congregational leadership worship services &...

NONPROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID Permit No. 80 Seguin, Texas 781561049 December 5, 2010 8:00 & 10:30 am Gifts for the King/2 nd Sunday of Advent Holy Communion/Hunger Sunday 9:15 am Sunday School/Confirmation Class December 12, 2010 8:00 & 10:30 am 3 rd Sunday of Advent/Holy Communion 9:15 am Sunday School/Confirmation Class/Altar Guild 11:30 am Congregational Meeting December 15 2010 NEWSLETTER DEADLINE! December 19, 2010 8:00 & 10:30 am 4 th Sunday of Advent/ Holy Communion 9:15 am Sunday School/Confirmation Class 3:00 pm Christmas Caroling December 24, 2010 Day School closed 12:00 pm Church Office Closed 2:30 pm Christmas Eve/Holy Communion 7:00 pm Christmas Eve/Family/Candlelight Service 11:00 pm Christmas Eve/Holy Communion/Candlelight December 25, 2010 9:30 am Christmas Day/Holy Communion December 26, 2010 8:00 & 10:30 am First Sunday of Christmas/ Holy Communion/ 9:15 am Sunday School/Confirmation Class Staff Pastor The Rev. Paul J. Zwarich Hospital Visitation Pastor in San Antonio The Rev. Darwin Huartson Pastoral Assistant Willie Spreen Director of Music & Worship Thomas Engler Administrative Assistant Jeannie Hall Director of Youth & Family Ministries Ariel Williams Receptionist/Office Secretary Bonnie Cheatham Day School Director Burlene LeClair Nursery Coordinator Heidi Koepsel Wedding Coordinator Dee Dee Burns Congregation Council Natalie Alexander John Baumann Evelyn Dittmar (Secretary) Denise Hufnagl (Vice-President) Brian Jones Toni Ludzenski Roland Naumann Ronald Naumann (President) Christa Nichols Jeanne Palmer (Treasurer) Aaron Seidenberger Get in touch with us! Phone: (830) 379-5046 Fax: (830) 379-7518 E-mail: [email protected] Catch us on the Web! Emanuels’ Mission Statement To proclaim God’s grace through Word and Sacrament, and to bear witness to God’s Kingdom in our daily lives. Worship Services & Events Congregational Leadership Worship Services 8:00 a.m. & 10:30 a.m.

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PAID Permit No. 80 Seguin, Texas 78156‐1049

  December 5, 2010 8:00 & 10:30 am Gifts for the King/2nd Sunday of Advent Holy Communion/Hunger Sunday 9:15 am Sunday School/Confirmation Class December 12, 2010 8:00 & 10:30 am 3rd Sunday of Advent/Holy Communion

9:15 am Sunday School/Confirmation Class/Altar Guild 11:30 am Congregational Meeting

December 15 2010 NEWSLETTER DEADLINE! December 19, 2010 8:00 & 10:30 am 4th Sunday of Advent/ Holy Communion

9:15 am Sunday School/Confirmation Class 3:00 pm Christmas Caroling

December 24, 2010 Day School closed 12:00 pm Church Office Closed 2:30 pm Christmas Eve/Holy Communion 7:00 pm Christmas Eve/Family/Candlelight Service 11:00 pm Christmas Eve/Holy Communion/Candlelight December 25, 2010 9:30 am Christmas Day/Holy Communion December 26, 2010 8:00 & 10:30 am First Sunday of Christmas/

Holy Communion/ 9:15 am Sunday School/Confirmation Class

Staff Pastor The Rev. Paul J. Zwarich Hospital Visitation Pastor in San Antonio The Rev. Darwin Huartson Pastoral Assistant Willie Spreen Director of Music & Worship Thomas Engler Administrative Assistant Jeannie Hall Director of Youth & Family Ministries Ariel Williams Receptionist/Office Secretary Bonnie Cheatham Day School Director Burlene LeClair Nursery Coordinator Heidi Koepsel Wedding Coordinator Dee Dee Burns

Congregation Council

Natalie Alexander John Baumann Evelyn Dittmar (Secretary) Denise Hufnagl (Vice-President) Brian Jones Toni Ludzenski Roland Naumann Ronald Naumann (President) Christa Nichols Jeanne Palmer (Treasurer) Aaron Seidenberger

Get in touch with us! Phone:

(830) 379-5046 Fax:

(830) 379-7518 E-mail:

[email protected] Catch us on the Web!

Emanuels’ Mission Statement

To proclaim God’s grace through Word and

Sacrament, and to bear witness to God’s Kingdom

in our daily lives.

Worship Services & Events Congregational Leadership

Worship Services 8:00 a.m. 

& 10:30 a.m.

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From the Pastor



 Yes it’s that time of the year again. The Christmas Season is upon us. In just a few shorts weeks we will go through one of the most blessed and wondrous seasons where we will hear the familiar story of the birth of Jesus and sing the hymns and carols of the most wonderful time of the year. The Advent and Christmas period is a time of preparation, celebration and renewal. I would like to invite you to take advantage of all the worship and fellowship opportunities of the season and invite you to join us for worship. Our Christmas Eve and Christmas Worship Schedule is as follows:

Friday December 24 Christmas Eve Services

2:30 Worship with Holy Communion 7:00 PM Family Christmas Program and Candlelighting

11:00 pm Christmas Eve Service with Holy Communion and Candlelighting

Saturday December 25 Christmas Day Service

9:30 AM Christmas Day Service with Holy Communion

Sunday December 26 8:00 & 10:30 Worship Services with Holy Communion

and the Nine Readings & Carols

Please feel free to invite a friend, a neighbor, or a coworker to come and experience the joy

and wonder of the Christmas Season with you. “And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid. And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, ‘Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.’” Luke 2:9-14

Merry Christmas And may the news of the Christ Child fill your hearts and souls with joy. Pastor Paul

Lectionary Readings for December 2010 Date First Reading Psalm Second Reading Gospel

December 5 Isaiah 11:1-10 Psalm 72:1-7, 18-19 Romans 15:4-13 Matthew 3:1-12 December 12 Isaiah 35:1-10 Psalm 146:5-10 James 5:7-10 Matthew 11:2-11 December 19 Isaiah 7:10-16 Psalm 80:1-7, 17-19 Romans 1:1-7 Matthew 1:18-25 December 24 Isaiah 9:2-7 Psalm 96 Titus 2:11-14 Luke 2:1-14[15-20] December 25 Isaiah 62:6-12

Isaiah 52:7-10 Psalm 97 Psalm 98

Titus 3:4-7 Hebrews 1:1-4[5-12]

Luke 2:[1-7]8-20 John 1:1-14

December 26 Isaiah 63:7-9 Psalm 148 Hebrews 2:10-18 Matthew 2:13-23

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From Willie’s Desk   

     I’ve just finished writing the annual report for the Outreach Committee. Outreach is the new approach for the old Evangelism Activity. The 2010 report is about the new members Emanuel’s has received.            Outreach actually is a broader scope than just adding new members. Outreach encompasses all of those activities which demonstrates God’s love through us to others. All of those items in our budget which go to care for others is our Outreach. They include: Local benevolence, Christian Cupboard, Salvation Army, Angel Food, Drug Assistance, and all other appeals that occur during the year.            Emanuel’s is a caring group of people, but the question remains,” Is Emanuel’s doing, for others all it can?” There’s a question that I recall from my youth. “Should I continue to give again and again?” The sage’s answer is, “You can stop giving when God stops giving to you.” Outreach isn’t only about money, but also your time and your continued caring.   Willie 

Thrivent  Members:    Choice  dollars  will  be available  soon. Watch  your mail  for  your  letter from  Thrivent  or  you  may  visit or by calling 1‐800‐847‐4836  to  vote.    Potential  designated  Choice Dollar  amounts  range  from  $25  to  $500  for eligible  benefit  members.  By  directing designated  Choice  Dollars,  you  can  request funding  for  Lutheran  campus,  schools, seminaries, campus ministries – even Emanuel’s Lutheran Church.  

New Class Starts 1st Sunday Advent Where: Chapel Topic: The Lutheran Liturgy – Heritage And Scriptural Origins Who: Everyone Welcome When:

November 28, 2010 Introduction To Lutheran Liturgy December 5, 2010 The Structure Of Liturgy December 12, 2010 Jewish Origins Of Christian Worship December 19, 2010 The Table Fellowship December 26, 2010 Liturgy And The Life Of Jesus January 2, 2010 The Liturgy Of The Word January 9, 2010 The Liturgy Of The Sacrament January 16, 2010 The Entrance, Preparation And Distribution January 23, 2010 The Lutheran Liturgy January 30, 2010 The Church Year And Sunday February 7, 2010 The Services Of Prayer Februrary 14, 2010Catechesis, Baptism And The Liturgy Of Life


Thank you to Pastor Paul and Willie Spreen for all the visits. The cards from the guilds helped to brighten my day. Thank you for the prayers.  

