a gothic chronology

1 © S.J. Carver 2015 A Gothic Chronology By Stephen Carver Ph.D This is a resource I initially put together when lecturing Gothic fiction about ten years ago which I’ve now attempted to update. It is relatively straightforward to compile a list of primary sources for the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries but after that it gets tricky, firstly because it becomes more difficult to categorise within the evolving genre, and also because of the sheer volume of material. I have decided, therefore, to largely restrict myself to landmarks in literature and film, with only the occasional nod towards art and architecture, graphic novels, TV, gaming, music and fashion. This certainly isn’t a comprehensive timeline, and if I’m missing something obvious or beloved – or if you think I’m leaning more towards ‘horror’ than ‘Gothic’ – then please forgive me. (The latter distinction was always a murky boundary, but I have my reasons for each selection.) That said, I hope this is at least enough of an overview to analyse innovations and trends within the form across the world. Being British, I have presumed to leave the film and fiction of the UK untagged, while countries of origin otherwise appear in parentheses. An illustrated version of this chronology is available at: https://ainsworthandfriends.wordpress.com/2015/12/08/a-gothic-chronology/ Pop Quiz: In Jane Austen’s satire of the fashion for gothic romance, Northanger Abbey, Isabella Thorpe enthusiastically recommends seven ‘horrid novels’ to Catherine Morland. For many years these were believed by literary scholars to have been inventions of the author. There were actually all real books – see if you can find them in this list… THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY: STURM UND DRANG 1706 – Daniel Defoe, A True Relation of the Apparition of one Mrs. Veal, the next Day after her Death: to one Mrs. Bargrave at Canterbury.

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1 © S.J. Carver 2015

A Gothic Chronology

By Stephen Carver Ph.D

This is a resource I initially put together when lecturing Gothic fiction about ten years ago

which I’ve now attempted to update. It is relatively straightforward to compile a list of

primary sources for the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries but after that it gets tricky,

firstly because it becomes more difficult to categorise within the evolving genre, and also

because of the sheer volume of material. I have decided, therefore, to largely restrict myself

to landmarks in literature and film, with only the occasional nod towards art and

architecture, graphic novels, TV, gaming, music and fashion. This certainly isn’t a

comprehensive timeline, and if I’m missing something obvious or beloved – or if you think

I’m leaning more towards ‘horror’ than ‘Gothic’ – then please forgive me. (The latter

distinction was always a murky boundary, but I have my reasons for each selection.) That

said, I hope this is at least enough of an overview to analyse innovations and trends within

the form across the world. Being British, I have presumed to leave the film and fiction of the

UK untagged, while countries of origin otherwise appear in parentheses.

An illustrated version of this chronology is available at:


Pop Quiz: In Jane Austen’s satire of the fashion for gothic romance, Northanger Abbey,

Isabella Thorpe enthusiastically recommends seven ‘horrid novels’ to Catherine Morland.

For many years these were believed by literary scholars to have been inventions of the

author. There were actually all real books – see if you can find them in this list…


1706 – Daniel Defoe, A True Relation of the Apparition of one Mrs. Veal, the next Day after

her Death: to one Mrs. Bargrave at Canterbury.

2 © S.J. Carver 2015

1743 – Robert Blair, The Grave.

1747 – Horace Walpole, 4th Earl of Orford, purchases Strawberry Hill in Twickenham, and

begins to ‘Gothicize’ the property. John Baillie, An Essay on the Sublime.

1755 – Dr. Johnson’s dictionary defines ‘Romantick’ as ‘Resembling the tales or romances;

wild, improbably; false; fanciful; full of wild scenery.’

1757 – Edmund Burke, A Philosophical Enquiry into Our Ideas of the Sublime and the


1758 – Emanuel Swedenborg, Heaven and Hell (De Caelo et Eius Mirabilibus et de inferno,

ex Auditis et Visis, Sweden).

1764 – Walpole, The Castle of Otranto: A Gothic Story.

1765 – Thomas Percy, Reliques of Ancient English Poetry.

1768 – Walpole, The Mysterious Mother.

1774 – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Die Leiden des jungen Werthers (The Sorrows of

Young Werther, Germany).

1777 – First performance of Wirrarr, oder Sturm und Drang (Confusion, or Storm and

Stress) by Friedrich Maximilian Klinger (Germany).

1781 – Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller, Die Räuber (The Robbers, Germany). Henry

Fuseli (Johann Heinrich Fussli) ‘The Nightmare,’ oil on canvas.

1782 – Donatien Alphonse François, Marquis de Sade, Dialogue entre un prêtre et un

moribond (Dialogue Between a Priest and a Dying Man, France).

1785 – Sade, Les 120 journées de Sodome, ou l'École du libertinage (The 120 Days of Sodom,


1786 – William Beckford, Vathek, An Arabian Tale.

1790 – Ann Radcliffe, A Sicilian Romance.

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1791 – Radcliffe, The Romance of the Forest. Sade, Justine, or The Misfortunes of Virtue.

1793 – Eliza Parsons, Castle of Wolfenbach.

1794 – Radclife, The Mysteries of Udolpho. William Godwin, Things as They Are; or The

Adventures of Caleb Williams. Ludwig Flammenberg (Carl Friedrich Kahlert), The

Necromancer; The Tale of the Black Forest (Germany).

1796 – Matthew George Lewis, The Monk; The Castle Spectre. Parsons, The Mysterious

Warning, a German Tale. Peter Will, The Horrid Mysteries, A Story From the

German Of The Marquis Of Grosse (A translation of Der Genius by Carl Grosse,


1797 – Radcliffe, The Italian. Death of Horace Walpole. Sade, Juliette, Or Vice Amply


1798 – Samuel Taylor Coleridge, The Rime of the Ancyent Marinere. Charles Brockden

Brown, Wieland: or, The Transformation: An American Tale (US). Anon, The

Midnight Groan; or The Spectre of the Chapel: Involving An Exposure of the Horrible

Secrets of the Nocturnal Assembly. Anon, Tales of the Crypt. Regina Maria Roche,

Clermont. Francis Lathom, The Midnight Bell. Eleanor Sleath, The Orphan of the


1799 – Godwin, St. Leon: A Tale of the Sixteenth Century. Brockden Brown, Edgar Huntly,

Or, Memoirs of a Sleepwalker.



1800 – Brockden Brown, Arthur Mervyn. Sade, ‘Idée sur les romans,’ Les Crimes de l'Amour

(France). Walter Scott, ‘Glenfinlas; or, Lord Ronald’s Coronach.’

1801 – Lewis, Tales of Wonder.

1807 – T.J. Horsley-Curtis, The Monk of Udolpho: A Romance.

