davis - tax and waste cutting fiscal conservative

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  • 8/10/2019 Davis - Tax and Waste Cutting Fiscal Conservative


    Paul Davis is a tax and waste cutting fiscal conservative.

    Paul Davis is a moderate, commonsense Kansan who has voted to cut taxes for families and businesses over 150

    times. He has worked in the private sector for over 15 years and is a longtime member of his local chamber of

    commerce. Paul understands the needs of Kansas businesses trying to grow, create jobs and remain profitable. Paul

    also understands how important it is for government to live within its means. He volunteered to cut his own office

    budget, supported a budget to reduce spending by over $1 billion, voted against Sam Brownbacks $777 million tax

    increase, and proposed shortening the legislative session to save tax dollars and increase efficiency.

    Tax Cuts to Benefit Kansas Businesses

    Davis has voted for numerous rural business development tax and community entrepreneurship tax credits to

    help grow small and incentivize investment in small Kansas communities . [HB 2882, 3/26/04, House Journal pg

    1581; SB 324 3/24/06, House Journal pg 1653; Adopt CCR, 5/08/06, House Journal pg 2258].

    Davis voted to eliminate property tax for business machinery and equipment, helping business owners invest

    in new equipment and technology to develop their ventures. [HB 2583, 5/10/06, House Journal pg 2417]

    Davis voted to repeal the corporate franchise tax [House Sub for Sub for SB 215, 4/27/07; House Journal 1144;S Sub for HB 2264, 4/03/07, House Journal pg 1048]

    Davis voted to cut unemployment insurance rates for businesses. He supported efforts to reduce rates for

    businesses opening in Kansas, made certain employers with positive account balances eligible to pay a lower rate,

    and removed the cap on voluntary contributions. [HB 2576, 2/27/14, House Journal pg 1812; Motion to Concur,

    3/25/14, House Journal pg 2024].

    Davis voted to cut the corporate income tax, sales tax exemption for certain machinery equipment used in

    engineering, research and development, and product design, disaster relief tax credits. [Sub for HB 2762,

    3/17/08, House Journal pg 1578].

    Tax Cuts to Benefit Kansas Families & Seniors

    Davis voted to provide property tax relief to all Kansas property owners. [HB 2212, House Journal, 2/23/12, p.

    1974; HB 2609, Final Action 3/12/12, House Journal pg 2033; HB 2047, Ward Amendment, 3/20/13, House

    Journal pg 447; HB 2542, Menghini Amendment, 3/12/14, House Journal pg 1877]

    Davis voted to eliminate the Sales Tax on Groceries.House Minority Leader Paul Davis, D-Lawrence, said I

    think its a positive thing that the House voted to show strong support for that. I voted for it because I wanted to send

    a signal that this should be a real priority in terms of tax relief. [Wichita Eagle, 3/18/12; H Sub for SB 177,

    Goodman Amendment, 3/13/12, House Journal pg 2070]

    Davis voted to exempt all Social Security benefits from the Kansas income tax and to expand the EITC and

    Homestead Refund programs. [HB 2264, Final Action 3/14/07, House Journal pg 410]

    Davis voted to eliminate the Death Tax.[SB 365, 3/24/06, House Journal pg 1654; CCR, 5/08/06, House Journal

    pg 2262]

    Davis voted against a carbon mitigation incentive tax. MR. SPEAKER: My constituents are ratepayers in the

    Westar service area. I cannot support a selectively applied carbon tax that would result in higher utility bills for those

    I represent. There is a way to make Kansas greener without punishing ratepayers in certain parts of the state while

    rewarding selected utility companies. I vote no on SB 471. PAUL DAVIS [SB 471, Aurand Amendment, 3/31/08,

    House Journal pg 1848; SB 471, 4/01/08, House Journal pg 1856]


    Paid for by Paul Davis for Governor, William A. Kassebaum, Treasurer.

  • 8/10/2019 Davis - Tax and Waste Cutting Fiscal Conservative


    Davis voted to reinstate the Adoption Tax Credit after it was eliminated by Sam Brownback in 2012. [SB 265,

    3/13/14, House Journal pg 1898; SB 265. Lawrence Journal-World, Capitol Briefing: Adoption tax credit,

    graduation rates, former lieutenant governors criticize Brownback, 3/17/2014, http://bit.ly/1eck7D2].

    A Fiscal Conservative.

    Davis voted to cut state spending by $142 million. [SB 480, House CCR adopted, 03/30/06, HJ 1755-1928].

    Davis voted for budget making $138 million in spending cuts to shrink a deficit in the next state budget.

    Democrats and moderate Republicans in the Kansas House pushed through legislation Thursday to slash the state

    budget deficit []Most other state agencies would see funding cut 2.75 percent. [Kansas City Star, 5/8/09; S Sub

    HB 2373, Motion to Concur, 5/07/09, House Journal pg 712]

    Davis built a bipartisan coalition to pass a budget that reduced state spending by over $200 million. In total,

    state spending was reduced by over $1 billion between May 2009 and May 2010. [House Sub SB 572, 5/08/10,

    House Journal Page 1782]

    Davis voted to cut his own pay by 5% during the Great Recession. [S Sub for House Bill 2222 2/18/10, CCR,House Journal, pg 980-81; Senate, House cut salaries, Topeka Capital Journal, 2/18/10, http://bit.ly/1CzdeWP].

    Davis put forward a plan to cut his own office budget and pay.It's time for the Legislature to make the same

    sacrifices that the rest of state government and Kansas families have been making since this recession began,

    Everyone has been doing without and spending less. Now it's our turn. The five percent pay cut would save

    $66,000. Davis is also proposing a two-year moratorium on legislative pay increases, a five percent cut in funding to

    legislative auditors ($128,000 in savings), a 50 percent reduction in legislative mailing privileges ($128,000) and a

    two-year moratorium on any new computer expenditures (a whopping $450,000). The biggest cost-saver is a

    reduction in the cost of the legislative redistricting. [Kansas City Star, 1/22/10]

    Davis called for shortening Kansas legislative session, saving $1.3 million. Davis, a Democrat from Lawrence

    who is challenging Brownback in the November election, said the session should go no longer than 70 days. Thatwould eliminate 20 days from the scheduled 90-day session and save taxpayers $1.3 million. [Lawrence Journal

    World, 2/21/14]


    Paid for by Paul Davis for Governor, William A. Kassebaum, Treasurer.
