day 1. answer: answer: 12 day 1 day 2 answers: day 2

Day 1

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Day 1


• Answer: 12

Day 1

Day 2

Answers:Day 2

Day 3



• Answers:• A• 1.2

Day 3

Day 4


• Answers:• 914• 21

Day 4

• NO Warm-up

Day 5

• NO Warm-up

Day 6

Day 7



• Answers:• A• 1.2

Day 7

Day 8

• Answer: 89

Day 8

Day 9

• Answer: 255• 1 1• 2 2• 3 4• 4 8• 5 16• 6 32• 7 64• 8 128

• 1+2+4+8+16+32+64+128=255

Day 9

• Using the line plot,• 1. List the data.• 2. Find the mean.• 3. Find the median.• 4. Find the mode.• 5. Find the range.

7 8 9 10 11 12


xxx x x

Day 10

• 1) The mean of the data is 9.43. I added up all the numbers (8,8,9,9,9,11,12) and divided by 7 since there are 7 pieces of data.

• 2) The median of the data is 9. I order the numbers from least to greatest and found the number in the middle.

• 3) The mode of the data is 9 because it is listed the most.

• 4) The range of the data is 4. I subtracted the smallest data from the largest data (12-8)

Day 10

• Puzzler!

Dad gives you money every day to put in your new piggy bank. He gives money to you in such a way that the money in the piggy bank doubles with each passing day. If you already have 1 cent in the piggy bank and Dad gives you 1 cent the first day, 2 cents the second day, 4 cents the third day and so on, then your piggy bank gets full on the 10th day.

On which day will your piggy bank be half-full?

Day 11

If your piggy bank is full on day 10, and you are doubling your money each day, the piggy bank will

be half full on day 9.

• Day 1 1+1=2• Day 22+2=4• Day 34+4=8• Day 48+8=16 Half of 1024 = 512• Day 516+16=32 Therefore, half of the• Day 632+32=64 money would be on day

9.• Day 764+64=128• Day 8128+128=256• Day 9 256+256=512• Day 10 512+512=1024

Day 11

Day 12

Puzzler! Secret Code

The following numbers are written on the clubhouse door:

8 15 52 4 9 17 71 6 22 0

To get in, you must place 43, 11, and 35 in their correct places in the string of

numbers. Where do they belong in the sequence of numbers?

• Answer:

• Read each number aloud and they are arranged in alphabetical order…

• Eight, Eleven, Fifteen, Fifty-two, Forty-three, Four, Nine, Seventeen, Seventy-One, Six, Thirty-five, Twenty-two, Zero

Day 12

Day 13


• Answer: 41.67

Day 13

Day 14

• Answer: 255• 1 1• 2 2• 3 4• 4 8• 5 16• 6 32• 7 64• 8 128

• 1+2+4+8+16+32+64+128=255

Day 15


Day 15

• Labor Day!

Day 16

Day 17

Brain Teaser!

  The sequence of letters below has words in it, but you have to

figure it out! What are the missing letters, and what is

the “secret” message?


• Answer:• Missing letters: RTSH

• If you read every other letter, it says:• “Math is fun with brain teasers!”

Day 17

Day 18

Puzzler! - Stand in Line

You are waiting in a long line to get on a roller coaster. To make the time go faster you count the people ahead of you and find that you are 38th in line. Then you look behind you and feel pretty lucky

because you count that you are 56th from the end. How many people are in


Mark your answer in the answer grid.

• Answer:

• There are 37 people in front of you and 55 people behind you. Including yourself, there are 37+55+1 = 93 people.

Day 18

•Evaluate if a=3

•a2 - 2a + a

Day 19


Day 19

Day 20

Keep It Balanced!

  One square balances two circles. Three triangles balance two squares.How many circles

balance six triangles?

Show all your work and/or explain your reasoning in the space provided on the answer chart.

Answer: (Explanations will vary)

• Draw a picture.


I began by drawing a picture of the problem. Then, I noticed that 4 circles would balance 3 triangles, since each square balances two circles. So 8 circles must balance 6 triangles.

Day 20

Day 21

• Answers:• B• 4

Day 21

Day 22



Day 22

Day 23

• Answer:• C

Day 23

• Answer: 11

Day 24

Day 25 Puzzler!

With your bow and arrow,

shoot the following scores on

the target using the smallest

number of arrows.

