doctor who history .pdf

1964 1965 1978 1966 1979 1967 1980 1968 1981 1969 1982 1970 1983 1971 1984 1972 1985 1973 1986 1974 1987 1975 1988 1976 1989 1977 Susan Foreman Steven Taylor Ian Chesterton & Barbara Wright Ben & Polly Zoe Heriot Future genius Dr Harry Sullivan Romana I & II Time Lord Victoria Waterfield Sarah Jane Smith Reporter, present-day Earth* Dr Liz Shaw Vicki Jamie McCrimmon Highland piper Jo Grant Unit trainee, present-day Earth Leela Fighter Adric Boy genius Ace Teen apprentice Nyssa of Traken Alien scientist Peri Brown American botany student K-9 Robot dog Tegan Jovanka Australian flight attendant Melanie Bush Turlough Alien exile Katarina Dodo Chaplet William Hartnell 1963-66 Patrick Troughton 66-69 Jon Pertwee 70-74 Tom Baker 74-81 Peter Davison 82-84 Colin Baker 84-86 Sylvester McCoy 87-89 Sara Kingdom Hartnell regenerates into Troughton; first appearance of the Cybermen, who come from the tenth planet, Mondas UNIT leader, first seen in spring 1968, appears regularly until 1975, and then in 1983 and 1989. His last appearance was in the spin-off, The Sarah Jane Adventures, in 2008. The actor Nicholas Courtney died in 2011. Brigadier Alistair Lethbridge-Stewart Sarah Jane Smith Reporter, went on to be the longest-serving of the companions. She appeared with the Tenth Doctor in School Reunion, as well as appearing in two spin-offs, K9 and Company in 1981, and The Sarah Jane Adventures from 2007 until the death of Elisabeth Sladen in 2011 The Three Doctors The tenth anniversary: Doctors reunite, though Hartnell was too ill for more than a cameo role The Five Doctors 20th anniversary episode, set on Gallifrey. Shown on 23 November in US, two days later in UK Two debuts: the war-like cloned Sontarans, and Sarah Jane Smith Sarah Jane departs, the Doctor is alone for a story set on his home planet Gallifrey City of Death, which had John Cleese and Eleanor Bron in minor roles, is acclaimed as a classic story The E-space trilogy, featuring vampires, a new male companion, Adric, and a farewell to Romana and K-9 Michael Grade puts the series on hiatus for 18 months amid claims that it is overly violent Trial of a Time Lord is the second season-long arc, in which the Doctor is put on trial for breaking the rules of Gallifrey In Doctor Who’s 25th year the Daleks return in a story set in 1963, written by now best-selling novelist Ben Aaronovitch. The Cybermen return in a story called Silver Nemesis, to mark the anniversary Colin Baker is sacked. Sylvester McCoy takes over Falling ratings, and a lack of support at the senior level of the BBC lead to cancellation. Doctor Who is over … The Cybermen return, and Adric dies in the explosion that killed the dinosaurs Return of the (redesigned) cybermen WARNING: Getting into the UNIT dating controversy is a little like spilling a classic Who fan’s pint. Sarah said she ‘came from 1980’ in 1975, but the balance of other evidence suggests that the stories are set in a version of contemporary Britain, albeit one with space travel Doctor Who starts day after the assassination of Kennedy, on 23 November 1963 YEAR THE DOCTORS THE DOCTOR’S COMPANIONS The Daleks, were created by Terry Nation, but owe their distinctive look to BBC designer Raymond Cusick Season The Daleks’ Master Plan: the longest single non-arc story. First companion deaths, first Christmas episode First appearance of the Ice Warriors, who hail from ‘the red planet’ The War Games: First appearance of the Time Lords, who capture the Doctor and sentence him to regeneration and exile on Earth Spearhead from Space marks the first time Doctor Who is broadcast in colour and the first appearance of the Autons The return of the Daleks in January 1972 Jon Pertwee bows out with Planet of the Spiders Genesis of the Daleks brings in ratings and acclaim. Campaigner Mary Whitehouse is less keen. She calls it ‘teatime brutality for tots’ Doctor Who tries a season- long arc, The Key to Time. The Douglas Adams- penned Shada falls victim to a strike. It is later remade as an Eighth Doctor audio adventure Tom Baker bows out. Peter