cpted bibliografia

1 A CPTED BIBLIOGRAPHY: STUDIES RELATED TO URBAN SPACE, PLANNING, ARCHITECTURE AND CRIME PREVENTION THROUGH ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN, 1975-2006 1 Gregory Saville, MES, MCIP AlterNation LLC 1 I created this bibliography during my graduate work at the Faculty of Environmental Studies, York University in 1988 and have been adding to it ever since. I want to thank colleagues and my graduate students who have contributed to the list, particularly Chuck Genre, Paul Cozens, Misty Fitch, and Anna Brassard. Various versions have appeared in different venues through the years, such as the 2003 ICA CPTED Bibliography CD available through the International CPTED Association.

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Bibliografia de escritos acerca de la metodología Crime Prevention through Environmental Design


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Gregory Saville, MES, MCIP

AlterNation LLC

1 I created this bibliography during my graduate work at the Faculty of Environmental Studies, York University in 1988 and have been adding to it ever since. I want to thank colleagues and my graduate students who have contributed to the list, particularly Chuck Genre, Paul Cozens, Misty Fitch, and Anna Brassard. Various versions have appeared in different venues through the years, such as the 2003 ICA CPTED Bibliography CD available through the International CPTED Association.

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1. Ackerman, William. "Spatial distribution and socioeconomic correlates of crime in San Bernadino, California", in The California Geographer, Vol. 16. 1976.

2. Akers, Ronald., Anthony La Greca, Christine Sellers, and John Cochran. "Fear of crime and victimization among the elderly in different types of communities", in Criminology, Vol. 25, No. 3. 1987.

3. Allatt, P. "Residential security: Containment and displacement of burglary." Howard Journal of Criminal Justice. 23:99-116. 1984.

4. Amir, M. Patterns in Forcible Rape. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1971. (HV 6568.P5A65)

5. Angel. S. Discouraging Crime Through City Planning. Berkeley, CA: Institute of Urban and Regional Development. 1968.

6. Angel, Scholmo. "Discouraging Crime Through City Planning", Working Paper No. 75, Berkeley: University of California, Center for Planning and Development Research, February. 1968.

7. Anson, Brian. “Removing Walkways is Not Nearly Enough”, Town and Country Planning. 56(3):174-175. 1986.

8. Armitage, R. An Evaluation of Secured by Design Housing Within West Yorkshire. Home Office Briefing Note 7/00. Crown Copyright: London. 2000.

9. Armitage, R. To CCTV or not to CCTV? A Review of Current Research into the

Effectiveness of CCTV Systems in Reducing Crime. NACRO Crime and Social Policy Newsletter. May. 2002.

10. Armitage, R. and S. Everson. Building for Burglars. Crime Prevention and Community

Safety: An International Journal. Vol 5(4): pp. 15-25. 2003.

11. Armstrong, G. and M. Wilson. "Delinquency and some aspects of housing", in C. Ward (ed), Vandalism. London: Architectural Press, 1973.

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12. Atlas, Randall and William Leblanc. “Environmental Barriers to Crime.” Ergonomics in Design. Santa monica: Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. October, 1994.

13. Atkins, S., S. Husain, and A. Storey. The Influence of Street Lighting on Crime and Fear of Crime. Crime Prevention Unit Paper 28. London: Home Office. 1991.

14. Avio, K.L., and Clarke, C.S. Property Crime in Canada: An Econometric Study. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1976.

15. Avison, N. Patterns of Crime in the Lower Mainland. Vancouver: British Columbia Police Commission, 1977.

16. Bagley, C. "Juvenile Delinquency in Exeter: An Ecological and Comparative Study", Urban Studies, Vol. 2. 1965.

17. Baldwin, J. "A Critique of Delinquent Schools in Tower Hamlets", in British Journal of Criminology, Vol. 12. 1972.

18. Baldwin, J. "Problem Housing Estates - Perceptions of Tenants, City Officials, and Criminologists", in Social and Economic Administration, Vol. 8. 1974.

19. Baldwin, J. "Urban Criminality and the Problem Estate", in Local Government Studies, Vol. 1. 1975.

20. Baldwin, J. The Urban Criminal: A Study in Sheffield. London: Tavistock, 1976. (HV 6950.S5B35)

21. Baldwin, J. "Ecological and Areal Studies in Great Britain and the United States", in N. Morris and M. Tonry (eds), Crime and Justice: an Annual Review of Research. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1979.