Grace Saegert and family 

To the Prayer Chain of Emanuel’s Lutheran Church, Thank you for your prayers for my healing after surgery it’s always a good feeling to be remembered.  

Sincerely, Leslie “Pete” Kallies 

Thank You! Thank You! The Ladies Aid would like to thank all the volunteers who gave of their time to help make the bazaar a success. Also thank you to all who donated items for the bazaar. Your time and talents are deeply appreciated.

Velma Huebner President

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Autumn with the Day School




The Pumpkin Patch 

The Halloween Parade 

The Fair Parade Best Entry… Business/Commercial 

Willie          Oscar         Ariel

‘Happy Tails’ visited with some exotic animals

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Emanuel’s Women of the ELCA (WELCA) By Cathy Anderson Emanuel’s WELCA President 

 “Gifts for the King” collection will be Dec. 5th.  If you have any questions, talk to Estelle Illhardt.  

The members of Dorcas Circle have decided to retire as an organized group.  Their December meeting will be their last one.  Please invite those ladies to join your circle.  

If you like saving food labels, Campbell’s Soup for example, you can now give them to the Emanuel’s Day School.  Take them to the church office and put them in the day school box.  Please do not place them on top of the refrigerator in the Women’s Ministry Room.    

For years, the women of Emanuel’s have collected cancelled postage stamps that were trimmed and sent on in bulk to an organization in Washington, DC that provides a job to mentally challenged adults processing the stamps for collectors.  If you would like to participate, information about this group and their mailing address is now posted on the refrigerator in the Women’s Ministry Room.  Please do not leave a bag of stamps on the top of the refrigerator anymore.  There are stamps on the fridge top that you are welcome to take, process and mail.  

Altar Guild has boxed Christmas cards for sale in the WMR case.  They are $6 per box and the money can be left with Jeannie in the church office.  

Thanks to Bonnie in the church office.  She is working on the Yearbook for 2011.  


Ladies Aid By Velma Huebner, Emanuel’s Ladies Aid President

Twenty two members and 3 guests were present for the Ladies Aid Meeting. It was reported that members made 34 visits in October.

Velma Huebner called the meeting to order and welcomed everyone. She also gave the opening prayer after which the members sang “We Give The but Thine Own.”

Pastor Paul presented a topic on stewardship. Birthday ladies were recognized as there were no anniversaries. Minutes were read by Beulah Reiley, and Judy Campbell gave the treasurer’s report. Standing committees gave their reports.

It was reported that the Christmas luncheon is going well, and special guests’ invitations will go out this week. Mary Margaret Bobo reported on the Windsor Nursing Home bingo with the help of Myrtle Huebinger and Maxine Luedke. All bazaar committees were finalized and ready to go for Tuesday, November 9.

The property stewards, Pastor Paul, Frances Vinyard, Willie Spreen and the hostesses were thanked. December hostesses will be the officers of Ladies Aid.

Velma reminded everyone of the bazaar on Tuesday, November 9 and last baking of coffee cakes on Monday, November 8. Velma also reminded members of the Festival of Thanksgiving on Tuesday, November 23, at Emanuel’s. Church Women United is hosting the World Community Day Celebration at Cross Church (on N. Bauer ) at 2 p.m. on Friday, November 5

Ladies Aid Christmas Luncheon on Wednesday, December 1 at noon.

The meeting adjourned with the Lord’s Prayer and singing “God Be with You ‘Til We Meet Again.”

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Dates to Remember

Faith Circle

Wednesday, December 14, 2010 at 7:00 p.m.

Emanuel’s Women’s Ministry Room Hostess: TBA

Bible Study Leader: TBA Dorcas Circle

Thursday, December 9, 2010 at 2:00 p.m.

Hostess: Annabelle Koehler, Mary Margaret Bobo

Bible Study Leader: Mary Margaret Bobo Joy Circle

Thursday, December 9, 2010 at 9:30 a.m.

Hostess: Rhoda Oestreich Bible Study Leader: Pat Hoppe

Ladies Aid Christmas LuncheonWednesday, December 1, 2010

at 12:00 p.m. Hostesses: Ladies Aid Officers

Altar Guild Meeting Sunday, December 12

In the Hospitality Room


The Church Staff meets every Tuesday, from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm. The phone will be set so that you can leave us a voice message, and we can respond when we are done.

DEADLINES Information must be in the office by 8:00 am Tuesday, mornings for bulletins. Newsletter Information must be in the office by the 15th of each month.

“Working Wednesdays”Month of December, there will not be an Executive meeting, Congregational Council meeting and no All Committee Meeting


Singles Group will meet at 12:15 pm on Sunday, December 19 at the home of Virginia Balter 130 Lone Oak. If you have any 

questions please call Virginia at 830‐433‐4280 .


Each congregation in our San Antonio Conference is being asked to remember other congregations in prayer through the year, and all have been sent a schedule of weeks in which to pray for a specific congregation. We will remember these congregations in our prayers each Sunday, and you are asked to keep them in prayer through the week. Those for whom we pray in December: December 5 St. Paul, New Braunfels December 12 Camino Real, San Antonio December 19 The Branches Worshiping Community December 26 Beitel Memorial, San Antonio

Council Corner • Pastor Paul will work with Hawkins Personnel Services and King Janitorial Services to find a Janitor/Light 

Maintenance Person. 

• The compensation for the Nursery will be $ 40.00 per Sunday 

• New Member Sunday will be Nov. 21 

• The Handicap Ramp was discussed.  Pastor Paul will announce Sunday Morning the status of the pledges we have received so far.  The estimate cost for the ramp (not including the landscaping and curb work) is $ 19,700.00 

• The Council Dinner will be held on Wednesday December 22 at 6:30 at Blakes. 

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By Ariel Williams – Director of Youth & Family Ministries The weekend of Nov. 5-7th we had 11 confirmation youth attend the Synod Jr. High Gathering at Camp Chrysalis in Kerrville, TX. They participated in worship, small group studies, workshops, games, got to know youth from other churches in our Synod, as well as continue to bond with one another. A big thank you to Wayne Stalsworth who acted as our male chaperone. We all had a great time!!! On Sunday Nov. 14th 10 youth gathered following the 10:30a church service and made Christmas Cards to be delivered with the holiday meals and to our nursing home and care facility shut-ins. The kids made over 90 Christmas Cards. It was great to see the ideas and creativity that each of our kids possess.





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December 5 will be “Gifts for the King” Sunday. This annual event is held to collect items to be given to those in need. Family Protective Services can use items in serving the children who come into their care, many of whom are living with grandparents on limited income. Suggested donations are baby items: wipes, shampoo, body wash, powder, and onesies in all sizes for boys and girls. Socks and underwear for boys and girls all sizes including teen. Walmart and HEB gift cards in $25.00 increments. When something that they don’t have on hand is needed for a child, they use the gift card to purchase what is needed, such as clothes, school supplies, etc. You may bring donations to services on that Sunday or leave them at the church office earlier. Contact Estelle Illhardt for more information (830)379‐3100.   

Sunday Services Sunday, November 28, 2010

The First Sunday of Advent 8:00 & 10:30 a.m.

Worship Services with Holy Communion Blessing the Greens

9:15 a.m. Make an Advent Wreath for your home!

Sunday, December 5, 2010 The Second Sunday of Advent

8:00 & 10:30 a.m. Worship Services with Holy Communion

Gifts for the King Sunday

Sunday, December 12, 2010 The Third Sunday of Advent

8:00 & 10:30 a.m. Worship Services with Holy Communion

Sunday, December 19, 2010 The Fourth Sunday of Advent

8:00 & 10:30 a.m. Worship Services with Holy Communion.

After Service: Decking the Halls Fellowship 3:00 p.m. Caroling and Refreshments

Sunday, December 26, 2010

The First Sunday after Christmas Nine Readings & Carols

8:00 & 10:30 a.m. Worship Service with Holy Communion

Midweek Advent Services

Thursday, December 2, 2010 12:05-12:35 p.m. Advent Service followed by lunch

Thursday, December 9, 2010 10:00 a.m. Guadalupe Valley Nursing Center

11:30 a.m. Senior Service 12:05-12:35 p.m. Advent Service followed by lunch

Thursday, December 16, 2010 10:30 Nesbit Nursing Home

12:05 p.m. Advent Service followed by lunch



Christmas Services

Friday, December 24, 2010 2:30 p.m. Worship Service with Holy Communion

Light refreshments to follow 7:00 p.m. Family Christmas Service

Children's Christmas Program and Candlelighting

11:00 p.m. Christmas Eve Service of Holy Communion with Candlelighting

Saturday, December 25, 2010 9:30 a.m. Christmas Day Service with

Holy Communion


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   Social Concerns

Once again this year the Social Concerns Committee will offer the option of honoring or remembering a loved one by supporting the Lutheran World Relief Critters-Cow Project and/or by purchasing a poinsettia to decorate the altar at Christmas. Below you will find a form to specify your preferences this Christmas. Please fill out the form, enclose it in an envelope, and drop it in the offering plate along with payment or send it to: Emanuel's Lutheran Church 206 North Travis Street Seguin, Texas 78155

Cost of Poinsettias is $10.00. You may donate any amount you wish to the Critters-Cow Project. Deadline to ensure poinsettias for Christmas is Wednesday, December 8, 2010.

     I WOULD LIKE TO DECORATE THE ALTAR WITH POINSETTIAS Given in MEMORY of: ________________ _________________________________

Or Given in HONOR of: _________________ _________________________________ GIVEN BY:_________________________ _________________________________ # of Poinsettias Ordered: _____________


Lutheran World Relief Critters-Cow Project

Given in MEMORY of: ________________ _________________________________

Or Given in HONOR of: _________________ _________________________________ GIVEN BY:_________________________ _________________________________ Amount of Donation: __________________


                  Emanuel's Ladies Aid Quilt Raffle                              Tickets $1 each or 6 for $5 


The quilters of the Emanuel's Ladies Aid are raffling a queen‐size, hand‐ quilted, blue window pane quilt for their annual bazaar. The drawing for the winner will take  place  at  their  annual  Christmas  luncheon  on Wednesday, December  1.  Tickets are available from any of the quilting ladies or the church office. 

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                                               Music Ministry Notes Tom Engler, Director of Worship and Music 

 Of the four services that Emanuel’s offers on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, which one should be your choice to attend?  How about ALL of them:  Oh, well, you know that I’m half kidding.  Over my 32 years of service to Emanuel’s I have had ample opportunity to just sit back and enjoy the beauty that is the eye of the beholder within our walls during the Advent/Christmas cycle, and it made me think about writing this little piece for you today. 

 Nature  provides,  free  of  charge,  the  gift  of  natural  light  which  fills  the  nave  from  all  four  compass directions and which has a profound effect on the appearance on objects within.  It creates a kaleidoscope of shape and hues that I will attempt to share with you now.  The first Christmas Eve service, at 2.30, finds the outside light streaming in mostly from the west, for even though the early is early, we are only three days past the winter solstice, and the shadows are long.  The steeply angled position of  the  sun’s  rays as  they penetrate  the west window and,  to  some degree,  the south  windows,  cause  the  dominant  colors  in  the  nave  to  be  rich  and  sumptuous  –  the  red  of  the poinsettias,  the  rich  green  of  the  Christmas  tree  and  the  beautiful  blues  in  the windows  of  the  south transept, not  to mention  the  reds and oranges  that are  found  in  the stained glass of  the west window.  This mid‐afternoon gift from God is such a quietly lovely sight.  Let go of the hustle and bustle for about an hour and commune with God surrounded by family, friends and visitors.  The evening services at 7 and at 11 are dependent upon artificial light until the time of the candle lighting service.    The  natural  lights  are  extinguished  for  several minutes  as we  hum,  and  then  sing,  the  dear, familiar strains of “Silent Night.”  Our hearts are gently and firmly warmed as the candle glow grows from the  front of  the nave  to  the back.    If only we  could bask  in  its beauty  for a  longer  time.   God  through Nature is showering us with His love.  Christmas morning!   Now  there’s  a  special  time.    At  the  9.30  hour,  the  light  of God’s  glorious  Sun  is streaming in the north and east windows and competes successfully with the giant oak and the organ. And then there are the poinsettias!  Affected by this flood of morning light, the redness of the leaves, which we take so for granted, is infused with fire, as, perhaps, from the Holy Spirit.  What a marvelous sight!  I don’t think it is my imagination, but the whole atmosphere seems cleaner and fresher on Christmas morning.    Maybe  these  are  just  the  ramblings  of middle‐aged  bachelor who  has  nothing  else  to  do  but  ponder aesthetic things.  Maybe there’s more to than that.  I like to think so.    


