containerizing mongodb with kubernetes

Containerizing MongoDB with Kubernetes Dan Worth (fuboTV) Brian McNamara (CloudyOps)

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Containerizing MongoDB with Kubernetes

Dan Worth (fuboTV)

Brian McNamara (CloudyOps)

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Who are we?Dan Worth

● Software Engineer

● Currently at fuboTV

● @djworth on the Internet

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Who are we?Brian McNamara

● Ops Engineer

● @mcnamarabrian / @cloudyops

● Enjoys learning new things and quoting corny 80s comedies whenever possible

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What are we going to talk about?● In the beginning of fuboTV

● Fundamentals of Kubernetes (Dan)

● Fundamentals of MongoDB high availability (Brian)

● Challenges of running stateful services on Kubernetes (Brian)

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Let’s Start with a Story...

Page 6: Containerizing MongoDB with kubernetes Business Overview● Sports first virtual multichannel video programming distributor (MVPD)

● Partnership with 21st Century Fox and Sky

● Create the best live events platform

● Subscription based

● Build communities around sports (teams, matches, players)

Page 7: Containerizing MongoDB with kubernetes Started Taking Over Streaming World● Needed scalable offering

● Bursty demand patterns around soccer / futbol matches

● Lots of in-house development experience

● Not a lot of in-house operational experience

● Didn’t want to maintain hardware

Page 8: Containerizing MongoDB with kubernetes v1● Node.js hosted with well-known PaaS provider

● MongoDB hosted with a separate provider

● Focus was on introducing application features, iterating quickly

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Things Changed in Philly

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Enter Kubernetes● Presentation by Kelsey Hightower

● Sysadmin who can code

● 2015 PhillyETE: Managing

Containers at Scale with CoreOS

and Kubernetes

● Container cluster manager

● Don’t sweat the scheduling of

containers in your cluster

● Live demo of rolling application


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Minds = Blown

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How Can We Do That?● Google’s infrastructure for everyone else

● Loved demo

● Saw the possibilities of Kubernetes

● But….still didn’t want to maintain hardware

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Enter Google Container Engine

● No need to run a Kubernetes cluster in-house

● Google provided service

● Fully managed

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Fundamentals of Kubernetes● Open Source container cluster manager by Google

● Run Anywhere (GKE, GCE, AWS, Bare metal)

● Self-healing when using the right primitives

● Service discovery and load balancing

● Secret and configuration management

● Key high level domain objects

○ Pods

○ Replication Controllers

○ Services

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Fundamentals of Kubernetes (Pods)● Pods

○ Unit of Scheduling

○ One or more containers

○ Define environment

○ Pods get their own IP addresses

spec:containers: - name: mongo image: mongo:3.2 ports: - containerPort: 27017 resources: limits: cpu: 4

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Fundamentals of Kubernetes (RC)● Replication Controller

● All the goodness of the Pod

● Additional benefit of defining count of pods

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Replication Controller ExampleapiVersion: v1kind: ReplicationControllermetadata: name: mongo1

spec: replicas: 1 selector: name: mongo1 template: metadata: labels: name: mongo1 spec: containers: - name: mongo1 image: mongo:3.2

volumeMounts: - name: mongo1-data mountPath: /data/db resources: Limits: cpu: 4 memory: 4Gi ports: - name: "mongo" containerPort: 27017 protocol: TCP command: - ...

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Fundamentals of Kubernetes (Services)● Provides stable endpoint to pods / replication controllers

● Uses metadata like ports and selectors to identify how to map endpoint to pod

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Service ExampleapiVersion: v1kind: Servicemetadata: name: mongo1-service labels: name: mongo1-servicespec: ports: - port: 27017 targetPort: 27017 protocol: TCP selector: name: mongo1 type: LoadBalancer

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Fundamentals of KubernetesService

Replication Controller

Pod Pod Pod

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Fundamentals of MongoDB High Availability● Possible to scale reads and writes

○ Scaling reads: use replica sets

○ Scaling writes: use shards

● Clients can do things to take advantage of availability primitives

● We’ll focus on scaling reads using replica sets

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Fundamentals of MongoDB High Availability (cont)

MongoDB Replica Set

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Fundamentals of MongoDB High Availability (cont)

Heartbeat among replica set members

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Fundamentals of MongoDB High Availability (cont)

Automated election of Primary in the event of failure

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Fundamentals of MongoDB High Availability (cont)> rs.config(){ "_id" : "replica_set_name", "version" : 105978, "protocolVersion" : NumberLong(1), "members" : [ { "_id" : 0,

"host" : "ip_or_hostname:port_number", "arbiterOnly" : false, "buildIndexes" : true, "hidden" : false, "priority" : 1, "tags" : {}, "slaveDelay" : NumberLong(0), "votes" : 1 }, { … }}

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Challenges of Running Stateful Services on Kubernetes● Kubernetes is amazing at running and rescheduling containers with Pods,

Replication Controllers, and Services

● Stateless services are easiest to manage but...

● Sometimes we need things to maintain state

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Challenges of Running Stateful Services MongoDB on Kubernetes● Kubernetes Replication Controller

○ Ensure requisite number of Pods are scheduled

○ Don’t guarantee consistent hostname or IP address

● MongoDB replica set configuration uses well defined endpoints

○ Remember that rs.conf() output?

○ Updating replica set configuration by hand feels dirty and you’re a bad person if you want to do


● MongoDB data should persist

○ If not, when a new replica set member comes up there will be a full sync

○ Kubernetes manages the scheduling but who needs the full sync?

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Built-in Primitives to the Rescue● Kubernetes

○ Replication Controller + Service

○ Label selector allows for consistent association between pod and service hostname / IP

○ Persistent volume can be defined

■ Allows GCE volumes to move with Pod

■ Result: No need to do expensive resync of data

● MongoDB

○ Take advantage of service endpoint when defining replica set

■ Service IP or DNS

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Parting Thoughts● MongoDB has good resilience in the face of failure but be sure to test different

failure scenarios.

● Docker is great to work with, but make sure your development workflows, tools

and harnesses are adapted to build and run apps with it.

● Kubernetes is still relatively young, but maturing quickly. You need to carefully

evaluate whether you want to roll your own platform with it, or instead rely on a

hosted service like Google Container Engine

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Questions?… and thanks!

Dan Worth (@djworth)

Brian McNamara (@mcnamarabrian / @cloudyops)