credit counseling – how does it help you get debt relief?

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Post on 22-Jan-2015



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Credit Counseling: A way to get out of debt. Check the slides to know how it work & what are their advantages and disadvantages.


  • 1. Debtconsolidationcare.comInternets first get-out-of-debt community470,973 members

2. Credit counseling What does it do for the debtors?Credit counseling helps you get debt relief in the 4 ways: Helps you in budget planning Assists you to slash your monthly payments Arranges an affordable repayment plan Enables you to save money & get out of debt 3. What happens in credit counseling? Evaluation of your financialhealth Assistance in creating acustomized budget plan Suggestion of smart moneymanagement tricks 4. What happens if it does not help you?Credit counselors will offer debtmanagement plan wherein: Your interest rates will bereduced An affordable & single monthlypayment plan will be arranged Late fees and penalties will bewaived off 5. What are the 3 situations when you canget credit counseling? Before bankruptcy filing When you are going through debt problems When you want to repair your credit 6. How much can you save through creditcounseling? Your interest rates can bereduced from 22% to 8% The saving percentageprimarily differs fromperson to person 7. Do youve to pay fee for getting debt relief? Youll have to pay anominal fee to non-profitcredit counselingagencies Youll have to pay modestfees to debt managementcompanies 8. When can you expect to become debtfree?It basically depends upon your: You can expect to be debt freewithin 3 and 5 years Financial health Monthly payment amount Types of creditors Total debt amount 9. When is credit counseling best suited for you? When its hard to makeminimum payments When youre living paycheckto paycheck When youre short of cash When you cant afford to payfees and penalties 10. How does credit counseling affect yourscore? Credit counseling doesnthave a negative impact onyour score Late payments before or afterthe beginning of programmay hurt your score 11. How can you find a good credit-counseling agency?You can find a good credit-counseling agency by Checking the license and affiliation Checking the qualification of credit counselors Going through the consumer feedback Asking questions in a good online financial forum Checking the privacy policy of the agency 12. For more information: Contact us at 800-DEBT-913Send mails [email protected] us on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube