creating sentiment line chart with watson

remkohdev 9/25/2016 Creating Sentiment Line Chart for the News with Watson, Python, and D3js Requirements: You must have Python installed. Check to see if you have Python installed from the commandline: python --version Table of Contents: 1. Create a Starterapp 2. Git Clone and Setup 3. Create Additional Folders and Files 4. Commit and Push Changes to Repository, Build and Deploy 5. Create an AlchemyAPI service 6. Create a Cloudant NoSQL service 7. Add the Basic Workflow for Request-Response 8. Get News using AlchemyAPI 9. Create Helper Functions 10. Save Responses in Cloudant 11. Parse Response for D3js 12. Draw the Line Chart in D3js You can import AlchemyAPI requests into Postman with this Postman collection. The source code for the application can be viewed or cloned from Github. 1. Create a Starterapp 1. Go to Catalog > Boilerplates 2. Click the ‘Python Flask’ starterapp 3. For name enter -newssentiment 4. Go to Overview 5. Under ‘Continuous Integration’ click ‘Add GIT Repo and Pipeline’ to add a DevOps platform, select ‘Populate the repo with the starterapp packageand enable Build & Deploy pipeline’ > Click Continue > Click ‘CLOSE’. 6. Click ‘EDIT CODE’. 7. The very first time you login to the ‘DevOps’ environment you will need to pick a username for the ‘DevOps’ environment. 8. In the left menu of icons, click the top folder icon, and click ‘Git URL’ to copy the Git repository url. 9. If you prefer to edit in the online editor in Bluemix, click ‘EDIT CODE’ button and then click the second pencil icon in the left menu of icons. 10. I will continue to work on localhost instead. 2. Git Clone and Setup 1. To work on your localhost, from the commandline clone the remote repository from bluemix DevOps to your localhos: git clone<username>/remkohdev-newssentiment cd remkohdev-newssentiment 2. Setup the virtualenv and activate virtualenv: virtualenv venv . venv/bin/activate 3. install Python3 virtualenv -p python3 venv 4. Install flask package into the right runtime, i.e. ‘python3.5’ thus using ‘pip3.5’: pip3.5 install flask 5. Run Flask as follows with ‘python3.5’: export python3.5 -m flask run Open a browser and go to http://localhost:5000. You should see the following startup app. 1/29

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Page 1: Creating Sentiment Line Chart with Watson

remkohdev 9/25/2016

Creating Sentiment Line Chart for the News with Watson, Python, and

Requirements:You must have Python installed. Check to see if you have Python installed from the commandline:python --version

Table of Contents:

1. Create a Starterapp

2. Git Clone and Setup

3. Create Additional Folders and Files

4. Commit and Push Changes to Repository, Build and Deploy

5. Create an AlchemyAPI service

6. Create a Cloudant NoSQL service

7. Add the Basic Workflow for Request-Response

8. Get News using AlchemyAPI

9. Create Helper Functions

10. Save Responses in Cloudant

11. Parse Response for D3js

12. Draw the Line Chart in D3js

You can import AlchemyAPI requests into Postman with this Postman collection.

The source code for the application can be viewed or cloned from Github.

1. Create a Starterapp

1. Go to Catalog > Boilerplates

2. Click the ‘Python Flask’ starterapp

3. For name enter -newssentiment

4. Go to Overview

5. Under ‘Continuous Integration’ click ‘Add GIT Repo and Pipeline’ to add a DevOps platform, select ‘Populate the repo with the starterapp packageandenable Build & Deploy pipeline’ > Click Continue > Click ‘CLOSE’.

6. Click ‘EDIT CODE’.

7. The very first time you login to the ‘DevOps’ environment you will need to pick a username for the ‘DevOps’ environment.

8. In the left menu of icons, click the top folder icon, and click ‘Git URL’ to copy the Git repository url.

9. If you prefer to edit in the online editor in Bluemix, click ‘EDIT CODE’ button and then click the second pencil icon in the left menu of icons.

