decision making for tooth extraction or conservation

A Novel Decision-Making Process for Tooth Retention or Extraction Gustavo Avila,* Pablo Galindo-Moreno, Stephen Soehren, Carl E. Misch, Thiago Morelli,* and Hom-Lay Wang Background: Implant-supported restorations have become the most popular therapeutic option for professionals and pa- tients for the treatment of total and partial edentulism. When implants are placed in an ideal position, with adequate pros- thetic loading and proper maintenance, they can have success rates >90% over 15 years of function. Implants may be consid- ered a better therapeutic alternative than performing more ex- tensive conservative procedures in an attempt to save or maintain a compromised tooth. Inadequate indication for tooth extraction has resulted in the sacrifice of many sound savable teeth. This article presents a chart that can assist cli- nicians in making the right decision when they are deciding which route to take. Methods: Articles published in peer-reviewed English jour- nals were selected using several scientific databases and subsequently reviewed. Book sources were also searched. In- dividual tooth- and patient-related features were thoroughly analyzed, particularly when determining if a tooth should be indicated for extraction. Results: A color-based decision-making chart with six dif- ferent levels, including several factors, was developed based upon available scientific literature. The rationale for including these factors is provided, and its interpretation is justified with literature support. Conclusion: The decision-making chart provided may serve as a reference guide for dentists when making the deci- sion to save or extract a compromised tooth. J Periodontol 2009;80:476-491. KEY WORDS Dental implants; periodontal disease; tooth extraction. I mplant-supported prostheses have become the gold standard for the treatment of total or partial edentu- lism in most clinical scenarios. Almost 50 years of biomaterials development, a deeper understanding of biologic deter- minants, and clinical research in implant dentistry have paved the way for the extraordinary success reported for this modality of dental therapy. When placed in an ideal position, with adequate pros- thesis design and proper maintenance, implants can achieve a success rate of 97% to 99%, with an outstanding long- term functional performance. 1,2 The level of advancement in this field is such that dental implants, especially those with a rough surface, 3 are a highly reliable option to replace single missing teeth and have the highest survival rates of all of the exogenous devices used in medicine. 4 Given the increasing popu- larity and clinical success of dental implants, there is a tendency to believe that they are as good as natural teeth, if not better in certain clinical situations. However, some would say that teeth are an irreplaceable gift from our parents. Tooth extraction and placement of a tita- nium implant is not always the solution when a tooth is compromised by peri- odontal, pulpal, traumatic, or carious pathology. Therefore, an increasingly frequent dilemma in implant dentistry derives from the question of whether to retain/restore a compromised tooth or to extract it and replace it with a prosthe- sis (i.e., implant-supported restoration * Graduate Periodontics, School of Dentistry, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI. † Department of Oral Surgery, School of Dentistry, University of Granada, Granada, Spain. ‡ Department of Periodontics and Oral Medicine, School of Dentistry, University of Michigan. doi: 10.1902/jop.2009.080454 Volume 80 • Number 3 476

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Page 1: Decision Making for Tooth Extraction or Conservation

A Novel Decision-Making Processfor Tooth Retention or ExtractionGustavo Avila,* Pablo Galindo-Moreno,† Stephen Soehren,‡ Carl E. Misch,‡ Thiago Morelli,*and Hom-Lay Wang‡

Background: Implant-supported restorations have becomethe most popular therapeutic option for professionals and pa-tients for the treatment of total and partial edentulism. Whenimplants are placed in an ideal position, with adequate pros-thetic loading and proper maintenance, they can have successrates >90% over 15 years of function. Implants may be consid-ered a better therapeutic alternative than performing more ex-tensive conservative procedures in an attempt to save ormaintain a compromised tooth. Inadequate indication fortooth extraction has resulted in the sacrifice of many soundsavable teeth. This article presents a chart that can assist cli-nicians in making the right decision when they are decidingwhich route to take.

Methods: Articles published in peer-reviewed English jour-nals were selected using several scientific databases andsubsequently reviewed. Book sources were also searched. In-dividual tooth- and patient-related features were thoroughlyanalyzed, particularly when determining if a tooth should beindicated for extraction.

Results: A color-based decision-making chart with six dif-ferent levels, including several factors, was developed basedupon available scientific literature. The rationale for includingthese factors is provided, and its interpretation is justified withliterature support.

Conclusion: The decision-making chart provided mayserve as a reference guide for dentists when making the deci-sion to save or extract a compromised tooth. J Periodontol2009;80:476-491.


Dental implants; periodontal disease; tooth extraction.

Implant-supported prostheses havebecome the gold standard for thetreatment of total or partial edentu-

lism in most clinical scenarios. Almost50 years of biomaterials development, adeeper understanding of biologic deter-minants, and clinical research in implantdentistry have paved the way for theextraordinary success reported for thismodality of dental therapy. When placedin an ideal position, with adequate pros-thesis design and proper maintenance,implants can achieve a success rate of97% to 99%, with an outstanding long-term functional performance.1,2 Thelevel of advancement in this field is suchthat dental implants, especially thosewith a rough surface,3 are a highlyreliable option to replace single missingteeth and have the highest survival ratesof all of the exogenous devices used inmedicine.4 Given the increasing popu-larity and clinical success of dentalimplants, there is a tendency to believethat they are as good as natural teeth, ifnot better in certain clinical situations.

However, some would say that teethare an irreplaceable gift from our parents.Tooth extraction and placement of a tita-nium implant is not always the solutionwhen a tooth is compromised by peri-odontal, pulpal, traumatic, or cariouspathology. Therefore, an increasinglyfrequent dilemma in implant dentistryderives from the question of whether toretain/restore a compromised tooth orto extract it and replace it with a prosthe-sis (i.e., implant-supported restoration

* Graduate Periodontics, School of Dentistry, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI.† Department of Oral Surgery, School of Dentistry, University of Granada, Granada, Spain.‡ Department of Periodontics and Oral Medicine, School of Dentistry, University of Michigan.

doi: 10.1902/jop.2009.080454

Volume 80 • Number 3


Page 2: Decision Making for Tooth Extraction or Conservation

or fixed partial denture).5 It is important to keep inmind that maintenance of the natural dentition in highfunction and acceptable esthetics remain the primarygoals of any periodontal therapy. Prosthetic restora-tions cannot compete with a natural tooth with regardto the physical, biomechanical, and sensorial proper-ties. Some of the main advantages of a tooth com-pared to an implant-supported restoration are theproprioception6 and the adaptation under mechanicalforces7,8 mediated by the periodontal ligament.

However, the heroic maintenance of a tooth pre-senting a set of pathologic conditions that are beyondthe scope of predictable dental practice may be asso-ciated with unfavorable consequences, such as a lackof function or extension of an odontogenic infection tocraniofacial anatomic spaces.

The critical evaluation of factors that influence theclinician’s decision about whether to save or extract acompromised tooth should be the cornerstone aroundwhich periodontology is built and certainly the basis ofour profession as a medical discipline.

This article proposes a decision-making processthat can assist clinicians in making the best decisionto save or extract a tooth, based upon current avail-able literature.


