daily sound, june 8, 2012

GOLD All Time High Turn Your GOLD into CASH BARRY’S GOLD 4141 State Street (In El Mercado Plaza) Open 7 Days a Week! (805) 967-6400 www.barrysgold.com License #42001051 rn n u Y r r o our u Y urn Y Yo Yo Yo T T T T G D O L o i o n A o AS A H A ASH S C C oC t t t GOLD int BA AR RR BA Y BA Y’ AR S Y S Y GO Y’ OL LD G LD GOL .com OLD sgold y .barr w w w (805) 967-6400 eek! W sa y a pen 7 D O ado Plaza) c l Mer (In E eet tr eS t ta 4141 S Y’S GOLD R RR R BARR RY RY RY RY FRIDAY, JUNE 08, 2012 WWW.THEDAILYSOUND.COM FREE VOLUME 7 ISSUE 113 FIND US ON FACEBOOK Facebook.com/ TheDailySound FOLLOW US ON TWITTER @SBDailySound Mostly sunny skies 74° DAILY SOUND The Place For Real News GRADUATION DAY High School students celebrate, prepare for future See Page 2 See Page 4 INSIDE: LESLIE DINABERG Chatting with Author Rebecca Bloom

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students celebrate,prepare for futureSee Page 2

See Page 4





Page 2: Daily Sound, June 8, 2012

2 Friday, June 08 2012 Daily Sound


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Santa Barbara High School seniors celebrate at their graduation ceremony yesterday evening. 1,435 students from Dos Pueblos, San Marcos,and Santa Barbara High Schools garbed themselves in caps and gowns to mark the end in the Santa Barbara Unified School District.

DAILY SOUND / Victor Maccharoli

DP, SBHS and SMstudents graduateAs summer begins the

class of 2012 celebrated theend of their final year of highschool yesterday.1,435 students from Dos

Pueblos, San Marcos, and

Santa Barbara High Schoolsgarbed themselves in capsand gowns to mark the end oftheir education in the SantaBarbara Unified SchoolDistrict.Most grads say they can’t

believe how fast four yearswent by. Dos Pueblos High

School senior Justin Morrissaid the time seemed to fly.“It feels like just the other

day we were here for the firsttime as freshmen,” Morrissaid. “It’s a pretty crazy feel-ing to be standing here now.”Morris is headed for UC

Berkeley in the fall to study

engineering. He owes that inpart to his participation in theDos Pueblos EngineeringAcademy.“It was such a good experi-

ence and such a great thing tobe a part of,” Morris said.Families are also proud to


See STUDENTS, page 5

Page 3: Daily Sound, June 8, 2012

The Santa Barbara Sheriff'sCoroner's Bureau has identi-fied woman who was killed ina hit-and-run accident onWednesday as Allison J.Meadows of Santa BarbaraThe 26-year-old was killed

after she was hit by a hit-and-run driver near Montecito.The California Highway

Patrol said the driver fled the

scene after hitting two pedes-trians near State Route-192and Sheffield Drive inMontecito.Authorities have not found

the person behind the wheel.The two female victims

were driven to Santa BarbaraCottage Hospital by two menwho were passing through thearea, the CHP said.The second woman hit,

identified by the CHP as

Lindsay Keebler, 25, sufferedmajor injuries and is in SantaBarbara Cottage Hospital.The CHP is still investigat-

ing the accident. Anyone whohas information regarding thiscollision is encouraged tocontact the Santa BarbaraCHP office at 805-967-1234,and speak with Officer JasonMiller or Officer JimHoskins.

Daily Sound Friday, June 08 2012 3





Police identifywoman killed inhit-and-run crash

Jobless claims fall(Reuters) The number of

Americans lining up for newjobless benefits fell last weekfor the first time since April, ahint that a slowdown in hiringlast month may only be tem-porary.The data on state unem-

ployment claims, released bythe Labor Department onThursday, takes some of theedge off a report by the gov-ernment last week thatshowed job creation slowedsharply in May.Many economists believe

mild weather in the winter ledemployers to hire more work-ers then at the expense ofspring, but the weather effectshould be temporary. Someeconomists suggested the

claims data backed that view.It "gives us more confi-

dence that the trend in pay-rolls is stronger than the Maypayroll data implied," UBSsaid in a note to clients.Four consecutive months

of slowing job creation hadfueled speculation the FederalReserve would ramp upefforts to prop up the U.S.economy.However, in congressional

testimony on Thursday, FedChairman Ben Bernankeoffered few hints that furthermonetary stimulus was immi-nent, even though he said theU.S. central bank was readyto shield the economy iffinancial troubles mount.The Labor Department said

initial claims for state unem-ployment benefits dropped by12,000 to a seasonally adjust-ed 377,000 last week. Thatwas spot on the median fore-cast in a Reuters poll."If the economy were real-

ly swooning because ofevents in Europe, it should beaccompanied by a backup injobless claims," said CarlRiccadonna, an economist atDeutsche Bank in New York.Prior to last week, claims

had risen for four consecutiveweeks, adding to concernsover several months of lack-luster hiring data. While theUnited States emerged from adeep recession three yearsago, the jobless rate hasremained stubbornly high. In

Page 4: Daily Sound, June 8, 2012

4 Friday, June 08 2012 Daily Sound



Mostly sunnyskies74°

TodayAn increase in the onshore flow today will usher in somechanges as temperatures cool by several degrees. Thiscooling trend will continue into tomorrow as a trough oflow pressure moves inland across the Pacific Northwest,helping to deeper up the marine layer, which will bringback the dense morning overcast to the South Coast.