10. I will continue to work on localhost instead.

2. Git Clone and Setup

1. To work on your localhost, from the commandline clone the remote repository from bluemix DevOps to your localhos:git clone<username>/remkohdev-newssentimentcd remkohdev-newssentiment

2. Setup the virtualenv and activate virtualenv:virtualenv venv. venv/bin/activate

3. install Python3virtualenv -p python3 venv

4. Install flask package into the right runtime, i.e. ‘python3.5’ thus using ‘pip3.5’:pip3.5 install flask

5. Run Flask as follows with ‘python3.5’:export FLASK_APP=welcome.pypython3.5 -m flask run

Open a browser and go to http://localhost:5000. You should see the following startup app.


Page 2: Creating Sentiment Line Chart with Watson

3. Create additional folders and files

Open the editor:

1. Open the ‘Procfile’ and verify the startup command to ‘web: python’,

2. To create a new folder in the online editor, click: File > New > Folder from the top menu ‘templates’,

3. Create the following folders:






‘~/mymodule’ , a module folder to hold custom packages.

4. To create a new file in the online editor, click: File > New > File,

5. Create the following files:







‘~/mymodule/’ , to make the ‘~/mymodule’ folder a Python module you have to create an empty file named ‘’.

6. I am using version 3 of D3js, though recently version 4 was published. Download and unzip ‘’to the ‘~/static/js/d3js’ folder.In the online editor, you can import libraries via the import feature. Select the ‘~/static/js/d3js’ folder, then from the top menu, click File > Import > HTTP,paste ‘’ and click ‘Submit’,

7. Also download and install JQuery and JQuery-Validation.

Download ‘’ to the ‘~/static/js/jquery’ folder.

In the online editor, select the ‘~/static/js/jquery’ folder, then from the top menu, click File > Import > HTTP, paste ‘’ and click ‘Submit’,

Download and unzip ‘’ to the‘~/static/js/jquery-validation’ folder.

Select the ‘~/static/js/jquery-validation’ folder, then from the top menu, click File > Import > HTTP, paste ‘’ and click ‘Submit’.

4. Commit and Push Changes to Repository, Build and Deploy

From localhost using git:


Page 3: Creating Sentiment Line Chart with Watson

1. Add the following directories to ‘~/.gitignore’ and ‘~/.cfignore’venv/__pycache__/

2. Verify the files that have changedgit statusYou should see.gitignoremymodule/static/js/templates/

3. Add the files to the git indexgit add *

4. Commit the files for push to the remote master branchgit commit -m "setup"

5. And push the files to the remote mastergit push

From localhost using the CloudFoundry cli:

1. Make the changes to ‘~/.gitignore’ and ‘~/.cfignore’ as above,

2. Make sure the cf cli is installed or install it from ‘’,

3. Connect to Bluemixcf api will be asked to login with your Bluemix username (registration email) and password, and select a space.

4. Push changes to Bluemixcf push

From the online editor:

1. In the left menu of icons, click the third Git icon,

2. In the right commit message box, type ‘init1’ and click ‘Commit’,

3. In the left, in the ‘Outgoing’ section, make sure the commits appear and click ‘Push’,

4. Go to the top right ‘BUILD & DEPLOY’, the default Build stage and Deploy stage should be triggered,

5. If an error occurs, from the commandline on your localhost, use ‘cf login’ and ‘cf logs –recent -newssentiment’ to find detailed log output,

6. Alternatively to using the online Git, you can use in the online editor next to the application status box, the play button to ‘Deploy the App from theWorkspace’.

5. Create an AlchemyAPI service

1. Go back to the application overview page,

2. In ‘Connections’ in the ‘new-console’, click ‘Connect New’, or in classic ‘console’, click ‘ADD A SERVICE OR API’,

3. This takes you to the Catalog, select the ‘Watson’ category, search and click AlchemyAPI,

4. In ‘Service Name’ enter ‘ -newssentiment-AlchemyAPI’, make sure in the left under ‘Connect to’ the application you created is selected, select the ‘Free’plan and click ‘CREATE’, and ‘RESTAGE’.