When the decision whether to extract or retain a toothhas to be made, a large number of factors should beconsidered. In most cases, several treatment optionsmay be adequate to successfully solve a particularproblem. Understanding when to attempt to saveand maintain a tooth and when extraction is indicatedis an essential part of our clinical practice. Many arti-cles published within the last 3 decades illustrate sev-eral criteria that clinicians may use to assess thetooth-related prognosis: the early report publishedby Becker et al.9 in 1984 to McGuire’s10 1991 progno-sis classification and Kwok and Caton’s11 recent pub-lication show the challenges associated with thisdecision.

We propose a chart to guide clinicians through themost significant factors that can influence the decisionto save or extract an individual tooth based uponavailable current literature. Specialized scientific liter-ature supporting the concepts proposed in our deci-sion-making process was selected after performinga search in three databases (PubMed, Ovid, and Sco-pus) using MeSH and non-MeSH terms related to eachcategory of the chart. To be included in the final selec-tion, articles had to be published in English in peer-re-viewed journals. No limitation with regard to the dateof publication, type of article, and age of subjects wasestablished. Book sources were also searched.

One particularity of our chart is the incorporationof a color-coded system (green, yellow, and red).Briefly, the green category suggests favorable long-term outcome if tooth saving is attempted, yellowmeans that saving the tooth could be tried (however,we have to proceed with caution because there is afactor that may or may not be properly controlled oreliminated), and red indicates a likely unfavorablelong-term outcome if tooth retention is planned. Tohelp clinicians make a better choice, we divided thefactors and variables that can influence the final deci-sion to save or extract a tooth into six levels: 1) initialassessment; 2) periodontal disease severity; 3) furca-tion involvement; 4) etiologic factors; 5) restorativefactors; and 6) other determinants (Fig. 1). This deci-sion-making chart should be interpreted level by level,starting at level one and continuing to level six. If atooth receives at least three reds or two reds and atleast two yellows in the same level, extraction is rec-ommended. If the tooth receives two reds and one yel-low, one red and at least three yellows, or four yellows,clinicians may attempt to save the tooth; however, ex-tractionshouldbeconsidered.Fora tooth thathasbeenassignedoneredanduptotwoyellows,or threeyellows,an attempt to save it is recommended; if it fails, extrac-tion should be considered. In the case of two yellows,tooth maintenance may be compromised, but it is fea-sible. When a tooth is assigned green categories or oneyellow, conservation is recommended because treat-mentoften results insuccessful long-termtooth-survivaloutcomes. If a red category is accompanied by an aster-isk (*), tooth extraction is strongly recommended.

Initial AssessmentIdeally, dental practice should be based on currentclinical concepts emanating from science-based den-tistry. Nonetheless, there are some factors that, giventheir nature, usually cannot be measured objectivelybut have a critical importance in the design of thetreatmentplan.Thesevariables includepatientexpec-tations, finances, compliance, and esthetics. Thesefactors are included in the first level of our decision-making chart to provide an adequate guideline whenfirst approaching a situation in which a decision aboutextracting a tooth has to be made.Patient expectations. When designing a dental treat-ment plan, one must consider more than clinical fac-tors. The expectations of the patient have to be clearlyidentified and included as the main determinant in thedecision-making process. For example, if a tooth is in-dicated for extraction after the initial clinical examina-tion, but the patient shows a strong desire to save it,the option of keeping the tooth should be respected,although the patient should be made aware of the pos-sible consequences and potential risks associatedwith this decision. Therefore, independent of the

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particular significance of other important clinical fac-tors that will be discussed in more detail, the patient’sexpectation is a major factor in deciding whether toextract or keep a compromised tooth.

Hence, if apatient iswilling to save a tooth, retainingit has to be considered (green), whereas if a patientdoes not show special interest in maintaining a toothor clearly desires its extraction, exodontia (red) maybe the right option. This is one of the categories inwhich a red label is associated with an asterisk, whichmeans that tooth extraction is strongly recommended.

Treatment expectations. The achievement of clin-ical outcomes compatible with a good long-term indi-vidual tooth/arch prognosis is one of the goals of anydental therapy. The strategic value of a particulartooth is an important parameter to be consideredwhen designing a treatment plan. If retaining a toothwith reduced periodontal support is intended, onemust remember that long-term maintenance underoptimal conditions of function may not be realistic un-der certain circumstances. Also, if a restoration (i.e.,implant supported) is properly developed after toothextraction, according to the data from some prospec-tive studies,12,13 the possibility of maintaining ade-quate long-term function is more feasible, even inpatients with a history of periodontal disease.

Therefore, if a compromised tooth has to be as-signed to extraction or retention, tooth conservation(green) may be suggested to the patient if treatmentexpectations are low in terms of durability (short-term). Conversely, if long-term results are expectedand the tooth is compromised, tooth extraction (red)and prosthetic replacement may be a better option.

Esthetics. In current clinical practice, patients lookfor high-quality esthetic results, regardless of whatkind of dental treatment is provided. Our patients de-mand treatment that includes proper function, health,treatment outcome stability, as well as appealing es-thetics. In this sense, the smile is probably one of themost defining features of an individual and usually isthe key to a beautiful face. The smile is constitutedand defined by a set of elements that include the teeth(white component) and the gingival display (pinkcomponent), both framed by the lips. In a report onperiodontal soft tissue augmentation, McGuire14 dis-cussed the ideal esthetic features of the periodontaltissues. A correct symmetry of the papillary and freegingival margin component, adequate tooth emer-gence profile, and absence of discoloration are someof the most important parameters that define ade-quate esthetics. Esthetic guidelines are availableand useful, but esthetics are a matter of perception,

Figure 1.Decision-making chart for tooth extraction or conservation.

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Page 4: Decision Making for Tooth Extraction or Conservation

highly determined by the interpretation of the obser-ver, rather than a matter of health. Nonetheless, manysevere non-esthetic gingival problems are caused byor coexist with periodontal pathologic conditions. Inadvanced stages of disease, many of the mucogingi-val or alveolar bone deficiencies are not predictablytreatable and correctable from an esthetic standpoint.Therefore, if esthetics are not involved, the decisionwhether to conserve or extract a tooth becomes lesscritical (green); however, if saving a tooth implieskeeping one with unsatisfactory esthetic conditions(long, discolored tooth) or the possibility that it maycompromise future prosthetic esthetics, proceedingwith caution is recommended (yellow), given our abil-ity as clinicians to improve some esthetic problemsrelated to natural teeth. In this case, the possibilityof performing tooth whitening and soft/hard tissue–grafting procedures to pave the way for satisfactoryesthetic outcomes may be explored.

Finances. The individual’s financial status plays animportant role in deciding the final dental treatmentthat one receives. Traditional restorative proceduresor implant-supported restorations are usually moreexpensive than maintaining a tooth. Unfortunately,patients are not always aware of the additional cost,especially in the case of dental implants. Rustemeyerand Bremerich15 reported, after conducting a surveyof 315 patients, that 61% had an unrealistic idea of thefees related to restorative therapy in which dentalimplants were used. For patients who cannot affordprosthetic therapy, saving/retaining a tooth in a com-promised situation may be explored, as long as theyaccept that idea (green), whereas tooth extractionand replacement may be the right option when a toothis indicated for extraction and finances are not an is-sue; however, proceeding with caution while consid-ering individual socioeconomic variables is advised(yellow).

