data analysis and visualization reporting in excel · data analysis and visualization reporting in...

Data Analysis and Visualization Reporting in Excel Richard B. Ali, CPA, CMA Senior Accountant – Sidra Medicine Microsoft Professional in Data Analysis

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Page 1: Data Analysis and Visualization Reporting in Excel · Data Analysis and Visualization Reporting in Excel Richard B. Ali, CPA, CMA Senior Accountant –Sidra Medicine Microsoft Professional

Data Analysis and Visualization Reporting in Excel

Richard B. Ali, CPA, CMA

Senior Accountant – Sidra Medicine

Microsoft Professional in Data Analysis

Page 2: Data Analysis and Visualization Reporting in Excel · Data Analysis and Visualization Reporting in Excel Richard B. Ali, CPA, CMA Senior Accountant –Sidra Medicine Microsoft Professional



• Creating Charts

• Excel Tables

• Pivot Tables and Pivot Charts

• Slicers

• Common Data Analysis Functions In Excel


• Dashboard

• Case Studies

• Data Visualisation Concepts

• Tools

3 WHERE DO YOU GO FROM HERE?• CMA• Data Analytics, Data Scientist

4 Q & A

Page 3: Data Analysis and Visualization Reporting in Excel · Data Analysis and Visualization Reporting in Excel Richard B. Ali, CPA, CMA Senior Accountant –Sidra Medicine Microsoft Professional

Basic Data Analysis in Excel

Page 4: Data Analysis and Visualization Reporting in Excel · Data Analysis and Visualization Reporting in Excel Richard B. Ali, CPA, CMA Senior Accountant –Sidra Medicine Microsoft Professional



• Creating Charts

• Excel Tables

• Pivot Tables and Pivot Charts

• Slicers

• Common Data Analysis Functions In Excel


• Dashboard

• Case Studies

• Data Visualisation Concepts

• Tools

3 WHERE DO YOU GO FROM HERE?• CMA• Data Analytics, Data Scientist

4 Q & A

Page 5: Data Analysis and Visualization Reporting in Excel · Data Analysis and Visualization Reporting in Excel Richard B. Ali, CPA, CMA Senior Accountant –Sidra Medicine Microsoft Professional

Lab 1: Creating Charts

You are the finance business partner of an

established Bicycle company.

The company sells bicycles and

accessories, such as clothing and other

accessories to bikers in six countries.

The company has just hired Lucy as its new

Sales manager. You are tasked to introduce

Lucy to the company, its product portfolio

and its sales performance since 2011.

Now, it's your job to present this data in a

compelling manner to Lucy.

Page 6: Data Analysis and Visualization Reporting in Excel · Data Analysis and Visualization Reporting in Excel Richard B. Ali, CPA, CMA Senior Accountant –Sidra Medicine Microsoft Professional

Lab 1: Creating Charts

1. Create a Line Chart for Yearly

Category Revenue

a) Add a total Revenue on each

year column

2. Create a Pie Chart for Revenue

by Category

a) Change to %

3. Create a Clustered Bar Chart for

Revenue by Country

a) Sort Highest/Lowest

Page 7: Data Analysis and Visualization Reporting in Excel · Data Analysis and Visualization Reporting in Excel Richard B. Ali, CPA, CMA Senior Accountant –Sidra Medicine Microsoft Professional

Lab 1: Creating Charts



Page 8: Data Analysis and Visualization Reporting in Excel · Data Analysis and Visualization Reporting in Excel Richard B. Ali, CPA, CMA Senior Accountant –Sidra Medicine Microsoft Professional

Lab 2: Excel Tables

Continuing on the story…

While your first attempt to show the company's

performance to Lucy was not bad, clearly she has a lot more

requirements than what you provided.

She wants to know more about the year over year sales,

sliced into different categories, sub-categories, and


She also wants to see additional information such as

customer demographics.

Your IT Analyst provided you with a different data source.

