cv+portfolio by giulio cesare ghermandi


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Page 1: CV+Portfolio by Giulio Cesare Ghermandi
Page 2: CV+Portfolio by Giulio Cesare Ghermandi

GIULIO CESARE GHERMANDIArchitect and project designer


First name - Surname






October 2015 - Present

Key info


September 2013 - July 2015

Key info


September 2012

Key info


May 2012 - July 2012

Key info


Giulio Cesare Ghermandi

Southwark, London, UK

+44 07932492437

[email protected] - [email protected]


Architectural Assistant

AR ArchitectureOld Town Hall - 213 Haverstock Hill - London - NW3 4QP -

Working on many high-end residential and hospitality projects, including small extensions, luxury houses and big dwellings, using Autodesk Revit as main design program.

Amongst my duties:- Producing tender drawings, details and build-ups.- Completing Planning, Pre-Planning and other various applications.- Coordinating consultants and contractors.- Working closely with Building Control advisors.- Building realtions with the clients.- Writing design and technical reports.

Architect and project designer

LFAR StudioVia Garibaldi, 90 - 44121 - Ferrara -

Working on several architecture competitions and projects such as residential properties, office headquarters, schools, hospitals and landscaping, using Autodesk Revit as main design program.

Intern Architect

Canali AssociatiStrada Petrarca, 9 - 43121 - Parma -

Working in a team on various architectural projects, some of which were showcased at the International Architecture Exhibition of Venice. Creating physical models of projects.

Project designer

Creati.Bo Cultural AssociationVia D’Azeglio, 23 - 40123 - Bologna -

Designing a preliminary project for the redevelopment of September 11th Park in Bologna, in association with the Museum of Modern Art and the Cineteca of Bologna.

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GIULIO CESARE GHERMANDIArchitect and designer


January 2014 Registered Architect n° 692 (OAPPC)

Ordine degli Architetti, Pianificatori, Paesaggisti e Conservatori della Provincia di FerraraVia Tassini Marcello, 6 - 44123 - Ferrara -

Italian (mother tongue), English (fluent), Spanish (elementary) and Turkish (beginner)

I am an adaptable and hardworking individual with highly developed organisational and communication skills thanks to my involvement with architectural firms in different cultural environments. I am capable of working under pressure and I am an icredibly fast learner. I have a clear, logical mind with a practical approach to problem solving and a drive to see projects through to completion. I’m used to work both on my own initiative and in a team.

Architecture design (interior and exterior), urban planning, building energy management, 3D modelling and rendering, physical modelling, graphic design, coastal planning and sand dunes rebuilding systems.

Highly skilled in the use of many programs such as Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator, Autodesk AutoCAD, Autodesk Revit, Autodesk 3DS Max with V-Ray, Autodesk Vasari, Bentley MicroStation, Google Sketchup, Macron Cinema 4D, Rhinoceros, Nemetschek Allplan, Vectorworks and all the programs of the Microsoft Office Suite.In particular in the last three years I developed a deep knowledge of Autodesk Revit, learning how to use parametric families, worksets and how to coordinate projects, and I’ve experienced how to help design teams passing from CAD programs to Revit and BIM in general.

Good physical modelling skills developed in years of hobby practice that led to a long collaboration with the Games Workshop Hobby Store of Bologna.Good physical skills and competitive mind. I played basketball, football, kayaking and I’ve been a gold medal and best male athlete of Emilia Romagna in tae kwon do.

September 2007 - March 2013

Graduation work

Master Degree in Architecture - 105/110

Università degli studi di Ferrara - Department of ArchitectureVia della Ghiara, 36 - 44121 - Ferrara -

Milano Marittima: redeveloping Colonia Varese through sport and nature and regenerating the north area of the town.

August 2012 “Design for all” International Workshop

National Institute of Design (NID)Extension Road - Gandhinagar - Gujarat -

September 2002 - July 2007 High School Graduation (A level equivalent)

Liceo Classico “Marco Minghetti”Via Nazario Sauro, 18 - 40121 - Bologna -



Personal profile

Architectural skills

Computer skills


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KEEPER’S HOUSEVia Siepelunga, 46 - 440137 - Bologna (BO) - Italy

Project by Giulio Cesare Ghermandi and Michele Filippini (2014)

The request to tender was the creation of a keeper’s house located inside Villa Belpoggio-Baciocchi Park.

The project takes materials and elements of the neo-classical mansion and transforms them into new shapes and volumes, creating a contemporary architecture linked the past.All the rooms in this project are shaped to emphasize the surrounding landscape looking onto Villa Belpoggio-Baciocchi and the hills of Bologna.

A great effort has been put into the sustainability: the project is entirely built in wood (X-LAM wood walls) and carefully insulated using natural materials. In addition a condensing boiler and floor heating system give this property extra comfort.These choices have allowed the property to achieve level A in the “Casa Clima” energy efficiency rating.

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Project by Giulio Cesare Ghermandi,Luca Farinelli, Michele Filippini, Maria Chiara Santi (2014)

The request to tender was the creation of a new school campus, consisting of a primary school, a secondary school, a gym and an auditorium.

The planning of the project is spiral shaped, both to symbolize the growth of the children and to create inner courts where the younger children can play safely.

The psychological use of colours plays an important part in the project: orange has an energizing power and keeps attention levels high in the primary school classrooms and green has a relaxing power and brings calm to the secondary school students.

The structure of the project is in wood, and renewable power sources, such as solar energy have been used to achieve LEED Gold certification for this development.

Green areas and courts

Spiral shape of the building

Classrooms position

Offices and auditorium position

Accessibility to the area

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Wind chimneys

Middle schoolclassrooms

Primary schoolclassrooms




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SGR HEADQUARTERSVia G. Chiabrera, 34 - 47924 - Rimini (RN) -

WINNER PROJECT by Giulio Cesare Ghermandi,Luca Farinelli, Michele Filippini, Maria Chiara Santi (2014)

The request to tender was the expansion of the existing SGR headquarters through the creation of new conference area, some offices, a hotel, a spa, an underground parking area and a public park.

The aim of the project was to create a landmark building through the transformation of the materials and elements of the existing headquarters into new shapes and volumes. Thanks to this choice the new building looks at the same time both new and in continuity with the existing headquarters.

The different areas can be easily recognized from the outside: the hotel with restaurant (red suspended cube), the conference area (brick cube), the reception (glass base), and the wellness area (underground level). All these functions can work both in an independent way, and in a system.

The project is designed to work using all kinds of power sources: gas (trigeneration plant), sun (photovoltaic plant), earth (geothermal plant).The project got the LEED gold certification.




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UNDERGROUND FLOOR - WELLNESS AREAContaining massage rooms, hydromassage pools and a gym

THIRD FLOOR - SOLARIUMGreen terrace with pools with an amazing view of the sea

FOURTH FLOOR - RESTAURANTExtension of the existing “Quartopiano Suite Restaurant”

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EX MOFCorso Isonzo - 44121 - Ferrara (FE) -

Project by Giulio Cesare Ghermandi,Luca Farinelli, Michele Filippini, Elisa Mazzola Maria Chiara Santi (2014)

The request to tender was the requalification and refurbishing of the old vegetable market of the city, also known as “Ex Mof”, including the creation of a new town square at its main front.

The inspiration for the town square comes from the history and the features both of Ferrara and of the original vegetable market: pools of shallow water to recall the moat of the castle and the river Po and fruit trees to bring back to memory the ancient use of this area.

Except for some non-original features, the building exterior has been kept the same, not original structures have been removed and glass elements have been added to enhance the authentic look.However the interior has completely refurbished, with the creation of new contemporary stairs and lifts inside the tower. The multi-storey building has been reorganized over its three levels: conference area on the underground level, urban centre on the ground level, and on the top floor, “Ordine degli Architetti di Ferrara” new headquarter.

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UNIVERSITY CAMPUSVia Aldo Moro, 8 - 44124 - Cona (Fe) -

Project by Giulio Cesare Ghermandi,Luca Farinelli, Michele Filippini, Maria Chiara Santi (2013)

The request to tender was the creation of the new university campus for the department of medicine, opposite the S. Anna Hospital of Cona.

Located in the middle of a parking area, few issues arose regarding the health and safety of pedestrians. To keep pedestrians and vehicles separate, it was decided to design the building as a cube, with a central, verdant, internal court.

Being the court the place where students can meet each other, to study or simply to relax, symbolically it is the heart of the project. For this reason, the building is totally accessible and transparent around the inner court, while the exterior glass facade, facing the car park, is covered with corten steel panels. These automatically change their position depending on the light gradient and can be totally closed or opened when needed.

Above the building, an imposing brise soleil structure shadows the inner court and the users of the campus from sunlight.

The building works with a high quality trigeneration energy plant. The project achieve the LEED gold certification.

Location Shape Protection Inner court Outer opening Sun shielding Design

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COLONIA VARESEVia G. Matteorri - 48015 - Milano Marittima (RA) - Italy

Project by Giulio Cesare Ghermandi (2013)Supervisors: Luca Emanueli and Paolo Ciavola

Full title: “Milano Marittima: redeveloping Colonia Varese through sport and nature and regenerating the north area of the town”

The aim of the project is to redevelop the deteriorated northern area of Milano Marittima, which is surrounded by neglected buildings, the majority of which used to be sea colonies. Colonia Varese is one of the biggest abandoned colonies and represent one of the greatest urban void in the city.

