computationally efficient nmrf model based texture synthesis

Outline Ph.D. Research Work Conclusion and Possible Future Directions Fast NMRF based texture synthesis algorithms Arnab Sinha [email protected] April 16, 2009 Thesis Supervisor: Dr. Sumana Gupta ACES-205, Dept. of EE, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India Arnab Sinha [email protected] Fast NMRF based texture synthesis algorithms

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"Texture" provides the perceptual information about the surface, nature etc. about the visual objects. Study in texture learning and synthesis with a mathematical model will hopefully provide us the mathematical nature of visual perceptiveness. On the other hand, Markov Random Field, nonparametric density estimation and their applications in the real world problems, are becoming popular in both research and industrial fields. The reason for this popularity is because of the mathematical models have more robustness, flexibility and simplicity. The research problems (given this background) are order estimation and large computational complexity. In my PhD thesis I have tried to solve these issues for the application in homogeneous texture synthesis.


Page 1: Computationally Efficient NMRF model based Texture Synthesis

OutlinePh.D. Research Work

Conclusion and Possible Future Directions

Fast NMRF based texture synthesis algorithms

Arnab [email protected]

April 16, 2009

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. Sumana GuptaACES-205, Dept. of EE, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India

Arnab Sinha [email protected] Fast NMRF based texture synthesis algorithms

Page 2: Computationally Efficient NMRF model based Texture Synthesis

OutlinePh.D. Research Work

Conclusion and Possible Future Directions

Earlier MethodsResearch problems in NMRF-tex-syn algorithms

1 OutlineEarlier MethodsResearch problems in NMRF-tex-syn algorithms

2 Ph.D. Research WorkOrder Estimation from Fourier DomainReduction of Computational complexityOrder Estimation : RevisitedInverse Texture Synthesis

3 Conclusion and Possible Future Directions

Arnab Sinha [email protected] Fast NMRF based texture synthesis algorithms

Page 3: Computationally Efficient NMRF model based Texture Synthesis

OutlinePh.D. Research Work

Conclusion and Possible Future Directions

Earlier MethodsResearch problems in NMRF-tex-syn algorithms

The significance of texture synthesis

• What defines texture ?• Locally varying intensities and/or color values• The local variations can be found perceptually similar within the total region

• Texture Synthesis:

Given a small texture exempler, synthesizean arbitrary sample of texture, so that thesynthesized texture is visually similar to theoriginal sample.

Original D104 Texture

Synthesized texture should look alike the original texture

• Application of texture synthesis in -• Image segmentation, classification, synthesis, etc.• Content-based image retrieval

• Development of high-level computer vision algorithms• Animation of real scenes• Perceptual analysis• Computationally fast and efficient handling of objects

Arnab Sinha [email protected] Fast NMRF based texture synthesis algorithms

Page 4: Computationally Efficient NMRF model based Texture Synthesis

OutlinePh.D. Research Work

Conclusion and Possible Future Directions

Earlier MethodsResearch problems in NMRF-tex-syn algorithms

Texture synthesis: Difficulty

Figure: Spectrum of Natural Textures

Arnab Sinha [email protected] Fast NMRF based texture synthesis algorithms

Page 5: Computationally Efficient NMRF model based Texture Synthesis

OutlinePh.D. Research Work

Conclusion and Possible Future Directions

Earlier MethodsResearch problems in NMRF-tex-syn algorithms

Brief History of Models


Image Domain Model Mixed Domain Model Transformed Domain Model

Texture Synthesis Algorithm

Non−Linear Models

Hard−limitedProcessJacovitti et al. (1998)


Circular Harmonic Func+ Hard−limited GaussianCampasi and Scarano (2002)

Heeger and Bergen (1995)

Portilla and Simoncelli (2000)3.

2. Zhu et al. (2000)1. Zhu et al. (1997)

Chellappa and Kashyap (1985)2D−NCAR,

2D−Wold Francos et al. (1993)

2D− MAEom (1998)

Efros and Leung (1999)

Ashikhmin (2001)Wei and Levoy (2000)

Tonietto et al. (2005)

We are workingwithin thisFramework

Sampling Process

Hidden Markov TreeFan and Xia (2003)

Zhang et al. (1998)Wavelet + AR

Paget and LongstaffNNMRF

(1998) Charalampidis (2006)


Mathematical Models

Intuitive Models

Non−Linearity Introducedby Histogram Equalization



Popular Methods

Kwatra et al. (2003)

Wu et al. (2004)Patch−based sampling with wavelet transformation as a feature set for graph−cut algorithm

Arnab Sinha [email protected] Fast NMRF based texture synthesis algorithms

Page 6: Computationally Efficient NMRF model based Texture Synthesis

OutlinePh.D. Research Work

Conclusion and Possible Future Directions

Earlier MethodsResearch problems in NMRF-tex-syn algorithms

Description of N-MRF model

• S is the lattice

• Ys is the random variable at site s ∈ S

• Concept of Neighborhood system:

• s < ℵs

• r ∈ ℵs ⇔ s ∈ ℵr

• Circular neighborhood: ℵs = {r ; s.t., |r − s|2 ≤ o2}• say, Xs = {Yr ; r ∈ ℵs }

s = (i,j), site

1st order neighbors

2nd order neighbors{ }

• Say, Y(s) = {Yr ; r , s}, r , s ∈ S

• Definition of MRF: P(Ys |Y(s)) = P(Ys |{Yr ; r ∈ ℵs })• parameteric model for P(Ys |Xs)• semi-parameteric model for P(Ys |Xs)• non-parameteric model for P(Ys |Xs)

Arnab Sinha [email protected] Fast NMRF based texture synthesis algorithms

Page 7: Computationally Efficient NMRF model based Texture Synthesis

OutlinePh.D. Research Work

Conclusion and Possible Future Directions

Earlier MethodsResearch problems in NMRF-tex-syn algorithms

Description of N-MRF model: Kernel Density Estimation

Definition of KDE, [Scott(1992)]

• single dimensional: P(x) = 1N∑N

i=1 Kh(x − xi)

Arnab Sinha [email protected] Fast NMRF based texture synthesis algorithms

Page 8: Computationally Efficient NMRF model based Texture Synthesis

OutlinePh.D. Research Work

Conclusion and Possible Future Directions

Earlier MethodsResearch problems in NMRF-tex-syn algorithms

Description of N-MRF model: Kernel Density Estimation

Definition of KDE, [Scott(1992)]

• single dimensional: P(x) = 1N∑N

i=1 Kh(x − xi)

• multi-dimensional: P(X) = 1N∑N


j=1 Khj (X(j) − Xi(j))

• where, in case of Gaussian kernel, Khj (X(j) − Xi(j)) = 1N√

2πhjexp{− (X(j)−Xi (j))




• and, hj = σjN−1/(d+4)

Arnab Sinha [email protected] Fast NMRF based texture synthesis algorithms

Page 9: Computationally Efficient NMRF model based Texture Synthesis

OutlinePh.D. Research Work

Conclusion and Possible Future Directions

Earlier MethodsResearch problems in NMRF-tex-syn algorithms

Texture Synthesis Algorithm

Some definitions• Input texture field: {Ys }, where, s ∈ Sin

• Output texture field: {Yq}, where, q ∈ Sout

• Definition of LCPDF: P(Yq |Xq) =





Iterative Conditional Mode (ICM) algorithm

• Evaluate P(Yq = y |Xq), for y = 0,1, . . . ,255 gray values.

• Assign Yq = y, for which the above conditional probability is maximum

Local Simulated Annealing

• Define a Confidence field, Cq; q ∈ Sout , and a matrix Φq = DIAG{Cr ; r ∈ ℵq}• KhX (Xs − Xq; Φq) = exp{−(Xs − Xq)T Φh,q(Xs − Xq)}, and Φh,q = ΦqHX ≈ hΦq

• Updation rule for the confidence field• Cq = min{1, 1

|r∈ℵq |∑

r∈ℵq Cr + u × e}• where, u is a random number and e is a constant scale factor

Arnab Sinha [email protected] Fast NMRF based texture synthesis algorithms

Page 10: Computationally Efficient NMRF model based Texture Synthesis

OutlinePh.D. Research Work

Conclusion and Possible Future Directions

Earlier MethodsResearch problems in NMRF-tex-syn algorithms

Texture Synthesis Algorithm

Approximate Independent Conditional Mode (ICM) algorithm

• Ds,q = (Xs − Xq)T Φq(Xs − Xq)

• Define Sq = {r ∈ Sin} ⊂ Sin, s.t., ∀r ∈ Sq, Dr ,q = constant.

• Assign Yq = yr , where r is sampled from the set Sq randomly.

WqX q

{X }

X q X s( − ) Xq X s( − )t

X q X s( − ) Xq X s( − )t

Input texture

Output Texture

Input Neighborhood Vectors

Output Neighborhood

Confidence Field

Output Confidence Vector Vector



Similarity Measure



q q


WL alg :

Arnab Sinha [email protected] Fast NMRF based texture synthesis algorithms

Page 11: Computationally Efficient NMRF model based Texture Synthesis

OutlinePh.D. Research Work

Conclusion and Possible Future Directions

Earlier MethodsResearch problems in NMRF-tex-syn algorithms

Research Problems

• Order estimation• Large Computational Complexity

• Computational complexity ∝ d, the dimension of the neighborhood vector.• Computational complexity ∝ (M × N), the input image size• Computational complexity ∝ I, the number of iterations required to attain global


Order 4 Order 8 Order 14

Original Texture

computational complexity of texture synthesis algorithmis proportional to ’d’




d ve




on ’d

Model order ’o’










0 10 20 30 40 50

Figure: Effect of order on the synthesis results and computational complexity

Arnab Sinha [email protected] Fast NMRF based texture synthesis algorithms

Page 12: Computationally Efficient NMRF model based Texture Synthesis

OutlinePh.D. Research Work

Conclusion and Possible Future Directions

Order Estimation from Fourier DomainReduction of Computational complexityOrder Estimation : RevisitedInverse Texture Synthesis

Order estimation from two fundamental frequencies












Figure: Points a,b , c, d are the four corners of texton defined by the fundamental spatial periodvectors [Xi Yi ] and [Xj Yj ]. The major diagonal o gives the order of causal circular neighborhoodand o/2 gives the order of non-causal circular neighborhood.

Arnab Sinha [email protected] Fast NMRF based texture synthesis algorithms

Page 13: Computationally Efficient NMRF model based Texture Synthesis

OutlinePh.D. Research Work

Conclusion and Possible Future Directions

Order Estimation from Fourier DomainReduction of Computational complexityOrder Estimation : RevisitedInverse Texture Synthesis

Extraction of the parameters

• Dimitri’s algorithm• estimate the two fundamental frequecies from the two-dimensional DFT of the texture

sample.• computational complexity is of the order of image size.

• Hays’s algorithm• it estimates the two fundamental spatial vectors from the correlation function• the algorithm is iterative• computationally expensive with respect to Dimitri’s algorithm

Arnab Sinha [email protected] Fast NMRF based texture synthesis algorithms

Page 14: Computationally Efficient NMRF model based Texture Synthesis

OutlinePh.D. Research Work

Conclusion and Possible Future Directions

Order Estimation from Fourier DomainReduction of Computational complexityOrder Estimation : RevisitedInverse Texture Synthesis


D20 D21

order = 4 order = 9order = 18 order = 23

order = 48 order = 21 order = 8 order = 22

Figure: Comparison of estimated order through Dimitrios and Hays’s methods with (NR) texturesynthesis results

Arnab Sinha [email protected] Fast NMRF based texture synthesis algorithms

Page 15: Computationally Efficient NMRF model based Texture Synthesis

OutlinePh.D. Research Work

Conclusion and Possible Future Directions

Order Estimation from Fourier DomainReduction of Computational complexityOrder Estimation : RevisitedInverse Texture Synthesis

A new neighborhood system








neighborhoodproposed Non−causal

circular Non−causal

Arnab Sinha [email protected] Fast NMRF based texture synthesis algorithms

Page 16: Computationally Efficient NMRF model based Texture Synthesis

OutlinePh.D. Research Work

Conclusion and Possible Future Directions

Order Estimation from Fourier DomainReduction of Computational complexityOrder Estimation : RevisitedInverse Texture Synthesis

Results: Proposed neighborhood system

Circular Neighborhood Proposed Neighborhood


Circular Neighborhood Proposed Neighborhood


D64 D95

D3 D67

Arnab Sinha [email protected] Fast NMRF based texture synthesis algorithms

Page 17: Computationally Efficient NMRF model based Texture Synthesis

OutlinePh.D. Research Work

Conclusion and Possible Future Directions

Order Estimation from Fourier DomainReduction of Computational complexityOrder Estimation : RevisitedInverse Texture Synthesis

Two approaches

Computational complexity affected by

1 the neighbourhood dimension, d, and

2 the number of input pixels, N

Reduction methodologies

1 Dimensionality reduction methodologies, e.g., Principal Component Analysis(PCA) – to reduce the effect of d

2 A data structure for fast search

Arnab Sinha [email protected] Fast NMRF based texture synthesis algorithms

Page 18: Computationally Efficient NMRF model based Texture Synthesis

OutlinePh.D. Research Work

Conclusion and Possible Future Directions

Order Estimation from Fourier DomainReduction of Computational complexityOrder Estimation : RevisitedInverse Texture Synthesis

With Dimensionality reduction methods

How the distance metric Ds,q looks after projection

(Xq − Xs)T Φq(Xq − Xs) ≈ (X̂q − X̂s)

T Φq(X̂q − X̂s)

= [PTr Pr (Xq − Xs)]

T Φq[PTr Pr (Xq − Xs)]

= [Pr (Xq − Xs)]T PrΦqPT

r [Pr (Xq − Xs)]

= (Zq − Zs)T Ψq(Zq − Zs)

• What is Ψq = PrΦqPTr ?

• Is it reducing the computational complexity ?

Arnab Sinha [email protected] Fast NMRF based texture synthesis algorithms

Page 19: Computationally Efficient NMRF model based Texture Synthesis

OutlinePh.D. Research Work

Conclusion and Possible Future Directions

Order Estimation from Fourier DomainReduction of Computational complexityOrder Estimation : RevisitedInverse Texture Synthesis

Simulated Annealing for Principal components

Original Ds,q

Ds,q = (Xq − Xs)T Φq(Xq − Xs)

where, Φq = DIAG{W1,W2, . . . ,Wd }

Proposed D̂s,q

D̂s,q = (Zq − Zs)T Φ̂q(Zq − Zs)

where, Φ̂q = DIAG{W1,W2, . . . ,Wk }

WHY ? Because we need only

• a steady increase in the value of confidence, and

• the starting value has to be ”0” and ending value has to be ”1”

Arnab Sinha [email protected] Fast NMRF based texture synthesis algorithms

Page 20: Computationally Efficient NMRF model based Texture Synthesis

OutlinePh.D. Research Work

Conclusion and Possible Future Directions

Order Estimation from Fourier DomainReduction of Computational complexityOrder Estimation : RevisitedInverse Texture Synthesis


Table: Comparison of dimensionality; Original dimension, |ℵs | = d; Reduced dimension, k(<< d), ηis the ratio of computational complexities between earlier and proposed one

Texture Type Texture order d k η

NR D20 20 1516 60 21.9405NR D3 30 2820 580 3.7926NR D21 25 1960 56 29.2642NR D22 20 1256 177 6.3042NR D35 28 2452 287 6.6612NR D36 22 1516 258 5.1024

ST D7 27 2288 511 3.6438ST D13 24 1792 131 11.6006

NR+ST D18 32 3208 95 25.5666NR+ST D4 29 2628 465 4.4755NR+ST D5 29 2628 179 11.6262

IN/STR D15 23 1652 167 8.4897IN/STR D42 26 2120 293 5.9699

Arnab Sinha [email protected] Fast NMRF based texture synthesis algorithms

Page 21: Computationally Efficient NMRF model based Texture Synthesis

OutlinePh.D. Research Work

Conclusion and Possible Future Directions

Order Estimation from Fourier DomainReduction of Computational complexityOrder Estimation : RevisitedInverse Texture Synthesis

Results continued ...


d = 1516 k=60


d = 2288 k = 511


d=1960 k=56


d=1256 k = 177


d=1792 k=131


d=2120 k = 293

NNMRF Proposed Algorithm NNMRF Proposed Algorithm

Arnab Sinha [email protected] Fast NMRF based texture synthesis algorithms

Page 22: Computationally Efficient NMRF model based Texture Synthesis

OutlinePh.D. Research Work

Conclusion and Possible Future Directions

Order Estimation from Fourier DomainReduction of Computational complexityOrder Estimation : RevisitedInverse Texture Synthesis

With Fast Kernel Density Estimation

Assumption: The h parameters along all the directions are equal.

Source data vector

Target data vector




To calculate KDEat this target pointwe only needthese two points

• Let Rn = {ts : ||ts − tn || ≤ R}• P(tn) = 1


s=1 KH(ts − tn)

• P(tn) = 1N∑

s∈Rn KH(ts − tn)

• Let Nn = |{s < Rn}|

Err(tn ,R) =1N


KH(ts − tn)

≤ Nn


≤ KH(R)

• Rel err(R) =max(Err)


Arnab Sinha [email protected] Fast NMRF based texture synthesis algorithms

Page 23: Computationally Efficient NMRF model based Texture Synthesis

OutlinePh.D. Research Work

Conclusion and Possible Future Directions

Order Estimation from Fourier DomainReduction of Computational complexityOrder Estimation : RevisitedInverse Texture Synthesis

Earlier FKDE algorithms

• Improved Fast Gaussian Transform (IFGT)[Yang et al.(2003)Yang, Duraiswami, Gumerov, and Davis]

• kd-tree based FKDE [Gray and Moore(2003)]

• Reconstructionhistogram [Zhang et al.(2005)Zhang, Tang, and Kwok]


• Clustering: {Clusti ; i = 1 . . .M}• Let ni as the number of source data vectors within ith cluster

• P(tn) = 1N∑M

i=1 KH(tn − Clusti)ni

• KDE of tn given the source data points at cluster centroids with a weight factorni/N

• flexibility ?

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Page 24: Computationally Efficient NMRF model based Texture Synthesis

OutlinePh.D. Research Work

Conclusion and Possible Future Directions

Order Estimation from Fourier DomainReduction of Computational complexityOrder Estimation : RevisitedInverse Texture Synthesis

Improved Fast Gaussian Transform

• P(tn) =∑||tn−Clusti ||≤RIFGT

KH(tn − Clusti)f(tn ,Clusti)

• P(tn) = 1N∑||tn−Clusti ||≤RIFGT

∑s∈Clusti KH(tn − ts)


this overlapDue to

we need to consider thissource cluster

RIFGTthe radius threshold has to be To consider the source cluster

RIFGTTheand cluster shape

can vary with the overlap size


Source data clusters

Target data vectors

In effect it can include some source clusterwhich was not needed at all

Arnab Sinha [email protected] Fast NMRF based texture synthesis algorithms

Page 25: Computationally Efficient NMRF model based Texture Synthesis

OutlinePh.D. Research Work

Conclusion and Possible Future Directions

Order Estimation from Fourier DomainReduction of Computational complexityOrder Estimation : RevisitedInverse Texture Synthesis

kd-tree-based FKDE

Build up the kd-tree and Search according to the radius R.







ee e




e e ee




e e e




e e



� -
















Span in X direction

σX > σY





Error Rrec_err,nR> R+ max_rec_err





Eigen vectors



Arnab Sinha [email protected] Fast NMRF based texture synthesis algorithms

Page 26: Computationally Efficient NMRF model based Texture Synthesis

OutlinePh.D. Research Work

Conclusion and Possible Future Directions

Order Estimation from Fourier DomainReduction of Computational complexityOrder Estimation : RevisitedInverse Texture Synthesis

Why do we need another algorithm for FKDE

Table: Why do we need another algorithm for FKDE ?

C-FKDE KD-FKDEAdvantage Clustering algorithm provides more Due to the hyper-plane boundary,

compact representation of the data one can use original radius Rspace for strict error bound

Disadvantage optimal RIFGT has to estimated kd-tree is not a good clusteringfor every tn, maximum RIFGT algorithm, therefore it does notcan increase computational provide compact representation

complexity of the data space

Arnab Sinha [email protected] Fast NMRF based texture synthesis algorithms

Page 27: Computationally Efficient NMRF model based Texture Synthesis

OutlinePh.D. Research Work

Conclusion and Possible Future Directions

Order Estimation from Fourier DomainReduction of Computational complexityOrder Estimation : RevisitedInverse Texture Synthesis

Principal Directive Divisive Partitioning (PDDP)[Boley(1998)]

• project each source data point within the present space onto the first principaldirection (eigen vector corresponding to the largest eigen value).

• partition the present space into two sub-spaces with respect to the mean (ormedian) of the projected values.







4th 5th




Hieararchical BoundariesSource data




1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8thV


Tree structure of the nodes

Leaf nodes

Arnab Sinha [email protected] Fast NMRF based texture synthesis algorithms

Page 28: Computationally Efficient NMRF model based Texture Synthesis

OutlinePh.D. Research Work

Conclusion and Possible Future Directions

Order Estimation from Fourier DomainReduction of Computational complexityOrder Estimation : RevisitedInverse Texture Synthesis

FKDE based on PDDP

1 If the present node is a leaf then evaluate KDE.

If D > R => return 0lbElse if D > R => return 0Else process

rec_err Else process both childrenif D > R => process left child



Target data vector



2nd Direction

1st Direction

Projection of terget point

Projection of source data

Source data vectors



(Process child) (Which child to process)

n(t )

Projected target data vectorProjected mean vector

(a) Target point is outside

Drec_errT is within left childDrec_err

Return 0Else

Process its children

If R <

If D > RReturn 0

For the right child


If R < Drec_errElse Return 0

Else Process its children



1st Direction

2nd Direction(Boundary for Partition)


If D < R process both children

(b) Target point is inside

Arnab Sinha [email protected] Fast NMRF based texture synthesis algorithms

Page 29: Computationally Efficient NMRF model based Texture Synthesis

OutlinePh.D. Research Work

Conclusion and Possible Future Directions

Order Estimation from Fourier DomainReduction of Computational complexityOrder Estimation : RevisitedInverse Texture Synthesis

FKDE based on PDDP

1 If the present node is a leaf then evaluate KDE.

2 Is there any need to go further for the children of the present node ?

If D > R => return 0lbElse if D > R => return 0Else process

rec_err Else process both childrenif D > R => process left child



Target data vector



2nd Direction

1st Direction

Projection of terget point

Projection of source data

Source data vectors



(Process child) (Which child to process)

n(t )

Projected target data vectorProjected mean vector

(c) Target point is outside

Drec_errT is within left childDrec_err

Return 0Else

Process its children

If R <

If D > RReturn 0

For the right child


If R < Drec_errElse Return 0

Else Process its children



1st Direction

2nd Direction(Boundary for Partition)


If D < R process both children

(d) Target point is inside

Arnab Sinha [email protected] Fast NMRF based texture synthesis algorithms

Page 30: Computationally Efficient NMRF model based Texture Synthesis

OutlinePh.D. Research Work

Conclusion and Possible Future Directions

Order Estimation from Fourier DomainReduction of Computational complexityOrder Estimation : RevisitedInverse Texture Synthesis

FKDE based on PDDP

1 If the present node is a leaf then evaluate KDE.

2 Is there any need to go further for the children of the present node ?

3 Which child node (left or right or both) of the present node to process further ?

If D > R => return 0lbElse if D > R => return 0Else process

rec_err Else process both childrenif D > R => process left child



Target data vector



2nd Direction

1st Direction

Projection of terget point

Projection of source data

Source data vectors



(Process child) (Which child to process)

n(t )

Projected target data vectorProjected mean vector

(e) Target point is outside

Drec_errT is within left childDrec_err

Return 0Else

Process its children

If R <

If D > RReturn 0

For the right child


If R < Drec_errElse Return 0

Else Process its children



1st Direction

2nd Direction(Boundary for Partition)


If D < R process both children

(f) Target point is inside

Arnab Sinha [email protected] Fast NMRF based texture synthesis algorithms

Page 31: Computationally Efficient NMRF model based Texture Synthesis

OutlinePh.D. Research Work

Conclusion and Possible Future Directions

Order Estimation from Fourier DomainReduction of Computational complexityOrder Estimation : RevisitedInverse Texture Synthesis

Comparison between the FKDE algorithms

(g) Image consideredfor creating the data set









{1,2,3} X RGB ==> 9 dimensions{1,2,3,4} X RGB ==> 12 dimensions

{1,2} X RGB ==> 6 dimensions{1} X RGB ==> 3 dimensions

(h) Creation of the dataspace

Figure: Data set creation for FKDE analysis

Table: Time comparison

Dimension 3 6 9 12KDE: Time (sec) 981.78 1204.77 2529.22 2668.58

PDDP-FKDE: Time (sec) 11.3 23.39 52.55 65.79KD-FKDE: Time (sec) 22.55 33.88 110.62 228.44

IFGT-FKDE: Time (sec) 399.79 425.45 209.33 384.08

Arnab Sinha [email protected] Fast NMRF based texture synthesis algorithms

Page 32: Computationally Efficient NMRF model based Texture Synthesis

OutlinePh.D. Research Work

Conclusion and Possible Future Directions

Order Estimation from Fourier DomainReduction of Computational complexityOrder Estimation : RevisitedInverse Texture Synthesis

Comparison between the FKDE algorithms

Table: Comparative analysis of FKDE algorithms

FKDE Dimension Maximum Maximum Relative Radiusalgorithms probability Error Error threshold

PDDP-FKDE 3 4.33531e − 05 0.0003e − 04 0.0007 14.54456 1.32977e − 10 0.0000e − 10 0.0000 28.16229 9.64769e − 18 0.0014e − 18 0.0001 47.569312 1.71367e − 23 0.0000e − 25 0.0000 59.9263

KD-FKDE 3 4.33531e − 05 0.0005e − 04 0.0011 14.54456 1.32977e − 10 0.0001e − 10 0.0000 28.16229 9.64769e − 18 0.0014e − 18 0.0001 47.569312 1.71367e − 23 0.0000e − 25 0.0000 59.9263

IFGT-FKDE 3 4.33531e − 05 0.2618e − 04 0.6040 18.18076 1.32977e − 10 0.5389e − 10 0.4053 35.20289 9.64769e − 18 0.4183e − 18 0.0434 59.461612 1.71367e − 23 0.132e − 25 0.0007703 74.9079

Arnab Sinha [email protected] Fast NMRF based texture synthesis algorithms

Page 33: Computationally Efficient NMRF model based Texture Synthesis

OutlinePh.D. Research Work

Conclusion and Possible Future Directions

Order Estimation from Fourier DomainReduction of Computational complexityOrder Estimation : RevisitedInverse Texture Synthesis

Computationally efficient Texture synthesis algorithm with FKDEalgorithms


1 how to include the effect of Wq (the temperature field) within the PDDP-based treestructure for the implementation of FKDE, and

2 there are two joint densities corresponding to {Yq ,Xq} and Xq; therefore, itrequires two FKDE structure, which is not computationally efficient.

Inclusion of Wq

• Starting State:{Wq,i = 0} ⇒ P(Xq; Wq) = constant⇒ P(Xq) is uniform⇒ Each Xs has equal effect upon Xq⇒ Every Xs should be considered in the KDE⇒ Rnew is very large

Arnab Sinha [email protected] Fast NMRF based texture synthesis algorithms

Page 34: Computationally Efficient NMRF model based Texture Synthesis

OutlinePh.D. Research Work

Conclusion and Possible Future Directions

Order Estimation from Fourier DomainReduction of Computational complexityOrder Estimation : RevisitedInverse Texture Synthesis

Computationally efficient Texture synthesis algorithm with FKDEalgorithms


1 how to include the effect of Wq (the temperature field) within the PDDP-based treestructure for the implementation of FKDE, and

2 there are two joint densities corresponding to {Yq ,Xq} and Xq; therefore, itrequires two FKDE structure, which is not computationally efficient.

Inclusion of Wq

• Starting State:{Wq,i = 0} ⇒ P(Xq; Wq) = constant⇒ P(Xq) is uniform⇒ Each Xs has equal effect upon Xq⇒ Every Xs should be considered in the KDE⇒ Rnew is very large

• Ending State:{Wq,i = 1} ⇒ P(Xq; Wq) = P(Xq)⇒ Rnew = R

Arnab Sinha [email protected] Fast NMRF based texture synthesis algorithms

Page 35: Computationally Efficient NMRF model based Texture Synthesis

OutlinePh.D. Research Work

Conclusion and Possible Future Directions

Order Estimation from Fourier DomainReduction of Computational complexityOrder Estimation : RevisitedInverse Texture Synthesis

Computationally efficient Texture synthesis algorithm with FKDEalgorithms


1 how to include the effect of Wq (the temperature field) within the PDDP-based treestructure for the implementation of FKDE, and

2 there are two joint densities corresponding to {Yq ,Xq} and Xq; therefore, itrequires two FKDE structure, which is not computationally efficient.

Inclusion of Wq

• Starting State:{Wq,i = 0} ⇒ P(Xq; Wq) = constant⇒ P(Xq) is uniform⇒ Each Xs has equal effect upon Xq⇒ Every Xs should be considered in the KDE⇒ Rnew is very large

• Ending State:{Wq,i = 1} ⇒ P(Xq; Wq) = P(Xq)⇒ Rnew = R

Rnew =Rcq

abs(vn −mr ) ≤ Rnew

⇒ abs(vn −mr ) ≤ Rcq

⇒ abs(vn −mr )cq ≤ R

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Conclusion and Possible Future Directions

Order Estimation from Fourier DomainReduction of Computational complexityOrder Estimation : RevisitedInverse Texture Synthesis

Results with comparisons

Original NNMRF IFGT kd−tree Proposed




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Conclusion and Possible Future Directions

Order Estimation from Fourier DomainReduction of Computational complexityOrder Estimation : RevisitedInverse Texture Synthesis

Results with comparisons

Original NNMRF IFGT Proposedkd−tree





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Conclusion and Possible Future Directions

Order Estimation from Fourier DomainReduction of Computational complexityOrder Estimation : RevisitedInverse Texture Synthesis

Results with comparisons

Original NNMRF IFGT kd−tree Proposed





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Conclusion and Possible Future Directions

Order Estimation from Fourier DomainReduction of Computational complexityOrder Estimation : RevisitedInverse Texture Synthesis

Results with comparisons

Table: Time taken in texture synthesis: input texture size 128 × 128 and output texture size256 × 256


minutes 7 55 34 0seconds 39 12 56 41

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Conclusion and Possible Future Directions

Order Estimation from Fourier DomainReduction of Computational complexityOrder Estimation : RevisitedInverse Texture Synthesis

Maximum Log-Pseudo-likelihood

LPL =∑


log[P(Ys |Xs)]

For 1st order neighborhood system For 2nd order neighborhood system

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Conclusion and Possible Future Directions

Order Estimation from Fourier DomainReduction of Computational complexityOrder Estimation : RevisitedInverse Texture Synthesis

How to estimate MLPL ?

• parametric MRF model

• non-parametric MRF model: what should be the kernel ?• Gaussian kernel: as used in [Paget and Longstaff(1998)]• Dirac-delta kernel• Some other solution

Effect of kernel upon the MLPL estimate

LPL is not saturating rather it is increasing











0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40

D102: Near regularD104: Near regular

D110: StochasticD60: StochasticD93: Stochastic

LPL is getting saturated before 2 ordernd













0 1 2 3 4

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Conclusion and Possible Future Directions

Order Estimation from Fourier DomainReduction of Computational complexityOrder Estimation : RevisitedInverse Texture Synthesis

Why does the original LPL measure, not saturate ?

Why ?

• original LCPDF: p(Yq |Xq) =∑

s∈S Kh (Ys−Yq)Kh (Xs−Xq)∑q∈S Kh (Xs−Xq)

• Changing terms with order:• hy = σy N−1/(d+4): changes due to change in d and N, with order• In case of LCPDF the normalizing term becomes:

√2πhy ;

• Moreover, hy also affect the argument within the exponential term.

• One can not neglect this term.

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Conclusion and Possible Future Directions

Order Estimation from Fourier DomainReduction of Computational complexityOrder Estimation : RevisitedInverse Texture Synthesis

A new definition for LCPDF

p(Ys |Xs) =

∑q∈S δ(Ys − Yq)Kh(Xs − Xq)∑

q∈S Kh(Xs − Xq)

Two reasons in the support for this new definition

• From the texture synthesis algorithm point of view

• From a numerical point of view

0 50 100 150 200 250 3000










Gray Levels






ed w

ith G





D104 Near Regular Texture

D110 Stochastic Texture

Probability = 0.0002963

probaility = 0.003544

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Conclusion and Possible Future Directions

Order Estimation from Fourier DomainReduction of Computational complexityOrder Estimation : RevisitedInverse Texture Synthesis

Results: D104


2 4 6 8

10 14 16

18 20 22 24


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Conclusion and Possible Future Directions

Order Estimation from Fourier DomainReduction of Computational complexityOrder Estimation : RevisitedInverse Texture Synthesis

Results: D9


31 5 7

11 13 15

17 19 21 23


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Conclusion and Possible Future Directions

Order Estimation from Fourier DomainReduction of Computational complexityOrder Estimation : RevisitedInverse Texture Synthesis

Results for Near-regular textures

Original NNMRF Our Synthesis Algorithm

D104 D20

D22 D34

o = 12 o = 18

0 = 13 o = 17

Original NNMRF Our Synthesis Algorithm

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Conclusion and Possible Future Directions

Order Estimation from Fourier DomainReduction of Computational complexityOrder Estimation : RevisitedInverse Texture Synthesis

Results for Stochastic textures

Original NNMRF Our Synthesis Algorithm

D4 D9

D93 D97

O = 10 O = 9

O = 16O = 9

Original NNMRF Our Synthesis Algorithm

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Conclusion and Possible Future Directions

Order Estimation from Fourier DomainReduction of Computational complexityOrder Estimation : RevisitedInverse Texture Synthesis

Results for Some other textures

Original NNMRF Our Synthesis Algorithm

D53 D55

D80 D82

O = 17 O = 14

O = 12

Original NNMRF Our Synthesis Algorithm

O = 14

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OutlinePh.D. Research Work

Conclusion and Possible Future Directions

Order Estimation from Fourier DomainReduction of Computational complexityOrder Estimation : RevisitedInverse Texture Synthesis

Problem Definition

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Conclusion and Possible Future Directions

Order Estimation from Fourier DomainReduction of Computational complexityOrder Estimation : RevisitedInverse Texture Synthesis

Problem Definition

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Conclusion and Possible Future Directions

Order Estimation from Fourier DomainReduction of Computational complexityOrder Estimation : RevisitedInverse Texture Synthesis

Problem Definition

Texture synthesis


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Conclusion and Possible Future Directions

Order Estimation from Fourier DomainReduction of Computational complexityOrder Estimation : RevisitedInverse Texture Synthesis


Applications of Inverse Texture Synthesis

• Understanding of Textures

• Content-based image/video retrieval

• Perceptual Image/Video compression• Computer Vision Tasks

• Perceptual understanding of textures within the image• Creation of animation – Collecting information from natural images/sequences• Perceptual Understanding of temporal texture – such as, dance sequence, walk

sequence, music sequence etc.

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OutlinePh.D. Research Work

Conclusion and Possible Future Directions

Order Estimation from Fourier DomainReduction of Computational complexityOrder Estimation : RevisitedInverse Texture Synthesis

Definition of Objective Functions

According to N-MRF model

• Distance between two LCPDF’s evaluated w.r.t. both input and output texturepatches.

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OutlinePh.D. Research Work

Conclusion and Possible Future Directions

Order Estimation from Fourier DomainReduction of Computational complexityOrder Estimation : RevisitedInverse Texture Synthesis

Definition of Objective Functions

According to N-MRF model

• Distance between two LCPDF’s evaluated w.r.t. both input and output texturepatches.

• What distance function ?

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OutlinePh.D. Research Work

Conclusion and Possible Future Directions

Order Estimation from Fourier DomainReduction of Computational complexityOrder Estimation : RevisitedInverse Texture Synthesis

Definition of Objective Functions

According to N-MRF model

• Distance between two LCPDF’s evaluated w.r.t. both input and output texturepatches.

• What distance function ?

• Computationally expensive

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OutlinePh.D. Research Work

Conclusion and Possible Future Directions

Order Estimation from Fourier DomainReduction of Computational complexityOrder Estimation : RevisitedInverse Texture Synthesis

Definition of Objective Functions

According to N-MRF model

• Distance between two LCPDF’s evaluated w.r.t. both input and output texturepatches.

• What distance function ?

• Computationally expensive

According to N-MRF model: Intuitively

• Size of the output patch

• Do the input neighborhood vectorsexist within output patch ?

• M × N

• 1|Sin |∑

s∈Sinmin{||Xs − Xq ||2, where

q ∈ Sout }

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Conclusion and Possible Future Directions

Order Estimation from Fourier DomainReduction of Computational complexityOrder Estimation : RevisitedInverse Texture Synthesis

Problem with these two objective functions



Scaled up versions of solutions


difficult to find within "B"Deformation/variation within "A"

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Conclusion and Possible Future Directions

Order Estimation from Fourier DomainReduction of Computational complexityOrder Estimation : RevisitedInverse Texture Synthesis

Three objectives

• Say Sout = {s ∈ Sin, s.t., (si − i)2 ≤ M2 and (sj − j)2 ≤ N2}• Define S {i,j,M,N}in = S − Sout

• First objective finds neighborhood from input texture within the output texture

• Second objective finds neighborhood from output texture within the input texture,excluding the part of Sout

F1 =1|Sin |


min{||Xs − Xq ||2; q ∈ Sout }

F2 =1|Sout |


min{||Xq − Xs ||2; s ∈ S {i,j,M,N}in }

F3 = M × N

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Conclusion and Possible Future Directions

Order Estimation from Fourier DomainReduction of Computational complexityOrder Estimation : RevisitedInverse Texture Synthesis

Multi-objective Framework




such thatinequality constraints: gj(x) ≥ 0, j = 1, 2, ..., J

equality constraints: hk (x) = 0, k = 1,2, ...,K

solution space: xLi ≤xi ≤ xU

i , i = 1, 2, ...,N

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Conclusion and Possible Future Directions

Order Estimation from Fourier DomainReduction of Computational complexityOrder Estimation : RevisitedInverse Texture Synthesis

Multi-objective Framework




such thatinequality constraints: gj(x) ≥ 0, j = 1, 2, ..., J

equality constraints: hk (x) = 0, k = 1,2, ...,K

solution space: xLi ≤xi ≤ xU

i , i = 1, 2, ...,N

DominationA vector x ∈ RN is said to dominate y ∈ RN if both the conditions stated below holdtrue:

fi(x) ≤ fi(y), ∀i ∈ [1 . . .m]

∃ j ∈ [1 . . .m], such that, fj(x) < fj(y)

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Conclusion and Possible Future Directions

Order Estimation from Fourier DomainReduction of Computational complexityOrder Estimation : RevisitedInverse Texture Synthesis

Pareto-optimal Front









e fu



1st objective function

Worst in Best in

Best in Worst in

All are optimalsolutions

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Conclusion and Possible Future Directions

Order Estimation from Fourier DomainReduction of Computational complexityOrder Estimation : RevisitedInverse Texture Synthesis

Genetic Algorithm

Why not classical optimization algorithms

F1 =1|Sin |


min{||Xs − Zt ||2; t ∈ Sout }

F2 =1|Sout |


min{||Zt − Xs ||2; s ∈ S {i,j,M,N}in }

F3 = M × N

Genetic Algorithm

• It is an intuitive algorithm, biologically inspired,

• Based upon the phylosophy of survival of the fittest

• Crossover, mutation operators

• There are many algorithms, we choose NSGA [Srinivas and Deb(1994)]

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Conclusion and Possible Future Directions

Order Estimation from Fourier DomainReduction of Computational complexityOrder Estimation : RevisitedInverse Texture Synthesis

Redundancy of objectives

F1 F2 F3

F1 + − −F2 − + +F3 − + +

Table: Conflict matrix: In each case of Fabric.0014, D22, Fabric.0009, and Grass textures the sametrait has been observed.

600 700 800 9000









(a) F1 conflicts F2

0 2000 4000 6000 80000









(b) non-conflicting F2 and F3

0 2000 4000 6000 8000600









(c) F1 conflicts F3

Figure: Two-dimensional views of Pareto-optimal front for the Fabric.0014 texture: the positivity ornegativity of the cross correlation between the objective functions can be understood

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Conclusion and Possible Future Directions

Order Estimation from Fourier DomainReduction of Computational complexityOrder Estimation : RevisitedInverse Texture Synthesis

Results: D22

2500 3000 3500 40000







3 4 5



ExtractedExemplerOriginal Textured





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Conclusion and Possible Future Directions

Order Estimation from Fourier DomainReduction of Computational complexityOrder Estimation : RevisitedInverse Texture Synthesis

Results: Fabric.0009


1st solution



Original Textured Region








1900 1950 2000 2050 2100 2150 2200 2250

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Conclusion and Possible Future Directions

Order Estimation from Fourier DomainReduction of Computational complexityOrder Estimation : RevisitedInverse Texture Synthesis

Results: Grass


Synthesized textures fromthe extracted solutions

1st solution

2nd solution

3rd solution

Original Textured Region













260 280 300 320 340 360 380 400 420

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Conclusion and Possible Future Directions

Conclusion• The problem of Order estimation• The problem of computational complexity reduction

• With the incorporation of Dimensionality Reduction methodology, e.g., PCA• With fast estimation of Kernel Density Estimation with an improvised data structure

• An inverse application of texture synthesis with NMRF model• Objective functions• Analysis of objective functions• Multi-objective framework

Possible Future Directions• Order estimation for in-homogeneous textures or globally varying textures

• three-dimansional variation of surface• structural variation• time specific variation

• How to incorporate a control field within the texture analysis

• How to choose a particular solution from the multi-objective framework, dependingupon the application in hand

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Conclusion and Possible Future Directions

D L Boley.Principal direction divisive partitioning.Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 2(4):325–344, 1998.

Alexander G. Gray and Andrew W. Moore.Nonparametric density estimation: toward computational tractability.IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 27(8):1344–1348, January 2003.

R. Paget and I. D. Longstaff.Texture synthesis via a noncausal nonparametric multiscale markov random field.IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 7(6):925–931, June 1998.

David W Scott.Multivariate density estimation - theory, practice and visualization.Wiley interscience, 1992.

N. Srinivas and Kalyanmoy Deb.Multiobjective optimization using nondominated sorting in genetic algorithms.Evolutionary Computation, 2:221–248, 1994.

Changjiang Yang, Ramani Duraiswami, Nail A Gumerov, and Larry Davis.Improved fast gauss transform and efficient kernel density estimation.In Proceedings. Ninth IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, 2003.

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Conclusion and Possible Future Directions

Kai Zhang, Ming Tang, and James T Kwok.Applying neighborhood consistency for fast clustering and kernel densityestimation.In Proceedings of the 2005 Computer Society Conference on Computer Visionand Pattern Recognition (CVPR’05), volume 2, 2005.

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