22. Bamisaiye, A. "The Spatial Distribution of Juvenile Delinquency and Adult Crime in the City of Ibadan", in International Journal of Criminology and Penology, Vol. 2. 1974.

23. Barr, R. and K. Pease. "Crime Placement, Displacement and Deflection." In M. Tonry and N. Morris (eds.) Crime and Justice: A Review of Research. Vol. 12. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 1990.

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24. Baumer, T.L. and A. Hunter. Street Traffic, Social Integration, and Fear of Crime. Evanston,

Ill: Northwestern University Center for Urban Affairs. 1978.

25. Beato, C., and C. Chaves. “Determinants of Criminality in Minas Gerais”, in Revista Brasileira de Ciencias Sociais, Vol. 13 (37), pp. 74-87, June 1998.

26. Beato, C. “Crime and Opportunity in Brazil”, in International Sociological Association, 1998.

27. Beavon, Daniel J. Crime and Environmental Opportunity Structure: The Influence of Street Networks on the Patterning of Property Offences. Unpublished M.A. Thesis. Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, British Columbia. 1984.

28. Becker, F.D. "The Effect of Physical and Social Factors on Residents' Sense of Security in Multi-Family Housing Developments", in Journal of Architectural Research, Vol. 4(1). February, 1975.

29. Bellair, P. “Social Integration and Community Crime: Examining the Importance of Neighbor Networks”, in Criminology. Vol. 35 (4), pp. 677-703, Nov. 1997.

30. Bellamy, L. “Situational Crime Prevention and Convenience Store Robbery”, in Security Journal. Vol. 7 (1), pp. 41-52, April 1996.

31. Bell-Robotham, B., and Boydell, C.L. "Crime in Canada: A Distributional Analysis." in C. Boydell, C.F. Grindstaff, and P. Whitehead (eds), Deviant Behavior and Societal Reaction. Toronto: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1972.

32. Bennett, Trevor. "Burglars' Choice of Targets." In D.J. Evans and D.T. Herbert (eds.) The Geography of Crime. London: Routledge. P. 176-192. 1990.

33. Bennett, T. Evaluating Neighbourhood Watch. Aldershot, Hants: Gower. 1990.

34. Bennett, Tevor and Richard Wright. Burglars on Burglary: Prevention and the Offender. Brookfield, VT: Gower. 1984.

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35. Bernard-Butcher, Diane. Crime in the Third Dimension. A Study of Burglary Patterns in a High Density Residential Area. Unpublished MA Thesis, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, British Columbia. 1991.

36. Berry, D., M. Mullen, and T. Murray. “Administering a Healthy Dose of Security”, in Security Management. Vol. 42 (6), pp. 46-48, June 1998.

37. Bevis, C., and J.B. Nutter. Changing Street Layouts to Reduce Residential Burglary. St. Paul, Minn: Governor's Commission of Crime Prevention and Control. 1977.

38. Biron, L. and C. Ladouceur. "The Boy Next Door: Local Teen-age Burglars in Montreal." Security Journal. 2:200-204. 1991.

39. Bischof, G., and K. Rosen. “An Ecological Perspective on Adolescent Sexual Offending”, in Journal of Offender Rehabilitation. Vol. 26 (1-2), pp. 67-68, 1997.

40. Blakely, E., and M. Gail. “Forting Up: Gated Communities in the United States”, in Journal of Architectural and Planning Research. Vol. 15 (1), pp. 61-72, Spring 1998.

41. Blakely, E.J., Snyder, M.G. Fortress America: Gated Communities in the United States, The Brookings Institution, Washington, DC. 1999.

42. Blanchard, Janelle. "Proposal for a Model Residential Building Security Code," in U. S. Department of Justice, Deterrence of Crime in and around Residences. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office. 1973.

43. Blalock, Hubert. "Hot Spots and Isocrimes in Law Enforcement Decision Making." Paper presented at conference on Police and Community Responses to Drugs. Chicago: University of Illinois at Chicago. 1990.