5. In the ‘new-console’, go to ‘Runtime’ and ‘Environment Variables’, in classic console go to ‘Environment Variables’. Under ‘VCAP_SERVICES’ you willfind the credentials of the services or connections, with these you can access the AlchemyAPI.

6. Create a Cloudant NoSQL service

1. Go back to the application overview page again,

2. In ‘Connections’ in the ‘new-console’, click ‘Connect New’, or in classic console, click ‘ADD A SERVICE OR API’,

3. This takes you to the Catalog again, select the ‘Data and Analytics’ category, and click ‘Cloudant NoSQL DB’,

4. In ‘Service Name’ enter ‘ -newssentiment-Cloudant’, make sure in the left under ‘Connect to’ the application you created is selected, select the free ‘Lite’plan and click ‘CREATE’, and ‘RESTAGE’,

7. Add the Basic Workflow for Request-Response

Now we are ready to code and connect all the pieces.

I will:

1. Change the ‘index.html’ and ‘report.html’ pages,


Page 4: Creating Sentiment Line Chart with Watson

2. Change code for the ‘/’ route, and create a ‘/search’ route.

In your editor, open the ‘’ file,

look for the line ‘@app.route(‘/’)’ around line 20, and change the return value to return render_template('index.html')At the top of the file add the ‘render_template’, ‘Response’ and ‘request’ packages to the import from flask’,from flask import Flask, jsonify, render_template, Response, requestRemove the code for the routes ‘/myapp’, ‘/api/people’, ‘/api/people/‘.

Add the ‘/search’ route to the ‘’ file, so that your ‘’ code now looks as follows:

import os

from flask import Flask, jsonify, render_template, Response, request

app = Flask(__name__)


def Welcome():

#return app.send_static_file('index.html')

return render_template('index.html')


def Search(startdate=None, enddate=None, searchterm=None, count=None):

startdate = request.args.get('startdate', '7daysago')

enddate = request.args.get('enddate', 'today')

searchterm = request.args.get('searchterm')

count = request.args.get('count')

response = {

'startdate' : startdate,

'enddate' : enddate,

'searchterm' : searchterm,

'count' : count


return render_template('report.html',


port = os.getenv('PORT', '5000')

if __name__ == "__main__":'', port=int(port))


Page 5: Creating Sentiment Line Chart with Watson

view raw newssentiment_flask_server_routes.html hosted with by GitHub

Add the following code to the ‘~/templates/index.html’ file



<title>My News Sentiment</title>

<link href="{{ url_for('static', filename='stylesheets/style.css') }}">

<style type="text/css">


Page 6: Creating Sentiment Line Chart with Watson

body {

margin: 50px;


label {

display: inline-block;

width: 200px;


button {

margin: 20px;






<h1>News Sentiment</h1>

<form action="" method="get" id="searchform">


<label for="startdate">Startdate:</label>

<input type="date" name="startdate">



<label for="enddate">Enddate:</label>

<input type="date" name="enddate">



<label for="searchterm">Search for:</label>

<input type="text" name="searchterm">



<label for="">Number of results</label>

<select name="count">

<option value="25">25</option>

<option value="100">100</option>

<option value="500">500</option>


Page 7: Creating Sentiment Line Chart with Watson

<option value="1000">1000</option>



<div><button type="submit">Submit</button> </div>


<script type=text/javascript src="{{url_for('static', filename='js/jquery/jquery-3.1.1.min.js') }}"></script>

<script type=text/javascript src="{{url_for('static', filename='js/jquery-validation/jquery-validation-1.15.1/dist/jquery.validate.min.js') }}"></script>