Patient compliance. It is widely accepted that path-ogenic bacteria in a susceptible host are the primarycause of periodontal disease. The quantity of plaqueand the etiologic potential of the microbiota presenthave an important impact on periodontal disease pro-gression and, consequently, on the maintenance ofperiodontally treated teeth. A classic cross-sectionalstudy,16 in which the periodontal condition of a SriLankan population was examined, demonstrated thatsome subjects who never received dental treatmenthad lost all of their teeth because of periodontal dis-ease by 45 years of age. Nonetheless, another longi-tudinal study17 demonstrated that the incidence ofcaries, progression of periodontal disease, and toothloss were very small in patients with a high level ofcompliance. This suggests that periodontal patientsincluded in a regular periodontal maintenance pro-gram, who also have good oral hygiene, may have a

better individual tooth prognosis than non-compliantpatients. Considering this information, it seems logi-cal to say that patients who are genetically deter-mined to be susceptible to periodontal disease,coupled with poor compliance, may have a lowerchance of keeping their teeth long-term. This, in turn,reduces tooth survival dramatically given the pres-ence of plaque in a susceptible host. Furthermore,one has to keep in mind that bacterial plaque alsoplays a major role in the development of peri-implan-titis. Dental implants, like natural teeth, are also af-fected by plaque in susceptible individuals, althoughthe pathophysiologic mechanisms are not exactlythe same. Some longitudinal studies18,19 showedhow the progression of plaque-induced bone lossseemed to be similar around natural teeth and im-plants. Poor plaque control and smoking have beenstrongly associated with implant failure and the devel-opment of peri-implantitis.20-22

Many ways to assess hygiene performance havebeen proposed.23-25 Some indices are visual, whereasothers are expressed as a percentage, but all of themwere designed as a method for recording plaque con-trol and, therefore, the patient’s ability to performgood oral hygiene. Regardless of the method usedto assess the patient’s compliance, when a patientcannot meet adequate standards of oral hygiene,the success of periodontal therapy and long-termtooth survival are often challenged.

Hence,although the presence ofperiodontal diseaseis mainly determined by susceptibility, long-term toothconservation can be more reliably attempted in pa-tients presenting an adequate level of oral hygiene(green), in contrast to patients showing poor compli-ance. Nonetheless, tooth extraction and implantplacement may not be the best therapeutic approachin all patients; thus, proceeding with caution is recom-mended (yellow) given the uncertain therapeutic out-comes associated with elevated plaque scores and thevariability in disease severity that depends on severalother major risk factors (e.g., smoking and diabetesmellitus).

Periodontal Disease SeverityTreatment of periodontal disease is a therapeutic pro-cess with the goal of preserving the natural dentition inconditions of health and preventing further periodon-tal destruction. Nevertheless, the severity of a peri-odontal problem is such that tooth extraction shouldbe considered one of the treatment modalities toresolve the problem. The interpretation of the mostcommonly usedclinicalparameters todetermineperi-odontal disease severity is approached in this level.Probing depth (PD). One way to assess periodontaldisease severity is by measuring PD. In general, deepPDs with bleeding on probing are an indicator of

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periodontal disease activity, as well as a predictor offuture attachment loss, except in situations of pseudo-pocket formation or gingival overgrowth. The exis-tence of a true periodontal pocket ‡5 mm usuallyimplies a history of periodontal disease in that partic-ular location.26 PD is measured as the distance fromthe free gingival margin (FGM) to the bottom of thesulcus/pocket. However, PD may not be a reliable pa-rameter for periodontal diagnosis, because it maychange over time, even in untreated areas, as the re-sult of changes in the vertical position of the FGM,27

which was originally explained by Stanley28 as inflam-matory cycles and spontaneous resolution. However,following initial therapy, PD is regarded as the mostreliable predictor for future disease progression, be-cause deeper pockets are more susceptible to furtherperiodontal breakdown.29 Therefore, the evaluationof PD may be a good indicator to determine whetherto extract an affected tooth. Longitudinal studies9,30

showed that recurrent deep pockets suggest a worseprognosis; therefore, tooth extraction may be consid-ered in more severe, untreatable situations, such asPD >7 to 8 mm.

We divided this category into PD <5 mm (green),PD of 5 to 7 mm (yellow), and PD >7 mm (red) to il-lustrate our ability to maintain teeth with these differ-ent PDs.

Mobility. Tooth mobility is one of the most widelyused periodontal parameters to determine individualtooth prognosis;11 however, it may be not totally reli-able. Although many investigators31,32 found that in-creased mobility is a factor that negatively influencesthe survival of a periodontally affected tooth, others33

described no association between tooth mobility andtreatment outcome. These differences could be ex-plained by the cause of tooth mobility (i.e., loss of peri-odontal attachment or excessive function) and theuse of different methods to assess tooth mobility. Asproposed by Muhlemann,34 mobility should be mea-sured by using two rigid instruments to record themagnitude and direction of movement of a tooth afterapplying a force of ;100 g. In our proposed decision-making chart, we divided mobility into 0 or Class1 (green), Class 2 (yellow), and Class 3 (red), basedon the classic, widely used classification of Miller.35

Basically, Class I indicates mobility greater than nor-mal, Class II means tooth mobility up to 1 mm in anydirection, and Class III is assigned for teeth presentingmobility >1 mm in any direction, including verticaldisplacement and/or rotation. In general, teeth exhib-iting Class III mobility as the result of periodontalattachment are indicated for extraction because oftheir poor prognosis and likely patient discomfort.9

Teeth with a mobility of Class II should be evaluatedin conjunction with other factors to determine themost predictable approach to treat that condition

(e.g., splinting in case of secondary trauma from oc-clusion or periodontal regeneration); hence, a yellowcategory was assigned. In addition, it is important tokeep in mind that teeth have a slight degree of phys-iologic mobility, which may vary at different stages oflife or even at different times during the day.36 Fur-thermore, it is well known that single-rooted teeth usu-ally present more mobility than multirooted teeth, andthat mobility mainly occurs in a horizontal dimen-sion.37 This should be considered during the diagnos-tic process.

Recurrent periodontal abscess. Periodontal ab-scess represents a period of rapid clinical attachmentloss and active bone destruction, and it is often con-sidered when determining tooth prognosis. Periodon-tal abscess is the third most commonly reporteddental emergency.38 Tooth loss and spread of the in-fection are some of the consequences of this patho-logic entity. Some investigators39 reported thatsuppuration is the main clinical sign associated withtooth extraction during the maintenance phase. Ahopeless prognosis is usually assigned when a historyof repeated periodontal abscess formation is ob-served in a tooth.9,40,41 In a retrospective study42 ofa maintenance population, 45% of teeth with peri-odontal abscesses were extracted.

Hence, in our chart, we divided this category into nosuppuration (green) and the presence of suppuration(red) to represent the possibilities of successful toothmaintenance with this clinical scenario.