44. Block, Carolyn Rebecca and Richard L. Block. Patterns of Change in Chicago Homicide: The Twenties, the Sixties, and the Seventies. Chicago: Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority. 1980.

45. Block, Richard. "Community, Environment and Violent Crime", in Criminology, Vol. 17(1). May, 1979.

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46. Block, C. R., R. Block, M. Wilson and M. Daly. "Chicago Homicide from the Sixties to the Nineties: Have Patterns of Lethal Violence Changed?" Paper presented at the 42nd Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Baltimore, Maryland. 1990.

47. Boggs, Sarah. "Urban Crime Patterns", in American Sociological Review, Vol. 30. 1966.

48. Boggs, Sarah. "Formal and Informal Crime Control: An Explanatory Study of Urban, Suburban and Rural Orientations", in the Sociological Quarterly, Vol. 12. 1971.

49. Booth, Alan. "The Built Environment as a Crime Deterrent: A Reexamination of Defensible Space", in Criminology, Vol. 18(4). February, 1981.

50. Booth, Alan, S. Welch, and D.R. Johnson. "Crowding and Urban Crime Rates", in Urban Affairs Quarterly, Vol. 11. 1976.

51. Bottoms, A.E., and Polii Xanthos. "Housing Policy and Crime in the British Public Sector", in P.J. Brantingham and P.L. Brantingham (eds.)., Environmental Criminology. Prospect Heights, Ill: Waveland. pp. 203-26. 1991.

52. Bottoms, A.E. "Delinquency Among Immigrants", in Race, Vol. 8. 1967.

53. Bottoms, A.E. "Review of Defensible Space by Oscar Newman", in British Journal of Criminology, Vol. 14. 1974.

54. Braga, A. “Solving Violent Crime Problems: An Evaluation of the Jersey City Police Department’s Pilot Program to Control Violent Places”, in Dissertation Abstracts International, A: The Humanities and Social Sciences. Vol. 58 (4), pp. 1452-A, Oct. 1997.

55. Brantingham, Patricia, and Paul Brantingham. "The Spatial Patterning of Burglary", in the Howard Journal of Penology and Crime Prevention, Vol. 14. 1975.

56. Brantingham, Patricia, and Paul Brantingham. "Residential Burglary and Urban Form", in Urban Studies, Vol. 12. 1975.

57. Brantingham, Patricia, and Paul Brantingham. "Housing Patterns and Burglary in a Medium-Sized American City." in J. Scott and S. Dinitz (eds), Criminal Justice Planning. New York: Praeger, 1977.

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58. Brantingham, Patricia, and Paul Brantingham. "A Theoretical Model and Crime Site Selection," in M.D. Krohn and R.L. Akers (eds), Crime, Law and Sanctions, Vol. 118. Beverly Hills: Sage Publications, 1978.

59. Brantingham, Patricia, and Paul Brantingham. "Crime, Occupation, and Economic Specialization: A Consideration of Inter-Metropolitan Patterns," in D. Georges-Abeyie and K. Harries (eds), Crime: A Spatial Perspective. New York: Columbia University Press, 1980.

60. Brantingham, Patricia, and Paul Brantingham. "Mobility, Notoriety and Crime: A Study in the Crime Patterns of Urban Nodal Points," Journal of Environmental Systems. 1189-99. 1981.

61. Brantingham, Patricia, and Paul Brantingham. "Situational Crime Prevention in British Columbia." Journal of Security Administration. Vol. 11(2):18-27. 1988.

62. Brantingham, Patricia, and Paul Brantingham. "Nodes, Paths and Edges: Considerations on the Complexity of Crime and the Physical Environment." Journal of Environmental Psychology. Vol. 13:3-28. 1993.

63. Brantingham, P.J., D.A. Dryreson, and P.L. Brantingham. "Crime Seen Through a Cone of Resolution," in American Behavioral Scientist, Vol. 20. 1976.

64. Brantingham, P.J., Brantingham, P.L. and Butcher, Diane. "Perceived and Actual Crime Risks", Pp. 139-159 in R. M. Figlio, S. Haklim and G. F. Rengert (eds.) Metropolitan Crime Patterns. Monsey, NY: Criminal Justice Press. 1986.

65. Brantingham, P.J. Brantingham, P.L. and Wong, Paul. "Malls and Crime: A First Look", Security Journal. Vol. 1:175-181. 1990.

