contributed papers: session b

Contributed Papers: Session B Rapporteur: W. H. Puterbaugh, University of North Carolina at Greensboro The first five papers in this session were in general con- cerned with methods for stimulating undergraduate learn- ing by using research-oriented approaches, particularly in upper level laboratory courses. While there was general agreement as to the rewards of such approaches, all speakers emphasized that those who introduce similar programs should he prepared to devote considerable extra time to the effort. W. Gale Rhodes (Maryuille College) discussed an ap- proach for creating a research environment in undergrad- uate courses based in part on a non-traditional curriculum and also on an independent study type approach by the student in advanced laboratory work. The cumculum at Maryville is arranged by topics rather than by the more traditional subject matter divisions, with the aim of giv- ing more emphasis to the nature of theories which help organize chemical thinking. Upperclass topical courses presented in each three-term year are: Periodicity, Equi- librium, Chemical Synthesis (Sophomore): Structure ver- sus Function, Spectroscopy, Mechanism and Kinetics (Ju- nior): Thermodynamics, Biochemistry, Bonding, and In- dependent Study (Senior). The program followed in the spectroscopy course was used as an example of the ap- proach. The first week is spent by the student in hecom- ing familiar with the operation of four instruments- atomic absorption, infrared, nuclear magnetic resonance and ultraviolet spectrophotometers. Weeks 2-5 are the primary classroom portion of the course, and consist of discussion of the theory of structural interpretation and prediction of spectra, including mass spectrometry. Final- ly, weeks 6-10 involve three separate activities: spectral interpretation and problem assignments, laboratory work and a series of seminars. A key feature of the individual- ized problem assignments is that problems are chosen, often from current literature, for which the instructor may have no ready source of solution. The emphasis is to have the student present and defend a sound line of reasoning and analysis of the problem rather than the answer per se. The laboratory phase consists of about three independent lab projects involving spectroscopy. Projects are chosen from examples in the Journal of Chemical Education and other sources and last year included problems such as de- termination of pKa's of organic bases from nmr chemical shifts, and determination of percent phenol in a- and 0- diketones. Finally, while the above activities are in prog- ress, the faculty presents a series of seminars dealing with more recent advanced techniques such as pulse and Fouri- er transform nmr, CIDNP, and reflectance ir. The speaker noted that the NSF short course in magnetic resonance given at Duke University the summer of 1973 provided much useful material for an undergraduate program such as this, especially in the seminar program. The problem of devising a suitable intermediate labora- tory course to bridge the gap between introductory organic laboratory and independent senior research was the topic of F. J. Waller's ISimmons College! paper on a third se- mester organic laboratory. While the traditional course for this purpose has been one in organic analysis, he noted that many students come to senior research lacking famil- iarity with a number of important organic techniques and the ability to obtain and interpret spectroscopic data. In addition, many students emerge from two semesters of or- ganic laboratory with the feeling that work in the latter has been "cookhmk" type and it is desirable to develop an intermediate course which will help dispel this impres- sion. An organic synthesis laboratory has been developed which appears to meet many of these aims. It is based on a research-type approach by assigning multi-step synthes- es taken from the current literature. After a series of lec- tures covering use of the literature, separation techniques and important instrumental methods. each student is as- signed a different compound to be synthesized, and is pro- vided with at least one literature reference. The student is responsible for locating other pertinent literature refer- ences and for preparing a list of chemicals and apparatus needed for the various steps of the synthesis. The student then meets with the instructor to discuss in detail each reaction step with respect to factors such as reagent pu- rity, necessity for special reaction conditions and safety concerns. Students next perform the actual laboratory work on an independent basis, depending upon their own time schedules and the nature of the particular reaction, with due regard for safety factors. About halfway through the semester each student gives a seminar-style progress renort to the entire class. This vroved to be esveciallv useful in motivating the students, i s the exchange bf ideas between students about alternate reaction techniques and experimental conditions generated considerable knthusi- asm. Valuable techniques learned included working with Volume 52, Number 1, January 1975 / 7

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Page 1: Contributed papers: Session B

Contributed Papers: Session B

Rapporteur: W. H. Puterbaugh, University of North Carolina at Greensboro

The first five papers in this session were in general con- cerned with methods for stimulating undergraduate learn- ing by using research-oriented approaches, particularly in upper level laboratory courses. While there was general agreement as to the rewards of such approaches, all speakers emphasized that those who introduce similar programs should he prepared to devote considerable extra time to the effort.