Bone loss. Bone loss is another one of the majorfactors used to determine tooth prognosis. Bone lossoften leads to tooth mobility, increased PD, and sub-sequent clinical attachment loss. Periodontal boneloss is usually determined by radiographic analysis.Periapical radiographs, bitewings, and occlusal radio-graphs are classic bidimensional radiographic modal-ities that can serve as an adjunct to the periodontalclinical examination because they can provide a hugeamount of valuable information by a relatively non-in-vasive method. Among these techniques, periapicalradiographs probably represent the most widely usedimages in the diagnosis of periodontal diseases. Thecalculation of the percentage of bone loss is usuallyperformed in a periapical radiograph by comparingthe total length of the root from the cemento-enameljunction to the apex minus ;2 mm (for the biologicwidth) to the length of the root supporting alveolarbone.

In our decision-making chart, we divided alveolarbone loss into three categories: <30% (green), 30%to 65% (yellow), and >65% (red). The rationale behindthis categorization was the fact that <30% bone losscan be properly treated and maintained.43,44 Whenbone loss of 30% to 65% is found, a significant attach-ment loss is often noticed. Nonetheless, studies45-47

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indicated that teeth presenting this amount of boneloss also could be adequately treated and maintainedover a long period of time. Bone loss >65% often im-plies that more than two-thirds of the periodontal sup-port around the root surface has been lost. Although atooth presenting that amount of bone loss could bemaintained with proper supportive treatment, thelikelihood of keeping such a compromised tooth overa long period of time is questionable. This is supportedby the information presented by Becker et al.,9 wholisted this condition as one of the eight criteria to indi-cate whether a tooth should receive a hopeless prog-nosis. However, it is important to keep in mind thatradiographic images alone do not provide conclusivediagnostic evidence. Some of the shortcomings of ra-diographic assessment of periodontal bone loss arethe possible angulation changes that may provide adistorted bone height and the inability to evaluate buc-cal/lingual bone.

Bone defect morphology. Periodontal bone losscan be divided into two patterns of bone destruction:horizontal and vertical. If bone loss progresses evenlyaround the dentition, the end result is a horizontal pat-tern of bone loss. A vertical defect is typically presentin localized areas where the loss of alveolar bone pro-gresses at different rates around tooth/teeth surfaces.Vertical bone loss may result in deep, localized narrowintrabony defects. This type of defect was shown to bemore favorable for attempting regeneration in gen-eral.48 If a patient presents generalized or localizedhorizontal bone loss, periodontal attachment gainvia regenerative procedures, such as guided tissue re-generation, is unpredictable. This is mainly becausethe defect is not self-contained. On the contrary, a ver-tical defect provides the possibility of regenerating al-ready destroyed tissues, following the principles ofcompartmentalization.49 In addition, after initial ther-apy, the most common surgical approaches used totreat periodontal pockets associated with horizontalbone loss are resective procedures, such as gingi-vectomy or apically positioned flap with or withoutosseous recontouring, which often create estheticconcerns, tooth hypersensitivity, and challengingmaintenance. Therefore, we subclassified this cate-gory into deep, narrow alveolar bone defects (green)and superficial, wide defects (yellow).

Furcation InvolvementIn the third level, we focus on how furcation involve-ment may influence the clinical decision to extractor save a particular tooth. Furcation invasion is com-monly associated with alveolar bone destruction andloss of attachment. Hence, furcation defects are re-garded as one of the most clinically challengingperiodontal pathologic conditions in our specialtybecause of their morphology, access, and many

anatomy-related abnormalities. Therefore, to treatthis problem properly, local anatomic factors, suchas cervical enamel projections, accessory canals, rootconcavities, root proximity, varying root trunk length,and root form, must be controlled.Furcation defects. The furcation is that part of a mul-tirooted tooth where the root cones separate. Giventhe intricate anatomy commonly present in asso-ciation with this area, once the progression of peri-odontal disease reaches the furcation, treatment ormaintenance may be challenging.50 In our decision-making chart, we classified the furcation involvementinto Class I (green), Class II (yellow), and Class III(red), following the classification proposed by Hampet al.51 in 1975. Basically, Class I is assigned whenthe furcation has <3 mm of horizontal penetrationwhen probed; Class II means >3 mm of horizontal pen-etration into the furcation area, but not through andthrough probing; and Class III indicates a throughand through horizontal penetration of the probe. Thereis no doubt in every practitioner’s mind that a Class Ifurcation defect can be properly treated and main-tained. The risk for disease progression in a patientpresenting a surgically created (osteoplasty/odonto-plasty) Class I furcation defect is minimal to zero, aslong as the maintenance is adequate.52,53 In casesof Class II furcation defects, the treatment decision be-comes more uncertain. Although it was shown thatthis type of defect can be successfully treated by re-generation and maintained over a long period oftime,54,55 the predictability related to the type of treat-ment remains a major issue.56 Therefore, proceedingwith caution is definitely advised. Finally, it has beenconsistently shown that, in general, teeth with Class IIIfurcation involvement have a bad prognosis. As re-ported in some studies,57,58 regeneration of this typeof defect is not predictable in most clinical situations.Tunneling has been proposed as a conservative alter-native in cases of Class III furcation involvement; how-ever, long-term survival after treatment is not ensuredbecause many complications associated with thiscondition (among which root caries predominates)may arise, compromising tooth prognosis.59 There-fore, teeth with Class III furcation involvement havean unfavorable prognosis.

Interproximal bone level related to furcation en-trance. According to our personal experience and in-formation extracted from the literature, the level of theadjacent alveolar bone should be considered a criticalfactor when determining if regeneration of a Class I orII furcation defect can be attempted. In general terms,it is very unlikely to effectively induce periodontal re-generation above the actual alveolar bone level, rep-resenting the maximum level of regeneration thatcan be achieved in most clinical scenarios. Therefore,if the alveolar bone crest is located at or below a

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furcation defect, it would be difficult or almost impos-sible to predictably regenerate bone to the originallevel.60,61

Hence, in our decision-making chart we dividedinterproximal bone level as related to the furcationentrance into three categories, above (green), at(yellow), and below (red), to reflect how the adjacentbone level greatly influences our ability to regeneratefurcation defects.

Root anomalies: Cervical enamel projections,enamel pearls, and root grooves. An important factorthat may seriously hinder plaque control in furcationareas is the presence of non-cleansable root surfaceirregularities or anomalies, such as cervical enamelprojections, enamel pearls, and axially directed rootgrooves.62 Cervical enamel projections and enamelpearls are found more frequently in posteriorteeth,63,64 whereas palatogingival grooves are moreprevalent in upper lateral incisors.65 It is also impor-tant to remember that Booker and Loughlin66 notedthe presence of a mesial root groove in 100% of theteeth from a sample of upper first premolars. Regard-less of their location, these anatomic alterations oftenpresent a challenge during therapeutic or mainte-nance procedures.

We divided this category into the absence of theseanomalies (green) and the presence of one or more ofthese tooth-shape alterations (yellow) because clini-cians have a chance to properly control/eliminatethese problems.

