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Post on 11-Oct-2015




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  • Individuals currently approved for CF10a - CASS Operational OversightSorted by firmAs at 24/02/2012

    Firm name FRN Name IRNStartdate


    @sipp (Pension Trustees) Ltd 465289 Mrs Bernadette Rosemary Pollock BRP01032 01/10/2011

    3i Investments Plc 195262 Mrs Audrey Mary Wilson AWW01054 01/10/2011

    A J Bell Securities Limited 155593 Mrs Rosemary June Bhattacharjee RJB01491 01/10/2011

    Aberdeen Asset Managers Limited 121891 Mr Jonathan Watson Sim JWS01147 10/02/2012

    Aberdeen Fund Management Limited 119303 Mr Jonathan Watson Sim JWS01147 10/02/2012

    Aberdeen Unit Trust Managers Limited 121803 Mr Allan James Reith ARJ01374 01/10/2011

    Abingworth LLP 453934 Mr James Foster Abell JFA01008 01/10/2011

    Abingworth Management Ltd 122003 Mr James Foster Abell JFA01008 01/10/2011

    Accrue Investment Management Ltd 226033 Mr Nicholas Howe NXH01179 01/10/2011

    Actis LLP 230585 Mr Graham Ian Lunn GIL01010 01/10/2011

    Activtrades Plc 434413 Mr Juan Ignacio Scarabino JIS00016 21/02/2012

    Activtrades Plc 434413 Mr Terry Stroud TXS01131 01/10/2011 16/12/2011

    Adam & Company Plc 114724 Dr Juergen Michael Pulm JMP01219 01/10/2011

    ADM Investor Services International Limited 148474 Mr Philip Wasling PXW01236 01/10/2011

    AEGON Investment Solutions Limited 543123 Mr Simon Trevor Lloyd STL01011 03/10/2011

    AES Financial Services Ltd 464494 Miss Philippa Claire Miller PXM02038 01/10/2011

    Ahli United Bank (UK) Plc 131818 Mr Stephen James Hussey SJH01360 01/10/2011

    AK Jensen Limited 439744 Mr Svend Erik Enger SEE01032 01/10/2011

    Albion Ventures LLP 492536 Mr William John Jenkins WJJ01012 01/10/2011

    Alder Investment Management Ltd 122428 Mr Philip William Scrase PWS01073 01/10/2011

    Aldgate Trustees Limited 464730 Mr Troy Adam Clutterbuck TAC01056 01/10/2011

    Alliance Trust Savings Limited 116115 Mrs Elaine Mary Maddison EXM01493 01/10/2011

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  • Individuals currently approved for CF10a - CASS Operational OversightSorted by firmAs at 24/02/2012

    Firm name FRN Name IRNStartdate


    Allianz Global Investors (UK) Ltd 122218 Miss Beatrice Joy Doran BJD01054 01/10/2011

    Alpari (UK) Ltd 448002 Miss Diya Patel DXP01758 01/10/2011

    Alpha Bank London Limited 135327 Mrs Linda Cullen LXC01221 01/10/2011

    Altium Capital Limited 116310 Mr John Richard Sheldon JRS01126 01/10/2011

    Altus Investment Management Ltd 230608 Mr Andrew Peter Trower APT01029 01/10/2011

    Amadeus Capital Partners Limited 185291 Mr Alastair David Walker Breward ADB01168 01/10/2011

    AMT Futures Limited 146311 Mr Martin Hugh Kevin Prentice MHP01015 01/10/2011

    Amundi (UK) Ltd 114503 Mr Herve Pierre Henri LeClercq HPL01012 01/10/2011

    Anderson Strathern LLP 469511 Mr Alec Dougal Stewart ADS01123 01/10/2011

    Andrews Gwynne LLP 462657 Mr Andrew John Pugsley Gwynne AJG00002 01/10/2011

    Apax Partners Europe Managers Ltd 194731 Mr Stephen John Kempen SJK01130 03/10/2011

    Arbuthnot Latham & Co Limited 143336 Mr Stephen Peter Kelly SPK01066 01/10/2011

    Area Property Partners (UK) Limited 493589 Mr Watkin Samuel SXW01494 01/10/2011 04/10/2011

    Area Property Partnership (UK) LLP 551988 Mr Watkin Samuel SXW01494 03/10/2011

    Arle Capital Partners Limited 142840 Mr Philip Ian Price PIP01006 01/10/2011

    Arnold Stansby & Co 141163 Mr Jeremy Ward Stockton JWS01054 01/10/2011

    Artemis Fund Managers Limited 122448 Mr Jeremy Lincoln Newell JLN01009 01/10/2011

    Ashcourt Rowan Asset Management Limited 189997 Mr Patrick Towers PXT01387 01/10/2011

    Attivo Financial Services Limited 462105 Mrs Diane Rachel Jones DRJ01068 01/10/2011

    August Equity LLP 458635 Mr Timothy James Clarke TJC01071 01/10/2011

    Augustine Limited 118061 Mr Ian Thomas Bradley Sproule ITS00004 01/10/2011

    Avalon Investment Services Limited 190602 Mr Henry Kerr HXK00002 01/10/2011

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  • Individuals currently approved for CF10a - CASS Operational OversightSorted by firmAs at 24/02/2012

    Firm name FRN Name IRNStartdate


    Aviva Investors Global Services Limited 119178 Mr John Gordon Hodgson JGH01119 01/10/2011

    Aviva Investors UK Fund Services Limited 119310 Mr John Steele JXS02421 01/10/2011

    Aviva Investors UK funds Limited 147088 Mr John Steele JXS02421 01/10/2011

    Aviva Pension Trustees UK Limited 465132 Mr David Arthur Hazell DAH01185 01/10/2011

    Aviva Wrap UK Limited 231530 Mr David Arthur Hazell DAH01185 01/10/2011

    AXA Investment Managers GS Limited 188523 Mr Richard Anstead RXA01180 01/10/2011

    AXA Investment Managers UK Ltd 119368 Mr Richard Anstead RXA01180 01/10/2011

    AXA Portfolio Services Limited 144849 Mr Andrew John Purvis AJP01126 01/10/2011

    AXA Wealth Services Limited 465753 Mr Andrew John Purvis AJP01126 01/10/2011

    B & C E Financial Services Limited 122787 Mr Patrick Iain Heath-Lay PIL01006 01/10/2011

    Baillie Gifford Savings Management Limited 150233 Mrs Lindsey Macdonald Greig LMG01022 01/10/2011

    Bank Hapoalim B.M. 141315 Ms Sandra Dawn Bowen SDB01155 01/10/2011

    Bank Leumi (UK) plc 139217 Mr Simon Peter Rothberg SPR01050 01/10/2011

    Bank of America N.A. 124642 Mr Brian David Rundle BXR01096 01/10/2011

    Bank of China (UK) Ltd 467410 Mr Stephen Eric Hinds SEH01040 23/11/2011

    Bank of China Limited 170910 Mr Stephen Eric Hinds SEH01040 23/11/2011

    Bank of Scotland plc 169628 Mrs Alison Jane Hewitt AJH01559 01/10/2011

    Barclays Bank Plc 122702 Mr Paul Leslie White Chapman PLC01070 21/10/2011

    Barclays Bank Trust Company Limited 119184 Mr Paul Leslie White Chapman PLC01070 21/10/2011

    Barclays Capital Securities Limited 124431 Mr Paul Leslie White Chapman PLC01070 21/10/2011

    Barclays Sharedealing 139258 Mr Paul Leslie White Chapman PLC01070 21/10/2011

    Barclays Stockbrokers Limited 124247 Mr Paul Leslie White Chapman PLC01070 21/10/2011

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  • Individuals currently approved for CF10a - CASS Operational OversightSorted by firmAs at 24/02/2012

    Firm name FRN Name IRNStartdate


    Barclays Wealth Funds Ltd 505543 Mr Paul Leslie White Chapman PLC01070 21/10/2011

    Baring Asset Management Limited 170601 Ms Laura Anne Ahto LAA01025 01/10/2011

    Baring Fund Managers Limited 119187 Ms Laura Anne Ahto LAA01025 01/10/2011

    Barratt & Cooke Limited 428789 Mr Samuel Charles Legh Barratt SCB01137 01/10/2011

    BB Securities Ltd 170479 Mr Trevor George Hails TGH01035 01/10/2011

    Benson Elliot Capital Management LLP 447150 Mr Kenneth Andrew MacNaughton KAM01162 01/10/2011

    Berkeley Futures Ltd 114159 Mr Christopher Ian Thompson CIT01007 01/10/2011

    Berry Asset Management PLC 114324 Mr Steven James Croucher SJC01287 01/10/2011

    BGC Brokers L.P 454814 Mr Robert Alexander RXA01518 01/10/2011

    Bird Semple 191676 Mrs Pamela Jane Niven PJN01062 01/10/2011

    Blankstone Sington Limited 143694 Mr Kenneth John Conolly KJC01050 01/10/2011

    Blue Gate Capital Ltd 478314 Mr Tamlyn Matthew Stone TMS01049 01/10/2011

    BNP Paribas Commodity Futures Ltd 146307 Mr Frederic Jean-Christophe Thomas FJT01016 22/12/2011

    BNY Mellon Fund Managers Limited 122007 Mr David Michael Turnbull DMT01115 01/10/2011

    BOCI Global Commodities (UK) Limited 563903 Mr Konstandinos Kakoulli KXK01061 19/01/2012

