detecting and eliminating potential violation of sequential consistency for concurrent c/c++ program...

Detecting and Eliminating Potential Violation of Sequential Consistency for concurrent C/C++ program Duan Yuelu, Feng Xiaobing, Pen- chung Yew

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Page 1: Detecting and Eliminating Potential Violation of Sequential Consistency for concurrent C/C++ program Duan Yuelu, Feng Xiaobing, Pen-chung Yew

Detecting and Eliminating Potential Violation of Sequential Consistency for concurrent C/C++ program

Duan Yuelu, Feng Xiaobing, Pen-chung Yew

Page 2: Detecting and Eliminating Potential Violation of Sequential Consistency for concurrent C/C++ program Duan Yuelu, Feng Xiaobing, Pen-chung Yew


Motivation Approach & Implementation Results Related Work Conclusion

Page 3: Detecting and Eliminating Potential Violation of Sequential Consistency for concurrent C/C++ program Duan Yuelu, Feng Xiaobing, Pen-chung Yew


Programmers develop “low-lock” code for better performance lock is expensive data race are deliberately employed require sequential consistency (SC) model

Such code might fail in relaxed consistency (RC) models E.g. Double Checked Locking (DCL) for lazy

initialized singleton

Page 4: Detecting and Eliminating Potential Violation of Sequential Consistency for concurrent C/C++ program Duan Yuelu, Feng Xiaobing, Pen-chung Yew

Example 1 (a):Lazy initialized singleton

Object::Object() {

this.field = 100;


Object Object::getInstance() {

if (!_instance)

_instance = new Object();

return _instance;


Object Object::getInstance() {


if (!_instance)

_instance = new Object();


return _instance;


work only for single thread

work for multi-thread, but is expensive...

void Object::useInstance() { Object ins; ins = Object::getInstance(); int f = ins.getField();}

Page 5: Detecting and Eliminating Potential Violation of Sequential Consistency for concurrent C/C++ program Duan Yuelu, Feng Xiaobing, Pen-chung Yew

(b): Double Checked Locking for lazy initialized singleton

Object Object::getInstance() {

if (!_instance) {


if (!_instance)

_instance = new Object();



return _instance;


If the architecture is SC, then it works correctly, with better performance than (a).

But, how about running on RC models that allows write-write reorder?

Page 6: Detecting and Eliminating Potential Violation of Sequential Consistency for concurrent C/C++ program Duan Yuelu, Feng Xiaobing, Pen-chung Yew

A possible execution interleave…correct!

Object Object::getInstance() {

if (!_instance) {


if (!_instance) {

temp = malloc(..);

A1: temp->field = 100;

A2: _instance = temp;




return _instance;


B1: if (!_instance) {…}

B2: read _instance->field;

Initializer Thread (T1) Reader Thread (T2)

Data races are employed, since these accesses are improperly synchronized

Page 7: Detecting and Eliminating Potential Violation of Sequential Consistency for concurrent C/C++ program Duan Yuelu, Feng Xiaobing, Pen-chung Yew

But, how about reorder write-write?

Object Object::getInstance() {

if (!_instance) {


if (!_instance) {

temp = malloc(..);

temp->field = 100;

A2: _instance = temp;

A1: temp->field = 100;


B1: if (!_instance) {…}

B2: read _instance->field;

Initializer Thread (T1) Reader Thread (T2)

Get Un-initialized value of instance->field

Violate Sequential Consistency

Page 8: Detecting and Eliminating Potential Violation of Sequential Consistency for concurrent C/C++ program Duan Yuelu, Feng Xiaobing, Pen-chung Yew

bug pattern:Potential Violation of Sequential Consistency (PVSC),- since these defects might cause SC violation.

How to detect and eliminate PVSC bugs?- Basically, we combine Shasha/Snir’s conflict graph and delay set theory with existing data race detection scheme.