Root-resected molars. Root resection is the sec-tioning and removal of one or more roots of a multi-rooted tooth. It is a conservative therapeutic optionindicated in some furcation defects, which is aimedat eliminating the cause, to provide a better environ-ment and have a chance to maintain the tooth.

This option is commonly linked to financial issues.If a patient has limited financial resources, root resec-tion is a more affordable option compared to implanttherapy because it does not require as much of aneconomic investment. Furthermore, it was shown thatroot-resected teeth have good long-term survivalrates. Fugazzotto67 compared the overall survival rateof teeth with resected roots followed by restoration(n = 701) to implants placed after tooth extraction(n = 1,472) overa period of ‡15 and ‡13 years, respec-tively. Resection of the distal root of a mandibular mo-lar demonstrated the lowest success rate (75%). Allother success rates for various root-resected molarsin function ranged from 95.2% to 100%. Lone-standingimplants in second-molar positions demonstrated thelowest success rate (85%). All other implants used inmolar positions demonstrated a success rate rangingfrom 97.0% to 98.6%. Cumulative success rates were96.8% for root-resected molars and 97.0% for molarimplants. It was concluded that molar root resection

and restoration or extraction with implant placementresulted in satisfactory clinical outcomes. However,previous studies68,69 showed that root-resected teethpresent survival rates ;85% and 68% after 5 and10 years, respectively. Therefore, it can be acknowl-edged that a tooth that undergoes root resection hasless periodontal support and a less favorable progno-sis than a healthy, non-treated one.

Hence, if finances are an issue and root resection isindicated, root resection could be suggested to the pa-tient to maintain the natural tooth (green) and func-tion at a lower cost. Conversely, when root resectionis a possibility to treat a furcation-involved tooth,and there is no critical economic limitation, the optionof tooth extraction and subsequent implant place-ment may be considered (yellow).

Etiology and Treatment FactorsTo properly manage periodontal disease, the true eti-ology of the ongoing pathology needs to be identifiedand eliminated. This gives the body a chance for re-pair or regeneration of lost tissues. Hence, the fourthlevel analyzes some of the most important consider-ations in making a correct decision with regard to sav-ing or extracting a tooth.Presence of calculus. To successfully treat a peri-odontal defect, the first and most important step is toidentify the etiology and adequately control it. Al-though plaque is the primary cause of periodontal dis-ease in a susceptible host, many other systemic andlocal conditions have been identified as possible con-tributing factors in the progression of this pathologicprocess.70 Most of these conditions and factors arediscussed in other sections of this article; however,among the local factors that may contribute to theprogression of periodontal disease, calculus is proba-bly the most significant. Calculus, also known astartar, refers to mineralized deposits on the teeth sur-faces due to the persistent presence of plaque. De-pending on its location, two type of calculus can beidentified: supragingival and subgingival. It is widelyacknowledged that subgingival calculus has a higherpathogenic potential. Although calculus does not pro-duce disease by itself,71 its presence on a root surfaceis commonly associated with gingival inflammation.This is because calculus serves as a reservoir for peri-odontopathogenic bacteria and their by-products(e.g., leukotoxins and lipopolysaccharides). It wasshown that a calculus/toxin-free surface is the keyto achieving and maintaining health after periodontaltherapy.72

If an affected tooth has identifiable, controllable eti-ologic or contributing local factors, the chance of sav-ing it is substantially increased. However, if a tooth hassymptoms without a known etiology, the result of thetreatment may be problematic. Therefore, as long as

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calculus can be successfully eliminated when it isidentified clinically or radiographically, it usually re-sults in predictable periodontal treatment outcomesunless other significant factors are still present.Hence, we divided this category into the presence ofcalculus (green) and the absence of it (yellow); evenif no calculus is identified, other factors can still be di-agnosed and properly controlled to treat the disease.

Surgery compromises bone dimension. Ostec-tomy was introduced in the 1950s as a periodontaltherapy modality. This technique evolved into whatis called osseous resective surgery.73 One of the indi-cations of osseous resective surgery is pocket reduc-tion by recontouring of the alveolar bone, which alsoallows better management and repositioning of gingi-val tissues. In cases of shallow or medium alveolarbone defects (<4 mm depth), resective surgery hasbeen regarded as the most adequate therapeuticmethod to achieve stable periodontal pocket reduc-tion compatible with health over time.74,75 Nonethe-less, given the requirements necessary to correctlyperform this technique in advanced forms of chronicperiodontitis, where progression of the disease mayresult in the formation of negative architecture, a sig-nificant amount of bone typically has to be removed,usually leading to recession.76 The extent of the pos-sible outcomes may be anticipated by considering thegingival biotype and the thickness of the remainingsupportive bone. Hence, more bone loss can be ex-pected in patients with a thin gingival biotype and thinsupporting alveolar bone after performing osseoussurgery.

Clinical outcomes after extensive osseous resec-tive surgery can result in patient dissatisfaction dueto longer teeth appearance and a high chance of teethhypersensitivity.40 Therefore, if resective proceduresto save a compromised tooth may limit proper im-plant placement or esthetic outcomes in the future,one should proceed with caution (yellow) before per-forming osseous recontouring. Conversely, if pocketreduction can be done without sacrificing an exces-sive amount of bone, particularly in the esthetic area,tooth maintenance is recommended (green).

Periodontal retreatment. The primary therapeuticgoal when treating patients with a periodontal patho-logic condition is arresting disease progression andeliminating inflammation. To achieve such objectives,identification of the etiologic factors and reducing themtoallow repair/regeneration and maintenance ofhealthare essential. The protocol suggested by the AmericanAcademy of Periodontology (AAP) for the treatment ofgingival and periodontal diseases includes a variety ofmechanical (i.e., hand or ultrasonic scaling), chemical(i.e., antibiotics or antiseptics), surgical, and regenera-tive procedures that may be applied, depending on theextent and pattern of attachment loss, anatomic varia-

tions, type of periodontal disease, and therapeuticobjectives.77 When periodontal stability has beenachieveduponthecompletionofactivetherapy, follow-up periodontal maintenance visits should be per-formed at periodic intervals. Following the guidelinesof the AAP, maintenance visits should include an up-date of the medical and dental history; evaluation ofextra-and intraoral, periodontal, and dental tissues (in-cluding assessment ofPD, recession,attachment level,bleeding upon probing, suppuration, and soft tissuecontour and consistency); assessment of the oralhygiene status; and mechanical cleaning of plaque,biofilms, stains, and calculus. The local or systemicdelivery of chemotherapeutics may be used as an ad-junctivetherapyfor recurrentor refractorydisease.78,79

It is not unusual to identify sites in which PDs increaseprogressively over time or even in a short period asthe result of acute breakdown. Recurrent disease andrefractory disease are two similar, but different, terms.Recurrent refers to a relapse of the disease as the resultof inadequate therapeutic management or inadequateplaque control, whereas refractory periodontitis is apersistent disease with excessive attachment loss thatdid not resolve, even though the best therapy was pro-vided, including clinician and patient efforts to stop dis-ease progression. Rescue therapy is a clinical term forperiodontal therapy conducted after the completion ofinitialactiveperiodontal treatment, justifiedbythe iden-tification of a persistent or recurrent problem. If a peri-odontal defect was properly treated, but the result wasnot good, the second treatment may not result inthe outcome that would be expected in cases of refrac-tory periodontitis.80 However, there is still a chance ofcontrolling recurrent disease if the etiology is properlyaddressed.

No need for retreatment after initial periodontaltherapy suggests that tooth maintenance can be reli-ably accomplished (green). The adequate treatmentof recurrent periodontal disease, with the possibilityof using adjunctive methods, may result in periodon-tal stability of the affected site, so proceeding withcaution by giving a second chance is recommended(yellow). Conversely, improving the situation in casesof refractory periodontitis may represent a consider-able challenge; consequently, tooth extraction mustbe considered (red).

Root proximity. Root proximity can occur in thepresence of crowded teeth, ‘‘kissing roots’’ of adjacentteeth, and narrow (close) or fused roots. The impor-tance of the degree of root proximity as a contributoryfactor in the progression of periodontal disease hasbeen the subject of several studies published through-out the last decades. In an early article by Heins andWieder,81 who analyzed 116 posterior interproximalsites, they reported that when the interradicular dis-tance was <0.5 mm, no cancellous bone was observed

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histologically, but a lamina dura. Moreover, if that dis-tance was <0.3 mm, alveolar bone was not present. Itwasspeculated that theabsenceofadequatebonesup-port facilitates periodontal disease progression. In thissense, it was reported in a recently published longitudi-nal study82 that rootdistances <0.8mmarea risk factorfor alveolar bone loss. Given this information, it seemslogical to think that root proximity can be a predispos-ing factor for the progression of periodontal disease.However,weshouldnot forgetabout the impactofothersignificant factors, such as oral hygiene and the pres-ence of plaque. In a prospective study of 400 subjectswho underwent orthodontic treatment, Artun et al.83

observed that root proximity (diagnosed radiographi-cally as interradicular distance <0.8 mm) did not pre-dispose to a more rapid periodontal attachment loss,mainly in anterior teeth. The population in that studymaynotbecomparable totheonethatKimetal.82eval-uated, in terms of motivation and oral hygiene. If weconsider all of these facts, it may be concluded that insome cases of root proximity, the absence of support-ing bone may present a weak area, facilitating rapidattachment loss in the presence of uncontrolledperiodontal disease. In the event that it is causing sometype of periodontal pathology, the treatment of rootproximity is not a simple procedure; most times itrequires orthodontic treatment. Therefore, interpretingroot proximity as an interradicular distance <0.8 mm,its absence is compatible with a favorable prognosisthat invites tooth retention (green), whereas non-treat-able root proximity is a situation in which tooth extrac-tion (red)has to be considered if significant attachmentloss is present.

Root canal therapy. Endodontic problems arecommonly derived from untreated caries that pro-gressed through the mineralized dental structures tothe dental pulp, causing inflammatory reactionsand/or pulpal infections. The occurrence of theseevents often requires root canal treatment to alleviatethe symptoms associated with this pathology. Some-times, the necessity of endodontic treatment maysway a patient to select implant placement insteadof investing time and money in root canal therapy.

In general, root canal treatment that is done for thefirst time in a particular tooth has a higher long-termtooth survival rate.84 In cases where retreated rootcanals are done, their survival rates are substantiallylower. However, these rates are slightly lower thanthose for implant-supported single-tooth restora-tions.4,85 It is important to take into account the factthat implant-based therapy and root canal treatmentare very different therapeutic options, given the vari-ety of factors that can independently affect the diag-nosis and outcomes of both modalities.86

Some important factors have to be taken into ac-count when analyzing the long-term survival of end-

odontically treated teeth, such as the type ofrestoration, the size of the periapical lesion (if pres-ent), and the skill of the operator. It has been reportedthat teeth with a fixed partial restoration (crown) havehigher survival rates than those with composite oramalgam restorations.87 Also, the absence of peri-apical lesions or the presence of smaller ones havea better prognosis than larger lesions in terms of thesuccess of endodontic therapy.88 The average sur-vival rate of teeth endodontically treated by a generaldentist is ;89.7% after 5 years; if the treatment is per-formed by a specialist, the success rate increases to98.1%.89 Another study90 showed that the 10-yearsurvival rate of teeth treated by root canals performedby residents was 85.1%. If a root canal–treated toothpresents persistent symptoms, retreatment of the af-fected tooth is a suitable option. However, the survivalrate of retreated teeth is not as high compared to initialtreatment,91 especially when extensive periapical le-sions are present.92 Therefore, when should a root ca-nal treatment be classified as failing? Considering theinformation outlined above, it is reasonable to statethat a failing root canal treatment is one that presentspersistent symptoms, even after retreatment and ad-equate restoration, or complications related to theendodontic treatment that make the tooth non-restor-able (i.e., root fractures).

Hence, if no treatment is necessary or if root canaltherapy is successful, that tooth should receive a goodprognosis (green), whereas failing endodontic treat-ment should automatically be associated with com-promised long-term tooth survival (red).

Restorative FactorsThe fifth level of this decision-making chart includesrestorative considerations. For a restorative proce-dure to be called successful, the involved tooth/teethshouldhavenormal functionandacceptableesthetics.There are many factors that should be analyzed, in-cluding caries, fractured/faulty restorations, crown/root ratio, and determination of the need for a post/core and crown.Fractures and faulty restorations. Improperly con-toured or overhanging restorations can act as plaque-retentive areas, causing iatrogenic inflammation andbone loss. An overhang is defined as an excess of den-tal restorative material extending beyond cavity mar-gins. Amalgam overhangs have been associated withtheprogressionofclinicalattachment loss.93 Thisclin-ical attachment loss can result from biologic widthinfringement, asaconsequence ofallowingplaqueac-cumulation at the restoration margin and remodelingto establish a protective soft tissue zone. A study94

demonstrated that the more severe the periodontaldisease, the greater the role of the overhang. In addi-tion, amalgam overhangs can cause a significant loss

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of alveolar bone.However, the overhang width and pa-tient age do not affect the significance of the detrimen-tal effects of the amalgam overhang95 because notevery individual is equally susceptible to the develop-ment of periodontal disease. Therefore, it can be con-cluded that the presence of faulty restorations is not adetermining factor in the decision-making process ofextracting a tooth. However, it is important to evaluatethe presence and its relationship to other factors, suchas the presence of caries and/or endodontic involve-ment,beforeanydecision ismade.Also, it isextremelyimportant to understand that overhangs can be cor-rected in most cases. The same line of thinking is ap-plied to tooth fracture evaluation. If a tooth exhibits afracture, the clinician should make his/her best judg-ment to determine restorability. If restoration is notpossible, then a poor prognosis should be given.

Therefore, we divided this category into restorable(green)andnon-restorable (red) to reflect thepossibil-ities of saving a tooth. In the case of a non-restorabletooth, extraction is strongly recommended.