Sunny &Warm58/78°


Patchy Fog,Mild


Starting towarm56/75°

TuesdaySundaySaturday Monday

Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said on Thursday the UnitedStates was reaching the limits of its patience with Pakistanbecause of the safe havens the country offered to insurgents inneighboring Afghanistan.It was some of the strongest language by a senior U.S. official

to describe the strained ties between Washington and Islamabad."It is difficult to achieve peace in Afghanistan as long as there

is safe haven for terrorists in Pakistan," said Panetta."It is very important for Pakistan to take steps. It is an increas-

ing concern, the issue of safe haven, and we are reaching the lim-its of our patience."

U.S. frustrated with Pakistan

Mitt Romney's presidential campaign significantly outpacedPresident Barack Obama in fundraising last month, a sign that thechallenger could at least match the incumbent in the overall racefor campaign cash.Romney and Republican groups raised more than $76.8 million

inMay, his campaign said on Thursday, topping the more than $60million Obama and his Democratic allies collected in the scram-ble for the cash that will fuel the campaigns through the November6 election. Both campaigns reported their best monthly showingyet in fundraising totals, which include money raised by cam-paigns plus funds raised by their respective party's national com-mittees.

Romney tops Obama in money



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Eat, Drink and Be Married"What is it about wedding

preparations that makes theordinary tasks usually takinga woman from bed to bath, tobra, to base, to bagel, to bag,to butt-on-the-seat-of-the-carin 28 minutes flat, suddenlyexpand, exhale and evolveinto hours upon hours of care-ful mirror observations andhighly scrutinized tinkering?"writes Rebecca Bloom in hernew novel, "Eat, Drink, andBe Married."I'm giggling as I read these

words (So very true!) andlaughing even more as I speakto their author, who is sneak-ing in our phone call duringthe precious naptime of hertwo-year-old son. Along withsome of the laugh-out-loud-in-recognition scenes in herbook, this is yet another thingabout Rebecca Bloom that Ican relate to.Expecting her second child

in the fall, Rebecca chats eas-ily about writing, kids, tequilaand the birth of "Eat, Drink,and Be Married," her thirdnovel. Here are some high-lights:Leslie Dinaberg: I really

enjoyed the book. What wasyour inspiration?Rebecca Bloom: I had

been going to a lot of wed-dings and I was noticing thatthere is so much else that goeson around the wedding.There's such a heightenedsense of emotions for every-body. I wanted to write some-thing that explored not justwhat the bride and groom

were going throughbut what the gueststhemselves weregoing through.Weddings bring outa lot of differentkinds of things forpeople and I want-ed to explore thosethings.LD: I was really

struck by the com-ing together of thecollege friendswho got back intotheir old dynamic so quicklyand reverted to their oldselves. Was that your experi-ence?RB: With my girlfriends

from college, we have thisshorthand that it doesn't mat-ter how long it has been sincewe've talked or how much hashappened, the minute we'retogether there's not a lag, wedon't really have to catch up.There's an instant reparteeand there's an instant sort ofcomfort and camaraderie. Iwanted to put that in the bookbecause I do think that in col-lege you form such intensebonds because you're withpeople 24/7 and you don'treally have time past collegeto ever really do that. … Iwanted to capture thatbecause I think it's the casefor a lot of people that the oldfriends sometimes are theones that know you the best.LD: A while back my hus-

band and I were in that wed-ding a weekend phase and wesort of became the wedding

critics. What do youthink makes a reallygood wedding or areally not so goodwedding?RB: It is funny,

when you write awedding book every-one thinks you're anexpert on weddingsbut it's sort of justyour own opinion.I think the best

weddings are theweddings that really

represent the bride and groomand you can tell that they real-ly planned it for themselvesand not for their moms andtheir friends. It's really allabout them. And those areoften the most fun.Our wedding had a lot of

tequila and that really made itfun (Laughs). … I think theones that are the best are themost relaxed and representthe couple—not just thebride.LD: Were you married

when you wrote this book?RB: Actually I wrote this

book, the first draft of it,when I was single. I wrotethis wedding book and then Imet my husband. So we'resort of like that movie "Fieldof Dreams," where the wholething is like if you build it hewill come. (Laughs)LD: And now you have a

