computers are your future twelfth edition chapter 12: databases and information systems copyright ©...

Computers Are Your Future Twelfth Edition Chapter 12: Databases and Information Systems Copyright © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 1

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Computers Are Your Future

Twelfth EditionChapter 12: Databases and Information Systems

Copyright © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 1

Databases and Information Systems

Copyright © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 2


• Describe the basic components of a database.

• Describe the qualities of a good database.

• Distinguish between file management programs and relational database management systems, and explain the advantages and disadvantages of each.Copyright © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 3


• Differentiate between advanced database programs and applications, such as data warehouses, data mining, client/server database systems, and Web-database integration.

• List the components and main functions of an information system.

Copyright © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 4

Objectives • Recognize the functional divisions and

business units of an organization.• List the major types of information

systems used in today’s organizations.• Describe how the retail sector is taking

advantage of computer databases to increase sales and gain a competitive edge.

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Hierarchy(Levels) of Data Storage

• DatabaseoFiles (Tables)

•Records (Rows)oFields (Columns)

•Characters (Types)(Bytes)oBits

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The Levels of Data in a Database

• Database units (con’t.)o Database

• One or more related data files/tableso Data file (table)

• Collection of related records (rows)

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The Levels of Data in a Database

• Database units (con’t.)o Record

• Includes a group of related fields• Contained in tables or data files• Has a primary key—unique identifier for each

recordo Field

• Single unit of relative information• Has a field name—identifies content• Content is data type—includes items as Text,

Number, Currency, Date/Time Copyright © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 8

The Levels of Data in a Database

• Database unitsoCharacter (Byte)

• A letter, number, or symbol• Made of bytes—groups of 8 bits• Smallest useable unit of data

oBit • Smallest unit of data stored by a

computer• Contains either a 1 or a 0

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The Levels of Data in a Database

• DatabaseoOrganized collection of related data

so it is easy to:• Access• Manage• Update• Group• Summarize

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The Levels of Data in a Database

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Advantages of Database

Management Systems

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Advantages of Database

Management Systems • Data integrity

oData is valid

• Data validationo Techniques used to

help prevent errors

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Advantages of Database

Management Systems • Data independence

o Separate from applicationso Changes do not require changes in structure

of forms, reports, or programs accessing databases

• Avoiding data redundancy o Enter data only onceo Multiple entries of the same data—a sign of a

poorly developed system

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Advantages of Database

Management Systems • Data security

o Prevents contents from being accessed by unauthorized users (e.g., medical records, financial data)

o Audit trail—report of who accesses which data

• Data maintenanceo Required for proper care and protectiono Add records o Modify recordso Delete records

Copyright © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 15

Types of Database Programs

Database Programs• Software used to create

databaseso File management program

• Generates a flat file, meaning that there is no relationship with fields in other files

o Database management systems (DBMS’s)

• Manage multiple tables or files

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Types of Database Programs

• File management systemso Useful for personal and small business needso Used to develop a simple computerized

system for information storage and retrievalo Inexpensive and easy to useo Unable to link to data stored in other files

Copyright © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 17

Types of Database Programs

• DBMS (Database management systems)o Connects several files or tableso Manages, accesses, stores, and edits datao Available in a variety of formso Able to present information in reports and

other formats

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Types of Database Programs

Popular DBMS software

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Types of Database Programs

• DBMS classificationso Flato Relationalo Object orientedo Multidimensional

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Types of Database Programs

• RDBMS (Relational database management systems)o Most widely used class of DBMSo Primary key field used as index to locate

recordso Queries can be done through SQLo Data dictionary lists all tables in database o Compared to file management program,

RDBMS is:• More expensive• More difficult to learn• Better at controlling data redundancy • Better at preventing potential data errorsCopyright © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 21

Types of Database Programs

• Microsoft Access

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Types of Database Programs

• ODBMS (Object-oriented database management systems)o Suits media applicationso Data represented as objectso Incorporate sound, video, text, and graphicso Well suited for applications such as:

• Financial portfolio risk analysis• Design and manufacturing systems• Hospital patient record systems

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Types of Database Programs

• Multidimensional databaseso Depicted as a data cubeo Dimensions typically

categories (i.e., time, products, sales, customers, budget, and markets)

o Choice for online analytical processing (OLAP)

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Types of Database Programs

• Data warehouses o Central location capable of storing all

corporate information o Data available for analysiso Helps executives make decisions

