deep learning for revenue-optimal auctions with...

Deep Learning for Revenue-Optimal Auctions with Budgets Zhe Feng Harvard University Cambridge, MA [email protected] Harikrishna Narasimhan Harvard University Cambridge, MA [email protected] David C. Parkes Harvard University Cambridge, MA [email protected] ABSTRACT The design of revenue-maximizing auctions for settings with private budgets is a hard task. Even the single-item case is not fully un- derstood, and there are no analytical results for optimal, dominant- strategy incentive compatible, two-item auctions. In this work, we model the rules of an auction as a neural network, and use ma- chine learning for the automated design of optimal auctions. We extend the RegretNet framework (Dütting et al.’17) to handle private budget constraints, as well as Bayesian incentive compatibility. We discover new auctions with high revenue for multi-unit auctions with private budgets, including problems with unit-demand bidders. For benchmarking purposes, we also demonstrate that RegretNet can obtain essentially optimal designs for simpler settings where analytical solutions are available [12, 24, 29]. KEYWORDS Optimal auction design; Budget constraints; Deep Learning. ACM Reference Format: Zhe Feng, Harikrishna Narasimhan, and David C. Parkes. 2018. Deep Learn- ing for Revenue-Optimal Auctions with Budgets. In Proc. of the 17th Inter- national Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2018), Stockholm, Sweden, July 10–15, 2018, IFAAMAS, 9 pages. 1 INTRODUCTION The design of revenue-optimal auctions in settings where bidders have private budget constraints is important yet poorly understood problem. Budget constraints arise when bidders have financial con- straints that prevent them from making payments as large as their value for items. They are important in many economic settings, including spectrum auctions and land auctions, and are an integral part of the kinds of expressiveness provided to bidders in internet advertising [2, 13]. The design problem is not fully understood even for selling a single item. The technical challenge arises because this is a multi- dimensional mechanism design problem: a bidder’s private informa- tion is her value for an item as well as her budget. This provides an obstacle to using Myerson’s [26] characterization results. Even for selling a single item and with two bidders, the optimal dominant- strategy incentive compatible (DSIC) design with private budget constraints is not known. No revenue-optimal designs are known for selling two or more items to even a single bidder. In this paper, we build upon the approach of Dütting et al. [16], and use deep neural networks for the automated design of optimal Proc. of the 17th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2018), M. Dastani, G. Sukthankar, E. André, S. Koenig (eds.), July 10–15, 2018, Stockholm, Sweden. © 2018 International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems ( All rights reserved. auctions with budget constraints. We represent an auction as a feed- forward neural network, and optimize its parameters to maximize expected revenue. We need to include design constraints, namely individual rationality (IR), budget constraints (BC) and incentive compatibility (IC). 1 To the best of our knowledge, this is the first paper on automated mechanism design for settings with private budget constraints. We design both DSIC and Bayesian Incentive Compatible (BIC) auctions. In DSIC auctions, reporting truthfully is the optimal strat- egy for a bidder no matter what the reports of others. In a BIC auction, truth-telling is the optimal strategy for a bidder in expec- tation with respect to the types of others, and given that the other bidders report truthfully. The literature has also considered two ad- ditional variations in the context of budget constraints: conditional IC and unconditional IC [12]. We can support both of these within our framework. 1.1 Main Contributions Our main contributions are summarized below: We extend the RegretNet framework of Dütting et al. [16] to incorporate budget constraints, as well as, handle BIC and conditional IC constraints. A new aspect is that the utility of an agent can be unbounded in the presence of budgets (whenever an agent’s payment exceeds her budget, her utility goes to negative infinity). To handle this, we refine the definition of regret to filter out misreports that would lead to budget violations. We show that our approach can be used to design new auc- tions with high revenue, including for the problem of sell- ing multiple identical items to bidders with additive valu- ations and selling multiple distinct items to bidders with unit-demand valuations. In both cases, we consider continu- ous valuation distributions, which is a setting for which the problem cannot be solved through linear programming. We benchmark our approach in single-item settings for which analytical solutions exist, showing that neural net- works can be used to learn essentially optimal auctions [12, 24, 29]. 1.2 Related Work The high-level approach that we follow is one of automated mech- anism design (AMD) [14]. Early approaches to AMD involved the use of integer programs, and did not scale up to large settings, or heuristics to search over specialized classes of mechanisms known 1 We consider hard budget constraints for bidders, which means no bidder can pay more than her budget regardless of the bidder’s value for the allocation. The literature also considers the case of soft budget constraints, where the bidders are allowed to gain additional funds from markets [22]. Session 9: Auctions and Mechanism Design 2 AAMAS 2018, July 10-15, 2018, Stockholm, Sweden 354

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  • Deep Learning for Revenue-Optimal Auctions with BudgetsZhe Feng

    Harvard UniversityCambridge, MA

    [email protected]

    Harikrishna NarasimhanHarvard UniversityCambridge, MA

    [email protected]

    David C. ParkesHarvard UniversityCambridge, MA

    [email protected]

    ABSTRACTThe design of revenue-maximizing auctions for settingswith privatebudgets is a hard task. Even the single-item case is not fully un-derstood, and there are no analytical results for optimal, dominant-strategy incentive compatible, two-item auctions. In this work, wemodel the rules of an auction as a neural network, and use ma-chine learning for the automated design of optimal auctions. Weextend the RegretNet framework (Dütting et al.’17) to handle privatebudget constraints, as well as Bayesian incentive compatibility. Wediscover new auctions with high revenue for multi-unit auctionswith private budgets, including problems with unit-demand bidders.For benchmarking purposes, we also demonstrate that RegretNetcan obtain essentially optimal designs for simpler settings whereanalytical solutions are available [12, 24, 29].