husband, a young son andanother on the way. How doyou write and juggle all ofthat?RB: Not as well as I would

like. I am trying to start writ-ing something new and it'sjust hard. It's hard to find thebalance. … You just do thebest you can. I can't do every-thing all the time. And I can'tdo it very well. My kids rightnow are the most importantand that's okay for me forright now.LD: Not only are weddings

fraught with drama, they'realso a huge business. Was thatsort of marketing angle inyour mind when you devel-oped the story?RB: I definitely knew …

that there might be moreavenues open maybe for pub-licity or marketing but I didn'treally think about that when Iwas writing it.As I've gotten older though

and as I end up starting mynext book I'm thinking aboutthat more because I want tomake a living and I want it tosell and so I'm letting thatcome in a little bit. I have abunch of ideas, so I am think-ing which one is the mostmarketable and I'll go withthat.But I'm not writing about

zombies or anything(Laughs).LD: I don't know, a vam-

pire, shades of grey, zombiewedding book with a histori-cal twist could be huge.

For more informationabout Rebecca Bloom, visitwww.rebeccabloom.com. Formore columns visitwww.LeslieDinaberg.com.


Page 5: Daily Sound, June 8, 2012

Daily Sound Friday, June 08 2012 5


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The DPHS Madrigals play "Don't Stop Believin" during the graduation ceremony yesterday afternoon. Below, graduating seniors circle the trackupon entering the ceremony.

DAILY SOUND / Victor Maccharoli

see their sons, daughters, andsiblings take their last fewsteps into adulthood. TheGreen family is saying good-bye to their youngest daughterTara who’s going to UC SantaCruz next year.“We’re going to miss her,”

Ann Green, Tara’s mother,said. “It’s not like she’ll justbe over here at UCSB.”But while her time in Santa

Barbara may be coming to anend, both Ann and Tara’s sis-ter, Mandy, agree that SantaCruz will be a great place tobegin her next level of educa-tion.“We’re excited for her, it’s

definitely the right fit,” MandyGreen said.For her part, Green said

she’s enthusiastic about start-ing at a new school, but she’llremember all the amazing andinteresting friends she made atDos Pueblos.“Some of them have just

made me laugh too hard to notlike them,” Green said.Santa Barbara High School,

one of the oldest and largestschools in the district at almost


See GRADS, page 6

Page 6: Daily Sound, June 8, 2012

6 Friday, June 08 2012 Daily Sound


2,200 students, had 437 graduates this year.The seniors donned their olive and gold to gettheir diplomas at Peabody Stadium.Not to be outdone by its crosstown rival,

San Marcos High School also saw 443 of itsapproximately 1,800 students sporting tassels

at Warkentin Stadium yesterday.Santa Barbara Board of Education member

Ed Heron said graduation day is always a stun-ning event for him. Going from ceremony toceremony and seeing students as they advanceinto the world is a proud moment for him.“It’s just amazing when I see what they

have done and what they’ve accomplished,”Heron said. “It’s a pleasure to be a part of it.”


Victor Bartolome receives his diploma.DAILY SOUND / Victor Maccharoli

Page 7: Daily Sound, June 8, 2012

As of July 2, the fare forMTD’s Downtown-Waterfront shuttle will doublein an effort to offset the lossof funds from dissolved rede-velopment agencies.The shuttle provides trans-

portation through trafficdense areas up and downState Street and along thewaterfront for just a quarter.MTD is increasing the fare

on the shuttles because of theloss of $300,000 the city lostin funding from redevelop-ment agencies. The fare rev-enues would be credited backto the City in hopes of offset-ting an estimated $100,000according to Jerry Estrada,Assistant General Managerand Controller at MTD.“There is a great deal of

uncertainty regarding some ofour funding going forward,”he said. “We want to mini-mize the overall impact of therevenue losses as much aspossible.”The 25-cent fare hike does-

n’t seem to bother many peo-ple though.City Council member

Cathy Murillo, who is on thecity’s transportation commit-tee, can’t believe the fair hasstayed this low for such along time.“MTD did a survey of rid-

ers on the [Downtown-Waterfront] shuttle route andthere was no outcry,” Murillotold the Daily Sound. “It’s apart of the Downtown experi-ence.”Shuttle riders who spoke

with The Daily Sound wereindifferent.Danielle DiSimone rides

the shuttle about three times aweek and went so far as tosay, “I’m more worried abouthaving to find two “quarters”than how much it costs,” as ifcoin money was going out ofstyle.“I ride for the luxury of it,

the fresh air, the sights, theshopping,” she said. “It can’tbe any cheaper, it’s a steal at25 cents so 50 cents is still agreat deal, it’s less than a gal-lon of gas, that’s for sure.”MTD is also proposing that

the Commuter lot shuttles becut as of July 2 because of

lack of funding. Line 22 thatservices Mission Canyon andLasuen Rd is also on thechopping blocks because itcontinues to be least riddenroute in the system. Thatwould go into effect August27. All proposals will be finalTuesday, June 12“We really just want to get

through these next sixmonths,” Estrada added. “Abig part of our (uncertain)funding is from the federaland state government andwhat they plan to do with thetransportation bill.”

