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  • 8/12/2019 Dig Watermark






    In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of


    Submitted by


    (Register. No.95580051)


    COCHIN-6802022 KERALA

  • 8/12/2019 Dig Watermark


    CERTIFICATECertified that this is a bonafide record of the mini-project work entitled Digital Watermarkingby SINIMOL.V.R in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree inMaster of Computer Applications of Cochin University of Science and Technology during the

    period 2008-2011

    Examiner Head of the Department

    Department of

    Computer Applications


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    As I submit the final complete form of my project titled Digital

    Watermarking, I wish to express my gratitude to all who helped and supported

    me in bringing it to completion.

    First off I want to express my sincere gratitude to Dr.K.V.Pramod,

    Head of the Department of Computer Applications,cusat for his inspiration and

    constant encouragement, which made me take up this project and bring it tocompletion.

    I am also thankful to Mrs.Malathy.S , Mr.B.Kannan , Mr.A.Sreekumar ,

    Mr.Arun and other faculties , Department of Computer Applications CUSAT for

    their encouragement during project work.

    And I would like to express my thanks to all digital watermarkers

    and friends who help me a lot in giving some ideas and concepts regarding theory

    of digital watermarking.

    Above all, I am extremely thankful to God for giving me the

    ability and endurance for completing this project.


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    Digital watermarking is an extension of steganography, is a

    promising solution for content copyright protection in the global network. It

    imposes extra robustness on embedded information. Digital watermarking is the

    science of embedding copyright information in the original files. The information

    embedded is called watermarks.

    Digital watermarking doesnt leave a noticeable mark on

    the content and dont affect its appreciation. These are imperceptible and detected

    only by proper authorities.

    Digital watermarks are difficult to remove without

    noticeable degrading the content and are covert means in situations where

    cryptography fails to provide robustness.The content is watermarked by convertingcopyright information into random digital noise using special algorithm that is

    perceptible only to the creator. Watermarks are resistant to filtering and stay with

    the content as long as the original has not been purposely damaged.

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    1.2.Goals and Objectives

    2.System Specification2.1.Hardware Specification

    2.2.Software Specification2.3.Software Description

    3.System Design3.1.Class Diagram

    4.System Testing

    5.Implementation Results5.1.Screen Shots



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    1.1 overview.In recent years, the distribution of works of art, including pictures,

    music, video and textual documents, has become easier. With the widespread and

    increasing use of the Internet, digital forms of these media (still images, audio,

    video, text) are easily accessible. This is clearly advantageous, in that it is easier to

    market and sell one's works of art. However, this same property threatens copyright

    protection. Digital documents are easy to copy and distribute, allowing for pirating.There are a number of methods for protecting ownership. One of these is known as

    digital watermarking.

    Digital watermarking is the process of inserting a digital signal or

    pattern (indicative of the owner of the content) into digital content. The signal,

    known as a watermark, can be used later to identify the owner of the work, to

    authenticate the content, and to trace illegal copies of the work.

    Watermarks of varying degrees of obtrusiveness are added to

    presentation media as a guarantee of authenticity, quality, ownership, and source.

    To be effective in its purpose, a watermark should adhere to a few requirements. In

    particular, it should be robust, and transparent. The media of focus in this paper is

    the still image. There are a variety of image watermarking techniques, falling into 2

    main categories, depending on in which domainthe watermark is constructed.

    In conclusion, image watermarking techniques that take advantageof properties of the human visual system, and the characteristics of the image createthe most robust and transparent watermarks.

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    Digital Watermarking contains the modules:

    Text on images

    Image on image

    1.2 Goals and objectives

    Digital watermarking is a technology for embedding various types of

    information in digital content. In general, information for protecting copyrights and

    proving the validity of data is embedded as a watermark.

    A digital watermark is a digital signal or pattern inserted into digitalcontent. The digital content could be a still image, an audio clip, a video clip, a text

    document, or some form of digital data that the creator or owner would like to

    protect. The main purpose of the watermark is to identify who the owner of the

    digital data is, but it can also identify the intended recipient.

    All the information handled on the Internet is provided as digital

    content. Such digital content can be easily copied in a way that makes the new file

    indistinguishable from the original. Then the content can be reproduced in large


    Digital watermarks apply a similar method to digital content.

