data trading company

Organizational Structure of Data Trading CompanyPresented by: Muhammad Faizan Jamil

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Page 1: Data Trading Company

Organizational Structure of “Data Trading Company”

Presented by:Muhammad Faizan


Page 2: Data Trading Company

Top Stoories:Briefe Introduction.Organizational Structure.Hierarchal structure.Dealing guidelines.Employee’s privileges.Alternative Solutions regarding

organizational issues of DTC.Existing Problems of DTC and

recommended solutions.Ethical boundaries of DTC.Organizational motto and slogan.

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Brief Introduction

Established in 2002

Mandi Faiz AbadLocated at

Ghala Mandi


Business organizati


rice mill

Trade of wheat, Sugar and


Data Commission shop

Rice producti


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Buy Paddy, Wheat and Sugar from farmers and grain markets,

Get reasonable commission by selling these Items to grain dealers and different factories.

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Buy Paddy grains and produce rice after crushing and separation.

After Polishing and packing rice grains, administration sell these sacks to rice dealers and exporters.

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Organizational structure of Data Trading Company

Economic structure:

o Transitional investment o Flexible and modifiable

Organizational setup:

o Democratic structure.o Involvement of every individual is

consider very important.

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Organizational structure of Data Trading Company (cont.)

Communication pattern

o Trend of oral communication.o Vertical, up-word and down-word Direction of

communication.o Non-verbal subtle situational cues also rated

very high.o High-Context Culture.o All-channel model.

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Organizational structure Company (cont.)

Employees selection criteria

o Not very tough/rigid criteria of employees selection.

o Formal specialization of any employee do not rates very high.

o Past experience of any employee consider prior.o Minimum contract of one year with employees.

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Organizational structure Company (cont.)

Task allocation

o Employees perform multiple tasks.o Purchasing, selling and managerial roles are

performed by the owners themselves.


o Organization tasks are divided into certain sub-categories.

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Organizational structure Company (cont.)

Decision making

o Decentralization technique of decision making.

o Consider the suggestion of all members.

Organizational Control

o In-formal control exist in DTC.o Employees and owners has an in-formal

relationship among them selves.

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Organizational structure Company (cont.)

Organizational language and correspondence pattern

o 80% of organizational records and dealings are written in Urdu language.

o Records are written and maintain manually.

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<<< The Organic Model >>>Cross-functional teams.Free flow of information.Wide spans of control.Decenteralization.Low formalization.

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Hierarchal structure of Data trading company

Supervisory role is equally perform by four owners of DTC.


Managerial role Treasurer Product buyer + Product seller Field work (Money collector)

Are those tasks that are divide among the these four owners.

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Hierarchal structure of Staff (Employees)

Office Accountan


• Maintain organizational records.

Field Accountan


• Create check and balance in the field.

• maintain the record of products that enters and exist from the factory.


• Maintain the technical matters of factory.

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Hierarchal structure of Staff (Employees)


• transfer the products of organization from factory to deallers and exporters

Field labors• Refine products.• Carry products from


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Dealing guidelines of Data trading company

• Not pre- determined.• Depends on political, social,

economic and environmental changes.

Benefit margin

• Sometimes due payment procedure is follow with the the margin of 5% on total cost for the two months.

Dealing criteria

• Cash payments.• Online transaction.

Payment procedures

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Employee privileges

Data trading company also financially support their employees other than the

monthly wages.

Employees gets extra financial previleges at the special occasions like Eid, ending of

a econmic session etc.

Pay financial Social security to certain institutes that are working for the socio-

economic protecttion of labors.

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1-Alternative Solutions regarding organizational issues of Data trading


Organizational problem.

• DTC bear the cost of employees wages in free months of year when the factory is not producing rice.

• These expenditures dent the over all budget of DTC.

Solution implement by

DTC.• Allocate

some extra tasks to their employees.

• Utilizing in beneficial way and decrease the burden of organization before.

Alternative solution

• Cultivate some crops during that period to utilize the effort of employees and organization land in more beneficial way.

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2-Alternative Solutions regarding organizational issues of Data trading


Organizational problem: The cost of Paddy became high and the price of

rice falls low, due to that, DTC is suffering economic loss,

Solution implement by DTC: Shift their focus from rice production towards the

buying and selling of suger. They reduce their capacity to invest money to

buy paddy and try to minimize the loss.

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Alternative solution suggested by Our team

Administration of Data trading company can also overcome the economic loss by provide their

machinery to some other organization and get reasonable

money in the response of providing infrastructure equipment's, by that

techniqoe the labor force is also getting their wages and organization gets good profit without having any

economic risk.

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Existing Problems of Data trading company and recommended solutions

1- Manual method for maintaining organization records


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Recommended SolutionsHire those accountants those can

maintain organizational records through computer processing.

Adopt computer techniques for data recording.

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Issues and Recommended solutions (cont.)

2-Verbal contracts

Putting all agreements in writing form.

Offer and acceptance…

All of the terms must be agreed and clearly written

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Issues and Recommended solutions (cont.)

3-Deviant acts perform by employees

Physically absence during

working hours

Avoid ethical


Theft of grains

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Issues and Recommended solutions (cont.)

To over come deviant acts in DTC

Create a Positive Work Environment.

Implement Internal Controls.

Separation of duties. Access controls. Authorization controls.

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Recommended solutions (cont.)


Enhance effective

communication towards the

solution of any particular


Develop Positive perception

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To overcome misconceptions

Omit harsh words from your vocabulary which can lessen tension and eliminate negative emotions.

Focus on the solutions and strategies which suites for an organization

Mutual understanding can also solve most of the problems parsing the ideas of your fellows to avoid group shift.

Taking notes at the meeting and trying to perform mutual decisions.

Turn a negative problem to learning experience and improve yourself by not taking things on your nerves.

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Recommended solutions (cont.)5-Lack of proper evaluation and planning

Develop an evaluation


Should have concrete room

for more funding and plans

Targeting participants who take active part in organizational


Analyzing the socio-economic,

physical and technical aspects

of employees

Create an environment of having effective


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Issues and Recommended solutions (cont.)

6-Payment issues

Payment procedure

more smooth and feasible

Online payments

Written agreeme


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Ethical boundaries of Data trading company Work by heart

Speak the truth


No Loan/Usary

No bank interest


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Organizational motto of Data trading company

To promote worldly + religious education in the region.

Facilitate those people who can’t afford good education in the town.

Stand against the usury and aware people about the Curse of getting intrest from banks.

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Slogan of Data trading company

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