Daily Sound Friday, June 08 2012 7


MTD to increase fareson waterfront shuttleBY CODY BRUMBAUGHDAILY SOUND STAFF WRITER There is a great deal of uncertainty

regarding some of our fundinggoing forward.


Page 8: Daily Sound, June 8, 2012


8 Friday, June 08 2012 Daily Sound


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Page 9: Daily Sound, June 8, 2012


FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAMESTATEMENT The following person(s)is/are doing business as: TECFENMEDICAL 5385 Hollister Ave., No. 216Goleta, CA 93111County of SantaBarbara; Soft Logic, Inc.(SAME) Thisbusiness is conducted by aCorporation(Signed:) GeneEkonomi.This statement was filed withthe County Clerk of Santa BarbaraCounty on MAY 30, 2012. Thisstatement expires five years from thedate it was filed in the Office of theCounty Clerk. I hereby certify that thisis a correct copy of the originalstatement on file in my office. JosephE. Holland, County Clerk(SEAL)Kathy Miller. FBN Number:2012-0001589. Published JUN01, 08,15,22 2012

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAMESTATEMENT The following person(s)is/are doing business as:ABRAHAMSALES ASSOCIATES 494 Valdez AveGoleta, CA 93117County of SantaBarbara;Hani IbrahimHalim(SAME)Thisbusiness is conducted by anIndividual(Signed:) Hani IbrahimHalim.This statement was filed with theCounty Clerk of Santa Barbara Countyon APR 18, 2012. This statement expiresfive years from the date it was filed inthe Office of the County Clerk. I herebycertify that this is a correct copy of theoriginal statement on file in my office.Joseph E. Holland, County Clerk(SEAL)Kathy Miller. FBN Number:2012-0001181. Published MAY 18, 25,JUN 01, 08 2012



CASE NO.: 1402112To all heirs, beneficiaries,creditors, contingent creditors, andpersons who may otherwise beinterested in the will or estate,or both of WARREN ASHERBAILY

A Petition for Probate has beenfiled by PAULINE MARGARETBAILYin the Superior Court ofCalifornia, County of SantaBarbara.

The Petition for Probaterequests that PAULINEMARGARET BAILY beappointed as personalrepresentative to administer theestate of the decedent.

The petition requests thedecedent’s will and codicils, if any,be admitted to probate. The willand any codicils are available forexamination in the file kept bythe court.

The petition requests authorityto administer the estate underthe Independent Administrationof Estates Act. (This authority willallow the personalrepresentative to take manyactions without obtaining courtapproval. Before taking certainvery important actions,however, the personalrepresentative will be requiredto give notice to interestedpersons unless they havewaived notice or consented tothe proposed action.) Theindependent administrationauthority will be granted unlessan interested person files anobjection to the petition and showsgood cause why the courtshould not grant the authority.

A hearing on the petition willbe held in this court asfollows:

Date: JUN 28, 2012 Time:9:00 A.M. Dept.:5

Superior Court of California,County of Santa Barbara1100 Anacapa StreetSanta Barbara, CA 93101

If you object to the granting ofthe petition, you should appearat the hearing and state yourobjections or file writtenobjections with the court beforethe hearing. Your appearancemay be in person or by yourattorney.

If you are a creditor or acontingent creditor of thedecedent, you must file yourclaim with the court and mail acopy to the personal

representative appointed by thecourt within four months from thedate of first issuance of lettersas provided in Probate Codesection 9100. The time for fillingclaims will not expire before fourmonths from the hearing datenoticed above.

You may examine the file keptby the court. If you are a personinterested in the estate, you mayfile with the court a Request forSpecial Notice (form DE-154) ofthe filling of an inventory andappraisal of estate assets or ofany petition or account asprovided in Probate Codesection 1250. A Request forSpecial Notice form is available

from the court clerk.

Attorney for Petitioner:SEED MACKALL LLP1332 Anacapa Street, #200Santa Barbara, CA 93101(805) 963-0669Published JUN 06, 08, 13




The Secretary of the Planning Commission has set a public hearing for Thursday, June 21,2012 beginning at 1:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, City Hall, 735 Anacapa Street.

On Thursday, June 14, 2012, an Agenda with all items to be heard on Thursday, June 21,2012, will be available at 630 Garden Street, City Clerk’s Office and the Central Library. Agendas,Minutes and Staff Reports are also accessible online at www.SantaBarbaraCa.gov/pc. OnlineStaff Reports may not include some exhibits. Continuances will not be granted unless thereare exceptional circumstances.