Davison takes over; the show moves from Saturday to twice weekly Colin Baker takes over. Show moves back to Saturdays with 45 minute episodes The Doctor’s nemesis and fellow Time Lord, The Master, makes his first appearance, played by Roger Delgado. The Dalek Invasion of Earth, set in 2164. The first companion departure, as Susan stays on Earth The Doctor through time A brief history of Doctor Who I: The classic era SPIN-OFF FILMS RECURRING CHARACTERS OVER BOTH ERAS Episodes featuring Daleks Future and/or alien world Cybermen Present day Earth invaded Silurians or Sea Devils Set in alternate universe Ice Warriors Autons Sontarans Set in past, with aliens Set in the past KEY TO PREDOMINANT SETTING/VILLAIN Doctor Who and the Daleks, based on the second story of the First Doctor’s tenure. Both films starred Peter Cushing as an inventor called Dr Who Daleks - Invasion: Earth 2150AD, based on 1964 serial The Dalek Invasion of Earth. Bernard Cribbins co-stars; he returns in 2007 as Donna Noble’s grandad, Wilf 1965 1966 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 11 1996 Paul McGann 1996 After the cancellation, the character of the Doctor continued in a series of books published by Virgin in 1991-97. The authors included Russell T Davies, Paul Cornell, Mark Gatiss and Gareth Roberts, all of whom went on to write for the rebooted version of Doctor Who In 1996, the BBC and the US production companies Fox and Universal produced a TV film starring Paul McGann as the Doctor. The story was set in San Francisco (though filmed in Vancouver) and Eric Roberts chewed the scenery as the Master. The movie was not successful enough to reboot the franchise Other than Children in Need segments and a web series, Scream of the Shalka, the next time we heard of the Doctor was in 2004 Paul McGann continues to play the Eighth Doctor in audio plays produced by Big Finish and broadcast on Radio 4 Extra 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Rose Tyler Jack Harkness Rory Williams Martha Jones Donna Noble Amelia Pond Wilf Mott Mickey Smith 433 David Tennant Dec 2005 – Jan 2010 Matt Smith Jan 2010 – present Christopher Eccleston 2005 27 1 28 2 31 5 32 6 33 7.1 29 3 30 4 DEC 2008 - JAN 2010: THE YEAR OF THE SPECIALS Part II: The revival New aliens, the Slitheen, appear in episodes 4-5 and 11, then move to spin-off The Sarah Jane Adventures Steven Moffat’s first episodes, which introduced Capt Jack Harkness, terrified children, and won a 2006 Hugo award ‘Are you my mummy?’ ‘Don’t blink. Blink and you’re dead’ ‘Who turned out the lights?’ villains have appeared in Doctor Who since it began in 1963, according to Guardian readers, with 104 episodes featuring the Daleks, 84 featuring the Master, 56 with the Cybermen, and 24 with the Ice Warriors. Of the monsters solely seen since 2005, the Weeping Angels are most frequently used ‘Silence will fall’ The Autons are the first enemies of the reboot. 2006’s codeword, Torchwood, first mentioned in 2005, is explained (a little) Enter Martha Jones, medical student. This year’s codeword is Harold Saxon Adapted by Paul Cornell from his 1995 novel, Human Nature The Girl in the Fire- place, by Steven Moffat, winner of the 2007 Hugo award The Cybermen are reborn in an alternate universe The question ‘who would win in a fight between the Daleks and the Cybermen?’ is answered. Rose is stranded in the alternate universe Enter the Ood Donna and the Doctor help free the Ood Agatha Christie meets the Doctor Return of the Sontarans (and Martha) River Song’s first appearance, her death, and Moffat’s fourth Hugo nomination in a row Donna Noble tracks down the Doctor Amelia Pond meets the Eleventh Doctor. He sees a crack in the universe in her bedroom wall The return of the Weeping Angels, and River Song The Silurians return and Rory is swallowed by the crack in time Enter The Silence and a plot to kill the Doctor, tied in to the 1969 moon landings The Doctor’s Wife, by novelist Neil Gaiman, in which the Tardis, in the form of a young woman, gets to talk to her ‘thief’. Gaiman won a Hugo award The