converted final german revolution project (1)


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Page 1: Converted final german revolution project (1)
Page 2: Converted final german revolution project (1)

Main Points

• Early Stages of Revolution

• Political unrest

• Communist Revolution

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World War I


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October 28, 1918 Naval mutiny in Kiel

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• Oct 26-Nov 5, 1918 Revolution spreads through the cities

• Soldiers and Sailors together

• Kaiser Wilhelm does nothing

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Revolution Growth

• Nov 6, 1918

• The workers join

• The councils take cities

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The Social Democrat Party of Germany

• Led by Frederic Ebert

• Had control of the Reichstag

• Socialists

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The Abdication

• Nov 9, 1918

• Massive strike in Berlin

• The Democrats announce the abdication of the Kaiser

• SPD announce Germany as a Republic

• Ebert made chancellor

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Armistice DayNov 11, 1918

The Armistice is signed between the allies and Germany

World War one comes to a close

(Veteran’s day)

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• Workers size newspaper and surrounding blocks

• The USPD (Independent Socialist Party of Germany) and KPS (Communist Party) back workers, and call for Berlin strike on January 7th, 1919

• 500,000 people gather in Berlin

• Strike command splits (USPD pro talks, KPS pro combat)

• Ebert orders Friekorp strike

• 117 casualties, including Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg

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Munich Soviet Republic

• April 6- May 3,1919

• Ernst Toller/Eugen Leviné

• Made to be a soviet style republic

• Many of the communist leaders were jewish

• 30,000 soldiers and friekorps sent

• Around 1,200 casulties

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Treaty of Versailles

• Signed June 28, 1919

• 442 Billion

• 100,000 men

• Germany blamed

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