decommissioning of nuclear power plants in germany ...€¦ · due to the nuclear disaster in...

© BMU/Brigitte Hiss2 Decommissioning of nuclear power plants in Germany: Overview and Business Opportunities Germany Trade & Invest Flérida Regueira Cortizo & Andreas Kessler

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Page 1: Decommissioning of nuclear power plants in Germany ...€¦ · Due to the nuclear disaster in Fukushima in 2011, closure of nuclear power plants was brought forward from 2036 to 2022

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Decommissioning of nuclear power plants in Germany:

Overview and Business Opportunities

Germany Trade & Invest

Flérida Regueira Cortizo & Andreas Kessler

Page 2: Decommissioning of nuclear power plants in Germany ...€¦ · Due to the nuclear disaster in Fukushima in 2011, closure of nuclear power plants was brought forward from 2036 to 2022

1. Drivers

2. Status of decommissioning activities in Germany

3. Regulatory framework in Germany

4. Decommissioning and its value creation chain

5. Nuclear R&D centers in Germany

6. Business Opportunities


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Page 3: Decommissioning of nuclear power plants in Germany ...€¦ · Due to the nuclear disaster in Fukushima in 2011, closure of nuclear power plants was brought forward from 2036 to 2022

Company Tasks

The foreign trade and inward investment promotion agency of the

Federal Republic of Germany

The Agency

8 October 2014 2 Germany Trade & Invest

Investment Attraction

Location Promotion Export Promotion

German Parliament Resolutions for Founding/Financing

Federal Government

Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy - Shareholder

Page 4: Decommissioning of nuclear power plants in Germany ...€¦ · Due to the nuclear disaster in Fukushima in 2011, closure of nuclear power plants was brought forward from 2036 to 2022

Two Headquarters in Germany - 48 Locations Worldwide

The Agency

8 October 2014

Chicago New York San Francisco Toronto Washington D.C.

Buenos Aires Bogotá Mexico City Santiago de Chile São Paulo

Athens Brussels Helsinki London Madrid Milan Paris Stockholm The Hague

Dubai Istanbul Riyadh

Accra Cairo Johannesburg Nairobi Tunis

Almaty Belgrade Budapest Bucharest Kiev Moscow Prague Warsaw Zagreb

Bangkok Beijing Hanoi Hong Kong Jakarta Kuala Lumpur Mumbai New Delhi Seoul Shanghai Taipeh




Berlin Bonn

Germany Trade & Invest 3

Page 5: Decommissioning of nuclear power plants in Germany ...€¦ · Due to the nuclear disaster in Fukushima in 2011, closure of nuclear power plants was brought forward from 2036 to 2022

Macroeconomic analyses and


Country and industry analyses (over

125 countries)

International projects and tenders

Foreign economic and tax law

Customs information and tariffs

Practical business tips

Business contacts

Coordination of federal foreign trade


Areas of Activity

The Agency

For Companies Abroad

(Foreign Investors)

Germany Trade & Invest

For Companies in Germany


Identification of attractive markets

and companies

Economic framework in Germany

Site specific information

Industry specific information

Direct contact with potential investors


Investor consultancy services

Project management support



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Page 6: Decommissioning of nuclear power plants in Germany ...€¦ · Due to the nuclear disaster in Fukushima in 2011, closure of nuclear power plants was brought forward from 2036 to 2022

Due to the nuclear disaster in Fukushima in

2011, closure of nuclear power plants was

brought forward from 2036 to 2022

8 out of 17 nuclear power plants were

already shut down in 2011

2011: 17.6% nuclear power of total energy

consumption (2010: 22.6%)1

1. Drivers

Germany‘s nuclear power phase-out

Source: 1 BMWi „Die Energiewende in Deutschland“, Februar 2012; 2 DAtF, 2012


Active nuclear reactor with date of scheduled closure 2

Nuclear reactor already closed 2



0 0






2010 2011 2012 2015 2019 2021 2022 2023

Development of installed nuclear power plants

capacity in GW2

7% of electricity

generation (2010) 22.6 % of




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Page 7: Decommissioning of nuclear power plants in Germany ...€¦ · Due to the nuclear disaster in Fukushima in 2011, closure of nuclear power plants was brought forward from 2036 to 2022

Main Objectives of Germany’s New Energy Concept (September 2010)

Source: BMU, Energiekonzept 2050 – Meilensteine und Bewertungen,

meilensteine-langfristiger-entwicklungspfad-fuer-ambitionierte-klimaschutzziele-energieeffizienz-und-erneuerbare/, updated last 25/10/2013

1. Drivers


Energy efficiency measures

Increase in energy productivity 2.1% p.a.