    Watermarked content can prove its origin, thereby protecting copyright. A

    watermark also discourages piracy by silently and psychologically deterring

    criminals from making illegal copies.

    A watermark on a bank note has a different transparency than therest of the note when a light is shined on it. However, this method is useless in thedigital world.

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    Currently there are various techniques for embedding digital watermarks.Basically, they all digitally write desired information directly onto images or audiodata in such a manner that the images or audio data are not damaged. Embedding awatermark should not result in a significant increase or reduction in the originaldata.

    Digital watermarks are added to images or audio data in such away that they are invisible or inaudible unidentifiable by human eye or ear.

    Furthermore, they can be embedded in content with a variety of file formats. Digital

    watermarking is the content protection method for the multimedia era.

    To be effective in the protection of the ownership of intellectual property, the

    invisibly watermarked document should satisfy several criteria:

    1. The watermark must be difficult or impossible to remove, at least

    without visibly degrading the original image,

    2. The watermark must survive image modifications that are common to typical

    image-processing applications (e.g., scaling, color requantization, dithering,

    cropping, and image compression),3. An invisible watermark should be imperceptible so as not to affect the

    experience of viewing the image, and

    4. For some invisible watermarking applications, watermarks should be

    readily detectable by the proper authorities, even if imperceptible to

    the average observer.Such decodability without requiring the

    recovery of property and subsequent prosecution.

    The digital watermarking technique is appealing, since it provides following main

    features and does not require out-of-band data as in other mechanisms.

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    Robustness: Depending on the application, the digital watermarking technique can

    support different levels of robustness against changes made to the watermarked

    content. If digital watermarking is used for ownership identification, then the

    watermark has to be robust against any modifications. The watermarks should not

    get degraded or destroyed as a result of unintentional or malicious signal and

    geometric distortions like analog-to digital conversion, digital- to-analog

    conversion, cropping, re-sampling, rotation, dithering, quantization, scaling and

    compression of the content. On the other hand, if digital watermarking is used for

    content authentication, the watermarks should be fragile, i.e., the watermarks should

    get destroyed whenever the content is modified so that any modification to contentcan be detected.

    Inseparability: After the digital content is embedded with watermark, separating

    the content from the watermark to retrieve the original content is not possible.

    Security: The digital watermarking techniques prevent unauthorized users from

    detecting and modifying the watermark embedded in the cover signal. Watermark

    keys ensure that only authorized users are able to detect/modify the watermark.

    It is of interest to identify the properties of a digital data item (the carrier signal)

    that assist in watermarking:

    1.It should have a high level of redundancy. This is so that it can carry a more

    robust watermark without the watermark being noticed. (A more robust

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    watermark usually requires a larger number of alterations to the carrier


    2. It must tolerate at least small, well-defined modifications without changing

    its semantics.

    Digital watermarking techniques have wide ranging applications. Some

    of the applications are enlisted below.

    Copyright Protection: Digital watermarks can be used to identify and protect

    copyright ownership. Digital content can be embedded with watermarks depictingmetadata identifying the copyright owners.

    Copy Protection: Digital content can be watermarked to indicate that the content

    cannot be illegally replicated. Devices capable of replication can then detect such

    watermarks and prevent unauthorized replication of the content.

    Broadcast Monitoring: Digital watermarks can be used to monitor broadcasted

    content like television and broadcast radio signals. Advertising companies can use

    systems that can detect the broadcast of advertisements for billing purposes by

    identifying the watermarks broadcast along with the content.

    Concealed Communication: Since watermarking is a special technique of

    steganography,it can be used for concealed communication also. Digital

    Watermarking techniques can be classified in a number of ways depending on

    different parameters. Various types of watermarking techniques are enlisted below.

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    Each of the different types mentioned below have different applications.

    Robust & F ragil e Watermarking: Robust watermarking is a technique in which

    modification to the watermarked content will not affect the watermark.

    Visible & Transparent Watermarking: Visible watermarks are ones which are

    embedded in visual content in such a way that they are visible when the content is

    viewed. Transparent watermarks are imperceptible and they cannot be detected by

    just viewing the digital content.

    Public & Private Watermark ing: In public watermarking, users of the content are

    authorized to detect the watermark while in private watermarking the users are notauthorized to detect the watermark.

    Asymmetr ic & Symmetr ic Watermarking: Asymmetric watermarking (also called

    asymmetric key watermarking) is a technique where different keys are used for

    embedding and detecting the watermark. In symmetric watermarking (or symmetric

    key watermarking)the same keys are used for embedding and detecting watermarks.

    Steganographic & Non-Steganographic watermarking: Steganographic

    watermarking is the technique where content users are unaware of the presence of a

    watermark. In nonsteganographic watermarking, the users are aware of the presence

    of a watermark. Steganographic watermarking is used in fingerprinting applications

    while non-steganographic watermarking techniques can be used to deter piracy.


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    Hardware Specification

    Processor : Intel Pentium 4

    Primary Storage (RAM) : 256MB or Higher

    Monitor : 15 or higher

    Secondary Storage : 40GB orabove

    Key Board : Standard 102/104 Keys

    Mouse : Standard PS/2

    2.2 Software SpecificationOperating System : Windows XP,Windows 7,Windows 2000

    Front End : JAVA(J2SE)

    Design Tools : NetBeans IDE 6.8

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    2.3 Software Description

    JAVA in Brief

    Java is a programming language originally developed by Sun

    Microsystems and released in 1995 as a core component of Sun's Java platform.

    The language derives much of its syntax from C and C++ but has a simpler object

    model and fewer low-level facilities. Java applications are typically compiled to

    bytecode that can run on any Java virtual machine (JVM) regardless of computer

    architecture. The Java language was created by James Gosling in June 1991 for use

    in one of his many set-top box projects.[4] The language was initially called Oak,

    after an oak tree that stood outside Gosling's officeand also went by the name

    Greenand ended up later being renamed to Java, from a list of random words.[5]

    Gosling's goals were to implement a virtual machine and a language that had afamiliar C/C++ style of notation.[6] The first public implementation was Java 1.0 in

    1995. It promised "Write Once, Run Anywhere" (WORA), providing no-cost

    runtimes on popular platforms. It was fairly secure and its security was

    configurable, allowing network and file access to be restricted. Major web browsers

    soon incorporated the ability to run secure Java applets within web pages. Java

    quickly became popular. With the advent of Java 2, new versions had multiple

    configurations built for different types of platforms. For example, J2EE was for

    enterprise applications and the greatly stripped down version J2ME was for mobile

    applications. J2SE was the designation for the Standard Edition. In 2006, for

    marketing purposes, new J2 versions were renamed Java EE, Java ME, and Java

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    SE, respectively.Sun uses a peculiar naming scheme to differentiate different

    versions of Java. First, Sun generates an abstract specification that defines what

    Java is. This is known as Platform. Major specification changes would require a

    change in platform. Then, a particular version of Java might target a different type

    of application (for example, a desktop computer or a handheld computer). These

    different types are known as editions. Finally, each specific implementation of an

    edition on the platform has a version number and is known as a Java SDK

    (Software Development Kit; formerly known as the Java Development Kit or JDK).

    You can divide Java into two main parts. The first part (the Java

    Virtual Machine) executes Java programs. The second part (the Software

    Development Kit) is the set of tools used to develop Java programs.

    Primary goals

    There were five primary goals in the creation of the Java language:[12]

    1. It should use the object-oriented programming methodology.

    2. It should allow the same program to be executed on multiple operating systems.

    3. It should contain built-in support for using computer networks.

    4. It should be designed to execute code from remote sources securely.

    5. It should be easy to use by selecting what were considered the good parts of

    other object-oriented languages.

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    Features of Java

    Java is

    1. Platform independent (Portable).

    2. Object-Oriented.

    3. Robust.

    4. Secure.

    5. High Performance

    6. Architectural Neutral

    7. Multithreaded.

    8. Interpreted.

    9. Distributed.

    10. Dynamic & Extensible.

    A free, open-source Integrated Development Environment for software developers.

    You get all the tools you need to create professional desktop, enterprise, web, and

    mobile applications with the Java language, as well as C/C++, PHP, JavaScript,

    Groovy, and Ruby. It easy to install and use straight out of the box and runs on

    many operating systems including Windows, Linux, Mac OS X and Solaris.

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    3.1 Class Diagram





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    -width:int-max:int-min:int-x:int-y:int+ TextOnImages()-AddImageActionPerformed()-jButton3ActionPerformed()-Table1MouseClicked()-jButton7ActionPerformed()


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    -width:int-x:int-y:int-name:String+ ImageOnImages()-jButton6ActionPerformed()-Browse2ActionPerformed()-WaterImageTextActionPerformed()-jButton2ActionPerformed()-jButton4ActionPerformed()

    -jButton5ActionPerformed()-AddImageActionPerformed()-RemoveButtonActionPerformed()-Table1MouseClicked()-jButton7ActionPerformed()-jButton51ActionPerformed ()-jButton50ActionPerformed ()-WaterButtonActionPerformed()

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    Software testing is the process used to help identify the correctness,

    completeness, security and quality of developed computer software. Testing is vital

    to the success of the system. System Testing makes logical assumption that if all the

    parts of the system are correct, the goal will be successfully achieved.

    System Testing is a critical element of software quality assurance and

    represents the ultimate review of specification, design and coding. The user tests

    the developed system and changes are made according to their needs. The testing

    phase involves the testing of developed system using various kinds of data.

    There are many approaches to software testing, but effective testing of

    complex products is essentially a process of investigation, not merely a matter of

    creating and following rote procedure. One definition of testing is "the process of

    questioning a product in order to evaluate it", where the "questions" are things

    the tester tries to do with the product, and the product answers with its behavior

    in reaction to the probing of the tester. The quality of the application can, and

    normally does, vary widely from system to system but some of the common

    quality attributes include reliability, stability, portability, maintainability and


    Testing Objectives

    Testing is the process of executing the program with the intention of finding

    an error

    A good test is one that has a high probability of finding an as-yet-

    undiscovered error.

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    A successful test is that which uncovers as-yet-undiscovered error.

    Fig : Test Information Flow

    Test Procedure

    The procedure is as follows

    Prepare the test case.

    Record the expected result and verify whether in tune with actual


    if actual results are not tune with expected results, do not necessary

    work. Test again and check the results.

    If the test results are satisfactory, wind up testing.

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    5.1 Screen Shots

    Text On Images

    In case of text on image visible watermarking, the information is visible in the

    picture or video. Typically, the information is text or a logo which identifies the

    owner of the media. The image on the right has a visible watermark. When a

    television broadcaster adds its logo to the corner of transmitted video, this is also a

    visible watermark. Collective Access can automatically add a visible watermark to

    image derivatives. The watermark pattern is a graphic provided by you: it can be a

    logo, text or anything else than can be expressed in a bitmap. Watermarking is

    applied as derivatives are created. The watermarks are part of the image and cannot

    be easily removed. (They can be cropped out or Photoshop'ed away, of course, just

    like anything else in an image).

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    Image On Image

    In case of image on imagewatermarking if the data file to be retrieved is animage

    the provider can embed a watermark for protection purposes. The process allows

    tolerance to some change, while still maintaining an association with the original

    image file. Researchers have also developed techniques that embed components of

    the image within the image. This can help identify portions of the image that may

    contain unauthorized changes and even help in recovering some of the lost

    data.Digital watermarking is an easy way of providing image copyright protection.

    Digital watermark can be a text or picture added to digital image with special image

    watermarking software or with graphics editors like MS Paint.

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  • 8/12/2019 Dig Watermark


    Digital watermarking is a technique which allows an individual to

    add hidden copyright notices or other verification messages on image and

    documents . This is mostly useful for computer painters, designers and

    bannermakers, who send their works to a customer through the Internet for


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    [1] R. Schyndel, A. Tirkel, and C. Osborne, A Digital Watermark,Proc. IEEE

    Int. Conf. on Image Processing, Nov. 1994, vol. II,

    [2] I. Pitas, A Method for Signature Casting on Digital Images, Proc. IEEE Int.Conf. on Image Processing, Sept. 1996, vol. III,

    [3] X. Xia, C. Boncelet, and G. Arce, A Multiresolution Watermark for Digital

    Images,Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on ImageProcessing, Oct. 1997, vol I,

    [4] N. Ahmed, T. Natarajan, and K. R. Rao. 1974. On image processingand a discrete cosine transform. IEEE Transactions on Computers C-

    23(1): 90-93.[5] Jain, Anil K.Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing. EnglewoodCliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1989. pp. 150-153.


    [7] www.codeproject.com