You are invited to attend this hearing. Written comments are welcome and will be enteredinto the public record. Written information should be submitted prior to the meeting at thePlanning Division Office, 630 Garden St; by mail attention Planning Commission Secretary,P.O. Box 1990, Santa Barbara, CA 93102-1990; or by email [email protected], and received no later than 4:30 P.M. on the Monday beforethe Planning Commission hearing. Please submit 12 copies of any written materials over 2pages. Written comments are accepted at and up to the time of the hearing; however, thePlanning Commission may not have time to consider materials submitted after the Mondaydeadline. If you have any questions, wish to know more about this application, or wish toreview the plans, please contact the case planner, at 564-5470.

If you challenge the project approval or environmental document in court, you may be limitedto raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described inthis notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the Planning Commission at, or prior tothe public hearing.

AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT: In compliance with the Americans with DisabilitiesAct, if you need special assistance to gain access to, comment at, or participate in this meeting,please contact the Planning Division Office at (805) 564 5470, extension 4535. If possible,notification at least 48 hours prior to themeeting will enable the City tomake reasonable arrangementsin most cases.

APPLICATIONOFSTEVE FORT, SUZANNEELLEDGEPLANNING&PERMITTINGSERVICES,FOR FOOTHILL CENTRE, LP, 4151 FOOTHILL ROAD AND 681 CIENEGUITAS ROAD,APN 059-160-017AND -023; SC (SHOPPING CENTER) ZONE (COUNTY), GENERAL PLANDESIGNATION: NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL (COUNTY) (MST2008-00496)The project consists of the annexation of three parcels (APNs 059-160-017, -021 and -023)totaling 4.31 acres into the city of Santa Barbara, and detachment from the Goleta Water District,the Goleta Sanitary District, the Santa Barbara County Fire Protection District, County ServiceArea 3 and County Service Area 32. Upon annexation, a City General Plan designation ofCommercial/Medium High Density Residential is proposed, with a zoning designation of LimitedCommercial/Upper State Street Overlay (C-1/S-D-2). Proposed development would include:

4151 Foothill Road (APN 059-160-017) & 681 Cieneguitas Road (APN 059-160-023: Theseparcels would be merged, and the existing abandoned gas station (1,750 net square feet)would be demolished. Two new 37-foot tall two-story office buildings totaling 60,122 net sq.ft. would be constructed on the merged parcel. The proposed new office buildings would beoccupied by Sansum Clinic and would include an outpatient surgery center, a medical clinicand administrative offices. A parking lot containing 225 parking spaces would be provided,and access would be from two driveways on Cieneguitas Road. Ground water remediationdue to contamination from the previous use as a gas station is currently on-going and wouldcontinue. Public improvements, including but not limited to curb, gutter, landscaping and sidewalkand street re-striping along Foothill and Cieneguitas Roads are proposed.

675 Cieneguitas (APN 059-160-021): The existing 2,500 square foot building, currently usedas a veterinary hospital, would remain. The only change would be the addition of five parkingspaces in an existing easement along the northern property line as part of the proposed parkinglot for the new Sansum Clinic.

The discretionary applications required for this project are:

Actions requiring a recommendation by the Planning Commission to the City Council,and subsequent approval by the City Council and LAFCO:

1. Reorganization of APNs 059-160-017, -021 and -023, including Annexation to thecity of Santa Barbara and Detachment from Goleta Water District, Goleta SanitaryDistrict, Santa Barbara County Fire Protection District, County ServiceArea 3 (GoletaValley - Multipurpose) and County Service Area 32 (Unincorporated Area - LawEnforcement);

2. A General Plan Amendment to designate the three parcels (APNs 059-160-017, -021 and -023) as Commercial/Medium High Density Residential upon annexation;

3. A Zoning Map Amendment to zone the three parcels (APNs 059-160-017, -021 and-023) C-1/S-D-2 (Limited Commercial and Upper State Street Overlay) upon annexation;

Action requiring a recommendation by the Planning Commission to the City Council,and subsequent approval by the City Council:

4. Final Economic Development Designation by the City Council for 13,526 square feetfrom the Economic Development category for a medical office/clinic on APNs 059-160-017 and -023 (SBMC 28.87.300); and

Actions by the Planning Commission, contingent upon recommendation of the actionslisted above:

5. A Development Plan to allow the construction of 58,372 square feet of net newnonresidential development on APNs 059-160-017 and -023 (SBMC §28.87.300).

The Planning Commission will consider approval of the Mitigated Negative Declaration preparedfor the project pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines Section 15074.


Page 10: Daily Sound, June 8, 2012

10 Friday, June 08 2012 Daily Sound

Before ‘ALIEN’... There was...PROMETHEUS (R)11:30 2:30 5:30 8:30

OTTER 501 (Not Rated) 11:00 am in Digital

Robert Downey, Jr. (PG-13)MARVEL’S THE AVENGERS

2 1:30 4:45 8:00

MEN IN BLACK 3 (PG-13)5:4512:45 3:15 8:15

Andy Garcia....Eva LongoriaFOR GREATER GLORY (R)

1:15 4:30 7:45

RIVIERA2044 Alameda Padre Serra - S.B.