This time the data has more than one hundred thousand


Before you can create additional reports to Lucy, first you

need to prepare the

Page 9: Data Analysis and Visualization Reporting in Excel · Data Analysis and Visualization Reporting in Excel Richard B. Ali, CPA, CMA Senior Accountant –Sidra Medicine Microsoft Professional

Lab 2: Excel Tables

1. Convert Data Into an Excel Table

• Features of a Table

2. Add total row, filter the data (e.g. USA).

3. Add Columns

• Year (YEAR Function)

• Month (TEXT Function)

• Age Group (IF Functions)

Youth (<25)

Young Adults (25-34)

Adults (35-64)

Seniors (>64)

• Frame Size (IF and RIGHT functions)

• Use a combination of the IF() and RIGHT()

functions to derive the frame size of a

bicycle from the last two characters of

the Product column, when the Product

Category is Bikes. Otherwise, leave it


• Profit (Revenue - Cost)

Page 10: Data Analysis and Visualization Reporting in Excel · Data Analysis and Visualization Reporting in Excel Richard B. Ali, CPA, CMA Senior Accountant –Sidra Medicine Microsoft Professional

Lab 2: Excel Tables


For more information regarding Excel tables, please review the following resources:

Overview of Excel tables:


Using structured references with Excel tables:


For those of you who are interested, the Excel tables' Totals row uses the SUBTOTAL() function. For more detailed

information on this function review this link:


For more information about the IFS() function, please review the following resource:

For more information about the IF() function, please review the following resource:

The IF function:

Advanced IF functions:


Page 11: Data Analysis and Visualization Reporting in Excel · Data Analysis and Visualization Reporting in Excel Richard B. Ali, CPA, CMA Senior Accountant –Sidra Medicine Microsoft Professional

Lab 3: Pivot Table and Pivot Charts

Continuing the story…

Now that you have prepared the data in an Excel

table, you can start to create pivot tables to

aggregate the data and create some reports.

From your conversation with Lucy, you know that

she is interested in looking into the yearly sales data

broken down by countries, product categories, and

age groups.

Page 12: Data Analysis and Visualization Reporting in Excel · Data Analysis and Visualization Reporting in Excel Richard B. Ali, CPA, CMA Senior Accountant –Sidra Medicine Microsoft Professional

Lab 3: Pivot Table and Pivot Charts

Pivot Tables

1. Name the Excel Table (salestable)

2. Create Pivot table on Revenue by Product Category, Subcategory BY Year

• Arrange the layout so that the pivot table displays the Product

Category and Sub Category in the Rows, Year in the Columns,

and Revenue (Sum of) as the Values.

3. Create Pivot table on Revenue by Country and States

• Arrange the layout so that the pivot table displays the Country and State in

the Rows, Year in the Columns, and Revenue (Sum of) as the Values. Sort the

pivot table by Sum of Revenue so that the Country and State with the

highest revenue is displayed first.

4. Create Pivot table on Revenue by Frame Size

• Display the Frame Size in the Rows and Revenue (Sum of) as the Values.

Hide the rows that do not have a Frame size (blank Frame size), then sort the

pivot table by Sum of Revenue so that the Frame size with the highest

revenue is displayed first.

5. Create Pivot table on Revenue by Age Group

• Add Age Group as the Rows and Revenue (Sum of) as the Values. Sort the

pivot table by Sum of Revenue so that the Age Group with the highest

revenue is displayed first.

Page 13: Data Analysis and Visualization Reporting in Excel · Data Analysis and Visualization Reporting in Excel Richard B. Ali, CPA, CMA Senior Accountant –Sidra Medicine Microsoft Professional

Lab 3: Pivot Table and Pivot Charts

Pivot Charts

1. Pivot table on Revenue by Product Category, Subcategory BY Year

• Select a Column chart to display the yearly sales by category so that the

years are together.

2. Pivot table on Revenue by Country and States

• Select a Line chart to display the yearly trend. Make sure that

the Years are located in the X axis, the Revenue in the Y axis, and

the Countries as categories.

• Switch Row/Column in Select Data Source

• Collapsing the Country fields in order to hide the States fields.

3. Pivot table on Revenue by Frame Size

• Select a Bar chart to display the order of revenue by Frame size. Sort the

Y axis to show the Frame size that has the highest revenue on the top.

Hint: Select the Categories in reverse order option in the Axis Options.