Extensive caries. Caries is a pathologic infectiousprocess that affects the mineralized structures of thetooth, leading to loss of structure, pulpal sensitivityor pain, and eventually, if not properly treated, to end-odontic problems and even tooth extraction. In thissense, recurrent caries associated with a fixed partialprosthesis is one of the most frequent causes of toothloss. In a review published by Goodacre et al.96 in2003, the investigators analyzed the incidence ofcomplications associated with single crowns, fixedpartial dentures, all-ceramic crowns, resin-bondedprostheses, and posts and cores; the three most com-monly reported complications for fixed partial den-tures were caries (18% of abutments), need of aroot canal treatment (11% of abutments), and lossof retention (7% of prostheses). An extensive cariouslesion that extends beyond or to the level of the alve-olar bone usually represents a challenge for the clini-cian in restorative terms and a substantial increase intreatment costs for the patient. If a tooth is restorable,orthodontic extrusion, crown lengthening, or muco-gingival surgical procedures are usually necessaryto respect the biologic width.97

Hence, we divided this category into two options:no extensive caries present (green) and the presenceof at least one extensive carious lesion in a particulartooth (yellow).

Crown/root ratio. Teeth that have not suffered anytype of pathology involving loss of attachment or de-struction of periodontal tissues usually present a fa-vorable crown/root ratio. It has been speculated thatthe mobility of the tooth can be increased as a resultof a biomechanical unbalance, known as secondarytrauma from occlusion.98 Symptoms and problemsassociated with secondary trauma from occlusion

can be treated effectively with splinting and occlusaladjustment in some cases.99 However, the long-termmaintenance of a tooth with an unfavorable crown/root ratio can be challenging because of inadequatealveolar bone support that may lead to increasingmobility and/or the persistence of clinical symp-toms.100,101 Furthermore, when focusing on the fieldof restorative dentistry, a tooth with an unfavorablecrown/root ratio may not be the ideal abutment tooth.A 1:1 ratio has been defined as the minimum accept-able ratio when the periodontium is healthy and theocclusion is controlled.102,103

Hence, we divided this category into favorablecrown/root ratio <1:1 (green), 1:1 ratio, which sug-gests proceeding with caution (yellow), and an unfa-vorable ratio >1:1 (red).

Post/core and crown required. In case of extensiveloss of tooth structure, the use of post/core is one ofthe available options to allow proper crown restora-tion. This therapeutic approach has been classicallyregarded as a valid method for dental restoration;however, it has some drawbacks.104 First, if not al-ready present, root canal treatment is typically re-quired. This reduces the long-term survival of thetooth as discussed in previous categories. The pa-tient’s occlusal scheme is another important factorto be considered. Parafunctional habits, such as brux-ism, reduce the survival of teeth restored by post andcore placement, because these teeth are weakened,especially if a post that is too large or wide is placed.In many of the teeth that are indicated to receive apost/core and crown, the length of the available toothstructure is usually insufficient to ensure biologicwidth preservation, and crown lengthening is oftenindicated. This makes the final cost similar, if notgreater, to that of a single implant. Considering allof these factors, many patients, as well as clinicians,may decide to have the tooth extracted. To be realis-tic, the final decision is usually linked to financial is-sues and the concern for long-term stability asopposed to our ability to save a compromised tooth.

Therefore, we divided this category into no post/core and crown needed (green) and an indicationfor that type of restorative approach (yellow).

Other DeterminantsThe last level analyzes other factors that may play asignificant role in tooth maintenance and prognosisor implant placement: smoking habits, presence ofcertain uncontrolled systemic conditions, the use ofbisphosphonates (one of the most discussed topicsin implant dentistry), and the clinician’s experience.Smoking. Smoking is a major risk factor for periodon-tal disease progression. The literature supports thefact that smokers have an increased risk (odds ratio:2 to 8) for developing periodontal disease compared

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to non-smokers.105 It is known that the effect of smok-ing on the periodontium is dose dependent. Tomarand Asma106 demonstrated that heavy and lightsmokers (£10 cigarettes per day) have a 5.9 and2.8 greater chance to develop periodontal diseasecompared to non-smokers, respectively. Tobaccosmoking is responsible for some immune response al-terations, causing impairment of the polymorphonu-clear cells’ viability and functions, reduced levels ofimmunoglobulin G, and inhibition and proliferationof B and T cells.107 In addition, smokers have charac-teristics that may compromise wound healing, suchas increased local vasoconstriction,108 a higher pro-portion of neutrophil-released reactive oxygen spe-cies,109 and a higher incidence of bacteria from thered complex.110 This information supports the notionthat saving a tooth in smokers can be very challeng-ing. Considering the success rate of dental implants insmokers compared to non-smokers, implant therapymay be a better option than keeping a compromisedtooth.111 A meta-analysis112 evaluating the risk forimplant failure demonstrated no difference betweensmokers and non-smokers as long as implants with arough surface were used. Nonetheless, we have toconsider that according to the data in a more recentreview,22 smokers have a higher risk for developingperi-implant bone loss compared to non-smokers, re-gardless of the amount of cigarettes smoked daily. Thisshould be considered when using implant-supportedrestorations to replace an extracted tooth in heavysmokers; however, the correlation between the numberof cigarettes smoked and the severity of peri-implantbone loss has not been clearly established.

Based on all of this information, we divided this cat-egory into non-smokers (green), in whom the progno-sis is favorable, and smokers (red), patients in whomlong-term tooth maintenance is usually challenging.

Systemic conditions. Assessment of the generalmedical status of a patient is an absolute requirementbefore starting the clinical evaluation and developinga treatment plan. Several systemic diseases and med-ications are known to have a significant impact onperiodontal disease progression and bone remodelingand determine periodontal/implant therapy indica-tions and final outcomes. Conditions such as diabetesmellitus, immune depression (e.g., human immuno-deficiency virus–induced acquired immunodefi-ciency syndrome), hematologic and geneticdisorders (e.g., neutropenia and interleukin-1 poly-morphisms), sex hormone disarrangements (e.g., os-teoporosis), stress, and a plethora of medications(membrane-ion channel blockers, antiepilepticdrugs, cyclosporin, nifedipine, and steroids) havebeen shown to contribute to the severity of some per-iodontal conditions.113 Other systemic problems,such as hypertension, history of prosthetic joint re-

placement, radio- or chemotherapy, and coagulationdisorders, may influence surgical planning. Given theirprevalence and/or impact on disease progression ortherapy success, diabetes mellitus (type I or II), hyper-tension, and osteoporosis are probably the systemicconditions with the greatest importance in periodontaland implant dentistry practice. According to theguidelines established in the American Society of An-esthesiologists physical status (ASA-PS) classifica-tion proposed by the ASA, the patient’s medicalstatus should be evaluated prior to surgical interven-tion and proceed following the suggested protocolfor each one of the six categories; in general terms,patients classified as ASA-IV, -V, or -VI are not to betreated in a dental office, and a medical consultationis advised for ASA-III uncontrolled conditions.114

We suggest that extracting a tooth and subsequentimplantplacementcouldbeperformedin thepresenceof a controlled systemic condition, but one should pro-ceed with caution (yellow). If a patient has a systemiccondition that is not properly controlled, tooth conser-vation isadvised(green)becauseasurgicalproceduremay present an unnecessary risk for the patient.