1317 State Street - 963-4408MADAGASCAR 3: (PG)EUROPE’S MOST WANTED

Daily -12:50 3:20 5:45 8:10

Fri-Sun -11:45 2:10 4:35 7:00

Mon-Thu - 2:10 4:35 7:00

THE DICTATOR (R)1:00 3:10 5:30 7:45

BERNIE (PG-13)Fri & Mon-Thu - 5:00 7:30Sat/Sun - 2:00 5:00 7:30

DARK SHADOWS (PG-13)Fri & Mon-Thu - 7:45Sat/Sun - 2:15 7:45

CROOKED ARROWS (PG-13)Daily - 5:15


1:00 4:00 7:00 10:00


Daily -12:20 2:50 5:20 7:50

Fri-Sun -11:15 1:40 4:10 6:40 8:55

Mon-Thu -1:40 4:10 6:40 8:55

MEN IN BLACK 3 (PG-13)Fri-Sun -

11:20 1:50 4:20 7:00 9:35 Mon-Thu -

1:50 4:20 7:00 9:35

THE DICTATOR (R)12:30 2:40 4:50 7:10 9:20



12:45 3:45 6:50 9:45 Fri-Sun -

11:30 2:20 5:20 8:20Mon-Thu - 2:20 5:20 8:20


Fri-Sun -11:40 1:00 2:30 4:00 5:30 7:00 8:30 9:55

Mon-Thu -1:00 2:30 4:00 5:30

7:00 8:30 9:55Playing on 2 Screens

MEN IN BLACK 3 (PG-13)Daily - 2:10

Fri-Sun -11:20 4:45 7:20 10:00

Mon-Thu - 4:45 7:20 10:00


12:10 3:20 6:40 9:35Mon-Thu - 1:30 4:35 8:00

THE INTOUCHABLES (R)Fri & Mon-Thu - 5:00 7:45Sat/Sun - 2:15 5:00 7:45

HYSTERIA (R)2:15 4:35 7:00 9:20


1:45 4:45 7:45


Fri & Mon-Thu -2:00 3:40 5:00 6:40 8:00 9:30

Sat/Sun -12:40 2:00 3:40 5:00

6:40 8:00 9:30Playing on 2 Screens

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OTTER 501 (Not Rated) Metro 4 - 11:00 am daily

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Information Listed for Friday thru Thursday - June 8 - 14

KATHLEEN CROCETTI, SCULPTORStained glass art works by award-winning, artist on display exclusively at the Santa Barbara Botanic Garden The Garden welcomes the installation of stained-glass murals by Santa Cruz-based artist Kathleen Crocetti. Three of the works are 10’ across and the theme is a mix of California landscapes and close-up views of California native plants.

FRIDAY, JUNE 15TH through LABOR DAYAt the Santa Barbara Botanic GardenFree with Garden admission

ROSE AND THE NIGHTINGALE“Spirit of the Garden”A powerhouse quartet celebrating gardens through poetry and song Rose & the Nightingale is a New York City-based quartet of world-class improvising vocalists and instrumentalists, creating beautiful and unique genre-defying music. Rose & the Nightingale’s current concert, “The Spirit of the Garden,” blurs the boundaries of world music, folk, and jazz improvisation.

Kathleen Crocetti. California Oak. Stained glass.

GET YOUR TICKETS NOW. Limited seating— sure to sell out quickly.


reception, plentiful hors d’oeuvres and wine

or visit www.sbbg.org

SATURDAY, JUNE 16TH at 8PMAt the Center Stage Theater

or visit www.centerstagetheater.org



Generously sponsored byStarbucks Coffee Co.



ROSE AND THE NIGHTINGALE“Spirit of the GarA powerhouse quartet celebrating gar

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stained-glass murals by Santa Cruz-based artist Kathleen Crocetti. Three of the works are 10’ across and the theme is a mix of California landscapes and close-up views of California native plants.

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ARTSU.S. names poet laureate(Reuters) Natasha

Trethewey, author of threepoetry collections and winnerof the Pulitzer Prize, wasnamed on Thursday as the19th U.S. poet laureate,becoming only the secondSoutherner appointed to theposition.The Library of Congress,

in announcing the appoint-ment, said Trethewey wouldsucceed Philip Levine andofficially take up her duties inthe fall, around the time herfourth collection, "Thrall," isdue to be published.Trethewey, an English and

creative writing professor atEmory University in Atlanta,won the 2007 Pulitzer Prize inpoetry for her collection"Native Guard." In addition topoetry, she is the author of anon-fiction book, "BeyondKatrina: A Meditation on theMississippi Gulf Coast."Trethewey, 46, was born in

Gulfport, Mississippi, andbecomes the first U.S. poetlaureate from the South sinceRobert PennWarren, who was

appointed to the job in 1944."Her poems dig beneath

the surface of history — per-sonal or communal, fromchildhood or from a centuryago — to explore the humanstruggles that we all face,"Librarian of Congress JamesBillington said in a statement.She is the first African-