Page 9: Detecting and Eliminating Potential Violation of Sequential Consistency for concurrent C/C++ program Duan Yuelu, Feng Xiaobing, Pen-chung Yew


Motivation Approach & Implementation Results Related Work Conclusion

Page 10: Detecting and Eliminating Potential Violation of Sequential Consistency for concurrent C/C++ program Duan Yuelu, Feng Xiaobing, Pen-chung Yew

our scheme

(1) Construct Race Graph (2) Find cycles in it

A cycle in race graph corresponds to a PVSC bug

(3) Compute delay set (4) Insert memory ordering fences

Page 11: Detecting and Eliminating Potential Violation of Sequential Consistency for concurrent C/C++ program Duan Yuelu, Feng Xiaobing, Pen-chung Yew

Constructing Race Graph

For all the instructions that executed in a particular execution of a program P:Add program order edge for instructions in

each thread.Add race edge for each data race.

wr a

wr b

rd b

rd a

Thread 1 Thread 2

Race edge

Program order edge

Page 12: Detecting and Eliminating Potential Violation of Sequential Consistency for concurrent C/C++ program Duan Yuelu, Feng Xiaobing, Pen-chung Yew

A: wr a

B: wr b

C: rd b

D: rd a

Example 1.

Race Graph for DCL…


if (!_instance) {

temp = malloc(..);

temp->field = 100;

_instance = temp;




if (!_instance) {…}

read _instance->field;

Page 13: Detecting and Eliminating Potential Violation of Sequential Consistency for concurrent C/C++ program Duan Yuelu, Feng Xiaobing, Pen-chung Yew

Find cycles in race graph

Theorem 1. A cycle in race graph corresponds to a PVSC bug.Proof: If a cycle is found in race graph, then it

is possible to get a non-sequential-consistent execution by letting the race order be consistent with the cycle. E.g, we can get a non-SC execution E={B->C, D->A} from the cycle A->B->C->D->A in previous example.

Page 14: Detecting and Eliminating Potential Violation of Sequential Consistency for concurrent C/C++ program Duan Yuelu, Feng Xiaobing, Pen-chung Yew

Compute delay set

Delay lemma : Any execution should be consistent with a delay set D. [Shasha/Snir]

Theorem 2. Let D be the delay set which contains all the program order edge of the race cycles in race graph. Then D enforces sequential consistency for the executions that generates D.Proof: Omitted

Page 15: Detecting and Eliminating Potential Violation of Sequential Consistency for concurrent C/C++ program Duan Yuelu, Feng Xiaobing, Pen-chung Yew

Insert memory ordering fences

A fence instruction delays the issue of an instruction until all previous instructions completed.

Insert a fence for each delay in D. Then D can be enforced, and, Detected PVSC can be eliminated.

Page 16: Detecting and Eliminating Potential Violation of Sequential Consistency for concurrent C/C++ program Duan Yuelu, Feng Xiaobing, Pen-chung Yew

Thread 2Thread 1

Examples for above 3 steps…

wr a

wr b

rd a

rd b

Fig. 1 : No cycles, no PVSC, no fence is needed. (Implies that any execution on RC is sequential consistent, thus we don’t need fences.)

Page 17: Detecting and Eliminating Potential Violation of Sequential Consistency for concurrent C/C++ program Duan Yuelu, Feng Xiaobing, Pen-chung Yew

Thread 1 Thread 2 Thread 3

A: a=1

C: b = 1

D: if (b)

B: if (a)

Fig. 2 : contains a cycle A->B->C->D->E->A, PVSC.It’s possible to get the execution {A->B, C->D,E->A} which violates SC and results in {a=1,b=1, R1=0}.If we insert fences between A and B, C and D, then PVSC is eliminated.

E: R1=a

Initially a = b = 0

Page 18: Detecting and Eliminating Potential Violation of Sequential Consistency for concurrent C/C++ program Duan Yuelu, Feng Xiaobing, Pen-chung Yew

Fig. 3: Corrected version of DCL for lazy initialized singleton.

Object getInstance() { Object *tmp = _instance; Fence(); if (!tmp) {

lock(l); tmp = _instance; if (!tmp) tmp = new Object(); Fence(); _instance = tmp; unlock(l);

} return _instance;}

Page 19: Detecting and Eliminating Potential Violation of Sequential Consistency for concurrent C/C++ program Duan Yuelu, Feng Xiaobing, Pen-chung Yew


To handle real-world applications with Long execution time Many threads

We convert the race graph into PC race graph Combine nodes with same PC into one node.