66. Brantingham, P.J. Brantingham, P.L. and Wong, Paul. "How Public Transit Feeds Private Crime: Notes on the Vancouver Skytrain Experience." Security Journal. 2:91-95. 1991.

67. Brantingham, Paul, and C. Ray Jeffery. "Afterword: Crime, Space, and Criminological Theory", in Paul and Patricia Brantingham, Environmental Criminology. Beverly Hills: Sage Publications, 1981.

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68. Brantingham, P.J., and P.L. Brantingham. “Environmental Criminology: From Theory to Urban Planning Practice”, in Studies on Crime and Crime Prevention. Vol. 7 (1), pp. 31-60, 1998.

69. Brown, B.B., and I. Altman. "Territoriality, Defensible Space and Residential Burglary: An Environmental Analysis." Journal of Environmental Psychology. 3:203-20. 1981.

70. Brown, B. CCTV in Town Centres: Three Case Studies. Police Research Group Crime

Detection and Prevention Series Paper 68, HMSO, London. 1995.

71. Burrows, J., and R. Fleming. "The Case for Lighting as a Means of Preventing Crime",

Home Office Research Bulletin. No. 22. London. 1986.

72. Burrows, J. "Closed Circuit Television and Crime on the London Underground." In. R.V.G. Clarke and P. Mayhew (eds.). Designing Out Crime. London:HMSO. 1980.

73. Bursik, R.J., Jr. "Ecological Stability and the Dynamics of Delinquency." In Albert J. Reiss, Jr. and Michael Tonry (eds.), Communities and Crime. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, pp. 35-66. 1984.

74. Bursik, R.J., Jr. "Urban Dynamics and Ecological Studies of Delinquency." American Journal of Sociology. 88:24-42. 1982.

75. Bursik, R. “The Informal Control of Crime Through Neighborhood Networks”, in Sociological Focus. Vol. 32 (1), pp. 85-97, Feb. 1999.

76. Bynum, Timothy, and Dan Purri. "Crime and Architectural Style", in Criminal Justice and Behavior. Michigan State University: Vol. 12, No. 2. June, 1984.

77. Byrne, J., and R. Sampson. (eds.). The Social Ecology of Crime. New York: Springer-Verlag. 1986.

78. Calhoun, J.B. "Population Density and Social Pathology", in Scientific American, Vol. 206. 1962.

79. Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation. 1981. Residential Site Development Advisory Document. Ottawa: CMHC.

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80. Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation. Overview of CMHC Activities Related to

Urban Safety and Crime Prevention. Ottawa, CMHC. Prepared for the European and North American Conference on Urban Safety and Crime Prevention. October, 1989.

81. Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation. A Synthesis of International Literature on Urban Safety and Crime Prevention in Residential Environments: interim report and bibliography. Ottawa, CMHC. 1989.

82. Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation. Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design in Multiple Family Housing, Richmond, B.C. Ottawa: CMHC. 1984.

83. Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation. The Theory and Practice of Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design: A Literature Review. Ottawa: CMHC. 1996

84. Capone, Donald, and Woodrow W. Nichols, Jr. "Urban Structure and Criminal Mobility", in American Behavioral Scientist, Vol. 20. 1976.

85. Carr, P. “Keeping Up Appearances: Informal Social Control in a White Working Class Neighborhood in Chicago”, in Dissertation Abstracts International, A: The Humanities and Social Sciences. Vol. 59 (5), pp.1781-A, Nov. 1998.

86. Carroll, J. S. " A Psychological Approach to Deterrence: The evaluation of crime opportunities". Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 36(12):1512-20. 1978.

87. Carroll, L., and P.I. Jackson. "Inequality, Opportunity, and Crime Rates in Central Cities", in Criminology, Vol. 21:178-94. 1983.

88. Carter, R.L., and K.Q. Hill. "Criminals Image of the City and Urban Crime Patterns", in Social Science Quarterly, Vol. 57. 1976.

89. Carter, S. P. & Carter, S. L. « Planning Safer Schools.” American School & University, 73(12), 168. 2001.

90. Carter, S. P. and Carter, S. L. “Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design in Sarasota, Florida.” Planning Commissioners Journal. 16. Fall, 1994.