    KEYWORDSOptimal auction design; Budget constraints; Deep Learning.

    ACM Reference Format:Zhe Feng, Harikrishna Narasimhan, and David C. Parkes. 2018. Deep Learn-ing for Revenue-Optimal Auctions with Budgets. In Proc. of the 17th Inter-national Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS2018), Stockholm, Sweden, July 10–15, 2018, IFAAMAS, 9 pages.

    1 INTRODUCTIONThe design of revenue-optimal auctions in settings where biddershave private budget constraints is important yet poorly understoodproblem. Budget constraints arise when bidders have financial con-straints that prevent them from making payments as large as theirvalue for items. They are important in many economic settings,including spectrum auctions and land auctions, and are an integralpart of the kinds of expressiveness provided to bidders in internetadvertising [2, 13].

    The design problem is not fully understood even for selling asingle item. The technical challenge arises because this is a multi-dimensional mechanism design problem: a bidder’s private informa-tion is her value for an item as well as her budget. This provides anobstacle to using Myerson’s [26] characterization results. Even forselling a single item and with two bidders, the optimal dominant-strategy incentive compatible (DSIC) design with private budgetconstraints is not known. No revenue-optimal designs are knownfor selling two or more items to even a single bidder.

    In this paper, we build upon the approach of Dütting et al. [16],and use deep neural networks for the automated design of optimal

    Proc. of the 17th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems(AAMAS 2018), M. Dastani, G. Sukthankar, E. André, S. Koenig (eds.), July 10–15, 2018,Stockholm, Sweden. © 2018 International Foundation for Autonomous Agents andMultiagent Systems ( All rights reserved.

    auctions with budget constraints. We represent an auction as a feed-forward neural network, and optimize its parameters to maximizeexpected revenue. We need to include design constraints, namelyindividual rationality (IR), budget constraints (BC) and incentivecompatibility (IC).1 To the best of our knowledge, this is the firstpaper on automated mechanism design for settings with privatebudget constraints.

    We design both DSIC and Bayesian Incentive Compatible (BIC)auctions. In DSIC auctions, reporting truthfully is the optimal strat-egy for a bidder no matter what the reports of others. In a BICauction, truth-telling is the optimal strategy for a bidder in expec-tation with respect to the types of others, and given that the otherbidders report truthfully. The literature has also considered two ad-ditional variations in the context of budget constraints: conditionalIC and unconditional IC [12]. We can support both of these withinour framework.

    1.1 Main ContributionsOur main contributions are summarized below:

    • We extend the RegretNet framework of Dütting et al. [16]to incorporate budget constraints, as well as, handle BICand conditional IC constraints. A new aspect is that theutility of an agent can be unbounded in the presence ofbudgets (whenever an agent’s payment exceeds her budget,her utility goes to negative infinity). To handle this, we refinethe definition of regret to filter out misreports that wouldlead to budget violations.

    • We show that our approach can be used to design new auc-tions with high revenue, including for the problem of sell-ing multiple identical items to bidders with additive valu-ations and selling multiple distinct items to bidders withunit-demand valuations. In both cases, we consider continu-ous valuation distributions, which is a setting for which theproblem cannot be solved through linear programming.

    • We benchmark our approach in single-item settings forwhich analytical solutions exist, showing that neural net-works can be used to learn essentially optimal auctions [12,24, 29].

    1.2 Related WorkThe high-level approach that we follow is one of automated mech-anism design (AMD) [14]. Early approaches to AMD involved theuse of integer programs, and did not scale up to large settings, orheuristics to search over specialized classes of mechanisms known

    1We consider hard budget constraints for bidders, which means no bidder can paymore than her budget regardless of the bidder’s value for the allocation. The literaturealso considers the case of soft budget constraints, where the bidders are allowed togain additional funds from markets [22].

    Session 9: Auctions and Mechanism Design 2 AAMAS 2018, July 10-15, 2018, Stockholm, Sweden


  • to be IC [30]. In recent years, efficient algorithms have been devel-oped for BIC design, but they do not address problems with budgetconstraints or problems of DSIC design [7–9]

    The use of machine learning for AMDwas introduced by Düttinget al. [17], who use support vector machines for learning paymentrules but not allocation rules, seeking payments that make the re-sulting mechanism maximally IC. Narasimhan et al. [27] also usesupport vector machines to learn social choice and matching rulesfrom a restricted class of mechanisms. Narasimhan and Parkes [28]develop a statistical framework for learning assignment mecha-nisms without providing a computational procedure. Dütting et al.[16] first use deep neural networks for the automated design of opti-mal auctions. This approach, which we extend in the present paper,is more general, does not require specialized characterization re-sults, and uses off-the-shelf deep learning tools. Very recently, [20]generalize the RegretNet in Dütting et al. [16] for the multi-facilitylocation mechanisms.

    Che and Gale [12] design the optimal single-item auction for asingle bidder. Pai and Vohra [29] design the optimal BIC auction fora single item andmultiple bidders.2 Malakhov and Vohra [24] designthe optimal auction for a single-item setting with two bidders, butconsider a weaker, constrained form of DSIC. Che and Gale [11]develop a revenue ranking of three standard single-item auctions.Maskin [25] and Laffont and Robert [23] consider the problem ofbidders with identical, known budgets.

    In regard to approximation results: Borgs et al. [6] provide amulti-unit auction for private budget constraints with revenuethat converges to the optimal, posted-price auction in the limitof a large population of bidders. Bhattacharya et al. [4] propose aconstant approximation for revenue for selling multiple items toadditive bidders with private budgets (BIC) and publicly knownbudgets (DSIC) respectively, adopting an approach that use linearprogramming relaxations. Chawla et al. [10] propose a multi-itemauction with a constant approximation for revenue for bidders withidentical, known budgets.