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1808 – Scott, Marmion: A Tale of Flodden Field. Goethe, Faust Part One (Faust. Eine

Tragödie or Faust. Der Tragödie erster Teil, Germany). Lewis, Romantic Tales.

1809 – Birth of Edgar Allan Poe.

1814 – Percy Bysshe Shelley elopes with Mary Godwin.

1815 – E.T.A. Hoffmann, Die Elixiere des Teufels (The Devil’s Elixirs, Germany).

1816 – George Gordon, Lord Byron goes into exile. Byron, Claire Claremont, John Polidori

and the Shelleys holiday at the Villa Diodati on the shores of Lake Geneva – Mary has

a prophetic dream which she records. Charles Robert Maturin, Bertram, or, The Castle

of Aldobrand. Hoffmann, Nacht-stücke (including ‘Der Sandmann,’ Germany).

1817 – Byron, Manfred: A Dramatic Poem. Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine established.

1818 – Mary Shelley, Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus. Jane Austen’s Northanger

Abbey published posthumously. Death of ‘Monk’ Lewis. Thomas Love Peacock,

Nightmare Abbey. Scott, ‘Remarks on Frankenstein’; ‘Narrative of a Fatal Event.’

Daniel Keyte Sandford, ‘A Night in the Catacombs.’ John Wilson, ‘Extracts from

Gosschen’s Diary.’

1819 – John Polidori, ‘The Vampyre.’ Leigh Hunt, ‘A Tale for a Chimney Corner.’

1820 – Maturin, Melmoth the Wanderer. London Magazine established. Washington Irving,

‘The Legend of Sleepy Hollow.’

1821 – John Galt, ‘The Buried Alive.’ William Maginn, ‘The Man in the Bell.’ William Childs

Green, The Maniac of the Desert. Thomas De Quincey, Confessions of an English

Opium-Eater. Polidori commits suicide.

1822 – Shelley drowns in the Bay of Spezia. Hoffmann, ‘Die Doppeltgänger.’ Death of


1823 – Death of Ann Radcliffe. W.H. Ainsworth, December Tales. Richard Brinsley Peake,

Presumption; or, The Fate of Frankenstein (the first dramatic adaptation of the


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1824 – Death of Byron. James Hogg, The Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified


1826 – Radcliffe, ‘On the Supernatural in Poetry.’ Childs Green, The Abbot of Montserrat.

1827 – De Quincey, ‘On Murder Considered as One of the Fine Arts.’ Henry Thompson, ‘Le


1829 – Catholic emancipation. William Burke and William Hare arrested for body-snatching

and murder. Scott, ‘The Tapestried Chamber.’

1830 – William Mudford, ‘The Iron Shroud.’ James Hogg, ‘The Mysterious Bride.’ Scott,

Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft.

1831 – Peacock, Crotchet Castle. Victor Hugo, Notre Dame de Paris (France).

1832 – Anatomy Act. Death of Sir Walter Scott. Edward Bulwer-Lytton, Eugene Aram.

William Godwin the Younger, ‘The Executioner.’ David Brewster, Letters on Natural

Magic. Goethe, Faust Part Two. Death of Goethe.

1834 – Death of Coleridge. Ainsworth, Rookwood: A Romance.

1836 – Charles Lever, ‘Post-Mortem Recollections of a Medical Lecturer.’ A.W.N. Pugin,

Contrasts: Or, A Parallel Between the Noble Edifices of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth

Centuries and Similar Buildings of the Present Day. Shewing the Present Decay of


1837 – The Ingoldsby Legends by the Rev. R.H. Barham commence in Bentley’s Miscellany.

1838 – Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu publishes the first short story of the ‘Purcell Papers,’ ‘The

Ghost and the Bonesetter.’ Edgar Allan Poe, ‘The Psyche Zenobia’ and ‘The Scythe of

Time’ (AKA ‘How to Write a Blackwood Article’ and ‘A Predicament,’ US).

1839 – Newgate Controversy. Poe, ‘The Fall of the House of Usher’; ‘William Wilson’; Tales

of the Grotesque and Arabesque (US). Le Fanu, ‘A Chapter in the History of a Tyrone

Family’ (probable influence on the ‘madwoman in the attic’ device of Jane Eyre; Le

Fanu later expanded this in The Wyvern Mystery).

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1840 – Ainsworth, The Tower of London: A Historical Romance.

1841 – Poe, ‘The Murders in the Rue Morgue’ (US). Old St. Paul’s by Ainsworth serialised in

The Sunday Times.

1842 – Poe, ‘The Masque of the Red Death’; ‘The Pit and the Pendulum’ (US). Bulwer Lytton,

Zanoni. Robert Browing, Madhouse Cells. Serial publication of Les Mystères de Paris

by Eugene Sue (France).

1843 – Charles Dickens, ‘A Christmas Carol.’ Poe, ‘The Tell-Tale Heart’; ‘The Black Cat’ (US).

1844 – Serial publication of The Mysteries of London by G.W.M. Reynolds.

1845 – Poe, Tales; The Raven and Other Poems; ‘The Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar’ (US).

Reynolds commences serial publication of Wagner, The Wehr-Wolf. Edward Lloyd

begins publication of Varney the Vampire, or The Feast of Blood by James Malcolm

Rymer and Thomas Peckett Prest (uncredited) in penny instalments.

1846 – Reynolds concludes The Mysteries of London, commences serial publication of The

Mysteries of the Court of London. Rymer and Prest, The String of Pearls: A Romance

(the original source of the Sweeny Todd legend). Poe, ‘The Cask of Amontillado’ (US).

1847 – Emily Brontë, Wuthering Heights; Charlotte Brontë, Jane Eyre.

1848 – Ainsworth, The Lancashire Witches. The ‘Hydesville Event’ (The Fox Sisters, Maggie

and Kate, are seen to ‘commune with spirits’ at the family farm in upstate New York).

Anne Brontë, The Tenant of Wildfell Hall. Death of Emily Brontë.

1849 – Death of Edgar Allan Poe.

1851 – Death of Mary Shelley.

1855 – Death of Charlotte Brontë.

1859 – Bulwer-Lytton, ‘The Haunter and the Haunted.’ George Eliot, The Lifted Veil. Wilkie

Collins’ The Woman in White serialised in All The Year Round.

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1862 – Bulwer-Lytton, A Strange Story. Mary Elizabeth Braddon, Lady Audley’s Secret.

1863 – Le Fanu, The House by the Churchyard.

1864 – Le Fanu, Uncle Silas. Browning, ‘Mr. Sludge, “The Medium.”’ Serialisation of Our

Mutual Friend by Dickens. Launch of The Illustrated Police News.