    Boston Prime Limited 539846 Mr Michael Brand MXB02726 30/12/2011

    Bregal Capital LLP 208036 Mr Dwight Nicholas Cupit DXC01499 01/10/2011

    Brewin Dolphin Limited 124444 Mr Henry Arthur Algeo HAA01012 07/02/2012

    BRI Asset Management Plc 122499 Mr Dean Andrew Wragg DAW01098 01/10/2011

    Bridgepoint Advisers II Limited 498893 Mr Paul Richard Gunner PRG01084 01/10/2011

    Bridgepoint Advisers Limited 181601 Mr Paul Richard Gunner PRG01084 01/10/2011

    British Arab Commercial Bank Plc 204564 Mr Crispian Humphrey Denby CHD01019 01/10/2011

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  • Individuals currently approved for CF10a - CASS Operational OversightSorted by firmAs at 24/02/2012

    Firm name FRN Name IRNStartdate


    Broadstone Pensions & Investments Ltd 118291 Mrs Jayne Carol Robertson JCR00009 14/10/2011

    Broadstone Pensions & Investments Ltd 118291 Mr Robert Michael Keeler RMK01017 01/10/2011 14/10/2011

    Brooklands Trustees Limited 463682 Mr Paul Martin Evans PME01029 01/01/2012

    Brooks Macdonald Asset Management Limited 184918 Mr Matthew John Aylward MJA01223 17/01/2012

    Brooks Macdonald Asset Management Limited 184918 Mr Andrew Wallace Neil Banks AWB01047 01/10/2011 17/01/2012

    Brown Brothers Harriman Investor Services Ltd 190266 Mr Richard William Fodder RWF01027 01/10/2011

    Brown Shipley & Co Limited 124548 Mr Paul Frank Cody PFC01026 01/10/2011

    Budge and Company Limited 133515 Mr Iain Andrew Budge IAB00003 01/10/2011

    Butterfield Bank (UK) Limited 119274 Mr Peter William Fletcher PWF01006 01/10/2011

    BW SIPP LLP 458323 Mrs Julia Mary Bassett JMB01250 01/10/2011

    C B Financial Services Limited 466201 Mrs Katie Polly le Roux KPW01026 01/10/2011

    C Hoare & Co 122093 Mr Bryan Horan Cassidy BHC01016 09/01/2012

    C Hoare & Co 122093 Ms Annamaria Enrichetta Koerling AEL01026 01/10/2011 09/01/2012

    Calculus Capital Limited 190854 Mr Arthur John Glencross AJG01143 01/10/2011

    Calkin Pattinson & Company Limited 121025 Mr Charles Bernard Calkin CBC00006 01/10/2011

    Cambridge Fund Managers Ltd 147821 Mr Henry William Campbell Cottrell HWC01006 01/10/2011

    Canaccord Genuity Limited 163284 Mr Nicholas Brian Russell NBR01020 01/10/2011

    Cantor Fitzgerald Europe 149380 Mr Robert Alexander RXA01518 01/10/2011

    Cantor Index Limited 194414 Mr Robert Alexander RXA01518 01/10/2011

    Capel Court Plc 154146 Mr Kevin John Rudkin KJR01057 01/10/2011

    Capita Financial Managers Limited 119197 Miss Jacqueline Elizabeth Millan JEM01155 01/10/2011

    Capita IRG Trustees Limited 184113 Mr Nigel Timothy Fish NTF01003 01/10/2011

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  • Individuals currently approved for CF10a - CASS Operational OversightSorted by firmAs at 24/02/2012

    Firm name FRN Name IRNStartdate


    Capital Market Services UK Ltd 488900 Mr Eugene Hawkin EXH01252 01/10/2011

    Capital Ventures Limited 175591 Mr David Charles Annetts DCA01012 01/10/2011

    Cardale Asset Management Limited 226392 Mr Andrew Mark Tod AMT01130 01/10/2011

    Carvetian Capital Management Limited 530809 Mr Joseph Anthony Duffy JAD01300 01/10/2011

    Catalyst Fund Management & Research Limited 185678 Mr Rodney Scott Schwartz RSS01036 01/10/2011

    Catapult Venture Managers Limited 191949 Mr Jonathan Gareth Earl JGE01027 01/10/2011

    Cavendish Asset Management Ltd 116252 Mr Anant Rasiklal Ruparelia AXR01551 01/10/2011

    Caxton FX Ltd 431844 Mr John Gordon Buckingham Craig JGC01039 01/10/2011

    Cazenove Capital Management Limited 178732 Mrs Carolyn Sims CXK01052 01/10/2011

    Cazenove Investment Fund Management Limited 138347 Mrs Carolyn Sims CXK01052 01/10/2011

    CBPE Capital LLP 229900 Mr Peter Gissel PXG01195 01/10/2011

    CBRE Global Investors (UK Funds) Limited 179712 Mr David Arthur Love DAL01078 01/10/2011

    CFH Markets Limited 481853 Mr Sandor Helby SXH02042 22/12/2011

    CFS Independent Limited 171480 Dr Jonathan Michael Besso-Cowan JMB01270 01/10/2011

    Chalfont Investment Consultants Limited 125116 Mr Roger Simpson RXS00071 01/10/2011

    Charities Investment Managers Limited 122616 Mr Graham Williamson MacDowall GWM00030 01/10/2011

    Charles Stanley & Co Ltd 124412 Mr David John McCulloch Wilson DJW01185 01/10/2011

    Charterhouse General Partners (IX) Limited 122148 Mr William Bruce Denne Dockeray WBD01003 01/10/2011

    Charterhouse General Partners (VII) Limited 122177 Mr William Bruce Denne Dockeray WBD01003 01/10/2011

    Charterhouse General Partners (VIII) Limited 144082 Mr William Bruce Denne Dockeray WBD01003 01/10/2011

    Cheviot Asset Management Limited 124652 Mr James Alexander Scott-Gatty JAS01186 01/10/2011

    Christchurch Investment Management Limited 153730 Mr Anthony Hayward Walters AHW00003 16/12/2011

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  • Individuals currently approved for CF10a - CASS Operational OversightSorted by firmAs at 24/02/2012

    Firm name FRN Name IRNStartdate


    Chuo Mitsui Trust International Limited 124546 Mr Hideki Sasakawa HXS01316 01/10/2011

    Church House Investments Limited 190548 Mr Roger John Davis RJD01146 01/10/2011

    CIBC World Markets Plc 176515 Mr John Keith Barber JKB01040 01/10/2011

    Cinven Limited 122600 Mr Kevin John Whale KJW01126 01/10/2011

    CIS Policyholder Services Limited 188391 Mr William Edward Newby WEN00001 01/10/2011

    CIS Unit Managers Limited 144032 Mr William Edward Newby WEN00001 01/10/2011

    Citibank International plc 122342 Mr Sean Patrick O'Connor SPO01022 01/10/2011

    Citibank, N.A. 124704 Mr Sean Patrick O'Connor SPO01022 01/10/2011

    Citigroup Global Markets Limited 124384 Mr Sean Patrick O'Connor SPO01022 01/10/2011

    Citigroup Global Markets U.K. Equity Limited 124324 Mr Sean Patrick O'Connor SPO01022 01/10/2011

    City Asset Management Plc 122483 Mr Michael John Trillwood MJT01129 01/10/2011

    City Credit Capital (UK) Ltd 232015 Mr Lorenz Tak Shing Lee LXL01109 01/10/2011

    City Equities Limited 155051 Mr James William Bedding JWB00038 01/10/2011

    City Fund Management Limited 176370 Mr Marc Jean-Yves Plessier MJP01321 19/01/2012

    City Fund Management Limited 176370 Mr Christopher Rupert Lee CRL01027 01/10/2011 18/01/2012

    City Index Limited 113942 Mr Nigel Rose NXR01270 01/10/2011

    Close Asset Management Limited 119329 Mr Richard Ian Curry RIC01022 01/10/2011

    Close Investments Limited 148682 Mr Richard Ian Curry RIC01022 01/10/2011

    CMC Markets UK plc 173730 Mr James Edwin Norman Thomas JET01113 01/10/2011

    CMC Spreadbet Plc 170627 Mr James Edwin Norman Thomas JET01113 01/10/2011

    Cofunds Limited 194734 Mr Philip Keith Painter PKP01018 01/10/2011

    Collins Stewart Europe Limited 182011 Mr John Anthony Cotter JAC01236 01/10/2011

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  • Individuals currently approved for CF10a - CASS Operational OversightSorted by firmAs at 24/02/2012

    Firm name FRN Name IRNStartdate


    Commonwealth Bank of Australia 139185 Mr John Cornelius Christopher Marshall JCM01149 01/10/2011

    Computershare Investor Services Plc 188534 Mr Nicholas Stuart Robert Oldfield NSO01003 01/10/2011

    Consortium Investment Management LLP 466575 Mr Hugh Richard Saunders HRS01037 01/10/2011

    Cordea Savills Investment Management Limited 193863 Mr Scott Alexander Simpson SAS01236 01/10/2011

    Cornelian Asset Managers Limited 143452 Mr John Jackson JXJ01230 01/10/2011

    Corporate & Professional Pensions Limited 465748 Mr Raymond Thomas Platt RTP00005 01/10/2011

    Courtiers Investment Services Limited 124995 Mr James Stewart Shepperd JSS00009 01/10/2011

    Coutts & Company 122287 Dr Juergen Michael Pulm JMP01219 01/10/2011

    Credit Agricole Cheuvreux International Limited 113980 Mr Jerome Charpentier JXC02346 01/10/2011

    Credit Suisse (UK) Limited 124269 Mr Andreas Michael Rohr AMR01167 01/10/2011

    Credit Suisse AG 119206 Mr Gareth Baker GXB01840 01/10/2011

    Credit Suisse International 146702 Mr Gareth Baker GXB01840 01/10/2011

    Credit Suisse Securities (Europe) Ltd 124611 Mr Gareth Baker GXB01840 01/10/2011

    Crown Agents Investment Management Limited 119207 Mr Stephen Charles Hollingdale SCH01063 01/10/2011

