatfield had also toldHe him

that "the people of Merra Blanca had tt In "Do you know what the people of Sierra stops when played to its extent.Blanca had It In for you about?"for him."

A complete catalogue will soon be ready-s-hall "Where"I don't


he now" Judge Hale asked "No."How

sir."did you come to shoot him when HEAR THE EDISON DISC BEFORE YOU

"He hasn't worked at the ranch Ince the he was lying on the ground?" DECIDE ON ANY INSTRUMENT."I never shot him when he was on thesendwe you one? killing, has he ground."Y'oti

No. sir.'didn't know It ykln until after the "How rapid did you shoot?" Como in and hear it. You're welcome. No obligation.

"As fast as I could."killing?" "You know shot four limes"No, (Ir. I line an Al Boykln that you Justworked on the ne i nai waa me only "Yes. air." El Paso Co."When I looked back after my horse PhonographBoykln I knew.'Zork & Ynu were afraid of the Sierra Blanca ran In Ihe corner and wlieclrd he tbiewI.Krakauer, Moye's S., his band back to his hip pocketcrowd because you tuougnt iney nad 11 Infor vou "That waa the time you fired tie rirai TWO-O-TW- O TEXAS ST.

Yes. air." anoi?"Iloberson said he not have any idea

-- Yes. air."shot at him the find time."WhenmI- .1 the population Hierra Blanca waa. you

"Hardware Satisfaction. Neither could he sa nal the Brown News ne never put ins nana naca were, aia nor-

was the "principal ort for the cltliensof sierra Blanca did not know tblswhen lie. went there dine,"

"Were those bo basing those cattle Whes Tmt Eyes Nee. Carearound In these pei or counting J)"fbey were cnaaü.. them." Try Murine Eye Remedy

EL PASO MORNING TIMES Friday. December 3, 1915.





By As.. lated PrfssHall, Uth !ec. J. Dr. Her-- ,

bert It Marshall, of Halt Ixike City,BaklngPowder mtwas

thenr rested

requestorat Bal




and A Victor-Victro- la or Columbia GrafonolaAbsolutely Pure


warrantof his

chargingwife here



the The Ideal Gift for All the Family for Allwas. Issued today. Mrs. Mara hall waefound dead with a bullet In her head the Year Round -- The Gift That WU1 Bea: their room in hotel.

Insures the most waaDr.

accidental,Marshall Insiste'd

and aHkedthat




the Greatest Source of Pleasure onwhich not held a the evi-


delicious and healthful food Ho leftat




for thesuicide.

Kan. Christmas Norn and all Through the town, where h arrived Huh morni-ng;.





havethat alnr--



Only the Victrola and Graf onola bring you the living voices of such famous singers asevidence of domen troulile Caruso, Farrar, Gluck, McCormac, Melba, and Schumann-Heink- - Only the Victrola and

and have alio dlHcovered importantdiscrepanciesof the ahootlng.

In the. accounts he guv. Graf onola bring you the superb art of such noted instrumentalists as Elman, Kreisler, Pade-rewsh- i,

The Muralla were married at and Ysaye. - ,Kansas City In June, ISM. and





s goodwltneatei,

reputaheus in-







arrest Idmsaid at Green Biver. rtah, before thy Only the Victrola and Gráfonola bring you such celebrated musical organizations as

tlon - a peaceful Mid rltl there was a deputy sheriff at lerr Blanca came to Salt Luke recently.en. Hoih Mi. Whltaker and Mr. TotiHu.-i-i.t- The 'polio at Kul.etha have b Sousa's Band, Pryor's Band, Vessella's Band, and Victor Herbert's Orchestra. Only the

l Hi v ln.,1 known Hoykin at Midland requested not to permit thi hurlal


Mmhli reputation

twelve orwas

thirteenthe "bcsl.

years,""1 GOVERNMENT GAINS autopsy,

Mm Marehall'swhich will


withoutbe per-


Victrola and Graf onola bring you such leading comedians as Harry Lauder, Nora Baues, Desaid Mr.

avun-- tTonuda,


HeI never



thing had willby a Salt ijike



to Wolf Hopper, Raymond Hitchcock, and Irene Franklin. Their wonderful array of famousthelived Planea. Mr. accompanynew l Sierra Floyd

iiUn !,i i! known llnykln at Midland bu Bent to bring Marshall buck hero. artists and the absolute fidelSince 1003 and his reputation as a law EVIDENCE OF PLOTSabiding eltlien was rood. ' Mr. lioyd aald MARSHALL ll 'LA 111 S UK ity With which they presentM had MVtf lived at Hierra II lauca. ASKED FOR in vi i M.

A. Hoone, Joint agent of the T. P. and 0. By Associated Press. to you all the world's bestII a( Sierra Manca, vas railed and asked Babetha, Kan., Dec. 2. Dr. Herbertwhet wl ttm custom Or peraons using R. Murahall, of Salt Luke City, Utah, music, make the Victrola orpens which belonged to the T. P, DECLARE ixhih SMITH TFLLS arrested here today on a warrantMr.sustained,.

Warn objected to the question and was rAt iH r niowi-KY'- charging him with the murder of his Grafonola not only a joy atCOW SPIRA circs. wife, with whose body he arrivedTeatlmuiiy Read. was taken to Seneca and Christmas, but a delight allMr. yVaro, ror the defenae. read U testi-mony placed In the county Jail tonight.AisorlatcdBy Preai.given by James rturna. Will Ftarlion Han n... 1 T i. Dr. Marshall said- that before leav-

ingthe William Norton during the eiaminmg

trial Pi the Jurv. Iliit.iis and llartaen were Smith, aliened ICOOmplloi of Charlen Halt Lake City with the body ofabsent witnesses. Norton teatlflerr at the 0. Crowley, chiiriced with conspiracy his wife he. demanded for 20 hourstrial hot th defense claimed some of his to destroy véasela bearing suppliee to that an Inqiiust he held, but was as-

suredtestimony vis "new." Subpoenas for J s the alllea, told federal officers here by tho coroner and the police No matter how muchrewton and hen nstnrid wore then . ...,.. departments that the death wug plain-ly

moneyWj nunieu coin evidence. cording to Don lluthhiin,


ae-an accident and everything would you're going to spend forPari CrttftMadj a ranirer testified hn Sgen-- t of the department of loon be right.

ruling (in a train n roup.- to I 1'aso Hmlth was brought hei'c from Detroitjustice Dr. Marshall said ho would return Christmas some should gowhen IPiheitson boarded It and said thit turner surveillance, but to Mb without extradition papers.a warrant for music to make yourissued for his arrest has not been

served. He wont before tho federal Discovers a New I arm of Bowling. Christmas brighter.ennui lurv .lalo ,i Snce the ostuhllFlimcnt or a new trarfle

According to Federal officers, the ordinance, thi police department of Newr w evidence in mo priwnt man Is ma-terial

York city placo guide pints in the cuteri,, the prosecution til Lieutenant or tho streets of the buiier thoroughfare!Robert l av, hold In Now York on a

similar charge. to regúlalo trame. Tho vehicle! going VictrolasKmlth wn i,,.,.t i. ,i...i i.. .. south drive on one side and those goingfor two ilays Inat week while the north pans on the other, These posts ireAT THE govern men! agents sotiKht tu obtain placed In position by the officers on pa-

trol,from him a statement of tho alleged mid some or these gentlemen rind thisconspiracy, A stenographic report of extra duty ruthor boresoine. as Karle Wil-

li and ()GRECIAN his statement today an or tho viuigiaph players, found out.was taken by AH. Williams was oil his dally trip rromiiuuiuuii. wno

,,oogan checking dnten lila Iioiiiu on Brooklyn Heights to tho111, I. I. studio In Klalbush, drives iu auto

TODAY HUd TOMORROW obtaliucl from Crowley and' by the through Prospect park, as ho finds tliU a $100 Grafonolasiieimrinieni or. justice. short route, utid it was on one of theseI he conspiracy charge ngainst occasions ho incurred the wrath of iho

"'"""i muae puniic last Friday stationed at the entrance pi the park. MIGNONETTEhi account of the ctlru heavy traffic and

daleCrowleyto further


money on certain lo allow ror a "safely uparo," this par-ticular

VICTOR-VICTROLA-- From $18 to SSOO COLUMBIA GRAFONOLAto destroy by Kciillcinsn liaa to piuco three or the"SAVED BY fire and dynamite, vessels and docks. ists in ii triangle about four yards apart,Crowley admitted employment bv the in passing these, Carle happened to JrlvoQermaa consul genera! hem, Frans loo close anil accidentally knocked one orWPP, no counsel rur jr. Hupp later litem over, Just as he waa about to enter

filed a protest with the German Um gste, the policeman, who, unknown to Our Easy Payment Will lVfake Purchasing EasyWIRELESS" at Washington, charging that Mr Williams, had witnuasud tho Incident,.lnhii W. I'reston, United Htates dls- - sarcastic

stepped lumanner

rout ofremarked:

his car and In a verytrioi attorney here, hud displayed say! What to you think you're dalng?

iwwaurq ine tiormaii ci Howling'; Wiry don't you go buck ami tryTRIANGLE sulatn In the Crowley and ot It again, ami see if you can't make a

KEYSTONE strike?'" Tri-Sta- te Talking Machine Co.Public Land Hold. Four Kolillrrs Convicted of Criminal Assault.HAITI HAIRING COMKDY OF' Izoo, N. ft.. Hoc. 3. A repreaentstlve Associated Press.

MM hind Office sold l ,u acres ot enver. Dec. I'liltcd Slates solTHE Allt, HEA AND LAND. loue huui, lying in tin- vicinity or diers. Iris Law. C, 0. Collins, II. V. Abbott Telephone 2026 Cor. Texas and Stanton StreetsIt, Hit s county. Two parties rronj cap and Kdwln Moody, were convicted today In- the bidders, eorgo Tltswortli ami ii ii' ti.i ouri on a marge ot criminal as-

lo.h, Hurl Tin- lutler'a bid uf 9 :.5 was Frank Wllaon, a nrth defendant, wasTHE TOP NOTCH sini. o?f u niatcrui advance over iicipiitpvl. .Margarci Much, a lienvec High

mlmum iirlx- of M.oo nr aero una i. school girl, was the complaining witness.11.0 rlrst iiiatnncc m this county, where iiub- - The conviction waa upon four counts, car-

ryingii. Is licen l,i,l in St ...v !.. .!. a máximum aenlente of 35 years inOF DARING! a federal prison. Ten days waa grained inwnicn to apiuy tor a new trial.Huaprnae That Didn't Cel In.


li"", Ml"aTi- IMirnlnk, EdllOQ, had Tax Levies Approved.i Naztmova. ianious and li a subject or un-

usualUijou and were loud In their praise of the the plint of (he French Battery 4c Carbon

AND Mf)HT EXCITING dcibiiss typo of iron, iwrt In n. aaiiSi Carrlxozo, h. M., Dec. 3. At a iperial power. In thli production Miss acting or .Miss Hanson, and the elaborate company, no South Dickinson street, latem... ' rioiiKiiaiiare,' until it meeting of the county commissioners held Frederick eellpsea, ir posalblu. the iplen-di- settings in this remarkable rcature. One of tonight, entailing a loss or 1100,000.COMEDY BVEll PRODUCED P with a roar that jerked everyone for the purpose of considering a revision of Amusements Impress-Io- ihe made ei an emotional the finest cabaret icenea, if nol the great-est

The French Battery 4 carbon companyuriiaiu in aia. ever filmed, is to be leen in this pro-

duction.since the beginning- or theIt was handed to him. loaded attain, braced the tax levies in school districts Nos. 7, 13 It is a great picture and you will supplying the allies with

war has been

Don't Miss it! lillliM- r. tried to uiO ni, a .1 and IV. li. li. naming, tax coniiiussioner of (Advertí sement.j GRECIAN. miss a treat ir you fall to lee It today. At-


large stocki ored smile, tverybhily put their flnreri In me ti rase Miuinwestcrn ayitem, w

Of all the daredevil comedians In film-land

the matinee today as a great crowdOne or the complaining P.U'LINK FIIKDKIIICK IN III I DOXNVprcBcnlthen- ears, some stood on tip toe to iMnd us earth thote who participated in the new .win want to iee It tonight. Search for Germanthe shock, Willi others, wtae on nlr However, attor it Had been shown that the Sironiily dramatic la "Helia nunna. the Ship Official.Mtr. openeii their

pre'ihelr levies III the above districts- were legal aud Spectacular Key?tone comedy, "Sived By

THE UNIUL'E TODAY. By Associated Press.mouthi to save f at Hie. Alliatnliia tuilaj- only. Tlie Wireless," looi tho bliffest chancel. They,ir ih iims vtih final that the money was not being extravagantly "The Crimson Sabre," Thanhouser Sun Francisco, Cel., Dec. 2 Federal orn- -one brarlns. nuiiio role la earned by famine treiiertra wee- literally up in Uie air molt of the aegulajieJ pulled Ull tiiifger with mi "I don'l used, as the RoUthWeiUMI company, hail and rained in a manner worthy or tho. time, in aeroplane or lighthouse tower or drama In two .parts and one that Is uf clils announced today that Robert Capelle,

care" air. And the gun didn't ko off! beefl Inrormeil, Mr. Harding witluln w ins best tra;liu .us. There waa pronounced ap liaiiKlmr In midair by ropes, ur else they more than ordinary interest, will be the agent here of the North German l.loydSuspense, uni objections and tie levlej were allowed lo the tomorrow at the A Uetufy steamship company, for whom the L'nltedluiplriuon- - when they all plause from a house at stranii re in the ninlst of wreck, and Impend program Unique.

their breath. stand as originally assessed. theater, New vmk, Monday afternoon at lug suelden death on land or water by comedy entitled "Billy Van Dusen and the States marshal and his deputies have beenHie roncluaion or "Pella Donna," by no or inotorcycle wreck or yehl ex-

plosion.Merry Widow" comiilctcs a splendid hill. vainly searching to aerve with a subpoena

means an every day occurrence Three It li a story of how a couple or .Saturday and Sunday, Olga I'etrova, who to appear berore the federal grand Jury In

thou land porsoni, by their fieep alienee, spies tried to steal the government code played the stellar role In "The Heart or a connection with alleged neutrality violationshad attested the dramatic quality of the book on the eve of war. and the pursuit aimed Woman," and "The Vampire," will has been Identified as the "Mr. Scott" whoHory. There li In "Bella Tmnni" little for the book carried them fir arield. be here in "My Madonna," a story of the a year ago paid for supplies loaded on thepulios; there la no comedy. It la a studio. steamer Sacramento for German cruisers,. IninThey are a big: buzzing aeroplaneWhat's she to do about it? straiftht tale of a woman who seei only through the air at eighty miles an the South raciric.going herself, who has eyes for no one who hour. Ihe rc Hiding automobile and mo To Our Many Kkad Friends. Capelle's wife Is said to have told federal

in.:- - in me way or her ambition, whu lorrycle, a yacht blown up by dynamite, I want to think you for the loving re orricera today that she did not know whereBesltatei not to sacririre her beat friend. etc. one at luallv sins these things and spect, sympathy and orrerlnga you have her huabanl was. Put believed he had goneIt li .i stem role that rails to Mm Fred-erick,

wonders how it Is all done and bow the shown to my sweet, loving wife, CauiDhV to New York.See "MATRIMONY" Monday and Tuasday. and a dirrii nit one. T.o portray a intrepid actors consent to take such laid a: rest In Evergreen cemetery, Interest In the search ror Capelle over-

shadowedv ornan lacklnir apparently a rodccininit chances. Saved by Vi'lreless" will give ember ?. tuts. I am viuti tiil for all and the case or C. C. Crowley, thetrail, a cold liln,.,icd cqurtesan, and yet you a thrill no matter how blase a thea-

terto all; there is a love lost forever. detective employed by the German consu-

late,retain the sympaihs of- - Iho house la a real goer you are. Adv. W. J. COX. who was arrested on charges of con-spiringirhleveiMnt "Bella rtonna" la the play "Saved liy Wlrelesi" will be shown at to destroy ships bearing munitions

that made the treat ItusMan actreii, Alia the Grecian today and tomorrow. Don't Electrification of Chicago Roads Given L'p. of war io the allies.miss ni tteguiar prices. o) press.MlnWS BBVORB AND AFTEU Chicago, Dee. i. Elect! iriratlon of rail-

roadsTHE PARAOS AT Tl 113 WIGWAM "THE PITFALL." in Chicago as an abatement of theThe wigwama offering for today will snok'- nuisance. Is technically prartlrable Children CryA I UAMDDA TODAY be "The Pitfall," one of Kalem'i Broad-

waybut ruianrtally Impracticable, according to

WIGWAM feature. These pictures are the pick the report of the committee appointed to FOR FLETCHZR'Sof the kalem company's output, and can the subject. Tho report of theHLIIMITIUrXM be depended upon each week to be classy committee was discussed ai a banquet to-

night C ASTO R I AONLY and of the Assoclition or Commerce, aKalem'a Broadway Tomorrow cracker-lac- Vltagraph com committee from which organization madefeature, edy with Anita Stewart, Earl Williams. the report, which represented nearly four

Hugh Mark and other stars. years of inveailgitlon.LAST SHOWING TODAY OF Su.iday Vivian Reed playing the lead It developed during the discussion of the INTERNATIONALIn the Sellg Diamond special, "The Print various phases or the report that the ex-

pensesCAFE"The Pitfall" "GLADYS HANSON" IN of the Nails." Ntu Reed li an El raso or the roimnlltee and Its stall or

girl. engineers and ornee employes wai borne American and Chinese Servios.PAULINE FREDERICK by the railroads at a cost or Booths for Ladles or Partlea.Featiirlni; The Primrose Path LAST KHOWtXG OF THE GREAT PICTt RF.M tt :n Seie and True The Pliou will show for the list time to Battery Plant Destroyed by Fire. 208 210 S. El Paso St., next toBoardman tur Friday Ktilent day "The Primrose Path" featuring the By Associated are íhé ldi ked films of THE GREAT EMOTIONAL STAR OF "ZAZA," beautiful actress. Gladys Hanson, drcat Madison, Wis.. Dae, I. Fire, believed to Bijou Theater.tho entire KHlem crowd! saw Una picture last ulght at the have been caused by an explosion, destroyedoutput. Th.ynever disappoint. IN ALLA NAZIMOVA'S BIG STAGE SUCCESS,


Anita Stewart,TOMOIUIOW

Earl Williams. "Bella Donna" LADIES' MINSTREL TnHmuA forHoleproofMen, Women and

HosieryChi dren.

Hugh Muck and other Vlla--rui- n BRYAN BROS.stars In "Count 'Em," a (Harmony Chapter, O. E. &)


in the Ulue Diamond Special, HER SUPERB EMOTIONAL ARTISTRY. DECEMBER l"t 11 Thanhouser Drama. China Crockery Glass warethi: PRINT OK THE NA1U8." I'nder direction of Jay Clay BILLY VAN BUSEN


S BIG ACTS 8 A BEAUTY COMEDT. 112 San Antonio Street.

So full of good spirits and vivacity that all men SATURDAYSPECIAL, ATTRACTION


flock around her He MUCKS Me, 76C, 1.00, 1.M OLGASHAW AND CO.attempts to win her back PETROVA Family Liquor Dealers.QRKATK8T SCENE EVER sale at Ryan'seats on Starring in "MV MADONNA.' S CJTB. ICE COLD UEEB. UN.'Does he do it? Sn 'MATRIMONY" Monday and Tuesday. Kll.Ml.ii DON'T MISS IT. Drug Store. A Story of the Studios. DkXJVKKED.

PIMM al. 14 North Oregon.

Friday, December 3. 1915. EL PASO MORNING TIMES


For Sunday. December i. IMS'and Keep It Up IS GRAVE PROBLEM

"VZ7.IAH'8 PRIME AND PUNISHMENT."I It. Chron. MiS-l- Every Morning Mn Avenuo nnd San Antonio Sircct 1'rlmto ItmiKli Exchange S3O0

- CONNECTION.We had ome lessons about Joash. xtnir ÍTtTES DEtTTI RATE

or Judah He stalled off well ni kept it Oat In the habit of drinking IB SO HIGH MtY PERSONS AREas the Jebolada lived, then AFRAID TO RESIDE IN i PASO.up Ion; ea priest glass of hot water before Offergot urea, uin poony na wis mumm-u-

His son, Amailah. who a much stronger breakfast, Interesting Talks Made at Meeting of Equal Exceptionalman, hean fairly, got purreit up. sought huff ratio cuntir; Crowded CondlUoawar with the king or Israel, was badly of Schools Plrlured.Vntpped, and that no outraged the peoplethat they put him to death, till son, We're not here long-- , so let's make


talks by Rabbi Martin ' OFwas not only a great but a good man. ll.iabeth Darwin or the slateHe almost restored the days of Solomon, so our stay agreeable, Let us live well, pure food and drug- department. Misa

at the . t -- n ,),.., ...u .Maud an Huren. representative of thesplendid was bis retgn. ills neighborhead of the northern kingdom. Jeroboam, wall and .ook w.U. Whot a giortou. iSX fVS'eM? PALMOLIVEwas a very able and enterprising man. K CQThose were gTeat days, but we will see.

easy It la If one will only adopt the ber of Commerce of tbo lil Paso EqualTHE LESSON.

I.morning Inside bath. Mrs. S. i. lennell, vice president or the TOILET PREPARATIONSHis Brilliant Sueessa. . Folks who are accustomed to feel league, presided at the meeting and Intro-

duced9 dull and heavy when they arise, split-ting

Dr. Martin Zlelonka who said El"And ths Ammonites tribute togave Paso s greatest problem was Its MexicanfaWúkA and his name spread abroad even to headache, stuffy from a cold. population, and that it was time ror all

the entrance or Egypt; ror he wated ex-ceeding"

foul tongue, nasty breath, acid organizations interested In El 1'aso to look $1.90 Value forstrong. Moreover (Jxxlah built tow-ers stomach, can. Instead, feel as fresh 'he situation In the race and embark on

in Jerusalem it the corner gate, and at soma concerted movement for the amel-iorationates the valley gate, and at the turning; or. the as a daisy by opening the sluices of or conditions.

wall, and roriiried them. And be built the system each morning and flush Utah Dralh Rate.towers In the wilderness, and hewed outIn ing out the whole of the internal One outgrown or this condition wai tocisterns, ror he had much cattle;many make the El Pato death rale abnormallyhe poisonous stagnant matter.andthe lowlands also, and in the plain; high, and this Injured the ir Ihehad husbandmen and vine dressers tn the Everyone, whether ailing, sick or prestige New York, with Its millions.Million! of mountalna and In the rrultrul nelds; tor liein well, should, each morning, before had solved Its problems or sanitation andloved And he made

housewives know this it the Jerusalemhusbandry.

engines, Invented by skillful breakfast, drink a gloss of real hot had rei'uced Its dlh rato .to II. at percent, against the alinormall"hlgh rate of

truth they realize the coat of a men,battlements,

to bewherewithon the towers

to shootand


andthn water with a teaspoonful of limestone n per thousand fur El 1'aso.

pnoHpnoie in it to wash rrom the Dr. zieiunka prconled statistics showtingla bake-da- y failure. That's great stones. And bis name spread fsr ' the twelve weeks Includedstomach. liver and f duringwhy they itick to Calumet. abroad; Tor he was marvclously helped till :.,. . ... .B0W0,S tne! in the time tn which Dr. B. L. Arms made

he was strong." previous aay s inoigesimio waste, sour his health survey of El Paso, there were1. CONQUEST. He was able, as wo learn uim tutu, poisonous toxina; cleans- - oeains among tne city s neairan popu

Be on the afe aide avoid tn the rirst verses or the chapter, to defeat lng, sweetening nnd nurlfvlnar a" 17 oirms. uuring in sainuse Calumet next bake- - the Philistines and build rlttes for Ms own

people In their territory and to drive barkor uniiorm results learnbe moreSay desirable lands. He also more food into thethe Arabians rrom ntomach. The ac-

tionSchools Are Crowded.irhr Calumet Is the roost economical compelled the Ammonites to pay him tri-

bute,of hot water and limestone phos He also arraigned the crowded condland to use. It's in the j bis and ramo as farto buy pore and be sent name phate on tlon or Ihe city schools, mentioning tinan empty stomach iscan pure in the baking. Order now as Egypt. won-

derfully Aoy school, with a total attendance or t.too8. COMMERCE. He established a rerolgn Invigorating. It cleans out bad doubled its attendance during the past

Ree.lvd Hlht commorce, which was a new thing, and all the sour fermentations. gases. seven years, wnne the raciones in ineAwkrd. fh. nnrt nf Etah down on the tied waste and acidity and gives one a witv of additional room had been very VAll.I,. f'n'IS'-V- í

strategic that Solomon had This .Wra CI mI (tar sea, a point sllghlly increased in proportion.taken, but bad not taken advantage or. and splendid appetite for breakfast. school was the largest In .Texas today In WWwhich Jehnshaphat had not been able to While you are enjoying your break-

fastpoint of attendance. Such conge stlnn, as

recapture. Little kingdom, like Moab, the water and phosphate Is he pointed out, was unhealthy, and It wasowned his overlordshlp and paid annual a condition which was crying tor remedy. 1 I Rcdeemlnti f Wnnf Youtribute. The first year or two he showed quietly extracting a large volume of Mrs. Elizabeth Darwin, stale rood andhis wiarlmn In onenlnsr UD trade, the (treat water from the blood and getting drug inspector, gave a report or her re-

centest commercial achievement In the history ready for a thorough flushing of ail work In El Paso under the auspicesnt thn milnn The explanation oí It Is In the of the Women's clubs, apeaklng largely to TRY Thesethe statement In verse 4 that "ho did that Inside organs. upon her recent talk at the Chamber ofwhich was right In the eyes or the Lord The millions of people who are Commerce mass meeting Tuesday evening,He starts well. He has great talent. 1 bothered with constipation, billoua and telling Ihe lsdles bow they could help 1 Whas unlimited oppdrtunltles. to make El Paso a clean and healthy city

i. Afmir.tlLTl'RE. For this he hadspells, stomach trouble; others who by their active and Intelligent and unself-

ish PALMOLIVEspecial rondness end set an example that have sallow sklna, blood disorderswai rontairloiiR and nrofltuole. He was a and sickly complexions are urged to Better Education.practical farmer, both In agriculture and In get a quarter pound of limestone Miss Van Uuien, the representative ofsioca raising, ror me skjck no kmiwicu tho American Civic association, advocated V Toiletwater during Ihe scanty rainfalls In l phosphate from the drug store. This work In behalf of a general educational Specialties

cisterns and held for times of drought will cost very little, but is sufficient propaganda, tn order that the women ofIt was good statesmanship ns well as good to make anyone a pronounced crank the rulure and the race or the futurebusiness. He raised the new cry or "back on the subject of g might be further advanced than they are Hence This Astounding Offerto the rarm," and grave agriculture a new be-

foretoday. She declared this work or Instruc-tionvogue by being a model farmer with his breakfast. must begin early and In the schools

tenants and vine dressers, his "There la no reason why the high school Here's chance to supply yourself with a completebe yourfine crops ana nis nvesiuc graduate, boy or girl should, not pre

4. PREPAREDNESS. Vorses omitted, pared ror userul citizenship on leaving assortment of the famous Palmoiivc Toilet Preparationsas not toknow one letter in a book, or one that Institution." she declared.with antell or "militaryofficers

preparedness,"and 307.500 soldiers, thing he had ever done. Pollard. she advocated teaching the children at The counts as $1.31 or i.aoo cívica anil economics by causlhg them In radically our expense. coupon

with the armor and weaponswellior tne

equippedaay ana nrinen ior actum, i nry um 1, Why

PERTINENTIs true piety

QL'ESTIONS.hard to maintain

study thewith



its problemstext book

andlo begin


pensing 3 and you pay tne d;aier tor nis trouoie ana tne ireignt on tneriKhtmi-- .

invaderstoo.and carried

with oneon


lie drovewars;

backwith with great prosperity? with. She advocated the organization or goods shipped to him. This astounding offer is made solely toand said2. What arc the dangers or militarism? lulnor civic leagues in El 1'aso

theHis borders

other hewere

derendedwell patrolled

the traleglrby mounted

points. 8. Why sliould overy one trace bis wor-thy

Unit in her work In this behalf In El Paso f f induce you to TRY these wonderful preparations, and each personcordial approval of Superin-

tendentbackprosperity lo Ood? she had thepolice.

builtHe strengthened

towers andthe

constructedwalls or Jeru-

salem, en 4. Why does not Ood now punish such H. F. Tlghe bf the city schools. J' can have only one assortment on this plan of tree distribution .bad rulers In such drastic way? 'Sil gines ror throwing missiles, tie am won Medlesl Inspection.

ui.i i nni nietrich snid that to be efdera, but trouble wasII.

coming.fective medical Inspection In the .schools

His Bold Sins TWO CANDIDATES theon, ni,

trainedhn Biinnlemeirted

nurse. Parentsbv the


be dis-


But when he was strong, his heart was sending children sufferinghe did and he from w sati di i : a. .ix a 1 $0.90 bbbbbl j bbbbi aalined up. so that corruptly, rrom coins ami ia gniw; ino,. o X.DKPI ra niuuvo juau, iuu auo. vtwtu. ar aaas ear an

trespassed against jenovan nis una; ior no II t t In orevontlnir the spread of dls " I i i di i:,, r f..u we jar, wortn.- - .RA B m m wwent into the temnle of Jehovah to burnIncense upon the altar of Incense. And FOR PRESIDENCY ease

to cuterrom.

afterward.the nome was inui:u unmi - 1 Bottle Palmolive Shampoo, fullaize bottle, worth ...SO & SW SV SB a

Asarían tne priest went m nucr nun, mm Announcement was made thai Miss orareWilli him prlesta or Jehovah, Virginia' Logan snd Miss Evelyn l ogan, All for $1.31 Coupon and 59c worth $1.90that were valiant men; add they withstood" members of the El 1'aso Equal SurrrageUzzlah the king, and said unto him, It leniriie. will leave shortly lr Washington

not unto .thee, Utrtah, to burn In-

cense to ailend the convention of the National Palmolive Toilet Preparations on I CUT HEWS ICheapandbigcan Baking Powdersdo not unto Jehovah, but to the priests the GENERAL ISMAEL PAI.AFOX AMI I'll tv Suffrage associotton ss ar legates n'in bine the oil Of the Palm and the oil of

or Aaron, that arc consecrated to burn cist-- uiiA.tHI) UESIHE TOsons HE HEAD slate or Texas. the OliVe. These rare oils are blendedsave you money. Calumetdosa It's Pure Incense; go out or the sanctuary; for thnu OF Mill. N COWEMIOIV.hast trespassed; neither shall It bo for thine Ti, mnnnnnced a meeting of Ihe and combined by a remarkable procesa Palmolive Freefar milk and soda. Couponand to soursuperior recently organFederationCivichonor from Jehovah Ood." "Oeneral Ismael Palarox and Francisco Women's which brings forth all their virtues as

t, That ' Is usually Largos Chataro will piuoably be the can-didates

ized, wouldChamber

be neioornext


nun anv-

cleansers of the skin, scalp and thethe lapse of those who are "strong." He

conventionror the presidency

or Mexicoorwhen


sov-ereign ss

m.women or El Paso who ore Interested are Hoar the women of all ages would This Coupon is WortlT&tf 04surely was strong In his material prosper-

ity sembles at Juarez," said Senor Miguel Diaz Invited to attend. envy the modern woman, could theyTo "linedand personal InHucnce. get Lombardo, minister or Tho leoKue unanimously auuineu know the she ia thoruielgn relatione In privilege enjoysCLEARING HOUSE IS that account, when Ood was really tbe treaauryup" on rromHie Villa cabinet. Tbo advices about the lutlcin appropriating of Palmolive coupon entitles holder to the $1 .80the source or his good rortuno. was a greatconvention the sum or bcliair or tne i.iiuinuci tiae Soap.

weakness. It seems that every good delegates who are coming to rund. assortment t Ihe Faunou PaJmolive Specialties,the north arc not clear or Commerce budget .,..very at ths pres-entto extent SOAPCever hsd went wrong some "'' THE PERFECTtime, but Miss Hunt Augur moven mm me

betore he got to the end. He would start both or Iheiemyleaders

understanding is that offer a medal as a tropny ror marnsnian- - iHEAVY CONTRIBUTOR ln--by doing "that which was right In the the delegates.aro accompanying

. sblp lo be competen ior n "" ' " "' Palmolive lathers instantly whether it Cakes Palmolive Soap Msight or the Lord," and then arter the Lord "The last dertnlte word rrom the dele the Hlirh school cadet corps. The sugges-tion

the water ia hard or soft, hot or cold,bad given him good success he would gates was received rrom San Lula Potosí. was met with many expressions of ap-

provaland ia extremely economical in use. 1 Jar Palmolive Cream, .60 Towsrdrheloosen up and sometimes go to the dogs, will be formally acted upon atThis andwas somo time ago and so I led Especially desirable for babies, natur-ally

amtve thmirtit better or L'ZIlah. Adversity the lc"lf"u- 1 BoL Palmolive et the j.i.90 assert- -or .50makes manhood. Wo are fronting the

to believe they aro now In the vicinity or the next meeting following their first bath of olive oil. Shampoo,Torreón. It la not aaast as asittUiaa,possible, that

GIVES BLDCET FUND ,2S0 AT ANNUAL mmtinn rlirht now whether we can stand reached a point north or Torreón.they


ALTO RUNS DOWN CHILD. Bear in mind that we are offering Total Value, .... SL90MEETINB HELD YESTERDAY ; TOTAL the properlty we are having. It Is a great the convention will be called in ftiarea regular full size cakes, jara and bottles

MARK NOW EXCEEDS 112,000. economic as well as ethical question. I cannot say at tho present time. It will Viola Hansford. Age It, Slightly lnured of Palmolive Toilet PreparationsWealth usually leads to probably be several weeks berore It ran Yeaterday Atternoon. Ctssrwner Sign JrA big Impetus was given the Chamber or He had railed to put a stop to the Idol wor-ship

be convened ta It will take the delegates Viola Hansrord, about 11 years or age, enough of each to abaolutcly prose"st the rirst and this Is psrtly the re-

sulttime afternoon abeir effectiveness and value.Commerce budget Tund for fits campaign some to get to the border." was slightly Injured yesterday

or it. and Texas street, when she wasyesterday when the El Paso clearing bouse, 9 annnfiANCE Few can keen down ar


Mesaand knocked to the pavement by No.

at Its anniial meeting voted an impropria-- rogance when tn power. It led Uzzlah to Miss Irene Laugh-lln-an automobile driven by CLIP! CLIP! QUICK! M.S. This coupon ant valid traWa atente) b, aaaMSSSSS with Miitlon of 4,350 in behalf or the rund. This sacrilege. Militarism Is a bad thing, thoughbe Red snd Rlue Teams ot Y. H. C A. Start According to a tranic orrieer who

until It exceeded a certain amount or preparedness mayWork of Securing New Members wllnes led the accident, the child stepped i. ut nut tho milium. ikii voir namosent the total soaring has necessary. Ag he ruled army and people

A determination to win the Y. M. C. A. in Ihe path or the machine without see-

ingand atldreti and hurry with samo to thn

the 112,000 mark and last night tbe auto-matic

and cowering nations round about, why not membership campaign race now In It, or hearing Ihe horn, and the acci-

dentPopular Dry Hoods Co., El I'sao, Tolas.

mi reiio-in- Instead of conforming to prog-ress It stated Missunavoidable. lathermometer at tbe corner of Hotel was evidenced by tbe "cabinet" seemed

He swept aside the method by erfort to keep theOod's plan? I.aughlin used everySheldon registered tne big Increase. meeting of Ihe "Reds" yesterday at lunrh-eo-which Ood would protect public worship the little girl. The childin the Sheldon car rrom atriklngTbe El 1'aso Equal Suffrage league voted hotel. At this lunch-

eonan appropriation or W. toward the rund rromrnrhiridi.n



lnoecenryInto the


ain twoand a cabinet waa ebnsen to aasist s. w. was






and BEGINNING TODAY AT 9:30 A. N.yesterday, Rabbi Martin Zlelonka turned nanlels, captain or the team. The cabinetover his personal contribution or tlu and attempted to burn Incense, when a pflest I' pl. s are E. I.. W. Polk. Osear Block. the arrival or an ambulance rrom theA. L. Mlchelson Increased his subscription alone was allowed those two privileges H. W. Staub, J. C. Hill, Oeorge Meo, W. E. emergency hospital, where aha was taken.

held mnñ determined etrort of the 0. B. Calnan sheor 130 last year to $40. Tim Waldron and Randall Nortbroo. When examined by Dr. Sale of Genuine Cut Glass $2.45calledhim superb; they eustalnrd alight bruisesother subscription!! acknowledge to date priests to atop was Each of these leaders will he assigned to was round to havethe rund committee follow:. him down In rine rashlon. What will Ood about the legs and noay, ana was laierbudgetby direct a cenain numncr or the "red

Tom Lea, 'ISO; International Book do about ltT ' removed to the McCoy hotel, where herMayor team, widen is composed or r,n "V mem Values To $7.50Upand SluUonery company, 1160; Elite Confec in. bers. The to effect this final parents reside.tionery, fiou; t,. a. ncera, ato; o. v,. Rlf Sudden and Tragic Defeat, organization will be held Saturday night

sao; Elliott Engineering company, "Then Uzzlah was wroth; and he had a at rzsv nun at ine . el. u A. anil all IlealChamberlain's

This In MindCough Rera-.,t- i MORNING another one of 'The Popular's" famous aalea of rich Cut Glass. All"I consider$$0 i. W. Lorentzen, 30; H. T. Ponsrord, censer In his hand to burn Incensé ; and memb'-r- or ma fain are urgen lo attend THISt50; James L. Marr, 500; El Paso Laundry while he waa wroth with the priests, the Members of both the "ned'' and "Blue' hv rar the best medicine In the market at a fraction of its real worth. An opportunity to select the moat appreciat-

edcompany, $178; Hotel Paso del Norte, $1,800; leprosy brake rorth In his forehead, berore teams are busy now lining up and Hating colds ana rrowy, y "'Powers Truosdall, $350; Newman Invest-ment

the priests In the house or Jehovah, beside prospects for the two finishing days of tho Blaster, Lima, Oblo.For


outersall desleri.

are ot of gifts for Christmas or for wedding gifts.bycompany, 1500; Krakauer, Zorke k the altar or Incensé. And Azarlah the chter campaign, necemher 7 un a. A hlg rally the same opinion.

A special purchase of one of the largest manufacturer's surplus stock of Cut Glass, to-

getherMove $500; Hotels Orndorfr and Sheldon. priest and all the priests, looked upon him. of all members of both teams will be held Advertisement.$1,000; Popular Dry Goods company, $800; and. behold, he was leprous in his fore-

head,next Monday night at 7:30 o'clock at the diseases or blsdder, with pieces from our regular stock.

Dr. R. 11. Worrall. $40; Wilson, Mllllcan and they thrust him out quickly from "Y." The prizes to be given the member D Jsmleson,Mills

kidney,(Adv.)16 company, IIO0; Henry 8. beach, thenre: yea, hlmseir hasted also to go out, on each team securing the largest number skin, rectum.