Reduction of primary energy consumption -50% (2050 vs. 2008)

Reduction of electricity consumption -25% (2050 vs. 2008)

Building renovation rate 2% p.a.

Reduction of final energy for transportation -40% (2050 vs. 2005)

Climate protection measures 2020 2050

CO2 cuts vs. 1990 -40% -80%

Renewable share of… 2020 2050

Total energy consumption 18% 60%

Electricity consumption 35% 80%

Heat generation 14% 60%

6 Germany Trade & Invest 6

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Source: Deutsches Atomforum e.V., “Stilllegung und Rückbau von Kernkraftwerken“, translated from German, p.4, January 2013

2. Status of decommissioning activities in Germany (1)


Shut down in 2011 due to 13th

amendment of the Atomgesetz (2011)

Decommissioning in process

Decommissioning completed

Research facilities with experimental

reactors and waste treatment plants

Waste treatment plant

Central disposal storage

Final disposal site projects



Nuclear power plant in operation

Nuclear power plants and disposal facilities

in Germany (status September 2012)

burial finished

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Page 9: Decommissioning of nuclear power plants in Germany ...€¦ · Due to the nuclear disaster in Fukushima in 2011, closure of nuclear power plants was brought forward from 2036 to 2022

Decommissioning of nuclear power

plants (NPP):

Decommissioning of three (small) NPP

already completed

Decommissioning of thirteen NPP

already in process

Eight NPP shut down in 2011 and

thus due for decommissioning

Decommissioning of the remaining nine

NPP will follow

Final disposal sites*:

Konrad mine designated as a final

disposal site for low- and

intermediate-level radioactive

waste from nuclear power generation.

Available not until 2019

No final disposal site has yet been

chosen for high-level waste, salt

dome in Gorleben is being explored

2. Status of decommissioning activities in Germany (2)

Source: *FZ Jülich,, last updated 24/10/2013

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Page 10: Decommissioning of nuclear power plants in Germany ...€¦ · Due to the nuclear disaster in Fukushima in 2011, closure of nuclear power plants was brought forward from 2036 to 2022

Concretion of these laws in

Concretion of the above mentioned laws is contained in the subordinate regulations, overview included in:

Guidelines for decommissioning, safe enclosure and dismantling of plants and components according to §7 AtG: (German)

3. Regulatory framework in Germany

Overview of laws relevant for nuclear decommissioning

1) Gesetz über die friedliche Verwendung der Kernenergie und den Schutz gegen ihre Gefahren


Law/Document Abbreviation Content

Atomic Energy Law („AtG“) 1

AtG • §7 (3): Approval required for shutdown, safe enclosure and decommissioning of the plant or single components (approval is granted by the according Federal State)

• §9a: Regulations concerning the treatment and reutilization of radioactive substances and components and the disposal of radioactive waste

• Operators in charge of decommissioning

Radiation Protection Act („StrlSchV“)

StrlSchV • Regulation of the handling of radioactive substances; technical and operational measures, procedures and precautions linked to dangerous radiation

Nuclear Licensing Procedure Ordinance („AtVfV“) AtVfV • Specification of the decommissioning procedure; approval process for decommissiong, safe enclosure and dismantling of the plant or single components is based on AtVfV. It contains regulations about the involvement of a third party

Environmental Impact Assessment Law („UVPG“)

UVPG • Regulation of the procedure of assessing environmental impacts; environmental impact assessment is obligatory for the decommissioning of every plant >1kW

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Page 11: Decommissioning of nuclear power plants in Germany ...€¦ · Due to the nuclear disaster in Fukushima in 2011, closure of nuclear power plants was brought forward from 2036 to 2022

4. Decommissioning and its value creation chain

Two decommissioning strategies available: immediate dismantling or

safe enclosure

Source: Deutsches Atomforum e.V., “Stilllegung und Rückbau von Kernkraftwerken“, translated from German, p.8, January 2013


So far, operators mostly chose immediate dismantling. Entombment is not feasible in Germany.

