dntsesign eleme

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  • 8/12/2019 Dntsesign Eleme


    Design Elements - Point

    The point is the first and simplest element of visual design.

    The point serves as the focus of a visual, highlighting or drawingattention to important information.

    Several points in combination may represent a more complicated objector idea. For example, constellations can be thought of as points in the skyrepresenting the figure we "see."

    series of points can attract attention, especially as they move closertogether.

    !emember to use points or dots effectively in your visual images

    #mphasi$e key ideas

    %irect thelearner&sattention

    !epresent amore complicated object or ideain order to keep the image clearand simple.

  • 8/12/2019 Dntsesign Eleme


    The next element after point is line.

    Design Elements - Line

    line can be thought of aspointsso close together that they lose theirindividual identity and form a new entity.

    Since lines can be straight, curved, or irregularly shaped, you canalso think of a line as the track of a point in motion.

    'ertical lines can stop eye movement.

    They also e(uate to power and strength.

    )ori$ontal lines symboli$e rest and relaxation.

    %iagonal lines are dynamic and action*oriented.

  • 8/12/2019 Dntsesign Eleme


    +ines, like points, can direct attentionto a specific location in a visual image.

    Thick lines are more powerful than thin lines.

    +ines act as a borders between ideas,concepts, or steps in a se(uence.

    +ines allow you to (uickly visuali$e an object or idea with aminimum of time and material.

    y emphasi$ing basic structure, objects depicted through line drawingsare easy to recogni$e and can be effective for learning.

    +ines serve a multitude of purposes in visual displays. They also form shapes.

    Design Elements - Shape

  • 8/12/2019 Dntsesign Eleme


    shape is defined as an area that stands out from the space next to oraround it due to a defined or implied boundary, or because of differencesofvalue,color, or texture.

    shape is formed when a lineencloses an area.

    Shapes can vary endlessly and can suggest physical form and directeye movement.

    Simple shapes are remembered and understood moreeasily than complex shapes.

    )ere&s an exercise for you to try.

    -ithout looking back at the previous screen, see if you candraw each of the shapes on a piece of paper. ive yourself afew minutes, then scroll down to see the shapes again and

  • 8/12/2019 Dntsesign Eleme


    check how you did.

    )ere are the two shapes again. )ow did you do/ The

    majority of people will say it was easier to remember thesimple shape than the complex one.

    Shapes define figure0ground relationships.

    Shapes serve many purposes in visual images. 'alue, texture, and color help us seedifferent shapes. 1ext isvalue.

    Design Elements - Value

    'alue is the relative degree of lightness and darkness in adesign element.

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    +ine,color,texture, and shapeall need value contrast in orderto be seen.

    'alue is used to describe objects, shapes, and space.

    %ark areas tend to denote





    +ight areas tend to denote

    happiness fun




    The next design element is texture.

    Texture is defined as the surface characteristics of a material that can beexperienced through the sense of touch or the illusion of touch.

  • 8/12/2019 Dntsesign Eleme


    2n visual images, actual textures can be used, such ascloth, boxes, small objects, and natural items.

    This billboard in 2ndianapolis, 2ndiana, is made ofdiscarded materials normally found in a junkyard.

    Texture can be used to accent an area so that it becomesmore dominant than another.

    -hich box is more dominant/ -hat makes one box standout from the others/

    The last design element is color.

    Design Elements - Color

    3olor is the part of light that is reflected by theobject we see.

    3olor appeals to children as well as adults.

    The primary colors are red, yellow, and blue. They are called

    primary because they are not mixtures of other colors.

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    4ixing any two primary colors results in a secondary color.

    The color wheel is created when the primary andsecondary colors are placed in a circle.

    3olors directly across from each other on the color wheel are calledcomplementary colors.

    5range and blue are complementary colors

    6ellow and violet are complementary colors

    !ed and green are complementary colors

    3omplementary colors used together provideextreme contrast.

  • 8/12/2019 Dntsesign Eleme


    -hen complementary colors are used together theresulting image is difficult to look at for any length oftime.