1866 – Dickens, ‘The Signalman.’ Le Fanu, All in the Dark.

1868 – Last public execution in England. Collins, The Moonstone.

1869 – Le Fanu, The Wyvern Mystery.

1870 – Dickens commences The Mystery of Edwin Drood but dies before the serial can be


1871 – Bulwer-Lytton, The Coming Race. Le Fanu, Carmilla; The Rose and the Key.

1872 – Le Fanu, In a Glass Darkly.

1873 – Fyodor Dostoevsky, ‘Bobok’ (Russia). Death of Le Fanu.

1875 – Blavatsky and Olcott found the Theosophical Society in New York.

1876 – Amelia B. Edwards, Monsieur Maurice, and other stories.

1882 – Foundation of Society for Psychical Research.

1883 – Boston millionaire Marcellus Seth Ayer founds The Working Union of Progressive

Spiritualists, the independent Christian Spiritualist Church.

1884 – Robert Louis Stevenson, ‘The Body Snatcher.’

1886 – Stevenson, The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. Serialisation of She by Henry

Rider Haggard.

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1888 – ‘Jack the Ripper’ murders. Rudyard Kipling, The Phantom Rickshaw & other Eerie

Tales. John Francis Brewer, The Curse Upon Mitre Square (the first ‘Ripper’ novel,

published before the cycle of killings actually ended).

1890 – Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray. Kipling, ‘The Mark of the Beast.’ Ambrose

Bierce, ‘An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge’ (US).

1892 – Arthur Conan Doyle, The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes; ‘Lot Number 249.’

1893 – Translation into English of Richard von Krafft-Ebing’s Psychopathia Sexualis

(Germany, 1886). E. Nesbit, Something Wrong; Grim Tales.

1894 – Arthur Machen, The Great God Pan. George Du Maurier, Trilby. Death of R.L.


1896 – Wells, The Island of Dr. Moreau. Georges Méliès, director, The House of the Devil


1897 – Bram Stoker, Dracula. H.G. Wells, The Invisible Man. Nesbit, Tales Told in Twilight.

Wilde, ‘The Canterville Ghost.’ Le Théâtre du Grand-Guignol opens in Paris.

1898 – Henry James, The Turn of the Screw.

1899 – Lafcadio Hearn, In Ghostly Japan (Japan). Méliès, dir, Cléopâtre (AKA Robbing

Cleopatra’s Tomb, France).


1902 – Stoker, The Mystery of the Sea. W.W. Jacobs, ‘The Monkey’s Paw.’

1903 – Stoker, The Jewel of Seven Stars. Hearn, Kwaidan: Stories and Studies of Strange

Things (Japan). Méliès, dir, Bluebeard; The Monster (France).

1904 – M.R. James, Ghost Stories of an Antiquary. Kipling, ‘They.’ Aleister Crowley and Rose

Edith Kelly, The Book of the Law (Liber AL vel Legis, Egypt). William Hope Hodgson,

‘The Goddess of Death.’

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1905 – Alice Guy-Blaché, dir, La Esméralda (France).

1907 – Hope Hodgson, The Boats of ‘Glen Carrig.’

1908 – Hope Hodgson, The House on the Borderland. Nesbit, ‘The Third Drug.’ William

Selig, dir, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (US).

1909 – Hope Hodgson, The Ghost Pirates. Serialisation of Le Fantôme de l’Opéra by Gaston

Leroux (France).

1910 – Nesbit, Fear. August Blom, dir, Necklace of the Dead (Denmark). J. Searle Dawley,

dir, Frankenstein (US: Edison).

1911 – Stoker, The Lair of the White Worm. M.R. James, More Ghost Stories of an Antiquary.

Blom, dir, Ghosts of the Vault (Denmark).

1912 – Hope Hodgson, The Night Land; ‘The Thing Invisible’ (the first of the Carnaki, Ghost

Finder stories, published in The New Magazine). Death of Bram Stoker.

1913 – Carl Laemmle, dir, Jekyll and Hyde (US). Paul Wegener and Stellan Rye, dirs, The

Student of Prague (Germany). Marie Belloc Lowndes, The Lodger.

1914 – Harold M. Shaw, dir, Trilby. S. Ansky (Shloyme Zanvl Rappoport), The Dybbuk,

or Between Two Worlds (Russia, first performed in Warsaw in 1920). Posthumous

publication of ‘Dracula’s Guest’ by Stoker, the deleted opening section of Dracula.

Stellan Rye dies in a French prisoner of war camp.

1915 – D.W. Griffith, dir, The Avenging Consciousness (US: ‘The Tell-Tale Heart’ meets

‘Annabel Lee’). Paul Wegener and Henrik Galeen, dirs, Der Golem (Germany). Franz

Kafka, Die Verwandlung (The Metamorphosis,); Der Process (The Trial, Austria-

Hungary). Theda Bara cast as ‘The Vamp’ in A Fool There Was directed by Frank

Powell (US: Fox Film Corporation).

1917 – H.P. Lovecraft, ‘The Tomb’ (US).

1918 – Hope Hodgson killed in action in France.

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1919 – M.R. James, A Thin Ghost, and Others. W. F. Harvey, ‘The Beast with Five Fingers.’

Sigmund Freud, ‘The Uncanny’ (Germany).

1920 – Robert Wiene (replacing Fritz Lang), dir, Das Cabinet des Dr. Caligari (Germany,

starring Conrad Veidt). Paul Wegener, dir, Der Golem, wie er in die Welt kam (The

Golem: How He Came Into the World, Germany). John S. Robertson, dir, Dr Jekyll

and Mr Hyde (US, John Barrymore played Jekyll). Theodore Dreiser, ‘The Hand’ (US).

1921 – Benjamin Christensen, dir, Häxan (Sweden/Denmark).

1922 – Lovecraft, ‘Herbert West – Reanimator’ (US). F.W. Murnau, dir, Nosferatu: Phantom

der Nacht (Germany, starring Max Schreck).

1923 – Lovecraft, ‘The Rats in the Walls’ (US). Wallace Worsley, dir, The Hunchback of Notre

Dame (US, starring Lon Chaney Snr). May Sinclair, Uncanny Stories.

1924 – Kipling, ‘The Wish House.’ Paul Leni, dir, Das Wachsfigurenkabinett (Waxworks,

Germany). Death of Kafka.

1925 – M.R. James, A Warning to the Curious, and Other Ghost Stories. Rupert Julian, dir,

The Phantom of the Opera (US, starring Lon Chaney Snr). Florence Balcombe (the

widow of Bram Stoker), backed by the Society of Authors, wins a protracted lawsuit

against Prana-Film (the makers of Nosferatu) for infringement of copyright. It is ruled

in court that all prints should be surrendered to her or destroyed, although copies

resurface in America in the late-20s. (Balcombe never actually sees the movie.)