Church Audit Emanuel’s Lutheran Church hired Randy Walker & Company Certified Public Accountants to perform an audit of the church for the year 2009. The audit has been completed, if you would like a copy to review you may come by the church office and pick one up.

                Emanuel’s Lutheran Church                     Annual Congregational Meeting 

                                              is set for                              Sunday, December 12, 2010 

              at 11:30 a.m. 

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ALOA, Association of Lutheran Older Adults, is an inter-Lutheran movement that provides resources for older adult

ministry of the ELCA and LC-MS.

Senior Fest 2011

February 5

Theme Our Journey:

Memory and Mission

Sponsored by Association of Lutheran Older Adults In cooperation with Texas District - LC-MS Southwest Synod of the ELCA

Keynote speaker

The Reverend Doctor Robert G. Hughes Past President of Lutheran Theological Seminary, Philadelphia, PA

Professor of Preaching, Worship, Leadership and Renewal Vice President of ALOA


Our life journey is composed of several interwoven stories—God’s Story, Our Story, Our Community Story and those of our faith models, to name a few. According to Dr. Hughes, our lives are sacred stories because God is at work in us. In the fourth quarter of life, we begin to gain perspective on our journey. Join us on Saturday, February 5, to reflect on the journey, savor the memory, claim the mission and refine the perspective.

Workshops: participants may choose to participate in two from a menu of nine,

Faith Lutheran Church 4010 Williams Drive

Georgetown, TX

Cost: $25 per person

Time: 8:00 am – 3:30 pm

Registration document will be available in



Joe & Sharon Kane  162 Forest Dr. 

Seguin, Tx 78155 830‐401‐0708 

Anne Kane 162 Forest Dr. 

Seguin, Tx 78155 830‐401‐0708 

Joyce Benton 1133 Ashby St. Apt. 1 Seguin, Tx 78155 830‐379‐2935 

Sandra Kennedy 220 Pecan Dr. NE 

McQueeney, Tx 78123 830‐743‐2744 

Carol Pursley 1220 Jefferson Ave. # 214 

Seguin, Tx 78155 830‐401‐0735 

Amy Malik Lindsey & Trey P.O. Box 211 

Geronimo, Tx 78115 830‐372‐1240

Peter & Jackie Silvius Casey & Peyton 603 N. River 

Seguin, Tx 78155 830‐372‐3905

Ron & Kristi Quiros Joshua, Taylor & Makenzie 

160 Plantation Dr. Seguin, Tx 78155 830‐560‐1353

Page 12: Congregational Leadership Worship Services & · Get in touch with us! Phone: (830) 379-5046 Fax: (830) 379-7518 E-mail:







Our Congregation

Prayers requested


Laura Merz, Taena Miller, Mike Haug, Evelyn Friedeck, Pearl Graham, Jo Emily Prochnow, Marian Strey, Udo Schmokel, Lydia Whitwell, William Koehler,

Louis Schneider, Benola Doran and Grace Saegert.

Friends & Family

Marie Riemenschneider, Linda & Steve Mosley, Miranda Barker, Doris Oerlti, Jan Morris, Cindy Pennington, Jay Jones, Inez Roe, Pauline Trost, Bonnie Long, Robert R.

Tenayuca, Mary Jane Schaetter, Susan Kenndey, Jamine Dalton, Bill Wieding, Richard McCullough, Josh

Hrachovina, Sylvie Campbell and David Van Houten & family.

…the families of Gertrude Engler Schilling

Aunt of Tom Engler Frieda Lenz

Edmund Kuempel Rev. Robert Sauer Brother of Joyce Benton

Mariel Martinez Friend of Shiryl Gaitan

Emanuel’s Prayer ChainAnn Erxleben is the contact person. Please call Ann at 830‐379‐5259 with your prayer 



 Congratulations to 

Kevin Keoki and Brandi Lyn Stehling May Who were married here at Emanuel’s Lutheran Church on 

Saturday, November 20, 2010.  



Jarett Carroll, Landon Cheatham,

Ben Russell, Michael Sullivan

Our Family and Friends

in the Military

                     If you need to reach the church                       Sunday mornings during worship       service, please call the church phone                       number (830) 379‐5046 and after the recording please dial extension 214. This phone will ring in the usher’s room in the  Narthex.

We are putting together a list of persons who would like e‐mails sent to them of church events. 

Please e‐mail the church at info@emanuels‐ 

with a request to receive last minute notices.