corpus christi church

CORPUS CHRISTI CHURCH 31-30 61st Street, Woodside, NY 11377 Rectory ~ Phone: 718-278-8114 ~ Fax: 718-278-3619 ~ Food Pantry: 718-721-2774 Web site: E-Mail: corpuschrisƟ THE PASTORAL STAFF Rev. Patrick J. West, Pastor Rev. James Hughes, Parochial Vicar Rev. John O’Neill, I.V.D., Weekend Associate Deacon Juan J. Zhagñay, Deacon Mr. Augusto Lucero, Religious EducaƟon Ms. Iris Flores, Pastoral Associate Mr. MaƩhew LaBanca, Music Director Mr. Jacobo Gomez, Coro Español SUNDAY MASS SCHEDULE Saturday/Sábado: 5:00PM English 6:30 PM Español, Sunday/Domingo: 8:45AM English 11:00AM Español, 12:30PM English Filipino Mass 2:00PM - 4 th Sun. WEEKDAY MASS SCHEDULE Monday - Saturday: 8:00AM English Lunes: 7:30PM Español Primer Viernes: 7:30PM Blvd Gardens 10:30AM—1st Wednesday Divine Mercy: Friday at 3:00 PM/Chapel. Marriage: Marriage arrangements must be made at least six months in advance with one of the Priests of the Parish. Call the rectory for an appointment. Matrimonio: Sacar cita con el Sacerdote seis meses antes de la fecha elegida, para varias entrevistas y compilación de documentos. Sacrament of Reconciliation/Confesiones: Saturday/Sábado: 4:00 PM until 4:45 PM and any time by appointment / durante la semana previa cita. Corpus Christi is affiliated with St. Joseph Catholic Academy 28-46 44 Street Long Island City, New York 11103 Mr. Luke Nawrocki, Principal (718) 728-0724

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CORPUS CHRISTI CHURCH 31-30 61st Street,

Woodside, NY 11377 Rectory ~ Phone: 718-278-8114 ~ Fax: 718-278-3619 ~

Food Pantry: 718-721-2774 Web site: E-Mail: corpuschris

THE PASTORAL STAFF Rev. Patrick J. West, Pastor

Rev. James Hughes, Parochial Vicar

Rev. John O’Neill, I.V.D., Weekend Associate

Deacon Juan J. Zhagñay, Deacon

Mr. Augusto Lucero, Religious Educa on

Ms. Iris Flores, Pastoral Associate

Mr. Ma hew LaBanca, Music Director

Mr. Jacobo Gomez, Coro Español

SUNDAY MASS SCHEDULE Saturday/Sábado: 5:00PM English

6:30 PM Español,

Sunday/Domingo: 8:45AM English

11:00AM Español,

12:30PM English

Filipino Mass 2:00PM - 4th Sun. WEEKDAY MASS SCHEDULE Monday - Saturday: 8:00AM English

Lunes: 7:30PM Español

Primer Viernes: 7:30PM

Blvd Gardens 10:30AM—1st Wednesday

Divine Mercy: Friday at 3:00 PM/Chapel.

Marriage: Marr iage ar rangements must be made at least six months in advance with one of the Priests of the Parish. Call the rectory for an appointment. Matrimonio: Sacar cita con el Sacerdote seis meses antes de la fecha elegida, para varias entrevistas y compilación de documentos. Sacrament of Reconciliation/Confesiones:

Saturday/Sábado: 4:00 PM until 4:45 PM and any time by appointment / durante la semana previa cita.

Corpus Christi is affiliated with

St. Joseph Catholic Academy 28-46 44 Street

Long Island City, New York 11103 Mr. Luke Nawrocki, Principal (718) 728-0724

We are grateful for your generous gift in gratitude for all of God’s blessings. Your gift makes the ministries of our Parish possible.

Collection for September 29-30: 2019 2018 Offertory: $ 4466 $ 5198 Maintenance: $ 644 $ 994 Insurance & Assessment: $ 674 $ 895

Thank you for your generosity

Twenty Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time Corpus Christi Church October 6, 2019


Efrain Acosta Alvaro (9 yrs.old), Alvarado Family, Vilma Arteaga, Alberto Atayupanqui, Fernando Arata, Juan Bau-tista, Sandra Brown, Bullon Family, Daniel Chacon, Isabela Colombo, Francesco Davola, Eleonor Dominguez, Jose V. Espinoza, Valerie Flynn, Ana Hillda Frias, Alicia Fucuda, Luis Guasco, Ralph Gil, Hilda Gomez, Edelmira Guzman, Josephine Haber, Cecilia Her-nandez, Joel & Lupe, James Keegan, Maria Kim, Eliza-beth Kolman, Tio Hector Lopez, Robert Luzzie, Agustina Marte, Todd Martin, Jorge Mesa, Christopher Moore, Pa-tricia Frain Murray, Robert Nieves, Julia Peña, Rosie Pot-ash, Oscar Gil Prieto, Mercedes Prieto, Delena Maria Ramirez, Fabiola Ramirez, Maria Isabel Ramirez, Carmen Rodriguez, Judith Rodriguez, Julian Arango Ruiz, Ladis-alo Saire & Familia, Paloma Soobin, Nancy Strobl, Maria Tenecela, Olga Elena Uidal, Eileen Willmer, Saverio Zurbriggen

SATURDAY - October 5th

5:00 PM Cesar & Lito Evangelista 6:30 PM + Clara Chia + SUNDAY - October 6th

8:45 AM + Seoung Hoon Baek + 11:00 AM + Julio Fernandez - 6 mos. Anniversary + Aurora Flores Giraldo + + Lidia Puello + Viviano Cruz + + Cira Mota + Catherine Schultz+ 12:30 PM Roberto & Anna Montoya MONDAY - October 7th

8:00 AM + John Lawler - 1st Anniversary + 7:30 PM + Salvatore & Liberty Salemi + TUESDAY - October 8th

8:00 AM + Jim Mooney + WEDNESDAY - October 9th

8:00 AM Kathleen & Edward Rausch THURSDAY - October 10th

8:00 AM + Diane & Francis Hussey + FRIDAY - October 11th 8:00 AM + Thomas & Ralph Caliendo + SATURDAY - October 12th 8:00 AM + Rosario Garcia Lau + 5:00 PM + Larry Erickson + 6:30 PM + Deytanira Valenzuela - 1st Anniversary SUNDAY - October 13th

8:45 AM Maria & Juliana Gomes 11:00 AM Doris Rivera - Good Health + Jose Nestor Espinal - 2nd Anniversary 12:30 PM Rosa Caro

Ora por Las Vocaciones


First Reading — — Naaman, cleansed from his leprosy, returns gratefully to Elisha (2 Kings 5:14-17).

Psalm — The Lord has revealed to the na ons his saving power (Psalm 298).

Second Reading — If we have died with Christ we shall also live with Christ (2 Timothy 2:8-13).

Gospel — Ten lepers are healed by Jesus, but only one, a Samaritan, returns to give him thanks (Luke 17:11-19).

FOOD PANTRY If you would like to register for the Pantry, we are open every Wednesday from 11am – 1pm.

For information please call



Para inscribirse en la despensa, estamos abiertos todos los miér-coles de 11 am a 1 pm.

Par mas información favor de llamar al


ÁRBOL DE LA VIDA En el vestíbulo de la iglesia hemos colocado otro monu-mento el Árbol de la vida para cualquiera que quiera re-cordar a uno de sus seres queridos con una placa conme-morativa. La donación sugerida para una hoja en el árbol es de $ 250.00. Llame a la rectoría si desea colocar un nombre en el árbol.

TREE OF LIFE In the vestibule of the church we have placed another Tree of Life memorial for anyone who would like to remember one of their loved ones with a memorial plaque. The sug-gested donation for a leaf on the tree is $250.00. Please call the rectory if you would like to place a name on the tree.

CATHOLIC CEMETERIES For information please call: 718 894-4888

CEMENTERIOS CATÓLICOS Para información: 718 894-4888

PERPETUAL ADORATION AT CORPUS CHRISTI We try to provide an atmosphere of quiet reflection in the Chapel. We invite everyone to pray silently be-fore the Lord in the Blessed Sacrament when you come for a visit.

ADORICIAN PERPETUA EN EL CORPUS CHRISTI Tratamos de proporcionar un ambiente de reflexión tranquila en la capilla. Invitamos a todos a orar en silencio ante el Señor en el Santísimo Sacramento cuando vengan a visitarnos.

GIFTS FOR THE EUCHARIST If you would like to memorialize a beloved deceased or commemorate a special occasion, you can make a donation for the following: Wine & Hosts: $25.00 Sanctuary Lamp: $25.00

REGALOS PARA LA EUCARISTA Si desea conmemorar a un ser querido fallecido o conmemorar una ocasión especial, puede hacer una donación para lo siguiente: Vino y Hostias: $ 25.00 Lámpara Santuario: $ 25.00

VELAS ANUALES VOTIVAS Encender velas es una tradición aquí en Corpus Christi y es realmente una forma muy bienvenida de la oración. Una donación de $100 asegurará que una Vela Votiva se quema diariamente en la Iglesia de Corpus Christi durante 52 semanas para conmemorar su intención. Las donaciones se pueden hacer en cual-quier momento durante el año en la oficina de la Rectoría.

ANNUAL VOTIVE CANDLES Lighting candles is an honored tradition here at Corpus Christi and is really a much welcomed form of prayer. A donation of $100 will ensure that a Votive Candle will burn daily in Corpus Christi Church for 52 week to memorialize your intention. Donations can be made at anytime during the year at the Rectory office.

BAPTISM: English: 2nd Sunday of the month at 1:45 PM. Parents must call the rectory ro register. Pre Baptism classnis the Sunday before at 11:30 AM

BAPTISMOS: Español: Tercer Sábado de cada mes 1:00 PM. Preparación domingo anterior después de misa de 11:00 AM. Para mayor información llamar a la rectoría.

grupo de oración Carismático Cada Lunes

7:30 PM—Santa Misa 8:00 PM—Grupo de Oración

Club de la tercer edad:

Nos reunimos los jueves 12pm-3pm

Acompáñenos para pasar un rato de

juegos y distracción y socialización. LECTURAS DE HOY

Primera lectura — Naamán, purificado de su lepra, regre-só a Eliseo (2 Reyes 5:14-17).

Salmo — El Señor nos ha mostrado su amor y su lealtad (Salmo 98 [97]).

Segunda lectura — Si perseveramos con Cristo Jesús, tam-bién reinaremos con él (2 Timoteo 2:8-13).

Evangelio — Después que diez leprosos se encontraron curados por Jesús, solamente uno, un samaritano, regresa para darle gracias (Lucas 17:11-19).



Los adultos que estén interesados en recibir los sacramentos del Bautismo, Eucaristía y Confir-mación están invitados a participar en un viaje de fe al cual nos referimos como el Rito de Inicia-ción Cristiana para Adultos.

Cualquier persona interesada en estas clases debe hablar con el Padre West, Padre Jim, el Diácono Juan o el señor Augusto Lucero en la rectoría.

Estamos ansiosos por atenderle y ayudarle a pre-pararse para los sacramentos y profundizar su re-lación con el Señor.

Celebración en Honor a las Vírgenes Patronas de

América 20 de Octubre

Misa a las 11:00 AM Nuestra celebración Anual en honor a las Vírgenes Patronas de América será El Domin-go, 20 de Octubre del 2019 a las 11:00 AM. Todos están invitados a unirse con sus compa-triotas, para hacer de esta día un encuentro de fe. Después de nuestra celebración eucarísti-ca, nos reuniremos en el auditorio para com-partir la cultura, la tradición y los platos típi-cos de cada país. “Te Esperamos”

Ministros Encargados de los Enfermos Confinados

Agradecemos de manera especial a todos

Ministros Extraordinarios: quienes han llevado la Sagrada Comunión a los

enfermos confinados de nuestra parroquia. Si usted sabe de alguien que esté enfermo y confina-

do a casa, y quisiera que alguien le lleve la Sagrada Comunión,

por favor avísenos llamando al: 718-721-2774.

Twenty Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time Corpus Christi Church October 6, 2019

2019 -2020



Las inscripciones ya están en marcha para las clases del próximo año de catecismo. Pude

inscribiré a sus niños en la rectoría de 8:00 a.m.-3:00 pm lunes a Jueves

Costo de matriculación 1 niño -75.00 2 o más-$ 100.00

Junto con todos los monasterios, catedrales y basílicas que he tenido la suerte de vi-sitar desde que llegué a Roma también he tenido la oportunidad de visitar lugares de interés que son importantes en la historia de la civilización occidental. La primera foto que comparto con ustedes es una de mí frente al Coliseo aquí en Roma. Es una estructura maravillosa que nos recuerda la increíble capacidad de las civilizaciones antiguas para construir estructuras tan increíbles. También es un recordatorio de có-mo los cristianos fueron perseguidos allí en los primeros días de la iglesia. Una de las cosas a recordar, sin embargo, es que el imperio que construyó estos lugares ya no existe. La iglesia, por otro lado, continúa proclamando la bondad de Dios bajo la guía del Espíritu Santo.

La otra imagen es de las ruinas de Pompeya. Pompeya fue fundada 7 siglos antes de Cristo

y fue destruida por la erupción del Monte Vesubio en el 79 d. C. Total-mente abandonada y perdida bajo la ceniza del volcán la antigua ciudad fue descubierta a partir del siglo XVI. La imagen es de la plaza princi-pal de Pompeya con un altar a Zeus en el otro extremo y el monte Ve-subio en el fondo.

Por favor, continúen recordándome en sus oraciones y sepan que estoy orando por ustedes todos los días.

Noticias de nuestro Pastor

Twenty Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time Corpus Christi Church October 6, 2019

Men’s Al-Anon Group - Men and women trou-bled by alcoholism in a friend or relative may find

help at the Tuesday Men's Al-Anon Group. We meet every Tuesday at 6:30 at the Corpus Christi Church, 31-31 60th Street, Woodside, NY 11377



INITIATION FOR ADULTS Adults who are interested in receiving the sacra-ments of Baptism, Eucharist or Confirmation are invited to participate in a faith journey that we refer to as the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults.

We are anxious to assist you and help you pre-pare for the sacraments as you deepen your rela-tionship with the Lord.

Anyone interested in these classes should speak to Fr. West, or Mr. Lucero at the rectory.

Thursdays at 6:00 PM in the rectory basement

We invite all our teenagers to join our Youth Group on Thursday evenings at 6:00 PM in the rectory basement.

We also want to welcome our new Youth Minister, Iris Flores.

WE ARE ALL GOD’S DELIGHT is a ministry that welcomes our LGBT brothers and sisters and their family and friends for discussion and reflection. Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month, 7:00- 9:00PM, at the Bishop Molloy Retreat House, located at 86-45 Edgerton Blvd., Jamaica. For additional information, please call 718-739-1229 or visit the website

Senior Club:

Meets every Thurs-day 12pm-3pm

Come join us for socialization,

Fun and games. For more information,

please call 718-721-2774.


The readings today speak of healing and salva on. In Second Kings, Naaman, a commander of the army of the king of Syria, develops leprosy. He goes to a stranger, a prophet from Israel, when no one else can cure his dis-ease. Much to his surprise, a er a simple bath in the riv-er, he is cured. In Luke’s Gospel, Jesus cures ten lepers and sends them to the priest. Only one, a Samaritan, re-turns to thank Jesus for his cure and only he hears the words, “Your faith has saved you.” The psalm and Timo-thy remind us that salva on involves jus ce, kindness, and faithfulness and forever links us with Jesus. In a world as broken as ours, both healing and salva on are necessary.

Homebound Extraordinary Ministers A big thank you to the following Extraordinary Ministers who have been bringing communion

to our homebound parishioners: Jeanne O’Driscoll Inez de la Tamer Mary Ann Daly

If you know of anyone who is homebound and would like someone to bring them communion

please let us know by calling: 718-721-2774.

2019 –2020 SUNDAY SCHOOL


Registration is now underway for next year’s Sunday School classes. Registra-tion will take place in the rectory from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm Monday thru Thurs-day.

Registration Fee 1 child -75.00

2 or more—$100.00 Please register today

News From Our Pastor

Along with all of the monasteries, cathedrals and Basilicas that I have been fortunate to visit since I arrived in Rome I have also had the opportunity to visit sights that are important in the history of western civilization. The first picture that I am sharing with you is one of me in front of the Coliseum here in Rome. It is a marvelous structure which reminds us of the incredible ability of ancient civilizations to con-struct such incredible structures. It also is a reminder of how Christians were perse-cuted there in the early days of the church. One of the things to remember, however, is that the empire that constructed these places no longer exists. The church on the other hand continues to proclaim the goodness of God under the guidance of the Ho-ly Spirit.

The other picture is of the ruins of Pompeii. Pompeii was founded 7 centuries before Christ and was destroyed by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD. Totally abandoned and lost under the ash from the volcano the ancient city was uncovered starting in the 16th century. The picture is of the main square in Pompeii with an altar to Zeus at the far end and Mount Vesuvius in the background.

Please continue to remember me in your prayers and know that I am praying for you every day.

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