do your friends glaze over when you mention genomics?

Do Your Friends Glaze Over When You Mention Genomics?

Upload: nancy-beall

Post on 21-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Do Your Friends Glaze Over When You Mention Genomics?

Do Your Friends Glaze Over

When You Mention Genomics?

Page 2: Do Your Friends Glaze Over When You Mention Genomics?

As I have learnt a lot over the last two

years about genomics and the

possibilities of true personalization, I get

more excited and I just want to know

more. Unfortunately this does come at a

cost…to my friends who have to hear

about endless ideas and prospects of our

health in the years to come.

Page 3: Do Your Friends Glaze Over When You Mention Genomics?

I realise that genomics is not interesting

to everybody especially as it is emerging

and is not quite mindless entertainment

but rather quite difficult for the non-

sciency brain. However as information is

much easier to access thanks to the

internet, there is no reason why we can t

all understand the basics and how our

healthcare will change in the future.

Page 4: Do Your Friends Glaze Over When You Mention Genomics?

Most people now access their news

and updates via media in the form of

newspapers, the internet, apps and the

radio. It is therefore crucial that the

media stays updated with scientific

advances in Genomics..

Page 5: Do Your Friends Glaze Over When You Mention Genomics?

A recent article published in the Risk

Management healthcare policy journal

highlighted the fact that when the Human

Genome project was completed in 2001,

there was huge media coverage regading

the announcement in Japan.

Page 6: Do Your Friends Glaze Over When You Mention Genomics?

The authors believe that this gap in

dissemination of knowledge between lay

people and scientists it is due to the fact the

Genomic Medicine is not a major health

issue as well as the fact that as it is an

emerging area and the press is exercising

restraint until ample evidence is present.

Page 7: Do Your Friends Glaze Over When You Mention Genomics?

Therefore, if you are a healthcare

professional or company not sure what the

impact will be of genomic advances in terms

of your products or services, why not start

getting informed about what Genomics is

and the impact it will have on personalized

medicine ,nutrition and food in the future.

Page 8: Do Your Friends Glaze Over When You Mention Genomics?

Here are some links and resources to get

you started:






Page 9: Do Your Friends Glaze Over When You Mention Genomics?

There are also a handful of masters and

online courses available for those that are

interested or if you prefer to read, check

out our resources section too.

Page 10: Do Your Friends Glaze Over When You Mention Genomics?

If you are ready to seeing how

implementing Nutritional Genomic

advances into your products and

service can benefit your bottom-line,

why not let us support you to reach

your business goals, by having a look

at our services pages to see how we

can help.

Page 11: Do Your Friends Glaze Over When You Mention Genomics?

If you need additional information

on this topic, you may want to

consult with a Nutritional

Genomics Specialist. Visit this

site to know more: