different ways to say i love you to your wife

Different Ways to Say I Love You to Your Wife

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Post on 13-Apr-2017




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Different Ways to Say I Love You to Your


Page 2: Different ways to say i love you to your wife

Different Ways to Say I Love You to Your Wife

When you were newly married, you were never tired in pleasing your wife and often saying “I love you”. But after years passed, you feel shy to repeat the same word again and again. See, the time has only passed, not your love. Your love is still new and it needs to be expressed in different ways. You already know these ways, here are a few suggestions that you use for winning the heart of your wife and every time adding a new premium to your love bank. 

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Different Ways to Say I Love You to Your Wife

Show Love through Your Actions

You know the small things of care and affection brings major changes in romantic life. Your wife expects something from you even she is not telling. These things don’t require money and high expenses. For example, you may ask her for an after-dinner walk, change one room into a dance floor and both of you can dance together, arrange a candle light dinner in your backyard on holidays etc. are done without expenses of money but huge investments of heart and thus, results in strengthening your relationship.

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Different Ways to Say I Love You to Your Wife

Re-create the Past Events

Pretend to be new or strange to your wife once more and recreate the events that happened first time. It may be how did you meet for the first time, how your first date was and how did you kissed each other after wedding. Additionally, you may play the favourite love song of your wife, narrate a fictitious story how two lovers met each other. These ideas will take you to past and romance will be at seven skies enhancing your intimacies. 

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Different Ways to Say I Love You to Your Wife

Spend Quality Time with Your Wife

Your wife knows that you are stressed due to various reasons. But, she wishes to spend some time with you in privacy. As a sincere husband and loving partner, it is duty to spend the quality time together. Put off all the electronic devices such as Mobile Phone, TV, Computer, Radio etc. and if you wish put off the master CB of your house. Sit with her in privacy in candle light and let your romance grow to the maximum limit. Read her face, sense her breath and reply from your breath, you will come to know what the real …

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Different Ways to Say I Love You to Your Wife

companionship of wife is. She will remember this even for ever and this idea of saying “I love you” would be really unique.

Forget and Forgive 

Plan a date with your wife taking out time from your busy schedules and be alone with her. Take her to movies, dates or outing. Make her to forget the worries of life and forgive the mistakes of children and other members of family. You are the real companion of life and let her feel that you are with her at all the ups and downs of life. Your actions..

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Different Ways to Say I Love You to Your Wife

will always keep the marital flame spreading true lights in the life of both of you. 

True Communication Always

You know, the true and clear communication is the pillar of any relationship. But it is inevitable in case of husband wife relationship. It creates the trust and your wife feel the statement “I love you” even when you say something else. 

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