    Curtis Banks PLC 492502 Mr Ian Charles Stone ICS01058 01/10/2011

    Daewoo Securities (Europe) Ltd 149240 Mr John Francis Lobley JFL01053 01/10/2011

    Daiwa Capital Markets Europe Limited 124490 Mr David John Wright DJW01200 01/10/2011

    Daiwa Securities Trust & Banking (Europe) Plc 149699 Mr Keith Robert Evans KRE01005 01/10/2011

    Daniel Stewart & Company Plc 145026 Mr John Gordon Robson Whitwell JGW01079 01/10/2011

    Dar Capital (UK) Limited 478936 Mr Miyan Mansur-Ul Mannan MMM01050 01/10/2011

    David Booler & Company 146287 Ms Sarah Catherine Bailey SCC00021 01/10/2011

    David Booler SIPP Trustees Limited 465550 Ms Sarah Catherine Bailey SCC00021 01/10/2011

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  • Individuals currently approved for CF10a - CASS Operational OversightSorted by firmAs at 24/02/2012

    Firm name FRN Name IRNStartdate


    DB UK Bank Limited 140848 Mr James William Crabb JWC01070 01/10/2011 01/11/2011

    Development Company for Israel (UK) Limited 135266 Mr Kalman Robinson KXR01321 01/10/2011

    Dewhurst Torevell & Co Limited 183210 Miss Amanda Jayne Valentine AJV01050 01/10/2011

    Dickinson Dees LLP 448603 Mr Simon Robert Harper SRH01162 01/10/2011

    Dimensional Fund Advisors Ltd 150100 Mr Anthony George Clifton Rossdale AGR01026 01/10/2011

    Doughty Hanson & Co Managers Ltd 172381 Mr Richard Nicholas Lund RNL01020 01/10/2011

    Duke Street General Partner Limited 189460 Ms Nikola Jan Sutherland NXS01160 01/10/2011

    Duke Street LLP 521314 Ms Nikola Jan Sutherland NXS01160 01/10/2011

    Duke Street V Limited 194782 Ms Nikola Jan Sutherland NXS01160 01/10/2011

    Duncan Lawrie Asset Management Limited 114359 Mr Andrew Lewis John Hodges ALH00008 01/10/2011

    Dundee Securities Europe Limited 143093 Miss Cecilia Mary Kershaw CMK01021 01/10/2011 08/02/2012

    Dunedin Capital Partners Ltd 121961 Mr Graeme Douglas Murray GDM01046 01/10/2011

    E*Trade Securities Limited 140818 Mr Nikola Todor Alessandro Novakovic NTN00005 01/10/2011 17/11/2011

    ECI Partners LLP 211137 Mr Philip Shuttleworth PXS01481 01/10/2011

    Edwards Securities Ltd 106136 Mrs Margaret Jean Brett MJB01256 01/10/2011

    EFG Private Bank Limited 144036 Mr Grahame Raymond Holdgate GRH01071 01/10/2011

    Electra Partners LLP 455358 Mr Philip John Dyke PJD01155 01/10/2011

    Emirates NBD PJSC 514680 Mrs Jacqueline Yvonne Senior JYS01010 01/10/2011

    EQM Capital LLP 490473 Mr Philip John Dyke PJD01155 01/10/2011

    Equiniti Financial Services Limited 468631 Mr Darren Mark Smith DMS01265 01/10/2011

    Equistone Partners Europe Limited 124366 Mr Paul Leslie White Chapman PLC01070 21/10/2011 14/11/2011

    ETF Manager LLP 453441 Mr Bengt Henrik Olof Olsen HXO01021 01/10/2011

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  • Individuals currently approved for CF10a - CASS Operational OversightSorted by firmAs at 24/02/2012

    Firm name FRN Name IRNStartdate


    Euro-IB Limited 191857 Mr Alexander Otto Andreas Von Ungern-SternbergAOV01002 01/10/2011

    Europe Arab Bank plc 446951 Mr Philip Edwin Howitt Hindley PEH01038 01/10/2011

    European Investment Management Ltd 506600 Mr Ian Richard Francis IRF00001 29/11/2011

    European Islamic Investment Bank Plc 438537 Mr Marek Piotr Kubiakowski MXK01683 01/10/2011

    European Pensions Management Limited 461099 Mr Francis Gerald Moore FGM01017 01/10/2011

    Evolution Securities Limited 143999 Mr Toby John Dawson Raincock TJR01116 07/12/2011

    Evolution Securities Limited 143999 Mrs Claire Jacqueline Sinclair Radford CJR01185 01/10/2011 15/11/2011

    Exotix Limited 142605 Mr David John Baskerville DXB01442 01/10/2011

    Exponent Private Equity LLP 231527 Mr Craig McKenzie Vickery CMV01018 01/10/2011

    Extrabet Ltd 491696 Mr Christopher Frederick Hill CFH01049 01/10/2011

    F & C Fund Management Limited 121940 Mr Jeremy Douglas Charles JDC01152 01/10/2011

    F & C Management Limited 119230 Mr Jeremy Douglas Charles JDC01152 01/10/2011

    F H. Manning Financial Services Limited 114341 Mr Malcolm Wright MXW00002 01/10/2011

    F&C Asset Managers Ltd 148926 Mr Jeremy Douglas Charles JDC01152 01/10/2011

    F&C Investment Business Limited 177896 Mr Jeremy Douglas Charles JDC01152 01/10/2011

    Fairbairn Private Bank (IOM) Limited 313189 Mr Nicholas Michael Edward James NMJ01021 01/10/2011

    Family Equity Plan Limited 122351 Mr Bernard John White BJW00013 21/10/2011

    Family Investment Management Limited 122394 Mr Bernard John White BJW00013 21/10/2011

    Family PEP Managers Limited 171880 Mr Bernard John White BJW00013 21/10/2011

    Farley & Thompson LLP 461601 Mr Colin John William Chalkly-Maber CJC01142 01/10/2011

    FF&P Asset Management Limited 194382 Mr Richard John Adams RJA01164 01/01/2012

    FIL Investment Services (UK) Limited 121939 Mr Patrick Joseph Shea PJS01360 16/12/2011

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  • Individuals currently approved for CF10a - CASS Operational OversightSorted by firmAs at 24/02/2012

    Firm name FRN Name IRNStartdate


    FIL Investments International 122170 Mr Patrick Joseph Shea PJS01360 16/12/2011

    FIL Pensions Management 144345 Mr Patrick Joseph Shea PJS01360 16/12/2011

    Financial Administration Services Limited 122169 Mr Patrick Joseph Shea PJS01360 16/12/2011

    FinnCap Ltd 467766 Mr Mark Davis Tubby MDT01045 01/10/2011

    Finotec Trading UK Limited 470392 Mr Jeffrey Mark Levine JXL01764 08/11/2011

    First International Group Plc 455242 Mr Sunil Kumar Jain SKJ01024 01/10/2011

    First State Investments (UK) Limited 143359 Mr John Dempsey JXD01929 01/10/2011

    Fiske Plc 124279 Miss Amanda Jane Andrews AJA01115 01/10/2011

    FIXI Plc 448399 Mr Simon Carse SXC01309 01/10/2011

    FNZ (UK) Ltd 438687 Mr Peter John Burge PJB01499 01/10/2011

    Football League & P.F.A. Administration Limited 135374 Mr Christopher Peter Paul Murphy CPM01083 01/10/2011

    Forex Capital Markets Limited 217689 Mrs Maryke Faulkner MXF01580 07/02/2012

    Fox-Davies Capital Limited 210414 Mr Karl Alexander Hughes KAH01047 01/10/2011

    Franklin Templeton Fund Management Limited 122222 Mr Scott James Nicol SJN01112 01/01/2012

    Franklin Templeton Investment Management Limited 121779 Mr Scott James Nicol SJN01112 27/10/2011

    Franklin Templeton Investment Management Limited 121779 Mr Paul John Brady PJB01279 01/10/2011 13/10/2011

    Friends Life Services Limited 185746 Mr Robin Duncan Smith RDS01117 30/11/2011

    Friends Provident Investment Solutions Limited 515334 Mr Marcus John Gent MJG01366 20/12/2011

    Fundsmith LLP 523102 Mr Simon Charles Godwin SXG01164 01/10/2011

    FXCM Securities Limited 171487 Mrs Maryke Faulkner MXF01580 07/02/2012

    Fyshe Horton Finney Ltd 142402 Mr Charles William Jagger CWJ01020 01/10/2011

    G H Financials Ltd 161807 Mr Noil Porter NXP01190 01/10/2011

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  • Individuals currently approved for CF10a - CASS Operational OversightSorted by firmAs at 24/02/2012

    Firm name FRN Name IRNStartdate


    Gain Capital - Forex.Com UK Limited 190864 Mr Mukid Hossain Chowdhury MHC01057 01/10/2011

    Gartmore Fund Managers Limited 122610 Mr Brian David Rowe BDR01007 01/10/2011

    Gartmore Investment Limited 119236 Mr Brian David Rowe BDR01007 01/10/2011

    Gatehouse Bank Plc 475346 Mr Asim Saeed Siddiqui ASS01097 14/12/2011

    Gatehouse Bank Plc 475346 Mr Aboo Twalha Dhunnoo ATD01023 01/10/2011 14/12/2011

    GE Life Fund Management Limited 185620 Mr Anthony Stephen Bowman ASB01142 01/10/2011

    GECX Group Limited 537953 Mr Amer Khan AXK01920 11/10/2011

    GECX Group Limited 537953 Mrs Tejal Daya TXD01305 01/10/2011 03/10/2011

    Gekko Global Markets Limited 184333 Mr Edward Charles Drake ECD01008 01/10/2011

    George Ide LLP 497625 Mr Ian Hague Mellor IHM01018 01/10/2011

    Gerrard Investment Management Limited 155595 Mr Paul Leslie White Chapman PLC01070 21/10/2011

    GFI Securities Limited 184801 Mr Darryl Anthony Denyssen DAD01102 01/10/2011

    GFT Global Markets UK Limited 438879 Mr Mark Steven Ticehurst MST01028 01/10/2011

    GHC Capital Markets Ltd 152998 Miss Rachel Kathryn Hardy RKH01064 01/10/2011

    Gillespie MacAndrew LLP 442761 Mrs Doreen Crawford DXC02063 11/10/2011

    GKFX Financial Services Limited 501320 Mr Anthony Colin Sharpe ACS01156 01/10/2011

    Goldman Sachs International 142888 Mrs Nicola Suzanne Kane NSK01025 01/10/2011

    Goldman Sachs International Bank 124659 Mrs Nicola Suzanne Kane NSK01025 01/01/2012

    Governor Finance Limited 535944 Mr Bernard John White BJW00013 21/10/2011

    Graphite Capital Management LLP 434062 Mr Timothy James Spence TJS01147 01/10/2011

    Gresham LLP 218898 Ms Pauline Margaret Abbie PMA01017 01/10/2011

    Gresham Pension Trustees Limited 483201 Mr Troy Adam Clutterbuck TAC01056 01/10/2011

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  • Individuals currently approved for CF10a - CASS Operational OversightSorted by firmAs at 24/02/2012

    Firm name FRN Name IRNStartdate


    Greyfriars Asset Management LLP 229285 Mr Christopher Stephen Gladman CSG00006 01/10/2011

    Growth Capital Partners LLP 501399 Mr William John Jenkins WJJ01012 01/10/2011

    Guardian Pension Consultants Ltd 463717 Ms Kathryn Taylor KXT01247 01/10/2011

    Gulf International Bank (UK) Limited 124772 Mr Julian Peter Anthony JPA01031 14/11/2011

    Habib Bank AG Zurich 113991 Mr Nicholas John Fisher NJF01088 26/01/2012

    Habibsons Bank Limited 188585 Mrs Nadia Saleem NXS01587 03/02/2012

    Hale & Company LLP 501616 Mr Sean Michael Egan SME01029 01/10/2011

    Halifax Investment Services Ltd 149722 Mr Neil Lindsay Nicholson Machray NLM01023 13/10/2011

    Halifax Share Dealing Limited 183332 Mr Christopher Julian Horner CJH01151 01/10/2011

    Hargreave Hale Limited 209741 Mr Stuart Neville Brookes SNB01015 01/10/2011

    Hargreaves Lansdown Asset Management Limited 115248 Mrs Tracey Patricia Taylor TXT01110 21/10/2011

    Hargreaves Lansdown Fund Managers Limited 166016 Mrs Tracey Patricia Taylor TXT01110 21/10/2011

    Hargreaves Lansdown Stockbrokers Limited 149970 Mrs Tracey Patricia Taylor TXT01110 21/10/2011

    Hartmann Capital Limited 192815 Mr Paul Nigel Lowry NPL01017 01/10/2011

    Harwood Capital LLP 224915 Mr Ryan David Douglas Corton RDC01061 19/01/2012

    Harwood Capital LLP 224915 Mr Andrew James Steel AJS01254 01/10/2011 19/01/2012

    Hathaway Investment Management Limited 191751 Mr Stuart Robert George Englefield SRE01012 01/10/2011

    Havelock Hunter Stockbrokers Ltd 451354 Mr David James Andrew Hardcastle DJH01422 01/10/2011

    HB Markets Plc 155104 Ms Sarah Diane Maloney SDM01080 01/10/2011

    HBOS Investment Fund Managers Limited 119223 Mr Neil Lindsay Nicholson Machray NLM01023 13/10/2011

    Heartwood Wealth Management Limited 197340 Mrs Mary-Louise Boath Kingston MBK01021 01/10/2011

    Henderson Global Investors Limited 121857 Mr Brian David Rowe BDR01007 01/10/2011

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  • Individuals currently approved for CF10a - CASS Operational OversightSorted by firmAs at 24/02/2012

    Firm name FRN Name IRNStartdate


    Henderson Investment Funds Limited 121859 Mr Brian David Rowe BDR01007 01/10/2011

    Henyep Capital Markets (UK) Limited 186171 Mr Marcin Piotr Swanson-Zajac MPS01065 01/10/2011

    Herald Investment Management Limited 166064 Mr Andrew Blake Miller ABM01067 01/10/2011

    Heritage Capital Management Ltd 150453 Mr Rayman Man Kwong Wong RMW00042 01/10/2011

    Hermes GPE LLP 511314 Ms Janine Nicholls JXN01070 01/10/2011

    HG Investment Managers Limited 122200 Mrs Alison Jane Douglas Hampton AJH01543 01/10/2011

    HSBC Bank Plc 114216 Mr Brian Robertson BXR01193 21/10/2011

    HSBC Global Asset Management (UK) Limited 122335 Mr Gary John Robertson GJR01099 01/10/2011

    HSBC Trust Company (UK) Ltd 119297 Mr David John Coke DJC01412 01/10/2011

    Hutton Collins & Company Limited 208772 Mr Dominic James Barbour DJB01268 01/10/2011

    Hutton Collins Partners LLP 464895 Mr Dominic James Barbour DJB01268 01/10/2011

    Iain Nicholson Investment Management Limited 197339 Mr Iain Herald Nicholson IHN01002 01/10/2011

    ICAP Securities Limited 124520 Mr Steven Arthur Woolley SAW01145 01/10/2011

    IG Index Limited 114059 Mr Christopher Frederick Hill CFH01049 01/10/2011

    IG Markets Limited 195355 Mr Christopher Frederick Hill CFH01049 01/10/2011

    Ignis Investment Services Limited 121895 Mr David Rankin Cameron DRC01083 01/10/2011

    IKON Capital Limited 481068 Mr Ersan Remzi Acun ERA01017 01/10/2011

    IM Asset Management Ltd 402770 Mr Jonathan Paul Raettig JXR01359 01/10/2011

    IM Wealth Services Limited 526528 Mrs Yvonne Clough YXC01079 01/10/2011

    Impax Asset Management Limited 197008 Mr Michael Burt Knight MBK01011 07/12/2011

    Indigo Capital LLP 466760 Mr Anthony Philip Grover AXG01398 01/10/2011

    InfraRed (Infrastructure) Capital Partners Limited 192160 Mr Christopher Paul Gill CPG01012 01/10/2011

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  • Individuals currently approved for CF10a - CASS Operational OversightSorted by firmAs at 24/02/2012

    Firm name FRN Name IRNStartdate


    Innisfree Limited 176485 Mr James William Ward JXW01465 01/10/2011

    Insight Investment Funds Management Ltd 122259 Mr Lee Philip Palmer LPP01014 01/10/2011

    Insight Investment Management (Global) Limited 119308 Mr Lee Philip Palmer LPP01014 01/10/2011

    Instinet Europe Limited 140822 Ms Tanith Johnson TXJ01153 31/10/2011

    Instinet Europe Limited 140822 Mr Stephen Roger Corker SRC01073 01/10/2011 01/10/2011

    Integrated Financial Arrangements Plc 190856 Mr David Graham Charles Johnson DGJ01047 22/12/2011

    Interactive Brokers (UK) Ltd 208159 Mr Steven Robert Reeves SRR01025 09/11/2011

    Interactive Brokers (UK) Ltd 208159 Mr Alexander Ioffe AXL01786 18/10/2011 10/11/2011

    Interactive Investor Trading Limited 190551 Mr Brian Martin Gray BMG01041 01/10/2011

    Intermediate Capital Group Plc 143087 Mr Christopher James Connelly CJC01137 03/11/2011

    INTL FCStone (Europe) Ltd 446717 Mr Stephen Richard Bailey SRB01146 01/10/2011

    Invesco Asset Management Limited 122674 Mr John Rowland JXR01505 20/10/2011

    INVESCO Fund Managers Limited 119298 Mr John Rowland JXR01505 20/10/2011

    Investec Asset Management Limited 122420 Ms Kim Mary McFarland KMM01043 01/10/2011

    Investec Bank PLC 172330 Miss Cherie Matthes Lefever CXL01230 01/10/2011

    Investec Fund Managers Limited 145007 Ms Kim Mary McFarland KMM01043 01/10/2011

    Investec Wealth & Investment Limited 124537 Mrs Judith Edna Price JEP01071 01/10/2011

    Investment Funds Direct Limited 114432 Mr Mark Patrick Hastings MPH01115 01/10/2011

    Invista Real Estate Investment Management Ltd 447884 Mr Mark Andrew Lawson MAL01143 01/10/2011

    Iona Capital Ltd 121887 Mr Nicholas Robert William Ross NRR01012 06/10/2011

    IPS Pensions Limited 461720 Mr Richard Mark Valentine RMV01018 01/10/2011

    IQS Financial Limited 454194 Mr Bryan Patrick Smyth BPS01028 01/10/2011

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  • Individuals currently approved for CF10a - CASS Operational OversightSorted by firmAs at 24/02/2012

    Firm name FRN Name IRNStartdate


    Isis EP LLP 429087 Ms Sheenagh Egan SXE01071 01/10/2011

    ISIS Investment Manager Plc 119291 Mr Jeremy Douglas Charles JDC01152 01/10/2011

    Israel Discount Bank Limited 204668 Mr John Cuthbert JXC01526 11/01/2012

    Israel Discount Bank Limited 204668 Mr Christopher John Davies CJD01107 01/10/2011 22/12/2011

    J M Finn & Co Ltd 450754 Mr Steven Anthony Sussman SAS01108 01/10/2011

    J O Hambro Capital Management Limited 147406 Ms Margaret Helen Vaughan MHV01002 19/01/2012

    J O Hambro Capital Management Limited 147406 Mr Andrew James Steel AJS01254 01/10/2011 19/01/2012

    J O Hambro Investment Management Ltd 116404 Mr Marc Lee Valmont Geduldt MLG01056 01/10/2011

    J. & H. Mitchell WS 113454 Mr Andrew Colin MacDuff Liddell ACL01046 01/10/2011

    J. Rothschild Capital Management Limited 122691 Mr Christopher James Wise CJW01194 01/10/2011

    J.P Morgan Private Fund Management Limited 122098 Mr Richard John Walton RJW01149 24/11/2011

    J.P. Morgan Europe Limited 124579 Miss Denise Everall DXE01079 28/10/2011

    J.P. Morgan International Bank Limited 190750 Mr Richard John Walton RJW01149 24/11/2011

    J.P. Morgan Markets Limited 114031 Mr David Alan Turmaine DAT01127 01/10/2011

    J.P. Morgan Securities Ltd 155240 Mr Christopher David Mitchell CDM01115 06/01/2012

    J.P. Morgan Trustee & Administration Services Limited 116362 Mr Daniel James Watkins DJW01386 01/10/2011

    J.P. Morgan Trustee and Depositary Company Limited 122358 Miss Denise Everall DXE01079 28/10/2011

    James Brearley & Sons Limited 189219 Mr Simon Robert Trippier SRT01040 01/10/2011

    James Hair & Co 104766 Mr James Hair JXH01566 01/10/2011

    James Hambro & Partners LLP 513246 Mr Andrew James Steel AJS01254 01/10/2011

    James Hay WRAP Managers Limited 225574 Mr Colin Stephen Moody CSM01099 01/10/2011

    James Sharp & Co 140828 Mr Michael Tulip MXT01179 01/10/2011

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  • Individuals currently approved for CF10a - CASS Operational OversightSorted by firmAs at 24/02/2012

    Firm name FRN Name IRNStartdate


    Jarvis Investment Management Limited 116413 Mrs Lorraine Hazel Bing LHS00014 01/10/2011

    Jefferies Bache Limited 114226 Mr Michael John Coomber MJC01236 01/10/2011

    Jefferies International Ltd 139253 Mrs Lisa Michelle Pillay LMP01074 01/10/2011

    Jessop Fund Managers Limited 452904 Mr Stephen Gledhill SXG01186 01/10/2011

    Jordan International Bank Plc 183722 Mr Stephen Ian Tryner SIT01004 01/10/2011

    JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. 124491 Miss Denise Everall DXE01079 28/10/2011

    JPMorgan Funds Limited 119346 Mr Daniel James Watkins DJW01386 01/10/2011

    Jubilee Financial Products LLP 486204 Mr Marlon Soller MXS01408 01/10/2011

    Jupiter Asset Management Limited 141274 Mr Keith Marsden KXM01228 01/10/2011

    Jupiter Unit Trust Managers Limited 122488 Mrs Paula Marion Moore PMM01040 01/10/2011

    Kames Capital plc 144267 Mr Neil Donaldson NXD01298 01/10/2011

    Keith Montgomery Associates Limited 136684 Mrs Heather Ann Tigwell HAT01024 01/10/2011

    Kelso Place Asset Management LLP 472182 Mr Gareth Downes GXD01356 01/10/2011

    Key Capital Partners LLP 453526 Mr Owen Trotter OXT01007 01/10/2011

    King & Shaxson Limited 179213 Mr Barry Keith Morris BKM01010 01/10/2011

    Kleinwort Benson Bank Ltd 119269 Mr Daniel Peter Vogt DPV01012 01/12/2011

    Kleinwort Benson Bank Ltd 119269 Mr Duncan Anthony Hanlon DAH01177 20/10/2011 01/12/2011

    Kleinwort Benson Bank Ltd 119269 Mr Paul Dafydd Samuel PDS01086 01/10/2011 11/10/2011

    Kotak Mahindra (UK) Limited 171837 Mr Surendhren Manayath SXM02104 01/10/2011

    Lacomp Plc 115020 Mrs Diane Florence Lyons DXL00022 01/10/2011

    Langholm Capital 2008 LLP 477021 Mr Paul David Richings PDR01059 01/10/2011

    Langholm Capital LLP 209968 Mr Paul David Richings PDR01059 01/10/2011

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  • Individuals currently approved for CF10a - CASS Operational OversightSorted by firmAs at 24/02/2012

    Firm name FRN Name IRNStartdate


    Law Society (NI) Financial Advice Limited 141726 Mr William Trevor Davis WTD00002 01/10/2011

    Lazard Asset Management Limited 121839 Mr Michael Allen MXA02156 01/10/2011

    Lazard Fund Managers Limited 122190 Mr Michael Allen MXA02156 01/10/2011

    LCF Edmond De Rothschild Securities Limited 114803 Mr Huw Brentnall Pritchard HBP01005 01/10/2011

    Legal & General (Portfolio Management Services) Ltd 146786 Mr Stephen David Thomas SDT01052 01/10/2011

    Legal & General (Unit Trust Managers) Limited 119273 Mr Stephen David Thomas SDT01052 01/10/2011

    Legg Mason Investment Funds Limited 172614 Mr Thomas David Noone TXN01156 01/10/2011

    Legg Mason Investments (Europe) Limited 121831 Mr Thomas David Noone TXN01156 01/10/2011

    Liberum Capital Limited 465050 Mr John William Truscott JWT01029 01/10/2011

    Lighthouse Advisory Services Limited 195199 Mr Peter James Smith PJS01362 01/10/2011

    Liverpool Victoria Portfolio Managers Limited 188521 Mr Myles Ian Rix MIR01027 01/10/2011

    Lloyds TSB Bank Plc 119278 Mrs Alison Jane Hewitt AJH01559 01/10/2011

    Lloyds TSB Development Capital Limited 124632 Mr Robert James MacArthur RJM01354 01/10/2011

    Lloyds TSB Private Banking Ltd 122626 Mr Philip Robert Grant PRG01073 01/10/2011

    Lombard Odier Darier Hentsch (UK) Limited 122174 Mr Rhoderick Grant Sutton RGS01114 01/10/2011

    London & Colonial Services Limited 463876 Ms Linda Anne Bright LAB01104 01/10/2011

    London Capital Group Ltd 182110 Miss Siobhan Djihan Moynihan SDM01134 01/10/2011

    Lupton Fawcett LLP 442758 Mr Paul Wilson Smith PWS01045 01/10/2011

    Lyceum Capital Partners LLP 461091 Mr Andrew Richard Aylwin ARA01021 01/10/2011

    M & G Financial Services Limited 122058 Mr Graham Williamson Macdowall GWM00030 01/10/2011

    M & G Securities Limited 122057 Mr Graham Williamson MacDowall GWM00030 01/10/2011

    M D Barnard & Co Ltd 124885 Mr James Richard Atkinson JRA01040 01/10/2011

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  • Individuals currently approved for CF10a - CASS Operational OversightSorted by firmAs at 24/02/2012

    Firm name FRN Name IRNStartdate


    M&G International Investments Limited 197515 Mr Graham Williamson MacDowall GWM00030 01/10/2011

    M&G Investment Management Limited 119328 Mr John David Wright JDW01103 01/10/2011

    Macquarie Bank International Ltd 471080 Ms Clare Elizabeth Curtis CXC01299 01/10/2011

    Macquarie Capital (Europe) Limited 193905 Ms Clare Elizabeth Curtis CXC01299 01/10/2011

    Mako Financial Markets Partnership LLP 231157 Mrs Lorraine Mary Baines LMB01081 01/10/2011

    Maple Securities (UK) Ltd 146961 Mr Gordon George McLean GGM01022 01/10/2011

    Marex Financial Limited 442767 Mr Benjamin Craig Bennett BCB01045 01/10/2011

    Margetts Fund Management Limited 208565 Mr Alexander Simon Weston ASW01124 01/10/2011

    Marks & Spencer Financial Services Plc 151427 Mr Phillip William Scott PWS01081 01/10/2011

    Marks & Spencer Savings and Investments Ltd 155226 Mr Phillip William Scott PWS01081 01/10/2011

    Marks & Spencer Unit Trust Management Limited 141662 Mr Phillip William Scott PWS01081 01/10/2011

    Marylebone Capital Limited 484077 Mr Marcus James Redford MJR01301 01/10/2011

    Matrix Money Management Limited 190673 Mr John Richard Owen JRO01040 01/10/2011

    Maunby Investment Management Ltd 114428 Mr Andrew Michael Furse AMF01039 01/10/2011

    Maxis Securities Ltd 441316 Mr Noel Tin NXT01271 01/10/2011

    McInroy & Wood Ltd 121926 Mr James Peter Downie JPD01168 01/10/2011

    McInroy & Wood Portfolios Limited 144205 Mr James Peter Downie JPD01168 01/10/2011

    Melli Bank plc 207380 Mr James Stuart McCall JSM01143 01/10/2011

    Merrill Lynch International 147150 Mr Brian David Rundle BXR01096 01/10/2011

    Meteor Asset Management Limited 459325 Mr Simon Hugh Bottomley SHB01035 01/10/2011

    Meteor Investment Management Ltd 496880 Mr Simon Hugh Bottomley SHB01035 01/10/2011

    Method Investments & Advisory Ltd 208692 Ms Nicole Sarah Lynn NXL01211 01/10/2011

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  • Individuals currently approved for CF10a - CASS Operational OversightSorted by firmAs at 24/02/2012

    Firm name FRN Name IRNStartdate


    MetLife Pension Trustees Limited 462503 Mr Martin Cornhouse MXC02317 01/10/2011

    MF Global UK Limited 106052 Mr Neil James Hatton NJH01197 01/10/2011

    Michael Butterfield Financial Planning Services LLP 229257 Mr Shaun Jeremy Day SJD00003 01/10/2011

    Michael Davey Financial Management Limited 115088 Mr Jeremy Bernard Pooley JBP01061 01/10/2011

    Miller & Co Investment Management Ltd 166062 Mr Roderick Duncan Mackinnon RDM01080 01/10/2011

    Mirabaud Investment Management Limited 122140 Mr John Graham Cutler JGC01061 01/10/2011

    Mirabaud Securities LLP 489643 Mr John Graham Cutler JGC01061 01/10/2011

    Mitsubishi UFJ Securities International plc 124512 Mr Robert Francis Furlong RFF01029 06/12/2011

    Mitsubishi UFJ Trust International Limited 124624 Mr Barry George Brooks BGB01026 01/10/2011

    Mizrahi Tefahot Bank Limited 139212 Mrs Sue J Black SJB01221 01/10/2011

    Mizuho International Plc 119256 Mr John Walter Sweeney JWS01083 24/11/2011

    Monecor (London) Ltd 124721 Mr Jeremy Jacob Menell JJM01217 01/10/2011

    Moneycorp Markets Ltd 452443 Mr Noel Medici NXM01129 01/10/2011

    Montague Place Custody Services 124337 Mrs Nicola Suzanne Kane NSK01025 01/10/2011

    Morgan Stanley & Co. International Plc 165935 Miss Juliet Robinson JXR01835 01/10/2011

    Morgan Stanley Bank International Limited 195430 Miss Juliet Robinson JXR01835 01/10/2011

    Morgan Stanley Securities Ltd 139238 Miss Juliet Robinson JXR01835 01/10/2011

    Morton Fraser LLP 428563 Mr John Alexander Lunn JAL01244 01/10/2011

    Murray Asset Management Ltd 474303 Mr William Ruthven Gemmell WRG01008 01/10/2011

    MVM Life Science Partners LLP 439263 Mr Neil James Akhurst NJA01064 01/10/2011

    Myddleton Croft Ltd 454659 Mr Brennan David Cowell BDC00014 01/10/2011

    N W Brown & Company Limited 191123 Mr Philip Brian Burke PBB01022 01/10/2011

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  • Individuals currently approved for CF10a - CASS Operational OversightSorted by firmAs at 24/02/2012

    Firm name FRN Name IRNStartdate


    Namulas Pension Trustees Limited 463426 Mrs Angela Susan Dixon ASD01077 01/10/2011

    National Westminster Bank Plc 121878 Mr Malcolm John Butt MJB01633 01/10/2011

    Natixis Commodity Markets Limited 114237 Mr Adrian Paul Penney APP01058 12/01/2012

    Natixis Commodity Markets Limited 114237 Mrs Claire Bridel CXB01345 01/10/2011 09/12/2011

    NatWest Stockbrokers Ltd 124395 Mr Jonathan McGill JXM02068 01/10/2011

    NCL Investments Limited 140824 Mr Jeremy Tristan Boadle JTB01027 01/10/2011

    Neptune Investment Management Limited 416015 Mr Robert Henry Warner RHW01033 01/10/2011

    New Star Investment Funds Limited 195747 Mr Brian David Rowe BDR01007 01/10/2011

    Newedge Group 183415 Mr Mark David Robson MDR01061 11/11/2011

    Newedge UK Financial Limited 538896 Mr Mark David Robson MDR01061 11/11/2011

    Newton Capital Management Ltd 154925 Mr Andrew Terence Downs ATD01005 01/10/2011

    Newton Investment Management Ltd 119331 Mr Andrew Terence Downs ATD01005 01/10/2011

    NFU Mutual Investment Services Ltd 121921 Mr Angus Paterson AXP01334 01/10/2011

    NLP Financial Management Limited 221468 Mr Lee Elliott Pittal LEP00002 17/01/2012

    NM Pensions Trustees Limited 463402 Mr Myles Ian Rix MIR01027 01/10/2011

    Nomura Asset Management UK Ltd 122703 Mr Atsushi Saito AXS02565 01/10/2011

    Nomura International Plc 124422 Mr Garth Barker-Goldie GXB01239 01/10/2011

    Northern Bank Limited 122261 Mr Jeremy Paul Stewart JPS00020 01/10/2011

    Northern Trust Global Investments Limited 191916 Mr Kai Dirk Leifert KDL01024 07/10/2011

    Northern Trust Global Services Ltd 226284 Mr David Charles Wicks DCW01050 21/10/2011

    Novia Financial Plc 481600 Mr Alexander John Dominic Easton AJE01118 01/10/2011

    Nucleus Financial Services Ltd 456117 Mrs Aileen Janette Mathieson AJM01606 01/10/2011

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  • Individuals currently approved for CF10a - CASS Operational OversightSorted by firmAs at 24/02/2012

    Firm name FRN Name IRNStartdate


    Numis Securities Limited 144822 Mr Simon Timothy Denyer STD01022 01/10/2011

    NVM Private Equity Limited 141943 Mr Christopher David Mellor CDM01066 01/10/2011

    OANDA Europe Limited 542574 Mr Stephen Christian Judge SCJ01025 01/10/2011 30/12/2011

    Octopus Investments Limited 194779 Mr Christopher Robert Hulatt CRH01039 01/10/2011

    Ogier Corporate Administration Ltd 225785 Mr Christopher Neil Shaw CNS01023 01/10/2011

    Old Mutual Fund Managers Limited 119324 Mrs Miranda Lauraine Telfer MLT01026 01/10/2011

    Optimus Capital LLP 506790 Mr Philip Hugh Hervey Kay PHK01027 14/10/2011

    Orbit Investment Securities Services Plc 195453 Mr Mohi Uddin Ahmed MXA01290 02/12/2011

    Otkritie Securities Limited 225539 Mr Howard Peter Snell HPS01009 05/12/2011

    Palamon Capital Partners LP 188868 Mr Gary Michael Pritchard GMP01057 01/10/2011

    Panmure Gordon (UK) Limited 403721 Mr Nicholas Robert Cook NRC01040 01/10/2011

    Parallel Private Equity LLP 491780 Mr Neil Simon Peters NSP01015 01/10/2011

    Parmenion Capital Partners LLP 462085 Mrs Jeanette Marie Cook JMC00003 01/10/2011

    Paul E Schweder Miller & Co 124404 Mr David Thomas Davis DTD01011 01/10/2011

    Pearson Jones Plc 144519 Mr Jeremy Robert Dunne JRD01085 01/10/2011

    Peel Hunt LLP 530083 Mr Stephen Hall SXH02068 01/10/2011

    Penson Financial Services Limited 145806 Mr Mark Robert Goodliffe MRG01143 01/10/2011

    Pershing Securities Ltd 146576 Mr David Alasdair Lewis DAL01162 01/10/2011

    Peterkins 113007 Mr Thomas George Rennie TGR01018 01/10/2011

    Pharon Independent Financial Advisers Limited 138169 Mrs Elizabeth Evelyn Jane Rule EEG00002 01/10/2011

    Philip J Milton & Company Plc 181768 Mr Philip James Milton PJM00001 01/10/2011

    Pilgrim Trustee Services Ltd 460707 Mrs Laurence Thackeray LXT01076 01/10/2011

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  • Individuals currently approved for CF10a - CASS Operational OversightSorted by firmAs at 24/02/2012

    Firm name FRN Name IRNStartdate


    Pilling & Co LP 141242 Mr Christopher John Jones CJJ01027 01/10/2011

    Piper PE LLP 502053 Mr Christopher John Max Curry CJC01165 01/10/2011

    Platform One Limited 542059 Mr Michael Gerard Fordham MGF01023 24/10/2011

    Pond Venture Partners Limited 186294 Mrs Elizabeth Alexandra Ralston EAR01017 01/10/2011

    Premier Fund Managers Ltd 143097 Mr Mark Andrew Friend MAF01057 01/10/2011

    Premier Portfolio Managers Limited 122067 Mr Mark Andrew Friend MAF01057 01/10/2011

    Primary Capital Ltd 171446 Mr Simon Charles Lloyd SCL01024 01/10/2011

    Prime Asset Custody Transfers Limited 502625 Mr Brian David Rundle BXR01096 01/10/2011

    Principal Investment Management Limited 122588 Miss Sarah Elizabeth Dix SED01034 01/10/2011

    Pritchard Stockbrokers Limited 124257 Mr David John Gillespie DJG01107 11/11/2011

    Prudential Personal Equity Plans Ltd 122011 Mr Graham Williamson MacDowall GWM00030 01/10/2011

    Quilter & Co. Limited 124259 Mr Terence James Alexander Wade TJW01067 01/10/2011

    R C Brown Investment Management Plc 146002 Mrs Lindsey Jacqueline Jones LJJ01031 01/10/2011

    R M Walkden & Co Ltd 137425 Mr Iain Donald Cheyne IDC01042 01/10/2011

    Rathbone Investment Management Limited 116316 Mr Kelvin Heywood-Clough KXH01394 01/10/2011

    Raymond James Investment Services Ltd 194713 Mr Stuart Craig Wright SCW01095 01/01/2012