Power operation

Operation after shutdown

Immediate dismantling


Use or conventional deconstruction and reinstatement




Release out of the


Preparation for safe enclosure

Safe enclosure (e.g. 30 years)

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Page 12: Decommissioning of nuclear power plants in Germany ...€¦ · Due to the nuclear disaster in Fukushima in 2011, closure of nuclear power plants was brought forward from 2036 to 2022

Example: decommissioning process of the nuclear power plant “Stade“1

Source: Deutsches Atomforum e.V., “Stilllegung und Rückbau von Kernkraftwerken“, translated from German, p.13, January 2013

4. Decommissioning and its value creation chain


dismantling of remaining nuclear components in the hot zone


request for decommissioning

Approval of decommissioning Release out of the Atomic Energy Law

Year of decommissioning

Dismantling of non-nuclear components, conventional demolition of buildings

Power operation Operation after shutdown

Dismantling of nuclear components

Licensing and Supervising Procedure

dismantling of primary cooling systems and steam raising unit

dismantling of the most radioactive components, e.g. reactor pressure vessel and biological shield

Phase I

Phase II

Phase III

Phase IV

dismantling of some systems in the hot zone that are no longer in use and non-nuclear components as well

Dismantling of

nuclear components

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Page 13: Decommissioning of nuclear power plants in Germany ...€¦ · Due to the nuclear disaster in Fukushima in 2011, closure of nuclear power plants was brought forward from 2036 to 2022

Examples for German service providers along the value creation chain

Source: Deutsche Bundesregierung, BMU, Antwort der Bundesregierung auf die kleine Anfrage der Abgeordneten Sylvia Kotting-Uhl, Hans-Josef Fell, Britta

Haßelmann, weiterer Abgeordneter und der Fraktion BÜNDNIS 90/DIE GRÜNEN – Drucksache 17/11756 -

4. Decomissionning and its value creation chain


Value creation chain of nuclear decommissiong and German companies involved

Value-added step Examples for German companies

Post-operational clean-out • Not mentioned in the source

Decontamination • Studsvik GmbH & Co. KG, • Nukem Technologies GmbH, • GNS Gesellschaft für Nuklear-Service GmbH

Dismantling • Westinghouse Electric Germany GmbH, • EWN Energiewerke Nord GmbH

De-energising & demolition • Not mentioned in the source

Waste processing, conditioning & passivation • SNT Siempelkamp Nukleartechnik GmbH, • Studsvik GmbH & Co. KG

Waste storage and transport • GNS Gesellschaft für Nuklear-Service GmbH

Waste disposal • STEAG Energy Services GmbH, • Nukem Technologies GmbH

Site radiological assessement & material sorting • STEAG Energy Services GmbH, • Brenk Systemplanung GmbH

Environmental remediation • EWN Energiewerke Nord GmbH

Post clean-up release service • EWN Energiewerke Nord GmbH

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Page 14: Decommissioning of nuclear power plants in Germany ...€¦ · Due to the nuclear disaster in Fukushima in 2011, closure of nuclear power plants was brought forward from 2036 to 2022

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)

Safety research for nuclear waste disposal

Immobilization of highlevel radioactive waste via vitrification

Reduction of the radiotoxicity of high level radioactive waste (partitioning)

FZ Jülich


Final storage – corrosion of fuel rods

5. Nuclear R&D centers in Germany

Basically two research institutes for nuclear technology: KIT and FZ


Sources: KIT,, FZ, Jülich,, updated last: 18/10/2013

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Being on the spot is essential:

Foster confidence:

state-of-the-art technologies and highest safety requirements require close collaboration

Establish a network together with:

business partners

the German Federal State authorities (which are in charge of granting the approval for


Joint attractive R&D programmes

Set benchmarks in decommissioning in Germany

Accrued reserves for decommissioning by operators: €30bn (forecast from Greenpeace and

Forum Ökologisch Soziale Marktwirtschaft (FÖS) expects market volume of €44bn*)

6. Business Opportunities

Companies can profit from Germany‘s nuclear power phase-out

* Source:

updated last: 28/10/2013

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Page 16: Decommissioning of nuclear power plants in Germany ...€¦ · Due to the nuclear disaster in Fukushima in 2011, closure of nuclear power plants was brought forward from 2036 to 2022

Power of Innovation

An outstanding high-tech infrastructure combined with a dense network of

incentive programs forms the backbone for high-class R&D in Germany.