$100: Hlnc Lumber company; West Texas because Jehovah bad smitten him. And or new members will be on d splay. The IVKvrilEh lll'Ll.ETIN.Tho pieoes In this great sale are large, extra heavy,

Fuel company. $187.50; OalbraKh i the king was a leper unto the day of rirst prize Is an "Aeolian Voralmti," or-rered The

U. S.following

DAILYtable shows the weacher rock crymal K'"a, with new and artistic designa,

$160; Long Lumber company, $fOU; his death, and dwelt In a separate house, by the El Paan Piano company, and conditions that prevailed at the various featuring tho new engraved cultinga that are soHourk iv Dieter, $300; Aulunan U Dormán, being a leper; ror he vas cut ofr from the the second la a leather suitcase, donated$00; Herald News $300. weather bureau atatlona throughout ths much in demand. The cutting is deep, sharp aadcompany. house or Jehovah; and Jotham his son was by the Popular Dry Goods company. Cnited States at 8 p. ox. aeveni firth ma-

udlinover the king's house, Judging the people time, yesterday: accurate. , Krllllantly polished. Included In thisInvents Auto Dimmer. or the land." of Cut GlassL. E. Nash an El Paso man. has Invented LEPROSY. Hla reroclotis anger and his VTM Temp" great lot are:

and Is manuracturlng, what he believes Is Inflated egotism were useless as a protec-tiontbe beat automobile light duumer that baa Anv kind of drastic surgery is Jus-tified

THIN PEOPLE CAN Nut Bowb Handle Nappiesbeen orrered the users or automobiles.yet when X man Is to he saved rrom

While the "ansae or ' dimmer nas Deen hiiirhtltiK blasphemy and evil doing that will Comports Water Pitchersprevent others. Ood is to be worshiped, nol Vasea Boa Bon Dishessmall scale It will be tried on a large scale worked. It was s tragical end to that un-

lawfulIn tfce automobile parade tonight. Mr.Invsalon or Ood's prerogative. Ood INCREASE WEIGHT Celery Trays Powder Boxes

be would haveNash said last night that tell Him what laws toonewill have norullv ?s men at work In his EI Paso plantmake. We rind In Uzzlah arrlaance and Relish Dishes Cologne Bottles

b tli' middle or this mouth, making theUek or a sense or responsibility. II becaus.- Fruit Bowls Sugar and he cut loose from 'Ind. The leprosy was Thin men and women who would like todeserved by him and a deterrent to others. lacréate their weigh! with 10 or IS pounds Abilene, clear B .. 44 V. ill Jewel Boxes Many Odd Pieces

Í. DETHRONEMENT. A lepsr is forbid-den,

or healthy "stay there" rat should try eat-ing

Amarillo, clear BW 14 44 r.t

because unfit, to rule. Put him out. a Utile ssrgol with their mesla ror a Allanta, clear W 12 M W CONDITIONS OF THIS SALE None of theseAbdication waa voluntary because neces-sary,

while and note results. Here Is a good test Boise, ram HE tí 4a iw .0UGH! A DOSE OF as a leper must live apart. He drop-

pedworth trying. First weigh yourself and Boston, cloudy rt . 36 40 will he reservnd or seat C. O. D. No phone

suddenly and was no better than measure yourself. Then take Ssrgol one Chicago. pL cldy 8W . H2 Sx orders approvals, nona delivered. Allelae. Poor tool! He now has time tablet with every meal for two weeks. Cincinnati, rlear .... W .. :sl 40 HI

ot each article, sold to eachclear in. one.. VI 68 iito think .or bis folly, while his son sits on Then weigh and measure tgaln. It isn't a Denver, RW

NASTY CALOMEL the throne. question of how you look or feel or what Detroit, pt cldy Wyour mends sty and think. The acslea and Duluth, cloudy BE

WHAT THE MASTERS SAT. the tape measure will tell their own story, EL PAgi). pt. cldy EclearGalveston, N

The rart Is. militarism snd the militarist snd many thin men and women we believe Havre, clear Wheavily, demanding s terrlbl easily add from rive to eightIdeal mats can poundsMAKES YOl SICK ANDSALIVATES I IT Jsckaonnlle, clear ..NWITYOL MAY LOSE A DAY'S price rrom the happiness and morals or a In the first fourteen days by following this Little i. k. clear... ..W

WORK. peonie. is mines nous uiwi nuuin simple direction. And beat of all, the new l os Angeles, clear . ,.8Wrevenue, which mean s heavy burden o ncsb sttys put. Nashville cloudy ..luxation upon the poor, and prsrtlral en-

slavementSargol does not or itself make fat, but New Orleans, clear.

You're bilious, sluggish, constipated and or the peasant population; It mixing with your rood It aims to turn the New York, clear ...believe you need vile, dangerous calomel to alienates class rrom class; tt draws the fats, sugars and ataren- or what you have omaba, clear ,.8W 48un your liver and clean your bowels. beat young men from .ihe land to a life or etten, Into rich, ripe ral producing nour-

ishmentPhoenix, clear

Here's my guarantee! Ask your druggist glittering unproductiveness ; It creates an for the tlisuet and blood prepare Rapid City, clear ..for a 50 cent bottle or Hudson's Liver Tone order of persons who fatten on the peeuiisr It in an easily assimilated form which the Rotwell. clearsnl take a spoonful tonight, ir It doeim't gullibility which always accompanies de-

votionblood can readily accept Much or tins St. Louis, clear 40 n

start your liver snd straighten you right to war. s though God hsd permitted nourishment now pas- - rrom your bodjr as Salt Lake, cloudy.... 46X1j b iter thsr calomel and without STlping men and women to Buffer rrom a sort or watte But Bar gol ti to stop the waste San Antonio, clear 60 U

or making you sick I want you to go back nenal stupidity; and above all. It ministers and do It quickly and o make the rat pro 8. Francisco, cloudy. 8W IS 64 64 44to the store sod yet your money. to seirtatlsractlon. vanity and pride. Ooss ducing contents of tie tery same meals you Santa Fe. pi. ciay....sw .. 88 44

Take calomel today and tomorrow you In l!Oi Simon Tournoy. after he bad. art ettlng now deve pounds and pounds Seattle, cloudy ,. 8E .. 48 bi 44 Mwill l weak snd ilk snd nauseated. all his contemporaries st Oxford tn of healthy flesh be en your akin and Washington cloudy.. N 10 36 46 31 ...Don't lose s dsy'a work. Take s apoonrul lakrnlnr. and rerom so eminent In Paris bones. Sargol It s pleasant, efficient Wichita char 8 1$ 44 48 it ...of harmless, vegetable Dod son's Liver Tone as to be mads tbe elder doctor or tbe Sor and Inexpensive. A Ryan. El Peso, snd Yuma, ej.-- NE TO 78 is ..toni.'lii and wake up feeling great It'l bonne, grew so proud that, while he re-

gardedother leading drugv 10 this vicinity sell NOTE Wind

" Velocities of lets Iban" '10

perfci Ily harmless, so give II to your chil-

drenAristotle as superior to Moses snd it in large boxes f tablets to a osrk- - miles an hour and amounts of precipitation

at any time. It can't salivate, so let Christ, he considered bint ss but equal In age OO a guarantee weight Increase or of kaa Ibtu ol of an inch are not publihedthem est anything sitar ward blmaatt. Ha became such an idle at length money back at foun " each large boa.

FX PASO MORNING TIMES Friday, December 3, 1913.and this done Immediately. We have readof fitiregon's threats of annihilation for the The Jews and What They AreEXCHANGE OURVlllistaa; how he had the wily northern

INTERVIEWS COUNTRY GLIMPSES OF THE PASTI Tamr br XI Paao Tlmaa Ootnpanr. BT OCR Suffering.mmtm 11 Uta PealaTIr 'at El I'uo. Tom. aa Banind chieftain trapped and msny other asser-



ri lll.K ATlOfl m attributed to him which Were calcu- - From a magazine:raí mm BtTn.iiiN-o- . mm oír okeoon sr. lated to give the American "Oul, monsieur, The "Kitchen Cabinet." The recent appearance of a certain TWENTY-FOU- YEARS AGO TODAY.AiMrtaj All CrrtmunlraUnft t peopJs the Im- - we are sixteen. It Is a drama In this city calls to mind the JewT WOBWtNO TIMFK El. dsn. TXX All irrnnun mat warfare In Mexico would soon

good gift to le bon Dleu, nest-r- pas?" she (CotrrrHht. 161 3, b, tba Hedor, Nrappar RmrrfeaU.) his superficial eccentricities, his depth of Louis Herts, a "bad man" fromroRpicN Aiivriitisisii Ki'PHmr.NTATivM come to fln end.said, turning toward the cure. (CotrrlfM. IM1. 1H1. br Harper a Brother.) character, his

Ariaona,None of these struggle against fearful odds, wasHaw Tort c. Barlnrltri Spfrtal AWT. Trlbtm. Rid vbtorles "O'est vral, mon enfant. It Is.

captured by Officer Henry Georgerhlr 4. . , have resulted There IT was only fair his tenacity of his ability to. rise Inu -i !!, Spariai Tribu HM In anything other than the Is no better gift than that of

to purpose, the Bank saloon after he had terrorisedL



ItC. Blth Afxirr. ThlM National vain ImnirinlngB of the Carrancleta leader. His Kingdom."

another child remember that the despite a cold and contemptous world, to a number of El Posouns by making themAnthvlMl Ml CllacMra M. rmnar. J. Krtitppt anil As a matter of fact, One difference between literature

new party founded by maintain his Identity without a govern-ment

hold up.ttielr hands at a point of a gun.ggm Dioi we have about become and General Jackson drew of his own and without treason to the Captain T. J. Beall received a telegramJ nrnallsm Is thatI MATCa convlnieii i hat Villa, unprepared for a tie a peakerJournalists do not quoté of necessity upon Its various governments under which he has from Houston, requesting that ha beas using firstMall In one language and

Dallr aan Similar, wit rAdwixt)

$t a ...te ciutngemeni with the CarntncteU then another In the sameranks, whether for been forced to live. present at the banquet to be tendered the

Dallr and - i., au ia forces. Is keeping his whereabouts ae se-cret

even when theconversation, ordinary officials or We have heard a great deal about the Grand Lodge In that city on Dec 8.


andard Btmdar.

Similar,ihraanna nionlh

montha ..... 2

,TIin as possible and that Obregon is will-

inglylanguages. Louisville



write twominorfor leaders. If the Belgians and the Armenians. Our sym-

pathiesBanco and confidence men flourished In

Ttia Sundtx Tlm. ana yr J aa taking Which Is one of thr. ofice holders have been roused tn their behalf El Paso greatly to the discredit of theadvantage of many reasons for thethelB ramat.l strategic popularity of thewere new men, bc to an extent never' before known. We have city.

Dalll and Runda, ntw nunUi ampaign or Ihe newspaper. Suppose, forr wereSpahlta

commander-in-chie- f of th Instance, the Times their chiefs also, poured out millions for their relief, have Gus Eifstrom left on a tour of Newrtlai quoted some of the whoOt t... 'i aiMraaa In full, Irrltellns rountr and conventionalist forces to loiter around the Mexican celebrities partly stood close about to a certain extent molded our sentiments Mexico and Arizona on business.tata, alan aid addraat wttan rr. ...:. elunsa. Ratal I l.r Arlxona border In Idleness. If Obregon partly In Spanish. And


Fngllsh and the president himself. toward the belligerents on their account. W. J. Palmer, general manager of themortf nrilar. drtfl nr rllrr. was yet Time, re-porters Thehalf cabinet which What about the Jews? Rio Grande Western railroad, arriving tnas anxious could do thisio IfWté the Timesfhant prltau branrh airhant. tla nra trunk engace Villa In battle permit-ted

as vtmi.lltvaa . all daparUataib. Tall oparabtf - i. aa. ne would lead us to believe such practice. But then there's a dif-ference

cnose seemed conventionalr.ti i a c k s o n We can not take sides for them, since the city on buslnesa

plt at ilapartmrm ra., wlah and rrtmwtlntia will ba otada by the Inter between Journalism andenough, Indeed, they are in every camp kicked hv J. D. Hammett returned from tha eastliterature.Aflar I r m and an Similar afimt..i and holMara -- o - .if bo recently mnilc everyIba tn out up.umnmg to the presa, he to spend the winter in El Paso.foot,.i.'i wlni ,1pastmanlj will annrar mraot: ... ra ouren struck down by every lifted hand, and

MM Bdftortal and i.., Max. would g out , ,.,.,.,, f h. A Republican railroad magnate says the ' ' ot 'w Yorknsu


becomethe office of this, too, after 19 centuries of untold perse-

cution.s I''' and Mllllnf also mi he would do some time ago, but country has prosperity In spite of the of state. He had beer, merely a local

secretarypoll-t- l'

THIRTEEN YEARS AGO TODAY.JJJJ"! a . and Rbafl liapL he has vldently postponed his denartur. party. It Is hard for the nverage Ian no doubt, though he had Compared to the way Christian nations., rnoipcaln Boant served a Fred Fenchler returned from visit toand . Jutraa old sinner at RepublicanismIndefinitely. The to have no term In the nave treated the Jew. whatlatest senate, and the TurksHubarrlbtn fall u raralta Iht papar ratttlahi and reports are to the had come but the have Chicago, Kansas City and other easternprotniUr mjn a faror uinr. .i . manasamant' ar r. Wee! i hat Obregon Is In"

hard times to blame upon the Lord's Own. other day into national prominence; but he done to the Armenian is as nothing. Had It cities.portlna Uia mail, th Agua Prieta HoustonIn Post..laptnrrtanl was at least not been for hisaa well amazingknown vitality he wouldawaiting Villa, whom us many an-other County Tax Collector Charles Davis leftAnr rfflarUon upon Uta Handing. ,r 't experts to again cabinet officer be extinct.raptnatlon of an; param. nrnt nr nsrpnraU'm hlli mar attack the border That Oeneral Obregon before him. for Kansas City under summons as a wit-nessPPaar In Uia columna of Uta Tima aril) ba ffladif mrrartad city oitP DoughM. has a refined The other heada of departments, though Not only has he been done to death by In a lavs; suit.pon II batni brotutit la Iba tunUon of tha tnanta.aa.ant. If the newly sense of humor is shown in his suggestionrecognlied de facto govern-

ment to ITnlted Stateseven less generally known to the nation

processes too horrible to recall, but he has James' F. Bennett returned from Mexico,authoritiesIn Mexico Isn't strong enough to drive a murderer In their possession:in the


Runof than he was. had played a public part In been universally victimized by an Intoler-

ancewhere he la Interested In some mining

the Vlllistaa out of Sonora, together with fian is now In the power of the authoritiesaffairs, In congress and out of It, and had so bitter and so persistent as to have property.

"Onr Country! In her lntercourrw- with the aid of the United of Ibeen choien for reasons familiar enough in completely broken and destroyed any other A marriage license was Issued to Her-

bertStates, which is with-

holdingyour government, believe It would beforeign nations atoe be Inmay always racy. F. Houston and Miss Mary Graceammunition very easy tn perform an act ofha right: bat and supplies Justice Ifour country, right or fromthem, then the the said crlmlnnl were delivered to our Kat" "f T"""" was Since the dawn of history he has been Keeler.

wrong." hepntm Docatnr. Tarranclstas are In a bad thorltles to be Judged In conformity to our selected to be secretary of war, because he the butt of ridicule, the doormat of ar-rogance.

Dr. B. Brown, A. B. McKle, A. S. J.way to ever reallxe their dream of peace laws." Austin American. was a trusted personal friend of the presi-dent;The world has wiped Its feet on Eylar and Frank Hill left over the Mexi-

canThe Attitude of the State. In Mexico. Now is their chance to cruah But can Ihe I'nlted States nfford to es-tablish

the secretaries of the treasury and him In a social way, but has not scorned Central for a few days' hunting atthe VUllstos if they ever hope to surh n precedent T We think not. of the navy and the attorney general owed to employ his energy and ability for Its own Lucero.

JN rornmntlrirt upon the idltorlal In the But It looks very muchdo so If Randall Is turned over to the newly rec-

ognizedtheir places to the fact that they were the ends. It has allowed him to grow rich for Mrs. W. H. Forbes left for Topeka, Kan.,

Mornlno; t.i like Obregon Is be friends of Mr. the sake of to spend the holidays with friends andthe other day relative to ing de facto government of Mexico, Calhoun, the vice president plunder, to become great thatTubemilfiRlH

outgeneraled by Villa and that when-ever then who stood at the front hiB greatness might be relatives. ,week and the Bale of Hed why shouldn't every other Mexican of the president's It has

"Croaa atampR, a RiihMcrlberthere Is a clash between Ihe contend-ing

now a refugee In Ihe United States be put party In the south. damned him when he did succoed andother thlnpTR, that the state will

nnyn, arnonff factions that the Cnrranclstas are being under arrest and escorted across the Hlo The postmaster general had been a can-didate

thrown him on the scrap heap when he When My Ship Cornea In.Boon real-

ise,outfought by the Vllllstae. Oronde? Amonn otherB who would be sub-

jectfor governorship of Kentucky in the dldn t, and all the while it has used him Somewhere out on the blue sea sailingRhe hopee, that It la cheaper to asalat At any rate, we wish

to extradition If the Rnndnll case es-tablished

Jackson interest and had been defeated byas Its economic catspaw. Where the winds dance and spin:Obregonita alrk oneR to t well than It la to bear telling us what he

would quit a precedent would be Victoriano a nominee of the friends of Mr. Clay. In referring to slavery, Thomas Jeffer Beyond the reach of my eager expenae of a Ion, constantly lnrreaHlnh-lllnrr- and

I. going to do to Villa Huerta, Cíeneritl Aurelio Blanket, Oeneral What was really singular and significant son said: "I tremble for the safety of Over the breakers' din;and eventual death.

Instead go out and do It. Tha truth Felipe Angeles, Oeneral Raoul Madero and whs that these gentlemen did not, undermy country when I think that the Justice Out where the storm clouds ara lifting.

We hopeof the matter I. that Villa Is toff much for hundreds n ml thousands of other more nr General Jackson, form a real cabinet at all of (Jod can not sleep forever." The Justice Out where the blinding fog la drifting,bo, too. but the time la not yet the hero of

leRH prominent Mexicana who at one time The country presently learned that theor trod applies to other things. Out where the treacherous sand Is shifting.Calayawhen the Rtate leKlRlnture reallzeR the are

and the another have battled against Ihe armies president did not hold cabinet meetings; Christians have something to answer for My ship comes In.for making aderiuatn appropriation Otherwise,

unwilling to admit It of Vcnustluno Carranza. It would neither thnt he took counsel, when ho felt In needIn their treatment of the Jews.

for fighting this disease, which s dwin-dling

the newly recognised de facto right nor Just to turn these men over of It, with private friends, some of whom "God and America are their onlv hone. O I have watched till my eyes were aching,our population at such an alarming

government of Mexico would replace Obré.' he Cnrrnnrlstas to be wilfully murdered. hod no recognized post or standard In the writes the central committee for the relief Day after weary day;... Omni wun acme one who would government at all. of Jews Buffering through the war. That O I have hoped till my heart was breakingrate. Ijcglnlatora are undoubtedly aware of out and make an attempt to

go While we will all think of the United Chief among these wereought to make every d citizen of While the long nights ebbed away;

the KToat Inroads being made upon the be fightingput an end .,, States as being a young government. It Is Lewis of Tennessee, a kinsman

on William B. these United States feel a little proud Could I but know where the waves hadandhuman rare by tuberculosis, but they do not of the wily northern older than any other government In tho of General Jackson's, and

neigh-bor Amos

proud to belong to that one great govern tossed her.oneseem to think It necessary to use the funda

Something hould bo done, and point of maintaining a single stable form, Kendall, a Massachusetts man, now Identi-fied

ment toward which the oppreased can turn Could I but know what storms had crossed(lone immediately. The Carranclatas except Russia. When our government was with their eyes in time of trouble with ossur her.of the are Kentucky.state fur the abiitcmunt of this being given every posaihle aid founded many thought It would live but a Itunce, even the Jews. Could I but know where the winds had lostby the Amer-

icanwas Major Lewisfew years,- but those who founded 'it were who, more than any As a nation, wo have been guilty of no her,otherOur subscriber furl her says Uiat tha loss to

government, which la allowing them men of great vision, and the subsequentman, had first forced him into can-didacy discrimination aganist them. As a nation Out in the twilight gray!

of a man's or woman's work through Ill-


transfer their troops from border point years have furnished ample vindication offor the presidency, who had set the we have given thefn a square deal and a

and death Isto border point through the United States their Judgment. Heaumont Enterprise.

Stage for him at every turn of his politl-c- fair chance. As a nation, we have not been But though the storms her course have al-

tered,greater than the ' whoalcor, had setexpense and otherwise making it harder Nevertheless there are politicians njid afoot, superintend- - afraid to voice our feeling in their behalfof savins his on her life. This, of cburse, Is for the Vllllstns to secure the

and harder reformers galore who nre seeking to pulleo,diligence

lomentea, and with an infinite art and to Russian despotism. As a nation, we ac Surely the port She'll win.true, but Texas legislatures . have never wherewithals down our government, as founded by thobrought successfully to a head knowledge their rights along with those of Never my faith In my ship has faltered,

given thiB phase of the question .rrying m their warfare. If the Car- - fathers through the constitution, and In-

steadmany Influences, public and private, which others, and as a nation we have done what I know she Is coming in. '

thought to rcaljzc Just what the alarmingranclstas can t wipe out the Vllllstas now give us a centralized power at Wash-

ington towei,


leadershipbring him

of hisfinally Into office and we could to reverse the antipathy and in For through the restless ways of her roam-

ing.that thev have them i, ...... ... which would deprive us of our rights party. tolerance of the world.death rate from tuberculosis .o uno General Jacksonmeana to the Btate, what chance Is there foras American citizens iir guaranteed by the consulted and used him This may not be dogma'tic Christianity, Through the mad rush of the wild wavesstate. Seemingly, they have failed to grasp to crush out the forces

them ever constitution. The trend of the tlnTea Is towithoutIn him

in the least realizing that he had but it is practical, and as a nation We pro-pose

foamingthe seriousness of the situation. which now menace limit our liberty and abolish the privilege

a consummate master of the arts to stay with it. Through the white crest of the billows' iut at Carlsbad, near Han Angelo, the

the peace of Mexico? Has the American of local But ere it is toowherebymen are set


Is madein

and Individual The world owes the Jews more than it combing,state has provided tubercular

government made another and more se-rious

lute the great musses of the American peo-ple He had made

their ambition. does any other people because it has taken My ship Is coming In.sanatorium, Major Lewis secondblunder than the others In may be depended ufion to realize the of theaudit-or more from them, and Is taking more frombut It is handlingwholly Inadequate. Its capacity la wisdom of the futheríí treasury; but Lewis was not a them Breasting the Udes wherethe Mexican situation and roll buck this still. They háve never been permit the gulls arawhoInsufficient when they put their man played for himself. Heto care for the dependent tu-

bercular faith wave of populism, socialism and kindred forplayed ted to prosper within a government for any flying.

In tho strength Jackson, and lovedof the every subtle turnpatients of a single county In the Oarrnnclstos oreeag which seems to be engulfing the of the great length of time until the United States Swiftly she's coming In;to game; used his gifts ofstate, much leer those of évery county. And

crush the Vllllstas? It begins to look country now. In good time the American like one who played for hismanagement set the example. Shallows and deeps and rocks defying.

the that way. people will return to the teachings of Jef-ferson

own hand, and We wonder sometimes why a majority of Bravely she's coming in.has ever begrudged auffl-cie- afid Jackson, Godyet remained a man of honor and served Precious the love she will bring to blessspeed tho day. his friend Jews cling to one particular class of busi- for Ita proper mainte-

nance.Pay your poll tax. Amos Kendall

more than he served himself. They were driven Into It when it was Snowy the arms she will bring to careos me,Oovernor Ferguson's refusal to loin ITnn- - political, not in action,

was abut

master of the art a thing of scorn, were compelled to take It In the proud purple of kings she will dressIn time, of ry Ford on his pence mission to Europe upon paper. He up. when It was looked mecourse, the state of Texas will Do your Christmas shopping had gifts as a writer which could bc

upon as one of theearly. must not be turned My ship that is coming In.misconstrued to heawake to the mean that meanest occupations. It afterward turnednecessity of adequately to account in the compositionpre-paring

of theIs not In hearty sympathy with the Idea of most out to be one of the best, but that Is an-otherfor ita tubercular citizens, but thou-

sandsHave you visited the serious state papers'. He aught the impres-

sive White In the sunshinepoultry shn permanent pence In Texas. Waco News. story. There was a time when the her satis will betoneand thousands of lives are being It but nnother Instance of the of public business and mastered gleaming.p chief its calm tradesman was looked at as about the low-estneedlcRsly sacrificed now. It has been Jane AddamB Is 111. Hank Ford will executive of the state dlaplaylnir good com-

mon caught theway

tonesof reasoning

ofaa readily of hla raec. The great stores and mer-

cantileSee where my ship comes in:

proved beyond doubt that tuberculosis canprobably ho compelled to postpone his sense. That's all. and spent bis force in

partisanits bitter

controversy houses controlled by Jews all over At masthead and peak her colors streaming,Hepeace pilgrimage to energy. Proudly she's sailing In;be cured. If the discos. is discovered In lis

Kurope. could framo a significant .innuendothe. world today are really monuments toThe eii I, is Journal renchi limit In or pre-

pare their persecution, but Illustrating how Love, hope and Joy on her decks are cheerearly stages and the an editorial for the igno-minypatient Is given prop-

erAnother the following: party press that ing,Morencl ,nan has been bit sometimes brings Its own rewarJ. Therun out as deep as anything, thatcare and attention. Ilut the of town The Atlantic Ib wide and Tom Paine or Music will welcome her gladpoor man by the strikers. Great little very deep. Can William Cobbett could Greeks glimpsed this truth when they made, havewho Is dependent upon the stats cannot that, to live In nowadays. Henry ford It If tho peace ship strikes a seemed a statesman

written. He their strongest hero u slave. And my heart will sing at her stately n earor a mere partisan bymine?combat tuberculosis unless given assistance turns; it was difficult to tell which he was There are said to be $00.000 Jews in the Whening,

my ship comea the stats. Obregon Is going ip tire his soldiers out either by nature or by choice. He was various armies now trampling over Europe.Undoubtedly, the greatest

rushlnK them backward and forward "along The Right to Get Drunk. perhaps each in turn; but nothing out ofThey are to be found on every firing line. Robert J. Burdetts.

menace to the the Arlxona border If he doean't look out. lisi ,ee Review.) the closet. Thev have nothing to gain except to showpeopK'of the United $laten today Is tuber-culosis

''Personal liberty" triumphs In tho deci-sion

There were others of tho "Kitchen Cabi-net"

their loyalty to those nations within which Still Other Reasons.and no fight against "Powder Explosion Remains Mystery " of I New York magistrate wim refused besides; the editors of Jacksonian they live. (Beaumont Enterprise.)its spread Is going to succeed. Nét only


headline. But the New York Heraid to commit to the Workhouse a woman ac-cused

newspapers; but the heart of it lay In Ma-ju- r Each government la not only slaying No. Pauline, It is not altogther true thatmust Texas give serious consideration to German

explain It right away as the act of of habitual Intemperance. Lewis and Mr. Kendall. them, but compelling them to slay each we give thanks 'because It is the end of thathe ravages of the great white plague but

agents. Th"r- - was no evidence before the magis-trate

Mr. Van Huren and Major Katon of Ten-nessee,

other. Each government is using them and football season. Frequently there are othershowing that the prisoner had ever the secretary of war, wpre freely abusing them at one and the same time causes for being thankful.every state In the union must do so. The There'B gólng to be an awful holler from been, intoxicated In n public place. Her of-fenses

admitted into this Inner circle; but not as foes on every hand, but not a single friend.societies are doing valiant some of the boys from the forks of the wi re committed at homo. His honor members of the cabinet, only as personal Poland has been trampled Into the dust, have been held down and who to rombat this dread "soase but they

reek If the senate stops them from talk-inglu id hat "the police have no power to in-vade

friends and confidants of the prisident. but that Is nothing unusual In Poland. Po crushed by a well-nig- h universalaresystem ofthemselves to death. private premises to land is largely Jewish, andarrest females who anything Jew-

ishre more or less helpless without the" nec-

essarynate ana prejudice of the thousands uponmay be Intemperate," because "It was not Is legitimate assistance from 4e-- 7 thousands who have never been able tothe VVIshseveral the kaiser would tell the world why the intention of the legislature to ma lie a Recently wo heard that a Jewish doctor raise their heads abovestates.. he went to Vienna and put a atop to these person of Intemperate habits a criminal, or received the Iron Cross for performing a are starving today while

serfdom,the world

and whoIsAs our subscriber writes: "How shameful guessing crmtests In London, Paris and to Justiry a magistrate In arresting or coin signal service. The case was so exception-

alto the assistance of others who.

rush-ing had W

It Is that we let those sffllctedI'etrograd. mining such a female." as to be considered of Imnnrlmrr Think they beenwith tuber-

cularhalf aa thrifty as the Jews, would

trouble battle against In other words, any lady has a right to 'of it, and there are many Jews in Germany. have possessed enough and toImpossible odds, spare.And, anyway, If the ponies ran true to get drunk In the privacy of her own home. Tomorrow : A Strong Personal Goveni- - There are many in the German army, but When the truth outtill ell comes oftheir central Eu-rope,strength Is gone, and there's form you couldn't bet on m for the book-

iesMorality and lav. It seems, haven't neces-sarily

nicnt. thy are practically all in the ranks. So it If indeed it ever doesnothing else to do but lie down and die." wouldn't be foolish enough to hand you anything to do with each other. is in Russia, In France, in Austria, and by hear of a tragedy In Polandcome,

whichwe shall

willtheir money. Below the social decree to some extent in England.Belt. cause us to hang our heada We shall hearThe Situation Reddy Is For the If a Jew does break through the ironin Sonora. I 'ocle Joe CannonBoy Job. (New York Herald.) of tragedies In other places, too In smallwall ofcame discrimination itvery near to Isbe-

ing generally to be(Knoxvlile Journal and Tribune.) villages. In the slums of great citieswould appear to us that the situation In run over by an automobile In t'hicago Admitting that a governor of the state made martyr. Who can forget the Drey- - thoand on

If ofPresident Wilson's fringe things wherebut he has nothing purpose was' to f of New York must always be everybody wasjnora should be cleared on us. We hold a target still, fus caseby the newly ur a man, who would undertake to regulate taken care of but the Jew, where hlabreath and trust In tho what has Mr. Whitman ever done to sub-stanceLord every time glva But it is not of the few whognlxed de facto we mankind, he have risen pilfered "forgovernment In Mexico made a e when he for was the good of thecross the street. anybody an excuse "booming" him for by virtue of indomitable willSecretary Rcdfleld. and energy state," and he was allowed to perish for thethat we should think, but of the many who same reason.

Dfil IV A MIk urn r. i ' ' .W u llCK Did He Find Out? No! By CLIFF STERRETT aI1 r-- . L

Tims rAvncioPoul'l I 1 5kk CMb tkQ Mtvlo DfiEST. UbT Suits hj 5üT me

Friday, December 3. 1915. EL PASO MORNING TIMESmembers of the Zeta Tau Alpha sororityon the morning of December If.

Ifte LABOR OFFICIALSrunning Danee.miss Lena Robertson Is planning to givo Curling Iron Passesa dance during the Christmas vacation. You'U SayThat's Great"MlETr SOCIEtY PERSONALS. .Ihh 5',c2. ,ron", ".I hair "r2..i"" ENTERTAINED HERE

Mn ' HUB, git MlIn I n, ,11Mrs. Henri- Faster is nenrilnr some timeIn California visiting the Islrs. riaTS? i.""" 1"' "WrtenesJ will "be You simply can't say any-

thingMrs: E. o Warner of Atlanta. Oa. Is the aid" JrtiikS

"' " ''.""' "iii.'"bi'IOM


wiucn else, for Velva is thegoest or Mrs. C. E. Ryan or WI7 McKlnley mw9 ure cnuw.o di i.i:;.tes to sanstreet. curling iron. CXINVKWIION BTOr-OVE- smoothest and finest syrup

.7 " of plain lO-- IN Eli PASO.H. E. Ingman has returned to El Paso "2trin" ".your druggKt's and apnl? a little that's made. Spread it thick

nrrrpllon for Rev. and Mrs. W. F. Packard. waa a verv Interestlnr one. Plans were from an extended trip through Canada and 3K "n a dean tooth biscuit waffles,Rev. w. F. Packard, the new pastor of rurlhered for the complimentary recital to iwinis ui interest in tne east. time f'r.,m f J." ".wn "" "'"nd at a Prominent union labor officials of on or pan-cakesTrinity Methodtat church, and Mra. Pack-

ard,oe given on January to ny narry nuseu-stel- "i'- tne morning your andwere formally welcomed to the city a noted vocalist. He will be assist-ed

'Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cdles are expected Lftfw H.h.' a beautirully wa y as though Chicago, 111, hended by reter S. or popovers,and to the pastorate at a largely attemlrd by other talent In the city. Mra. Ed-

wardhome next week from California, where rnan..,ífJ"r,: " be qtTlte ShaugneSB-- , president of the Brick-

layers'you'll know realand enjoyable reception riven In their G. Warner or Atlanta, Qa., an may are visiting the expositions. and stone Masons' union,honor at the church last evening. of the United Daughters of Con en syrup. Madam, justThe reception occurred In the auditor-

ium,federacy, gave a very Interesting address Mr. and Mrs. Ben Pome have moved ;'.'.T,.V,J,n-,-

ry "ed a waving Iron, and route to their home after atiendliiK

which was handsomely decorated for wnicn was very mucn appreriaiea ana en from their home on North El Paso street "V. a,ut oi your na r will not Bnrrer A. the recent San Francisco convention you order a can ofthe occasion with palms and carnations. Joyed. to an apartment In the Alexandria. of the Building Trades department nrW. B. Gillespie and Mra. J. L. Ely acted the American Federation or spokesmen for the congregation In wel-coming;

Overstreet Reception. ' Chaplain J. A. Randolnh Is visiting his spent yesterday In Bl Paso. TuringDr. Packard and In extending to Charles old home at New Albany, Miss., attendingRev. and Mra. L. Overstreet ware the day they entertained withhlin the best wishes of the congregation. nis nome conference wnirn is in session wereOr. Packard In at home vesterdav afternoon and last even there. automobile rides over the city nmlresponded an appropriateand the

Ing at their apartment In the Nagley to MAYOR LEA GIVEN to Juarea, Mexico, by W. J. Moranpleasing manner, voicing hope the members and mends M the congrega-tion

Valuable presentathat his ministrations In El Paso might or the First Presbyterian church. The Mrs. Srott B. Williams left yesterday ror and Teddy Rntlett. given lor Velvaprove for the welfare of the church and her home In Cloudcrort, arter spending a coupons Send loraffair Informal and wasof tho people of the city. was a very one Tew days with her father, P. F. Brick, and Mr. flhaugticsfty has the distinction premium catalog.

features tne nrst or a series or similar gatnerings. of being the head of the largest localMusics! or the evening Included with slaters.The rooms were prettily decoratedthe singing or an anthem the of Individual union In theby church numerous carnations and rerns. Tea was TEN DAY VACATION my world,rholr and a pleasing solo by Mrs. W. D. served during recei tlon hours by a num Mra. Walter A. Hamilton left last even the Chicago local, of which he laHowe. Ing ror her home In Denver, Colo., afterThose the executive head havingber or the ladles or tho congregation. overOn the receiving line, with the honor spending a rcw weeks with her parentsInvited were the members whose names active members. Heguests, were W. B. Mr. and Mrs. Henry E. Brown. snys theGillespie, chairman or horln with the letters A to F. A large Ban Francisco conventionThe church board of stewards; Mrs. I. J. whs large-

lynilmber called and the hospitality from HaveAyers, president or the missionary socle4y;enjoyed lnman and Drury Sharp arrived In El CITY attended and very successful, it your frrocer today.

or their beloved and his charming TOpastor ATTENDMr. and Mrs. J. C. Ballard, representing wire. Paso last night from Arkansas, to be the KXECIJIVEHIM, OK MASONIC

ANNUAL not only revxealed the etrenuih of it on the table regularly. Every-bodytito Young feoples' Missionary societies; guest, or weir parents, Mr. ana Mrs. w GRAND LODGE. union sentiment throughout the coun-

tryMr. and Mrs. O. B. Oliver and I. H. Har-per, Fortnightly Bridge Club.

E. Sharp or 505 Upson avenue. and of loyalty to the Amprlcani will eat it everybody willEra

representingThomas, repiesentlng

the Sundaytheschools;

EpworlhMiss Mrs. R. E. Mllllgan entertained the Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Reynolds Oarable

Boiillno nuslness Transacted at Yesterday Federation of Ijihor. but howed ns enjoy it. They're bound-- to.league, and Aubrey Schrock, representing members or the Fortnightly Bridget club have sold their former home on Mckinley Mornlnn's


for i'orporstlonor Council; Deputy' well that the building trndes wore Velva never had an equal and

the Baiaca class. on Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. W. E. avenue, and have moved Into Ihelr new Court. undergoing such nctlvlty ns Indicated will. GiveFollowing the reception adjournment was Tni 'sdale was the winner or tho prize lor home recently purchased at Ml West Rio Mayor Tom Lea tho return of speedy prbepi Ity to the never plenty of Velvatckeo to the churcn basement, where de-lightful

highest score. Mrs. M. Depeter won the Uranos cave or absencewas granted ten days

nntlon. to the children. They'll likerrom thesecond prise and Mrs. Charles Hull was city at a regu-lar


sorlal sessionwere




artthe winner or the consolation. Next week, Mrs. C. H. Mills and her nephew left meeting or the city council Thursday Like El Paso Climate. ' v ;i it's nourishing and health-

ful.was prettily decorated and the young Mrs. W. E. Truesrtale will entertain the Wednesday evening for Decatur. 111., after Wacomorning

toand he wlU leave tonight tot Mr. and hln iiRxnclntea Order today. Only 10 centsmn and women or the church volunteered club at her home on Prospect avenue. oeiug in tne city ior a lew aays io aueuu Grandattend the annual meeting of tho had nothing but the highest xvorda

thelf services In serving corree, chocolate me runerai or scon vanee, wno was sirs. routineKupniC

huslnessLodge or Toxss. Malnlv of praise for Kl Pneo. snytng that for the big economy can. All

and cake. The Daughters of Empire Meet. Mills' brother. occupied the council sosoccasion was delightful while loveds on yesterday at which Mayor Lea they old Chicago and grocers'.throughout and the affair was In charge of The El Paso chapter Daughters or the o sided with all the members In attendancepre

were always loyal lo It. they couldthe following committee: Empire met yesterday afternoon at tho Mrs. Natalie Mafure or Chicago Is exMrs. S. S. Blrchfleld, Mrs. W. J. Rite, home or Mrs. R. B. Alves in Hawthorno pected In the city Sunday to spend somo except Alderman J. P. O'Connor. not help but envy El Pasoans the PENICK & FORD, Ltd.Mrs. William Hart, Mrs. M. C. Yerkes. Mrs. Place. Oulte b large number of the mem lew mourns wiin ner msier ana uruinei Krakauer, Zork & Moye riled a pennon wonderful winter climate.

E. B. Schultz, Mrs. R. E. Bryan. Miss An-nie

hers were present and a most interesting Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Olven of the protesting against the parking of auto-mobiles

Besides Mr. Khaugncssy nnd wifeRoss Montague and Miss Margaret Cun-

ningham.ortrrnoon was spent. A great (teat or bust ixagley apartments. along North El Paso street and they party Included John J. Corcoran New Orleans, La., Memphis, Tenn., New York.ness was before tho club. They will meet also on San Francisco street, staling that nnd wife, William Guenther, John J.again next Thursday at tne same piace. Mr. and Mra. Henry Pfaft with their the congestion caused iherehy was a riohney and WalterWest Ysleta Dance. source or danger to trarrie and an annoy-

anceFnnw, 11 of

The dance last evening at the West Bailey Football Team Entertained. rlne, aro expected homo shortly from Los and a handicap to the rum in carry-ing

whom are prominently Identified withYsleta Country club was very much The eighth grades or the Ballev school Angeles. Miss Elisabeth Pratt has been out its business. An ordinance was the Chicago iinlons affiliated with

by quite a number. Among those enteirtalned with a picnic party from 4 to attending school in los Angeies. askedthe

rorhlddlng tho parking or cars along the American Federation of Labor.present were: Messrs. and Mcsdames 6 Thursday afternoon In honor or the foot-

ballstreets designated.

Donald Rathhun, C. M. Orlder. R. W. Fort, team. A large cake, ornamented with R. N. Orlsham, a promlnont lawyer of Day and Mnht Clerks for City Court. VISITORS IN CITYD. C. C. Rod-man.

Pweettvatcr, Texas, nas Deen in tne cityBooth, W. Stewart. Mrs. E. B. a roothaii and tne school blue and Underrotors,Mrs. O. B. Eads. Mrs. Charles Knob-lauch,

ror several (lays on business. He Is a suspension or rules an ordinanceMrs. H. W. Williams. Mlssos Edith

white, was a Teature or the refreshments. brother or Mrs. M. P. Benton or this city was adopted creating the orrico or deputy Mrs. Elizabeth L. Darwin, state Inspector NewWare, Hoyes, Marjorle McKay. GraceTho cake was baked by the girls or the and has been stopping at the Hotel Zleger. day and night clerk or tho corporation or foods and drugs, lert yesterday ror Hoau-- . Toy Department

Fleck, Irene Laughlln, Virginia Rodman.VII a grado and served In the play room. court. The ordinance prescribes that the mont, Texas, xvhire she will begin a cam-

paignOrace Moore, Ella Jackson, Hilda Soren-so- H. E. Van Surdam has returned from Los appointees to rill the position thereunder, or food and sanitary Inspection alongKatherlne Harper, Gladys

Brldtie Club. Angeles, cal.. Where on Tnanxsgiving to he named ror tho mayor, shall receive iho Mime lines ns her recent work In KlMcQuatters.Fama Rlckman, Clara Louise I.. West.

The Bridge club met last morning ne sang in at. jornia riuu ui m no salary. The Idea or the ordinance Is Paso, peiTcrmod under the auspices or theMadge steol. Sue Stanton, Messrs. 1. White.

evening wim Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Young, Last Saturday evening he Dlayed at th to havu some one constantly on hand duly Women's rluh. Mrs. Darwin savs lbs de 20 Discountat their borne NorthA. Bargman, E. E. Ryan, Everett Long,

on Stantlon. Only Hotel Del Coronado. Mr. Van Surdam Is qualified and authorized tp draw up III; sires lo thank the ladles and every one.Fred Hardlker, M. Cassldy. Richard

the members or the club were prcsonl. one or El Paso's roremost musicians and legal papers necessary ror the admlnls In ract. who assisted in her work UV F.I

FredFollowing the games dainty refreshments a soloist or note as wen. tralion or affairs of the court. Paso: that she Intends to return horn ni ii To introduce our New Toy Department, in our ANNEX,

Hewitt. Judge W. H. Winter. were served by the hostess. In addition toH. W. Collins. C. L. simians. 0. B. Eads, me members there were as guests Mr. and

Many petitions were received In th" later dale and hopes the work will con-tinué

we will give a 20' 'r discount on any doll you select fromCharles Knoblauch. Howard Merrle, L. 0. Mrs. J. H. Carr. mis i Nellt . Mac Bowen and her brother course of tho meeting. A petition from during her absence. stock beautiful dolls. QurOrmsbee or New York, Harry Swearlngon, James Rowen. will arrive on the 18th, to the Oroat Woslern Fuel company for per-

missionour large of imported regular

Georgo Reviere, H. E. Robertson. Joe Hole, Dinner Party at West Ysleta. spend the Christmas holidays with their to install a gasoline rilling station C. T. Rrown. an attorney or Socorro, Ji. every day prices are lower than elsewhere and every dollJ. Ferjruson, Carl Beers, C. C. Crews. Mr. and Mrs. James E. Bowen, at on lot 9 of block tt, Bassett's addition, M Is at the Hotel Paso del Norte, arrivingMajor George H. McMastcr entertained Íiarents.Major George H. McMastcr and Lieutenant ni dinner last evening at the West Ysleta o.i Montana street. Both young was referred to the rire, police .and build-

ingis marked in plain figures. This is no fake sale and is

Sidney Graves. Country club. Covers were laid for Miss people are spending the winter attending comraltiec. good foruoa Mr. an.l Mrs. Powellirene i.augnion, miss Virginia Rodman SCnooi AUgeiea. Petitions Presented, Starkhouse, or SanDniiflhtrrs of Confederacy. Antonio, N. M.. are spending several daysMrs. E. B.

The United Daughters of tho ConfederacyRodman, Lieutenant Sidney Reed (liaises? Ask BoraD., IOS Texas St. A petition or tho Hlnes Lumber k Coal In the city, iho guests of the Hotel Paso TEN DAYS ONLY BUY EARLY AND

met yesterday afternoon at the. Trinity near Oregon. Esiannsneo iwn. iaqv.) company to Install a gasoline rilling sta-tion

del Norte.Methodist church. Mrs. James E. Bowen. Zetas to Meet.

ror. private use only at the corner orLET US LAY ASIDE YOUR DOLL TILLpresident, presided over the meeting which Miss Louise Laurence will entertain tho Superfluous Hair, moles, scars or racial Myrtle avenue and Dallas street, the tank Dr. L. D. Rickoits, a prominent miningto be Disced under the sidewalk and theOiemisnes removed, uraco oeiisuu, nui man or- Msbee, Atix., reached E Paso

lenbeck Hotel. (Adv.) pump Inside or garage, was granted. Thursday and Is at the Hotel Paso del Norte. XMAS.reiiiton or. property owners ror an arc

Allan sisters' halrdresslng parlors moved light on Portland - street was rererrod to W. S. Oodfrey, or San Antonio, Texas,KG :kc: from 303 to sis mag. (apt.) the committee on streets and grades. Is a recent arrival aMfuiol Paso dol Noite.The council as a whole considered theC Whv Not? petition of Victor Caruso ror a rranchlse Mrs. Mini on Unwell. ' China Palace Co.Many useful as well as ornamental girts ror a spur track on Sixth street and El Mrs. Mlneona II. Howell died earlyK C Baking Powder is guaranteed to be had at Poso. The matter was referred. mortilnif at a local hospital, follow


Beach's Art Shoe. A petition was received and referred Ing an Illness or several weeks. The de-cedent k 112 San Antonio St.Cltv National Bank Bldg. Adv. from the property owners to pave High Is survived .by n husband and son.absolutely and wholesome. street rrom Oregon to Octavia street. Funeral services will be held this arternoonpure OBITUARY Petllon or Rnelnholmcr Lumber com-

pany at S o'clock at tho undertaking parios or B Entrance on Oregon or Through Our Main Store. Hror a sewer extension rrom thrf west1 here Kochelle line or block 17, East FJ Paso, Pi the cor-

nerMenean, fimmons n iiariioni on Normis no salts, no Mimbres Valley Pioneer Dead. stuntou street Interment will be made Hior block W, Bassett's addition, was re-

rerrod.Concordia Masonic

By Times Special Correspondent Also a petition wns received andcemetery.

harmful residue left in the food rererrod rrom Joo Mulligan ror a sewerSr., who died at his lióme, about five miles extension to run south on Eucalyptus

that is leavened with from llondaio, November 25, was 77 years street to an alley In block 31 or Bassett'sK C. old, and his death was due to tne innrmi-tie- addition.of old age. The funeral was held No- To the same committee was rererred the

petition, or the Texas A Pacific railway toEven the delicate Taulks conducting the services. Burial was make a connection to a manhole of thomost can eat hot In Iho local cemetery. Mr. Phillips was a sewer system near San Antonio and Dor-


Mlssourlan by birth, hut be came here from streets to take care or surface NBWbreads raised with K C without distress. Texas in t08. He had. been a member or drainage ror washing roaches. Petitionthe Baptist etiuren ror sixiy years, no was also received and referred rrom Rob-

ertTry K C Baking Powder breads if yeast-raise-d leaves seven children, rour daughters. Mrs. Brown ror a sewer extension along VJ6T0RE. J. Bernwlck and Miss Alice Phillips or Huero street to lota 3, I and 3 or block 114,

bread does llondale, Mra W. E. Berry or Doming andnot with East El Paso.agree you Mrs. J. H. Hosn, and three 'sons. W. T.,To Assess Cost.Clyde ana joe Paving RICOHK An ordinance assessing the cost againstproperty owners ror paving Prospect ave

:kc: :kc Tourists will rind a complete stock or nue, rrom the north tine or psmi avenuegenuine Mexican and Art souvenir goods at to the south line or West Boulevard passed JUST mUs nrst reading. Petition ofCity National Bank Bldg. Adv Motor company to Install Inside gasoline

niung station on west nan Antonio amiMONSTER PLLM PUDDLNG. Leon streets was granted, as was a simi-

lar petition from Hie Parker Garage to In

Ladles of Cbamberlno Provide Satisfying stall Inside gasoline rilling station at fioFeast lor itesiaenu oí nace, West "San Antonio street.

nv Times Sneelal CorresDondent. Deaths Exceed Births.Chamheiinu, N. M., Nov. 30. One hundred me repon or me cuy noaim nincer ror

and twwitv-flv- oersons attended the week ending Doeomher I. showed anThanksiminir dinner which was Klven by excess or deaths over births, the dciailMthe women of ChaiiiUerlno. The dinner was figures being as folows:held In the school house and 18 turkeys, u Deaths.chickens, a large amount of meals, pies and Male.Fomslc.Tot!.the like were required to provide toe ream. American 14 7 ÍIThe monster ilium pudding weighed IS Mexican 17 IA 13

pounds. The dinner was prepared by a Negroes I. I S A SPECIAL ISSUEcommittee composed oi roesaaines u. ueta,o. (Joan, S. Miller, J. C. VUJoen, A. Crowder Total Deaths Mand Potltt. Births. Six Popular Song Hits.Following the dinner a special musical American 4 7 11

entertainment was held and an address M.nan I 15 31 Two Musical Successes.Comedydelivered by Hev. Nr. Smith, or El Paso.

Hawkes' Fine Hand Cut Glass economics,Miss Dora Edna

baa beenRoss, state

In Chainberliioleader or home Total blrlhs L..


Two Hawaiian Guitar the residents here the branch or Holrl Mod Postpone Heeling.

work her department has In charge and is On account or the nearness to the Christ-mas

Two Medley One-Stdp- s.For Gifts endeavoring to organize a home economics holidays and the fact that this is an

clnh amoim the women of this district. extremely busy season, tho Texas HoU--

The new shipments of thia n Mrs: Alice Fulgham, who attended the kwpers' association announce thai the anmake of Isglass nllon which wss to have beenmostly of what is known as Engraved. It la not so strong as conference of the New Mexico


home-o- held In tl Paso on December 15 and 18. 7874 It's Tulip T" ne in Holland (Two Lips are .Callingthe heavy deep cutting, but is very artistic and refined looking. association Albuquerque has been called orr. Instead the executive Me) Harry Macdonough. ,r

The Hawkes mixing bottle for French Salad Dreaslng Is Just Major shurry, of Las Cruces, has been atcommittee

Fort Worthor the

on Decemberorganisation

16 andwill

selectmi'.ct When I Leave the World Behind, Henry Burr. I 0 i: ii 75cthe nicest thing put on the market In a long time, and those the gueil of Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Wood this dates ror Hie holding or the conventionCUT week. 7875 la Blinky, Winky, Chinky, Chinatown. PeerlessGLASS PHOTO FRAMES you will like. ai a isier naio ano probably in El Paso

Mrs. Neat hln g Is 111 at Hotel Dleu, inIf you want a Punch Bowl for 1126.00, or a nappy for SI, El Paso. Quartet.come here. J. M. Johnston, Mrs. L. H. Deck, Miss In Alabama. Dear, with You, Peerless Quartet. 1 0 75c

Wood and J. P. PlckenaViola Taylor, O. H.

visited I raso mis wees. 7889 Araby, Harry Macdonough.The A. D. Foster Co. Sam Donaldson has returned from Whan You Sit Beside the Fireside in Winter,month's "lilt in the east.

HERALD BLDG. Water was turned Into the Chambenii George Ballard John Wilbur. 10 in. 75c"Our wedding rings insure happy marriages." week



the nrstof the

ofdistrictthe present

has 17679 I Need Affection (from "Princess Pat") OliveHeadquarters for Howard Watches and Big Bens. begun. The farmers are preparing to do Kline. , 10 in. 75c

winter Most of the rariueiawilltheir

nlant winterplanting-

wheal because of their Neapolitan Love Song (fjrom "Princess Pat") Rei- -past experience, in raisio Una grain having nald Werrenrath. 10 in. 75c

Mr Burns, head of the operation depart I 7880 On the Beach at Waikiki Medley (Hawaiian Gui-tars)ment of the reclamation service, has taken Helen Louise Frank Ferera.over the west side ditch and la uow run-

ning water through the new government Moe Uhane Waltz (Hawaiian Guitars) Helenranal in order 10 prime it sua st uituworking condition for spring. Louise Frank Ferera. 0 in. 75c

J. P. Pickens has been employed by tb 35496 Araby Medley One-Ste- "When I Leave thereclamation service as canal riner anu vube stationed at chamerblno crossing, hav World Behind" "Don't Bleme Me for What Hap-

pensInr marre ,,f hi- lower Olid Of lll canal.fírn w. II. snvruan. who ha.-- been in Hie ikésínol in the Moonlight" "In Blinky, Winky, Chin-

ky,east for several weeks, was met in El Paso Chinatown" "Araby" "Down Home inSunday by Mrs. Snyman ana ner wa,They are now visiting at the Vlljoen Tennessee."

hnma in thla nlace My Sweet Adair One-Ste-Medley "My SweetCaptain Van Uass has received a fine herdor dairy cows. clears Adair" "Painting That Mother of Mine" Openi ur rmuia.r nri ust Monday for the Soap Up Your Heart" "Rose ofAatrtou Bmu XWa Panbandle on s usinf trip and will he Honolulu," Conway's

la lam tha Thin. absent from here for a week. Band. 12 in. $1.25A large force or men have been placedFor These Cool at wora on me rivei ucic iMcpaitua pimplesMornings Berilio lord awayi,, thi' new i,i :. at the

Several scrapers and teams have beenTmt mmt UK o4 mlf placed at work ana tie- 'r""" DON'T FAIL TO HEAR THEM.Cm a ttmek Ami u bridge Itseir will begin imrtly. The bridge The soothing, healing Resim i

4a Km i. . i,.i,ir.rrii m lis insUlUlvm bah ami in Resinol Soap, combinedTm fat SanUa Chamberlno will be laced within abort with its freedom (rom harsh, irritat-

ingSome of Them You Will Surely Want

EL PASO ELECTRIC BAIL WAY CO. communication of tie railroad, the bridgeroule cutting Ott rom times irora ine ior alkali, give to red, rough andmar rr.uK pimply complexions that whitenessmoved


SmithEl Paso.

has n ted bis farm and and velvety softness for which W. G. WALZ CO.women yearn. A skin washed onlytsoat Nut? Resinol

Put a dainty hand nbroldered Madeira with Soap is usually a skin,,,,,, u-- t nn : lot YuuT Wife Oil to be proud of.


that willmorning.

pleaseu will rind this a m avail drasagili Tm mm. h, -r-tM Phone 128. 103 So. EI Paso Street

Beaeb'a Art Step, I Dsn. RastMi. BaMaasas, Ma.

city National Bank t Adv

EL PASO MORNING TIMES Friday. December 3. 1915.






An appropriation or r?.tm in Dehiir or the For the puipose of closely studying the INJURY. 'holding In this city tbe 191S convention of particular needs of the dirferent localities

White House Xmas Sale of YOUR opportunity to buy practical and (he International irrigation congress, the In the Sixteenth congressional district, R.Take When Bilious, Headachy, for Colds,THE (irlsham of Sweetwater, s candidateElephant Butte water Users' association Bad Bream, sourgathers increased momentum and the gifts was never more ripe than NOW. bavins pledged lo appropriate a similar for congress opposing Congressman W. R. Stomach.

climax in value-givin- g is emphasized in the Take advantage of these radical reductions. amount, wis msde at s meeting; of tne Smith, Is a visitor In El Paso. In addi-

tion"Thrift-Da- y selected for today's sell-

ing.Courteous salespeople will assist gladly with bosrrt of governors of the El piso Water to becoming acquainted With tbe

Specials" you Users' association, beta Thursday arter "needs" of the cities and towns in tbedistrict. Mr. Ortsham is renewing old

Start your Xmas shopping today. suggestions. noon si the office of Felix Martines, presl acquaintances nerc ana making new ones.dent of the association. "I am not prepared at this time to say

Just what El Paso needs or what would beother at thepresent meeting Included

$2.95 Silk Regular $3.95 J. A. Smith, Seth Omdortf, C. A. Bassctt. the best thing for her," said Mr. Orlsham.conditions or the dirrerenctp. B. Kelly, or Clint, Texas, and H. B "Studying

places In the district Is the purpose or myStevens. present visit hire. If elected, It Is my in-

tentionPetticoats Wool Shirts Plan II (i Celebration. to serve the best needs of my dis-

trictThe international Irrigation congress is and to U83 by every best errort toto meet here next fall simultaneously with establish those measures which tend to thetin nnnual meeting of toe International upbuilding and prosperity of the cities and,Farm Congress and Soils Products exposi towns within the confines of my congres-

sionaltion, and the great celebration Incidental district.$L2 $2J2 to the dedication and completion of tbe Hlo "I consider El Paso one of the most won-

derfulDrsnas project ana tne Elephant Butte cities In the state. The rapid pro-gressivemm.- - strides that she has taken places

The governors appi'OVert amicable settle her In the foremost rank of Texas cities

Wool ment with certain fanners down the valley and bids fair If other larger cities in tbeThrift-Da- y XMAS Sale of goodMARVELOUS careful to her in thestate are not placewhoae had beenA A property damaged as a re Instead or nasty, harsh pills, salts, castor

the. Petticoat skirts in stripes, checks, suit of overflows from canals, and a simi lead." don'tspecial in lar claim on the part of the Interurban Mr. Grtsham called on Judge Dan M. oil or dangerous calomel, why youJackson, at the court house. The two are Cascareis bandy In your borne?and novelty keepwhipcords, Electric was settled tneserges railway ny pay-

mentSection. Beautiful all silk mesca-

lineof 1100. friends of years' standing. Friends or act On the liver and thirty feet or

Petticoats in wanted colors. mixtures. Shown in navy, gray, Plan Ne Canal. Judge Jackson have been endeavoring- to bowels so gei.tly you don't realize you hayo

and black. New wide styles The mailer or a comprehensive drainage get mm 10 enter me congressional race, taken a cathartic, but they act thoroughlygreen withoutfurand system was discussed at considerable out so success.and cn be depended upon when a good liv-

erExtra qualitygood portray with pockets, etc. Regu-

larIn ailr II on to Ms "rniurrpssionsl visityokes, length. Tho officials of the reclamation Mr. Orlsham had a case to argue in the and bowel cleansing Is necessary Ihey

pretty fancy flounces. Both light $3.95 values, extra special office laid before tbe - water users plans Eighth court ot civil appeals, which he move the bile and poison from tho bowelswhich Ihey had prepared looking to con-

struction Before returning to his and sweeten the stomach.did Wednesday. without gripingand dark colors, tí of the Initial drainage unit of tne1 O atday.. home. Mr. tirisnam expects to visit every You est one or two at night like candy and..$2.89 system in tbe form or a canal to be run point In this congressional district so as wake ud feeling rute, the headache,$2.95 Values UJimyKJ from the Hlo Grande at Kabens, a distance to be thoroughly acquainted with each. He. youbad breath, coated tongue, sourof approximately three miles, parallel to expects to remain In El Psao several days.

the tracks or the Southern Pacific railway. stomach, cot sttpatlon, or bad cold disap-pears.The water users passed a resolution author-

izingMothf t s should give cross, sick, rev- -

Extra and Indorsing the steps taken by the BREVITIES erlsh or blUoue children a whole CascaretCrepe de Chine Nig'ht Gowns reclamation office relative to drainage. mnm time thev urn harmless ahd safe for. It Is estimated thst the reclamation office (Advertisements.) folks.the littlehas funds sufficient to build this first unit

Bath f QC sfHtT mm I" I or the work, but that additional appropria-tions

Dr. Chert, Dentist, Mills Building.will he necessary to provide for a98c ( oiiipivlieiislve system, and this is one of You get the BOX CAR LOOTED OF SHOES.

Robes. Values P ÍD the matters which the water users' delegation at Washington will look after. Mexican Chsrged With Crime Held lorItelenulliin to Washington. Mrs. McKamey, public stenographer, lobby United States Grand Jury.

SPECIAL sklc Of K'uü Miinket SPECIAL purchase by our New York Óffice. The association decided to send President Hotel McCoy. Adv. Jose Flores was arrested by redcralA Felix Martinez. Richard F. Burges, attorney charge of breakingA on aHath Robes In striking striped All beautiful washable quality and shown in tor the association, and 1. A. iiapper to yesterdayWashington, leaving ibis city early In Jan-uary,

Captain Alien J. Oreer, who was counsel into a box car containing an Interstateeffects Out full length and the newest tailored styles .with exquisite hemstitched for tho purpose of representing th tor Lieutenant Colonel Lewis E. Ooortlcr shipment and stealing therefrom.

association in matters of legislation, ani In the famous court martial proceedings It IS anegeu uiai tie iuoa mraij-uiir- a

come In assorted rolora. slip-ov- tops and dainty ribbon flower trimmings. primarily with the view of getting certain which were conducted at San Francisco a palrB or shoes. The offense. Is alleged to1. BO value, today.... 98c Cut full and long. Beautiful shade reductions In the costs to be assessed few weeks ago, reached El Paso yesterday. have occurred in the El Paso it Southwest-

ernHe has been ordered to rejoin his com-mand

airnlnst the water users for the Wo Orsridt yards.of pink. $3.95 values $2,75 project. It Is believed that this committee In the Sixteenth lnrantry. Captain When arraigned before United States

can secure large reductions In costs and Greer was stationed here a year and a Commissioner Oliver the prisoner pleaded

that through their efforts certain large hair ago, but was detailed to attend the guilty to the cttargo and was Douna over 10

Items of expense which would otherwise be military law school at Leavonworth. After the federal grand Jury, which meets Inhis course there he was select- - He unable to furnish, the 500completing April. waswill be mottaxed again it the water users50c Knitted O by direct congressional appropriation. Some ea to aeiena i.oionci uooaier. bond.

of the members' of the water users haveventured the opinion that the delegation, ir Dr. Leslye Hyde, osteopathic physician, Prepared In the good old fashioned wayUnderwear --M7V successful In its etforts. may effect a Bit Mesa, Phono Í163. (Adv.) riavor "dellclously dirrcrent" you are sure

to the water users of a million dollars. like suiiDcrgers hibjcsnc nanis auuPh. 1857.OR. BAUCHERT. Dentist. Mills Bids.To derray the expenses caused by the bacon. Adv.

CLEAN-U- P of odd in medium andgarments In behair or the InternationalA appropriation Notice lo Ha vinos Dr posllora.Viola brand Irrigation congtes? and the further cost of send theirheavy weights. Famous in the Depositors are requested to Into Washington,sending Its delegation savtnss nasshnok ror lhe entry or the regu

vests and pants. Regular and outsize. c board or governors levied an assessment or lar interest to December 1,rents acre against the members of40 per

50c values, the germent CJJ7 V Users' association. 1015.Waterthe El Paso Rio Grande Valley Bank it Trust Co.

JAMES G.fNARY ISJewish Students Arranoe Musical.$3.95 Ostrich fc Tbe Jewish student's class or B'Nal loaoso temple, are arranging a musical and elo-

cutionary program to be given during theELECTED PRESIDENT iestival or Hannukan. wnicn Begins loaayFeather Boas Songs and recitations In Hebrew and Eng-

lish. will be a leature or the program. Thechildren In the classes range In age rrom

letght to rirteen years and are studying the

Visit Our A BIG Xmas Sale of beautiful Ostrich Feather Boas. Long fluffy cre- - WILL GUIDE DESTINIES OF CLEARINGHebrew language and Bible.

JsV ations in solid and combination colors. We mention especially light HOUSEOFFICEFUH COMING

ItS SELECTED.YEAR; o III it Sr. Ansa Una. Bucklar Bid. Orar Elite Coni.

Xmas Gift blue, natural, navy, pink, brown, white and black. Ribbon and tassel Or. Mayfleld, 71 dpp. Ttvoll, Juarez.Alfred F. Kerr Is Vice President of Asso

ends. These regular $3.95 values, ciation: Director Vote 11.250 lo ( number V. M. C. A. orrirlal Here.$2.50 of Commerce Budget Fund. Dr. Peter Roberts, secretary of the Imml DIDN'T HURT A ration denarluient or the Y. M. C. A. withSection James 0. McNaryvlec president or the lew York as his head Quarters, is in Kl

First National Hank or El Paso, was elected Paso to take uo the study or the borderpresident or the El Paso Clearing House Mexican problem and Its connection with We are the originators

you like to do your Thrift-Da- y Specials In association at Its annual meeting held yes-terday,

tne work of tne association.WOULDN'T succeeding T. M. Wing, vice presi-

dentXmas' shopping in or the lito Grande Valley Bank and Honest Treatment Gives Positive Results. of Modern PainlessTrust company. I Invite you to come to my orflce, whereone hour? Wouldn't you Uko The selection of Mr. MCNary, who Is one I will explain my treatment for DIood andto escape all the umiul trouble, worry Pretty Xmas Jewelry of the active and progressive young busi Skin Iilsease, chronic Disorders or the Dentistry in El Pasoness men and nankers intimately incnii-rie- Kidnevs and Madder. Nervous Diseasesand bother lhe wearing, faggliiK with the development of El Paso and Hernia. Piles, Fístula and all Diseases or tho

the El Paso Southwest, Is regarded aa a Rectum. Catarrh and Deformities, Varicose Remember, wo don't claim to have anyshopping around ho many crowded very good one and comes In the natural Veins. Remember, my treatment Is dirfer-en- t. patented methods that others do not or

store v 2fc PRArOCK KINGS, 15c Oriental Sl.OO LA VALMKRS, OTo Pretty gfold order or promotion, Mr. McNary'' having and costs you nothing unless you are cannot use. These belong to the quack

livor peacock finger rings set with col top ..i Valuers with gold pendants set been vice president of the old clearing willing, glad and satisrien lo pay me. plays upon the Ignorance or their pa-

tientshouse regarding dentistry. These sort oforganization. Free consultation and examination.Ton run do thla If huy ored Jewels. 2 6c values, 15c with stones. $1.00 iCt The new orrirfrs of the clearing house Hours: 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. Sundays, 9 a orrices last a certain length of timé)you your today '. . values XjjFC besides Mr. MrNary as president are in. lo IS. then depart lor new fields or sell out.

Oifta at The Whlto House, Accept F. Kerr, vice president or the El Paso J. C. DYSART, M. D., We have been In El Paso three yearsBank and Trust company, vice president, Rooms Morehouse Building, and are building our business on Bare

50c FIN G Kit KINGS FOR S5o A. vast S7.50 DIAMOND RINGS, Si. or, 10this atore. Wesuggestion: otir vice whole soul and en-deavor

and Frank M, Murchison, active presi-dent

El Paso, Texas. grounl; putting ourwill place it your disposal hne of our collection of men's and women's finger knrat gold finger rings. Beautiful fan-

cyor the Texas Bank and Trust company, Into each undertaking. We want

mountings set with genuine white secretary and treasurer. Under the old the good will and best word of our fel-lowenthusiastic aaleapeople, whoac sole rings in onyx and sterling combinations diamond. A very pretty gift, $7.50 organization with Mr. Wlngo as president beings, and mean to have it.

of the Clearing House association, Mr. M-cNary

The price list of dental work publishedaim will be to serve you courteously, set with colored monea. 35c """"'. T?'." $4.95 was vice president and A. F. Kerr VITAL RECORD herewith ran be absolutely relied upon,

and lo OHslat you if possible In the se-


60c values , , . , secretary and treasurer. as testiried to by tbe very best clienteleThe business of the clearing house for In El Paso. The prices .are the lowest

of your gifts. .Jn an hour, at the past year was reviewed lnlormally Deaths. possible for fine, accurate work.and round to be eminently satisfactory. HENNESSEY William Hennessey, SO, saoo Gold Crowns, 22 karat. $4 to $6.00moat, your Xmas shopping will be The enormously Increased clearances or Erie street, ucrcmoer l. Burial in concorrecent months, registering as they did over dla cemetery. Bridge Work $4 to $5.00

done. Millinery lie iiu.oou.iinu mark in (irioDer ano tne DOMINGUEZ Dolores Hemandei o Rubber Plates IS and tipSpecials ii.mki.ood mark In November are attrl- - Domlnguei, 6S. IK Eighlb street. December Gold Fillings $1 and upthe financial 1. Iiurlal In concordia Catholic cemeteryhuteii hv the hankers to exIf you shop here you will find the WADE Evelyn Marlon Wade, months Silver Fillings 50 and up

iinsioii inane in cessary Dy auu mirriiiigchoosing of appropriate gifta delight-fully

On Sale On Mezzanine Floor the exceptional prosperity or tne city ami 2109 Indiana street. December 1. Burial in Painless F.x tract Ions 50cthe or which It Is tne metropo-lis.

Concordia cemetery.great areaeasy, no matter how many per-

sonaYBARRA Albino Ybarra, 88. M2 East No dentist with less than ir years'

list. T ATEST Knox block black vel new velvet Hats in The. first orrirlal act or the new clearing Fourth street. December, t. Burial In Con In our ornees. All work absohave1 Let Mostyou on your us SMART cordis cemetery. lutely guaranteed. Lady was to vote an aonroprlalton or si

nuggeat that you come in early today JLa vet sailors in of wanted styles. Shown iSO In liehair of the lotii Chamber of Com ROWERS M. Rowers. SO. residence sanitary orrices in El Paso, can snd in-

spectDecember Í. Burial in Condor tbem.Oro street.98c done artermerce budget fund. This wasand try this new "White House plan." $3.95 values, today. in black and a few colors. The iTcMiicni H. B. orndorrr ano secretary dla cemetery.

A. Fraser of the Chamber or comYou will get better elections while shapes alone worth dou-

bletuerce appeared before the association and Marriages. New York PainlessMOTOR CAPS, $1.98 Brocaded HERNANDEZ-CHAVE- Felipe Hernandezstocks are complete. j stated briefly the alms ami purposes tor

silk velvet motor and boletos this price. All nicely trimmed which lhe Chamber or Commerca was and Maxtmlano Chaves.caps rund ror Halo Plcchl and Paolastriving to raise a I75J100 budgetto match. $4.00 rfk --f O with ostrich, ( g g tbv ensuing year. Sovrano. Dentistsvalues. Each $J I fO etc. Choice IpiaW.VO Particular people prefer Sulzberger's Automobiles Licensed.

Majestic hams and bacon. Dellclously dir- 4945 To Thomas Agnew, BUCKLER BLDOExtra Forri one East Missouri.iit. Adv. 491ft To Hennlger Bros., Ford truck, 1900 OVER ELITE CONFECTIONERYr Unapproachable Valúes In IN THE COURTSMyrtle

4947 Toavenue.

Ignacio Chavet. NEW LOCATION.CHildren's Studebsker, mi south ei paso.

Handkerchiefs a

(Dan M. Jackson.District

Judge.)Court.New Bronze Boots riled.

Walter H. Davis vs. Marie Davis, divorce;

The Mrs. Phebe N. Dubois vs. nomer si. uu- -20c bols, divorce; filed.Dozen State or Texas vs. it. i.. nuuersou. uiur FISHder, on trial.



lawn. Neatlymade Ü $4 (Ballard

Mt fifthColdwell,


Court. Speckeled Trout, today only, pound 17y2cU E. Booker vs. C. P. Robertson, note; Sliced, 25cfinished. Limit one doien to fled .

Catfish, pound 20c poundeach customer. Extra 20c note;


S. Phillips vs. titas lorrri. ei ai Salmon, pound 20c San Dabs, pound. .. .15cSpecial, the Dot.' ....

TODAY as usual we have a smart new boot to place on voree;Edna

nied.vesiey vs. norman r.. "utj, m- Barracuda, pound. ..15c Sliced, pound 17c

a very low price. With a scarcity of dependable County Court. Halibut, pound 15c Sliced, pound. ... 17y2cbronze kid this' value is all the more noteworthy:

State of

' (AdrianTexas vs.


Judge.)Llewellyn Chic Halibut, Tacoma, pound, , . . . .20c

Extra BRONZE LACE BOOT, $4.00 Just in a new bronze lace pistol; rined 100 and costsJulian Corralejo. ARDOUVS MARKETboot made of dependable kid with brown cloth top to match. pistol:


or rexts

Top trimmed with braid. Full 2 inch con- - Jk state ul leías va. theft;

Brassieres riled.cave leather heel. A remarkable value at. . . J State Ot TeXSS VS. uoio ncnrnmc,

then; rtlodSlate or Texas vs. ruat.uSl.OO COr shot; riled.Values...jVC Justice Courts. AUDITORIUM GARAGE(James M Desver. Judge.)

REGROUPING of various lines Oalbrallh Koiworth Lumber company vtNicolas Ab ranis, account; case settled sodA I aViílilrHi UIKlflIncluding some of the latest dismissed.Phone LARGEST PARLOR IN LL PASOWinter numbers. Lace and em I Uime ysj (James J. Murphy. Judge.)

broidery trimmings. Plaza X 4580 State of Texas VS. T. H. Bailey, speeding,RATES REASONABLE. FIRST-CLAS- S SERVICE59c fined S5 snd costs.

11.00 values...:.... Stale or Texas vs. a- - C. Hawkins, speeding; rined t and eosw. .Corner Mills and Kansas. Phone 2202."UQ Xmas Store of Service" State or Texas S. Camp, speeding;

fined S5 and coats. Wolf Londoner, Manager.

"Mail and Phone Orders Filled at Prices Quoted" ixiicMusly





win rcltsfe

Friday. December 3. 1915. EL PASO MORNING TIMES






EACHFtACE Tires Are Thea World of $100 VALUATION. Pennsylvania Cheapest

A tax rate of 44.5 cents on each00 valuation of property In El Paso

will be asked by the board of schooltrustees of the city council to raisefunds for the malntalnance of theShopping schools during; the present school On The Market!year. This was decided at the meet-In- s

of the board held last night atthe Bailey school. A resolution ask-ing the city council to adopt this

ONE CALL DOES IT. wasfigure

adoptedas this


willschoolbe presented

tax rateto In a teat of Vacuum Cup Tirea made by the Automobile Club of America, the aggregate

the city council at its next meeting. mileage attained out of the nine tires used was 60,844, or an average of 6,760.4 miles forKednoe Original Request

We carry the largest assortment of automo-bile

At the last meeting of the trustess each tire. This average was attained on comparatively heavy cars and over all kinds ofaccessories in the Southwest. with






olty.of roads. Had light can been used, the tire mileage would undoubtedly have been far in ex-

cessThe council decided that this sum was of those shown.too high and asked the school board

BUY HERE to out down Its figures. The shaving V. C. Tires aré Anti-Ski- Oil-pro- and carry a guarantee of 6,000 miles, with excessdown of this sum to the lowest pos-sible figure was undertaken at last mileage equalling 8,000 miles always possible.night's meeting. The board decided,but cutting $5,000 from appropriation With every Vacuum Cup Casing bought during December, you get one Pure Gum Innerof $25.000 for the new high schoolfurniture. Increased Income In paid Tube free.tuition and the of $1.600 fromWestern Notor Supply Co. the county, that

receipt$9,174 could be re-

ducedThe high mileage of these tires, their anti-ski- d, feature, with the tube given

was asked.from the




the you free, offers you a chance to cut down your tire expenses one-hal- f.

Borderland Auto Supply Co. maintainamount required

the schoolsfrom



to Order now! A dealer or our Branch Tire and Oil Distributing Station, at 319 Texasyear $209,549 the proposed tax rate street, can supplywill net the Vschools $207,690.05. you.which Is approximately $2,000 less

Corner Myrtle and (Cansas. Phone 5910. than the board figured the schoolsj willWhether

need.the 45 cents or the 44.5 Rio Grande Oil Companycents tax rate should be asked caused

considerable debate, and on being putto a vote, the lower rate was adopted Branch 319 Texas Streetby a vote of .5 to t.Take TJp Playgrounds.

ley Is more or less adapted to the growing Following the agrément on the taxof the beets. In order to Insure theVALLEY FARMERS TO prop-er rate, the board ofculture of the beets planted next year, took up the matter JIt I; the plan or Mr. Mandevllle and his playgrounds and It was agreed thatrrlends to secure an expert agriculturist to the Chamber of Commerce should beInstruct the farmers. asked to assist the board In Its efforts

This mm will, flir possible, be secured before the city council to obtain aGROW SUGAR BEETS through one or the big sugar rcrinlng com-panies

sum for the malntalnance of play-groundsthat might enter'llus field whin the for the coming summer.possibilities of the Industry have been de--

loped, ir not. it Is proposed that the bus-iness

The resolution which will be pre-sentedmen and rarmers here Jointly contri-

buteto the city council suggesting

the sum necessary to bring him About tax rate of 44.6 cents follows: rorner of Texas and Kansas streets. Mr.MOVEMENT STARTED AT LAS CRUCES AND n dozen men have already paid hi 125 each,


r.n a subscription of 1100 earh, and the work "Be It resolved by the board r trustees Moyn company, and the deni was handledOK INSPECTING GROWERS. bids ralr to be launched on a surrcssrul ba-

sis.of the Independent School district of the through the James L. Marr euiiiuanv. tt Is

Berore long, an attempt will be made city or Kl Paso. Texas, in due and legal understood the property Is to be Improvedto get a large number of fanners to pledge session assembled that said board of trus-

tees aim thai in me near rumre a rive or sixBy Tim?1! Special Correspondent. the cultivation or a ralr acreage of sugar determines and finds that It Is ñecas-sar- story building will bo erected on

Las Cruces, N. N., Dec. S. A movement beets on their farms under the direction o for the maintenance of the public VILE IN WINTER WHEN LIGHTS OUT the alto. TO OPERATE MINEShas been Inaugurated among a number of the expert to be secured. free schools In the city of Kl Paso, Texas,

for the current year beginning September Three Siiuitlicrrd Under AutomobUc.local farmers and business men, looking to I, 1916, that an amount or tax equal toward the establishment In this valley of the Wabash Forms Permanent Organization. .4450c in addition to any available school By Associated Press,beet sugar Indistiy. The .ead in tills work By Associated Press. funds of the state of Texas or the county Gary, Ind. Dec. t. A woman and twohas been taken by V. B. Mandevllle, of the New York. Dec. 2. The directors of the of El Paso appropriate or set apart or to TRAVELING REPRESENTATIVE OF TEXAS BROKEN GOVERNOR SPINDLE ON BIG mep, one of thorn t resident of Needles,Union bank. Wabash oe appropriated or set apart to the seiinm WOMEN'S (II Its N Alt Ills Tl'HHINE ENGINE AT ELECTRICRailway company, successor to Cal., smothered to death In the mudMr. Manlevllle. coming from Rocky Ford, the Wabash Railroad met here District of the rlty or El I'aso. Texas, and UO I'AWANS. PLANT CAUSED silt 'I Do WV were

WltiMTMAN And associates.Colo., one of the greatest today and effectedcompany, any funds available from any other source under their automobflo which overturneda permanent organlza-tl-renters of the United states, is familiar with

i. E. F. Kearney, who was appointed re-ceived

simum ne levied mat a isx or .muic on Demonstration of Value of Talklnn Machlae Thousands or tongues said "Oh, the lights and grounds its occupants into the muckthe possibilities of the industry In the


building and chosen president several months caen sino assessed valuation should be IU i '.en un niinu- ruiwni are going out;" late diners paused with of the west Uary marsh tonight. Clary po-lice

Carrtzozo. N. M.. Dec: S. Mr. Richardof agriculture of a country. Under levied, assessed and collected by the city of Weekly Lunrhron Yesterday-Th-ego, was president. Wlghtman, accompanied by Mrs. Wlyhtman,are tiearehing hi iho vicinity of the"tbelr forks In ,his suggestions, two or three farmers this council of the city of El I'aso. and Is nec-essary

moving picture has arrived rrom New York. Mr. Wight- -Other officers and the executive accident believing that another man mayseason planted sugar beets, and the analyses commit-tee for the maintenance of the public value of the talking machine in teach serenos were suddenly darkened as the have the man heads the eastern syndicate which re-

centlymet Inmade of these, show that the sugar content were appointed. free schools or the city of El Paso, Texas, hero clasped the heroine to bla brensl. death mishap.

look over me group or miningschool children, well as grown-ups- . extrl-cal- prop-erties

ing as The fire department was called tois nign. President Kearney, reported that the es-timated

for the current year beginning September street cars paused in their passage and the at White Oaks. While the new own-ersSpecial methods or growing and hnndlln r gross earnings or the Wabash for IV a proper appreciation of music, was ably male passengers thought unprlrtlle Hie bodies of the three victims which

will largely devote their energies to thothis crop must be used, In order to the rirst three weeks of November showed Therefore, be tt resolved. That the board demonstrated yestorday at the regular words, telegraph sounders stopped ticking. have been Identified as those of Mrs. Annaextraction or tungsten, which Is making thaithe best results. Then, too. It must an Increase of 393,O00 over the same period of trustees do request and do now here reklv luncheon of the Rotary club bv Miss eany nigiu readers mm down their hi Chicago, and Jack Thompson or Needles, old camp .anions, Hie gold ore will not liebo ascertained that very section of the val last year. In a thousand homes, the brilliantly lightedrequest me city council or ma city or Kl Elizabeth Doak, superintendent of music in Cal. .overlooked.