<script type="text/javascript">

var validator =


rules: {

startdate: {

required: true


enddate: {

required: true


searchterm: {

required: true


count: {

required: true



submitHandler: function (form) {

$('form#searchform').attr('action', '/search')








Page 8: Creating Sentiment Line Chart with Watson

view raw newssentiment_flask_index.html hosted with by GitHub

Add the following code to the ‘~/templates/report.html’ file



<title>News Sentiment Response</title>

<link href="{{ url_for('static', filename='stylesheets/style.css') }}"></link>

<style type="text/css">


Page 9: Creating Sentiment Line Chart with Watson

body {

margin: 50px;





<h1>News Sentiment Response</h1>

<div id="response"></div>

<script type=text/javascript src="{{url_for('static', filename='js/jquery/jquery-3.1.1.min.js') }}"></script>

<script type="text/javascript">

var response = {{ response|tojson|safe }};

var responseAsStr = JSON.stringify(response, undefined, 2);

document.getElementById("response").innerHTML = responseAsStr;





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view raw newssentiment_flask_report.html hosted with by GitHub

In the online editor, deploy the app from the workspace. On localhost, restart the applicationpython3.5 -m flask runand in your browser go to



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8. Get News using AlchemyAPI

So far, the application allows a user to enter input information to do a news search, but the server just returns the input information.

Let’s take a look at the options for the AlchemyAPI News service.

Open a new browser tab and go to the AlchemyAPI Query Builder tool,

In ‘Search articles over’ select for startdate ‘August 1, 2016’ and for enddate select ‘September 16, 2016’, and click ‘Apply’,

Enter a ‘where’ search term, change ‘is mentioned’ to ‘anywhere’, change ‘and the Sentiment is’ to ‘Any’, select an appropriate Taxonomy, change ‘in thearticle’ to ‘body’,

In the Return section to the right, select all fields to enrich the search results with all NLP analytics, and ‘Run Query’,

Now, let’s add the Watson AlchemyAPI News service, so that the search form actually will return real news results.

1. I am using a package called ‘http.client’, which is a Python3 package, so I have to change the Python version value in the ‘runtime.txt’ file to ‘python-3.5.1’,

2. Add the following ‘import’ statement at the top of ‘’ to import the custom packages of the ‘mymodule’ module we created earlier,implementing the interaction with the AlchemyAPI and Cloudant services.from mymodule import myalchemyapi, mycloudantimport json

3. In the ‘~/mymodule/myalchemyapi’ package, add a function ‘GetNews()’ as follows:

import http.client

import csv

apikey = "<your-apikey>"

def GetNews(searchterm=None, outputMode="json", startdate=None, enddate=None, count="5", returnfields="enriched.url.url"):

conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection("")

headers = {


Page 12: Creating Sentiment Line Chart with Watson

'content-type': "application/json"


endpoint = ('/calls/data/GetNews?outputMode={0}&start={1}&end={2}&count={3}&q.enriched.url.enrichedTitle.keywords.keyword.text={4}&return={5}&apikey={6}').format(outputMode, startdate, enddate, count, searchterm, returnfields, apikey)

print("GetNews API. endpoint: %s", endpoint)

conn.request("GET", endpoint, headers=headers)

res = conn.getresponse()

logMsg = ("GetNews API. response: status[{0}], msg[{1}], reason[{2}]").format(res.status, res.msg, res.reason)


# returns bytes[]

data =

responseStr = data.decode("utf-8")

return responseStr


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view raw newssentiment_flask_f2f_getnews1.html hosted with by GitHub

4. Go to the application ‘Environment Variables’ page and in the ‘VCAP_SERVICES’ look for the ‘alchemy_api’ node, and copy the ‘apikey’ value in the‘credentials’ node. Go back to the ‘~/mymodule/myalchemyapi’ file and paste the value in place of ‘’apikey = ""

