dan groundwork

What is Mycorrhiza? Symbiosis between fungi and plant roots Naturally -occurring "good" fungi, assist 9! of plant species #tend root system, increase root surface area $estroyed by modern agricultural methods %eintroduction helps plants absorb soil nutrients &ommercial inoculants only beginning to emerge, due to challenge of mass  'uly ((, ()( )

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Post on 06-Jul-2018




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Page 1: Dan Groundwork

8/17/2019 Dan Groundwork

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What is Mycorrhiza?

• Symbiosis between fungi and plant

roots• Naturally-occurring "good" fungi,assist 9! of plant species

• #tend root system, increase rootsurface area

• $estroyed by modern agriculturalmethods

• %eintroduction helps plants absorb soilnutrients

• &ommercial inoculants only beginning

to emerge, due to challenge of mass

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Mycorrhiza*s +road Scope of +enets

) .ertility / yield and

0uality impro1ements

( Sa1ings / fertilizer andwater re0uirementreductions

2 +io-&ontrol /protection against soil-borne pathogens

3 %esilience / plantdurability under stress

4 n1ironment / directimpact on 1e out of

eight measureableplanetary boundaries

Non-mycorrhizalplants absorb )4!of phosphorousfertilizers, lea1ing54! for run-o6

Mycorrhabsorb phosphfertilizere0uireprescrip

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7roundwor8 in merging Mar8ets

• .ield trials currently

underway inhilippines, :gandaand ;ur8ey

• <mpact greater whenconditions are worse

• rice point applicablefor smallholderfarmers

• %esilience understress =drought,


7roundwor8 eld trial in :gand

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Why 7roundwor8?

• ow-price, highly-

concentrated,aggressi1e inoculantapplicable formainstreamagriculture

• rice point suitable for

most crops, e1enbroad-acre

• @1er two decades of%A$ at leading <sraeliresearch center

• :ni0uely aggressi1e

strains isolated from