Paso, Texas, levy, assess and collect as El Paso schools. To Illustrate her con-vincing

streets became suddenly dark and at least Tho wrecked automobile was discovered The dirten-n- t mine owners at White daksother taxes are levied and collected a tax lecture. Mtss Doak nlaved various onelights


said "Whereout." As



I'asounHie by a pedestrian who noticed the tall light have for the past 90 years been throwing

of .4450c on eacli 1100 on property within selections on a viciroia ana a uraronoie. this of the car gleaming at Hie aide of the road. upon the dumps thousands of dollars' worththe city of EI Paso, Texas, for the current knows, happened last nlghl about 8

O ( IOCS. Ho investigated and saw one of the of tungsten- - 11 la estimated by engineersyear. luncheon took pisce, Bar Joe spam, man-

ager a oroa-e- that a dollars' worth or thisgovernor mespindle on"And be It runner resolved, Thai si of the Trl Stale Talking Machine com turbine engine at the nmver

big, Police and firemen who were summoned l has been thrown away. Up lo firmensuch tax Is collected It be placed at tbe ply' : .. . plant which supplies El T'aso with electric-

ity,extricated the bodies with dirrtruliy. years ego there was very little demand for

Mr. Auto Owner disposal of the board of trustees of the ntiss noan explained -in carciuny nnusou was the cause or all me trouble, vinares

public tree scnooiB or trie city or tci raso, words bow the talking machine Is coming and El I'aso were both darkened for a rew New York Suffragists Merge. About two months previous ui me timeTexas, as provided by law. And when so Into general use throughout the schools of moments until the cause or the trouble was Associated PreBS. the White Oaks properties were taken overdone to be used for the maintenance and tbe country as an aid to the teaching of the repaired. By by tbe Wlghtman syndicate. It Is estimated. TheNew various womanRemember the Number support of the public free schools of the subtler, finer things In music, She told surrrageYork.Tiec.

organizations of New York state that 17.1.001) In tungsten had been taken outindependent School district of the city or how, by tho use or the machines, pupils WOMAN RECOMES HYSTERICAL were merged into one body, to lie known as or one or Ihe mines by one man who held uEl Paso. Texas. were being taught to dirrerenllnte the vari-

ousWHEN THE I. It. II S GO OUT. the New York Woman Suffrage leaso, with two of his helpers, taking nut

"And be it further resolved, That the tones In music and to classify them as Igniened as a result of the sudden at a reorganizationHtalc

meeting held hereparty,today. as much as ti,ooo per day for a considerable

secretary or the board or trustees deliver something more than mere "tunes." switching orf of electric lights In the tu-- In connection with the annual convention period of the council of the city of El Paso, "With the aid or these machines," shecity7007 ness district Isst night' about 8 o'clock, a of me state woman surrrage party. The This material, commercially pure, sellsTexas, a certified copy of this resolution said, "we are teaching the children that woman residing in a rooming house near new organization combines the activities of ror about sin per pound, and the ore or theunder his hand and seal of said board of onrrete thoughts he expressed inmay ne central ponce station, caused consld-rabl- rive surrrage organizations, snd continues Norm and South. Homestake mines Is saidtrustees of the Independent School District music as in words, and that there ll some excitement by screaming hysterl-all- the organization under which the recent to mn 80 per cent snd Is worth $40 a unitof the city or El Paso, Texis. thing to melody much more expressive of and attracting several hundred nen- rigni ror votes in iew yorg was wsgeu. of twenty pounds, or fa per pound, which

Open hour in the "And be it further resolved, That when t in iKiix man a nine, i cannot wom ple Hearing the screams Captain W. D. makes It closely aversge ILOno s short ton.every such copy of said resolution Is so delivered highly ror the assistance these machines ureet or the police department and Offi Automobile Stolen. The demand for this mineral is larger thanyear. Originators o f to the city council of the city of El Paso. are in the work." cers isiowe and Evans ran to the piaco and the supply.

Texaa, that same shall be and become and Miss Doak was voted a resolution of ap-

preciationHie woman was taken to the pollen sta Automobile No. 1001. owned by A. Du- -

Free Road Service. operate as a request and requisite of said by the notarían at the finish tion, where she was quieted by blnskl, was stolen last night between theboard or trustees upon and to the city of her talk. From time to time during tho hours or 8 and in, rrom Hultou and Nevadacouncil of the city of EI Paso, Texas, to leiri.iniier of he meal Dieces were played sireets, according to a report made to theDISTRIBUTORS levy assess and collect and pay over said on the instruments by Mr. Spain. The "Sex-

tetTO BUILD SKYSCRAPER. police department. The nisrlilne was left CASTORIAUx .4450c or per com for the mainten-

ance from Lucia" was roundly applauded standing in front or Ins residence by Mr.and support or the public free schools hen It rang through the room. Gus Zork Pays 180,000 for Bile at Kansas iniiniiski.

UNITED STATES TIRES or i ne criy or r.i raso, lexas, lor sain Kinds El Paso Vile. and rrxas sinrts. For Infants and Childrenyear." Miss Maud Van Buren, traveling repre-

sentativeEI Paso Is to have another skyscraper, Hot Coals Cause Fire.

of the Aineilcan Civic association according to announcement made yesterday Hot cosis raiting rrom the kitchen range In Use For Over 30 YearsNew Orleans Parish Under Martial Law. and the Texas Federation of Women's clubs, following a deal, by tin- terms of which at the borne of F. O. I'lerce, 1307 EastQuick Tire Service Bv Associated Press. dropped a bombshell Into the meeting when Ous Zork purchased the property at Texas Nevsda street called out the Mesa fire do Always bearsNew Orleans, La., Dec. 9. Governor Hall she charged El Paso with being one or the ann Kansas sireets rrom V. A. hpenre, tne. partmenl yesterday morning about o o'clock , thetoday Issued a proclamation charging that dirtiest, sootiest, smokiest, dustiest cities consideration Involved being aso.nofi. The The floor of the kitchen was slightly

"a reign or lawlessness" exists in jerrerson she had ever seen In all her long travels. properly conveyed includes tho northeast burned before the maze was extinguished Signatureparish, winch adjoins new urieans ano ror sue me is a IIll the spring, ticciaren, ciiyTexas and Kansas. mally placing the entire parish under mar laud of enchantment, but In the winter It

EL PASO. tlal law, "to restore order and suppress "vile."Who Is to blame?" demanded Miss Van

One company or militia already la on duty Burén. "Surely, not the poor, have heardat Gretna, the parish seat, (tains on lottery that t'l I'aso Is a 'political city.' Well, thesiiops recently m;ii ih iik iruuuiv, eiiv health diuaruncnl should be taken out

of politics at once, and kept out. You haveaoaoiuieiy uo piuiccuuu uci "..smoke nuisance,, and your dust storms ari ode. You men of the notary club shouldprotest against these conditions slid sec that...tne equator ui one; -, -

with. You bsve terrible condidone awaytions



the departure of Miss Van The New Reo The FifthBuren, the cudgels of defense for El Pasowere taken up by, Dr. R. L. Itaniey, who

nativo Elsaid that the mortality amonga

I'asoans. exclusive of the Mexican popula-tion and health seekers, who come hererrom other polilla, Is the lowest In theunited SUtes. "And so far as dust storms iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinminiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiare concerned, only Ood Almighty can

tn that" he said. "Besides, wind Is

tía greatest air purifier we have. It chaaearem,


Martinnf the


Ufen took occasion If you have not already visited our Salesroom do so now by allto av. that while he considered Miss VanHuren s aooress 100 eitrcmr. m u " means. We are showing a Reo The Fifth Chassis running on itshe heiievea mere is s serious ikwiu piuu-ler-Dodge Brothers ner thousand


El I'aso.M a



ratetho power from eight o'clock each day until six at night. One of the most

rabbi. "In New York, with Its crowdedmillions, the mortality is only 17 per tnou unique Automobile Demonstrations in El Paso.thnu rirnres show tnar there Isserious problem here and we should notclose our eyes to It by telling or El Paso'sf financial prosperity. If the club can reduce We will be in detail theMOTOR the death rate by one or two Uve we pleased to explain to you many interestingCAR shall have accomplished treat good for thecity," points about this wonderful car.

A selection on the Vletrola ended tbeargument at this juncture.Bualnliiai of kvmnaJJlv.

Resolutions of sympathy were adoptedby the club for Stephen illumes and Nor-

wood Hall, both of whom have recently had Let Us Demonstratea death in their family. Mrs (luirías, wifeof the notarían, and Florence I. nan,father of Korwood, died recently.

8. Weid. a traveling man of sausenheimll. .11. n,i u.n introduced bv Chairman M rcsrlock! and told the Holarlans Imjw muchbe enjoys nis annual visu v re llllllillllllllllllllllillllllllMIIIIIIIIIWHIIIIIIIIIIIIIItllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIttlWIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIsaid that lbs marvelous progress made bythis city from year, to year baa astonishedIt Speaks for Itself him.Christmas Trae rails of Indorsement

Tbe proosltloa or selling up a Christmastree In Pioneer plaza and keeping It lb u in-

itiated Nauman Motor Sales Co.during tbe holidays was brought be-

rore me club uy O. A. Martin, who advo-

cated it or some other form of unusuaChristmas publicity "stunts" to bring LI

lasoans downtown and increase the spirit Phone 6100. 422 San Antonio Stof good reeling mat goes with me holidays.Robert Krakauer opposed the scheme anasuggested thai the money wblch might be

LONE STAR MOTOR CO. pent ror sucb a display be given M theAssociated Charities for actual cbarlly work.No action was taken on the matter.

301-31- 5 W. San Antonio St, Among the guests at the luncheon yester-day of the Armywere E- A. Kelly, presidentNational bank; Chaplain Francis P. Joyce,fourth Held artillery; M. 8. Proteaux andA. R. Davis.

10 EL PASO MORNING TIMES Friday. December 3, 1915.




Goldblatt Youngster Scores Im-

pressivelymmm mSm c uní i f hfmrv I Tiger Player Declare He Intends Bg HY SCHNEIDER- -

to Remain in Present Com-fortable

GRAVE WAS DUG XjATK LAST NIGHT IT WAS DUG DEEP.Over d rEBaseball Berth. funeral dirge waa "rendered" In the hoof beats of John Walters

Field in Sprint. In the first race and the selling; race war generated through, by and withthe claiming of the horse, Masnlk, here last season came to an end

By Associated Press. when the hatchet was covered with Its blanket of clay. The runnerHeavily-Backe- d Performers An-

nexMew York. Dec. t Hughl Jennings, man-

ager Is back In Dick Ripley's born. The change of ownership from S. M.or the Detroit Americans, declaredPurse After Purse for that lie had not been orfered the man-

agementHenderson A Co.. was made at private sale. The Henderson interests

Yanke and Friends. of the New York Federal league last year bought the horse from Kay Bpence, who took the runner outteam. of a race here.

"The Federal league has never offered mea poilllon aa manager of ILs New York LINK WITH HIS CUSTOMARY VIGOROUS EFFORTS TO PUT ONtfam, and I would not consider It If they IN

WINNERS AT JUAREZ 'did. I am perfectly satisfied with my lot In good cards as ladles' day attractions. Secretary Jasper has linedDetroit, where we heve built up a great up a handicap for this afternoon that looks like a, and I have no intention of leaving Named to go are, Wllhite. Brookfleld, Kootenay, Othello and Curlicue.

OMHMtí ( M nl t ) til & Detroit." Taking his race against Conning Tower his last out, Wllhite looks likeso irv T. L. HuBton and Manager Wil Othello his strongest contender. KootenayKwrscutnlr (Matthews) 4 to I he might do the trick, withor tho New York Americans,liam I.onovsn,

llrrtha (Drlwoll) 2 to 1 returned today from Wilmington, Del., will have his usual following among the seasoned westerners, whobeat Pan Zareta Is good enough forthink horse that has oncewhere ihev made a mute enon 10 sign anydi Mi hi- EvenBusy i

rrank Baker, or the Philadelphia Athletics, them. I'm Inclined to think thoiigh that It Is Wllhite, who will get totTinrlty Wiirfl (Mnrys) to ft in a New York contract. Donovan said he the pacemaker the last Jump or two. If Othello Is on his good behaviorEdit!) YV. 2 to 1 had procured permission from Manager at the post he will probably cut out the early running with Brookfleld

Mack, or the Athhtlcs, to talk business with close the first quarter.Baker, but that the latter bad held out for or Kootenay up

1KB OOUmi-AT- la In his stride, unreasonable salary.Mi lie won hi first race of the meot-- . anIt was Intimated at the local Federal SHOT, WHO WlXlJ BE REMEMBERED AS A GOOD

Ing yesterrluy when his Dorante geld-ing,

league offices that the New York Federal GRAPE here laat year, makes his appearance In the fifth againstCotwuck. iiiTformcd In the league club had made Baker an offer. Seneca, Yorkvllle,. Useelt, Royal Interest and two others. Useeit was a

capacity of n .. Ktooklng nnfl fleet one here at sprint distances two seasons two. Seneca Is goingbiased a trail from harrier to wire for particularly good right now and looks like the one to catch. Therea rield of widely varlent candidates IN THE SPORTUGHT are two In here running In the colors of new owners Yorkvllle andfrom an up- - nnd cliutnlflcatlnn stnnd-poln- t. Prospero Son.By GrntW RicThe rare was a purse affairfor molden of all ages at six furlongs We have no debate to establish with PHE DA ST CADDS SOME GOOD MJIiERS TOGETHER AND ITanil wiif the only event on (he Juares those who desire to select an 1 looks like a toss-u- p as to who the winner will be. With probablycard under olher than selling condi-tions

eleven. In our own case we are quite two exceptions with the varied methods of figuring races at this dayThe Speculators hud the proper willing to admit that the complexities or

in form of lineup. How-

ever,tho situation are far beyond our under-standing

every horse entered could ba put on .top someransre when they lnntnlli-- Mose's range. lt promises Just what races should present a difficult task topranrer, the choice and forced him locate the winner.back to from A Few Reasons.The never hcstltnt With the wonderful growth of football, CHART. ES F. PRICE HAS RECEIVED GOOD NEWS FROM

el from the break, hut went on each season now there are still two or JUDGE Louisville (Ky.) home. A baby boy has been born to his son.sltotil Ills hiiMlnoKN like an three stars who stand a trine above their Clarence and wife, both Kf whom enjoy the friendship of a host of

In a nunillW that afforded feilos. But only two or threelike .M-anan created

In- - frlenilH a nl of row (luring of Harvard or Buck or Wisconsin. El Pasoans, who Join in hearty congratulations to the newly

the strtiagla, Andy n with uiie For one examole. there Is Chuck Barrett. grandfather.halfback worked at at tof Cornell, a greata rep iih a qtxtCK breaker ami (juaricr, raiutea Dy many uie equal oi LOOKED LIKE OLD TIMES AROUND THE COURSE YESTER-da- y

wiik Juki crying to Mahan. rgo to the front flown the haek Yet Sol Metnger, an unusually rine Judge with Colonel Winn back In town. The colonel was there In thetreli. (ioiilry. in (he pilot liouw, of rootball talent, says that Johnny Barrett role of a sightseer, mainly in that lt was his first appearance since the

how ever nppHrenll.v wlllrsl to or Washington and Leo Is a greater back general overhauling of the qourse by Superintendent Keegan. Mr. Winnthan Ills Cornell namesake -- a back fully and then expression to histnahe his "run" luler on, but gave the course a thorough going-ov- gavo

when the rider eallod for more as brilliant is the great Mahan. Johnny opinion that the weather man would be up against a tough propositionKtenm at the httul of the n(rel-b- Cornell



a touchdown,yards through

and withtho

.If he made effort to inflict racing on the Juarez plant thisthe won of iinpiii 'Water-Ma- y a beaten team produced other prodigies w,nter

was itix.iil through, lie man-aged

of efficiency. yto In- third. He is undoubtedly a marvel, a star at WITH WILLARD TOUTED AS THE WORLD'S BEST HEAVY

WBonnie's Puck, who hns been trying every department of play. Yet how manyweight, it looks like a Joke for those New Orleans promoters to

even mention nil name in incir usía rfor ever so long, came like a cyclone arrange a match, whereby that merely ordinary scrapper Fred Ful-

tonthe liiRl qilnrter to get (he place be Among Others. gets the date. The conditions call for the champion gettingcallao he endeavored to get up to lock BECAUSE Mulligan Ike appears to be on a hurry- - up trip to tho breakers he Is going to take a chanco on a horso How manv evor heard of Bully Vandor- - $32 000 win, lose or DRAW. That's Just about all there will be theslep with the winner. U that gntn away from the barrier the same way. Undo Jlmmle til ay usually breaks fast, but sometimes he grarr of Albania? Not one In ninety. Yet fraCas DRAW. Meaning that Wlllard will be on that end of the purse

4 If, JK don't Inst king so you see the horse appears to be in Ik e'a claas. Hag used Ike roughly yesterday and he's now old football stars who havo seen him play strings In a romp.vrxm ST.ATK MEN up in the air. More especially so when one stops to consider tho fact Hint two ICdlths romped home easy winners. say he Is a marvel; a great line piuugcr,t;irr iinii'.i. , The female of the species in a sure 'fluff fickle bunch as Ike hits found In his mad efforts to land on winners. a wonder through a broken field, a star

SlnrllriK With the opener nnd con-tinuing

No sooner does he pass 'an up than down In front théy pop. Well. Its a tough world, but the dog with the most ilron kicker und the best punter and passeron through the whole program fleas In even BÓMBT1MBB lucky and maybe Ike will have a good day today. Uncle Jlmmle gets the usual 10 per to


souin.ironi line,

in onehis long


suuiuuihcarried FADS OF FIGHTING MENthe talent bumped nnd sloshed the cent, which calla for 7fi lronne.n straight this aft. Ike's Just got to get a winner soon or he will lose his standing 78 yards and bounded on across the rival QUEER

Internen und kept the layers In a con-stant

with his rich Uncle Henry. goals, now many uavo uuyio--- u.uetnte of uncnslncHs with their puntr

concerted action against 'one parti-cularvictory

runnerfor QoSBavCh

In nearlystarted




aMore.line center, is being DADDY OF 'EM ALL A FARMER

the good and whetted (heir appetites JUAREZ FORM picked by tho vast majority. Yet footballIn wnosc Judgment we place greatfor more aa they felt themselves In experts

rami ana wr.o nave seen uuu. y.oj u By JACK SKELLY.their Htrlde. O. Tnnke was theW( Indexed Entries i hit peek or ptttshura-- la far and away



BurlouKrieafl-of wrinkles

on the browsand the

of MEET FRED FULTON FOR BUENOS AIRES the beat center rush of tho last threeOnce upon a time there was a fighter who was certainly a very deceiving little cuss In

iUoínhnt would fight, but somehow appearance.could fight andthe men on the blocks. The plunger Form Forecast hy Hy Schneider, nr the Army eleven was theor other he couldn't get a ngni, soback In ibe east. Yethad a good following, who carried Uportlug Bdltor l.l I'as'o Times. hardest running

of tho Oregon Aggies Is twenty starved to deatb, waiting ' so long for a HR COULDN'T EATnmrc confidence than even he who Abraham to be that tlieheavier. Dilly as fast and, accord-

ingright. Moral: It seems THE CLUBHOUSE.lead the forces. pounds flsbters who can't fight get all the fights,keen follower, booked to boxto than one camp Porky was recentlymoro FlynnI li.ll I II DAY, III I Mill II 3.To Marl lili a late tip from Jnck Johnson's Nemesis Will FRIDAY, Millionaire South Americans a larder mar. to stop. with big coin besides. "Benrcat" Tom McMahon In New York City.

the paildiM-- trailed for a mad Moyer and Thurman of Vir-

ginia,gambling chance withPorkv taking aThere were was

rush on Sweetdalc a d Draw Down $32,500 Win, Races Slarl at 1.11 p. in (F.I Paso Time). Would Bring Together Beat Curry and Cody or Vandorhllt, Can you Imagine, Tellow fsns. John L. the club on the percentage basis. He wssof Minnesota, Macomber of Illinois. Sullivan, the once mighty world's champion, looking the crowd over, which wss ratherone In the second. He closed at Lose or Draw. TRACK FAST. Men in Each Division. of Pittsburgh, sbout Ms comfortable rarm atWilliamsonHastings and Ratterlng 11m Indeed, belore going on with his oppo-

nent.lour- - to roll home ciiKlly. Moller, countless others or calibre fully as Mass.. building Pip. pons. clubhouse inand "This Is the grandestthe choice, was a second, FIRST ILU:K Five furlongs ; selling; for high as shy selected and most or them nailing up and repairing fences, painting the country. Porky," said the manager inwhile (he Hccoud In ennsldera-ih.- n Dy Associated Pros. inree unu upwara: Hy Associated Press. ' have never been heard of In the cast ms Darn, pulling- eiecinc wura m u. s very enthusiastic manner, trying to Im-

press:Pnlmii, cxperlencol a stormy New Orleans.. Lt., Dec. Wlllard Index. Horse. Wt. Form New York, Dec. 1. Millionaire Soutn The Job of picking the firty best would house, milking cows, grooming snd rcertlnfr the Boston rlngster. "Look how manytrip nnd left his few friends on will mu I mi faltón, or Rochester, Minn., M) NiiMI E (1RANH 107 43Ti American, sportsmen are planning for s bo an Impossible task much less the Job his horsos and being an handy

It will sest. Isn't is a most magnificentliv70 MAIISAND 11 4J0 the best man on his snug, homelike estate? But

the riM-- high and dry. Classy ifi a W round-bo- here March 3 for the ro( M'll.LEll II II- puirlllstlc carnival lo he held at Buenos or arranging eleven. that's just the way John i amuses f building?""Quite so," answered Porky, stillCnrl aluired hi the (I o to the heavyweight championship ul the world, ac- M)K1 OIKI'JETY 107 440 Aires next spring, In which the four ristlc Haxalí's Record. nowsdays, and has been doing for the the spiall attendance. "The place Is

extent of the xhnw ixirtlon. Qordlng lo an tnnounoetDMil tonight by pro-i- i (VX;i HllliilKlHSF. MIO 4l Champion! or the world will be contested.called ror volunteers past two years, since be quit going on the all right, but we can't eat the beautirul

While going to (he nlnrtor. Jockey M8I QILBF.RT Rusk 112 440 Within the next two weeks the .sum ot Some time ago we road In the show hustness. know,"oto rs or the match. llaxall s building, youRtlrltng Iterthii Weaver, 0003 VF.I.IK FORTY "107 435 will hi de, osiled In a local bank to who might testify to J. Triplett "These little Jobs about the farm," ssld do isn't It alton gav "What mean, Porky;Yale 1SS. you

exhibition wild Wlllurd signed articles here several weeks Miss HBAKTHBTONE "107 43r. pe dlviited later lulo rour purses, and field goal record against In the old warhorse, smoking his fsvorite pipe,million-dolla- r ...... right?"as a as" to meet any White rigtili-- Hie promoter! 1.WI4 D, W. K1SKF11 M0Í 435 mu- ii.ii sum or F7i,uuo io cover traveling, This testimony pas neon inm.u "is the best exercise in the world. I never but know crowdweat rider from the hack of the.fllghly Kfforts Yale '84." His testimony "Oh, yes; you a guar-

anteesmlirlit name hy December 10, were MsW I'HOSI'EHO'S 11AI1Y 107 435 tralmiih and advertising expenses of pug-ilists

James 0, Lincoln, felt In hotter health In mv life, and would the finerellow some good eats; notDawHon runner. The boy was finally nuilu lo arraiifte an ui bout In- and promoters. be as happy as a clsm at high tide if my s

"hook" off, but by coaxing, petting tween l ulton anil Krank Muran, of ' "M RAi:i: Obi mile-- selling; tor The bouts as outlined at present, will " Deaf Sir: Luther Trice, a newspaperI axil good wire wss only In ss good condition as funding, eh?"

hd force the nsslstnnt starters finally hut according to the promuturs, and upward: brim? together .Jess Wlllard and the best man whom I know well, is correct.I I am. flood, honest outdoor work Is the

In 185.MoiMli riTuwd to un I tin- iiuif- kicked that goal against Yale SOME RAPS ANO SCRAPSgot her quieted down to the scratch, Index. Horse. Wt. Form heavyweight that rrtn be obtained; tho or best medicine In the world snd keeps a manAlthough, thai ir hi- ilhl nut him perform the. rent. AROUND THE SUNG.uuil was sawMike orM04 DUNDREABY . 81 4i') chajnpton mlilillcwelghts, millions, In rine form all tne year rounu.but she broke none too well. When did not measure theagi ee bv December to uo so. the mad a cojese the spectators4i PENALTY .M04 455 St. Paul, and Les Darley, of Australia; It seems to me that tho new boxing comthe mare finally made up her mind would he klven lo l ulton. Kiiluui brgVl- lightweight, Welsh, or distance, It was beyond mldrield, and was

missioniWl FRANCIS tOtt 450 Freddy England, 6 JF.FF SMITH niTTK A will need quite a bit or bard traintic go on It was ton late, (hough she ouny ñau signea irtiowi t" mem wuwra iiBSO I'.ISkll .M04 445 and Charley White, of Chicago; bantam-weights,

anno inced st the limeLINCOLN,

as beingYale

yards.'M. Ml SICAL MAV AT HOME. ing nerore tney win De ame to Knock oux

showed good spaed by running close in the event Moran refused the elimination MISS 1H IHUHIHF.RTY .... . 107 445 Kid Williams, or Baltimore, and evldenroJAMES


so far ds all in No one who could see Jeff Smith, one pi many or the present abuses In the game InTheup in the first division of the first OOUI. ttoi DAVE MONT0OMERY . Ml) 4F. Johnny Ertle, ofrSL Paul. Each boht, which the groat middleweight fighters, sitting in this slate, ir Messrs. a. wenrg,

quarter. Wlllard's contract calls ror $3i,5O0, win. row FANCY 105 440 will be ror tho championship of that class, Mr. Haxall'i favor.the coxy parlor or his new home In Jersey Dwyer and John Franey are good, game,

if. .y. if. lose or draw. Terms arranged with tfCO AMIHIL 105 410 will be for ñ rounds or more. Word." City, would ever suppose be wss a prize reformers, however, they willwere not aimounied. MI8V IMlWM.ANll . lo:. 440 Ilarou Nicholas Mlhanovich is the repre-

sentative"The Saddest lighter or Ibe most aggressive type. Jcrr at once revoke the rule against renderingBERTH v. MEDIUM HMO R(SE O'NEIL .M04 435 or the South American capitalists Dear Sir: Last night I doped out the Is quite a perrormer on the banjo, and in proper, Just and expervnced decisions, and

OK st i ssiu i, COUP, Pre Selections. MM sportsmen, who believe mat me pug-ilistic

nrst downs made In the bis leisure hours he's Tond or plrklng stop the stalling, mauling, clinching, wrest-lingThe third saw the talent again In, rilllin RACE Five rurlongs; seHIng; tor carnival will be of groat advertising series, as follows Including all melodious music on his favorite instrument, bouts that sre constantly disgracing

their stride when they popped down three year nldj md upward: value to Buenos Aires and South America throe games Princeton, 23; Harvard. 14;while his young wife sccompsnles him on and deteriorating boxing in this great big

In the front with Bertha V who car-ried

Cincinnati Cnqulrrr. index. Horse, wt. I In generalthe plain. Trotting around the happy commonwealth. It does not require so much

all the "substantial" admiration 1. Moller. DrlKhouso. laiirgety. MSI UNCLE nMMDJS i.u y 107 Tom Jones and Jack Curley have been ap-pointed

viler that I went out and tried to shootcouple may be seen their only child, nearly courage, gentlemen, to do this. It's more

annexed hy the speculators in the t. Penally, liunSn ury. Have Monliromery. mq HUM AR Al) I07 ihe American representatlvei and mvseir. Do you know a doctor who cantwo years of age. They make quite a a matter of wisdom and common horso

WI77 C.ATI.ciRY 107 matrhmakers Tor the barkers of tho mcT TIGER THIRTEEN. sll.a. iirlmar Lad, t'nrle Jliumle (Iray, llcverly help group, indeed. Since Jeff returned sense, that'sfirst pair of winners. Bcrthn used Jsmi I. 4.11)7 BaPHANOR iti carnival. merryrrom his victorious trip to Australia he has

Ihe boy kindly by trimming Upright 4. Koolenay, llrookfleld. Wlllllle. MM I "l y HKYWOOD lis "To help settle an argument." writes purchased a house for hlmseir snd family, John tho barber and Kid Broad are bomand Pmlllng Msg at two after open-ing

fi. henees, Orapeshot. Itoyal Intereat. r,w4 iu IV lOHffl Y. M. C. A. NOTES. Piiirled, "whop- - do you think Yale shouldand ror such a restless r he very sore because Governor Whitman didn't

at five. It looked like old (Irnos C. I liuway. Hard Hall, Mud Sill. CAN APA he ranked in the Fast this season!"far

Cerseems to have become a very domestic man, appoint them boxing commissioners. I don't

for a while during (he running of this t;. A. UEHOIN. W WILD RE All The athletic practice in the boys' classes tainly no better than eighth lt 1hat up.Indeed blame tliem a bit, considering all the politi-

calone, with Parker's Upright out 5U7 in III V JAMES . at the Y. M. C. A. ror the national hexath-Is- NewFtM3baB. pull they bad behind them.Nan Eisnilner. 50 CI iTUM HOUSE .. lorun m " 415 roTlN'TScontests is well under way. Several or LEACH CHOSSthethe Pill Pnlv for a part of trip. I, Mo'llor, tioggcty. the boys won the emblem given ror an A number or us apparently forget that on ii hit ni ii ki V Why does Johnny Klltume sidestep New

Jockey Johnny Mofa lie. and tm DtVe Utontromory, c.isko, Inindreary. FOURTH HACK Six furlongs; handicap; Tor avenge or M per cent in all the events. In the arrival of new football there came Leach Cross, out of the ring. Is rtr. Louis York City snd only show his. championshipfrom the family of of the 3. rimar l ad, Uncle JimiiUe (iray, luji-rl- all ay - gag Th-- winners in the preparatory class are as also a new riotball language, C. Wallach. an expert neniisi. nicy form In obscure places, where the picking

establishment, flirured In a lame 1 Indi x llurse, wt. Form rollowa: Kred Wldtlock. 8; Wsrren Lust-ier,

but not all were si. rorgetful- Under when I .earhle stjrts to null a tooth he l so easy? Is be "leery" or New Yorkdouble, when Busy Kdlth tiM.k 4 llrookfleld. Wilhlle. Kuotcnoy. Ml Wll KITE 110 400 SJ; sturtevant Todd, 8; Kphrain a stirring action picture "The Times" uses mints "one. two. three, out ano gvnerauy boxing experts, who either mske or break a

the fourth and Kdlth W.. the Wi'iiera, Vorkvllle. Iloyal InU'ist. MUI Kin ii iK FIELD í 4"ó krupp. AO; Fnunis Lasaltsr. 60; J. C this' running from a nut comes the tooth by hook or eroos. fighter's reputation? It certainly seems so.Hard Hall. John Graham, l.uulse Paul. 5inm koOTENAY lo-- 41 rormatlon." the pugilistic We haven't seen Johnny In the ring aronnlfinal number. To mnke the eg; Leo Mines. Aft, and Arthur March, I li.M'j) KICK rncv mv also, in this way

t. MILLER. Wl OTHELLO II 47.1o&. Many of the boys are within a rew You thought It was a Kake. Kirk Mahan ,i.,,oit h arrcHilv develoned his right arm. here for the past two years, at least. Why

teoldvr each of the 6700 CURLICUE M 470 points or the necessary vei-- r, used? Why. vou poor old boob of a low-

brow.that has caused many an opponent to o pass us up. Johnny:

Winners won by wide margin-- . Dally Knrni and in. hided the high Jump, broad Jump, potato Didn't you know that It was rrorq inted out: hut not so quicsiy asBusy was nal far behind tlie san rrasdace thmnlele. FIFTH race- - Five and f ftirtoegil race, snap under and target throw. a Spurious Kick rormatlon Utiggs made nlc nut a tooth. It looksnotch of her performance of the I. Moller. Noble Orsnd.

selling; for and upward The Junior or younger hoys' records were his best gains against Harvard and Yale achle realizes that he's seen nis nest some new blood In his stable of fighterother day, when she went five- - si. nave Mantaxnnery.

Ooggaly,Dr. Doushertr. Fancy as rollowa: V. Harris, E. Klpp, CT; J. and that by means of a Simulated Punt righting days, and he's one or tne mes Ills present nock of rlngsters seem to need

Hurreti beat Penn? You thought these to rest or some rejuvenation to get theDleu. 67. and A. I'hlig. I. boxers who hat a lucratlce proresslon selghtlK In :."ili She also ran nor 3. I iu le jimime Clrsy, ortniar Lad, custom and rub thoHkNECA Nine employed boys also were granted were all fake kicks Wake up fall bsck upon, lt would ne wen n mi dough strain.Iter field In about the same House.Hrookrteld. Wllhlte. Y01.K II F. emblems as follows: k both. 88, L. Hosen- - red orrn your neck and make somebody rt o st.r innkerf sr. rar ahead and ritteil

manner, woon after the break, to6 noval

koolenay,Interest, senecs. Yorkvllle. ISEEIT steln, 80; C. Mostetier. I.. Krupp, SI I lesm you grammar. theniselvst Tor some worthy occupation That was rather a rough desl the boxing

open her usual big early lend. ( lli'uiwav, Hani ball. John ilraliam. 10 'Y Al. INTEREST r. acarra. 91; b. Krupp. 70; P. Coykendall. after their retirement from the ring. Many commission handed Ssndy Ferguson theCode, a consistent Kenturklan. PBTE Mik. MM )

I; C. Nichols, 7. and P. Stevens, so. YaeVVw' Cries. or them, I'm sorry to say, never think or other dsy tor appearing out or condition atrambled in to get the place nnd saved Mitt I'RdSI'ERii sun ... The tests will continue In sll classes Dear sir: The trouble with Yals Is the ruture lire tr. mis nsrn worm. the Broadway Sportlnr club, where he was

part of the bacon for his admirers, . New ark Morning Telegraph. throughout the sesson. each group working same that Harvard had before Haughton booked to go 10 rounds with Charley Liv r it vi (me mils; selling; ror tliree- - JOF CHOYNSKI THOl'C.HT JOE Welnert. The boxing solons have barred or Jkon two events earn week. took hold ami save tho bed Bloods afrom Marsandwho hammered the price tens Moller.I. Ooggety, and upward: 'MASCOT. susoended rrom tbls for life sfrsuteT ie Church ror mis hance. No I'rat pains ror linn, Old you uu inn was ovi.v A SsndyMootKoinery, eighths. Furlong rattled down j Iiinuiriurv. Lia.e Index. Horse. Wt. lorm dav brings together the Mexican Methodists notice the lloran. Klnnrv. rerty. Kll- urhnn ci. ri me chovnskl sat In Ma cor almost.

the wire In time to be third 3. (irlmar Lad. Uncle Jlmmle (iray, Heverly "MO HAIlli HALL I04 47 the little dusky Sandy deservednear and Westminster m me ins oatnek clan this year: tes. uiu not uncrer ner of the ring waiting for Probably some punish- -

Those who stuck to the colors of J Hie sWUhlte, Othello.