American to be appointed tothe position since Rita Dovein 1993.Dove said in an introduc-

tion of Trethewey's first col-lection, "Domestic Work,"released in 2000 that includedportraits of black workers in apre-civil rights era,"Trethewey eschews thePolaroid instant, choosing torender the unsuspectingyearnings and tremuloushopes that accompany ourmost private thoughts."Tretheway has also drawn

upon her own family historyfor her poetry, including theunion of her parents - hermother was black and herfather was white - that was inthe mid-1960s still a crime in

her native Mississippi.Her mother, part of the

inspiration for "NativeGuard," was murdered in1985 by an abusive secondhusband, whom she haddivorced. Her father, also apoet, is a professor of litera-ture at Hollins University.Trethewey talked about herchildhood and "evolvingattractions to words" at anEmory University lecture twoyears ago, including beinginfluenced by GeorgeOrwell's 1946 essay "Why IWrite" upon applying for agraduate creative writing pro-gram. Looking back she saidshe realized her words were"lifeless" when they lackedpolitical and social purpose,but was always attracted tothe lyricism of poetry."As a small child I felt the

joy of words in their juxtapo-sitions, in the rhymes andnear nonsense phrases mymother saying to amuse me,long before I was consciousof their social or politicalpower," she said.

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Daily Sound Friday, June 08 2012 11

8 4 2 69 2 4 5 7

2 3 91 4 3

3 2 9 6 1 56 1 7

2 7 85 8 2 9 39 6 3 5



4 9 77 2 6 1 95 1 8 3 9 4 28 6 1 4 7 5 3

27 4 3 5 9 6 15 3 4 7 2 8 94 8 6 1 3

1 7 5

3 8 6 2 1 5

5 4 3 8

7 6

9 2

3 9 5 1 6 8 7 4

2 8

6 1

9 7 2 5

8 2 6 9 3 4



8 4 3 9 2 62 4 7 1 5 9 81 9 6 8 37 8 4 1 2 3 95 3 9 6 7 2 1

2 7 5 9 8 4 37 1 6 5 9

9 2 1 5 3 8 43 6 4 7 8 2

7 5 1

6 3

5 2 4 7

6 5

8 4

6 1

4 8 2 3

6 7

5 9 1


To solve, every number 1-9must appear in each of thenine vertical columns, each ofthe nine horizontal rows andeach of the nine 3x3 box. Nonumber can occur more thanonce in any row, column orbox.


8 12 4 6

2 98 6 3 5

5 11 3 5 2

5 74 9 6

5 8


For great places to eat, see the Daily Sound’s

Dining Guideevery Thursday!

For advertising rates, please call (805) 564-6001 or email [email protected]

Universal Crossword

“SMART COOKIE” by Alice Walker

ACROSS 1 Tiny one of

fiction 4 Computer

giant 9 Where

Crockett last stood

14 “Be My Yoko ___” (Barenaked Ladies song)

15 It can give you deja vu

16 Florentine statue

17 Intelligent beach material?

19 Became an issue

20 Bear of a constellation

21 Rebus pronoun

22 Ten- percenters

23 International understanding

25 Sulfuric substance

26 Intelligent carnival game player?

31 Some trains 34 Luau

instruments, briefly

35 Cinereous stuff

36 Purim’s month

37 Word often given an unnecessary apostrophe

38 Earthenware material

39 Diner owner, on television

40 Too 42 Ancestor of

the adding

machine 44 Intelligent

salon offering?

47 Jazz singer Anita

48 Bacon portions

52 Male goose 55 Word with

“egg” or “luck”

56 Company VIP 57 Straighten,

as wheels 58 Intelligent

grooming tool?

60 Waterlily painter

61 Grade of beef 62 Author

Stanislaw 63 Dumb-

founded expression

64 Shaped like a rainbow

65 Number in a Dickens title

DOWN 1 Small

plumed hat 2 Bury 3 Like a fresh

brownie 4 Place for

beastly couples?

5 Money in Madrid, once

6 Communica-tion with the divine

7 Debussy’s “Clair de ___”

8 Lineman furthest from the center

9 Slow musical movements

10 Texas city known for its

streets? 11 Skin-So-Soft

seller 12 Waterfall

sight 13 Horatian and

Pindaric 18 Augustus

succeeded him

22 Hurt all over 24 Stanley Cup

grp. 25 Grills 27 Produce, as

a show 28 Powder

ingredient 29 Genesis

hunter 30 “Wide

Sargasso Sea” author Jean

31 Mary’s pet 32 European

river 33 Colombian

cartel city 37 “___, old

chap …” 38 “My Antonia”