4. Pivot table on Revenue by Age Group

• Select a Pie chart to display the proportion of each Age

Group (remember the chart styles) with data labels, formatted to two


Page 14: Data Analysis and Visualization Reporting in Excel · Data Analysis and Visualization Reporting in Excel Richard B. Ali, CPA, CMA Senior Accountant –Sidra Medicine Microsoft Professional

Lab 3: Pivot Table and Pivot Charts


For more information about PivotTable and PivotChart, please review the following resources:

Overview of PivotTable and PivotChart reports:


Create a Pivot Chart (separate Pivot Charts were first available in Excel 2013):


Sort data in a PivotTable:


Page 15: Data Analysis and Visualization Reporting in Excel · Data Analysis and Visualization Reporting in Excel Richard B. Ali, CPA, CMA Senior Accountant –Sidra Medicine Microsoft Professional

Lab 4: Slicers


1. Add Country SLICER

2. Add Year SLICER

3. Add Product Category SLICER

4. Report Connections

5. Custom Sort


6. Create New Pivot Table – Year/Month Revenue

7. Slicer, Filter, Sort, Select

For more information regarding Slicers on Pivot Tables, please review the following resources:

Use slicers to filter PivotTable data:


Page 16: Data Analysis and Visualization Reporting in Excel · Data Analysis and Visualization Reporting in Excel Richard B. Ali, CPA, CMA Senior Accountant –Sidra Medicine Microsoft Professional

Common Data Analysis Functions In Excel


2. LEN










12. RANK




Page 17: Data Analysis and Visualization Reporting in Excel · Data Analysis and Visualization Reporting in Excel Richard B. Ali, CPA, CMA Senior Accountant –Sidra Medicine Microsoft Professional

Common Data Analysis Functions In Excel


=CONCATENATE is one of the easiest to learn

but most powerful formulas when conducting

data analysis. Combine text, numbers, dates

and more from multiple cells into one

Page 18: Data Analysis and Visualization Reporting in Excel · Data Analysis and Visualization Reporting in Excel Richard B. Ali, CPA, CMA Senior Accountant –Sidra Medicine Microsoft Professional

Common Data Analysis Functions In Excel


=LEN quickly provides the number of

characters in a given cell. As in the example

above, you can identify two different kinds of

product Stock Keeping Units (SKUs) using the

=LEN formula to see how many characters the

cell contains.

Page 19: Data Analysis and Visualization Reporting in Excel · Data Analysis and Visualization Reporting in Excel Richard B. Ali, CPA, CMA Senior Accountant –Sidra Medicine Microsoft Professional

Common Data Analysis Functions In Excel


=COUNTA identifies whether a cell is empty or

not. In the life of a data analyst, you’re going

to run into incomplete data sets daily.

COUNTA will allow you to evaluate any gaps

the dataset might have without having to

reorganize the data.

Page 20: Data Analysis and Visualization Reporting in Excel · Data Analysis and Visualization Reporting in Excel Richard B. Ali, CPA, CMA Senior Accountant –Sidra Medicine Microsoft Professional

Common Data Analysis Functions In Excel


=DAYS is exactly what it implies. This function

determines the number of calendar days

between two dates.

=NETWORKDAYS is slightly more robust and

useful. This formula determines the number of

“workdays” between two dates as well as an

option to account for holidays.

Page 21: Data Analysis and Visualization Reporting in Excel · Data Analysis and Visualization Reporting in Excel Richard B. Ali, CPA, CMA Senior Accountant –Sidra Medicine Microsoft Professional

Common Data Analysis Functions In Excel


=SUMIFS is one of the “must know” formulas

for a data analyst. The common formula used

is =SUM, but what if you need to sum values

based on multiple criteria? SUMIFS is it. In the

example below, SUMIFS is used to determine

how much each product is contributing to

top-line revenue.

Page 22: Data Analysis and Visualization Reporting in Excel · Data Analysis and Visualization Reporting in Excel Richard B. Ali, CPA, CMA Senior Accountant –Sidra Medicine Microsoft Professional

Common Data Analysis Functions In Excel


Much like SUMIFS, AVERAGEIFS allows you

to take an average based on one or more


Page 23: Data Analysis and Visualization Reporting in Excel · Data Analysis and Visualization Reporting in Excel Richard B. Ali, CPA, CMA Senior Accountant –Sidra Medicine Microsoft Professional

Common Data Analysis Functions In Excel


VLOOKUP is one of most useful and

recognizable data analysis functions. As an

excel user, you’ll probably need to “marry”

data together at some point. For example,

accounts receivable might know how much

each product costs, but the shipping

department can only provide units shipped.

This is the perfect use case for VLOOKUP.