MM BTHATIU AHN 'I'd 470 game st 8 JO and the Folscopsllans and First Yale banner MAMAS ELI. Joe walcott to enter the ropes, he ssw tne ment for bis grogry appearance at trie club,Oaklard should not forget that the

4 Kootrnay, I I.1TAWAY IK". 4U Christians st 9 o'clock. pear Sir Heading of the orfer made by sturdy, sho- -t giant Killer sitting usiusaw but this Indefinite suspension Is ratheri.e. noyaiBoareatehcr gelding had an off day I it l aw

a,, (irapesuoi,Itaoul, Nannie Mipee m John i.iiahaM ins 4w Interest renters in the nrst game mxlnly. tne yale Alumni association to Al Sharpe. htm. cuddlid up In bis corner. Thxt was In severe, snd I might ssy. unjust.ay,

and will purely do better soon. In DAVID lOHTOM, r.su6 NANNIE MrllKB 'lot 4M as a win for the Presbyterians will lske cannot rerrn.n from asking what it may luoo, when l.otn those nnasers wera aa n.uu However, irs a wise move to make boxers0S1 IIAOIT Wt 10S 4J0 them out or the basement division ami tie u,a prompts them to the belief In prime and were mstrhed to combst 50 show up ror contests In fine rorrn- but thistaking the twtlighler, F.dllh W found - OIJ18K PAUL II 445 Brosdwsy A. C, New rule his not always been carried soMrs Delaney Woodx has Just Installed a them with their opponents. The Mexican Yale's Inibilltv to provide more lhan one rrnnds In the old out

herself pitted against a field of serving table at the Success Care which n MW Ml'll SI LI 'I'd 44S boys, however, are very anxious to retain excellent coach. Why should they who York City- strictly ss In the Ferguson case. I've Oftensluggish l.egfhnera, and It was duck a wonderful improvement, giving patrnni Vjo t'lftST .UEUHKJt II 44o their pi cent position, and a win will put! railed lo take him when he was rree now Choynskl turned Inquiringly to one oi his sat st the ringside snd seen lighters utterlysoup for her to prance nut to the immediate service. Also otter suggetUoi.i a strangle bold on it ror several weeks. urge merely sentlmentsl reason ror his seconds and ssked: "Who's that little t unfit to go even 10 rounds In a proper man-

nerPlve pounds apprsattce allowance claimed. battle contract, with Cornell? Are the ring?" "He's not a mascot. And some of them were champions,front, open a big gap on her opposi-tion

of cooked foods to take horoej (Adv.) Therefors a fine Is expected. breaking his acrossTh. Christum lvalue that there t there no others Tad Jones has had a Joe. That's Walcott," snswered the han-

dler,st tbst.and roll down the Irung stretch miv tim chance ..f nntilnr one over on hniliant three vearf With Exeter. He was rather surprised.

with everything to herself. Ijady ik. I,, it will ho there with. I nnarterhack Slid WOllld prove "Holy smoke! so thsr Walcott, sb? Ceo roc Carothrrs Has Sprained Ankle.Young ran her usual honest race to .i,..,,- .ir...ji to,, i, in an endeavor tolrit iiimouss to Walter Camp. Is It not said Choynskl. ss s broad smile broke out Oeorre C. Carothsrs, sperlal agent or theget the place, with Butter Ball tak-ing

MONTANA AUTO SERVICE. do what all dthers have failed to do this letter for Yale to mike her roaches gTeat over bis fsce. "Why. he's very small. department of state to northern Mexico,(he show. Henry Walhank hung Bond lesson. Doofi open at 8 ahrp. ' phrough due add early recognition snd not ts ronflnd to hit room at the Paso del

on as long as he could, but. finding PHONE 265 Tht Crrat Nine men attended the rirst class In first seek for othtrs abroad to point the ty But the Utile negro proved to be big Norte with a sprained ankleKENTUCKY C. A. last the should go tbsn m seek out for wntve Doxer mat evcuou.well aid to the inlured at the Y. M. that enough for the Dighis yrlp tiring finished pretty New large cars for hire. Whishmy evening, under the supervision or Dr her lbs men she wss too blind to dis for be put him swsy in the seventh round. For breakfast tomorrow try smimergsrs

beaten. 1.50 Per Hour Braden This class will meei every Wednes-day

cover! EDWAHl' A. nariiwii.. uhi..inir Ma- fellows was Wslcotts spe Majestic bacon. "Dellclously dlfrerent"Wild Bear appeared to call for f evening at t o'clock, and It Is "hoped cialty in those days. The sawed off negro Adv.

'something In the fifth, but he got Stand. Montana & Stanton; always open. Wldkey that a oiurh larger number will attend me titlenothing. The favorite. Charity Word, surceeduig sessions. IT Braden it giving n.s U-- r- I Family.with Johnny Morya her pilot, went much thought and lime to ffie organltstlon

Sir- Oí course, western rootbsll doesn't Gall onand teaching or first aid classes and should Washington and Leestoutly after her opposition to over-haul

ri,.,.niih externthe field, one by one, to win

ForoverTOyears have the help and of all. was held to i tie by Indiana, a teamBond & Ltllard ,.h tnn. m the west. The Washing ARMS CO.feommandtngly. She had a pretty GO TO has been the Brluioul Asks for H Oman's Event ton and l ee the next Saturday scored t SHELTON-PAYN- E

rough trip and may have been much PHIL YOUNG'S CAFE "Soisf choice of By Associated Press. points against Cornell, toe eastern ""..ibetter than her winning effort show-ed. Eouryuiftmrm'

those Boston. Masa., Dec. t An application to nion. bui. oi Co". " football For MADE IN EL PASO GoodswhoTheresa Bethel came with a good 111 South. El Paao 81 know and have the woman's national golr champion-ship doesn't count. (Chicago.)

want the best. ror tv derided on Ibe course ot therush down the stretch on the outside For Fresh Oysters served In all Ammunition. Saddlery nnd Goods Houseliclmont Spring Country club was ror-- The Big Arms, SportingBüliardand Veno Von Players,beto second was reds IrWssr thestyles and all kinds of Mesieaa Quality arded today to tne I'mted Stales Ooir as of the Southwest.third. Robert Mantel! waa an ex-

ceptionally .oriiiion. which will hold lu annual meet- No. 1, Hoppe: NO. . William Hoppebad actor at the poet and. Dlsbea. Hot or Cold Lunohsa

Ins In Chicago on January 14. 1916. So far No. I. Wllllo rloppe: No. 4. Bill Hoppeof course, failed to gat up in time for Moerletn ates uu DMMtgTbc. We do not solicit iht ship tlquuis rroui as ts known here. Belmont Is lae oaly club ha. . Will lioppa; No. 6 W. UofPe; fia SHELTON --PAYISIE ARMS CO.tag curtain eau, BUN bttLLALl, t'rum dry territory in violation of Texas laws. ' in tne east that has applied for the event. ' 7, Mr. Hoppe.

Friday, December 3. 1915. EL PASO MORNING TIMES 11

f MORNING TIMES CHART JUAREZ RESULTS. BOWLING SCORES.Jl'AHKl, MEXICO. Thurmlay. December t, Mil. Seventh day. Weather clear;

trtct fast. WtOWAM BOWLING AND ATHLETIC 1.1. t B

CQCMfr FIMT RACE Sli forlonfi. Pane. Maidens all ates. Net value to wln- -Ma. 4 Wat n vs. No. S Bogue.ner W, aecond WO. third 88.

Indei. Horae. Owner- Wt. 8t k Vt 4 Sir. Fin. Jocaej, Op. CI, McLalnWATSON


07 801 S7IS7S9 Co Muck f (JWOoldblatt) 103 8 I t 1 ! A. Molt t Browne , I 176 ITS so AnnouncementMM Sonnie s Buck 4 (GKCarter) ...111 t W I" 3 fH Matthews 8 ? Courcheme 113 178 147 4MM1J Andy H. (AllenHenley) ....Hi 81 V S 1 L. Gentry 4 I Oomei tu 181 106 MS4(m John Walters 3 (Knebelkamp) .tit 4 .. B 4a 4a Acton It l Wataon 15 150 1M 4S7M Iri Cochran t (Danleli&H) ....101 7 .. S Tt 61 Mi ll. Phillips 7

Mtt Rhodes S (JCFerrtas) lis I .. 4 et 7 Moleaworth 8 "7M Hi I74 W40S7SS Argent 3 (WSTrevey) IIS 8 1U I 7 Mrr.ane 4 6 BOQUE TEAM.MM Salvado Pocen 8 (JOrcen) .....11 .. 7 8 8 8 Bllrllnt 8 Burt 1S8 IM 1M 4H

At post minute, orr at 8:88 Time :M :48 I S. 1:14. Cossack. place. Brownflcld 144 129 IM Sl To Members of the Y. M. C. Bonn 'i Buck. 8 place, show; Andy H, show. Winner b. by Do-

rantervciiiu 171

Trained hv M. Ooldblatt. Standing start good; won all Bailey , 131

three easily.. Overweight: Cossack, 1. Davis inCOSSACK was rushed to the rront and hustled In the early part, winning with

ease at the finish. noNJtlE'S BUCK moved up resolutely the last quarter. ANDY 770 Ml 7M 1460

H., under strong restraint the first half, was called on In the stretch but the early re High game Brownfleld. High total Lee Stock ofplralnt told. JOHN WALTERS raced steadily.0.Davis,


imTPolnu-w-on Bogue, 4; Watson. We Carry at All Times a Complete Gym-

nasiumfifWlft SECOND RACE Five furlongs. Selling. s and upward. Netwwfw value to winner Mis, second tvi. third MS. No 1 Ba kauer v. No. Springer.Index. Horse. Owner. Wt. St. i H A Str. Fin. Jockey. Op. CI. BEROHAUEB TEAM. Equipment, Especially Designed and Manu-

facturedSMI Sweetdale (Scultto&Cbrlstle) 11 ! 1" Matthews 6 Nagle in 18R IS4 530SMI Moller 8 (EJRamsey) Ill 3 IM ! ! 8 O'Brien - J Kane 1 1M IM 444

Classy Cnrl I (OWClarke) log 5 4 7 5 3" T. Robbtna 10 Wild 144 108 IM 441 for Y. M. C. A. Work by A.G. Spalding & Bros.S0B8 Noble Grand (WF.Illott) ....."HI 8 .. 5 J'l 3 41 Cullen 8 13 Thompson 1H IN 117 44S6903 Manson 4 (JCLouder) Ill o .. 10 10 7 6' Hartwell Fritt 15 176 tM 804

3106 Little Maid a (OEMorse) 113 8 8 8' 8' Htlemaa 80 SO

50! Palma a (SmllhkCo) 1 7 .. 81 8 8 71 R. Shilling ÜM "TM "7M MMS983 LoulB Des Cogncts a ((Striker) 107 .. 6 a 0! 8" Drtacoll 10 SPRINGER TEAM.

Bertha Waaver 5 (MF.Dawson) 113 10 .. 71 4l 4 91 SUrllng 8 Orlng Ill 146. 17 M6 Gymnasium Shirts 50c Eachana Beaumont a (FMcCollum) Ill 4 ., S'l S 10 10 Carter 80 V Jones 158 179 IM 40At post 3 minutes. Off at 1:5. Time :13, :47 1:00 Sweetdale. 1 place. Cooper 147 IM 141 481

nhow; Moller. place, show; Classy Curl, 3 show, winner dr. g.. by Tut tie 183 167 IM S14 Pants 50c EachMatnlc Sweet Faverdale. Trained by W. Scultto. Standing start good; won drtvlna. Springer 155 161 17 45 Gymnasiumsecond easily; third driving. High price: Sweetdale 8, Moller Bertha Weaver 8.

Winner entered ror tjoo. No bid. Overweight: Little Maid l. Classy Curl, 864 SIS 828 1192

SWEETDALE followed up close to MOLLER challenged him a sixteenth from the High game 211. High total 536. Marginwire and standing a drive, outramed him. MOLLER curled up Badly at the end. -- 118. Points won Springer, 4; Berghauer, 0. Gymnasium Shoes 80c to J5.00CLASSY CURL finished gamely. NOBLE QRAND a forward contender. PALMA ahow- -

CACTUS CLUB.Bd no speed whatever. ;

cnni THIRD RACE seven furlongs. Selling. and upward. Net Smelterpwa value to winner MM. aecond MO. third MS,HAMMKLL TEAM. Both Official arid Practice Balls For.K Str. Fin. Jockey. Op. CI.lnrtet. Horse. Owner. Wt. 8t. Vt V, O. A. Hammetl its tM

r.dOS Bertha V. 4 (EHShort) 0S 4 8 41 3 I t1 Drlscoll 8 1 F. Raster 144 11775 Upright (TSParker) 10 S ! I V 2 O'Brien J J A. D. Wilkinson iti is6

RttSI Smiling Mag 3 (CMorrls) M 3 11 1 S'l 3 3" Hunt 8 8 Basket Ball Indoor Base BallBMt Mollle Cart fl (Mays&C) 108 8 8 8 8 8 4 A. Mott 1 4 474 431 411 1317 Ball, Volley5970 Bunny 3 (LStone) M 1 7 71 5 5 Braiel 3 4 woonru'RN team.507 Swede Sam a (TMScolt) 108 7 7 6' 4" 41 Pickens 8 8 E. A. Fruit 141 141 141 4M5M1 Madeline Musgravn a (ROrtn) 105 I 4" 3 8 8 71! Mulharc 15 SO

O. D. Butler 104 88 119 3115SI8 Mlntanka S (PalmerACo) 108 8 5' I 5 5' 71 8 L. Qentry 8 10 F. Woodburn 1st 147 138 416

Al pot mlnlite! Off at 3:14. Time :13 :48 1:14 1:28. Bertha V.. Spalding Athletic Goods Are Recognized as the Standard1 place, show; Upright, 1 place, 1 show; Smiling Mag. 1 show, winner cn. m . 376 876 408 1160by Andrew Mack Mrs. Sharp. Trained by E. II. Short. Standing start good; won Points won Hammell, 4. High gamehsndllv; second and third easily. Winner entered for MOO. No bid. Overweight: Hammell, 168. High total Hammell, 481. of Quality the World OverMlntanka 3, Upright 4. Bertha V., 3. CRITCHETT TEAM.

BERTHA V. raced under stllght restraint until well straightened out In the T. E. Koenlg 144 IM 117 417stretch, where site went to the front to win handily. UPRKUlT made the running r. MCCi.rmlCK.... 104 117 95 3 6and hung on gamely. SMILINO MAO raced forwardly. MOLLIE CAD cyme from the u. A. critchett 17 185 131rear the final quarter.finno FOURTH RACE Five and furlongs. Selling. s and 427 398 353 1178 W. G. Walzupward. Net value to winner 88S5. serond 50, third 885. Four points rorrelted to Critchett team CompanyTmieTTlnrae. (Wnrr. . Wt. St. H Vi Str. Fin. Jnrkey. Op. CI. High game

44B.Critchett, 179. High

5091 Bnsv Edith 3 (FDWelr) 108 S .. 1 ! I McCaber41 nolle 4 (O'MenraBros) 108 1 .. M 8 ! 8l L. Gentry 8 8 Tonight Big league.5985 Furlong (WJWeber) 115 8 .. SI 4l 3 3 Arton 6 7

5978 High Street a (ALLIteld) 109 4 .. 6" 6 6 4! Venters 18 80 Frank Murrhlson Returns to Work. 103 S. Et Paso Street(59R3)Kenneth 5 (CWfinsser) 107 3 .. 4 5l SI 5 Morys 4 5

.. 4'l 8" T. Robblns 15 SO Frank Murchlson or the Texas Bank325 Auntie tfurl 4 (JI.Reckham) ...10 3 8 JTrust has5978 Oakland 6 (FJO'Connell) 103 R .. V 7l 7'l 71 RteBfna 1 1 company returned to his busi-

ness after having been disabled since Sun5988 Willis 5 OHMcCarren) 110 7 .. 8 8 8 8 Mergler 15 15

day by a lacerated Ien hand, Injured whenAl post I I S minutes. Off at 3:5S. Time :!3 :47 1:08 2 5. Busy Edith. a gun wllh which he was hunting burstplace. show: Colle, 3 place, l show; Furlong, show, winner b. r.. by riear the end of the barrel.

Yankee Busy Lady. Trained by F. D. Weir. Scratched: Lone Star, Cordova, LadyPender. Mlnro Jlmmle. Standing start good; won In a gallop: second driving: thirdeasily. High price: Colle, 10. Winner entered for 8300. No bid. Overweight:Auntie Curl I, High Street 1, Busy Edith 1. , the Interference gamely, rinlshlng wllh rare courage. THERESA BETHEL close up ll- - MKIU'l'RY 'WAS

BUSY EDITH Just galloped to her opposition the whole Journey, pulled up a but was bearing out all the final VENO VON showed .good speed, raring KlilHTINti AROrND IStrifle lame. . COLLE, tho nearest in pursuit thrnufthout. FURLONO oulfootcd In the uuuj nun i i. a. . i.i. i. niaue a strong I.HI in me stretch iiiii tniiercii nn.-i- MAIIK LAST MONTHearly stages, came a bit wide the last quarter. HIGH STREET was closing well. fitUlA SIXTH RACE Seven furlongs. Selling. and upward. Net The coldest wei.tber recorded TODAY'S ONE BEST BET- -OAKLAND away from the post slowly. value In winner uemnrt SV1 IhlrH S05 here during; Novcml.or w:.s :';i

Cacio FIFTH RACE Five furlongs. Selling. s and upward. Not index. Horse. Owner. wt. St. 14 Str. Fin. Jockey. Op. CI. degrees above ero, toWW value to winner 1225. second 50. third 825. the monthly moteorollnloal report The Lobby BarIndex. Horse. Owner. Wt. St. it H Vi Sir. Fin Jockey. On, r. 6990 Edith W. 4 (FDWelr) II 4 44 I' I 1 McCabeOÍ the El Pono weather5985 Lady Young a (Hatrield&co) ..too a 5" 41 3M 2 ! O'Brien buromuj

5983 Charity Ward 3 (jopnrker) ...102 4 .. 9 6M 2M H Morys 5973 Butter Mall a (Qulnlan&H) 105 5 H 3! 2" 3 3' Gross This temperature was reached J. H. ADAMS, Proprietor.4755 Theresa Bethel 3 (BEChapman) 106 6 .. SI S'l 4 2'l' Cullen 4 5

r.90 Henry Walbank a (HTullett) ..W0 3 !! 81 4 4 4l H. Phillips on November 16. The rainfall5987 Veno Von a (TiiWWells) 107 1 .. 61 3 3' IL Phillips 20 20 6992 Gerds 6 5 Ormes6 (Glbson4:HT 108 1 6 8 6 during thn months totalled .01 Perf jet Appointment3 .. 3l 3" i 41 Ormes 8 65217 Roh't. Mantell 4 (Slngleton&M) 112 5892 Colonel McDougall (IStrlker) 103 6 3 5 6M 6 6 Drlscoll Inch. Thin was a very low rec-

ord,5975 Brlghouse 4 (Hatrield&Co) ....110 10 .. 10 9! 6 5 Brazel 3 4

5985 Rag 3 (Davles & Sicilian. 101 1 41 4 7 81 O. Gentry 8 8 At post minute. Ofr at 4:48. Time :24 :47 1:13, 1:26 Edith W aa tho normal for the month LQuality of Goods and Service Unexcelled5987 Eel a (MarkliamfcJ) .' ,107 8 .. 1V l 5l 7' Mulhare 30 40 place, show; Lady Young, piare, show-- Butter Ball, I show. Wlnnor Is .58 Inches. On November 10

KM Wild Bear (JNMnunce) ...11077 .. 6 8 V 8' H. Shilling 3 3 ch. m., by Uncle Dicker. Trained by V. D. Weir. Scratched: Baby Lynch, the wind blew for five minutes at 316 SAN ANTONIO STREET.5965 Velle Forty 5 (TMScott) 112 5 7"! 7 8' 'l Pickens 10 12 stand. i. g start good; won first two easily; third driving. High price: Lady a velocity of fil miles an hour.5231 S (PalmerACo) l'2 9 ... 81 10 10 10 - Gentry 10 12 Young 3. Winner entered for 8200. No bid. Overweight: Lady Young 4, Colonel The average hourly velocity dur-

ingAt post 3 minutes. Off at 4:25. Time :SS :47 1:00 Charity Ward. McDougall, 3.the month was 9.0 miles and

place, t4 show; Theresa Bethel, 1 place, 1 show; Veno Von, 4 snow, winner b. EDITH W., moved tut. the lead alter they bad gone a quarter and held hor directionr., by Luck and Charily Ollle Ward. Trained by J. W. Parker. Standing start, advantage with easo at the finish. LADY YOUNO was sharply shut off after they the prevailing wasgood: won first three driving. High price: wild Bear, 4. Winner entered for 8200. had gone an eighth, finished resolutely. BUTTER BALL raced up' close to the 'pace, northwest. There wore twenty-on- e

No bid. Overweight: Theresa Bethel 4. tired In the closing drive. HENRY WALBANK showed a good half then bogan to clear days during the month. WHEN IN DOUBT READ THE WANTSrutniTV WARD was shamlv shut off on tho rail right after the start, overcame nang. The rest were partly cloudy.


1913-1-6 -


Six Good Races Every Day !Monday

i Commencing at 2:15 P. M.


12 EL PASO MORNING TIMES Friday. December 3. 1915.



A Cordial Invitation KL IMo nOYH WILL BE INTERKRTKD INBOOhs ON "HF.HIlKfl r Allt F.NTL'RF."


Mi F.dltb Cf! librarian or trie FA

Paso I'litihe i. in has announced anIs extended the general public ff3 call at our other new Itnt "! arc inil in'" books

for hoys, f&chidi in the number is sitory or Apirlii- M, which Is s vivid

sales rooms and inspect our display of the Ule or n search for gold Inthe southwest. is muy thrills andcontains Informs!, shout the ancientclirr dwellers. It will be or Interest toevery American mth. Following Iand OldsmobileCadillac Hat of the new books

HEROES )l AliVKMTIIRE."When we glurlufl.v forget ourselves

and plunge, soul lorward, headlong, into

You will have to examine a book's profound."an opportunity Ell? lh' th Barrett Browning."Apache Oord" 'J A. Altsheler)- Describes

a car in full operation. We will gladly explain hoy's hunt ror treasure In the southwest. Hostile Apsrhe Indian give thestory Ha thrill and along with the

in detail any points in connection with the itory much u.t resting informationabout the rlnr dwellers .and theirways is pn s' n

operation of the car. "Cruise Of the Carhalot" (T. F. Bullen.)"IVe never resd anything tbst equalsIt In 111 deep " i wonder and mystery;nor do I think that am hook beforehat go compli i' ly covered the whole

Our Sales Rooms Will Be Open Evenings the builneifsame time



rishlng,real and


at the

pictures." Budyard Klpllin

Remainder of the Week. "The boy Emigrants" (Nosh Brooks.) Outon the western plalni, when a certainfamily became large mat the pinwouldn't go round, two ol Ihe boys de-villed

j$Mii.,. Hillto strike out tor themselves. The

story of their adventure- - Is told InCadillac Sales Co. "The Boy Emigrants" ulilch, published some little time ago. has beenread by boy with eager willingnessovar lince. The Last Word in 1916Two Years Befare the Mast" (It. II. Dana.)

A voyage around the Horn and toCalirornla, about 75 years agu.

vlvld and practical record.Leads all otheri as the books best Six-Cylind- erdescriptive of the life or the American Developmentsailor, and na, aescrveaij , occuiin; nkeg classic.

"Hans Drinker" fat. M. Dodge.) The storyof s Holland boy. He and bis companions make a trip on skates from the NEW MARION embodying all theto think or ii I'aso who Would not Have Mi. '" 10 Amsterdam. Holland Is and

LOCAL PUBLICITY inven It a thought otherwise. always will be full of oddity, coiiraio beautiful detail of finish and improve-ment

DETAIL SPECIFICATIONS"The Bslhirnle niter reminds me thai we ami Industry, and Is rightly called tho

received a letter today from ine K w. pluckiest utile country 1,11 earth. throughout that instantly dis MOTOR. Fortiia type, high mol, sta agfcsto.Johns Manvllle company, mauufacturers a book that will bolh interest and cast en bloc. 3 inch bore, Mrok.or automobile accessories, roofing slid prom. tinguishes the finished product ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT Latest Irs

irions other materials, announcing that 'Cattle Hanch to College" (missel Double Wettinshewe tanlas, Ibjhtlas aad Unhloo.CREATES INTEREST the concern had very reremiy established dnj'.) A true Itory of the lire of a DO This new Marion Model "K" with Its foreign-typ- e, REAR AXLE: Brown Lit spiral bvral MsSS

n resident agency In Paso. The letter In the far wesl: righting Indians, huntwas written In response to a general lug, mining, bruur.ho busllng, anil high-spee- d 3x5 motor.I' iier sent from this department or tho cattle ranching, STEERING GEAR: Qemroraw,Mti. sUachamber of Commerre to all manufac-turers

rtobiiison Crusoe" (Daniel DeFoe.) Westinghouse latest electrical equipment. Ihruush irrcvcr.iblo worm to etor.snd Jobbers, throughout the United Founded on the actual experiences of walnut steering wheel.Under absolute control the hCLIPPINGS BENT TO BEAD OFKH I I 0 Slates calling nilentmn lo the advantages neiaira, casi away on an un-

inhabitedby big WHEELS: Extra beery Mini Santa kaskan

lililí i 1.1 ni I I ( UHPANY id Ml which we believe will rollow Ihe eslab Island. By persistent In-

dustry Liikeo. with 1M Inch pokes.111 01 Hi IM S Willi INTEREST. llshment or branch raeiorlrs, distributing he builds hlmseir a comfort-

ableRIMS: Flreilon. d.mooauMe.

warehouses or sales agencies In this cltv. home. His difficulties are prodi-gious, Beautifully and luxuriously upholstered in the GASOLINE SUPPLYi rosad steal task

Oeorge ini'i'f it' manager or the f.i ps.o In order Pi be ready to participate In the but by perseverance he over-comes

located at the rear ol chaaala wits eke bassesófrica i.i the vi buckle Brotheri Coffee enormous business which will follow RM 11.. in all. finest long grain bright finish real leather. r Vacuum Sratem.

has Icen .sending cessation or hostilities In Menlrn. A num-ber

"Adventures or Billy Topsail" N Duncan.) UPHOLSTERING: EH. an tjpo. hUheat Sr.S.or ork,companyof replies have been received rrom A story relating to tho experiences' or With Chase leather one-ma- n top, and Collins k4 rala, brttkt ftnl.hed nal fthtr.clippings From the l.i I'aso newspapers, the lireOther COncemi acknowledging receipt of or the rishor lads or l abra-

dor, FENDERS: Crewa rrpe. boarr preeeed ase.licontaining accounts or some or El Paso's our circular and saying they would gtvo clean, wholesome arjd stimulat-

ing. quick attachable curtains. black enameled.maii activities. In s latter received the suggestion careful consideration." It contains as good a dog story SPRINGS! Gennlne Imported SholB.ld Heel.

in Mr. MalliK.iP'. A. W. Clark. l ever was written. 11 Is one of Ihe The big roomy body finished in that rich dis-

tinctiveFINISH AND COLOR: All bodies ara hand led.inanarer "i the" sales department or best modern hooks. robbed and finlabed, receMoa twenty coeta of

Uw big cortee- - company, acknowledaei re rosTAr, hi'.ikiith pon "Jack, the Young Ranchman" (O. B. Orln Marion wine color. paint. Fenders black enameled. Body, hood andreli t of tin .clipping in Hiu following NOVEMBER

mil.) The storv or a New York bov. radiator all hand unlahed la the rich aña bomotlmlllUIKIUf- snow .LARGE who, on account or his health, at the Brown-Lip- e spiral bevel differential. Marlon wine color.

"Tbll II to acknowledge yours or Nov. IMUUOAHi: OVKR 1814 une or loinlei-.n- , goes west and live TOP AND CURTAINS: Chaaa leatherin. enclosing several clippings relative to on his uncle's ranch six months. 120-inc- h wheelbase. las snd quick attachable Colima cuítalas. Wheathe ii .. r new Mimesis being attract recounts his experiences, Mils how In cartelas are la place attachmenta oa daora allowed 10 Hie gTCat City or M Paso. Judging The receipts or the TCI Piiho learns to fide and shoot, snd or hli . tires, non-ski- d on rear wheels. aartalns to opea with the door.(ram those and rrom other dippings yon poHtofflce for the month' of Intci est In the Indians and the rollen but 2600 noundehave sent rrom lime Ui time lucently, It November enow an Increase of tlon of Indian relics, and of several Weighingwould seem Hist your Chamber or enm-

atares12,898.68 over tho total receipts riming bunts for big gam".

ami Ri publicity committee are 'live for the samo months In 1914. The "The Hanch or tho Oxhide" (Henry lomanooei.' it ihey keep up the rood work total receipt of the month "BurTalq Bill" and Custer are char-

acters Distributors for tho SontlmesLtlwv mV Cbanka the name or the town In this story or rrontler life in Marion Motor Sales in PUO lir Kl Paal JUL The city .un. muted to $18,8.0.48 ngalnst Kansas, when wolves, panthers, coy At the MlHHlon Garafpe.has our best wishes lor continued sue 116.983.22 for November, 1914. ules and Indians were familiar sights ' Campbell and Mills St. W. K. I DISON. PRE8II)ENT.

Slump sales netted the .10 ine ranenmnn."I hope other representative, of other "Altec Treasuro House" (T. A. Janvier.) We Want Dealers in WestTho SouthernI17.07.r8. Inoomo Texas, Arizona andconcern, me put wliiK lh" policy ol Mr. The plot or this story or adventure Is New Mexico Liberal

Iiatlrgale, in the matter of seudln clip-pings

from clnsi matter was wnn rnotign to sailsfy the most dime Contracts.rrom the I.I I'aso newspapers to $891.67 anil from postare on boy.their pan ui houses." said Publicity entu-mís

third cIii.ih mutter was $864.49. "Jim Davis" (John Mansfield .) An excelloin i lemeaUi w hen shown IM Other liK'omea amounted to lent story It undoubtedly Is. full o

litP r. "It is the bell kind of Pub' $18.82 wilii adventures, pursuits by land andllciK and reaches a class or people which mil- uy sen, anu it is told withcan he retched m no other way. it is a Tho tutnl reeepU of the e rare simplicity.'certainly thai ir Mr dark thought enough for November. 1918, were Ii"i mu nes" iKIrk Monroe.) A tale or thof ihe matter contained in the clippings lo $11.478.47. fishing hanks ofr Newfoundland, milwrite Mr, Bathgate uhout them, he thmiKht of lively adventure. The story givesenough iilioul llietn to discuss the subject All records for stamp snles in gnipinc description 01 me vanea aangmailer with other bUllIMM men or his a single day at the postoffice era and hardships of the deep-se- flan:lass anil In that wav may have led men were broken on Tuesday. crinen.

"Wrecking Master" (R. D. Paine.) A storyid the Florida reefs, where the buslor of saving wrecked ships Is oneculling ror skill, daring and courage ora high order. , children will br brought to realize the or Porta Caswell, Moultrie, Sumter, southern !'ew York; Second Lieut. Philip months; First LleuL James M. (lallogly,

"The Voyage of the lloppergrsss" (K. L. mini ss or laiillon. the liiiportimee .lit mid Srreven. . O. Blarkmnre, One Hundred and coast irUllery, one month and days;Pearson-- A number of boys with a ol COlirtSsy ami jeiiiisideralloil. Aelunc liental Siirgcoii Ilaymon Miller, Company, to Blair coast defenses Second Lieut. William C. Hose, Second in-

fantry,o. in mi ui old sea captain go ror a Fori Hllss. lo Fort Benjamin Harrison. al Sandy Hook. two months; second l.lout. Sumner

The Reason We Have No cruise on a calboat. Tho adventures bsaahtsr AiiN DtgssUM, Capt. Morirán L. Brett, ordnance clepart- - Orders September 30 to First Lieut. Frank Waite, Firth Inrantry, one month.Which Ihey have, ranging rrom the Laughter Is one ul Hie healthrul e- - nifiit, io liwiact msurlsl at Richmond, v. D Applln amended so as to direct him to

itlng, through the amusing, to the crtion': ii is nr great help to digestion, a First Lieut. William 11. Henry, Fourteenth report to coast defenses at Ssndy Hook In Card of Thanks.ridiculous, as they explore the rivers, sllll more errertiml help Im a doso ol ravalry, detailed to general recrulttiur spisd ol coast defenses at southern New I wish to express my appreciation fortlie bays, the oceans and the small s Tsbleis. It you should be tumbled service. Port McDowell, relieving First York. the kindnesses shown wire bjCars In Stock towns of the New England coast make with indigestion glv them a trial. Thry Lieut. Horace I. Munro, cavalry. Leaves: Major Simuel D. Rockenbach, our mends

manyduring her Illness,

myand Tor theup the story, only tost a quarter. For sale by all deal-

ers.Coast artillery changes: Cant. Francis M. Kleventh cavalry, extended one month: beauiirul floral orrerlngs arter her death.kidnaped" (It. L. Stevenson.) Memoirs (Adv.) Cooke, Mneteenlh to Thirty-firs- t Company. Capt. fleorge A. Taylor, coast artillery, two Adv. 0. W. FAIHS.ol Ihe adventures or David Balfour Jn orders inder 36. asslfrninir t:apt. COsrlet months; Second Lieut. John II. MacTaggart,

Is Because Buyers Want Them trie year 17M. How he was kidnaped B, N. Howard to Thirty rirst Company, roast artillery, seven days; Second Lieut. Lonflwen.and cast away; his sufrerlngs on a des-ert MACKEY INDICTED intended so as to assign him to Nineteenth Alexander M. Patch, Jr., Sixteenth Infantry, Be careful of your baggage cheeks.Isle, his Journey In the wild high' Company. extended one month and 10 days; Lieut. Col. at Longwell's. Safely Phone 1. Adv.Isuds. his acquaintance with Alan First Lieut Frederick Hanna, coast de-

fensesJulius A. Penii. third Infantry, one. month;

Brock Stewart ' and other notorious at -- .iii.iv Hook, to roast defenses at Capt. Howard H. Perry, Infantry, two TtlK Bir. kit IS l 'l'Ani'7. lAd.)That applies to others, the reason some cars are in Highland JacoblMi, Willi all that besuffered at the hands of his uncle.ECeneier llairuur or- - Shaws. falsely MURDER CHARGEONstock is because they are hard to sell. One or the nest books of Itskind ever written.

"Treasure Island" R. L. Stevenson.) A

tule of pirates and treasure-trove.- , A

hoy's book, full or adventure, and also Wil l. FAl'.K TltlAI. S.CCUBBD OK DEATHBuick Cars Sell iitiiuiiidiiiK in beautiful descriptions In OF SCOTT VANCK, WHO WAS SHOTthe unique stylo of the author. Mi Ml li IN KKSTAl II.V.NT.

Ihe wilderness Castaways" (Dillon Wal-lace.) A pampered New York youth the

On a Reputation of Years and Because iiii.i a sturdy sailor lsd are lost rrom a grand jury Thursday on a charge of mur-derhunting party In regions In connection with the deaih or Scott

' and pass a winter or peril and hard Vance, who died November M lasl as the

People KNOW ship amid Ire and barren coasts. result or being shot five times. Vance,liook that will make the youthful blood at the lime he wss shot, was dining In atingle and at the same time restaurant with Mrs. I telle Mackey. whoM.iiihrul enthusiasm for the manly, last October secured a divorce rrom Mack-

ey."IRat When Better Cars Are -- H reliant life. uonald Mackey, aged 11 years. Mrs."Swiss Family llobtnsnn" (J. D. Wyss.)--- (ai key's sou, uas also seated at the

he siory or a ramlly of rastaways table.modern' nnblnson ctusoe with an en Acrnrdlng to Die testimony of witnessesBuilt Buick Will Build Iñem" lire family Instead or a single Individ during the examining trial held by Justiceit a Ilss all the power of the com James M. Heaver. Mackey walked Into thelantoti volume In cultivating persisj restaurant and holding a pistol In both

hands discharged It at Vance. Vanee, In aandence peraeverence.We will be pleased to book your order and deliver "Bute Pop and the Ssrcty Scouts" (n. It dying condition, was rushed to theI'alley.) The national sarety council hospital at the police station, wherelias directed the preparation or no. he died on the operttlng table. Arter hethe cars when your turn comes. Look and hopes that through Its pages was shot, wiiii .. said, Vance made no

statement. THE Southern Motor 355-35- 7Al the police sialloti letters, the address Company,. Myrtle Avenue,on the envelopo being Identified by Mrs




lh coat thatwere


wa wishes to extend to the public a special invitation towearing when shot The missives, It is

International Auto USED thethought,





sir. s






veyed on

in attend their salesroom, Friday, December 3rd, from 2:30


r. 'iiiiiinaithemIn the


iir'.ii theas


madelu the

loto 10 P. M., at which time there will be on display all

Ju.llce Heaver le ll without ballCompany CARS Jury.when he

Noboundbond Wis






uv the latest models of Haynes and Jeffery automobiles.Judge Jurkson When the indictment wasreiurned. Th next i. p will prohably he

J. W. STOCKARD, Several late models of the ii habeas corpus, pi .. ding in the error!IvWgw. to have bono fixed so that Mackey will A Souüenir Will Be Given Every Lady W ho Attendsbest standard makes in good have the chance to be released from Jail,where he has beeu renrined since the night

416 Texas Street Phone 1021 mechanical condition, to or tho tragedy.

close out. Reasonable Aim i UliDERSterm 'to responsible buyers. Special to the Mnrnlrig Times.A call will convince you. Washington, n r n.v .The depot

quartermaster. San Francisco, or one or inscommissioned assistants, accompanied byDemonstrations anywhere. Veterlnartmi rolemsn Norkolds. rirst cav-alry, to Stockton, Cil.. Inspection or live-stock.

-- PUTTY AND PAINT FACTORY- - AUDITORIUM Major John A. Da Pry. retired, relievedrrom orders directing Idol to report. to chief

Our plant in Mexico has been closed down during the GARAGE ofActing

stsTf.Krntal Surgeons Oscar O. Skelion.

pouglas. Arli.. and Warren 0. Torrrnre.revolution, but on the American side we keep pegging Fort Bliss. Texas, to Hawaiian departmentWolf Londoner First Lieut. William H. Chambers, dentalaway. Roof Pains. Stains, Fresh Putty. Mgr. surgeon, Fort lluarhurs to Philippine de-

partmentFirst Lieut William C. StoH. Infantry. In-

spectTUTTLE PAINT & GLASS CO. Phone 2202 new militia units it Oordon andiioihenburg. NWi.

First Lieut I conarrJ L Barrett ordnancedepartment to inspect sea coast armament

Friday. December 3, 1913. fcL PASO MORNING TIMES 13




I.1XE; AGENT IN A'.ITV. SOMKTIIIVU.A Few Holiday Suggestions: r. b. Rodgers. Immlrritlon treat In EAST at 8:45 A. M.Teiss for Hie Teiss Paciric railway. I By L. II. PAVIS.Croacia Smyrna Figs, In glass Malaga Cluster Raisins. In In El Pa?o in the Interests of his company. There Is a real tungsten boom In

BOo decorated tin boxes BOo says Douglas tiray or Tombstone,jars Mr. WEST at 10:1S F. 1VLGlace Cherries, 1 lb. car-ton

Rndmrs, as his title Implies. Is Inter-ested

who Is visiting In El Pasu. "While employedCresca Crystallised Stem 10c chleriy in securing; settlers for toe as ore purchasing agent of the El Paso

lands in the agricultural districts through smelter, ran across a very largo dump oi(linger fBo Oloco Marrona. In tln....6Bc heavy probably containing l.ooowhich the Texas k Paciric railway runs mineral, WILL SAVE YOU TIMEStuffed Dates, per 1 pound Ferndell Chocolate Creams, tons, which had been thrown over tooand Tor that reason has a special ínteres) dump of a gold mine It proved to be1 lb. 75obox 40c car'ma In Kl Paso and that portion or the EI Paso tungsten ore (wolframite, hubnerlta and

Bhelled Black Walnuts, scheelite), samples of which an-alysed

CITY TICKET OFFICE:valley Paciric wereNew Bulk Dates, per lb.. Ifto contingent to Uie Texas Itper pound 75c Unes. nt the smeller and ran 40 per cent.Maple Crerfm Candy, In birch, At the time paid very Utile attention toShelled Hickory Nuts, per

ImtiWrraiinn, hgurci that each settler Is It, but since the wonderful demand and 206 INT. Oregon St.bark boxes ....50c pound $1.00 highworth too a year tn the pommunlty In prices prevailing. I have taken thewhich he settles and from that premises matter up."argues that communities should bestir Tneae days. If one gees a group or An-

ona Baggage Checked Fromtni'iiii lvcs In the mailer of securing set-tlers.

miners In earnest conversation, andono of them Is mahliur :i lark knife an.ilvsls OIL BURNING Your Residence OBSERVATIONWATSON'S GROCERY During the year his department has of a piece of the rock, says the prcscott

over one thousand families Hlonit the luiim-r- u is a sale net mat mey win De 1 ÍTexas it Paciric line between I'ort Worth found to be talking tungsten which Is theadd lllg Springs, adding to the population new language of the prospector. Few or LOCOMOTIVES CARScf that country In that wav rully 5,000 per-sons.

them know the language or the ore verywell as yet, but they all know, or think

Mr. Rodgers Is particularly Interested In they know, where "there la a mountain olme errorts or tnc El l'ajo i:nimner or it." Much heavy Iron ore la being broughtCrininerce to raise a budget fund of to assayers, but In some cases the pro spec-to-

ffj.noo. Hie greater portion or which will has brought In the real thing, anil this Primos company Is operation luugstcnbo spent Tor the purpose of advertising Kl spells a whole lot to the fortunate locator, mines In Vlctorlo mountain in miles west

Nail l'aso s advantages, with a view toward at-

tractingfor it's pretty pooc tungsten ore that Is or Pemlng. The While oaks. Mexico,Banking By not only settlers to the arglclil-tura- l not worth as much per ton la thousand-dolla- gold mines are producing some or. the State National Banklands hut capitalists and manurui- gold rock. richest tungsten ores ever .m in 111"

JI'ST AS EASY TO OPEN A SAVINGS ACCOUNT WITH tJS AS turers who will add to the material wealth One or the strangrst stories In the mlnitm rolledor




been uorklnintigsieil

themof the KingTHOUGH YOU LIVED NEXT DOOR. city. hlslorv of Arizona occurred neat- Pine Hat, under lease and shipping, levcnlly he I .S T. lll.lsl .1 M KIU 1SS1.

We pay per cent Interest, compounded twice every year. We do calves,Vnvapal



namedWhile branding shlppeil nine tons, wlilcn bromrhi linn over

business under the depositors' guaranty law of the State of Texas, ILLUMINATED AUTO ho,. in and Lealer Johnson, while Imldliiit 1()


tlio Mount Franklin Tin mine, twelveCAl'lTAU SURPLUS AND PROFITS .. 1200,000 00

and are a Guaranty Fund Bank, as provided by suoh law. the animal down on a ledge or rock, msmiles north or El l'aso, considerable tungs-tenOur plan. In addition to being convenient, is safe, profitable and covered that the rock was rich In tungsten occurs, but the owners have paid very tntereit Paid on Saving's Accoanta

liberal. Nobody has ever lost a dollar In a State Bank In Texas. They had built a tire on the ledge, some oi little attention to It. ne'v. tungsten androck broke off and noticed It wasthe Alicy

tin vein has JUst been located ten miles C. R MORBHEAD. Prasldsnt. JOSRPH MAGOFFIN, Vlce-Pra-WHITE TODAY FOR OUR FREE BOOKLET, "BANKING BY MAIL.'' black and unusually heavy, anti Having El l'aso two MexicanPAGEANT TONIGHT north or the city or byOR 81 MPLY MAIL YOUR DEPOSIT. seen similar rock rrom the Tip Top mine miners on a vein three feet wide. The C N. BAS8BTT. OEonQIÜ D. FLO RT, Cashlsr.EL PASO BANK & TRUST CO., El Paso, Texaa. and having heard so much about the new

It writer visited II last Sunday and roundmineral, lumped to the conclusion lhat them at work sinking llielr location sharis. L J. GILCHRIST. Asst. Csshler.was tungsten ore. They had samples an They have mined in UN tin mini s or

and round them rich In tungsalyzed very Mexico, and while prospecting rec-ognizedten. i ne leuge is one ami a nan me wineSEVERAL III Mini li MACHINES WILL RE the ore In the outcrop.

and they located two claims.IN UNI WHICH WILL FEATURE Tungsten Is round In Yavapai. Mohave,AL'TOMOBILE AVI I k IN EL PASO. Cochise and Pima counties and other lo-

calities of Arizona. At present the Tip TopThe big foaturo of "automobile week" CHIHUAHUA tXCHANGtímine In Yavapai Is the biggest producer.a great parade of machines will takeCORRECT EVENING place tonight at 8 o'clock. Several bun-

dledThe veins so far found occur In the form Dr. Che Hok Ml lit K N is AND I tit OK I Its We pay the highest price for gold,

motorists have already volunteered to or granite, known to the prospector as silver bullion, Mexican coins, both g'old and silver, bank notes andenter cars in the procession und It Is ex-pected

"bull granite" (pegmatite), and this 19 conatltutlonul currency. Wo sell drafts on Mexico's banks, negotiable

CL0THES this number will be greatly In-

creased.round In several places In Yavapai county.

huli-n- i In every najt of Mexico. CITY NATIONAL HANK PUJQ.. PIONEERwoirramlte, not flprliil trffttmeylThe Tip Top ores areThe parade will rorm at Montanarlte. It was worked about twenty years PLAZA N i 10 P. O. Box 486. BL PASO, TEXAS.

and Piedras Ireets at 7:48 o'rlork tonight.Ml those who will participate Have bean ago as a sliver mtno and great waste dumps

The coining Social Events demand correct dress and if you assigned their stations In the procession ore,accumulated,

runnnlgsomethinghigh In tungsten.

like liO.000A com



and II Is expected there will he little orare particular and exacting your best choice will be no confusion In getting the string of cars tratlng mill Is recovering high" value in

and tlio mill Is beingunder way. The decorated section of the tungsten and sliver,enlarged. Colorado mining men are In theparade will be more thnn a mile long,

while the total length of the undecorated Arizona rleld acquiring properties csrryliutBenjamin Clothes cars will be greater. tungsten orea. A mine in Mohave county

Automobile dealers will keep their show-rooms

Is making shipments of tungsten ore. Ad-

amT. A. Thui-KCo-n O. M. Grhlor

open at nlgln until, and including. Mason Is opening up a tungsten mine IF YOU WANT YOUR PATRONS TO "DOCorrectly tailored and best fabric. Saturday night, when "auto week" comes near Yucca, Arizona, the ore occurringCERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS

to an end. El Pasoani and sergregatlons in a schist belt and the min-eral, THEIR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING EARLY,"a hubnerlle la tungsten of maganese),visitors are cordially Invited to visit th Bank HulldlnKNational. .el.... Hualnra' hnnrliiimi-lnr- im.l lislt Carries a lllgll emd K' OI mugan II ou. City$45 to $50 questions about machines, and look at In the Dragoon mountains, Arizona. Il l

El Texas SEE THAT YOUR STORE DOES ITSDel Phone 8266 l'aao,

to their heart's content. After the taut bodies or tungsten ore are mrparade tonight It Is expected that thou- - worked, also near the Mni",t, ' CHRISTMAS ADVERTISING EARLYsands or"slglit-secr- will visit the various other places. Minor Uaylord or hi Paso

STYLEPLUS showrooms In the downtown section and round cieh tungsten ore In the old dumpslook t the test models or macu nes, miuiu oi luisuu

several if the new metal, tungsten," says Frank Off leSouvenirs will be distributed by Independent Assayor the dealers to women visitors during L. Hess, who among mineralogists Is what AU merchants, and the wisest of the readers of storeFull Dress Suits $17 the


throughout the city are expect-ing

Edison"only I.7S2.KSO

Is among"worth

elecirlelanrwas produren

- a wirnrdin im II. V, Ki mi

OrtE M., Proprietor.

Austins andadvertising, realize the value to all concerned of "early

Aglltt for Shlpptrtlhat today and Saturday will mark the country last year, but (according to the fig-

ure, Chitnlcal Analyst!. Mines txanslnta Christmas shopping."A line of Shirts, Gloves, Hats Ties arrival or visitors rrom nearby of the geological survey) It Is alreadymoat complete and many and Departid Upon. Bullion Work a

towns to examine the automobiles with n saving I240.0O0.0O0 annually In electricity 8nitally. Merchants who expect to bring about this ideal stateview or Cattlemen rrom F.I Paso's for light a tungsten Incandescent limp m 0 ,,., territory, as well as business and giving the same illumination as a carbon Onice and Laboratory-- . of affairs in this city must do their parts they mustprofessional men In the surrounding conn lamp with or the electric energy. Car. Saa Praadm A thl hmhui Sl DO THEIR CHRISTMAS ADVERTISING EARLY!try, can "make" Kl Paso better at the end Hut the lamps of this kind now In use are Sl PASO TEXAS.or the week than at the beginning. Local far more brilliant than carbon lamps so Store "ads" in every issue of this newspaper fromInterest In the allow, too. will be greatly much so, Indeed, as to make frosted globes'JBI n II; III sllmulaled by tonight's parade. or green aliados desirable. The light they now until Christmas should contain valuable and inter-

estingBM kllllirsiiiii give Is white Instead or yellow, because It OPEN ALL NIGHT information for Christmas shoppers in factraise to a temie ratungBtenOwes Her Good Hrnlth to Chamberlain's Is possible toTablets. ture that would destroy tliu carbon Prescriptions filled sod dsllvsrsd should be just as complete and informing today as on

'I owe inv gooi health to Chamberlain's at any time day or night.Tablets." writes Mrs. R. X Kerf, Crooks-ton- , Other Uses I Tungsten. Mall Orders Killed Promptly. the day before the last day of

ñuto, "l'wo years ago was; an Inva-lid

This, however, Is only a small part or

due to stomach trouble. took three whal the wonderful metal (which looks A. E. RYAH & CO. The majority of shoppers are influenced in theirbottles of these Tablets and have since somewhat like Iron) la accomplishing. Add-

edbuying by the buying opportunities offered to them in

been in the best of nealth." For salo by In the proportion of to , Drua-- r .all dealers. Advertisement. to the material or steel tools, It en-

ablesthe latest store advertising. If these buying oppor-tunitiesthe latter to hold their temper when include articles usually selected for gifts, thethus making ItREALTY TRANSFERS raised almost to rod boat,

possible tor them to cut rive times as rast, matter of "early Christmas shopping" is that one man ran do as much work as

t V Iforn In Frert fl I emlev lots t!S 10 automo-bile

of merchants whorive men with carbon steel, tine Let all our expect to have anyand 17, block 84, Alexander addition; tifioo. would havemanufacturer declares he H. MOHRIVovemher 29. to add 1300 to the price or oach car ir com-

pelledshare of the "Christmas trade" this year start aggres-siveS. Kngelklng to n. SI. Dudley, all or diock to go back to carbon steol Instead or advertising campaigns NOW! For the people willffifi Alexander addition; 110,000. August ;i lUD It tell steel. This single saving means Cut Rute Hardware,

Alfred R. Glen. S. Cheesenian et al. or millions or dollars per buy NOW, just as readily as on the day before Christ-mas.FIND A BU INESS Sundreds Paint and Glass.Mrs. Air W Cheeteinen, lots to R, block IF THE INDUCEMENT IS REAL AND COM-PELLING!

Altura Park addition; It JOB, etc.. The largest vein or tungsten In the TipSOW South Kl l'aao SLvember id. Top mine, located by William Connors, is

PARTNER Reagan to Trinidad Madrid, Jot Tt rrom ten to twelve reet wide. It is ownedand west or lot 71. block -- o," uas- by Connors, Lawler and Wood. Boswortn, Phone Fifty-Fift- y For an Ad Man.sett addition'; 11.000. November 80. bobbins, iloxarth and McKerrow own ex-

tensions.the army committing orrenses against the Botarlh and E .1. Templer or1 ML THROUGH OUR or estate of Frank R. Cotton. KAixm reel, Houlder and W. c. llerwlg or Denver are "The Time" First Now, First Always.being a triangular In the southwest corner interested In Other claims, which they are

block 90. Basse tt addition; It, etc. oc developing. EAT ATWANT ADS toher 90. The ore rrom the mine In which Wood Is RestThe Newest mid hrstaurantw r. sicFadden to j. v. Hainey ann w Interested was shipped to Pittsburgh and Frank Poy and Boo Gang, Props.I. amar Davis to Walter R. rant. executor sold op the basla or nr. per unit or tungs-ti-

Paso addition; fs.onn- - orionr-- is. j acid, which assayed 70.73 per cent.J. YV iiainev to W. A. Adama, mv un Lpon this baals the ore brought UJOO.H Club Hous Caf

divided Interest In lots 25 and per ton, or a shade over 10 cents pr ounce.block 87. Fast El Paso addition; 11,300. lie- -

l tungsten Industry Is booming In 109 South El rano M

ember Colorado and Calirornla, It being mined in A FIFTY-CEN-TMargaret E. Honf to fleorge W. Simmons, San Bernardino county. Calirornla. end Inlots 91 and 33, block 134, Highland Park Boulder county. Colorado. In the litterPhone 5050 2.750. liei ember I. county, tungsuui ore producers are receiv-

ingLee II. orndorrr to Claiborne Adams, tots between 1800.000 and 1300,000 por month!5 and sr.. block 77, kern nace addition tor their outputs. Sixty per cent ore is CUSTOM AbSAY L EKKO1030. December 1. worth ll.fioo per ton. and Is going still ( Hi III I I it I I IK. I St IN

C. L. ailoway m i;iaiDorne aaims, easv higher. The Primos Chemical company isfeet or lot 27. niock w, aera nace aoai buying moat or the ore. but the crucible Assayers, Chemists, IselsJlurglats

Hon; 170. October 1. Steel company has entered the field. The Kaprasentatlvea for Oro Shippers.C. O. Corfln to .0. F. He sc. lota 4 and i

block 34. Kern Place addition; 1700. Novem-

ber110 San Francisco St. Outfit14. El l'aso. Texas Cooking

C. O. Corrin to Joseph B, Reveno, loi itblock SS, K.:fn Place addition; 750. Novemher tl (JERSEY CREAMJ

Lincoln Park R. s I. co. to cnaries turn,lots t and 2. block 22. Lincoln Park addition; FOR TWENTY-NIN-E CENTS1350. November SO. ELLIS BROS. PRINTING CO.,

Madrid ki n. n. ueagau. iois vu aim21. block 8, Tobln's fourth addition; 42. PRINTERS and Coupons from ThDecember 1.

"Rubber Btampa Made Dally."din li

TRIP L. sunche, to build an adobe at Laurel 110 s. Orrnton St. Two 1'lione TimesROUND Morningand Hut imi street!; 1100.

$39.85 We do not solicit nor ship ordersHot Spring i... BANKERS GrU.vrKU EXTENSION. from dry territory in violation oiMineral Well. $24.35

Carranza to Elle Texas haws. This portable, solid alcohol cooker can be used everywhc$27.95 rial nrpuris. Or. Carl SnmitinMartin i An extension of time given banking In indoors or outdoor and when not in use the folding nickel-plate- d

On Bale Dally Limit W Days Vim HUKlUUit. in .nob. skin. UV.CsJTanxa government to rile reports on 1.11, KIDNB1 AND IU..V1-U- l wire stand and can of solid alcohol can be carried inihelr rinenrlal cchidillrin has been extendeduntil December '12, according to advices lt DlBEAMCa), the saucepan, very compact for traveling.rrom Mexico City received yesterdiy by Hot Chocolate Booms S17-II-

Texas Pacific periodA ling

originallyMexican Consul




12. Finn Naiional Bank llldg Indispensable in the home, camp, automobile to heat li-

quidsThe extension or lime wai granted by thegovernment because or irreguiaruy or With whipped cream and or to prepare a quick dish.communication, maklnif It Impossible lorbanking Institutions In the outlying dis-

trictscakes, Ekko solidified alcohol is the newest and best in the mar-

ket,to rile their report at the appointed

time. lO Cents burns very long and is perfectly safe cannot be spilled.General Pablo Conzalex, military com-

mander or Mexico City, ha Issued orders To ignite simply remove the cover and apply a lighted match.that all military orrieials or members or A full line of aU other C U AHA .V 1 J s POtUJTI O.N s

Financial llrport. Fbones 1 1: and itsi Extra solid alcohol refills can be secured from your druggist,property or persons Of civilian will be kinds of hot drinka.severely punished, according to the con-

sularTrust Bid, it V. Usvla. Mgr. hardware or department store.

Theinesiuges.Carrania go eminent has requested The Elite Confectionery Co.

all textile factoría m the republic tothe government 'ii the amount of

cotton necessary to maintain their rac-

iones R. B. BIAS FUEL CO.In operation in order that the cotton of he Laguna di- - 1610 fcaat Missouri. Ekko Cooking Outfit Couponpurchased by th gov rttWÉY0uV Phons (I.AUTOMÓllDIBECIORr tribuu-- among mem

t0SllWMETrC? All Kinds or Poultry Suppllss Preaeuted by The- - Tuuea.Why You should I se hamberlala's Cong h COAL, WiMI: AND WWK HOW TO GET IT.nrno-'- i Wi msnulsotur our own Poul-

tryBecause It has an iblished reputation six from Th Tlmaa and tham at fThaFood. Clip coupons present

Goodrich Auto and lruck Tins wonBecause

by ItsItgood

I n,work

Mcemed by those friNDrr Tunea office or at Tlmaa Branch No. with 2& Mall orderswho have used It for my yean, as will be given prompt attention. Timed readers ra4 ding outside

Br&l la use loan rum. li. KLAFFCB.1. S MuU Kl Pug MLstonwith It

required,rood quallte

and acquainted fTHROUGH OUR of Bl Paso will pisase add to the Ivc to cover Injured parcelBast Vulcaalzlas Flaal Is the BoatharesL Because It loosens nl relieves- - a cold sm LOST AND rOUNO Assayer aid Chemist post aa follows: first sad second iones, c; third sons, so;

and aid nature In n ring Hie iyitein toa heilthy condition. COLUMNS UKO, W. CAall.ItO.N fourth son, 11c.

THE CLEVELAND SQUARE GARAGE Because it doe n contain opium or Represan tatlvs For Shipperr to th Address: KL VAHO MORNING TIMES, El l'aao. Tasas.any other narcotic. Bl Paso Smelter.

B cause It I with!: lbs rearb of all. Itff. i., trop. FlltbT-CLA- tt&HAUli. AND Kl I'AIU SUUF, only coits quarter, ir ule by all deal- - Phone 5050 06 ban Francisco si.. Kl l'aso, Tesas.service Mlslu mad Das. Wcatt Irraatkiln autt HmniM Ira Ms. Vtnomm Ut. ers. Advertisement. F. a Bos is.

14 EL PASO MORNING TIMES Friday. December 3. 1913.

MUTT and JEFF HOW CAN YOU COUNT 'EM IF THEY DONT HOLD STILL? By BUD FISHEROoprrlbt 11. br H. C Fisher. Tnai Mark Rec. o. a. nt Off.)



",T THMT rrt KA0 T HT -- - --TJT J Counte - THAS 0N6 T40USetNb t.iioN6Li. I

AT 5UMQ6Í1N VttU rooMT THg to at McoofíT'cM r vll ofne ! r 06 CUT Nt,y u

y ftp AttXioiHi) e0fAVT I COutON'T

Count him.

IM $3fe--

CaaHoWh-- T f "aaaa

ADVERTISING HATE CARD Male mul Female Help a Business OppoHunilios Kooiniii Houses For Sale 8 n tos and Accessories a Houses For Rent Housekeeping Rooms ForcLAMirutD Lixna. WhiiümI J RENT fHti All ro show week bsrgsins lü cadtllsc. HlINi'.AI.OW 195. Rent 84

i cat y muta ut ujuii iiumuo. for a .large family and per month be-sides

7 oss., chklmers six, 7 pas.. Oakland, 7 A very desirable house. Just ofr Montana TWO nlceiy furnished housekeeping rooms,eiu par ucu ou támúmt. WANTED- - PARTNER. mm Being made out or this rooms pas.. Baker Electric, One condition. St., west or Cotton Ave. Furnlltirc for sale family. Phoneouu wofü Mul sleeping porch, prívetel.dO 11 Una

parPCI luofiUL Live partner wanted Tor automobile tm an I sleeping irch, 700 blork N. Stanton; EL r ASO AUTO SALES , for 995. Phone 8941 W. 9930. '

Abtf itn apply ilk ordar ad. nesi. Require! II, MO. Business Is too good furniture, frlce only ÍTSO. 1'hone ELEGANTLY furnished house, withMM fill 81tuaUon8 Wanted Mule lárice for one man. Do not apply unless i: le- ns, large sleeping porches, in excellent locs- - FOR RENT Two rooms, furnished for

AdtwUtvi and all tran- light housekeeping. Phone 710--Itlil.lAlil.K ilvo scrvirn rcnd'Tcd HIJT- - you mean business. Address A. w. M., caro KIOHf room and porches, walking dl- - Eord automobile tor sale: tlon, ror iso and board for couple. 1007US Itna. euattu tit htirp, by ipanmcM opartUVM. ifir- - Tlmei. tance; 3 rooins rented, paying rent; nice food condition; s.isu cash; now runnini Montana. Phone 0608. THREE pleasant housekeeping rooms, prl- -

ISU.aona nrrctly wmrlitnl; niirKjlnK of lm- - resilience loriitlun. Will do MfD to on Montana Jltue line. Address 41 S. Ochoa: cottage, Willi basement, almost vnie bath. 807 N. El Paso.

Kftirtiti I,Aprilladarinlla partod IV LI talan rtunt WilMtlMI flliihtrncKt "miilnyc; mi. Phone Hti from k lo I p. m. I'hol.e 38. reaily for plastering will let to a me TWO rooms, kitchenette, large front porch.

twr um talafrrioaa (Jrdar to d e itlaua - 1.1 Ads Hinir nrr.vinit lor alfl. Invcitlrttlons of HALE- Two lltno cars, with permits Vnll SALE or exchange: hop continuing SO i on immediate sale, tin r. Franklin touring chanic if he works out the rent. 3190 8a- - Phone 1504--aval



Ida ara dti flat AralII kind. CharKff rcatnnablfj. Bulnnaj) on a money inn nir line, offered at a liar rooms, In Business center In Loa Angeles, car. practically new. Can be seen at Bor- - ::ah. Altura Park. TWO nice, comfortable rooms. Phone

aapcaialula) for mora Una I nnriil" ntlal. lllKlH nt reforencif. Box 13, train, as owner ha oilier buslne and can't flood reasons fo selling. Call for Mr. dcilsn-- i;a age. .vik n. Kansas 31. nit RENT Nice lioiel in good, 8588--

eorrtvt ItiatrtliiQ. on worth, Toai. attend to sume. Money talk here. Lngar. Hotel Pao del None. "siso New Mexico Address P. O. 111 H.NORTON REALTY Ul M MElps anlomnlille w ild license, growing sown LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING, close In.All rlalrrojanl da douMa rala. STOCKS CO.,kK Al auditor and offlcr oiintaiit. man, ON account hnvtiig to leave Él Paso, 38 like half Ill SUA.Iflaolar advert! I ,m rlaaaUiad dm doabla W II Horren Bld. Phone 1811 engineer's transit; new;with If In Tfixii,Ma cuta nanulliKl. yearn' 'jerlMic rooms, all renlert. rlearlnR IU60 per price 109 Mesa. Phone '7I7. f frontTHREE hath. Bark and for 9rooms, pantry, LIGHT housekeeping room men. 17I. AI1VKHT1HINO. - to locntn In I'aan; inarrlftd ami ARTY with Al iiilnluif proposition wants month, new furniture; new building, see

Ital advariun.a iiu iiv fmiii-r- ; rot a MllUlMelter: can fur to raise ix.uki to rniKii 1111111111111 maciiin- - S. Oregon St. THE LUBRICANT CARBON REMOVER yarn. 1717 . Boulevard, inquire intra Texas.All FJl'ACB-

mltimn trltlA nish mOrnnrRi aa to ability, eiy for mill. Me me at the Arayloowner. MIS

' really remt ves. Auto Filling- Station, Stsn- - Myrtle. lint SEKEEliNO rooms. 08 N. Oregon.Opan Hal rata. aa ,ura. par IniracliT ami homl. If n t ran Rooms. 311 E. o ill tl St. El IINISII Yul lt home! ton and Montana. ,

Baron, naadan, aarh Inaartloa. M a"""! ... M 'mu- Si nnlali. Adrirc S. I., m, care Tlliii-s- .L voiir adveitl.n'inent of your house

Easy payment or discount for cash. IIS tit .tin Furnished .uses For Rent 80 HSKl'O. rooms, wk. 411 N. Campbell.

taadmt dlaplaj ada. par Inrb par nvrnth. WANTKl) Work on faim by an Amr rlcan tell .he thliiits would wantN. Stanton Chas. Toulz. condition. Apply 7S8 Flrsl Nut. Hank Mldg.

Ctnlraru far lana arawanla of dupla ad aaac. apartment jou HI RENT. Furnished Rooms For Rentraadrra aub)nl t.. dlxmnt man. year old: rnlscil on farm, ran lo know about a house or apartment If you Hot i Houses For Bent A Bargain In a ord touring ecr. i.oiit con-

dition.furnished Bouse. Onlden Hill,

KÍAMNU NOTirM. milk rowa; not afiahl of work. No pooMf, were un nil I'.'.'!', ash. American Oarage. overlooking entire city. Reponslble people F'OR RENT Beaut iiully furnished frontaarh naanirai. pa" mi, licalthy. Adilri's-- :. I... Tlii. SPECIAL SALE ioTl HIM house, light house only. room; bath adjoining, private entrance,

II i'til Mi iiiiui, il, Afiwrlraii, want work a on rockera. chas. Foutz, 113 N. Stanton. keoptng apaitmcnts, I. i and 3 rooms or Bicycles and Moloreyeles iiniisnru Apt. in tne "fisk. to rem led healthy young man; small privatecollector or ttilvina- lord car; can rurnlah more. Inquire at premlaea. Old Eorl Bliss, I nfurnlshed Apt. In the "Flsk." ramily. no other roomers. Phone 9919. 811si rtrermoe or, if otctuánij avance near fllohe .Milla. WANTED To Buy a good seconll-han- bi-

cycle; Furnished Apt. "Palm Court." Prospect..!i íi un ly. M. ?4, caro Tínica. LXiHANOE must Be reasonable. Address 110 REALTY CO. STOVES.

OFFICES fl.MKS advcrllacniitit in the Slttiallona Rooming Oimse Tni- - Sale and stoves for new, T". l'hnne 35SFURNISHED HOUSE 155. New gas and coal ranges, monthly pay-

mentsTIMES BRANCH Wan led clasitfleitloo may prove to be 'hone lbs", for Chas. Poutz. I motorcycle JI75.00 On Montano St.. not very far out. Will or exchange for second-hand- .

I'uUUiuari Al 1'aao fortune TUnaa. Ihi' 'ii rriliiar" III your "long lane." EVIRAORDINMtY IIAIK.AINS. all equlpmenl , can pe seen A Texas St, rent to responsible parties only. Phone 1106 chas Fouta.El Paao

tl.a Tlmai wiii'i n.niMr, jolt work, rurnltnre Lost and Found 10 FURNISHED HOUSE 150. RAMONA HOTEL. 610 N. Stanton Centrallyfnt Iha mntaiinr.

,rli toapatrooa

fi.llolni pla I" ami ciinniflIiiK irrompt- - Special Notices Fnlrly close In. good neighborhood. Just located. Heated rooms, with batbs, 50c to.Nranrb II lina m v il tended f Phone W1. LOST Two Plsk casings, 4Sx3.r, and 2 N" P i: Is hereby given that tin- partiier-slil-

ore si., near car tine ana jitne. 11.50 per day. Rates by week or month.Cot ftacnod and LI rims between Yslela ami Fori Hancock. CP.EEL A PHILLIPS, enone asía.llaalraul rOTNo 'lo BUILD, ni ej or repair? R. between Havmon Krnnn. Ellas 0 Phone 5075. 304 Mesa.

Ban Antonio. II. ration, MaKOffln, would like to Finder please return to car u, am Mesa, Krupp and Victor Carusso, doing business NEWLY furnL.heo front room ror gentle- -llrancbIlnnto


111 JUalBolal. serve you. 1'hone Sliia. .iinl net reunid. D. Tom iintler the name of Everwear Shoe Co. atlCI It M LIU Lull S,l 1. n only; private family; no otber

II.INIand linn Hi., ta, llllHand f'r. il.ii'iNii winiis a position a rook and II rooms, nice place, (rood filrnltiin LUST llelwtel the. While House anil post- - Piso. Texas, was dissolved on the Sit ilay of 5 rooms or excellent rurnlture and year's roomers; walking distance. 817 W. Mls- -Ka" I' .'aao Drua Hura. IX Alargada fit bouMwork rVfjtlreti w, cure Time. north P. o worth much more, look orrice. small pocketlmok, containing lis. Nov 'mb.-r- , A D. Bl". All debts due to s.uti lease on 8 rooms in 5 blocks or postorflce, sourland FlorancaHMilarard Druf Stura. Baularard Complete. ONLY MM, INVESTKIATE IMIm Finder will Be rewarded. Address B. 1004. partnership re to he paid, ami those due in sunset Heights; S4no. enone 557V. HOTEL LIBERTY Strictly newHu'xrrlptl'aria and ad'artlaUw araplad at all ,ri UAH: chi i, nl.'i woi k. i. all alter- 5 care Times. rroti same discharged, at 919 s. El Paso Fit It rent Loveh bungalow, new-

lyhouse; new furniture; hot and cold water;p. m. Phone ii yllHimiOD. i ii- tine hunch of keys. Return" to A. C. St.. El Paso. Texas. The business will be furnished complete; yoar's lease batbs. 607 V4 S. El Paso St. Phone 994.

Hanghton. Ml W. Missouri and receive continued under the name of Everwear owner leavlny city. Phone 3989. HOTEL NORMANDY Centrally located; allSlluatlons Wanted Female reward. Shoe Co., a corporation. EXCHANGEHAYMOW Kill IT.

Political Announcement WA.NTKIi By RngUin woman, poaltlon In a 8 rooms and bath, near city hall; leOO.l'01'NÍi


Pomeroy'stin will

Ellellv.--Paso Trans-


upon VICTOR CARUSSO, yourPhone


rurnltureror bids.



ror new.

nociora oiiite; :i years nospnai eipcri-mee- ; ELIAS 0. KRUPP. EXCHANGElr to announre my can furiiish Best of rrfernncei. Call 10 dandy rooms, corner, rent ir.n, rlRht Co. November 2, 1915. your old rurnlture and stovei ror new.

C8iii1l1a office nf Oonttuhle.In

Miir.. tlowntown. yet has nice grounds, only 1750, LETT um- pair aulomoBlle gloves al ADVERTISER!-Wh- 1'hone 1106 for bids. Chas. Foutz.aillijr-- Iit'iiiurratlr iirlmrlf u

NV ANTED younn: lady, poaltlon ta rom asy icrms. 1111. Ideal I'h inn " y Sunday. Nov, 14. Want to Reach bungalow. sleeping porch, 3705 IF your telle in what reaoecta thellllV. f paiiion or worn in inaii lauiity, in hud- - NORTH TEXAS Hueco, phone 5195 furnished room Is desirable you'll getr'A'.NMM inv-- r lf it 'ranrllrlsli) for II nrba. AtWrtea a .t.h.i, care Tunea. 11 nice. tr rooms, cute little For Sale Miscellaneous l Should Use Classified Ada in the Big Dally Fell HI N NL:tly furnished bungalow your tenant very promptly.

,,rnr. rraMwurur, kiidjii 10 uiF.Nli "uiieniployineiit" economical Boiler, W. Missouri district (so newspaper or .orin lexas, Pilone 4S5H-- FURNISHED that willperiod of by rooms please you".J. U your fruit andrun SAI B Combination-nrtlMn ,. IHliiinraui- iirinmrica. fashionable and popular!); Just what Yol) grocery, DA .LAS TIMES HERALD. fVal.irtlnir a deierminei ranipalfti of claaa 18 Mag of- -

want; rent A0; terms. Bargain. cigar storo, doing rood business in the Want Ad Hates: FIVE rooms, npwly furnished. 1106 E. RioIf led ailvertuinif In tlio Times. heart of ritaclied; orande.tily, living roomsirinrilnnninliilaii- for rr rentWill I. Viil'n. 1 Insertion, wordliltESSMAKKH Waul sewliiK; wíiro out nilv commission and rrorn per NICELY furnished front room withMetor, subject tg action II rooms, right near library: rooms com 1311.00; save buy 4 Insertions, word private

by day or at home, litis a. Oreiron, mand as high as 130 monifi; nice, only .iier. Phone 18.0. . 7 Insertions,perper word Wanted to Kent ramily, modern conveniences. 811 Wyo- -

1100 HO. 8. si. '.nn. on easy terms. You will like this. FOR SALE One "Brunsvlgtt" cslculatlng 30 Insertions, tier word mlng. Phone 4088.

Male Hi If Wanted WANTED- inuchlne. There Is none Belter. Will be No sd taken for lass than 18c. send stamp UPSTAIRS bedroom, newly furnished, hotIS rooms, light downtown: rent low: shown at Y. M. L A Bldg.. Room 48. in advance. and cold water, shower betb, close In.

lease. This can be. WANTED TO REFIT. N.splendid r 910 Campbell."n Foil SAI Cash nt terms, nearly newswung with 1750. piano, standard make; leaving city. Ad Hew American Couple with young baby wants to rent 9 NICE ROOMS; steam beat: nuxolng watar;

HOUSR. Agenta dress Piano, care Tunes. or 3 furnished or unfurnished housekeeping bath on same floor; 606 Weit Missouri.BNFUIYBBS' ClaPMUNO Kl rooms, rent 160; 1700 swings It.VI room. í blocks from P. o. 11.800. CASH lakes mi beautiful mahogany fAIP'P Former location of the American rooms In private family; references ex-

changed. 'Phore 6M0--

inn.- minwi, tS.M per ilay, irans ii rooms, heart of Dullness district; hot Piano, used only :i weeks. For particu 103 San Antonio St. Address Box 0, care Times. , punished room, walking distance, formil ann a HI I Mill 1,1,1.- running water every room; terms; ,S. lars phone 3339. Newly furnished. Handsomely 'decorated, gentleman; place for auto If desired.

room and bi sIM.III st'W'ing machine slightly usetl. .spoüessly clean private booths ror ladles. PhoneMOST ELEGANTLY FURNISHED HOUSE M4A Texas Eiirnlturp Co., 400 S. El SAM WAIU Proprietor. married cra.ile would like to take over ATTRACTIVE room for appreciative people;

H Mil. H BI.DU. PHÜHB i'M. ItiiMiicss Opportunities OP 35 ROOMS IN CITY. BEST CORNER I.N Paso St." i BRING your rsmlly to est good enchiladas superintendent y of apartment house In breakrasl. supper optional. 911 NorthHEART OF BUSINESS DISTRICT. BEST Ft in i.E Very cheap. Books, complete and tamales. Mcxlcin and American eicnai-g- for anartments: best references. Stanton.PRICKS FOR ROOMS IN CITY. NEW History or jxventy ..Nations, wuu csrb dishes. Special cook, from the Interior of itepnes lo mu 1117, hi easo. lexaa, FOR RENT basement, rurnlture for

III: PORT WORTH RECORD SPECIAL PRICE AND TERMS. PARK Times. Mexho. American-Spanis- Care. 417 Mesa! SMALL furnished bungalow or flat with saie. 1197 n. ei t'aso si. pnone 6191.BROS.

in HI Mi n i.N "typewriter, visible, 140. Re TRY OUR AMERICAN sunny porch ror two ladles, not too comfortable rooms, stesm neat, hot andIHIVS WANTED. will present your advertisement lo Bread, pies, cakes, etc. Ameri-

canclose in. Not hcalthseekers. Call or phone cold waler: reasonable. 345S Myrtle. It :i:,,ihki siilist riBers In North Texas, Home Raknry. Dili Alameda. Phone room 903 Hotel Sheldon.Uorillllll TlltlCa.tileTn nrrv lr.,700. See this. ft ill SALE .Vimosl new c.alorlt: flreless LAP of: front room, close Nn; ño otherSouthern Oklahoma, West and 0004.' Branch 417 Mesa.with bleyeíet) also two yol NO couple want to share hair of borneSeveral ffoód boy, Southwest Texas ami Central Tens. peaiitv. low rent: fine income: no worn. cooker. Apply No. 10. Ramsey. roome.-s- 819 per month. Phone .V',49.

throe boy with hui'iea Bood pay uburt WANTED Clothing, bedding arid shoes for with congenial couple; references ex- -or month.boura.

T he Record is read By .more farm-ers

only 11,000 swings tills, Balance 150 I' mill stand; small capital required men, women snu cunaren, lor miners on hanged. Address R. O. M.. care Times TEXAS grand Rooms, steam heat, hot andC1U'C, AT,()i m ANAUKR TIMES. ami stockmen Hum any other

30 room hotel, Business district; li.floo. Apply .Ml san Antonio si. strike In Arizona. Phone 3169 or send lo 413 WANTED To rent, house, close in, coin water. Mrs, j. jonnson.Texas. TellIn themdally paper

holrl, business district; li.WiO. in it IP H Ii goods Tor sale, cheap. S. Stanton unfurnished, permanent, enone sora-i- NE large room, close ta, boiuekeeplntaliout the inn, - you have for sale orW ANTEO Two up lo dale Spanlsh-spea- exchange Advertise your huríes, an rooms and large hall with beds; t,!on. Texas St. DR. i. C. DYSART, male and female diseases privilege. 711 N. El Paso Bt. fng men (.. ell good on the road lu New mule, hogs, hecp, iii.-- lunery, city it room, new and eleirunl. clearuur Sits) TOP SAIL Belglll hares. I'liolle . electricity used. Consultation free. Apartments For Rent TWO furnished rooms, stesm best, saoM

Mtxlto; must Be reitly Pi rUart it once; no properly or mix oilier property, real a month; rent SSOO; long lease; li.000 down. range, heap. Phone 4740. diseases a specialty. Morehouse ' sv vrain.eiperleuce t:all on A. o. Wllllng-MIB- i or personal, thai you nave for aaje. Bldg. SUNNY rooms, suitable ror I or 8, close la.

.. ig. r Hotel, Doom M, Between a. classified rates. I A 1.1 AN RESTAURANT Italian and French NEW BRINKLEY APARTMENTS, 719 N. Stanton.m. and 3. it. m. 7c per line flrsl Insertion. Wanted to Buv .Miseellflneous 2 dishes, well served. 3U S. Stanton. Corner Upson and Fisher Sis. HEATED room, private family; also garage.WAN reiinl.l. p.irli with ;:! and services IE per line each sun uncut Inser-

tionlone 3779. DeU' Ara. Three fnlt living rooms, large and airy.

lu state of New Mexico foreaaen-tla- l r i ii k ii ii ii s, W n D At once, all kinds or secondhand together 'with lsrge tiled kitchen, and bath; enone aaan j. ,manageand Most Reliable Dealera Tec refrigerators, car-

pets,FOR adoption A baby boy two weeks FURNISHED 10 S. accessory; no competition; big de-

mand,Count 6 wtirrts to the line. l.orgest, Oldast Boxes, gas ranges, siove. ice dox, aisappeanng neu, ouiu-i- rooms. Court

pays over WMi a month; caceplioiial Trial id ,.i jh worda seven times, Phone W for auto. Ask for TOW1.E. rugs. All kinds of rurnlture pay cashPro.idence

old; or American parentage. appiy ai burret and bookcases; quartered oak fin-ish

House Block.

opportunity 1' '.'P.. 'I unes. ll.oo. Its Main 81. Crawford Theater Building. or exchange new for old. hospital. snd handsomely appointed throughout. NICELY furnished room, all conveniences"l.Niioli.i'lii B," Ltitilish Spanish, mining Addreia communications' to Fort TEXAS FURNITURE

"CO., Phone us. We will be pleased to ihow you.