    RBC Dexia Investor Services Trust 435052 Mr John Bull JXB02769 06/01/2012

    RBC Europe Limited 124543 Mrs Isabelle Marcelle Raymond Philippe DenniganIMD01036 01/10/2011

    RBS Collective Investment Funds Limited 122139 Mr Malcolm John Butt MJB01633 01/10/2011

    RBS Equities (UK) Limited 153995 Mr Simon John Mould SJM01456 01/10/2011

    RCM (UK) Limited 122219 Miss Beatrice Joy Doran BJD01054 01/10/2011

    Redmayne-Bentley LLP 499510 Mr Timothy John Archer TJA01038 01/10/2011

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  • Individuals currently approved for CF10a - CASS Operational OversightSorted by firmAs at 24/02/2012

    Firm name FRN Name IRNStartdate


    Reeves Investment Management Limited 114371 Mr Eric Clapton EXC00025 01/10/2011

    Religare Capital Markets Plc 143695 Mr David Muir Haveron DMH01092 01/10/2011

    Reyker Securities Plc 115308 Miss Helen Patricia Fowlie HPF01003 01/10/2011

    Rickerbys LLP 472841 Mrs Ruth Mary Godden RMG01076 01/10/2011

    Ridge Clearing and Outsourcing Solutions Limited 469813 Mrs Amanda Jane Fisher AJF01195 01/10/2011

    Risk Profiles Limited 208201 Mr Timothy James Gledhill TJG01045 01/01/2012

    River and Mercantile Asset Management LLP 453087 Mr Julian Christopher Cripps JCC01178 01/10/2011

    Riyad Bank 139220 Mr Frank Douglas Benjamin Mitchell FDM01002 01/10/2011

    RJD Partners Limited 208588 Mr Richard John Drover RJD01079 01/10/2011

    Rothschild Wealth Management (UK) Limited 218613 Mr Alexander Arnold MacPhee AAM01044 01/10/2011

    Rowan Dartington & Co Ltd 155241 Mr David Burrows DXB02037 01/10/2011

    Royal Bank of Canada 124783 Mrs Isabelle Marcelle Raymond Philippe DenniganIMD01036 01/10/2011

    Royal Bank of Canada Investment Management (UK) Ltd 146504 Mr Timothy Raymond Fletcher TRF01017 01/10/2011

    Royal Bank of Canada Investment Management (USA) Limited 186618 Mr Timothy Raymond Fletcher TRF01017 01/10/2011

    Royal London Cash Management Limited 121844 Mr Thomas Christopher Meade TCM01017 01/10/2011

    Royal London Savings Limited 191237 Mr Richard Simon James RSJ01011 01/10/2011

    Royal London Unit Trust Managers Limited 144037 Mr Richard Simon James RSJ01011 01/10/2011

    Ruffer LLP 229135 Mr Myles Columba Marmion MCM01061 01/10/2011

    Rutland Partners LLP 229333 Mr Nigel Adam Moss NAM01043 01/10/2011

    S C Davies & Company Ltd 431206 Mr Nicholas David Somers NDS01026 01/10/2011

    S.I.T. Savings Limited 125495 Mr Alan Michael Jamieson AMJ00013 01/10/2011

    SAB Securities Limited 225986 Mr Muhammad Usman Adam MUA01003 01/10/2011

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  • Individuals currently approved for CF10a - CASS Operational OversightSorted by firmAs at 24/02/2012

    Firm name FRN Name IRNStartdate


    Sand Aire Limited 177030 Mrs Laura Veronica Russell-Young LVR00005 01/10/2011

    Sanford C. Bernstein Limited 191115 Mr Surendran Chellappah SXC01633 01/10/2011

    Sanlam Financial Services UK Limited 472783 Mr Timothy James Fox TJF01037 01/10/2011

    Santander Asset Management UK Limited 122491 Mrs Gail Glen GXG01363 01/10/2011

    Santander ISA Managers Limited 171448 Mrs Gail Glen GXG01363 01/10/2011

    Sapien Capital Limited 479120 Mr Hemantkumar Damodardas Parikh HDP01017 17/01/2012

    Sarasin & Partners LLP 475111 Mr Timothy James Temple TJT01050 01/10/2011

    Sarasin Investment Funds Limited 122244 Mr Timothy James Temple TJT01050 01/10/2011

    Saxo Capital Markets UK Limited 551422 Mr Martin Lawrence MXL01896 05/10/2011

    Schroder & Co Ltd 144206 Mr James Winston Collings JWC01101 01/10/2011

    Schroder Investment Management Ltd 119348 Mr Michael William Pavey NMP01015 01/10/2011

    Schroder Investments Limited 122305 Mr Charles Edward Helmstetter CEH01085 01/10/2011

    Schroder Unit Trusts Limited 197288 Mr Charles Edward Helmstetter CEH01085 01/10/2011

    Scottish Equity Partners LLP 482807 Mr Richard Ian Alexander Sparrow RIS01019 01/10/2011

    Scottish Friendly Asset Managers Limited 188832 Mr Liam Gilmore LXG01310 01/10/2011

    Scottish Friendly Insurance Services Ltd 457058 Mr Liam Gilmore LXG01310 01/10/2011

    Scottish Widows Investment Partnership Limited 193707 Mr Anthony Paul Owens APO01014 01/10/2011

    Scottish Widows Unit Trust Managers Limited 122129 Mr Neil Lindsay Nicholson Machray NLM01023 13/10/2011

    SEI Investments (Europe) Limited 191713 Mr Christopher Paul Chapman CPC01027 01/10/2011

    Seven Investment Management Limited 471293 Mrs Hazel Ann Paton HAP01023 01/10/2011

    Seymour Pierce Limited 141297 Mr Thomas Wesley Forcier TWF01014 14/02/2012

    Seymour Pierce Limited 141297 Mrs Susan Janet Rutherford SJR01121 01/10/2011 03/02/2012

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  • Individuals currently approved for CF10a - CASS Operational OversightSorted by firmAs at 24/02/2012

    Firm name FRN Name IRNStartdate


    SG Hambros Bank Limited 119250 Mr David Lewis-Irlam DXL01346 01/10/2011

    SG Hambros Trust Company Limited 122566 Mrs Rachel Anne Armstrong Iles RAI01009 01/10/2011

    Shepherd and Wedderburn LLP 456731 Mr William Brian Robertson WBR01003 01/10/2011

    Shinkin International Ltd 148967 Mr Satoshi Igarashi SXI01176 01/10/2011

    Silverfleet Capital Limited 122009 Mr Darren James Jordan DJJ01052 01/10/2011

    SimplyStockbroking Limited 485165 Mr Aran Derek John Gibbs ADG01110 01/10/2011

    Singer & Friedlander Capital Management Limited 172672 Mr James John Youngs JJY01005 01/10/2011

    Singer & Friedlander Investment Management Ltd 119364 Mr James John Youngs JJY01005 01/10/2011

    Singer Capital Markets Limited 453676 Mr Andrew Beauchamp Proctor ABP01044 01/10/2011

    Skandia Investment Management Ltd 208543 Mr Marc Robert Andrew Bulstrode MRB01205 01/10/2011

    Skandia MultiFunds Limited 165359 Mr John Philip Hine JPH01080 01/10/2011

    Smartfund Administration Limited 463566 Mr Paul William Salusbury Brewis PWB01100 01/10/2011

    Smith & Pinching Portfolio Management Limited 158900 Mr Scott Barry Pinching SBP00009 01/10/2011

    Smith & Williamson Fund Administration Limited 122401 Mr Jeremy Tristan Boadle JTB01027 01/10/2011

    Smith & Williamson Investment Management Limited 131816 Mr Jeremy Tristan Boadle JTB01027 01/10/2011

    Solo Capital Limited 499319 Mr Adam James Forsyth AJF01240 10/10/2011

    Speirs & Jeffrey Ltd 124658 Mr Steven William James Mathieson SWM01027 01/10/2011

    Sporting Index Limited 150404 Mr Martin Richard Pates MRP01129 01/10/2011

    Spread Co Limited 446677 Mr Jonathan Daniel Silvester JDS01152 01/10/2011

    Spreadex Limited 190941 Mr Jonathan Gordon Hufford JGH01073 01/10/2011

    St. James's Place Unit Trust Group Limited 122472 Mr William Simon Alterman WSA01009 01/10/2011

    Stadia Trustees Ltd 464763 Mr Jason Charles Burman JCB01178 01/10/2011

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  • Individuals currently approved for CF10a - CASS Operational OversightSorted by firmAs at 24/02/2012

    Firm name FRN Name IRNStartdate


    Standard Bank Plc 124823 Mr Christopher John Potter CJP01150 01/10/2011

    Standard Chartered Bank 114276 Mr William Richard Holmes WRH01015 10/10/2011

    Standard Life Investments (Mutual Funds) Limited 146477 Mr Michael Tumilty MXT01680 01/10/2011

    Standard Life Savings Limited 188796 Mr Ronald Frank Cameron Taylor RFT01015 01/10/2011

    Star Capital Partners Limited 191919 Mr Michael John Williams MJW01442 01/10/2011

    State Street Bank and Trust Company 170462 Mr Barry David Muir BDM01034 01/10/2011

    Stenham Advisors Plc 190748 Mr Matthew Alexander Sinclair Rae MAR01181 01/10/2011

    Sterling ISA Managers Limited 191278 Mr Timothy Paul Culling TPC01035 01/10/2011

    Sucden Financial Limited 114239 Mr Robert James RXJ01081 01/10/2011

    Suffolk Life Pensions Limited 116298 Mrs Renata Angela Karolina Chester RAS01120 05/10/2011