1926 – Lovecraft, ‘The Call of Cthulhu’ published in Weird Tales. Kafka’s Der Schloss (The

Castle) is published posthumously (Germany).

1927 – Lovecraft, ‘The Case of Charles Dexter Ward’ (US). Paul Leni, dir, The Cat and the

Canary (US). Tod Browning, dir, London After Midnight (US, starring Lon Chaney

Snr). Peggy Webling’s stage version of Frankenstein – produced by Hamilton Deane

– performed in Preston (this was the basis for the 1931 movie starring Boris Karloff).

Bela Lugosi stars as Dracula in a Broadway production adapted by Hamilton Deane

and John L. Balderston, produced by Horace Liveright. Alfred Hitchcock, dir, The

Lodger: A Story of the London Fog.

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1928 – Lovecraft, ‘The Dunwich Horror’ (US). Paul Leni, The Man Who Laughs (US, starring

Conrad Veidt). J.B. Priestly, Benighted (AKA The Old Dark House). M.R. James,

‘Wailing Well.’

1929 – Paul Leni dies of blood poisoning.

1930 – Lon Chaney Snr dies of lung cancer.

1931 – Lovecraft, ‘At the Mountains of Madness’ (US). Tod Browning, dir, Dracula (US:

Universal Studios, starring Bela Lugosi). James Whale, dir, Frankenstein (US:

Universal, starring Boris Karloff). The Witch’s Tale begins broadcasting on WOR: New

York. M.R. James, Collected Ghost Stories.

1932 – Karl Freund, dir, The Mummy (US: Universal, Karloff). Fredric March wins Academy

award for best actor in Rouben Mamoulian’s Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1931, US:

Paramount). Browning, dir, Freaks (US: MGM). Victor Halperin, dir, White Zombie

(US: United Artists, Lugosi). Whale, dir, The Old Dark House (US: Universal, Karloff).

Carl Dreyer, dir, Vampyr (Germany/France).

1933 – Guy Endore, The Werewolf of Paris (US). Whale, dir, The Invisible Man (US:

Universal, starring Claude Rains).

1934 – Isak Dinesen (Karen Christentze Blixen), Seven Gothic Tales (Syv Fantastiske

Fortællinger, Denmark). Dennis Wheatley, The Devil Rides Out.

1935 – Whale, dir, The Bride of Frankenstein (US: Universal, Karloff). Stuart Walker, dir,

Werewolf of London (US: Universal, starring Henry Hull). Freund, dir, Mad Love (US:

MGM, starring Colin Clive and Peter Lorre). Denison Clift, dir, The Mystery of the

Marie Celeste (Hammer, starring Bela Lugosi).

1936 – Lambert Hillyer, dir, Dracula’s Daughter (US: Universal, starring Gloria Holden;

Edward Van Sloan reprises his role as Van Helsing from Browning’s Dracula.).

Augustus Montague Summers, The Grimoire and Other Ghostly Tales. George King,

dir, Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street; Milton Rosmer, dir, Maria

Marten or Murder in the Red Barn (both starring Tod Slaughter). Death of M.R.


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1937 – Death of H.P. Lovecraft from stomach cancer. Colin Clive dies of tuberculosis.

1938 – Daphne du Maurier, Rebecca. Charles Addams commences ‘The Addams Family’

cartoons in The New Yorker (US).

1939 – First appearance of Batman, created by Bob Kane and Bill Finger, in Detective Comics

(US). Rowland V. Lee, dir, Son of Frankenstein (US: Universal; stars Karloff, Lugosi,

and Basil Rathbone). William Dieterle, dir, The Hunchback of Notre Dame (US: RKO,

starring Charles Laughton). King, dir, The Face at the Window (Tod Slaughter).

1940 – Hitchcock directs Rebecca for Selznick International (US). George Marshall, dir. The

Ghost Breakers (US: Paramount).

1941 – George Waggner, dir, The Wolf Man (US: Universal; stars Lon Chaney Jr). Victor

Fleming, dir, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (US: MGM; stars Spencer Tracy). Inner

Sanctum Mystery begins broadcasting on the NBC Blue radio network.

1942 – Jacques Tourneur, dir, Cat People (US: RKO, starring Simone Simon).

1943 - Tourneur, dir, I Walked With a Zombie (US: RKO). Roy William Neill, dir,

Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man (US: Universal; Lugosi and Lon Chaney Jr). Robert

Siodmak, dir, Son of Dracula (US: Universal, Lon Chaney Jr).

1945 – August Derleth, The Lurker at the Threshold (a ‘posthumous collaboration’ with H.P.

Lovecraft, US). Shirley Jackson, ‘The Lottery’ (US). Alberto Cavalcanti, Charles

Crichton, Basil Dearden and Robert Hamer, dirs, Dead of Night. Albert Lewin, dir,

The Picture of Dorian Gray (US: MGM, starring George Sanders and Hurd Hatfield).

1946 – Mervyn Peake, Titus Groan. Robert Florey, dir, The Beast with Five Fingers (US:

Warner Brothers, Peter Lorre).

1947 – Summers, Supernatural Tales.

1948 – Wheatley, The Haunting of Toby Jugg. Charles T. Barton, dir, Abbott and Costello

Meet Frankenstein (US: Universal; Lugosi and Chaney Jr reprise their famous roles,

but Glenn Strange plays the monster).

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1949 – Angus Wilson, ‘Raspberry Jam.’

1950 – Peake, Gormenghast. William M. Gaines’ EC Comics launch The Haunt of Fear, The

Crypt of Terror (later Tales from the Crypt), and The Vault of Horror (US).

1952 – Daphne du Maurier, ‘The Birds.’ Flannery O’Connor, Wise Blood (US).

1953 – Wheatley, To The Devil A Daughter.

1954 – Richard Matheson, I Am Legend (US). Fredric Wertham’s The Seduction of the

Innocent (US) leads to Senate Hearings on horror comics and juvenile delinquency

and the self-regulating Code of the Comics Magazine Association of America. Jack

Arnold, dir, The Creature from the Black Lagoon (US: Universal). The Vampira Show

premiers on KABC-TV, hosted in character by Maila Nurmi (US).

1955 – Charles Laughton, dir, Night of the Hunter (US: United Artists; Robert Mitchum and

Shelley Winters). Henri-Georges Clouzot, dir, Les Diaboliques (France). Ed Wood, dir,

Bride of the Monster (US: Banner Pictures).

1956 – Bela Lugosi (born Belá Blaskó in Hungary in 1882) dies of a heroin overdose.