5. In the ‘’ file, change the ‘Search’ function, as follows:


def Search(startdate=None, enddate=None, searchterm=None, count=None):

startdateStr = request.args.get('startdate')

enddateStr = request.args.get('enddate')


Page 14: Creating Sentiment Line Chart with Watson

searchterm = request.args.get('searchterm')

count = request.args.get('count')

# format the correct start and end formats

startdate = myalchemyapi.FormatDate(startdateStr)

enddate = myalchemyapi.FormatDate(enddateStr)

# GetNews with Sentiment

returnfields = ''

articles = myalchemyapi.GetNews(searchterm=searchterm, returnfields=returnfields, startdate=startdate, enddate=enddate, count=count)

# prepare for d3js, calculate the average sentiment per day

uniqueSentimentList = myalchemyapi.ParseNews(articles, startdateStr, enddateStr)

response = {

'news' : uniqueSentimentList,

'startdate' : startdateStr,

'enddate' : enddateStr,

'searchterm' : searchterm


return render_template('report.html', response=response)


Page 15: Creating Sentiment Line Chart with Watson

view raw newssentiment_flask_routes_search2 hosted with by GitHub

Some comments to the new ‘’ code:

I added two helper functions ‘myalchemyapi.FormatDate(startdateStr)’ and ‘myalchemyapi.ParseNews(articles, startdateStr)’, so we need to add thesestill to the ‘mymodule/’ package. I will do that in the next step.

The AlchemyAPI GetNews API is more than just a News Search. The API combines news search with Watson NLP analytics in a single call. The realpower comes from the input parameters of the API that add complex configuration options that can include multiple NLP analytics to filter search results.In the ‘returnfields’ input parameter, I set the ‘return’ parameter for the API, which defines what data and meta-data from the search results I want toretrieve. There is a full list of Return values in the API documentation, the full list is accessible in this Google spreadsheet with currently 419 options. Fornow, I am only going to retrieve 3 fields: title, publication date and the sentiment score of the overall document.The sentiment score add for each search result a Sentiment Analysis API call. This will add the following return field:"docSentiment": {"score": -0.112443998}


Page 16: Creating Sentiment Line Chart with Watson

9. Create Helper Functions

Now, I will create the two helper methods ‘myalchemyapi.FormatDate(startdateStr)’ and ‘myalchemyapi.ParseNews(articles, startdateStr)’.

1. First, add the following code to the ‘mymodule/’ package:

import http.client

import csv

from datetime import datetime

import json

from mymodule import mycloudant

apikey = ""

def GetNews(searchterm=None, outputMode="json", startdate=None, enddate=None, count="5", returnfields="enriched.url.url"):

conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection("")

headers = {

'content-type': "application/json"


endpoint = ('/calls/data/GetNews?outputMode={0}&start={1}&end={2}&count={3}&q.enriched.url.enrichedTitle.keywords.keyword.text={4}&return={5}&apikey={6}').format(outputMode,startdate, enddate, count, searchterm, returnfields, apikey)

print("==GetNews API. endpoint: %s", endpoint)

conn.request("GET", endpoint, headers=headers)

res = conn.getresponse()

logMsg = ("GetNews API. response: status[{0}], msg[{1}], reason[{2}]").format(res.status, res.msg, res.reason)


# returns bytes[]

data =

responseStr = data.decode("utf-8")

return responseStr


1. the GetNews Alchemy API takes date formats in UTC timezone in seconds,

it also has convenience methods, in the form of 'now-1M' for the last month,

'now-1d' for yesterday, so I here convert any datetime to 'now-{0}d',

so that start and end could be e.g. 'now-30d' to 'now-0d'.


def FormatDate(dateStr=None):

now =


Page 17: Creating Sentiment Line Chart with Watson

date1 = datetime.strptime(dateStr, '%Y-%m-%d')

delta1 = now-date1

date1 = ("now-{0}d").format(delta1.days)

return date1


1. d3js takes an array of assiociative arrays as input, for convenience

I prepare that arrayon the server.