    Budget constraints have been handled for the setting of alloca-tive efficiency, with positive results for various multi-item settings,including for bidders with unit-demand valuations [1, 2, 15, 18, 19].3

    2 PROBLEM SETUPIn this section, we describe the problem setup, starting with thesimpler setting of single-item auctions.

    2.1 Single-item auctionsThere are n risk neutral bidders interested in a single indivisiblegood. Each bidder has a private (unknown to other bidders) valuevi ∈ R≥0 for the item, and a private budget bi ∈ R≥0 on the amountshe can pay. We let ti = (vi ,bi ) denote the type of bidder i and uset = (t1, t2, ..., tn ) to denote a type profile. Let Ti denote the spaceof possible types for bidder i , and T the space of type profiles. Weassume that bidder i’s type is drawn from distribution Fi , and thatFi is known to both the auctioneer and, in the case of BIC, the otherbidders. Let F =

    ∏ni=1 Fi and F−i =

    ∏j,i Fj . Further, let v−i =

    2They focus on the case of independent values and budgets, but mention that theycan handle positive correlation in budget and value.3The VCG mechanism is not incentive compatible for the budget-constrained case,even when modified in the natural way to truncate valuations by a bidder’s budget.

    (v1, ...,vi−1,vi+1, ...,vn ) denote the valuation profile without vi ,b−i = (b1, ...,bi−1,bi+1, ...,bn ) denote the budget profile withoutbi , and t−i = (v−i ,b−i ).

    Each bidder reports (perhaps untruthfully) a value and budget.An auction (a,p) consists of a randomized allocation rule a : T →[0, 1]n and a payment rule p : T → Rn≥0. Given a reported typeprofile t ′ ∈ T , ai (t ′) ∈ [0, 1] denotes the probability of bidderi being allocated the item and

    ∑ni=1 ai (t ′) ≤ 1, and pi (t) ∈ R≥0

    denotes the expected payment by bidder i .4The utility of bidder i with type ti = (vi ,bi ) for a reported type

    profile t ′ ∈ T is the difference between the value and payment ifthe payment is within the budget, and −∞ otherwise:

    ui (ti , t ′) ={vi · ai (t ′) − pi (t ′) if pi (t ′) ≤ bi ,

    −∞ if pi (t ′) > bi .(1)

    We consider auctions (a,p) that satisfy the budget constraints(BC), i.e. charge each agent no more than her budget:

    ∀i ∈ [n], t ∈ T : pi (t) ≤ bi (BC)An auction that satisfies these budget constraints is dominant

    strategy incentive compatible (DSIC) if no bidder can strictly improveher utility by misreporting her type, i.e.5

    ∀i ∈ [n], t ∈ T , t ′i ∈ Ti : ui (ti , (ti , t−i )) ≥ ui (ti , (t ′i , t−i )). (DSIC)The revenue from an auction is

    ∑i pi (t). We are interested in de-

    signing auctions that maximize expected revenue, while satisfyingBC as well as ensuring ex post individual rationality (IR), i.e. thateach bidder receives non-zero utility for participating:

    ∀i ∈ [n], t ∈ T : ui (ti , (ti , t−i )) ≥ 0. (IR)We will also be interested in the design of BIC auctions because

    this will provide for benchmarking against some known analyticalresults. In practice, DSIC auctions are more preferred, at least whenthe effect on achievable revenue relative to BIC designs is small(and there are no other robustness concerns such as those that canarise in DSIC combinatorial auctions [3]) , because they are morerobust— the equilibrium does not rely on common knowledge ofthe type distribution or common knowledge of rationality.

    For Bayesian incentive compatibility (BIC), define the interimallocation for bidder i and report t ′i asAi (t

    ′i ) = Et−i∼F−i [ai (t

    ′i , t−i )]

    and the interim payment as Pi (t ′i ) = Et−i∼F−i [pi (t′i , t−i )]. Given

    this, we can define the interim utility function for a bidder with typeti and reported type t ′i as:

    Ui (ti , t ′i ) ={viAi (t ′i ) − Pi (t

    ′i ) if Pi (t

    ′i ) ≤ bi ,

    −∞ if Pi (t ′i ) > bi .(2)

    An auction (a,p) satisfies interim budget constraints if∀i ∈ [n], ti ∈ Ti : Pi (ti ) ≤ bi . (interim BC)

    In addition, an auction satisfying interim budget constraints isBIC if:

    ∀i ∈ [n], ti , t ′i ∈ Ti : Ui (ti , ti ) ≥ Ui (ti , t ′i ) (BIC)Pai and Vohra [29] show that, for any BIC auction that satisfies

    interim budget constraints defined here, there exists an auction with4This is equivalent in expectation to charging each agent i a payment pi (t ′)/ai (t ′)when she wins the auction and 0 otherwise.5This inequality is well-defined for an auction that satisfies the budget constraints.

    Session 9: Auctions and Mechanism Design 2 AAMAS 2018, July 10-15, 2018, Stockholm, Sweden


  • the same revenue that satisfies BIC for which the largest paymentin the support of the interim payment rule is never greater than anagent’s reported budget.

    We will also insist that auctions that are BIC satisfy the propertyof interim individual rationality:

    ∀i ∈ [n], ti ∈ Ti : Ui (ti , ti ) ≥ 0 (interim IR)There is also a weaker form of both DSIC and BIC, referred to

    as conditional incentive compatibility [12]. Conditional IC assumesthat bidders can only underreport their budgets, and thus removesone direction of the incentive constraints. DSIC and BIC become,respectively,

    ∀i ∈ [n], t ∈ T , t ′i ∈ Ti :ui (ti , (ti , t−i )) ≥ ui (ti , (t ′i , t−i )) if b

    ′i ≤ bi (C-DSIC)

    ∀i ∈ [n], ti , t ′i ∈ Ti : Ui (ti , ti ) ≥ Ui (ti , t ′i ) if b ′i ≤ bi (C-BIC)Conditional IC is motivated by settings in which the auctioneer

    can require each bidder to post a bond that is equal to her reportedbudget. Where this is not practical, the more typical, unconditionalIC properties are required.