mystery of River Song’s origins is finally revealed An older version of Amy meets the Tardis team The Brigadier’s daughter Kate is revealed to be running UNIT in her father’s footsteps The Doctor and his friend Craig foil a Cybermen attack The Doctor escapes the death we saw at the start of the season, but regains his mystery Let’s Kill Hitler Second appearance of dinosaurs Amy and Rory are stranded in in 1930s New York by the machinations of the Weeping Angels. They go on to live happy lives, but the Doctor can never see them again The Doctor and Amy meet Vincent Van Gogh, courtesy of screenwriter Richard Curtis Three-parter brings back the Master Finale, in which Rose gets a Doctor of her own, and Donna loses her memory A finale which roams across history, features most of the Doctor’s enemies, changes time and ends happily in Rory and Amy getting married – and Steven Moffat getting another Hugo award The return of Sarah Jane Smith Dalek introduces the Time War between the Daleks and Time Lords. Rob Shearman’s script is based on his audio play The words Bad Wolf appear in every episode. A Dalek army is defeated. The Doctor sacrifices himself so Rose can live, and regenerates The BBC was lobbied by Russell T Davies, whose stock was high after Queer As Folk, to bring back Doctor Who. He was joined by fellow fans Steven Moffat (writer of Press Gang and Coupling) and Mark Gatiss (one of the League Of Gentlemen). The casting of Christopher Eccleston helped persuade critics to take the reboot seriously. Filming began in Wales in 2004 David Tennant is the first actor to play the Doctor who was a self-avowed fan of the show. Before taking the role he had taken roles in Big Finish’s Doctor Who audio plays The end of an era: David Tennant, producers Julie Gardner and Phil Collinson and head writer Russell T Davies move on. Moffat takes over and there is a frenzy of speculation over who will be the Eleventh Doctor. Almost no one predicted it would be a 26-year- old relative unknown, Matt Smith River Song The Christmas Invasion 2005 David Tennant’s first appearance. With 9.8m viewers it was the second- highest rated programme on Christmas Day The Runaway Bride 2006 Catherine Tate arrives as Donna Noble. The Doctor and Donna defeat the spider Empress of the Racnoss A Christmas Carol 2010 The Doctor tries to alter the past of a miser to make him kinder The Doctor, The Widow and the Wardrobe 2011 A child in wartime Britain wanders through a portal to another world The Snowmen 2012 Set in Victorian times, starring Richard E Grant (who voiced the Doctor in a web series) and introducing the companion Clara Oswald. Oswin Oswald, also played by Jenna-Louise Coleman, was seen in Asylum of the Daleks in early 2012 The Next Doctor Dec 08 The Tenth Doctor teams up with an imposter (David Morrissey) and fights Cybermen Planet of the Dead Easter 09 A London bus full of passengers and an aristocratic thief are transported to an alien world. Partly filmed in Dubai The Waters of Mars Nov 09 An intelligent virus infects the team at Bowie Base One on Mars. The Doctor tries to defy history and save the legendary Adelaide Brooke, with horrifying consequences Dreamland Nov 09 Six-episode animated series shown on the red button, BBC website and BBC2. The Doctor finds an artefact which attracts the attention of the men in black The End of Time Dec 25, Jan 1 The Master, the Time Lords, the time war, and the Tenth Doctor sensing his end is nigh … a complicated farewell to Tennant, Davies and the 2005-10 producers Daleks Future and/or alien world Cybermen Present-day Earth invaded Weeping Angels Set in alternate universe Autons Sontarans Set in past, with aliens ‘Fezzes are cool’ SOURCES: DATABLOG READERS; BBC; TARDIS WIKIA; AND A LIFETIME BEHIND THE SOFA. THANKS TO RKINSPACE; PHASESHIFT; JONATHAN BALDWIN THE DOCTOR’S COMPANIONS Season KEY TO PREDOMINANT SETTING/VILLAIN Voyage of the Damned 2007 Kylie, the Titanic in space and Bernard Cribbins returns. It was the second most watched TV programme of 2007 Run, you clever boy, and remember! Silurians