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91. Casteel, C., Peek-Asa, C. & Kraus, J. F. Evaluation of a Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) Intervention in Reducing Violence in Liquor Stores. American Journal of Epidemiology, 151(11), S83. 2000.

92. Catton, W. R. "Human Ecology - A Theoretical Essay, by A. H. Hawley", a review in Deviant Behavior, Vol. 9(4). 1988.

93. Chaiken, J., M. Lawless and K. Stephenson. The Impact of Police Activity on Crime: Robberies on the New York City Subway system. Report No. R-1424-N.Y.C. Santa Monica, CA: Rand Corporation.

94. Challinger, D. “Will Crime Prevention Ever Be a Business Priority?”, in M. Felson and R.V. Clarke (eds.), From Business and Crime Prevention, pp. 35-55, 1997.

95. Chalmers, Joseph, and Paul McCauley. "Urban Crime Rate Density Analysis for Productive Resource Response", in Journal of Police Science and Administration, Vol. 9. 1981.

96. Charland, Janine. Women's Personal Security, Fear of Crime, and the Urban Environment. Master's Major Paper, Faculty of Environmental Studies, York University, Toronto, Canada. 1988.

97. Chatterton, M.R. and Frenz, S.J. “Closed circuit television: its role in reducing burglaries

and the fear of crime in sheltered accommodation for the elderly”, Security Journal, Vol. 5, No. 3, pp. 133-9. 1994.

98. Chester, C.R. "Perceived Relative Deprivation as a Cause of Property Crime," in Crime and Delinquency, Vol. 22. 1976.

99. Cisneros, Henry G. Defensible Space: Deterring Crime and Building Community. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Housing. 1995.

100. Clarke, R.V.G. "Situational Crime Prevention: Theory and Practice", in British Journal of Criminology, Vol. 20. 1980.

101. Clarke, R.V.G. Tackling Vandalism. Home Office Research Study No.47. London: Her Majesty's Stationary Office. 1980.

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102. Clarke, R.V.G. "Theoretical background to crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED) and situational prevention." In S. Geason and P. Wilson (eds.), Designing Out Crime: The Conference Papers. Canberra: Australian Institute of Criminology. 1989.

103. Clarke, R.V.G. (ed.). Situational Crime Prevention: Successful Case Studies. New York: Harrow and Heston. 1992.

104. Clarke, R.V.G. “Displacement: An Old Problem in New Perspective. In Gregory Saville (ed.). Crime Problems, Community Solutions: Environmental Criminology as a Developing Prevention Strategy. Port Moody, British Columbia: AAG Publications. 1995.

105. Clarke, R.V.G., and Cornish, D. "Modelling Offenders Decisions: A framework for research and policy". Pp. 147-85 in M. Tonry and N. Morris (eds.), Crime and Justice: An Annual Review of Research, Volume 6. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 1985.

106. Clarke, R.V.G., and T. Hope. Coping With Burglary. Boston: Kluwger-Nijnoff. 1984.

107. Clarke, R.V.G., and Mayhew, P. (eds.). Designing Out Crime. London: Her Majesty's Stationary Office. 1980.

108. Clarke, R. V., and Mayhew, P. "Crime as Opportunity - A Note on Domestic Gas Suicide in Britain and the Netherlands", in The British Journal of Criminology, Vol. 29(1). Winter, 1989.

109. Clarke, R.V.G., S. Field, and G. McGrath. "Target hardening of banks in Australia and displacement of robberies." Security Journal. 2:84-90. 1991.

110. Clarke, R.V. (ed.). Situational Crime Prevention: Successful Case Studies. Albany, NY: Harrow and Heston. 1991.

111. Clarke, R. V., Cody, R. P. & Natarajan, M. Subway slugs: tracking displacement on the London Underground. British Journal of Criminology, 34(2), 122(16). 1994.

112. Clarke, R.V. and Felson, M. Routine Activity and Rational Choice, Transaction, New Brunswick, NJ. 1993.

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113. Clarke, R.V. and Homel, R. “A revised classification of situational crime prevention techniques”, in Lab, S. (Ed.), Crime Prevention at the Crossroads, Criminal Justice Press, Cincinnati, OH, pp. 17-30. 1997.