    2.2 Multi-item auctionsWe also consider a multi-item setting, with both additive and unit-demand valuations on items.

    In the additive setting, there arem identical units of an item forsale, and each bidder i has a private value vi ∈ R≥0 for each unit ofan item, and a private budget bi ∈ R≥0 on the payment. Here thevaluation of bidder i for k units of the item is k · vi .

    An allocation rule a : R2n≥0 → [0, 1]nm maps a type profile

    t ′ ∈ R2n≥0 to a matrix of allocation probabilities a(t′) ∈ [0, 1]nm ,

    where ai j (t ′) ∈ [0, 1] denotes the probability of bidder i beingallocated the j-th unit of the item, and

    ∑i ai j (t ′) ≤ 1, ∀j ∈ [m].

    The payment rule p : R2n≥0 → Rn≥0 defines the expected payment

    pi (t ′) for each bidder.6 The utility of a bidder is given by:

    ui (ti , t ′) =


    vi jai j (t ′) − pi (̂t) if pi (t ′) ≤ bi ,

    −∞ if pi (t ′) > bi .(3)

    In the unit-demand setting, there are multiple distinct items{1, . . . ,m} for sale, and each bidder i has a private value vi j ∈R≥0 for each item j, and a private budget bi . A bidder’s valuationfor a bundle of items T is the value of the most-valued item inthe bundle: vi (T ) = maxj ∈T vi j . Let ti = (vi1, . . . ,vim ,bi ) denotebidder i’s type. The allocation rule a : Rn(m+1)≥0 → [0, 1]

    nm mapsa type profile t ′ ∈ Rn(m+1)≥0 to the probabilities ai j (t

    ′) that eachbidder i is allocated item j probabilities, and the payment rulep : Rn(m+1)≥0 → R

    n≥0 outputs the expected payments.

    For revenue maximization with unit-demand bidders, it is suffi-cient to consider allocation rules that allocate at most one item toeach bidder. Here we require the matrix of allocation probabilitiesto be doubly stochastic, i.e. to satisfy

    ∑j ai j (t ′) ≤ 1, ∀i ∈ [n] and∑

    i ai j (t ′) ≤ 1, ∀j ∈ [m] for all t ′. Such a randomized allocation6If the payment rule p is ex post IR, for any reported type t ′, there exists a set ofpayments Pi j (t ′) on each outcome (i, j) s.t. each Pi j (t ′) ≤ vi j , which are equivalentin expectation to pi (t ′). These payments can be computed by solving a linear program.

    can be decomposed into a lottery over deterministic, feasible as-signments (the Birkhoff-von Neumann theorem [5, 31]). The utilityof a unit-demand bidder under a doubly stochastic allocation a isagain given by (3).


    In this section, we explain how to extend the RegretNet frameworkof Dütting et al. [16], which was developed and applied for settingswithout budget constraints, to a setting with budget constraints.

    We represent an auction as a feed-forward neural network, andoptimize the parameters to maximize revenue subject to regret, IRand budget constraints. While the framework of Dütting et al. en-forces DSIC by requiring that the (empirical) ex post regret for theneural network be zero, we are able to handle more general formsof incentive compatibility by working with an appropriate notionof regret. For BIC, we constrain the (empirical) interim regret ofthe network to be zero; for conditional DSIC/BIC, we constrainthe (empirical) conditional regret of the network to be zero. Weadditionally include budget constraints.

    3.1 Network architectureThe allocation and payment rules are represented as separate feed-forward networks, but trained simultaneously, and connected throughtraining loss function and constraints. The network architecturesare shown in Figure 1 for the additive setting and in Figure 2 forthe unit-demand setting.

    Allocation network: The allocation rule for the additive settingtakes a type profile t as input and outputs the probability ai j (t) ∈[0, 1] of the j-th unit of the item being assigned to each bidder i .The neural network consists of R fully-connected hidden layers,with sigmoid activations and a fully-connected output layer. In thecase of additive bidders, the output layer computes a real-valuedscore si j for each bidder-item pair (i, j) and converts these scores toallocation probabilities using a softmax function: ai j (t) = e

    si j∑n+1k=1 e

    sk j ,

    where sn+1, j is an additional “dummy score” computed for eachitem j. Through the inclusion of this dummy score, the softmaxensures that

    ∑ni=1 ai j (t) ≤ 1 for each item j. The network can

    allocate multiple units to a single bidder.For unit-demand bidders, we require the allocation probabilities

    to be doubly stochastic. For this, we modify the allocation networkto generate a score si j and a score s ′i j for each bidder-item pair (i, j),with the first set of scores normalized along the rows, and the secondset of scores normalized along the columns using softmax functions.The final allocation is an element-wise minimum of the two sets

    of normalized scores, ai j (t) = min{

    esi j∑n+1k=1 e

    sk j ,es′i j∑m+1

    k=1 es′jk

    }, and is

    guaranteed to be doubly stochastic.Payment network: The payment rule is also defined through a

    feed-forward network, and consists of T fully-connected hiddenlayers, with sigmoid activations and a fully-connected output layer.Given an input type profile t , the neural network computes a pay-mentpi (t) for each bidder i . In particular, the output layer computesa score s ′i ∈ R for each bidder, and applies the ReLU activation func-tion to ensure that payments are non-negative: pi (t) = max{s ′i , 0}.