writer Willa 40 Spaghetti

recipe phrase 41 “You made

that up!” 42 College

environment 43 Clear tables

and such 45 Board-

ing-house resident

46 Like the ending of “Romeo and Juliet”

49 Rejoice 50 Mend a split

in one’s pants

51 Jerk, in slang 52 Legs, also in

slang 53 Tremendously 54 Ship of

discovery 55 Roseanne,

originally 58 Place to

unwind 59 Stream



Edited by Timothy E. Parker August 13, 2008

© 2008 Universal Press Syndicatewww.upuzzles.com



It has been ten years sincethe last Men in Black filmcame out in 2002. Followingup on the first film in 1997,the second film was a disap-pointment as its sarcasm leftus unimpressed. So it isunderstandable that the fran-chise waited for a decadebefore attempting anotherfilm based on the creation ofLowell Cunningham.Directed once again by BarrySonnenfeld, this third filmleaves behind the screenwrit-ing of Ed Solomon from thefirst film, Robert Gordon andBarry Fanaro from the secondfilm, and instead uses the tal-ents of Etan Cohen on thisthird film.Based on the same premise

that there is a secret govern-ment organization monitoringthe extraterrestrial aliens liv-ing among us while protect-ing us from the dangers theyrepresent, this third film con-tinues to star Agent K(Tommy Lee Jones/JoshBrolin) and Agent J (WillSmith). In this chapter of the

tale, we discover that timetravel is not only possible butalso greatly complicates theability of these galactic agentsto protect the earth.Once again there is a vil-

lain attempting to conquerearth, Boris the Animal(Jemaine Clement). Boris is abrutal warrior from a speciesthat has already destroyedother worlds. Decades earli-er, Agent K had captured himand his arrest caused him tobe imprisoned in chains in alunar prison. However, hehas escaped and has a well-developed plan to takerevenge.

This struggle betweengood and evil is obvious andthe battle is global. However,the basic thesis is familiar, asis the interaction between theagents. With less humor andmore tension, this third filmdoes not bode well for afourth. Playing off the curios-ity and fear we often share forthe vastness of space andthose who may dwell there,the Men in Black series issymbolic of deeper longingsand fears. While it focusesprimarily on fear and the per-sonification of aliens as evilcausing the film to lack depthand therefore does little toenrich us in understandingeither ourselves or the uni-verse, it does provide a satiricand entertaining look at howearthlings might live in prox-imity to good as well as evilspace aliens, goblins, and car-toon-like creatures.Discussion for those who

have seen this film:1. If there is life in the uni-

verse beyond the earth, whatdo you believe it would be

like? If alien beings have theintelligence to travel acrossspace, do you believe theywould have the morality ofkillers? Why or why not?2. The relationship that

Agent K and Agent O (EmmaThompson/Alice Eve) hadwhen they were young wasnot allowed to developbecause of the agency’s rulesagainst fraternizing. Do youbelieve this caused them to bebetter people or better agentsor not? Why do you answeras you do?3. When Boris used the

gullibility of a woman whowrote to him in prison, heexposes the danger of suchrelationships. Do you thinkprisoners should be allowedto solicit “penpals”?________________Cinema In Focus is a social

and spiritual movie commen-tary. Hal Conklin is formermayor of Santa Barbara andDenny Wayman is pastor ofthe Free Methodist Church ofSanta Barbara.

MEN IN BLACK III: 3stars, Entertaining


Page 12: Daily Sound, June 8, 2012

NEWS12 Friday, June 08 2012 Daily Sound

Retired firefighterto receive honorAl MesKimen, a retired

Santa Barbara County FireCaptain with over 30 yearsexperience, will receive theOutstanding Thesis of theYear Award from Cal PolySan Luis Obispo.MesKimen received a mas-

ters degree in architecturefrom Cal Poly last year.His thesis, titled,

“Assessing and ImprovingFire Resiliency of StructuresLocated in the Wildland-Urban Interface,” focused onWildland-Urban Interfacefirefighting.“During the thesis writing

process I recognized that theresearch and writing wasincreasing my understandingand knowledge of theWildland-Urban Interface fireproblem,” MesKimen said.“The literature review andexperimental research con-

ducted produced possible sig-nificant contributions to theexisting body of knowledgefor WUI fire safety, assessingstructural fire threats andadvancing mitigating meas-ures.”This is an annual award for

senior projects and MasterTheses for the entireUniversity. Mr. MesKimen’s450 page thesis was selectedfrom several thousand seniorprojects and theses submittedlast year as part of theUniversity’s degree require-ments.The honor will be present-

ed by Cal Poly President, Dr.Jeffery Armstrong andGraduate Study and ResearchDean, Dr. Susan Opava at thecommencement ceremony onJune 10 at the SpanosStadium on the Cal Poly cam-pus.

Meskimen is the founder

of Florian & Associates, aconsulting service forimproved fire resiliency ininterface high fire hazardareas. recommendations onoccupant fire shelter options.Meskimen has also served

as Fire Resiliency Consultantwith the Santa BarbaraBotanic Gardens.


Al MesKimen, retired SantaBarbara County Fire Captain.