S 408 S. El Paso St. Phone 4097Worth Record: classified Advertis-ing

JAMES L. MARn k CO.,Mexico, U'5 gold; shoe repair place for car; io.coinpany.mining t New Mexico. I3.&0 day. Depirtment. Forth Worth, Texas. WANTED. (Successors to Austin & Marr Co.),man,


it MITCHELL TODAY ONLY SO large, beautifully, fur second hand stoves and rurnlture in ex-

changeWANTED To hear from party going to 304 San Antonio St. Phones

furnished Ws- -heated room, it:ror new goods. Phone Phoned. Ariz. Address D 1837. careSm;i San rrdin lstu si nlshed rooms: very close in: lease sourl.This nlace will and tnontlL 1106. Chas. Foutz. lo offer ti a Letter worker net 00 up perHAVE


you nave m befo ra emuluycd? Business calls owner out of city at e. WANTED To exchange new rurnlture for ci F4NF1S rlesn clean. Phone 41M. VICTORIA APARTMENTS. G E NTLEMEN'S bested room. 944 N. Prank- -

Say so in a ruealtfisd adu niseincut Ui the Well worh 14,000. For quick saie, f'.,r)o ola. All. KEN RERO'S preparations at Ryan's. Oregon and River Sti.Times. THE LARGEST STORE t SiVal rash Balance 150 ner month. PIERCE PURNITURE CO.. New, 4 rooms each; strictly up to the ONE bedroom for rem. 19.50 wk. 804 UpaoñT jv'

A .MINIATURE DEL NORTE New, modern Phono 9048. 316 Texas. mlnuie: bed. refrigerator, gas range, shadesWAN - in, in. i llh etpell In the lufllillng. elegantly furnished, private Bath Personals linoleum on kitchen floor; steam heat. Make

' Sua.(live reference E. ST"RN FURNITURE CO. Highest prlresor FURNISHED bedroom, toil N. El Paao,

Tim You will Be pleased with the prorils. psld ror second-han- furniture. New youi reservations. Heady now.:. V. D., REST TOWN lease; li.750 will swing. starter need Ibe goods. Phone 1737. oratory. Physical Expression, Physical . Sole Agents, FURNISHED rooms. Phone .

WAN1KD At one.-- i.Halile young man BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED It rooms SMunieiry, voice Building. r. King. Phones 491 and 1490.Willi Bicycle lo di llvei gi.. cerles. In the close m, all rooms filled with WANTED Buv some diamonds. Address, 0. S: ODh. D. 61 Prospect Ave. Pbone BEDllooM. 710 San Antonio SL

oenl tirocci y Store, 7oo Arizona St. people, paying good pnces: tl 100, eeuo cash. w nil description and price, P. O. Box 108. ev7S rt

mn Hit iialiii. character and ref t PI ER VALLEY. m.W A.NU it MM 1. li i run:isnri' cliy. FROM your list of worries strike ofr that Unfurnished Rooms For Rent 88eronees warrhoiisr loan; txandy it'i rooms, very rlose In. Well worth 1600. lor tenant-hun- t bv leaving the matter to a Apartment. 4 rooms and sleeping EXCHANGEDoing fine Busliiesa. Will court quick sale only 1380. classified adverllslng campahjn In tl Tunes.UioN and strong. IV s. santa te a To Exchange Miscellaneous " porch. your old rurnlture and stoves for

WANTLIi Mu. lit an st. licuor who spraka llioruugli Investigation. Best of rea N. r.. luwitLni. CONVALESCENTS' Home ror Tuuerruiosis. BROAtlDUS A LE BARON. Pbor.e 1106 for bids. Chss. Foutz.M.aiuh Aildii-'- lulaliiioiil In, zvn . sons (or selling. Not less than i ,noo With Bailey Land Co.. Rste s 88, Mrs, suong. Las cruces. ,t. ja. Flrsl Nai. Bank. Phone 1568.

Ash necessary. Will sell all or hair Jot'. Mesa Are. Phone aa.on.l At Ariz Interest lo party capable or manag-

ingWANTED 9nd hand auto. Have corner 75x For Rent Miscellaneous i EXCHANGE Room and Board Offered "

wheelswith canWANTED Larg .s Addresssame. 140 re.-- to trade.i. O. Ul I r month. Apply West PENNEBAKER 9 Ml Hit! ICS AUTOMOBILE it per hour. Phone ' M yo o'd rurnlture and stoves ror new CONVALESCENTS sccommodsied ; reason

ableero ill'. h fclcgrapli tr. P. O. BOX I US, CITY. FOB 111 NT Garage 919 W. Rio lirande 1'hone lior for Bids. Cbss. Foutz. rales; sleeping porches. 9431 Trr.WAÑ1KD Boy. 17 i.r is eara old. Ui work cottage, rlose In, good furniture, TRACY M'ABTMENi'S Unfurnished 79U moot 8L, Highland Park car to Portland and

to circulation U' piirlinen L Call on cheap rent; 3 rooms renter!: !.v' save Money Buy at El Paso Trunk Fac- - DESK ROOM -.- 193 Trust Bldg. Mtindy. Pht lie 3091. Dakota. Phone 4607.CREEL A PHILLIPS itiry wnere made .Next crawroro Tneaier.Manager Times. rurnlture. good, Stores and Offices A NICE LARGE room, with bath, and firstbouse, new Apartments For Rent Fur- -

accideiii and lire lusiir Bt S1NESS CHANCER. class board in private ramily for couple- -WANTi l A g'sjtl clean place. It sold this week. - 300are aoliriior. Bight man can make big We have many bargains In money-ma- cash. Furniture For Sale OR HFNT storage room. SSxtS. Apply 118 or 8 gentlemen; close In. Mra. J. Callaber

mom) sil Milts lilcljs. 't lug propositions, such aa CREEL A PHILLIPS r. overland. 993 N Oregon. '.W AN D At onio drlter for lord car. HOTEL 3, 98 room-- , tine place, running water, THIS AD, FOR RENT. NEW QBLEAN8 CREOLE COOKING.Mull have good refereucea. Apply Jllne BtioM NO HOUSES, steam heat. A mouey maker, cheap, rent Houses For Rent furnisher! flat: STEAM Mrs. Kern. 41 N. El Paso. cor. Franklinrurnlshed rial; STEAM 880

IK RESTAURANTS. 11,500 will handle. presented in our store, will be COlTAIE-2- 0. ISOm . oj.p. p it a nun ptiniir linrary. Vtt. 6806.

ALL KINDS OP STORES, A PHILLIPS, rurnlrhed rial; STEAMWAN I ED An all iround baker. Address PICTURE SHOWS, CREEL one block from car line on Louisville St. furnished Bouse, w. Rio THE HIGHLANDS SANATORIUM for tuber

TUne. 44 rooms, new house, new rurntlure. lung ACCEPTED AS 10 PER CENT culo. is. nursing and dietetic cooking.Baker, rere 138BIBBER SHOPS. Highland Park. unfurnished flatwill handle.lessej rent HOOj M.OOO Ratea ISO monih."rVANTED off Ice man. Apply V.odern Ua ItMIL HALLS, CREEL 41 PHILLIPS. ror article purchased. It on ll Bl nraF a 1H Hala St PARK BHOS. rmt eaa. per Phone 5550.payment any

SALOONS. 9000 block Tularosa St.. modern In every NICELY furnlsbrd large rrontflit. We lave the goods and can deliver on FOR RENT. room; tableand many more good propositions. See me reasonable terms. WE GIVE respect 9 room rurnlshed rial; to aaata. rwC hoi. SIX .1. BiantOO.

Salf.MiH'it Wanted al once. CREEL R PHILLIPS, i ui. i.t. m rait.r..,104 Mesa, Crswrord Theater FlaU; 830; no children; Room board and sleeping porch for eon- -

WANTED ' it site sniati. on.- who known ii E. CARTER. Phone MOT. 104 Mesa. new rurnlture for old. Phone W75. lis Mam St.. block north of postorflce. vilescenis. Pilone 1898L. Marr A Co..Willi Jauies Phoae 888.See PARK BROS.the trade, to work ou communion. Heflm s, -- mí mu. mi,, st Phone 50 orlSSt A SNAP! nRfT-ftJU- table board, moderate price.Arent HOME II BNITURE CO.. suite of 9 more rooms. 715 N. Oregon.Bros., 411 E. overliiKL 91 rooms, housekeeping, K: oqly NICELY furulshed orrun sale Hair 'interest", going real as handles. See Mr. Furniture or bungalow. 8995; arranged ror lightRice. with sic porches,WANT D i agents. aiMrt ana gentlemen 11.150: 1750 rtth for rent al 895 ir Jig Iiot-- and lMard..'iMn Montana. Phone 8699late business, with splendid llsttnf or HAMEY BROS., Ill N. Stanton. Pbone I99S. worm I3U1. House housekeeping, or will give apartment andto represent eailern nrma. Apply So7 properties, good, cheap ofllce and auto for 809 First Nat. Bank Bldg. Phone 613. month. West of Cotton Ave.. Just ofr some cssn in excuauge tur uuaru. 1007 QMS steam heal; board. 893 Proapeet

Trust bids. Showing oiuiierly. owner Is an experiencedTMK REST YET. BABt i.MNS! ' Montana. Montana. Phone 6608 room and board. 708 N. Oregon- -' and salesman and neetis a CREEL 41 PHILLIPS.pyirnTeTieip Wanted H partner

rapaBlewith some money. The value 8 rooms and porch: close In; all rented. Majestic coal range. 91: gas range. 85.50

Pbone am. 804 Mesa. PALMS COURT front apartment lit him .boar .1. m. ei Paso.Bei. make Only 998. see sir. nice. library table. 45: llllllY ,.rll) t4.W; r,m wllh aleeplng porch, completely rur-

nlshed,and ibe right man ran a goodIK aelectlna a the business man n..r.i uno-..- .a closet. 113. Best mattresses, cheap. A good for housekeeping, or would sellllk s to find, in either a man or woman, connection Your Inquiry will be treated

o First Nat. Bank Bldg. Phone r,t3 lot or scconu-nan- unou rugs. FOR RENT. ion, not.-- steam heat. Janitor service. p Room and Board Wanted 3confidential Addreis 0. 10, Tularosa St; goodul ao ttial the sec-

ondbungalow.the perilsiency, WEISS. Non- the number NOW! new ply 39 Palm i courtor third publication of y.ouc Tlmei Ul Hi NESS, OI'POKTUMTIEK 99 lit "'Ms. downtown, hot and cold w ater 914 SOUTH STANTON.

rlassiried ad may ntereat him mire than UHOCERY STORES. ui every room. years- lease. oni .51 Another's' room new bungilow, hardwood CLOSE IN; S rooms: dressing room; sleepthe first. Ill sTAlilAtlTS, lerma. See Mr. Rice. Ft HVIIi RE FOR SALE. floirs; never occupied: 885 ing porrn and oain rnone ooia.

CIGAR STORES, HAMEY BROS., I rooms excellent furniture and year's . CREEL A PHILLIPS. inn BENT runitahed utarmienL YOUNG couple waul to rent I er 1 nicelyWANTED I tear tiers for Mexican school V,

till 88 First Nai. Bank Bldg. Pbooe 613. lease on nouse in sunset his., i Pbone 8075.Nicely furnished rooms la private tamlly, wlUtDRUG ST Pbone .s. 804 Mesa. close In.mul speak spantab and bold atale blorks of postorflce, 1400. Phone t79. Mr. keaid. of will rest rooms aear where heardterms C iiKHitha. salary 175 ami Ii. HE SHOWS. Sine IS A BARGAIN. sebtt. apartment for rent; light bouse eaa he aeeured. References esehaaaed. Ad-

dressleu per month. Address D. T. Baldwin. San SALOONS. It rooms and po.rti; good inrauou; rent seeping, unone mewElUkrlo. Teína. OTHER PROHIBITIONS. only Seu; rooms all rented. Only 1750. see WE do all kinds of upholstering, reflnlsb- ouse m Highland bath, close In.

Ptrasaaeat, care Turnea.Hi Main hi --PARK Hitos Phune SSH. Mr Rice. tng and repairing work. nt, private

í WANTED -- N urserlrl. white; nferencea re-quired;

PIERCE FURNITURE CO.. 'HAMEY BROS.. BRÓADDÜS' LE BAFN,'HOME ( AliTAl. FOR HOME PLANT 15.000good wages, board and room, isie

barking wanted by expert to establish 6u First N8I. Bank Bldg. Phone CIS. Phone 9048 816 Texaa.90 10 Plrst Nal- - Bank Phone IMS. apartment Se Coty 'iri claaa nun uuiiuiat iui lug RAROAIN A da'.dv 4 itHini house Unte FOR SALE- - Che., one ranje, nove, re Phone ousts WANTED A good. raTlned white couplet,'WANTED Nuisegiri rof baby; rood waves, ptani in El t'ao. featuring your Industrial. sleeping porch, built In rralurrs and rrxferiitor and funillure; SS94 Ma.t-i- a St. PHr RENT UNE unfiirnlsbed. i furnlsbad spt. Ph. S94A witPont children, lo board b6y 7 years

boird and room. Call tsie Upson. Hefrr- social. hMorical and relialoiii life floor In rooms; the bouse is less wast of S w shops 4 blocks. Two apartmeni 890.09 DNE feralsbe i aiitnetil Rt Mu ty! old;references

must berequired.

good borneAddress

andA.near ;

unique, elabórale scenes. Greatest indúct than a year OMU red pressed brick Phone I'.EDRiniM un, dliilng .tHiiii furniture, rock 17.40

AMEItli IN value. ,,ii- Bestauiaiil. SIS il., iit- T07I-J- . ers and beautiful folding bed. must be 40 ou IF your business Is too smsll to JustifyTexas St. Fouch use or display edverUelUer space, BY employed lady, warm with board.IF ibe fsrt about your property will make old quits .1 .n. a ansas si 85.00 your room,

108410 It In lbs classified columns of the close In; must not exceed 810 ner month.WANTED A IxUceU cook. Plluue to rjout FURÑ11I 4' furnished, ose mgood. cApei interesting nuneers. your ad RE for ro. .in s for sale, bouse tor rooms,buill Typewriter Co.. 4M Mesa, nam 9747. l eruaeuMOt in ttM Tunas via t rent. xu Wyoming. Pbone ira, Esvw a, 480 First Nat. Bank. C 987a, care Times.

mmMub. mms i mm

Friday. December 3. 1915. EL PASO MORNING TIMES 15

Uve Stock For Suit Real Estate and City Property RgdjiMnte and City Property MM nollll Ik ti.nir, IS o'dM a. .and 4 0 clnrt f m m aal.t lf at th. caurt keeM

"fcAl l-- "trene HolttHns. i.uern" .Ww J aaM coumj. 1 .Hm tor aalr and Mil SEIZURE RUMORSys and Jerseys, rresh and heavy spring l ngn fw eh all ta rUM. Iltl ao1 BAGWELL & CO.C. W, Ardoln Ph. MM. or Ysleia. WOULD YOU BUY A SNAP? '"T? "hl'"h ,h' """ "In.iiM and Lein

redRlrltuaj had In and te :hr .hora daMrlhad raal 12 1221 Mill Ap. Ptveee tailprescdhome, uir iwa dar 0 Pmvabar. A. D. 111.Pet Stock brick. 2 baths, full basement and FOR (jnCK ACCEPTANCE. STOCKS mnd BONDS

h heat, 2 t lots, street paved. I room bungalow, glased Prererred and common storks. FORTIFYULE tOO ulgexus, at fte per pur. bloc; from car line and close In. sleeping porch, all built-i- A. D. HIS We buy and sell the above at WHEAT71l M You ran't beat the price anywhere features, hardwood floors, gftivlff AW. closest market prices and In large

ef Kl I'aart TnaaÜfi SAI -l .litrr Mr, Ule, month old" 6,500. south front. In rinest loca-tion,

Rv W. B. Oood.ronntjr, or small amounts, phone lor beat

tW. rare Times. convenient to everything No 4.TJÍ market aprlres.

Poultry and Eflfjs 1700 block.MONTANA STREET.

40- Price (2.850; 8290 cash, bal- -

Th8H9girr'a salí. ( I ItTIS- - HANMNfl CO.,stata 0 Twaa. Ounlj of II Paao. ANADIAN ACTION IN I'OtHI MIFFRINGby 120 reet Only 93.250. Best buy nrtn. of an iMUA,i ci tha First National Bank RuiMlng. COPPERS REFLECTSAI. E Crystal HAS Rt 1.1. ISH MAR-

KET10 hens. hmrahlwest or Cotton Ave. Terms. Let us 501 Capíes Bldg. Phone 251. oufit Vutl pi 11 r... cminlr n thaStraus strain. IM7 M. Camp show tlth rta of Nomnbar. II5. h tha click lharaof. El Paso, Texas. si HUNG AT CLOSE.

al SI Phnrvc you. In Iho raaa Bin Oran V Valla Hank and Truat Telephones 978 and 1822.aaaxMW . y. p. k.ii and uiu u Ku. Dy Associated pre.Si'BHu.N IH Ii mrkeys," blue ribbon stork. REAI'TIFUL RICHMOND TERRACE. IJoirao, and to na. u liartrf and chlrago, Doc. I. Fear thatroms liens 98. aira. rise. ui. diuw- -

2 new bungalows, at the 1 will nfnr .1 I,, .i th. Knn expressedleass. right price and terms. These are sraerlbad h u tat aiiiirr Kitn ,h, nr., MARKET WEAKNESS Canada would ere more wheat had a de-

cidedlynsadar In January. A, I). lile it Mm tha 4lhbeauties. Auto at service.I 44 your New of bullish effect today on prices here.linaav in jinri bungalow, all built-i- da, aald innth. tfor. tha min houa doorgmt location, near car line; reason-able

of laid Kl Tuin nrtunlv In ,h. ci,. an The market closed strong. 8Ai,to 9jc netB ROOM HOUSE. tha fountain tlaacrlhadWE CA. !.A. you money, in in.-- in terms. raal imraii. lawltl lou hlrher. with December at 8I.0HA, and May ateasv Installments, on food security, we 2 corner lots, sleeping porch, south 84.800. 1291 ana in 1301 ta Nana Rln

..... front. Only 12.250; 8500 cash, bal-ance New

(IS) OoT.rnn,fnt Hill addlUon to tha Oltir eg Kl Notable gains, loo, were made InDliv now. umu:i a"t'"p ...ww. to suit bungalow, on 2 rull lot, ga-rage, Paao. Kl Pjo itmnlr. Toxan. loriad on. on lha FOREIGN SELLING RED WETAL SHARES SELL OFF EARLY IN

Kqnltab.e loan Ass'n, nil :ur, Trusi rtlilg you. basement. Turnare heat, tree and fUi da Nnvanittrr. iftlS. a, tha of DAY ONLY FEW ISSl ES HOLD other staples-co- rn 114 to.2c, oata t'i tolawn. No Information Maíllo M Kaltl In a It.nn..,.! .Ttt.t.tln.given over phone.GOVERNMENT HILL LOTS. FIRM TONE. IHc and provisions 15 to 45c.

and Bonds to 94J M, In faref of Rio Oraiuta Valla HankStocks 4, on corner 81,000; terms Ah? Degpit a good deal or front taking by8 level lots In Youdistrict.4, on corner 050; terms Vista (ilron un.lrr tnv han, IhU at ,1av rj rianaaMhaa Coppers old oil yesterday, reflecting thecannot beat this ror a bargain. MIS. holders, the close w within He or theAmerican owner of hacienda on Pacific 2. Inside 4S5; terms BLAIR t KL08S, DEPRESSES STOCKS generil declining tendency or the whole topmost level reached.

coast, Mexico, now en route to visit prop-erty,

on corner 550; lerms Phone 1446. 418 Roberto-Bann- Bldg. Br v. g market During the morning the leading l"4. Inside 900; term Bullish sentiment was stimulated hyor a man todesire company practical POULTRY SHOW PEOPLE. sues declined materially, Anaconda losing 2 estimate thai the available wheat cropwltti view toInvestigate


and active future Inte-res.

ANDERSON-FILLE- A place with all rences. sheds, airaira. GERMAN CURRENCY points to gr4i, Inspiration selling down to or the United States was only

References exchanged- - Address "H8- - especially rrranged ror chickens: 8 44. Chino to m'v and other also losing. bushels, notwithstanding the latest govern-mentBuckler Bldg. Phone 491. lots, corner, house, trees; 1 rigores, which hail Indicated a totalOF PRONO! NI F.Dcenrtaao.' care i imei block car. A bargain at 12.942. MVRKET HAS TONE Unmet and Arlxona was firm' and held or I ,(S2,iiO,nno bushelsSHARES RECEIVEWARIIKAVINESR

Auctioneer and Sales 48 BRALTIFLI. VIEW, MrKINLEY AVE. H R1IIKR RETRAIN well, rnlted Verde Extension was also Corn advanced to new high price ror theAT A SACRIFICE A strictly modern bung-

alow,Itrfinief again yeslerday. irason.

W. A. W1U.1AMO. 3 t lots, heal, garage QUOTATIONS DROP Hy Associated Press. Following 8r doling quol1lons as Rig export sales helped to Iirt the otAuction Sales and Commission Broker. A Nice House everything, In racL to 'make a perfect New York, Dee. 2. Foreign "Ming of by the company, market.

urnce r.nirance 10 uapicg uiue. HOME 94,470. stock ana bond broker. First National Huge decreases In the stocks or meats atsell everything at auction or private sale. McKEE BROS.. standard securities and promum heavi hank luil hi tur. western points as compared with a month

PHONE 1449. 208 MILLS BLDG. ness In specialties served to depress prices Rtitte and superior 71 ago were largely responsible ror theALEX. LICATA. In today's market. A further setback in Calumet and Anion 68 irength or provisions.

Experienced Auctioneer. brick, modern, NEW YORK MARKET MAKE LOWEST copper Range sau closing stork quotations were:307 First Nat. Bank Bids'. Phone sleeping porch, block from INCOME 9812. HATES EVER RI OTED I OR EM-

PIRE'Swar share was noted. Davis Daly lS II 00,; May, 81.I2H.

Fort Bliss car Une In Grand Price 96,8503 brick houses, on good EXCHANGE. I'roresMonil selling gave added rorce to tlrceni' ananea 45f4.'.' Corn December, riajc; May, 70c.Vew. For a quick sale, at north side Kennecoft 83 Oat Deeeinher. 4S"s,r; May, 4Mtcsoutheast 2Krai KsUilr and l' in' insurance corner; exposure;only 82.750: good terms. On 8 lots; paved street; real close In; east or By Associated Press. the decline. Steel rell point- - in K4Mi and New Cornelia 9V4O0H Pork January, 918.25: May, 918.20.

ANDERSON-FILLE- REALTY CO.. roll lots. 50X190. You hsd bet-ter

E. P. & S. W. hiituilng. new York, Dec. 2. Further depression In Anaconda i to s:.s. while I nnm 1'aclHc, Shannon HI Lard January, .. May, 9000.t and 8 Buckler Bldg. hurry ir you want this CASSIDY A NEEL. mark? here today to Iho lowest rales ever Canadian I'aciric, Atchison, si Paul and Shattuck 33 Ribs January, 99.78; May, 99.05.

R. HILLAIU) t'hone 906. bargain. quoted drew renewed attention to the New Haven loit to almost 2 points. United Venle Extension 4Utf5'.Kansas city Grain.anomalous economic conditions which areBHOADDUS LE BARON. BROADDUS k LE BARON. said 10 prevail Within the Herman empire. Among the mom severe dei lines or the Srrf Pin Stolen. By Aasnclatrd Press.

Bell 658. First Nat. Bank Bldg. Demand hills on llerltn and Hamburg, as session, some or which were partly re-

lievedBurglars entering through a rront door Kansas City, Dec. 8. Wheat No. 9 hard,

A O. BUCHOZ k CO Phone 1558. "Monies Our Specialty" wen as other German renters. Tell to 78V-- In the Uter dealings, were General tole a valuahle scarr pin Trotn the resi-dence

9l.0traM.0f.. 2 red. 91. 104ft. 12; December.Sheldon Lobby. hone 777. with calilc. at Ixtte. as aaalnst 90Ue anil Motors, which lost 10 to so; or Julian Solo at Alt Eaat Ninth 81.00; Mi

NEW ROOM BRICK bungalow on Boule-vard, 80c a week ago and 81c and 8IT4c early

pointsituhiuin l street .M'sterday afternoon about J o'clock, Corn No 2 mued. oA-c- ; No. white,

4H bonus to m.y. ncora-llv-glassi ü sleeping porch, built In book-cases, In November. act m ini. 10 a report made ti the police Mc; December, Mfflftoe; May, 6TH4P88C.

bufret, hardwooii rioors. This bouse 4 points to mili...; Crucible Steel, SA article or nuts 8 white, 98HJ140C; NO. i mixed,On the basis or today's quotallons, marks, department. A number or No.Industrialpoints lo 7u.j. and l lilteil SlatesIs worth 94.000. Must be sold quick. 13,150;9250 cash, balance 935 monthly. originally worth SI'v, have rallen to 1H'. Alcohol, 44 points to lid. rlnthliiK were also taken. ITT4tjtif

HAWKINS BROS. PHONE 2800.which represents discount or over 20 per Iioitils were heavy, wiih marked weak-

nessOTHOiU HILL. IS PER CENT NET INVESTMENT. cent Horn the normal rates or, exchange. In In Missouri, Kansas and .Texas Issues.601 Caple Bid?. Phone 1. sunsiaiire, u required siigiiuy mure man s Total sales par value aggregated 94.1 s.'i, non.

GEORGE W. CHUTCHKR i SON. Apt hou W. Missouri, 8 COTTAGE 92,100. marks today to meet the valuation or an United Stales buiiils were unchanged onRoom 4. Morehouse Block. Phone 998. apartments, 8 bath-

rooms,$10 Cash, 827.50 Month. Including InL American dollar, whereas a little moro call.

rhone 146. 6 sleeping porches, 4 large rooms, sleeping porch, rHl 4 marks rnrmerly sufrieed. Closing quivtutlons wereIIEI.l IIEIIli BLAIR, close In, only half block Bressed brick, near school and car line. Dealers lit exchange were unable to ad AiasKa Gold 96V assma1. L. MARR & CC. from Library park 916,000 Let us show you today. vance any derinlte reason ror the steady Mil 3iCapíes 3uildtn. Telephone CREEL A PHILLIPS. decline In the value or (lerman currency. letlcan Reet Sugar TOHMcKEE D.H03.. bungalow, with base-

ment,Phone 5075. 304 Mesa. mainly because or their lnalilllly to srenro American Can 8014

Mills Bldf. near Lamar school, on Information front German American Locomotive 09tiFRAKV A ftfEKlCKl corner 3,750 A REAL BARGAIN. Bourres. American Minuting ana itetining ;(, Telephone Directory!

406 Mills Blag. Phone 189. The best apartment site In the city, close Rankers with close German connections DO prercrriil 110red pressed brick cot-

tage, In, on north side. Can double your money grout the Idea that the drop In exchange Sugar Herinlng iliSkwith full basement, In 2 or 3 years. Only 85,250; terms. Sco has any hearing upon Germany's financial Alneilian Icl. and lei Referencalaurel St.. near Lamar Mr. Rice. necessities, nut reitarn it rather as a rene American Tobacco ... Hang Tnis Up in Your Home or Offico tor Quickschool; 8250 cash I, 9,150 RAMEY BROS., tlon or Hie rnuntry'8 'in uncial situation. Anaconda Copper i 85

600 Flrsl Nat. Hank Bldg, Phone 613. Atchison e. li'.-'- It Will Sava You pressed brick cot-

tage,Halilwln Loiomotlve 110

close in, W. Missouri.. 3,900 82,275 ALTA VISTA 92,275.

Real Estate and City Property Only brick on corner In Alia Vista dls- - PRODUCE MARKET Haltimorc and OhioHellileheni Steel 495trlri. Three bath ami largolargeREALTY CO.

Sleeping norcn.rooms,

u senooi auu it kiyn lupi.i Tranalt MH If You Want Your Liated Here Call 5050 and Ak forcar; 9150 ra-- baianre like rent. cniilornia rrlroieuni

MACON SCOTT REALTY CO.. Canadlun Parirle 182V the Advertising Department426 Mills Bldg: Phone 5578. central i.eauter

HERE ARE VALUES! 9200 ASn, fCometad b WMt Taaaa Fual company.) tieapeake and Ohio ,830 A MONTH. INCLUDING INTEREST, APARTMENT HOUSE ON MONTANA Harkrt Prices. Chlrago Great Western

FOR QUICK SALE. buys this Alta Vista bungalow, 16 rooms,property.


furnished, good In-

come Prtcaa wholeaata dralrra ara parlnk for Valle Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul A CC til NTA NTS. MKRI ANTII.E, on s full near school and car line; very large products: Chlrago and Norihweatcru IS1V4 or LOCAL MSRCAN TIL'S AOENCT,

lots, i blocks or courthouse, rooms; large closets; built-- bufret; DE ROO A it, i. ana HIV. II II. III.S'lillICK mi years' esperlenee

2747 radichas, turnlpa and baeta. In bunchea, iH.i. Retiorls and ratings ol Individuals, collec400 Mesa. Phone Hank Ithlg. Phone.between living and Chino ru e mm i n si Nut.colonadeTor $2,250. opening doten bin iea 15a Copper tions. Members or the National Associationall renced and WILL TAKE LOTS OR ALTO t:olorado iii'l and Iron 4Sdining room; Camila, turulpa and heeu In root iturf ACCOI NT A NTS I Lltlll II l or Mercantile Agencio.12,850. shed, chicken house, etc.; trees, or small cash payment on beautiful per II. so Crucible Steel 72V Phoñe HARRY PAThMAN, Mgr.,

4 room modern bungalow; grass and Dowers the "most house" In bungalow, Altura. Only 92,850, easy terms. 79c to tl.M Denver and Itio mande prd. 28 T. A. THURSTON G v. OrUDEtLHerald Uldg.

best location; f!2S cash, 125 El Paso ror the money. Phone owner. 2787. 91 maimers' Securities 40 Va r.xy National Rank Bldg.por month'. Price 82,650. ci.oiilH.ltOFT property ror sale, three cot-

tagesper lb. ottc Erie 42 Mi ' MI IIINEB. NEW AND SEMINO HASH CO0II8.Oreen chill ADOINO

and six lots centrally located. Will Oencral Electric 173V CASil'rbr furniture.HILL BUNGALOW 81,806. Feed. Great Northern ni lilis Machines. Mills Rlii your Plvone 963L ilood- -13,500. GOVERNMENT sell at a sacririco or trade Tor El Paso pfd intuí .IiIiiik

4 room bungalow; a south-rro- 4 large rooms, breakrast room, large properly. A. Stolarorr, Phone 543 Alfalfa. fancT. wholaaala. . . Í15.H0 Ureal Northern ore ctl. ..i. nari rumuure atore, aos n, aianion.lots; west or Piedras cement porch, brand new, while pressed Aiiaira. raiitv. telan IT fid Quggenhriii! i:ipiuratton .... Mtl'ET CLEXNINU.

Alfalfa. No. ulutlaaU 911. '0 OSTEOPATHS,1.JAY F. KNOX COMPANY,St., north of tracks; close In; brick, south-rro- lots, 1 block from 200 Mills St. Alfalfa. No. 1. mail tin mi Illinois Central ci l PHiiss 1.1 air. sU'i'iii or vacuum carpet9150 cash, 125 per month. In-

cludingcar. Owner must sell this week. Corn, wliolaaala Intet'borottgli Consul. Corib cleaning. Sewing and laying. Du Sang & 0E0R0K R. WELLS, 494 Milla llldg. Offlee

New Phone Number 2296.Interest. 8560 Cash, 8.15 per Month, Including Int. I1.7S Inspiration copper Wellborn, Phone avtHL . p1ione 107 ; resldencii jihone 1B85J.CREEL & PHILLIPS, LOTS FOR RENT .Í1.T5 International Harvester or N

VALLEY LAND. Phone 5075. 304 Mesa. In Altura Park, on Fort Bliss car line, ror Kansas City Southern CHIMNEY (.Will's PRIMIt. .ll IM.HWIM..Tai&a white oata wholaaala .11 So

10 acres lower valley. Will those wno desire to live in tents; rent price Tetaa white oau, retail Lehigh Valley cliiiiuicy S Stoves '"'SEE illi.l isii.N" ;i9'.l VruM li:'dg."'ph." for vacant or Income 910 a month. Phone gggr-- Tetaa red clipped oau, wholeaala. Louisville Mslivlllo fdMiiN VIESCAS. eep

Stanton St.S.414property. GOLD STREET". "liou'se rfieaiT 81.750 Triaa red clipped oata. retail Mexican I'etroleum VVorkrepaired

giiiiranteed.and set up.

Phone 4768.PI. I MIIKRS.

92,000 NEW RUG BRICK 9250 o.asu, 0 per month; see lie moo &Cimpa,

retailwholeaala TRY the City I'limililiig Co. Better iiiuinlilng

CtioptREALTY CO., ST iVEs s, i up, repaired; chimneys cleaned. for leas. Phone S104. 18 N. Campbell St.bungalow. Nice ham and sleeping Co., 40 stesa. pnone zrn. Bran, wholeaala ,..., ..par rwt.Morgan Bldg. porch. Close to car line and school. IP YOU want to aU thai real estate quick-ly.

Uran. raUll .pee ttt MlaapilSi l'acirie.. I.. M. Lopet. Sc)taerfe EurEkPhTM.Phone 151. Cl.lck.-- fee.1. wlwleaalt per cwL Mitloiial lilM iiilCash 9200, balance easy. Isn't now a good time to advertise uhkfcatl feed retell .par cert .National Lead CIIIHOPOOY.

92,700 FORT BOt'LEVARD BUNOA-lo- it by caning aosor Staple.on 2 lots, 4 large rooms, new Nevada Copper eel balrdrotllrig, maliicnr- -Butter Piiiuii1'oH SALE Modern Now York Centraland modern. Bargain.

91,2608100 CASH, MONTHLY PAY notse on w. Missouri si. i'u. nor 07a, Eft", nee ma N. Y., N II. anil H MI.N.No agent. Norrolk anil Western .. CI.KAMMi AND PRESSINC.ments, Including Interest, 825; good EL PASO SKIN CO, 411 Mesa. Phone 1138.cottage, with large sleeping FOR SALE bungalow, 2 porches, on NorlheiTi I'aciric mi li o. win il l.N, stir's in Holmes clng

porch, on 2 Federal St. lots. payea street, close 10 car une, wiui nigh Turkeyi. lire, 16 and Hk; cblrkens. He: rtucks. 14 I'aeirir Mall V'k; a old eslalillshiin nl. ITI li'li'itt el Y siii.N 1:0.. aun N. Stanton. Phone 1947.'

21,9009100 CASH, 915 AND INTERest

grade rurnltuie. A., rate un. Paciric Tel. and H anil odoiless cleaning. 701 Texas. I'll 787. SPANISH LESSON'S.a month, 4 room brick, large JAY F. KNOX COMPANY, Pennsylvania .

.1.1 leanings Wkn M N. Sl.inlon. Ph. 6761. I'linvrraiitltYiiui Method Palmorc1 LOTS ON MONTANA ST. front and back porch, yard fenced, 308 MUIS St. METAL MARKETS. Pullmiui Palace Car "" College.Paving and sidewalks paid for; 91.300. car Une .1 block. New Phone Number 2208. Ray Consolidated Copper IIÉAÚ CATTLE. SCALES,

NEWMAN INVESTMENT leading mvi I'd 1. (iRiiWN ilcad calllc, hmes and mulesAl New York. llerulillc Iron nuil Sleel itu i ii " s. :M ES :ii:i Sun rranclsco St.CORNER ON W. BOULEVARD. COMPANY Real Estate Farms and By Associated hauled away Tree. Phone 71 immediately.Fino corner for apartment; 15,500. 100 San Antonio. Southern Parirle , ... IUO'aPhone 550.

Ranches New York, Dec. 2. Copper steady; Southern Hallway !M IIEVIISÍS. " I (lllltllS EOR SALE.

LOTS ON MESA AVE. JOc. Stiuleliaker Co 149 I'h Ih7. W in throw away jour ulil nuiiltiire whenFIVE CORNER UR. A. ni.ltli'N 496 M Rldg.In the 1400 block. Best new and buy In RANCHMEN. ATTENTION Iron steaJy and unchanged. Tennessee Copper K wo are positively the highest payers ror

Tin WL8MH. hll HAI CIICIl Mills III Ik". Ph. 4H57. seco'id-haiit- l lurniture ami luiuschold arti-cles?city for home or apartment alte; 98,500. Just the place tor you. Plenty of room Tesas company 207

ror yur rtock lo grow. Thousands or Lead orre red at 88.28. . Union parltlc 137M lu Stcveils" Ml 19 Hlllg. Ph. 1196. El Paso New and Scroiid-Han- store.78 PET J.1 8. OREGON ST. acres or rree and undisturbed range; Speller, 917.254jl7.75. Un prererred HS hll EE .Mcl.MnSII.,60H 1st nl. Iiiink Hlilg. Phone 34111 4(i S. CI PQ.

Buy this before the street Is opened and I've another large corner, 130x120. abundance or water; water power to grind United Slates Steel K4 " WANIEI' All kinds ..r rui'iiltiire We inymake iC per cent on Investment: 1100 per on Texas and Virginia Sts. ror sale your reed, light your home, saw your

Associated Press.At London. lio prererred Hi1, ." IIEIEITIVE At.EMIES. more foi yiuir unoila tliiin any firm In 1I1

foot. at a bargain. wood; silos; hundreds or acres or By malt Copper 77S Helccllvii I11VC.1- -Hen Wllllnnis AgencyLondon, Dec. 2. Copper Spot, 70 10s; Hi: city. 808 S. Kl Paao. Western FurniturePROPERTY corn and wheat land, now In cultivation CM. Western I'nlnn 87Í$ tlgallnn made or civil and criminal cases. Co. Phone

WE HAVE VACANT LAND INCOME BUSINESS and under Irrigation; hardy, bear-ing

futures, 80; electrolytic Westlnghoiise Electric '. 07 ,,.; 17 list Nat Hank Hlilg. Phone 4406,and improved land for sale. Also some In heart or city. This Is large, orchard ready to ship to market fltm Tin Spot, (108 8s; rulures, ttni 10s. Molilalia Power 70 I1ETECÍ AUI .NCY. MORALE WAREHOUSES.IVEproperty, with modorn Antimony, 125. J SI'ANSI.I. it SDNgood iraoes. apples and other varieties of rrult: 2,000

Load, 28 18. oenaraJ Motor 4u Itoillll ,VI7, TWO Hup. He llldg. I'll. Mil- II I s WART l uní rmiÉf3r"building head or llcrerord cattle; ,000 head or horses Wahash preferred 'Wi ' . We buy sell and store pack, ship, andJ. H. SMITH A SONS, and other livestock; run; headquarters Spelter, 100. Hit- national Marine pfd ', UISINEEI'ITNO. move household goods.

Pbone 441. 200 Texas 3L STORES FOR RENT buildings and lols of others scattered over Hid. us chemical (.;d., Phone 68. 996 S. B tan ton St.Notary Public Insurance. In business center. the Blare; 15 miles or pipe line to 20 dirrer-en- El Paso Bmeller Quotation. Total sales ror tho day. sgn.noo shares. an

Phone 4867. PASb FACTÍÍRYnasturei! shlnplng. pens on the place Hai silver (Handy at Harmon quotation), lit H. Kansas Street. EL TRUNK New WarFRANK A. SPENCE, KttC. house, safest location; positively lowestill ine enure raiiru uuoer iciirc. mree DHferfsliÁEÍNO.

Real Estate and Insurance, hours from El Paso. LET US SHOW YOU London lead, 28 8s fid. LIVESTOCK MARKETS.WANTED Fashionable dressmaking; satin- rates. Phone 1084.

406 Mills Bldg. Phone 1233. THIS PLACE NOW. PigCopper

lead,wire, 10.55c. Al Chicago Taction guaranleed. Phone 7088. STOVE RKPA1HINU.


REALTY CO., By Associated Pros. Mils'." II A Ml .IN, tlressiiioiiing. 7,IK N. Ochoa STOVE REPÁTRIN0 New dsj'U made andBldg;.NEW F.Nul AM) RAILROADK PROSPER. Chicago, Iec. (.Hogs Receipts, 47,000.

Miss i iiwi R. ilressiiiakiiig. Ph. rw 1. carried for all make or ttcvoa. I.. J.THE PROOF HE IMMl'iltA !:- - ULI AItTJiENl or the By Associated Pros. Market lalrly active, 5 to 10c shove yes-

terday'sPeeler, with D. 4t II. Iron Works, comer E.