    Session 9: Auctions and Mechanism Design 2 AAMAS 2018, July 10-15, 2018, Stockholm, Sweden


  • ...






















    . . .

    so f tmax

    so f tmax(a)











    c(1)J ′1

    c(T )1

    c(T )2


    c(T )J ′T

    relu p1

    relu p2


    relu pn

    . . .


    Figure 1: Budgeted RegretNet: (a) Allocation rule a and (b) Payment rule p for a setting withm identical items and n additive buyers.


















    ... . . .

    . . .



    . . .



    s ′11

    s ′n1



    s ′1m

    s ′nm

    a11 = min{s11, s ′11}

    an1 = min{sn1, s ′n1}

    a1m = min{s1m , s ′1m }

    anm = min{snm , s ′nm }

    . . .

    so f tmax so f tmax

    so f tmax

    so f tmax

















    c(1)J ′1

    c(T )1

    c(T )2


    c(T )J ′T

    relu p1

    relu p2


    relu pn

    . . .


    Figure 2: Budgeted RegretNet: (a) Allocation rule a and (b) Payment rule p for a setting withm distinct items and n unit-demand buyers.

    3.2 Training problemWe use the following metrics to measure the degree to which anauction violates the BIC, IR and BC constraints.

    Regret: We define the expected interim regret to bidder i , for anauction with rules (a,p), as the maximum gain in interim utility bymisreporting the bidder’s type.

    rдti (a,p) =


    [maxt ′i ∈Ti

    χ(Pi (t ′i )≤bi )(Ui (ti , t ′i ) − Ui (ti , ti )

    ) ], (4)

    where χA is an indicator function for whether predicate A is true.An auction is BIC if and only if it has zero interim regret. Theindicator function in the above expression ensures that the firstutility term does not go to −∞. As long as the auction also satisfiesinterim BC, the second utility term is also finite for all type profiles,thus ensuring that the regret is always finite.

    IR penalty: The penalty for violating IR for bidder i is given by:

    irpi (a,p) = Eti∼Fi [max{0,−Ui (ti , ti )]}] . (5)BC penalty: The penalty for violating the budget constraint for

    bidder i is given by:

    bcpi (a,p) = Eti∼Fi [max{0,Pi (ti ) − bi }] . (6)

    Further, we define the loss function as the negated expectedrevenue L(a,p) = −Et∼F

    [∑ni=1 pi (t)


    Let w ∈ Rd denote the parameters of the allocation network,the induced allocation rule denoted by aw, and w′ ∈ Rd ′ denotethe parameters of the payment network, the induced payment ruledenoted by pw


    The design objective is to minimize the loss function over thespace of network parameters, such that the regret, IR penalty andBC penalty is zero for each bidder:

    minw∈Rd ,w′∈Rd′


    s .t . rдti (aw, pw′) = 0,∀i ∈ [n]

    irpi (aw, pw′) = 0,∀i ∈ [n]

    bcpi (aw, pw′) = 0,∀i ∈ [n].


    In practice, the loss, regret, IR penalty and BC penalty can beestimated from a sample of type profiles S = {t (1), t (2), ..., t (L)}drawn i.i.d. from F . The loss for an auction with rules (a,p) can beestimated as L̂(a,p) = − 1L


    ∑ni=1 pi

    (t (ℓ)


    To estimate the interim regret, for each type profile t (ℓ) in S ,we draw additional samples Sℓ = {t̃ (1), . . . , t̃ (K )} from F , and S ′ℓ =

    Session 9: Auctions and Mechanism Design 2 AAMAS 2018, July 10-15, 2018, Stockholm, Sweden


  • {t̄ (1), . . . , t̄ (K ′)} from a uniform distribution over type space T .7Using sample Sℓ , we define the empirical interim utility for bidderi with type ti and report t ′i as:

    Ûi (ti , t ′i ) =1K


    ui(ti ,

    (t ′i , t̃

    (k )−i

    ) )and the empirical interim payment as:

    P̂i (t ′i ) =1K


    pi(t ′i , t̃

    (k )−i

    )Then the empirical interim regret is given by:

    r̂дt i (a,p) =1L


    maxt ′∈S ′

    {χ ( P̂i (t ′i )≤b (ℓ)i )·(Ûi

    (t(ℓ)i , t

    ′i)− Ûi

    (t(ℓ)i , t


    ) ) }, (7)

    where the sample S ′ℓprovides a set of deviating type profiles to

    approximate the maximum over bidder misreports.The IR and BC penalties can be similarly estimated as:

    îrpi (a,p) =1L



    (t(ℓ)i , t


    )}b̂cpi (a,p) =



    max{0, P̂i


    )− b(ℓ)i


    Following Dütting et al. [16], we use the Augmented Lagrangianmethod to solve the resulting sample-based optimization problem:

    minw∈Rd ,w′∈Rd′


    s .t . r̂дt i (aw, pw′) = 0,∀i ∈ [n]

    îrpi (aw, pw′) = 0,∀i ∈ [n]

    b̂cpi (aw, pw′) = 0,∀i ∈ [n].


