divine process

Divine Process Stay in the Process There is continual change in the world today and we are trying to keep pace with man's inventiveness. The increase in technology is prolific and it has spawned a race that as soon as new technology arrives on the market, it is duplicated and improved on. The demand for interactive and reality performance products are on the increase and that has opened new markets to maximize entertainment with more advanced and bizarre programming. The emphasis is about appearance and people's desire to find acceptance drives this frenzy. It is becoming more difficult to keep up with the pace of change. This has also affected Political and International boundaries as well as the way we do business transactions today. National boundaries are being re-forming as well as economies are going through a remodeled process with the realization that no economy will ever be safe again. These changes affect not only the way we live, but also have an affect the way we think. We are learning new ways to coupe with all the changes in our world. Our human instinct is to rebuff and avoid anything remotely looking like change. I have found that most people profoundly dislike transition and this will cause them to do the most amazing things in order to not have to go through any change at all. We often quote the scripture concerning Abraham (Heb. 11:8) being led out without knowing where he was going and simply trusting the Lord to lead him in the right way to bring him to the place that the Lord had purposed for him. Abraham saw the transition as an adventure into the unknown of God with all the risks that an uncharted life can deliver. Change challenges our hearts and the status quo. It makes us feel vulnerable since this is its very nature and for most, this is where the battle begins for many. Everyone someday will have this adventure thrust upon them and then it will be their turn to take the journey of faith. This is where God has His road map and past knowledge of how we have dealt before is useless and incapable of helping us through this time of transition. The directions for the new journey are filled out on a daily basis as we go. This is known as death by installments - the slow death of our mind- sets, our attitudes, perceptions, and paradigms with apparently nothing obvious to take their place. We only realize the replacement

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Post on 18-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Divine Process

Divine Process

Stay in the Process

There is continual change in the world today and we are trying to keep pace with man's inventiveness. The increase in technology is prolific and it has spawned a race that as soon as new technology arrives on the market, it is duplicated and improved on. The demand for interactive and reality performance products are on the increase and that has opened new markets to maximize entertainment with more advanced and bizarre programming. The emphasis is about appearance and people's desire to find acceptance drives this frenzy. It is becoming more difficult to keep up with the pace of change.

This has also affected Political and International boundaries as well as the way we do business transactions today. National boundaries are being re-forming as well as economies are going through a remodeled process with the realization that no economy will ever be safe again. These changes affect not only the way we live, but also have an affect the way we think. We are learning new ways to coupe with all the changes in our world. Our human instinct is to rebuff and avoid anything remotely looking like change. I have found that most people profoundly dislike transition and this will cause them to do the most amazing things in order to not have to go through any change at all.

We often quote the scripture concerning Abraham (Heb. 11:8) being led out without knowing where he was going and simply trusting the Lord to lead him in the right way to bring him to the place that the Lord had purposed for him. Abraham saw the transition as an adventure into the unknown of God with all the risks that an uncharted life can deliver. Change challenges our hearts and the status quo. It makes us feel vulnerable since this is its very nature and for most, this is where the battle begins for many.

Everyone someday will have this adventure thrust upon them and then it will be their turn to take the journey of faith. This is where God has His road map and past knowledge of how we have dealt before is useless and incapable of helping us through this time of transition. The directions for the new journey are filled out on a daily basis as we go. This is known as death by installments - the slow death of our mind-sets, our attitudes, perceptions, and paradigms with apparently nothing obvious to take their place. We only realize the replacement

Page 2: Divine Process

once we have completed our journey, so experience always comes first.

If we are to journey with the Lord into new areas of transition, we have to make time to reflect and review where we are and where we have come from. Our road map to faith must be kept up to date and relevant for those following us. There is a death process to be worked through in transition. Future fruit comes from present death (see Jon. 12:24).

The Holy Spirit will, if we allow Him, teach us how to be present to the moment with the Lord in our journey. There is great consciousness of the Lord's presence in transition that could be so fulfilling if we will allow Him to show us. We need not be afraid since the battle we fight in transition is the "Battle for the Peace". This will be our greatest battle and once we break through and experience the Peace, then it becomes our greatest ally in times of transition. The knowledge that the Lord is compelling us and going ahead of us through this divine process is frightening but so calming. To the adrenaline junkie like myself it has been awesome to feel the wind blow through my hair from the challenges I have faced and yet I am not screaming, but at peace, knowing He is in control. For me to be alive to God in this experience I have had to surrender to Him and to all that He allows in His wisdom. What He is allowing in His wisdom He could easily prevent by His power. If you enjoy God's life, you cannot fear change. Where He is present, resistance has died. And this death liberates us to experience the adventure of the new things He has ordained for us to walk in. (EPH 2:10)

We accept the risk knowing that the very Life of Christ empowers us and lives in us and He indwells us with His gifts, fresh anointing and multiple challenges in our faith so that He can reveal His Love to us. His nature will allow us to have struggles and battles with no thought but that His intercession and love will shield us from the enemy. (LUKE 22:31-32) The Lord never changes and this is part of His nature where He is so faithful and unchanging that we always know exactly where we are with Him. His desire is for us to walk in that same unchanging nature that has been imparted to us to walk in. The Lord is not moved by change since He is unchanging but He causes radical change to those persons and situations close to Him. Find your meaning and purpose in Him and your journey in transition will become a joy, since everything begins and ends in Him. - Transition gives Life to those who take it!