    Sun Global Investments Limited 474277 Mr Kaumil Shah KXS01625 01/10/2011

    SunGard Global Execution Services Limited 469919 Ms Michelle Ann Wood MAW01309 01/10/2011

    SVM Asset Management Limited 146873 Mrs Carolina Alexandra Viola CAV01012 01/10/2011

    SVS Securities Plc 220929 Mr David Cowley DXC01732 01/10/2011

    SWIP Fund Management Limited 122135 Mr Anthony Paul Owens APO01014 01/10/2011

    SWIP Multi-Manager Funds Limited 455821 Mr Anthony Paul Owens APO01014 01/10/2011

    Swisscanto Funds Centre Limited 124588 Mr Mark O'Brien MXO01136 01/10/2011

    Synergy Financial Products Limited 312416 Mr Sandip Roy-Chowdhury SXR01806 01/10/2011

    Talbot and Muir SIPP LLP 462015 Mr Paul Neil Longmore PNL00003 01/10/2011

    Talos Securities Limited 208271 Dr Andrew Glen Pateman AGP01079 01/10/2011

    Taylor Patterson Associates Limited 114619 Mrs Gillian Mary Bardin GMB01102 01/10/2011

    TD Direct Investing (Europe) Limited 141282 Ms Caroline Jane Bradley CJB01192 01/10/2011

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  • Individuals currently approved for CF10a - CASS Operational OversightSorted by firmAs at 24/02/2012

    Firm name FRN Name IRNStartdate


    TDR Capital LLP 216708 Mr Thomas Andrew Mitchell TAM01110 01/10/2011

    TDWCS LLP 214206 Mr Jason Mark Robinson JMR00036 01/10/2011

    Tee Financial Plc 211314 Mr Paul Robert Stothard PRS01133 01/10/2011

    Tesco Personal Finance PLC 186022 Mr Ricky David Hunkin RDH01062 18/11/2011

    The Access Bank UK Limited 478415 Mr Vikas Monawer VXM01079 01/10/2011

    The Bank of New York Mellon 122467 Mr Fabian Malachy Sweeney FMS01012 21/10/2011

    The Bank of New York Mellon (International) Limited 183100 Mr Fabian Malachy Sweeney FMS01012 21/10/2011

    The Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi UFJ Limited 139189 Mr Kevin Vere Ludwick KVL01009 01/10/2011

    The Falcon Group Plc 114661 Mr Peter James Smith PJS01362 01/10/2011

    The IPS Partnership plc 115135 Mr Richard Mark Valentine RMV01018 01/10/2011

    The Kyte Group Ltd 114120 Mr Paul Vernon Lack PVL01002 01/10/2011

    The Northern Trust Company 122020 Mr David Charles Wicks DCW01050 21/10/2011

    The Royal Bank of Scotland Plc 121882 Mr Andrew Robinson AXR01986 01/10/2011

    The Share Centre Limited 146768 Mr Richard William Stone RWS01107 01/10/2011

    Thesis Asset Management Plc 114354 Mr Gregory Sydney Dalton GSD01015 01/10/2011

    THESIS Unit Trust Management Limited 186882 Mr Gregory Sydney Dalton GSD01015 01/10/2011

    Thomas Grant & Co Ltd 163296 Mrs Sheila Irene Brindley SIB01012 01/10/2011

    Thornhill Investment Management Limited 115124 Mrs Carolyn Sims CXK01052 01/10/2011

    Threadneedle Asset Management Limited 122194 Mr Timothy Nicholas Gillbanks TNG01005 01/10/2011

    Threadneedle Investment Services Limited 190437 Mr Timothy Nicholas Gillbanks TNG01005 01/10/2011

    Thurleigh Investment Managers LLP 403832 Mr Richard Kenneth Wright RKW01027 01/10/2011

    Tilly Bailey & Irvine LLP 450104 Mr Steven Collyer SXC01460 01/10/2011

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  • Individuals currently approved for CF10a - CASS Operational OversightSorted by firmAs at 24/02/2012

    Firm name FRN Name IRNStartdate


    Towry Investment Management Limited 142989 Mr David Douglas Percy DDP01018 01/10/2011

    Towry Pension Trustees Limited 465128 Mr David Douglas Percy DDP01018 01/10/2011

    Traderisks Limited 197544 Dr Alejandro Miguel Pilato AXP01398 01/10/2011

    Trapezium Capital Management Limited 537510 Mr Joseph Anthony Duffy JAD01300 01/10/2011

    Triple Point Investment Management LLP 456597 Mr Simon David Morley SDM01136 20/10/2011

    TRX Futures Limited 114247 Mr Stephen Charles Pollard SCP01071 01/10/2011

    TTP Venture Managers Limited 186944 Mr Clennell Douglas Collingwood CDC01028 01/10/2011

    Tullett Prebon (Securities) Limited 154234 Mrs Verity Jane Barclay VXP01028 01/10/2011

    Tunbridge Wells Equitable Investments Company Limited 208027 Mr Simon John Allford SXA01423 01/10/2011

    Turcan Connell Solicitors & Asset Managers 184739 Ms Tracy Ann Hiner TAH01075 01/10/2011

    Turkiye Is Bankasi As 204708 Mr Robert Peter Wood RPW01070 01/10/2011

    UBS AG 186958 Mr Callum Donald Licence CXL01367 10/11/2011

    UBS Limited 124343 Mr Ian Wiley IXW01190 07/02/2012

    UK Portfolio Management Limited 147103 Mr Paul Graham Hursthouse PXH01728 01/10/2011

    Union Bancaire Privee, UBP SA 147562 Mr Richard James McGrand RJM01304 01/10/2011

    United International Management Ltd 494930 Mr Alex Smotlak AXS02594 01/10/2011

    Valbury Capital Limited 540418 Mr Michael Philip Johnson MPJ01063 01/10/2011

    Vanguard Investments UK, Ltd 494699 Mrs Teuta Bakalli TXB01456 01/10/2011

    Vantage Investment Group Ltd 482470 Mr Alan Richard Taylor ART00034 01/10/2011

    Velocity Trade International Limited 497263 Mr Timothy Richard Pasco TXP01220 01/10/2011

    Vestra Wealth LLP 471048 Mr Jonathan James Sokhanvari JJS01116 01/10/2011

    Virgin Money Personal Financial Service Ltd 179271 Mr Finlay Ferguson Williamson FXW01041 01/10/2011

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  • Individuals currently approved for CF10a - CASS Operational OversightSorted by firmAs at 24/02/2012

    Firm name FRN Name IRNStartdate


    Virgin Money Unit Trust Managers Ltd 171748 Mr Finlay Ferguson Williamson FXW01041 01/10/2011

    W H Ireland Limited 140773 Mr Thomas Malcolm Hatton TMH01039 01/10/2011

    Walker Crips Asset Managers Limited 191075 Mr David John Hall DJH00138 01/10/2011

    Walker Crips Stockbrokers Ltd 226344 Mr Philip Gilfillan PXG01612 01/10/2011

    Wealth At Work Limited 417367 Mr Mark Leonard Hutchinson MLH00004 01/10/2011

    Wells Capital Investment Solutions Limited 476896 Mr Simon Miller SXM02583 01/10/2011

    Wells Fargo Securities International Limited 186745 Mr Bryn Eiron Owen BEO01003 01/01/2012

    West One Loan Limited 510024 Mr Duncan Lloyd Kreeger DLK01019 01/10/2011

    Westhouse Securities Limited 114265 Mr Grant Jeffrey Foley GJF01059 01/10/2011

    WHEB Venture Partners LLP 474136 Mr James Anthony McNaught-Davis JAM01200 31/10/2011

    Whitechurch Securities Limited 114318 Mr Daniel Matthew Gregory DMG01110 01/10/2011

    Whitefoord LLP 517235 Mr Eric Roger Moe ERM01029 01/10/2011

    WhiteGold Fund Management Limited 514546 Mr Sanjay Maraj SXM02506 01/10/2011

    Wilfred T. Fry (Personal Financial Planning) Limited 114402 Mr Richard Butler RDB01081 01/10/2011

    Williams de Broe Limited 149148 Mr David Keith Howard DKH01015 01/10/2011

    Williams Investment Management LLP 403210 Mr Denis Stanley Kaye DSK01035 01/10/2011

    Winterflood Securities Ltd 141455 Mrs Carole Lynne Couzens CLC01088 01/10/2011

    Witan Investment Services Limited 446227 Mr James Owen Frost JOF01003 01/10/2011

    WM Thomson & Sons 131596 Miss Julie Alison Ganson JAG01159 01/10/2011

    Woodside Corporate Services Limited 467652 Mr Graham Kenneth Urquhart GKU00002 01/10/2011

    Woodspring Securities Limited 114326 Mr Geoffrey Metcalfe Surtees GMS00008 01/10/2011

    Woolwich Plan Managers Limited 183887 Mr Paul Leslie White Chapman PLC01070 21/10/2011

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  • Individuals currently approved for CF10a - CASS Operational OversightSorted by firmAs at 24/02/2012

    Firm name FRN Name IRNStartdate


    World First Markets Limited 477561 Miss Anna Rennie AXR01892 01/10/2011

    Worldspreads Ltd 230730 Mr Niall Stephen Patrick O'Kelly NSO01004 01/10/2011

    Wright, Johnston & MacKenzie LLP 231170 Mr Ian MacDonald IXM01152 01/10/2011

    Xenfin Capital Limited 541623 Mr Duncan MacInnes DXM01958 20/10/2011

    YFM Private Equity Limited 122120 Mr David Ian Hall DIH01017 01/10/2011

    YFM Venture Finance Limited 224728 Mr David Ian Hall DIH01017 01/10/2011

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