W. Gale Rhodes (Maryuille College) discussed an ap- proach for creating a research environment in undergrad- uate courses based in part on a non-traditional curriculum and also on an independent study type approach by the student in advanced laboratory work. The cumculum a t Maryville is arranged by topics rather than by the more traditional subject matter divisions, with the aim of giv- ing more emphasis to the nature of theories which help organize chemical thinking. Upperclass topical courses presented in each three-term year are: Periodicity, Equi- librium, Chemical Synthesis (Sophomore): Structure ver- sus Function, Spectroscopy, Mechanism and Kinetics (Ju- nior): Thermodynamics, Biochemistry, Bonding, and In- dependent Study (Senior). The program followed in the spectroscopy course was used as an example of the ap- proach. The first week is spent by the student in hecom- ing familiar with the operation of four instruments- atomic absorption, infrared, nuclear magnetic resonance and ultraviolet spectrophotometers. Weeks 2-5 are the primary classroom portion of the course, and consist of discussion of the theory of structural interpretation and prediction of spectra, including mass spectrometry. Final- ly, weeks 6-10 involve three separate activities: spectral interpretation and problem assignments, laboratory work and a series of seminars. A key feature of the individual- ized problem assignments is that problems are chosen, often from current literature, for which the instructor may have no ready source of solution. The emphasis is to have the student present and defend a sound line of reasoning and analysis of the problem rather than the answer per se. The laboratory phase consists of about three independent lab projects involving spectroscopy. Projects are chosen from examples in the Journal of Chemical Education and other sources and last year included problems such as de- termination of pKa's of organic bases from nmr chemical shifts, and determination of percent phenol in a- and 0- diketones. Finally, while the above activities are in prog- ress, the faculty presents a series of seminars dealing with more recent advanced techniques such as pulse and Fouri- er transform nmr, CIDNP, and reflectance ir. The speaker noted that the NSF short course in magnetic resonance given a t Duke University the summer of 1973 provided much useful material for an undergraduate program such as this, especially in the seminar program.

The problem of devising a suitable intermediate labora- tory course to bridge the gap between introductory organic

laboratory and independent senior research was the topic of F. J. Waller's ISimmons College! paper on a third se- mester organic laboratory. While the traditional course for this purpose has been one in organic analysis, he noted that many students come to senior research lacking famil- iarity with a number of important organic techniques and the ability to obtain and interpret spectroscopic data. In addition, many students emerge from two semesters of or- ganic laboratory with the feeling that work in the latter has been "cookhmk" type and it is desirable to develop an intermediate course which will help dispel this impres- sion. An organic synthesis laboratory has been developed which appears to meet many of these aims. I t is based on a research-type approach by assigning multi-step synthes- es taken from the current literature. After a series of lec- tures covering use of the literature, separation techniques and important instrumental methods. each student is as- signed a different compound to be synthesized, and is pro- vided with at least one literature reference. The student is responsible for locating other pertinent literature refer- ences and for preparing a list of chemicals and apparatus needed for the various steps of the synthesis. The student then meets with the instructor to discuss in detail each reaction step with respect to factors such as reagent pu- rity, necessity for special reaction conditions and safety concerns. Students next perform the actual laboratory work on an independent basis, depending upon their own time schedules and the nature of the particular reaction, with due regard for safety factors. About halfway through the semester each student gives a seminar-style progress renort to the entire class. This vroved to be esveciallv useful in motivating the students, i s the exchange bf ideas between students about alternate reaction techniques and experimental conditions generated considerable knthusi- asm. Valuable techniques learned included working with

Volume 52, Number 1, January 1975 / 7

Page 2: Contributed papers: Session B

both large and small scale reactions, reagent purifications, anhydrous and inert atmosphere reactions, photochemical methods and vacuum distillation. In addition to suhmit- ting samples of the final product and important interme- diates, the students also prepare a report in the style of the experimental section of current journals. The synthe- ses performed included preparation of compounds such as spiro(3.5)lionan-1-one, cyclohexylidene cyclohexane, and 2-methyl-3-phenylcyclohexanone. In response to a ques- tion concerning whether students tend to spend too much time in the course, Dr. Waller indicated this often was the case initially but that most students then learned the im- portance of orginizing their time efficiently. A comment was made that institutions which are equipped so that permanent laboratory working space can he assigned all unoer class maiors have a real advantaee in conductine . . 0 .

courses of this type. A case studv aooroach in the laboratow bv W. A. Hoff-

man (~erzison ~nioersity) dealt with aUco;rse, "Experi- mental Chemistry" developed as the last structured labo- ratory experience for chemistry majors at Denison. The course was introduced in 1966 as a substitute for analvti- cal, inorganic, physical, and advanced organic lahorato- ries. and since 1970 has been oreanized under a case studv approach. It is usually taken by students in their junior year after they have completed general and organic. The aim of the course is to help introduce the student to the realities of chemical research by encouraging him to de- velop value judgments and strategy of approach to a proh- lem as well as to learn some basic techniques. A group of 8-10 case study projects has been developed for the course and they were designed so that each contains ele- ments of synthesis, analysis, and dynamics. Other criteria used in formulating the particular studies were that they include an area of current general interest, would be workable with facilities at hand, and would encourage the student to extend his chemical knowledee and to work in- dependently. Decisions concerning organization of time, choice of reaeents and amaratus. and the like are lawelv left to the &dent, althoigh each project is provided with a key literature reference which the student is expected to expand upon. Advantages of this approach are that laho- ratory techniques are learned in the context of a challeng- ing problem and that students learn something about their own capabilities for independent thinking and skills. In addition, interaction between students involved in the course, particularly a t periodic project reporting sessions, creates an atmosphere where the students learn from each other. In addition, results from one year's project may suggest alternate studies and approaches for a somewhat different project in the following year, so that in a sense the course is self-renewing. Each student is expected to choose and complete three studies during the semester and submit a written reDort on each. Some of the t o ~ i c s studied include: ferrocene chemistry, complexing in me- tallo~or~hvrins. hetero~olv anions. and electrochemical . - . reduction. A study in ihe iatter area dealing with the re- ductive coupling of henzaldehyde to form hydrobenzoin (V. J . Puglisi, Anal. Chem., 41. 279 (1969)) with particu- lar emphasis on studying the meso/D,L ratio was presented in some detail as one example of the nature of the case study problems. Andrew T. Armstrong (University of Texas a t Arlington) spoke on using a senior research course as a proving ground for devising and evaluating new experiments to he intro- duced subsequently into the undergraduate curriculum in courses such as physical chemistry and instrumental anal- ysis. The experience of developing, testing, and writing a laboratory experiment for use by undergraduates not only has direct value in terms of the new experiments devel- oped, but is excellent training for seniors as an organized introduction to research. In addition to having students

become familiar in detail with advanced instrumentation in some particular area, the approach also has value in that the students feel they are making a worthwhile con- tribution to the educational program of the department and to students who will come after them. Three of the more successful experiments developed were then present- ed in some detail. One involved using nmr to study the kinetics of acid-catalyzed hydrogen-deuterium exchange in methyl ethyl ketone/D20 systems. The experiment was devised so that it was possible to follow rates of exchange a t the three carbons simultaneously. A second involved using differential scanning calorimetry to study the poly- morphic phase transitions in carbon tetrachloride below r w m temperature and in ammonium nitrate below its de- composition temperature. Finally, gas phase chromatogra- phy was utilized to determine the phase diagram for the water-isopropanol-isopropyl ether system. All three of these experiments are currently in use in undergraduate laboratories and ha+e been well received by the students who perform them. Dr. Armstrong noted that proper se- lection of a specific research area is critical to the success of this approach, and that one must be careful not to choose an area which is merely a rehash of the open liter- ature.

The utilization of environmentally related projects as a means of stimulating student interest in a radiochemistry course was the subject of a presentation by K. Renaan (Eastern Michigan Uniuersity). The coume, which meets for two lectures and one 3-hr laboratory per week, is taken by biology and medical technology students as well as by chemistry majors. The first half of the lecture portion is devoted to covering basic background material in radio- chemistry, while in the laboratory portion the student is presented a fundamental background in basic radiochemi- cal techniques, such as characteristics of the G-M tube, gamma ray counting with NaI detectors, use of liquid scintillation for beta article measurements. s a m ~ l e DreD- aration techniques, and application of neutron activation methods in quantitative analvsis. After this a re oar at ion period the &dent is then asked to select a speciai project which will apply radiochemical methods to a problem in his area of interest. However, during the first year of the course, topics suggested to the students for study, such as determination of phosphate uptake by a plant, absorption of sodium by crayfish, and activation analysis of an alloy, did not succeed in arousing much interest or enthusiasm among the majority of the students. To improve this sit- uation, environmentally related projects were then sug- gested as choices in succeeding years, and these met with a much more enthusiastic response from the students, particularly if the projects involved having the students collect their own samples from locations in their neigbbor- hood. Several examples of successful projects were then

8 / Journal of Chemical Education

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discussed in some detail. These included a studv of poilu- . . tion of waterways by determining zinc and copper content from sites upstream and downstream from an industrial plant; analysis of fish for mercury content including those caueht locally and those purchased: and equilibration of

between water and underlying -sediments in local waterways.

The last two papers in this session represented a consid- erable change of pace from the preceding set. These two were concerned with approaches for improving puhlic ap- preciation for, and understanding of, the role of chemistry and chemistsin today's society.

Edward C. Fuller (Beloit College) summarized prog- ress made in response to the recommendations to improve puhlic understanding of chemistry which emerged from the Snowmass Conference on Chemical Education. Dr. Fuller reviewed the specific recommendations made a t the conference, especially those relating to chemical education a t all levels. These recommendations included placing more emohasis on stimulatine curiositv and discovew (the "fun and games" aspect of science) in elementary schools and urged that the training of elementary teachers em- phasize methods and materials for accomplishing this goal. At the high school and college level i t was recom- mended that somewhat less emphasis he given to a rigor- ous coverage of chemical principles and somewhat more placed on studying chemistry from a humanistic point of view, including the development of courses dealing with the philosophical and moral implications of science. Greater contact and interchange between chemistry teachers a t all levels from elementary through university was urged, as was more effective use of various media, especially television. The panel making these recommen- dations urged the Division of Chemical Education to create a eroun to work towards their implementation. In ,. . response, an Implementation Committee was appointed in 1970, and resulting activities included a National Confer- ence on Public Understanding of Chemistry a t Colorado State in 1970, the Mount Holyoke Conference in 1972, and the present conference. In 1973, a new Committee on Public Understandine of Chemistry was appointed with Dr. Fuller as chairman. suggestio& heing considered by the committee as ways of promoting the learning of chem- istry, especially by nonchemists, include the desirability of developing more specialized courses aimed a t particular interest groups, e.g., organic chemistry for biologists, medical technology students, and pre-medical students; analytical chemistry for food and soil scientists; and gen- eral chemistry for nonscientists who will occupy positions of leadership in society such as lawyers, legislators, so- ciologists, and teachers in disciplines other than chemis- try. Dr. Fuller referred to Dr. H. G. Cassidy's article (J. CHEM. EDUC., 50, 818 (1973)) suggesting that science is not currently in a state of gwd health, that a definite anti-science bias has surfaced which makes it difficult not only to attract support for research hut for science educa- tion as well, and that this attitude seems to he reflected among current students. The importance of overcoming this urohlem hv imnrovine nuhlic understandine of chem- . . istry'and chemists seems kvident, and individuals who want to help with the work of the committee are urged to contact Dr. Fuller. A preliminary report from his commit- tee is to he presented a t the ~ t l a i t i c city Meeting.