Page 24: Data Analysis and Visualization Reporting in Excel · Data Analysis and Visualization Reporting in Excel Richard B. Ali, CPA, CMA Senior Accountant –Sidra Medicine Microsoft Professional

Common Data Analysis Functions In Excel


=FIND/=SEARCH are powerful functions for

isolating certain text within a data set. Both

are listed here because =FIND will return a

case-sensitive match, i.e. if you use FIND to

query for “Big” you will only return Big=true

results. But a =SEARCH for “Big” will match

with Big or big, making the query a bit

broader. This is particularly useful for looking

for anomalies or unique identifiers

Page 25: Data Analysis and Visualization Reporting in Excel · Data Analysis and Visualization Reporting in Excel Richard B. Ali, CPA, CMA Senior Accountant –Sidra Medicine Microsoft Professional

Common Data Analysis Functions In Excel


=IFERROR is something that any analyst who

actively presents data should take advantage

of. Using the previous example, looking for

specific text/values in a dataset won’t return a

match. This causes a #VALUE error, and while

harmless, it is distracting and an eyesore.

Use =IFERROR to replace the #VALUE errors

with any text/value.

Page 26: Data Analysis and Visualization Reporting in Excel · Data Analysis and Visualization Reporting in Excel Richard B. Ali, CPA, CMA Senior Accountant –Sidra Medicine Microsoft Professional

Common Data Analysis Functions In Excel


=COUNTIFS is the easiest way to count the

number of instances a dataset meets a set of

criteria. In the example above the product

name is used to determine which product was

the best seller. COUNTIFS is powerful because

of the limitless criteria you can input.

Page 27: Data Analysis and Visualization Reporting in Excel · Data Analysis and Visualization Reporting in Excel Richard B. Ali, CPA, CMA Senior Accountant –Sidra Medicine Microsoft Professional

Common Data Analysis Functions In Excel


=LEFT, =RIGHT are simple and efficient

methods for extracting static data out of cells.

=LEFT will return the “x” number of characters

from the beginning of the cell, while =right

will return the “x” number of characters from

the end of the cell. In the example below,

=LEFT is used to extract the consumers area

code from their phone number, while =RIGHT

is used to extract the last 4 digits.

Page 28: Data Analysis and Visualization Reporting in Excel · Data Analysis and Visualization Reporting in Excel Richard B. Ali, CPA, CMA Senior Accountant –Sidra Medicine Microsoft Professional

Common Data Analysis Functions In Excel


=RANK is an ancient excel function but that

doesn’t downplay its effectiveness for data

analysis. =RANK allows you to quickly denote

how values rank in a dataset in ascending or

descending order. In the example, RANK is

being used to determine which clients

order the most product.

Page 29: Data Analysis and Visualization Reporting in Excel · Data Analysis and Visualization Reporting in Excel Richard B. Ali, CPA, CMA Senior Accountant –Sidra Medicine Microsoft Professional

Common Data Analysis Functions In Excel


=MINIFS is very similar to the min function

except it allows you to take the minimum of a

set of values, and match on criteria as well. In

the example, =MINIFS is used to find the

lowest price each product sold for.

Page 30: Data Analysis and Visualization Reporting in Excel · Data Analysis and Visualization Reporting in Excel Richard B. Ali, CPA, CMA Senior Accountant –Sidra Medicine Microsoft Professional

Common Data Analysis Functions In Excel


=MAXIFS like its counterpart minifs, allows

you to match on criteria, but this time it looks

for the maximum number.

Page 31: Data Analysis and Visualization Reporting in Excel · Data Analysis and Visualization Reporting in Excel Richard B. Ali, CPA, CMA Senior Accountant –Sidra Medicine Microsoft Professional

Common Data Analysis Functions In Excel


=SUMPRODUCT is a great function to

calculate average returns, price points, and

margins. SUMPRODUCT multiples one range

of values by its corresponding row

counterparts. It’s data analysis gold. In the

example below, we calculate the average

selling price of all our products by using

sumproduct to times Price by Quantity and

then divide by the total volume sold.

