determination of serum insulin by solid phase enzyme immunoassay in antibody coated tubes

11. Massenspektrometrie. II 10.4 145 Determination of Serum Insulin by Solid Phase Enzyme Immunoassay in Antibody Coated Tubes G. Kleinhammer, H. Lenz, R. Linke, and W. Gruber Boehringer Mannheim GmbH, Biochemica Werk Tutzing, Forschungszentrum, D-8132 Tutzing Bestimmung yon Serum-Insulin im Solid-Phase Enzym-Immunoassay unter Verwendung Antik6rper-beschiehteter Polystyrolgliischen Best. yon Insulin in Serum; Enzym-Immunoassay; antik6rperbeschichtete Glfischen Using an Insulin-HRP-conjugate as tracer an enzyme immunoassay in antibody coated tubes for determina- tion of insulin was developed. The conjugate was synthesized according to NAKANE with slight modi- fications and purified via ion-exchange and gel chro- matography. It could be used at least for 6 months when stored in the refrigerator. Polystyrene tubes were coated with the y-globulin- fraction of guinea-pig anti-insulin anti-serum usually diluted. The assay is performed by incubating first 100 gl of insulin standard solution or serum sample over night at 4~ in a total volume of 1.0 ml. Then, after washing the tubes with tap-water, I ml of a solution of insulin-HRP-conjugate is incubated in the tubes for 2 h at 4~ C. Finally, the conjugate- solution is aspirated, whereafter the HRP-activity bound to the tube wall is determined at pH 5.0 using 2,2'-azino-di- [3-ethyl-benzothiazoline-sulphonate (6)] (ABTS| as chro- mogen. The absorbance is read after 45 min at 405 nm. The sensitivity of the assay, i.e., the amount of insulin displacing 10~o of the initially bound tracer was found to be 0.5-0.75 pU of insulin per tube. An inter-assay coefficient of variation (n = 10) of 11 ~o was obtained using a serum with about 80 p.U of insulin/ml. Upon testing a panel of 18 human sera spiked with different amounts of insulin by enzyme- and radio- immunoassay in antibody coated tubes a coefficient of correlation between these two methods of r = 0.98 was found. The recovery of 60 and 150 pU of insulin/ ml was 113 and 114 ~, respectively. 11. Massenspektrometrie. H 11.1 Determination of Cholesterol in Serum using Mass Fragmentography - a Reference Method in Clinical Chemistry L. Siekmann, K. P. Hfiskes, and H. Breuer Inst. f. Klin. Biochemie, Universitfit Bonn, Venusberg, D-5300 Bonn 1 Massenfragmentographische Bestimmung yon Cholesterin im Serum - eine kliniseh-chemische Referenzmethode Best. von Cholesterin im Serum; Chromatographic, Gas/ Massenspektrometrie Isotopic dilution-mass spectrometry (ID-MS) is widely accepted as a reliable analytical technique for the highly accurate determination of volatile compounds in biological material [1,2]. In the present investiga- tion, a mass fragmentography procedure (MF) for the quantitative determination of cholesterol in human serum was developed which makes use of the prin- cipIes of mass spectrometry and of isotopic dilution. Cholesterol was measured in 100 serum samples by the use of this method; the analytical data are compared with those obtained (a) by the Lieber- mann-Burchard reaction [4], (b) by the enzymatic method according to R6schlau et al. [3] and (c) by a gas liquid chromatography (GLC) method. 0.5 pl of serum and 100 nCi = 1.8 nmol of [4-14C]cho- lesteryl oleate (55.5 mCi/mMol) are added to ethanolic KOH solution. Hydrolysis of the cholesteryl esters is performed at 55~ in 30 rain, and free cholesterol is extracted with 5 ml of cyclohexane. The organic solvent is evaporated and the residue reacted with N-methyl-N-trimethylsilyl trifluoroacetic amide (MSTFA) to form the TMS ether derivative of cho- lesterol. 5 pl of the reaction mixture are injected into the gas chromatography-mass spectrometer (GC-MS); the instru- ment is adjusted to record the m/e values 458 and 460. A mass fragmentogram obtained from the analysis of a serum sample is shown in Fig. 1. The intensities of the peaks of cholesterol (/458) and 14C-cholesterol (/46o) are determined