Power of Innovation

08.10.2014 15

Highly qualified labor market: 500,000 R&D

employees in institutions, universities, and


High density of renowned research institutions

and 391 universities.

Platform for innovative and competitive

products, processes, and services: EUR 428

billion in exports of research intensive goods.

Research and knowledge-driven sectors account

for 39% of the nation's gross value added.

Infrastructure Incentives

Many R&D incentive programs in the form of

grants, loans, or guarantees designed for

specific topics.

Program budgets are provided by the European

Union, by the national government, and by each

individual state.

Re-application for R&D programs is possible

allowing multiple funding opportunities.

Nationwide full service advisory centers

guarantee efficient application procedures.


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Power of Innovation

Depending on the scope of the planned R&D project, there are various

forms of incentive programs available at EU, national, and regional level.

Power of Innovation

08.10.2014 16

EU Level:

National Level:

Regional Level:

Source of R&D Incentive Programs

Research projects require transnational cooperation

Most important program: Horizon 2020

EU publishes periodic calls for proposals, mainly with specified research topics

Research projects usually require cooperation

Most important program: High-Tech Strategy: provides funds in 17 technology-fields

Technology-open programs also available (i.e. ZIM).

Individual research projects

Programs available in all German states

Programs usually technology-open

Forms of R&D Incentive Programs


Loans and Guarantees:


Non-repayable cash incentives

Varying aid intensities depending on: size of company and research category (fundamental or industrial research or experimental development)

Loans with reduced interest rates

Application through investor’s private bank

Public guarantees to reduce lending risks

Provided through venture capital funds or angel investors

Silent or direct partnerships

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Incentives Available to Investment Projects in Germany

Germany offers different incentives packages to reimburse an

investment project’s expenditures.

1 only available in Eastern Germany

Inviting Incentives


Operational Incentives Package

R&D Incentives Labor-Related


Training Support

Recruitment Grants

Silent / Direct Partnership


Wage Subsidies

State Investment


Cash Incentives Interest-Reduced

Loans Public


KfW Loans (National Level)

Investment Allowance1

State Development Bank Loans

Combined State/ Federal

Investment Incentives Package +


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Mumbai Office Tokyo Office

Berlin - Headquarters

Mr. Thomas Grigoleit Director Energy, Environment and Resources T. +49 30 200 099-224 [email protected]

Mr. Tobias Rothacher Senior Manager Photovoltaics and Storage T. +49 30 200 099-225 [email protected]

Don‘t hesitate to contact us!

Mr. Markus Hempel China Representative Beijing, China T. +86 10 6539 6725 F. +86 10 6590 6167 [email protected]

North America



© 2014 Germany Trade & Invest All information provided by Germany Trade & Invest has been put together with the utmost care. However, we assume no liability for the accuracy of the information provided.

Mr. Iwami Asakawa Japan Representative Tokyo, Japan T. +81 3 5275 2072 F. +81 3 5275 2012 [email protected]

Mr. Claus Habermeier Director New York, USA T: +1 212 584 9715 F: +1 212 262 6449 [email protected]

Ms. Angelika Geiger Director San Francisco, USA T: +1 415 248 1246 F: +1 415 627 9169 [email protected]

Ms. Asha-Maria Sharma India Representative Mumbai, India T. +91 22 66 65 21 80 [email protected]

New York Office San Francisco Office

Beijing Office

Energy, Environment and Resources Division:

Mr. Heiko Staubitz Senior Manager Energy Storage and Smart Grid T. +49 30 200 099-226 [email protected]

Mrs. Flérida Regueira Cortizo Senior Manager Environmental Technologies T. +49 30 200 099-230 [email protected]

Ms. Esther Frey Manager Wind T. +49 30 200 099-253 [email protected]

Mr. Max Hildebrandt Manager Photovoltaics and Storage T. +49 30 200 099-223 [email protected]

Mr. Henning Ellermann Manager Energy Efficiency T. +49 30 200 099-257 [email protected]

Mr. David J.Warne Senior Manager Geo Energy & Resources T. +49 30 200 099-601 [email protected]


Paris Office

Mr. Raphael Goldstein France Representative Paris, France T. +33-(0)1 40 58 35 04

F. +33-(0)1 45 75 47 39

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