The uniaue onnortunitv nresented hv the ACS Centen- nial to educate' the p;hiic about Ehemistry was the subject of the presentation by B. R. Stanerson. Chair- man of the ACS Centennial Committee. Dr. Stanerson re- viewed a number of the projects now heing developed for the Centennial as means for conveying to the puhlic an appreciation for past and present achievements in chemis-

try and the prospects for future contrihutions, with em- phasis on the importance of chemistry to the welfare of present society. One of the major projects is to he a trav- eling exhibit built around the general theme, "Chemistry and Your Life." I t will consist of seven modules, each fo- cusing on a specific area such as food and agriculture, health, or energy and transport, and will point out the contrihutions of chemistry to each area. The exhibit will he presented first in New York a t the Centennial meeting in April, 1976, and after heing shown at the fall meeting in San Francisco, it will he displayed in science museums across the country during the next 3-5 years. Total costs for construction and maintenance of the exhibit are esti- mated to run $750,000 and a campaign is now under way, directed especially to chemical industry, to raise the nec- essary funds. It is estimated that the exhibit will he seen by one to two million people as it visits 12-15 major cities in the late 1970's. Plans to refurnish the Priestley House Laboratory, now largely empty, with his equipment or that typical of the time, are in progress. A history of American chemistw and the ACS for the last 100 years is in preparation. while the 75th year history was directed to chemists. the Centennial one will he in non-technical style directkd primarily to the puhlic, particularly to young people who may he considering science as a career. Plans are under way to bring 100 young chemists from de- veloping countries to the United States to attend the Cen- tennial Meeting and then visit chemical plants and edu- cational institutions. While the Postal Service has indi- cated that they will no longer issue anniversary stamps for specific organizations, a committee is working on the pos- sibility of having a block of four stamps issued recognizing the field of chemistry in general, with the likely theme "Pioneers in Chemistry." Society members are urged to communicate their desire for such an issue to the postal authorities. The commission of a work of art is under study, as are suggestions for some type of anniversary sou- venir. The soecial oromam for the Centennial Meetine , %.

will consist only of symposia by the divisions. No techni- cal sessions will he held on Monday, which will he left open for a ceremonial session, and the Centennial banquet will he held Tuesday, April 6, the exact anniversary date of the Society's founding. Committees are currently active in formulating plans for activities a t the local section level and 65 sections have already appointed Centennial com- mittee chairmen. Dr. Stanerson again noted that any suggestions for this Centennial celebration will he wel- comed.

A lively discussion period followed in which it was ques- tioned whether or not there is really puhlic disenchant- ment with chemistw. and whether the problem may he in differentiating between chemistry as a discipline and as a nrofession. The wish was exnressed that in our centennial ohsewance we do not toot our own horn too much. We should he realistic in letting the puhlic know there are limi- tations as well as benefits to our contrihutions. For exam- ple, if we are ahle to significantly increase man's life span, society ought to he alerted in time to prepare for the problems this will create. We ought to he careful in our educational approach not to confuse the opportunity for a satisfying, intellectual experience in the discipline with preparation for a career in chemistry. Thus, in our puhlic relations effort, we ought to emphasize what man has been ahle to do in this field as an intellectual achieve- ment, rather than concentrate only on its impact in pro- ducing new goods. Above all, we should be aware, and let others know we are aware, of our social and moral responsibilities.

Volume 52, Number 1, January 1975 / 9