1957 – Terence Fisher, dir, The Curse of Frankenstein (Hammer; Peter Cushing and

Christopher Lee star). Gene Fowler Jr., dir, I Was a Teenage Werewolf (US: American

International Pictures); Herbert L. Strock, dir, I Was a Teenage Frankenstein (US:

AIP). Jacques Tourneur, dir, Night of the Demon (Columbia; from ‘The Casting of the

Runes’ by M.R. James). Wisconsin farmer Ed Gein arrested for murder. ‘Tarantual

Ghoul’ (Suzanne Waldron) hosts KTP-TV’s House of Horrors in Portland, Oregon


1958 – Fisher, dir, Dracula (Hammer: Cushing and Lee). Publisher James Warren and editor

Forrest J. Ackerman launch Famous Monsters of Filmland (US). Matheson, A Stir of

Echoes (US).

1959 – Robert Bloch, Psycho (US). Jackson, ‘The Haunting of Hill House’ (US). Rod Serling’s

The Twilight Zone begins its TV run (US). Fisher, dir, The Mummy (Hammer:

Christopher Lee). Edward D. Wood, dir, Plan 9 from Outer Space (US: DCA).

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1960 – Alfred Hitchcock films Pyscho (US). Roger Corman, dir, The Fall of the House of

Usher (US: AIP, starring Vincent Price). Michael Powell, dir, Peeping Tom. Georges

Franju, dir, Les Yeux sans Visage (Eyes Without a Face, France). Mario Bava, dir, La

Maschera del Demonio (The Mask of Satan, Spain; US title: Black Sunday).

1961 – Fisher, dir, The Curse of the Werewolf (Hammer: Oliver Reed). Corman, dir, The Pit

and the Pendulum (US: AIP, Vincent Price). Jack Clayton, dir, The Innocents (from

James’ The Turn of the Screw).

1962 – Herk Harvey, dir, Carnival of Souls (US). Robert Aldrich, dir, Whatever Happened

to Baby Jane? (US: Warner/Seven Arts, from the 1960 novel by Henry Farrell). Bobby

Boris Pickett and the Crypt-Kickers, ‘The Monster Mash’ (US: Garpax Records). Ray

Bradbury, Something Wicked This Way Comes (US). Karloff appears in Frankenstein

make-up one last time in the Route 66 episode ‘Lizard’s Leg and Owlet’s Wing’ by

Stirling Silliphant (Lon Chaney Jr and Peter Lorre also guest star).

1963 – Bava, I Tre volti della paura (Black Sabbath, Italy). Doctor Who first broadcast.

‘Ghoulardi’ (Ernie Anderson) begins presenting Shock Theater at WJW-TV Channel 8

in Cleveland, Ohio (US).

1964 – The Munsters begins its TV run, as does The Addams Family (both are cancelled in

1966; US). Bava, dir, Blood and Black Lace (Italy). Fisher, dir, The Gorgon (Hammer:

Christopher Lee). Corman, dir, The Masque of the Red Death; The Tomb of Ligeia (US:

AIP, Vincent Price). Kaneto Shindo, dir, Onibaba (Japan). Masaki Kobayashi, dir,

Kwaidan (Japan; Academy Award: Best Foreign Picture). Ubaldo Ragona, dir, The

Last Man on Earth (US/Italy: Vincent Price stars in first adaptation of I Am Legend).

1965 – Fisher, dir, Dracula, Prince of Darkness (Hammer: Lee). Freddie Francis, dir, Dr.

Terror’s House of Horrors (Amicus: Cushing and Lee). Shena Mackay, Music

Upstairs. Ed Wood, dir, Orgy of the Dead (US: Crown International).

1966 – Dan Curtis’s Dark Shadows TV series begins on ABC (US). Gerald Thomas, dir, Carry

on Screaming. Fisher, dir, Frankenstein Created Woman (Hammer: Cushing). John

Gilling, dir, Plague of the Zombies; The Reptile (Hammer). James Hill, dir, A Study in


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1967 – Peter Bogdanovich, dir, Targets (US: Boris Karloff’s last performance, effectively

playing himself as Golden Age Hollywood horror icon ‘Byron Orlok’). Roman Polanski,

dir, Dance of the Vampires (UK/US: MGM). Jules Bass, dir, Mad Monster Party (US:


1968 – George A. Romero, dir, Night of the Living Dead (US). Polanski, dir, Rosemary’s Baby

(US). Hammer Films receive the Queen’s Award for Industry. Francis, dir, Dracula

Has Risen From the Grave (Hammer: Lee). Michael Reeves, dir, Witchfinder General

(Tigon: Vincent Price). Jonathan Miller, dir, Oh, Whistle, and I’ll Come to You, My

Lad (BBC Omnibus; from the story by M.R. James).

1969 – Fisher, dir, Frankenstein Must Be Destroyed (Hammer: Cushing). Death of Boris

Karloff (born William Henry Pratt, Camberwell, 1887). Angela Carter, Heroes and

Villains; The Magic Toyshop. Hanna Barbera’s Scooby-Doo, Where Are You! –

created by Joe Ruby and Ken Spears – premiers on CBS (US).

1970 – Jeff Rice, The Kolchak Papers (US). Roy Ward Baker, dir, Scars of Dracula (Hammer:

Lee). Peter Sasdy, dir, Countess Dracula (Hammer, starring Ingrid Pitt). Fright Night

commences its run on KHJ-TV: Los Angeles. Ward Baker, dir, The Vampire Lovers

(Hammer: the first part of the so-called ‘Karnstein Trilogy’ loosely based on Le Fanu’s


1971 – William Peter Blatty, The Exorcist (US). Daphne du Maurier, ‘Don’t Look Now.’ Ward

Baker, dir, Dr. Jekyll and Sister Hyde (Hammer, starring Ralph Bates and Martine

Beswick). Boris Sagal, director, The Omega Man (US: another film version of I Am

Legend starring Charlton Heston). Robert Fuest, dir, The Abominable Dr Phibes

(Anglo-EMI, Vincent Price stars). Jean Rollin, dir, Sex and the Vampire (France).

Jimmy Sangster, dir, Lust for a Vampire (Hammer – the second ‘Karnstein’ film).

Bava, Reazione a catena (Bay of Blood AKA Twitch of the Death Nerve, Italy).

Matheson, Hell House (US). Lawrence Gordon Clark, dir, The Stalls of Barchester

(The first BBC 1 ‘Ghost Story for Christmas’).

1972 - Wes Craven, dir, The Last House on the Left (US). Alan Gibson, dir, Dracula: AD 1972

(Hammer: Cushing and Lee). Fuest, dir, Dr Phibes Rises Again (Anglo-EMI: Vincent

Price). Francis, dir, Tales From The Crypt (Amicus: stars Joan Collins and Peter

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Cushing; stories from EC horror Comics). Ward Baker, dir, Asylum (Amicus, an

anthology of stories by Robert Bloch). John Boorman, Deliverance (US). John Hough,

dir, Twins of Evil (Hammer: Cushing – the third part of the ‘Karnstein Trilogy’). Gary

Sherman, dir, Death Line. Robert Young, dir, Vampire Circus (Hammer). Alan

Gibson, dir, Dracula A.D. 1972 (Hammer, Cushing and Lee). Lawrence Gordon Clark,

dir, A Warning to the Curious (BBC 1, Christmas).

1973 – Dan Curtis launches Kolchak: The Night Stalker on ABC (US). Robin Hardy, dir, The

Wicker Man (British Lion). William Friedkin, dir, The Exorcist (US: Warner

Brothers). Paul Morrissey, dir, Flesh for Frankenstein; Blood for Dracula (US, Andy

Warhol produces). Dan Curtis, dir, Dracula (US TVM; Jack Palance stars). Gibson,

dir, The Satanic Rites of Dracula (Hammer: Christopher Lee’s last performance as the

Count). Douglas Hickox, dir, Theatre of Blood (United Artists; Vincent Price stars).

Ward Baker, dir, The Vault of Horror (Amicus: more EC Comics stories). Jack Smight,

dir, Frankenstein: The True Story (US TVM: Michael Sarrazin stars as the creature).

Fisher, dir, Frankenstein and the Monster from Hell (Hammer: Cushing). Rollin, dir,

Requiem for a Vampire; A Virgin Among the Living Dead (France). Richard O’Brien’s

The Rocky Horror Show plays in the West End. Christopher Bond, Sweeney Todd,

The Demon Barber of Fleet Street. Nicolas Roeg, dir, Don’t Look Now (UK/Italy).

Lawrence Gordon Clark, dir, Lost Hearts (BBC 1, Christmas).

1974 – Tobe Hooper, dir, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (US). Stephen King, Carrie (US).

Jim Clarke, dir, Madhouse (Amicus/AIP: stars Peter Cushing and Vincent Price). Mel

Brooks, dir, Young Frankenstein (US: 20th Century Fox, Gene Wilder plays the Baron,

Peter Boyle the creature). Rollin, dir, Curse of the Living Dead (France). Jorge Grau,

dir, Non si deve profanare il sonno dei morti (Do Not Profane the Sleep of the Dead

AKA The Living Dead at the Manchester Morgue, Italy/Spain). Kevin Connor, dir,

From Beyond the Grave (Amicus: even more EC comic stories). Richard Brautigan,

The Hawkline Monster: A Gothic Western (US). Lawrence Gordon Clark, dir,

Treasure of Abbot Thomas (BBC1, Christmas).

1975 – Vincent Price guests on Alice Cooper’s album Welcome to my Nightmare (US:

Atlantic). King, Salem’s Lot. Peter Straub, Julia (US). David Cronenberg, dir, Shivers

(Canada). Launch of House of Hammer magazine.

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1976 – Anne Rice, Interview with the Vampire (US). David Lynch, dir, Eraserhead (US).

Romero, dir, Martin. Richard Donner, dir, The Omen (UK/US: 20th Century Fox).

Peter Sykes, dir, To The Devil A Daughter (UK/West Germany: Hammer).

1977 – Craven, dir, The Hills Have Eyes. King, The Shining (US). Carter, The Passion of New

Eve. Jay Anson, The Amityville Horror: A True Story (US).

1978 – John Carpenter, dir, Halloween (US). Ian McEwan, The Cement Garden. Dario

Argento, dir, Suspiria (Italy). Werner Herzog, dir, Nosferatu, Phantom der Nacht

(West Germany: Klaus Kinski stars).

1979 - Ridley Scott, dir, Alien (US; 20th Century Fox). Bauhaus release ‘Bela Lugosi's Dead’

(Small Wonder Records). Carter, The Bloody Chamber; The Sadeian Woman.

Romero, dir, Dawn of the Dead. Straub, Ghost Story (US). Cronenberg, dir, The

Brood (Canada). John Badham, dir, Dracula (US: Universal, Frank Langella stars).

Launch of Fangoria magazine (US). Hooper, dir, Salem’s Lot (US TVM). Lucio Fulci,

dir, Zombie Flesh-Eaters (Italy). Stephen Sondheim and Hugh Wheeler, Sweeney

Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street. A Musical Thriller. Lawrence Gordon Clark,

dir, Casting the Runes (ITV Playhouse). Stephen King, The Dead Zone (US). Leslie

Megahey, dir, Schalcken the Painter (BBC Omnibus ghost story for Christmas, from

the story by Le Fanu).

1980 – Sean S. Cunningham, dir, Friday the 13th (US). Lynch, dir, The Elephant Man

(US/UK: Paramount/Universal). Stanley Kubrick, dir, The Shining (US: Warner

Brothers). Umberto Eco, Il nome della rosa (The Name of the Rose, Italy).

1981 – John Landis, dir, An American Werewolf in London (US/UK: Polygram/Universal).

Fulci, dir, The Beyond; House by the Cemetery; The Black Cat (Italy). Elvira's Movie

Macabre begins syndication, hosted in character by Cassandra Peterson (US). Sam

Raimi, dir, The Evil Dead (US).

1982 – Hooper, dir, Poltergeist (US: MGM) Argento, Tenebrae (Italy). The Batcave Club

opens in Soho. Tim Burton, dir, Vincent (US: Disney). V for Vendetta by Alan Moore

and David Lloyd begins serialisation in Warrior. Ridley Scott, dir, Bladerunner (US:

Warner Brothers).

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1983 – Conservative MP Graham Bright, supported by the Daily Mail and a coalition of moral

interest groups, sponsors a private members bill to outlaw American horror videos.

Landis, dir, Michael Jackson’s ‘Thriller’ (US: MJJ Productions; includes a spoken

word performance by Vincent Price). Susan Hill, The Woman in Black. Alan Moore

begins writing The Saga of the Swamp Thing for DC. Stephen King, Pet Cemetery

(US). Richard Franklin, dir, Psycho II (US: Universal). Cronenberg, Videodrome

(Canada). Tony Scott, dir, The Hunger (US: MGM).

