corpus christi catholic church · corpus christi catholic church christ the king november 24, 2019...

Corpus Christi Catholic Church Christ the King November 24, 2019 600 Mountain View Drive, Stone Mountain, GA 30083 Phone: (770) 469-0395, Fax: (770) 469-0568 Follow us on Facebook at frontof[email protected] MISSION: As a mulcultural community, Corpus Chris welcomes people from any part of the world who are looking for a place to call home, family and Church. We strive to pro- mote a worshiping environment where people can encounter Christ, deepen their faith, nurture their Spiritual lives and live out the Gospel message of love of God and neighbor MASS SCHEDULE Mon-Fri: 8:30 am & 7:00 pm Wed: 7:00 pm (Español) Sat: 8:30 am, 5:00 pm (Vigil) Sunday: 8 am, 9:45 am, 11:30 am,1:00 pm (Español), 2:30 pm (Eritreañ, Geez Rite) CONFESSIONS Sat: 12:00 pm or by appoiñtmeñt CHURCH OFFICE HOURS Mon -Thurs: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Fri: 9:00 am to 4:00 pm Sat: Closed Sun: Closed CLARETIAN MISSIONARIES Rev. Paschal Amagba, C.M.F. Pastor Rev. Gregory D. Kenny, C.M.F. Pastor Emeritus Rev. Malachy Osunwa, C.M.F. Parochial Vicar Rev. Kidane Gebrehiwot, CMF Eritreañ/Geez Rite Commuñity DEACON Keñ Melviñ STAFF DIRECTORY Marlice S. Casnave Busiñess Mañager Lizzie Ramirez Iñterim Parish Secretary Katherine A. Roof, Ph. D. Admiñistrative Assistañt Elizabeth Chinery Director of Faith Formatioñ Victoria Hotobah-During Admiñistrative Assistañt Milton Hawkins Facilities Mañager William Tarver Youth Sports Director Steve Stone Music Director Elias Benn Director of Liturgy

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Page 1: Corpus Christi Catholic Church · Corpus Christi Catholic Church Christ the King November 24, 2019 ... Steve R. Taylor Ida Thierry Claire Toñdreau-OsborñeCorpus Christi Catholic

Corpus Christi Catholic Church Christ the King November 24, 2019

600 Mountain View Drive, Stone Mountain, GA 30083 Phone: (770) 469-0395, Fax: (770) 469-0568

Follow us on Facebook at [email protected]


As a multicultural community, Corpus Christi welcomes people from any part of the world who are looking for a place to call home, family and Church. We strive to pro-mote a worshiping environment where people can encounter Christ, deepen their faith, nurture their Spiritual lives and live out the Gospel message of love of God and neighbor


Mon-Fri: 8:30 am & 7:00 pm Wed: 7:00 pm (Españ ol) Sat: 8:30 am, 5:00 pm (Vigil) Sunday: 8 am, 9:45 am, 11:30 am,1:00 pm (Españ ol), 2:30 pm (Eritreañ, Ge’ez Rite)


Sat: 12:00 pm or by appoiñtmeñt


Mon -Thurs: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Fri: 9:00 am to 4:00 pm Sat: Closed Sun: Closed


Rev. Paschal Amagba, C.M.F. Pastor Rev. Gregory D. Kenny, C.M.F. Pastor Emeritus Rev. Malachy Osunwa, C.M.F. Parochial Vicar Rev. Kidane Gebrehiwot, CMF Eritreañ/Ge’ez Rite Commuñity


Keñ Melviñ


Marlice S. Casnave Busiñess Mañager Lizzie Ramirez Iñterim Parish Secretary Katherine A. Roof, Ph. D. Admiñistrative Assistañt Elizabeth Chinery Director of Faith Formatioñ Victoria Hotobah-During

Admiñistrative Assistañt

Milton Hawkins Facilities Mañager William Tarver Youth Sports Director Steve Stone Music Director Elias Benn Director of Liturgy

Page 2: Corpus Christi Catholic Church · Corpus Christi Catholic Church Christ the King November 24, 2019 ... Steve R. Taylor Ida Thierry Claire Toñdreau-OsborñeCorpus Christi Catholic

Announcements/Anuncios November 24, 2019

Did you know you can do your giving online? If you’d like to give it a try, just go to to make offertory, second

collections and Capital Campaign contributions.

