copyright 2014 cengage learning domestic policy chapter fifteen

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Copyright © 2014 Cengage Learning Learning Outcomes 4. Analyze American energy policy, and discuss how it encourages energy independence. 5. Describe the national policies for ending poverty in the United States and alleviating the issues caused by economic downturns. 3


Copyright 2014 Cengage Learning DOMESTIC POLICY Chapter Fifteen Copyright 2014 Cengage Learning Learning Outcomes 1. Describe the policy-making process as it applies to American national government institutions. 2. Explain the principles underlying the American health care system and the issues facing that system. 3. Describe the environmental policies of the United States and the role of the Environmental Protection Agency in implementing these policies. 2 Copyright 2014 Cengage Learning Learning Outcomes 4. Analyze American energy policy, and discuss how it encourages energy independence. 5. Describe the national policies for ending poverty in the United States and alleviating the issues caused by economic downturns. 3 Copyright 2014 Cengage Learning Introduction Domestic policy: all laws, government planning and government actions affecting daily life Federal level State level Local level Private sector 4 Copyright 2014 Cengage Learning The Policymaking Process Agenda building Policy formulation Policy adoption Policy implementation Policy evaluation 5 Copyright 2014 Cengage Learning The Policy Process 6 Copyright 2014 Cengage Learning Health Care Health care spending = almost 20% of total economy Higher in U.S. than almost anywhere Rising cost of health care Changing demographics Advanced technology Governments role (Medicare and Medicaid) 7 Copyright 2014 Cengage Learning Cost of Health Care in Economically Advanced Nations 8 Copyright 2014 Cengage Learning Life Expectancy in the United States 9 Copyright 2014 Cengage Learning Health Care Medicare Helps those ages 65+ Second-largest domestic spending program Reimbursement caps Medicaid Helps working poor Spending has exploded: 46 million enrollees States pay part of cost One in three Americans have government health coverage 10 Copyright 2014 Cengage Learning Health Care The uninsured Over 49 million Americans Recession impact Young people under age 25 most likely Negative health consequences Copyright 2014 Cengage Learning 11 Copyright 2014 Cengage Learning Health Care 2010 Health Care Reform legislation Combination of private insurance, public programs, and new state-based non-profit health exchanges NOT national health insurance Fines those without health insurance New mandates for insurers 12 Copyright 2014 Cengage Learning Environmental Policy Environmental movement Conservation Preservation Cleaning up the air and water National Environmental Policy Act (1969) Curbing air pollution: Clean Air Act (1990) Water pollution: Clean Water Act (1972) 13 Copyright 2014 Cengage Learning Environmental Policy Endangered Species Act Endangered Species Act strengthened in 1973 Powerful tool for ecology movement Tennessee Valley Authority habitat Shifting to incentives for landowners 14 Copyright 2014 Cengage Learning Environmental Policy Sustainability Balance between economic and social activities Supported by most Americans Executive orders Global climate change Kyoto Protocol (rejected by U.S. Senate) Global warming debate 15 Copyright 2014 Cengage Learning Tragedy of the Commons 16 Copyright 2014 Cengage Learning Energy Policy Energy policy: laws concerned with how much energy is needed and used Energy and the environment Energy policy entangled with environmental policy EPA regulations Domestic power production can be at odds with clean air standards 17 Copyright 2014 Cengage Learning Energy Policy Nuclear poweran unpopular solution Efficient energy source Fear of nuclear accidents and spent fuel issues restrict nuclear power in U.S. 18 Copyright 2014 Cengage Learning U.S. Energy Consumption by Economic Sector, Copyright 2014 Cengage Learning Sources of Electricity Generation Copyright 2014 Cengage Learning Energy Policy Alternative approaches to energy crisis Wind farms Ocean waves Geothermal energy Copyright 2014 Cengage Learning 21 Copyright 2014 Cengage Learning Poverty and Welfare One solution: income transfers The low-income population 16% of Americans in 2011 Increased by 6 million between The antipoverty budget $1 trillion in budget (one-third of expenditures) Medicaid has biggest portion 22 Copyright 2014 Cengage Learning The Official Number of Poor in the United States 23 Copyright 2014 Cengage Learning Poverty and Welfare Basic welfare Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) Block grants New burden on states Welfare controversies Some object to any welfare But basic payments relatively low compared to other nations (2012 average = $700 monthly) 24 Copyright 2014 Cengage Learning Poverty and Welfare Other forms of government assistance: Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Food stamps Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) Homelessnessstill a problem Number increasing Estimates from 230,000 to 750,000 25 Copyright 2014 Cengage Learning Immigration Continued influx of immigrants Minority groups will constitute majority by 2060 Advantages of immigration Attempts at immigration reform Issue during 2006 elections Arizona state law: constitutional? DREAM Act 26 Copyright 2014 Cengage Learning The Range of Federal Public Policies Policies affecting colleges and universities: Title IX Veterans tuition benefits Student loan programs Other federal policies affecting daily life: Housing Agricultural industry Labor unions School improvement efforts Building highways and bridges 27