copc brief

COPC BRIEF(Customer Operations Performance Center)

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Post on 13-Aug-2015




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COPC BRIEF(Customer Operations Performance


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COPC Statement of Direction

Provide Quality To Ensure Customer Satisfaction

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What is COPCCOPC is….

A Standard that measures QualityPerformance management system designed to

improve customer satisfaction, increase revenues & reduce costs

Roadmap for achieving Customer Service Excellence

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COPC - OriginCOPC is a set of performance standards

Developed in 1996 by a core group of call center services and other distributor operators

The Malcolm National Quality baldridge were used as the basis

The standard committee wanted to distinguish between mediocre providers and high performing CSPs

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To Improve•Service, •Quality, •Revenue, •Customer Satisfaction and •Profitability

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Objectives Cont’

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CERTIFICATION PROCESSPreparation-Data is collected prior to our on-site assessment, such as: Volume data by transaction type Technology utilized by the site KPI for the past six months Process documentation ,.


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DISCOVERYWe conduct an on-site review to learn: How

yours centers are positionedThe interdependencies between business

unitsThe customer experience Operational capabilitiesTransaction types and key support processes

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AnalysisWe then compare our findings to standards of

high-performing organizations and provide analysis, which could include:

Absenteeism and attritionAgent-level AHT variation Forecast accuracyCost per minute or transactionEfficiency (Utilization, AHT, Occupancy)

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Cont’Sales and revenue performanceOrganizational structure and staffing ratiosService LevelsQuality process and resultsRecruiting, hiring and training process Reporting and data integrity

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REPORTOur team will develop a customized report that provides:A detailed description of each key process

that was reviewedYour center’s performance relative to best

practice benchmarks A listing of recommended operational

improvements Estimated return on investment, if

operational cost data is available

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OUR ROAD MAPOrientation to all staff across boardKick-off meetings and workshopsProvide structured implementation supportIn house Baseline Assessment COPC Benchmark ReviewComplete and evaluated the application to

the COPC, CSP StandardConduct a comprehensive COPC certification