    Augmented Lagrangian Solver: The solver formulates a sequenceof unconstrained optimization steps that combine the revenue, re-gret, IR penalty, and budget penalty terms into a single objective,with the relative weights on the regret, IR and budget penalty termsadjusted across iterations. More specifically, the solver constructsthe following unconstrained, augmented Lagrangian objective:

    Fρ (w,w′; λrgt , λirp, λbcp)

    = L̂(aw,pw′) +∑i ∈[n]

    λrgt,i r̂gti (aw,pw′) + ρ


    ∑i ∈[n]

    r̂gt2i (aw,pw′)

    +∑i ∈[n]

    λirp,i îrpi (aw,pw′) + ρ


    ∑i ∈[n]

    îrp2i (aw,pw


    +∑i ∈[n]

    λbcp,i b̂cpi (aw,pw′) + ρ


    ∑i ∈[n]

    b̂cp2i (aw,pw


    where λrgt ∈ Rn , λirp ∈ Rn and λbcp ∈ Rn are vectors of La-grangian multipliers associated with the equality constraints in(OP2), and ρ > 0 is a fixed parameter that controls the weight onthe augmented quadratic terms.7The deviating types need not be sampled from the distributions of true types. Weadopt a uniform sampling scheme, and find this to be effective in our experiments.

    The solver operates across multiple iterations, and updates theLagrange multipliers based on the violation of the constraints ineach iteration t :(

    wt+1,w′t+1)∈ argmin(w,w′)Fρ (w,w′; λtrgt , λtirp, λ

    tbcp) (8)

    λt+1rgt,i = λtrgt,i+ρ r̂gti



    ′t+1 ),∀i ∈ [n], (9)

    λt+1irp,i = λtirp,i+ρ îrpi



    ′t+1 ),∀i ∈ [n], (10)

    λt+1bcp,i = λtbcp,i+ρ b̂cpi



    ′t+1 ),∀i ∈ [n], (11)

    where the inner optimization in (8) is approximately solved throughmultiple iterations of the Adam solver [21]. Specifically, the gra-dient is pushed through the loss function as well as the empiricalmeasures of violation of IC, IR and BC.8 In our experiments, theLagrangian multipliers are initialized to zero.

    3.3 Handling other kinds of IC constraintsThe approach also extends to a design subject to conditional BIC, aswell as DSIC and conditional DSIC. For conditional BIC, we replacethe regret in (OP1) with the conditional regret, defined as:

    crдti (a,p) = Eti∼Fi

    [maxt ′i ∈Ti

    χ (b′i ≤bi ) (Ui (ti , t ′i ) −Ui (ti , ti ) )], (12)

    and use the following estimate of the conditional interim regretin (OP2):

    ĉrдt i (a,p) =



    maxt ′∈S ′

    {χ (b′i ≤b


    ) · (Ûi (t (ℓ)i , t ′i ) − Ûi (t (ℓ)i , t (ℓ)i ) ) }. (13)To handle DSIC and conditional DSIC, we replace the interim

    regret in the training problem with the ex post regret and a condi-tional version of the ex post regret, respectively. The expected expost regret to bidder i in an auction (a,p) is defined as the maximumgain in ex post utility obtained by misreporting her type:

    eprдti (a,p) =


    maxt ′i ∈Ti

    χ (pi (t ′i ,t−i )≤bi ) (ui (ti , (t ′i , t−i )) − ui (ti , (ti , t−i )) ) ](14)Similarly, the ex post IR penalty and ex post BC penalty can be

    defined as:

    epirpi (a,p) = Et∼F [max{0,−ui (ti , (ti , t−i ))]}] (15)epbcpi (a,p) = Et∼F [max{0,pi (ti , (ti , t−i )) − bi }] (16)

    To estimate the ex post regret, we use a set of deviating (misre-port) samples S ′

    ℓ= {t̄ (1), . . . , t̄ (K ′)}, drawn from a uniform distri-

    bution over T :

    eprдt i (a,p) = 1L L∑ℓ=1

    maxt ′∈S ′

    {χ (pi (t ′i ,t

    (ℓ)−i )≤b



    (t(ℓ)i ,

    (t ′i , t


    ) )− ui

    (t(ℓ)i ,

    (t(ℓ)i , t


    ) ) ) }. (17)

    8The solver handles the indicator function in the regret definition by taking its gradientto be zero.

    Session 9: Auctions and Mechanism Design 2 AAMAS 2018, July 10-15, 2018, Stockholm, Sweden


  • The ex post IR and BC penalties can be estimated as:

    epirpi (a,p) = 1L L∑ℓ=1

    max{0, −ui

    (t(ℓ)i ,

    (t(ℓ)i , t


    ) )}(18)

    epbcpi (a,p) = 1L L∑ℓ=1

    max{0, pi

    (t(ℓ)i , t


    )− b(ℓ)i


    For the conditional ex post regret, we replace χ (pi (t ′i ,t−i )≤bi )in eprдti by χ (b′i ≤bi ) . Similarly, in the empirical version of thisquantity eprдt i , we replace χ (pi (t ′i ,t (ℓ)−i )≤b (ℓ)i ) by χ (b′i ≤b (ℓ)i ) .4 EXPERIMENTAL RESULTSWe present experimental results to show that we can find newauctions for settings where the optimal design is unknown, andalso recover essentially optimal DSIC and BIC auctions in a varietyof simpler settings for which analytical results are available. SinceDSIC is a stronger property than BIC, and preferred in practice, wegive more focus to the automated design of DSIC auctions.

    Experimental setup. We use the TensorFlow deep learning libraryfor experiments. We solve the inner optimization in the augmentedLagrangian method using the ADAM solver [21], with a learningrate of 0.001 and a mini-batch size of 64. All the experiments arerun on a compute cluster with NVIDIA GPU cores.

    Evaluation. We generate training and test data from differenttype distributions, use the training set for fitting an auction networkand evaluate performance of the learned auction on the test set. Weuse the following metrics for evaluation:

    Regret = 1n∑ni=1 r̂дt i (a,p)

    Conditional Regret = 1n∑ni=1 ĉrдt i (a,p)

    IR penalty = 1n∑ni=1 îrpi (a,p)

    BC penalty = 1n∑ni=1 b̂cpi (a,p).