Page 32: Data Analysis and Visualization Reporting in Excel · Data Analysis and Visualization Reporting in Excel Richard B. Ali, CPA, CMA Senior Accountant –Sidra Medicine Microsoft Professional

Data Visualisation in Excel

Page 33: Data Analysis and Visualization Reporting in Excel · Data Analysis and Visualization Reporting in Excel Richard B. Ali, CPA, CMA Senior Accountant –Sidra Medicine Microsoft Professional



• Creating Charts

• Excel Tables

• Pivot Tables and Pivot Charts

• Slicers

• Common Data Analysis Functions In Excel


• Dashboard

• Case Studies

• Data Visualisation Concepts

• Tools

3 WHERE DO YOU GO FROM HERE?• CMA• Data Analytics, Data Scientist

4 Q & A

Page 34: Data Analysis and Visualization Reporting in Excel · Data Analysis and Visualization Reporting in Excel Richard B. Ali, CPA, CMA Senior Accountant –Sidra Medicine Microsoft Professional

Lab 4: Dashboard

Continuing the story….

You have created several pivot tables and pivot charts for Lucy.

So far everything has been well received by her. However, she

would like to have easier ways to slice and dice the reports and

charts herself.

You sat down with Lucy, and come up with several different ways

that Lucy could slice the data:

• Year

• Country

• Customer Gender

• Age Group

• Product Category

• Sub Category

• Frame

Page 35: Data Analysis and Visualization Reporting in Excel · Data Analysis and Visualization Reporting in Excel Richard B. Ali, CPA, CMA Senior Accountant –Sidra Medicine Microsoft Professional

Lab 5: Dashboard

1. Start by adding a new sheet named Dashboard.

2. Move the Charts to the New Sheet

• Align The Snap to Grid option located at the Align Object on the Page Layout tab.

• Add Chart Titles (Design Add Chart Element)

Yearly Sales by Country

Yearly Sales by Category

Sales by Frame Size

Sales by Age Group

3. Add slicers to the Dashboard and arrange appropriately. Select the Yearly Sales by Country chart, and

add seven slicers corresponding to Year, Country, Customer Gender, Age Group, Product Category, Sub

Category and Frame Size.

4. Connect the slicers to the charts. PivotChart Analyze tab Filter Connections

• Connect the Yearly Sales by Country chart to all slicers, except the Year slicer.

• Connect the Yearly Sales by Category chart to the Age Group, Country, Customer Gender,

and Frame Size slicers.

• Connect the Sales by Frame Size chart to all slicers, except the Frame Size slicer.

• Connect the Sales by Age Group chart to all slicers, except the Age Group.

5. Clear the Gridlines on the Dashboard. View tab Untick

Page 36: Data Analysis and Visualization Reporting in Excel · Data Analysis and Visualization Reporting in Excel Richard B. Ali, CPA, CMA Senior Accountant –Sidra Medicine Microsoft Professional

Lab 5: Dashboard

6. A quick glance on the Yearly Sales by Country shows that Australia has an unusual trend compared to

the other countries. Which year does Australia have the least sales (revenue)??

7. Create an additional pivot chart to show Sales by Country using Pie chart. Show percentages for each

slice of the pie and connect the chart to all the slicers, except the Country slicer. Overall, Australia

commands 25% of the company's total sales. But in some of the years, this proportion changes.

What is the percentage of Australia sales (of total sales) in the year that it has the least sales (previous


8. Let's filter the charts by Australia using the Country slicer. What might be the cause of this trend?

9. Create an additional pivot chart to show Sales by Category using a Pie chart. Show percentages for

each slice of the pie and connect the chart to all the slicers, except the Category slicer.

Filter the charts by Australia using the country slicer and play around with the Year filter. Notice for

different years, the changes in composition of Australia's sales by Category.

Based only on years where all three categories have sales (there are three slices in the pie) in Australia,

which year does the Bikes category have the lowest proportion of sales?

What is the percentage of Bikes sales (of total sales) in that year?

Page 37: Data Analysis and Visualization Reporting in Excel · Data Analysis and Visualization Reporting in Excel Richard B. Ali, CPA, CMA Senior Accountant –Sidra Medicine Microsoft Professional

Lab 5: Dashboard

10. Create an additional pivot chart to show Sales by Customer Gender using Pie chart. Show percentages

for each slice of the pie and connect the chart to all the slicers, except the Customer Gender slicer.

How would you describe the proportion of sales by customer gender?

Which Bike's frame size is more popular for each Gender?