• Use drill-down method (start with summary level and move down) to focus on specific data

o Data marts similar but support a department or division

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Types of Database Programs

• Data mining o Explores and analyzes

datao Determines data

patterns helpful for making decisions

o Managers better understand customers and market

o Can help predict future trends

o Variation is Web miningCopyright © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 26

Types of Database Programs

• Client/server database systemso Use database server software—responds to

remote users’ requests for informationo Use database client software—provides an

interface with the usero Use queries to request information from the

database server• Examples: ATMs and online banking

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Types of Database Programs

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Types of Database Programs

• Web–database integration• Taking database information and making it

accessible via the Interneto Google, Yahoo!, Wikipedia

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Types of Database Programs

• Cloud computing database• Amazon SimpleDB• Google AppEngine Datastore• Microsoft SQL Data Services

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Information Systems: Tools for Global

Competitiveness • Information

systemso Integrate:

• People• Hardware• Software• Data • Procedures

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Information Systems: Tools for Global

Competitiveness • Information systems (con’t.)

o Perform many functions:

• Accepts input (data)• Processes data into information• Stores data• Disseminates information throughout organization

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Information Systems: Tools for Global


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Information Systems: Tools for Global

Competitiveness • Reduce information overload

o Route to appropriate userso Summarizeo Provide information to selected people with

specific needso Eliminate unnecessary information

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Information Systems: Tools for Global

Competitiveness • Functional

divisionso Manage core

functions of an organization

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Information Systems: Tools for Global Competiveness

• Typical functional divisionso Accounting

• Accounts payable, accounts receivable, cost accounting, sales information, accounting reports

• May use spreadsheets on a client/server networko Finance

• Forecasting, budgeting, cash management, budget analysis, financial reports

• Spreadsheetso Marketing and sales

• Maintaining public image and generating sales• Spreadsheets, Databases

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Information Systems: Tools for Global Competiveness

• Typical functional divisions (con’t) o Human Resources

• Tracks employees • Databases

o Production/operation• Plans and controls processes that produce

goods and services• Mainframe systems

o Information Systems• System of people, data records, hardware and

software that process data and information

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Information Systems: Tools for Global Competiveness

• Business units: Division of company, product line or group independent of other business unitso Use of information systems:

• Analyze markets• Provide analysis and summary of

market information• Review and adjust strategies• Influence competition

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Information Systems in Organizations: A

Survey • Transaction processing systems

o Handle day-to-day accounting needso Keeps record of every transaction involving moneyo Save money by automating routine recordkeepingo Batch online processing

• Management information systemso Provide information needed to make decisionso Generate predefined reports

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Information Systems in Organizations: A


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Information Systems in Organizations: A

Survey • Decision support systems

o Produce reports more specific than management information system reports

o Enable managers to create simulations• OLAP (online analytical processing)

• Executive information systemso Help top-level managers make strategic

decisions o Filter critical information to show trends

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Information Systems in Organizations: A

Survey • Knowledge management

systemso Use information from books and experienced

individuals to assist decision making

• Expert systemso Rely on detailed and in-depth knowledge of

experts in a specific fieldo Use knowledge base to generate answers

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Information Systems in Organizations: A


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Information Systems in Organizations: A

Survey• Retail sector

o Computers and databases not only used for traditional applications

• Point-of-sale (POS) o Credit card authorizationo Inventory systemo Check-screening systemo Signature capture systemo Photo checkout systemo Marketing devices

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• A database is a collection of data stored in an organized way. The units of a database are: table or data file, records, field, and bit.

• A good database ensures data integrity, promotes data independence, avoids data redundancy, ensures data security, and provides procedures for data maintenance.

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Summary• File management programs, which

work with a single flat file, are easy to use and inexpensive. A database management system works with two or more data files that can be related by common fields.

• Data warehouses bring data together from many smaller databases into one massive database. Data mining and Web mining explore data to discover unknown patterns.

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Summary• Client-server database systems and

Web–database integration are examples of Database management systems (DBMS).

• An information system includes data, hardware, software, people, and procedures.

• Functional divisions of an organization include: accounting, finance, marketing and sales, human resources, production/ operations, and information systems.

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Summary• Information systems include: transaction

processing systems, management information systems, decision support systems, executive information system, knowledge management systems, and expert systems.

• The retail sector’s use of POS terminals, when linked with inventory databases and other systems such as check-screening systems, provides businesses with the ability to perform many business tasks effectively.

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All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic,

mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Printed in the United States of America.

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