The graph contains N nodes, where N equals the number of race access instructions.

Adopt SCC algorithm on PC race graph. Each SCC corresponds to a PVSC bug

Can introduce false negatives.

Page 20: Detecting and Eliminating Potential Violation of Sequential Consistency for concurrent C/C++ program Duan Yuelu, Feng Xiaobing, Pen-chung Yew


Motivation Approach & Implementation Results Related Work Conclusion

Page 21: Detecting and Eliminating Potential Violation of Sequential Consistency for concurrent C/C++ program Duan Yuelu, Feng Xiaobing, Pen-chung Yew


Detected PVSC bugs Performance loss after fence insertion Cost of PVSC detection over race detection

Page 22: Detecting and Eliminating Potential Violation of Sequential Consistency for concurrent C/C++ program Duan Yuelu, Feng Xiaobing, Pen-chung Yew

Part of detected bugsMySQL 5.0.x



Assertion in slave shutdown. mi->slave_running=0 could be visible

toother threads before the cleanup is completed. Thus causes assertion during slave shutdown.

httpd 2.2.x modules/cache/mod_cache.c,


store_header() might be visible to other threads before store_body(), thus mod_cache might provide old content despite new content has been fetched.

httpd 2.2.x prefork/prefork.c,


restart_pending = shutdown_pending = 0; might be visible to child threads after set_singal(), thus if httpd receives SIGTERM, it will be ignored while child processes are being spawned.

Page 23: Detecting and Eliminating Potential Violation of Sequential Consistency for concurrent C/C++ program Duan Yuelu, Feng Xiaobing, Pen-chung Yew

Performance loss of SPLASH-2

Figure 10: Performance on Intel Itanium SMP























alized E

xecution T


Non_Fence Compiler Analysis Lock-set Hybrid Happens-before

Page 24: Detecting and Eliminating Potential Violation of Sequential Consistency for concurrent C/C++ program Duan Yuelu, Feng Xiaobing, Pen-chung Yew

Cost over data race detection

Figure 13: Cost of PVSC detection over different race detecting algorithm

0. 940. 960. 98

11. 021. 041. 061. 081. 1

1. 12













p fft


esky lu





ed D


ction T


Non_PVSC Detection Lock-set Hybrid

Page 25: Detecting and Eliminating Potential Violation of Sequential Consistency for concurrent C/C++ program Duan Yuelu, Feng Xiaobing, Pen-chung Yew

Related Work

Compiler Analysis: Conservative for C/C++ programs, insert much redundant fences which hurt performance severely. [K.Yelick@ucb, S.Midkiff@purdue]

Verification: Enumerate all possible executions fit with a RC model. Not scale to large applications. [S.Burckhardt@msr]

Data race detection: Do not concern with the problem of SC violation. [many]

Other concurrency bugs: Atomicity[AVIO,yyzhou], Correlation[MUVI,yyzhou], do not consider the PVSC problem.

Page 26: Detecting and Eliminating Potential Violation of Sequential Consistency for concurrent C/C++ program Duan Yuelu, Feng Xiaobing, Pen-chung Yew


Motivation Approach & Implementation Results Related Work Conclusion

Page 27: Detecting and Eliminating Potential Violation of Sequential Consistency for concurrent C/C++ program Duan Yuelu, Feng Xiaobing, Pen-chung Yew


An effective and efficient scheme of detect Potential Violation of Sequential Consistency for concurrent C/C++ programs. Easy to be ported to the matured data race detection tools. Retain the performance after PVSC elimination. Scalable and low-cost.

Current limitation Dynamic data race detection limitations: false positive and false

negative. Can be addressed with the progress in data race detection Loop

Page 28: Detecting and Eliminating Potential Violation of Sequential Consistency for concurrent C/C++ program Duan Yuelu, Feng Xiaobing, Pen-chung Yew