    +ess contrast is achieved by using every other color on the color wheel, suchas

    blue, red, and yellow

    orange, green, and violet.

    4ore harmonious effects can be achieved by using colors that areclose together on the color wheel.

    nother way to organi$e color is by color "temperature." 3olors areeither "warm" or "cool."

  • 8/12/2019 Dntsesign Eleme


    !ed, orange, and yellow are considered warm colors.

    lue, green, and violet are considered cool colors.

    3olor is the last design element.

    Design Principles - Balance

    alance is a psychological sense ofe(uilibrium.

    s a design principle, balance places the parts of a visual in

    an aesthetically pleasing arrangement.

    2n visual images, balance is formal when both sides aresymmetrical in terms of arrangement.

    alance is informal when sides are not exactly symmetrical,but the resulting image is still balanced.

  • 8/12/2019 Dntsesign Eleme


    2nformal balance is more dynamic than formal

    balance and normally keeps the learner&s attentionfocused on the visual message.

    There are three main types of balance,hori$ontal balance,

    vertical balance,

    radial balance,

    The next design principle is perspective.

    Design Principles - Perspective

    7erspective is created through the arrangement of objects in two*dimensionalspace to look like they appear in real life.

    7erspective is a learned meaning of the relationship between different objects seen inspace.

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    2s the dark rectangle in front of a circle,

    or beside a semi*circle/

    7erspective adds realism to a visual image. Thesi$e of a rectangle means little until another objectgives it the si$e of a desk, or the si$e of a building.

    7erspective can be used to draw the audience into a visual.

    7erception can be achieved through the use of

    relative si$es of objects,

    overlapping objects,

    and blurring or sharpening objects.

    The next design principle isharmony.

  • 8/12/2019 Dntsesign Eleme


    Design Principles - Harmony

    )armony in visual design means all parts of the visualimage relate to and complement each other.

    )armony pulls the pieces of a visual image together.

    )armony can be achieved through repetition and rhythm.

    !epetition reemphasi$es visual units, connecting parts and creatingan area of attention.

    !hythm is the flow depicted in a visual.

    !hythm helps direct eye movement.

    7atterns or shapes can help achieve harmony.

    y repeating patterns in an interesting arrangement, the overall visualimage comes together.

    The next design principle isunity.

  • 8/12/2019 Dntsesign Eleme


    Design Principles - Unity

    8nity is the relationship among the elements of a visual that helps all the elementsfunction together. 8nity gives a sense of oneness to a visualimage. 2n other words, the words and the images work together

    to create meaning.

    8nity helps organi$e a visual image, facilitating interpretation and understanding.

    This visual is confusing. 2t is hard to see therelationships between the various parts.

    -ith better unity, the visual is now organi$ed andeasier to understand.

    8nity can be achieved through the use of similar shapes.

    8nity can be achieved through the use of a common pattern.

    8nity can be achieved through the use of space.

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    8nity can be achieved through the use of a common background.

    The next design principle ismovement.

    Design Principles - Movement

    4otion or movement in a visual image occurs when objectsseem to be moving in a visual image.

    4ovement in a visual image comes from the kinds of shapes,forms, lines, and curves that are used.

    %iagonal lines tend to create the illusion of movement ormotion.

    3hanges in direction, or change in the darkness or lightness of an image can also createa sense of motion.

  • 8/12/2019 Dntsesign Eleme


    Similar shapes connected with each other or overlappingeach other can imply movement or restlessness.

    series of images shown as individual frames 9like a comic strip: can provide a sense ofmovement through time.

    The last design principle isvariety.

    Design Principles - Variety

    'ariety provides contrast to harmony and unity

    2f this is harmony,

    then variety might be something like this.

    'ariety consists of the differences in objects that add interest to a visualimage.

    'ariety can be achieved by using opposites or strong contrasts.

  • 8/12/2019 Dntsesign Eleme


    3hanging the si$e, point of view, and angle of a single object can addvariety and interest to a visual image.

    reaking a repeating pattern can enliven a visual image.

    'ariety is the last design principle.