content marketing - the superhero of 2013

Prepared By - Priyam Srivastava

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Page 1: Content Marketing - The Superhero Of 2013

Prepared By - Priyam Srivastava

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What is Content Marketing?

Content marketing is a marketing technique of creation and distribution of relevant and valuable content pieces to attract, acquire, and engage a clearly defined and understood target audience – with the objective of driving profitable customer action.

It refers to almost all online marketing activities centered around creating and sharing content to engage consumers.

Information related to any brand can be presented in a variety of media like articles, blogs, videos, images, infographics, white papers, e-books, case studies etc.

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How is it a SUPERHERO?

With the change in trends of link building, many of the previously effective activities are now obsolete and are no longer considered best SEO practice.

As top search engines like Google give clear preference to quality content, companies and clients are now seeking for long term content marketing strategies to save their respective online campaign.

Content Marketing is the future of online marketing and it’s HERE TO STAY!

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86% of B2C (business to consumer) companies are planning to keep or increase their current content marketing spending this yearCourtesy:

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54% of B2B (business to business) companies are planning to increase their content marketing spending in 2013Courtesy:

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One of the latest methods of content marketing – Infographics are essentially images which summarize a concept or statistics into a detailed and visually appealing graphic. Just textual content is at times disengaging and boring to go through. But if supported by a creative Infographic which gives all the information at one glance, it is bound to go viral.

Infographics can be optimized for search engines just like images. The infographic URL, title, and alt tag should be matched to the infographic and page theme. The viral nature of Infographics make them an excellent tool for gaining inbound links too.

There are various websites like, and etc. which can be used for creation of Infographics. Click here to get a list of infographic syndication websites.

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Case Study – was the first company to create infographics to attract customers on a mass scale – that resulted in 2 million customers within 3 years.

By focusing on blog posts, slideshows, videos and infographics, grew to 100,000 accounts in 2007, 600,000 in 2008 and almost 2 million in 2009, becoming the largest player in the personal financial aggregation market.


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Infographic Optimization

The very first step as always is selection of the most relevant keywords associated with the infographic. Here are a few other important pointers –

• Title Tag of the webpage must contain the title of your infographic

• Page Meta Description should be keyword rich as well as compelling for the users

• Heading should be well written from both user as well as search engine’s perspective

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Infographic Optimization

• Search engine friendly content along with the infographic should be present. This can be a detailed blog related to the information given by the infograhic or a short description of the content piece

• Allow users to embed your infographic on their websites as it helps in generating backlinks

• Image file name and alt tag should be optimized

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Informative and Engaging Blogs are loved by both Readers and Search Engines!

A blog is a great way for brands to solve the pain points of their customers. As far as SEO is concerned, blogs are excellent means of adding fresh content to any website. Be it a personal experience or sharing an expert opinion on a topic, blogging is the trend of the day.

As long as your blog is unique, informative and most importantly engaging, it can be the best way of content marketing.

It is highly recommended for any kind of website to have a dedicated blog section and update it on a regular basis.

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Technorati’s 2013 Digital Influence Report shows that consumers are turning to blogs when looking to make a purchase.

The report found that blogs are now the third most influential digital resource (31%) when making overall purchases, behind retail sites (56%) and brand sites (34%).


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Case Study – Nerd Fitness


Nerd Fitness is a superb example of an extremely creative and niche blog website. This blog was started about 5 years ago to accommodate “desk jockeys, nerds, and average Joes that needed to level up their lives.” The blog

has become very successful and has over 58,000 subscribers thus far.

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SEO Tips on Blogs

• Optimize the URL, Title, Metas and Headers of the blog page according to the keywords you wish to target. Synonyms, long term variations of keywords should be used in the blog posts. However make sure that the content is not keyword stuffed

• More Content and Less ads - Need not worry about the length of your post as long as its interesting and offers fair amount of relevant information. A relatively long yet engaging blog is bound to have repeated visitors

• Navigation to the right pages of your website using appropriate anchor text. If you have a main blog page that lists all your previous blogs, a link to it at the end is recommended

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SEO Tips on Blogs

• Images, Infographics and Videos can add great value to blogs. For instance, a blog quoting statistical data can be paired up with an awesome Infographic so that the reader gets a brief about the blog at one glance

• Authorship Markup should be used. Click here to know more

• Offer Social Media, RSS & Feed Subscription Buttons

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Microsoft estimates that over 30 million PowerPoint presentations are given daily around the globe. Modern day presentations are far more visual and provide quality information in the best way possible. Syndication websites like Issuu, Calameo, Scribd and Slideshare are extensively used. Slideshare is the most popular social website which allows presentation syndication. Its growth can be clearly seen in its Alexa stats –


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Case Study – HubSpot

HubSpot has published 478 presentations and has 8,885 followers on SlideShare. This clearly indicates that people today do find presentations as an appropriate

medium to gain more knowledge about their concerned brand.

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Presentation Tips

• First and foremost, the title slide of your presentation should grab the eyeballs of the viewer and develop enough interest in his mind to go through the slides

• Presentation Title, Description, Tags must contain the keywords you wish to target

• It is recommended that you embed the Slideshare presentation on your website with a supporting post. The post may be a brief about the presentation or a detailed explanation with instances of keywords in either cases

• can be used to customize the URL of your Slideshare. The URL should be short and precise so that the viewer can easily identify the topic of your presentation

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Eye catching images leave a lasting impression on the consumer’s mind!

Images and photographs adversely affect the decision making process of any and every consumer. From a business as big as real estate to a small website selling baby toys, image syndication can play a major role in brand building and online visibility.

Image sharing on websites like Flickr, 500px, Tumblr, Photobucket etc. is one of the most widely used medium of content marketing.

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Image Optimization

• Image File name should describe the image in plain simple English rather than a good for nothing name like Image1.jpg or DSC001.jpg • Alt tags also add SEO value to an image. Adding keywords in the alt tags (without spamming ofcourse) help in achieving better rankings

• Google uses page load time as a factor in their ranking algorithm and large size images result in increased loading time. Image size should be reduced as much as possible without ruining its quality

• Make sure that decorative images like a background image of your page, borders, buttons etc. that are used only to enhance the aesthetic appeal are compressed to reduce page loading time. If possible use CSS instead

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Image Optimization

• Image Sitemaps can help Google discover images. Click here to know more

• Image Syndication on Social Media platforms and various other free and paid websites

• Image Markup should be used to increase visibility of images. Click Here to know more

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VideosVideos undoubtedly have the potential to boost a brand’s overall marketing campaign. Video marketing can quite easily establish brand identity and create brand awareness for any business, be it small or big. It is imperative that the video content is relevant to the business and does not contradict the brand’s positioning.

With free video sharing websites like Vimeo, Dailymotion, Veoh and the king of all – Youtube, more and more businesses are now concentrating on generating engaging videos.

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Dollar Shave Club spent $4,500 on a video that got them 10,214,692 views, 25,000+ followers on Twitter, 84,784  Facebook fans and 12,000 new customers in 2 days. They went on to raise $10.8 million in financing.

Case Study – Dollar Shave Club


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Video Optimization

• Videos should be informative, engaging but at the same time not too long

• Title of the video should be catchy and must ideally include the important keywords which are most searched

• Tags must be decided based on an extensive keyword research

• Descriptions are read by people before viewing the video. They must essentially give a brief about the video with instances of appropriate keywords

• Optimization of Transcripts can help your video to rank well on search engines

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Video Optimization

• Video Sitemaps is another way for search engines to find your video content. Click here to know more

• Video Microdata can increase the visibility of a video on the SERP. Click Here to know how

• Embedding Options - Allow others to embed your video on their blog or website

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Combining traditional SEO practices with a deadly content marketing strategy is the best thing to do in 2013. Social media platforms also play a huge role in content syndication.

In order to withstand the rising competition in the online market, brands have realized the need of content marketing which is evident from the amount they are planning to spend in the coming months.

2013 is the year of



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In the interest of digital marketers by -

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