114. Clarke, R.V. and Weisburd, D. “Diffusion of crime control benefits: observations on

the reverse of displacement”, in Clarke, R. (Ed.), Crime Prevention Studies, Vol. 2, Criminal Justice Press, Monsey, NY. 1994.

115. Clark, D. Healthy Cities: model for community improvement. Public Management, 80(11), 4(5). 1998.

116. Cleveland, Gerry and Gregory Saville. “An Introduction to 2nd Generation CPTED: Part 1.” CPTED Perspectives. Volume 6 (2): June. Pp. 4-8. 2003.

117. Cleveland, Gerry and Gregory Saville. “An Introduction to 2nd Generation CPTED: Part 2.” CPTED Perspectives. Volume 6 (1): March. Pp. 7-9. 2003.

118. Clontz, K. “Residential and Commercial Burglaries: An Empirical Test of Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design”, in Dissertation Abstracts International, A: The Humanities and Social Sciences. Vol. 56 (4), pp. 1536-A, Oct. 1995.

119. Cloward, R.A., and L.E. Ohlin. Delinquency and Opportunity. New York: Free Press, 1961. (HV 9069.C52)

120. Coburn, G. Patterns of Homicide in Vancouver, 1980-1986. Unpublished MA Thesis, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, British Columbia. 1988.

121. Coelho, Edmundo Campos. "Violent Urban Crime", in Dados: Revista de Ciencias Sociais, Vol. 31(2). 1988.

122. Cohen, L. and D. Cantor. "Residential Burglary in the United States: Lifestyle and Demographic Factors Associated with the Probability of Victimization", in Journal of Residential Crime and Delinquency. Vol. 18:113-27. 1981.

123. Cohen, L.E., and M. Felson. "Social Change and Crime Rate Trends: A Routine Activity Approach, in American Sociological Review. Vol. 44:588-608. 1979.

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124. Cohen, L.E., and M. Felson. "Modelling Crime Trends: A Criminal Opportunity

Perspective", in Journal of Residential Crime and Delinquency. Vol. 18:138-64. 1981.

125. Colquhoun, Ian. Design Out Crime: Creating Safe and Sustainable Communities. Oxford, England: Elsevier Architectural Press, 2004.

126. Coleman, Alice. Utopia on Trial. London: Shipman, 1985.

127. Coleman, Alice. "Design Improvement: Utopia Goes on Trial". Town and Country Planning. 55(5):138. 1986.

128. Cooper, Marcus, and Wendy Sarkissian. Housing as if People Mattered: Guidelines for Medium Density Housing. Berkeley: University of California Press. 1986.

129. Conklin, J.E., and E. Bittner. "Burglary in a Suburb", in Criminology, Vol. 11, 1973.

130. Cornish, Derek B., and Clarke, R.V.G. The Reasoning Criminal: Rational Choice Perspectives on Offending. New York: Springer-Verlag. 1986,

131. Cornish, Derek B., and Clarke, R.V.G. "Understanding Crime Displacement: An Application of Rational Choice Theory." Criminology. 25:933-947. 1987.

132. Cornish, D. B. and Clarke, R.V. "Situational Prevention, Displacement of Crime and Rational Choice Theory." In K. Heal and G. Laycock (Eds.), Situational Crime Prevention: From Theory into Practice. London: HMSO. 1986.

133. Cornish, D.B. and Clarke, R.V. "Crime Specialization, Crime Displacement and Rational Choice Theory. Criminal Behavior and the Justice System: Psychological Perspectives. In H. Wegener, F. Losel and J. Haisch, (eds.). Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag. 1990.

134. Corrado, R., W. Roesch, W. Glackman, J. Evans, and G. Leger. "Lifestyle and Personal Victimization: A Test of the Model with Canadian Data", in Journal of Criminal Justice. Vol. 3:129-139. 1980.

135. Corsi, T.M., and M.E. Harvey. "The Socio-economic Determinants of Crime in the City of Cleveland", Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, Vol. 66. 1975.

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136. Costanzo, C.M., Halperin, W. and Gale, N. "Criminal Mobility and the Directional

Component in Journeys to Crime. In R. Figlio, S. Hakim and G. Rengert. Eds., Metropolitan Crime Patterns. Monsey, NY: Criminal Justice Press, pp. 73-96.