The idea is to place inside Colonia Varese shops and businesses (both permanent and temporary) linked to the everyday life and economy of the city, in order to drive the strengths of the area and create a domino effect to naturally revive the economy.A SWOT analysis of the surrounding areas had found that sport, outdoor and cyclotourism were in high demand and could be the key to rejuvenate Colonia Varese.

The project also proposes an architectural renovation of the building itself, refreshing the look, mainly using climbing greenery that allow to have a cost effective and low impact passive energy management, giving to Colonia Varese a dynamic appearance.

The graduation work also includes a project of dune rebuilding on the northern seaside of Milano Marittima. The dune are an effective structure to protect the shore from erosion and to re-naturalize it.

This is the first Italian project of dune rebuilding which included landscape planning and design.



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DUNE RECONSTRUCTION PROJECTPedestrian and cycle routes

DUNE RECONSTRUCTION PROJECTHigh density green implants area

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CONCEPT HOUSEAlberoni (VE) - Italy

Project by Giulio Cesare Ghermandi (2012)Supervisor: Frederic Barogi

The aim of the project is to create a residential home, where the rooms are not just functional and everyday life spaces, but also a spiritual abode, able to create balance and peace between the man and his soul, between the man and the universe. The aim of the project is to create a private home that is not just a house, but almost a sacred temple.

The project is collocated inside the Alberoni fort, an octagonal sea fortress built in the XVI century, currently left in disuse.

The idea is to create within the fort two overlapping paths: one is a spiral boardwalk that leads to an high tower, almost a lighthouse, while the other is an underground route that connects all the rooms in the house, starting from the darkest one to the lightest one (sauna, monumental hallway, kitchen, dining room, bedroom, living room and bathroom).

The whole project aims to represent the man’s spiritual rise achievable through the nature and living in harmony with it.

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WATERFRONTCastel dell’Alpi (BO) - Italy

Project by Giulio Cesare Ghermandi and Luca Ferioli (2011)Supervisor: Roberto Di Giulio

The aim of the project is to create a place that can be a landmark, a tourist magnet and a spot for the locals to congregate.

The first obstacle, ironically, gives shape to the whole concept of the project: to fill the contrast in height of the town and the lower lake.The contour lines have been used to create an imposing wooden staircase, underneath which are located a restaurant, a bar, a service room and a boat rental.

Near those spaces, the staircase progress into increasingly narrower steps that softly turn into brise soleil. The storage and facilities are completely concealed and camouflaged into the natural look of the waterfront.

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Project by Giulio Cesare Ghermandi and Luca Ferioli (2011)Supervisor: Carmelo Baglivo

The aim of the project is to expand the Rome Exhibition adding new docks on the river Tiber, that would facilitate the management of the most prominent ships exhibition in Italy.

The centre of the project is a “twisted tower” that carries on a wide walking path that links the new dock and the exhibition buildings. The twisting of the tower is not a meaningless gesture, but originated from the idea of representing the cardinal directions of the building (NW-SE), and the Rome-river estuary (NE-SW). The tower effectively starts from the ground like an exhibition building extension, and then stretch out on the river turning its “head” to the estuary.

At the feet of the tower, we can find the docks, a green parking area and a big park that can close off the guests from the noise and the crowd of the exhibition. Inside the park we can find two other buildings: the ever changing “MOA Home” restaurant (inspired by the famous What Happens When restaurant in New York), and the new “underwater” Museum of the Ancient Roman Ships (inspired by Leandro Elrich’s “Swimming Pool)”.

Exhibition-river connection Landscape view Turning to the sea Crossing roads

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TOWER BUILDINGVia Rezzonico - 22100 - Como (CO) - Italy

Project by Giulio Cesare Ghermandi and Luca Ferioli (2009)Supervisor: Paola Gennaro

The aim of the project is to fill a small triangular shaped space located near the central square of Como, with a multifunctional tower building, containing a bar, an apartment and offices. The concept is to create a building with a double appearance: made of stone and monumental on the side of Terragni’s “Casa del Fascio”, and made of glass and transparent on the other. On the sides of the building the stone fade into the glass, resembling the rocks of the mountains meeting the water of the lake of Como.


Project by Giulio Cesare Ghermandi and Luca Ferioli (2010)Supervisor: Marco Venturi

The aim of the project is to revaluate the degraded area near the highway gate of Rimini and to discourage the use of cars in the city centre.The concept is to conceal the highway with a series of artificial hills. Within the structure are located businesses and public facilities in order to both attract people to the area (pubs, a new stadium, an indoor surfing facility) and also link them to the city centre (exchange parking, pedestrian roads with people movers).