daftar pustaka jilly sthlh sidang

DAFTAR PUSTAKA 1. Bieniawski, Z.T., 1989, Engineering Rock Mass Classification, John Wiley & Sons, New York. 2. Hoek, E. and Brown, E.T., 1980, Underground Excavation in Rock, Institution of Mining & Metallurgy, London. 3. Hoek, E., Kaiser P.K., and Bawden W.F., 1995, Support of Underground Excavations in Hard Rock, A/A/ Ba;le,a. Rotterdam, Brookfield. 4. Jimeno, 1995, Drilling and Blasting of Rocks, A.A.Balkema, Rotterdam, Brookfield. 5. Langefors U and Kihlsorm B., 1981, The Modern Technique Of Rock Blasting, A Halsted Press Book, John Willey & Sons, New York. 6. Technical Service, 1991, Safe and Efficient Blasting in Underground Metal Mines, Copyright by Orica, Australia. 7. _______, 2004, Modul Kursus Juru Ledak XV, Pusdiklat Teknologi Mineral dan Batubara, Bandung. 8. _______, 2011, Presentasi Sekilas Tentang CSD, Human Resources Department PT. CSD, Cibaliung. 63

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Page 1: Daftar Pustaka Jilly Sthlh Sidang


1. Bieniawski, Z.T., 1989, Engineering Rock Mass Classification, John Wiley & Sons, New York.

2. Hoek, E. and Brown, E.T., 1980, Underground Excavation in Rock, Institution of Mining & Metallurgy, London.

3. Hoek, E., Kaiser P.K., and Bawden W.F., 1995, Support of Underground Excavations in Hard Rock, A/A/ Ba;le,a. Rotterdam, Brookfield.

4. Jimeno, 1995, Drilling and Blasting of Rocks, A.A.Balkema, Rotterdam, Brookfield.

5. Langefors U and Kihlsorm B., 1981, The Modern Technique Of Rock Blasting, A Halsted Press Book, John Willey & Sons, New York.

6. Technical Service, 1991, Safe and Efficient Blasting in Underground Metal Mines, Copyright by Orica, Australia.

7. _______, 2004, Modul Kursus Juru Ledak XV, Pusdiklat Teknologi Mineral dan Batubara, Bandung.

8. _______, 2011, Presentasi Sekilas Tentang CSD, Human Resources Department PT. CSD, Cibaliung.