2. I create an array of unique days to be visualized in d3js and

have to order the set, cause d3js create a graph by drawing a line from

point to point, and i want to prevent the line to go back and forth,

creating a very messy graph.


def ParseNews(articles=None, startdate1=None, enddate1=None):

#print(("=====Articles: {0}").format(articles))

status1 = ""

startdate1 = datetime.strptime(startdate1, '%Y-%m-%d')

enddate1 = datetime.strptime(enddate1, '%Y-%m-%d')

if (articles==None or articles==""):

logMsg = "GetNews API Error: no response. "


return logMsg


logMsg = ("GetNews API response: {0}").format(articles)


articlesJson = json.loads(articles)

status1 = articlesJson['status']

if status1=='ERROR':

statusInfo = articlesJson['statusInfo']

logMsg = ('GetNews API Error. StatusInfo: {0}').format(statusInfo)


return logMsg

elif status1=='OK':

logMsg = "GetNews API status: OK "



Page 18: Creating Sentiment Line Chart with Watson

# Here everything is OK


sentimentList = []

docs = articlesJson['result']['docs']

for doc in docs:

enrichedURL = doc['source']['enriched']['url']

# Get publicationDate

publicationDate = enrichedURL['publicationDate']['date']

sentiment = enrichedURL['docSentiment']['score']

# construct data array for d3js, append row

sentimentRow = {"publicationDate": publicationDate, "sentiment": sentiment}


#get unique publicationDates


uniqueDates = set()

for dic in sentimentList:

pubdate1 = dic['publicationDate']

pubdate1 = datetime.strptime(pubdate1, '%Y%m%dT%H%M%S')

# make sure publicationdates are within range

if (startdate1 < pubdate1) and (pubdate1 < enddate1):

# set times for all dates to zero for Ymd comparison

pubdate1 = pubdate1.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0)

# only add the date if new date

if pubdate1 not in uniqueDates:


uniqueDates = sorted(uniqueDates)

# loop through the uniqueDates and calculate averages for duplicates by date

i1 = 0

for uniqueDate in uniqueDates:


sentiments = 0


for row in sentimentList:

rowDate = datetime.strptime(row['publicationDate'], '%Y%m%dT%H%M%S')


Page 19: Creating Sentiment Line Chart with Watson

# set times for all dates to zero for Ymd comparison

rowDate = rowDate.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0)

if rowDate==uniqueDate:


sentiments += row['sentiment']

avgSentiment = sentiments/i

shortUniqueDate = ("{0}-{1}-{2}").format(uniqueDate.strftime("%Y"), uniqueDate.strftime("%m"), uniqueDate.strftime("%d"))

uniqueSentimentRow = {"publicationDate": shortUniqueDate, "sentiment": avgSentiment}


return uniqueSentimentList


Page 20: Creating Sentiment Line Chart with Watson

view raw hosted with by GitHub

10. Save Responses in Cloudant

I want to save all search results. First, I have to create a database in cloudant to store all search results.

1. In the ‘new-console’ go to ‘All Items’ or in the classic console in the application overview page, under ‘Services’, click the ‘Cloudant NoSQL’ service, andclick the green ‘LAUNCH’ button,

2. In the left menu, click ‘Databases’,

3. In the top right of the page, click ‘Create Dababase’, enter ‘newssentiment’ and click ‘Create’.

Next configure the Python application to use Cloudant to save the search results. I am using the Python Cloudant package.

1. In your IDE, open the ‘~/mymodule/’ file and add the following code:


Page 21: Creating Sentiment Line Chart with Watson

from cloudant.client import Cloudant

import json

username = ""

password = ""

cloudantURL = ""

client = Cloudant(username, password, url=cloudantURL)

def SaveNews(doc):

print('Save Document')

# class should be 'dict'

if isinstance(doc, str):

doc = json.loads(doc)


my_database = client['newssentiment']

my_document = my_database.create_document(doc)

if my_document.exists():

print('Save Document: SUCCESS')


print('Save Document: ERROR')


def GetNews():


my_database = client['newssentiment']

# document_id

news = my_database[document_id]


# json to string

news = json.dumps(news)

return news;


Page 22: Creating Sentiment Line Chart with Watson

view raw hosted with by GitHubIn the application overview page, go to the ‘Environment Variables’ page and in the ‘VCAP_SERVICES’ look for the ‘cloudantNoSQLDB’ service. Copythe credentials and configure the Cloudant credentials in the ‘~/mymodule/’ file.username = "<cloudant_username>"password = "<cloudant_password>"cloudantURL = "<cloudant_url>"For the cloudantURL, use the format ‘’ without ‘username:password@’.

2. The code in the ‘~/mymodule/’ file, imports the Cloudant package from the ‘cloudant.client’ module , which is not yet installed:from cloudant.client import Cloudant


Page 23: Creating Sentiment Line Chart with Watson

3. To install the ‘Cloudant’ package for python3.5, from the commandline in the root of your project, run:pip3.5 install cloudantand make sure it gets installed in the ‘venv/lib/python3.5/site-packages/’.Note the installation results:Installing collected packages: requests, cloudantSuccessfully installed cloudant-2.1.1 requests-2.11.1

4. Edit the file ‘requirements.txt’ to include the correct package version:Flask==0.10.1cloudant==2.1.1Bluemix uses the ‘requirements.txt’ file to install dependencies, instead of running from a ‘virtualenv’ environment like I do on localhost.

5. Add the following line in the ‘mymodule/’ package in the ‘ParseNews()’ function around line 70 before parsing the ‘result’:# Here everything is OKmycloudant.SaveNews(articles)sentimentList = []docs = articlesJson['result']['docs']for doc in docs:

Report.html with AlchemyAPI GetNews API results.

11. Parse Response for D3js

The ‘def ParseNews(articles=None, startdate1=None):’ method in the ‘mymodule/’ package, parses the JSON document from theAlchemyAPI to a format that is used by D3js to load and draw the graph. D3js has its own functions to transform data, but I prefer to do it on the server.

The D3js format for the sentiment data is as follows:[ {"publicationDate": publicationDate, "sentiment": sentiment}, {"publicationDate": publicationDate, "sentiment": sentiment}]

The ‘ParseNews()’ method creates the correct format, but there are also multiple results per day. For a better display in the D3js graph, I average multiplescores for a single day, and sort the results ascending by date, so D3js will draw a logical line forward in time. The result is a list of unique dates with averagesentiment per day.

12. Draw the Line Chart in D3js

I used Mike Bostock’s Line Chart as the base graph for the Sentiment by Day chart.

Add the following code to the ‘~/templates/report.html’ page.



<title>News Sentiment Response</title>

<link href="{{ url_for('static', filename='stylesheets/style.css') }}"></link>

<style type="text/css">


Page 24: Creating Sentiment Line Chart with Watson

body {

margin: 50px;

font: 10px sans-serif;


.axis path,

.axis line {

fill: none;

stroke: #000;

shape-rendering: crispEdges;


.line {

fill: none;

stroke: steelblue;

stroke-width: 1.5px;


td, th {

padding: 1px 4px;

border: 1px solid black;


table {

border-collapse: collapse;





<script type=text/javascript src="{{url_for('static', filename='js/jquery/jquery-3.1.1.min.js') }}"></script>

<script type=text/javascript src="{{url_for('static', filename='js/d3js/d3/d3.min.js') }}"></script>

<script type="text/javascript">

var response = {{ response|tojson|safe }};

var responseAsStr = JSON.stringify(response);

var data =;

var respStartDate = response.startdate;


Page 25: Creating Sentiment Line Chart with Watson

var respEndDate = response.enddate;

var respSearchTerm = response.searchterm;

var body ="body");