1984 – Video Violence and Children report of the ‘Parliamentary Group Video Enquiry’ (an

offshoot of the Order of Christian Unity). The UK Video Recordings Bill imposes heavy

censorship on genre videos, placing many titles on the Obscene Publications List. Iain

Banks, The Wasp Factory. Craven, dir, A Nightmare on Elm Street (US). Clive Barker,

Books of Blood. Angela Carter, Nights at the Circus. Dan O’Bannon, dir, The Return

of the Living Dead (US: Orion). Tim Burton, dir, Frankenweenie (US: Disney). Ivan

Reitman, dir, Ghostbusters (US).

1985 – Patrick Süskind, Perfume (Germany). Peter Ackroyd, Hawksmoor. Romero, dir, Day

of the Dead. Rice, The Vampire Lestat. Barker, The Damnation Game. Stuart Gordon,

dir, Re-animator (US). Franc Roddam, dir, The Bride (US: Columbia).

1986 – Ken Russell, dir, Gothic (UK: Virgin Vision). Lynch, dir, Blue Velvet (US). John

McNaughton, dir, Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer (US). Cronenberg, The Fly.

Barker, The Hellbound Heart. Jean-Jacques Annaud, dir, The Name of the Rose (West

Germany/Italy/France). The Phantom of the Opera opens in the West End, music by

Andrew Lloyd Webber, lyrics by Charles Hart with Richard Stilgoe.

1987 – Toni Morrison, Beloved (US). Clive Barker, dir, Hellraiser. Raimi, dir, Evil Dead II

(US). Argento, dir, Opera (Italy). Alan Parker, dir, Angel Heart (US). Ching Siu-tung,

dir, A Chinese Ghost Story (Hong Kong). The Woman in Black, adapted by Stephen

Mallatratt, first performed at the Stephen Joseph Theatre in Scarborough (moves to

the West End in 1989).

1988 – Rice, Queen of the Damned. Vertigo Comics launch Hellblazer. Thomas Harris, The

Silence of the Lambs (US). Augusto Caminito, dir, Nosferatu a Venezia (Vampire in

Venice, Italy). Tim Burton, dir, Beetlejuice (US: Geffen). Neil Jordan, dir, High Spirits

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(UK/US/Ireland). James Signorelli, dir, Elvira: Mistress of the Dark (US: New

World). Cronenberg, Dead Ringers (US/Canada).

1989 – Tim Burton, dir, Batman (US). Neil Gaiman begins writing The Sandman (which runs

to 10 volumes by its conclusion in 1996). HBO launches Tales From The Crypt (US).

Patrick McGrath, The Grotesque. James O’Barr, The Crow (US). Grant Morrison and

Dave McKean, Arkham Asylum: A Serious House on Serious Earth (US: DC).

1990 – David Lynch’s Twin Peaks commences its TV serial run (US). Lynch, dir, Wild at

Heart (US). Vincent Price’s last on-screen appearance, as the creator of Tim Burton’s

Edward Scissorhands (US). Patrick McGrath, Spider. Brian Yuzna, dir, Bride of Re-

Animator (US). The first Simpsons ‘Treehouse of Horror’ airs on Fox (US).

1991 – Bret Easton Ellis, American Psycho (US). Jonathan Demme, dir, The Silence of the

Lambs (US: Orion; Academy Awards: Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actor, Anthony

Hopkins, Best Actress, Jodie Foster, and Best Adapted Screenplay, Ted Tally). Barry

Sonnenfeld, dir, The Addams Family (US: Orion). Eerie, Indiana airs on NBC (US).

1992 – Burton, dir, Batman Returns (US). Francis Ford Coppola, dir, Bram Stoker’s Dracula

(US, Gary Oldman stars). Peter Jackson, dir, Braindead (New Zealand). Id Software

release Castle Wolfenstein 3-D for DOS (US). Poppy Z. Brite, Lost Souls (US). Raimi,

Army of Darkness (US: Evil Dead III).

1993 – Chris Carter’s The X-Files begins its TV run on Fox (US). Doom released by id

Software. Sonnenfeld, dir, Addams Family Values (US). Brite, Drawing Blood;

Wormwood (US). Guillermo Del Toro, dir, Cronos (Spain). Tim Burton, dir, The

Nightmare Before Christmas (US: Touchstone). Death of Vincent Price.

1994 – The (Professor Elizabeth) Newson Report on Video Violence published. Death of Peter

Cushing. Martin Landau wins Best Supporting Actor Oscar for his portrayal of Bela

Lugosi in Tim Burton’s Ed Wood (US). Gaiman, Death: The High Cost of Living.

1994 – Kenneth Branagh, dir, Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein (US: Branagh plays the Baron,

Robert De Niro the creature). Jordan, dir, Interview with the Vampire (US). Alex

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Proyas, dir, The Crow (US: Miramax). Michele Soavi, dir, Dellamorte Dellamore (AKA

Cemetery Man, Italy/France/Germany).

1995 – Shaun Cassidy (creator)/Sam Raimi (producer), American Gothic (US: Renaissance

Pictures and Universal Worldwide Television). Maggie Power, Porphyria’s Lover.

David Fincher, dir, Seven (US: New Line). Vertigo launches The Preacher by Garth

Ennis and Steve Dillon.

1996 – Craven, dir, Scream (US: Dimension). Resident Evil released on the Sony PlayStation

(Japan). Brite, Exquisite Corpse (US). Chuck Palahniuk, Fight Club (US).

1997 – Lynch, dir, Lost Highway (US).

1998 – Hideo Nakata, dir, Ringu (Japan). Stephen Norrington, dir, Blade (US: New Line).

1999 – Alan Moore and Eddie Campbell, From Hell (UK/Australia). M. Night Shyamalan,

dir, The Sixth Sense (US). Daniel Myrick and Eduado Sánchez, dirs, The Blair Witch

Project (US). Stephen Sommers, dir, The Mummy (US: Universal). Alan Moore and

Kevin O’Neill, The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. Silent Hill released on the

Sony PlayStation (Japan). Sarah Waters, Affinity. Tim Burton, dir, Sleepy Hollow (US:

Paramount). Fincher, dir, Fight Club (US: Fox 2000). Jim Crace, Being Dead.



2000 – Robert Zemeckis, What Lies Beneath (US: DreamWorks). American McGee’s Alice

released for PC (US). Mark Z. Danielewski, House of Leaves (US). E. Elias Merhige,

dir, Shadow of the Bat (US/UK).

2001 – Alejandro Amenábar, dir, The Others (US). Patrick Lussier, dir, Dracula 2000 (US:

Miramax; Gerard Butler played Dracula). Sommers, The Mummy Returns (US:

Universal). The Hughes Brothers, dirs, From Hell (US). Del Toro, dir, The Devil’s

Backbone (Spain). Charlaine Harris, Dead Until Dark (US: The first instalment of the

‘Southern Vampire Mysteries’). Lynch, dir, Mulholland Drive (US).

