dave drake

Who is Dave Drake?

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Post on 25-Jun-2015




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Page 1: Dave Drake

Who is Dave Drake?

Page 2: Dave Drake

Dave Was. . .

• An enslaved African American potter

• A man who made pots from the 1820’s to the 1860’s

Page 3: Dave Drake

What Makes Dave Special?

• He must have been very strong because he made huge pots. Over 40 gallons big!

• He had over 5 masters in his lifetime.

• He learned how to read and write and he wrote poetry.

• He signed his pots

Page 4: Dave Drake

Dave Wrote Poetry?!

Dave belongs to Mr. Miles

Wher the oven bakes & the pot biles

31 July 1840

I made this for our Sott

it will never - never – rott

31 March 1858

I wonder where is all my relations

Friendship to all – and every nation

16 August 1857

Page 5: Dave Drake

What Does a Dave Pot Look Like?

• Usually a Large Pot

• Grey, Ash, Khaki-brown colored

• One-Two Handles

• Has “Dave” written on it, has poetry on it, or has a large “X” on it

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What Happened to Dave?

• It is believed that Dave gained his freedom either through his own purchase or by emancipation

• Dave’s family moved away, but Dave stayed in Edgefield

• Left a legacy

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Are Dave’s Pots Around Today?

• YES! Hundreds of Dave pots exist, and it is thought that even more may exist.

• Today a Dave pot is worth anywhere from $5,000-$50,000!!!

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Are There Any Modern Potters Like Dave?

• Of Course! Jim McDowell makes pots in much the same way that Dave did.

• Jim likes to express his feelings about slavery in his pots

• He explores his ancestry through his art

Page 9: Dave Drake

Let’s Play A Game! Are the following pots by Dave or not?