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Doctor who history


Page 1: Doctor Who history .pdf

1964 1965 19781966 19791967 19801968 19811969 19821970 19831971 19841972 19851973 19861974 19871975 19881976 19891977

Susan Foreman

Steven Taylor

Ian Chesterton & Barbara Wright

Ben & Polly

Zoe HeriotFuture genius

Dr Harry Sullivan

Romana I & II Time Lord

Victoria Waterfield

Sarah Jane Smith Reporter, present-day Earth*

Dr Liz Shaw

Vicki Jamie McCrimmon Highland piper

Jo Grant Unit trainee, present-day Earth

Leela Fighter

Adric Boy genius

Ace Teen apprentice

Nyssa of Traken Alien scientist

Peri Brown American botany student

K-9 Robot dog

Tegan Jovanka Australian flight attendant

Melanie Bush

Turlough Alien exile

Katarina Dodo Chaplet

William Hartnell 1963-66 Patrick Troughton 66-69 Jon Pertwee 70-74 Tom Baker 74-81 Peter Davison 82-84 Colin Baker 84-86 Sylvester McCoy 87-89

Sara Kingdom

Hartnell regenerates into Troughton; first appearance of the Cybermen, who come from the tenth planet, Mondas

UNIT leader, first seen in spring 1968, appears regularly until 1975, and then in 1983 and 1989. His last appearance was in the spin-off, The Sarah Jane Adventures, in 2008. The actor Nicholas Courtney died in 2011. Brigadier Alistair

Lethbridge-StewartSarah Jane


Reporter, went on to be the longest-serving of the companions. She appeared with the Tenth Doctor in School Reunion, as well as appearing in two spin-offs, K9 and Company in 1981, and The Sarah Jane Adventures from 2007 until the death of Elisabeth Sladen in 2011

The Three Doctors The tenth anniversary: Doctors reunite, though Hartnell was too ill for more than a cameo role

The Five Doctors 20th anniversary episode, set on

Gallifrey. Shown on 23 November in US, two days later in UK

Two debuts: the war-like cloned Sontarans, and Sarah Jane Smith

Sarah Jane departs, the Doctor is alone for a story set on his home planet Gallifrey

City of Death, which had John Cleese and Eleanor Bron in minor roles, is acclaimed as a classic story

The E-space trilogy, featuring vampires, a new male companion, Adric, and a farewell to Romana and K-9

Michael Grade puts the series on hiatus for 18 months amid claims that it is overly violent

Trial of a Time Lord is the second season-long arc, in which the Doctor is put on trial for breaking the rules of Gallifrey

In Doctor Who’s 25th year the Daleks return in a story set in 1963, written by now best-selling novelist Ben Aaronovitch. The Cybermen return in a story called Silver Nemesis, to mark the anniversary

Colin Baker is sacked. Sylvester McCoy takes over

Falling ratings, and a lack of support at the senior level of the BBC lead to cancellation. Doctor Who is over …

The Cybermen return, and Adric dies in the explosion that killed the dinosaurs

Return of the (redesigned) cybermen

WARNING: Getting into the UNIT dating controversy is a little

like spilling a classic Who fan’s pint. Sarah said she ‘came from 1980’ in 1975, but the balance

of other evidence suggests that the stories are set in a version of contemporary Britain, albeit one

with space travel

Doctor Who starts day after the assassination of Kennedy, on 23 November 1963




The Daleks, were created

by Terry Nation, but

owe their distinctive

look to BBC designer

Raymond Cusick


The Daleks’ Master Plan: the longest single

non-arc story. First companion deaths, first

Christmas episode

First appearance of the Ice Warriors, who hail from ‘the red planet’ The War Games:

First appearance of the Time Lords, who capture the Doctor and sentence him to regeneration and exile on Earth

Spearhead from Space marks the first time Doctor Who is broadcast in colour and the first appearance of the Autons

The return of the

Daleks in January


Jon Pertwee bows out with

Planet of the Spiders

Genesis of the Daleks brings in ratings and acclaim. Campaigner Mary Whitehouse is less keen. She calls it ‘teatime brutality for tots’

Doctor Who tries a season-

long arc, The Key to Time.