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2002 – Danny Boyle, dir, 28 Days Later. Neil Marshall, dir, Dog Soldiers. Paul W.S.

Anderson, dir, Resident Evil (US). Will Self, Dorian, an Imitation. Cronenberg, dir,

Spider (UK/Canada). Pang Brothers, dirs, The Eye (Hong Kong).

2003 – Marcus Nispel, dir, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (US: New Line – re-make of

original). Ronny Yu, dir, Jason Vs. Freddy (US). Len Wiseman, dir, Underworld (US).

Stephen Norrington, dir, The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (US). Evil Dead:

The Musical (Canada). Dennis Lehane, Shutter Island (US). Alexandre Aja, dir, Haute

Tension (France).

2004 – James Wan, dir, Saw (US). Edgar Wright, dir, Shaun of the Dead. Takashi Shimizu,

dir, Ju-On: The Grudge (Japan). Zack Snyder, dir, Dawn of the Dead (US). Rob

Zombie, dir, House of 1000 Corpses (US). Del Toro, dir, Hellboy (US). Sommers, dir,

Van Helsing (US: Universal). Robert Kirkman commences his Walking Dead comics

saga (US). Banjong Pisanthanakun and Parkpoom Wongpoom, dirs, Shutter

(Thailand). The launch of the Horror Channel (UK/Ireland/Italy).

2005 – Eli Roth, dir, Hostel (US). Francis Lawrence, dir, Constantine (US: the Hellblazer

movie). Andrej Bartkowiak, dir, Doom (US). Christopher Smith, dir, Creep. Stephenie

Meyer, Twilight (US). Tim Burton, dir, Corpse Bride (US: Warner Brothers). The BBC

revive the Christmas ghost story with A View From a Hill by M.R. James (adapted by

Peter Harness). Doctor Who returns to BBC 1.

2006 – Bill Eagles, dir, Dracula (BBC TV: Marc Warren plays Dracula). Christopher Gans,

dir, Silent Hill (US). Del Toro, dir, El Labertino del Fauno (Pan’s Labyrinth, Spain).

Meyer, New Moon (US). Number 13 (BBC TV, James again adapted by Harness).

Alexandre Aja, The Hills Have Eyes (US: Fox Searchlight – re-make of original

produced by Craven). Torchwood premiers on BBC Three. Diane Setterfield, The

Thirteenth Tale.

2007 – Douglas MacKinnon, dir, Jekyll (BBC TV; James Nesbitt plays Jekyll). Francis

Lawrence, dir, I Am Legend (US). Meyer, Eclipse (US). Oren Peli, dir, Paranormal

Activity (US). Tim Burton, Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street (US:

DreamWorks). Rob Zombie, dir, Halloween (US: Dimension).

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2008 – Catherine Hardwicke, dir, Twilight (US: Summit Entertainment). Meyer, Breaking

Dawn (US). True Blood (based on Harris’ Southern Vampire Mysteries) begins its run

on HBO. Tomas Alfredson, Let The Right One In (Låt den rätte komma in, Sweden).

Pascal Laugier, dir, Martyrs (France). Christopher Nolan, dir, The Dark Knight (US).

Damon Thomas, dir, Mark Gatiss, writer, Crooked House (BBC Four). Toby

Whithouse’s Being Human airs on BBC Three.

2009 – Lars von Trier, dir, Antichrist (Denmark). Sam Raimi, dir, Drag Me To Hell (US

uncredited re-working of James’ ‘Casting of the Runes’). Oliver Parker, dir, Dorian

Gray. Tom Six, dir, The Human Centipede (First sequence) (Netherlands). Yoshihiro

Nishimura and Naoyuki Tomomatsu, dirs, Kyūketsu Shōjo tai Shōjo Furanken

(Vampire Girl vs. Frankenstein Girl, Japan). Ruben Fleischer, dir, Zombieland. Chris

Weitz, dir, The Twilight Saga: New Moon (US). Tommy Wirkola, dir, Dead Snow

(Norway: Død snø).

2010 – James Wan, dir, Insidious (US). The Walking Dead begins its run on AMC (US). David

Slade, dir, The Twilight Saga: Eclipse (US). Seth Grahame-Smith, Abraham Lincoln,

Vampire Hunter (US). Joe Johnston, dir, The Wolf Man (US: Universal). Whistle and

I’ll Come to You (BBC TV, adapted from the story by M.R. James by Neil Cross).

Samuel Bayer, dir, A Nightmare on Elm Street (US: New Line – re-make of original).

Isaac Marion, Warm Bodies (US). Gustavo Hernández, dir, La Casa Muda (The Silent

House, Uruguay).

2011 – Danny Boyle’s Frankenstein at The National Theatre (written by Nick Dear); Jonny

Lee Miller and Benedict Cumberbatch alternated the roles of Frankenstein and the

Creature. American Horror Story begins on FX (US). Bill Condon, dir, The Twilight

Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 1 (US). David Keating, dir, Wake Wood (UK/Ireland:

Hammer). Julien Maury and Alexandre Bustillo, dirs, Livide (France). E.L. James,

Fifty Shades of Grey.

2012 – James Watkins, The Woman in Black (Hammer). Scott Derrickson, dir, Sinister (US).

Drew Goddard, The Cabin in the Woods (US: Lionsgate). Gravity Falls premiers on

Disney Channel. Bill Condon, dir, The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 2 (US).

Tim Burton, dir, Dark Shadows (Warner Brothers); Frankenweenie (Disney, US).

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2013 – James Wan, dir, The Conjuring (US: New Line). In the Flesh airs on BBC Three. The

Tractate Middoth (BBC TV, adapted by Mark Gatiss from the story by M.R. James).

Fede Alvarez, dir, Evil Dead (US: TriStar – a ‘reboot’ of the series produced by the

original team: Bruce Campbell, Sam Raimi and Robert Tapert.). John Luessenhop, dir,

Texas Chainsaw 3D (US: Lionsgate).

2014 – Penny Dreadful premiers on Showtime (US/UK). Stuart Beattie, dir, I, Frankenstein

(US/Australia). Constantine airs on NBC (US). Tom Harper, dir, The Woman in Black:

Angel of Death (Hammer).

2015 – Paul McGuigan, dir, Victor Frankenstein (US: 20th Century Fox). Charlie Higson’s

Jekyll and Hyde (ITV). The Enfield Haunting, directed by Kristoffer Nyholm,

broadcast on Sky Living. Constantine cancelled after one season. The Frankenstein

Chronicles (ITV Encore). Fear the Walking Dead premiers on AMC (US). Christopher

Lee dies at the age of 93. Ash vs. Evil Dead premiers on Starz network, groovy.