137. Cousins, L. “ Ethnographic Windows on Urban Disorders”, in Journal of Contemporary Ethnography. Vol. 27 (2), pp. 278-284, July 1998.

138. Covington, J. and Taylor, R. "Gentrification and Crime: Robbery and Larceny Changes in Appreciating Balitimore Neighborhood." Urban Affairs Quarterly. Vol. 25:142-172. 1989.

139. Cousins, P, G. Saville and P. Hillier. “Crime Prevention Through Environmental

Design (CPTED): A Review and Modern Bibliography.” Journal of Property Management. Volume 23, Issue 5(328-56). 2005.

140. Cozens, P.M. “Sustainable urban development and crime prevention through

environmental design for the British City. 2002. Towards an effective urban environmentalism for the 21st Century”, Cities: The International Journal of Urban Policy and Planning, Vol. 19 No. 2, pp. 129-37. 2002.

141. Cozens, P.M., Hillier, D. and Prescott, G. “Crime and the design of residential

property. Exploring the theoretical background”, Property Management, Vol. 19 No. 2. 2001.

142. Cozens, P.M., Hillier, D. and Prescott, G.), “Crime and the design of residential

property. Exploring the perceptions of planning professionals, burglars and other users”, Property Management, Vol. 19 No. 4, pp. 222-48. 2001.

143. Cozens, P.M., Pascoe, T. and Hillier, D. “The policy and practice of secured by

design (SBD)”, Crime Prevention and Community Safety: An International Journal, Vol. 6 No. 1, pp. 13-29. 2004.

144. Cozens, P.M., Neale, R.H., Whitaker, J., Hillier, D. and Graham, M. “A critical

review of street lighting, crime and the fear of crime in the British City”, Crime Prevention and Community Safety: An International Journal, Vol. 5 No. 2, pp. 7-24. 2003.

145. Cozens, P.M., Hillier D, Prescott G. “A tale of Two Cities?” Town and Country Planning. 69(3):92 - 94. 2000.

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146. Cozens, P.M., Hillier D, and Prescott, G. “Crime and Design of Residential Property. Exploring the Perceptions of Planning Professionals, Burglars and other Users.” Property Management. 19(4):222-248. 2001.

147. Cozens, P.M., Hillier D, and Prescott G. “Defensible Space: Police and Burglars Evaluate Urban Residential Design.” Security Journal. 14(2):43-62. 2001.

148. Cozens, P.M. “Plan for Safe Stations”. Property Management 19(4):218-221. 2001.

149. Cozens, P.M., Hillier D., and Prescott G. “Crime & the Design of New Build

Housing”, Town & Country Planning 63(7):231 -233. July, 1999. 150. Cozens, P.M., Hillier, D. and Prescott, G. “The Sustainable & the Criminal. The Case

of New Build Housing Projects in Britain”, Property Management. 17(3):252 -261. 1999.

151. Craglia, M., Haining, R., Signoretta, P. Modeling High-intensity Crime Areas in English Cities. Urban Studies, 38(11):1921. 2001.

152. Crawford, A. “Social Values and Managerial Goals: Police and Probation Officers’

Experiences and Views of Inter-Agency Co-Operation”, in Policing and Society. Vol. 4 (4), pp. 323-339, 1994.

153. Crittenden, I. "Break and Enter Offender in South Australia", in S.K. Mukherjee and L. Jorgensen (eds.). Burglary: A Social Reality - Proceedings of Seminar on Burglary. Australian Institute of Criminology, Canberra. 1986.

154. Cromwell, Paul. "Ecological Analysis of Convenience Store Robbery", Paper read at The 39th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Montreal, 1987,

155. Cromwell, Paul. "The Decision-Making Process of Residential Burglars." Paper read at The 40th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Chicago. 1988.

156. Cromwell, Paul, Olson, James N., and Avary, D'Aunn. Residential Burglary: An Ethnographic Analysis. Washington, DC: National Institute of Justice. 1990.

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157. Cromwell, Paul, Olson, James N., and Avary, Wester. Breaking and Entering: An Ethnographic Analysis of Burglary. Newbury Park: Sage. 1991.

158. Crowe, Timothy D. "Designing Safer Schools," School Safety Fall, 1990. pp. 9-13.

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