Bisphosphonate use. Bisphosphonates repre-sent a broad family of molecules, which are analogousto pyrophosphates. Their therapeutic use was pro-posed 4 decades ago, when Fleisch et al.115 pointedout the possibilities of these drugs. Each bisphospho-nate has its own chemical structure according tosubstitutions at position R1 and especially R2 of thecarbon atom; hence, each one has its own biologicbehavior and pharmacokinetics.116 However, all bis-phosphonates can exert two important biologic ac-tions that produce a reduction in bone turnover:inhibition of mineralization and inhibition of bone re-sorption. These two properties allow the treatmentof ossifying tumor-induced ectopic ossifications andcalcifications,117 such as Paget’s disease, and patho-logic metabolic conditions in which bone turnover isunbalanced in favor of bone resorption, such as oste-oporosis. The capacity of bisphosphonates as inhibi-tors of bone resorption was first observed in in vitrostudies.118 It is known now that, at the cellular level,the osteoclast is the final target of the biologic actionof bisphosphonates.119 Various mechanisms havebeen proposed to explain this reduction in the resorp-tive activity of osteoclasts, but only the capacity ofbisphosphonates to shorten the life of osteoclastsand inhibit osteoblast recruitment and activity onbone surface have been demonstrated.120-122 None-theless, the prolonged use of bisphosphonates was re-cently associated with the appearance of a pathologiccondition affecting the jaws called bisphosphonate-associated osteonecrosis of the jaws (ONJ). The def-inition of ONJ as proposed by the American Societyfor Bone and Mineral Research is the ‘‘presence of

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exposed bone in the maxillofacial region that did notheal within 8 wk after identification by a health careprovider, in a patient who was receiving or had beenexposed to a bisphosphonate and had not had radia-tion therapy to the craniofacial region.’’123 Since thefirst clinical reports describing ONJ,124 many effortshave been made to increase our awareness of this dis-ease. Although the treatment and exact pathogenesisof this condition is not clear, persistent bone necrosisseems to be related to the inability of bone to remodelafter a significant trauma. This is because bisphos-phonates inhibit osteoclastic function, which depletesthe bone-remodeling capacity. However, not all pa-tients taking bisphosphonates develop ONJ. It seemsthat the risk for ONJ is dependent on two factors: thetype of bisphosphonate (oral or intravenous [IV]) andthedurationofdrugusage.Therisk forONJassociatedwith oral bisphosphonate therapy for osteoporosisseems to be low, estimated between 1 in 10,000 andless than 1 in 100,000 patient-treatment years. Thismay be higher when more information is available.Some of the most common oral bisphosphonatesare alendronate, ibandronate, and risedronate. Con-versely, the risk for ONJ in patients treated with highdosages of intravenous bisphosphonates ranges be-tween 1 and 10 per 100 patients (depending on the du-ration of therapy). Pamidronate and zoledronic acidare twoexamplesof regularlyused IVbisphosphonates.TheseverityofONJinducedbyoralbisphosphonates isnot as dramatic as in patients administered IV bisphos-phonates because patients treated with IV bisphos-phonates typically receive higher dosages.125-127

Also, theresolutionof the lesions ismore likely tooccurwith the use of oral bisphosphonates. Another impor-tant factor to consider is the duration of the bisphos-phonate therapy; there seems to be an associationbetween a higher incidence of ONJ and a longer dura-tion of bisphosphonate exposure, empirically definedas >6 months for IV bisphosphonates and >3 years fororal bisphosphonates.123

Hence, ifapatienthas received IVbisphosphonates,a conservative non-surgical approach is strongly rec-ommended; therefore, tooth conservation is ad-vised (green). Because the risk for developing ONJseems to be lower in patients taking oral bisphospho-nates, proceeding with caution is advised if any surgi-cal dentoalveolar procedure is indicated (yellow),especially when the patient has been taking the drugfor >3 years.

Clinician’s skill. Dental professionals should seri-ously consider the individual decision of whether toextract or save a tooth. Some studies128,129 reportedthat the clinician’s experience is not a major factorinfluencing the survival rate or ideal implant place-ment, using a conventional flap or flapless technique.However, we believe that when it comes to making the

final decision of whether to extract or maintain a com-promised tooth, the level of experience and skill of theclinician is an important factor to be considered. Aninadequate indication for extraction has been men-tioned as the third most common reason for toothloss.130 This may be explained by the fact that if a cli-nician believes that he/she is unable to save a tooth,tooth extraction and future prosthetic replacementwill most likely be recommended.

Therefore, we divide this category into experiencedclinicians (green) and clinicians with minimal experi-ence (yellow), in terms of the ability for a dental pro-fessional to treat and save a compromised tooth.


It was the goal of this article to address and discussmost of the important factors that might influencethe crucial decision to save or extract a tooth. To prop-erly interpret the decision-making chart and make iteasy to apply, several aspects discussed below mustbe considered.

This chart was created for individual tooth progno-sis. It was not designed to consider the overall progno-sis from a strategic standpoint. Nonetheless, it isimportant to keep in mind that an individual tooth’sfate is often influenced by the final overall treatmentplan that involves the whole dentition.

Some of the categories in the first and the sixth levelare subjective, with all of the implications that thismay have.

Genetic determinants and age were not included inthe decision-making chart; however, they should beconsidered together with other factors when makingthe decision. For example, aggressive forms of peri-odontal disease should be evaluated from differentperspectives, especially with regard to plaque controland the patient’s genetic susceptibility. This chart ismainly oriented to evaluate cases in which periodon-titis is present in a chronic form. Therefore, in cases ofaggressive periodontitis, we suggest following AAPguidelines for its treatment.

Finally, we understand that no guide designed toaid in the decision to extract or save a compromisedtooth can be perfect. It is the responsibility of the cli-nician to make the final decision by considering thefactors outlined in the chart together with other spe-cific aspects of each case.


The retention of a restored or periodontally compro-mised tooth, as opposed to tooth extraction and sub-sequent prosthetic replacement, is one of the mostdifficult and multifactor-dependent decisions thatdental professionals must make. Different factors as-sociated with a compromised tooth may play a role inthis complex process. We have attempted to list all of

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the significant factors and provide a rationale of howwe used these criteria in making the decision to saveor retain a tooth. All of these factors have to be weighedand analyzed before a decision is made. There are noabsolutes oruniversal rules that can beapplied toeverycase. Clinicians may make a sound clinical judgmentby referring to this decision-making chart, but it is im-portant to understand its limitations and the random in-volvement of some risk factors. The experience andclinical criteria, along with the common sense of theprofessional, are still the most important tools availableto be used as a guide in deciding whether to extract orretain a tooth.


This article was partially supported by the Universityof Michigan Periodontal Graduate Student ResearchFund. The authors report no conflicts of interest re-lated to this study.

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Correspondence: Dr. Hom-Lay Wang, Department ofPeriodontics and Oral Medicine, School of Dentistry,University of Michigan, 1011 N. University, Ann Arbor,MI 48109-1078. Fax: 734/936-0374; e-mail: [email protected].

Submitted August 29, 2008; accepted for publicationOctober 20, 2008.

J Periodontol • March 2009 Avila, Galindo-Moreno, Soehren, Misch, Morelli, Wang