demonstration of classroom situations using appropriate instructional language

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  • 7/29/2019 Demonstration of Classroom Situations Using Appropriate Instructional Language





    F A H I M I

    F A R E E S

    A L I H A N A P I A H

    L U Q M A N

  • 7/29/2019 Demonstration of Classroom Situations Using Appropriate Instructional Language


    x - yclasses

    Teacher: Good morning, class.

    Students: Good morning, teacher!

    Teacher: Ok! Now I want you all to sit in your group. We will have some discussions basedtopics I will give to each group.

    Teacher guides the students on some circumstances.

    Student A: Guys, I dont understand about this aspect. Could you help me?

    Student B: Oh. You must know what the differences between present tense and past tensthing I know is when we are using present tense, we must use the root word.

    Teacher: Yes, thats right! Firstly, you must know whether to use present tense or past ten

    After some minutes, teacher handles the class.

    Teacher: Ok class. Now I want one representative for each group to tell me what the diffebetween past tense and present tense is.

  • 7/29/2019 Demonstration of Classroom Situations Using Appropriate Instructional Language


    Managing group work activitiesTeacher: Since there are 30 students, I will divide you into six groups consists of five studegroup.

    Teacher: I will count all of you one until six.

    Teacher: After that, sit down into your group number.

    Teacher: Choose one person to be a group leader.

    Teacher: I will give each group one sheet consists of ten questions.

    Teacher: I want all of you discuss with your group member and answer all the questions owithin 20 minutes.

    Teacher: Ok, you may begin your discussion now.

    Teacher: Dont worry; I will monitor each of the group.

    Teacher: At the end of the discussion, you must tell me the answers and pass up the sheegiven.

  • 7/29/2019 Demonstration of Classroom Situations Using Appropriate Instructional Language


    Effective questioning techniquesTeacher: Hello everyone, can anyone tell me what is verb?

    Student A: Can I try teacher?

    Teacher: Yes, you can.

    Student A: A verb is a word that usually denotes an action, an occurrence or a state of being.

    Teacher: Thats right. Congratulations, I know you can do it Student A. Now student B, please give me an e

    Student B: An example of verb is walk.

    Teacher: Well done, can I any other students give me more example of verb?

    Student C: I know, another example of verb is read.

    Student D: eat!!Teacher: Thank you guys. That means that you all understand about verb that we had learned last week.

    Last but not least, can someone make a sentence bas from the verb walk?

    Student E: Let me try. Every day, Hasan and Nordin walk to school together.

    Teacher: Thank you. So we can continue with our next topic today.

  • 7/29/2019 Demonstration of Classroom Situations Using Appropriate Instructional Language


    anag ng mu p e c assroomteaching

    Strategies for classroom teaching:

    1) Whole class teaching

    Teacher teaches the pupils in the multiple class as a whole.

    Teacher only make one lessons plan using the average ability group as as a criterion.

    Used for teaching general subjects like physical education, music, moral studies and

    2) Individual teaching

    Provide seat work activities for all the children

    While they are involved in their work, individual children can be brought forward forattention.

    Allow teacher to have better control of teaching-learning environment.

    Teacher should adopt this method when the situation demands like remedial teachistudents.

  • 7/29/2019 Demonstration of Classroom Situations Using Appropriate Instructional Language


    3) Group Teaching

    There are various way of forming groups for different purposes:

    Same ability

    Mixed ability

    Same age

    Mutual compatibility


    In same ability group, pupils are able to study nearly their own pace because of the similar level of ability.

    Effective for subject like mathematics, language, PE and music.

    Mixed ability group makes for a cross-section of abilities.

    Such group is often formed to set a projection in motion.

    Same age group made on assumption that children of the same age group make progress more or less with the same sp

    Mutual compability is a group where children go together among their closest friends.

    This promotes a harmonious feeling among the children and reduces the negative effects of keen competition

    Pupils are grouped according to convenience is called convenience group.

    For example, one group do painting, while the other group do language games

  • 7/29/2019 Demonstration of Classroom Situations Using Appropriate Instructional Language




    Teachers should ask question that are directly related to the concept or skill taught.

    The question must be clear and precise

    Teacher must allow wait times to strengthen pupils response

    Repeat the question to help children catch and understand better


    Buzz groups comprise small groups which meet for a few minutes

    Buzz groups serve as preliminary discussions in preparation for a more detailed discussion

    Use a picture or a story can be a good for discussions

    The buzz groups will come up with their version of judgement.

    Brainstorming is an exciting group participation device designed to elicit multiple answer tsolutions to an issue.

    Brainstorming leader act as a recorder. He should not comment but concerntrate on proeffective and productive session.

  • 7/29/2019 Demonstration of Classroom Situations Using Appropriate Instructional Language


    3) Reinforcement Technique

    Reinforcement can be made through more than one perception, repetition and by rematter to particular concepts taught in other lessons.

    4) Self-Instructional Techniques

    Each package of self-instructional materials focuses on a single concept and consist oindividual assignments, teaching kits and so on.

    Individual learning style.

    Teacher can developed self-instructional packages on his own.