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Page 1: Determination of serum insulin by solid phase enzyme immunoassay in antibody coated tubes

11. Massenspektrometrie. II



Determination of Serum Insulin by Solid Phase Enzyme Immunoassay in Antibody Coated Tubes

G. Kleinhammer, H. Lenz, R. Linke, and W. Gruber

Boehringer Mannheim GmbH, Biochemica Werk Tutzing, Forschungszentrum, D-8132 Tutzing

Bestimmung yon Serum-Insulin im Solid-Phase Enzym-Immunoassay unter Verwendung Antik6rper-beschiehteter Polystyrolgliischen

Best. yon Insulin in Serum; Enzym-Immunoassay; antik6rperbeschichtete Glfischen

Using an Insulin-HRP-conjugate as tracer an enzyme immunoassay in antibody coated tubes for determina- tion of insulin was developed. The conjugate was synthesized according to N A K A N E with slight modi- fications and purified via ion-exchange and gel chro- matography. It could be used at least for 6 months when stored in the refr igerator .

Polystyrene tubes were coated with the y-globulin- fraction of guinea-pig anti-insulin anti-serum usually diluted.

The assay is performed by incubating first 100 gl of insulin standard solution or serum sample over night at 4~ in a total volume of 1.0 ml. Then, after washing the tubes with tap-water, I ml of a solution of insulin-HRP-conjugate is incubated in the tubes for 2 h at 4 ~ C. Finally, the conjugate- solution is aspirated, whereafter the HRP-activity bound to the tube wall is determined at pH 5.0 using 2,2'-azino-di- [3-ethyl-benzothiazoline-sulphonate (6)] (ABTS | as chro- mogen. The absorbance is read after 45 min at 405 nm.

The sensitivity of the assay, i.e., the amount of insulin displacing 10~o of the initially bound tracer was found to be 0 .5 -0 .75 pU of insulin per tube.

An inter-assay coefficient of variation (n = 10) of 11 ~o was obtained using a serum with about 80 p.U of insulin/ml.

Upon testing a panel of 18 human sera spiked with different amounts of insulin by enzyme- and radio- immunoassay in antibody coated tubes a coefficient of correlation between these two methods of r = 0.98 was found. The recovery of 60 and 150 pU of insulin/ ml was 113 and 114 ~ , respectively.

11. Massenspektrometrie. H 11.1

Determination of Cholesterol in Serum using Mass Fragmentography - a Reference Method in Clinical Chemistry

L. Siekmann, K. P. Hfiskes, and H. Breuer

Inst. f. Klin. Biochemie, Universitfit Bonn, Venusberg, D-5300 Bonn 1

Massenfragmentographische Bestimmung yon Cholesterin im Serum - eine kliniseh-chemische Referenzmethode

Best. von Cholesterin im Serum; Chromatographic, Gas/ Massenspektrometrie

Isotopic dilution-mass spectrometry (ID-MS) is widely accepted as a reliable analytical technique for the highly accurate determination of volatile compounds in biological material [1,2]. In the present investiga- tion, a mass fragmentography procedure (MF) for the quantitative determination of cholesterol in human serum was developed which makes use of the prin- cipIes of mass spectrometry and of isotopic dilution.

Cholesterol was measured in 100 serum samples by the use of this method; the analytical data are compared with those obtained (a) by the Lieber- mann-Burchard reaction [4], (b) by the enzymatic method according to R6schlau et al. [3] and (c) by a gas liquid chromatography (GLC) method.

0.5 pl of serum and 100 nCi = 1.8 nmol of [4-14C]cho- lesteryl oleate (55.5 mCi/mMol) are added to ethanolic KOH solution. Hydrolysis of the cholesteryl esters is performed at 55~ in 30 rain, and free cholesterol is extracted with 5 ml of cyclohexane. The organic solvent is evaporated and the residue reacted with N-methyl-N-trimethylsilyl trifluoroacetic amide (MSTFA) to form the TMS ether derivative of cho- lesterol. 5 pl of the reaction mixture are injected into the gas chromatography-mass spectrometer (GC-MS); the instru- ment is adjusted to record the m/e values 458 and 460. A mass fragmentogram obtained from the analysis of a serum sample is shown in Fig. 1. The intensities of the peaks of cholesterol (/458) and 14C-cholesterol (/46o) are determined