    For experiments on DSIC auctions, the terms r̂дt i , ĉrдt i , îrpiand b̂cpi are ex post quantities. For experiments on BIC, these termsare interim quantities. The training and test set are large enough toavoid issues of overfitting. The specific sample sizes and networkscale are provided in subsequent subsections.

    4.1 Optimal DSIC auctionsWe consider the design of DSIC auctions, adopting three differentsettings studied in the literature:

    • Setting I: There is a single item and a single bidder, withthe bidder’s value v1 ∼ Unif[0, 1] and budget b1 ∼ Unif[0, 1].The optimal DSIC auction for this setting was derived byChe and Gale [12].

    • Setting II: There is a single item amd two bidders, wherev1,v2 ∼ Uni f {1, 2, ..., 10}. The first bidder is unconstrainedwhile the second bidder has a budget of 4. The optimal auc-tion under conditional DSIC for this setting was derived byMalakhov and Vohra [24].9

    9 In this special case, the auctioneer knows the true budget of constrained bidderbut allows her to misreport her budget. In effect, the budget of constrained bidder ispublicly known.

    Property Setting Opt Budgeted RegretNetrev rev regret irp bcp

    I 0.192 0.196 0.002 (0.003) 0.002 0.001DSIC II (C) 4.664 4.638 0.002 0.005 0.002

    III – 0.709 0.002 (0.004) 0.0 0.002IV – 0.287 0.002 (0.003) 0.0 0.0

    BIC II (C) 4.847 4.788 0.0 0.0 0.0V 0.342 0.348 0.004 (0.005) 0.001 0.0

    Table 1: Test metrics for Budgeted RegretNet auctions. Here (C)refers to conditional IC. For continuous valuation distributions, wealso report within parenthesis the regret estimated using a largermisreport sample (i.e. with 1000 misreports for each type profile).

    Setting Misreport sample size |S ′ℓ|

    100 200 400 800 1600IV 0.0018 0.0021 0.0023 0.0026 0.0029

    Table 2: Test regret for Budgeted RegretNet under Setting IV withmisreport samples of different sizes for each type profile.

    • Setting III: There are four identical items with two additivebidders where bidder i’s value for each item vi ∼ Unif[0, 1]and the budget bi ∼ Unif[0, 1]. There is no analytical result.

    • Setting IV: There are two items with two unit-demand bid-ders where bidder i’s value for the item j, vi j ∼ Unif[0, 1]and the budget bi ∼ Unif[0, 1]. There is no analytical result.

    We use allocation and payment networks with two hidden layerseach, and with 100 hidden nodes in each layer. For all the exper-iments below, for each type profile t (ℓ), we randomly generate asample of 100 misreports S ′

    ℓto evaluate the regret. We also re-

    port the regret estimated for continuous valuation distributionsusing a larger misreport sample (of size 1000 or more) for each typeprofile.10 A summary of our results is shown in Tables 1 and 2.

    For setting I, we use a training and test sample of 5000 profileseach, with the parameter ρ in Augmented Lagrangian solver set to0.01. Figure 3(a) presents plots of test revenue and test ex post regretfor the learned auction as a function of solver iterations. Figure3(b)-(c) show the allocation rule learned by the neural network,and compare this with the optimal rule of Che and Gale [12]. Notonly does the learned auction yields revenue close to the optimalauctions and incur negligible regret, but the learned allocation ruleclosely matches the optimal rule. From Table 1, we see that thelearned auction also incurs very small IR and budget violations.

    For setting II, we use a smaller training and test sample of 1000profiles, which are large enough for the discrete distribution con-sidered here. We set ρ to 0.001. The optimal auction for this settingis given by Malakhov and Vohra [24]. We trained neural networkfor conditional DSIC. Figure 4(a) shows plots of the test revenue forthe learned auction, as well as plots of the test ex post regret for thelearned auction under conditional DSIC constraints. The learnedauction yields revenue very close to the optimal revenue, whileyielding negligible regret, IR violations, or budget violations. Fur-thermore, as seen in Figure 4(b)-(c), the learned allocation rule forconditional DSIC closely matches the analytical result in Malakhovand Vohra [24].

    For setting III, we use a training and test sample of 5000 profiles,with ρ set to 0.01. Since the optimal auction is not provided by the10For discrete valuation distributions in this paper, we find a sample of 100 misreportsto be large enough to accurately estimate the regret.

    Session 9: Auctions and Mechanism Design 2 AAMAS 2018, July 10-15, 2018, Stockholm, Sweden


  • (a) Test revenue and regret

    (b) Test allocation rule (c) Optimal allocation rule

    Figure 3: The auction learned under DSIC for Setting I with a singleitem and single bidder, where v1 ∼ Unif [0, 1] and b1 ∼ Unif [0, 1].The solid regions in (b) and (c) depict the probability of the itembeing allocated to the bidder.

    theoretical literature, we compare the learned auction rule againstthe optimal posted pricing auction, as well as the auction proposedby Borgs et al. [6]. Figure 5 shows test revenue and ex post regretas functions of solver iterations. In this case, the neural network isable to discover an auction with a higher revenue than the baseline,while incurring a very small regret, as well as, very small IR andbudget violations.

    For setting IV, we use a training and test sample of 5000 profiles,with ρ set to 0.03. Since there is no analytical result for this setting,we compare the learned auction rules against the ascending auctionof Ashlagi and Braverman [1]. Figure 6 shows the test revenue andex post regret as functions of the number of solver iterations. Theauction learned by RegretNet has a higher revenue than the baseline,while incurring very small regret, IR, and budget violations.