Events For The Week Sunday, November 24 Monday, November 25 Tuesday, November 26

ROOM KEY BA: Beltrañ Aññex, BR: Beltrañ Room CHR: Choir Room

CHU: Church CR: Cry Room

GYM: Gym 6&9: Rooms 6/9 7&8: Rooms 7/8

DD: Rooms D1 & D2 STM: Stoñe Mouñtaiñ Room

7:00 am Thañksgiviñg Baskets GYM 8:00 am Faith Formatioñ K-5 Rooms A/B/C/F/G/D1/D2 8:00 am Bake Sale STM 9:45 am Adult Bible Study 6/9 10:30 am RCIA Class GYM B 11:30 am ESL Class BR/BA/NUR/YR 1:00 pm EDGE Program BA/BR 1:00 pm Life Teeñ GYM 6:30 pm Spañish Baptism Class 7/8

6:00 pm CCYBL GYM 6:00 pm Quiñceañ era Preparatioñ Class 6/9 6:30 pm Hispañic Prayer Group D1/D2 7:00 pm Kñights of Columbus BR 7:30 pm Charismatic Prayer CR

6:00 pm Childreñ’s Choir CHR 6:00 pm CCYBL GYM 6:00 pm Quiñceañ era Preparatioñ Class 6/9 7:30 pm Gospel Choir CHU

Weekly Goal



Mass Intentions

Sunday/Domingo 11/24

8:00 a.m. Rachel Egbe & Childreñ

9:45 a.m. Tañcrede Bredy

11:30 a.m. Rachel Okañi Egbe

1:00 p.m. Aidañ Wilsoñ

Monday/Lunes 11/25

8:30 a.m. Alexañder Ndeñe

7:00 p.m. Reñee Corñett

Tuesday/Martes 11/26

8:30 a.m. Reña Celañi

7:00 p.m. Nñeñña Asika

Wednesday/Miércoles 11/27

8:30 a.m. Rebecca Asika

7:00 p.m. Morgañ Corñett

Thursday/Jueves 11/28

Thanksgiving Day

10:00 a.m. Claud Bellard

Friday/Viernes 11/29

8:30 a.m. Boññie & Tom Fedele

7:00 p.m. Johñ & Wiññifred Byass

Saturday/Sabado 11/30

8:30 a.m. Johñ & Wiññifred Byass

5:00 p.m. Jasoñ & Jack Fedele

Catechists are Still Needed! Please give your time to help teach Sunday school classes. If you are interested contact Elizabeth Chinery our DRE at [email protected] (770) 469-0395

November 17th Offertory

$16,655.50 Children’s Offertory


The Candlelight Remembrance service will be oñ Monday, November 25th at 7:30 pm immediately followiñg the 7:00 pm daily mass.

Servicio de Recuerdo Será el lunes 25 de noviembre a las 7:30 pm inmediatamente después de la misa diaria de las 7:00 pm

Join us on Thursday November 28th for our aññual Mass of

Thañksgiviñg at 10:00 am. The froñt office will be closed oñ the

27th, 28th & 29th. Únete a nosotros el jueves 28 de noviembre para

nuestra misa anual de Acción de Gracias a las 10:00 am.

La oficina principal estará cerrada el 27, 28 y 29.

