defined photo-cross-linking and viscometric data ii. photo-cross-linking versus coordinative...

Introduction While cross-linking via photochemical dimerizations is widely employed to produce cross-links in polymers [1± 4] but less often in polymer solutions [5, 6]), the use of metal complexation to realize cross-links is less common [7], although various linear coordination polymers [8± 10] and metallomesogenic polymers [11] have been described. In an earlier article [5] we reported rheological investigations in solutions of polystyrene-co-4-sty- ryl)indene), which is capable of forming cross-links via photodimerization of the phenylindene moieties Scheme 1). Since ± analogous to the known formation of stable 2:1 complexes of cyclopentadienyl anions and ironII) fer- rocene) ± the reaction of indenyl anions and Fe 2+ cations leads to neutral bisindenyl)iron [12±18], we expected this reaction to be suitable to form cross-links in solutions of polystyrene-co-4-styryl)indene) Scheme 2). Here we present UV spectroscopic and rheological investigations aimed at comparing these two methods of cross-linking. While ferrocene is known to be stable against oxidation as revealed by perfectly reversible cyclic voltammograms Fig. 1), bisindenyl)iron is re- ported to be less stable [17]. In order to test the stability of our complexed copolymers we therefore carried out additionally a cyclovoltammetric study. Scheme 1 Colloid Polym Sci 279:1225±1230 2001) Ó Springer-Verlag 2001 ORIGINAL CONTRIBUTION R. Schinner T. Wol De®ned photo-cross-linking and viscometric data II. Photo-cross-linking versus coordinative cross-linking Received: 15 May 2001 Accepted: 28 August 2001 R. Schinner á T. Wol &) Technische UniversitaÈt Dresden, Institut fuÈr Physikalische Chemie und Elektrochemie, 01062 Dresden, Germany Abstract Cross-linking in solution of polystyrene containing phenylind- ene units has been brought about via photochemical dimerization in chlo- roform or via iron complexation of the indene groups in tetrahydrofuran [bisindenyl)iron formation]. Both irradiation and complexation lead to enhanced viscosity and eventual non- Newtonian ¯ow of the solutions, indicating the formation of cross- links, which were proven by absorp- tion spectroscopy. Depending on concentration, molecular weight and phenylindene content, distinctions in the two methods arose, such as enhanced intramolecular cross-link- ing in the photochemical case as revealed by ¯ow behavior and zero- shear viscosities. Cyclovoltammetric investigations of the iron-complexed polymers show inhibition of iron oxidation due to the presence of the surrounding polymer. Key words Polystyrene solution á Cross-linking á Viscometry á Bisindenyl)iron

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