A. Shoot a 25

B. Shoot a 19

C. Shoot a 471248


• Answers:

1. 3 arrows (16,8,1)2.3 arrows (16,2,1)3.5 arrows (32,8,4,2,1)

Day 25

Day 26

Identify the property:

1. 7 + 0 = 72. 2 (8 + 2) = 2 (8) + 2 (2)

3. p x 3 = 3 x p4. (4 x 8) x 2 = 4 x (8 x 2)

• Answers:• 1. Identity property of addition• 2. Distributive property• 3. Commutative property of

multiplication• 4. Associative property of multiplication

Day 26

Day 27

• Answers:• 1. 24• 2. B

Day 27

•Evaluate if a=3

•a2 - 2a + a

Day 28


Day 28

Day 29

2. -16 + 16 =

3. -4 + -1 =

4. 3 + -2 =

• Answers:• a

Day 29

Day 30

Explain in words how to solve the following problem.

Evaluate (a – b)2 if a = 10 and b = 4

Show all your work and/or explain your reasoning in the space provided on the answer chart.

• First, substitute 10 in for a and 4 in for b.• (10 – 4)2

• Then, subtract 4 from 10 to get 6. (The order of operations says to complete parentheses before exponents.)

• Finally, square the number 6, (or multiply 6 x 6), to get 36.

Evaluate (a – b)2 if a = 10 and b = 4

Day 30

Day 31Puzzler!

Old MacDonald had a farm. And on that farm he had some turkeys and pigs.

One day, while feeding them all, he noticed that , if he added everything

together, his pigs and turkeys had a total of 24 legs and 12 wings between them.

How many pigs did Old MacDonald have? How many turkeys?

• Answer:

• All 12 wings belonged to the turkeys (because pigs don’t have any); so he must have had 6 turkeys (2 wings each). The 6 turkeys have 12 legs, which leaves 12 legs for the pigs, or 3 pigs (4 legs each).

• 3 pigs and 6 turkeys

Day 31

Day 32

Day 32

Day 33

• Answers:

• -222• 170

Day 33

Day 34

Suppose the daughter is 12 years old.

How old is the son? (Mark your answer in the answer grid.)

What operation did you use to find the son’s age?

• Answers:• The son will be 15 yrs old. We used

addition. 12+3

Day 34

Day 35

Puzzler! - Calendar Catch

On Tuesday, the 9th, Lee Ann said, “I'm going someplace special later this month.” She added, “It will be on a

weekend. The number of the date is an odd number, and the digits add up to

9.”On what day of the month will Lee Ann be going on her special trip? 

• Answer:• Make a calendar!• Weekend dates are 13,14,20,21,27,28• Only 13,21, and 27 are odd numbers• 2+7 = 9, therefore 27 is the date!

Sun Mon Tue Wed


Fri Sat

9 10 11 12 13

14 15 16 17 18 19 20

21 22 23 24 25 26 27

28 29 30 31

Day 35

Day 36

Replace each blank with <, >, or =.

1. -5 _____ -22. 3 _____ |-4|3. -6 _____ 5

4. -8 _____ |10|Order from least to greatest.

-12, -8, 2, -4, |-6|, |5|, 0

• Answers:• 1) <• 2) <• 3) <• 4) <• 5) -12, -8, -4, 0, 2, |5|, |-6|

Day 36

Day 37

• Answers:• 1) 878• 2) -399

Day 37

Day 38

1. -5 + -2 =

2. -4 + -5 =

3. 5 – (-4) =

4. 6 – (-2) =

5. 7 + (-1) =

• Answers:• 1) -7• 2) -9• 3) 9• 4) 8• 5) 6

Day 38

Day 39

Mark your answer in the answer grid.

• Answers:• 1) 3470• 2) -28

Day 40

You pay your brother $42 that you owe him. The same week you earn $35 dog-sitting for the neighbors.

Do you have more or less money than at the beginning of the week?

Explain your answer.

• Answers:• You have less money because -$42 +

$35 = -$7

Day 40

Day 41

• Answers:

• 12• 12

Day 41

Day 42


• Answers:

Day 42

Day 43

Replace each blank with <, >, or =.

1. 0 _____ -22. 3 _____ |-5|3. -4 _____ 4

4. -8 _____ |-9|

Order from least to greatest.12, -6, 10, 0, -4, |-1|, |5|

• Answers:• 1. >• 2. <• 3. <• 4. <

-6, -4, 0, |-1| , |5|, 10, 12(-6, -4, 0, 1, 5, 10, 12)

Day 43

Day 44

• Answers:• 12• 75

Day 44

Day 45

Write these two statements on your paper. Then, decide whether each statement is true or false. If

false, explain why.

1. Every integer has an absolute value.

2. The absolute value of every integer is positive.

• Answers:

• 1. True• 2. False (the absolute value of 0 is

neither positive nor negative)

Day 45