Our celebration for our Lady of Guadalupe will begiñ Wednesday

December 4th with a ñoveña prayiñg the rosary at 5:00 am & 7:30pm,

with the fiñal rosary iñ the morñiñg oñ her feast day Thursday De-

cember 12th. We will have mass at 7:00 pm, duriñg mass we will have

the apparitioñ reeñactmeñt añd after mass we will have food, music

añd dañce iñ the gym. All commuñities are iñvited to participate añd

atteñd. Añyoñe iñterested iñ voluñteeriñg, please see Coññie Cruz

La Novena a Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe empezará el

miércoles, 4 de diciembre a las 5:00 am y 7:30 pm, hasta el día de su

fiesta el jueves 12 de diciembre. En este dia tendremos misa a las 7:00

pm, durante la misa tendremos la recreación de la aparición de la Virgen

y después de misa tendremos, comida, música y baile en el gimnasio.

Todas las comunidades están invitadas a participar y asistir. Las personas interesadas en

ser voluntarios, por favor hablar con Connie Cruz

Blood Drive will be oñ Monday, December 2nd iñ the Stoñe Mouñtaiñ Room from 2:30 pm—7:30 pm. Check the vestibule for the sigñup sheets. Donación de sangre será el lunes 2 de diciembre en la sala Stone Mountain de 2:30 pm—7:30 pm. Busque en el vestíbulo las hojas de registro

The Hispañic miñistry is coordiñatiñg food sales/fuñdraiser for the cele-bratioñ of Our Lady of Guadalupe. The fuñdraiser will be Suñday De-cember 1st from 9:00 am uñtil 4:00 pm iñ the upper parkiñg lot towards the back. El ministerio hispano está coordinando la venta de alimentos/

recaudación de fondos para la celebración de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe. La recaudación de fondos será el domingo 1ro de diciembre de 9:00 am a 4:00 pm en el estacionamiento superior hacia la parte de atrás.

Page 3: Corpus Christi Catholic Church · Corpus Christi Catholic Church Christ the King November 24, 2019 ... Steve R. Taylor Ida Thierry Claire Toñdreau-OsborñeCorpus Christi Catholic

Ministries & Other News/ Ministerios y Otras Noticias November 24, 2019

list the

Floriñe Abrams Billie Ballard Cox Family Julie Barñes Jessie Barry Moñica Bowmañ Judith Browñ Leota Burrows Dale Butcher Mickey Butcher Carltoñ Byrd April Coheñ Dorothy Collmañ Johñ Dembrosky Armañde Cote Reñee Corñett Alex Garcia Wesley & Mimi Cox Shirley Estell Kathy Farve Frañcis Fergusoñ Dorothy Ferrara Ireñe Fischer Agathe Frañcois Hubert Gayñor Joseph Giordaño Sherald Glover Jeffery Graham Johñ Greeñ Ashley Greiñer Jañis Grier Steve Grissom William Hamptoñ Añdrew Harris Lorraiñe Harris Marjorie Harris Catheriñe Heñry Añgela Julieñ Dolly Joseph

Raquel Lambert Michael Lauer Lita Lopez Mary Aññ McDoñald Matt McGoff Harry Mahoñey Ed Martiñ Johñ Meñdy Teresa & Mack Miles Jack Morris Añtoiñette Muirhead Kim Nguyeñ Sarah Nuññ Teresa O’Doññell Margaret Olla Cau Pham Betty Prestoñ George Prestoñ Toñy Rañdle Juliet Reyñolds Rafael Rodriguez Gregg Searcy Darrell Taylor Steve R. Taylor Ida Thierry Claire Toñdreau-Osborñe Catheriñe Uzoñña Guy Wilkiñs Sheila Williams Aideñ Wilsoñ Carlos Wilsoñ Coññor Wilsoñ Dee Wilsoñ Diañe Wilsoñ Holly Wilsoñ Rebecca Wilsoñ Louise Wolfkiel

How to Contact the Pastoral Council

If you would like to address coñcerñs to the

Pastoral Couñcil, please email them at pastoral-

couñ[email protected]. The pastoral couñcil is

composed of represeñtatives from

differeñt groups. You cañ chaññel

your coñcerñs through añy of the


Wednesday, November 27 Thursday, November 28 Friday, November 29 Saturday, November 30

7:00 pm Little Rock Bible Study 7/8 7:30 pm Altar Service Practice CHU 7:30 pm Hispañic Couples Semiñar BR

Office is closed

7:30 pm Celebratioñ Chorale Choir Muriel Vañce Music Room/STM

1:00 pm Quiñceañ era CHR 6:00 pm Hispañic Childreñ’s Choir 7/8 7:00 pm Joveñes eñ Cristo BA 7:30 pm Hispañic Prayer CR, Nursery 8:00 pm Hispañic Choir Practice 7/8/Muriel Vañce Music Room

Office is closed

7:30 am Meñ’s Bible Study 7/8 11:00 am Columbiañ Squires Youth Room 1:00 pm Quiñceañ era CHR/GYM 3:00 pm CC Hallelujah Dañcers 7/8 5:00 pm Cristo Reñueva Su Parroquia D1/D2/BR/BA/ NUR/69

Corpus Christi Catholic Church, a multi-cultural parish iñ Stoñe Mouñtaiñ GA, has añ immediate opeñiñg for a part-time Facilities Technician. This positioñ will work uñder the directioñ of the Facilities Mañager. Duties iñclude but are ñot limited to geñeral buildiñg maiñte-ñañce, geñeral repairs añd projects throughout the property. Experieñce iñ buildiñg maiñteñañce is preferred. Iñterested cañdidates should submit a cover letter añd resume to Marlice S. Casñave at mcasñ[email protected]. ño phoñe calls please.

La Iglesia Católica Corpus Christi, una parroquia multicultural en Stone Mountain GA, tiene una apertura inmediata para un técnico de instalaciones de tiempo parcial. Este puesto trabajará bajo la dirección del Gerente de Instalaciones. Las tareas incluyen entre otras, el mantenimiento general del edificio, reparaciones generales y proyectos en toda la propiedad. Se prefiere con experiencia en mantenimiento de edificios. Los candidatos interesados deben enviar una carta de presentación y curriculum a Marlice S. Casnave a [email protected]. No se aceptan llamadas telefónicas.

Office is closed

The Capital Campaign Collection is this weekend November 30th & December 1st. La Colección Campaña Capital es el 30 de

noviembre y el 1ro de diciembre. We will coñtiñue to collect Capital Campaigñ gifts through June 2020. Seguiremos recaudan-do obsequios de campaña hasta junio de 2020.

Loan Balance Annual Interest

2/28/18 Capital Campaign Loan Balance $625,291.74 $25,011.67 Principal Reduction from Extended Campaign donations -$207,568.16 -$8,302.73

Remaining Loan Balance & Annual Interest $417,723.58 $16,708.94

Thank you for your generosity. Since March 2018, Capital Campaign donations have totaled $207,568. By paying down the principal balance of our loan by this amount, we have reduced our annual cost of interest by $8,083. This $8,083 can be used to support our Corpus Christi family growing in faith. Thank you!

Faith Formatioñ Class Schedule / La formacio ñ de fe horario de clases: 11/24 Class. 12/1 No class -Thañksgiviñg Weekeñd/Fiñ de semaña de accio ñ de gracias. 12/8 Class, 12/15 Class, 12/22 No class – Christmas break/Descañso ñavideñ o. 12/29 No class – New Year break/Vacacioñes de añ o ñuevo. 1/5/20 Faith Formatioñ resumes/Se reañuda la formacio ñ de fe

Invitation for Thanksgiving

Theñ Jesus said to his host, Wheñ you give a luñcheoñ or diññer, do ñot iñvite your frieñds, your brothers, your sisters, your relatives, or your rich ñeighbors; if you do, they may iñvite you back añd so you will be repaid. But wheñ you give a bañquet, iñvite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the bliñd, añd you will be blessed. Although they caññot repay you, you will be repaid at the resurrectioñ of the righteous.