cultural interaction everyday life

Dr Dolors Mayoral Arqué [email protected] Universitat de Lleida

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CULTURAL INTERACTION everyday life. Dr Dolors Mayoral Arqué [email protected] Universitat de Lleida. CULTURAL INTERACTION. We live in multicultural societies in which different cultures coexist It is impossible to avoid interaction between cultures. Interaction is desirable - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Dr Dolors Mayoral Arqué[email protected]

Universitat de Lleida

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We aim for well-consolidated societies

We want newcomers to participate in our project for society and in our democratic and cultural values

We are also convinced of the advantages of newcomers conserving and maintaining their own culture

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There are three main areas in which to work:

a) Cultural diversity b) Consolidating and perfecting democracy c) Constructing a common project

For all of these reasons

It is necessary to structure and achieve agreement on a series of norms that help to make cultural diversity and social harmony compatible

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There are three elements to consider:

Culture Religion Communication

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Questions to consider

Culture: 1st – The fact that there are numerous possible

responses to the same cultural reality

2nd – The difficulties in understanding cultural responses that differ from those of our own culture

3rd – The difficulties in discerning between culture and religion, manifestations of culture that have a religious origin, and/or religious manifestations that have a cultural origin

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Culture implies:

An instrumental order

A moral order: conceptions based on dichotomies such as truth/lies, good/evil, beauty/ugliness, etc. In different cultures there may be different conceptions of this moral order.

All of the previously mentioned aspects influence and determine communication

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Communication is influenced by:

a) The level of social identity b) The level of individual identity

In the case of individual identity, it is difficult to provide pre-established responses

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a) How people present themselves

b) Verbal and non-verbal language

c) The context: formal or informal

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1. Objectives: a) To facilitate communication through a

knowledge and understanding of aspects that govern basic relations between different communities in order to avoid conflict.

b) To improve the ability of professionals to interact with immigrants from these communities.

c) To identify and remove potential sources of intercultural conflict.

d) To improve the efficiency of professional practice.

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The communities:◦ Senegalese◦ Argentines◦ Romanians◦ Moroccans

Methodology:◦ Observation◦ Interview◦ Group discussion

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Actions analysed:◦ How people greet each other◦ Image – what people look like◦ Interaction with heath care, educational and

social service institutions: how people make initial contact; their previous experiences; perceptions of different attitudes, habits and forms of organisation. Differences and similarities between the country of origin and the receiving society

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Conclusions about cultural difference:

1st – People from different cultural backgrounds habitually present different responses to the same problems because they have different cultural values

2nd – Different cultural values also produce differences in the resulting forms of social relations

3rd – Cultural/religious differences in situations or contexts in which religious norms dictate social responses. It is important to prevent religious values becoming a source of permanent conflict. It is also necessary to find ways of accommodating them and to seek reasonable compromises that are acceptable to all parties.

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Cultural difference in direct inter-personal relations:

This may condition communication even when all the parties concerned seek to make the best possible impression

Cultural difference may either be very evident or remain hidden

Cultural difference influences expectations regarding communication and interaction

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Everyone wants to make a good impression

Forms of communicating with others do not only differ at the community level but also at the individual level.

Heterogeneity of responses: the absence of rules and self-imposed inhibition of certain cultural traits and expressions

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Different options for meeting and greeting people:

a) Adopting Western customs and uses

b) Developing different models according to the context and level of formality

c) Continuing with their own model, reaffirming their identity and explaining their reasons for doing this.

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We are not conscious of cultural difference We rely on too many pre-conceived stereotypes We tend to be oversensitive, especially in the

case of official institutions Their presence tends to be exaggerated We lack knowledge and understanding of what

cultural difference implies and also lack strategies for dealing with it

We often make comments and/or act in ways that help to maintain and promote these prejudices

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Immigrants feel disorientated and have a tendency to be wary of strangers and to doubt their motives

Dress and gestures mark clear differences This latent prejudice is present in the

majority of social interactions

Prejudice can take many forms: Deficient communication+ lack of

comprehension = suspicion

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Attitudes that tend to humiliate others: making it obvious that they do not belong to the community = suspicion

The existence of stigmatised communities: in defence, these communities often overreact

Refusal to break ceremonial rules. Affronts to self-respect, verbal abuse, despective looks…