11. What about Customer Gender vs age group? Right now the Sales by Age Group chart does not

differentiate by Gender. Modify this chart to be a Column chart. Show the Customer Gender side-by-

side for each age group. Ensure that the chart is connected to all slicers. Last but not least, sort the Age

Group appropriately.

Hint: Clear any existing filter, place Customer Gender as Legend and create Custom List to sort the Age


In Australia, which Age Group has more sales revenue to females than to males?

Page 38: Data Analysis and Visualization Reporting in Excel · Data Analysis and Visualization Reporting in Excel Richard B. Ali, CPA, CMA Senior Accountant –Sidra Medicine Microsoft Professional

Case Studies

AP Unprocessable Report

Page 39: Data Analysis and Visualization Reporting in Excel · Data Analysis and Visualization Reporting in Excel Richard B. Ali, CPA, CMA Senior Accountant –Sidra Medicine Microsoft Professional

Case Studies

Nepal Earthquake Damage Assessment Report

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Data Visualisation Concepts

Page 41: Data Analysis and Visualization Reporting in Excel · Data Analysis and Visualization Reporting in Excel Richard B. Ali, CPA, CMA Senior Accountant –Sidra Medicine Microsoft Professional

Data Visualisation Concepts

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Data Visualisation Concepts

Page 43: Data Analysis and Visualization Reporting in Excel · Data Analysis and Visualization Reporting in Excel Richard B. Ali, CPA, CMA Senior Accountant –Sidra Medicine Microsoft Professional

Data Visualisation Concepts

Page 44: Data Analysis and Visualization Reporting in Excel · Data Analysis and Visualization Reporting in Excel Richard B. Ali, CPA, CMA Senior Accountant –Sidra Medicine Microsoft Professional

Data Visualisation Concepts

Purpose of Visualization

Our role is to make it delicious for users.

Both a science and an art.

Page 45: Data Analysis and Visualization Reporting in Excel · Data Analysis and Visualization Reporting in Excel Richard B. Ali, CPA, CMA Senior Accountant –Sidra Medicine Microsoft Professional

Data Visualisation Concepts


For further reading about luminaries in Visualization, explore the following:

Edward Tufte -

Hans Rosling -

Amanda Cox -

Stephen Few -

Colin Ware -

There are also a variety of visualizations on interesting topics here:

To get inspired about what's possible with Data Visualization, it's great to see examples - Power BI's Data

Stories Gallery is an excellent place to start:



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Data Visualisation Concepts

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Data Visualisation Concepts

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Data Visualisation Concepts

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Data Visualisation has transcended into Business Intelligence…

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Page 51: Data Analysis and Visualization Reporting in Excel · Data Analysis and Visualization Reporting in Excel Richard B. Ali, CPA, CMA Senior Accountant –Sidra Medicine Microsoft Professional



• Creating Charts

• Excel Tables

• Pivot Tables and Pivot Charts

• Slicers

• Common Data Analysis Functions In Excel


• Dashboard

• Case Studies

• Data Visualisation Concepts

• Tools

3 WHERE DO YOU GO FROM HERE?• CMA• Data Analytics, Data Scientist

4 Q & A

Page 52: Data Analysis and Visualization Reporting in Excel · Data Analysis and Visualization Reporting in Excel Richard B. Ali, CPA, CMA Senior Accountant –Sidra Medicine Microsoft Professional

Where Do You Go From Here

Page 53: Data Analysis and Visualization Reporting in Excel · Data Analysis and Visualization Reporting in Excel Richard B. Ali, CPA, CMA Senior Accountant –Sidra Medicine Microsoft Professional

Where Do You Go From Here

Data Science versus Data Analytics

Data science is an umbrella term for a more

comprehensive set of fields that are focused on

mining big data sets and discovering innovative

new insights, trends, methods, and processes.

Data analytics is a discipline based on gaining

actionable insights to assist in a business’s

professional growth in an immediate sense. It is

part of a wider mission and could be

considered a branch of data science.

“Information is the oil of the 21st century, and

analytics is the combustion engine.” – Peter

Sondergaard, former Senior VP of Gartner

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Where Do You Go From Here

Page 55: Data Analysis and Visualization Reporting in Excel · Data Analysis and Visualization Reporting in Excel Richard B. Ali, CPA, CMA Senior Accountant –Sidra Medicine Microsoft Professional

Q & A


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