    Since the regret is estimated using a sample of misreports, for thisexperiment, we also evaluate the regret using misreport samplesS ′ℓof different sizes. The results are summarized in Table 2. Figure

    7 shows the test ex post regret as functions of solver iterationsfor different sizes of misreport samples. As seen, even with largernumber of misreport samples, the regret is still very small, implyingthat the learned auction is indeed essentially IC.

    4.2 Optimal BIC auctionsNext, we consider the automated design of BIC auctions. Here wefocus on settings for which analytical results are available. Thisserves to provide a validation that we are able to use RegretNet tolearn BIC designs. We are less interested in optimal BIC for newsettings because we consider DSIC of more practical interest. Weconsider the following settings:

    • Setting II from Section 4.1. The optimal BIC auction for thissetting was derived by Malakhov and Vohra [24].

    • Setting V: There is a single item and two symmetric bud-get constrained bidders. Each bidder draws a value vi ∼

    (a) Revenue and regret as a function of solver iterations

    (b) Learned allocation rule

    (c) Optimal allocation rule

    Figure 4: The auction learned under conditional DSIC for Setting IIwith a single itemand two bidders, wherev1, v2 ∼ Unif {1, 2, ..., 10},bidder 1 is unconstrained, and bidder 2 has a budget of 4.

    Figure 5: Revenue and regret for the DSIC auction learned underSetting III with four identical items and two additive bidders, wherebidder i ’s value for each item vi ∼ Unif [0, 1] and bi ∼ Unif [0, 1].

    Unif[0, 1] and budget bi ∼ Unif{0.22, 0.42}. The optimalauction for this setting was derived by Pai and Vohra [29].

    For these experiments, we use allocation and payment networkswith two hidden layers with 50 nodes each.11 A summary of theresults is provided in Table 1. The training and test set have 1000type profiles each and ρ was set to 0.05. To learn the BIC auctions,we need additional samples Sℓ from known distribution F for eachtype profile t (ℓ), which makes the training of RegretNet more costlythan for the case of DSIC auctions.

    11Unlike DSIC settings, we reduce the size of neural networks in BIC settings totrade-off the cost of more computation for estimating interim rules.

    Session 9: Auctions and Mechanism Design 2 AAMAS 2018, July 10-15, 2018, Stockholm, Sweden


  • Figure 6: Revenue and regret for theDSIC auction learned under Set-ting IV with two items and two unit-demand bidders, where bidderi ’s value for item j vi j ∼ Unif[0, 1] and bi ∼ Unif[0, 1].

    Figure 7: A semi-logarithmic plot of test regret as a function of thenumber of iterations for different misreport sample sizes for theDSIC auction learned under Setting IV.

    Figure 8 presents the results of learning a BIC auction for settingII, providing the test revenue and test interim regret as a functionof the number of solver iterations. We also illustrate the learnedallocation rule, and compare it with the optimal allocation ruleof Malakhov and Vohra [24]. Not only does the auction that isderived through machine learning achieve near-optimal revenuewith essentially zero regret, IR and budget violations, but we closelyrecover the design of the optimal allocation rule. Figure 9 shows thetest revenue and interim regret of the learned auction for settingV. Again, we are able to achieve almost-optimal revenue, whileincurring very small regret, IR, and budget violations.

    5 CONCLUSIONWe have used deep learning to design essentially optimal, multi-item auctions under private budget constraints. Whereas the state-of-the-art analytical results for the design of optimal, DSIC auc-tions cannot handle more than two bidders, or more than one item(to even a single bidder), RegretNet can discover new, essentiallyincentive-compatible designs with high revenue in these settings(consider Setting III and Setting IV). We also validate the approachby demonstrating that RegretNet can recover essentially optimaldesigns in settings for which optimal analytical results do exist,including the case of BIC auction design.

    In the future, it will be interesting to study the robustness of thelearned auctions to perturbations in the type distributions, developmethods that allow a single network to handle different numberof bidders or items, improve the efficiency with which we cantrain RegretNet in the case of BIC design, and use our approach toestimate both upper- and lower-bounds on the revenue from exactlyIC designs. It will also be interesting to explore the effect of allowingfor correlation between value and budget and across bidders, soft

    (a) Revenue and regret as a function of solver iterations

    (b) Learned allocation rule

    (c) Optimal allocation rule

    Figure 8: Auction learned under BIC for Setting II with a single itemand two bidders, where v1, v2 ∼ Unif{1, 2, ..., 10}, bidder 1 is uncon-strained and bidder 2 has a budget of 4.

    Figure 9: Revenue and regret of auction learned under BIC for Set-ting V with a single item and two bidders, where v1, v2 ∼ Unif[0, 1]and b1, b2 ∼ Unif{0.22, 0.42}.

    budget constraints, and budgets that depend on a bidder’s allocation.All of these seem within reach of automated methods, but areextremely challenging to handle through theoretical analysis.

    6 ACKNOWLEDGMENTSWe would like to thank Paul Dütting for his contributions to thebroader project on using deep learning for optimal economic design.Thanks also to Mallesh Pai for a helpful discussion on budget-constrained auctions, and to the anonymous reviewers.

    Session 9: Auctions and Mechanism Design 2 AAMAS 2018, July 10-15, 2018, Stockholm, Sweden


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    Session 9: Auctions and Mechanism Design 2 AAMAS 2018, July 10-15, 2018, Stockholm, Sweden


    Abstract1 Introduction1.1 Main Contributions1.2 Related Work

    2 Problem Setup2.1 Single-item auctions2.2 Multi-item auctions

    3 The Budgeted RegretNet Framework3.1 Network architecture3.2 Training problem3.3 Handling other kinds of IC constraints

    4 Experimental Results4.1 Optimal DSIC auctions4.2 Optimal BIC auctions

    5 Conclusion6 AcknowledgmentsReferences