Kieohant Un ite Water Users' association. New Yoik, Dec. 2. Earnings or tho New average. Bulk, IMMMOi light. "iRt c; stores". Firth and 8. Florenre Sts. Phone what we told you In the ad we have RAM lili O




1.11 Cruces. New Mexico. Invites the York, Nov Haven t Hartford railroad for 85.666.0; heavy, 98.85(B6.n5; pigs, :i.7.'.'u)WARNER'S "mil 'i CO. releplnme bpAnIsm lessons.GOOD FOR l.oroeseekei s attention to lrclgated farm iiriuber Indicated that New England It L.85.ruiiuiug;, cuuucu Control oi canyon spring ror wa-

ter;lanió under the project. The association sharing to a large degree In the present Cattle Receipts, 6,000. Market steady. Prnmpl deliveries. 96 A MONTH, 6074 8. El Paso 8t Rm. 11.

"THE REASON WHY?" , box house; 4 acres will show all lands natco ror sale, provid' Industrial boom, tiperaung revenue or Native beer steers, aSámM8 Western I I IIMII RE lll l'AllllNt.mixed orchard (prbduced information a 10 their quality and value TA1L0H8.calves,steers, 96.SuíjS.ó, cows, 9i.B6Hf8.V8;Increase or 8884,000 overshows an 11 cash I'llui s l lil Nc cti.

CAN YOU beat this? About too acres In about 9300 trull last year);cultivation.

80 acres will suoervisc your uurcuase. protect youi the corresponding month or laat year, while 96.6O4910.6O. chairs innilie to order, l.aperl lu antique, Tlie El Pasó fallóla "and "cieaneri, 417 Texa.the and land the car, be put In Irrigated ir.ieresia. and help you lo suieed. Write or income or 9716,334 Is in-

creasedsheep itiTcipi, 19.000. Market rirm.valley some In upper level

. tor Price only net corporate I. ills XIV anil cum XVI designs, utve us abonanza you.not subject to ditch Irrigation. About 190 consider an El Paso home call. by 9529,580. Wethers, ... lamba, 97'Uw.06. 111., phone t'.9. :iir. letas St., upsialra. TANKS.acres In cultivation. About 8 or 10 acres In Will

. TRADE YOUR CITY PROPEHTY All the separated companies In which New M in. iioliiilsterei'l. re- - TANKS, culverts, irrigation pipe, alios.11bearing rrult trees or all kinds. About to aa payment.INVESTMENT for vallev land that will double In value In Haven retains a dominant interest disclosed Al Kansas City

Ilennlger Rros.. 1900 gsrsges, etc. Ask ror catalogue. Pbont or 00 acres in alfalfa. adobe house. NEWMAN

COMPANY, the next year. We have the blggesi bar- - appreciable gross and net gains, notably By Assoclsled Press. Hatred ndPhonenarked.

9V04. I486. line. Sutton & White Mfg. Co.Large aaooe Day barn. Plenty or other San Antonio St gam in our properly lists anu are always the Central New England Railway, wbote Kansas City. Dec. I. Hogs Receipts. Myrtle Ave.

"'outbuildings, unly 20 miles up the valley, Phone 650. too picasen 10 snow umvnn panics. net I Increased from 95,448 to 9168.085. 6,600. Market steady. Bulk, 8S.i54in mi. OAlrOLlNEFIVE

TYPEWRITERS.or 'be main alien and paved road. Will i nk LA 9ALI.L llf.Ai. I I heavy. 90. :'. on. light. 6.90)8.U; pigs, oil wood 96c, coal 78c 8k. TYPEWItn I IIS absolutely rebiiut by76c,aeli you the Irrigated land at 176 per acre Herald Bldg. . Phone 190 I Inert for Speeding H.4026. gals, mrclianlcs. scpplie ror all makesand throw in the rest, which gives you out-let WANTED By a Jaaauiese couple, leaae, ror A. H. Cook was assessed a line or $5 Cattle Receipts, 9,600. Market steady. Phone 9568. or machine.. Rebuilt Typewriter Co., 40

to hundred of thousands of aerea or year with cash rent, on a small rarm land when round guilty or speeding by Jury Prime red steers. '. u ". pressed beer ' "HAIRURESSINC. Meaa. Phone 1747.ire range. yesterday ariernoon in Judge James I. steers, 7'nw. western aleeri, in asun r.,

llAlnmii.s-lN'- i. manicuring ami Marlnello TYPEWRTfEiTÁND OFFICE SUPPLY CO. AllMurphy's court. The defendant was also cslvet, 96grv 60.

Misses Rodrigue!. Roberts Rainier. makes suhl, rented and repaired. 116 MillaBailey Land Co. DO YOU KNOW Sheen Receinls. 9.0G1). Market steady. prepscompelled to pay the coats of the case, tho St. Phone 839. Agcnl Corona Typewriter.mat I make a specialty or FOH SALE 9275 equity in 10 acres choice total amount being 928.20. Lambs, ar.íi wi yearlings, 8e.St9jr7.40; JEWELERS806 Mesa we. Phone S06S. new bungalow? Have as orange and olive land at Portervllle, Cal. wether. 85.60fl.8. fAAlliEHVIISTS.location. Total 9ik)j Tn HUN till diamond at r. per rein.and pricelist there Is In Ideal climatecomplete a as 60c; Mi l AN IÍRI1S. Phone 700." got Priaco"Worth 91,500 Watchn cleaned, 80c; mainsprings,terms. nowthe clly. Any slie, any loca-

tion,9850, payable easy At rorl Wort. SanCo.. 106

REVENUE BEARINti. any price. And an es-pecial

F. 2619, care Times. AUTO STAGE LINES Special to the Morning Time. warranted. Denver Jewelry TRANSFERS.Close-l- East effort will always be Worth. Teis. Dec. . Hog Re-

ceipt!,Antonio Wigwam Bldg.corner. Missouri, two Fl7lillf-aLA- CHIVKH A IT. l UNE Port PtiMEIHiY'S F.I. PASO TRANSFER CO., 309- -

bricks, annual rent 1780, 10 per cent on made to get you the very Want to Buy Heal Estate & UOUNIMi WKHT BIUK liKUVEKY 3,000. Market steady on beat kind. MESNENf.KHH. aiii s Oregon. Storage, baggage, and7uu. i. an deliver rignt now ror 87,000, easiest terras. Ulve yourseir a

"CASH Lmvsh houNr Pliu, rront Uolmi 8hlduo. cUILy Ton. lift,- Hulk. t. 4036.60. ii'EN Messenger r Ph IKO itrer. Phone 9444.good terms. square deal. See me flriL WILL V 9200

MM MU! K univt lu Lu Crucm riltla Receipts, 4.000, Including 400 lllil WE- -I

DOWN TOWN BRICK. OTHO R. HILL, and 930 a month, including Interest, ror 4 10 00 a. calves. Market steady and active. Beef CAL IS Ml s1l.Mil.ll SEHVH I lie 4996" Tt RKISH BATHS.Two story, rented to wholesaler, first 501 Capíes Bldg. phone 251. or 8 room bouse, close n In Highland Park

TSc; Cbaakaaino. t W: Lava Meaa. MM; Han Miguel. teen, gtVOe.aO: rows, bi; neiiers. kp Ml IP Hll' Messenger Ser Ph. 6100. 106 N Oregon Louia WacHtT l'rop. Ph. 1090.Adore a. tor Altura, Not over 93,000.rioor rents bulk HB0O6.98; bulls, 944J6; calve,3,uou per second wouldyear, I.a. Crucea 10 Han aalgucl, sec; La Aleaa. Tee' C.SS,rent 1.80U. or total or 64.800 10 per cent care Time. ÍLTSI 91.00. La Colon Hlorc. (1,91 aeuUlle. atocker sleer. 99.804K.7&. Jl XK DEALERS VEII UINAIIY Ml HI. EONSon ase., tan sen ror saz,uuu. sea air. Leiial Notices il.ti. Tbrougb fate each way El I ruiea. 91. Sheep Receipts. SOO; mostly stocker stufr El. PASii IlitiN AND METAL CI 1606 San Hit" It. A llliiiil.NS. I'htitie W. "ot'"SouthHEAD. Iteturnl ig. auto leaica Laa Crucea I'oaloffba al S:9 mild over rroni weiincguay a ainuit siicejp Antonio; iicatvrs in scrap ruhlier. nregiin Hospital !! ml ilogs.

PARlf W. PITMAN REALTY CO., DatPAhTMtfNf OF TBX DenfWOS OPPICB Og p m. arrt'lng El I'aao 5 a p. an. active; stockers dull. courier, brass, hones, eir. rhone 4960.Hn, all capreo. pavkagea carried at nominal ratea. SAX MA8ER. D. V. 8. Phon 1167.70 Two HepubUcs Uldg. Boulevard Corner Make reeeriaUon Ibe litsbt laafore trr calling Tin Am El. PASii Jtk cti nos liighesl price



birla forCom



oí íraatoaRaawealloa.

peíel leu ea on ClrrgUilhrn PeajartgnajaA, BieaaO "999. MONEY MARKETS. ror all kinds Junk. 8116 Alameda. Phone WeLpino.RESIDENCES. 120 reel on Boulevard or 7S reet on is. for a period oí Uiree reara from Juna I. 1S14. EL l'AiiO Lari I kUciit Al To I. INE.

York. HEAVY "machine ami aiitoinohlle" parta weld-ei- iHive beautiful, well located Montana 8t le S.0 bead oí aalUa will ba rerelead al the urn:' IN'. TIMES in 11 At New

ILLINOIS BOTTLE AND JUNK CO., promptly hroun Welding trade for Income dent í tha Tongue In Lavaean Ptnn-- I'laaa, front af llulel Hbaldiai. dally By Attorlated good property or lor '980 per month. Improvement of Iba Ouprrln van Ovrland.renting tero o'clock p. Uaoda, New York, Dec 9. Mercantile paper, MM B. E52SLJÜÍÍ:dlaa gcbool untilPrli-.-une or wore guuu in me cuy. I. .If rT nmnfrtv IS Y out Business Represented inill Immedlatel tliereatarST, ISIS, and a (M cent.come leu u juu ue. aleaoulls, 91. t; Meellla irk. l IS; 94 per MOViNla.Bartno. 91. JS.12.500: terms. onaneal In tba Draaciee eugh bidder ae ma at bar Z )silver. 58Hc. the A to DirectoryMACON SCOTT REALTY CO land Tba prucioeal MM n. addraaae-- lo Ibe lata crueea. gg.ea. Í40 VINO' Moving f Call odoin7 Tranlr Co.

426 Mills Bldg. phone 557 Jan. J. Watts, Sole Agent Uturulng, abto leareg Laa Crucen Urug Blnra LaaOoverrunentMexican dollars,

bonds steady.V

REST BUY gaaail aiprgaj parbagea eavrrtad at nominal ralea.ON WEST OVERLAND. Phone 454. 104 San Francisco at lleaarieUun ' Maka reaariatlone lb ulgbl balo al Tunee Uraucb aIn Nonio. n cnarenne Indiau Time loans steady, nitty days, per

A large piece or ground, with 2 new CLOBk-I- PKol KRTY. No. I. I Sí TnaaMoiriirirs In the block, at a most reasonable Vacant corner, 2 block from one or the CATO HKLLSI.




UNE. Call money steady;' ruling rate, i per eenL While You Are Reading Thisprice below anything on the street. In the large department (tore, a gooa uuy.Laaiea l'lone riea. rront Hotel Sl.cldon. dell

auto aeciiuu. 40X180 FEET, CLOSE IN. I aaTlrln k'abena 0 0 Meilran Curreary Quolallon.and Hun. lay at a. in.. a. nr..LEAVELL, PALM A SHERMAN, imnroved with a good building No. IS.vM Bid. Asked.ft Butlb road la Tálala, taveavr aoulb roadaoie agei. ii. renting ror 88,000 year. Price 814400, on In Uve


judicialCourt ,'. B Nal'onal and Bank of London Thousands Are So, Tooterms. Take this ir you want good income gearlr

D. ISIS Cnluabue Hiau Bank. Valaaa airlrlna El Peen Lille . 19.00 19.80 DoingGovernment Hill, 6 room bungalow wUh nroterty mat win increase m ruin. Jieae lieales. a nargoiaUor,. piamurr, ee. aiae lie. Luibl eiaeea, ' taalaeae uauaartad al noimnal SUte bill 19 00 18.60

basement, 9 corner lota. Don't bum th.s CORNER. 110X190 FEET. m rrlrlenier tut Lola n irlgnaa. del andante. aaaaaa - Carrania currency e.76revea anaae leaeaiaineie rugui..7Z.-- n owner must have ndUSL' Close In. Income rj.Too year. Price

Wnereau br vtrtuaNo.

of anlt.wr.

rda of aada loaned eael eauaunel uevaruneau. riaun Silver peo'

41.0 The above ia a ready reference guide to the business and pro-

fessionalfU nA3t.i imu.ii 93.300. Will increase rapidly in vaiu. Court of KX Paw orniao. nXWIU(3aJUIiaOJ MAIL LIN. SUver hair dollars 96.00at Uve DUvrL i

bTu sale by Owne'r bungalow JAY F. KNOX COMPANY, Tanaa, on lu'brrnaru teBde1 If eald oaaart a Uve reaanar rarrice veafina bata ataaravgu and C houses mi the city. Your name, address and phonewill soon be completed; furnace U4 Mills BL Phone MM jeA ejLT of Oetobar, A l 11S. In laaor of tba la dalii and 9undu at I a. nr., fog Pleach. Tin COTTON MARKETS.


giaasea-u- i steeping poren ana moa forced to bell aaldagaluelI .durable.





Nearand Lai number inserted under the correct classification will bring you

ern in every way. Call at or adores WU kodrtguaa. Na. 11.457 u, ibe docket of aald court Baggage carried lab At New York.son Apt-- (200 each. Call at 418 r Bldg. wkloti peoevdea J'"ÍSV V gaande fiat; cacee at lo par poun Br Aaaoctsted Pre into direct communication with the thousands of Times readersgSSSS or pnone ia nwkari rtm m ike ucejeat begjjevyiar V BOawElX AUTO COMl'ANY. Hew York, Dec. pot cotlon quleLYoh SALE By owner, modern galA lien aedalol on of Ovreaaa envi Opecebara. Favone Middling- uolanda. 11.40c. Sales. 609 bale. each day.' house on 8 corner t lota, f sleep-ing

FOR SALE" advertisement in toe Times rZbee. A. D 119. I lid on Ibe tod da, e ULOBet TO PUOENIt. Future closed barely ateady today at aporches, large abed, fenced, ireel. vines. ha lately sold a used car ror somebody ÜasaaxbaaT, A. D. 1919. u'rjawk 9. in.. vee net 01 n or at ui" iuni kciaociine lac,you know unless you are a stranger In aiajon lb folio tag eVaacrlbo. mol al asnal of land TVaae a keaia. atlon at Daaalnlon HotaL or to day. uecemuer. uwc; January, This Cost Is Only a Few Cents a WeekRlig.HimTtJUl 1 assured that low l Uioan OUa Vallar Aalo Ktaga Una 1987c.may every

and lalalglevg u lha aal Marcea Bodrlguaa aevl 19.90c; March, 18.60c; July.desirable noose or auaruuum ui ids cuy THE Times elasslrted advertiser "turn it Lavta BnilrWivaa loertl: A. "f loi aneen BNOLat HITTE AND HOT ni llINU

available to them will be advertised In the Into money" that used article whose care (fl in I r--f one J EV4I at M nana At Llvrl For rates and information, call the AdvertisingTiin. ana storage are vemg you aéaaUtf Ika Hack bar UUru--- Utl By Auoclkted Press.POlT S.VLK-T- wo lots. Orchard Parti o aid etariurattaiag .r "en af aMnattealnlji MmEKXSmM Liverpool, Dee. 9. Spot cotton steady, Department Telephone 5050

9150 each; 88o down, (to a month. siu. tat aa ISO feaa. ,1 an Uve 4Kb dw af flood nfldOltng. 78d; iñlddimg. 7.68d; lowtune 70U. TJU7CL Bal, 1U.UW UBéea.

16 EL PASO MORNING TIMES Friday. December 3.

I graphone company cup. nr. A. f Foote, tlonal hank cup: H. M. Whitfield, best male.of roal rrom Mount Franklin Fuel and

AWARDS COMPLETED iiinmoa pen, hi rue aunory roioyuij id company; B. M. wbltflew, beat fe-

male.cup; J. W. Webb, beat pullet mating pen. IS worth of merchandise from Bol-erasilberberg Bros, cop; Dr. A.sL. Foote, best Furniture company.

pullet mating cockerel, cup donsted by Brows LrghoraaEl Paso Vulcanizing Works charles Broward. John W. oreen. Albuquerque, beat femáis, rAT POULTRY SHOW Bull Plymouth Necks. one pair of ahoes from Ouar antee shoeH. J. t a- i. snarwood. Den pen, torn b.

Watson rompany cup; H. J. It A. J. Sher-wood,


best male, ton of coal from s While feghoraa. TOEXPERT VULCANIZING company: II. J. A. J. Sherwood, oualitv Poultry yards, beat pen, Pinnl-ga-

beat remale, briar pipe offered by I. F. Brown company cup; Quality PoultryEl. Psn rim is IN CARRY OfT MA-

JORITYpi Hum cigar company. yards, best cockerel, Long Lumber company

OK PHI7KM nnutKIl FOB White wysaaoucs. cup; Quality Poultry yarda, best hen, 15

BEST EXHIIIIT or FANCY BREEDS. nr. it if lloman. best dlsolav. City Na worth or merchandise rrom Burton-Ling- Times Subscriberstional bank cup; br. It. B. Roman, best Lumber company; Quality Poultry yarda,Inrrracrt Attendance Malted aeeond Da) cockerel, lit worth of setting eggs from best male, tt pair of efioea from Walk-

overof Www: M. U. Woolcy Won Turkey chañes v. ateeier. Shoe company(.Urn a l'rlr Last Evnilafl. litoide Island Beds (Both Combat. Mode Island Whites.

C. L. Jackson, liest display, Curtls-Kln-

Vacuum A large fnrres-- if patronage and Inler-on- trophy; It. O. Powers, best male, Dean D. liarley Caldwell. Canutillo, beat pen,All work guaranteed. Agents Pennsylvania Henry Mohr Hardware company cup.

ent marked the s day or tin- annual Clark company, brass humidor; P. C. Miller,El Paso poultry n , now In progress at best female, Harry Swain company cup; Hantaan Awards. If you fail to receive your Morning Times orCup Oil Proof Tire. Guaranteed 6,000 miles. One 90 Mill! street Yi tcrdsy afternoon Judge L. Jackson, best hen, ga.SO In merchandlsi Hlhbons were given to the following

Van winki. r Hallas completed the from B. B. Bias Fuel rompany; C. L. Jack

inner tube free with each case until January 1 , 1916. k of Judging the prize winning birds, son. best cockerel, tt hat from Union Cloth tints; Helen Wilson, best pair Seabrlght if it is not delivered until 6:30 a. m. or laterlie leri last night f'.r home, accompanied Ing company; Dr. A. Swedberg, Denver, bantams: wttiiam sacna, neat coca in ori-

entalby II. T. Campbell, secretary or the Ameri-can

best royal comb remale. II worth of en-graved

silkies class; William Sacha, beat benPoultry asaorlatlon. carda from El Paso printing com-

pany.In oriental Silkies class; F. C. MlUer, best on week days, please favor the Circulation De-

partmentYour Business Appreciated Mr. Campbell gave a lecture at 8 o'clock rock in Miver roitsn ciasa; r. Mineryesterday afternoon to about ISO El Paao English Class Sweepstakes. best ben In Silver Polish class ; F. C 5050.valley farmer, who had been invited by W. W. orrice, Fo.r, coio., beat display, Miner, best pullet in Stiver Polish class. by making complaint phonethe ooultry association lo attend the ahow. W. T. II upon Jewelry company cup; T. w. Lady Exhibitors' Class.Ilia talk waa on subjects of general Interest Hubbard, Liberal. Kan., beat male, Rio

Mrs. J. S. Porcher, El Paso, best pen, A will bring if(irande Valley Bank and Trust company special messenger you a paper117 N. KANSAS ST. to poultry breeder. Bob Moore Star Drug company, bottle ofW. W. Office, best female,If. D. Wooley. of dtii Ttorth Htunton street. cup; iierrmne: Mrs. J. S. Porcher. best male.waa the winner or the prize turkey given company cup;


beatII. Morgan

male, tot)At Bona,


querque, or bottle of perfume from Potter the carrier boy fails to make delivery. Carriersaway last night by the asaorlatlon. The lirug company; Mra. jr. 8. Porcher, beat re-

male.seedhen rood from W. D. Wise company;PHONE 3240 ulmw will end Saturday night 15' pair of shoes from Lerner Shoe

following Is the. Hat of award made T. W. Hubbard, second best hen, one dozen andcompany. all faithful, energetic employees appre-

ciateyeterday. egg shipping boxes, donated by W. D. Wise are

company; E. C. Illggtns. El Paao, second Turkeys.American Class Barred Ply mouth Rorka. best pullet, rood hopper donated by W. 1).

4. w. wean, r.i rasp, him auu. iniru Wlae Seed, worth of merchandise from Charles that "service" means their rnr.serei; nrai anil toiirtn ex Fault company: A. B. Piddle, Clint, second

hililtlon hen, second and firth .lilbl Bnff Orolntitonv best torn and flrat hen, ribbon; Marcuslion pullet; first and aeeond rihlbl It. M Elliott, Kl Paso, best pen. Market Juimjoini, Clint, third torn and second hen,mayor. "It la my Intention to aee lion pen: fourth and rirtli coekere Produce company cup; r. w. iiunDaro, nest ribbon.LEA DECLARES WAR to It that undealrablea, If they Insist m.itlng pullet-- second cockerel mating cockerel, box of ionics frtur. Cromblr A IllcliS.

upon remaining In El Paao, spend pen; rirat piillet mating cock; first and third Co.; T. W. Hubbard, beat ben, It shirt Pom Mrs. Jack Harrison, best pair. K worth' of Call Ear!ylD)iii't Neglecttheir time on the rock pile. pullet mating pen. Dr. A. I.. Koote. El "Tne Fasmon- - store. merchandise from Hoyt Furniture com-pany,raso, first, second and third exhibition Black Orolnntons."The police have been Instructed rork; second, roitrttl and firth exhibition E. C. Hlgflns, best female, 100 engraved keep a aharp look out for prop-

rietorscockerel: first, second and third pullet mat-ing

cards rrom western Limograpning rum F. C. Miller, best display, box of applesON UNDESIRABLES and of Juarez cockerel; first, aeeond. third, rourth oany; E. c. Higglns, beat male, 3 razor rrom A. P. Kepley Co. Troubles of this nature can only be overcomereaorta, bunco steerera and other in. rirtli cockerel mating hen; rirst. sec from Buerger Bros. Pheasantscrooka acroaa the river, and I have ond and third cockerel inatlnii pullet; rirst Mediterranean (lass Sweenstakes. j itowiand Gilchrist, best cock. ribbon: of thesubscribers.John theml nurd cockerel mating pen 8 ribbon. byreaaon to believe thene Instruction- - oiiallly Poultry yards, best display, A. D. J. Rowland Ullcbrist, best hen,

tin let Foster Jewelry company cup; Qualify Poul-try

Geese.will be andcheerfully painstakingly o yards, best remale, owl Drug company P. B. White, best pair, a esse or macaroniMAYOR ANNOUNCES I)IVK KERF carried out. and that those who Mi catiron, Kl raso, seronn puiiei Quality Poultry yards. El Paso, second from -- harp Elliott company.cup;RRH Kill VI A I IIOM .HAW-.- , formerly thrived on the fruits of Milium kerei, second pullet mating pen

best cockerel, one roll of roofing piperTJJTWRIX:OMK IN I I. lAHO. crime and crocked gambling acroaa wmi-uns- r.i raso, nrsi cMiiniiion from Lander Lumber company. nliiiiiiillHilli nnmnmiiiinmillet, lieorge p. Fremiti. El Paso, fourththe river will find themaelves con-

frontedcock. Ancones. FORD'S PACIFICISTS

with the alternative of the exhibition H. M. Whitfield, best display, State Na- -

Proton Instructed to Round-u- p Of' Hprrlal Champion "weepslalaiee.fenders and Give Tliran Full Bene-f- lt

chain gang or a Journey to distant In the siieelal champion sweepstakes.- forparts," the mayor concluded. members of the El Paao Poultry associationof tin- Vagrancy Act. Ilragne Out For ITndealmblefl. only. Hie following prlins were awarded: RAILROAD TIME TABLEI. w. went), cnampion pen, noiei raso net MERELY TOURISTSthe Inatructlona of the with it. It became known tonightFollowing Norte nip; Dr. A. I.. Footr, champion cock, Tim. TakU Nt. fffMtln 12:01Mayor Tom Iea haa declared war that since publication of the plans ofmayor a number of arreats were llouck I. Dieter cup; H. J. A. J. Sher-wood,

lun. I. Illl.again at dive keepers and habitúen champion cockerel, Olobe Mills cup; (IPuniftln Time Only.) the party, tbe state department has

made laai night of persons from F.l Paao a S. W. oflo. It. II. llotiian. champion hen. been receiving inquiries, mostand Bait Srrlrt.of dlaorderly placea In Juarea, a From tlw Northacrora the river, four being booked Electric Hallway cup: r. :. Miller, cham-

pionCktlfnrnlan :30 a.m. them of an Informal nature, through

number of whom, owing to 'a recent pullet. First National bank cup; Qiial-lii- 3 (tolden SUla Limited 3:40 p.m. PEACE PARTY ENCOUNTERS UN the embassies and legations here ofchance of administration across the as auspicious characters within a fow Poultry yards (by J. L. Wilson, ) 7 Tn, iimrirl-K- ' l'aao Lorsl (Dsllv ex CHARTERED WATERS WHEN the European powers. Secretaryriver, have been forced to aeok hour of the Issunnce of the order, iiopliy.

, champion display, Sheldon Hotel9 Tummnrl-K- I

.lit Hunda)I'aeo Local (Sun. oolj) .11


p.m.p.m. SEEKING PASSPORTS TO Lansing has promptly explained that

on thin aide of the Klo Grande. and Officers were sent to search for linen Event. 8 CnpperUuWn st.te

II) HpM'lalLimited.., 1:10p.m.

00 p in EUROPE. the party would carry no credentialsYesterday the mayor Isaued others who are believed to he In the In the open sweepstakes the following For Ncirtli ami Kteb Depart from the state department, and did

emphatic ordera to the police to ar-rea!

city. The cases of the four will bo were given: j v. xvetiii, cnampton 1 rallfnniltn 4:45 pm. not differ from any other body of IHSERTIlen Stale Limited I M p.m. Nations Notified IJelearatcsAmer-

icanasecond display, Western Corree company 4 (lol rorclpn inundealrablea from Juarez, Americans traveling Europe.looked into today. in Turuini'irl-R- : Paao Local 7:M.m. Not Accredited Asentacup; J. W. Webb, best cockerel Raised Areánd Mexicana alike, th minute For Uu Weal Iitpart

T. Oldatcln and Ram Jacobs of Kl Paso coiintv bv laemher ot the ussiiiIh- - of United States. Applications for passports havea Ooldrn State l.lmltea z;odp.they attempts to land In El I'aao. been for travel InJuarez were seized last night at the tlon, .Newman Investment company cup; W. 7 Copper lly Npeelal :o p. granted only"Any peraon who haa been a W. ornee. Ciilorailo. champion lien, Sle Grande, El PlM A lasts fa llallreao. neutral countries. Seventy-fiv- e were INpW

proprietor of habitue of a queatlon-abl- e International bridge by city detec-tives Zork Move carafe; F. B. White, Hants Fa Hyilem.) By Associated Preii. issued late today. In several In-

stancesand will be given a hearing this Kl Paso, best nen trealed with 1. Irene. Krom Ilia North Arrie.resort In Juarea, and la driven D. C, Dec. 2. Bev refusedOS Mexican Ripreaa 10 00 a m. Washington. passports were on ac-

countout of the Mexican town need not ex-

pectafternoon before Recorder Thomas cene company cup: H. (1. Powers, Phoenix, SIS El I'san I'iNKenger :S5p.m. neutrals at of Improperly prepared appli HELPMNÍED

charge. Oldateln best male olid in show, Charles P. Fderle eral European nations,on a vagrancy re-

mainedFur the N.irlh , Departa cordial welcome In Kl Paao," bou ot cigars. MA Harinea Cllv and l.'hlraao Piaaanier. I riOa.m. cations or because the applicantsat the city Jail, while Jacoba company well as belligerents, have inquired ofdeclared the mayor with einphaala. American lass Sweepstake. ui Chícelo Mall 8:00p.m. were not American citizens. COLUSORput up a cash bond of 1400. Oarvaatsa. Harrliburl a San Antéele Railroad. the United States concerning the"Theae people, regardless of race, na-

tionalityII. (l. Powers, best rork, China Palace run; Following the rules of the depart

or aex, are clearly undealr-ablea

8. A Hart, who said he was a C. I.. Jackson, Muskogee, okla., best cock-- ,From


Fadflu Bjritem.)Arrie.

atatun of the peace party which Is toment, which, prohibit the issuance of aug

within the meanlnR of the former employe of a Juarez cabaret, erel, W illie House cup; Dr. A. L. Koote. best 9 Sunaet Kxpreei I 30 p. in still In vessels chartered by Henry passports to who desireR. n. Human Ford. To each. Secretary Lansina; personsbefore Thomas sen. cup; nr. 101 Sunaet Limited 10:00 pm.vagrancy act and they will not he was Judge yesterday pullet, American Trust and Savings hank Krom the Weat Arrive. has replied that the American gov visit belligerent countries, unless they

allowed to ply their avocatlona In and was given the privilege of pay-in- enp; nr. it. B. lloman. second best pen, 101 Sunaet Limited 1:30 a.m. ernment not .only has no connection state business of an absolutely neces-saryKl Paao, neither will they be allow-

eda $200 fine or serving an equal rive gallon drinking fountain donated by 1 California!! 4:30 u rn. and urgent character, Secretary10 Sunset Kapreu 10 :00 p.m. with the expedition, but assumes no

to remain here, at leaat they will number of days on the rock pile. the Henry Welsch company; J. W. Webb, For the Kaat Depart tor activities o: Lansing recently ordered that thenot be allowed to remain at large, Vagrancy was the charge set opposite second best hen, 100 pounds of oyster shell a; 43 a.m. responsibility


part of those en peace advocates be given no paesportsdonated by W..D. wise Seed .10:30 p.m. negotiations onawaiting the time when they his name.Charle Marslon, El Paso, second best

rompany;cocjt, til Wat.. limar gaged in the movement. for nations in the war zone. Officials

It safe to return to their Jose Flores, who said he came drinking rountain donated by W. P. Wise 9CallforulauSunaet Kxpreaa 1:00

:4!i a.m. The fact that Mr. Ford had con class the members of the party as.haunts across the river. Juarez recently, waa yesterday turned Bqetl company; F. t:. Miller, second best 101 Sunaet Uñttad 10:15p.m.

pm.ferred with President Wilson before tourists.

"As Boon aa they ahow their facea, over to the county authorities. A millet. Kilt and shell hopper donated by W. Taxas A Paoino Railway. launching his movement to end the At the British embassy today, itwill he arrested by the police and burglary complaint agalnat the pris-

onerI). Wise

secondSeed company;

best rockerd,II. J. tí

mashA. J.


wood, S FastFrom

ExpreeaHie East


a.m. Buropean War, gave some of the waa indicated that without passportslulled Into corporation court where haa been Tiled In the county donated by W. p. Wise seed company. ambassadors and ministers the Im-

pressionIn proper form, no one would be

their chancea of being heavily fined court. Borne 20 pairs of ahoes figure Ilnrrrn rt minim nocKv that the Washington gov-ernment

permitted to land In Great Britain Phone 5050are moat excellent," continued the In the complaint. nr. Foote, best pen. National Tele- might have some connection rrpm the Ford ship.


By EDNA GOODRICHwork. For the time being the wounded the face of real peril, prepared them-- 1 the narrow streets, and it is a the militants. The beds are under great ed as to the manner in which the expert

EDITOR'S NOTE Edna Goodrich, forgot their hurts and the well forgot selves for the mighty test of courage little, thin woman in a big thick cloak tents in the park, well sheltered and surgeons locate bullets that have struckIke author of this interesting article, the terrors of the They and strength. I have come to think of who is chauffeur, or, one might better it goes without saying well aired. The these poor fellows. Ingenious ways ofbaa long Seen known as one ol the thought only of the drama on the screen say, chauffcuse. She drives fast and counter-pane- s are pink that is the wo-

manfinding bullets and pieces of shrapnelmost

atagt.beautiful women on the Ameri-

cas before them. It waa amarinar A Inner front, the women at home. None ever faster because it is a matter of life and of it When the sun shines, the are resorted to by French surgeons withAt th outbreak el the war he strip of celluloid in a little round tin will be able to tell for which the test is death. They form one of the Scottish nurses lift up the tent flaps and let the the aid of powerful but

lor afrvice aa a Red Croaa no nuraea a inousana men back to greater. Women's lloiuiuls military hospitals soldiers profit, and when the rain falls, the Sutton method, of American origin,iraraa,



a year'sol

devotedthe continent


ier health. Did I then do wrong to desert they close them down. The French is becoming universally used.h haa now returned to thit country my post when the chance came to ap-

pearwounded are jealous to be cared for in Another American whose name willto make her photoplay debut at Para before the motion picture camera? this hospital. be writ large in the medical history ofmount theatres in productions ol tlíe, I think not To thnae, cnlHirr eenr firal

Laalrv Feature Plav fnmrunv I the war is Dr. Kenneth Taylor, whoa WOUNDED French soldierr photoplay will he shown it isat soon asHer reasona lor doing ao are un-

usual.discovered the antidote for gas n.

Yet, having read her article, completen, ana i Know mat in a round JaV said to me: "These ladies When it was not yet knownyou will be inclined to aree that tin hos I will do more onnH than ever are ever so much gentlershe waa right. "In nurse's unliorm I than doctors but whether his experiments were successful

I could in nurse'a uniform. our military they arecan nurse out lew, where In th film or not, an unknown American girl aI can help thousaada to forget," she nurse at the front inoculated herselfeeya. with the deadly poison, though no one

knew of her heroic deed till later. Theantidote worked and she was saved, but

hT is now two months since I her act deserves mention as one of thelast saw through tearful, un-- I bravest of all time.happy eye throbbing and

i Europe. Through removing bullets by the Suttonthe haze of early morning IN the wounded man ismy last vision ot that land placed on a table, beneath whichof strife and woe will re is an machine, and over

main a clear picture never to be for is placed the tube of light usedgotten. in the photographing process. The

Momenta in life when we are expert bullet then it shown on the plate,encing the biggest emotions frequently which is placed beneath the pa-

tientarc made indelible in our minds by rea The has demonstrated thatson of the tiny incidents recorded in like nearly everything else in France, itsacmory. As I turned from the steam is "somewhere near a certain locality."ship rail, when the little strip of land But how deep? The tube then is placedthey call England disappeared from at another angle. The shadows areview on the horizon, I noticed beside made to cross and the bullet is againme a woman wearing a detected. To find how far to probeand standing close to a lifeboat, which the surgeon resorts to mathematics andswung unconcernedly on its davits. works out his calculations by the simple

So, when I think of Europe passing principles of triangularon.from view, I think also of the little The surgeon thrusts a hollow, needle-

liketout person at my side who, with some device into the body, finds the bul-let,teason, no doubt, still maintained a cer-

tainand puts a piece of slightly barbed

sense of fear while we steamed piano wire down to hold to the tissueswiftly through the submarine "war fuel. With others in uniform I was around the bullet Then the patient isgone" on our way back to America. sent to base hospitals ore the continent wheeled to the operating room, where

Now, I am writing on a mission desk When all the deeds of men are rec-

orded,the work of removing the bullet is

in little cabin in the mountains of XS28Pr woman's place in this mighty WKStWffV quickly accomplished. I have known of' southern California. It is autumn on HW struggle of the nations will be Writ. "a'Tírgí' , cases where triangulation has been donathe hillsides. The mountains and fed Everywhere bullets have killed their within five minutes,hills are covered with fol-iage.

thousands, and women by careful nurs-ing,

It is the bravery of these poor men,What a contrast Here I see WAS in London during those quick attention and great fortitude however, that wrings anguish from the

crimson as nature paints with it ; far I eventful weeks which preceded WITH ethers I became have saved tens of thousands. Ameri-can

of Ihe Dames d'Ecossc, the French say also stricter. I can tell you that disci-pline

heart No complaints, no bitter wordsway in unhappy Europe I saw it as August 1, 1914. That seems

in providing relief for women have had their part in this politely. There is not a man in the is serious here. They have shown against their cause which led them toman recklessly flaunts it. It is too big. ago! What excitement it waa


, jcacipiau iciuK", uiuac poor mighty work. Both the American Am-bulance

hospital except the wounded. Doctors us they can be good doctors, but they sacrifice. Shattered limbs, serious fleshtoo wonderful for the human mind to penny papers screeched the headlines

as people driven from their homes Hospital in Paris and the and surgeons, nurses and stretcher bear-

ers,are good militara, too." Another said, wounds, blindness, deafness from the

grasp. And yet, I should say, my life in through the streets. "It can'tlor reasons they know not. My American hospitals in the various and those women chauffeurs, , who "Yes, and they won't let you play with great detonations but no word of com-

plaintthe past year in Europe and in peaceful some person Observed, "that civiliredbe," duties in these early days were chiefly French cities in the outlying districts of go to the clearing hospitals at the front your health. If yon stay with your feet

clerical. Being a professional woman, French have back the wounded all are in the when it is damp, they are Man isAmerica has provided experiences prob-ably

Europe is about to itself the capital, been wonder-fully

and bring grass a queer creature who quicklyplunge intono oth r American woman has had. war!" Others said, 'The inevitable

I was suited to almost any kind of work, efficient units in. the greatest relief women I regular gendarmes, I assure you. They adapts himself to conditions. The quick-nessAs a nurse in the field hospitals I did has come." The latter

and through committees our organiza-tion

organization the world's history ever are all real mothers, but they want to with which war was grasped meantall that I could to relieve the suffering Then interval

were right. found many homes for the home-less

has seen. hospital is in the tnidit.of have children." also that human understood as quicklycame whenaround me. But 1 was only one. My ish capital was

anwild with

the Brit- - and cared for the ill. V THIS park, and is The French wounded laugh more fre-quently

war's and pain and deathefforts were ao small in effect. I was Belgium's had

excitement. It was several months later when the finer illustration of what as they say. There are and there is more cheer in their and suffering and poverty are some ofbut a speck on the horizon of the world. and in succession




great call for women to nurse at the NO are doing in France to-

daysix women doctora, besides women hospitals than in any others on the line them.' And that is why it is so difficult

Then one night 1 saw a wonderful Europe plunged themselvesgreat front rang through England. It seem-

ed,is to. be had than if I tell surgeons and women at the phar-

macy.of relief. for one who has been in the midst to

thing. A motion picture show was swiftly as to theinto war, so in 3 newer to, that rail Ska, you of a hospital that is half way The nurses wear a little In the course of my experience in war obtain a perspective. The most horrible

given jt the hospital where I was at Men new tastagger imagination. more responded than were needed But between the battle line and Paris. blue cap. and look very comforting not hospitals on the continent. I have seen things become commonplace, always soanna ; woman, ever calm in war, like hre, ts never satisfied with its Its motor ambulances tear through at all like the traditional costumes of wonderful things. Frequently I am ask to remain.