.text("News Sentiment for '"+respSearchTerm+"'");


.text("from "+respStartDate+" to "+respEndDate);

var formatDate = d3.time.format("%Y-%m-%d");

var margin = {top: 20, right: 20, bottom: 30, left: 50},

width = 960 - margin.left - margin.right,

height = 500 - - margin.bottom;

var x = d3.time.scale().range([0, width]);

var y = d3.scale.linear().range([height, 0]);

var xAxis = d3.svg.axis()



var yAxis = d3.svg.axis()



var line = d3.svg.line()

.x(function(d) { return x(d.publicationDate); })

.y(function(d) { return y(d.sentiment); });

var svg = body.append("svg")

.attr("width", width + margin.left + margin.right)

.attr("height", height + + margin.bottom)


.attr("transform", "translate(" + margin.left + "," + + ")");


d.publicationDate = formatDate.parse(d.publicationDate);

d.sentiment = parseFloat(d.sentiment);



Page 26: Creating Sentiment Line Chart with Watson

x.domain(d3.extent(data, function(d) {

return d.publicationDate;


y.domain(d3.extent(data, function(d) { return d.sentiment; }));


.attr("class", "x axis")

.attr("transform", "translate(0," + height + ")")



.attr("class", "y axis")



.attr("transform", "rotate(-90)")

.attr("y", 6)

.attr("dy", ".71em")

.style("text-anchor", "end")




.attr("class", "line")

.attr("d", line);

function tabulate(data, columns) {

var table ='body').append('table')

var thead = table.append('thead')

var tbody = table.append('tbody');

// append the header row





.text(function (column) { return column; });


Page 27: Creating Sentiment Line Chart with Watson

// create a row for each object in the data

var rows = tbody.selectAll('tr')




// create a cell in each row for each column

var cells = rows.selectAll('td')

.data(function (row) {

return (column) {

val = row[column];

if(row[column] instanceof Date){

val = row[column].getFullYear()+"-"+



return {column: column, value: val};





.text(function (d) { return d.value; });

return table;


var table = tabulate(data, ['publicationDate', 'sentiment']);





Page 28: Creating Sentiment Line Chart with Watson

view raw newssentiment_flask_report_d3js.html hosted with by GitHub

To select elements and create new HTML elements, you can use d3 as follows:var body ="body");body.append("h1").text("News Sentiment for '"+respSearchTerm+"'");

D3js lets you define and nest functions, e.g.var formatDate = d3.time.format("%Y-%m-%d");var x = d3.time.scale().range([0, width]);var y = d3.scale.linear().range([height, 0]);var xAxis = d3.svg.axis().scale(x).orient("bottom");var line = d3.svg.line().x(function(d) { return x(d.publicationDate); }).y(function(d) { return y(d.sentiment); });


Page 29: Creating Sentiment Line Chart with Watson

data.forEach(function(d){d.publicationDate = formatDate.parse(d.publicationDate);d.sentiment = parseFloat(d.sentiment);});In this example, I have passed the data a Response object from the Flask server, and parse the values to be of Object type date based on the strftime()function using the d3js function d3.time.format(), and the sentiment to be a floating Number with the default JavaScript function.

Similarly, when I draw the line with the function ‘d3.svg.line()’ I can set the x and y coordinates by a custom callback function, which itself calls the previouslydefined functions x and y which use a range() function. D3js uses a lot of these type of nested functions.

In this part:svg.append("path").datum(data).attr("class", "line").attr("d", line);D3js binds the data object to the svg object and in the attribute the ‘line’ function is called, which sets the x and y coordinates respectively by applying‘d.publicationDate’ and ‘d.sentiment’ (see above).

Similarly, it draws an x-axis and y-axis as follows:svg.append("g").attr("class", "y axis").call(yAxis).append("text").attr("transform", "rotate(-90)").attr("y", 6).attr("dy", ".71em").style("text-anchor", "end").text("Sentiment");