The Douglas Adams-penned Shada falls victim to a strike. It is later remade as an Eighth Doctor audio adventure

Tom Baker bows out. Peter Davison takes over; the show moves from Saturday to twice weekly

Colin Baker takes over. Show moves back to Saturdays with 45 minute episodes

The Doctor’s nemesis and fellow Time

Lord, The Master, makes his first

appearance, played by Roger Delgado.

The Dalek Invasion of Earth, set in 2164. The first companion departure, as Susan stays on Earth

The Doctor through time A brief history of Doctor Who I: The classic era SPIN-OFF FILMS RECURRING CHARACTERS OVER BOTH ERAS

Episodes featuring Daleks

Future and/or alien world


Present day Earth invaded

Silurians or Sea Devils

Set in alternate universe

Ice Warriors



Set in past, with aliens

Set in the past


Doctor Who and the Daleks, based on the second story of the First Doctor’s tenure. Both films starred Peter Cushing as an inventor called Dr Who

Daleks - Invasion: Earth 2150AD, based on 1964 serial The Dalek Invasion of Earth. Bernard Cribbins co-stars; he returns in 2007 as Donna Noble’s grandad, Wilf

1965 1966





7 89 10


13 14 15 16






23 24 25 26



Paul McGann 1996

After the cancellation, the character of the Doctor continued in a series of books published by Virgin in 1991-97. The authors included Russell T Davies, Paul Cornell, Mark Gatiss and Gareth Roberts, all of whom went on to write for the rebooted version of Doctor Who

In 1996, the BBC and the US production companies Fox and Universal produced a TV film starring Paul McGann as the Doctor. The story was set in San Francisco (though filmed in Vancouver) and Eric Roberts chewed the scenery as the Master. The movie was not successful enough to reboot the franchise

Other than Children in Need segments and a web series, Scream of the Shalka, the next time we heard of the Doctor was in 2004

Paul McGann continues to play the Eighth Doctor in audio plays produced by Big Finish and broadcast on Radio 4 Extra

2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

Rose Tyler

Jack Harkness

Rory Williams

Martha Jones

Donna Noble

Amelia Pond

Wilf Mott

Mickey Smith

433David Tennant Dec 2005 – Jan 2010 Matt Smith Jan 2010 – present

Christopher Eccleston 2005









Part II: The revival

New aliens, the Slitheen, appear in

episodes 4-5 and 11, then move to

spin-off The Sarah Jane Adventures

Steven Moffat’s first episodes, which introduced Capt Jack Harkness, terrified children, and won a 2006 Hugo award

‘Are you my mummy?’

‘Don’t blink. Blink and you’re dead’

‘Who turned out the lights?’

villains have appeared in Doctor Who since it began in 1963, according to Guardian readers, with 104 episodes featuring the Daleks, 84 featuring the Master, 56 with the Cybermen, and 24 with the Ice Warriors. Of the monsters solely seen since 2005, the Weeping Angels are most frequently used

‘Silence will fall’

The Autons are the first enemies of the reboot.

2006’s codeword, Torchwood, first mentioned in 2005, is explained (a little)

Enter Martha Jones, medical student. This year’s codeword is Harold Saxon

Adapted by Paul Cornell from his 1995 novel, Human Nature

The Girl in the Fire- place, by Steven Moffat, winner of the 2007 Hugo award

The Cybermen are reborn in an alternate universe

The question ‘who would win in a fight between the Daleks and the Cybermen?’ is answered. Rose is stranded in the alternate universe

Enter the Ood

Donna and the Doctor help free the Ood

Agatha Christie meets the Doctor

Return of the Sontarans

(and Martha)

River Song’s first appearance,

her death, and Moffat’s fourth

Hugo nomination in a row

Donna Noble tracks down the Doctor

Amelia Pond meets the Eleventh Doctor. He sees a crack in the universe in her bedroom wall

The return of the Weeping Angels, and River Song

The Silurians return and Rory is swallowed by the crack in time

Enter The Silence and a plot to kill the Doctor, tied in to the 1969 moon landings

The Doctor’s Wife, by novelist Neil Gaiman, in which the Tardis, in the form of a young woman, gets to talk to her ‘thief’. Gaiman won a Hugo award

The mystery of River Song’s origins is finally revealed

An older version of Amy meets the Tardis team

The Brigadier’s daughter Kate is revealed to be running UNIT in her father’s footsteps

The Doctor and hisfriend Craig foil a Cybermen attack

The Doctor escapes the death we saw at the start of the season, but regains his mystery

Let’s Kill Hitler

Second appearance of dinosaurs

Amy and Rory are stranded in in 1930s New York by the machinations of the Weeping Angels. They go on to live happy lives, but the Doctor can never see them again

The Doctor and Amy meet Vincent Van Gogh, courtesy of screenwriter Richard Curtis

Three-parter brings back the Master

Finale, in which Rose gets a Doctor of her own, and Donna loses her memory

A finale which roams across history, features most of the Doctor’s enemies, changes time and ends happily in Rory and Amy getting married – and Steven Moffat getting another Hugo award

The return of Sarah Jane Smith

Dalek introduces the Time War between the Daleks and Time Lords. Rob Shearman’s script is based on his audio play

The words Bad Wolf appear in every episode. A Dalek army is defeated. The Doctor sacrifices himself so Rose can live, and regenerates

The BBC was lobbied by Russell T Davies, whose stock was high after

Queer As Folk, to bring back Doctor Who. He was joined by fellow fans

Steven Moffat (writer of Press Gang and Coupling) and Mark Gatiss (one

of the League Of Gentlemen). The casting of Christopher Eccleston

helped persuade critics to take the reboot seriously. Filming began in Wales in 2004

David Tennant is the first actor to play the Doctor who was a self-avowed fan of the show. Before taking the role he had

taken roles in Big Finish’s Doctor Who audio plays

The end of an era: David Tennant, producers Julie Gardner and Phil Collinson and head writer Russell T Davies move on. Moffat takes over and there is a frenzy of speculation over who will be the Eleventh Doctor. Almost no one predicted it would be a 26-year-old relative unknown, Matt Smith

River Song

The Christmas Invasion 2005 David Tennant’s first

appearance. With 9.8m viewers it was the second-highest rated programme

on Christmas Day

The Runaway Bride 2006 Catherine Tate arrives as Donna Noble. The Doctor

and Donna defeat the spider Empress of the


A Christmas Carol 2010 The Doctor tries

to alter the past of a miser to make him


The Doctor, The Widow and the

Wardrobe 2011 A child in wartime

Britain wanders through a portal to

another world

The Snowmen 2012 Set in Victorian times, starring Richard E Grant (who voiced

the Doctor in a web series) and introducing the companion

Clara Oswald. Oswin Oswald, also played by Jenna-Louise

Coleman, was seen in Asylum of the Daleks in early 2012

The Next Doctor Dec 08 The Tenth Doctor teams

up with an imposter (David Morrissey) and

fights Cybermen

Planet of the Dead Easter 09 A London bus full of passengers and an

aristocratic thief are transported to an alien

world. Partly filmed in Dubai

The Waters of Mars Nov 09 An intelligent virus infects

the team at Bowie Base One on Mars. The Doctor tries

to defy history and save the legendary Adelaide Brooke,

with horrifying consequences

Dreamland Nov 09 Six-episode animated series

shown on the red button, BBC website and BBC2. The

Doctor finds an artefact which attracts the attention

of the men in black

The End of Time Dec 25, Jan 1 The Master, the

Time Lords, the time war, and the Tenth Doctor

sensing his end is nigh … a complicated farewell to Tennant, Davies and the

2005-10 producers


Future and/or alien world


Present-day Earth invaded

Weeping Angels

Set in alternate universeAutons


Set in past, with aliens

‘Fezzes are cool’






Voyage of the Damned 2007 Kylie, the Titanic in space and Bernard

Cribbins returns. It was the second most watched TV

programme of 2007

Run, you clever boy, and remember!
